#vld tickle
feathergail · 1 year
May I get a uhhhhhh-
Keith from VLD?
Lee!Keith being tummy wrecked by someone/something.
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tummy <3
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heynhay · 1 year
perchance, klance as a crimefighting cowboy-esque gunslinging duo?
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well since you asked so nicely
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artsyjesseblue · 5 months
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@adobedragon Heheee… This scene from your Plance fic “The Tithe” lives rent free in my head, so my muse, inspired by your muse, started drawing it. I can almost hear Keith whispering “Quiet!” 🤫
LOL, Keith doing the turtle embrace around her backpack was fun to draw.
Also, I think I’m falling in love with Keith.
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milder-manners · 3 months
man, vld was such a cool show. I am 100% completely biased here because vld is my first fandom but the og castle crew has such a deep reserve in my heart. I never realized how much personality everyone had until recently.
The most hilarious thing is, everyone cares and loves each other but they also barely knew each other at all?? (especially in the early seasons.) Like, the closest in the group were Keith and Shiro, and Lance and Hunk, who knew each other since childhood, but everyone else just fucking met or at most vaguely familiar and now they're fighting this war together as the Chosen Ones of the galaxy?
I know this is standard adventure group 101: Found Family, where everyone is begrudgingly forced together via circumstance and learn to love each other over time; but vld does this funny thing where everyone just decided to skip the "learn about one another stage" and jump right into "trust this person with your very life" and it somehow worked??? At least for me??
The bonding moments in the show where everyone is learning about each others' cultures or some aspect of the worldbuilding together hit so hard for me because this is the "learn about each other stage" but everyone is doing it because they're friends. Like it's extra sweet.
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
Daily Speedwrite Pairings: Day 3
“That’s Stupid!” -Klance
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Lance trudged around the ship, desperately trying to occupy himself. Why out of all days his crew mates had to go to the space mall was beyond him. Nonetheless, he wanted to spend his day training and relaxing in his room, but he couldn’t find himself able to do so.
“Hey Lance if you keep pacing like that, you’re gonna make the space mice nervous.” A cool and calm voice suddenly sounded, Keith.
“That’s stupid!” Lance snapped in anger, turning to see his smartass friend, who was displaying a proud face.
“It’s not stupid. You’re just a buffoon.” Keith sated, cozying himself into the couch beneath his body.
“That’s it!” Lance cried, wrestling the latter against the tough, leathery, exterior of the furniture.
“GAH! LANCE!“ Keith yelped, trashing about with his friend.
The two boys grunted and chuckled, each trying to get the upper hand on each other. The wrestling ultimately came to an end when Lance pinned Kieth and an anguished squeak emitted from the black haired teen.
“Dude! What the hell was that?” Lance chimed, eyes sparkling with delight.
“Absolutely nothing! Leave me aloooone!” Keith whined, attempting to trash about from under Lance’s evil clutches.
“I think,” the latter replied, squishing a free hand into Keith’s side, “someone’s a widdel ticklish.” He cooed.
“n-no I’m not!” Keith said through gritted teeth, “m’fine’.”
“Oh yeah? So fine that I could do.... this.?” At that moment, Lance removed his fingers from the black haired boy’s sides, and dug ferociously into Keith’s stomach.
“mmMMMM Lahahahahahancehehe!” Keith whined, turning his blushing face from his attacker.
“Let me see youuuu~” the brunette cooed, masturfully letting his hands explore the latter’s torso.
“Stahahahapihihihit!” Keith looked absolutely adorable to Lance, who craved the black haired boy’s rare smile.
“Mmmmm...” Lance fake pondered, releasing his assaulting hand from a giggling Keith, “‘nope!” Lance chimed as he dug an arm under the boy’s arm.
Well that did if.
“STAHAH- STAHAHAHAP! NOHOHOHOHO! LAHAHAHAHANCEHEHEHE!” Keith thrives under Lance’s touch, putting up a grand fight.
In the end, Lance has most definitely beat Keith in wrestling, beat him again in Bop It, and now has a brand new way to keep his friends in line.
And a way to convince Keith to give him what he wants. But that’s a surprise tool that can help later.
Day 3 of doing these hella late but I need to get chapters out so enjoy my awful and short writing.
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xflippinfrogx · 2 years
I know I should make my first post more exciting but hey I don’t care right now. I need some help possibly finding a fic I read a while back. It was a voltron legendary defender tickle fic where they are trying to form an alliance with this alien species (don’t remember the name) and these aliens can detect lies. They tell the gang that the only way they’ll become their allies is if they confess all their secrets to eachother. Lance has two, one he has never kissed or been with anyone ever and two he is majorly in love with Keith. He doesn’t wanna confess so there’s a whole chase and then an interrogation from the others (involving a certain word that I mentioned previously😉). If anyone knows the name of the fic or the author please plEASEEE let me know because OH MY GOODNESS I LOVED IT AND I WANNA READ IT AGAINNNN!!! Thank you for reading this, I promise I’ll post something more interesting in the future if I get time x
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ticklefits · 3 years
AO3 LINK! | tickletober 2021 day 1: CHASE.
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voltron: legendary defender | klance | words : 2572
“Oh, don’t let me stop you. Keep singing.” With a tone much too amused and muscular figure leaned against the door frame, Keith’s eyes have locked on his boyfriend who’s settled at the countertop, chopping up onions for their lunch. His ears were previously graced with the melodic & upbeat notes of Lance’s singing before he halted as soon as he noticed Keith’s presence, cheeks dusting over in a soft shade of cherry at having been caught. 
"You snuck up on me! Y'know, all that Blade of Marmora training has made you seriously light on your feet, you're too quiet when you walk up on people--" Lance complains, obviously trying to shift the attention off of his virtuoso vocals, but Keith isn't falling for the trick. He merely grants the other a shrug, stepping further into the kitchen to peer down at the meal he was preparing before the interruption. It was a newer dish, something that Lance had talked about trying to cook before and though Keith rarely indulged in foreign grounds when it came to what he ate, Lance was a decent cook and he's willing to try anything for him. After a once-over of the food, he twists to match his gaze with Lance with Lance again, a small smirk now presented half-cocked upon his lips. 
"Being quiet has its advantages," is his rebuttal, arms crossing along the width of his chest as he gently knocks a shoulder against his love's. "You can keep complaining about it if you do it in song."
A silent curse leaks out with the sensation of heat that strengthens on the surface of Lance's cheeks, half-tempted to run into the next room and half-tempted to actually take Keith up on his offer. Complaining while singing truthfully sounds sort of hilarious and maybe Lance might've considered it had he not been ambushed by the other, but the abashment that's welled up in the center of his stomach has stolen the reigns from his usual confidence and is keeping his vocal chords locked and twisted. At this point, he's temporarily canceled prepping lunch and his new focus lies on a getaway. Sapphire sight slowly inches from where Keith stands to the archway that connects into the living room, calculating the distance to it from his own feet and weighing the risks. Keith, however, is a warrior, and a highly trained one at that, so as soon as he notices Lance's fixed stare towards the living room, his smirk widens and his own stance alters.
"C'mon loverboy, don't make me chase you down. You know I'm faster than you." There it is. A challenge. A challenge to his Leo boyfriend, who's neatly sculpted eyebrows perk and furrow and his lips twitch at the corners. 
"You're funny, Keith. The only one way you'd be faster than me, is if you tap into that cat-like Galran side of you and get on all fours. Stronger than me? Sure, maybe -- but not faster." Lance knows he just spit some fighting words, and judging by the slightly surprised, oh no he did not just say what I think he said look, Keith was about to square up. It was silent for a moment that dragged on like an hour, until Keith cements a stare at Lance and for a split second, Lance could swear he saw his pupils slit just like a feline. 
