#void katz
voydhund · 10 months
me discovering YET ANOTHER Finn Wolfhard character to put in my collection - (Lots of images under cut)
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*Puts on shelf carefully* perfect.
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fabulouspegasus · 2 years
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Behold, Vanta.
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prismaticmuses · 2 years
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“We’re so proud of you, Reginald~! Oh, I can’t wait to watch the new Morely movie~!”
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“... mrow.”
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“‘Mrow’ indeed~!”
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mediocre-quill-ink · 5 months
Paring: bloodweave
Content: nightmares, sleep paralysis, Astarion has ptsd, dissasociation, hurt comfort, a little gale angst peppered in
Authors note: this was inspired by the first half of @wellen-katze Astarion nightmare comic, be sure to check it out. Tysm for the permission to write this, I hope it's okay, lol
Astarion stood alone, behind him was a barely visible treeline, the sprawling arms of pine trees reaching into the dull sky was hard to determine where each part begun and ended. In front of him was a vast void of inky nothingness. The chill of the void felt consuming, watching.
"Hello?" The elf called out cautiously, brow slightly raised in hesitation. "Is someone there?" Someone else was there with him. He could feel it. A heavy presence lingering behind a veil.
He craned his head back, looking back into the treeline. Something that resembled something at least to look into. Not this damn void he's found himself in.
"Help me...!" A small, alarmed voice called from behind him. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest at that. The voice was shaking and familiar, sheepish in its plead.
Astarion turned back to the void to see a familiar coffin standing in front of him, sturdy and filthy wood standing in front of him almost expectantly.
"Please... let me out." His own voice called out from within, small, terrified.
The elf tried his best to swallow down his fear as he stared at the to familiar structure for a moment as awful memories came flooding back.
"Help me!" His old self grew more despeate, pleading out to what he remembered to be a suffocating nothingness.
"I can't take it.... oh please..."
There was another brief pause before his younger self grew more frantic.
"Open up! I beg you...! Master!"
With wide eyes, and trembling hands, Astarion approached the door of his own wreched coffin. Gods, he hoped he'd never see this thing again.
The sound of his own blood and heart beat thrumming through his ears disoriented him. Gripping the lid, he took a deep, desprate breath before opening it. The door swung open with an old whine. The hinges rattling off dirt with turn.
Inside his to familiar tomb was himself, paler than usual, sunken, tired features and a mouth sewn shut.
Immediately his past selves mouth snapped open, threads holding his mouth shut broke, his eyes wide and gleaming a blinding void of white.
The only reaction Astarion could make was his eyes widening in horror. But he didn't have enough time to flee. It was already to late.
Whatever version of himself that was trapped in the coffin attacked, it's head rocketing at him, voident of any familiarity in expression. It was the last thing he saw, a blink of an action before he felt his neck snap.
Astarion awoke with a jolt, his heart still racing in his ears, his mind stewing with nothing but fear from the adrenaline.
Thank gods, just a nightmare.
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Warm, humid air filling his lungs.
He felt heavy... stuck... Astarions eyes snapped back open when he realized...
I cant move! I'm paralyzed!
Something moved in the corner of his eyes, a looming shadow. His gut dropped.
Slowly, bringing his attention to the figure. It was Cazador, towering over him in his sleep. He looked blurry and otherworldly, but he could see the harsh shadows of judgment etched into his features all the same.
Cazador did not move, nor speak. Nearly watching him as though he was a helpless rat in a trap.
Astarion began to tremble. He begged his body to move. To run. But his body felt locked in place.
Please someone help me! He begged, his mind screaming. His whole body felt hot.
All cazador did was watch, eyes glowing with no expression.
Astarion felt as though his heart would give out, trembling, sweating, mentally screaming for help. Anyone.
He will take me! He pleaded silently. He didn't want to be taken. Please, gods, anywhere but that hell.
All he wanted was to scream.
Astarion flinched at sudden contact. Something has his shoulder. A large palm resting on his trembling skin.
Help me! Help me! He has me!
Astarion swallowed harshly, not daring to look away from cazador even for a second.
"Astarion." A hushed, warm voice whispered.
The voice was familiar but he couldn't place it, to wound up in panic to think on the specifics.
"Astarion." The voice urged again, shaking his shoulder softly.
Astarion hesitated for a long moment before looking away from Cazador, keeping him in the field of his vision to see what horrible stranger was gripping him.
Soft, big brown eyes stared back at him. Pools of concern looking without waver. Astarion let out a tense breath.
It was just Gale.
Not another spawn or Godey or any other wreched creature that would do Cazadors bidding. It was Gale.
"Are you alright?" His voice was soft and warm, losening on his shoulder a bit.
