#vlad masters/plasmius - 6’
ryntaia · 4 months
Eye for an Eye sure was an episode
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Oh Danny, you're just, you're just a lil shitstirrer at heart, ain'tcha.
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britcision · 2 years
Okay new headcanon just dropped
Short King Danny
But I mean Short Short, like he’s not gotten any taller since a couple years after the portal
And I mean
He met Dan
He Knows he’s supposed to get tall and buff and hot
Reaches Dan’s age, where The Fuck is his growth spurt???
Tucker and Sam can both prop an elbow on his head no worries
Jazz is 6’7 fuck you
Danny finally breaks and goes to Clockwork like “what the shit Dan wasn’t evil cuz he got tall what the hell where is mine”
Clockwork just smiles at him
“Oh that’s easy, you didn’t have enough power to beat Dan outright so I let you borrow from your future self”
And for ghosts
Power has a pretty straight line to max size
(Taking on a smaller size at will after that is just another flex)
Danny, annoyed, confused, half convinced Dan sucked the height outta him through his fists, says “fucking whatever”
Ghost coronation is coming up
Danny figures “okay this is a lotta new power, better not go ghost outta the zone for a bit”
Ghost King Danny is fucking skyscrapers tall, has to stay in the zone to get his shit under control
Figures “hell yeah this should make up for whatever Clockwork did, finally I shall be able to reach the top shelf”
Turns back
Is shorter
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Part two of the "Clone Danny" au
The link to the first part is put above!
His friends know that he's phantom, they help him out just the same as before. Due to not having any ghost powers, Danny has to rely on tech and outsmarting the ghosts a lot more than before. He can't keep stealing tech from his parents' lab either, and he can't ask them to fix it if his stuff breaks. He teaches himself how to fix it.
(Its a lot of sleepless nights stealing his parents' blueprints and trying to study them. And a lot of late night research and talking with Tucker on how to build and understand tech. He refuses to rely on Tucker for his gear)
He talks to Sam about fashioning a persona as both Phantom and as Fenton. She's been to a lot of rich parties, she's seen celebrities and how they act. A "careless party boy" won't work for Danny. He's no A-Lister. But coward, feeble Fenton works just fine. Minus his smartass comments, which he can slowly start phasing out of his "civilian" life under the guise of there being ghosts.
He draws into himself, keeps his head down in class, wears baggy clothing. Ghost fighting at night really does a lot of the work for him, since he's so tired in class that he doesn't bother putting his hand up or participating. He can play the part of "loner, loser Fenton" pretty well, and ups the ante.
Phantom already has a small fanbase amongst the A-listers for being the strong, silent confident vigilante-hunter protecting them from the ghosts. Nothing much changes there other than a few minor things. Anyone who knows ASL knows he's a major fucking smart-ass who keeps cracking jokes and puns at the ghosts.
Danny learns self-defense after getting his ass beat too many times (he also gets Really Good at gym because he runs a LOT after ghosts. He eventually learns to make trackers to stick onto them when they fly away) and even gets a few ghosts to help him after he befriends them while they're exploring Amity at night. Its nothing professional and he still gets hurt a lot, but he knows how to throw a better punch than before. And he knows how to dodge better.
Since he's going for a "get them tfo of here before my parents get here" approach, danny takes a more of a "talk first, fight later" route. this... kinda works. mainly for the non-hostile ghosts. its how he manages to get some of them to help him with fighting.
Danny's honestly really, really clever. He largely relies on his wits since he doesn't have any powers to force ghosts back into the ghost zone.
TUE still happens it just occurs a little differently. Vlad Masters still wants Danny to be his son and Maddie his wife, etc. But he also wants to turn Danny into a Halfa like himself, since he knows that Danny has mild ghost abilities, he thinks he has the capacity to turn into a halfa.
Dan happens when Vlad manipulates a grieving danny into agreeing to become a halfa like himself. Except it kills Danny fully, and in his rage, Danny, now dead and a ghost, rips out Vlad's ghost half and merges with it and creates Dan. So not too different from canon.
….actually i change my mind. Danny’s ghost doesn’t merge with Vlad. Danny’s ghost tears Plasmius apart for lying to him. Dan is entirely Danny, just big and hurting and wanting to hurt others because of it. His emotions are big so Dan is big.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
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vala-dreams · 2 years
Daniel Masters AU
So this is brought to you by a fever dream at 6 in the morning. In this au, one Vlad Plasmius partakes in the noble and completely not illegal act of cradle robbing. And by cradle robbing I mean kidnapping toddler Danny because he is a batty old ghost with a family obsession and no morals. (I've decided to change his obsession from maddie to family. No I don't take criticism)
Vlad kidnaps Danny with the intention of turning him into a halfa too.......the only problem is that the portal he's trying to make isn't functional. yet. So in the meanwhile he's gotta juggle making the portal and taking care of Danny in his Wisconsin manor.
