#vladimir putin in india
daancienttime · 10 months
Vladimir Putin noted that PM Modi takes tough stance in protecting national interest.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stating that the Indian PM takes a “tough stance” in protecting the interests of the people in the country. He also emphasised that PM Modi’s policy is a guarantee of deep relations between New Delhi and Moscow.
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In a media interview, the Russian President said, “I cannot imagine that Modi can be intimidated, threatened, or forced to take any action or decision against the national interest of India and the Indian people. I know there is such pressure on them”.
He further stated that he is observing what is happening from the outside and added, “To be honest, sometimes I am surprised by his tough stance on protecting the national interests of the Indian people”.
The Russian President also mentioned that Russia-China relations are “continuously developing in all directions, and the main guarantee of this is the policy of Prime Minister Modi”.
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cindydacatpink · 10 months
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B.R.I.C.S. but in 2003 (2000s)
I was inspired with @/viktor_regnsky Eggcountries an CountryHumans version.
That's why I draw them.
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mint-mumbles · 1 year
Who’s ready for a new Tumblr holiday! 🥳
Upon hearing that their CW uncle, Dean Winchester, actually told Castiel he loved him back, the Riverdale gang (Archie, Betty, Jughead, and Veronica) decided to become a polycule. India celebrated by doing everything in their power to finally reach the moon, and succeeded!
Not everyone was happy, however. Upon hearing the news, the head of the Wagner group blamed Putin for the Riverdale polycule and tried to kill him, but Russian soldiers got to him first. In retaliation, pro-Baronihead shippers shot down the plane that the Wagner leader was on (most likely post mortem, not confirmed, but I think we all know what really happened…)
Donald heard about what happened, and assuming the worst about his boyfriend, Vladimir Putin, Trump turned himself in during a moment of weakness and grief.
Germany, on the other hand, was just glad that the plane shot down wasn’t on their territory, and to make sure that anti-Baronihead shippers wouldn’t harass people, they made citizenship laws more lenient as Germany as a whole is, in fact, pro-Baronihead. Therefore, the Baronihead shippers would be protected from any and all harm
What a crazy world we live in 😌
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inprimalinie · 3 months
Kremlinul informează: Rusia și India au convenit să continue dezvoltarea în comun a sistemelor bilaterale de decontare prin utilizarea monedelor naționale
În urma celui de-al XXII-lea summit anual India-Rusia ”Rusia-India: un parteneriat puternic și în expansiune” (9 iulie 2024), a fost elaborată o declarație comună privind rezultatele acestui eveniment, pe care Kremlinul a făcut-o publică. Georgiana Arsene Principalele teme ale declarației comune: Prim-ministrul Republicii India, Narendra Modi, la invitația președintelui Federației Ruse,…
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warningsine · 3 months
Prime Minister Narendra Modi flew into Moscow on Monday and warmly hugged President Vladimir Putin on a visit that treads a fine line between maintaining a longstanding relationship with Moscow and courting closer Western security ties.
The visit is Modi's first since Russia launched its campaign in Ukraine and since he was returned to power last month as leader of the world's most populous country.
After meeting Moscow's Indian community, Modi had an informal meeting with Putin at his residence at Novo-Ogaryovo outside Moscow, where the leaders drank tea on a terrace, rode in a golf cart together and visited stables.
The Indian leader told Putin it was a "moment of joy" to visit and thanked him for planning "that we chit-chat here this evening".
"Looking forward to our talks tomorrow as well, which will surely go a long way in further cementing the bonds of friendship between India and Russia," Modi later wrote on X, posting a photo of the leaders hugging.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi flew into Moscow on Monday and warmly hugged President Vladimir Putin on a visit that treads a fine line between maintaining a longstanding relationship with Moscow and courting closer Western security ties.
The visit is Modi's first since Russia launched its campaign in Ukraine and since he was returned to power last month as leader of the world's most populous country.
After meeting Moscow's Indian community, Modi had an informal meeting with Putin at his residence at Novo-Ogaryovo outside Moscow, where the leaders drank tea on a terrace, rode in a golf cart together and visited stables.
The Indian leader told Putin it was a "moment of joy" to visit and thanked him for planning "that we chit-chat here this evening".
