#vivian maguire
the creator of this picrew is @chereverie here on tumblr, and they are also on twitter and instagram!
anywho OCS!!! SO the first batch is (in order):
Rayan (he/it)
Maddie / Madison (she/her)
Vivian (she/they)
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the two girlbosses themselves:
Esrana / Es (she/her)
Ivy (she/he/they/xir)
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boom!!!! get flashbanged with the halos and horns blorbos
Zuriel (it/its)
Aarin (they/them)
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is uhm. is it obvious I like this picrew quite a bit
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inkwell-and-dagger · 11 months
Ring-Bound Notebook
Hey! Yeah, uh- you! Before you proceed, this written work may contain:
blood, torture, prolonged captivity, multiple whumpers, whumper-turned-whumpee, amputation, multiple failed escape attempts, immortal whumpee, potential re-living trauma??, impalement, phrase repetition, slight rescue / recovery whump at the end, suicidal ideation / thoughts
Vanté Ramirez, Vesker Faithern and Fletcher O'Harris belong to my wonderful mutual, @er0s-1s-whump1ng / @paranoia-exe!! go check him out!!!!
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Looking down at the bloodied notebook he'd resented for so long stuffed into his bedside table, Rayan sighed. He swore to never re-read the notebook, reluctant to live out the years of captivity he went through, but.. he just couldn't handle it.
Vigorously snatching the notebook up, he flopped down onto his bed, drawing his knees up to his chest and wrapping bandaged arms around them. He despised how the damned thing felt so right in his hands; it fit in his grasp perfectly, cold and familiar.
He'd never admit it, but it took him a while to even start the first page, let alone open the notebook itself. He just stared at the cover, at the stickers — worn down with time, scratched or even peeling and ripped— caked in dried blood. His dried blood.
But eventually, to his own dismay, his finger clasped tighter around the notebook, and with strangely baited breath he flicked open to the first page. It seemed as though a nice little trip down memory lane was in order.
Zayn never exactly had a purpose for a notebook. Ring bound with multiple stickers he'd collected during their childhood stuck onto the cover, he just didn't know what to do with it. The useless thing was just.. laying around; plus, he had a diary of his own now. Esrana told him to give it to "the thing in the basement". And her reasoning behind giving it to Rayan? It was because both of them were useless. Great.
"Hey. I've got this for you. Es told me to hand it to you since I don't need it. It'll keep you occupied!" Rayan distinctly remembered Zayn telling him that before setting the notebook down in front of him, his soft Welsh accent ringing pleasantly in his ears.
Alas, Zayn handed it to Rayan during one of their visits, along with two pens. One's ink was in black, the other was in blue, since the former didn't know which colour he preferred. Looking back, it seemed to Rayan that he preferred blue, and the black pen he must've used to doodle and scribble in the margin of each page or wherever else he could fit it.
They promised to give Rayan new pens whenever they ran out and, as usual, he stuck to it; not once did Rayan see even a hint of the ink on either of the pens running dry.
The first few pages were worn and torn, some having been ripped out entirely. The ones that weren't were filled with notes in Zayn's unusually neat script about god knows what — from his time in school to his mother and Esrana, from simple reminders to full paragraphs of rambles. Rayan didn't have the heart to judge them, even now.
A couple pages after, and it was the start of Rayan's own ramblings. Oh, how Rayan dreaded this moment.
He set the notebook down in his lap, evergreen eyes skimming over the pages.
Date: ?
Time: ?
I don't know how this is meant to benefit me. Sure, the notebook's nice and all, I like it. I don't know. There's not much I can write in here, since my captivity isn't very special. I guess I can just I think nevermind. I'll just ramble about fuck all.
I hate this place. I can hardly sleep because I keep hearing footsteps from the floor above this fucking basement. I don't know how many of them there are. I know about the guy with the bat, and the one who keeps staring at me and who I've never really seen blinking yet, and the girl who's Zayn's sister. That's all. I swear there's more of them, though.
I can't be sure. But, at least Zayn gives me food and also gave me a blanket and some pillows so I can sleep. Sure, the ground isn't comfortable, but I can somewhat lay on the pillows, which is good enough. Totally not as if my back hurts already and this is just making it worse. Totally not. Why am I even mad at Zayn?
I'm gonna try and sleep. Emphasis on try. Everything hurts.
"God's sake.." Rayan mumbled hoarsely, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had to admit, that one wasn't all bad. But, he knew worse was to come.
He flicked over to the next page.
Date: ? sometime in October (Zayn told me)
Time: ?
There's more of them. It's- this is ridiculous. Fucking Ezra???
I can't believe he'd side with them. Hell, I don't know what to say anymore. Fuck this shit.
I also keep getting hurt by the bat guy; their names Foster, apparently. I don't wanna explain what they did with that stupid fucking bat of theirs, other than they hit me somewhere on the back and it really hurts because they screwed fucking nails into the bat. I hate this.
I don't even know what I did wrong.
Rayan scoffed. "'I don't even know what I did wrong', my ass.."
His attention turned to the next page. A little more blood was splattered across the paper, and there were obvious signs he'd been crying when he wrote this.
Date: ?
Time: ?
Everything fucking hurts. More and more of them keep coming down and torturing me and hurting me and I'm just sick of this shit. I can't get even a moment of fucking peace anymore. What did I do?
He was surprised how short this one was. He couldn't remember why he had cut it so short in the first place.
The next page.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Fuck. He- Holy shit.
I can't even fucking what the fuck. It hurts so bad. Fuck. Okay. I need to calm down.
Oh, no.
Rayan flicked to the next page with shaking hands.
Writing this whilst Zayn bandages me up. I'm so tired. So much has been going on.
Madir, he. He cut off my fucking leg. I had tried to escape by attacking Foster and getting out of the basement, and I was so fucking close when Madir got me (Madir's the one who keeps staring. I don't know what his problem is). Then.. I don't even wanna remember.
The torture's been getting worse. Esrana threw me out a window at one point. They've also found out that, despite me being immortal, I can somewhat die if they slit my throat. They keep doing it, and from what I understand they play some sort of game where they compete and the winner is the person who keeps me "dead" for the longest. So far, I think Ezra has.
I should've never started killing people. I've already served my time in prison, and now this? I don't deserve this I think I deserve it, though.
Next page, and this time Rayan had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from tearing up.
There's so much blood. The floor is stained with it, my restraints are stained with it, Hell, even my bed. Thankfully, Zayn let me out of the restraints so I can write.
I swear, this is the only thing I can rely on to not lose my fucking mind. The smell of blood and.. other stuff is intoxicating, I hate it. I hate this. I hate Esrana, and Foster, and Zayn, and Madir, and Ezra, and Fletcher— God, fucking Fletcher! We were friends! And now he just watches me waste away here?!
I've felt too sick to eat and sleep. I don't care anymore. I doubt people even remember me. I hope Maddie's okay. And Vee. And.. I don't know. Who do I have?
I'm gonna try and escape. I can't walk, given my leg from the thigh down is missing, but.. whatever. I'll manage.
Next page. This one seemed more recent.
It didn't work as well as the other times. There's a fucking- I don't what it is, but it's stuck in my other leg and practically keeping me impaled and pinned onto the floor. It hurts so bad.
I've given up trying to fight by now. I just want to make it stop. I wish I could die. I wish I never existed. I wish I never began killing people. I wish I could kill myself.
I deserve this.
Rayan's spare hand ran over his prosthetic leg, sighing. He never realized how much he himself had suffered. It all felt unreal. It's why he thought about it as if it were just a story, or a silly nightmare. Everything was silly at this point.