Astarions lips parted, testing his jaw experimentally. He still felt stiff, but his mouth he seemed more able to move.
"Fine." The elf bit out defensively. Rolling away weakly.
I can move thank gods.
Astarion trembled as he sat up right, looking back to where the apparition of Cazador stood. He was gone. Just some terrible sleep paralysis.
With a weak hand, Astarion whiped the sweat from his brow, clenching his jaw.
"You don't seem fine." The wizard replied, equally as playful as he was serious. His tone still hushed not to wake his other party members all sleeping around the fire. "If there's one thing I am, it's not a fool." Gale playfully scolded by waving his finger at Astarion.
The vampire tisked. "I'd argue otherwise..."
There was a long beat of silence before he continued, "what do you want anyway?"
"I couldn't get much sleep. Decided to read until my eyelids turned heavy." Gale chuckled awkwardly at his own joke. If it was even a joke. Gale sure found it amusing. "But I couldn't help but notice you twitching in your sleep like a dog. Then you simply stared into the abyss with a fear I've never seen on someone as proud as you." There was a pause. "I wanted to help."
Astarion gazed into the fire intentionally, trying not to look at the wizard.
"Well, I appreciate the help I suppose. Though I don't appreciate being watched while I sleep." Astarions voice came out cold, though without any real bite.
"And next time." He started, turning to look at gale again, "announce who the hell is touching me. I don't want to wake to the hands of Gods knows what on my... glorious body." The last part he threw in for some sort of defense. He didn't want to sound weak. He wasn't scared. No. Definitely not scared....
Gale only hummed in response, looking at him for a moment with subtle observancy. "I'll keep that noted."
After a beat, Gale carefully sat next to Astarion, crossing his legs. They both watched the fire in silence. The air between them thick with unspoken emotion. Questions and feeling weighed on the humid hair more than desired. It felt suffocating to Astarion. He hated it.
As much as he wanted to be pissed at Gale simply for seeing him in such a state, a small part of him ringed with great fulness. Woken from that gods awful paralysis.
He probably would have pissed himself if he had to keep being analyzed under the awful gaze of Cazador.
"... thank you for the help, nontheless." Astarion muttered. "Though, don't expect me to let go of the fact that you watched me in my sleep." He bit out again, with no real venom.
"You're making me sound like a creeper." Gale teased.
"You've given me no reason to believe otherwise." Astarions voice dipped, a quiet seriousness to his comment.
Gale was still for a long moment, a quiet sigh escaping him. "Fair enough, I suppose..."
The soft sound of crickets sung in the air around them, the campfire small and crackling as it slowly dies.
"... can I ask what your dream was about?" Gale questioned carefully. He was still looking into the dieing fire as he spoke, but Astarion could feel all his attention pressed on him anyway.
"My past." He replied blankly.
Gale understood he was being intentionally vague, and decided against pressing on the details much further.
"The past can be a cruel mistress, hm?"
Astarion simply blinked into the fire, he could feel himself growing more distant from his surroundings, thinking back to Cazador looming over him. He could still feel his eyes burning into him.
Or maybe it was just Gales attention. The difference in tone was evident, but the intensity was all the same. Sometimes sympathy felt worse than malice.
"Or master." Astarion replied dryly.
The flames flickered weakly, small waves of pale orange licking into the warm air.
Gale nodded subtly. It didn't take much effort to understand his meaning.
"... every now and then i get nightmares too." Gale offered quietly, watching the flames turn to embers, the charred logs glowing warm and orange. "About every month, maybe two times a month, I'll get a nightmare of sorts about my... condition. It's a little different every time, but it's always the same in the end. My chest aches as though lightning is inside it, the orb with a hunger so painful I feel like I'm being from the outside in... I pray to the good goddesses mystra in hopes of her saving me. And then I burst.... it's a pain like nothing before, magic tearing your body apart. It's hot and electric and consuming. It rips apart your bones and makes your veins tingly. It's a terrible feeling. Thankfully one I hardly experience in reality but still..."
Gale subconsciously reached up, fidgiting with his earring in anxiety, perhaps he's said to much.
"But that's just my two copper on nightmares..."
Astarion breathed out slowly, still feeling a bit floaty and distant. "Why are you still here?" He asked quietly.
Gale remained silent for a beat, continuing to worry with his jewelry before replying with some effort, as though unsure if he should speak the words. "Because i care about you."
Astarion slowly turned to look at him, chest aching.
Gale noticed a small frown tugging at the vampires lips. He didn't say anything, but he could see the dullness in his eyes, and the vulnerabilitity within them. The way he struggled to believe him.
"... I can return to my bedroll if I'm bothering you." Gale offered quietly.