"You get five seconds."
Lance did not need to be told twice. As soon as he heard that single word practically growled from his boyfriend, he sprang into a nearly full sprint into the living room. Keith kept his words and after 5 seconds, rocketed off after Lance. By the time he had an open view of the room, Lance was nowhere to be seen. He paused, rummaging through his thoughts to figure out where Lance might have escaped to next. He figures their bedroom would be a good place to start, plenty of the places to try and hide in there; try, being the operative word there. He enters the shared sleeping space and, just to tease Lance thoroughly in case he was hiding in there, starts to tap his nails on the walls and other hard surfaces, knowing damn well the clicks and clacks will echo.
"Oh, Laaance.." the swordsman practically coos, feigning an innocent tonality all the while checking under the bed and in their closet for his prey. "You know I'm not gonna hurt you. I wouldn't ever hurt you. But you do need to be punished for what you said."
Lance can hear him. He can hear him and Keith knows that he can. Their apartment isn't very generous with running room and hiding spaces, so he's taken refuge in their master bathroom. He nearly scoffs at Keith's statements; he knows Keith wouldn't hurt him, not intentionally, but that's not what he's worried about. He knows what those clickity clacks mean. The surface of his skin is already tingling and he's biting back a grin, hands smoothing over the goosebumps popping up along his arms. He could speak lies and say he hates when Keith does this, but they both know the truth: Lance thrives on it. Every tap of his nails drives Lance insane and he can feel his body trying to gravitate towards the sound, but he refuses to give in and admit defeat. Keith challenged him, so it's on. 
He's dragging his nails now, goddammit, and he's getting closer. Those silent steps aren't so silent anymore and Keith's doing that on purpose. He wants Lance to hear him coming; it's all part of the chase. Thankfully though, their bathroom contains a door that opens up to the hallway, so if he times it right, he can get past without him hopefully noticing. Slowly, nearly holding his breath, Lance scoots to the second door and ever so gently turns the handle to minimize any sound and opens the door. A quick peek tells him that it's safe, but as soon as he fully exits the bathroom and begins his quiet tread through the hall, Keith appears behind him from their bathroom, running towards him. Lance yelps and his reaction is immediate, making a break for the living room once again. He jumps onto the couch and grabs a pillow, deciding to fend off his hunter with a weapon instead of continuing to run.
"En guard!" Comes his battle cry as Keith reaches him and narrowly misses the swing of a cushion at his head.
"That's a dirty play, McClain!" He manages to say before he gets uppercut with a cushion and it's as if the world goes into absolute silence. Lance hadn't really meant to smack him like that, but the damage has already transpired, so all he can do is gently place the couch cushions back to their proper home, all the while observing with fright behind his eyes as Keith's visage lowers back down to look at him. He says nothing, amethyst sight blank, but he does start to move towards Lance, which has the taller scooting backwards on the couch, palm outstretched as if that were to quell Keith's wrath any. 
"Keith -- Keith, babe, baby, look at me -- you know I didn't mean to do that, I swear--!" But Keith still doesn't utter a single syllable, even as he climbs atop and straddles Lance's hips. He then moves to grab some of the mini pillow cushions nearest Lance's head, one in each hand, and Lance's eyes widen, remembering a time when Pidge pulled this on him herself, except she used vinyl, elbow - length gloves. Keith's method is unorthodox, but Lance is sure it's gonna tire him out all the same. 
"Keith! No! No, no, no, no--!" But his pleas are no use. Raising the small pillows into the air, it isn't a second later that Keith starts to rapidly smack Lance's upper body with them. It's a furious barrage, one arm raining down a strike right after it's counterpart. If this was an action movie, and pillows were bullets shot out of a gun, this would be absolutely brutal. Fortunately for Lance, these soft, fluffy pillows don't hurt anywhere near a bullet wound. In fact, he's grinning all the while, limbs held askew above his head as a shield. 
"Now this is a dirty play, Kogane! Fight me like a real man!" And Lance is about to regret those words, because as soon as Keith hears him, he halts his assault and tosses the pillows to the side, eyes glinting dangerously. 
"Oh, I'm just getting started." Now unoccupied hands shift to settle on Lance's sides and instantaneously, Lance knew he was fucked. 
"Woahwoahwoah, no! No, now this is really foul--!"
"Sucks to suck."
"FIRST of all, I'm the one who taught you that saAAhahah--!" Keith's heard enough prattling out of Lance, it's time to hear some of that sweet, hilarious laughter now. Fingers scribble over the clothed flesh of his sides and waist and that already gets him into giggling hysterics. Keith will always be pleasantly surprised at just how ticklish Lance is. Nearly every inch of him is sensitive to something and it never fails to gift him with serotonin when he's got Lance beneath him, rosy cheeked, squirming around, and laughing his heart out - much like he is now. 
"Nohohohoho! Keh--Keheheheith! Stahahahahap!" His pleas are broken apart by giggles that are only raising in volume the more his sides are attacked and he's only growing further sensitive by the second. Lance knows his religiously vigorous skin care routine is partly to blame for how ticklish he is, but can you blame him for wanting soft, youthful skin? And it isn't like Keith's complaining about it either. 
"Nah, I don't think I can. My fingers are under some sort of spell." Such a blatant lie from the older pilot and the grin he dons is unmistakably teasing. 
"Yo--you're suhuhuch a lihahahahahar!" 
"What? I'm offended. I'm not lying at all. In fact, I'll tell you an easy way to break the spell and get me to the stop." 
"Gohohohohohod! Fiiiiihihihine, OKAY, okahahahy!" Lance is really beginning to struggle, squeals forcing themselves free as Keith migrates from waist, to stomach, and then to his ribs, poking & scritching between each one in an agonizing manner. "Aaahahahahaha! Tell---tell mehehehehe alreadyyyy!"
"You really wanna know?"
Lance's strength is sapping quicker than he'd like it to, but he still possesses enough of it to gently smack at Keith's arm, his giggles evolving into full blown laughter once those dastardly fingers begin reaching towards his armpits in retaliation. 
"All you gotta do is sing. Like, that one red-headed princess, to break a spell that was on her, or whatever." The fact that Keith really provided a Disney comparison to Lance's current predicament is hilarious all on its own, but Lance wasn't about to give into this torture, and deliver what Keith desired so easily. 
"Hohohohow is -- i-is ticklihihihing me suhuhpposed to make me wahahahant to SING?? B-Besides, a kihihihihiss broke Ahahariel's spell, not -- not singihihihihihing!" Poor Lance, with his cracking voice and breathy, hollow words that could scarcely be understood through all of his laughter. Keith understood the gist of it though and contemplated his conditions. He still wanted Lance to sing to him, but a kiss sounded pretty nice too. However, he isn’t quite finished with his boyfriend’s torture; there’s still one last area he very much wants to explore before he allows Lance free. Spidering digits cease their actions, smoothing up and then down the expanse of Lance’s toned torso, granting him a desperately needed, albeit quick rest. Lance doesn’t speak, merely taking this opportunity in stride to gulp down as much air as he can, because a minute part of him knows Keith isn’t done and that something wicked this way comes.
Something wicked indeed. After some very short-lived moments of repose, without skipping a beat, Keith breaks into full force tickling all over the surface of Lance’s soft thighs. The first and last thing to run through Lance’s mind is a sharp curse to himself for deciding that today was a good day to wear shorts. Keith has an all access pass to one of his death spots and he is allowing no mercy. They’re certainly going to get a noise complaint from their neighbors ( not that Keith cares ), because the inhumane screech that burst from the tunnel of Lance’s throat could probably be heard blocks away. 
