#part one because she posted too many pictures 😅
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cee-jay-mcwfc · 6 months ago
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‘Thankss Perth for this experience! 🇦🇺 2/2 👌🏾✅ Great times to prepare for what is to come! 🩵’
- Leila’s IG 1.9.24
Pt. 1
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sansaorgana · 10 months ago
I had an idea earlier about buck x reader, where after buck and the other 2 escaped and left bucky behind in part 9, they stumble upon a house near the forest (after the german kid soliders attacked them).
The reader lives there and she basically helps them hiding for a bit and also returning to the english base. She is against the war (which is the reason she helps them) and maybe a little angst where buck needs to protect her at the base bc she is still a german citizen.
What do you think?
hi! thank you for your request! 💞 honestly, I think it's the first 100% angst piece I have written for Buck because even the ones with sad events that I have posted so far had happy endings... but not this one 😅 since I have already written a similar fic and didn't want to repeat the same ending... I couldn't think of anything else how they could have their happily ever after 😪 I hope you can forgive me 💔
I had to currently close the requests because I got so many so I'm working on them atm 🙏🏻
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In the heart of the enemy’s territory, he felt like a chased wild animal. Even though he was still human enough not to pull a trigger at a brainwashed German kid, Buck Cleven felt like a prey with nothing but survival on his mind. The forest was dark, muddy and unfriendly. A never ending maze with predators hiding all around. A thought of his dead friend and a thought of Bucky left behind were what kept him sane. The sun was going down slowly and he had no idea where to go. His other friend, Bill, was right behind him.
“Buck,” he hissed and waved his hand to make them both freeze in place. “There’s a house,” he pointed at the dark and old building by the country road behind the trees. “We’re close to town.”
“The lights are off. Maybe it’s inhabited,” Buck pointed out. “If it’s the case, we can find some supplies there.”
“Shall I go and check?” Bill asked.
“No, I will go,” Buck nodded and clutched on the gun in his hand hidden under the coat.
He walked carefully and slowly, making sure not to make too much noise, with his back hunched and breath steady. His blue eyes scanned the garden behind the house. It had herbs growing there but it was messy and the windows were dirty. Everything looked as if it was abandoned.
Encouraged by the looks of it, Buck walked to the front of the house and tried to push the door open but they were locked. However, the door was wooden and old, all it took was another, stronger push to open them wide with a loud squeak that made him wince.
He waited for a while to make sure there were no footsteps approaching him but when he heard nothing but silence, he entered the house and walked around curiously as the last rays of the sun going down lit the walls and the pictures hung on them. There were mostly family portraits and religious images – everything cosy and very cottage-like. There was only one portrait of a young soldier in a Wehrmacht uniform but his face was so friendly and sad that Buck didn’t even feel any hatred looking at it.
Focused on the picture, he lost his focus for a while. And then he heard a small noise and turned around with widened eyes as he spotted a young, scared woman in the corner of the room. She had a gun, too. Her hands were shaking and her pupils were huge out of fear but she was pointing the gun at him. He didn’t know if he should raise his hands and give up or point the gun at her in return – it was very doubtful she would actually pull the trigger.
He trusted no one. When he took a small step ahead to test her, she startled but she didn’t unload the pistol. So he pointed his own weapon at her and in that moment she dropped her gun and lifted her hands up while sobbing.
“P-Please, no,” she pleaded in English. “Please, don’t kill me,” her whispers were broken and shaky and Buck felt bad for her. Did she live in that house? 
“Do you live here alone?” He asked, trying not to sound too nice. She nodded. “How so?”
“I lived here with my brother and my papa,” she explained and pointed her finger at the portrait on the wall carefully. “They took my brother away. In the beginning of the war. He didn’t come back. My papa, he was old now. But they took him too a few weeks ago. Because they need more men,” she was looking for the right words with her limited vocabulary.
“How do you know English?” Buck raised an eyebrow at her.
“Papa taught us. He was a soldier in the last war. He met the English and the Americans. He was a captive,” she explained and sniffled her tears. “Please, don’t kill me,” she begged once more and Buck felt stupid for still pointing his gun at her. He lowered his hand and she sighed out of relief.
“Do you need help?” He asked. Something about her and the state of this house made him forget about his own tragic situation at the moment. She was a young woman left alone in the middle of nowhere in a country that was on the verge of losing the war. It was not safe for her and she looked weakened as if she had not had any proper meal in a long while.
“Do you?” She asked.
“Me and my friend… He’s inside the forest… We ran away from the camp, too. We are American pilots. We need to get to the American soldiers. Do you know where we can find them?” Buck asked.
“They are in town,” the girl nodded. “I can take you to them tomorrow,” she offered.
“Why not now?”
“Because it’s dark already. And you need rest,” she pointed out. Buck squinted his eyes at her. “I don’t have a phone here. And German police are not here anymore. You are safe,” she assured him. “Tell your friend to come here,” the girl crouched down and picked up her gun again. Buck clutched on his but she hid hers into the pocket of her patched dress. “It’s not loaded,” she revealed to him with a sad smile. “I lost all my bullets two weeks ago when a few strange men came here and I had to scare them off.”
Buck nodded and slowly walked out of the house. He still was not sure if she was trustworthy but he craved nothing but rest. He came back for Bill and told him about the situation they had found themselves in.
“I’m not sure, Buck,” he shook his head. “Listen, what if I go there and scare her, steal some food and we run to that town on our own?” He proposed.
Buck understood where his friend was coming from. And he did not judge him. However, he did not agree to his plan.
“No,” he only said. “It’s just a girl.”
“They’re all just girls and boys. Like the kids back there in the forest,” Bill reminded him.
“I know. But she’s not like them.”
“How do you know that?” Bill requested an explanation.
“I just know,” was all Buck could say as he nodded at his friend to follow him.
Reluctantly, Bill went to the house after Buck. The girl was sitting by the round kitchen table and lighting a few candles. She looked up, giving them a doe-eyed look.
“I don’t have electricity here anymore,” she confessed. “But the candles are fine,” she added. “Here, I collected some of my brother’s and papa’s clothes for you to change. When I take you to town tomorrow, I don’t want anyone to know who you are. In the forest… There are a lot of people you can’t trust,” she explained.
“And you?” Bill asked, still not convinced. “Why can we trust you?”
“You have to,” she looked at him and then she turned around to point at the kitchen cabinet. “I don’t have much food left. And the fridge doesn’t work without electricity. I have some cans and a few wild berries I picked in the forest. Some cheese they gave me in town out of mercy.”
“We don’t want to eat your food,” Buck assured her. “Only a little bit.”
“I’m hungry,” Bill added and Buck shot him an unpleasant glance.
“So is she. And the food is hers. She doesn’t have to help us, you know?”
Bill went silent and took a pile of clothes to the living room where he began to change. Buck was left alone with the girl in the kitchen. She was looking down nervously, focusing on his hands to avoid his eyes.
“And what is your name?” He asked her out of courtesy.
“It’s (Y/N),” she whispered. “And yours?”
“I’m Major Gale Cleven,” he reached his hand out and she hesitantly shook it. She also dared to look up and meet his gaze. Buck felt his heart skipping a beat at the sight of how sad and broken those young eyes were.
Back where he was from, young girls were not affected by the war like this. Sure, they were worried about their husbands, fathers and brothers. But they were still drinking coke, danced at the parties, whined at the shortage of nylon and drew the lines on their calves to imitate the tights. They were slowly getting used to wearing jeans as they overtook the factories, they were poster girls and had their hair done up in victory rolls. They were marking the letters with red and pink lipsticks and perfumes. And this young girl in front of him already had the eyes of a very old and wise woman. It shouldn’t be like this.
