#vivi flirts back one day and she dies
beanghostprincess · 11 months
i know we all love flirty, smooth lesbian nami but have you considered disaster lesbian nami screaming over every pretty girl she sees and trying to not literally cry the moment they talk to her
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alexa-fika · 3 months
My OP headcanons:
Katakuri and Zoro would get along great
Luffy and Ace used to beat the shit out of guys that got too handsy with Makino and say it was “training”
Ace used to talk about Makino and Dadan all the time to the Whitebeard Pirates, and Whitebeard really wanted to meet them (especially Dadan)
Momonosuke remembers Buggy and would recognize him if they met again
Luffy still wishes Vivi had joined the crew
Law heard the echo of flip flop noises on his first night after the alliance ended and couldn’t sleep
Kid and Killer both have a small crush on Zoro, and Kid wishes that Zoro would have been on his crew, not that he would admit it
Not really a headcanon but I have to share this idea because it made me me cry: Marco’s theme song is ‘Empty Chairs At Empty Tables’ from Les Miserables
Women always try to flirt with Zoro when the crew stops at an island and it drives Sanji insane
Mihawk knew full well that Zoro had Conquerer’s haki and just chose to not say anything
Mihawk and Jinbe were actually really chill with each other
How so? Do you mean in any specific manner or just that kinda meh attitude? Cause if so I can imagine them just in the sidelines bored as everyone is running back and forth freaked out about something
Omg now that you say it, it definitely makes sense, Listen Dadan lives up in the mountains with little interaction to people outside of the bandits plus she’s Dadan she don’t need no protection. And even then Ace still stood by her and beat those guys up so if it came to Makino? Girl works at a bar serving Pirates all day, pirates + alcohol, we’ve seen how rowdy some of the customers can get we forget that because we mostly only see the red haired pirates and they don’t mean no harm but even the guy that came after him, he was hostile to Shanks, a pirate Captain. So a barmaid is definetly at risk, I can just see it Ace with his pipe with that menacing stare
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I ‘ll give you some more thought, imagine if Sabo joined in? That would be lowkey terrifying I can see him being the brains behind some elaborate revenge plan on whoever hurt Makino
That would be so funny though Dadan and Whitebeard?, I can see them getting along really well well, they have the same grumpy but caring attitude
Personally i would find it hard since momonusoke was a baby when he was aboard the rogers but if by some reason it did happen? Imagine buggy’s face though? Just this grown ass man running towards him at full speed, crying
Wdym Vivi IS A strawhat
Again no one died, but if we assume someone died HOW DARE YOU NOT THE EMPTY CHAIRS 😭😭😭 THATS SUCH A MATCH BUT ITS SO SAD
We’ve seen Zoro outdoing Sanji on the woman department without even trying 😂, sometimes he makes it there to save them first even though he’s not trying or he sleeps with one, Sanji is quaking. Mihawk would with no problem detect Haki, his observation haki is unmatched so you expect me to think he din’t know? Nah he did, but he loves making it harder for Zoro. On that topic Mihawk and Jinbe? In the Warlord meeting they are simoly in the sidelines quite and obserbing with that monotone stare, they appreciate that they have one person there that is not absolutely crazy; maybe Kuma would join the silent monotone club
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
Good luck, babe
Day 6 jealously/ flirting vivi x koza & ex Nami x vivi
The worst day of Namis life, after the day her mother died, started out just the same as any other day on the Sunny.
Nami paid the news coo as she took the paper. It was rather thick this afternoon, she had been hoping for something inserting, maybe a bit of gossip or new bounty poster updates. Something to distract her from her worries, it had been two whole months since vivis last perfume soaked letter. She opened up the paper and there on the front cover was her Vivi, all done up in her regail fitting for the queen she was, she had a bright smile upon her face. Nami might have to cut it out to add to the plie of love letters. She hoped that Vivi would send her a new one soon. The other womens perfume had mostly faded away and how Nami ached to smell the women she loved once again. Right next to her was Koza, Nami might have liked Koza at one point but the way Vivi went on about him in her letters made Nami grow resentful and jealous of the man. He got to be next Vivi, he got to see her beautiful smile, her long blue hair, her big brown eyes, he got to be with the women Nami loved every single day.
“Queen Nefertari Vivi and her new Prince consort Koza, a royal wedding for the ages!” Nami read out loud in shock. “Pictures of the beautiful royal wedding inside,”
The newspaper edges crumpled in her hands. This could be happening! Nami flipped the paper hunting down the wedding photos, her heart shatting in her chest. They looked good together, he had even taken off his stupid glasses, that should be her next to Vivi! Her cheeks were wet as her tears flowed freely. Oh how could Vivi do this to her!? Nami wanted to turn the Sunny around and kill that man for stealing her Vivi away! She could electrocute him or sweep him away with a tornado.
“Nami-swan? Are you okay?” Sanji's voice distracted her from thoughts of murder.
“No, I'm not OK! Oh Sanji, how could she do this to me?” Nami sobbed, thrusting the paper in the blonde's face.
“Oh Nami, I'm so sorry. You hundred times prettier and smarter then Koza could ever hope to be,”
“Then why is she marrying him!” She screamed at him, it wasn't his fault but the one she was angry with wasn't here.
“It could be political, maybe the WG had a hand in it or maybe to strengthen Vivis power and stability, sadly not all marriages are for love,” Sanji would know, having almost married off himself.
“But she could have warned me! A letter or a call!” Nami shouted. “I shouldn't have to find out like this!”
“Let me make you some tea,”
“Fuck the tea, I need some alcohol,” Nami swore, she didn't want to calm down.
Nami threw back the cocktail Sanji made her barley tasting it, she slammed the glass down on the round table. She rummaged under the bar threw the Liquor cabinet, Sanji had left to gather the rest of the strawhats.
“puru puru puru”
“Shit!” Namis personal Den den went off, she whacked her head on the underside of the table. She sat back down on her seat and cracked open the bottle of triple sec, she wasn't Zoro so she poured it in the cocktail glass instead of chugging it straight from the bottle. “Hello?” She answered the den den before throwing back the drink.
“Nami,” Vivi's voice sounded from the small snail. “Did you see the paper?”
“You bet I fucking did! What the hell Vivi? Is this how I find out we're breaking up! What does he have that I don't!” Nami screamed. “I thought we were in love? What happened to all our plans for the future?” Nami poured another glass and drank it. She hoped the rest of the crew didn't join her right now, it was too private.
“You're right, I'm so sorry. I knew if I told you ahead of time you would talk me out of it. But this is what's best for my people, my country. I’m the queen now. I have a responsibility to them, Koza has been here the whole time. I love you Nami, I miss you so much. You are a pirate, you have a large bounty on your head. I worry every night that you'll be caught and end up like Luffy's brother. I'm sorry but as much as I love you I love my country and people more, I hope someday you can forgive me,” Nami couldn't believe she was jealous not just of a man but of an entire country.
“Stop with the excuses! You're right I would have tried to stop you, but don't come calling me begging me to take you back! I'll only tell you I told you so! How many damn times did I tell you that you were more than just a princess? That you deserve to chase your own happiness?”
“Nami I…”
“Your majesty your meeting with the degadison is about to start,”
“Oh thank you, Nami I have to go I'm so sorry,” With that she was gone. The love of her life just gone forever.
The crew piled in and surrounded her, Luffy placing his hat atop of her head. Zoro drank with her shot for shot, the only other one who could keep up with her. Sanji made all her favorite meals until everyone was stuffed. Chopper and Robin figured out what Vivis perfume was so she could keep something of the blue hair women's until she was ready. They spent the night in the aquarium bra, the blankets and pillows turned into a makeshift fort that they managed to squeeze everyone inside of. Nami wasn't okay, but with her Nakama she knew one day she would be.
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holycrapharry · 4 years
Flowers All Around
Harry and Y/N have been flirting every time they run into each other at the farmers market. She’s the girl who delivers the flowers and he’s the one who enjoys fresh produce. It isn’t until she gets stuck in the mud during a delivery that they finally tell each other how they feel.
Y/N walks into the flower shop with an irritable mood due to tossing and turning all night, thinking about that stupid Styles. Not to mention those flower pots she broke. She has no time to adjust. Her sister is looking at her with a disgusting sweet look and it tips her off, “What? What do you want me to do?”
“I need you to deliver these little bushes and stuff to the east end after you drop these off at Tilly’s. Someone ordered them but doesn’t have a car.”
Y/N groans and looks at the clock, “But I don’t have a car, I have a bike with a cart.”
“Well, then you better get a move on.” She rolls her eyes at her sister and snatches the address card from her hands. Where is this place anyway? Barton Cabins? Great, she’ll never get the cart through there. It would be her luck that it would start pouring the rain as soon as she arrives at Tilly’s. It just had to be an outside market, it just had to. Y/N rushes under the little shelters, trying to protect the little tiny buds from drowning.
“Looks like you got here just in time!” Tilly laughs and pulls her under one of the awnings. “Want some coffee? It’s fresh.”
“I would but I have a delivery. They paid extra for same day and Vivi will kill me if she has to refund them.”
Tilly fiddles through a box and hands her a raincoat, “Don’t argue with me, Sugar. Here’s a thermos of coffee, too. When you deliver this person’s stuff, throw it in there face for making you go out in this.” Y/N can’t help but laugh at her, she’s such a lively old woman.
“Thank you. I’ll see you Wednesday, ok?” Tilly nods and waves then goes back into the little hut. She pulls the hood of her coat over her head and heads to the other side of town.
Harry is also on his way back, well, he’s on his way home. The chain on his bike broke, leaving him to walk into town and get one. The rain becomes so heavy that he can’t see very far ahead. He sees someone. It’s her, Y/N. Her voice is always so sweet. It’s heavenly, even with those words flying out of her mouth. He watches her struggle just a bit more before walking over to her. “You need some help?”