“K---KEEEHEHEHEHEHITH!! NO! NOHOHO, NOT RIGHT THEHEHEHEHRE! PLEHEHEHEASE, AHAAAHAHAHAHNYTHING BUT THERRRRE--!” the couch has been shaved of all of its cushions by flailing, lengthy limbs and even Keith is having trouble keeping atop of Lance, what with all of his wriggling and buckling. 
“Geez, Lance, you almost sound like I’m killin’ you.” Keith’s grin is now from ear to ear, more than enjoying himself, the view, and his love’s ridiculously adorable laughter. 
“YOU AHAHAHAHARRRRE!! PLEEEEHEHEHEHASE!” But it’s only when Lance deflates into silent laughter, arms going limp against the couch underneath him, that Keith finally concludes his torture. Calloused hands remove themselves from the slender frame and he completely slides off of Lance, disappearing into the kitchen. Unbothered by Keith’s abrupt departure, Lance soaks up every single second of relaxation he can, until he glances up once he hears footsteps, and sees the water bottle Keith’s offering. Smiling a little weakly, Lance sits up, releasing a few lingering giggles as the movement of his still hyper - sensitive upper body brings forth some ghost touches. 
“Alright, time to break your spell.” Keith’s statement is oh so cheeky and as he leans forward, waiting for Lance to close the distance, he half expects Lance to do anything but kiss him. A pleasant surprise is given to him when he feels those familiar, supple lips intertwining with his own, and he smiles into it. The kiss lasts for a couple of seconds before Lance pulls away and eyes Keith, brow rising along his temple. 
“Guess whose job it is to prepare lunch now?”
A roll of lavender eyes, but he holds out his hand nonetheless. “Yeah, yeah. I tired you out, so I guess it’s mine. I don’t know how to make what you were making though.”
Lance takes the hand that’s offered and ascends from the couch, bending to start picking up the collapsed couch cushions. “Go on into the kitchen, I’ll be right behind you to boss you around.” Keith snorts a quickle chuckle, but does as instructed, making his way back into the kitchen. He nearly stops as something catches his ears, a heavy warmth blooming in his chest. Lance sings more than loud enough for Keith to hear him, even as he’s waiting in the kitchen. He continues singing, once all of the cushions are placed back in their proper place, and as he finally enters the kitchen. He saunters up to Keith, sight locked with sight, a hand on his chest, happiness brimming in the way he sings. 
“♪ Maybe this love is mad, you're filling every thought I have. Now I've stayed too long, and there's no turning back. Might as well dance.~ ♪” As if on cue, Keith takes his hand and spins him, earning an even more brilliant smile from Lance, and he lands softly against Keith, arms coiling around his neck to bring him back in for another kiss. Suddenly, lunch doesn’t matter so much anymore.
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 years
Beach Rules
A/N: Paladins at the beach? Sure! Platonic everyone. This is Keith and Shiro centric. And there’s loads of tickling and simping, yay :D
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„Is that…“
„No, it can’t be!!“
„Oh, but, but… guys, it’s…“
„A beach!“ Shiro stepped out of the castle, joining Pidge, Lance and Hunk on the surface of this vacation worthy planet with a disbelieving expression.
Allura followed, taking her helmet off and actually giving one of her rare honest smiles. „Yes, a beach. This is the planet of Basoria. 10 000 years ago, this planet has already been one of my favorite places to be. It seems incredible that the Galra haven’t taken over it. But since there are no intelligent beings on here, they probably didn’t see the point. It’s a save place. Coran and I wanted to offer you this. A day off at the beach. With everything you’ve already done, paladins, I am happy if I can give you something back.“
The three younger paladins shrieked happily, shouting their thanks as they took off running for the shore, shoes flying and jackets landing in the sand. Shiro turned his head to look at Allura with a smile. „This is amazing, Allura. I think you couldn’t have made them happier.“
Allura tilted her head and put a hand on Shiro’s left arm. „I was hoping you would enjoy this as well, Shiro. You have been working harder than anyone of us. You deserve a day’s rest.“
Shiro opened his mouth in surprise, a little overwhelmed by so much attention and a little lost for words. Fortunately Keith chose excatly this moment to step out between them, a grumpy expression on his face. „A beach?“ He asked with a raised eyebrow, obviously sceptical about something that involved such a big amount of fun.
Allura narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance, having hoped for a rather different reaction. „Yes, Keith. A beach. A place for relaxation and happiness. I’m glad to see that it disgusts you so much.“
Allura went to take off her armor inside the castle, mumbling intelligibly under her breath. Keith merely sniffed and shrugged as the princess moved away, crossing his arms over his chest and looking outside with a wary expression. Three cheerful paladins were splashing around in turquoise water. They were still dressed in t-shirts and pants, but didn’t seem to care a bit about the additional soaked weight. Keith had never seen them this outgoingly happy.
He felt a weight on his shoulder and saw that Shiro had put his hand on it, an encouraging smile on his face. „Go on, Keith. Don’t worry so much. I bet it’s fun out there. Give it a try.“
Keith tilted his head slightly and looked away, a little crease appearing between his eyebrows. „Hmmm. I don’t know, Shiro.“
The warm dark eyes of the older paladin changed, giving room for worry. This guy managed to catch up to everything. „What is it?“
Keith huffed and shook his head slightly, fond of Shiro being so perceptive, yet at the same time wishing he weren’t. „It’s just… I don’t know. I- I’ve never… well, I’ve never been to a beach before. My father and I never went on vacations, you know.“
Keith shuffled around slightly, trying to act as indifferent as he could, while he was actually dying from insecurity inside. He sent a tentative side glance in Shiro’s direction and saw the realization in his expression. Keith smiled and shielded his eyes against the sun.
„I think it’ll come naturally to you, Keith.“ Shiro said softly, making Keith look at him again in surprise. „All we have to do is go out there and… do the next best thing.“
Keith blinked at him, pretty unsure about this much spontaneousness. „And what would that be?“
Shiro put his finger on his lips thoughtfully, making Keith start to consider that maybe Shiro had just as little clue what to do at a beach as he had. His features softened a little at that impression. Where Shiro knew pretty much everything about him, there was little Keith knew about Shiro in connection to his past. Shiro kept most things locked away behind so many doors that walking through all of them could take years. Keith had barely managed to walk through the half of them.
He sighed deeply and slid out of his jacket, leaving it in the castle. „Let’s start by making ourselves more… beach ready.“ Keith made an awkward motion towards his t-shirt and then bent over to take off his shoes and roll up the legs of his pants.
Shiro smiled at that and copied Keith’s actions, stripping to his sleeveless muscle shirt and rolling his pants up as well. For a second he was insecure about the bulgy skin where his right shoulder merged into the metal arm. But then a sudden feeling took over him and made him forget about any insecurities. Was that… giddiness he felt in his stomach?
There suddenly was so much energy inside of him that he had to get rid off. He looked at Keith staggering around on one leg as he tried to keep the material of his pants rolled up on the other leg. And a grin spread out on his face.
He suddenly knew exactly what he had to do.
Keith looked up in time to manage a very surprised yell, before a very strong arm wrapped around his middle and lifted him off the floor. „SHIRO WHAT ARE YOU-“
„I know what we have to do!“
Keith clawed his fingers into Shiro’s foreram, holding on to him tensely as the pilot started running with Keith dangling from his side, shaking him quite thoroughly. Despite that Keith almost sighed in relief as fresh air ruffled his hair and blew under his shirt, giving him goosebumps and drying his sweat. It felt like flying through the desert with Shiro all over again. The memory of their races untied a knot in Keith’s chest and he suddenly had to let out a laugh as Shiro readjusted his grip on him, lifting him even higher than he’d been before.
