#kosmo is a tickle monster
Return of the Tickle Wolf
A/N: I notice most animals pick up certain parts of words rather than truly knowing a word. Like if I call Ellie, both her and Gremmy look up because of the "E" in the pronunciation. For those of you who don't have pets or your animals don't do this, that's why Kosmo picks up on "ick" in the word "tickle".
Adam blinked a few times as he looked at the source to the blinding light that had just enclosed his room only moments ago. Rubbing his working eye he looked back to where he thought he'd saw something, only to see nothing. He shook his head figuring it was from the lack of true light and fresh air causing him mind to malfunction slightly.
That was until he felt a puff of air on his arm. He jumped slightly before looking to the right of his hospital bed. Big puppy eyes we're looking up at him as the large wolf he'd met earlier bowed so that his head was on the mattress. "Geez, you scared me," he sighed with a soft chuckle. Still slightly weary of his grandson (mainly for what Coran said about being taken to another reality), he wanted to take all precautions.
But Kosmo ignored the sniff as he knew who Adam was and muzzled into the warm food giving mechanism. His tail wagged happily as the professor picked up on the lovins giving. "Aw, your so soft," the human cooed. Eyes widened as he reached the mane. "And so fluffy!"
It was a rare moment where the boring, serious, down to earth Adam left to let the slightly childish one out. But who could blame him? This wolf was so sweet, soft, fluffy, and cuddly! Something he was finding out now as Kosmo climbed on his bed, awkwardly curling up for snuggles.
The knew weight made the frame of the bed creek but it was metal, real metal. It should be okay. The only other pain like sound was from Adam as the big boy laid on him. His wounds were mostly healed but still sore. But the pain slowly morphed into a more saddle burning like sensation as the babe settled down and curled into him.
The healed hand went back to work as fingers parted through the long, thick fur. "So, where's your daddy and grand parents, huh?" Yellow eyes peered up at him as if to say "Don't care, keep petting". But in reality Keith was busy with Shiro and a soilder that would be joining them on the Atlas.
They were checking our the ship, Keith still trying to coax his brother to bring Adam along. As for Krolia and Kolivan.... he had no clue. But Kosmo wanted to see this new person more! He'd slept with him a few times already. Granted his daddy pushed the empty bed not far from Adam's next to Adam's so that they could all fit.
But it was still sleeping with him just.... pinning Keith against the man. But the chin scratches Kosmo was receiving made him think he should have sprawled out on them. "Such a good boy," the professor cooed as he really dove into the world of chin scratching.
It had been a while since he'd pet an animal. While Shiro was in space their cat had passed. She was a senior cat they adopted so the Adam understood but.... it still hurt. Her name was Abby, he had her ashes and a clay mold of her paw print back in his room. Shiro was crushed to hear about it, Adam could tell he was still upset even a week later.
He couldn't talk as he balled his eyes out for over a month, even now the thought of her made him cry. Which could be why a soft tongue was licking his face. "Sorry boy, just my mind went somewhere." He continued to pet the kissing wolf, until the kissing turned to sniffing. Something smelt.... different?
The cool, wet nose moved to the side somewhat, sniffing the unharmed ear. Eyes widened once more as a scarred hand slapped over Adam's mouth. "K-Kosmo," he whispered slightly as he moved the alendage away from soft lips.
His grandson ignored him as he continued to sniff, unaware of what the other was feeling. "Hehehy! That tickles!" The healed hand tried to gently move the babes head, only to gain his attention. Laughter, smile, squinting eyes, ick? He had heard the sound before. Last time he heard ick he got his daddy to be happy! Oh, maybe he could make his grandpa happy too?!
He gave Adam a kiss before s offing around his ear again, warning muffled laughs and a head shake. Pulling his hand back again, Adam laid back more. "K-Kosmo plehhease! Thahat really tickles!" His ears were one of his worst spots if not the worst. He continued to giggle and gently push at the head as sniffs continued.
Starting to sniff behind the ear, whiskers began to dance about. Arms wrapped around the babe as the professor shrieked and let his head fall back, adorable face following. Kosmo strained and squirmed with big eyes to get back to what he was doing.
"Oh crhahap! Kosmo, nhahaho, bahahaby, stop," the grandfather pleaded as the anticipation set in. Well that and it was so funny and cute so see the excited wolf try to tickle him again. He didn't believe when Keith said he'd been attacked by this little (big) tickle monster, but now he knew what he meant.
"Raow! Rrmmmrow!" The hell kind of noises was that? Adam looked over to see the babe pouring and flailing his legs about. He was having fun! He was having a tantrum and the other's eye watered from the cuteness as he giggled himself. "Your so cute," he cooed. Being pulled into a hug and receiving kisses the baby's tantrum was passified.... for now.
He let out a whine of teenagerness before falling limo into the other's arms. If he had to take the loving, he would. "Kosmo, there you are!" The two looked over to see Keith in the door way. The wolf snuffed at him before curling back into Adam, faking a grudge from lack of attention given for the day.
Unfortunately, his tail wag clearly gave away his excitement to see his daddy. Adam chuckled as he pulled his legs up more.... or as much as he could. It didn't hurt or tickle but his feet were getting whipped by the massive limb. "Well, at least he was keeping you company." That voice. Adam's smile dropped as his eyes narrowed.
"Surprised you came back here." Keith sighed before elbowing his brother. Everything was just happy! The older rolled his eyes before sitting at the foot of the bed, back facing Adam. "Well I still love you. Just because we had another fight doesn't mean anything." But he had the spiteful tone that most men got when they fought, that most humans got actually.
Keith felt tears coming up as he crossed his arm and walked over. "Come on Kosmo, they need to talk." But Kosmo wasn't budging. He melmed at his daddy before wagging his tail again, whipping both Adam and Shiro. The cute charm was lost as the only thing the professor could focus on was the anger in his heart that had resurfaced from another fight.
"You won't face me though," he stated softly. "So either I was granted, or your upset. But I'm guessing your upset that I was granted permission to go." Keith kissed his boy's head before leaving. He didn't want to hear this. Kosmo however, didn't seem to care in the least. He snuggled into Adam more, receiving pets for it.
"I'm.... just scared about loosing you again. Space is a fucking nightmare Adam, I don't.... a lot has happened. I don't want you to get kidnapped, to face the same fears of death even within the main ship. You nearly died once already, I lost you twice now." There was a silence as Shiro let his hands catch his face.