There was a long moment of nothing. Astarion blinked at Gale before looking back to the embers.
Gods, it was so dark.
Astarion never minded the dark until now. He's spent two centuries in it. But now it felt like a suffocating void.
Like being trapped in a coffin.
"Stay." Astarion replied softly, barely even a whisper.
He didn't want to be alone.
He was so sick of being alone. In the dark.
"I'll stay." Gale murmured, a small nod of acceptance.
Astarion leaned into Gale, resting his head on his shoulder and closing his eyes.
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hyena-honeybadger · 1 month
This is my first post, I will mostly do cod smut and fics, if you have any suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it.
{I very much recommend listening to change by deftones during reading this as that was a huge inspo to my writing style}
CW: Smut, angst, mean/abusive price, child abuse, blood, manipulation, kinda dub-con, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, torture, mental torture.
Katz und Maus
- Every day seemed the same when you’re were a ghost, it blended together, not living but merely haunting. You’ve never been off base, you live the life of a soldier but never go on missions… price wouldn’t allow it, your his daughter but barely, your no t related, and he never treats you like one. You believed at some point he loved you, you thought that at some point he actually like the idea of having a little girl, a princess he could spoil, somebody he could dress up, raise. Now he doesn’t know how he could ever think that, he had a job and nobody to look after you, he soon saw his ‘daughter’ as a pest in his own home. He’d be gone for weeks on missions, he’d come back hands bloodied, the lingering scent of blood and the cigar he’d smoke. He’d just sit on the couch in silence. You never knew when was the turning point of the house becoming oh so quiet, as years past and you grew up you both had had the mutual understanding of just living with each other. He now never talked of you, it was never “my daughter.” It was “Y/N.” The most you’d usually talked was when he’d make a cutting comment, and as much as he tried to care, try to find the dream of having a daughter you were never that. So he’d just say things, with well honesty “you should workout more.” “Your really gonna eat that?” “Have a great time dressing like that with a base full of men.” You hated it, but all do did was nod in hopes that one time one of his comments would be one of praise… but honestly all you’ve ever wanted was a father …or somebody… anybody… yet you didn’t try to talk to anyone on base, they have gotten used to you not talking that it would be odd if you did… you didn’t find much of a point of anything, your mind constantly tormented by imagery you had wished your sorry mind had repressed and forgotten about but was instead instead another tool used by life to torture you. Break your will. How did I get here… why am I here…
- Blood dripped down your nose as a reminder of your existence, that your not yet a ghost. It was so quiet… so cold… the night was almost a void you wandered in lost in your own empty sorrowful mind, not knowing how far you’ve gone from base. Things that you knew didn’t exist stung in your mind, it festered… it got worse, blood, the knife… your mothers scream… and something new… leaves crunched behind you. “Schatz~” your whole body stings in shook, legs buckle yet you don’t fall. It’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real. You echo in your mind and yet the footsteps get louder, to frozen to move, you let this entity approach. “Your ways away from your base aren’t you maus?” You shudder not being able to wander haunted by this voice, your body refuses to turn around, not wanting to know what horrible imagery your mind would come up with to torment you, you tightly close your eyes…drip... Once again that blood reminds you your alive… I’m real… the thing behind me isn’t… yet your were so utterly mistaken. Your eyes flash open and you feel a tight hand over your mouth, you try to scream out but your voice is trapped in your throat, you thrash around, but he was stronger. Your eyes immediately glaze over in fear. Something pricked you and your neck stung but only for a minute before collapsing, your weak body caught by him. Your consciousness slipping, you tasted blood in your mouth from your nose… this is real… he is real…you slump unto the ground gradually your body lying against his legs, a quiet laugh echos and your in the void…
I had been watching the 141 base for a while, I was staked out on the outskirts of the base I had access to there cameras and just waited, if there were an opportunity I wouldn’t be shy to seize it. As a watched over i saw the court yard,few soldiers grouped up, smoking, laughing… i flipped around the other cameras nothing notable. eventually I circled back around to the one of the courtyard… the group seemed to be looking at something out of the vision of the camera, one tall guy points to it and seemingly waved it over, yet there expression wasn’t one of humour or playfulness instead, a darker look, a glare to whoever this was. They said something. A girl wearily walked into sight of the camera shakily, she sharply glanced around if as she didn’t know what was going on and how she got there, confusion and innocent fear plastered on her face. The group radiated aggression, one walked up to her and grabbed her wrist to which she pulled away. Poor maus… His hand whipped across her face, she fell, face darkened on the camera with blood… she was then collapsed on the ground, shaking like a cold kitten, the man standing menacingly above her yelling something. The rest of the group laughing behind them. I watched this go on for a few minutes, yelling, laughing, shaking. At some point the group must’ve gotten bored and had left the poor maus alone, to which she sat, hands covering her face, shaking.