"Looking forward to our talks tomorrow as well, which will surely go a long way in further cementing the bonds of friendship between India and Russia," Modi later wrote on X, posting a photo of the leaders hugging.
Moscow remains a key supplier of cut-price oil and weapons to India, but the Kremlin's isolation from the West and blooming friendship with Beijing have impacted its time-honoured partnership with New Delhi.
Western powers have in recent years also cultivated ties with India as a bulwark against China and its growing influence in the Asia-Pacific, while pressuring it to distance itself from Russia.
Modi last visited Russia in 2019 and hosted Putin in New Delhi two years later, weeks before Russia began its offensive against Ukraine.
India has shied away from explicit condemnation of Russia ever since and has abstained on United Nations resolutions censuring Moscow.
But Russia's fight with Ukraine has also had a human cost for India.
New Delhi said in February that it was pushing the Kremlin to send back some of its citizens who had signed up for "support jobs" with the Russian military, following reports some were killed after being forced to fight in Ukraine.
The United States on Monday urged Modi to make clear in his talks with Putin that "any resolution to the conflict in Ukraine must... be one that respects the UN Charter with respect to Ukraine's territorial integrity".
Moscow's deepening ties with China have also been a cause for concern.
Washington and the European Union accuse China of selling components and equipment that have strengthened Russia's military industry -- allegations that Beijing denies.
China and India are intense rivals competing for strategic influence across South Asia.
India is part of the so-called Quad grouping with the US, Japan and Australia that positions itself against China's growing assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region.
Oil and arms
New Delhi and the Kremlin have maintained a close relationship since the Cold War, and Russia was for a long time India's largest arms supplier.
But Ukraine has stretched Russia's arms supplies thin, forcing India to eye other sources for weapons -- including by growing its own defence industry.
Russia's share of Indian imports of arms has shrunk considerably in recent years, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
At the same time, India has become a major buyer of Russian oil, providing a much-needed export market for Moscow after it was cut off from traditional buyers in Europe.
That has drastically reshaped energy ties, with India saving itself billions of dollars while bolstering Moscow's war coffers. 
India's month-on-month imports of Russian crude "increased by eight percent in May, to the highest levels since July 2023", according to commodity tracking data compiled by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.
But this has also resulted in India's trade deficit with Russia rising to a little over $57 billion in the past financial year.
From Russia, Modi will travel to Vienna for the first visit to the Austrian capital by an Indian leader since Indira Gandhi in 1983.
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head-post · 3 months
US, Ukraine criticise Modi for his friendship with Putin
As the US continues to negotiate another military aid package for Kyiv, leaders of the Global South are looking to try to achieve peace in Ukraine by discussing possible ways to hold peace talks with Vladimir Putin.
Indian PM’s visit to Russia
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Moscow on the afternoon of July 8 for a two-day official visit to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is Modi’s first trip to Russia since 2019 and the first meeting with Putin in two years – the last was at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand in September 2022.The main talks in an expanded and narrow format are scheduled for July 9.
The Kremlin said the sides intend to discuss further development of bilateral relations and topical issues on the international and regional agenda. A key topic of the meeting will be the development of mechanisms for easy and quick transfer of money between the two countries. While 60 per cent of trade between India and Russia is conducted in national currencies, with major Russian banks disconnected from the SWIFT financial messaging system due to hostilities in Ukraine, “there is a need for faster and faster payments.”
The Indian prime minister and the Russian president will try to make progress on a bilateral investment agreement and talk about increasing India’s exports of agricultural and pharmaceutical products.
Just before flying to Russia, Narendra Modi said he was looking forward to meeting “his friend President Vladimir Putin” and noted the special and privileged strategic partnership between the two countries.
White House and Zelensky criticise Modi
Volodymyr Zelensky on X criticised Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Ukrainian president called Modi’s meeting with Putin as a huge disappointment. He said the news of Modi’s arrival in Moscow was a “crushing blow to peace efforts.”
