#vj is not handling this well AT ALL
tia-amorosa · 3 months
Sunset Died - Bachelor/Clavell & Others
Overcomings (Part 2)
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Later. Bella had cleared away a few leftover plates after everyone else had left the house. Then she tried to read a book, but she couldn't concentrate. Her path then led her upstairs. Michael was lying on his bed, staring in one direction. until he noticed his sister. "Hey, are you OK?"/ "Can't we have a look at the cemetery, Micha? I want to see how everything has been made beautiful again"
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Michael sat down on the edge of the bed. "Bella…". His sister spoke excitedly but confidently. "I know you miss mom and dad a lot too. But I would so like to put flowers down for them, or a nice vase. Sometimes I feel like I forget what they look like, we don't even have photos anymore. Please, Micha…". She looked at him with wide eyes. He could see that it was incredibly important to her. "hh, well… O.k…. I just want to have a quick drink of water." . Her eyes began to light up and she clapped her hands. "mhm, o.k."..
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It was an extremely oppressive feeling for Michael as he walked hand in hand with his little sister towards the cemetery. And it wasn't even a 10-minute walk. When they reached it, he stopped briefly in front of the gate and looked up. "Almost everything destroyed… But this rusty thing is still standing…"/ "Come on, I can already see Lisa and the others. Ooh, flowers…". He looked after his sister as she ran to the others. Then he took a deep breath and walked slowly after her.
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Michael hadn't been to this place since the catastrophe. And cemeteries were never particularly appealing to him. But when he saw Peter, he thought of the hug he had offered him. He felt good about it, at least for that moment. And maybe it would be possible again without standing in front of him with swollen eyes.
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Everyone was busy doing something else in the cemetery. The girls were making sure the flowers were well aligned, a few boys were clearing away the remaining piles of earth. While Michael made his way to Peter, he was observed "Don't look, your protégé is here…". Xander paused for a moment. "Oh, really? I thought he wasn't ready for that step yet."
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"Well, sometimes you have to let young people decide for themselves when they're ready for something, Xander. My own father was pretty strict, so he had to have his way. Michael has a wounded soul, and it needs to be handled gently." Meanwhile … Peter smiled … "hnhn, somehow I knew you'd come"/"ah… Really?".
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"hnhn, so VJ didn't intimidate you, hm?"/ "that's not why I'm here…Bella wanted to come here. And I don't like to let her go anywhere alone."/ "I understand. ". Peter didn't say much yet, because he wanted Michael to relax first. "Where did… you get all the flowers?".
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"Those over there? Lisa and Candy had some seed packets from the school garden project. It was their idea to plant them there. They grow well and flower all year round"/ "mhm". Michael quietly looked at the surroundings. The other young people had done a really great job.
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"Do you want to try it too? It's a great way to relieve frustration"/ "What kind of frustration do you have?"/ "None at the moment… But hey, look, you get really great upper arms from this work". Peter left the spade for a moment and showed him one of his arms with a grin. "Um, yeah, really great…"/ "Here… But only if you want to". Peter held the spade out to him.
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Once he had the spade in his hands and tried his first stab, Peter had to smile a little. "Hey, don't stand there so tense, it has to come more from the hip… Should I…"/ "No, no, I… I can do it…". That would have been the most embarrassing moment Michael could have had. That's why he made an extra effort now. "Yes, better, hnhn".
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Peter watched Michael as he put the earth back into the hole. He was almost fervent about it and even started to sweat a little. "Hey, you don't have to completely overexert yourself now, okay? It'll really make your muscles ache later"/ "h-hh, it's okay… it's not much…". Peter looked at his friend and grinned a little "OK, have it your way, but don't say later that I didn't warn you".
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A little later. "Have you ever noticed that Peter and Michael spend a lot of time together?" Candy looked over for a moment. "They've become pretty good friends. And Peter was very supportive of Michael when he lost his parents…". Lisa grinned and replied mischievously. "do you think there's some kind of bromance between them?"/ "Well, bro sure, but mance?"/ "Hnhn. well, it's none of my business, let everyone do what they want".
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"Well, I wouldn't be surprised, there aren't any girls left who are free. But you and Davy?"/ "Hey, he's not that bad, he likes to talk, I think that's great. There are boys who prefer to watch soccer or go out with their mates"/ "Yes, that's true…"… Detlef's voice rang out a little later. "You've done a good job, kids. How about a photo of you all?".
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The young people stood in a suitable place to have their photo taken. Detlef had a camera, which fortunately remained intact, "Very nice, and now everyone says 'cheese'". Not everyone was necessarily in the mood to put on a happy face. But it was definitely a photo you could hang up. At some point… "OK, that's it. Thanks for your help"…
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover ☺
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mercurygray · 2 years
from the holiday prompt list: midnight and molly (and a side of tab perhaps?) it seems only right i put in my first request since declaring my new fav (sorry, eileen, i still love you) ❤️
Issie, thank you so much for this prompt, as it gave me an excuse to do something I've been meaning to do for a little bit here - a new AU! The War Ended And We Went Home To Other People. (Sadly, however, Floyd does not feature. I think you'll like the new guy, though.)
He would be glad to see the end of 1945.
Andy Haldane had been just this side of alive on New Year's Eve of 1944, doped up on more morphine than a human ought to admit to, but he was alive, if only just. He'd spent most of this year slowly climbing back out of the well of the war, out of this hospital and that rehabilitation ward, slowly moving eastward until his mother and father could come and visit on Sundays, take a walk with him around the garden.
He was ashamed of those Sundays. There wasn't a whole lot left of the son they'd sent to war now - the darling of the gridiron and the college dorm was happy enough to be shuffling along on crutches most days, and counted it a good day if he didn't have to take a nap after lunch. How he'd worked, before the war! His parents had saved so hard to get him to Bowdoin - first in his family to take a degree, to have their picture in the paper. A man who was going to go places, that's what he was - until that sniper made his position on the ridge.
He could remember where he was when they said the war was over - VE day and VJ both. Different hospitals, on different coasts. He couldn't get out of bed on VE day - some of the others jumped out of beds and ran down halls, throwing things out of windows and banging thier bedpans, just to make a racket. VJ day he'd been here, in Boston, with a lot of army types who'd been flown in from Europe to convalesce. It wasn't their war, and somehow that meant it mattered just a little less.
Some of those men were gone now, replaced with different faces and different voices. Different nurses, now, too, different volunteers on the wards. The young USO wives were mostly gone, to houses in the suburbs and returning husbands, probably, and in their place were mothers whose sons had not come home, trying to atone by mothering boys whose own mothers were too busy to come.
Which made her stand out in more ways that one. Young, for starters, but without that innocence that the young wives had all shared, the perfect nylons and dainty handbags and ladies home journal magazine cookies. She came in slacks, some days, with a bookbag that always seemed to be full of journals and notes, but useful things, too - the racing papers and the sports pages and comic books. Jokes, too, in the free and easy way of a girl who has had brothers. "Hey, Mahoney," someone or other would call, and she'd catch for the ball or lob the greeting back, delivering letters and newspapers and news of the world. She was a student, over at the college - a doctoral thesis on something historical. She didn't talk about it much with them - but never looked down on the guys who'd barely finished eighth grade and stumbled through reading the funny pages, either.
Andy wondered, a lot, about why she volunteered - but one day, when the weather had turned colder he watched her pull a fatigue jacket out of her bag and realized she was missing the war because she'd been in it herself.
"You're a woman of a lot of surprises, Miss Mahoney," he said, nodding to the jacket and the faded stripes on her sleeve. "Or was it Sergeant?"
"You sure it isn't my boyfriend's?" She asked, a slight edge to her voice, the syllables wrapped cautiously around the handle of a knife like she might have to slash out with it. How many people had made that accusation before?
"It fits you like you broke it in," he said, and meant it. He'd never had clothes that fit better than the dungarees he'd worn on the canal, sleeping day in and day out in them until the elbows and knees were just so. That was her jacket, lived and suffered in, and anyone who'd worn OD would know it to see it.
She nodded, smiling, and he looked closer, at the patches on the shoulder, the darns and repairs on the collar. "You were a paratrooper." That experimental outfit everyone talked about - with that famous woman. Jean? Jane? He couldn't remember the name.
She nodded. "506th Regiment - Company E. Two combat jumps, one purple heart, three campaign ribbons, combat infantry badge, expert marksman."
As decorations went it was quite a list. "Why did you never say? None of those guys in there know."
She scoffed. "We had a joke, in my unit. How will they know which company we are? Because the girls are Easy." She looked down at her hands, swallowed nervously. "It hit different when you were in a room full of people who knew you. Here, back home, I'm just…someone who didn't know her place - borrowed some other guy's chance at glory." She tried to smile. "Still miss it, though. That's why I come. Here I'm…the kid sister, or the girl down the street. No one questions how I know what I know, and I can…give back, a little. For the guys who didn't make it home."
"I'd like to hear about it, sometime. If you feel like talking."
She nodded, in the way that said she'd think about it, and he let he matter rest. The next week she brought bear claws from a bakery down the street, big and sweet and messy, and they sat in the courtyard eating them and getting thier fingers stuck to flimsy paper napkins. She told him about her brother, a navy man who'd died at Pearl Harbor, and leaving college so she could join the WAC. He talked about Bowdoin, and Parris Island. She talked about the guy she'd had some hopes with, and the news that he'd married a woman in England, that they were having a baby, and he found himself itching to fight. They both talked about food, about boats and being sick as dogs, about being cold and wet and scared. Andy found himself naming names he hadn't said aloud in a long time, stories that were still somehow funny even if they were also sad.
He asked his mother to bring stationary, on her next Sunday visit, to write to Ed's family, and find out what happened to Burgin and Sledge. "Who are you writing to?" she asked, looking hopeful. "A girl?" When he said no, her face fell a little. "You had a look in your eye, is all. Hadn't seen that there for a while."
Well, I'm not writing to her, he wanted to say. But there is a girl. A woman? A someone. Wishful thinking, though. She could do better than a broken down old Marine.
But new years were for new beginnings, weren't they? And he needed all the help he could get. So, here he was, a few minutes to midnight and ready to bid farewell to 1945. The crutches were mostly gone, now, and he did pretty well with his cane. He'd actually taken the time to get dressed for this one - no pajamas and robe for him, no sir. He found her in the dayroom over by the record player, keeping an eye on things while the candy stripers danced patiently with men who were still learning the use of their prosthesis, or braces, or what have you. And she didn't shoo him away, either - glad for the company, or the excuse to keep turning down dances she didn't want to do.
When the clock struck midnight he turned to look - she looked ashamed, almost, like she didn't want to expect anything, awkward in a room full of kissing couples and falling confetti and stray balloons and Guy Lombardo on the radio. "Molly," he said, and when she turned to look at him he kissed her, his nose bumping her own. She'd taken some pains with her hair and it hung in soft honey ringlets around her face, her skin soft with some scent he couldn't name.
For a moment neither of them spoke. "Sorry," he offered, practically shouting to be heard above the noisemakers. "It's been a while since I kissed a pretty girl, I'm a little out of practice."
She was blushing a little, but she didn't look angry, either. That was something, wasn't it? "No apology needed, Captain."
"Molly, it's Andy." You know it's Andy. It's been Andy for weeks now.
She smiled. "Andy. Happy New Year."
He decided to go further. "Maybe another for good luck?"
She rolled her eyes and smiled wider, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Oh, go on then."