She looks up at him and he thinks he’s just died. He knows he’s smiling and god, he feels like a creep now. After what he thinks is about fifty years, she responds. “Oh, that’s very sweet of you and yes, please. I’m going to the forth cabin.”
“I think you’re bringing me my bushes…” he says while running a hand through his hair. Wow, his eyes are much greener than she remembered. Not coffee will be thrown in his face. He lifts the back of the cart while she pushes forward, both fighting the mud. They get the front tires out but have to focus on the back, which look doomed. “I’m sorry I’ve got you out in this, I just figured you would have a car.”
“It’s ok. If you ever go to the docks, the hills over there are actually worse. I can handle it.” Harry’s arm is touching hers as he pushes the cart and heart flutters. “So, why are you out in this rain?” She asks. Something about her is refreshing and cute. And still beautiful.
“Oh…um, my bike chain broke and I got caught in a downpour on my way back from the shops. Why are you out here?” He scolds himself, you know that, idiot. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I’m not the best conversationalist.”
She begins to speak again, slightly laughing. “That’s a shame when you got a voice like that,” he notices that she looks down at her feet when she speaks. He wants to know if she’s nervous, if in fact she does look at the ground when she’s nervous or if she’s just trying to be more careful where she steps. Harry smiles at her compliment and doesn’t even try to hide it. “I think we have it! Come on!” They both push and both of them lose their grip and the cart springs forward, making Harry tumble over top of Y/N and covering them both in mud.
“Shit! I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” He pulls her up and looks at her mud-covered knees and hands. The ends of her hair are muddy and there’s a bit of hair stuck to her cheek. He brings his hand to her cheek and wipes the skin, not even caring if it came off too forward. She only moves her head up and down, a little too enamored by how great he looks covered in mud. “Come on then, I’ll fix you some tea and call a car, yeah?”
He’s so nice and look how pink his lips are, oh my gosh and the mermaid on his arm, and wait, “What’s your name? I mean, you introduce yourself as Styles but that can’t be a first name.”
Harry takes over her cart, directing the handle bars down the messy road. “M’Harry. Harry Styles.” He smiles and he has perfect teeth and dimples. Did she dream him up? “And what’s your last name, love? You introduce yourself as Y/N.” What a smirk.
Love. That’s getting put down in her journal. “It’s L/N.” She steps on a rock and falls down, again. “Ow!”
He comes to her aid and quickly spots her bloody leg. “You, Miss L/N, are just as delicate as the flowers you deliver. Can you walk?” She nods and he holds out his hands for her. He pulls her up and she leans into him due to the pain in her shin. “Take that as a no. Sit on the bike with me, I’ll pedal.” She scoffs and is about to opposed when he stops her, “It’s fine. We’re on gravel now and the rains not letting up. Come on.”
She climbs on the bike seat and sighs, “This is so embarrassing.”
“I ripped my pants yesterday at the post office. Now, that’s embarrassing.” He swings his leg over and begins to pedal.
Y/N giggles, “Did you really?”
“Yeah. I dropped a letter and when I bent down they ripped right down me ass.” Y/N slapped his shoulder and laughs.
She even lets out a little snort, “Ok, that’s way more embarrassing.” The rest of the bike ride is silent and if it was awkward, she didn’t notice. She was too busy looking at the muscles in his back, how to moved and twisted while he turned.
The bike stops and she blinks the water droplets out of her lashes. “You need help getting off?”
“What?” Get your mind out of the gutter, Y/N.
“Can you get off the bike?” He holds out his hand again and she gladly takes it. She steps on the porch and lets out a sigh of relief that she’s out of the rain. She removes the jacket to reveal a powder blue dress. The thin fabric clings to her body and shows off every curve. Harry watches her lean against the pillar to look at her leg, which is a huge mess. “Let’s get you cleaned up? I feel terrible that I made you come out here, I don’t wanna be the reason that you get an infected leg. You can clean up.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay.” They both leave their muddy shoes outside and Y/N Immediately gets the shivers. “Hey, do you have a phone? I should call my sister.”
He notices her shivering and he doesn’t know what to do to help her. He just feels guilty. “Of course.” He leads her to the phone and listens to her explain the horrific situation to her sister, who probably thinks he’s out to get Y/N or something. He leaves her to finish her call and heads to the kitchen to make some tea. He hears her feet shuffle into the kitchen and when he sees just how horrible she looks his heart breaks. She’s still cute as a button, but she’s miserable. “Come sit down. Let me see your leg.” He doesn’t give her time to lift it herself, he gently examines it and eases it down again. He goes to the sink and comes back with a warm rag to clean her up. “I’m so sorry.” He dabs at the tiny cuts and is tempted to kiss her skin every time she winces, but he can’t do that. That’s crazy. That’s weird.
“I’m just really clumsy. It’s not your fault.” She tries to control the chatter of her teeth but she just can’t, she’s freezing. “Ow!”
“I’m sorry. Sorry.” He winces along with her and they both jump when the kettle whistles. “Um, what tea do you like? I’ve got earl gray, lemon, peppermint,” He opens up another drawer and pulls a box out, “Oh, and another lemon.”
“I’ll take peppermint, thank you.”
“I don’t have any sugar left but I’m sure it’ll help warm you up.” He gives her a sad smile and repeatedly folds a napkin.
“Can I use your bathroom? I’m sure I look absolutely horrible.”
“But you couldn’t.” Her cheeks turn pink under the dirt and he clears his throat. “It’s um, It’s right beside the bed.” She smiles at him and sluggishly makes her way to the bathroom. When she looks in the mirror she wants to cry, and she does cry. She sits on the edge of the tub and has a pity party. “Y/N?” Damn it, she didn’t close the door. “Does your leg hurt? Do you want some aspirin?”
She continues to cry and blubber. “Today is so horrible. I’m just, I’m just,” she hiccups and he still finds her so cute, “I dropped two flower pots today and got stuck in this rain. I ruined one of my favorite dresses and I’m all bloody and I’m in a cute man’s bathroom and I look like a caveman.” She sobs and he understands why she’d be overwhelmed, tough day.
He crouches down in front of her, grabs a towel and wipes her face. “If it helps, I feel like a complete shit head. And you still look beautiful covered in dirt.”
She looks at him with tears in her eyes and sniffles, “I don’t feel beautiful, I feel gross and my hair is crunchy.”
Harry chews on his bottom lip, not sure what he can do for her. “I’ll be back in a sec.” He makes his way back to the kitchen to check on her tea. He adds a bit of honey and stirs it in on his way to the bathroom. He finds Y/N looking down at legs, all covered in splotches and dirt. “Tea’s ready. Found some honey for you, a little sweetness can help with a sour evening.” A smile appears on her face but she still doesn’t look up. “You want me to call a car, love?”
She nods her head and takes a deep breath, “Yeah. Viv told me it was getting’ bad out.” Harry brushes his thumb against the side her her knee and stands to leave the room again. The simple touch gave her goosebumps and she brushes it off by taking a sip of tea. She sets the cup down on the edge of the sink and stands, trying to smooth out the muddied dress. She gives herself another look in the mirror, frowning and huffing while she picks a leaf out of her hair.
A few moments later Harry reappears and leans against the door frame. His hands are fiddling with his shirt and he clears his throat, “So, um, the, uh, the cab can’t come out. The creek went over the bridge and, yeah.”
Y/N exhales, “I’m sorry I got you wrapped up in this. I’m quite dramatic.”
Harry comes closer to her and furrows his brows. “Oh, No. This is my fault. If I hadn’t made you come out here you’d be at home, all cozy and well, clean.” She looks so tired and he wants to make her feel better. “I don’t mean to be, like, forward but you can clean up here. I can give you some clothes and I have stew, got a good recipe. Just like me Mum’s.” He grins at the last few words and it makes her feel welcome. She likes that a simple meal can make him nostalgic. “At least let me give you a comb for your hair, you haven’t stopped messing with it since we got here.”
She picks at the clumped together strands of hair and tries to think of a reason to object but can’t. She would love a shower and stew, oh god yes. “I think I’d like to. For the cuts and stuff, you know?”
“Yes, of course.” He smiles brightly at her, knowing she’d used up all the hot water if she could. “The towels are in this closet and I’ll bring you something to put on. You like flannels or linen?”
He watches her remove her necklace and place it on the little shelf above the sink. “Oh, um, whichever. I-I’m not in the position to be picky.”
“I promise you’re not imposing. The hot water is a bit tricky, let it run for around 25 seconds before you add cold; otherwise, it tends to stay cold.” He lets outs a cute giggle, one that actually makes her stomach flip, “Got lots to fix around here.” Harry disappears and quickly reappears with folded clothes. “Just washed them s’morning.”
Y/N grabs the soft fabric and briefly touches his hand in passing, “Thank you for this. As soon as the bridge is clear, I’ll get out of your hair.”
“It’s no problem. I’ll go warm us up some of that stew. ‘Member what I said about the hot water, 25 seconds.” He taps the door and shuts it for her, leaving her alone to wash up. She peels off the dress, unknowingly letting a few dried clumps of mud fall to the floor. She hangs the dress and her bra on the back of the door. She tries to be discreet by stuff her underwear into one of the dress pockets.
Once in the shower, she feels like a new person. She feels lighter and refreshed. The shampoo and the soap, it smells like concentrated Harry and she loves it. She can’t pin point what the scent is but it’s just delicious. Just as she steps out of the tub, the lights begin to flicker. “Well, great.” Y/N envelopes herself in the soft shirt, which is a lot larger than she thought. Upon exiting the bathroom, she stumbles on the long legs of the pajamas and her head snaps to radio static. Harry is by the stove, filling a bowl with something that smells amazing.
“Said that it’s gonna be rainin’ all night. Come sit. I found some bigger bandages, it’ll cover that big one a lot better.” The lights flicker again and Harry sighs deeply. “Is it like, common for the electricity to go out around here?” She thinks he must not care for storms. His posture has straightened and he keeps looking out the windows when the rain pelts at them.
