#violet memoir
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salivathehero · 1 year ago
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selwyn wants to join you inside
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reedeerart · 10 months ago
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Sketch of Leigh from Violet Memoir!
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euphyee · 10 months ago
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Leigh getting a little pent up.
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harpagornis · 2 years ago
Second Violet Memoir fanfic
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redmemoirs · 10 months ago
reminds me. something something shirayuki and obi being jealous of zens letter to the other. shirayuki being like hes so comfortable and intimate with you i want that while obi is like ?? hes writing poetry for you i want that. smh zen
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bookdragonquotes · 7 months ago
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guttedanddefeted · 2 years ago
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a-furry-perhaps · 1 year ago
(It's barely anything, for now. Maybe more in the future)
Violet Memoire
Romantic HC (Oscar, Leigh, Lucas, Wallace x m!reader)
Character x Character
We care about you (Leigh x Wallace)
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trannydean-moved · 2 years ago
pick a number: 42
42. favourite book(s)
answered that over here!
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salivathehero · 1 year ago
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trip to the pool
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euphyee · 10 months ago
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An invitation.
Leigh and Wallace cuddling together.
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Felice Picano, who in the 1970s and ’80s helped usher in a golden age of gay literature as the author of groundbreaking novels and memoirs and as the publisher of dozens of books by gay writers, died on Wednesday (12) in Los Angeles. He was 81. Mr. Picano, who published 17 novels and eight volumes of memoirs, was a member of the Violet Quill, a group of seven gay male writers who met regularly in Manhattan and on Fire Island in the early 1980s to discuss their work in progress, at a time when gay literature was just entering the mainstream. Two Violet Quill members, both best-selling authors, survive him: Andrew Holleran (Dancer from the Dance) and Edmund White (A Boy’s Own Story). If the other participants — Christopher Cox, Robert Ferro, Michael Grumley and George Whitmore — aren’t as well known, it may be because all four had died of AIDS by 1990. He established Sea Horse Press in 1977 to publish the work of other gay writers. In 1981, he teamed up with two other publishers to form Gay Presses of New York. Together, he said, the presses lasted 18 years and published 78 books (including three of his own). Those that have stood the test of time include Harvey Fierstein’s Torch Song Trilogy, Dennis Cooper’s books Safe and Closer, Brad Gooch’s collection Jailbait and Other Stories and books based on the Rev. Boyd McDonald’s Straight to Hell magazines. The companies also reissued important older works. In various memoirs, he described encounters with the authors Gore Vidal and Edward Gorey, the poet W.H. Auden, the photographer Robert Mapplethorpe and the actor Anthony Perkins. His partner for 15 years, Robert Allen Lowe, a lawyer, succumbed to AIDS-related illnesses in 1991. Of his fellow Violet Quill members, Mr. Picano wrote in an email last month: “We shared the hope that one day any lesbian or gay teenager could go into any bookstore or library and get a book about his or her own kind. Our dream has come true!” (Full article)
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fourthwingfan · 11 months ago
Madness - Chapter 20
Hi, my dearest readers! I'm alive. The wedding was fantastic, but I'm soo tired. I barely slept the last few days. We decorated for 13 hours on Friday. Then the wedding on Saturday and we packed up everything on Sunday. And for some reason I thought that I didn't need to take a day off on Monday, I'll be fine. Well, I thought wrong. But thank you for your patience! ❤️ Here comes the new chapter. Enjoy! :)
Accusing a wingleader of wrongdoing is the most dangerous of all accusations. If you’re right, then we’ve failed as a quadrant to select the best wingleaders. If you’re wrong, you’re dead.
—My Time as a Cadet: A Memoir by General Augustine Melgren
„Jackson Marlowe.” Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll and closes the scroll as we stand in formation the next morning, our breath creating clouds in the chilled air. “We commend their souls to Malek.”
There’s no room for sorrow in my heart for six of the eight names, not when I’m shifting my weight to soothe the ache of black-and-blue along my ribs and ignoring the way other riders stare at my face.
I went to Nolon this morning, and he mended my nose, but I wanted to keep my bruises. One of those who attacked Violet is alive. I want them to know I will not forgive. Never.
If Xaden won’t do anything about it, then I will. I’m a Melgren after all, I’m allowed to be a little crazy.
The two others on today’s list are third-years from Second Wing, killed on a training operation near the Braevick border, according to breakfast gossip, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s where Xaden had been before coming to our rescue last night.
“I can’t believe they tried to kill you while you were sleeping.” Liam’s still seething, at breakfast we told our table what happened.
“Even worse, I think I’m getting used to it. Either I have kick-ass compartmentalization skills or I really am acclimating to always being a target.” Violet says.
Captain Fitzgibbons makes some minor announcements, and I tune him out as someone strides our way, cutting through the space between the Flame and Tail Sections of our wing.
Just like it always does, my stupid, hormone-driven heart stutters at the first sight of Xaden. Even the most effective poisons come in pretty packages, and Xaden’s exactly that—as beautiful as he is lethal. He looks deceptively calm as he approaches, but I can feel his tension as if it’s my own, like a panther prowling toward his prey. The wind ruffles his hair, and I sigh at the completely unfair advantage he has over every man in this courtyard. He doesn’t even have to try to look sexy…he just is.
Oh shit. This feeling right here—the way my breath catches and my entire body draws tight when he’s near—is why I haven’t taken anyone to bed or celebrated like the rest of my perfectly normal friends. This feeling is why I haven’t wanted anyone…else.
Because I want him.
There aren’t enough curse words in the world for this.