He decided 1946 could stay, if it liked.
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
Soooo it took a few weeks but here's the D4DJ magic au explanation post! (This post will be pretty long I apologize, and to the people curious about each unit's magic I will make the unit magic posts later, I still dont have an idea on what to do with some of them and those ones need to have drawings to be able to explain and show what the magic looks like properly and im a bit busy atm to do that!)
So! How did I make the magic? It's very simple... I think. I based all of their magic on the kind of person they are, their hobbies, their unit aesthetic, their role in the unit, meaning of their names, the vibes of their songs and then mix them all together! If the magic might not fit the name meaning very well but fit nicely with what kind of person they are, it's okay! As long as the magic is connected to each point in some way then it counts!
Example: If the unit aesthetic are the stars and the character is a very excitable person (someone like Rinku or Rika), I might make them have magic that let them produce stars that can burst into glitter, confetti, or little light particles! Another example is if their name has a connection to water, but their unit performances are very hyped up, maybe I'll try to make their magic help them be able to hype the crowd in some way!
Very important thing to think out of all of this though is their role in the unit, if the character is the vocalist then it has to connect to their voice in some way unless they also dance, if the character is a VJ then it has to involve visuals, etc, etc. That has to be kept in mind while making the magic.
Now, like every power, I need to add side effects to them, so how did I decide those? Simple! (Maybe.) I decided the side effects based on their personality and magic! (It's a very simplified explanation but it's still gets the point across) The side effects are a "defense mechanism" to the magic, the will only take effect once you overexert, overwhelm, or tire yourself out. They last for in between an hour or a whole week.
Example: If your magic is the star bursting one, I might make the side effect make them hungry or very exhausted.
That's a simple one right? But! I need to add a bit more than that! I need to be very specific, some might have the "same" side effect but their reactions might be very different depending on the person! If the person has alright stamina they might just get tired and maybe take a nap and such, if the person has terrible stamina, then they might be winded that they literally sleep or they faint. (I don't like making the extreme reactions the actual side effect unless it makes sense for the character.)
Another way I make side effects is by making it affect something that is very important to magic making.
Example: If the magic has something to do with the arms and legs I might make the side effect the arms and legs aching because they were overwhelmed by the work, If the magic involves doing something with the head, I might make the side effect a headache, etc., etc.
That's all you need to know to understand my Au, nothing else. But I'll add a cut here if you're curious about the full explanation of the side effects, how instruments work in the Au (as of this moment), and the now scrapped performance rules! Will make a Lore post after making the unit posts because that might be boring for you guys haha.
Okay, wow, you really are interested if you clicked keep reading huh? Anyway I'm going to be explaining the side effects properly right now, next one is the instruments, then last is the performance rules.
Okay. So the side effects are like what I said, a defense mechanism against the person's magic. Sounds weird though, right? Why did I word it like that? Because that's literally what it is, a defense mechanism. Some bodies' can't handle their magic while some can, mostly because some side effects aren't extreme like body aches and can just be getting tired easily, but it still stands. Some people need to train up their bodies so the side effects won't be as extreme or make accommodations for them to make it easier.
Example: If the side effect makes them cold, then they might need to place a heater near the backroom just in case or if the side effect is the body having a lot of static current then they need to wear a blanket over them to not electrocute people.
The side effects will only last between an hour and a whole week, it's random. Some people sometimes immediately get the side effect and then it lasts an entire week, or vise versa. Sometimes it's just for two days, or even four. Everyone's side effects will last randomly as well so you can be super lucky or just. Struggle.
Now, onto the instruments! Since Rei and Nagisa have instruments I needed to find a way to include that into their magic and performances. (Also I really want to make a bandori version of this magic au so I'm going to cover my bases for this haha.)
The explanation is super simple. I think. If someone has a bass and the magic is making butterflies it HAS TO have little butterfly designs on the neck if they want to make it make butterflies while playing the bass, if not then they're going to have a normal bass and nothing interesting will happen.
Instruments don't come with the design though, they can either paint it on with a special -- and expensive -- ink or put stickers that are also expensive and need to be custom made near the area the music will be made.
I will now list where you can put the sticker/paint the ink for almost every kind of instrument. (If the instrument is the same type as one instrument listed here then it might act like that.)
For piano: Can just slap a sticker on it and call it a day, or be insane and paint it full of the designs with the special ink.
For stringed instruments: Either paint/slap the design on or near the neck, the strings, close to the strings, or behind the neck.
For percussion instruments: Since some percussions are made up of different stuff some need to either put stickers on every SINGLE part of the kit or paint every SINGLE part.
For brass instruments: Unlike the other instruments, brass guys can only use stickers and they can pretty much slap it on anywhere as long as it doesn't affect the sound.
The reason why there isn't one for turntables is because the DJs don't always have their hands on the turntables so they can easily do their magic with no problems.
And like actual ink and stickers, they fade so you need to buy a lot of ink and stickers. So. Good
Now. Onto the scrapped performance rules! You must be wondering why I call it scrapped, it's because this Au was originally supposed to be a full fantasy Au that had world building and steampunk-themed instruments and such but that was too much work for me ahah.
I'll just. copy and paste what I wrote in my doc for this part because I'm tired and will explain more after. The explanation might be confusing so I apologize in advance.
To start a performance, they need to first “set the stage” by making these discs with these special signs. The signs can be burned into, written on, melted into, etc., etc. They place it on this device (that looks like a Vinyl record player) that makes it go around and makes the sign transfer onto where they are performing, they place this sign down so that their magic won’t go out and hurt anyone or target someone by accident, the larger the sign, the bigger the safety net. (The signs being the unit logos, but with some tweaks, additional details and such.)
The ones who make and place the signs in each unit (except for L.M.O) are Maho, Shinobu (sometimes Kyoko), Saki (it used to be Shano who made the signs and Saki placed them), Haruna, Aoi, Saori, Toka, Lumina, and Neo.
You can tweak signs if you want, but you have to know how to write them properly to make it not sloppy and accidentally hurt someone in the crowd.
For smaller performances like ones on the street, they have to use a device (that looks like a portable CD player) to control their magic, thanks to its size, their magic is smaller. Non-magic users see it as a hindrance, but for magic-users it helps with trying to be creative thanks to the size. (Nagisa is an expert with this, so when she was first trying to get used to the larger signs that Aoi made, she would get a bit carried away.)
The signs while they perform react differently to the magic if it gets too close to the audience, some of them simply make them disappear, some make it turn into confetti, bubbles, little lights, petals, etc., etc. You make them anything, hell even glitter is allowed. (But for places like Yoba and Arisugawa, it’s usually banned, unless you find a way to sneak it in the performance like Kurumi and Miiko.)
Now. So. I'm actually going to keep some stuff I wrote for this, the part I'm keeping will be everything involving the signs, I was so smart for that. So. Yeah.
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Pharani Family
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Kaesoka Child AU link here.
Zevra is the Tholothian woman on the right, Rinu is the Mirialan woman on the left, the Tholothian/Mirialan hybrid boy in the middle is Zevra's oldest kid, Xan, the hybrid girl Xan is holding is Keriss(the one who looks like she's seeing something suspicious), and the little boy being held by Rinu is Vylo(the one looking at the cat). The Tooka is Aatoo(pronounce it like achoo).
Zevra and Rinu are both 26, Xan is 6, and Keriss and Vylo are twins and two and a half. The kids are Zevra's and not biologically Rinu's, Zevra had the kids with her ex husband, some (also purple) Mirialan dude, he died before the twins were born. Aatoo was a gift from him to Xan btw.
After that Zevra got stuck in an abusive situation, while she was still pregnant, went from partner death to abusive relationship real fast. She got out of the situation but it left some scars on her and Xan, the twins don't remember it.
Zevra and Rinu met during the final year of the clone wars, both worked for their respective planets governments as some form of special agent to keep their planets as out of the war as possible. They hit it off and eventually got married, then Empire, and they, specifically Rinu cause she knows something she shouldn't(that's how she lost her arm) were targeted and had to go into hiding.
They got involved with the rebellion, since they went to Aldaraan as refugees but they're both good at getting information and getting into places without getting caught. When Ahsoka joined the rebellion, they became part of her cell, which primarily deals with information.
They help Ahsoka with her fulcrum stuff when they can and keep the place from falling apart cause the other half of their cell is two sapphic in love traumatized goofs, one has minimal life skills. And while they are also two sapphic in love traumatized goofs, they are functional sapphic in love traumatized goofs that can adult.
So they're basically the parents and in charge when there's no missions. Ahsoka and Kaeden don't mind, both had to grow up too quick and like having parental figures again.
This has been a project that's taken me a long time to complete, from the paper sketch to this has taken almost a year.
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It's mostly taken this long because it was largely a project I had on the back burner since more fun/interesting/less complicated projects or ideas came up and I did those first, I've worked on this in patches and it would just just sitting around in various phases cause it is a big project, 6 characters! ibis paint usual doesn't handle my projects with two characters very well, granted those are usually characters with more going on and therefore more layers but still. So whenever some other project needed to be restored cause it crashed and I didn't want to sit around waiting during the day, I'd pop on over to this and try to work on it.
When I finished the coloring I just left it waiting to be shaded cause I was too busy with other projects I felt were more important.
You can definitely tell I rushed it in some areas, specifically the kids clothing all being the same colors cause I just wanted it to be done and the premise of this picture is that they are getting a family photo so some matching I guess?
I really just had to commit myself to getting it done and now that it is done, I feel very good about it, this thing has been haughting me for almost a year with my lack of motivation to finish it, it feels good to have it done.
Tomorrow is Halloween! Yay! I hope it's a fun, safe night for everyone!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you.
VJS out!
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leiajoydesign · 1 year
Concepts of Visual Language - Interview Responses
Thursday 27th April 2023 - Online Interview Responses (Reddit)
Mistahan - N/A - DJ
Do you think graphics on screens and visuals, such as lasers or confetti, enhance or detract your experience of a concert?
Can be, but they are intended to enhance the experience. No. They are supposed to enhance the experience. If it is not done tastefully or the light jockey / production person sucks, it can really mess up the vibe.
Do you think graphics and visuals are important to a show?
Yes. It can add a "WOW" factor to the experience when done correctly. Some artists who are great at visuals. Xcision, QUIX, Kaskade, Porter Robinson.
Do you think the lack of graphics and visuals would affect your experience of a show?
Yes. Regardless of what experience we are talking about, the more we can hit all five senses, the more immersive usually. Working at a club, the sense of smell was also important. (the sulfer smell bottle flares, having air refreshers positioned properly. Making sure the thermostat can handle the crowd, etc)
CarlosFlegg - N/A - DJ
Do you think graphics on screens and visuals, such as lasers or confetti, enhance or detract your experience of a concert?
Graphics on screens have been done exceptionally well a handful of times, the vast majority of times they are a distracting spectacle, and not a good one. Visuals such as lighting I think are very important, but are also equally as easy to get wrong or over do. Some tasteful up lighting and PARs are usually enough to create a decent atmosphere, throwing in some lasers, strobes and mild fog/mist at the peak of the set in an underground club sort of scene can work really well too. Heavy over use of the above can turn a good event into a head ache. Things like confetti I just find annoying really.
Do you think graphics and visuals are important to a show?
Graphics, not at all. Good quality visual lighting, absolutely.
Do you think the lack of graphics and visuals would affect your experience of a show?