“Major Gale Cleven,” she repeated. “Sounds like from a movie.”
He was just Buck. Nothing special at all. He was not even from Hollywood or New York. But to her he was already unrealistic enough. She batted her eyelashes and looked away, shyly.
“Not really,” Buck tried to convince her and she gave him a sad smile.
Bill came back in new clothes. It was Buck’s turn now but he was afraid of leaving (Y/N) alone with his friend, so he kept staring at them awkwardly.
“Go,” Bill rolled his eyes. “I won’t hurt her,” he promised.
So Buck grabbed a pile of clothes preparead for him and went to the living room to change as fast as possible. When he came back to the kitchen, Bill was already eating some canned food with a slice of cheese and a few wild berries. A similar meal was waiting for Buck, too. (Y/N) was sitting by the table but she had no food in front of her.
“And you?” He asked her as he sat down.
“I already ate,” she told him but he had a feeling she lied so he pretended to be full already after eating a half of the plate. He offered her the rest and she eagerly took it from him as her eyes sparkled. It was probably her first “proper” meal on that day.
After they ate, (Y/N) showed them to their rooms. One belonged to her father and it was downstairs. Upstairs there were two tiny bedrooms. One was hers and one was her brother’s. She wanted Buck to sleep in it. She didn’t have to say it out loud but he knew that she trusted him more than she trusted his friend. Bill was not complaining because the room downstairs was bigger and had a nicer bed.
When Bill was already in the bedroom given to him, (Y/N) was helping Buck to put the sheets on. He was insisting there was no need but she tried her best to be a good host even in such gruesome circumstances.
“When I do this… It’s a bit like… It’s still normal, you know?” She tried to explain the best she could. He nodded at her. He understood. “There you go,” she fixed the sheets for the last time and looked down proudly at the made up bed.
“Thank you,” Buck nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked up at the poster on her brother’s wall. It was very old and the colours were faded away now but he could recognise it. It was a movie poster of Charlie Chaplin’s movie City Lights.
“My brother liked Charlie Chaplin,” (Y/N) smiled. “And the films. Especially American ones. He didn’t get to see many but he liked the posters,” she explained. “When he was able to see a film, he would come back home and tell me everything about it.”
“I hope he’s alright,” Buck tried to cheer her up.
“He died,” she explained and he felt a stinging pain in his heart.
“You only said he hadn’t come back…”
“They sent us a medal and all. He’s dead,” she explained. “But papa threw the medal away. It’s in the river now.”
“Because he didn’t like Hitler. And my brother didn’t like him either,” she nodded. “I wish he was here, my brother. He would like you,” she added before finally approaching the door to leave him alone for the night. “Good night,” she walked away and closed the door quietly.
Buck was exhausted but he couldn’t sleep that night. He couldn’t stop thinking about the girl. What would happen tomorrow? She would take them to town, drop them off with the Americans and then what? She would just go back here? To that awful house in the middle of nowhere where she was starving and not safe? He hated to even think of such a possibility.
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The walk to town was stressful and everyone kept giving them funny and suspicious looks. However, (Y/N)’s poker face and determination managed to take them to the town centre safely. It looked awful and empty – like a ghost town. She pointed at one of the soldiers patrolling the street and told them he was an American.
“Go to him,” she only said and turned around to walk away but Buck grabbed her by the sleeve of her coat and Bill hissed at him. Buck didn’t listen to that.
“What about you?” Buck asked her and her eyes widened.
“What do you mean? I don’t want him to see me,” she explained.
“You’re just going back home now?”
“Yes,” she nodded.
“No,” Buck shook his head. “You’re coming with us.”
“What are you doing, Gale?” Bill asked, irritated.
“She deserves a warm meal at least,” Buck insisted and kept a tight grip on (Y/N)’s sleeve as they all approached the suspicious soldier.
They lifted their hands up and explained who they were. Their accents and believable numbers of their units made the patrolling soldier less hostile. But then he laid his eyes on the girl.
“And her?” He asked.
“She’s with us. She helped us,” Buck told him.
“I know her. She lives in this town,” the soldier squinted his eyes at (Y/N) and she took a deep breath in. “She’s German.”
“Yes, she helped us last night. We wouldn’t be here if it was not for her,” Buck repeated. “Listen, I just want her to eat something warm, alright?”
The soldier called for a few other men who came quickly after and had a short and quiet discussion. Eventually they nodded their heads at them and led them inside of a building full of soldiers. They all looked up curiously and suspiciously.
Bill left Buck’s side quickly to talk to the men stationed there. But Buck didn’t leave (Y/N)’s side as he felt he had to look after her in this place. They were given a proper, warm meal and they sat by the table in the corner. She was eating fast and with shaky hands like a starving child given food after a long while. Buck’s heart broke and he reached his hand out to hold one of her cold ones. She looked up, scared, and he smiled softly.
“Slow down,” he only whispered.
“The women here are nothing special,” one of the men sitting by the table nearby commented. “You should have seen the French ones,” he whistled.
Buck didn’t react to that as his jaw clenched. (Y/N) ignored that comment, too, but her eyes were saddened.
When she was done with her meal, Buck approached the man in charge of the unit and asked if they could give her a few cans of food and some other supplies. The man did not want to agree.
“We’re short on them ourselves, Major Cleven,” he explained.
“Yes, sir, I understand, sir. But she lives alone in the middle of nowhere. Her brother is dead, her father most likely, too. She helped us. She’s a good woman, sir,” Buck tried to convince him.
“There is no doubt about that, son. I’m sorry. She’s not the first and not the last good woman suffering in this war.”
Buck felt defeated and helpless when he approached (Y/N) who was already preparing to leave.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t convince him to give you supplies,” he admitted, ashamed of himself.
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine,” she tried to assure him and squeezed his arm. “You’re a good man,” she added. “Thank you for the meal… And the kindness.”
“I should be the one thanking you more,” he couldn’t help himself and he fixed her ruffled hair. Everything about her was screaming inside of him to help her, to take care of her. But he couldn’t and it was killing him. “I will never forget you, German girl.”
“And I will never forget you, Major Cleven,” she smiled and he could only watch her walk away, approaching the small road leading back to the forest.
If Bill hadn’t been there with him, he would have started thinking that she was nothing but a forest fairy he had imagined. After all he was in a land of fairytales.
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clatoera · 11 months ago
What’s everyone’s phone lock screen in ARWBFTB au :) just thought I’d send a fun one today 😅
Oh this is sooooo fun omg especially bc like…theres so many options ✨Ironically the answers are mostly like…each other. I’m so excited okay sooo
Cato’s is definitely Clove looking annoyed. Like giving him enough attitude in her face that you can see it in the picture. I don’t know exactly what she was doing IN the picture but she looks annoyed and he loves it. Thats the like outside lock screen picture, the INSIDE  picture is absolutely one that should not be seen publicly. LIke…absolutely not for public consumption but for his yes indeed okay. He later becomes obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with pictures of Clove and their son so it’s an ever changing combo of pictures he takes of them. Not the inside picture. That one NEVER Changes (except to other pictures that should not see the light of day).
Clove’s is the two of them together probably looking at each other and not at the camera. She’s probably in his lap, they’re probably staring at each other, her arm over his shoulders kinda thing. Like taken candidly by one of their friends at a party or something, like Glimmer seems the type to just take random pictures of people and friends because love is all around her blah blah blah. So yeah. It’s them together. Looking hot. The usual. His giant hands on her waist is a focal point. 
Finnick and Annie absolutely have the same exact picture, it’s each other and their son like a professional picture of the three of them probably on the beach. They do that thing where they’d both pick up each others phones and get so confused when they lock themselves out because they cant tell them apart. 