„Don’t drop me!!!“
Shiro’s smirk was audible in his words as he raised his voice as well. „Oh, I will drop you in a bit!“
Keith tensed up again and looked to where Shiro was headed. Pidge, Hunk and Lance in the water had noticed their approach by now, curious happy smiles on their faces as they got closer at a dizzying speed. The realization hit Keith and he started struggling, almost causing Shiro to drop him himself.
But Shiro wasn’t bothered by Keith’s defiance in the slightest. His soft laughter mixed with Keith’s gasps and yelps and put a warm feeling in his shaking stomach.
Keith’s struggles grew stronger the closer they got to the water, forcing Shiro to swing Keith’s in front of his chest to be able to hold him there with both his arms.
Keith’s fists drummed against Shiro’s forearms, as the pilot reached the shore and took a few steps into the water. How Shiro managed to stay strong enough to hold him like that with all his laughter was a freaking mystery to the paladin of the red lion. „Enough with the violence,“ Shiro chuckled, „Time to cool your head!“
Keith’s knees were pulled up to his chest and he was eagerly trying to keep himself in that pulled up position by wrapping his hands around Shiro’s head behind him and holding on. „I DON’T THINK SO!!“
„Oh, but you will let go,“ Shiro growled, a playful tone to his voice that made Keith’s stomach drop.
„Ah, Keith, you really bring this upon yourself,“ Shiro chuckled and kept his metal arm wrapped around Keith’s middle, the other suddenly dangerously unoccupied and close to his side and ribs and this was when it clicked, but too late.
„SHIRO WAIT-“ Keith shouted out in panic, trying to pull himself up higher to get away, but it was to no use. Shiro’s fingers were already squeezing his side and making their way up and hell on earth, it tickled so much, Keith had never thought anything could tickle this much.
Any plans for holding back his giggles were diminished immediately, as he broke out into hysterical squeals and deep uncontrollable laughter, twitching around like a fish as Shiro’s fingers were crawling up his side, over his ribs and right in the center of his exposed armpit. He really meant to keep his hands behind Shiro’s head, pulling at his hair to keep from being dropped. But forget that, he couldn’t take this without fighting back. It felt like Shiro was tickling him with twenty fingers at least where he was only using five and it wasn’t fair and it led to Keith’s unavoidable fate.
„I won’t stop until you let go!!“
„Beach rules, Keith. You are obligated to have fun!“
One last arch in Shiro’s arm, then Keith couldn’t stand it anymore and he tore his arms down, trying to push Shiro’s assaulting hand as far away from his ticklish torso as possible, when it was already time for a dive in the waves of Basoria.
Keith shrieked, when Shiro’s arms suddenly stopped holding him, honest to God shrieked - as if he’d needed any more embarrassment in front of the others. The cold water caught him quite gently though. There were no burns at the impact of the water, there was no water shooting up his nose. There was just a nice feeling of floating around and having his hair fly around his head.
He welcomed the feeling happily. But only for a few seconds. Then his wish for revenge grew too strong and he speedily made his way back up to the surface. He managed to find a stand on the sandy underground, the water up to his chest where it had been up to Shiro’s waist.
Shiro. With narrowed eyes and wet hair clinging to his forehead he saw Shiro quickly making his way deeper into the water, looking over his shoulder, laughing breathlessly.
Shiro almost slipped from laughter at Keith’s bubbly attempts oto swim after him, completely out of breath, but fueled with the desire to give him a taste of his own medicine.
In the meantime Pidge was busy climbing on top of Hunk’s shoulders in her soaked shirt, where she held on to Hunk’s hair with one hand, pointing at Shiro with the other and letting out a war cry that would have scared away Galrans. „FUGITIVE ON THE RUN! GO GET HIM! AID OUR TORTURED FRIEND!!!“
Keith almost sunk under the surface from his surprised laughter. He hadn’t expected the others to come to help him. They liked to watch Shiro tickle him into madness during sparring matches rather comfortably. But this. Maybe this was also part of the beach rules. Everyone against the strongest one. It seemed like a good rule to Keith.
Shiro on the other hand was barely able to bring much more distance between himself and the others as panicked laughter started to slow him down. Lance was gaining on him, as Hunk grabbed Pidge from his shoulders and used all his strength to throw her in Shiro’s direction, getting her closer to him as well.
Shiro thought it clever apparently to change tactics and stopped swimming in the one direction to make his way in the other one now.
Keith had to chuckle as he heard Shiro’s breathless gasps for air get closer. Alright, if this was a fun time at the beach he was sold. Now they only had to catch him.
„YOU GUYS, THIS ISN’T FAIR!!“ Shiro shouted, smiling widely as Pidge and Lance were getting awfully close.
„BEACH RULES!!“ Keith yelled as he too was getting closer to Shiro who was trying to make his way to the shore to be able to run away. He’d be way too fast for the other paladins if he managed to reach it. They couldn’t let him get away.
„Oh no, you will NOT!!“ Lance exclaimed passionately as Shiro was stumbling to his feet in the ankle high water. The plue paladin took a large dive and actually managed to pull Shiro down with a splash. The two of them rolled over in the warm part of the water, Shiro breathless from laughter already while Lance was yelling almost as loud as Pidge had before.
„You did it, Lance!“ Keith cheered as he too got to his feet in the low water, throwing himself on top of the other two. Shiro groaned with laughter at the additional weight and tried to push the two of them off of him.
„Now, just wait a second, just wait…“ Another weight took away Shiro’s breath as Hunk dropped down on top of Keith, slowly but successfully building a sandwich.
„We have him! Do we have him?“ Hunk spluttered and looked at his two friends underneath himself. Keith held up a thumb, despite the lack of air.
„We’ve got him! You guys are the best!!“
Pidge arrived with a wide smile on her face and was a bit reluctant to putting herself on top of the three boys as well. She didn’t have to anyway. Instead she dropped down next to Shiro’s face and grinned at him evilly.
„Ha, you didn’t see that coming, did you?“
Shiro glared at her, still out of breath, but he just couldn’t keep it up and a soft, playful expression was back on his face again in no time. „I guess Voltron’s bond must be really strong already. Just don’t lose your head in the process…“
All four of them groaned inexplicably loud at this bad pun and Pidge felt no sympathy for him in the slightest as she told the other three to give him hell just for that. Even though he was pretty doomed in his current position. He couldn’t move out from underneath the three boys and all of them put their hands to good use some place on his tall upper body. Hunk was pinching his sides, as Keith worked his hands under his arms and Lance immediately used his position for good access to Shiro’s ribs.
Pidge was blessed with the picture of Shiro throwing his head back in ticklish agony, his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth opened in the brightest smile, as beautiful laughter was shooting out of him.
He couldn’t fight off six hands with just two and Keith enjoyed strongly making him laugh this hard, especially with the aid of his friends. He could tell that Shiro was very fine with them having their fun like this and it warmed Keith’s heart that Shiro was so selfless and soft in every situation. He looked at Shiro throwing his head from side to side, shaking with incessant giggles and trying to arch his back against the overwhelming sensations and he just knew that Shiro would never stop doing whatever it took to make him happy and have fun despite the times they were living in.
He knew that there was no „Voltron losing their head“. Shiro’s love was the starting point of all bonding among the paladins. He was the heart of the group.
Keith certainly knew that. And the others would at the very latest agree now that Shiro’s determination had managed to connect all paladins in having fun together.
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cryptid-things111 · 3 years
Lance was bored, Very bored. Not only did he have nothing to do but his boyfriend was in a different room practicing his magic, so it's not like he had anyone to talk to at the moment. So wait he shall….or! He could go and mess with Keith while he's trying to concentrate. "Yeah, that's a good idea." (This was not a good idea). With that lance set off to find said boyfriend and bother him cause what else is he gonna do?