Graphics, not at all. Good quality visual lighting, absolutely.
Nonomomomo2 - N/A - DJ
Do you think graphics on screens and visuals, such as lasers or confetti, enhance or detract your experience of a concert?
Detract. Massively overused and generally poorly done
Do you think graphics and visuals are important to a show?
Lighting is important. LED walls are a menace.
Do you think the lack of graphics and visuals would affect your experience of a show?
Yes, a lack of visuals enhances my experience because it lets me focus on the only thing that really matters; the music and the people around me.
Djtoshiba - N/A - DJ
Do you think graphics on screens and visuals, such as lasers or confetti, enhance or detract your experience of a concert?
it can be both. so i think it's depend of the intention behind the event. there some visuals that are made for the Dj, other are VJ well selected that fit the style of the Dj and sometime it feel like a throw of dice and a bad match, even worst when the Laser guy, lightman and VJ don't talk to each other or don't seam to be in the same event 😅 if it's clash it can distract me.
Do you think graphics and visuals are important to a show?
i think people think that is important, and they add VJ everywhere because it's trendy. but i don't think it's necessary.
Do you think the lack of graphics and visuals would affect your experience of a show?
i don't think that any music performance should rely on Visual. if for some reason, the screen get on fire but you decide to do the DJ part it should be almost not affected... maybe 10% affected i would say. at the same time there is show that focus on the visual has much has the DJ so i think all the questions can be flip depending the philosophy of the show
Mezz Visuals - 27 - Concert-goer and Bass Music VJ / 3D Artist
Do you think graphics on screens and visuals, such as lasers or confetti, enhance or detract your experience of a concert?
Personally, they enhance a show me for. Albeit, there are many shows and types of music where different types of live production are required. That being said, it's easy to tell when someone that doesn't listen to Dubstep is providing production for a 140 dubstep show.
Do you think graphics and visuals are important to a show?
I think they are important depending on the circumstances. Boiler Room and DEF are great showcases to prove it's not always needed.
Do you think the lack of graphics and visuals would affect your experience of a show?
Not at all - I've been to many shows without visuals - it provides a more intimate experience with the DJ (If working with bass music). I will say however, I think SOME lighting is needed at minimum.
LysergicUnicorn - N/A - Concert-goer, VJ, Video Tech and LED Tech
Do you think graphics on screens and visuals, such as lasers or confetti, enhance or detract your experience of a concert?
Graphics, visuals and vfx absolutely enhance a show and can give the guests a much more immersive experience
Do you think graphics and visuals are important to a show?
This answer plays off my answer to the other questions, yes they can be quite important when done right, but poor quality can definitely take away from the shows overall
Do you think the lack of graphics and visuals would affect your experience of a show?
Not necessarily. Some of the best shows I've been to had none or very minimal video content. While on the other some of the othe best shows I've been to had amazingly curated video content.
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vanillamatchadove · 2 years
fic idea weeeeeee
the high school units do a "shuffle" for the summer aka they all hang out in each member of the houses or go out somewhere to get to know each other more before ibuki, noa, and towa graduate for four weeks. (one week for each person and they hang out at friday.)
it was decided by picking sticks, the one with the shortest will be the first one, and the long one is last, they picked it out from a box and those w the same color of sticks will be the ones who will visit each other's houses.
the "units" from first to last are:
shinobu, maho, haruna, saki (all the djs)
noa, esora, miiko, rei (everyone feels sorry for them, but noa was -- kind of, at the beginning she's sulking -- alright.)
rinku, kyoko, miyu, ibuki (all the vocalists)
muni, yuka, kurumi, towa (the vjs and towa lol.)
in the first one i want to explore the fact that all four them were alone in some way before they met their unit members, but mostly explore the fact that saki will be "lonely" again since ibuki, noa, and towa will be going to college soon. saki tells them that she's sad, but happy that they'll continue and go toward the next chapter of their lives, maybe she also says that she's glad that they got to meet each other thanks to photon, if they didn't, they wouldn't have met each other at all, or maybe they'll meet each other later than intended. at the end, maybe all three of them say something like 'if u ever lonely, u can talk to us' and such, haruna might make a comment of something like 'thought that would be a bit difficult since i am from another school, but i will try my best!'. haruna is being haruna and being super formal while the others try to tell her she's allowed to just not, also all of them show off their pets to each other, first hanzo, maho's tropical fish, then saki also shows them pictures of schrodinger and then haruna has. um. something. (also the fact that shinobu, maho, and haruna have siblings compared to saki)
second one i want to explore just how sheltered rei and miiko are (even tho there's been a ton of that already, shh), esora and noa show them new or fun things they like, and since noa was the one who got the shortest, they have a oneshot DnD session, or they watch a few plays and musicals, just explore the other side of noa and a bit of her cutie addiction. esora takes them to an amusement park, maybe they try a ride one of them has never tried before, like a haunted house or bumper cars. (they went to the haunted house and rei had to rest her voice for the whole day.) after they finish doing whatever in noa's house, maybe noa just. breaks. she's worried that saki will be all alone and that she feel bad abt it, the other three comfort her, try to cheer her up and tell her that they'll make sure saki wont be lonely ever. that comforts noa just a tiny bit, but she's still a mess abt it so miiko, esora and rei try to do something to cheer her up.
third one, for the vocalists, i want to explore how. just. this change is affecting ibuki, how much it's worrying her, how afraid she is of leaving saki and how it might affect photon immediately, she tries to hide it but the others can see it clearly. rinku, kyoko, and miyu show her how to relax and handle the change, at the end they might say something like 'we'll make sure that saki wont be lonely!', something along those lines. it's filled to the brim w rinku's silliness and energy w a mix of kyoko and miyu's and ibuki just being worried as well. before ibuki fully opens up, they just have fun, talk abt family a little bit, maybe showing miyu something she's never seen before.
fourth one is just all of them trying something each of them like, they try digital art, they try photography (and then the gym, much to muni and towa's dismay), pranking people (merm4id and rondo, sorry), and cafe hopping. maybe towa opens up abt how glad she is that she can still keep in touch w noa and ibuki even if they'll go to different colleges, but she's worried abt saki, hoping she'll be fine on her own and stuff, all three of them make the same promise to make sure they'll keep in contact w them, with saki and with towa, noa, and ibuki.
maybe i'll start w noa and towa first, then go to saki and ibuki last. or i'll go w saki first, go to towa, noa, then finally ibuki.
maybe put an epilogue of photon just being emotional. them hugging and crying bc of everything, idk.
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vjinstruments · 2 years
Buy universal rapid dryers and more from our comprehensive selection of fluid bed dryers from VJ Instruments.
Also view our other products like Pharma R&D Tablet Coater and Water Maze.
 A fluidized bed dryer or a universal rapid dryer is a type of pharmaceutical equipment used in the drying processes of a variety of different products. The rapid dryer is often used for drying drugs, powders, granules, tablets, and other items in the pharmaceutical industry. It is designed to be energy efficient as well as maintain the quality of the product throughout the drying process.
A fbd fluid bed dryer is commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry because of its ability to dry a wide variety of products quickly and evenly. Additionally, the equipment is easy to use, reliable, and efficient. The clean and sterile environment provided by a fluid bed dryer ensures that the products are safe to use. Fluid bed dryers and universal rapid dryers help manufacturers ensure that their products meet several standards of the industry, while also reducing the time and resources needed to complete the drying process. Rapid dryers have been used for decades in order to ensure the maximum quality and efficiency of the drying process.
VJ Instruments universal rapid dryer is used in quality control, sample preparation, and R&D departments. It permits the gentle drying of pharmaceutical bulk materials without localized overheating. Suitable materials can be coarse, fine, crystalline, fibrous, or leafy. The universal rapid dryer ensures that the end product is dried, loosened up, and thoroughly mixed in short drying times. With the interval operation, the product in the fluidized bed is mixed even better. Temperature, drying time, and air volume can be set through PLC & HMI and adjusted continuously.
 Here are a couple other product lines that we wish to showcase. The equipments and mazes made for animal studies and R&D Equipment of tablet coating machines.
 Water Maze for animal studies.
A water maze is a behavioral test used to measure spatial learning and memory in rodents, especially rats. It is often used as a tool in research on learning and memory, typically as part of an animal cognition study. It is also known as the Morris Water Maze, named after an American psychologist, Richard F. Morris, who first developed it in 1981.
The water maze consists of a large circular tank of water. Within the walls of the maze (water tank) is an escape platform that the rat can climb onto to escape the water. The escape platform is positioned at some distance from the edges of the water maze and out of the rat’s view. The water is darkened and sometimes contains objects that the rat can use to orient itself and eventually find the platform.
The rat is placed in the tank of water at a starting point that is near the escape platform. It then begins to swim around, looking for the escape platform. Researchers record the time it takes for the rat to find the platform, the paths it takes while exploring the maze, and the performance of the rat in the subsequent trials. The VJ Instruments water maze includes software that automatically executes calculations and analyzes all the necessary parameters. The necessary parameters include time spent in each quadrant, trajectory, latency to climb on the platform, and more.
The water maze is a useful tool for investigating rat learning and memory. It can help us to understand rat learning strategies and the way the animals orient themselves in the environment. 
 R&D equpiment: Tablet Coater
A tablet coater is a key component of the modern pharmaceutical industry. A tablet coater enables the efficient processing and packaging of tablets and other products. Tablet coating extends the shelf life of the tablet and protects it from environmental contamination. The coating improves the barrier properties of the tablet, making it more stable, and less susceptible to humidity-related decomposition. The coating also helps reduce dusting and stickiness and makes the tablets easier to handle during production. 
Tablet coaters use different coatings ranging from enteric coatings to film coatings. A tablet coater can sometimes help increase the bioavailability of active ingredients in a tablet. This allows a more accurate dose to be dispensed to the patient.
Tablet coaters help save money by increasing production speeds and process efficiency and improving safety and quality control. They also reduce material costs and waste.
In the past, pharmaceutical companies had to manufacture unnecessarily large quantities of test drugs due to the then-existing standards of coating facilities. This was a huge waste of effort and money.
A new machine like the R&D tablet coater machine is equipped to handle smaller trial batches of tablets and granules. The R&D tablet coater machine is designed to fulfill specific needs with the help of a unique array of smaller coating pan sizes of 4” and 6”. This ensures that the quantity of the test batch never exceeds the requirement. The Pharma R&D tablet coater machine has an elegant exterior fabricated of SS 304 box with a coating pan supported in a tangential position of 35° to 45°.
Vj Instruments are the best vendors for R&D equipment, behavior instruments and mazes for animal studies, transdermal machines, and Pre Clinical instruments. VJ Instruments is a Company engaged in the production of Scientific Instruments with a focus on the field of Pharmacy and Pre Clinical research. We supply a range of world-class products that comply with quality standards and focus on “ease of use”. Our company is operated by a team of professionals who have a vast experience in the Pharma industry and understand its specific requirements. VJ Instruments continuously carries out the actual manufacturing process, software development, and R&D which helps us understand prevailing market trends, technological advancements, and customer requirements. Visit our website vjinstruments.com for more information.
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vjflooring · 2 years
The Best Hospitals in St. Johns, Florida
If you're in need of medical care, you'll want to know that your hospital is up to date and has the latest equipment and treatment options. We've done the research so you don't have to! Here are our top picks for hospitals in St. Johns, Florida:
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Baptist Medical Center
Baptist Medical Center is a hospital in Jacksonville, Florida.