He flicked past the other pages, skimming through them, until one near the end of the notebook caught his eyes. Reading cautiously, he placed his chin on his hand and couldn't help but notice his handwriting was more neat. And no blood was splattered on the page.
Date: 26/10
Time: 3:26 PM
It's my birthday! I forgot how old I am. I'm in the hospital right now, I think. It's a long story, but I'm alone right now, save for Maddie sleeping and Vee idly talking to me. I've got plenty of time.
The Survivors got arrested. I escaped from the police - they scare me, okay? I thought they were gonna hurt me - and went to god-knows-where. I stayed homeless for a time, occasionally couch surfing or staying at a new friend's house. She's called Evelyn. She's nice.
Anyway. Maddie and Vee eventually found me, and took me home and then (after seeing how shitty I looked) took me to the hospital instead. It's been a funny couple of days, especially with me learning that these doctors don't want to hurt me and that the things being put into my body won't harm me, but.. at least I'm free. They're gonna get me a prosthetic soon.
I get to see Vesk again. I get to see Theo. And Maddie's fiance, Vivian. Maddie's reluctant to invite me to the wedding, since she knows I need time to recover, but I can tell she really does want to.
Something feels wrong, though. That I don't deserve to rest. I keep imagining restraints around me. I keep hearing them laugh. I keep.. nevermind. It's fine, though.
I don't think I'm gonna be sharing what's in this notebook. It's better to keep it a secret. I don't want people worrying about me more than they already are. Especially Maddie.
Maddie's waking up, I think. I'm home now. I think. I'm gonna be okay now. I think. I don't know. I hope so.
Rayan suddenly glanced up as he heard his bedroom door creak open, squinting up at Vanté. He was a mere silhouette against the absurdly bright hallway light. The notebook slammed shut.
"Hi, Vee." They both grinned.
"Hey," The demon responded, his deep voice rumbling pleasantly in Rayan's ears. "Mum's called you down three times, cause we're going out for dinner today. She said you can bring Tadhg if you want to, too. You coming?"
He chuckled, getting up with a soft groan and setting his notebook down, grabbing a jacket as he spoke. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be down in a sec. Is this—" he gestured to his outfit— "too flashy?"
"Of course not," Vanté waved off his question with a smile. "It's perfect."
"Oh, hush."
Both of them couldn't help but laugh. Vanté's diamond eyes glanced downwards, noticing the notebook. "What's that?"
"Huh-? Oh, that?" Rayan chuckled nervously, quickly shoving the book under his pillow. "Just a uh- a thing."
The demon didn't respond directly, but gave him a knowing smile. Rayan had an inkling the demon had experienced something similar to what he himself was feeling.
Before the silence could get more uncomfortable than it already was, the demon grabbed the immortal's hand and dragged him out of the room, earning a surprised laugh from the latter. "Come on, lazy ass. Don't bother getting platforms, it's a long walk.
"Awwhh, we're not driving there?"
"It's not that bad, kid."
"Hey- I'm not a kid!"
"You are to me!"
They both laughed. Maybe life wasn't that bad after all.
—> —> —> —> —> —>
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Meet Peter!
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Basic info
Full name: Peter Lee Dorian
Birthday: October 23rd, 2005
Godly parent: Arachne
Mortal parents: Vivian and Leah Dorian (adoptive)
Height: 5'7
Voice claim: Clifford the Big Red Dog (video here!)
Birthplace: Salisbury, North Carolina
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Pronouns: He/they (transmasc)
Relationship status: Taken to the third power @cynthwave-superfan @jesses-girl-but-im-jesse @cerberusfavorite
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Things to know
Peter's spider-like powers include sticky hands, great climbing skills, making webs (think tobey maguire's spiderman), and great weaving abilities.
Due too Arachne's rivalry with Athena, Peter is deathly afraid of owls. He also hates peppermint.
Everywhere Peter goes, he is accompanied by a little shadow ball his boyfriend Ryder made him (think nico's trauma coco puffs) because Peter cannot be trusted when unsupervised. The shadow ball's name is Chaper Rone. Like Chappell Roan. Because it's Peter's chaperone
Peter named himself after spiderman
Peter has a great relationship with his mortal parents!! He's adopted and lives with them (and his little brother @indiana-not-jones) when he's not at camp. He also holds Arachne very dear to his heart. His birth dad...story here.
He eats bugs (because it's a spider thing, not just because he's weird. common misconception)
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Out of character stuff
Hi I'm Ray/Raymond!! I'm 18 and my pronouns are he/they.
You can find my other blogs at:
You can find any Peter one shots under #ray writes, and any out of character posts will be simply tagged as #out of character
Peter's talking tag is 'peter's being supervised 🕷', though not all of his ic posts have it because I made it way after I made this blog and also I will forget it!!
All banners are by the lovely @saradika-graphics!!
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Close up of the character
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whamicon · 2 years
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full masterlist
cameron james (joseph gordon levitt) 10 things i hate about you
clare devlin (nicola coughlan) derry girls
orla mccool (louisa harland) derry girls
james maguire (dylan llewellyn) derry girls
michelle mallon (jamie-lee o'donnell) derry girls
erin quinn (saoirse monica jackson) derry girls
finnick odair (sam claflin) the hunger games
louise grant (teal rednann) gilmore girls
raphina (lucy boynton) sing street
peter parker (tom holland) spiderman: far from home
romeo, juliet, & mercutio (leonardo dicaprio, claire danes, harold perrineau) romeo + juliet 1996
kim kelly (busy phillips) freaks and geeks
jenny (michelle trachtenberg) eurotrip
michelle trachtenberg II
zendaya II
zendaya III
zendaya IV (2022 emmys)
zendaya V (2022 emmys)
zendaya VI
monica rambeau (teyonah paris) wandavision
emma woodhouse (anya taylor joy) emma
ryan and mingi (johnny young & sekai murashige) infinity train
cruella (emma stone) cruella
suzy bishop (kaya hayward) moonrise kingdom
hunter schafer
hunter schafer II
zion moreno
madelyn cline
harley quinn (margot robbie) the suicide squad
zoë kravitz
timothèe chalamet
timothèe chalamet II
druig & makkari (barry keoghan & lauren ridloff) eternals
sadie sink as Her in the All Too Well: The Short Film
leighton murray (renee rap) the sex lives of college girls
sydney sweeney
sydney sweeney II
emma stone
storm reid
hoyeon jung
hoyeon jung II
camila morrone
camila morrone / camila dunne daisy jones & the six
yasmine finney
amber heard
amber heard II
amber heard III
amber heard IV
margot robbie on set for barbie
margot robbie II
michaela coel
marianne renoir (anna karina) pierrot le fou
pamela anderson
lisa (monica bellucci) the apartment
elle fanning
emerald (keke palmer) nope
poison ivy batman: the animated series
elizabeth olsen
daisy edgar jones
daisy edgar jones II
taylor russell
gillian owens (nicole kidman) practical magic
jenna ortega
millie bobby brown
alexa demie
alexa demie II
gene belcher bob’s burgers
kate winslet
yaya (charlbi dean) triangle of sadness
rory gilmore (alexis bledel) gilmore girls
young queen charlotte (india amarteifio) queen charlotte: a bridgerton story
daphne moon (jane leeves) frasier
jessica alexander
ayo edebiri
savannah smith
cillian murphy
gillian anderson
havana rose liu
mimi keene
jaz sinclair
priscilla presley (cailee spaeny) priscilla
jennifer lawrence
lucy gray baird (rachel zegler) the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes
gwyneth paltrow
lily gladstone
katniss everdeen (jennifer lawrence) the hunger games series
kiera knightley
vivian oparah
jodie foster
nicola coughlan
nicole kidman
kirsten dunst
lea seydoux
anne wiazemsky
olivia cooke
emma myers
anya taylor-joy
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xstardustgirlx · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Gothic! Hardcover book w/DJ Neil Gaiman, Caitlin Kiernan, Garth Nix, more 1st Ed.