Marvel’s is Glimmer. He’s in the picture too but the focus is very much Glimmer like he’s stand-in behind her with his arms around her shoulder and he’s Clearly saying something in her ear because she’s laughing and THATS why it’s his favorite because she’s laughing and smiling and there is literally nothing he likes better than Glimmer being happy enough to actually laugh at something. It later becomes ever changing pictures of Glimmer and the girls and they are definitely all three matching and have the same smile and eyes and hair and it’s everything and it changes like monthly because theres constantly new outfit updates. 
Glimmer also I think has two. The like front lock screen is definitely her girls. All different variations of them but it is always them together. Usually in matching outfits. Or like snuggled up together. She is DEEPLY obsessed with them. The inside picture like barely ever changes it’s from when the girls were really little and they were exhausted with two little babies and it’s him asleep on like the recliner or something with both of them also sleeping onto of him. It’s a favorite of hers. 
Enobaria’s is just Cashmere. Like at a wedding or something with her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand. Or like laying in bed. Or literally just any way shape or form of cashmere. But it’s not like the capitol/D1 glamour shots it’s her all excited in the winter bundled up holding her little peppermint coffee, or laying on the beach in 4 in a big sun hat. Or one specific moment in the like 6 weeks of whirlwind wedding planning of Glimmer which involved Cashmere literally laying in the living room covered in sparkly light pink tulle and flowers because it was literally covering the entire house. Like moments where she seems genuinely happy and genuinely smiling because thats the part of her she never got to be prewar ya know? Sometimes rarely it’s the two of them together but mostly it’s like..just little happy pictures of cash. 
Cashmere’s is always people together. The like main one is usually her and Enobaria, like one of them looking at each other at one of the like 7890 parties they end up at post war and by that I mean dinner parties and weddings. Theres a picture of the two of them at Glimmer’s, Enobaria covered in a layer of Glitter from Cash’s dress just so so cute. I feel like theres a lot of beach gatherings because of Finnick so theres definitely pictures of the two of them extra tan that becomes a favorite of like…Cash practically sitting ontop of her. The inside picture is always like of her/gloss/glimmer I think. Sometimes the girls make the cut in the group picture, but it’s usually the three of them. 
One time Marvel got so severely sunburned he couldn’t move and Finnick made him take a picture holding up a cooked lobster for comparison and that became like at least the group chat picture if not everyone’s contact picture for him en masse. It’s not a phone screen but it’s a funny thought. 
so this got waaaaay out of my hands i'm sorry I just got so excited it was a lot of fun 😅 Thank you my friend this was SO so fun!!
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ralibo14 · 4 months ago
TPN season I rewatch:
This post will contain many and I mean MANY SPOILERS from season 1. Please if you're new to Promised Neverland do not read this🥺🥰. (There might be multiple parts of this but I don't care😅)
Crazy how many things you can find to the fifth rewatch. Crazy how thrilled and emotional f-ed up I can still get after this. Not my first rodeo, but oh boy... Did I ugly cried. But that's not what we're here for... So let's get into the things what the rewatch made me realise. I paused like in every 3 minutes, there will be many screenshots.
Breaking down the episodes + the fricking foreshadowings:
Crazy how many things first watchers miss. I feel myself stupid just by thinking back that I was also this clueless. (past me would call me crazy if I told her what will happen 🤣🤣🤣)
Episode 1;
Starts idillic, then slowly you start to realise that something is off. What are these overcomplicated tests? Why is there numbers on the kids neck? What is going on? These are most likely the questions first watchers ask themselves (at least I did back then). Now I start to get it how Ray might felt as he began to realise the Houses's secret.
Through this episode you can feel that something is off, then everything goes south once Emma and Norman goes to the Gate.
Now as a rewatcher I saw Little Bunny left on the table and my mind immediately thought of the manga (chapter 180.1), which made it way sadder. Also Ray's reactions makes so much more sense like this.
Not to talk about the test scores.
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First picture the older kids and the second is Norman's list about the younger kids. Of course Full Score Trio on the top of the list. Norman most likely never made a mistake, not even in his first test. My personal opinion that Ray had one 'bad' test and Emma had not more than two. I find it so unfair that Gilda and Don are rarely mentioned when we are talking about the scores like... Their scores are pretty good too. But the biggest suprise for me was Phil's archivments (2nd picture). Only spotted now, but damn... Make way for the next genius. No wonder Emma decided that she tells Phil about the escape. She knew what she was doing and who to thrust with the information. After all she was raised by Isabella and just like Norman's and Ray's case, she also developed similar mannerisms as Mom. In Emma's case that would be manipulating others, only difference the she uses it for good.
Episode 2;
Is full of foreshadowing if you know what you're looking for. The tone of the series is not as intense here than it will be around episode 9 or 10, so clues can easily fly under our radar. Take this scene as an example.
Purplish lightning? Isabella and Ray on the screen during that? I wanted to bang my head into the wall when I connected these together. Lots of things hidden in this episode from Ray's and Isabella's relationship to the clues of the season's ending.
Also the Full Score Trio already deserves an Oscar for their acting. Norman and Emma for being able to change their expressions in the matter of seconds and Ray for making them believe that he only discovered the truth now.
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Emma being strong enough to hug Mom after discovering the truth and being a total girlboss with the "I wonder what Connie is doing right now" line. It will always be one of the MOST ICONIC lines in this series!
While Ray in this episode being like: “Act fool. Act fool. Act fool” 😂😂😂
Episode 3 - 10;
Why did I separated ep 1 and 2 like this? Because those episodes deserve their own spotlight. They give the base tone of the whole season. I don't say that ep3 to ep10 is not important. Heck no! All episodes deserve the spotlight but I don't want to bore anyone to death😅.
In episode 3 the arrival of Carol and Sister Krone. When I first saw this episode, I just froze into my spot. Now I realise how useful it was to the team. And since Isabella requested a helper, she unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) helped the Trio's plan and helped them, so they make it to the excape.
Sister Krone was a dangerous enemy but also a useful ally. Her motivation was a bit selfish (to become a mom) but I justify them because being a Sister or Mom means that your life is always on the line. [Please check out @fullscoreshenanigans page, her posts and reblogs can explain it better than mines] Also is it just me or does someone else think that Krone had a miscarriage? I don't know why this crossed my mind. Maybe it's the way she shares everything with her old doll somehow made me think of that.
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Interesting how the Sister got threatened by both Isabella and Ray in the same episode.
Isabella using the Mom position as a bait for Krone was just perfect. She has years of practice in how to manipulate people's emotions so holding this bait out for the Sister was child play for her.
That Tag where the Trio was against Krone... Oh the memories... The Sister accuratly listing their strengths and weaknesses and also hinting that she knows about their plans. That gave me the thrills when I first watched. Then she lost the game when Ray told her that her time is up (One word; FORESHADOWING!) Actually double foreshadowing at that.
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Firstly Ray's pocket watch; That was a gift from Isabella, (like Connie's Little Bunny). He got that gift so he can count the time until his shipment... or at least that's what Mom told him. I think we can all agree that deep down she didn't meant it. Isabella is a good actor but she just pretended to be their enemy.
[Side note: Is it just me or does anyone else thinks, that Ray's pocket watch and Isabella's tracking device looks awfully similar?]
Second foreshadowing? Krone's death. Oh how painful it is to know that it was Ray, who unintentionally, but sentenced her to death.
Why do I think that? Well, in the later episodes, when they have to get Krone out of the picture, Ray writes down something for her. It took me a couple of rewatches to realise that he wrote down his and Isabella's biggest secret... that they are related. Now that the secret got leaked Isabella had to permanently get rid off Krone.