It was a short walk given the room Keith was in was across from where Lance was. He peeked in the room. "Whoa" lance whispered, completely baffled Keith was sitting in the middle of the floor, his back towards the door, eyes closed concentrating, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. magenta and yellow specks flying around him gracefully and a fue butterflies hear and there. Lance hadn't moved from his place by the door thinking of how to distract the former witch in front of him. "Hmmm" Lance hummed quietly deep in thought himself. Suddenly he perked up a gleam of mischief in his eyes. A gleam that anyone that knows lance would easily identify as dangerous.
With a smirk, he quietly made his way over to the black haired male and sat on his knees behind him not making a sound. Now what Lance didn't know was that Keith knew he was at the door the whole time because when Lance opened the door it squeaked a little given that the cabin they lived in was old, big, but old. Besides, Keith can practically feel his lover in the ground, it's almost like a seventh sense...and he heard lance giggle when he cracked open the door.
"This plan is full proof!, sneak up behind the babe, grab him, pin him down and tickle him, simple!" Lance thought.
He didn't know
He wasn't thinking
Furiously spidering at Keith's sides, Keith didn't budge, he didn't move, he didn't laugh, he didn't even flinch. "What!?" Lance exclaimed then continued to try and tickle his boyfriend. Keith smirked then turned his head to look at lance over his shoulder, dropping his hands in his lap then to look back in front of him. "You do realize that I'm not ticklish right?" Said keith smugness clear in his voice. Lance grumbled "well yeah, i can see that captain- oof!"
Keith tackled Lance and pinned his arms down with his hands above his head. "Keheheheith, baby, let's talk about this, '' Lance giggled. Keith smirked and narrowed his eyes playfully and lowered his head a little more "it didn't seem like you wanted to talk earlier" he then dug his fingers into Lance's upper ribs. "keheheheheheheith! Nohohohohoho!" Keith chuckled "Keith yes" then moved his hand up lances shirt and wiggled his finger in his bellybutton, making lance go nuts. "Ahahahahahahahahahaha!nohohohohoho!" 
Now Keith knew lance couldn't handle a handful of things, some of those things being neck kisses, raspberries, tummy kisses, nibbles, etc. So what better way to teach his boyfriend a lesson than to stick his entire head up his shirt and blow raspberries on his belly. And that's exactly what he did.
"Eeeee! Keheheheheheheheith!" Lance squealed and began pushing at Keith's head that was currently under his shirt blowing raspberries and nibbling dangerously close to his belly button. "Ohkahahay! Ohkahahahahay! You whihihihin!" Keith took his head out of lance shirt. "You sure?" He asked teasingly. "Yehehes'' Lance giggled, breathless. 
"Hmmmm...i don't believe you" letting go of his lover's arms he quickly shot his hands to his armpits and scratched menacingly keeping his head on lance's chest so he could look at his astonishing face.
"Ahhhh! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Lance screamed with laughter. You know…Keith could get used to this. Waking up next to Lance, listening to him talk, watching him cook, just watching him do things he normally does. Before he met Lance he always assumed he would be a lone wolf not having to worry about anyone or anything just he, himself, and him.
Then Lance came along and changed his entire world completely. So much now Keith is finding himself doing things he would have never done before. Like gardening, making flower crowns, going on picnics, hanging out with friends, hell even the thought of himself spending time with friends was just unbelievable. And he thanks every star in the universe that he was lucky enough to find people that love and care about him. 
Speaking of love he better give lance a break before he passes out. "Stohohohohohp! I'm gonna pehehehehe!" With a smile he stops and lance lays there completely out of breath 
"Are you done?" Lance asks, smiling. "I love him" Keith thinks to himself and as if his lips acted on their own they were on lances kissing the giggles out of his mouth. 
A few Minutes pass and Lance is running out of breath. Keith is too but he's stubborn and wants to stay like this forever. Unfortunately he does need to breathe. Pulling back from the kiss he looks at lance, whispering.
He's so pretty
Beautiful blue eyes look back at him, astonishing display of freckles across his adorable button nose, soft brown hair looking as if he just got out of bed, heavenly lushes brown skin accompanied by more freckles. And on top of all that he belongs to keith. Keith and Keith only. No one else...just Keith.
"Are you done?" Lance askes again after not getting an answer the first time. Taking a moment to get one more good look at his prized possession. "One more thing" said Keith then for his grand finally he used one hand to put lances arm over his head and the other to just hold his waist, pushing his face into his lover's clothed ribs and shaking his head back and forth and playfully growling, nuzzling him.
The giggles, snorts, and hiccups that came out of Lance's mouth were almost too much for Keith's heart to handle. "Nohohohoho! Stop your giving me butterflies!" Lance squealed. Continuing for a minute more Keith stopped, giving lance a proper break. Keith smiled down at the sight before him.
I love him❤
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txckletxstic · 4 years
If you're seeing this, you've stumbled across my blog!
Hey, my name is Fruit , and I'm an aspiring writer! I have a likening for tickle headcanons.
This is NOT a kink blog. This is merely for entertainment.
Please, feel free to stick around! The fandoms I write for will be in my next post!
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Hi hun! Happy holidays and I hope you have a wonderful new year! I was wondering if you could write a shiro x Curtis x Adam fic where Curtis feels out of place in their relationship and wants to be hugged and kissed instead of just being told that he’s loved while shiro and Adam get lovey dovey. He gets so isolated that he falls ill and refuses to talk to Adam and shiro about the problems until he cracks and tells the truth with shame in his eyes. Sorry if this is angsty! Thank you! Best wishes!
Third Wheel
Fandom: Voltron Defenders of the Universe
Characters: Adam, Curtis, and Takashi Shirogane
A/N: FINALY FINISHED! Happy very much belated holidays dearie! Sorry this took so long. 
Description: Depression exists in many ways. It’s an illness with little to no “cure”. Curtis Shirogane had been stricken with this weight for sometime, but recently it’s been crawling further throughout him. His husbands begin to worry before finally saying no more to his silence. 
Depression was an illness with no easy “cure”. Sure, he'd been battling it for most of his life, but it never seemed to get easier. The only time he could think when it was when they were in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Everything was new, sweet, and innocent. The three wed before it really ended; finding it odd to just “string” Curtis along while their already married. Curtis was eager to agree, but now, two years later, he felt like a third wheel more than a lover.
It just came over him without any rhyme or reason. He sat back in the oak, kitchen chair and just watched; slumpt over some. Gray eyes scanned over the two, as they normally did. But rather than the feeling of love or just overall familiarity…. Curtis felt something else; but he couldn’t place what exactly. It wasn’t positive at all, he just felt…. out of place. 
Adam was washing dishes, Shiro holding him from behind as he normally did. He rested his face in the warm, soft skin. The sound of a normal or butterfly kiss would be heard from time to time. They never talked during this “special time” unless Adam needed Shiro to move so he could do something. But then again, that’s how their “special time” normally was.
On the couch, in the bedroom, in the car, on the porch; hell even during intercourse. They were so invested in each other, they could read each other so well. They didn’t need to talk to bond, they showed their affection through their actions. Yes, they did talk, just not in moments like this.   It was bitter sweet to watch; it was  like Curtis was unnoticed. 
Sure, Curtis was ace and had a hard time being physical with someone; but it would be nice to be more included. But then again, what was he going to say? He wasn’t, he wouldn’t. He never had been able too grow past the turama to have this skill; even when it involved his husbands. 
The male said nothing as he pushed in the kitchen chair. No rubbing Shiro’s back as he passed, not saying anything to either of them. He just left. Spice, his baby, followed him up to the bedroom. She jumped up onto the tall bed with slight struggle before settling in Shiro’s spot on the bed. Curtis then followed to his own, pulling the crocheted blanket Adam’s mother had made for them over the him self and his baby. 