Y/N reapplies her band aids and continues to watch him. “Scared of the dark or something?”
His turns to walk towards the table and sets the bowls down. “I’m not scared of the dark. It gets cold at night and I don’t want you to get sick. I don’t know if I have enough wood for the fireplace.”
“Oh.” Her hands fiddle with the spoon beside the bowl and he joins her at the table. “I’ll be fine. The shower helped, thank you.”
Harry looks up from his bowl, chin resting on his hand and smiles sweetly at her. His smile falls as the lights flicker again. “I’m gonna go look for some candles and stuff. Why don’t you go sit in the living room, eh? There’s a blanket on the couch and I’ll start you a fire when I gather everything up.”
He pats her shoulder as he leaves the kitchen once again. He always has such a gentle touch and wow, nice hands. Y/N heads to the couch, bowl and all. She pulls the blanket over her legs and begins to eat the stew. The warmth of the broth lifts her spirits. She continues to eat even as she hears Harry reappear. “Harry, this is fantastic. Did you make this?”
“Yeah, the man I work for has a wife that’s always giving me recipe cards.” Her eyes lift from the bowl to respond but the sight before her leaves her speechless. Harrys arms are full of wood and there’s a lantern hanging from his forearm. His hair is wet and his shirt is clinging to him yet again. She can see that he has another tattoo on his chest but can’t make it out through his shirt. “You ok?”
Her cheeks turn pink and she looks to his face, “Yes. Just, um, a little tired maybe.” She just can’t keep her eyes off of him. He bends down to sort the pile of wood by the fireplace. His back is to her, giving her a full view of his back. His hands stack the logs strategically and he then throws a match into them.
“It should get goin’ soon. Bloody freezin’ out there.” Harry rubs his hands together and pokes at the fire. She feels the overwhelming urge to comfort him, make him feel warm. Within seconds she’s up off the couch and crouching down next to him. “What’s the matter?”
He looks so worried and he tries to study her face but he jumps a bit when her hand touches his cheek. “I could see you shaking from over there, stop trying to fight it.” He puts down the poker and leans his head into her hand. “It’s your turn to get some of that stew. I’ll be right back.” Harry is left wanting more of her touch when she scampers off. Her hand was so warm and soft.
A shiver knocks him out of his daze and he pulls the wet shirt from his body only to have it drop right back to his skin. “Runnin’ out of clothes.” He peels the shirt from himself, unknowingly revealing himself to Y/N. She stays in her place at the door way, perfectly mystified and concerned by the tiny round scars on his shoulders and chest. His skin looks soft but she knows it’s cold to the touch due to the rain. As Harry turns around with a shirt from the hamper he sees Y/N in the doorway. “Oh, I didn’t know you were back.” He walks up to her, not a care that he’s shirtless, and gladly takes the bowl from her hands. “Thank you. Now, go get back under the blanket, sweetheart.”
He winks at her, which clearly stops her heart as well as her legs. “Why don’t you dry off and we’ll eat together?”
“Alright.” He smiles before ducking into the bathroom. Y/N settles back to the couch, this time with an extra blanket to wrap around the both of them. While changing, the lights flicker heavily. “Shit.”
When he returns to find her laying on the couch, cocooned in a quilt. “Please, get under the blanket with me. It’s cold and I can’t feel anything from the fire yet.” Her plea is adorable; she looks like a lost kitten.
He cuddles in with her, rubbing her arms and accidently touching her nose with his, “I feel like there’re flowers all around when you’re with me.”
“Yeah, my own garden walking around with me at the market.” To his surprise, she kisses him. Her lips are soft and he suddenly feels self-conscious about his chapped ones. “I hear that’s a good way to keep warm.” She kisses him again and when he grabs her chest she moans. Just seconds after he puts his hand under her shirt the lights go out, and they stay out. “Lights went out.”
“I don’t care.” Their kisses become much more heated in the dark, more passionate and aggressive. Harry’s hand dances down from her chest to the drawstring of the pants. He begins to untie them and she begins to stutter, “Um, I’m a, I don’t…” He gives her a confused look but begins to understand what she means.
He prays that he hasn’t made her feel uncomfortable. “Do you mean, like, nothing at all?”
“Well, no. I mean, um, I’ve only been with one other person and he stopped before anything really happened.”
“I’ll have to make up for lost time then.” He rests his hand on her, feeling the short hair the heat coming off of her. “I don’t have to use just my hands; I can use my mouth.”
“Your mouth?” Her voice becomes higher and a tad squeaky from the anticipation.
His hand exits her pants and he generously licks one finger, “It’ll feel good. I promise.”
“But what do you mean?” Do people really do that? Don’t people just use their hands?
Harrys hand slowly slides back in her pajama bottoms and inhales sharply when he presses down into her folds, “I’ll kiss you right here,” He lightly grazes her clit and her thighs snap closed around his hand, “I know you’re nervous but you don’t need to be. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” He rubs his finger is a tiny circle and her head falls back. “I would do this but with my tongue.” He removed his hand again, smiling as she whines. “Do you want that?” He kisses her neck and decides to mess with her just a bit more, “I bet you’ve got the sweetest little pussy. Just thinking about how good you must taste has me s’hard already.  All the boys in town and ya picked me, s’honered.” Y/N bites her bottom lip and her legs involuntarily widen. The movement lets him know she needs some sort of relief. “What do you want me to do?”
She swallows and groans when he nibbles on her skin. “Do it.”
He knows what she means but he wants her to say it, “What?”
“The mouth thing. Do it. Please, just do it.” He gladly moves down her body.
Harry assists her in taking off the pants, lightly gasping at the fact that she isn’t wearing any underwear. He kisses her injured knee then gives her thighs special attention. “So soft.” He teases her by switching off between each thigh. After five grueling minutes, he kisses just above her slit. He kisses lower, landing on top of her clit and he moves her legs over his shoulders. He’s only planting gentle kisses on her but she’s already moaning. The butterflies in her belly turn into a pulsing in her pussy and she needs more. How has she gone this long without feeling this?
She can’t help the movement of her hips. The grinding into his face causes her to whimper and Harry to groan. “Feels so good. Oh my god.”
“I can make it better.” Before she can question it, he spreads her open with one hand and begins to lick and suck on her with no mercy.  Y/N cries and moans for him not to stop and he couldn’t if he tried. She tastes just as good as he thought and she sounds so fucking good. He wants to feel how tight she is but he doesn’t want to hurt her. “Do you think a finger would be ok?” He keeps his thumb on her clit to replace his mouth, “If it hurts, I’ll stop. I just wanna make you feel good. You sound so fuckin’ good when I touch you.” She waits a moment before nodding her head. Y/N widens her legs even more and tries to focus on the sensation of his thumb.
He licks his finger and drags it down her folds before slowly entering it into her heat. The warmth that engulfs his finger is unlike to anything he’s ever felt before. He imagines how good it would feel on his dick and he groans loudly. “Oh…” She sounds surprised, pleasantly surprised.
“Is it good?” He then continues to the soft kisses on her center in place of his thumb. The vibrations of his voice against her just adds to the overwhelming feeling of it all. He very softly moves his finger inside her until he hears that long drawn out moan. He couldn’t explain to her how proud he is that he’s the first one to find that spot for her. He feels her squeeze around him and he’s so hard that it’s beginning to hurt. “Tell me how it feels.”
She tries to catch her breath but can’t bring herself to move her head to look at him. “It feels different but I like it. I like it.” He sucks on her clit just once and pumps his finger twice. “Oh god.”
“Tell me more, please.” He wants to hear her shaky voice; he wants to see if he can taunt her.
“I, uh, I feel just so fuckin’ good.” Her hand grips at the cushion below her and she finally looks down to see him do his magnificent work. “I feel dirty but I love it.” He then smiles against her but doesn’t are stop. “It feels soft but hard and everything feels wet. I can feel the tip of your nose and the stu-stubble on your chin.” She gulps and it feels so good that her eyes start watering. “I can feel your ring and I can’t stop thinking about licking it clean when you’re done.”
Harry stops his movements and looks at her, thinking she’s done something wrong she begins to panic. “Jesus Christ, baby. You’re gonna kill me.” He kisses her once more, then her stomach before settling between her legs. “Put your hand in my hair and kiss me.” She doesn’t hesitate and begins to kiss him. His arm slips under her back and he moves his hips against her. The friction immediately gives her what she needs and she feels an unfamiliar tingle. The grip on his hair tightens and her leg swings around his back. He wedges his middle finger between them and fucks her with it while he moves his hips, “I wanna feel it. I wanna feel you come for me, Y/N.” He feels her pulse and he watches her struggle with what she should do. “Relax and let it happen. It’ll feel so good, I promise. I’ve got ya.” Her face buries into his neck and he feels the start of her orgasm. “That’s my girl.” She moans his name and moan louder when he thrusts his fingers upwards. Her thighs tighten then loosen around his waist. “Feel good?”
She only nods her head in agreeance. He removes his finger and she quickly grabs his wrist, directing the finger into her own mouth. Harry is speechless. “I’m sorry.”
“Fuck, don’t be sorry. You suckin’ on my fingers like that makes me want to explode.” Y/N smiles and bites the tip of his finger before bringing it into her mouth again. He smiles at her, “Cheeky.”
They share another deep kiss but both jump at the sound of a loud clap of thunder. “I forgot about the storm.” Harry grazes her thigh and notices that the fire is dying down.
“Me too.” He kisses her nose and gets up, adjusting himself. “The fires dying a bit. How about I get it goin’ again and we get in bed?” He realizes his words are suggestive but he just wants to hold her. “I mean go to bed, like sleep.”