I think Isabella told Grandma in advance that the Sister knows her secret and let Grandma do the dirty work. (But my logic is not flawless, since I only have the tpn artbook and not the mystic code book).
There's many think I could and should talk about... Like how underappreciated Gilda, Don, Anna, Nat and the others are in this season, but I will leave that to the Character Brainrots. However there's one thing which I must talk about regarding to season 1.
Saving Norman!
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This two! They only had to exchange one look to let each other know that;
“Yeah, there's no way we let that smart, stupid idiot sacrifice himself”
Oh boy, they were desperate. Emma and Ray are soulmates and right now I don't mean romantical soulmates, because friends and family also can be someone's soulmate.
What I meant to say with this is, that they would try anything in their power to get Norman safely out of the House. They are focusing on the same goal and would do anything to archive it.
So when they plan out loud between the three of them and Emma says that;
“Ray, let's break your leg too”
(Btw, For me this is the third most iconic line from Emma XD. The reactions from the boys is hilarious too🤣)
The black haired boy immediately, without zero hesitation agrees. This is how desperate Ray was. He would have gladly broke his own leg or arm just to make his version of the escape plan succeed. Which plan of course fully crumbles when Norman comes back from the wall, telling them that there's a huge Cliff and it's impossible to go through.
Their last hug in the House is so bittersweet as I rewatcher, because I know it's not the last time they see each other but still... I bawled my eyes out again.
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Emma being utterly shocked, refusing to let Norman go. Which causes her to almost ruin their plans at the final goodbye. Trying to deactivate Norman's tracker when Isabella was watching was a really risky idea. But that's what makes Emma, Emma. Just like Krone said, her weakness is caring too much for the others.
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Norman on the other hand already accepted the fact that he will die (Spoiler: he won't). Although his calmness is just an act, deep down he wants to escape as desperately as his friends want it. Norman keeps his calm for Emma's and Ray's sake.
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And at last but not least Ray. He is clearly on the verge of a mental breakdown. First thing I noticed was his eyes. Maybe it was a conscious action, maybe it was just because of the yellowish background, but his eyes look more purple here.
Ray tries to gatekeep his emotions and fake indifference but fails miserably. I think this was the moment he decided to truly give up the whole "I escape with them" part of the plan.
For our luck Emma and Norman didn't let Ray's suicide plan succeed.
[Side note: I totally forgot Ray cried during this hug. Poor boy. I wish I could tell him that everything will turn out just fine]
Okay that's all for now, mostly because I reached the picture and video limit. I hope it was interesting, even for something this long😅😅. See you soon everyone 🥰.
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ink-and-dagger · 4 months ago
Heyyy Inky!!! Guess who it is! (jk) It's me Galaxy!! I've written the DWM song!!! And recorded it! It's called 'One Drink'. (hehe) It's not done professionally in any way, shape or form, but it's certainly finished. It's just a demo of me singing (badly-ish, ignore my baby voice gah I sound like a twelve year old) with a guitar backing, but I do imagine that if I ever do record this, it will be with more instruments than just guitar. 😅 I really really really really hope you like it. Really. Think of it as a love letter from me to you for writing DWM, because it really has been a major part of my life <3 This link will take you to the audio recording (it's on a google drive. Copy and paste it into your browser!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QWXoZ8yZHFXhCAlHE4OZURTQGXzL9tlU/view?usp=sharing And I WAS gonna include a link to a google doc with the lyrics on it... but tumblr's being fussy and won't let me insert it. So, I've decided to just put the lyrics at the bottom of this ask, which is gonna make it very long but oh well. Shit happens. Also, if the audio recording link doesn't work - please please please tell me. I'll figure out another way to send it!
Anyway, the recording is accessible for anyone to copy into their preferred browser to listen to (if it works), so if any other DWM fans see this feel free to listen/read! Again, I hope you like it, Inky. Love you and everything you do <3 - Galaxy P.S. Inky, I would love love love to know every single one of your thoughts on lyrics as well if that's possible!
One Drink - Lyrics. A DWM song <3
Saint was a sinner
And he was feared by almost everyone
He was a ruthless killer 
A devil, modern to our time. 
She, oh she wasn’t perfect 
But compared to him; an angel from our sky.
Astrid. Always searching for her horizon
But it seemed like something she could never find.
She shared a drink with him one night
Apparently she’s the only one that would 
He pulled the bottle off the shelf, his inhibitions down you can tell
There’s something he’s suppressed
And the walls began to fall
I guess opposites attract after all
One drink that started it all x3
They, oh they weren’t perfect
They would fight all the time like you and I
One fight, got a little too consuming 
The pain was a knife through her heart 
He thought he jinxed them
He thought this one was a little too far gone
Their only saving grace was the rose tattoo upon her waist 
A symbol that in time they’d be alright
And the walls began to fall
I guess opposites attract after all
One drink that started it all x 6
Saint was a sinner
But she found her horizon in his eyes 
I'm squeezing you so tight that you'll need to visit a chiropractor to straighten you back out again. I absolutely love this and i'm so honoured that my story inspired you to create a whole ass SONG?! Thank you so so much.
Also what are you on about singing badly? You've got a great voice! Really pure and folksy - it suits the style of song so well, especially with a solo guitar. Can totally picture you singing this song at nighttime sitting by a campfire with the local townspeople hanging off your every word. Also it's so damn catchy - I was already singing the chorus to myself after just the first listen (I may have listened to it 10 or 20 times since hehe)
Here's a one click link for anyone who wants to listen to Galaxy's amazing song!
And I LOVE all the lyrics! They convey the core essence of Silco and Astrid's characters and story so effectively. That's some serious skill my friend. You did in 200 words what it took me over 138k words to do lmfao.
I started to attempt to write out all my thoughts on the lyrics in this post but I had so many thoughts that it quickly proved too crazy to format on tumblr. SO, I put them in a google doc instead lmfao. You should be able to see my comments on the highlighted text but tell me if not.
Thank you again, truly from the bottom of my heart.
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denial-permanente · 2 years ago
I'm a man who really enjoys your blog. You two both seem like smart, interesting people who are clearly in love and have a great, unorthodox sex life.
I am somewhat confused that you both are so insistent that there's no humiliation or domination intended. Seems to me it's inherently humiliating and emasculating for a man to have his cock locked in a metal device for years, allowed to "fuck" his wife only with a plastic strap-on dick. I understand Tom gets off on this but clearly part of the appeal for him is the denial. You have said (paraphrasing) that Tom is in this situation because he deserves it somehow and you clearly enjoy deciding when he gets to cum (very rarely).
Personally I don't want to be locked up, for me it would be too frustrating and humiliating with no upside. I guess that's why I'm asking this. Thanks again for the interesting blog.
What was the actual question? 😅
Hey, Tom here. First of all, you may be confusing the picture captions with the Ask posts where we discuss more about our actual life. The captions are little fantasies that come out of my head, often a bit embellished for the audience. Sexily attired dominant women uttering slightly humiliating or degrading phrases are popular. Our real life would probably be a bit of a snooze for most of the readers.
My wife does not identify as a domme. She does like to be in charge in the bedroom, but not in a Mistress Cruella way. And while many of the captions are inspired by things she has said, she has never insinuated that I was not capable of satisfying her in the pre-locked days. And I also think that you have misunderstood the idea that she thinks I "deserve" to be locked and denied. That's a common theme in the captions, but not in our real life.
She does, however, really enjoy the control over when / if / how I am allowed an orgasm. Make of that what you will.
