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erikoswinoswald · 3 months ago
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🎶 Torchwood Team
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adventuresofalgy · 1 month ago
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When Storm Éowyn started to batter the area around Algy's home, Algy retreated deep into the pitch dark depths of his ad hoc ivy refuge, and stayed there, tucked in tightly on a cosy bed of dry leaves, while the wind whooshed and whirled overhead, whooping and hollering as it swept over the ridges around his home and through the tall trees. The weather birds were calling it a "once in a generation" event, which Algy considered rather rash, but the storm was evidently rejoicing in the opportunity to celebrate its fame as boisterously as it could.
However, Algy was used to such tumult, for gales were common on the wild west coast of the Scottish Highlands, so before long he simply fell fast asleep, as only a fluffy bird can, and slept more or less without interruption until Saturday morning.
And when Algy finally woke up, the wind had died down, and the roaring had stopped, although it felt considerably colder than it had been the day before. Emerging cautiously from his hiding place, Algy looked around, and was astonished to see that there was apparently no evidence whatever of a great storm having passed through, despite the noise it had made.
One of the local weather birds happened to pass overhead as Algy peeped out from among the ivy, so he called out to it to ask for news, and learned that the area around his home had been exceedingly lucky on this occasion, for it was only a few miles away from the edge of a very large area of chaos and damage which the main body of the storm (if storm's can be said to have bodies) had caused further south.
Rejoicing in such good fortune, Algy hurried over to inspect his precious snowdrops, for he had been concerned that the "weather bomb" would obliterate them, but he was delighted to see that quite the opposite was true, for they were not only unscathed but positively flourishing, although they were surrounded by a scattering of melting hailstones.
Resting happily among his treasured flowers, Algy told them how happy he was that the wind had not damaged them, and then started to sing to them softly:
No one can tell me, Nobody knows, Where the wind comes from, Where the wind goes. It's flying from somewhere As fast as it can, I couldn't keep up with it, Not if I ran. But if I stopped holding The string of my kite, It would blow with the wind For a day and a night. And then when I found it, Wherever it blew, I should know that the wind Had been going there too. So then I could tell them Where the wind goes… But where the wind comes from Nobody knows.
[Algy is singing, to a special tune of his own, the poem Wind on the Hill from the volume of verses for children Now We Are Six by the famous early 20th century English writer who created Winnie the Pooh, A. A. Milne.]
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miyku · 1 year ago
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Baldur's Gate III | ▶ dev. Larian Studios
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acklum · 8 months ago
Clouds flash overhead
strobing light over fields.
Gales bring me sunshine,
rain brings sparkling emeralds
to mark my way towards
the shelter of pine trees.
An ominous creaking warns
of widowmakers hanging
high in the branches,
so I gratefully decide to find
safer skies.
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museoparticular · 28 days ago
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Heinrich Hansen (Dinamarcca1821-1890) Heinrich Hansen se especializó en pintura arquitectónica. Viajó por toda Europa registrando los elegantes interiores de importantes iglesias y residencias privadas, incluyendo los palacios de Rosenborg y Drottningholm, y el Palazzo Ducale de Venecia @visitmuve Fue Vicedirector de la Academia de Bellas Artes de Copenhague. Palacio Christiansborg desde la Plaza Højbro, Copenhague Firmado y fecha en 1863 Óleo sobre lienzo Alto: 192.7 x Ancho: 292.1 cm La colección real de la familia real británica Esta vista cuidadosamente representada de Copenhague desde la Plaza Højbro proporciona una representación precisa de uno de los lugares más históricos de la ciudad: la Isla del Palacio. Los edificios importantes incluyen el Palacio de Christansborg que domina el derecho de composición. El edificio de múltiples gables a la izquierda del centro es el Exchange, su torre que comprende las colas entrelazadas de cuatro dragones. La iglesia de Nuestro Salvador es visible en el fondo izquierdo con una escalera sinuosa en el exterior de la aguja. La Plaza Højbro era la ubicación tradicional del mercado de pescado. Aparte de la precisión de perspectiva en la representación de los edificios, el artista también demuestra su habilidad en el detalle de los aspectos cotidianos de la vida; los dos postes con manzanas pegadas en la parte superior son dispositivos de frutas para publicidad. Hansen repitió la composición en otras dos ocasiones posteriores, por lo que la pintura de la Royal Collection es la primera versión. La versión más grande del Statens Museum para Kunst, Copenhague, data de 1868, y otra de 1867 fue vendida en Sotheby's Nueva York en 1997. Está combinado con la pintura de F.C. Kiaerskou de Bernstorff House y Park también fechada en 1863. Fueron presentados como regalos de boda para el futuro Eduardo VII y la Princesa Alexandra. Hansen fue encargado por Christian IX de Dinamarca para diseñar un vaso ornado como regalo de bautizo para su nieto el príncipe Alberto Víctor, hijo mayor del príncipe y la princesa de Gales.