It is a member of the Baptist Health South Florida system.
It is located at 3500 Kings Avenue and has been around since 1901.
Mayo Clinic
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Mayo Clinic is a non-profit institution with nearly 39,000 employees. It is the largest private employer in Jacksonville and the second-largest employer in Northeast Florida, with nearly 10 percent of Jacksonville's entire workforce working on its campus. Mayo Clinic has been recognized as one of Fortune magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" for 20 consecutive years.
Shands Jacksonville Medical Center
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Shands Jacksonville Medical Center is a 441-bed hospital that has served the Jacksonville community for nearly 70 years. Located in downtown St. Johns and affiliated with the Mayo Clinic, the hospital is committed to providing high quality healthcare services.
The medical center offers a wide range of services including emergency care, surgery, orthopedics, intensive care and more. As part of the Shands HealthCare network of hospitals and clinics, you can take advantage of their reputation as one of Florida's top hospitals by choosing them when it comes time for treatment options or procedures such as heart surgery or hip replacement surgery
Orange Park Medical Center
Orange Park Medical Center is located in Orange Park, Florida. The hospital offers a number of specialized services, including cancer care and hematology/oncology. In addition to these specialties, the medical center also provides general surgery and emergency care.
Patients who have been treated at Orange Park Medical Center say they found the facility to be friendly, clean and well-organized. Many patients were impressed with the hospital's efforts to make them feel comfortable during their stay; some said that the staff made them laugh or even provided them with snacks during their treatment sessions.
The cost of treatment at this hospital is comparable with other facilities in surrounding areas; however, you should always verify your insurance coverage before you receive any treatments or medications here or elsewhere so that you know exactly what your costs will be upfront - if any!
Memorial Hospital
Memorial Hospital is a hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. It is part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, which means that it has access to Mayo’s world-class expertise and resources. Memorial Hospital has an emergency department, urgent care center and 24-hour sleep center. The hospital also offers more than 100 specialized services for adults, children and women at any stage in life—from prenatal care to menopause support to cancer treatment—as well as an array of wellness programs designed just for you!
The best hospitals in St. Johns, Florida:
Holy Cross Hospital
Baptist Health Medical Center Jacksonville - St. Augustine Campus
Flagler Hospital and Rehabilitation Center
There are a lot of hospitals in St. Johns, Florida and they each have their own specialties. Some are better than others when it comes to specific types of care, but we think that the best hospital overall is Baptist Medical Center.
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bananasolid · 2 years
Resolume arena 5 crack windows
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Everything happens on the spot: Applying effects, blending, mixing, cutting, and editing.Visualize your creations and experience them in real-time.The mixed projection can be viewed on any number of screens and is compatible with two or more projectors.You can control lighting and video using a fader.Creating projection-mapped images on any surface and transmitting them in real-time to other applications.Add information to your designs and paint walls with photos.Draw and modify the Model and apply colors and textures.Add textures and detail models and see inside your models.Include a multi-core processor with 2 GHz.
Resolume Arena 7 full version allows you to play video and audio files at the same time, has audio effects and video effects, auto fades between clips, supports multiple VGA outputs, etc. Resolute Arena 6 is available in two editions as usual. More than Resolume Avenue, it has all the Avenue features that you would expect from a media server. With Resolute Arena 7 Crack, you get an easy-to-use interface, and all of its features and controls are very easy to find. You can control it from a lighting desk and sync it with the DJ using the SMPTE time code.
This license key gives you everything that is offered by Avenue as well as advanced mapping and projector mixing options. It gives you everything you need in visual mapping, layer masking, geometry correction, screen warping, lighting, edge blending, fireworks, and other things that allow you to control how your desired projection is projected. Forward, scratch, rewind, adjust tempo, mix and match in real-time (live). Resolume Arena 7 Crack allows you to quickly and easily play your videos as you like and on any number of screens, videos and effects. Latest Resolume is a powerful virtual video mix that can play multiple layers without skipping, can create and combine audio and video visual effects can handle multiple live inputs with real-time rendering. Resolume Arena 7.8.0 Crack is complete Visual Jockey (VJ) software, real-time video effects, and composite software for combining visuals in live performance.
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victoriavmw82 · 3 years
Wake Me Up, When September Ends
9/11 I can tell you where I was at and what I was doing, I remember it like it was yesterday; I was a college student at Kilgore College. The whole day was weird if that makes any sense at all. After School was released for our safety because Longview was under bomb threat as well as ALL the college's we were sent home. Strange feeling turning on the TV and there was no TV. VJ's and journalist were attempting to keep stations going though there wasn't much to keep going. People rushed to the gas station, I got my gas stolen by another customer impatient with how long it was taking me to get gas. I had to purchase gas twice, at the time I had spare emergency money,so I wasn't too much worried about it. My friend in journalism, told me to fill up;cuz gas would be selling out within the hour and told me to fill up my gas can,if I had one, just in case my uncle wasn't released from the factory he worked at. Within minutes of that conversation gas sold out everywhere. I went home and the phone rang. Now when you have loved ones in the military when the phone rings during national crisis, it's never a good thing. I hesitated but mustard up enough nerve to answer. Just as I had guessed it was one of my friends. He is like a brother to me, we had tried dating but ended up realizing we were just too much like siblings at heart. He called to tell me he loved me and to even though it could have gotten him I trouble let me know what was going on; where he was at, what was going on where he was at, what he had saw from where he was at. The phone went dead during that conversation, but the phone didn't go dead, if that makes any sense at all. I figured the phone was tapped and well the conversation needed to end. This conversation took place before the third bomb went off. For 48 hours I thought he was dead. Another friend called me and let me know everyone was okay;by everyone all of our friends serving actively in the military. I take 9/11 very seriously, It's a day that lives alive in my mind just as much as the day my dad died. I think for a lot of Americans we have our opinions about 9/11 and the events that lead up to it, all that aside one thing that stands firm is that together we made it through it, standing strong.
For a lot of us growing up before we got us some "get right" we made our fair share of mistakes. Someone thought it was funny to name my melt down moments a 9/11 code. Like if I was to have a melt down that would be the code for security. They choose to tell me this, I was deeply offended for a lot of reasons. As an American citizen, that was offensive to me on a deeper level.
I feel as though if someone is going through a lot in their life and is truly finding healing at church/ God's home who are we to judge that. A lot of people "fake it till they make it" and aren't real with themselves nor with God, so who are we to judge someone whom is allowing God to be the great physician and heal their wounds.What better place to do so than a church. Secondly, having had friends that died in 9/11,lost friends, family members,those injured in 9/11 and served in the military during 9/11 to me that was not a joke and shouldn't be mocked or be twisted into you don't like someone so your making a jab at them using a day that is dear to a lot of Americans hearts. To me that was more offensive than anything I might have done wrong in my behavior during a disagreement or in the process of learning a life lesson.
I almost walked away from Christianity because of that joke, thank God I didn't. My argument was, "this is why it is so damn hard to bring Non- Christians to Christ, furthermore, to Christianity even.....this attitude!" Some Christians just don't get it and will never get it. Church is like a hospital, people aren't going to have it ALL together yet for a lot of congregations, for a lot of Pastors they think one should, when coming to church. If someone is having those sloppy tears, or is angry and needs someone to pull them aside and talk to them, minister to them even, that's your freaking "job". It's not a burden, something you grudgingly have to deal with or put them in category of "special needs" that's life, they are reacting, feeling what they are supposed to feel appropriate for the situation. I wish we could all be fake and act like we have it all together not real with ourselves,not real with our family members and more importantly not real with God, yet that's not realistic. That's not dealing. Now having said this I do agree, some people just have no concept of how to handle situations in social settings, however that is were I think elders, people whom are wise or call themselves more spiritually sound should humble themselves and be the solution and not the problem.....show them, teach them,guide them. You never know the shoes someone else has walked in Truama is like hitting a pause button, don't be so quick to make a judgement call on a person's character without educating yourself to that person. Putting labels on someone or their character. It's easy when you don't like someone to regard a person's actions or words wrongly. As the joke goes, "Look at them, eating that chicken" though funny, that is a good illustration of the stuck up attitude I'm referring to.
I keep waiting for the world to change so to speak, at times I feel it is in vain, other times I feel as though we've accomplished a small victory, however it is still a Victory. I was made more aware of this when I could identify with one of my favorite actors on Christianity, though we've chosen different paths I could completely see their stand point on a lot of things and had even come to Christ with the same questions about Noah's Ark and about God. I'm not just saying this,I'm being for real; as a Christian seeking God for real in my life not just what was taught to me or for the sake of tradition, I myself searched for evidences of God in my tangeable life, how he applied to me personally. I began asking adult/ mature questions about the Bible. "Well if this happened, how? Why? Was it really like that or is this just what we are told? I'm going through this and I'm not sure why God is allowing this, what is the reason? Timing is everything, so I've learned. There is hope that one day Christians will stop judging other Christian's, will stop condemning nonchristians and get it so to speak, will it be in my lifetime, that I'm unsure of, however hope is the evidence of things unseen, hope leads to faith. Sometimes in the words of George Michaels, you just gotta have, "faith."
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cyanogastra · 4 years
Did you know male cats have spines on their dicks?
Read on: AO3
"Do you have spines on your dick?"
He tries very hard to maintain a straight face as the jinko lifts his head slowly, revealing a very confused expression.
“What?” Atsushi blurts out, eyebrows pulling downward in bewilderment. “Why would you even—where did you even get that idea?”
Or: Akutagawa just really, really wants them to move to third base. He resorts to using a weird biological fact against Atsushi.
Starting note:
Hey guys. Biology student here. 100% not inventing this shit up. Male felines have dick spines because for some reason the females don't ovulate without getting their VJs shredded, which is why they're so fucking loud when having sex. That's a dramatized answer, but you get the point.
Akutagawa will be calling Atsushi "jinko" a lot in this fic, because imo I don't think Akutagawa refers to him using his real name even when it's just on his mind. They would have to be on Level 20 of romantic relationship before Akutagawa finally calls him by name. Not that you don't guys probably already know, but jinko = weretiger.
Fun fact: Did you know male cats have spines on their penises?
Akutagawa’s thumb freezes on his phone screen. He very nearly barks out a laugh which he hastily covers up by clearing his throat. Higuchi looks at him in question, looking ready to ask him the reason but Akutagawa just gives her a shake of his head.
Barbed penises? That’s interesting. He thinks to himself as he scrolls down, amused by the new discovery. There’s really only one person in mind who counts somewhat as a feline, and it’s none other than the jinko.
The jinko, whom he has been having an interesting relationship lately.
The arrangement Dazai set for them had been highly appalling at first, but no one can deny that they were indeed more powerful together. Which somehow led to the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency's cooperative relationship, for the first time ever. And by "cooperative" it means that he and the jinko don’t attempt to kill each other every meeting and are willing enough to work together (reluctantly) on joint missions.
Which then further led to this and that. Heated arguments turned to annoyed banters, which turned to almost comfortable silences.
Which then turned to fierce make-out sessions, apparently. Post mission make-out sessions and grinding against each other in back alleys, specifically.
It is incredibly absurd, he admits readily to himself. Absurd in the way that of all the people he’d be doing such things, it had to be jinko, the supposed object of his hatred. But also, it was absurd in that it had been so easy. It’s almost as a natural part of their relationship now, ending missions with the jinko stalking over to him and slotting their mouths together, shredded clothes and bloody overcoats be damned.