Neither of us see any inherent contradiction in our relationship as it applies to my masculinity. I do not feel less manly from being locked. Instead, I regard what I do as a kind of self-sacrifice, not unlike a knight pledging fealty to his queen. Similarly, wearing the harness is *empowering* for me, because it allows me to give her the kind of pleasure she wants (or deserves), despite my being locked.
In her mind, I am still strong, capable, and always aroused for her. She regards my being locked as similar to a woman who has a wild beast on a leash. She knows that when we have sex, I am aroused and full of desire, yet she is able to control the action so that I make love to her slowly and gently, or hard and animalistic. And my wife doesn't really see the Vixskin as a replacement or substitute. Instead, she seems to view it as an enhancement to my existing package (if that makes any sense).
Part of the "appeal" of denial for me is the idea that I have ceded all control over to my wife. She made the decision, and like a loyal and obedient knight, I abide by it - as difficult as it may be at times. Yes, I occasionally play with other fantasies in my head while we do this, but it's just as a change of pace. I never have fantasies of being feminized or of her taking other lovers. To me, those are emasculating (in that I see them as being humiliating and degrading).
Finally, yes - being locked is frustrating. That's kind of the point. My wife enjoys me taking on challenges for her. Dragons being extinct in our area, she finds excitement in challenging me in other ways - one of them being locked. Another is when she can see me struggling to hold back my own orgasm so she can have all my attention. Even knowing that she is getting me all worked up is exciting to her. Again, neither of us see this as emasculating, but rather as enhancement. 🔒
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majaloveschris · 2 years ago
Why nothing makes sense part 6.
Ghosted premiere edition 👻
When I woke up and read people talking about her being there, I definitely expected something much worse than it actually was. Don't misunderstand me; I obviously wasn't happy she was there, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be if she were there.
As always, there are things that just don't make any sense to me.
In the past few weeks, we've received no articles about them; the article about Chris didn't include her. However, on the day of the premiere, ET included pictures of the Valentine's Day video, and the Daily Mail also included her. It was like a reminder that, hey, he is supposed to be in a really loving and committed relationship with this Alba girl, remember? He was spotted alone, and we hadn't received any new content since Valentine's Day. The cheating rumor was also posted. I understand why many people think we are getting to the end of this shitshow, because it felt like it.
What's up with Tara and her family? So Tara and her family were in NYC yesterday, on the same day of the premiere, and Gully even met them before the event. Why wasn't she or they at the premiere? The fact that they were there on the same day and even met Gully would be too many coincidences if she or they weren't supposed to be there. But if both Tara and Alba's appearances were planned, then she couldn't have been the reason why she didn't go to the premiere? And they had time for it because, as it turned out, they went to the Broadway Museum before the premiere started. Or was she there? Because I know some people say she was, without any evidence, of course, but if she was there, why didn't we see her? And why wouldn't she arrive with Chris and Alba?
So the one and only time we say Alba was when they got out of the car with Chris, and then when we saw her going in with two people, who are supposedly Chris's friends or whatever. Where was everybody else? Tara was in town. Scott, Steve, Lisa, Shanna, or Carly? Where was everybody? They would've been better company for her, especially since they all adore her. Chris gave something to her; it wasn't his phone, that's for sure. They looked like some kind of tickets, I guess; maybe she got Tara's 😂 People also say they kissed in cars, but there is no evidence of that, and there is no way somebody can tell that from that video. I thought that if she were there, she would walk down the red carpet with him, which didn't happen. I'm not complaining, and I don't believe he was either. But what was the point of her being there? Why wasn't she on the red carpet with him, like his family members and friends usually are? I remember the Lightyear premiere, and I remember seeing Steve on the red carpet, behind Chris, while he was giving an interview. Why wasn't she there too? And please don't say that because of "backlash" or because "they didn't want to get bullied", because I have an easy solution for that: don't bring her to the premiere. He's never had a problem with not bringing his partners to premieres, but he didn't have a problem being at Jenny's premiere, for example, and he didn't seem to care about the backlash then. This whole premier thing was just as half-assed as everything else in this shitshow. You want to come to the premiere? Okay, I will do the bare minimum. You can get out of the same car as me, and we can have a fast chat, and then you can do whatever you want.
I hope those who said this will be the last thing he needs to do and then bye-bye PR contract and Alba are right.
That's my take on everything at this exact moment. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake here and there 😊; I was trying to write down everything until this whole thing was fresh in my mind 😅
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my-jokes-are-my-armour · 2 years ago
Normally im anti gatekeeping but can we make a rule that if you just read the headline of an article and don’t read the whole thing and/or check its source, your not allowed to be a witcher fan, how am I supposed to believe someone read a 7 book series if they can’t even read past a headline
This is common sense to check and verify but in the ere of social media, the truth is "feelings". And headlines and short reads are sadly the norm. And they (those who write these articles) know it. Basically if they get your affect they win. Because it is way easier to believe your heart than try to work out your head. And a good title is sometimes just all they need.
Personally, I can't believe someone has read the 7 books saying that this season is not book accurate enough. Of course this isn't 100% book accurate. There are deviations (some bigger than others) and inventions. But for the big parts, the framing, and even some details, this is.
You know, I clashed with an internet friend who told me she read the books and was saying things like I see on hater posts. I just learnt after few precise questions that she stopped at Blood of Elves. She was repeating just other hater stuff because they pushed every buttons that triggered her about what she knew. She is a witcher fan but for the frame she knows. She still doesn't like the show and I respect her real arguments for that but I just saw here the work of confirmation bias.
We have a tendency to believe more someone who say something close to our own feelings or inner belief. And if you made your opinion beforehand there is no way you get out of the pit easily. It needs work and patience to compare and verify, and read the books to check again etc.
Also when you play the games, the experience is very different and very compelling in its storytelling. I knew the games before the series and the books, through let plays and I loved it. So I bet there are a lot of gamers in the frustrated mass. They are fans also, of course, but through a different lence. And they probably want a different experience from the show. Experience they will never get since the framing stays the books. So ... frustration again.
And I can give a "funny" example for people don't read but say they have just to push the cursor on the down level.
When you see people downrating episode 7 to the worst episode ever with so many complaining about the source material, you know that they have not read the books. The 7th episode is the worst noted ever and this is the most book accurate thing of the whole series, period !
They downrate it mostly because there is not enough of what they want in it. Again. Feelings and frustration are speaking not the head.
And that is exactly what those articles do or what attracts people to the hater videos. A lot of people are frustrated since S2 and locked on that frustration for months, so they were already willing to burn the season before hand. They find here and there other people that express frustration and anger and each deviation from the source material is more commented than what is correct. And I don't even go to the place where this is only to deguise shady discourses.
Bonus :
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I just put that picture here again since it's lost in my big review of S3 and it amuses me a lot to play dumb to confront people to reality. Too much politics, mages and Ciri... Well this is the books... You're welcome 😅
I am sorry if I deviated in my answer but I need to say things clearly. And I am sure that conclusion won't be read by those who believe I agress them.
For me there are different kind of fans. All valid. But in terms of opinions about the show I discard almost immediately the headline burst of anger ones and I value those who can articulate both positive and negative points of view.
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stephschoices · 2 years ago
Can we have some hc’s you have for your mc’s and their chosen RO from Disenchanted?! Your art is absolutely amazing, and your mc’s never miss!
Ahhhh yes!! I’m glad you like my mcs and art 🥰 tysm 💞🫶🏻
Isabelle (nephilim, Viktor route):
They will absolutely be Beauty and the Beast for Halloween
Viktors presence calms her down so she likes being around him whenever possible
When her anxiety gets going (which is often) he knows she needs more comfort and to be grounded, so he holds her hand.