This leads to many shenanigans, sleepless and tired Vlad who has no idea how to take care of children + one baby Danny = c h a o s
A year passes by and finally, the portal is up and working and the big moment finally comes. Vlad places Danny as gently as he can, into the portal and turns it on.
Except he doesn't.
He can't
Because all he can see as his index finger hovers over the button are cold linoleum tiles of a hospital. Harsh florescence of lights overhead. Faces of people he doesn't know, covered by surgical masks. All he can hear are the squeaking of stretcher wheels, the beeping of monitors, muffled voices he cannot understand.
All he can feel is fire.
The next thing he knows, little Daniel is in his arms again.
His feet are lead, unmoving. His arms are steel, wrapped securely around Daniel's still slumbering form. And that's how they stay all afternoon, in front of the empty portal.
Thats fine. In the end, he cannot do it. That's fine. Daniel doesn't have to be a halfa to be his son. Little badger was his the moment he was born. Jack would never be a factor. Maddie would never be a factor. They wouldn't even be in the equation.
(And isn't that exactly what they deserve? They left him. They left him to burn and they never looked back they laughed as fire licked at his heels they left him they left him they lef-)
They never figured out what happened to their Danny. Years and years of missing posters and sleepless nights and tears and research– it was like he never existed.
The only clue to what might've happened to their boy was a single splatter of ectoplasm on the floor
They would find their son. Or they would die trying.
One fine sunday night, one Daniel Masters stumbles into a secret basement in his house.
There's gonna be updates on this cayse I'm sleep deprived rn and it's not as well written as I wish it could be.
This started out as crack and kinda got serious and I'd like ro establish that Vlad isn't going to be a "good" character. He is narcissistic, self serving, controlling and deliberately keeps things from Danny. He basically just ignores the fact that he stole Danny and tries to convince himself that Danny is his. His ghostly nature only makes it worse.
However, he does genuinely love Danny. Not when he first kidnapped him, at that time he only cared about hurting jack and maddie and fulfilling his family obsession. But over the course of the year he spends with Danny, he starts to care for him. Their relationship will eventually be fixed. It'll probably never be okay but Vlad will do anything it takes for him to not hurt Danny anymore. He will find a way to be better. And even if no amount of apologies will make up for what he did, he will still apologize.
The Fentons aren't going to be good either. They have very fixed views on ghosts and it's only increased due to the cradle robbing. They are even more ruthless and cold. They throw themselves into their research even more. Danny is absolutely terrified of them. And they're completely convinced that Danny stole their kid. (Will elaborate later) But they too will learn eventually.
Jazz grows up with her parents constantly working on their ghost research and projects, and she doesn't really believe in it. She grows up with the faint memory of a brother she doesn't know. And even though he parents love her, she wishes that they could let go.
Sam and Tucker will be explored in later posts
@little-pondhead I did a thing
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
Danny Phantom Episode Guide
For newbies or anyone who wants to use it
Danny Phantom is a semi episodic animated series from the early 2000's. This means that there isn't much continuity in between and there are ideas that don't get explored more than one episode. Having that in mind, i'm going to highlight what i think are the ¨key¨ episodes from the show related to major plot points and character arcs like this.
I would still suggest watching all the episodes to have an overall idea of the characters, world and lore to interact with the fandom.