Kosmo nosed at Adam for a reaction, but the man didn't budge. Shiro had told him of the horrors in space their first night together, as had Keith. He knew the danger, the horror, but this was his family. Shiro yelled as a toe started to poke at him. "No shit, dumbass! So what's let you take Keith back up there and risk never seeing you two again?! If we're dying, we're dying as a family!" There was a soft whimper that had both their attention. "Not you sweetie, your okay, " the man quickly soothed as he pulled Kosmo closer to hug him. "Your daddy's okay, sshhhh, shhhh." He bit his lip as to not laugh from the nose nuzzling into his neck.
Shiro had turned to face Adam, surprised by the unprofessional way of speaking. But seeing him crumble at the touch of Kosmo was rather calming. Looking over, he smirked. "Khahaosmo," the damn burst. "Baby, come on. Yhahaour ticklingg mehhee." A sudden yell escaped the male's mouth as fingers brushed up his soles. That bastard wasn't.
Oh but a smirk looking back at him said other wise. "Don't you dAH!" Too late. Once more, brown locks spread across the white, paper like pillow case as the professor laughed his heart out. Squirming and screaming, he held onto the wolf who decided that the professor's neck smelt so good!
"Sthahahop it! Sthahaop! T-Thahhakashi!" The former fiancee poked at his husband again as he tried to free his feet. The other squeaked as he felt his own tickle mood coming on. This closeness was something he wanted more than anything to have again with the other. "Gehehet ahahaway fhrom mahay toes! AH! Shahahit, nhohot thahat one!"
This was fun, a fun both missed over the years of tension and absence. The hiccups snorts escaping were so charming to the new captain that he moved to the socked pinky toes. That's when Adam started to go berserk, well that and Kosmo was starting to move up to his ear again.
"Chahan't, nahahaho! Khahashi!" The small giggle, whimper that escaped qued the other in to stop. Adam was at an overload. Looking back, he could see why. Kosmo kept going from the hypersensitive ear to under the chin. It was a killing combination. "Hey buddy, no more. He needs to breathe, alright?"
Shiro had moved up more to get the wolf babe's attention. Eyes looked back at Adam's painting form before looking up at Shiro and back again. "Yes, he needs a break. You wanna cuddle that's fine, but no more tickles." And the babe flopped with his tongue out again. Man he was so cute. Shiro chuckled before rubbing his tummy a little and earn it some leg kicks.
"Well, " the breathless male sighed as he mostly calmed down. "If your not here to fight, grab that bed. I know your not resting enough." Shiro was a bit stunned but honestly couldn't bring himself to protest. Sleeping beside Adam again, the memories of how pushy the other got for all the right reasons.
He did as told before securing the posts together. Undressing a bit, he climbed into the other bed, moving on the crease between beds to steal a kiss. A kiss that quickly turned into a contest for air as memory, years of lacking touch, and love took over. If Kosmo want present and Adam wasn't still sore, the captain might try his luck to take it up a notch, but he wouldn't.
He needed to wait for that, to fall in love again. But the idea Adam stated of a familiar and old feeling wasn't that. Shiro knew this was love, fresh love. The kiss broke as he giggled softly, pulling back to cover his mouth. Adam landed, a smirk plastered on his face. He'd clawed at the other's ribs slightly and his hand was still formed. "Missed you too," the younger chuckled before squealing as the close found his thigh.
"Oh, I so missed this, " Adam teased before negotiating his release with his grandson. Kosmo agreed before flopping on the abandoned, warm mattress. Adam covered him before "wrestling" with his former love for an upper hand.
As night fell over the military compound, Keith began to look for his son as he grew worried. What he found was actually rather receiving. Like a child, the breakup affected him like a divorce would. No kid was ever okay when their parents split. But seeing Adam curled up in top of Shiro as the other holds him protectively.... he knew things were going to be okay.
Tucking Kosmo in with one of his hippo toys, he gave the babe a kiss before heading back to his own room. Maybe going back wouldn't be so bad after all.
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shatterinseconds · 3 years
modern au, domestic klance
What is their love language at home, from subtle gestures to bringing home gifts and spoiling the other. 
Lance is a very touch affectionate person--more than Keith--so he’s always playing with Keith’s hair, his hands, wrapping an arm around his waist etc. Keith will show his love through actions. When he wakes up first, he’ll make sure to have Lance’s coffee ready and will sometimes attempt breakfast if he’s feeling confident in the kitchen. He also loves to kiss Lance any chance he gets.
For gifts: Keith likes to bring Lance flowers, and Lance likes to bring Keith something from a bakery that’s close to his work (though if anything, they both like to spoil their pets more with random gifts than each other).
Who cooks, who cleans, and who makes the biggest mess.
Lance definitely makes the bigger mess when using the bathroom--sometimes he’s clumsy and his skin care products slip out of his fingers--and Keith makes the bigger mess while he’s cooking because he doesn’t really know how to cook (other than the bare minimum) but Lance eventually teaches him. 
They usually tag team cleaning (mostly because neither of them want to clean).
Lance cooks the most because they do need to eat edible meals to stay alive. But once Keith gets more confident and adventurous in what he can cook, they start to trade off.
Their most occurring reason for having tickle fights and who wins them.
Tickle fights occur as a way to win an argument or when the other is being too smug and you just want to knock them down a peg. Lance usually wins, mainly because he knows Keith’s secret ticklish spot and because he’s learned how to withstand tickling attacks from having many older siblings. 
Who does the groceries and what do they buy? (healthy/unhealthy/unnecessary things etc.)
Again, something they tag team. Keith will call off items on the list and Lance will grab them (very efficient). Sometimes when Lance isn’t looking, Keith will smuggle something sweet in the cart because he has a secret sweet tooth, and when Keith has his sights elsewhere, Lance will load up the cart with his favorite candy--sour patch kids and nerds.
The kind of movies they like to watch together, and who picks them.
They’ll watch anything, even if it’s bad, since watching movies is more about spending time together. Keith is very fond of old, B-rated monster movies, and Lance of course will usually pick a romcom but is also heavily into superhero movies.
‘Their song’ - the song they often dance to and that played/would play at their wedding.
It’s definitely a soft oldies song, the type to play late at night on the radio when no one is really listening. The type that you can just sway to it with your partner and pretend no one else exists in the world. But also Lance likes to joke that it’s ‘Dynamite’ by Taio Cruz 
What kind of pet would they have and what do they name it.
Two pets: Kosmo (a husky) and a gray cat named Blue. When they just start dating, Lance is a little nervous that Blue won’t take to Kosmo. She’s a friendly cat but has never been around dogs before, only people. Luckily that fear is put to rest when one night after coming home from date night, they find her sleeping on top of Kosmo. Lance’s cooing wakes both animals up.
The most trivial things they fight over.
Listen, even when they’re stupidly in love, Lance and Keith will still bicker; it’s their brand. But all these ‘fights’ are affectionate. They’ll argue over movie theories, chores, sleeping positions etc but it’s never serious.