And well speaking of dick spines, he doubts that the jinko has them at all given their past excursions. But it would be a real problem if he actually did, though highly unlikely, because well…
It’s been 3 months and they still haven’t done anything on the down low. And Akutagawa is quickly becoming…impatient.
The scenery outside the car windows freezes in place, signalling their destination. Higuchi immediately fumbles to open the door to her side and rounds the car in record time to open Akutagawa’s.
“Senpai! We’re here!”
Akutagawa steps out of the black vehicle, trying very hard not to give Higuchi a full-on irritated face. He's always been annoyed Higuchi for her unnecessary actions, but he’s learned a long time ago that nothing he would say would ever faze her.
He gives their destination a cursory glance; a shipping dock near Osanbashi. Large enough to house multiple freights but small enough not to be considered as major, thereby making it perfect for contraband trade. One of these freight containers is not like the others.
“Senpai, Chuuya-san’s instructions were to either eliminate or capture the foreign syndicate’s ability users. We do not need to track down their upper brass as he thinks the Boss might make arrangements with their leader to be absorbed into the Port Mafia—”
“I know, Higuchi.” Akutagawa cuts her off firmly, trying to let her know that she does not need to reiterate everything to him every single damn time, he’s her superior for god’s sake. But all he gets is an enthusiastic “Yes! As expected from senpai!”.
He almost rolls his eyes, if not for the sudden cough that comes up from his chest. The sounds of his coughing were drowned out by the sound of another vehicle arriving on the scene. The car doors open, and out comes a bespectacled blond man sporting a ponytail, notebook in hand, and from the other side comes out…jinko.
Higuchi is immediately on guard beside him, but Akutagawa cracks up a smirk from behind the hand covering his mouth, gaze locked in with intense violet-yellow eyes.
“The Armed Detective Agency isn’t here to share your goal of eliminating the syndicate’s ability users. We are only here to gather intel about the syndicate’s top brass. We believe one of their leaders is connected to one of our ongoing cases.” Kunikida Doppo recites without looking up from his notebook, scribbling furiously with veins popping out on his forehead. “That damn Dazai messing up my schedule! The stupid bandage wasting machine was supposed to accompany Atsushi here but the idiot really chose this time to escape to god knows where…”
Akutagawa perks up at the mention of his former mentor’s name, surprised and crushed at the same time to know that he could have been here. If Dazai-san were here, I would have used this chance to finally prove myself worthy… Across him, Atsushi raises an eyebrow at his reaction to which Akutagawa pointedly ignores. Behind them, Higuchi is scanning the shipping dock with her binoculars.
“….anyway we don’t need your armed grunts to come rushing in.” Kunikida continues after his mini rant, gesturing to the multiple black cars parked around the vicinity. “I’d rather keep the element of surprise. And we do not have the slightest clue about the abilities of our opponents, which is worrying considering that the agency and the abilities division has nothing on record.”
“Hm. Pathetic.” Akutagawa grunts out. Kunikida’s eyebrow twitches, but he presses on.
“It is unfortunate. What we do know is that while the ability users are here guarding their cargo, their top brass is probably somewhere else. We will need to extricate information from one of their ability users regarding their leaders’ details. Will you be able to cooperate with us on that?”
“Do what you want. Just don’t get in my way.” Akutagawa replies, but he’s not looking at the blond man. Atsushi glares back, looking as if he wanted to say the same thing to him.
“Good. Okay, now here’s the plan…”
Suffice to say, the fight was greatly disappointing. The ability users turned out to be just two scared brothers, probably younger than 12. They were kidnapped by the syndicate from their family in Germany, and were given instructions to deter anyone who takes an interest on the cargo. The only action they got were the couple dozen of foreign armed goons who flanked the cargo ship, which was obviously a piece of cake for the combined prowess of Rashoumon and Beast Beneath the Moonlight.
The ability users weren’t even particularly troublesome; their ability, Grimm Fairytale could create grotesque versions of a person’s fantasies but only if both brothers were holding each of a target’s hands. Kunikida handled them well by addressing them gently, accompanied by some coaxing from Higuchi (a sight that was a bit disconcerting), and the brothers easily squealed their leaders’ details. Well as much as two scared children could possibly know, which was still apparently more than enough for one of the detectives in the agency to pinpoint the identities and locations of the syndicate's leaders.
“Okay. Alright. I’ll see you again at the office tomorrow. Yes. Take care, Kunikida-san!” Behind him, Atsushi ends his call. Higuchi had been forced to accompany the Grimm brothers, mostly because they wouldn’t let go of her pant legs. Akutagawa had waved her off, saying something about ordering her to accompany Kunikida to bring the children to a safehouse. He figures the mission counts as a success on Port Mafia’s end.
He feels an arm curl around his waist from behind, startling him mid-cough. He stiffens reflexively and he’s quick to clutch on the jinko’s forearm with both hands, nails digging into pale skin.
“You do that one more time and I will seriously kill you, jinko.”
Atsushi sighs, turning him around so they were face to face. “As if you haven't been doing that all this time." Atsushi mumbles, eyes not meeting Akutagawa's but rather at his lips. He leans in, and Akutagawa's eyes flutter closed.
They kiss languidly, arms around each other's waists, their similar heights providing them ease. Their tongues dance with no real rush, feeling completely relaxed in each other's embrace. Akutagawa notes something new every time they do this. How the jinko likes to pinch his hands on Akutagawa's waist, or how he likes it when he pulls at his bottom lip with his teeth. Atsushi pulls him flush to his chest, deepening their kiss and Akutagawa lets him, placing both hands on the jinko's shoulders-
Somewhere behind them, one of the goons groans in pain. They pull apart reluctantly, sharing one look before peeking behind to check for the source of the noise. Akutagawa briefly considers stabbing the goon with Rashoumon, if not for the hand that pushes at his shoulder.
"Let's just get out of here."
They're walking along a desolate street, which was unsurprising at this time of the night. Beside him, Atsushi is wearing his spare shoes, but his shirt was tattered on the sleeves, a consequence of his man-tiger form. What a highly incovenient ability, and yet Dazai-san thinks you are better...
He knows an alley is coming up ahead, having memorized all of Yokohama's ins and outs. He wastes no time to grab at the jinko's arm and pulls him there. Atsushi tries to close in on him, going for another kiss when Akutagawa beats him to it, pushing him against the wall.
They're rougher with each other this time, more biting and angry moans spilling from their mouths as they push and pull against each other. He pulls at the hair on the base of Atsushi's neck and pulls their faces away, teeth latching his mouth on the side of the jinko's neck.
"You know..." Atsushi starts to say in between shaky breaths. "I'm starting to think making out in dirty alleys is a kink of yours."
Akutagawa huffs at that and pulls away to glare at Atsushi, not liking the comment. "Why, jinko? You think you can bring me somewhere fancy?" Atsushi smiles, dumbfounding Akutagawa for a moment. His stomach definitely did not do a flip after seeing that expression targeted at him.
"Only if you're paying." Atsushi replies as he promptly wrapping his arms around Akutagawa's waist to change their position. He lets himself be maneuvered, the back of his head hitting the wall behind him gently. Atsushi nips at his ear before leaving feather-light kisses down his neck, which Akutagawa obligingly cranes to the side, a satisfied sigh coming out from his nose. Atsushi’s arms presses them closer, chest-to-chest, Akutagawa’s torso bending back slightly.
Their crotches rub at each other at the action, hard-ons rubbing ever so slightly and—
Speaking of hard-ons…
He's not sure what comes over to him, but he pushes slightly at Atsushi's shoulders.
“Jinko.” Akutagawa breathes out. Atsushi lets out a vaguely annoyed hum, lips still continuing their ministrations at his throat. Akutagawa blurts out the question anyway.
“Do you have spines on your dick?”
A few moments of silence pass by, Atsushi suddenly freezing from the open mouthed kiss he was leaving on Akutagawa’s neck.
He tries very hard to maintain a straight face as the jinko lifts his head slowly, revealing a very confused expression.
“What?” Atsushi blurts out, eyebrows pulling downward in bewilderment. “Why would you even—where did you even get that idea?” He says quickly, taking a small step backwards and giving his own crotch a glance before snapping up to meet Akutagawa’s deadpan expression.
“I read earlier that male cats have spines on their penises. Is that true for you?” Akutagawa replies easily, one corner of his mouth twitching up. Atsushi’s face instantly flushes a shade of pink in front of him, mouth falling open in shock.
“I am not a cat!” Atsushi splutters, to which Akutagawa just raises an (invisible) eyebrow at.
“Well I am…s-sort of, but no, I mean!” Atsushi’s hands flail around for a bit before continuing. “No, I don’t have them! Why would you think that?” He finishes off lamely, crossing his arms while glaring at the dark-haired man.
Akutagawa lets out a hmph, though he sounds more amused that annoyed. He gives the other an unconvinced expression to rile him up further. “How unfortunate. To think you’ve been living like this all this time. Pitiful and pathetic.”
“I really don’t! Seriously!" Atsushi replies heatedly, taking the bait. "I don’t understand why you’d think that when we’ve been doing…” Atsushi trails off, glancing away. The redness from his cheek has spread all the way to his ears, making him look equal parts ashamed and angry.
“Oh really, jinko?” Akutagawa replies challengingly, a new glint in his eyes. He’s met with a violet-yellow glare.
“Prove it then.”
Akutagawa watches his reaction, a self-satisfied smirk on his own face, knowing his words will do something to the jinko.
The effect was almost immediate. Atsushi grits his teeth in annoyance before closing in on Akutagawa’s space in a fit of embarrassed rage. The sudden movement forces Akutagawa to step back and crash into the wall behind him, bracing for an impromptu fight-
But then Atsushi grabs at his wrist and places his hand firmly on his crotch.
"S-so? why don’t you see for yourself?" Atsushi says, face a mere centimeters away from his own. The effect of his glare ruined by the blush on his cheeks. Akutagawa's mouth hangs open in surprise, eyes wide, trying to think of a reply to the jinko’s sudden boldness.
Nothing comes out. Slowly he absorbs the intent behind the jinko's move, moving his gaze downwards. He can’t see much other than the dark fabric of the jinko’s pants and his own pale hand.
He presses harder and rubs tentatively on the sizeable tent underneath his palm. Atsushi swallows audibly, eyes closing and mouth falling open in relief. His still hasn’t let up on his hold on Akutagawa’s wrist, hand curling a little tighter as he grinds back slightly.
Inwardly, Akutagawa could not believe his luck, biting his lower lip as he watches Atsushi use his wrist as leverage. To think that jinko finally pushed things forward between them… He leans forward to press a kiss on Atsushi’s jaw, letting the jinko grind himself on his palm.
“I don’t know about seeing, jinko…” He breathes out, the air from his mouth fanning Atsushi’s pale hair. “Since I’m only feeling you.” He says to the other's ear, giving him a particularly hard rub to make his point clear, making Atushi's breath hitch.
His other hand reaches up to rest on the jinko's belt buckle, trying to give him a hint. Atsushi gets it immediately, pulling away from his shoulder. His hands shake a bit as he fumbles at the metal, pulling off the leather and hastily popping the button on his trousers. Akutagawa watches him work, mouth getting dryer in anticipation. He pushes a hand up at Atsushi's shirt to see him more clearly, resting his hands on his navel and feeling the lean muscles underneath. Atsushi's hands come up to rest on Akutagawa's waist the moment he pops the button open.