Season 1
1)"Mystery Meat": Introduction to the premise, world and characters. Introduction to Lunch Lady. Start with this one. 2)"Parental Bonding": Introduction to overshadowing, exploration of Sam's character and her relationship with Danny. Introduction to Princess Dorathea. Exploration of Paulina's character. 3) "One of a Kind": Introduction to Skulker, one of the recurrent villains of the show. Danny episode (?) 4) "Attack of the Killer Garage Sale": Danny and, in part, Sam development episode. Introduction to recurrent villain Nicolai Technus. Exploration of Danny's school classmates. 5) "Splitting Images": Introduction to Sidney Poindexter, secondary ghost character. Danny centric episode. Hints that Danny has a evil/ mischievous side (?) 6) "What You Want": Tucker centric episode. Introduction to the ghost catcher and the idea of how Danny can be separated from his ghost half. Danny gets ectoblast powers. Introduction to Desiree character. 7) "Bitter Reunions" Introduction to Vlad Masters/Plasmius as main villain of the show. Exploration of Danny's parents past and their connection to Vlad. The ¨plot¨ starts to kick from this episode. 8) "Prisoners of Love": Introduction to the Ghost Zone, the dimension where ghosts are. Jack and Maddie episode. Introduction to Walker as antagonist. 9) "My Brother's Keeper": Danny and Jazz episode. Jazz finds out that Danny is half-ghost/ is Phantom. Introduction to Penelope Spectra. 10) "Shades of Gray": Valerie Gray episode. Valerie becomes a major semi-antagonist to Danny and recurrent character from this point on. Introduction to Cujo the dog. Introduction to the idea of Danny trying to help ghosts instead of fighting them in some episodes. 11) "Fanning the Flames": Exploration of Danny and Sam's feelings for each other. Introduction to Ember McLain as antagonist. 12) "Teacher of the Year": Exploration of Mr.Lancer, Danny's teacher as character. Technus returns as antagonist. 13) "Fright Night": Introduction to the Fright Night character, connected to major future plot point. Danny and Dash Baxter centric episode. Halloween episode. 14) "13": Introduction to Johnny 13 and Kitty characters. Danny and Jazz centric episode. 15) "Public Enemies": Walker returns as antagonist, takes over the town and turns the city against Danny (Phantom). Introduction to Wolf character, who becomes of the first Danny's ghost allies. 16) "Lucky in Love": Exploration Casper High popular kids students, mainly Paulina. Johnny 13 and Kitty as antagonists. 17) "Maternal Instinct": Vlad's villain arc- Danny and Maddie episode. Maddie finds out about Vlad's true intentions with her but not about him being half ghost. Introduction to Specter Deflector invention. 18) "Life Lessons": Valerie's arc- Important development for Valerie and Danny's characters and their relationship. Skulker as main antagonist. 19) "The Million Dollar Ghost": Vlad's villain arc-Jack and Danny episode- acts as set up for major future plot point. Introduction to Guys In White, a anti-ghost hunters organization. 20) "Control Freaks": Danny and Sam's centric episode-exploration of Sam's family and her relationship with her parents. Introduction to Freakshow, a human who can control ghosts. Shows Danny being mind controlled and acting like a villain.
Season 2
1)¨Memory Blank¨: Paulina making connection between Danny and Phantom, otherwise it doesn't add much to the series. Sam and Danny episode- Desiree as antagonist. 2) "Doctor's Disorders": Tucker centric episode. Explores the idea of humans getting ghostpowers by ¨ghost disease¨. Spectra returns as antagonist. 3) "Pirate Radio": Introduction to Youngblood. Ember and Youngblood team up as antagonists. Character development for Danny and exploration of Danny's classmates. 4-5) "Reign Storm": Very crucial special episode that pays off character arcs and plot points from Season 1. Vlad's villain character arc-major development for Danny and Valerie as characters and their relationship. Introduction to Pariah Dark, Ghost Zone's backstory and Ghost King lore. 6) "Identity Crisis": Pretty good exploration of Danny's character, explores the concept of how a human-ghost can live separated from their ghost half. Technus as antagonist. 7) "The Fenton Menace": Danny and Jazz episode. Younblood as antagonist. 8-9) "The Ultimate Enemy": Another crucial key special episode from the show. Introduction to Dark Danny/Dan Phantom (fanon name) as antagonist and the idea of Danny turning evil in the future. Important for Danny's arc. Introduction to Clockwork, Master of Time and his superiors, the Observants. Important exploration of Vlad's character. Danny learns about Jazz knowing about his ghost half and their dynamic changes from here. 10) "The Fright Before Christmas": Christmas episode- Introduces the Ghost Writer and Christmas Truce between ghosts. 11) "Secret Weapons": Vlad's villain episode, acts as follow up for both ¨Reign Storm¨ and ¨The Ultimate Enemy¨. Jazz learns about Vlad being half-ghost. Jazz and Danny episode. 12) "Flirting with Disaster": Follow up from ¨Reign Storm¨. Valerie Gray arc-Danny and Valerie temporarily date in this episode. Valerie gets a suit upgrade. Technus as antagonist. 13) "Micro Management": Explores Danny and Dash's dynamic. Skulker as antagonist. 14) "Beauty Marked": Sam centric episode- Exploration of Dorathea's realm- Prince Aragon as antagonist. 15) "King Tuck": Tucker centric episode-Explores the idea of Tucker being descendant of an egyptian pharaoh and having some possible ghost powers (?) Hotep-Ra as antagonist. 16) "Masters of All Time": Clockwork returns as character- It... doesn't add much to the series but it explores an alternative timeline of what if Jack had turned into half-ghost instead. 17) "Kindred Spirits": Vlad's villain arc- reveal of why he has been using Valerie for all this time- deep exploration to Vlad's motivations as villain- Introduction to Danielle character. Acts as the ¨actual¨ finale for Season 2 18) "Double Cross My Heart": Sam and Danny episode. GIW as antagonists 19-20) "Reality Trip": Freakshow returns as antagonist. Introduction to the Reality Gauntlet. Exploration to how Jack and Maddie would react to finding out that Danny is a ghost. Even though things revert back to the status quo by then end, some of the concepts it explores are interesting.