“I know what you meant, Harry.” She pops up off the couch and shimmies into the soft linen pajama pants. “Can I have a match for the lantern?” He hands her the tiny box and grabs her wrist before she can turn away. He pulls her to him and kisses her cheek. “I’ll sleep on the couch if you want.”
“No, you have to keep me warm.” She seems so innocent until she pecks his lips and heads to the bed in the corner. “I like this cabin.” Y/N lights the lantern then turns down the blankets and fluffs the pillows. She turns back to Harry, who is now walking toward her, unbuttoning his shirt.
“It’s quite small, but I like it too.” He hangs the shirt on a hook and runs a hand through his hair as he reaches for her, making them both tumble to the bed. She likes that he can be playful.
“Where’d you get these?” Harry rests his cheek on the top of her head and sighs heavily, glad that he has her to hold on to.
“Had a brother who went in with me but I was the only one who got out. They went right through me but I hit the ground so hard that he thought that was it for me. He was running over to me but didn’t make it.” She silent for a moment until she realizes what he’s talking about. Harry was a soldier.
Y/N kisses the scars on his chest and he kisses her forehead. “Is that why you came here?”
He holds her a little tighter and sighs, “Whenever I’d go down to the shops or see the guys, everyone would just look at me like I was a ghost like I wasn’t supposed to be the one who came home. He had a wife and a son, I don’t think she’s looked at me since it was over.”
“I’m sorry, Harry. For just everything.”
“It’s not your fault. You made getting covered in mud good again.” He sees a tiny smile creep over her face and he lifts her chin, “You know if you’re still feelin’ apologetic you could make it up to me with a kiss.”
“Oh can I, now?”
She kisses just under his ear and gives a tiny lick, “Mhmm.”  
She kicks off her pajamas pants and goes back to kissing his neck, “What’re you doin?” She doesn’t answer, she just leaves sweet nibbles on his collar bones. “You don’t have to do that; I was just kiddin’.”
“I want more of you.” Her lips barely touch his neck and her hand is resting above the band of his underwear. He can see the blanket covering them move up and down slightly as he grows for her. She moves her hand to tug at his hip, signaling him to roll on top of her. She can feel him through his pants and she lifts the shirt over her head. Harry looks down at her chest, wide eyed and heart pounding. “You’re gonna have to keep me extra warm now.”
Harry watches the goosebumps rise on her skin as well as her nipples harden. “You’re naked.”
Y/N giggles, “Yes, I am.” Her eyes float down to where he’s hard and back up to his eyes.
“What’d ya want?” He kisses the corner of her mouth, up her cheek, then stops at her ear, “What’d you want me to do?”
“Take your shorts off.” Her thumbs are already connected in the hem of them, ready to pull them down herself.
“Are you sure?” He feels her fingers wiggle and his heart beats even faster. She nods and opens her legs, allowing him to get even closer. He removes his underwear and lowers himself back between her legs. He rests himself between her slit and her hands grasp his neck. Harry licks his hand then gives himself a quick stroke before place himself back to her. “I’m not gonna go in yet, ok?”
“Ok.” He slides himself up and down, both gasping when the head of his dick hits her clit.
He grabs hold of himself and positions so that the head his at her entrance. He strokes himself but never moves forward, instead, he returns to his previous position. The new wetness allows him to glide smoothly and firmly. He takes note of the look on her face, a look of nervousness and pleasure. “All you have to do is tell me to stop, I’ll stop, love.”
“I just, is it gonna hurt? The girls told me it would hurt.”
“I wish I could tell you. We don’t have to do it. I’ll use my mouth again.” His smirk is undeniably gorgeous; she bets that he was popular with all the girls back home.
“As fantastic as that was, I want to do this.” She pulls him closer and he kisses her softly. “Just be slow.”
Harry takes a deep breath and pushes himself forward, making sure to only go in what seems like a centimeter at a time. His forearms rest beside her shoulders and hands cradle the very top of her head. “Ya okay so far?”
She’s in no pain but it feels…stretched, foreign. “Yes, keep going.” He precedes until he’s fully in her, stopping due to her frozen expression. She suddenly feels sore and much fuller than before, but it’s good. Her eyes are shut and her mouth is hanging open.
“I’m gonna move again.” She stays silent but that first thrust releases a cry from her throat. “Do I need to stop? I’m sorry.”
They can’t stop now. She feels like just needs it. “No, no.”
Harry grunts, “I wish I could tell you how good this feels.”
“Try.” She could listen to him for hours.
“Warm and wet. Feels kind of, tight around me and,” Her hips meet his and he’s taken aback. It felt so damn good and she didn’t even realize what she did. She whimpers and he lowers his head to the front of her throat. “and so fuckin’ good.” He plants kisses on her throat and stills his hips, hoping that she’ll raise her hips again.
She whines and does just what he wanted, “Please don’t stop.” He doesn’t move and she wiggles her hips again. “Harry.”
“Yes, Sweetheart?” Her hand runs through his hair and he continues to kiss her neck.
He can feel her become impatient but he’s decided that loves the sound of her begging. “Move a little bit, please? Just a little bit.”
“Your turn to tell me how you feel.”
It’s hard to think up the words with him kissing on her neck like that, “More tingly than before. It burns but it feels so good.”
He has her widen her legs and he brings a hand down to hold her hip as he thrusts. “Gonna go faster and I’m not gonna stop, ok? Not until you tell me to.” She grabs his forearm and braces herself. His hips move at a steady rhythm and while her brows are pulled together, she keeps moaning out his name. “Doin’ so good for me. Fuck.” He gets a bit ahead of himself and begins to come undone. “I have to stop, I have to.” He pulls himself out, coming into his own hand. “I’m sorry.”
He feels embarrassed and kind of an ass, “Because you didn’t- Can you hand me that towel? Thank you. You didn’t come.”
“I did once today.” He can’t help but match her silly grin.
“Let me use my mouth again. It’ll be better than the first time.” How could it get better? He begins to lower his head down onto her and the feeling of his mouth takes her back to how good she felt on the couch. “Don’t hold back. When you feel it, let it go.” He spreads her open and this time, adds two fingers. “This good?”
“Oh fuck.” He smiles as he lowers is mouth to her clit. He moves his fingers and licks hard. She’s sore and tender but it still feels unlike anything else. “Do that thing you did before.”
He curves his fingers upward and she smiles at the sensation. He sucks on her and listens to her noises carefully. She starts off breathing deeply, then tiny groans and then moans for him not to stop. He couldn’t stop if he tried. Y/N puts her hand on the back of his neck and pushes down. His fingers and mouth speed up and he looks up at her when her thighs start to shake. He then feels it, that tightening around his fingers. He removes his mouth and watches her face as she comes. She says his name repeatedly and he kisses her thigh, “Such a pretty thing.”
She shivers and Harry pulls up the blanket with his body. “Do you do that to other girls?”
His brows furrow and his hand rests on her belly, “I’ve only had eyes for one girl since I got here. Funny story actually, the first time I saw her it was just starting to rain. When I got the chance to kiss her, the lights when out. And when I made her come for me, thunder shook the house. I’m beginning to think she’s some sort of goddess, Mother Nature maybe.”
She smiles to herself, “Mother Nature?”
“A goddess.” He kisses the side of Y/N’s head and begins to whisper, “Yeah. You see, she grows beautiful flowers and all sorts of plants. She always smells like honey. She’s sweet and tastes like it, too. Her kisses are magic; they can heal all kinds of things.”
She turns her body to him so that they’re face to face, “Magic, hmm?” His arm moves around her waist, pulling her closer allowing her head to rest on his bicep.
“Come to think of it, maybe she’s a witch. She could’ve cast a spell on me to make me fall in love with her.”
“What?” Y/N gasps, but keeps a smile on her face.
His eyes almost double in size, “What?”
Still smiling, she tries to look at his face. “What did you say?”
“Nothing.” She pinches his back and he jumps. “Hey!”
“Harry Styles, you tell me what you said!” He looks at her with a pout and his eyes are sad. “Say it again.”
“Fallin’ for you.” He talks quietly, like a scared little boy or one who was just scolded for sneaking cookies before dinner. “Wasn’t sure before but I am now.”
He looks down and picks at the sheet between then but she lifts his head back up to kiss him, “Don’t have to be scared of me.” Her leg swing over his hip and nuzzles at his cheek. “Hold on to me.” He scoots her closer and smiles as her arm tucks under his, rubbing his back slightly. “I want you to fall asleep knowing I feel the same way and I want you to wake up knowing that I’m fully without a doubt in love with you.”
Harry goes to sleep thinking about flowers and Y/N. He drifts off feeling safe for the first time in a long time.
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lux-ace · 5 years
faberge.alvashie’s Inktober2k18 collection - 女の子とキツネ
Title Translation: The Girl and the Kistune
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Inktober Day 3 "Kitsune Kylo" (狐, "fox") Translation: マスクのモンスター (Monster in a mask) Story: A girl sold as a slave to the local samurai by her parents, and a demon feared and banished to the forest by the Priestess... two lonely souls find each other and find their own belonging... Would their union bring forth peace or simply end in a thorny path? *She was five years old when she was sold into slavery.
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Inktober Day 4 “Rokurokubi” (ろくろくび, "pulley neck") Translation: ろくろ首さん (Rokurokubi-san) Story: Every year the Kitsune would put a disguise seal to appear human and to bring his little friend to the Hanabi festival. On the girl’s 12th year, they met a fellow yokai in the festival. She offers her dango 🍡 in hopes to befriend the Rokurokubi. *Phasma/Rokurokubi-san that Rey/Rei wants to befriend.