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tazzmanian-devil · 7 months
Lost, Star VS, MP100, MHA(up to s7), Owl House, LMK, Dragon Prince, Infinity Train, Tangled, Breaking Bad, FMA:B, The Twilight Zone, House MD, The Good Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, Arcane, Fiona and Cake, Adventure Time, Dungeon Meishi, Dorohedoro, Chainsaw Man, Scrubs, SpyxFamily, Letterkenny, It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Serial Experiments Lain, Russian Doll, The Great Canadian Pottery Show, lucky star, nichijou, Mysteries of Mental Illness, Gurren Lagann, star trek, one punch man, scavengers reign, the cyberpunk anime, the good place,
Moulin Rouge, FNAF the Movie, 57 Seconds, the Hulu Fyre Festival documentary, The Colourful Mr. Eggleson, The Blair Witch Project, Uncle Buck, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The Day After Tomorrow, bill and ted, last night in soho, Green Room(2015), sinbad, the Oceans movies, world war z, speed, speed 2, the big short, too big to fail, the florida project, kung fu panda 4, jerry maguire, dnd movie, challengers(2024), the bad guys, shark tale, the descent, the descent part 2, mothers' instinct, sting, burn after reading, michael clayton, being john malkovich, oppenheimer, die hard(SERIES), cocaine crabs, Mutant Mayhem, the shining/doctor sleep, abigail, baghead, tarot, the first omen, my oni girl, jaws, 28 days later, missing, fall, ready or not, 10 cloverfield lane, pearl(2022), raw(2016), the autopsy of jane doe, the cabin in the woods(2011), The Wolf Man, an american werewolf in london, rabid, thelma the unicorn, RUBY GILLMAN, boeing documentary, i saw the tv glow, we grown now, if, bedtime stories, everest, goodnight mommy, the caller, the invisible man, PERFECT BLUE, tcm 1 and 2, bambi II, gremlins, how to lose a guy in 10 days, the wedding planner, the boy and the heron, in the heights 2021, despicable me 4, inside out 2, the boy,monica and david(2009), BYE BYE TIBERIAS, Dude, Where's My Car, skinamarink, The Rocky Horror Show, Kinky Boots, Spiderverse 1 and 2, The Celluloid Closet, Vivian Meyer, Jeff Wall, The Fruit Machine, The Third Care Bears Movie, baby garfield, need for speed, payback, fast and furious, tomorrowland, gravity, the ides of march, one cut of the dead2017, king kong1933, halloween1978, shaun of the dead2004, Diabolique, the invisible man2020, nosferatu1922, invasion of the bodysnatchers1956, rosemary's baby, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Eyes Without a Face, Train to Busan, the ring, night of the living dead, his house, talk to me, repulsion, frankenstein, vampyr, freaks1932, night of the hunter, dawn of the dead, scream(SERIES), peeping tom, godzilla1954, a girl walks home at night, the fly, suspiria, zombieland, the birds, the innocents, whatever happened to baby jane, x(2022), the amusement park(1973), it follows(2014), dead of night1945, dracula1931, carrie 1976, the host2006, kwaidan1964, dont look now1973, thelma2017, barbarian2022, evil dead, evil dead 2, eraserhead, hereditary, return of the living dead, TCM, phantom of the opera1925, the conjuring, cat people, the thing, house of wax, dr jekyll and mr hyde, mandy, the cat and the canary, let me in, tenacious d the pick of destiny, village of the damned, duel, the wicker man, dead alive, you wont be alone, beast, poltergeist, the evil dead(SERIES), fear street(1,2,3), theater of blood, the haunting, the witch, annihilation, the dead zone, the others, rare exports: a christmas tale, santa sangre, the night house, the black phone, the endless, the exorcist, the mummy, dead ringers, day of the dead, the omen, predator, fright night, crawl, fresh, better watch out, the abominable dr phibes, candyman, carnival of souls, halloween, warm bodies, sisters, house of usher, the house of the devil, smile, 1408, innerstellar, failure to launch, jason x, existenz, scanners, the brood, fast company, mission impossible, ella enchanted, the princess diaries, brokeback mountain, charlies angels(SERIES), oceans 8, cocaine shark, the bourne ultimatum, mad max, citizen kane, gone with the wind, the shawshank redemption, lord of the rings, its a wonderful life, cassablanca, blade runner, rocky, saving private ryan, edward scissorhands, better watch out, cam(2018), extremely goofy movie, planet of the apes, scream 2022, your monster 2024, bed rest 2022, southbound, v/h/s, devil's due, 1993 mario movie, Immaculate, labrynth, the dark crystal, the neverending story, narnia, ma, shorts, jennifer's body, the boy
(annabelle, saw 2, The Scott Tibbs Documentary, saw 3, saw 4, the rest of the saws, mlp g5, ex machina, fraggle rock, defunctland fraggle rock, onward, lightyear, m3gan, the orphanage2017, childs play, upgrade, hatching, videodrome, frailty)
Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives, Red Valley, Creepy Podska, qanon anonymous, Stuff You Missed in History Class, wayne radio tv,
Under the Dome, Gideon the Ninth, Dungeon Meishi, The Celluloid Closet, Harrow the Ninth, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, The Fox and the Hound, House of Leaves, Stone Butch Blues, Wool, The Slow Regard of Silent Things, that photo book, For Folk's Sake, the ROTTMNT Comic Book, The Prince, Discourses, The Art of War, Five Rings, this is how you die, The Rescuers, asops fables, the raven cycle, reanimator, watership down, the wizard of oz, beastars, the most dangerous game, how Europe underdeveloped Africa
0 notes
madison-maguire · 1 year
- Official RP Blog for Madison Briar Osoro-Maguire -
(profile link)
(banner link)
Hi y'all!! This is the official RP blog of one of my comfort OCS, Madison / Maddie Osoro-Maguire, who is also one of the Caretakers of Forsaken Souls! This blog is led by her creator, @v-3-ll-1-ch-0-r / @v-3-ll-1-g-0-r-3!
Madison Osoro-Maguire is a self-defense trainer and fitness instructor, and is also the older sister of Rayan Hyacinth and Theo Maguire. She is 41 years old, and has a wife named Vivian (she/they). Maddie was born in Dublin, Ireland, and has imperfect immortality, meaning that — in this universe, anyhow — she will stop physically aging at some point, but when under enough physical strain, certain severe wounds will be fatal to her, thus meaning she's able to die in some cases. She also has an adoptive son, Vanté Ramirez*.
She has wavy, brown hair which reaches down to her shoulders, with a light and fluffy (?) fringe and round glasses. She has forest green eyes and a soft complexion, and stands at around 6'2. She has a muscular and masculine physique, but commonly wears soft and feminine cottagecore-esque things. She also enjoys vintage. She has a couple small scars and scratches across her body, mostly from Zuriel or The Survivors.
She's gentle and selfless, always wanting to protect and nurture people close to her. Though, she can get a little snappy depending on who she's talking to and the context of the situation.
Feel free to whump her all you like, or comfort her through RP's in the ask box! Do what you like, as long as it's nothing NSFW, since I'm (Vell!!) a minor!