A wild spider appeared! How do they react? 
Keith wants to stomp it with his shoe; Lance wants to try to bring it outside. It ends up disappearing before they can decide and they spend the rest of the day thinking they see something moving out of the corner of their eye (it was an unusually large spider)
But both of them really don’t care and will kill a spider if they have to.
Their behavior in bed (does anyone steal blankets, who wakes up first, etc.)
Lance steals the blankets--he doesn’t do good with the cold and it often leads to Keith being the big spoon so it’s a win/win. Keith wakes up first--he likes to jog in the morning but sometimes Lance’s arms will be so tight around him that he just can’t help but stay in bed longer and snuggle with his boyfriend. Lance is more likely to be drawn towards Keith in the middle of the night--he moves around a lot when he sleeps--unless it’s winter then Keith is trying to chase after those blankets.
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Is married klance with hide and seek tickles ok to ask? With Lance running for his life and tickle monster keith on his heels? And maybe a couple of raspberries?Thanks!
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Characters: Keith Kogane/McClain, Lance McClain/Kogane
A/N: Honestly I loved the idea and I tried to right this around maybe seven times but as much as I love the idea and klance…. I’m almost falling out of touch with my boys. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless!
Description: After Keith gets his arms stuck in a shirt, his husband decides to play a nasty trick on him. Now the hunt is on for revenge.
A Kitten’s Payback
Keith had never been a fan of romance unless it was in a sense of safety. It was an odd way to put it but frankly the only romance he’d ever had an interest in was the one between Shiro and Adam as they were basically his guardian figures growing up and frankly they were the best foster family he’d ever had. 
So, a year ago when his former “rival” kissed him after taking him out to dinner, Keith was more than confused. But he had a year to grow before he found himself sharing the same home as “the dumb one”.  It wasn’t really something he’d ever put much thought into or something he really would care about generally but he really wouldn’t trade this, the life he was building with Lance, for the world. 
However, right now he’d like to punch his husband. 
Gentle giggles let out through the morning air of the newlywed couple’s bedroom as the former red paladin had his mate down for the count. Keith squealed, giggled, and shrieked as he tried to hide his blushing face in his arms. He’d gotten stuck in his shirt thanks to just not paying attention and waking up late and had asked for help. This was far from what he’d expected. 
Tickling had always been a key point in the two’s relationship, even before Voltron ended, but this was a bit ridiculous. It was clearly Lance taking advantage of a position the other was in, something Keith was far from appreciating. All jokes aside he really did love their tickle fights, they were fun and stupid, they replaced sex in the two’s love life as…. Keith really wasn’t into it. 
It had always been welcomed and appreciated but not right now when the poor man was half asleep and stuck with his arms over his head! However,  Lance was being gentle, despite the stupid teases escaping his mouth as he lightly ghosted over less sensitivie areas, causing the smaller to be on teh edge of his seat. “Lhahah-Lhahahnce,” Keith cried out breathlessly. “Chahahut it ohahahout.” 
The other practically let out a purr as he leaned down more to hover over his lover. “Aw, but Keith you sound simply adorable!” The mulleted farmer leaned down more, marks glowing softly along with his cheeks from the butterflies erupting in his stomach. It was almost a guilty pleasure to witness such adorableness, to hear such a cute sound. 
Lance honestly couldn’t get enough of it! However, he could see how uncomfortable this was making his husband so he decided to be nice and grant Keith mercy. “Alright my lovely prisoner, I guess you’ve entertained me enough…. For now.” He leaned forward, giving the other a nice view of his torso. The crop top only rose up more as Lance worked to try and untangle the stupid shirt. 
Frankly, Keith figured it was on purpose at this point. Lance could honestly do this so many ways but rather, he gave him a lovely show of his toned and build body. Dork. “Jerk,” the other growled breathlessly. “Aw,” Lance teased as he finally freed the other. “Love you too.” He leaned down to give a peck on the lips but was stopped by a hand. “Wha- hey!” Lance pouted into the scarred palm as he looked into glaring purple eyes. 
“That was beyond uncalled for you ass.” Keith could be such a drama queen sometimes, Lance swore. “And? I wanna kiss.” What? Keith scoffed as he at up a bit. “Your not worthy of a kiss.” Lance actually gasped. “How dare, that’s it. I was playing nice before but no it’s on mullet!” Figers dove into Keith’s tummy, earning a shriek of laughter as the other fell back onto the bed. He shook his head as he tried to fight Lance off. “Sthahahaop, sthahahop! Yhahahaour shahahauch a chehehater!”
The other just shrugged. “Not what I want to hear mister,” Lance sang out. Keith finally gave in. “Alright, alright! Yhahaou chahan hahahave yahhaour stupid kiss!” The other hummed, still not convinced. He started to circle around the navel, slowly. “And an ‘I love you’?” Keith nodded frantically, hand coming up to cover his mouth. “Yay! See, that wasn’t so bad!” 
Bastard. Lance let Keith catch his breath before leaning down for a kiss, which he did receive with a “loving” sentence. “I mean, seemed a little fake but.. Whatever,” the other chuckled as he leaned down for another kiss. Keith smirked. “That so?” The other let out a cry of surprise before he found himself under Keith, the tables had turned. 
Oh no. No, no, no, no. “Khehehith, dhahaon’t yahhaou dhahhare,” the other giggled out as he shoved at his husband’s chest. “Oh,” Keith laughed in disbelief. “But you can freaking tickle me when I’m stuck?” Lance squealed as fingers lightly prodded at his ribs. “Nhahahaho! Wait, wait! Nhahahao fair!” What wasn’t fair about this?! “How is this not fair?!” 
Lance’s face was already bright red, his marks glowing a bright blue. Eyes were already watering as anticipation went farther than actions. “Not fhahair,” the other breathed out once more. Like hell it wasn’t. “Fine.” Lance was such a child, honestly. Keith sat beside him and pointed to the door. “Go.” 
Watery, blue eyes blinked before looking up at the other. “What?” Keith nodded to the door. “Go, you have ten seconds.” Oh no, not a chase. “Now Keith, buddy,” he was cute off. “Ten…. nine.” Shoot, Keith wasn’t joking. The younger panicked as he quickly scrambled to his feet and took off down the small hallway and down the stairs. 
They weren’t fully moved in yet so there weren't many places to hide, which made the other more nervous. Maybe outside? But when he tried, he was stopped by a flash of light. Kosmo wanted out too! “No bud, you stay.” Why couldn’t he just let himself out? The boy pouted before scratching. “Kosmo, let yourself out,” the male sighed. He tired the next door, nope. Basement? 