Season 3
1)"Eye for an Eye": Vlad's villain arc-Change of the status quo. Vlad moves to Amity Park and becomes the mayor. 2) "Infinite Realms": Vlad's villain arc. Introduction to the Infi-Map and the Far Frozen yetis. Introduction to Frostbite character 3) "Girls' Night Out": Spectra, Ember and Kitty villain team up. Skulker as secondary antagonist. Some interesting development between Jazz and Sam. 4) "Torrent of Terror": Vlad's villain arc. Introduction to Vortex. Dany and Vlad work together in this episode. 5) "Forever Phantom": Introduction to Amorpho. Interesting exploration of Danny's character- an episode worth of watching. 6) "Urban Jungle": Introduction to Undergrowth. Danny gets ice powers and exploration of ghosts cores. 7) "Livin' Large": Episode that explores the idea of the Fentons becoming rich- GIW as antagonists. 8) "Boxed-Up Fury": Introduction to Pandora and Pandora's box. Box Ghost as antagonist 9) "Frightmare": Introduction to Nocturn as antagonist. 10) "Claw of the Wild": Wolf returns this episode. Walker as antagonist. 11) "D-Stabilized": Vlad's villain arc- Important episode for Valerie and Danielle character arcs- Valerie finds out about Vlad being half ghost. 12-13) "Phantom Planet": Series finale- conclusion to Danny's arc and Vlad's villain arc. Danny's identity as Phantom gets revealed to the whole world as Vlad's does. Vlad is exiled from Earth with everyone knowing about his ghost identity and villain nature. Danny and Sam become a couple. Gets followed up in ¨A Glitch in Time¨ Graphic novel.
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wisecloudnightmare · 8 months
Can we have fucked up, toxic, old man yaoi with Jack Fenton/Vlad Masters please?
It's my brainrot that I can't cut off asdfgh
They're two mad scientists, one's carelessness changing the other's life irrevocably and the other hates him for it enough for murder attempts. Come on. You guys have to see it too.
Vlad wears a mask of a generous self-made man who'd like to reconnect with his long lost friends. But he's not that careful. What if Jack picks up on it and idk, plays a psychological game with Vlad?
What if it ends up as a poly relationship where Jack and Maddie love each other, and with Maddie's consent, Jack pursues Vlad like a wolf in the golden retriever's clothing?
More ideas under the cut
You can:
1. Add identity shenanigans where Jack feels jealous of Plasmius and Vlad's relationship
2. Make Jack act like an excited puppy around Vlad but a hunting hound when sees Plasmius. Jack knows they're the same person. But the mental gymnastics Vlad has to do to keep up the act means he accidentally trains himself to find excuses for Jack's behavior. Like any slipups from Jack's part or Jack's ...advances.
3. Make Jack put up with Vlad's murder attempts because he feels guilty and wants to bond with Vlad.
4. Make him intentionally step into traps because it makes Vlad happy.
5. Make him intentionally DESTROY the traps because Vlad looks really hot (both figuratively and literally) when he's angry.
6. Make Jack play up his clumsiness. When Vlad falls into a lake alongside him and comes out wet and miserable, Jack feels ...something.
7. Make Jack flirts with Vlad but with an excuse like, he's just affectionate with his friend.
8. Add angst to 7. by making Maddie/Jazz/Danny confront Jack about his relationship with Vlad.
8. Make Vlad try to present himself as a better husband to Maddie but make Jack fall in love with him instead.
9. Make them drunk and fall into bed together (need to tag consent issues tho)
10. Adds spice to 9. by making one of them trans
11. Make Danny walk in on them doing domestic shits like cooking together and Vlad feeding Jack to taste-test the food. (Vlad doesn't understand why Danny runs off like he sees something scandalous.)
12. Make Danny really walk in on them doing something scandalous lol
13. Make Danny cock-block them intentionally because he doesn't want Vlad as his other dad
14. Make Jazz sit Vlad down for an invasive therapy session
15. Make Vlad fall in love with Jack in the college and see Maddie as the one who stole him away (make the girls fiiiight)
16. Make Vlad fall in love with both Jack and Maddie but he's a repressed gay. So he pursues Maddie aggressively. Maddie likes him but finds his affection... fake? I mean he blushes when talking to her but there's this weird energy between him and Jack
17. Make it a really dark psychological thriller where Vlad wants a perfect family, using underhanded methods. Jack is less discreet and forcefully taking what was his; his Maddie, his kiddos, his... Vlad.
18. Make both of them halfas and their violent urges need to be met. (Have you ever read fics where sex with non-human is really violence?)