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Inktober Day 5 “Makura-Gaeshi” (枕返し, "pillow flipper") Story: The Makura-Gaeshi is a child Yokai that gets your pillow and flips it as a prank. This Makura-Gaeshi, named Vivi, was caught red handed. He accidentally awakened the sleep deprived Kistune. The Kitsune’s friend tries her best to calm the flames of his anger as she helplessly clings to his back. Translation: Rey/Rei - 便*! (Ben*!) Ben - ガキ! (Brat!) BB-8/Vivi - 不毛の犬! (Barren dog!) *Ben (便) in japanese means flights
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Inktober Day 6 “Yurei” (幽霊, "ghost") Translation: Rose - クククク.. (kukukukun...) Story: Fifteen years had come and gone... She had found out her Kistune, for the life of him, cannot remember his birthday. She decided to celebrate it on they day they met. She celebrated this by reversing their roles. The Kistune as a human and the human as a Yokai. Her friend Rose, the Yurei, helped her look like a Yokai. Every time the Kistune would look at her, she couldn’t figure out if he was holding back a laugh or a grin. This made her happy. *Rose/Yurei is a friend of Rey/Rei.
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Inktober Day 7 “Tengu” (天狗, "heavenly dog") Story: At sixteen, she met a Tengu. He was beautiful, like a dark angel...like her Kitsune... She knew her Kitsune was off limits. He often refers to her as Ko (子 - child) or Moyashi (もやし - bean sprout), thus, reinforcing how he could only see her as his baby sister. She would enjoy flirting with the Tengu, only to have her over protective Kitsune fussing around her....cus hey, a girl can dream, right? *The Tengu she's flirting with is Poe Dameron.
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Inktober Day 8 “Gashadokuro” (がしゃどくろ, "rattling skull") Story: When people die and they suffer hunger in their death, they turn into the Gashadokuro. After finding out the truth about her parents, girl wondered into the pauper’s grave looking for their stone. In the darkness, the souls of the people who died of starvation merged together into a Gashadokuro. When she thought all hope is lost, her Kitsune came to the rescue. In his hand, he held the Katana blessed by Amaterasu. The blessing of the goddess granted the sword the power of the blinding light to banish evil. *The Gashadokuro is loosely based on the Rancor Pit.
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Inktober Day 9 “Umibozu” (海坊主, "sea bonze or sea monk") Story: The Umibozu is a yokai known to capsize any ship or boat that comes its way... While the Kitsune was giving the girl her first boat ride, they encountered a gentle Umibozu who chose to rock their boat instead of flipping it. The sudden rocking caused the Kitsune to lose his balance and topple over his passenger...strange... he remained in the same position even after he found his balance. Translation: クククク.. (nnnnnnnn....)
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Inktober Day 10 “Tsukumogami” (付喪神, "tool kami") Story: An old friend, the tsukumogami, had visited the Kitsune. It lost its way through the long corridors of the shrine and found its way to the girl. Frightened, she kicked and screamed, alerting her protective kitsune. He came rushing to her room in a frenzied speed. Upon the sight of him, the tsukumogami wrapped itself in glee around his his old friend and tangled itself in a hug...dragging the girl in the process... *The Tsukumogami is loosely based on porgs.
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Inktober Day 11 “Dodomeki” (百々目鬼, "many-eyed demon") Story: For so long she had kept her feelings for her kistune a secret but on her 17th birthday she decided to confess. She wore her best attire and took her time to fashion her hair. When she arrived at the meeting place, she found him with another. Bazine, a dodomeki, who steals anything she gets her hands on...had now stolen what was most precious to her... Words died in her throat and the shattered shards of her heart pricked her eyes. “He was never mine to begin with”- her conscience scolded her... as her feet carried her away in vain hope of fleeing from the heart wrenching pain...
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Inktober Day 12 “Yuuki Onna” (雪女, "Snow Woman") Story: After the incident with the Dodomeki, the girl wandered off. She stumbled upon an unlikely “friend”, Yuuki Onna. She was icy and frank like the snow she draws from. Yuuki asked her what a human like her was doing in their realm, the girl replied: “I need to find my place in this world”. The yokai laughed and told her to go home to her own world because a human never belonged in the yokai realm. The girl agreed...
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Inktober Day 13 “Betobeto-san” (べとべとさん, "Mr. Betobeto") Story: Mr. Betobeto is a yokai who follows travelers around and he just so happens to have followed a very important missing girl. With huge mouth, he decided to gossip his find to the Kistune. *Two years since Rey/Rei left him, the light inside the Kitsune was snuffed out.
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Inktober Day 14 “Otoroshi” (おとろし, "scary") Story: While the Kitsune was on his way to the human territory, the girl found solace in the town’s shrine. She had befriended a foreign monk in training, and a local Yokai guardian of the shrine, Otoroshi. Despite its harsh looks, it means no harm. It protects the shrine from the impure and those with ill will. She felt safe and comfortable in the shrine...but something feels wrong...terribly wrong... The head monk of the shrine, an old withered man, would teach his students how to banish yokais or how to bind them for use... *Rey/Rei is now 19-years old, traveling alone for two years, after she left the Kitsune. The foreign monk in training that Rey/Rei met is Finn.
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Inktober Day 15 “Shuten Doji” (酒呑童子 しゅてんどうじ - a nickname, meaning: “little drunkard”) Translation: Shuten Doji: 玉藻 (Tamamo) Kitsune: おいこの野郎! (Oi, bastard!) Story: The girl wondered around the shrine and found a small cottage almost covered by the shrine’s trees. She took a peek inside and found the Shuten Doji. The Shuten Doji smirked and grabbed her. She struggled against the iron hold of the alcohol reeking yokai. In his drunken stupor, he mumbled about how his master would be displeased of having her found him. He started calling her Tamamo (玉藻 - moss ball) and assuring her he’ll take good care of her. She wanted to kick, to scream but some unknown magic had held her. Just when she thought all hope is lost, the Kitsune burst into the doors.
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Inktober Day 16 “Ibaraki Doji” (茨木童子いばらきどうじ, “Thorn Tree Child”) Story: The Shuten Doji’s loyal chief deputy, the Ibaraki doji, was tasked to take care of the kitsune. In blind rage, the kitsune didn’t notice the seal tapped into his skin by his opponent. The seal weakened his abilities and forced him to retreat with the unconscious girl. Surprisingly, the Shuten doji and Ibaraki doji didn’t follow them. What could this seal mean? Will everything go back to the way it was?
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Inktober Day 17 “Ushirogami” (後神, “behind spirit”) Story: After the escape from the shrine, the Kistune confronted the girl about the night she ran away. Fear brewed in her belly. The thought of rejection muddled her integrity. She couldn’t look at him as he innocently asked her why... Her fear grew stronger and it captured the attention of Ushirogami. A yokai who feeds off of fear. The Kistune called her name and she was too weak to resist.. “大好きだよ” The Kistune laughed and replied: “愛してるよ”. Translation: Girl - “I really like you” Kitsune - “I love you”
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Inktober Day 18 “Kitsunebi” (狐きね, “fox fire”) Story: They say a Kitsunebi can often be seen during yokai events such as the night parade of one hundred demons, processions or meetings, and yokai wedding ceremonies... it’s formed when a fox breathes a ball of fire to light their way in the night. The Kitsune breathes the fire within set aflame by the girl. All seems to be well... except for the strange throbbing brand by the kitsune’s nape. It’s a little painful, it’s a little itchy but he could ignore it; especially in a moment like this.
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Inktober Day 19 “Jorogumo” (じょろうぐも, “entangling bride/ whore spider") Story: The strange mark on the Kistune grew more painful each day. The constant throb of pain inches his conscience to darkness. They believed him to be poisoned, so the went to an old friend, the Jorogumo. The Jorogumo is an expert in making poisons but upon closer inspection, she concluded that this was no poison. It’s a beckoning spell.
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Inktober Day 20 “Ubume” (うぶめ, “woman in late pregnancy”) Translation: Ubume - さようなら... (good bye) Kitsune - ママ (mama) Story: The kitsune had started being more open to the girl; he decided to tell her his past. His mother died giving birth to him. The grief of her spirit turned her into an Ubume. She took care of him until he was able to sprout his second tail. She then decided he was able enough to fend for himself so her spirit was able to rest in peace. *The Ubume, the Kitsune's mother in spirit, is Leia Organa.
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Inktober Day 21 - “Nopperabo” (のっぺらぼう, “faceless monk”) Story: When the Kitsune suppresses his power the throbbing pain of the mysterious seal lessened. Now that he’s feeling a bit better he decided to take a night stroll with the girl in the human territory...unbeknownst them both, a spy from the shrine had located them. The Nopperabo will soon report the progress of the Ibaraki dōji’s seal to the shrine leader.
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Inktober Day 22 - “Futakuchi Onna” (ふたくちおんな, “two-mouthed woman”) Story: The seal has been activated and the Kitsune lost his control over himself. It beckons him to its master. The Futakuchi Onna tried her best to hold him down and stop him but the Kistune was too strong for her. On the other end of the Futakuchi’s hair she held the girl to protect her from the destruction of the thrashing yokai but her efforts were futile... The girl lost her kitsune.
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Inktober Day 23 - “Kappa” (河童, “river child”) Story: She was on her way to the shrine to retrieve the kitsune. With her, she brought a staff wrapped in protective seal to be able to fight any yokai she may come to face. As she neared, she felt her staff grow heavy... A baby kappa had latched itself to her staff. *The Kappa latching on to Rey/Rei is BB-9E.
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Inktober Day 24 - “Tamamo no Mae” (たまものまえ, "Lady Duckweed") Padme - 帰って来いアナキン... (Come here, Anakin..) Story: In the depths of the Kistune’s unconsciousness, he dreams of a lady... a lady calling for someone named Anakin to come home. Strange... the voice the lady has resembles someone very important to him but he couldn’t remember who. *Lady Duckweed is Padme Amidala, Kylo Ren's grandmother.
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Inktober Day 25 - “Nurikabe” ( ぬりかべ, “Painted wall”) Rey - 家に帰ろう.. (Let’s go home...) Story: Nurikabes that got in the way were hacked in one fell swoop of the Kitsune’s katana. He’s determined to fulfil his master’s bidding. Kill her. The girl... she was happy to finally see him after so long. If coming home with him meant her death then so be it... at least she had tried...