* LOOK @er0s-1s-whump1ng ITS YOUR DUDE!!!!!!!!!
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 years
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Messalina by Vivian Crockett      (Berkley, 1959)    cover by Robert Maguire
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dozydawn · 2 years
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The Love Lush by Vivian Connell. (1960) Artwork by Robert McGinnis.
Sin on Wheels by Loren Beauchamp. (1961) Artwork by Paul Rader.
Pick-Up by Harmon Bellamy. (1949) Artwork by George Gross.
Pleasure Girl by John Nemec. (1962)
Death at Three Lives by Brett Halliday. (1955) Artwork by William George.
To Keep or Kill by Wilson Tucker. (1956) Artwork by Robert Maguire.
The Girl in the Spike-Heeled Shoes by Martin Yoseloff. (1954)
The Judge and His Hangman by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. (1958) Artwork by Harry Schaare.
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 1.) Animals with the Tollkeeper - Hayvanlar, Melekler ve İnsanlar (1998) / Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Michael Di Jiacomo / Oyuncular : Tim Roth, Mili Avital, Rod Steiger
 2.) Andrey Rublyov - Andrei Rublev (1966) / Dram, Biyografik
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Anatoli Solonitsyne, Tamara Ogorodnikova, Ivan Bykov
 3.) Back to the Future - Geleceğe Dönüş (Seri Film I, II, III)  / (1985) / Bilimkurgu, Macera
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Zemeckis / Oyuncular : Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson
 4.)  Twelve Angry Men - 12 Öfkeli Adam (1957) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet / Oyuncular : Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler
 5.) Krótki film o zabijaniu - Öldürme Üzerine Kısa Bir Film (1988) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Miroslaw Baka, Krzysztof Globisz, Jan Tesarz
 6.) Krótki film o milosci - Aşk Üzerine Kısa Bir Film (1988) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Grazyna Szapolowska, Olaf Lubaszenko, Stefania Iwinska
 7.) Alice in den Städten - Alice Kentlerde (1974) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Wim Wenders / Oyuncular : Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer
 8.) Amadeus (1984) / Dramatik, Komedi, Tarihi
Ø  Yönetmen : Milos Forman / Oyuncular : Tom Hulce, F. Murray Abraham, Simon Callow
 9.) Before Sunrise - Gün Doğmadan Önce (1995) / Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Richard Linklater / Oyuncular : Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, Andrea Eckert
 10.) Being There - Merhaba Dünya (1979) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Hal Ashby / Oyuncular : Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine, Melvyn Douglas
 11.) Big Fish - Büyük Balık (2003) / Dramatik, Komedi, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Tim Burton / Oyuncular : Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Jessica Lange
 12.) Blow Up - Cinayeti Gördüm (1966) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Michelangelo Antonioni / Oyuncular : Jane Birkin, Gillian Hills, Julian Chagrin
 13.) Blue Velvet - Mavi Kadife (1986) / Polisiye, Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : David Lynch / Oyuncular : Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan, Dennis Hopper
 14.) Breaking the Waves - Dalgaları Aşmak (1996) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgård, Jean-Marc Barr
 15.) Chung Hing sam lam - Chungking Express (1994) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Wong Kar-Wai / Oyuncular : Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Faye Wong
 16.) Dancer in the Dark - Karanlıkta Dans (2000) / Müzikal, Dram, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Björk, Catherine Deneuve, Peter Stormare
 17.) Das Boot - Deniz Altı (1981) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Wolfgang Petersen / Oyuncular : Jürgen Prochnow, Erwin Leder, Herbert Grönemeyer
 18.) Dead Man - Ölü Adam (1995) / Western, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Jarmusch / Oyuncular : Johnny Depp, Gary Farmer, Crispin Glover
 19.) Delicatessen – Şarküteri (1991) /  Komedi, Dram, Korku, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro / Oyuncular : Dominique Pinon, Karin Viard, Ticky Holgado
 20.) Der Himmel Über Berlin - Berlin Üzerindeki Gökyüzü (1987) / Fantastik, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Wim Wenders / Oyuncular : Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sander, Peter Falk
 21.) Dial M. for Murder - Cinayet Var (1954) / Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Alfred Hitchcock / Oyuncular : Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings
 22.) Dogville (2003) / Gerilim, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Patricia Clarkson
 23.) Dolls – Bebekler (2002) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Takeshi Kitano / Oyuncular : Hidetoshi Nishijima, Miho Kanno, Tatsuya Mihashi
 24.) The Grapes of Wrath - Gazap Üzümleri (1940) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : John Ford / Oyuncular : Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine
 25.) Hable con ella - Konuş Onunla (2002) / Dram, Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Pedro Almodóvar / Oyuncular : Javier Cámara, Dario Grandinetti, Leonor Watling
 26.) Hair - Bırak Güneş İçeri Girsin (1979) / Müzikal
Ø  Yönetmen : Milos Forman / Oyuncular : Michael Jeter, Donald Alsdurf, John Savage
 27.) Harold and Maude (1971) / Dram, Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Hal Ashby / Oyuncular : Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles
 28.) Idi i smotri - Gel ve Gör (1985) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Elem Klimov / Oyuncular : Olga Mironova, Vladas Bagdonas, Juris Lumiste
 29.)  In the name of the father - Babam İçin (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Sheridan / Oyuncular : Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite, Emma Thompson
 30.) It's a Wonderful Life - Şahane Hayat (1946) /  Komedi, Dram, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Frank Capra / Oyuncular : James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore
 31.) Kes – Kerkenez (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Ken Loach / Oyuncular : David Bradley, Colin Welland, Freddie Fletcher
 32.) Ladri di biciclette - Bisiklet Hırsızları (1948) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Vittorio De Sica / Oyuncular : Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola, Lianella Carell
 33.) Land and Freedom - Ülke ve Özgürlük (1995) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Ken Loach / Oyuncular : Ian Hart, Rosana Pastor, Frédéric Pierrot
 34.) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Ateşten Kalbe Akıldan Dumana (1998) / Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Guy Ritchie / Oyuncular : Jason Statham, Nick Moran, Dexter Fletcher
35.) Los Amantes del Círculo Polar - Kutup Çizgisi Aşıkları (1998) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Julio Medem / Oyuncular : Najwa Nimri, Fele Martínez, Nancho Novo
 36.) Ma nuit chez Maud - Maud’la Bir Gece (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Eric Rohmer / Oyuncular : Jean-Louis Trintignant, Françoise Fabian, Marie-Christine Barrault
 37.) The Miracle worker - Karanlığın İçinden (1962) / Dram, Biyografik
Ø  Yönetmen : Arthur Penn / Oyuncular : Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victor Jory
 38.) Moulin Rouge! - Kırmızı Değirmen (2001) / Müzikal, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Baz Luhrmann / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Leguizamo
 39.) My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown - Sol Ayağım (1989) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Sheridan / Oyuncular : Daniel Day-Lewis, Brenda Fricker, Alison Whelan
 40.) Naked – Çıplak (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Leigh / Oyuncular : David Thewlis, Lesley Sharp, Claire Skinne
 41.) Nema-ye Nazdik - Yakın Plan (1990) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Abbas Kiarostami / Oyuncular : Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Abolfazl Ahankhah, Mehrdad Ahankhah