19. Make Vlad unconsciously purrs around Jack. Vlad falls asleep on the Fenton's couch and Jack picks him up, moving him to a guest room? Vlad purrs and nuzzles into his hold. Jack plays with Vlad's hair? Purrs. Sitting next to each other? Purrs. Danny comes back home to see purring Vlad arching his back so Jack can scratch it better, and quietly walks back out
20. Just do it like any other ships from Danny Phantom fandom or dpxdc crossover: create as many plotless fluff or porn (pwp) as you want. I just want to advertise the ship.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
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Part 6 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
It's mid-day Wednesday (at least for my time), which means a new part of my poll adventure fic, because I've been here for over a year and still don't know how to use this site effectively. :D (Oh wait, here, I made a poll about tumblr timing.)
Valerie walked toward Vlad through the rubble, hugging a hissing and clawing Maddie against her armor. "Found him," she said proudly, smiling up at Vlad. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Actually, there is. There's a malevolent ghost loose in Amity Park, posing a serious risk to my health, as well as to the city. I need him contained and brought to me."
Oh, cheese sticks with marinara dipping sauce! He had meant to do the responsible thing here—not ask a fourteen-year-old child who couldn't even hold a cat properly to risk her life in his stead.
...He really had become too accustomed to avoiding anything unpleasant.
"Sure thing, Mayor Masters!"
Maddie squirmed out of Valerie's hold with an angry yowl and ran off.
Well, he could still work with Valerie. ...If he truly wanted to. He was unlikely to succeed on his own, anyhow, if this older version of Daniel actually was as powerful as he'd heard.
But did he truly want to be a part of this endeavor? He was already dreading it, with only the thought.
He recalled what the older Daniel had said—that he let his emotions hold too much sway, and that in turn caused his plans to fail.
Which had been exactly the case when he'd felt some level of compassion for that ghost.
Thinking purely objectively, Vlad could still use the ghost if he could get him back under his control. And if Vlad were to have some part in the ghost's capture—in saving Amity Park—it would boost his ratings. He did need to keep his position as mayor of Amity Park for his contingency plans.
"Valerie, dear. Why don't we work together? I'm sure it's just misplaced guilt, but I can't help but feel somehow responsible for this situation. Ridiculous, I know. However, working with you on his capture would ease my poor conscience."
"Oh... uh, you've never suggested this before," Valerie said uncertainly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, as though she was trying to think of some way that poor old 'Mayor Masters' could work with her. "But if that's what you want."
'Cheerleader' isn't, ah, a literal cheerleader. (Don't make me dress him up in a skirt.) It just means... like, advertising and cheering her on. More of a cheer-leader (...which is probably an even more literal meaning actually).
"Alert me when there's an update" list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget! If I can't tag you, I'll send a Message.)
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ep-10 · 2 years
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I posted 144 times in 2022
That's 22 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (60%)
57 posts reblogged (40%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 110 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#danny phantom - 72 posts
#webtoon - 26 posts
#webcomic - 25 posts
#youtube - 13 posts
#vlad plasmius - 12 posts
#amity thereafter - 11 posts
#vlad masters - 9 posts
#maddie fenton - 7 posts
#sam manson - 7 posts
#danny fenton - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#iran used to be a very secular in the 70s until the revolution to overthrow the royals that is pro western
My Top Posts in 2022:
Commission of Clockwork with a flaming crown requested by @pennerjones
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Thanks for the support!
642 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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Day 3: College Years
Danny got a floating coffee + blorbo
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Day 2: No one knows AU
Art based on DP Undercover AU by @artistfingers
837 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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See the full post
978 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yo Danny Phantom he has a puppet corpse
And his ghost is bound to his dead body
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2,062 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fureliselost · 4 years
Vlad, from DP, should’ve been like Obake, from BH6TS.
I’d say I won’t elaborate, but I will if someone asks.
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zodiacbiologist · 4 years
On this week's Sh*t Tea, we discuss our favorite Villian Dads and what made them so great.
As always, credit where credit is due.
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How long has been in this hospital? Months? Years? Sense of time doesn't exist here. There is only silence, save for the beeping of the monitor next to him. Emptiness, and wilted flowers on his nightstand.
Characters: Vlad Masters
Word Count: 770
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of pain/suffering, vague hinting of desired death, mentions of death (he dies but he's fine)
Author's Note: I love the headcanon that halfas die when they turn into ghosts. It's so deliciously angsty.
(Please reblog and comment if you enjoy this I will love you forever ❤❤❤)
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aedelia · 4 years
Some warm up dp doodles while I plot out my prompt fill for today.
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fantasma-exspiravit · 6 years
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Danny Phantom Randomness (The Wisconsin Ghost)
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You guys might be sick of all my Vlad posts by now, but please bear with me because at least this one is semi-spooky! So another thing we wondered on my discord server is...does Vlad actually have any ghost myths about his alter ego in Wisconsin? We assume that Jack calls Vlad Plasmius the “Wisconsin Ghost” since that’s just where they were when Plasmius overshadowed him at their 20 year college reunion...