As they stand there, underneath the pale half-moon, Atsushi's trousers gaping wide at the front, the very obvious tent on his boxers out in the open for Akutagawa to see, he can't help but think to himself: Fucking finally.
One of his hand plays at the hem of the jinko's boxers while the other cups his hard-on appreciatively. Atsushi lets out a shaky moan, hands moving to nudge Akutagawa's coat open to rest on Akutagawa's hips. He thumbs at the hem of the other's slacks, trying to tell him the same thing.
Akutagawa ignores the action for the time-being, his bony fingers hooking on the hem of the jinko's boxers and dragging it down slowly. Atsushi lets out a hiss as his dick pops out from his boxers, the chill night air hitting his sensitive skin. He hides his face on Akutagawa's shoulder to stifle his obvious embarrassment.
Akutagawa huffs amusedly. The jinko has nothing to be embarrassed about, he thinks as he wraps a hand around the shaft and presses his thumb on the slit, spreading the precum around the head. He notes the differences between them, how the jinko feels thicker than his own, although they are similar in length. The thought annoys him just a tiny bit, feeling more pleased and excited at the fact that they have finally reached this far. He digs his thumb harder on the slit, prompting a high-pitched keen from Atsushi.
"Jinko. Look at me." He says softly. Atsushi's head rises, shy violet-yellow eyes meeting Akutagawa's grey ones. He feels himself get lost in the jinko's gaze as he gives him slow strokes, watching in appreciation as Atsushi moans, back bowing slightly in pleasure.
Atsushi lets him stroke a couple times, his cock coating the other's hand with more precum. His eyes slide back to Akutagawa's still clothed erection, and he feels a small ruge of irritation. Gritting his teeth, he straightens up, fully intent on bringing the other man on the same level. He grasps on the other's hand to halt his movements. The other man complies, but the grip never leaves his cock.
"I want to see you too." Atsushi breathes out, tugging insistently on the other man's trousers. Akutagawa lets out a soft hmph, his other hand coming between them to pop his own button open one-handedly. He pulls the zipper down and moves to reach the hem of his briefs, but the jinko beats him to it. Atsushi eagerly yanks his underwear down and wastes no time to envelope Akutagawa's cock in his fist, prompting a grunt from the dark-haired man.
Atsushi stares, wide-eyed and pleased, giving the other a few experimental strokes. Akutagawa flushes despite himself, exhaling with relief and feeling delighted that the jinko likes what he sees. Don't stare like it's your first time to see one... He strokes Atushi again, this time with more speed, before the jinko could say something about their dicks.
"Ah! Damn it, Akutagawa..." Atsushi groans but mirrors the action, matching Akutagawa's pace. He leans in to suck at the area under Akutagawa's jaw and leaves a small mark, listening closely to the other man's soft mewls and gasps.
A hand comes up behind his head to pull at his hair, but not enough force to pull him away from leaving kisses on the other man's neck. He snakes a hand up underneath Akutagawa's shirt in response, thumb grazing over the indents of his ribs before finding a pert nub. He toys with it using his thumb, Akutagawa letting out a surprised moan at the action.
"You-ah...what do you think you're doing-ngh" Akutagawa sighs out in between moans, and Atsushi quickly becomes attached to the sound of the other man losing his composure. He toys harder on the nipple, liking the way Akutagawa bit his lip in pleasure. Akutagawa picks up the pace on Atsushi's cock in retaliation, determined to make the jinko unravel first. Atsushi groans, long and low by his ear, making him shiver from the back of his eyes and all the way down his back. Atsushi picks his pace up as well, at the same time he drives his tongue inside Akutagawa's open mouth.
The sound of slick sliding between their hands resounds through the alley, making Akutagawa feel both self-conscious and hot at the same time. He responds eagerly to the kiss, tongues moving together in a heated dance before pulling back to gasp for air. The sounds of his moans become louder, but he's too far gone in his pleasure to remember to keep his voice down.
"Akutagawa..ah..." Atsushi gasps his name in between breathy moans, his other arm reaching around Akutagawa to pull them closer. He wraps his hand tighter on the other man's cock and gives firmer strokes, his pace never letting up. Akutagawa's eyes pinch closed at the action and lets out a long keen from gritted teeth, and Atsushi very nearly comes from the sight. He holds himself back, determined to make the experience last a little longer. He leaves more kisses on Akutagawa's jaw, his neck, his collarbone, thoroughly enjoying the sounds coming out from their mouths and from the hands between them.
"I'm close...ah...are you too?" He says breathlessly, whispering directly to the other's ear. Akutagawa shivers and nods shakily, not trusting his own voice. Atsushi almost feels disappointed from the other's refusal to open his mouth, but he's distracted by Akutagawa covering his hand with his own, blunt fingernails digging on Atsushi's knuckles.
A few more hard strokes from the jinko's hand and the pleasure spikes all the way up for Akutagawa who throws his head back in bliss, a dull pain spreading from his head as he hits the wall behind him. He's moaning, long and drawn out, voice breaking with trembling lips. The sight triggers something in Atsushi, quickly forcing him to follow with his own orgasm mere seconds later. His groan is muffled as he bites particularly hard on Akutagawa's neck, eyes closed and his torso bowing so far forward into Akutagawa's chest that he bends him at an uncomfortable angle.
They catch their breath, hands coated by the other's cum. Atsushi adjusts so he's resting his head on Akutagawa's shoulder instead, aware of the strain he put on Akutagawa's back.  The other man lays flat on the wall, eyes still closed with gasping breaths falling out of his mouth.
After a few minutes of coming down from their high, Atsushi pulls back and steps away shakingly. Atsushi watches as Akutagawa tucks himself in and fishes for something in his coat pocket, pulling out a handkerchief which he wordlessly uses to wipe his hands clean of cum. Atsushi blushes at the sight and hastily tucks himself back in his boxers, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Akutagawa reaches for his hand the moment he pulls the button closed, using the same handkerchief to wipe off the mess. Atsushi mumbles out a small 'thanks' before moving to insert his belt back in the buckle, genuinely appreciative for the other man's initiative.
A small awkward silence fills the air as they both finish fixing themselves up. Atsushi fidgets on his feet, unsure of what to say after their tryst. Across him, Akutagawa feels pleased and relieved that they have finally done it.
"Well..." Akutagawa is the first to break the silence, letting out a small cough before continuing. "I guess I'm relieved to find out you don't have them."
Atsushi rolls his eyes, but there's a small smile on his face. He turns around to leave.
So the jinko doesn't have spines on his dick after all.
But that wasn't the point, really. Akutagawa thinks to himself, satisfied, before stepping out of the alley with the jinko.
Ending note:
Handjobs only lol. Mostly because I don’t think Akutagawa can give a blowjob without coughing every 10 seconds, which would have been a real mood killer.
Re:handkerchief. I just think Akutagawa is a neat guy, you know? And neat guys normally have hankies on them. Idk, it's probably the frilly blouse which made me think this way.
Grimm Brothers as in Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who collected and wrote German fairytales including Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Cinderella. Plot twist? They’re actually VERY FAR from Disney’s versions, with many of their stories containing disturbing content. For some weird reason Disney decided to turn them into rainbows and sparkles.
This is the first fic for a trilogy I'm writing. Hehe. Oh and this is the first time I have written smut.  *finger guns* That's right, this is what 21 year old nerds do. I am proud of myself.
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Sequence Project
Project Description: A variety of shots of things found around Market Square including a reflective statue, a car, WIngharts, and food from Noodles and Company. 
For this assignment, I used the VJ kit. There was no audio shot or used for this piece, but even still it was fun to film. I worked with Morgan during this and it was a fun way for the two of us to bond, but aside from that we both learned how to use the camera better and how to get good framing and focus.  This project taught me the importance of zooming all the way in on something in order to focus on it well before zooming out. I was surprised that zooming out still kept things in such a clear focus. If I were to do this again, I would make sure the objects I choose are all in focus better, and that I get a better variety of shots, especially for the car section.  Overall, when shooting this, my favorite shot was the extreme close up of the door handle. It was super crisp and in fous, and the colors/textures are very interesting to me. 
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thundercaya · 6 years
Virginian Insight
James had met plenty of important people in his life. With the amount of money his parents had it wasn’t unusual for schmoozing to be going on in his general proximity, but it was only after he’d decided to pursue a career in politics that it ever mattered. It was certainly fortunate that such connections had been made over the years; though graduating from Princeton summa cum laude certainly made him stand out to potential employers, his timidity and fluster during interviews might have hurt his chances at internships and staffer positions without the weight held by his family name.
Of course, being a part of his particular family did have its downsides. Being the oldest of many children, James had given countless hours over the years towards the care of his younger siblings. Even now, living on his own as an adult, he was not free from family obligations. At least, he couldn’t seem to let himself be free. While his other adult siblings often found ways out of doing favors for their parents, James could not seem to say no, especially to his mother. And so it was that on a rare day when he had no obligations from the campaign he was working on, he was at his family home, watching over his youngest living siblings.
The no-longer living siblings were the reason that James’ presence was needed--it hadn’t been long since their untimely deaths and his parents were doing the sensible thing and seeing a therapist to help with the loss. Not that a therapist had ever helped him, but he hoped his parents could be happy again at some point. If not, then an afternoon spent with still-in-diapers Fanny and teenage drama-king Billy, watching terrible music videos for terrible songs on MTV, was decidedly not worth it.
“How do you sit through this?” James asked as some pop star waved through the window down at a crowd of young people in the street below the TRL studio--maybe if young adults were as excited about politics as they were about celebrities, the country wouldn’t be such a mess.
Eyes glued to the screen, Billy gave a half shrug. “Quddus is hot.”
The VJ. Well, at least a VJ was almost a journalist, which was a better occupation to admire.
James’ phone began go buzz in his pocket. He’d gotten into the habit of always keeping it on vibrate, always paranoid about a call coming in during an important meeting or a speech. He slipped his phone out, and seeing the name of the campaign manager, he flipped it open.
“Hello, Matt. Is everything all right?”
“Yes, great. Everything’s great James. I just heard that General Washington is visiting a couple injured vets at Culpeper Medical.”
“I didn’t know he was in town.”
“Yeah, it was kept pretty quiet. It’s not a publicity thing. No reporters invited or anything. Great opportunity for you to go talk to him.”
James stiffened. “What? Talk to him? To General Washington? There’s no way I can--”
“James, James, James, calm down. I’m not expecting you to get McIntyre his endorsement. God, no. You’re not ready for that, and that isn’t the place for it bsides. I just want you to have a light chat with him and make sure he leaves knowing your parents endorse McIntyre. See?”
James did see, and he didn’t even mind the use of his family connection. Matt was a genius, of the level James could only aspire to.
“Yeah. Yeah, got it. Culpeper Medical?”
“That’s right. Good luck, James. Can’t wait to hear how it went.”
After the call ended, James slipped his phone into his pocket.
“Do you have to go to work?” Billy asked, suddenly reminding James of where he was and what he was doing.
Shit. James looked from Billy to the armchair where Fanny was down for her nap. He looked back at Billy. “Do you know how to install the carseat?”
James wasn’t worried about his parents beating him home. They always took the time to eat after their sessions, and often ran errands, both to give them some time to decompress before seeing the kids again. He should have plenty of time to get to the hospital, talk to General Washington, and get the kids back home. That was, if he could figure out how the hell he was going to put himself in a position to talk to General Washington.