He got in it but once again Kosmo wasn’t letting him out! It was like…. Oh no. “Times up,” a voice came from between Lance and the stairs. Shoot. “Keith, love of my life, my dear kitten, sweetie pie,” ew. Purple eyes rolled at the words and hand of defense before the older just lunged for his husband. 
Lance screamed as he tried to dodge, nearly getting caught. He hesitated at first, but so did Keith, which gave him the chance to escape. He honestly didn’t get far before the other came up from the basement as well, stopping him from running outside for safety. It was a large chase in a small house. 
Finally, with the help of Kosmo, Keith caught the taller. He teleported in front of Lance who was turning to run across the living room before pouncing him from behind. Not a beat was missed as Lance was suddenly hunched forward, laughing hysterically and kicking his legs, thighs under heavy ambush. 
“You’ve got a lot of leg here Lance. These your shorts or your sister’s?” The taller blushed as he tried to aim his foot for Keith’s head. “Shahahaut uahahap! Yhahahou chahaheater!” Keith scoffed slightly with a smile. “Oh, I’m the cheater? Look who’s talking there, ‘buddy’,” the older mocked as he kept up the attack. 
Fingers moved up and down the thigh backs with ease as Keith moved to sit on the other, facing his legs. They jerked and jolted about but Keith didn’t shown signs of mercy anytime too soon. However, those feet were getting closer and closer to kicking him. Maybe he could… ramp up this playful punishment? 
Though Keith was the more ticklish of the two, Lance had his devastatingly weak points too. The feet would just be…. Too cruel. Maybe he should work on the torso? The older glanced over his shoulder to the worm changing beneath him. The crop top wouldn’t bring much a fight. It would do. 
“So, Lance,” Keith started as he flipped the flailing male over. Man, he looked just so sweet and pure. Glowing altean markings, pinks cheeks, watery eyes, giggles that wouldn’t leave from anticipation. Now Keith could see the attraction, why people got together. This was nice, this was sweet, this was bonding. 
Maybe he’d let him go? He glanced up to the clock. Yeah, they were going to be late to Allura’s baby shower. Screw it. Without another word he lifted Lance’s arm and blew a raspberry into his ribs. The shriek was loud and charming, filled with snorts, hiccups, and other mishaps that brought the two closer. Standing up, Keith offered a hand. “Come on, we gotta finish getting ready,” he hummed as he pulled the weaker into him. “Oh and we’re just going to act like that just didn’t happen,” Lance scoffed. 
The older shrugged. “Alright.” He stopped before squatting down and lifting the taller over his shoulder, fingers playing with his thighs again. “Kheheheheith!” Hands slapped the other’s back restlessly as he tried to free himself and ease the feeling. They were going to be a little more than late to the queen’s baby shower, and Lance only had himself to blame.
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pyrobled · 6 years
"maybe," lotor says with the shrill tone of dissatisfaction, his lips twisted thin, "we are more alike than i thought." his lips untwist to something more amused, soft in the strained lines of his face, "that being said, you are the better, i hate to admit." gaze resting on shiro, a thoughtful sound arises from his throat. "though, without him ... you would have turned out differently --" lotor brings his eyes back to keith; unwavering, "unrecognizable, i'd say."
                    @logictwisted      /     ask   and   ye   shall   get   a   book 
SOILED   PSYCHE   /     CELESTIAL      GUARDIAN   OF  INFERNO ;        keith’s    scoffing   listening   to    lotor                      mimic    a      grimace      yet       neutral ;       even   if    defending    words    already   tickled   in    his   throat .       last   part    made   him   freeze                    -      fist   clenching    uncomfortably ,          unclenching   uncertain   only   moments   later .       (     YOU’D   BE   NOTHING   WITHOUT   YOUR      GUIDING   LIGHT ;    )                  truth      obvious   ,         the   hybrid’s    indigo    flickered   over   to   the    man   as    well                      gaze    turning    soft ,     grateful ,      fierce   &      kind    in   the    mere   breath   of   a   second    approaching ;       passing     &     dying   in      the   grand    scheme   of   time .       the   royal    was    right                         keith    didn’t    know ,      doesn’t    know    what    life   he’d    be    leading    if   it    wouln’t   have   been   for   one   enigma       &      golden   boy    called    takashi    shirogane .      he’s       saved      keith ;        more    times     than    he    knew   of .          more    times     than    it    should’ve   been    necessary     but    life     wasn’t     EASY .           so    wasn’t     keith   kogane   then                   a    whirlwind ,         a   wild   fire . 
the  admission   of   lotor   carried   a      vulnerability       he    vibed   with                 fangs  /   teeth   grating   together   as    thoughts    process ;           the    blade    still    only    meeting    the    prince’s    words   with     SILENCE .             there   was   a  lot   to   say   /   a   lot   to   not   say                      keith’s    weariness   showing    as    crystals    narrow    in      SUSPICION   /    SEARCHING .     (    A   NOTHING   LEADING   A    LONELY   LIFE ;   )            knowing    about   own    problems    from    back   then ,       socializing   hard  /   painful     &      a   draft    the    scarred     raven   had     kept    mostly   to   himself .      now    he    was   surrounded   by       family ;              shiro ,     his    mother ,     kosmo      &      the   entire    team .      it   was   as   if       THE   WOUNDS       finally       have   stopped    throbbing                               darker    times   in    the   orphanage         still    heavy       on   mind ,          haunting    the   warrior   in    the   depths   of   night   &       infiltrating        every    dream .          it   was   hard   to        not     remember ,         to    not    hurt   over   and    over    again . 
 ‘     hate  to      admit ?                                then   don’t .      ’           clearly    still    uncomfortable ,         nails    digging    into    the    flesh   of   his    own    uncovered    palms ,          keith    spoke   roughly  /    voice   uneven    as    mind      FINALLY      stopped      spinning       full   of      words ,     information           impressions ;           emotional    turmoil         only    visible   in    rich    color   of    his    eyes               their    slight    glowing    lilac      burning      with   intensity .     unrecognizable .     it   hurt .     (    MONSTER ,     MONSTER   MONSTER ;    )         bodyless   whisper ,         a   memory   supplied   as    sing   sang    of    other   kids    haunted    him    again .        small ,     angry    &     fierce                      he’s    always    been    different .            always    been       too   different .        was   that    how   the   prince   had    felt ?            gaze   flickers    away ,          mouth    a       thin  /    taut       line .       