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Inktober Day 26 - “Hitostume Kozo” (ひとつめこぞう, "one-eyed priest boy") pt1 Story: After he capture, she was brought by the kitsune to the head monk of the shrine. It’s an eerie sight to see a monk surrounded by hitotsume kozo. As the little yokais fiddles around the monk’s robes, the Kitsune asked for his next step and monk ordered him to kill her... *The head monk is Snoke, in which Kylo Ren serves under by force.
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Inktober Day 26 - “Hitostume Kozo” (ひとつめこぞう, "one-eyed priest boy") pt2 Story continues:  The Kistune’s hands trembled as he drew his sword... and delivered the killing blow... The spell is broken... and her blood splashed on his face...
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Inktober Day 27 “Wa Nyudo” (わにゅうどう, “wheel priest”) Story: The Wa Nyudo is a yokai that collects wicked souls and drags them to hell for torment. Today it brings a deliciously wicked soul. A soul of an old man. Scarred to deformity by an evil yokai, he took his hate and anger on the innocent...be it a yokai or not. He became a priest, not for virtue, but to learn the art of having power of the yokai. He twisted his sense of justice and abused his power. In his lust for power, he underestimated the Kistune. In a deceptive move and a flicker of control over the spell, the yokai stabbed through the girl’s shoulder and on to the priest’s throat... the nightmare came to an end. The girl was wounded by the shoulder but nonetheless fine. The priest drowned in his own blood. The yokais free from tyranny.
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Inktober Day 28 - “Kodama” (こだま, “Tree spirit”) Story: Deep in the forest, in a house made of a hollow tree, there was a kitsune and a girl... They were surrounded by Kodama who maintain the balance of the forest but to them, they were each other’s balance. They found the belonging the seek and bliss of paradise in one another.
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Inktober Day 29 - “Inugami” (いぬがみ, “dog spirit”) Story: The two had adopted an Inugami, a loyal service dog. Though an Inugami is made to serve their masters, they had treated it as their own child. A child... they decided to have one.
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Inktober Day 30 - “Baku” (ばく - no translation) Story: When their son had nightmares, a Baku is summoned. It eats nightmares and leaves behind good dreams. *Their baby's name is Anakin.
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Inktober Day 31 - “Hyakki Yagyo” (ひゃっきやぎょう - “the night parade of one hundred demons”) Story: Yokais and humans grew closer. Old misunderstandings and disagreements faded into history. In honour of their unity, a yearly yokai parade takes place, the Hyakki Yagyo. Within this parade is the fruit of the unity between yokai and human. Young Anakin, son of the kitsune and the girl, came from nothing and everything.
The End.
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salty-dracon · 7 years
SAFuture- Capture
Envy has an unexpected visitor in Typhon’s prison. 
The cell, to Bridget, felt like someone’s old basement. She had a cot in one corner, and lots of space to walk around in. It was a relatively old dungeon, and one she could escape from easily, if she had her spear, but it had been confiscated. She had dusted off a part of the floor with her shoe, where she was now sitting. 
“Audio log, morning of sixth day in Rubicon City. I’m... in prison... no, I’ve been captured by one of Genetika’s lackeys. He calls himself Typhon. He’s a big guy. Very muscular. He generally walks around wearing a T-shirt and jeans. He’s also wearing a harness of some sort, I think it increases his body temperature. He appears to be a reptilian mod of some sort, so I can see why he wears it... He’s been very kind to me so far. I felt unsafe around him at first because... you know... but he’s actually very kind to me. Hasn’t hurt me yet. He said he’d hate to see me die, which is hopefully a good thing. Still, I don’t intend to let my guard down around him, especially since he could easily kill me right now. I don’t have any sort of weapon on me.
Anyway, today apparently one of Typhon’s friends is coming in to visit or something. He called him Tommy and said I might not like him. That’s a bit worrying. It’s either some other, more dangerous mod, or Father.” 
Brid sighed. “Father... I don’t know what’s up with him or where he is. Typhon said that he ran into Father as we were leaving from Port de Reinnes, and he was after me. I haven’t seen him since then. I hope to god it isn’t him.”
“Bridget.“ The prison door opened. Typhon stepped in. “Breakfast.“ He served her a meal of eggs and toast.
“Thank you.“ Brid smiled. 
“May I say something for your audio log?“ he asked. 
“Of course.“
Typhon leaned in close to her ear. “Tommy and I have been longtime friends. She has no need to worry about her father. Tommy likes to flirt, and he doesn’t have good manners. That is all.”
“...Oh. But what if-“
“Trust me.“ Typhon nodded and left the room. 
“Ooookay. I guess that’s the end of that. Breakfast today is eggs and toast. Delicious. No news on Val. I doubt I’ll get any soon. Log end. Over and out.“
As Envy finished her breakfast, she yawned and went back to her cot. She heard a rough rapping on the door. 
“Come in.“
Typhon opened the cell door. He was shoved aside by a young man Brid immediately recognized. As soon as their eyes met, she sat up in shock. 
“It’s you!“ she exclaimed. 
The man had a pretty face, with wavy blonde hair with blue tips and blue eyes. He was wearing a white sweater and denim shorts, displaying a pair of prosthetic legs. The man stared at her in equal confusion. 
“Um, you two know each other?” Typhon asked.
“Yeah. Rubicon City.” Thaumas pointed to Brid. “She, uh... ”
“I... ”
“We fought.” 
“Yeah. We uh... “
“She... she won.“
“With my friend. We both won.“
“...Oh.“ Typhon pinched between his eyes. “Well, then, you two have fun together. I’ll get us breakfast. Envy, do you want any more?“
“Could you get me another slice of eggs on toast?“
“Sure.“ Typhon left the room. 
She took a moment to appreciate the fact that she was all alone with Seafrost. 
“Um... “ she started, “...hi.“
“Hi.“ Seafrost walked up to the cot and sat down next to her. “So. Looks like we caught you after all.“
“Sucks, doesn’t it?“ Bridget asked. 
“Not for me.“ He kissed her cheek. “I’ve been waiting for another kiss.“
“Can’t believe I ever called you cute,“ Bridget muttered, as Seafrost kissed her earlobe. She heard footsteps from down the hall.
“I’m back.“ Typhon walked into the cell, carrying a couple of trays with him. He handed each of them a meal of eggs on toast. He twisted the dial on his harness before speaking again. “Envy, I’d like to formally introduce you to my boyfriend Thaumas Fairbairn. He and I work closely together in the Ascended Empire.“ (AN: The colder his body is, the less Typhon feels like talking. The harness keeps him warm enough to talk, but if he wants to talk more, he’ll turn it up. He generally speaks in as few words as possible, but if he wants to speak in more, he’ll turn the dial on his harness to increase its temperature.)
“Nice to meet you again,“ Brid said. 
“Call me Tommy.” He threw his hair back. “So, who captured you?“
“The twins,“ Typhon said, without missing a beat. 
“Oh. Vivi and Thana.“ He gave a little groan. “Showoffs.“
“Speaking of which,” Typhon said, “they’re currently holding on to your friend, Envy. Genetika wants to study him for some reason.“
“He’s okay, then!“ Brid said, her expression growing a little brighter.
“For now.“ Typhon glanced at Thaumas, who was nuzzled up against Brid’s body. “I apologize for his behavior, but he’s quite the flirt. He just does it to play around. He isn’t in love.“
“Maybe I am,“ Thaumas complained. “Besides, when’s the last time we had a cute girl here?“
“If he bothers you too much, let me know, okay?” Typhon asked. 
“He’s not bothering me, don’t worry.“ Bridget let Thaumas kiss her cheek. “He’s like a puppy. He’s fine.“
“Thaumas-” Typhon scolded.
“I know, I know.“ Thaumas gave a little whine and plopped his body down on her legs. “But she’s so warm!“
“Warm?“ Brid asked, as Thaumas curled up on her legs. 
“Thaumas is like me.” Typhon touched Brid’s shoulder- it was as cold as ice. “Cold-blooded. He’s attracted to sources of warmth. I already have mine.“ Typhon pointed to his harness. “Thaumas is different. His DNA is fused with that of a fish, allowing him to breathe underwater through gills. However, in order to make room for some of his inner workings, parts of his body were removed. Specifically, his heart.“
“His heart?!“ Brid exclaimed. Her hand slipped to his chest. Her eyes widened as she realized she couldn’t feel a heartbeat. “Oh no, that’s terrible!“
Thaumas didn’t respond- he was asleep on top of her lap, using her thigh as a pillow. 
“His blood vessels are filled with pumps that circulate blood through his body. Ergo, he is still alive. However, his body is much colder than yours, because of his gills.”
“Aww, poor guy!“ Brid stroked his hair as Typhon continued. 
“Do not feel sorry for him. It was the price he paid for the life he wanted. Without Genetika, he might have died of starvation long ago.“
“So why doesn’t he wear a harness?“ Brid asked. 
“His skin is delicate. It’ll burn him.“
Brid nodded and continued stroking Thaumas’s hair. Typhon gently rubbed the small of his back, eliciting a small purring sound from Thaumas. 
“Leave him like this. He had a long flight over, and needs his rest.“ Typhon stroked his back again. “Rub him right there. It’ll make him happy.”
As Typhon left the cell and locked it, Brid gently rubbed the small of Thaumas’s back. She once again heard his soft purring. He squeezed her leg tighter and smiled. 
“You’re just like a puppy, aren’t you?“ Brid whispered. 
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rosebloodcat · 7 years
When Arthur is four, his mother and father explain that they are different from other people.
His father, Tristan Kingsmen, is a human, with two arms, two legs, and an ever warm body. He has sandy blonde and brown hair with dark brown eyes and works as a special policeman for people who are different, like Arthur and his Mama.