They’re very touchy with each other which starts bc of Isabelle’s anxiety but at this point it’s just natural for them to always be touching in some way
If they hold hands for too long she’ll start playing with his
She doesn’t like talking to strangers so when someone comes up to talk suddenly she’ll look to Viktor and he knows to speak for her
She’ll wear his hoodies/sweaters whenever possible
When they’re sleeping together she likes to sleep on his chest and cover them both / wrap her wings around them
She likes to smooch the base of his horns to get him flustered 🤭
At some point Isabelle will start calling viks parents mom and dad
Leliana (siren, Lucien route):
They will absolutely be Ariel and Eric for Halloween (if that wasn’t obvious from my recent art 🤭)
Leliana will tell Lucien “I love you” all the time, because she never stopped and she wants him to know she always will
When the moment is right and she sees his back with no shirt on she’ll kiss the scar on his wing/back
Even tho it’s hard for nephilims with wings to swim, she’d definitely take him swimming in the shallow part/shore of the ocean. Lucien is always mesmerized by her siren form so she’ll splash him to get him to focus lol
Her legs get tired easily, especially when she wears heels. So when Lucien notices her getting too tired he’ll carry her bridal style wherever they need to go
They’ll take baths together and Leliana will like to wash Lucien’s hair and just cuddle for a few min before getting out
Leliana will mayhaps like to softly bite him with her sharp teeth during spicy times 🫣
Kamry (wraith, Avery route):
Less obvious than the others but her and Avery would be Sally and Jack for Halloween
Steals Avery’s clothes whenever possible
Whenever Avery is in a bad mood she’ll do the thing where you poke someone’s mouth corners to make them smile 🤭
I’ve thought the least about her route mainly bc I know the least about Avery so I don’t have many headcanons yet I’m sorry 😅
Elena (nephilim, Theodore route):
Also less obvious but they would be Rapunzel and Eugene for Halloween
They are the literal version of the angel x demon ship trope
Theo always knows how to make her smile. When she’s sad he’ll surprise tickle her to make her laugh
They’ll post so many cute couple pictures online, everyone is jealous
When he’s being too annoying she’ll grab his tail 🤭🤭
She likes to tell him “good boy” - in the bedroom and out just to see him get a little red 🤭
When she sees him getting really angry about to go full cambion she’ll hold his hand or wrap herself around his arm to calm him down
They’ll definitely fly together, being cute in the sky, wrapping their wings around each other 🥰
👏🏻 MATCHING PLUSHIES 👏🏻 specifically, Elena’s room is very pastel cute vibes, except her one dog plushie that’s red and black and very demon looking. And Theo has one dog plushie that’s white and very angel looking 💞 I like to imagine they have a few cute matching couples stuff, like pajamas and mugs 🥰
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marshallpupfan · 11 months ago
New Marshall Merchandise #57... or #32... or #29, I've Lost Count!
You know, I started posting these updates a few years ago, back when many of my followers were curious about anything I added to my collection. Some of them have gone quiet, possibly moved on or lost interest in PAW Patrol. I'm not sure if my current followers have any interest in these updates. At this point, I just post about these now because I enjoy showing off new items of my favorite character. 😇
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And new items, I indeed have! Many of these I've collected over the last month or two, as finding new items hasn't exactly been too easy lately. Most major stores are still selling Jungle Pups and Mighty Movie toys, so hopefully anything new will pop up soon enough. Despite that, I have managed to find a few interesting things!
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I first found out about this little figurine when it popped up on Ebay, but nobody would sell it without the other pups (Chase, Skye and Rubble... sadly, no Rocky or Zuma). Someone on Twitter told me they seen some at a Dollar Tree, so of course, I tried checking all the stores I have near me. It took a while, but one finally got some in! Best of all, it's only $1.25, so that's cool!
Hey, you know what else is cool?
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Accidentally finding another piece of merchandise I didn't expect to see! I'd actually seen one of these on Ebay earlier the same day, but I thought it was a part of some set. Much to my surprise, Dollar Tree also had it, and also for $1.25. It's not the most impressive of the bath squirters I own, but I'm still happy to add it to my collection!
Ha, look at the label! Chase, Marshall, Skye... and Zuma! Well, it makes sense, given he's the water pup, but I still didn't expect that. Nice to see him on a label for once. :)
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I'd actually seen pictures of these online a few times over the years, although they were typically branded as Christmas candy. I never could find any at the stores near me, but then a friend said she seen some at Walgreens. I searched around and finally found one... the last one they had left, in fact! Score! And yeah, I likely won't eat it... it'll sit in my collection along with that other Easter candy I got. lol
...huh, I just noticed it's cracked around the neck. I don't think it was like that when I bought it. Guess I somehow did that. Oops... but it still looks cool, right? Maybe I can find one to replace it when they show up again next year... if they show up again next year. 😅
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I seen this at a garage sale for $1. How could I say no? Besides, just look at Marshall on this thing! Too cute, as always! 🥰
Actually, this was yet another lucky find, since I've seen these on Ebay for like $10 (with $5 shipping or so). The fact it's practically in perfect condition is also quite awesome. Living in a small town has it perks!
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Last, and it's the priciest item today. I seen this while helping my folks with their shopping at Walmart. They had a few, but they were all Marshall. I wasn't going to get one at first, due to just how big it is, but my mother knows I collect practically anything of Marshall, so she bought it for me. Indeed, I'm already having trouble finding a spot for it, but no doubt I will... eventually... along with the other items on my table. Remember my last few updates? Yeah... most of those items are still sitting there, too. I'm running out of room! lol
That's all for now! I actually do have a few more items coming in the mail, so I'll have a few more things to show off soon enough... Valentines plush dolls, in fact. Ones I expected my local Walmart to get, but they never did. Otherwise, a friend of mine in the UK has offered to send me something I believe is only being sold in her country, so I'll get to add another imported item to my collection soon! I always love doing that, so I'm looking forward to getting it!
As for the Rescue Wheels toys, I've no idea when they'll show up. Maybe in June? July? Whenever the USA finally puts the episodes on their schedule. Now that I think about it, they'll probably be the last toys based on the original designs, huh? All future merch will likely use the new style. We better enjoy it while it lasts, I suppose.
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cocolacola · 2 years ago
hellsing pokemon au !!
as promised, im going back to my usual hellsing shenanigans with some pokemon stuff. ive had this in my brain for months but have never gotten around to doing anything with it! my autistic ass has absorbed information about pokemon before i could have normal thought patterns, so hopefully my takes are at least a little satisfying. feel free to interact with ur own thoughts and suggestions!
i provided long explanations of each, but if you dont want to read all that just look at the pictures :P
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long post ahead!
note: these aren't definitive teams, just me throwing around ideas. don't take this as the holy grail of headcanons or anything.
seras victoria
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boltund would be her first pokemon i think, her main partner from before her work with the organization. togetic is here because idk im a togetic 4lifer and im a kinnie ? it just really made sense to me, just vibes, plus i think she really needed a flying type. may become a togekiss later, that would be cute. umbreon is pip's eevee that she evolved, and blastoise is a gift from walter. i think she needs more red pokemon to match her color palette and vampire vibes so ill probably add to this!