alike .        were   they   truly   alike ?           breath    burning   in   lunges ,      keith   made   eye   contact    with    the    taller    half   blood   &     searched    his   gaze ;          wondering .            seeing    similarities                  seeing    the    truth    he    felt   an     itch       starting    to   grow .         breath   shaky ,       smile    felt    cold   &    pained   as   it   conquered    lips .       (    MONSTERS   DON’T     FEAR ,         MONSTERS    DON’T    CARE ;    )          old   mantra      resurfacing       smile   twisted   into    a    grimace                   inner  turmoil    now      visible      in    fragments   on    mimic .          ‘     i   would   have .                 if   it    wouldn’t   have   been   for   shiro .        ’            admission    a       breath ,         a   whisper    there   was   so  much     PAIN      in    his    eyes ;                         scars    in    soul       &       on   his    body     speaking     of     torment .                   uncertain         as    how   to   continue   ,           maybe      cover   up        keith    sighed    loudly      &      turned . 
his   smile       now   sad ,         corners   of    indigo   locking    once   again    with    the    royal’s    hues     the   hybrid shrugged    helplessly ;        the   fight    draining    from    his    whole    figure .       ‘      i   wonder   how  it    would   have   been   if   you’d   have   had       someone    like   him .  .   i   truly   do .       ’         indigo   melting ,       soft       color   seemed        tired   laughter       cut   through    the    melancholy .           ‘    maybe    less     broody ?     ’
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Sparring With Family
A/N: I had asked @kwaiipootato​ for some ideas as I was in a funk, I didn’t truly go with her thought but.... this is pretty dang close. I wanted to do something with Shiro and Keith for after the war but couldn’t think of what to do? I have a few ideas but just having a hard time putting them into action. So... here’s this. 
Description: Keith and Adam decided to spruce up on some training before Coran sends Voltron and the Atlas into space on an upcoming diplomatic mission. As the two train, Adam realizes Keith really has gotten stronger. Like any good father would when they’re about to be defeated by their son, he cheats! However.... that’s not the only twist. 
Keith’s head flew back as he tried to shove at the offending hands making their way closer to his being. He kicked and cried out as he tried to escape his cruel attacker. However, skilled fingers were climbing up his shirt, no matter how much he tried to stop them. Shoving, grabbing; Hell he even tried bringing his head down and biting at them. To this, his attacker just let out a laugh before picking another spot and coming back to the toned abdomen once more.
He didn’t know if he could take this! It tickled so much worse in comparison to when his friends would attack him. It was like a childish anticipation making everything so much worse! “Gah! Ahahahadam sthahahop!” The professor smirked before pulling his upbringing back into his chest more. They rocked a bit on the wooden gymnasium floor as Keith struggled for his freedom. “What? I thought you wanted me to help work on your endurance.”
The former leader of Voltron could feel his second dad just radiating with shit eating smirk energy. He had Keith down and he knew it. “Nhahahao I dhahahidn’t!” He wanted someone to help him get back into sparring and training before Coran sent Voltron and the Atlas on a diplomatic mission within the upcoming month. It had been too long since Keith had been in space and too long since he’d sparred. He loved Lance but…. He could be a little too much of a worrier. 
Adam just happened to be in the room when Keith entered so he figured he’d asked the other, maybe show off how strong he was in comparison. He’d be rich if he had a quarter for every time the professor defeated him in wrestling or anything they’d do that had to do with strength when he was younger; But as Adam saw the tides shifting he decided to cheat.
“Gheheht ohahahout of mhahay shahaha- EEK! Sthahahahop it!” He was fighting harder, wasting more energy as Adam started to circle his navel. “Yeah? Still tough little man?” This brought back so many memories. “Adam!” The other paused as he noticed something off with Keith’s eyes. Yes, they were watering from the tickling but…. they seemed off. He starred a little closer into the orbs.
Keith blushed a bit from the sudden shift in attention, eyes darting away. “Your eyes….. seem different.” He lightly tipped his son’s head back before studying them again. Wait…. Did tickling just bring out his Galran side? Keith sat up a bit before taking Adam’s glasses. “Uh, he,” the other said in slight stun.
Keith looked over his eyes in the reflection before concluding that yes…. Adam did just bring out his Galran side that Shiro told him about. But, he did it with…. tickling.  Weird. He gave the glasses back before rubbing the ghost feelings off his tummy. “You over stimulated me I guess. It happens sometimes when I’m really mad or straining in a fight.”
The older bit his lip. “So…. tickling….. brought  that out of you?” Keith’s face flared up more before he looked away with a child like scowl. Adam burst out laughing, this was too good. Keith’s face heated up more as he closed his eyes from embarrassment and frustration. That was it. He launched forward, hitting a spot he’d seen Shiro attack multiple times before.
The brunette choked on a laugh before digging his head back more into the floor. “Ah! Kehehehith!” The kid had never done that before unless Shiro was there for back up! But Keith had grown and trained, becoming stronger. Yeah, the adopted father was doomed. “How’s it feel, huh,” the younger chuckled as his fingers inched up the ribs. Adam let out a soft snort as he tried to free himself.
“Yhahahaou brhahahat! Knock it ohohohoff!” He wasn’t mad at Keith, honestly this could be rather fun if it wasn’t utterly defeating. Keith laughed softly before moving in for the kill. Eyes widened before the older shrieked. “K-Kehehehith!”He brought his hands up to shove at the kid’s face as fingers scratched behind his ears.
“Aw, can’t handle your own medicine?” The joy of bringing the older tickle monster down was cut short by a finger scratching at Keith’s sole. The boy squeaked before stopping and looking over his shoulder. When did he take his shoes off? Shiro smirked at him, how hadn’t he noticed the other taking his sneaker off?  
“Shiro, don’t,” Keith squeaked as he turned, falling off of Adam. He was twisted around and his ankle was in his brother’s iron grip. “Don’t what?” He gently scratched the sole again, earning a jerk and another squeak. “Stahahaop it!” Adam lay, catching his breath. He started to try and move out from beneath Keith and Shiro but…. it was no use. “Kashi, move,” Adam groaned tiredly as he tried to free himself. That’s when he felt his upped body being lifted. Oh no.
He narrowed his eyes as he looked to his youngest husband. Curtis smiled as he looked down at hum. Yeah.… he was lucky he was cute; Otherwise he’d have a worse punishment for what he was about to do. “Don’t.” All eyes were on Curtis as his sweet smile turned into an evil smirk. Fingers scratched under Adam’s chin and behind his ear, triggering a sweet spot reaction.
It tickled so badly but he couldn’t laugh. He merely whimpered and squirmed about softly from the loving touch as he weakened entirely. “Now, as for you,” Shiro laughed as he earned Keith’s attention. “Shiro, don’t,” the boy whined. “Adam already…. got me.” He wasn’t about to say the word willingly.