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soundlessroom-archive · 11 months ago
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Act 2 Romance Scene with Tae "Hands are more than weapons, you know?"
Thinking often about how my Babies only experiences hands as a source of pain.
Drew this for my RP Blog, but I thought maybe some of you like to know how to romance them too
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f-dellerie-illustration · 28 days ago
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🎨 Sortir du monde, de temps en temps, pour mieux respirer.
Le carnet botanique & entomologie de terrain, c'est l'idéal pour ça. On observe, on prend des notes, on dessine à l'arrache. 💚
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alianoralacanta · 1 month ago
The wind in Ireland is strong enough that an anemometer has fallen off one of the major weather stations (it had got to 114mph before this). Hundreds of thousands of people in Ireland are without power. Stay safe, everyone in Ireland and Scotland! (The wind is significantly less in England, although in the north there are warnings out to avoid non-emergency travel).
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callmeanxietygirl · 8 months ago
Mucha gente en todo el mundo, incluidas personas de clase élite que han viajado mucho, a menudo confunden Inglaterra, el Reino Unido, Bretaña y Gran Bretaña. Bueno, aquí tienes la forma de diferenciarlos:
Inglaterra es un país como Nigeria, y su capital es Londres, al igual que Abuja es la capital de Nigeria.
Gran Bretaña es un conjunto de 3 países que se unieron como un solo país y tiene su capital en Londres. Esos 3 países son:
1. Inglaterra,
2. Escocia y
3. Gales.
Cuando incluyes Irlanda del Norte a estos 3 países, se convierten en Reino Unido (unión de cuatro naciones), a saber:
1. Inglaterra,
2. Escocia,
3. Gales
4. Irlanda del Norte.
Por eso se le conoce como Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte.
En conjunto, los cuatro se consideran un solo país. Y cuando este es el caso, Londres es su capital.
Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que estas cuatro naciones individuales tienen sus respectivas capitales.
En consecuencia, la capital de
Escocia es Edimburgo,
Gales es Cardiff;
Irlanda del Norte es Belfast.
Inglaterra es Londres.
Ps: Irlanda del Norte no debe confundirse con la República de Irlanda. Este último es un país independiente y su capital es Dublín.
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emvisual · 1 year ago
Aquí está todo: volar, velocidad, aviones, fotografía... Los pilotos, además, posan haciendo maniobras para que salgan bien las fotos. Es el Mach loop en Gales.
Por hay pasan todo tipo de aparatos, desde Hércules a F35, Typhoon, Rafale, Apache, F15, Sikorski...
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rairacrow · 1 year ago
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Lady Diana de Gales
The Princess of Hearts
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panchicha · 1 year ago
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adventuresofalgy · 6 days ago
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A wild west Highland gale was raging on Sunday morning, just as the weather birds had predicted, and interminable waves of dense Scotch mist and rain were driving across in front of Algy's refuge beneath the tall bamboo screen.
Tucking himself back tightly against the bamboo stems, Algy was suddenly reminded of a poem. He agreed that he liked it when "stuff leaked" outwith the lines, with gashes of smudgy colour, but he also agreed with the ancient Greek poet Hesiod's advice "‘observe due measure; moderation is best in all things", and things, in his opinion, were getting a wee bit immoderate on this particular morning.
Pushing himself even further back into his shelter, Algy reflected that while he did indeed like to feel part of the place, the experience was undoubtedly a great deal more enjoyable on some occasions than on others… and recalling a sarcastic expression by Rizzo the rat, he muttered "Thank you for making me a part of this," as he tried to make himself vaguely comfortable while he waited for the storm to pass.
And staying inside the lines Is fine, but… I like it when stuff leaks… When the blue bird and the blue sky Are just one blur of blue flying, And the feeling of the feathers in the air And the wind along the blade of wing Is a long gash of smudgy colour. I like it when the flowers and the sunshine Puddle red and yellow into orange, The way the hot sun on my back Lulls me – muddles me – sleepy In the scented garden, Makes me part of the picture… Part of the place.
[Algy is thinking of the poem Colouring In by the contemporary English poet Jan Dean.]
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ancientoriginses · 2 years ago
Un hallazgo épico de una olla romana y un caldero y vasijas de la Edad del Hierro en el campo galés pintan una imagen vívida de la vida hace 2000 años. ¡Estos tesoros desenterrados que se encuentran en Gales han despertado una gran curiosidad y asombro!
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n0ahsferatu · 7 months ago
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scooby-doo ass gang fr
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