I hope you enjoyed this, I'm fully new to posting, so I might be inconsistent at first. I know it's not that much smut, but stay tuned!
Stay tuned for part. two !
- By Hyena -
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meraki-yao · 5 months
Several Sentence Sunday - 5 May 2024
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Tagged by @o0anapher0o, thank you Anna!!!
Unfortunately with my performance last Sunday and upcoming final exams my fic writing has come to a halt, so here's another snippet of the Henry Arthur angst fic I wrote back in March
His heart stops. His mind goes blank. And the world fucking ends. Henry can barely process anything anymore. His vision blurs with tears, his ears ringing. He can’t feel his sister’s touch, he can’t hear his father’s voice or see his mother’s heartbroken face. The world blends into a void, everything too bright and too messy, silence and cacophony all at once, the sharp and damning sound of the gavel of the fates hitting hard wood with a death sentence echoing in the room. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t.
My last exam is on the coming Saturday night (11 May) so after this week (if I survive lol) I can get back to writing again!
No pressure tagging @lfg1986-2 @pippin-katz @luainthewild @thinkof-england @england-would-fall @nocoastposts
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faecatastrophe · 1 month
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We used Exarchs magic powers to tame many but we slaughtered excess three thrumbos and while I wasn't looking my colonists formed bonds with them and named em. Currently selling any babies, combining preservation efforts with making some money for the state.
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Yeah, sorry buddy, I know you were with us for so long and we played catch every so often and you were the first and so far only anomaly challenge for us but... yeah, I'm turning you into a spine for Exarch.
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*space liberal voice* Evil tankie dictator Artemis Katze ruthlessly murdered all her politcal oponents [literal monsters from the Void(they were actually innocent poor little meow meows)] for her own gain
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*Emperah voice* Dey shall be me finest warriors. They shall know no fear.
Fire up the cloning machine, we are making modified clones of me to stuff full of implants and bionic replacements, implanting 'em with copies of a mind modified to be perfect at everythin and puting them into walking tanks forver.
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*old jobi-nobi voice* she's more machine now than a woman
Exarch now: "Omnipotent. Omniscient. Sovereign. Immutable. How sweet it is to be a god!"
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Nevermind, she got humbled in a massive tribal raid. In her defense there were many of them and she killed many before she herself fallen. And she got up a moment later and killed the rest (at least those that didn't get gunned down by our other colonists)
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00110010cc · 6 months
Seol Egbert - 25 - he/him - Mage of Breath Mihu Crocker - 25 - he/him - Heir of Life Aria Lalonde - 25 - She/He - Maid of Light Dama Lalonde - 26 - She/Her - Witch of void. Kyan Strider - 24 - She/Her - Sylph of Time Prim Strider - 28 - She/Her - Maid of Heart Katz Harley - 23 - He/Him - Knight of Space Kani English - 24 - He/Him - Seer of Hope
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nolankoke · 9 months
Number One
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For Katz, growing up was always about being the best. He HAD to be the best at everything. How else was he supposed to fill that empty void in his heart otherwise?
“Second place is no place as far as I’m concerned…”
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regisela · 3 months
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❪ LEE JAE—WOOK. cis—male. he / him. ❫ ┊ 28, 280. high fae. * cauldron save you. it seems REZEF KATZ … RYEO KANG has finally made it to the capital, the SPY MASTER from THE DAY COURT is said to be PERCEPTIVE, and is said to describe themselves with: REJECTION BY DEATH, ╱ INFECTION WITH LIFE. A PRAYER TO NEVER REST IN PEACE. HALF A CORPSE ╱ HALF A GOD. AN EMPTY VOID WAITING TO BE FILLED. and with all of this in mind, their RUTHLESS nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✱⠀⠀⋯⠀⠀MINUTIAE.
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TRUE NAME, ryeo ❪ 려 ❫ kang ❪ 강 ❫. FALSE NAME, rezef katz. EPITHETS, the tyrant of the day court. DATE OF BIRTH, the first day of the fourth month. AGE, 28 physically — 280 psychologically. PLACE OF BIRTH, the day court of prythian. GENDER, cis male ❪ he / him ❫. STAR—SIGN, aries. ORIENTATION, bisexual. SPECIES, high fae. LOYALTY, the day court ❪ assumed ❫.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✱⠀⠀⋯⠀⠀REFLECTION.