US State Department official Matthew Miller could not contain his emotions over Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia. The US official said during a briefing from the department that India was allegedly obliged to “make clear” to Russia the need to respect Ukrainian “sovereignty.” He also said:
“And so we would hope India and any other country, when they engage with Russia, would make clear that Russia should respect the UN Charter, should respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Washington has expressed deep concern over the relationship between New Delhi and Moscow as India is considered a strategic partner of the States, according to the US State Department spokesman. Read more HERE
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xtruss · 9 months
Is The India-US Honeymoon Coming To An End Soon?
— S.L. Kanthan | December 17, 2023
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Illustration: Chen Xia/Global Times
There has been serious trouble brewing in the geopolitical paradise of the convenient but strategic alignment between India and the US. According to Indian media citing government sources, US President Joe Biden would not travel to India for the Republic Day parade in January. This diplomatic snub, aimed at Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India as a whole, is indicative of a significant shift in US-India relations, and the consequences could be far-reaching.
To understand the bigger picture, recent events must be analyzed as the culmination of numerous unfriendly American actions toward India. These are startling, given the deep economic links and the "shared democratic values."
Theoretically, Americans should be extremely happy about their relations with India. Consider these three outcomes:
First, brain drain: America is able to lure the smartest engineers from India.
Second, huge market: America enjoys a virtual monopoly in key sectors - social media, e-commerce, financial technology and more - in the rapidly growing Indian economy, which is projected to surpass Japan and Germany by 2030.
Third, narrative control: The No.1 English TV channel in India is CNN, and almost all the influential think tanks in India are pro-US. Regarding China, the Washington consensus permeates the mainstream narrative in India.
However, it seems the US is still displeased.
This year witnessed India and the West becoming entangled in multiple disputes. Firstly, there was a BBC documentary that re-examined the 2002 Muslim-Hindu conflict in Gujarat, which occurred when Modi was the chief minister of the state. Then came a classic Western attack using separatists. Canada - a member of the Five Eyes - accused the Indian government of orchestrating the assassination of a Sikh separatist in Canada. This was followed by an indictment in the US, which alleges that an Indian government official conspired in a murder-for-hire plot targeting Sikh separatists in the US.
Note that true allies never worry about America harboring dissidents - say, French Canadian separatists or Basque separatists from Spain. Only when a country is targeted for destabilization would the US government discover violations of human rights and freedom. China understands these subversion tactics, thanks to what the US has done on the Island of Taiwan and in Xizang, as well as Hong Kong and Xinjiang.
More revealingly, Western media have been crying crocodile tears about democracy in India since “Fascist, Hindu Extremist, Killer and Criminal Modi” came to power. Here are some sensational headlines:
"Modi's India is Where Global Democracy Dies" (New York Times)
"Modi's Personality Cult has Replaced India's Democracy" (Foreign Policy)
"India's Authoritarian Streak" (Foreign Affairs, a Publication of the Extremely Powerful Council on Foreign Relations)
"'Electoral Autocracy': The Downgrading of India's Democracy" (BBC)
It's very hard to please the US establishment, which demands total allegiance and submission from all its "allies."
First, India cherishes its friendship with Russia, a unique and strategic partner. India's refusal to ostracize Putin since the Ukraine war has irked the Biden administration, which foolishly hoped to devastate the Russian economy with sanctions.
Second, US corporate overlords have been extremely disappointed with India's progress in replacing China as the manufacturing powerhouse. Offshoring has been a very slow process, since India's manufacturing capability is 20 years behind China. For example, about 10 percent of iPhones are being assembled in India now, while many components are imported from China.
Finally, India's support for BRICS expansion and a multipolar world has made many Americans have doubts as to whether India is a reliable partner.
US elites are trapped in an echo chamber where they tell one another that America is the greatest country, its unipolar hegemony will last forever and China's collapse is imminent. Astoundingly, these people are unaware of the emerging multipolar world, the game-changing expansion of BRICS, the Global South's new paradigm of trade and development, the coming tsunami of de-dollarization, utter failures of US trade and tech wars against China, and Russia's victory against the US and NATO in Ukraine.
Given such a tragic state of affairs, it's very likely that the US will ratchet up the pressure on India, punishing it for its strategic autonomy. If the honeymoon turns into a nightmare, I hope India will seek rapprochement with China, a neighboring ancient civilization. Ironically, the US might end up as the Western empire that made significant contributions to the rise of the Asian century.