As soon as they walked into the hospital, Billy made a beeline for a vending machine, pulling some money out of his pocket to buy himself a snack. James carried Fanny to a set of chairs; catching Washington on his way out seemed like a better idea than trying to figure out what rooms he was visiting and trying to find reasons to be near them. Fanny was fortunately in a good mood after her nap and well entertained by her Strawberry Shortcake doll. At least, she was until Billy joined them with a Hostess cupcake.
“Gimme!” she said, reaching towards Billy.
“No,” Billy said.
“Gimme!” Fanny insisted.
“No. I paid for this myself.”
Fanny tugged on James’ shirt.  “Jimmy!” she whined.
“You can’t have it,” James agreed. “You’ll get it all over yourself.”
“I want it!”
“Billy, put it away for now. You can eat it when you’re not in front of her. See, Fanny? No one’s getting a cupcake right now.”
Billy traded his snack out for his Gameboy Advance, which quickly captured Fanny’s attention as she kept asking “what’s that?” to everything on the screen. It wasn’t much longer before an elevator opened, and out walked General Washington along with a uniformed soldier. James started to stand up instinctively, but stopped himself--he couldn’t just walk up to Washington out of nowhere and start talking to him.
Washington said something to the soldier, then started to make his way down the hall. The soldier began to follow him, but Washington held out a hand and the man stopped. Washington then proceeded to enter the mens restroom.
Good, the man was cornered now. James could run into him with no problem. However, the thought of having a conversation with his dick out was nothing short of horrific, so James needed to find an excuse to enter the restroom that didn’t involve forcing himself to take a piss.
“Billy,” he said. “Give me your cupcake.”
“What? No. It’s mine.”
“I’ll buy you another one. Just give it to me.”
“Fine,” Billy huffed, handing it over. James ripped it open and passed it to Fanny. She squealed with delight and went right to work on it.
“What the heck, Jimmy?” Billy demanded.
“Relax,” James said, pulling out his wallet. He handed Billy more than enough to cover the cost of the treat, then he pushed Fanny’s hand, squishing the cupcake more firmly against her face than it already was. She continued to eat, unperturbed as several crumbs and chunks of chocolate frosting littered down onto her dress. “Can you handle waiting here by yourself for a few minutes?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m not six.”
“Don’t leave the building and if anyone tries to make you, scream for help.”
“Okay, but can I go inside the gift shop? I’m pretty much rich now.”
“Fine, fine,” James said, standing up and picking up his sister. “All right, Fanny, let’s do this.”
When James entered the restroom, General Washington was nowhere to be seen. It was just as well that he was in a stall--James might not have caught him in time if he were only peeing. He sat Fanny down on the counter, wet some paper towels, and waited. When he heard a toilet flush, he began wiping up the girl’s face and clothes. He glanced up at the mirror, and there was the general.
“General Washington,” James greeted over his shoulder. “Long time no see, sir.”
“Hm?” Washington glanced at him. “Oh, yes…. Jimmy, was it?” He reached for a handshake, seemingly instinctively, then quickly drew back, clearing his throat before turning on a faucet to wash his hands. James elected to ignore this near faux-pas.
“James now, if you don’t mind. Unless my father is around.”
“Oh, of course. You’re a grown man now.” He nodded to Fanny. “Your daughter is beautiful.”
“Oh, she’s not mine.”
Washington’s eyebrows shot up. “Really. She looks just like you.”
“She’s my sister.”
“Oh. I thought….” Washington cleared his throat. “I mean….”
“That was the four year old and the seven year old. This one, however, is perfectly healthy. Isn’t that right, Fanny?”
The girl smiled up at him.
“I see. Very sorry for your loss, of course.”
“Thank you,” James said, rather graciously. He could certainly relate to saying the wrong thing and wasn’t about to give the man a hard time about it--not while he was trying to get something out of him, anyway.
“You must be done with college by now,” Washington said, changing the subject.
“Yes,” James said. He’d been out for several years now and wondered when that would stop being the topic of choice for older adults to bring up. “Political science. I’ve had a couple staffer positions since then. Right now I’m on the McIyntre campaign.”
“Ah yes, McIntyre. Haven’t looked into him very much. Not much time for that currently, you know. Seems like and upright man, though.”
“I certainly think so, or I wouldn’t be working with him,” James said. “He was over at the family home for dinner not too long ago. My parents were very impressed with him.”
“I’ll need to meet him some time soon.”
“I’m sure he’d like that very much as well.”
Washington cleared his throat. “Well, I should be going.”
“Yes, of course,” James said. “Good to see you, sir. Hopefully there’ll be less of a gap between meetings this time.”
As Washington made his way to exit, the door swung open and there stood Billy.
“Jimmy,” he began, “the gift shop has--”
His eyes locked onto Washington and he instantly went silent.
“Excuse me, young man,” Washington said, edging past him. Billy watched him go. Once the door shut again, James let out a deep breath, body going almost limp as his calm demeanor melted away. He grabbed the counter with one hand to keep himself on his feet, while his other hand stayed on Fanny to keep her on the counter.
“Wow,” Billy said finally. “Why didn’t anyone tell me General Washington was handsome?”
James glanced at his brother, straightened himself back up, and shook himself off. “If you’d change the channel away from MTV once in a while, you might have seen him sometime.”
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richrubies · 6 years
Yu Son of a Bi– (Christian Yu x Reader)
Warning: Language + this is my first request, and I didn’t know who tf Christian was before I got that cute lil mail from an anon xo
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Angst x It’s 4am for me and I’m trying my best
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Christian scowled as you smiled for the camera, posing cheekily as the behind-the-scene VJ moved around the room, capturing the happenings of all that goes on when creating a music video.
You were waiting for the crew to finish organizing the set and every so often you moved to help one of the stage directors with lifting props, only to be scolded by your coordi each time; ‘Yah, be careful of your hair! Watch out for your lipstick! This girl drives me crazy,’ she complained halfheartedly as you tried to help the crew as much as possible, not able to sit back and watch them struggle.
You’d never worked with Christian before, and for good reason.
Your man was good at what he did and created aesthetic videos that were hard to surpass – but boy did he have a temper when it came to you.
Especially when it came to you in little clothing and other men.
And yet here you were, featuring in a music video with Jay Park, where the two of you had created and composed a song all about the things Christian hated thinking of you doing when it came to it being about someone who wasn’t him.
Sex, love, and more sex.
Moving out of the way of the stage crew, you joined Christian who had now resigned to sitting in his ‘director’s chair’ which was really a fancy office chair that he usually loved to roll around on.
You asked cheerfully, ‘Are you alright?’
Placing his phone down, he looked up at you with a pout and a crease between his eyebrows that told you he was frustrated, ‘We haven’t even begun, and I’m angry,’ Christian whined.
‘It’s just a music video,’ you remind him, placing your hands on his knees for balance as you crouched in front of him, ‘And you know that nothing will happen. You’re the director! You literally planned each scene with Jay!’
He responded with a ‘hmph’ and let his hands rest on yours.
You were still safely wrapped up in your dressing gown, hiding the outfit below until it was time to shoot – whilst Christian had been a part of the overall theme and planning of the video, he had trusted and allowed the coordi’s to dress you in whatever they deemed right to fit the role you would be playing.
In other words, you were dressed scantily, and Christian was going to explode once filming began.
You just prayed that he would keep his cool until after the scene was done, and the crew wasn’t around to see him lose his mind.
After a few moments, Jay walked into the room and greeted everyone happily before approaching you with a huge grin, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as he and Christian greeted one another.
Jay was shirtless, which was no surprise to anyone, and he wore a pair of black jeans and combat boots to match.
He was playing the bad guy today – the one who had led you astray.
His hair was slicked back and dishevelled, reminding you just how handsome he was.
‘형님,’ Christian bowed, his eyes warily glancing at his arm wrapped around you, ‘Are you ready?’
‘Yeah. This is the pink-room scene right?’ Jay asked, turning back to look at the set where a huge bed awaited you both as well as a series of different props, including the bottle of ‘drugs’ that Jay was meant to feed you during one of the scenes.
Christian nodded, and went into explaining the scene and the vision he had for it, whilst you and Jay nodded in understanding.
Something erotic, but obviously toxic – a lust filled relationship.
You could tell by the way that he’d said it that he was dreading to see this music video through to the end – he was jealous enough when it came to you fan-girling over artists, yet alone actually working with them.
Once Jay had left to get himself acquainted with the set, you pulled Christian to the side and asked quietly, ‘Will you be okay doing this?’
‘I’ll be fine,’ he answered hastily, his arms wrapped around your waist, ‘We’re professionals. It’s just acting right?’
You nodded and smiled up at him, ‘Let’s work hard, huh?’
Smiling, Christian bends and kisses your lips lightly, ‘Mm, let’s work hard baby.’
As you pulled apart, you could hear your coordi from across the room, ‘YAH! CAREFUL!’
Working hard was easier said than done.
As soon as the music started up and you’d dropped the robe, the first thing you heard was Christian curse from behind his screen and yell cut, causing the entire crew to look around in confusion seeing as they hadn’t even begun rolling, whilst Jay lay back on the bed trying to hold back his laughter, knowing from the many warnings you’d given him, that this might happen.
Christian stormed towards you with the look of hell on his face and you almost took a step back before deciding against it.
‘Yah, what the hell is this?’ he asked angrily, pointing at the white lace bodice one-piece you wore, along with a pair of white strapped heels, ‘Who the hell is your coordi?’
‘Christian,’ you murmur, ignoring the crew who tried to busy themselves from the awkwardness of his sudden tantrum, ‘We need to shoot these scenes so that everyone can go home…’
‘I don’t care about that,’ Christian argues in a low tone, ‘Why the hell are you wearing something so revealing?’
You scratched the back of your neck and looked over at Ji-hyo언니, who had spent a long time discussing with you what you were wanting to capture within each scene, and how you would do so, instantly feeling bad for her.
‘Christian. It’s not like this is your first time doing a scene with outfits like this,’ you tell him, a sense of urgency in your voice – the more time you wasted, the more time the crew would spend on site, rather than at their own homes.
‘That’s with people who aren’t my girlfriend! It’s different!’
‘Yah. We’re professionals first,’ you remind him, ‘let’s just do these scenes and wrap up the shooting quickly, then we can argue all we want, huh?’
Christian groaned but turned around, bowing apologetically at his team whilst you did the same before taking place on the bed and waiting for the cameras to start rolling.
You didn’t even have to express how annoyed you were by time shooting came to an end.
Christian had complained non-stop at every chance he could get.
Your make-up was too heavy, your outfits showed too much skin, you were dancing too sexily.
‘Baby,’ Christian began as he leaned against the wall of the dressing room, watching you remove the last lot of make-up for the day. You held your hand up to stop him from speaking, not daring to open your mouth.
Because you knew that the only thing that would come out was a string of curse words.
This man, you thought, would be the death of you.
‘At least let me apolog–,’
‘Nine hours, Christian,’ you told him quietly, turning to look at him from your seat, ‘We spent nine hours trying to get the scenes done, all because you couldn’t control your anger!’ you tell him angrily.
‘I know and I’m sor–,’ Christian started, only for you to cut him off by throwing a ball of scrunched up tissues at him.