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FACE—CLAIM, lee jae—wook. HAIR, black — short. VISAGE, sharply defined. dead—lit eyes. pale, chapped lips. calloused hands. EYES, brown. HEIGHT, 190 cm. STYLE, consistent of a dark palette of blacks and grays. DOMINANT HAND, right. SIGNATURE SCENT, metallic — mint.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✱⠀⠀⋯⠀⠀TEMPERAMENT.
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LABEL, the lost star. CHARMS, independent. perspective. intelligent. steadfast. adaptable. suave. FLAWS, arrogant. ruthless. impulsive. disloyal. selfish. manipulative. deceitful. MORAL ALIGNMENT, lawful neutral. TEMPERAMENT, melancholic.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✱⠀⠀⋯⠀⠀BACKSTORY.
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⠀⠀i.⠀⠀rezef katz was born as ryeo kang. he wasn’t born as the man he is as of current. he was a rebel, a trouble—maker who’d often use his mood to depend on whether to sabotage his father’s plans at trying to do his job as the day court’s spy master, or help him. simply put, ryeo was not the typical son that was wanted, much less loved.
⠀⠀ii.⠀⠀parents find one thing in common to talk about: court feuds. seasonal and solar courts do not get along — ryeo is warned. but at the age of sixteen, he finds love in the form of a girl from the winter court; frost in her veins and so, so, cold that she burned ryeo with every glance like the sun would. nothing comes in the way of this girl and boy of polar opposites in spite of the bad—blood. after all, she’d fallen for ryeo without effort and he, the same. the star to her skies — she’d call him.
⠀⠀iii.⠀⠀it’s funny how the world works, how everything can fall apart in a second. at the age of eighteen, ryeo loses everything dear to him — his heart, his lover, his light, his family, but gains one thing in return: the title of spy master. they’ve found a purpose for him, discovered his skill for fitting into spaces and gauging information out of others easily, a talent for obtaining trust that most struggle to do so. the day court had made a weapon out of a boy whose hands hold nothing, their trump card.
⠀⠀iv.⠀⠀with his succession, ryeo kang becomes rezef katz to those outside of the day court. an empty shell, who will use violence if he feels the need. rumors run around about his loyalty to the day court — and his past relationship with one of the seasonal court is no secret. (devotion to the solar courts wavers constantly, he’d fit more into night / winter court with how he hardly dwells within light, or uses his powers.)
⠀⠀note.⠀⠀prone to updates.
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Nudist Beach Resort & Spa, Crete by Moshe Katz Architect @moshe_katz_architect. Read more: Link in bio! Moshe Katz Architect: The Nude theme in architecture is a fascinating concept. Imagining architecture peeling its layers of, revealing the secrets of space, of pure light and void. The nude deals with transparency, with layers and the art of sights(views). The nude is a Greek tradition since the classic/ ancient times with their famous nude sculptures, symbolizing the perfection of the human body, human proportions and connection to the divine… #crete #greece #beach #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Crete, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjk5AEIsdkK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bioqueer · 1 year
🧪🌈= 🌈☂️ (🦽, 💫, ⏰, ➕, 🏳️‍⚧️, 🧠), 💙🗝️, 🧬
🥄= 🥝, 🥀, 🍬, ⚽️, 🚸, 🪢, ♨️, 🧸🧶, 🌈🐾, 🔖🗺️
under the cut;
pronoun list, system info, body info
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1stp pronouns;
2ndp pronouns;
3rdp pronouns;
➞ body info
= age: '05
= intersex afab GNC FtM transmasc
= oliver's system / pandora's box / 🐝
➞ collective info
= structured hivemind
= around 70 members
= stoner, recovering alcoholic
= squishmallow enthusiast
= cats >> people
= petre/agere, otherkin, transid, bioqueer, etc.
➞ languages
= english
= french
= german
= japanese
➞ system info
= origin: prolonged trauma, + isolation, neglect and childhood psychosis/ psychosis, teenage mental illnesses
= latest headcount: 67
➞ frequent fronters
= candi, they/them
= camryn, they/them
= darwin, he/him
= bones, he/him
➞ disorders and diagnoses
= dyscalculia, dysgraphia
➞ identities
= trigender (demiboy/demigender, xenogender, aporagender)
= achillean panromantic queer
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prismaticmuses · 2 years
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"Santa" has made his first stop with more to come. Night has received a "collector" series Taco Felon action figure, and Void Katz sweatshirt. Hugo has received a very small piece of metal, enough to make a small knife from. It's a bit of the rare "space" metal that comes from the meteor that crashed ages ago. Sable receives a new set of paint brushes complete with a carrying case. Puck has received a pair of designer sunglasses. They don't do anything extra, just a pair of nice looking sunglasses that he can wear over the new augmented eyes. Rudolph has received a pair of gloves made in Nivis. They are extreme cold resistant and heavy duty outside while the inside is a soft almost fur like material. (Mun note: He'll be back to drop off things to your other muses)
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"Oh, cool! Thanks, St Suniva/Santa! I'm just gonna put this figure away...."