 42.) Network – Şebeke (1976) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet / Oyuncular : Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch
 43.) Pink Floyd The Wall - Pink Floyd Duvar (1982) / Dram, Müzik
Ø  Yönetmen : Alan Parker / Oyuncular : Bob Geldof, Christine Hargreaves, James Laurenson
 44.) Pleasantville - Yaşamın Renkleri (1998) /  Fantastik, Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Gary Ross / Oyuncular : Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels, Joan Allen
 45.) Pulp Fiction - Ucuz Roman (1994) /  Polisiye, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Quentin Tarantino / Oyuncular : John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman
  46.) Rain Man - Yağmur Adam (1988) / Komedi, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Barry Levinson / Oyuncular : Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino
 47.) Reconstruction - Yeniden Sev Beni (2003) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Christoffer Boe / Oyuncular : Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Maria Bonnevie, Krister Henriksson
 48.) Rosemary's Baby - Rosemary’nin Bebeği (1968) / Korku, Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Roman Polanski / Oyuncular : Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon
 49.) Rumble Fish - Siyam Balığı (1983) / Aksiyon, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Francis Ford Coppola / Oyuncular : Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane
 50.) Secrets and Lies - Sırlar ve Yalanlar (1996) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Leigh / Oyuncular : Brenda Blethyn, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Timothy Spall
 51.) Shichinin no samurai - Yedi Samuray (1954) / Macera
Ø  Yönetmen : Akira Kurosawa / Oyuncular : Toshirô Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Keiko Tsushima
 52.) Sin City - Günah Şehri (2005) / Aksiyon, Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino / Oyuncular : Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba
 53.) Singin' in the Rain - Yağmur Altında (1952) / Müzikal, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly / Oyuncular : Jean Hagen, Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds
 54.) The Sixth Sense - Altıncı His (1999) / Gerilim, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : M. Night Shyamalan / Oyuncular : Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette
 55.) Solaris (1972) / Fantastik, Bilimkurgu
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Natalya Bondarchuk, Donatas Banionis, Jüri Järvet
 56.) Some Like It Hot - Bazıları Sıcak Sever (1959) / Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Billy Wilder / Oyuncular : Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon
  57.) Spellbound - Öldüren Hatıralar (1945) / Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Alfred Hitchcock / Oyuncular : Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Leo G. Carroll
 58.) Stalker (1979) / Dram, Bilimkurgu
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Alexandre Kaidanovski, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Nikolai Grinko
 59.) Strange Days - Tuhaf Günler (1995) / Bilimkurgu, Aksiyon
Ø  Yönetmen : Kathryn Bigelow / Oyuncular : Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, Juliette Lewis
 60.) Sullivan's Travels (1941) / Macera, Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Preston Sturges / Oyuncular : Eric Blore, Torben Meyer, Victor Potel
 61.) Sunset Blvd. (1950) /  Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Billy Wilder / Oyuncular : William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim
 62.) Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo - İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin (1966) /  Western
Ø  Yönetmen : Sergio Leone / Oyuncular : Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef
 63.) The Graduate – Mezun (1967) /  Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Nichols / Oyuncular : Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross
 64.) The Hours – Saatler (2002) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Stephen Daldry / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Meryl Streep
 65.) The Man Who Wasn't There - Orada Olmayan Adam (2001) /  Polisiye, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Joel Coen / Oyuncular : Peter Schrum, Billy Bob Thornton, Frances McDormand
 66.) The Others – Diğerleri (2001) / Fantastik, Dram, Korku
Ø  Yönetmen : Alejandro Amenábar / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Elaine Cassidy, Christopher Eccleston
 67.) The Truman Show -Truman Show (1998) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Peter Weir / Oyuncular : Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Natascha McElhone
 68.) The Usual Suspects - Olağan Şüpheliler (1995) / Polisiye, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Bryan Singer / Oyuncular : Chazz Palminteri, Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne
69.) Thelma ve Louise (1991) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Ridley Scott / Oyuncular : Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel
 70.) They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Atları da Vururlar (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sydney Pollack / Oyuncular : Jane Fonda, Michael Sarrazin, Susannah York
 71.) Trois couleurs - Üç Renk: Mavi, Beyaz, Kırmızı (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Juliette Binoche, Hélène Vincent, Philippe Volter
 72.) Trainspotting (1996) / Dram, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Danny Boyle / Oyuncular : Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller
 73.) Une Femme est une femme - Kadın Kadındır (1961) / Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Jean-Luc Godard / Oyuncular : Anna Karina, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-Paul Belmondo
 74.) Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux - Hayatını Yaşamak (1962) / Komedi, Dram
Yönetmen : Jean-Luc Godard / Oyuncular : Anna Karina, Sady Rebbot, Andre S. Labarthe
 75.) Welcome to Sarajevo - Saraybosna’ya Hoşgeldiniz (1997) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Michael Winterbottom / Oyuncular : Stephen Dillane, Woody Harrelson, Marisa Tomei
 76.) What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?  - Bebek Jane’e Ne Oldu? (1962) / Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Aldrich / Oyuncular : Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono
 77.) Smultronstället - Yaban Çilekleri (1957) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Ingmar Bergman / Oyuncular : Victor Sjöstrom, Bibi Andersson, Ingrid Thulin
 78.) Z (1969) / Dram, Tarihi
Ø  Yönetmen : Costa-Gavras / Oyuncular : Yves Montand, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Irène Papas
 79.) Serenity (2019) / Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Steven Knight / Oyuncular : Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Djimon Hounsou
 80.) The Game – Oyun (1997) / Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : David Fincher / Oyuncular : Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger
 81.) Equus - Kör Atlar (1977) / Dram, Psikolojik, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet
 82.) Englar Alheimsins - Evrenin Melekleri (2000) /  Biyografi, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Friðrik Þór Friðriksson
 83.) The Official Story - Resmi Tarih (1985) /  Dram, Savaş
Ø  Yönetmeni : Luis Puenzo
 84.) The Duellists – Düellocu (1977) / Dram, Savaş
Ø  Yönetmeni : Ridley Scott
 1.) Barbarians
2.) The Punisher
3.) Band of Brothers
4.) The Pacific
5.) Tut
6.) The Long Road Home
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lornaslibrary · 5 years
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Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires
Last week I asked you to recommend books on the subject of witches, werewolves, and vampires. Here are all of the books that were recommended!!