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alucard needs a legendary of course, so darkrai. i think they would be good friends, they give the same "misunderstood tortured soul" vibes. houndoom to represent baskerville, noivern to fit the vampire/bat aesthetic.
and an important distinction:
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i think girlycard should have a hisuian sneasel. they're the same critter. two ancient beings.
sir integra
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im surprised with how much i struggled with this one. i feel like a fake fan. smh, anyways. sirfetch'd is perfect to me-even the unevolved farfetch'd is super fitting too-but i included the final form for this post. i wanted to stick with galar pokemon, but aegislash is literally a sword. cmon. stoutland is a recommendation from a friend that i 100% agree with. ive always associated her with the serperior line, so snivy was probably her starter. i think that'd be cute. im really open to suggestions on this one because i think she deserves more steel or normal types.
pip bernadotte
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this is a big one! there were so many good options with pip... and i didnt even mean to color code it 😅 i wanted him to have an electric type to match seras (to add to the whole rivals-to-lovers aesthetic), so his main partner is raichu! it was between that or mudsdale, who i also really like (and is the only one on this team who cant be found in kalos, haha). i wanted him to have a bird (for the geese) so there's dodrio. scrafty and tauros just fit the vibe perfectly to me-they're sorta like honorable mentions. eevee is originally his but he eventually gives it to seras, who evolves it into umbreon. if pip would have kept it, i think it would have evolved into sylveon (the whole kalos thing).
walter c dornez
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some interesting picks for walter. corvisquire is his main guy, his "angel of death", he's raised it from a rookidee since he was a kid. maybe it would evolve into corviknight when he becomes Dark Walter. not sure how that would work. i choose not to think about dark walter. bisharp is there for the steel typing vibes as well as the chess symbolism: it really hits right for me, with walter's arc being about how he's played as a "pawn", in a sort of way. also a nod to a very dear friend of mine who loves walter and the pawniard line respectively. :) now, why leavanny, you ask? it learns string shot, of course! also because id like to think he would raise a sewaddle in his old age to help him with things around the estate.
..aaand im out of room for images in the post! i'll make a part 2 with some bonus thoughts + the iscariot organization if i feel like it. bye for now!
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statementlou · 1 year ago
Hi there! Hope you are well.
Would you mind explaining my stupid brain the joke behind Parmageddon?
I have been checking all the shit posts and fandom discourse too but I'm really not understanding the joke behind parmageddon, maybe because I don't know anything about western food culture references. I googled the word but still couldn't get the joke.
of course!! it's not you at all it's like 5 layers of fandom history to unravel, you'd never be able to google it! The word is a mash-up of Parma and Armageddon; parma like parmesan as mentioned today, but mostly like parma ham which was famously part of the meal Louis has referred to many times over the years as his "first ever cooking experience" and as his most romantic gesture for a partner. He cooked a meal of chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham (with a side of homemade mash) during the very early days for... uh, well for someone who he was dating! He later told the story and said he'd made it for Eleanor: but the picture of him at the stove captioned "Louis' first ever cooking experience" (by Harry) from the time would seem to suggest otherwise (even by their admittedly extremely flexible timeline I don't think he and Eleanor had met yet.) I mean I feel like he was publicly telling the story for ages before she ever came on the scene? Anyway he used the story as a go to answer so many times in those years that him and Harry even developed a series of hand motions mimicking making the dish to go along with it. It's a big larry fandom Thing, and was what he was referring to today when he replied to the tweet about... well a totally different chicken dish, but one that had a similar word in it and that's what he was referring to, assuming that the person who asked him how to make chicken parmesan was trying to get him to say some larry thing (she says she actually just wanted to make fun of him for not knowing how to cook, which, legit). ...ANYYYYWAY you might know all that stuff and just have been confused about the made up word but anyway uh there's some context😅
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gemsofgreece · 2 years ago
Athens being on the top 10 most beautiful cities in the world? Well it has history and some good parts but i don't think its THAT pretty to be so high on the list 😅
There are so many things I find funny in this:
Greek media being 24/7 on the watch for whatever randomness someone writes somewhere in the world.
Athens the sixth prettiest city in the world.
Saint's comment:
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"Whoever places Athens in the 800 prettiest cities of the world, 1) has never visited it or 2) has the "ideal" Ancient Athens in mind or 3) is drunk or 4) is on drugs or 5) is an agent of Bakoyannis (Athens mayor) or 6) I honestly don't know what else to assume".
Besides funny I also find these a little sad because:
we have a German magazine here, which appears to be relatively popular in its country, and it makes this terrible list and I don't call it terrible because it included Athens but because 9 of the 10 cities are European and it made the massive compromise to also include New York. So we clearly have a glaringly Europe-centric, self-stroking article.
Now to be fair, if we made a list about which continent has the most beautiful cities overall, yes, I do believe it would be Europe and all cities in the list were indeed special, however they were all very European-y picture perfect (plus Athens + NY) whereas there are many more types of beauty out there.
Because the Focus magazine really... focused on Europe, it apparently included Athens in the sense that it is one of the greatest cities in the world. Please note, not prettiest. Greatest. It's different. But the article said it was about the prettiest and that was the foul.
Although hilarious, I am a little sad at saint's comment too. Athens is no way in the 10 prettiest cities of course but it certainly is in the 800, what is he talking about lmao Athens must have hurt poor saint real bad
I just wish we could see more sanity and objectivity from both media and people, you know?
And because we shitted at Athens a lot, again Athens is historically and culturally one of the greatest cities in the world and of course it does have its very beautiful places too. It's just that you have to find these, the whole city is not a "fairytale town" like other European cities, it can be messy, unkempt, grey, very...you know...urban etc etc But the good places are *chef's kiss*.
By the way, this reminded me of an interview of Anne-Marie, the ex Queen of Greece and Denmark - you know Denmark, very colourful pretty towns there - who was telling her recollection of the first day she visited Athens, to officially meet the Greek royal family that she would marry into, and she said "she was stunned by its beauty" and the Greek journalist was literally like "are you for real now lol" and she said "Yes, I am being honest. I was coming by ship and the way I saw all that vast sea of white houses expanding endlessly beyond the water was like nothing I had seen before" and I kind of get it, not fully, but kinda.
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It certainly has its own thing going on.
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justmeinatree · 11 months ago
i love talking about my writing so i do not mind all the questions 😂 i've been part of too many fandoms to name here but some of the ones i was the most involved in include Supernatural (still love the show, just don't engage with the fandom much anymore), the MCU (stopped watching the movies after Endgame, went to see Eternals because Harry was in the post credits scene and then fell asleep halfway through and missed him), Star Wars (was more into this when i was younger, these days the only Star Wars media i really care for is Rogue One and nobody else seemed to like that movie lol), Star Trek (mostly TOS), Doctor Who (same thing as Supernatural, still love it just not in the fandom anymore, and the 12th Doctor is my favorite <3), Community (still love the show, probably going to be getting back into the fandom when the movie drops), Les Miserables (i've read the book, seen the Hugh Jackman movie too many times to count, and saw a performance of it a few years back! still love the musical but the fandom feels like it's mostly dead now), Harry Potter (for obvious reasons, I have distanced myself from this one as much as possible but I was a Ravenclaw if anyone was wondering), the Throne of Glass books by Sarah J Maas (actually planning to reread this over the summer! may get back into the fandom, we'll see) and I've been active in the fandom for just about every mainstream horror franchise (and plenty of the more obscure ones too lol). I could probably spend hours creating a comprehensive list of fandoms but i think this is enough for now, unless you're just dying to know more 😂 i started writing in first grade, so around 6 years old. i've known i want to be a writer almost my entire life. i think the first bit of fanfic i ever wrote was for Harry Potter actually, but i don't remember anything about it. and i don't actually know what got me into reading fanfic...i just kind of always remember it being my go-to form of entertainment when i was bored. i am SO sorry for putting a whole novel in your askbox...apparently we're both in very chatty moods today lol
dialogue is the hardest thing for me to write because i always have to rewrite the conversation ten times before i feel like it sounds the way two people would actually speak. i'm much better at giving overly flowery descriptions of the space, and of character's appearances, emotions, etc. i tend to try and limit dialogue as much as i can when possible. my other writing crutch is semi-colons...i simply cannot go a paragraph without including one.