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"Ooooooooh shit! Let's fuckin' GO!"
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"Aw~! I love the case. And the brushes are so cute~! Nice variety of sizes, too. I'm definitely gonna be using these."
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"Fuck, yeah~. Cool shit."
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He is very grateful, but feels bittersweet- a common occurrence for Rudolph this time of year.
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apricuscity · 2 years
Hecaball Championship!
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“Welcome everyone to Cheshire Arena here in Solis Heights! It’s a packed house as we get ready to witness history! The council members, and Mayor Lowell himself are here watching! It’s a who’s who of celebrity guests as well!”
“We know this has been quite the strange season but much like the city itself, we move forward to bigger and better things! Tonight you’re going to see two of the best teams the league has to offer battle it out!”
“The Leviathans, seven time league champions. The Hounds, an underdog team that got here against all odds. No matter who walks away with the victory tonight both teams should be incredibly proud at what they’ve accomplished this season!”
“Before we get started allow me to give a special thank you to tonight’s sponsors. Deadly Darling Weapons, Cheshire Financial, Tacos ‘N More, and Talos Cybernetics!”
“Now now what you’ve been waiting for...both teams have taken the field and the crowd is about to blow the roof off this place. For one final time this season...DEPLOY THE HECABALL!”
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“We’re off and running with as chaotic a start as one could expect. We’ve got clashes all over the field as both teams struggle to gain control of the ball! Kawakami attempts to break away but he’s stopped by Ayana, Ayana gets control and passes to Gatz, Gatz goes to pass but it’s intercepted as Marigold dives from a platform and headbutts it over to De Bellis! De Bellis looks for a shot but it’s kicked away by Baskerville, Blackfoot leaps from a platform and receives it, takes a shot but it’s it’s knocked away by Hjalmar!”
“Marigold with control again but he’s knocked into a platform by Blackfoot. Marigold gives Blackfoot a look as he recovers, both players are trash talking but Kawakami and Gatz get their respective teammates back on track for now. Ayana knocked his way through Hjalmar and De Bellis using his size and strength! Ayana gets to the goal and takes a shot but Marigold and Kawakami launch De Bellis through the air, she gets there just in time to flip and kick the ball away! We remain scoreless as halftime approaches.”
“We’ve got Marigold and Blackfoot going at it as they fight for control of the ball! Marigold kicks it away but Blackfoot gets a late hit, Marigold gets in his face as they clash shields! Both shove each other back but get a warning by the ref before it can escalate!”
“De Bellis gets the ball and leaps off of Kawakami’s shield, Hjalmar flies off a spinning platform and holds his shield up for De Bellis to leap off of in mid-air! De Bellis sends it flying with a beautiful kick and gets the point! Leviathans are up 1-0!”
“The clock is ticking down as both teams rush again for control! Baskerville gets there first and spins around Marigold, passing it to Ayana, Ayana leaps to a platform and kicks it down the field before Gatz jumps towards him! Ayana plants himself on the platform and latches his shield on Gatz’s and flings her down the field! Gatz flies past Kawakami and headbutts the ball in to tie it up as we go to the half! The score is 1-1!”
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“Please welcome our halftime performers, Void Katz, and their opening act Free Bird!”
“Fantastic halftime show wasn’t it folks? You can always count on Void Katz to do something special and let’s give it up for Free Bird for that wonderful opening performance! I look forward to seeing more of him!”
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“Both teams are back on the field as we kick off the second half!”
“Everyone is giving it all they’ve got despite still being worn out from the first half. You can tell how exhausted these athletes are but still they fight on! That’s what separates the best from everyone else! Baskerville finally breaks away but gets stopped by Kawakami, Baskerville passes over to Blackfoot but Marigold shoves him off the platform and passes the ball down to Hjalmar, Hjalmar looking for an opening but it’s stolen by Gatz, Gatz only has a minute to think before De Bellis flips over her and attempts a steal, Gatz manages to slip by De Bellis and kick to Ayana.”
“Ayana gets a little closer to the goal before he gets locked up by Kawakami. Kawakami manages to kick the ball away to Marigold, Marigold sees an opening and takes a shot but it’s deflected by Baskerville. The ball is loose and everyone chases after it! We’ve got Baskerville, Marigold, Ayana, and De Bellis on one spinning platform and we’ve got Blackfoot, Gatz, Kawakami, and Hjalmar on another! The platforms are spinning rapidly as the ball gets passed back and forth between players on either side!”