Bold = the books I’ve read * = the books I personally would recommend + = want to read/on my TBR
Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha #1), by Tomi Adeyemi +
Undead Girl Gang, by Lily Anderson
The Girl Who Drank the Moon, by Kelly Barnhill
Chime, by Franny Billingsley
The Witch’s Daughter (The Witch’s Daughter #1), by Paula Brackston
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, by Libba Bray
The Lost Coast, by Amy Rose Capetta +
The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch #1), by Rin Chupeco +
The Binding, by Bridget Collins
Labyrinth Lost (Brooklyn Brujas #1), by Zoraida Córdova +
Witches of Lychford (Lychford #1), by Paul Cornell  
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), by Cassandra Clare
The Witches, by Peter Curtis
The Witches, by Roald Dahl
Truthwitch (The Witchlands #1), by Susan Dennard
The Wicked Deep, by Shea Ernshaw +
Bitter Greens, by Kate Forsyth
Wise Child (Doran #1), by Monica Furlong
Coraline, by Neil Gaiman +
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman +
The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman +
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1), by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Hex Life: Wicked New Tales of Witchery, by Christopher Golden
A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1), by Deborah Harkness
Chocolat (Chocolat #1), by Joanne Harris
Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman
Born At Midnight (Shadow Falls #1), by CC Hunter
Sanctuary,  by V.V. James
Howl’s Moving Castle (Howl’s Moving Castle #1), by Dianne Wynne Jones
Literary Witches: A Celebration of Magical Women Writers, by Taisia Kitaiskaia  
Summer of Salt, by Katrina Leno
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (Necromancer #1), by Lish McBride
When the Moon Was Ours, by Anna-Marie McLemore *
Wicked, by Gregory Maguire
Circe, by Madelline Miller
Witch Hunt, by Syd Moore
A Secret History of Witches, by Louisa Morgan
The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern +
The Worst Witch (Worst Witch #1), by Jill Murphy
Akata Witch (Akata Witch #1), by Nnedi Okorafor
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld #6, Witches #2), by Terry Pratchett
The Wee Free Men (Discworld #30, Tiffany Aching #1), by Terry Pratchett
Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1), by Morgan Rhodes
The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches #1), by Anne Rice
Carry On (Simon Snow #1), by Rainbow Rowell
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Harry Potter #1), by J.K. Rowling *
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1), by V.E. Schwab *
Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women and Witchcraft, by Tess Sharpe
Secret Vampire (Night World #1), by LJ Smith
A Curse of Ash and Embers (Tales of the Blackbone Witches #1), by Jo Spurrier
These Witches Don’t Burn (These Witches Don’t Burn #1), by Isabel Sterling +
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1), by Maggie Stiefvater
When My Heart Was Wicked, by Tricia Stirling
Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1), by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren
Book of Shadows (Sweep #1), by Cate Tiernan
The Price Guide to the Occult, by Leslye Walton
The Babysitters Coven, by Kate Williams
Sorcery & Cecelia: or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot, by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
Castle Hangnail, by Ursula Vernon
Bitten (Otherworld #1), by Kelley Armstrong
Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate #1), by Gail Carriger +
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), by Cassandra Clare
Silver in the Blood, by Jessica Day George
Fateful, by Claudia Gray
The Silvered, by Tanya Huff
Born At Midnight (Shadow Falls #1), by CC Hunter
Cycle of the Werewolf, by Stephen King *
Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause
Hemlock (Hemlock #1), by Kathleen Peacock
Red Moon, by Benjamin Percy
The Fifth Elephant (Discworld #24), by Terry Pratchett
Secret Vampire (Night World #1), by LJ Smith
Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls #1), by Maggie Stiefvater
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, by Holly Black *
Eighth Grade Bites (The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod #1), by Heather Brewer
Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate #1), by Gail Carriger +
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1), by Cassandra Clare
The Passage (The Passage #1), by Justin Cronin *
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman +
Evernight (Evernight #1), by Claudia Gray
The Radleys, by Matt Haig
A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1), by Deborah Harkness
My Blood Approves (My Blood Approves #1), by Amanda Hocking
RoseBlood, by A.G. Howard
Bunnicula (Bunnicula #1), by Deborah and James Howe
Blood Price (Vicki Nelson #1), by Tanya Huff
Born At Midnight (Shadow Falls #1), by CC Hunter
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1), by Julie Kagawa
‘Salem’s Lot, by Stephen King *
The Silver Kiss, by Annette Curtis Klause
The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova
Let the Right One In, by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1), by Richelle Mead
Sunshine, by Robin McKinley
Anno Dracula (Anno Dracula #1), byKim Newman
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld #23), by Terry Pratchett
Interview with a Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles #1), by Anne Rice +
Night Owls (Night Owls #1), by Lauren M. Roy
Strange Practice ( Dr.Greta Helsing #1), by Vivian Shaw
Tantalize (Tantalize #1), by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Secret Vampire (Night World #1), by LJ Smith
Dracula, by Bram Stoker *
Dracul, by Dacre Stoker and J.D Barker *
If you recommended books but don’t see your recommendations here, feel free to message me to let me know I missed your response
Other Chain Recs Masterposts
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dailygrantchester · 8 years
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grantchester ladies appreciation (。♥‿♥。)
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inkwell-and-dagger · 11 months
:O yoooo hello anon!!
okay! I'm gonna introduce y'all to Maddie cuz she's my comfort character and I don't really talk about her much!
Madison Osoro-Maguire is Rayan's sister and one of his caretakers in Forsaken Souls! she's married to another woman called Vivian, and she's a photographer and a retired fitness instructor!
she's very similar to Rayan in terms of appearance, with shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes and circular glasses. she stands at 6'1! her clothing style is kinda cottagecore, and she tends to dress androgyne!
she has imperfect immortality, and her physical age is around 40-42. she's extremely soft spoken and gentle, and has a really strong Irish accent, but she can stutter / fidget (kinda stim?? idk I base this hc off of when I get upset) when angry. unlike Rayan, she still keeps contact with relatives, despite the fact they do not know she's married to a woman! his relatives are. kinda assholes.
that's the basics! honestly, if you want to whump her, go ahead; she doesn't do well with being in pain, has a really low pain tolerance and is extremely obedient just so she can get out of torture. here she is!
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(picrew credit)
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chthonic-cassandra · 6 years
@heavyweightheart said: oh i submit a request for that list!
[re: my self-soothing list of fairy tale adaptations I have read]
Sure! It is highly incomplete, mostly because it leaves out a) adaptations of more obscure stories and b) any short story from a collection I do not own. It also manifestly not a recs list.
Beauty and the Beast & East of the Sun, West of the Moon Beauty, Robin McKinley The Star-Touched Queen, Roshani Chokshi Beauty and the Beast (animated film) “Beauty and the Beast”, Faerie Tale Theater La Belle et la Bete (film, Cocteau) Cruel Beauty, Rosamund Hodge Beast, Donna Jo Napoli “The Courtship of Mr Lyon” and “The Tiger’s Bride”, Angela Carter “A Moral Tale,” Suniti Namjoshi “The True Bride,” Jim Henson’s The Storyteller
Bluebeard Ariane et Barbe-bleu (play & opera) Bluebeard’s Castle (opera) Fitcher’s Brides, Gregory Frost The Seventh Bride, T. Kingfisher Mr. Fox, Helen Oyeyemi “Bluebeard’s Egg,” Margaret Atwood “The Bloody Chamber,” Angela Carter Bluebeard (film) The Piano (film, Campion) “A Room of His Own,” Suniti Namjoshi