He didn’t feel like being here today, he hadn’t in weeks. It was just building up worse and worse but…. he couldn’t say anything. 
It had been hours since breakfast. Adam frowned as he glanced at the digital clock that was an added bonus to the cd player attached to the underside of one of his cabinets. It was past noon, Curtis hadn’t come down to eat. Adam had checked on him, of course; but the other, unbenounced to him, was pretending to sleep. Adam left him be, thinking he needed rest. His forehead was normal in temperature, no red dusted the soft, warm, sun kissed skin. He didn’t appear to be ill, but Adam worried from the habit of Shiro’s past. 
When Shiro came back from his meeting after dusk, he was surprised that Adam hadn’t woken the other. He was biting the skin beside his thumb, bounding his foot on the wooden kitchen floor. Brown eyes looked back to the clock before glancing up to see the shortest of the three. Shiro frowned before walking over to rub Adam’s shoulders. “You alright?” The other nodded. “Worried. Curtis hasn’t gotten up for anything since breakfast.”
That was strange. They had a bathroom in their bedroom and a case of water upstairs so most likely the other was still hydrated. “He hasn’t eaten,” Shiro asked, correcting the other; “Or stretched his legs?” The other shook his head. “Spice came down a few times but it wasn’t for long. As soon as she went into the yard, she did her business and immediately wanted to get back in bed.” Something was clearly wrong. 
Shiro bit his lip in thought as he kneaded into Adam’s shoulders more. “I’ll order dinner tonight. It’ll get here quicker. Pizza might entice him?” Adam shrugged before nodding. “I’m going to go lay with them until it gets here.” Shiro stepped back to give his love space; Adam stealing a soft kiss in response. He walked away quietly as Shiro walked to the counter to use the landline. 
Adam lay staring at the ceiling as he listened to the sound of Curtis’s breathing…. And the breathing of every other being (that wasn’t Shiro) in the house. Curtis was curled, facing inwardly to his pitbull, mut rescue. She curled on her side, facing her daddy as well. Coffee, a long haired rescue, curled around Adam’s head for heat as she normally did. Nutmeg stereotypically corgi splooted beside Adam; relying on him to keep her on the bed. 
Buffy didn’t even try to climb on the crowded bed. Rather, she curled up on the dog bed in the corner and rested her eyes. Shiro was home, and she was off the clock. However, it didn’t last long as there was a knock on one of the two bedroom doors. Various heads lifted from the two beds, looking to the new face. Shiro gave a small smile. “Food’s here.” 
Dog by dog, the three left the room for their own dinner and hopes of stealing some of their fathers. The furry feline merely smacked her fluffy tail into Adam’s face, earning a small snort. “Yeah, I know. You want your dinner too.” Adam set Coffee on the floor before shaking Curtis slightly. “Hey, time to get up.” 
Curtis let out a huff of air in defeat before slowly opening his eyes. The look on Adam’s face: that smile, the slightly turned up brows, the half lidded eyes, the love; guilt hit him like a train. “Oh…. alright.” He slowly sat up, not feeling all that well from lack of food. He managed to get down stairs, crashing at the oak table before digging into the veggie slice set on a plate in his spot. 
He was quiet as the other two joined him. Adam watched him as he blotted the grease off his pizza with a napkin. Shiro hummed as he finished chewing his bite, swallowing it. “So, you feeling alright Curtis?” The other nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for dinner.” His voice sounded a bit raspy. Shiro pushed a can beside him; soda. To truly eat like they were teens again was rare. 
Gray and gray locked as the can was passed. Shiro felt a sense of sympathy come over him as Curtis flicked his eyes to the table to avoid him. “You wanna talk about it?” Gray and brown now met before Curtis shook his head. “I’m fine guys, just tired.” Yeah, depressed. “We’ve been married for two years Curtis.” Adam wasn’t buying the excuse. “If your having one of those days, you can tell us.” 
Shiro went to agree when suddenly Curtis stood. He said nothing as he grabbed another slice and disappeared from the table. The two were temporarily paralyzed with shock before exchanging looks. “Let him be,” Shiro said; sounding like an absent father. “May have been a nightmare, PTSD, just…. let him be for now Adam.” It was for himself to hear as well. 
The other was silent.
Night was in full swing, the two cuddling on the couch. Roboting fingers moved through wavy, yellow fur as Buffy relaxed beside them. Nutmeg attempted to fight for the hand as Adam’s held Coffee; Shiro holding Adam. It had been a few hours now, Adam couldn’t wait any longer. He set his baby aside before patting Shiro’s hand. The toher let go, watching as the taller disappeared. When Adam didn't turn towards the bathroom, he sighed. 
He wanted to help Cutis, of course, but he didn’t know what to do. Shiro feared upsetting the other more than he already was rather than helping him. But when he heard a small noise from the bedroom, hand pushing on the slightly opened door, he felt a sudden sensation of relief. “A-Ahahahdam!” The lighter haired brunette quirked a brow. “What? You’ve been scaring us all day. You need to talk about these things sometimes Curtis. We’re your husbands; we’re your family.” The last part was used as more of a tease as teeth gently scraped against the squirming male’s soft cheek. 
Curtis turned his head; the attention that had been craved was now almost tormenting. “Besides that, if you got pizza sauce on my white sheets and blankets or on the crocheted blanket.” It was an unended threat; Curtis already knew his punishment, and was accepting of it. Shiro took his place in the fight, not holding Curtis’s upper body as he would normally. Rather, he sat on the other’s shins and started to squeeze under his knee caps. 
The laughter came out harder, hiccupy, and squealy. Small gasps left Curtis’s mouth as he jumped and bounced about, shaking his head. He clung to Adama as he tried to pull his legs out from the solid mass that was Shiro. “Ah! Sthahaop, sthahahop!” Adam smirked a bit before pulling Curtis in close. 
Chapped lips pressed against darker brown locks as protective arms swallowed the male whole. “How adorable,” Adam chuckled. This in turn only earned a deeper blush form the youngest of the three. He tried to Adam as a result, whimpering and squealing more so as the touch became lighter under his legs. “Your like a cartoon. Wonder if a feather could actually get you laughing,” Shiro hummed. Adam reached over to his night stand, taking Curtis down with him. Shiro had to quickly move off of Curtis as to not hurt his legs from the action. He watched as Adam reached into the nightstand drawer, Curtis using the break to catch up on oxygen. 
Ada pulled out some of the sanitized feathers he’d collected over the years. Turkey, Blue Jay, Robbin, Pigeon, Finch, etc. He held them up to Shiro who grinned with delight. Taking a turkey feather and blue jay feather, he watied for Adam and Curtis to resituate. It was noted by both that Curtis’s struggle ceased. He was covering his face with his hands, as relaxed as he could be in Adam’s loving arms. 
“What’s going on, hm? You want to be tickled? If you just wanted our attention, you could have said something, love.” Ah, not the nickname. Curtis squeaked as he started to curl up more. Shiro took the opportunity to gently take his legs, letting Adam continue to softly whisper sweet teases and compliments into Curtis’s ears. 
The longer feather (turkey) was first, gliding under the knees and up the bottoms of Curtis’s thighs. The whimpers became hearty giggles. Legs jerks out of sync, body bouncing, and feet wiggling about. Adam snickered lovingly as he started to kiss the blocking hands where he could reach them. “Your so loving and sweet. We love you so much Curtis, what’s wrong; huh?” 
