cbd-vitalshop · 5 years
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Hallo Community Werbung/Repost VITAMIN D TROPFEN - HOCHDOSIERT - 20 ML DAS SONNENSCHEIN-VITAMIN! Wie wir alle bereits aus der Schule wissen, trägt Vitamin D zur Erhaltung normaler Knochen bei. Lange Zeit galt Vitamin D insoweit vor allem als ein reiner Knochenstärker, denn man brachte einen Vitamin D-Mangel immer vorwiegend mit Rachitis (Knochenerweichung bei Kindern), auch „englische Krankheit“ genannt, in Verbindung. Der Grund dafür war, dass eine große Anzahl an Kindern, die in den dunklen Hinterhöfen der englischen Großstädte aufwuchsen, daran erkrankte. Ihnen mangelte es schlicht an Sonnenlicht. Neueste Studien jedoch zeigen, dass Vitamin D weitaus mehr kann als „nur“ unsere Knochen zu stärken. Es spielt grundsätzlich für unsere Gesundheit eine immens wichtige Rolle. Vitamin D ist ein kraftvolles Schutzschild gegen viele Gefahren, die unsere Gesundheit beeinträchtigen können. Wer zu wenig Vitamin D bekommt wird auf Dauer krank.für noch mehr Informationen https://Christianrischmann.naturavitalis.de . 🔷Link in bio🔷 #vitamind #omega #sun #vitaminb #sunshine #health #vitamindandcalcium #wellness #calcium #vitamins #beach #relax #spring #tanning #tan #summer #healthy #fitness #love #ostelin #healthylifestyle #happy #beauty #vitaminc #sonne #iherb #vegan #californiagoldnutrition #fish #strongathletixx (hier: Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bye1-4CAZ2V/?igshid=o3qsxx866hay
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rebeccameyer2-blog · 8 years
Osteoporosis Nutrition Guide For Bone Health
Osteoporosis makes your bones weak and increases the risk of broken bones. The people suffering from osteoporosis must eat a healthy nutritional diet to lower the chances of fractures. Vitamin D and Calcium are the most essential nutrients required by the people suffering from osteoporosis.
Calcium is essential for the formation of strong and healthy bones whereas vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium in body.
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How Much Calcium and Vitamin D Should You Get?
The amount of calcium and vitamin D you should get daily depends on your age and gender.
The recommended amount of calcium by an individual at different age groups is:
The recommended amount of calcium for kids of age 1-3 years is 700 milligram per day.
The recommended amount of calcium for kids of age 4-8 years is 1,000 milligram per day.
For teenagers the recommended amount of calcium is 1,300 milligrams in a day.
Adults up to age of 70 should get 1,000 milligrams per day.
Women of age 51 and over should get 1,200 milligrams in a day.
The recommended amount of vitamin D by an individual at different age groups is:
600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day from age 1 through age 70
800 IU daily after age 70.
Some of the osteoporosis experts recommend 800 to 1,200 IU of vitamin D per day.
How Can You Take Calcium and Vitamin D?
You can get an adequate amount of essential nutrients from you diet, supplements, or both to strengthen bones. But it’s better to get nutrients from your diet rather than taking from supplements.  
Foods are complete package of nutrients. The foods that are rich source of calcium are cheese, yogurt, milk, bok choy, green leafy vegetables, almonds, broccoli, and many more. The foods that are rich source of vitamin D are oranges, breakfast cereals, and plant-based milks. Certain fish, such as salmon, tuna fish, and sardines, may also be a good source.
And if in case you’re not getting sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D from your diet, you can add vitamin D and calcium chews to your diet. Make sure to consult your health care provider before adding any supplement to your diet.
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