Cinderella Ash, Malinda Lo Bound, Donna Jo Napoli Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Gregory Maguire Just Ella, Margaret Peterson Haddix Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine Cinderella (animated film) Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella (three filmed versions, stage) “Cinderella”, Faerie Tale Theater Cinderella (ballet) “Princess in Puce,” Annita Harlan “The Stepsister’s Story,” Emma Bull “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep,” Ellen Kushner Ever After (film)
Donkeyskin Deerskin, Robin McKinley “Allerleirauh,” Jane Yolen “Donkeyskin,” Terri Windling
The Frog Prince The Prince of the Pond, Donna Jo Napoli The Princess and the Frog (animated film)
Hansel and Gretel The Magic Circle, Donna Jo Napoli Hansel and Gretel (opera) “Hansel and Gretel,” Faerie Tale Theater
Jack and the Beanstalk Crazy Jack, Donna Jo Napoli “Jack and the Beanstalk,” Faerie Tale Theater
Koschei the Deathless Firebird (ballet) Firebird, Mercedes Lackey Deathless, Catherynne M Valente Koschey the Deathless (opera)
The Little Mermaid (and related stories) The Seafarer’s Kiss, Julia Ember The Little Mermaid (animated film) “The Little Mermaid,” Faerie Tale Theater The Brides of Rollrock Island, Margo Lanagan Sirena, Donna Jo Napoli “The Pangs of Love,” Jane Gardam
Little Red Riding Hood Crimson Bound, Rosamund Hodge Red Riding Hood, Sarah Blakley-Cartwright “The Werewolf”  & “The Company of Wolves,” Angela Carter The Company of Wolves (film, Jordan) “Little Red Riding Hood”, Faerie Tale Theater “Case History,” Suniti Namjoshi
Pied Piper of Hamelin Breath, Donna Jo Napoli “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” Faerie Tale Theater
The Princess and the Pea The Princess Test, Gail Carson Levine “The Princess and the Pea,” Faerie Tale Theater “The Princess,” Suniti Namjoshi The Princess and the Pea (film, Russian)
Puss-in-Boots “Puss-in-Boots,” Angela Carter “Puss-in-Boots,” Faerie Tale Theater
Rapunzel Book of a Thousand Days, Shannon Hale Zel, Donna Jo Napoli “Rapunzel,” Faerie Tale Theater Tangled (animated film)
Rumplestiltskin The Rumplestilskin Problem, Vivian Vande Velde Spinners, Donna Jo Napoli and Richard Tchen “Rumplestiltskin,” Faerie Tale Theater
Scheherazade (Arabian Nights frametale) The Wrath and the Dawn & The Rose and the Dagger, Renee Ahdieh A Thousand Nights, E. K. Johnston Voices of the Desert, Nelida Pinon Wishing Moon, Michael O. Tunnell The Storyteller’s Daughter, Cameron Dokey Shadow Spinner, Susan Fletcher The Arabian Nights (tv miniseries)
Seven Swans Swan Lake (ballet) Swan Princess (animated film) The Black Swan, Mercedes Lackey “The Three Raven,” Jim Henson’s The Storyteller
Sleeping Beauty Spindle, E. K. Johnston Sleeping Beauty (ballet) Sleeping Beauty (animated film) Spindle’s End, Robin McKinley Briar Rose, Jane Yolen Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep, Gail Carson Levine “Sleeping Beauty,” Faerie Tale Theater The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty & c, Anne Rice “She Sleeps in a Tower,” Tanith Lee “Briar Rose,” Anne Sexton
The Snow Maiden The Snow Child, Eowyn Ivey “The Snow Child,” Angela Carter
The Snow Queen Bread Crumbs, Anne Ursu The Snow Queen (tv miniseries) The Snow Queen, Joan D. Vinge “The Snow Queen,” Faerie Tale Theater
Snow White & the Seven Dwarves Girls Made of Snow and Glass, Melissa Bashardoust Dark Shimmer, Donna Jo Napoli Boy, Snow, Bird, Helen Oyeyemi Snow in Summer, Jane Yolen Six-Gun Snow White, Catherynne M Valente Fairest of All, Serena Valentino Mirror, Mirror, Gregory Maguire White as Snow, Tanith Lee Fairest, Gail Carson Levine Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (animated film) “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,” Faerie Tale Theater “Snow White to the Prince,” Delia Sherman Snow White: The Fairest of the Them All (tv miniseries)
Snow White & Rose Red Tender Morsels, Margo Lanagan
Thomas the Rhymer & Tam Lin Thomas the Rhymer, Ellen Kushner Winter Rose, Patricia A McKillip Fire and Hemlock, Diana Wynne Jones Tam Lin, Pamela Dean The Perilous Guard, Marie Elizabeth Pope
The Twelve Dancing Princesses The Girls at the Kingfisher Club, Genevieve Valentine Speak Easy, Catherynne M Valente Wildwood Dancing, Juliet Marillier “The Twelve Dancing Princesses,” Faerie Tale Theater
Vassilissa the Beautiful Vassa in the Night, Sarah Porter The Bear and the Nightingale, Katherine Arden
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What other fandoms are you familiar enough with to use as an AU prompt? Pokemon Trainer AU? Homestuck AU (they'd still probably die but at least there are lots of ways to come back to life)?
I’m not that familiar with Homestuck, definitely not enough to do an AU.  I read the novelizations of the Pokemon show as a kid but never saw the show or played any of the video games.  I did play the super-obscure Pokemon board game, but most of my trading cards were printed in Japanese (I had a strange childhood), so my experience there is, uh, probably not quite overlapping with everyone else’s.
Anyway, if you want list of all my fandoms… Boy howdy.  I don’t think I can come up with them all.  However, I can list everything that comes to mind between now and ~20 minutes from now when I have to end my procrastination break and go back to dissertating.  So here it is, below the cut:
Okay, there is no way in hell I’ll be able to make an exhaustive list.  But off the top of my head, the fandoms I’m most familiar/comfortable with are as follows:
Authors (as in, I’ve read all or most of their books)
Patricia Briggs
Megan Whalen Turner
Michael Crichton
Marge Piercy
Stephenie Meyer
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
Neil Gaiman
K.A. Applegate
Ernest Hemingway
Tamora Pierce
Roald Dahl
Short Stories/Anthologies
A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor
The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka
I Am Legend, Richard Matheson
Dubliners, James Joyce
Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes
Who Goes There? John W. Campbell
The Man Who Bridged the Mist, Kij Johnson
Flatland, Edwin Abbott
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream, Harlan Ellison
To Build a Fire, Jack London
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Ambrose Bier
At the Mountains of Madness/Cthulu mythos, H.P. Lovecraft
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving
The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury
Close Range: Wyoming Stories, E. Annie Proulx
The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson
Bartleby the Scrivener (and a bunch of others), Herman Melville
Books (Classics)
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neal Hurston
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Secret Garden, Francis Hodgson Burnett
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
The Secret Annex, Anne Frank
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
East of Eden, John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
The Stranger, Albert Camus
The Call of the Wild, Jack London
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Lord of the Flies, William Golding
Atonement, Ian McEwan
1984, George Orwell
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
The Iliad/The Odyssey, Homer
Metamorphoses, Ovid
Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jules Verne
The Time-Machine, H.G. Wells
The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, Hamlet, MacBeth, Othello, and The Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Thomas Stoppard
Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett
Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
Books (YA SF)
Young Wizards series, Diane Duane
Redwall, Brian Jaques
The Dark is Rising sequence, Susan Cooper
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Diana Wynne Jones
The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis
Abhorsen trilogy, Garth Nix
The Giver series, Lois Lowry
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Uglies series, Scott Westerfeld
Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt
A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Song of the Lioness, Tamora Pierce
A Wrinkle in Time, Madeline L’Engle
Unwind, Neal Shusterman
The Maze Runner series, James Dashner
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Patricia C. Wrede
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Louis Sachar
Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster
Coraline, Neil Gaiman
Among the Hidden, Margaret Peterson Haddix
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Avi
Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice
Poppy series, Avi
The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd
Tithe, Holly Black
Life as We Knew It, Susan Beth Pfeffer
Blood and Chocolate, Annette Curtis Klause
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
The Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
Haunted, Gregory Maguire
Weetzie Bat, Francesca Lia Block
Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White
East, Edith Pattou