Once more, the male shook his head, not about to let his nerves betray his body. “Guess we’re moving up some.” Curtis felt the feather leave, nearly screaming in surprise when it arrived again. The tip could do little against the cloth of the boxer briefs; causing Shiro to use it’s harder end to gently trace the inner thighs. Guilt subsided and butterflies swarmed, he never felt so craving of the strange touch. He whimpered and squirmed, asking for freedom. But false cries fell deaf on loving ears. Teeth gently nibbled his ear lobe, melting the male as a whole. 
Feathers glided over his torso, under his un-removed shirt. It felt more secretive and special for some reason today. Hands replacing soft tips earning loud, sweet laughter. The hands roamed up to his neck, then under his chin. Finally, Adam’s hands moved Curtis’s away as Shiro’s started to tickle his cheeks and nose. Breathless giggles filled the cooling air as the session started to cease. Tear filled eyes met dry before Shiro stole a kiss, Adam close behind. 
“Feeling better now,” Shiro asked as he rubbed the other’s stomach to help ease the sensation. It didn’t work right, earning more squirms. Slowly, Curtis was able to speak after moving the hand away softly. “Yeah, sorry,” he panted out shamefully. “You want to tell us anything about it,” Adam asked again as he moved his hold and position so that Curtis sat between his legs, leaning back as the other's arms met at his lower torso. 
There was silence before Curtis took a breath. “Guess I’ve just felt like a third wheel.” The other two looked shocked. A third wheel? “How so,” Adam asked, being the more composed of the two “outsiders”. “Your… always on top of eachother. Yes, I understand I don’t really feel comfortable with sex and I struggle with physcial affection but…. I just feel like an outsider; like I don't belong in… in this.” 
Adam and Shiro looked shocked. They didn’t yell at him, not that Curtis fully expected them too. They weren’t his bloodline, they were his family. They cared for him, about his well being. They just wanted him to be happy, but he couldn’t find the words to express himself. “I love you,” Shiro whimpered before kissing him once more. It was an apology in disguise. Adam started to kiss him more and more, a better apology. 
Curtis whimpered before relaxing into the two as they continued to softly kiss him, slowly falling into a sleepy cuddle pile. The butterflies that were erupting didn’t stop. The feeling became overwhelming as he gently moved closer to Adam for support as he began to crumble. Slowly, Adam moved them so that they could rest for the night; Curtis in the middle this time. Four kisses in total on his eyelids, and Curtis was out. 
So drained, so flustered, so safe and warm. The two others sighed before sharing a quick, soft kiss and snuggling close to the male between them. Slowly, the three left for a world of darkness, fantasy, or horrors, living in their heads until tomorrow would come.
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Return of the Tickle Wolf
A/N: I notice most animals pick up certain parts of words rather than truly knowing a word. Like if I call Ellie, both her and Gremmy look up because of the "E" in the pronunciation. For those of you who don't have pets or your animals don't do this, that's why Kosmo picks up on "ick" in the word "tickle".
Adam blinked a few times as he looked at the source to the blinding light that had just enclosed his room only moments ago. Rubbing his working eye he looked back to where he thought he'd saw something, only to see nothing. He shook his head figuring it was from the lack of true light and fresh air causing him mind to malfunction slightly.
That was until he felt a puff of air on his arm. He jumped slightly before looking to the right of his hospital bed. Big puppy eyes we're looking up at him as the large wolf he'd met earlier bowed so that his head was on the mattress. "Geez, you scared me," he sighed with a soft chuckle. Still slightly weary of his grandson (mainly for what Coran said about being taken to another reality), he wanted to take all precautions.
But Kosmo ignored the sniff as he knew who Adam was and muzzled into the warm food giving mechanism. His tail wagged happily as the professor picked up on the lovins giving. "Aw, your so soft," the human cooed. Eyes widened as he reached the mane. "And so fluffy!"
It was a rare moment where the boring, serious, down to earth Adam left to let the slightly childish one out. But who could blame him? This wolf was so sweet, soft, fluffy, and cuddly! Something he was finding out now as Kosmo climbed on his bed, awkwardly curling up for snuggles.
The knew weight made the frame of the bed creek but it was metal, real metal. It should be okay. The only other pain like sound was from Adam as the big boy laid on him. His wounds were mostly healed but still sore. But the pain slowly morphed into a more saddle burning like sensation as the babe settled down and curled into him.
The healed hand went back to work as fingers parted through the long, thick fur. "So, where's your daddy and grand parents, huh?" Yellow eyes peered up at him as if to say "Don't care, keep petting". But in reality Keith was busy with Shiro and a soilder that would be joining them on the Atlas.
They were checking our the ship, Keith still trying to coax his brother to bring Adam along. As for Krolia and Kolivan.... he had no clue. But Kosmo wanted to see this new person more! He'd slept with him a few times already. Granted his daddy pushed the empty bed not far from Adam's next to Adam's so that they could all fit.
But it was still sleeping with him just.... pinning Keith against the man. But the chin scratches Kosmo was receiving made him think he should have sprawled out on them. "Such a good boy," the professor cooed as he really dove into the world of chin scratching.
It had been a while since he'd pet an animal. While Shiro was in space their cat had passed. She was a senior cat they adopted so the Adam understood but.... it still hurt. Her name was Abby, he had her ashes and a clay mold of her paw print back in his room. Shiro was crushed to hear about it, Adam could tell he was still upset even a week later.
He couldn't talk as he balled his eyes out for over a month, even now the thought of her made him cry. Which could be why a soft tongue was licking his face. "Sorry boy, just my mind went somewhere." He continued to pet the kissing wolf, until the kissing turned to sniffing. Something smelt.... different?
The cool, wet nose moved to the side somewhat, sniffing the unharmed ear. Eyes widened once more as a scarred hand slapped over Adam's mouth. "K-Kosmo," he whispered slightly as he moved the alendage away from soft lips.
His grandson ignored him as he continued to sniff, unaware of what the other was feeling. "Hehehy! That tickles!" The healed hand tried to gently move the babes head, only to gain his attention. Laughter, smile, squinting eyes, ick? He had heard the sound before. Last time he heard ick he got his daddy to be happy! Oh, maybe he could make his grandpa happy too?!
He gave Adam a kiss before s offing around his ear again, warning muffled laughs and a head shake. Pulling his hand back again, Adam laid back more. "K-Kosmo plehhease! Thahat really tickles!" His ears were one of his worst spots if not the worst. He continued to giggle and gently push at the head as sniffs continued.
Starting to sniff behind the ear, whiskers began to dance about. Arms wrapped around the babe as the professor shrieked and let his head fall back, adorable face following. Kosmo strained and squirmed with big eyes to get back to what he was doing.
"Oh crhahap! Kosmo, nhahaho, bahahaby, stop," the grandfather pleaded as the anticipation set in. Well that and it was so funny and cute so see the excited wolf try to tickle him again. He didn't believe when Keith said he'd been attacked by this little (big) tickle monster, but now he knew what he meant.
"Raow! Rrmmmrow!" The hell kind of noises was that? Adam looked over to see the babe pouring and flailing his legs about. He was having fun! He was having a tantrum and the other's eye watered from the cuteness as he giggled himself. "Your so cute," he cooed. Being pulled into a hug and receiving kisses the baby's tantrum was passified.... for now.
He let out a whine of teenagerness before falling limo into the other's arms. If he had to take the loving, he would. "Kosmo, there you are!" The two looked over to see Keith in the door way. The wolf snuffed at him before curling back into Adam, faking a grudge from lack of attention given for the day.
Unfortunately, his tail wag clearly gave away his excitement to see his daddy. Adam chuckled as he pulled his legs up more.... or as much as he could. It didn't hurt or tickle but his feet were getting whipped by the massive limb. "Well, at least he was keeping you company." That voice. Adam's smile dropped as his eyes narrowed.