“‘Got you’? I think you may need to be a little more specific,” the brother teased as he untangled Keith’s legs and started to move up to dig into his brother. “Shiro… come on. Let’s talk about this!” The poor boy was already letting out anticipated laughter as he tried to sit up. He shook his head a bit as he tried to hold the other’s hands to keep him from attacking. “Don’t.” “Why,” the other retorted quickly. “I already had that!”
This was too goofy. “‘Had’ what? It’s not something you can eat or catch Keith,” Shiro teased. Curtis let up before just stroking the light brown hair that was scattered in his lap. “Did I kill you?” It took a few moments for his husband to regain his voice. Eyes narrowed before closing as soft thumbs brushed tears away; Well… from the functioning eye anyway.
“Your a dead man, Curtis,” the other panted out lowly. “I know… but I couldn’t pass up this kind of opportunity.: The younger let out a soft chuckle before truly giggling as fingers lightl tapped upon his ribs. “Hehehe!” He slowly laid Adam down before moving to get away. He didn’t get far before he had a wrestling match on his hands.
Adam pulled him down, crawling on top of him. “Going somewhere?” The smaller shrieked louder than Keith had as anticipated laughter escaped his mouth. “No, no, no! I’m sorry!” The professor snorted as he snuggled into the other slightly. “Oh yes you are.”
Soon, two different laughs escaped into the gymnasium, both results of the Garrison’s most skilled tickle monsters. Keith shoved at his brother’s hands hopelessly as the other really knew how to make him laugh and keep him on edge. Whereas Curtis was dying from just about anywhere Adam touched him. The poor boy was too sensitive for this kind of thing. “How’s this feel, huh,” the professor teased as the soldier kept him in a death hug.
“Nhahahot tichahaklish! ‘M nahahot thahahaicklish,” he cried as Adam lightly scratched at his sides form within the shirt. “Then why are you laughing, huh? It's not a very funny situation. You sure it doesn’t tickle even a little?” His touch became lighter as he moved up to the ribs. Curtis screamed as he shook his head. “N-No! Dhohohahahan’t! Adam!” He kept repeating his denial as he clung tighter to the older.
“How about you Keith,” Shiro chuckled. “Does this tickle?” He was lightly tracing around the hypersensitive navel as he decided to take influence from his lovers. “Shahahahut uahahahup!” A hand aimed for the older’s head, Shiro just barley dodging. “Nope. Gonna have to do something about that,” he teased before using his bluetooth arm to lift both of his brother’s. He used his free hand to attack under one arm at a time, earning high pitched giggles from  the younger. 
As Keith’s fighting let up, Shiro stopped and started to try and help calm him. “You alright,” the older asked as he gently tried to fix the messy ponytail. Purple eyes narrowed before hands started to shove at the taller. “What? Hey, I’m trying to calm you,” Shiro laughed. Neither noticed that Curtis’s laughter had died down either as Adam was slowly helping the poor guy up. With an exchange of glances between the husbands, and the thought of a vengeful Keith, Adam and Curtis slinked over before grabbing Shiro back.
He didn’t try to escape his fate despite the number of people surrounding him being arguably overwhelming. Rather, he just kind of accepted it. Yeah.. sure. A few tweaks to each of their weak spots and the space dad was off, a once sleeping Kosmo at his heels as the three composed themselves. This was going to be an interesting training session
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A Loving Family
Domestic Klance family tickles! Contains and oc.. you’ve been warned. 
It was late into the night. A rather large room was dimly lit by two side table lamps and the flicker of the television. A brown couch that sat in the room was inhabited by two men. Lance McClain sat lazily against the arm of the couch, his husband Keith cuddled up next to him wearing a blanket as a cloak. "But my king, what am I to do," Keith rolled his eyes, burying his face deeper into Lance's stomach. "What, you dont like this," the other asked. Keith looked up, chin resting on the soft surface. "Lance you know what I like," Lance smiled a bit. "Yeah... I know. But none of your shows were on tonight," Keith closed his eyes. "But this isn’t even one of your shows," He argued looking at the screen. Lance shrugged, " The title looked cool enough, thought we could give it a chance." Keith laid his head back down, wrapping the blanket tighter to his body. "Can we just go to bed," he asked. Lance pet along the top of Keith's blanket covered head. "No kitty, we don't get to bond often," Lance chose his words carefully. Well one word anyway, Keith was a sucker for bonding. Keith huffed before looking up. "Can you change the channel at least," Lance sighed. "Yeah sure, what so you want," Keith shrugged before getting onto his knees. "Anything but this garbage," Lance pouted as Keith shed his warm, thick, cloak. "Wait where are you going," he asked as Keith started to walk away.
"To the bathroom and to check on Jerome real quick," out if all the names in the world Lance had to choose Jerome. Not that it was a bad name, no not at all. Keith rather liked, it was old. But he felt that Jerome should have been named something like Kevin or something, he didn’t look like a Kevin though. Standing up he started he journey. Lance looked boredly at the tv as he flicked through the channels, until something caught his eye. Not touching the remote again, he watched the bright colors of the cartoon. It had been one he used to watch as a kid, he was surprised it was still airing, it had to be older than his sister. "Really Lance," Keith had finished his mission. "A kids cartoon," he asked skeptically. "Yeah. I used to watch this as a kid," he was now sitting up facing the tv. Keith looked at the screen once more before shaking his head. It was like being married to a damn child half the time. Sitting down he wrapped his blanket around his body. "It's literally just this animal thing that gets into trouble each episode," Keith curled up against Lance studying the pictures on the screen. "It’s rather creepy," Lance scoffed offendly. "How dare you! It’s a classic from the early 90's," Keith rolled his eyes. "Uh huh," he kisses Lance on the cheek before situating back in his spot. " All is forgiven," Keith snorted a bit at the comment. Watching the tv an idea hit Lance as the mad doctor had captured the animal like creature. He had him tied down and a large saw was about to cut him open. Only it didn’t, it tickled. He was laughing and crying his head off...rather creepily. Lance smirked, his hand resting on Keith's side. " Besides don't you like creepy? You watch those damn cop shows where they go over how some died," Keith shrugged. "Depends," he jumped slightly when a ticklish sensation spread through his side. "Lance stop," he warned nuzzling his head into the other's side.
