#vivianne post
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viderchia-vivianne · 7 months ago
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So cool. Thanks Mary!
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eimids · 1 year ago
Worst enemy part 2
Arsenal x reader
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(Okay but leah in this photo is the cutest)
Warnings: talk about suicide, depression, but reader getting better
Words: around 2k?
You woke up in the comfortable bed. You didn’t want to open your eyes tho. You didn’t want to face the reality of life and yesterday’s events. So you just laid in there. You could feel Leah’s arm wrapped around you and her other hand stroking your hair.
Unbeknownst to you, Leah knew you were awake, she sensed the stiffness of your body when you woke up. She didn’t say anything because she wanted to take things at your pace.
The day before when you had asked for help, you cried in Leah’s arms for hours before falling asleep in her arms. Leah then sent some messages to Kim. They talked about contacting the team management and Jonas so they could get you the help you needed. Kim would sort all of that out for you so you didn’t have to stress about that.
“Good morning sweet girl” Leah said gently when she noticed you stirring.
“Mhmm” You just mumbled back. Not having the energy to actually answer. Leah understood though. She let you wake up slowly taking your time.
“Are you ready to wake up properly and talk about yesterday?” Leah asked after a while.
“Not really but I guess I’ll have to?” You answered after a while.
“Yea, I know it’s going to be hard for you but it’s for the best. Your gonna get the help you need to manage your depression and me and all of the other teammates will be here for you every step of the way” Leah said and continued stroking your hair. It made you a bit calmer.
“Wait do they all know about this?” You asked when Leah’s words settled in. You didn’t want all of them to know.
“No don’t worry. Even though they wouldn’t judge you about this. But no, Alessia was the first one to talk to me and Kim about this. Then Beth and Viv came to talk cause they were worried. Then lastly McCabe. They were all worried about your wellbeing and wanted to help. Others don’t know about your history with depression but most of them have noticed that something is going on with you.” Leah answered you. You just nodded your head. Not fully grasping everything that was said to you.
“So you know about what happened at Manu?” You asked quietly.
“Yeah, but that won’t change how I see you as a person. You are an amazing person and a fantastic footballer and your past doesn’t change it in the least” Leah answered trying to convince you.
“So what happens now?” You asked next after a silent moment.
“Well Kim has contacted the team management and they have called the psychiatrist at the team. You’re gonna have a meeting with her and they’ll probably want you to start medication and therapy again. That helped last time right?”
“Yeah it made things better for a while before it all fell apart again” You answered. Almost starting to cry again. Just so exhausted about everything.
Leah stayed quiet for a while before she asked you about what she was wondering all night.
“Where were you yesterday? We were all worried about you and I was really worried that you might have- um” Leah started but couldn’t say the words. She didn’t want to believe the chance that you left to kill yourself.
You stayed quiet. It seemed too hard to admit the things that were so dark. But then you started to explain
You started to explain how you had left the hotel in a very bad mental state. A state where you definitely shouldn’t have been alone. You didn’t know where you were going. Wandering around the streets. At one point you could hear sounds of a train. That grabbed your attention.
You were walking towards that noice. You didn’t know if you were actually going to jump in front of a train or was it just to calm you down. Just the thought that you could do it, made you feel better. You sat close to the rails for a while before hearing the next train coming. You pondered your options. You could do it and finally make everything stop. Or you could fight just like you did couple years ago.
The train came closer and closer before it went past you. Then you don’t even really remember how you ended back to the hotel.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you or make you worried” You said while crying.
“You have nothing to apologize for. Now we’re going to get you some help.” Leah whispered.
Two weeks later you had started your medication and therapy. Your teammates kept their promises about being by your side during all this. Although the meds hadn’t yet started working, you were slowly getting better. Just having your teammates know about your situation and helping you with basic tasks like grocery shopping and cooking helped a lot.
Your therapist said that it would be the best if you didn’t live by yourself during this time so Alessia offered to take you living with her. She had a spare bedroom and wanted to look out for you. Leah, Viv or Beth (or all of them) would often come hang out with you since they couldn’t train properly yet due to their ACL injuries. Leah wasn’t much of a cook (or at all) but her company was nice. Even in those moments where I didn’t have energy to even talk she would just hug you and watch your favorite series. Viv loved to play board games with you. It was nice and quiet, just like you wanted. Beth was a mom, she made sure you always had something easy to eat and some water close by, she would even make sure you have taken your meds.
Some days were harder, some easier, sometimes you couldn’t get out of bed but someone was always there for you. You had been pulled out of training for at least a month before the meds would start working. After that you were allowed back on training if everything went well.
“Less can we go for a walk?” You asked your friend one night when it was just the two of you.
The older blonde was not expecting to hear that sentence from your mouth. You had barely had the energy to talk for a while and now you wanted to go for a walk. She was so happy that you were getting better again.
“Yeah of course we can! Let me just grab a hoodie and we can go. Do you need anything? Should you eat before we go?” Less started fussing over you.
“No i’m good, let’s just have a nice little walk” You answered her. And that you did. You went and got your favorite snacks to have a movie night. Although you ended up falling asleep head on her lap very soon after the movie started.