"Surprised you came back here." Keith sighed before elbowing his brother. Everything was just happy! The older rolled his eyes before sitting at the foot of the bed, back facing Adam. "Well I still love you. Just because we had another fight doesn't mean anything." But he had the spiteful tone that most men got when they fought, that most humans got actually.
Keith felt tears coming up as he crossed his arm and walked over. "Come on Kosmo, they need to talk." But Kosmo wasn't budging. He melmed at his daddy before wagging his tail again, whipping both Adam and Shiro. The cute charm was lost as the only thing the professor could focus on was the anger in his heart that had resurfaced from another fight.
"You won't face me though," he stated softly. "So either I was granted, or your upset. But I'm guessing your upset that I was granted permission to go." Keith kissed his boy's head before leaving. He didn't want to hear this. Kosmo however, didn't seem to care in the least. He snuggled into Adam more, receiving pets for it.
"I'm.... just scared about loosing you again. Space is a fucking nightmare Adam, I don't.... a lot has happened. I don't want you to get kidnapped, to face the same fears of death even within the main ship. You nearly died once already, I lost you twice now." There was a silence as Shiro let his hands catch his face.
Kosmo nosed at Adam for a reaction, but the man didn't budge. Shiro had told him of the horrors in space their first night together, as had Keith. He knew the danger, the horror, but this was his family. Shiro yelled as a toe started to poke at him. "No shit, dumbass! So what's let you take Keith back up there and risk never seeing you two again?! If we're dying, we're dying as a family!" There was a soft whimper that had both their attention. "Not you sweetie, your okay, " the man quickly soothed as he pulled Kosmo closer to hug him. "Your daddy's okay, sshhhh, shhhh." He bit his lip as to not laugh from the nose nuzzling into his neck.
Shiro had turned to face Adam, surprised by the unprofessional way of speaking. But seeing him crumble at the touch of Kosmo was rather calming. Looking over, he smirked. "Khahaosmo," the damn burst. "Baby, come on. Yhahaour ticklingg mehhee." A sudden yell escaped the male's mouth as fingers brushed up his soles. That bastard wasn't.
Oh but a smirk looking back at him said other wise. "Don't you dAH!" Too late. Once more, brown locks spread across the white, paper like pillow case as the professor laughed his heart out. Squirming and screaming, he held onto the wolf who decided that the professor's neck smelt so good!
"Sthahahop it! Sthahaop! T-Thahhakashi!" The former fiancee poked at his husband again as he tried to free his feet. The other squeaked as he felt his own tickle mood coming on. This closeness was something he wanted more than anything to have again with the other. "Gehehet ahahaway fhrom mahay toes! AH! Shahahit, nhohot thahat one!"
This was fun, a fun both missed over the years of tension and absence. The hiccups snorts escaping were so charming to the new captain that he moved to the socked pinky toes. That's when Adam started to go berserk, well that and Kosmo was starting to move up to his ear again.
"Chahan't, nahahaho! Khahashi!" The small giggle, whimper that escaped qued the other in to stop. Adam was at an overload. Looking back, he could see why. Kosmo kept going from the hypersensitive ear to under the chin. It was a killing combination. "Hey buddy, no more. He needs to breathe, alright?"
Shiro had moved up more to get the wolf babe's attention. Eyes looked back at Adam's painting form before looking up at Shiro and back again. "Yes, he needs a break. You wanna cuddle that's fine, but no more tickles." And the babe flopped with his tongue out again. Man he was so cute. Shiro chuckled before rubbing his tummy a little and earn it some leg kicks.
"Well, " the breathless male sighed as he mostly calmed down. "If your not here to fight, grab that bed. I know your not resting enough." Shiro was a bit stunned but honestly couldn't bring himself to protest. Sleeping beside Adam again, the memories of how pushy the other got for all the right reasons.
He did as told before securing the posts together. Undressing a bit, he climbed into the other bed, moving on the crease between beds to steal a kiss. A kiss that quickly turned into a contest for air as memory, years of lacking touch, and love took over. If Kosmo want present and Adam wasn't still sore, the captain might try his luck to take it up a notch, but he wouldn't.
He needed to wait for that, to fall in love again. But the idea Adam stated of a familiar and old feeling wasn't that. Shiro knew this was love, fresh love. The kiss broke as he giggled softly, pulling back to cover his mouth. Adam landed, a smirk plastered on his face. He'd clawed at the other's ribs slightly and his hand was still formed. "Missed you too," the younger chuckled before squealing as the close found his thigh.
"Oh, I so missed this, " Adam teased before negotiating his release with his grandson. Kosmo agreed before flopping on the abandoned, warm mattress. Adam covered him before "wrestling" with his former love for an upper hand.
As night fell over the military compound, Keith began to look for his son as he grew worried. What he found was actually rather receiving. Like a child, the breakup affected him like a divorce would. No kid was ever okay when their parents split. But seeing Adam curled up in top of Shiro as the other holds him protectively.... he knew things were going to be okay.
Tucking Kosmo in with one of his hippo toys, he gave the babe a kiss before heading back to his own room. Maybe going back wouldn't be so bad after all.
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flowerconnoisseur · 6 years
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Shance Fluff Week 2018
June 9th: War/Peace
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messisauce · 6 years
they really out here naming cosmo with a k just to keep the Kogane k name going 
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rubymoon-snape · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt Additional Tags: broganes, Adopted Keith (Voltron), Big Brother Shiro (Voltron) Summary:
Lance is intent on finding out what Keith was like as a kid, but Keith doesn't have any pictures. It's Shiro who does, and later on, there's a tickle fight between Paladins.
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😉 Hunk!
I’m going to guess this means mischief, so… here we go!
“Are you ticklish?” Hunk asked me randomly one day, while we both sat on the couch reading. Well, he was reading, and I was struggling to work my way through an altean children’s book. Learning an alien language is hard. 
“I dunno,” I responded mindlessly. I mean, I was, but that doesn’t mean I was going to let him know that. I hated being tickled more than anything else in the world.
Hunk set his book down to look at me, I lowered my children’s book, and we were locked in a staring contest. “Where are you ticklish, Y/N?”
Certainly not my sides, or my stomach, or… anywhere, really. “I’m not ticklish, Hunk.” 
“I think you’re lying.” 
“Try me.” I shouldn’t have said that. Regret immediately flooded my mind, and one of Hunk’s large hands drifted to rest over my ribs. My heartbeat sped up. I clenched my jaw, preparing to tickled at any second. 
If it’s even possible, Hunk’s dark eyes got darker and a mischievous smirk spread across his lips. “You could just tell me the truth and this would be over.” 
If I told him the truth, he’d still tickle me. I’d rather not admit defeat, so I declined to say anything. Maybe I could keep it together 
Hunk’s hand squeezed my side and in an instant my resolve crumbled. I slumped over and a loud, wheezing laugh escaped from my mouth. “Woah,” he breathed, leaning away as I regained control over my breathing. “You are ticklish.” 
“No I’m not.” 
“Sure, Y/N.” He sighed and stood up, stretching his arms over his head. “Well, I’ve got training. I’ll talk to you later, Y/N.” 
“Oh. See ya-”
Before I knew it, Hunk grabbed my ankles and pulled me so I was laying down completely and he was straddling my hips. He grabbed both of my wrists in one of his hands and held my hands over my hand. My chest heaved, stomach twisted, and my heart sped up with anticipation. “What are you going to do?” I asked, silently pleading for him to get off. 
Hunk smiled and leaned over to kiss me softly on the lips. “I love you,” he said. 
“If I said I love you too would you get off?” 
“Mmm… no.” Then he began to tickle me again, and soon, the room was filled with out laughter. It was fun, and nowhere near as awful as I thought it would be. 
Send in an emotion and a character!
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