"H-Hey! Kehehith," Keith smirked. "Dont tickle me and I wont tickle you," Lance blushed. How did he know that was on purpose? "I don’t think so Keithyboy," Keith was pushed back into the couch giggling as ten fingers descended onto his firm tummy. "Ehhhehehhe! Lhahahance stop it," He was now cold. "Leheheht mhehehe ghahahaoooooo," Lance grinned evilly before moving to his husbands sides.”Aw can my big, bad hubbie not take a few tickles,” Lance teased earning a blush from Keith. “Or does my kitty love to be tickled,” he asked, smirking when Keith’s blush increased. “S-Shhuhhahaht up,” he giggled trying to push Lance’s hands off him. “Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so,” he said dodging the hands while still tickling every area available on Keith’s body. “Coochie, coochie, coo,” Keith thre his head back and screamed when Lance hit his under arms. “N-Nhat therhehehere! L-Lahahance sthahp thehehasing,” Lance new he was making the sensation worse for his poor hostage but… he really didn’t care. This was simply adorable! Keith snorted and squeaked each time he’d switch tickling tactics. Even with his arms pinned to his side lance could still maneuver enough motion to keep the half galra mad.
A small boy tossed and turned on a rather large mattress. Little noises of discomfort escaping his mouth as he slept. This gained the attention of a certain wolf who looked over from his side of the bed. As another whimper escaped the small boy Kosmo brought his head closer in an attempt to comfort him through nuzzling. It almost worked… until a scream rang out through the house, probably loud enough for Kultinecker to hear from his little barn outside. Kosmo was on high alert, climbing on top of Jerome who jumped from the sound. Another scream rang out, it didn’t sound painful but it sounded like his Keith. Jumping off the bed Kosmo sprinted down the stairs before a flash of light indicated he teleported. Jerome looked around the dark room, his little cow night light doing little to fight of his fears of what could be in the dark. The noise from downstairs wasn’t stopping and he was growing more and more scared, he no longer had his friend to protect him.
He could call for his daddy or papi but what if that was them screaming? Who was screaming? Was there someone in the house? Flashbacks from his nightmare came rushing up. He let out a yelp and held his stuffed elephant tight, eyes squeezed shut at the thought. “No Lance! Get away from-- EEE,” he heard by his door. The sound of heavy footsteps pounding about mixed with his parents yells did little to calm him. Looking over at his little alarm clock he noticed it was pretty late. Well late for him. It was eleven thirty at night. Mustering up his courage Jerome took his elephant and baby blanket and tentatively made his way out of his room. “Dada,” he called softly. He waited a minute before continuing to walk. “Papi,” he tried again still walking. When he made it to the stairs he could hear the sound a bit better, it was laughter. Confused but still scared the four year old made his way slowly down the stairs. Upon reaching the living room he was met with the look of annoyance by Kosmo, who was just laying on the dining room part of the connected rooms’ floor.
Looking over he saw his papi sitting on the back of his dad’s calves tickling his bare thighs. “L-Lhahahheheance sthahahp,: Keith giggled hysterically. His eyes were watering from tears. He had escaped before, why didn’t he make a better break for it? Why didn’t he fight back? Questions he asked himself before Lance managed to pin him back to the couch. He jerked his head up when Lance started tickling his inner thighs. “AhA! Not thehehere,” he bucked a bit before slamming his face into the couch cushion below them. “Aw I’m sorry, does this tickle,” Lance asked with a fake sympathetic voice. “L-Lahahance seriously! Nahahaha! E-Ehahase up a bit plhehehase,” Keith did love bonding moments like this, especially when they involve physical contact but there was only so much one man could take. “Alright, alright,” Lance stopped, both still oblivious to the child in the room. “Heh… heheh…. You suck,” Keith could feel the smirk on Lance’s lips. “And you--,” Keith cut him off. “Don’t. Idiot, let me up,” he asked. Wel rather demanded.
“Why would I do that sweetheart, kitty, princess, Keithyboy, mullet, love of my life,” wow he knew how to get Keith flustered. “Because you love me and have tormented me enough for one night,” the small Cuban boy wanted to say something but it was late and he was still tired, the sense of fear leaving. He stood on the tile by Kosmo just watching in a zombie like daze. “It’s not torment when you looooovvveee it,” Lance giggled wiggling one finger on each side of Keith’s sides. “Ahahaheheh! Ah-- Lahahnce,” Keith giggled softly. Stopping Lance stood up before rolling his husband over. During the flip Keith noticed the boy standing in the room and nearly jumped. He loved his son but the kid could freak him out and starel him sometimes. “Jerome help me,” he cried out as a last resort. Lance looked over his shoulder and noticed the small boy standing with his blanket pressed to his nose. “Oh shoot, did we wake you,” Jerome nodded a little.
Lance frowned before looking at Keith who was watching him with fearful eyes. A smirk played on his face. “No Lance d-d-- aha,” Keith bucked when Lance dove back into his armpits. “EHhahahahaha! N-Not thehehre! Not theheheree! Bhahaby help me,” Keith laughed helplessly kicking his legs as Lance straddled his waist. Jerome observed the scene in front of him. The idea seeming both like a game which excited his small mind, but also he was tired and … eh just blanked out. “N-No! Lhaha-- ahahaha,” Keith had given up as Lance lifted his arms over his head and began blowing raspberries on the clothed area. Jerome walked forward slowly before tugging gently on his papi’s shirt. Nose still to blanket he looked up with big blue eyes. Lance stopped and smirked down at his son. “You shouldn’t have done that Jerome,” he said crawling off of Keith. Jerome giggled groggily, moving backwards slowly. Kosmo was on high guard, this was a pup. A pup he had claimed. You harm his pup, you die.
Keith was giggling still on the couch, a hand over his face. Looking over he smiled, well with intention, at the sight before him. “Cause now… the tickle monster… is gonne eat you,” he yelled before grabbing ahold of the shrieking child Kosmo stood up but Keith clapped his hands gaining his attention. Lance stopped before looking over his shoulder, a wave of nervousness hit him. “He’s not hurting him,” Keith assured. The space wolf retreated back to his spot on the cool tile before Lance looked at Keith. Keith just glared at him before his attention returned to Jerome. “Any way, as I was saying….  The tickle monster has you now little boy,” Lance let out and evil laugh before placing the the dark haired child on the floor and tickling his tummy. Jerome squealed and kicked his legs out of reflex, his blankey and elephant lost in the battle. Small pudgy hands attempted to grab aged, but young, semi- chubby hands. “Rawr,” Lance hoolard bring his head down and lifting the large t-shirt. “I’m gonna eat you up little boy,” Jerome shook his head before suddenly bursting into a fit of loud laughter. Keith rolled his eyes, finally breathing normally again. It was time he joined in. “No one eats my baby,” he yelled over the child’s shrill screams.