now the pressure is on to keep the fic good for the two of you 😂 i think this is the first time i've been told that two of my readers were talking about my fic beyond the comments section.
i think she's 3 years old? but i always forget. i'll have to ask my mom next time i call her, she's the one that keeps track 😂
wow, i cannot comment on any of the fandoms 🫣 don’t rip me apart or anything but i’ve literally never watched a single movie or episode related to any of them 😅 to be fair though, i rewatch the same like 10 tv shows on repeat and i’m not much one for movies 😬 but still that’s so impressive ! HOW did you find so many things that you enjoyed enough to join a fandom ? honestly love all of that for you, and apparently i need to broaden my horizons 😅
that’s crazy how it’s so opposite for us ! conversation is so easy for me to imagine. i wouldn’t even know how to avoid it 😅 semi colons !! never use those bad boys but i’m told i use too many commas. love me a good comma 😂
SHE’S SO CUTE !! i’ve seen the photos you sent and omggg she’s seriously adorable. i don’t know what i was picturing but honestly she’s surpassed the image ! such a fkn cutie 😍😍
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alexhandersenblog · 1 year ago
„It’s the same principle. Because liking or dislike is simply a personal interpretation of what we think and feel about something even without knowing something/someone well or personally.“
Hi the anon from a few days ago here😉. I agree☝🏻. Alex could post a thousand happy smiley kissing pics with her, could say anything in public, she could say anything and you may follow them and enjoy all of it, but you still wouldn't know what was really going on behind closed doors🤫. Every post they do is intentional and posted to make YOU double tap. Instagram is fame, money and attention. Either you like what you see and hear online or you don’t but you‘ll never know them for real. Which is why I asked if it was ok to share my OPINION and our (me&friends) predictions after a year of following everything. Simple as that.
The anon calling me a hater: Spreading hate wasn’t my intention. I’m glad you’re enjoying Johanne and Alex together. For me her pretentious act on Instagram and the things she has done like lying and trolling ruined the experience of being a fan for Alex for me personally. It made me see Alex in a different way. He was always hiding his true colors and actions from his fans and now I see why. Even before Johanne was in the picture I felt a little irritated at his boyish behavior during fan conventions. It didn’t look genuine to me but more like acting. And reading several Danish interview in the recent years about how he feels about his fans, like „I feel nothing“. But then turns around and says completely different things at conventions to his fans who pay him a shit ton of money of course 😅 Him just saying something in English when he wanted money for something. And just the way he obviously spend every hour on Instagram over the years but told his fans maaaany times how much he hates social media and doesn’t even like using it. And lastly his interviews about how „self promotion is the most boring thing you can do on social media“ etc. it’s all just …meh.
Our main points were that he already made up his mind, but if he had really been madly and genuinely in love, he would’ve been completely different from the jump. The point was that he made a mental checklist of what he has to accomplish by a certain age and that his mom is a little pushy
I didn’t say he wasn’t an adult, although not having any serious adult relationships before this one isn’t too good.
Him saying he has to give it another month and he has to find a wife and he has to this and that is not great here. But ultimately it doesn’t matter because like I said, I believe it’s already a done deal and I believe he will be hurt in several years. My opinion.
And just to be clear : We have seen many examples of Johanne "push him", we have seen examples of her "manipulate" him and there are even screenshots that prove she is staging her posts on Instagram for likes and lying to his fans and deleting evidence. There are examples of her trolling his fans and just btw the endless posing in his clothes is a little psycho at this point. Looks like there are examples of her sucking up to „important“ people as I saw the other day on another blog.
This blog is just kind enough to let a few remaining fans express their opinions before leaving for good..
But I wish you much fun following them over the next years. Especially Johanne will offer you a lot of content that will appeal to you. ✌🏼. I believe Instagram and his fan accounts are free of criticism anyways. So just enjoy?
Anon to anon.
Especially the part about Alex… I’m having the same feeling about it tbh… bit sad but it is what it is i guess 🥲
Always welcome to share your opinion. I try my best to post it! ☺️
By the way, props to both of you for having two different opinions, but still being able to share your views in a respectful way 🥰
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f0point5 · 1 year ago
Oooooh my god the feels from this chapter!! The drama! The emotions! Those two babies 🥺
Whenever you make it sound like those two aren't supposed to end up together as a couple, I'm stuck thinking about it, wondering if you're right. Reading this part I honestly don't see them ending up with anyone BUT each other.
There is so much emotional damage and hurt for both of them and they do need to grow from this and learn how to really trust in a relationship, how to not fear a repeat of their own parents marriages, how to love and be loved and not run from this.
BUT seeing how y/n speaks about Elliot and their "relationship" and how she deals with that makes me believe she's never gonna trust any "normal" boyfriend the way she trusts in Max and their "relationship". She said she needs him. And we can all see how he needs her too. They can learn together. They understand each other's fears and they can work with that. They're already acting like a married couple, just without marriage and the intimate part of a relationship. But everything else is there, all the emotions, the trust.
I can see it. For the first time since you brought up the question whether they might possibly be better off as friends, I can clearly see how that doesn't have to be the way it goes.
The texts between Max and Daniel felt kinda illuminating... I've made this ask a couple weeks ago, how I felt like there's been sth happening in the past that made Max believe y/n wouldn't see him as more than a friend and him reacting to that in a way that made her believe he wouldn't see her like that.
Well... what if that something was the blind date that Clara set up for them? If what Daniel wrote is true to some extent, Max might have been a lil more keen on her back then than she'd thought he was. We only got her side of the picture, saying Max drew his line. But what if he didn't? What if she just thought he did and made it seem like she isn't interested either?
I think I remember y/n once said to someone that Max takes what he wants. But would he now? If he thought there's not a chance in hell she'd like him for more, he wouldn't try. No doubt. I'm not saying he's insecure in that department. But I feel like he's not always aware of how people perceive him. And he might not care about that, especially with anyone else. But be seems to care with her. If I think back to him telling her off for the Twitter posts, I wonder if it was him becoming all self-conscious because he's just not sure how to take those things from her. And if he really thought, like way back in the days, she's not attracted, doesn't see him as boyfriend material, whatever, it might explain his reactions to her publicly discussing how hot she thinks he is (let's put it like that).
Because he might start to think she means it. And it's probably a can of worms he doesn't want to open. Firstly, because of all the obvious reasons and their shared panic of relationship commitments. And secondly, because he might need to rethink the path he's taken with her all those years back, missed chances and all. And Max isn't one to ponder on the past.
Just my feelings about this part and some rambling... sorryyy for the long text again. 😅
Love your work!! 🧡
Right so. I waited until I had time to answer this because honestly it took me a while to formulate an answer for many reasons.
You. Be. Cooking. Like…yes. You and I are cooking from the same stove but you don’t have all my spices, if you catch my drift.
I keep going backwards and forwards whether I’m going to do a flashback part with the actual dinner date because on the one hand I want everyone to know what happened but on the other hand I like the idea that such a big part of their story is this mystery that the characters get to keep private. IDK ITS HARD. Because the story of why it wasn’t a date is illuminating but then also in the grand scheme of things doesn’t make too much difference.
I will say obviously it affected the trajectory of their relationship but there’s more to Max’s thought process than what happened in 2017.
Ugh your rambles always SO tempt me to reveal things that I want people to pick up on more but then it’ll make the plot slightly less surprising.
I will just say that Max and Y/N have known each other a LONG time. And Max has been a public figure for a LONG time. Both of things have shaped his perception of the situation maybe more than even he likes to admit. I mean…it’s kinda hinted very vaguely in a bonus part.
Keep cooking. It’s smelling good ;)
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