#vivat rex
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sowelimaxima · 1 year ago
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most of cringe #witchy tumblr needs to see this i think
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joshisnotarobot · 2 years ago
If anyone ever sincerely called me a mollycoddle to my face, I don't think I'd ever recover.
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cloverachiever · 2 years ago
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Vivat Rex
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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Vivat Rex! Vivat Rex Carolus! Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
Let the new Carolean Age begin....
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quidam-sirenae · 6 months ago
Viva la vida in Latin
Mundum Habui
Mares crescit, verbum dedi
Somno solo in mane nunc
Mundavi viam teneo tunc
Alea iacta est
Sentio in hostis timores
Inquit vulgi canant vox
Rex mortuus est, diu vivat rex
Clostum custodivi
Deinde muri claudat mihi
Et invenire sunt castrum stat
In columnae salis et Sabuloque.
Clocca audeant iurusulus,
Equites canant romanus
Ferrum scutum eritis vitrum,
Apostolus in novum agrum,
Enim causa nescio
Cum reliquat numquam
Non verbum verum
Quoque imperaveri tum.
Ventus scelus et ferus est
Quod in austium delet et
Res fractis sono cornoque
Non poterant existo ut credere.
Coniurati clamat
Caput meus in disco, at
Solum falsus et vacuus sum
Qui desideretne regnum.
+Non sanctum clamas cogito
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emmashouldbewriting · 11 months ago
“i cannot express how much i actually adore this photo, it's just so so lovely”
Isn’t it just?!
So, so pleased His Majesty is doing well. I will keep my fingers crossed that he listens to his doctors (and his wife) and paces himself accordingly, on the long road to remission.
Vivat Rex 🇬🇧
it's just such a warm and fuzzy picture, you can really feel their bond in it!
agreed, i hope he doesn't strain himself and takes care in his return. he's already given us so much of himself!
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thisbluespirit · 2 years ago
Tagged by @pers-books
Last listened to: The Light - Sara Bareilles. Although I am also listening (in other types of audio) to the BBC's Vivat Rex and enjoying it very much (currently on the Henry IV installment with Robert Hardy, Martin Jarvis, Robert Powell, Anthony Quayle & Patrick Troughton).
Reading: The Element of Fire by Martha Wells, but I've only just started it.
Watching: As I may have mentioned, Glorious 39 (2009), which I'm enjoying, especially for the Romola Garai. (Currently fairly confident that Bill Nighy is the actual instigator of the Sinister Plot, but less sure about where everyone else stands or who's most likely to die next.)
Current obsession: idk, maybe my current origfic is the nearest I can think of, but I'm not sure I am obsessed with anything at the moment!
Tagging: @herawell @lurking-latinist @basiltheratatouille @maryellencarter @captain-aralias @jurijurijurious @mariocki and anyone else who wants to do it, including the important people I should most definitely not have forgotten!
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justasightseer · 2 years ago
This isn't my favourite Alfred edit but it's a good enough medium for appreciating S1 and S2 Alfred.
Vivat Rex Alfredos. 👑
To Alfred the Great. 🍻
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essaytime · 9 months ago
Polski Tumblrze Trylogii, błagam, czy ktoś ma jakieś dobre zdjęcie kadru "Vivat Carolus Gustavus rex" z napisami? Będzie mi potrzebny na poniedziałek
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viking369 · 1 year ago
One day I'll duck too slow, and at Westminster they'll call out "Vivat Rex" for some other man.
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Westminster Abbey, London, England | June 2019
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for-valour · 2 years ago
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THAT SMILE! George VI during the Royal state visit to the United States, June 1939.
gifs made by @for-valour
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thecrownedlioness · 5 years ago
our past.
Cordelia shows up in Abbadon’s apartment, still smelling of smoke. The blonde is glaring, lowkey blaming him for what she and her girls just had to do. As if dragging someone into the radioactive wasteland wasn’t bad enough, burning them to death is another matter entirely. "Abbadon.”
He takes a sip from his mug, running a hand through his dark hair, heavy purple bags under his eyes. “It’s done then? Mikey’s dead?”
Cordelia nods solemnly. "He’s dead and... taken care of, yes."
His shoulders relax, a grin creeping onto his lips. He whispers a victorious yes!... which is immediately followed by...a strange...heaviness in his gut. Probably the coffee. 
Cordelia lifts her chin and exhales out of her nose. "I leave it all in your capable hands, Your Majesty. I'll see you soon."
“Hey, Cordelia!” He says, letting the lighter drop to the floor and standing, “Tell me—what were his last words?”
She pauses, facing away from him. Something about this little shit made her not want to give him an ounce of satisfaction from all of this... But she needs to pick her battles. Cordelia looks at him in his eyes. For some reason there are tears in her own. "He said, Please, he'll hurt her. Then he cried the name Summer."
He scoffs, bending down to pick up the lighter, “Figures. He knew Pussycat would be mine if anything ever happened to him. He just wasn’t banking on me knowing people powerful enough to do it.”
She sighs and says, "I hope you'll be a better king than he would've been. We'll see." Cordelia nods, and transmutes from the room. She and her coven will need to emotionally and physically rest after that ordeal.
Abbadon can’t suppress a little smile. The King is dead. Long live the King.
@theuncrowneddestroyer @thecrownedbeast
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sunlit-music · 5 years ago
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Vivat Rex. Volume one. Narrated by Richard Burton. By: the BBC.
You can listen to this fascinating and exciting audio book on the audible app.
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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A soldier marches not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.
- G.K. Chesterton
The largest ceremonial operation for 70 years. A spectacular display of military precision and professionalism by the British armed forces for the coronation of King Charles III.
Vivat Rex Carolus.
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memorylcst · 3 years ago
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vivat rex | chrom ( long live the king )
virtus laudata crescit | robin ( greatness increases with praise )
sol lucet omnibus | stahl  ( the sun shines on everyone )
dum spiro spero | cynthia ( while I breath I hope )
lux tua nos ducat | lucina ( your light guides us )
dis aliter visum | grima ( it seemed otherwise to the gods )
this is our family; we found it | shepherds 
viribus unitis | morgan ( united forces )
viribus unitis | marc ( united forces )
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persephinae · 7 years ago
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- you never know.. the king MIGHT stop by..
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