Lance jumped when Keith’s fingers found his sides. “Ahaha! K-Keieith,” he giggled stopping his attack. Jerome giggled still despite the tickling stopping. “I think the tickle monster needs a taste of his own medicine, huh,” Keith asked smiling mischievously at the four year old. Jerome shared the same look before crawling onto his papi’s mostly crossed legs. “O-Oh nohohohhahaha,” Lance there his head back as Jerome started moving his small pudgy fingers along his tummy. Keith liked wearing Lance’s old shirts to bed along with boxer briefs. Jerome wore Keith’s old shirts from before he and his mom lied on the space whale for two years and typically just wore his underwear. During winter though Keith’s made him wear pants. Lance prefered to sleep in not just a long sleeve and pants but a robe… which stopped after the first night he tried to sleep with Keith like that. Too much heat, no cuddles, sad Lance, cranky Keith. However tonight he had on a thin t-shirt, and sleeping shorts, neither of which were doing him any good.
He jumped when Keith started poking under his arms. “N-Nnahahahat thahaht,” he shook his head. “Get ‘em daddy, get ‘em,” the small boy giggled just watching his parents now. He moved of his father’s lap as it was becoming unstable from his reactions to pull away. “Not this? Okay… how about,” Keith quickly grabbed Lance’s exposed ankle, pinning it down he started scribling along the soft soles. “S-Shhhhahahahahaha! K-Keieiehahahahahahaththheheh, nhot thheheheret! Nhohtoht thehehere” he cried desperately. Dark brown locks lay scattered on the tan, wooly carpet as he fell over. “Should have thought about that before trying to make a snack of my baby,” Keith teased  scratching under the ball’s of Lance’s foot. A mole his a very ticklish spot Keith knew all too well. “C-Chohohjmehehe on! I- Didhahahah! I didn’t thhahhahahickle yhohour fheheht,” he rsquirmed trying to dislodge his foot from his husband’s hands.
Jerome smiled in amusement, holding his elephant close. Keith smirked, “Jerome, does Ellie think we should let pa-- I mean the tickle monster go,” Jerome thought for a moment before looking at his giggling father. He nodded. Keith immediately stopped, dramatically pulling his hands away. “You two,” Lance panted. “Are evil,” Keith glared. “Says the one who tickled me for like an hour straight in all my worst spots. You only lasted about ten minutes,” Lance sat up in defense. “I did not get all your worst spots, but I can if you’d like,” Keith pulled his feet away leaning back. “Don’t you dare,” they weren’t truly fighting per say, but it was close enough to Jerome. He frowned and covered his ears, what he would normally do when the two fought. Keith and Lance both hated it but sometimes discussing feelings and topics weren’t easy. But it would normally stop because Keith would typically start crying because he hates upsetting Lance, and even more so their child… and he actually doesn’t take being yelled at very well. The fights don’t last long unless Keith’s still yelling through his tears but then much family cuddles and typically movie night happen.
Keith noticed the sudden movement and pushed his foot in to the irritated Cuban’s stomach. Moving his head to the side Lance followed the direction and stopped. Looking back at Keith he sighed before standing up and walking to the small boy. “Hey, pumpkin,” Lance said pulling the boy into his lap. Jerome peeked out one of his eyes before uncovering his ears. He really didn’t like loud noises, and not that his parents truly fought a lot just Keith sounded scary when he was mad, they both did. It wasn’t toxic either, just normal, verbal fights. “We’re not fighting,” Keith said joining them. Sitting down he pushed some of the dark strands of hair out of the small tan face. “No we’re just trying to prove daddy’s a ball of tickles,” Jerome giggled a bit at the statement. Lance would pay for that latter. “There’s that laugh,” Keith said in a sickly sweet voice before grabbing one of the little socked feet and tickling it. Jerome shrieked with laughter and fell against his papi. Lance smiled, he loved nights like this.
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So the to-do list so far…
(Done) Bob gives the teams another challenge in seeing who can fill they’re bottle with dopamecense quicker. For each team two members will be selected. Lance now has to sit helplessly and laugh as his crush tickles him to no end, Lotor is in a similar predicament; but rather a crush he’s being humiliated by his mother in front of Allura and live television.
(Done) Lance pins Keith down one night and starts to tickle him to the point they wake up their four year old. After Keith asks the boy for help Lance grabs him and unleashes the tickle monster.
Keith and Shiro get stuck on an alien planet and have no way of contacting or getting back to the castle ship. The people there are weary of the foreigners and decide to put them against a few trials to make sure they have no dangerous intent.
Shiro has been discharged from the hospital but often comes in to check on Keith with or with out Krolia and Kosmo (because good luck telling a teleporting wolf that she can’t see her boy). Keith and him start to discuss plans to stop the Galra once and for all, while doing so Shiro senses some distress from the young adult and decides to “help him”.
(Done, kind of) Keith gets annoyed when Lance starts lecturing him for the who’s knows how many time for over doing it with training. He decides to show Lance he’s really not in the mood to hear it…. however he isn’t exspecting Lance’s response.
(Done) Adam is getting annoyed with how Shiro is handling Keith and James’s issues. He won’t actually get the kid to tell him what James has been saying that makes him so upset. So he takes it upon himself to figure out the problem, and decides his lover needs a bit of a punishment.
(Done) After Kosmo tickles Keith, Krolia decides to ask her son what “tickles” are and why he was laughing. After and awkward explanation the boy is thrown I to a world of what could have been had they been together for the last 20 some odd years.
(Done) Keith and Lance are getting ready for bed one night when Keith starts to feel a bit playful. While Lance is brushing and styling his hair at his bed side table Keith begins to tickle him with his toes, distracting the lover boy. Lance grows annoyed with the pokes quickly and decides to show his little kitty who’s more ticklish. 
(Done) Adam and Shiro have reunited! However this isn’t the same Takashi Shirogane the young man once knew. He’s different, his hair, his body, he isn’t his Takashi. However Shiro isn’t planning on letting go again, and Adam is rather curious about exploring this new body (18+).
After first arriving on the castle ship Keith is wary about their new situation, not to mention he hasn’t seen Shiro in a year. As the time to sleep comes about Shiro notices someone enter his room, not being able to sleep himself they decide to bond a bit. 
While the other’s head to the space mall Keith decides it’s a good time to gain the attention he craves from his boyfriend. While training Shiro can’t seem to take his eyes of Keith in his booty shorts and sleeveless top. When Keith gets tired and decides to rest Shiro decides to strike.
After finding out Keith is part Galra, Pidge wants to research him a bit. Well do research on him. After Shiro tells her no, well now she has too.
Hunk is curious about “Galra Keith” still not understanding Keith is still…. Keith. The two are left alone for a while in the lounge when Hunk starts to observe Keith for any… Um… Purple. Or really cat like features. And after he lifts Keith’s shirt up a bit to see his skin, the game is on.
The Blade really have no idea what tickling is. So when they find out that their newest member is “ticklish”, they take it upon them selves to test this new discovery to the fullest potential. 
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