‘Your poor staff! They’re exhausted as it is! They probably hate you after today! It would have been different if there were real issues on set, like the equipment not working, but no! You spent half of the time stopping and starting the scenes when it got too much for you to handle!’
‘Jay fed you a fucking vitamin with his tongue!’ Christian argues in defence, ‘And you licked it off like it was a lollipop!’
‘You literally wrote that in the screen play!’ you yell at him, incredulous, ‘We followed your vision of the music video!’
‘And his lips touched yours!’ Christian continued, his hands flying into the air, showing his frustration.
‘You told us to act natural! Like two lovers in a sex-based relationship!’ you argue back, pulling your hair into a messy bun and straightening out the comfortable hoodie you wore.
‘Yeah, well you didn’t have to look like you enjoyed it so much!’
You glared at him, ‘How am I supposed to enjoy anything when you’re in the background cursing up a storm! Ji-hyo 언니 is a devout Christian! You practically turned her into a sinner with that mouth of yours!’
‘I’ll show you what other sins this mouth can commit!’ Christian counters, his eyes ablaze.
‘Not for the next week you won’t!’ you inform him, pushing past him to get to the exit.
Storming down the corridor, you found yourself surrounded by many of the staff who were still in the studio set, cleaning up the props and getting the room ready to be used for the next day.
You apologized again, bowing low, knowing that they had most likely just heard you arguing with Christian, as well as for the long day you’d just put them through.
Members of the crew chuckled and assured you that it was okay but it didn’t push your guilt away. You could feel Christian’s eyes on you as you moved to help clean up, picking up different props and following the lead of the others, ignoring him as you went.
After another hour, the set was finally packed down, and the remaining set crew could leave.
As they left, you promised to buy them all dinner and apologized for what seemed like the millionth time.
The hour had given you time to calm down, and you hoped it stayed that way.
You really didn’t have the energy to fight with Christian any more.
Christian had moved to his personal studio where he completed a majority of his editing, and was where you found yourself standing, watching him as he looked through the series of scenes, with yours and Jay’s song on in the background.
The studio was like your second home – you’d spent plenty of nights curled up on the couch whilst Christian worked tirelessly. 
This place had good memories for you.
You could tell from the way his shoulders were relaxed that he too, had calmed down, but you thought it was best to leave him for a while longer.
Even when you were fighting, you still had the need to be close to him, and knowing Christian, he probably felt the same.
Laying on the familiar couch that sat against the back wall that faced Christian’s back, you allowed the clicking of the computer mouse lull you to sleep.
It wasn’t until late into the night that Christian woke you up as he lay down on the couch with you, his arms wrapping around you and his leg folding over yours.
You sighed heavily, blinking away some of the tiredness as Christian cleared his throat.
‘I made it hard for you today, didn’t I?’ Christian stated rather than questioned.
‘I’m never working with you again,’ you tell him honestly, ‘You’re an amazing director and you have an incredible talent in doing what you do, but I am never doing this again.’
‘I’ll apologize to Jay tomorrow,’ Christian responds with a sigh, ‘And I’ll pay for the crew to go out for dinner.’
‘Let’s go halves. They had such a hard day today,’ you tell him with a frown, ‘They deserve trays and trays of meat.’
Christian hummed in agreement, kissing your forehead as you two settled in, with him continuing to apologize for his behaviour.
It wasn’t until you were nearly asleep that Christian squirmed, ‘You’re going to kill me for saying this after the day we’ve just had,’ Christian told you warily, ‘but the scenes came out amazing and exactly as what I envisioned.’
It happened in an instant.
One minute he was cuddling you like a koala, and the next he was on the floor after receiving a power kick from you.
‘You son of a bi–,’ you started, glaring down at him on the floor as he chuckled guiltily.
‘Sorry, baby.’
‘Shut up,’ you grumble, turning away from him, ‘You can sleep on the floor.’
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overlooked-tracks · 2 years
A Music Festival That Ended on a Bad Note 
The following article has been posted on August 07, 2022 at 04:12PM:
An Overlooked Tracks News Finding: Here’s an article you might have overlooked. Having a partnership with NewsAPI, we try to catch music entertainment news for you to view, read and possibly enjoy. We will continue to find what’s available in the world of music entertainment, concert information and music releases. But obviously you – the listener and reader are the biggest source for news in your area, so if you can share with us. For right now, look at what we found for you:
“From The Rolling Stone – India Magazine Website –  A Music Festival That Ended on a Bad Note “
A still from ‘Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99’ Music Festival on July 25 1999
On July 25, 1999, a few hours before the Woodstock ’99 festival ended, American band Red Hot Chili Peppers came on stage. The event had already witnessed a number of disasters, and the organizers thought it would be great to have a peaceful candle-light vigil to protest against gun violence in the U.S. The band played “UnderThe Bridge,” and all looked good. Suddenly, a fire broke out and within seconds, there was chaos. More fires popped up, and strangely enough, the Peppers had chosen a cover of the Jimi Hendrix song “Fire” as an encore. Things didn’t end there, as hundreds of agitators rioted, brought down a speaker tower, attacked food vendors and smashed ATM machines. It was animal behavior everywhere.
Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99, a three-part docu-series premiered recently on Netflix, is about a doomed music festival. Held three decades after the original Woodstock, a symbol of peace, love and music, and five years after the commercially-disastrous Woodstock ‘94, the 1999 gig was remembered for rioting, arson, mismanagement, cases of sexual assault, brazen nudity, terrible heat conditions, sickness caused by dehydration, people high on ecstasy, heaps of garbage, unreasonable pricing, alleged corporate greed and three deaths. 
A Music Festival That Ended on a Bad Note
The film captures the three main days, dedicating an episode to each. There’s nothing about the pre-show concert on July 22, 1999. However, if you’re looking for a rock documentary featuring great appearances by Rage Against The Machine, Metallica, Live, Alanis Morissette and Creed, all of who were part of the lineup, you won’t find them here. There’s nothing remotely close to the performances of Ten Years After, Joe Cocker, Santana and Jimi Hendrix, all highlights of the 1969 festival. In short, this is more about the mayhem than the music. More about shock value than songwriting.
Director Jamie Crawford’s aim seems to be clear – to highlight all the mishaps that took place at the festival. He has used bytes, taken a few years after the festival, of participating musicians like Korn frontman Jonathan Davis, Gavin Rossdale of Bush, singer Jewel Kilcher and Norman Cook aka Fatboy Slim, besides audience members, journalists, TV news presenters, MTV’s celebrity VJ Ananda Lewis, and the main organizers Michael Lang and John Scher. Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett disappeared before one could blink. Depending on which side they were on, the interviewees said more or less the same thing.
Press conferences were filled with hogwash. Both Lang and Scher refused to take responsibility for the fiasco, with the latter even saying, “We’re happy, all is well, we haven’t had any tough incidents.” When questioned about the demolition of an art wall by angry protesters, Lang quipped, “The exterior wall makes an amazing souvenir, and people just couldn’t resist it… [they wanted] a piece of Woodstock.” Even Joe Griffo, former Mayor of Rome, New York, gave the fest a thumbs-up, and invited the organizers back for a repeat.
The series has showtime tidbits showing how soul and funk superstar James Brown refused to get on stage till his sudden demand for more money was met, how Jewel walked away after seeing the crowd get impatient, and how Sheryl Crow patiently handled obscene demands by some men with placards. However, many of the performances have been badly edited, and one rarely gets a taste of the actual music.
Those days, ‘nu metal’ was in vogue, and youngsters wanted music that was loud, angry and rebellious. We are talking of a time much before Linkin Park had burst on to the scene with the album Hybrid Theory in 2000. Even the Seattle grunge biggies of the early 1990s weren’t part of the line-up. Most people identified with Rage Against The Machine’s “Killing In The Name” and Limp Bizkit’s “Break Stuff.” And if acts like James Brown and country star Willie Nelson were included, it was probably as a symbolic association with the 1969 sound.
The film’s focus is on three groups – besides concluding act Red Hot Chili Peppers, there was Korn on the opening day and Limp Bizkit on the second night. The Korn appearance is a classic example of the kind of music that was in demand at that time. The entire crowd seemed like one big unit, with headbanging and crowdsurfing everywhere. A lot of sexual misconduct was also reported when women were carried over the crowd.
If Korn set the pace for mob frenzy, Kid Rock asked the crowd to throw water bottles around. But the Limp Bizkit show was seen as the tipping point, and the song “Break Stuff” had people doing just that. Front man Fred Durst kept egging the audience, and many organizers, including Scher, blame him for making…….
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vjinstruments · 2 years
Utilizing VJ Instruments To Enhance Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
In this article, we will explore the benefits of using VJ Instruments, specifically fluid bed dryers and fluid bed processors, to enhance pharmaceutical manufacturing. Fluid bed dryers and processors have been proven to make the production process more efficient, cost effective and reliable. We will discuss the advantages of utilizing these instruments and how they can help minimize the associated risks of pharmaceutical manufacturing. We will also look at how these instruments can help to increase production speed, as well as provide a more consistent product. Lastly, we will look into how these instruments can improve the safety of the production process. With this knowledge, readers will be able to confidently make the decision to incorporate VJ Instruments into their pharmaceutical manufacturing process.
 Benefits of Incorporating Fluid Bed Dryers into Existing Production Facilities
Benefits of incorporating fbd fluid bed dryer into existing production facilities, including improved accuracy, increased production rates, and reduced energy costs.
Improved Accuracy: Fluid bed dryers have a higher level of accuracy when it comes to drying processes, allowing for improved quality control and consistency. This higher level of accuracy is achieved by evenly distributing the product over the entire surface area, avoiding the need to manually adjust the product or bypass any clumps. This reduces the chances of contamination and ensures that the final product is of the highest quality.
A fluid bed dryer is a type of industrial drying equipment that uses a combination of heat and air to dry powdered or granular materials. The materials are placed in a chamber, and hot air is forced upward through the chamber in a process known as fluidization. The hot air causes the materials to behave like a fluid, allowing them to mix and come into contact with the hot air, which dries them out. The dried materials are then collected at the bottom of the chamber.
Fluid bed processor, also known as fluid bed granulators or fluid bed coaters, are similar to fluid bed dryers but are used for different purposes. They use the same fluidization principle to process powders and granules, but instead of drying them, fluid bed processor are used to coat, granulate, or agglomerate materials. This is achieved by introducing a binder or other coating material into the fluidized bed of particles, causing the binder to coat the particles and hold them together.
A plethysmometer is a device used to measure changes in volume of an object or body part, typically the lung. It consists of a chamber that is sealed around the area being measured and a sensor that detects changes in volume. The sensor could be mechanical, optical, or ultrasonic based. It is typically used in medical and scientific research to measure lung function, and can be used to diagnose and monitor conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
 Overview of Fluid Bed Processors
Overview of fluid bed processor and their potential applications to the pharmaceutical industry. Fluid bed processor are a type of process equipment used in the pharmaceutical industry to dry, mix, granulate, and coat materials. As an advanced drying technology, fluid bed processors are known for their flexibility and ability to handle a wide variety of materials. By applying an upward flow of air or gas, the material is suspended above a perforated bed and is gently dried from the bottom up.
All of these equipment, Fluid bed dryer, fluid bed processor and plethysmometer plays important roles in different applications. Fluid bed dryers are widely used in the pharmaceutical, food, and chemical industries, fluid bed processors are useful for making granulated or coated materials, and plethysmometer used for lung function measurement and diagnosis.
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