But, what if there’s more to it than that...?
From what I could find, Wisconsin is considered the 14th most haunted state in America which is pretty cool actually. And lets face it, every country in the world has its fair share of ghost stories and local folklore. But here I’d like to focus specifically on Vlad and his whole vampire aesthetic since that’s what he was originally going to be when the show was pitched; it was scrapped though since the producers and Butch thought it would end up making Vlad “too scary/occult.”
And yet...vampires have been all the rage so it’s actually more of a missed opportunity. The show came out in 2004 but the book Twilight became a best seller with teens so, yeah, ya done goofed Butch. Still, I like the nod to vampires in the alter-ego name Plasmius since plasma is found in blood. Plus there’s the other obvious nod with the name Vlad itself which makes us all think of Vlad the Impaler:
“Vlad is of Slavic and Old Russian origins and it is traditionally a boy's name. According to its Slavic origin the meaning of Vlad is 'to rule' or 'glorious rule'. The name Vlad is a shortened variant of the Old Russian name Vladislav or Russian Vladimir.” ~ https://kidadl.com/baby-names/meaning-of/vlad
Fun Fact: I used the name Vladislav in my Unseelie Vlad AU
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Now, there is a myth in Wisconsin about “The Vampire Of Mineral Point” which tells of a thin, tall, figure dressed in all black who was first seen in a graveyard on a snowy February night in 1981 by officer John Pepper after they received several concerned calls from locals about suspicious activity in the Graceland Graveyard. When the figure realized he’d been spotted, he ran and reportedly jumped a 6 foot fence with ease and when the officer made it to the other side, expecting to find this figure there was no sign of him! Not even footprints on the thick freshly fallen snow...
On March 14th 2004 there was a second sighting where the dark figure was attacking people from a tree near an apartment complex and when the officers pursued him, he escaped and the footprints ended at a wall as if he had flown away.
The last sighting (so far) was on July 11th 2008 when a couple was fishing at Ludden Lake when they heard scratching underneath the pier where they were fishing. Then they heard splashing and scraping like something was crawling underneath their feet on the pier. The guy started banging his feet on the boards thinking it was an animal and shined his light through the boards when they saw a caped figure crawling up the side towards them. His girlfriend fled in fear but after the guy came to his senses he threw the flashlight at the figure then ran to the car to catch up with his girlfriend.
Unfortunately the figure still tried chasing after them but eventually the couple managed to escape to the Mineral Point police station to make a full report, only realizing once they were safe that they had left all their gear behind. When officers arrived at the scene, all the fishing stuff was still there except...for the flashlight.
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Ok, so now that we know the legend of the Vampire of Mineral Point here’s how I’d propose we adapt it to be about none other than Vlad Masters:
First of all, since we don’t know the show’s timeline I usually set it in 2004 when it first came out but I’m flexible if it’ll make this myth fit.
We know that Vlad is in his 40′s give or take a few years in the show’s timeline and his accident happened 20 years ago so if we subtract 40 years from 2004 we get 1964. So lets say that this is the year is roughly when Vlad Masters was born.
Since Vlad was in his 20′s when he became half-ghost if we add that to his new birth year...guess what it adds up to? 1984! That at least brings us close to the first “vampire” sighting in 1981 which means if we tweak this a bit we could make it work! Therefore, if I’ve done my math right...if we change Vlad’s birth year to 1961 then that will bring us to the 1981 year mark we need as the first spooky encounter once he has his ghost powers!
For the most part we all assume Vlad doesn’t have any living relatives or much control of his powers at first so lets assume since the first vampire sighting was in Graceland Cemetery...maybe Vlad was visiting his parents grave and freaked when an officer started chasing him. For the added angst, maybe they passed away while he was in the hospital so Vlad missed their funeral which just adds to his anger towards Jack for landing him there in the first place. Maybe, Vlad was even hoping he could “sense” their presence like any other ghost but they had already moved on, unaware that their only son is now suffering and utterly alone in the world.
The second sighting in 2004 was likely a misunderstanding and the people in the apartments just assumed Vlad was attacking them on purpose since he couldn’t control his powers. Maybe Vlad was having a really bad day and the only reason he was in a tree was because he was hanging onto it for dear life so he wouldn’t float off into space or something and the “attacks” were caused from random charged of his ecto-energy going off and a few stray shots hit a couple of people by accident.