“Hjalmar and Blackfoot take a bit of a tumble, Gatz and Kawakami leap off to check on their teammates. The ball winds up with Marigold but he’s shield bashed by Ayana and sent flying. De Bellis gets the ball, rushes forward and flips off of Baskerville’s shield flinging herself down the field! Baskerville though gets a launch from Ayana and meets De Bellis, they fight for control but De Bellis kicks it away before Baskerville can take a shot.”
“Everything has descended into chaos again as the time starts to tick down! The crowd is on their feet and this entire arena is shaking with excitement! Ayana has locked up with Kawakami, Gatz is holding De Bellis back, We’ve got Baskerville and Hjalmar fighting for position, and Marigold has the ball but he’s trapped by Blackfoot!”
“Blackfoot and Marigold start kicking the ball at each other and deflecting it back with their shields! The ball is picking up an insane amount of speed as it bounced around! Marigold and Blackfoot moving closer to each other which just causes the ball to ricochet at an even higher speed! Their shields might break at this point!”
“Marigold finally manages to out maneuver Blackfoot but the ball goes flying down the field! The ball is heading right towards De Bellis but she’s locked up with Gatz! De Bellis is going to take a nasty hit to the back of her head if that connects! Gatz sees it coming, latches her shield on to De Bellis, pulls De Bellis out of the way only to have the ball smack into Gatz’s unshielded arm!”
“Gatz winces and holds her arm, she seemed to have pulled De Bellis to safety, De Bellis checking on Gatz as the ball ricochets from platform to platform. It bounces back to Kawakami and Ayana. Ayana with all he’s got left manages to literally press his shield against Kawakami’s and lifts Kawakami up out of the way so he can kick the oncoming ball right into the goal!”
“Time runs out a second later and the Hounds have done it with a score of 2-1! Both teams are heading over to check on Gatz who’s been taken to the sidelines, a great show of sportsmanship there.”
Winner: Cheshire Hounds 2-1
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“It’s unfortunate that something like that had to take place but nevertheless the Hounds have done something they haven’t been able to do in years! The Hounds are this year’s league champions! Take nothing away from the Leviathans who played with everything they had and will be right back to it next season!”
“We’ll keep you updated on the condition of Rosalind Gatz. For now though, thank you all for joining me. This has been a rather unique season to say the least. I hope everyone attending the game had a fantastic time, and I hope all of you watching from somewhere else did as well!”
“I’m Augustine Cornelius Eckerman and it’s been my privilege to bring you all this fantastic Hecaball action! Goodnight folks!”
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ofcourtfables · 3 months
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𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒏𝒐 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍. 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏. welcome JUN, you have been accepted into ofcourtfables. please have your account in within the next 24 hours or you risk your roles and face claims. also take a moment to look over our checklist.
‘ lee jae-wook, cis male, he/him, 28 / 280 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems rezef katz (ryeo kang) has finally made it to the capital, the spy master from the day court is said to be perceptive and is said to describe themselves with rejection by death / infection with life, a prayer to never rest in peace, half a corpse / half a god, an empty void waiting to be filled and with all of this in mind their ruthless nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 3 months
The first all-female flight crew to grace Thorpe Abbotts airfield, the crew of The Seraphim - affectionately nicknamed 'Abbotts' Angels' - come as a unit. Attached at the hip, even in spite of their differences, there is no doubt that every single one of them would put their own life on the line for their team if need be. And, as the war takes its toll, their camaraderie becomes the only thing keeping their heads above water as impossible circumstances threaten to rip them apart forever.
I'm going to be writing one-shots and taking prompts for these girls, so be on the lookout!! (tagging everything with #abbotts angels)
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A native Californian, Kit's family never recovered from the ravages of the Great Depression, and as a result, she's been going at it alone since the age of seventeen. Working countless dead-end jobs just to keep herself alive, nothing in Kit's life has ever come without her having to fight for it. Desperation leads her straight to the B-17, where her newly discovered knack for flying - and a borderline reckless willingness to do whatever command throws at her - earn her a position as Lieutenant. With a knack for starting fights she can't win, Kit has never been daunted by impossible odds, and will make damn sure no one ever looks down on her, or her crew.
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Born to middle-class parents, Thea has seemingly been handed everything she could ever want - a comfortable New York apartment, a doting high-school sweetheart turned fiancé, and a teaching position at the local elementary school. However, nothing in her life has ever been able to satisfy Thea's fierce sense of justice. So, when the opportunity arises, she jumps at the chance to fight the spread of Nazi powers, finally taking things into her own hands. Despite their somewhat tense relationship, Thea and Kit are an unstoppable force from the moment they enter the cockpit, forging a wartime bond that will see them through to the end.