Z for Zachariah, Robert C. O’Brien
The Looking-Glass Wars, Frank Beddor
The Egypt Game, Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
Homecoming, Cynthia Voigt
Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll
The Landry News, Andrew Clements
Fever 1793, Laurie Halse Anderson
Bloody Jack, L.A. Meyer
The Boxcar Children, Gertrude Chandler Warner
A Certain Slant of Light, Laura Whitcomb
Generation Dead, Daniel Waters
Pendragon series, D.J. MacHale
Silverwing, Kenneth Oppel
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Define Normal, Julie Anne Peters
Hawksong, Ameila Atwater Rhodes
Heir Apparent, Vivian Vande Velde
Running Out of Time, Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Keys to the Kingdom series, Garth Nix
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Joan Aiken
The Seer and the Sword, Victoria Hanley
My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George
Daughters of the Moon series, Lynne Ewing
The Midwife’s Apprentice, Karen Cushman
Island of the Aunts, Eva Ibbotson
The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, Nancy Farmer
A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray
A School for Sorcery, E. Rose Sabin
The House with a Clock in Its Walls, John Bellairs
The Edge Chronicles, Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
Hope was Here, Joan Bauer
Bunnicula, James Howe
Wise Child, Monica Furlong
Silent to the Bone, E.L. Konigsburg
The Twenty-One Balloons, William Pene du Bois
Dead Girls Don’t Write Letters, Gail Giles
The Supernaturalist, Eoin Colfer
Blue is for Nightmares, Laurie Faria Stolarz
Mystery of the Blue Gowned Ghost, Linda Wirkner
Wait Till Helen Comes, Mary Downing Hahn
I was a Teenage Fairy, Francesca Lia Block
City of the Beasts series, Isabelle Allende
Summerland, Michael Chabon
The Geography Club, Brent Hartinger
The Last Safe Place on Earth, Richard Peck
Liar, Justine Larbalestier
The Doll People, Ann M. Martin
The Lost Years of Merlin, T.A. Barron
Matilda Bone, Karen Cushman
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
The Tiger Rising, Kate DiCamillo
The Spiderwick Chronicles, Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
In the Forests of the Night, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
My Teacher is an Alien, Bruce Coville
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, Julie Andrews Edwards
Storytime, Edward Bloor
Magic Shop series, Bruce Coville
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Lemony Snicket
Veritas Project series, Frank Peretti
The Once and Future King, T.H. White
Raven’s Strike, Patricia Briggs
What-the-Dickens: The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy, Gregory Maguire
The Wind Singer, William Nicholson
Sweetblood, Pete Hautman
The Trumpet of the Swan, E.B. White
Half Magic, Edward Eager
A Ring of Endless Light, Madeline L'Engle
The Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan
Maximum Ride series, James Patterson
The Edge on the Sword, Rebecca Tingle
World War Z, Max Brooks
Adaline Falling Star, Mary Pope Osborne
Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi
Parable of the Sower series, Octavia Butler
I, Robot, Isaac Asimov
Neuomancer, William Gibson
Dune, Frank Herbert
The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Emily M. Danforth
The Martian, Andy Weir
Skeleton Man, Joseph Bruchac
Marvel 616 (most of the major titles)
Marvel 1610/Ultimates
This One Summer
Death Note
Ouran High School Host Club
Vampire Knight
Emily Carroll comics
Fun Home
From Hell
American Born Chinese
The Eternal Smile
The Sandman
Calvin and Hobbes
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For
TV Shows
Fullmetal Alchemist
Avatar the Last Airbender
Teen Titans (2003)
Luke Cage/Jessica Jones/Iron Fist/Defenders/Daredevil/The Punisher
Agents of SHIELD/Agent Carter
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
American Horror Story
Ouran High School Host Club
Orange is the New Black
Black Sails
Stranger Things
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jurassic Park/Lost World/Jurassic World/Lost Park?
The Breakfast Club
Cloverfield/10 Cloverfield Lane/The Cloverfield Paradox
Attack the Block
The Prestige
Ferris Bueler’s Day Off
Django Unchained/Kill Bill/Inglourious Basterds/Hateful 8/Pulp Fiction/etcetera
THX 1138/Akira/How I Live Now/Lost World/[anything I’ve named a fic after]
Star Wars
The Meg
A Quiet Place
Baby Driver
X-Men (et al.)
10 Things I Hate About You
The Lost Boys
Teen Wolf
Pirates of the Caribbean (et al.)
Die Hard
Most Disney classics: Toy Story, Mulan, Treasure Planet, Emperor’s New Groove, etc.
Most Pixar classics: Up, Wall-E, The Incredibles
The Matrix
Dark Knight trilogy
Friday the 13th
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Descent
Ocean’s Eight/11/12/13
King Kong
The Conjuring
Fantastic Four
Minority Report/Blade Runner/Adjustment Bureau/Total Recall
Fight Club
Spirited Away
Disturbing Behavior
The Faculty
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Marge Piercy
Thomas Hardy
Sigfried Sassoon
W. B. Yeats
Edgar Allan Poe
Ogden Nash
Margaret Atwood
Maya Angelou
Emily Dickinson
Matthew Dickman
Karen Skolfield
Kwame Alexander
Ellen Hopkins
Shel Silverstein
Musicals/Stage Plays
Les Miserables
Repo: The Genetic Opera
The Lion King
The Phantom of the Opera
The Prince of Egypt
Into the Woods
A Chorus Line
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Fiddler on the Roof
Fun Home
Spring Awakening
The Miser
The Importance of Being Earnest
South Pacific
The Wiz
The Wizard of Oz
Man of La Mancha
The Sound of Music
West Side Story
Sweeney Todd
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown/Snoopy
Something Rotten
A Very Potter Musical
Babes in Toyland
Carrie: The Musical
Annie Get Your Gun
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The Final Battle
Rock of Ages
Moulin Rouge
The Secret Garden
Reefer Madness
Bang Bang You’re Dead
War Horse
Peter Pan
Sister Act
The Secret Annex
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Disclaimer 1: Like a lot of people who went to high school in the American South, my education in literature is pretty shamefully lacking in a lot of areas.  (As in, during our African American History unit in ninth grade we read To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn… and that was it.  As in, our twelfth-grade US History class, I shit you not, covered Gone With the Wind.)  There were a lot of good teachers in with the *ahem* Less Woke ones (how I read Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Bluest Eye) and college definitely set me on the path to trying to find books written/published outside the WASP-ier parts of the U.S., but the overall list is still embarrassingly hegemonic.
Disclaimer 2: There are a crapton of errors — typos, misspelled names, misattributions, questionable genre classifications, etc. — in here.  If you genuinely have no idea what a title is supposed to be, ask me.  Otherwise, please don’t bother letting me know about my mistakes.
Disclaimer 3: I am not looking for recommendations.  My Goodreads “To Read” list is already a good 700 items long, and people telling me “if you like X, then you’ll love Y!” genuinely stresses me the fuck out.
Disclaimer 4: There are no unproblematic faves on this list.  I love Supernatural, and I know that Supernatural is hella misogynistic.  On the flip side: I don’t love The Lord of the Rings at all, partially because LOTR is hella misogynistic, but I also don’t think that should stop anyone else from loving LOTR if they’re willing to love it and also acknowledge its flaws. 
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botchedandecstatic · 3 years
Books Read/Reread, March/April 2021
Brian Phillips, Impossible Owls Henry James, The Princess Casamassima* Pola Oloixarac, Dark Constellations Joan Didion, Let Me Tell You What I Mean Judith Schalansky, An Inventory of Losses Fleur Jaeggy, Sweet Days of Discipline Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent Arthur Conan Doyle, The Valley of Fear John Buchan, The Thirty-Nine Steps Timothy Messer-Kruse, The Haymarket Conspiracy: Transatlantic Anarchist Networks James Green, Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement, and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age America Kevin Kenny, Making Sense of the Molly Maguires Mark Bulik, The Sons of Molly Maguire: The Irish Roots of America’s First Labor War David Robertson, Denmark Vesey: The Buried Story of America’s Largest Slave Rebellion and the Man Who Led It Elissa Washuta, White Magic Gina Nutt, Night Rooms Christina Tudor-Sideri, Under the Sign of the Labyrinth Ada Limón, The Carrying Annalee Newitz, Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age Vivian Gornick, The Romance of American Communism Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins * = reread
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