As for the last one in 2008...I think by then Vlad had a bit more control of his powers but he had another really bad day after finding out about Jack and Maddie’s first child, aka Jazz, which probably really stung since he was so bitter about Jack not even telling his supposed best friend about their first born daughter personally. Not to mention they might not have even bothered to invite Vlad to their wedding since at that point he was still hospitalized. Anyways, I could totally see Vlad taking out his anger on this random couple by scaring the ever-loving-crap out of them out of pure spite at this point in time. Probably kept the flashlight as a memento too, the fruitloop.
After the 3rd and final “vampire sighting” Vlad probably switched gears and kept a lower profile while obtaining his riches and plotting revenge on Jack Fenton. At least, until a new legend emerged that the castle owned by the billionaire Vlad Masters is reportedly haunted by a vampire ghost that has attacked many a robber who has trespassed on the property. Maybe residents avoid Vlad’s castle for that reason since it’s supposedly the new home of the Mineral Point Vampire but it was Jack who dubbed Plasmius as the Wisconsin Ghost.
Who knows, maybe Mineral Point was Vlad’s home town before he inherited the Dairy King’s castle. Locals probably already considered it haunted by the Dairy King before Vlad moved in but unlike the vampire they saw him as harmless. That is, if anyone ever saw him in the first place since the Dairy King likes his privacy which I’m guessing is why he had the castle built on the outskirts of whatever town we see nearby. Anyways, there you go, a possible urban legend adapted to Vlad’s backstory!
You’re welcome!
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gally-hin-phantom · 4 years
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Revamp of my Film Noir Au, now named Mafia Au 
Danny lives a double-life, but this time is an hitman instead of a superhero, and all ghosts (minus Clockwork) are his targets/victims
Because like you know I love Aus where Danny isn’t playing nice 😈
Additional Arts with Jazz/Vlad/Dani and Au Information below the “Keep Reading”
(Triggers Warning: mention of violence and death) 
——————————————————————— Name: Daniel James Fenton Nickname: Danny Occupation: Part Time Nasty Burger employee / Pro Hitman Age: 23 Codename: Phantom Kill Count: ??? Personal Gun: Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm Abilities: Smart, good liar, social skills, self-defense, guns skills, knife skills, first aid, parkour
Daniel Fenton is the youngest son of Maddie and Jack Fenton. His parents died when he was still in middle school, leaving him alone with his hospitalized older sister Jazz Fenton and a lot of debts.
In high school, he started to steal money to keep his parents’ house and pay for Jazz’s hospitalization.
One day, without noticing he was stealing drug dealers, he accidentally got caught in a shoot-out. After the slaughter, hidden behind a bin, he met “The Master of Time” a professional hitman. At first the hitman wanted to kill him in order to erased any witness but Danny begged him to spare his life and to teach him assassination instead. Confused but intrigued by so much will, and after serious warnings the hitman accepted Danny as his apprentice. One year after, Danny got his first mission and target, an ex-policeman by the name of Percival Walker.
In the beginning Danny only wanted to target dubious people, but after being call « monster » by one of his victim, and then killing the innocent witness Dorathea Legrand, he stopped caring and started to accept missions with innocents and even children.
Each mission usually brought him between 15’000$ and 30’000$, after the intermediate commission he stored the rest on 5 separate bank accounts with different names, and lied to Jazz about his current job, saying that their parents left them a lot of insurance money.
He approximately killed 3-6 persons a year but hadn’t killed anyone in the last year and started to run out of money. In April, he gladly accepted his next mission, a wealthy businessman in the name of Vladimir Masters.
Danny is now ok to kill people, after all animals kill to eat, humans also kill animals for food. Receiving money to kill somebody isn’t so different from receiving money to butcher a cow for steak. After long conversations with his vegan friend Sam, he concluded that animals' lives don’t worth less than human lives. Moreover humans kill other humans, for oils or other horrible beliefs (racism, homophobia etc…). At least he does it to help his sister and not twisted pleasure. Like he says “He didn’t have a choice and can’t go back.”
Danny used to but doesn't have regrets anymore, “What's done is done” and what he earns help him to keep Fenton Works and Jazz alive by moving her to a better hospital. 
He doesn’t have guilt either, the one to blame is the person who asks him to kill. The one to blame is the person who wants to kill, not the knife. Like a knife he is only a ‘tool’.
Even if he never sees a ghost he believes in a sort of afterlife, and isn’t scared of death. He only hopes to survive long enough until Jazz fully heals.
Memorable Kills:
Mission 1: Jailbreak Target name: Percival Walker Occupation: Prison Guardian, ex-policeman Cause of Death: Shooted in the head
Mission 2: Djinn Target name: ? Occupation: Secret mistress of a wealthy businessman Cause of Death: Stabbed in the throat Notes: Commissioned by the businessman’s jealous wife.
Mission ?: Specter Target name: ? Occupation: Teen therapist/counselor Cause of Death: Shouted several time all over her body Notes: Called Danny « freak » and « monster » right before death.