— The Author is a Geopolitical Analyst, Columnist, Blogger, Podcaster, and Writer based out of Bangalore, India.
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Russia ने Pakistan भेज Crude Oil, Putin के फैसले के बाद India में बवाल
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cristianlisandru · 1 year
ANALIZĂ | Jurnalistul Aleksandr Smirnov: ”Scoasă în stradă de Occident, Rusia își vinde mărfurile oricui, dar cumpărătorii stabilesc prețurile”
Jurnalistul și traducătorul Aleksandr Smirnov analizează noul context economic în care se regăsește Rusia lui Vladimir Putin după declanșarea războiului din Ucraina, focusându-se asupra subiectului ”Federația Rusă și vecinii asiatici”. Supusă sancțiunilor Occidentului, Rusia caută ”portițe” pentru a-și vinde mărfurile pe alte piețe și pentru a obține sumele de bani exorbitante care sunt necesare…
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shaktiknowledgeblog · 2 years
India | Japan | PM | narendra modi | India-Japan | ukraine russia news | russia news | vladimir putin russia ukraine war
Narendra Modi and Japan’s PM Kishida Fumio will make a strategy to surround China in the sea! Japanese PM on India tour Kishida Fumio will attend a lecture in Delhi on 20 March. In this lecture, he will outline the Indo-Pacific plan, which is important for the friendship between India and Japan. Because China’s activities in the Indian Pacific region are increasing continuously. Image Source: AP…
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July 9, 2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visit the Atom pavilion dedicated to the history and latest achievements in the nuclear industry, at the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNKh) in Moscow, Russia.
At the Modern Nuclear Industry exhibition, the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of India explored interactive displays highlighting Russian-Indian cooperation in atomic energy. In the section on non-energy applications of nuclear technologies, Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi were shown the potential of water desalination, irradiation of seeds and food products to enhance their quality, transportation of goods from India to Europe and Russia via the Northern Sea Route, and a floating nuclear power plant. Additionally, a video presentation covered the construction of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, training of personnel for India’s nuclear programme, and the supply of isotopes for India’s lunar programme and medical applications. The tour concluded with a visit to the Atomarium exhibition, after which Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi had a brief conversation with Russian and Indian students. * * * The Atom Pavilion is an educational complex featuring an exhibition on the evolution of nuclear energy, its latest advancements, and the technologies for harnessing atomic energy. Constructed in 2023 with the support of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, the pavilion spans seven floors, including three underground levels.
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newscast1 · 2 years
Will strengthen world stability, security: Putin on India's presidencies in SCO, G20
Will strengthen world stability, security: Putin on India’s presidencies in SCO, G20
Putin said the two countries carried out large-scale trade and economic projects in addition to energy, military technology and other areas of cooperation, and coordinated efforts in addressing important matters of regional and global agendas. New Delhi,UPDATED: Dec 31, 2022 00:22 IST Russia’s President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi ahead of their meeting…
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inprimalinie · 3 months
Ministerul de Externe al Indiei a informat despre scopul vizitei lui Modi la Moscova
Prim-ministrul indian Narendra Modi intenționează să discute aspecte ale cooperării bilaterale cu președintele rus Vladimir Putin și să facă schimb de opinii cu privire la problemele regionale și globale. Acest lucru este raportat pe site-ul web al Ministerului indian de Externe. Georgiana ArseneParteneriatul strategic special și privilegiat dintre India și Rusia s-a consolidat în ultimul…
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
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head-post · 3 months
Putin meets India’s Modi for talks in Moscow
Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Moscow on Monday to a particularly warm and special reception at a private dinner hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin at his dacha in Novo-Ogaryovo near Moscow.
The two leaders will meet in Moscow on July 9 on the sidelines of the annual Russia-India summit. The previous summit, the 21st, was held in New Delhi in December 2021.
This is the first foreign trip by an Indian prime minister after his re-election for a third term. This time he broke the tradition of travelling to other Hindu countries – Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives – that he had visited after previous elections.
Indian Foreign Minister Vinay Kwatra, at a special briefing ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Moscow, told reporters that the absence of recent summits and talks had piled up issues on the bilateral agenda that needed to be resolved.
Read more HERE
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