#vitrumbra: taro
emmatriarchy · 6 months
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"You did not see what I did, did you?" Popping claws and maiming some mutant hater was not something she wanted anyone to see.
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doomedwarlock · 3 months
@vitrumbra - one liner
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" Y'alright kid ? You look like yer gonna puke - If you are though , the streets of Gotham are the place to do it . Trust me . I'm kind of an expert . "
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droidsplode · 3 months
@vitrumbra said: “ It was too much. ” ( taro !! )
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" I'm sorry you had to go through that . It's over now . " Robot says. Should he be the one comforting them after the attack? This really isn't his area of expertise. He deliberately stays in his drone because he's afraid his actual demeanor and tone of voice would somehow be inappropriate in this moment.
He isn't even really sure what happened. The villain has been reprimanded and dealt with- the reason why they came after Taro entirely unknown to him. " ...Are you hurt ? Do you need medical attention ? "
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svperboi · 1 month
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" All I did was try my best, this the kinda thanks I get? " he shouts, watching as the reporters rush to the other Supermen, specifically the cyborg, with their fevered questions. leaving the teen with the slowly receding crowd, frowning as he crossed his arms over his chest. seriously, he did all the work and this guy just happens to help, and the teen gets tossed aside like yesterday's newspaper.
" What's he got that I don't? " he asks the person next to him, not really seeing who he was talking to as he throws his hand out in the cyborg's general direction, " Seriously, he's such a poser. "
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@vitrumbra | Taro liked for a starter!
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halfdent · 1 month
❝   I  believe  in  a  𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫  𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡  though  this  isn't  it  for  me  .  ❞     Hell  awaits  he  is  certain  of  it  ,  it  waits  looming  over  every  corner  yet  with  patience  .  So  it  goes  .
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❝     I  could  say  I  was  superstitious  ; 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡  𝐚𝐧𝐝  𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞  𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫  𝐢𝐭  is  something  I  am  all  too  familiar  with  to  question  the  existence  of  such  phantoms  .  Maybe  that  is  what  I  have  become  in  this  life  .  𝐀 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 .  -  I watch myself time and time again , watch it all happen to me , watch what I do to this city , to the guilty and the innocent and I am 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬  to stop it . Is that not what a ghost is ?  ❞    
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* @vitrumbra ✘ /𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐃: ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ( from taro ) ― 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑻𝒀 𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺.
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sparkles0n · 1 month
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diaboliquet · 2 months
[ MAYBE ]ㅤ ONE LINER STARTERS,ㅤ @vitrumbra.
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCKING AT THE DOOR,ㅤ Gambit idles in the doorway to one of the dorm rooms, glancing at the newest student at Xavier's: Taro Linneaus. Taro is different.ㅤTaro is sad, in a way.ㅤThere's an almost melancholia surrounding Taro that he isn't sure is the truth, isn't sure if it's merely softheartedness for the new student and the lost soul seeping through.ㅤ ❝ Thought I'd stop by to check in, ❞ㅤ he says to them, with a slight, tentative smile, lest he come across as overly concerned and a bit overbearingㅤ ⸺ ㅤlike he's coddling them.ㅤ ❝ How're you settling in? Need me to help with anything? ❞
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pridepoisoned · 4 months
@vitrumbra sent: " i've met a lot of disgusting people. you feel strikingly similar to one. " ( taro </3 )
"How rude. Especially coming from someone who wandered into my restricted labs to begin with--I'm truly wounded," Eris retorts, her unbothered, dangerous smile signifying otherwise. "For one so deeply in the wrong, you have quite the sharp tongue on you--I'd hate to make this encounter more public than it needs to be, hm? All your records and data, strewn across Hoenn for all to see...now there's a scary thought."
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"And still, I'm also intrigued. You'll tell me more about these 'disgusting people,' yes? I'd hate for your whereabouts to fall into the wrong hands..."
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magnifiico · 2 months
" here's the thing, um- i'm not magic. " ( taro :') )
@vitrumbra || insert the most excited lil gasp!
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“Ah, so I'm to believe that little teleportation trick of yours is simply . . . what, excellent physical shape?” And he'd be almost inclined to believe such a thing, had the other shown any signs of actually running from their previous location: a blur of color, perhaps, a whisper of wind upset by the disturbance—but no, Magnifico's rather certain impressive speed has nothing to do with it. (Impressive something, however . . . ? Oh, most definitely. It's saying far too little claiming this has merely piqued the king's interest.)
In a trailing beat of quiet, his fingers curl thoughtfully in front of his mouth, and an inquisitive gaze assesses the youth in a slow up-and-down. “Magic or not, I'm going out on a limb here to say it's certainly . . . unique.” Teleportation spells, after all, are nothing to sneeze at. “Is that self-taught?”
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emmatriarchy · 1 year
it's just asking for trouble. ( from taro; for livewire!! )
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Sparks flew from Leslie's fingers. The former rogue was not fully reformed, but she had grown a sense of protecting those who seemed innocent. Hanging out with a certain hunk of Smallville raised meat did that to her.
"Tell me who to hit," she told the youngster. "And I will make them go away."
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ghetsis · 2 months
" i think my time is...just about over...? i think! "
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"Oh, yes. Your probation period was coming to an end, wasn't it? Let me see... Oh, it seems to have ended over a week ago and your contract position has begun. This is good news! It means you will now be in a paid position rather than an internship. You are still free to leave, of course, but as was stated in your onboarding paperwork, breaking your contract will require you to repay the cost of training and materials you received during your internship."
Yes, that's legal.
"Laboratory equipment is rather expensive as is the time of our scientists, so I recommend you stick around to receive a few paychecks, at least. Besides, you're now eligible to participate in more advanced projects! Isn't that wonderful?"
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1mpulsee · 10 months
They're confused at first. Perhaps they didn't even think the news was true, perhaps they just didn't want to accept that one of their only friends was now gone, that the one who was so confident in them was another voice in the winds of the dead. Though they couldn't hear his like the rest.
Taro didn't think they were going to accept it. Just keep saying he'll be back, that he'd randomly be there like he always is. They just needed to wait a little longer.
They would good at waiting.
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aetherceuse · 10 months
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yea . - taro
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Another essentially useless card is pushed away from in front of her--
And then pulled back, giving it one more look.
"Explain more about row four, column two."
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psycadenza · 1 year
@vitrumbra : " yeah. i don't believe that. " / araceae
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“ w - well … “ Tristan shifted nervously, but his expression was stiff .
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“ it sounds like you’ve already made up your mind . about ME, maybe . but I’m telling you everything you need to know . “
“ it’s nice to meet you, by the way . “ said dully .
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brutalage · 10 months
if you had to be a raccoon or opossum which would you choose.
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" AS IF I would be any of those creatures . it isn't even worth humoring you for . "
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quillheel · 10 months
This is Robin :)
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" Would you look at that, I didn't realize we had such an artiste here. You really captured my likeness, better than the CCTV cameras could ever home to dream. "
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