A Month later you were doing better again. You had more energy and were enrolled in training again. You weren’t yet playing at games and probably wouldn’t for a while but even getting back to just training was a big step for you.
Obviously your depression wasn’t cured and you still struggled but things were looking better for you.
“Y/l/n, come here you stupid” You heard Katie yell at you. You ran to her on the pitch with confused look.
“Why haven’t you told us that your birthday is in couple of weeks?” She asked you.
To be honest you weren’t sure in the beginning if you would make it to your twenties. You completely forgot about your birthday trying to just get better.
“Oh I haven’t even realized” You answered half truthfully.
“Well we gotta celebrate! Oh we’re going to have a big party for you! Lotte! Let’s throw a party” She yelled and ran to Lotte. It made you laugh. A real laugh. You hadn’t laughed in a while and actually been happy without feeling guilty about it. Now you were just enjoying the moment with your teammate on the pitch.
“I’m so happy she’s getting better” Leah said to the blonde next to her.
“Me too, I have been so worried about her getting better and now that she has I just feel so relieved” Alessia said back. They smiled to each other before walking to you.
“We’re proud of you kid, you’ve come a long way”
I don’t know if this is a bit boring ending but what ever.
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hermywolf · 6 months ago
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meazalykov · 21 days ago
shoutout lottie for being an arsenal player who can call out the racism towards bunny shaw when most of bunny’s teammates couldn’t do so
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ilikecrowns · 1 year ago
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cee-jay-mcwfc · 6 months ago
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‘Thankss Perth for this experience! 🇦🇺 2/2 👌🏾✅ Great times to prepare for what is to come! 🩵’
- Leila’s IG 1.9.24
Pt. 1
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aiza-luna · 7 months ago
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- Portrait of Solange Cotoner at the Headquarters of the Spanish Brotherhood in Barcelona, 1867 -
Lady Solange Teresa Vivianne Cotoner-Artois (1848 - 1926) also known as Lady Solange Teresa Vivianne Cotoner-Frye and Dame Solange Teresa Vivianne Cotoner-Artois, as well as by her nickname "Noble Assassin of Tarragona" and her noble title as "Condesa de Tortosa" (Countess of Tortosa), was an Spanish Philantropist, Naturalist, Paleotologist Noblewoman and Master Assassin of the Spanish and British Brotherhoods of Assassins active during the 19th Century. Born in Tortosa, in the Provice of Tarragona, in Catalonia, Crown of Aragon, Solange was the oldest daughter of Carlos Rafael Cotoner y Moncada, Count of Tortosa and his wife, Aimée Isabelle Henriette Artois and older sister of the famous swordwoman Serena Hélène Josefina Cotoner-Artois. Rightful Heiress to her father's maritime business and noble title, she was raised into the Assassins Ways by Carlos and his sibilings, all members of the Spanish Council of Assassins, much to her mother's worry. She becamed a Master Assassin in 1866, after sucessfully killing her target, the Templar Raúl de La Cruz. In 1867, she was send to England to aid the British Brotherhood, as a spy along her aunt Desirée Charlotte Madeleine Pleydell-Bouviere to Henry Green, also known as "The Ghost". Solange played a important role in the Liberation of London in 1868, and later, she was of vital importance to track down the Piece of Eden known as The Holy Grail, along with avoiding the rise of power of the Neo British Templar Rite in the years of 1870 and 1874. After the Liberation of London, she married her fellow Brother-in-Creed, the British Master Assassin and Gang Leader Sir Jacob Frye. She was the one responsible for the truce and diplomatic missions to Morocco in 1887-1888 in amids of the Spanish-Moroccan political tensions, she was also responsible of the rift and tension between the Spanish Council and British Council, after she stood for their lack of action in regards to the Autumn of Terror. Solange was a direct descendent of the legendary Spanish Mentor Renato Valentino Cotoner, the one responsible to modernize the Spanish Creed in the 17th Century. Solange is a Franco-Spanish Assassin of Moroccan-Moorish, Greek, Russian and German Ancestry. Her family comes from Assassins and Knights at the service of the Spanish Crown.
Solange Cotoner's Wiki / Helix Data Base.
Comission done by I_Am_The_Vigilante (on Instagram) 🩵
Solange's information and design by yours truly 🩵
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lavendermaster · 4 months ago
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ocelotrevs · 8 months ago
It's totally bizarre that Arsenal just let Vivianne Miedema's contract just expire, and she's joining Man City on a free transfer.
I just don't get it. She's probably going to score at least 3 hat tricks against us next season.
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patchoulinz · 1 year ago
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viderchia-vivianne · 7 months ago
I always get scared that when someone doesn't interact that they don't want me interacting with any of their posts.. it's stupid but it's like I'm a scared little lizard or maybe snake.
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eimids · 1 year ago
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it’s clear how much this goal ment to her😭
”the one who never celebrates”
i can’t gonna cry
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hermywolf · 6 months ago
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inigostears · 1 year ago
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updated my ref for vivi!!!! it was about time i did <3
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meademalove · 1 year ago
Long live to this iconic moment from SPOTY '22. LEGEND. 🤐🤣
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supersicksid · 6 months ago
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