His mother, Clara, is not. Clara is a Naga, with two arms, a cold body, and a long scaly tail that extends from her waist down. She has auburn hair and pretty amber eyes and her scales are the same color as her hair. She met his Daddy at work and fell in love.
Arthur is cold and has a tail too, and they tell him that is why he can't go out an play with the other kids in his neighborhood. He is too young to truly understand why, but he listens to them, and stays inside and plays with the special sitters that watch him during the day.
Arthur is six when his mother first gives him his talisman.
“You need it to live with humans,” she tells him. “Most think snakes are scary, so they don't like people like us. Understand?” He doesn't but he wears it every time he leaves the house, just like she told him to. She wants him to get get in the habit of carrying it everywhere with him.
His parents intend to send him to a human school, since their education system is much more thorough and expansive than what's offered for “special” people. They want their little boy to live his life to the fullest, and to choose his future based on what he likes most, over what is simply offered to him.
It's the first time Arthur's allowed to go out and play at the park down the road, so he's happy.
When he's nine, Arthur gets his first glimpse of how mean other kids can be. Specifically the human kids.
A group of boys from his class find a little garden snake in the bushes at school, and take turns picking it up and poking at it with sticks. Only Arthur can hear it yelling for them to stop and to leave it alone. He tries to get them to stop, they don't listen to him and even start trying to pick on him for not being “tough enough” to handle a snake.
Then a group of older kids show up, hit a few of the younger boys, and kill the snake by stomping on it's head.
The boys and Arthur start crying and a teacher shows up and scolds the older boys for hitting other kids, and the younger boys for playing with the “dangerous” snake. Arthur is the only one crying for the snake that just wanted to be left alone.
The incident stays with him.
Arthur is eleven, his parents pass away.
His Uncle Lance is visiting them and is left watching Arthur when a sudden call comes in and both his parents have to leave. He's amazed by his Uncle, who works as a Mechanic. Arthur loves machines and computers, so it's easy for the two to bond.
Lance is in the middle of telling him about something funny his Dad did when they were kids, when one of his Dad's coworker's comes in, his face grim. Uncle Lance tries to keep him from hearing by sending him upstairs, but Arthur hides at the top and hears the officer tell his uncle that his mom and dad died trying to contain a group of anti-cryptid extremists when they attacked one of the hidden markets for “special people”.
It's only when Arthur bursts into tears later that evening that Lance discovers the boy had eavesdropped on the conversation. Comforting people has never been a strong suite for Lance, but for his nephew, he certainly tries. It marks the start of a long difficult period for both their lives.
With no other living family, Arthur is sent to live with his Uncle. His uncle's home town of Tempo is out in the desert, so Arthur knows his chances of being left in the cold are rather low.
At thirteen, Arthur meets and interesting boy in his middle school.
Arthur has always been shy and rather quiet, which lead to him being bullied in his new school. Part way into winter, which was much colder than Arthur had expected of a desert town, he is suffering from the kind of lethargy and chills that all Nagas have to deal with. His sluggish reactions and dulled reflexes have made him a easier target than usual, and very few people tended to stand up to bullies. Which was why he was surprised when someone from one of his classes rescued him, and chased away the kids who thought they'd “have some fun” with him.
The boy's name was Lewis Pepper (who was technically older than him by a couple months), a very tall and strong boy from his grade with a love of the color mauve and Alpacas. And a powerful dislike for bullies of any kind. The boy was very kind, helping Arthur to the nurse's office, collecting his scattered things, and reporting the bullies to the teachers. The clearest thing he remembered of the whole ordeal was that Lewis was very warm, both his manner and his body.
Later, when Lewis approached him for tutoring in math and science, Arthur instantly agreed intending to pay the other boy back for his kindness. He meets Lewis' family when he goes over after school to their restaurant, Pepper Paradiso. He quickly find that finds that he likes them. Mr. Pepper is bouncy and nice to talk to and his sweets are really good, Mrs. Pepper is scary but very kind, and Lewis' three little sisters are curious and excitable.
He surprises them all when he ends up bonding with the eldest daughter, Cayenne, after she tries to scare him by putting her pet snake on his shoulder.
It's the start of a wonderful friendship.
When Arthur is fifteen, the two join a paranormal club.
Lewis joins because he loved the supernatural. The monsters, the ghosts, the cryptids, the myths and stories, it all fascinated the purple haired boy. The sense of mystery and adventure was like a drug for him. Arthur joined for his friend, and for the technology. It amazed him how the human-made devices could detect things that even cryptids like him could miss.
Heading the club was a blue-haired girl named Vivi Yukino, she was three years older than them but she had a boundless kind of energy that made the whole club come alive. Everything about her reminds Arthur of a clear, sunny day, from her clothes to her bright smile. She draws both boys to her, her brightness and open acceptance call to Lewis, and her honest appreciation of his tech and hard work call to Arthur. Even when the other club-members leave, the three stay together.
When Vivi first introduces her dog Mystery, Arthur is nervous. He knows dogs sometimes attack snakes, and he's worried about how the canine will react to him. His worry is misplaced, and finds he enjoys the little dog's company. He can sense that there's more to Mystery than Vivi thinks and he can tell the “dog” feels the same way about him, but they come to an unspoken truce to not call each other out. Personally, Arthur thinks Mystery enjoys having someone who takes him seriously and often talks to the dog about things that worry him.
High school turns out to be a pretty good experience for Arthur.
Arthur is eighteen when Vivi suggests they form a paranormal hunting group.
Vivi has already earned her degree in Mythology, using online classes to help speed up the process. Since Lewis and Arthur still needed money to get their degrees, she suggested they take a year off to save up money and the paranormal cases would be a way for them to earn extra cash, in addition to the jobs they already had.
“And it would be something we could all do together,” She says sunnily, beaming at them. But there was no denying the hopefulness in her tone. It's all she needs to make both boys cave in and agree.
The work is more stressful than Arthur would like, but the relief and thanks of their costumers make it all worth while. Very few of the cases involve real ghosts or cryptids, but being a detective is fun and all the machines and tricks the crooks use are cool and he tends to take a moment to interrogate the culprits about how they built their tricks. He keeps an entire folder on his computer about the stuff he learns and he vows to use it for good whenever he can. Vivi approves of his plan and helps him take notes for it.
As time goes on, they all enjoy the work so much that both boys take their college classes online so they can keep working on cases. Arthur uses the money he saved from taking online classes to buy a van for the group, and paints their logo onto the side of it as a surprise for his friends. They all love it.
When Vivi and Lewis start dating the next year, all Arthur can say is “It's about time.”
Arthur is twenty when he realizes he's fallen for both his friends.
They accept all his flaws, applaud his skills, and generally make the Naga feel warm and safe and loved. But Lewis and Vivi are dating each other and humans generally don't agree with relationships involving more than two people. They've all play-flirted with each other (as close friends sometimes do), but he doesn't think either views him in that way. His heart starts to clench painfully whenever he sees the couple cuddle and kiss.
It's only made harder by the knowledge that neither are aware of what Arthur really is. Memories of how humans dislike snakes, the (false) rumors of what Nagas are really like, and the general disdain of beings that aren't human keep him silent. The only one he tells of his worry and feelings is Mystery. He doesn't even tell his uncle. He can tell the not-dog is sympathetic to him, but he can't help wishing the canine would drop his “pet” act long enough to give Arthur advice about it.
He knows they love the paranormal, but would his friends really be okay with what he was?
Arthur is twenty-one is when everything goes wrong.
His strange mix of fear and love had started to create a rift between Arthur and his friends, though only he and Mystery seem to notice.
They stop by a creepy, glowing cave that was (once-upon-a-time) a tourist attraction that Vivi heard about and go in to explore. But the next thing Arthur remembers is waking up in a hospital a week later with his arm gone, his best friend missing, his other friend unable to remember their missing member, and him suddenly suffering from an unexplainable case of cynophobia.
He hates it, the hospital is too cold and it's taking far too long for him to heal. He hates the prosthetics the doctors have shown him. They're all too clunky and awkward and why hasn't anyone used the cool tech he's seen during their cases to make something better yet? He starts making plans for a better limb, and the doctor are excited by what he shows them and say that if it works they'll help him get grants for the limbs.
Vivi's memory worries him, because it's like someone went through her head and systematically removed every memory that related to Lewis. She's mostly okay, and the memory loss doesn't seem to've changed her, but he still worries.
His fear of Mystery hurts, because the not-dog had become his confident and comfort through the years and now he had trouble just being in the same room as the canine.
But it's Lewis' disappearance that bothers him the most. He feels terrible every time the Peppers (who had become like extended family to him) would come to visit him, and wants his friend/crush to come home. And he can't go back to the cave to look for the taller boy, because he hadn't been paying attention during the drive and couldn't remember where the cave was.
By the time he's released, Arthur's plans for the prosthetic are complete, and he's sworn to find Lewis and bring him back. Even if it takes the rest of his life.
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didsomeonesayventus · 7 years
story beats/ideas for Dissidia fic I’ll probably never write lol:
Much larger cast (official roster between all three releases and then some) to hopefully encompass a good representation for all the games so it’s more 3-5 characters from a game instead of like 2 but that also means maybe some weird placements in Team Chaos
First Cycle cuz we saw cycle 12 and 13 but I think first would be interesting because literally everyone is confused and not sure what’s going on and Chaos/Cosmos are (shrug emoji)
more a battle to set things up for the battles to come so there’s a lot of “look this will determine if we’ll keep you to fight the good fight” to explain massive cast
tho since everyone is shrug emoji and this is the establishing battle it’s largely not even an actual war-type thing these two “armies” are being parsed out to approach Summons to be used and more an arms race to who can catch ‘em all and enlist these magical nigh-divine beings as aid
basically everyone breaks out into parties on both sides and each one goes out to a different summon for magical diplomacy and also fighting
which turns this into a more war-like setting because hey man if they can’t get the summons becuz they’re dead then they can’t win because we’ll be wiping the floor with their innards >:3c
tho literally everyone is amnesiac this time around so no one knows what the hell is going on besides the occasional memory jolt and their names
banter! plot references! bizarrely accurate chemistry between characters who would otherwise never meet! man don’t you just love thinking about this instead of researching like 30+ characters to get their personalities right :))))))))))))
(in other words the following will largely be characters I actually understand SO FORGIVE ME FOR NOT INCLUDING UR FAVE ALRIGHT THIS IS ROUGH IDEAS >:U)
Yuna takes up a very “heart of the team” sort of role on Team Cosmos and insists on doing a lot of the healing and diplomacy when people get touchy.