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A Jewish legal secretary from New Jersey, Yara has a more personal stake in the war than most. After her father's family is wiped out during the Nazi invasion of Greece, she is swift to enlist herself wherever she can do the most damage, using her keen intelligence and quick thinking to her advantage. Unyeildingly serious and generally void of humour, Yara quickly becomes an integral part of the crew, her dependable nature making her a trusted figure in any crisis. Although she may appear distant from the others, she is as much a part of the Angels as anyone, and will stand up for her crew no matter the cost.
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Raised in England until the age of eleven, Sylvie and her mother travelled to America following the death of her father, where her half-Chinese heritage made it difficult for her to fit in. The 'baby' of the crew, Sylvie was fresh out of high school when she enlisted, putting her keen sense of direction and meticulous attention to detail to use as a navigator. Upon joining the crew of The Seraphim, she finds herself a new group of protectors - although the extent to which she truly needs protection remains to be seen. However, Sylvie's sweet facade is put to the test when survivor's guilt (and a budding relationship with the mechanic Ken Lemmons) begins to pull her in every direction, forcing her to question who she is away from her squad.
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Born into generational wealth, no one has ever expected Nora to become anything more than a socialite, living off of her parents' money until the day she dies. As such, it comes as a shock when she develops a passion for mechanical engineering, forging her own path as she pursues her degree, and enlisting with the Air Force upon graduation. Never quite able to escape people's assumptions, Nora is stuck fighting to prove herself just as capable and dedicated as those around her. And, when faced with the direst of circumstances, she seizes the opportunity to step out of the shadow of her upbringing and fight to bring her crew home.
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Growing up in small-town North Dakota, with no family but her father, Maisie had never been much of a social butterfly. Despite having no real interest in radios, her father's obsession has taught her everything she needs to know, making her as proficient in the machines as the most practised of experts. A natural people-pleaser with an anxious nature, she finds herself affectionately dubbed 'Wilco', derived from the radio shorthand for 'will comply', as she never seems to have a bad word to say about command, no matter how insane or dangerous their missions become. However, when disaster forces Maisie to face the world's harsh realities, she will have to summon all the courage she has to make it home alive.
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Almost six feet tall, with a passion for competitive rowing, Marty is used to being seen as intimidating and unapproachable by her male colleagues, so the opportunity to join the first female bomber crew at Thorpe Abbotts never strikes her as daunting, but rather a chance to ditch her day job. When the car factory she's spent the last several years toiling away at converts to plane manufacturing in support of the war effort, Marty realises she can do more good elsewhere, jumping headfirst into her training. With a jolly personality and a penchant for dirty jokes, she brings a sense of life to The Seraphim - but she's not afraid to use people's assumptions to her advantage when the time comes to protect her friends.
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The middle child stuck between two brothers, Sadie is beginning to realise she's never done much of anything with her life aside from playing her guitar in shitty, run-down bars. Through her day job at a university cafeteria, she unexpectedly finds a best friend (and possibly more) in Ivy Heron, a girl with which she couldn't possibly have less in common. When war comes calling, Sadie is struck with a desire to finally make her mark on the world - and when she enlists, Ivy comes too. Scared that her own ambition was the decisive factor in her best friend dropping out of college, Sadie swears to protect Ivy from anything the war can throw at them - a promise that will take them further than they could have ever imagined.
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Born in Salt Lake City to Mormon parents, Ivy grew up as the oldest of five siblings, used to always being told exactly how her life was going to go. But after abandoning the church and running away to live with her aunt at the age of fifteen, Ivy is left with seemingly endless opportunities, travelling to university to study literature and dive head-first into the books she had never been allowed to read as a child. Nicknamed 'Angel' for her baby-faced appearance, she provides the moniker for the flight crew and The Seraphim itself, taking comfort in the community she has forged for herself among the women. Despite her sugary demeanour, Ivy is far from a damsel in distress, and the war will prove the ultimate test of her resolve when she is forced to fight the odds and find a way to safety for herself and those she loves.
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A natural-born artist, Dawn's love of flying has always been about freedom - about rising above her responsibilities and taking the world at its simplest. War promises to change this. Competitive and impulsive, Dawn had originally only enlisted in an attempt to one-up her sister - a Red Cross volunteer. Even to the most reckless members of the team, she stands out as a rash decision-maker, seemingly unconcerned with anything as material as danger or permanent as death. But beneath her careless exterior, Dawn is simply afraid of what the war will do to her if she lets herself feel the peril of every mission, and denial gives her a way to stay level-headed and alert in a crisis, able to keep her crewmates alive in even the direst of conditions.
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tagging @latibvles - thank you for inspiring/enabling me babe <3
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