Mission ?: Plague Target name: Aragon Legrand Occupation: Heir of a powerful wealthy family Cause of Death: Shouted in the head Notes: Dorathea Legrand, Aragon’s sister, unexpectedly intervened during the mission, trying to protect her brother. She was also killed to avoid witnesses.
Mission ?: Lullaby  Target: Ember McLain Occupation: Diva Cause of Death: Burned alive in her house, to make it look like an accident
Mission ?: BlueBlood Target name: ? Occupation: Rich Young Heir of a wealthy family Cause of Death: Suffocated in his sleep Notes: Youngest target, he was only 8
Mission ?: Snow Target name: ? Occupation: Journalist & Books Critic Cause of Death: Shouted in the head
Name: Jasmine Panthea Fenton Occupation: Hospitalized civilian  Age: 24 Nickname (by Danny): Jazz, and sometimes before her hospitalization Panny
Hospitalized for a long time her health seems to deteriorate with each passing day, though moving to a better hospital seems to have stabilized her a bit.
Danny is making sure to visit her at least twice a week to keep her company and brought her plenty of books he lends from the library (even if she doesn’t always have the strength to read its, she is happy to have Danny to keep her company).
Though weaker, Jazz is intelligent and doesn’t believe one second the “insurance money” excuse, but she lets Danny has his secrets anyway until the day he decides to tell her everything. Little she suspects her baby brother, who smells like fried food and cheap burgers, has his hands covered with blood.
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Name: Unknown but his Initials are C.W. Occupation: Retired Hitman, intermediate Age: ??? Codename: Master of Time Nickname (by Danny): ClockWork Kill Count: ???
After teaching everything he knows to Danny, he got shot in the knee and forced to retire. He now uses his old connections to act as an intermediate to find him missions.
Clockwork knows Danny only kill to help his sister and is actually very protective of him. He tries to help him and keep him as far as he can from too dangerous missions, even if Phantom’s skills and abilities to kill fast without letting traces are highly sought-after, resulting in more dangerous missions and famous targets.
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Mission ?: Plasmius Target name: Vladimir Mikhailovich Masters Occupation: One of the wealthiest businessman of the world Nickname (by Danny): Fruitloop Age: 49 Note: The bounty for his head would be able to finish paying Danny’s debts
Vlad has a lot of enemies. He is a billionaire and is always on the right side of the law but also do a lot of devious stuffs in the shadows (child labor, ecologic disasters etc…). For humanity's sake, he is literally better dead.
Danny tracked Vlad for months before having the chance to point a gun on the almost untouchable man.
Name: Danielle Masters Dead Name: Kim S. Occupation: Vlad’s personal bodyguard, keeps an eye on her master’s security 24/7 Age: 22 Nickname (by Danny): Elle Kill Count: ??? Personal weapons: Glock 26 and several knives hidden in her boots and jacket Abilities: Smart, good liar and actress, high class social skills, self-defense, guns skills, knife skills, first aid, parkour, high education, bilingual  
Vlad found her during one of his visits in a warzone country. In one rare act of kindness (?), he took her with him, raised her and paid for her « training ».
While acting as Vlad’s clingy and annoying daughter, she is in fact his close bodyguard. Dani is very devoted and would give her life for her « father » without an once of hesitation.
She usually wears a long jacket to hide her small thought muscular build and wears cloths comfy enough to run and jump.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
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Part 13 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12.
Danny ran out of the classroom and circled back around as he transformed.
Who was that transfer student?
A clone?
A trap?
He couldn't think about that now—he had to find out what Vlad was doing here.
...Maybe checking up on his newest pawn?
Danny searched around the school grounds. He heard their voices before he saw them.
They were talking behind the bleachers by the football field.
Valerie in her suit, and Plasmius.
"Mayor Masters asked you to come?" she said. Then she shoved something under Plasmius's nose. "Look, see? His ecto-signature's showing up again. Somewhere really close by. It was displaying him practically on top of me, just like yesterday."
Valerie pointed at what she was showing Plasmius. "It's picking up you, him, and... Phantom," she finished in a growl.
Plasmius looked up, eyes narrowed as he scanned around them.
Danny backed up, easing farther behind the corner he was peeking out from.
A cold breath escaped his lips and he felt himself bump into something—but, before he could turn around, arms reached out and grabbed him.
"Hey!" Danny instinctively changed his ghostly tail back to legs and tried to kick free.
"I've found this one," the double said as he brought Danny behind the bleachers. "The other is too well hidden."
Valerie suddenly turned her head away and put a finger to her ear for a few seconds, before glancing between Plasmius and his double. "Mayor Masters says he's working on a more precise locator. Maybe then I'll be able to pinpoint his location, no matter how well he hides."
"Whose location? What's going on—and why are you two working together?"
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