Yuna also is one of the people approaching Aeons/Eidolons/Summons w/ entourage, some other ones are Noctis and Terra, maybe Aerith, basically people very closely associated with summons/divine things in FF
Luna is on team Chaos because plot references and Kefka has a field day lampshading how Luna seems way too goody-two-shoes to be on team Chaos look at her she doesn’t even have fanservice
Versus-XIII’s “we were friends and now we’re enemies and maybe want to be lovers but can’t” ideas with Luna and Noct finding out about one another and going “I KNOW U AND ALL I KNOW IS I LIKE U BUT ENEMIES :’(”
Chaos actually is really happy that Luna’s on his team because that makes at least one summon easier to get tho actually Chaos might be a dick and make her go out and get all of them since she’s already proficient at it and they don’t have a lot of dudes with the proper resume and then kills her off/sends her back to Eos to keep her out of Cosmos’s clutches
If so then Chaos sends everyone out to different summons to just cause trouble and try to kill these losers
Maybe Ardyn??? probably Ardyn name reveal but IDK why he’d particularly gloat about it????
Tuna? Tuna.
Tidus and Yuna are cute that’s what im saying.
Yuna also does a Sending whenever someone dies regardless of protest because for her it’s at least important to confirm that they won’t come back as a fiend or unsent and it just helps her cope but Tidus really doesn’t like it cuz she’s always so sad
Noct is v shy and doesn’t hang around the group and is also extremely Tired(tm) all the time as well as lonely af BUT he kinda sets up checking in on everyone to fill the Ignis-shaped hole in his heart
Terra too but she’s more willing to open up and be friendly tbh she probably becomes great BFFS with Vivi.
Warrior of Light is that one mom friend
uH haven’t really invested much in IX but Zidane and Garnet get cute moments and form a nice team
tbh there is actually probably a lot more flirting across pairings even tho canon ones will still be canon (e.g. Tidus seeing Lunafreya and callin her pretty and gettin all up on Noct when he goes “YES U I KNO U”)
ooo Aerith/Squall sounds like it’d be cute
I think that’s all I really have I know I’m missing a lot of characters and my X and XV bias is showing just kinda yells because writing with a cast this big and diverse is hard because you gotta think about all these people across fifteen damn games ain’t nobody got time for this but I can at least jot down concepts.
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cassandra’s enemies
so the first should be obvious: any capellan that finds out cassandra was one of the people who unleashed atlas. not everyone’s gonna be as understanding as vivi, and there are a lot of capellans that would do anything to have someone to pin all the blame on.
second of all: leftover members of a cult that kills augurs. winfrid was killed by them, and cassandra was nearly killed by a member of that cult too. it took all of her allies (keandra, paola, jayjay, owl, and brooklyn) to protect her while she was. you know recovering.
third: okay so while cassandra was on pyrrah there was an attempted coup?? and of course because cassandra was bffs with the queen and keandra was the queen’s little brother they helped stop it. so idk if people are still mad about that they might come after her.
and finally- here’s the big one, because this. is actually going to happen when i rewrite season one: we’re gonna call the scientist who created jayjay and owl dr. h. cassandra left dr. h’s fate in the hands of jayjay and owl, and they decided to have her be put on trial and thrown in jail, for reasons that i will discuss when i talk about jayjay and owl. one of dr. h’s allies comes after cassandra for revenge or as part of some scheme she has with dr. h.  i won’t say what exactly happens, but. it’s not good for cassandra.
but yeah, those are the people/enemies that might come after cassandra
earth’s gravity
okay so, because earth’s gravity is so much weaker than capella’s, cassandra will wake up some nights, usually disoriented by her visions, and feel almost completely weightless- like she’s just going to fly off the surface of the earth. this is a terrifying experience for cassandra- despite the fact that she loves floating in her ship’s gravity chamber, the feeling like she’s going to fly right off the earth is so scary because she has no control over it.
if she’s sleeping alone, she’ll grab the edges of the mattress, as if trying to keep herself from flying away. if she’s with splinter, she’ll usually accidentally wake him up when she wakes up, and ask him to either hold her or lay on her. the feeling of his arms holding her tightly or the weight of his body on top of her makes her feel grounded. he’ll usually whisper affirmations to her (”you’re safe, you’re alright, this is real, i’m here, nothing’s going to harm you”) until she relaxes enough to fall back asleep.
does cassandra get jealous?
it depends, really. cassandra tends to get sad jealous rather than angry jealous (’oh, of course they don’t love me, who could love someone like me, they’ll be happier with them, etc etc). and it does take quite a bit to get her to despair like that: if her s/o is just hanging out with someone else or someone’s flirting with them, and she feels secure in their relationship, she’s fine with it. they can take care of themselves (usually).
however she DOES get angry jealous in amnesiac!splinter verse, because they AREN’T together, and she’s terrified that he’ll fall in love when he has amnesia, and when he gets his memories back, he’ll love that other person more than her.
cassandra & sarcasm 
all versions of cassandra can get pretty hurt by sarcasm. there’s a fine line between what cassandra interprets as joking around, and what she is actually hurt by. i’d say cassalyn and snowball are the most sensitive about it, because cassandra’s pretty used to because of paola’s very sarcastic nature.
how does cassandra grieve?
she’ll isolate herself, mostly, and usually go from surrounding herself with things that remind her of/belonged to the person she’s grieving to getting as far away from anything that reminds her of them as possible.
(in verses where splinter dies, this would mean that cassandra goes from staying locked in splinter’s room for days, only to alternate to staying in her apartment for days on end)
cassandra will rarely speak and rarely eat, and honestly the only who can get her to take care of herself is paola.
i keep saying that in these situation it’s only paola who can get cassandra to take care of herself, and that’s mostly because paola knows how cassandra grieves and how to deal with it. cassandra was practically lifeless after dulcie’s death, and while paola helped take care of cassandra during this time, it was only the revelation of what the yellow flowers in cassandra’s dreams were and actually going to earth that put some life back into cassandra’s eyes.
i would argue that dulcie’s death was the lowest point of cassandra’s life, and that remains constant- even in most aus. cassandra felt closed off from the rest of the galaxy, despite keandra and brooklyn staying around her. but it…it was this distant thing. not the comfort cassandra needed, you know?
in verses where splinter dies, cassandra does have her family and she does get out of bed and takes care of herself better than she does after dulcie. she has her family to live for.
in the wheels au, cassandra stays by donnie’s side as long as she can. that whole avoidance bit goes away if the person is still alive. paola forces her to go to work, but cassandra is still grateful that donnie’s alive.
cassandra adjusting to life on earth
the thing about adjusting to earth’s climate and gravity is that everything that’s different from capella (hotter temp, lower gravity) was a million times worse on pyrrah.
it was so much hotter on pyrrah than it is on earth, and definitely than it was on capella. so cassandra eventually got used to that. and pyrrah’s gravity was like..8 or so meters per second squared, so cassandra had lived in a place with even lower gravity than earth’s. it’s still not easy, and i’ve mentioned that cassandra sometimes wakes up feeling weightless and panics, but…it’s not as bad.
as for culture…cassandra lived in france for the first…two years? i think it was? maybe three- on earth, and cassandra had done a lot of research on earth in general, but especially on france, in the two months it took her to get there. i haven’t really thought much about her time in france- that’s something i need to work on tbh
cassandra doesn’t understand american politics at all. on capella there was lot more involvement in politics and everyone was critical of it- especially because of the ‘capellan cycle’, where a government would exist on capella for a few centuries before being overthrown and replaced for a few more centuries. so especially for cassandra, who was the daughter of a political thinker and revolutionary, and a capellan who grew up at the end of the current government’s cycle, she grew up very critical of authority and very aware of what was going on in the government. so the way americans know they’re unhappy with their government, but always know exactly what’s wrong with it or how to fix it, and are at times unwilling to put in the effort to change it…doesn’t make sense to cassandra
another thing cassandra doesn’t understand is like…consumerism. like this culture of constantly buying more, or espECIALLY things being made to be broken and replaced. for most of capella’s history resources were scarce, so shit had to be built to last for a LONG time. and this mindset never went away, even when capella began trading with other planets. so cassandra’s just ???? at how everything on earth is made to be replaced.
cassandra & drowning
cassandra is terrified of drowning. like…shoot her, stab her, let her pass away from sickness or old age…just don’t drown her or suffocate her. 
i’d imagine her fear comes from actually having visions in her sleep of her drowning, and then there was the time she actually almost drowned. it happened when brooklyn was with her, and her leg got caught in sinking wreckage of a ship they were on. it was easily one of the top five most terrifying experiences of cassandra’s life
cassandra & lying
cassandra’s a decent liar when she wants to be but she sometimes acts nervous when telling the truth, which means she ends up looking like a liar when she’s actually being truthful
the day capella fell
cassandra always gets very solemn and quiet on the day capella fell, lost in her own thoughts and guilt, and she usually reaches out to keandra (and to a lesser extent, brooklyn) on that day because they’re all in bad places on that day.
also consider- everyone knowing this is a bad day for cassandra and doing their best to make her smile in their own ways. everyone gives her 100x more hugs and makes sure she knows that they love her
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