He stops next to us and he looks toward Liam then nods in Violet’s direction.
Oh shit. Violet will be sooo angry when she realizes…
„I do not need a bodyguard!” she snaps at Xaden.
He ignores her, still looking at Liam.
“Switch places with me.” Liam whispers to me.
I look at him questioningly but he doesn’t say another word.
“Fine.” I sigh and now he stands behind Violet.
„I. Do. Not. Need. A. Bodyguard!” she repeats, a little louder this time.
One of the first-years behind me gasps, mortified by her audacity, no doubt.
Imogen snorts. “Good luck with that approach.”
Xaden stands directly in front of Violet, leaning into her space. “You do, though, as we both learned last night. And I can’t be everywhere you are. But Liam here”—he points back to the blond Tyr—“he’s a first-year, so he can be in every class, at every challenge, and I even had him assigned to library duty, so I hope you get used to him, Sorrengail.”
“And what about Aelin?” She asks with a raised eyebrow. “She was with me too.”
“I don’t care about her.” Xaden replies without hesitation.
Ouch. It hurts.
Liam quickly grabs my hand and squeezes it before letting it go.
“And I don’t know if she will protect you at all costs.” Xaden continues.
“Now, that’s just a fucking excuse.” I mutter.
I will protect Violet. She’s one of the most important person in my life. And he knows it too. He’s not stupid.
“You’re overstepping.” Violet hisses at him.
“You haven’t begun to see overstepping,” he warns, his voice dropping low. “Any threat against you is a threat against me, and as we’ve already established, I have more important things to do than sleep on your floor.”
Heat flushes up her neck and stains her cheeks. “He is not sleeping in my room.”
Oh, Vi. I knew it that you like Liam.
“Of course not.” He freaking smirks. “I had him moved into the one next to yours. Wouldn’t want to overstep.” He turns on his heel and walks away, headed back to his place at the front of our formation.
“Fucking mated dragons,” Dain seethes, keeping his eyes forward.
“What? Did you move? When?” I ask Liam in shock.
“This morning. And I won’t be far. Just on the other side of Violet.” He smiles at me with a boyish grin and I can’t help it, I smile back.
“Fiinee. But I warn you, do not replace me with her.” I mock glare at him.
“How could I do it, Snappy? You’re my best friend.” He winks at me.
“Snappy? You didn’t call me that since… I don’t know.” I try to remember when was the last time.
“I call you that because you’re talking nonsense. Now pay attention.”
Fitzgibbons finishes his announcements and steps to the back of the dais, which would usually signal the end of formation, but Commandant Panchek takes the podium. He makes it a habit to avoid morning formation, which means something is up.
“What’s going on with Panchek?” Rhiannon asks at Violet’s side.
“Not sure.” I shrug.
“It has to be something big if he’s fumbling with a Codex up there,” Rhiannon says.
“Quiet,” Dain orders, glancing back over his shoulder at us for the first time this morning. He does a double-take, his eyes flaring wide as he catches sight of Violet’s neck. “Vi?”
„I’m fine,” she assures him, but he’s still staring at her throat, locked in shock. “Squad Leader Aetos, people are staring.” We hold way more than our share of the attention as Commandant Panchek begins to speak at the podium, telling us that there’s another matter to handle this morning, but Dain won’t look away. “Dain!”
He blinks, jerking his gaze to hers. “Is that what Riorson meant by last night?”
She nods.
“I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m fine,” she repeats, nodding toward the dais. “Later.”
He turns, but the motion is reluctant.
“It has been brought to my attention as your commandant that a breach of the Codex has occurred,” Panchek calls out over the courtyard.
“As you know, breaches of our most sacred laws are not to be tolerated,” Panchek continues. “This matter will be addressed here and now. Will the accuser please step forward.”
“Someone’s in trouble,” Rhiannon whispers. “Think Ridoc finally got caught in Tyvon Varen’s bed?”
“That’s hardly against the Codex,” Ridoc murmurs from behind us.
“He’s the executive officer for Second Wing.” I send a pointed look over my shoulder.
“And?” Ridoc shrugs, grinning without a touch of remorse. “Fraternizing with command is frowned upon, not unlawful.”
I sigh, facing forward. “I miss sex.” I really do, and it’s not just the physical gratification, either. There’s a sense of connection in those moments that I crave, a momentary banishment of loneliness.
The first is something I’m sure Xaden would be more than capable of providing, if he ever thought of me that way, but the second? He’s the last person I should be craving, but lust and logic never seem to go hand in hand.
“If you’re looking for a little fun, I’m happy to oblige—” Ridoc starts, shoving his floppy brown hair off his forehead with a wink.
“I miss good sex,” I counter, smothering a smile as someone walks from the front of formation toward the dais, indistinguishable through the rows of the squads ahead of us. “Besides, apparently you’re spoken for.” Have to admit, it feels good to tease a friend about something so trivial. It’s a tiny slice of normalcy in an otherwise macabre environment.
“We’re not exclusive,” Ridoc counters. “It’s like Rhiannon and what’s-her-name…”
“Tara,” Rhiannon offers.
“Will you all shut the hell up?” Dain barks in his superior-officer voice.
Our mouths snap shut, and I roll my eyes.
Mine drops open again when I realize it’s Xaden climbing the steps to the dais. “This is about you,” I whisper to Vi.
Dain glances back at me, confusion furrowing his brow before whipping his attention toward the dais, where Xaden now stands at the podium, somehow managing to fill the entire stage with his presence.
From what I remember reading, his father had that same magnetism, the ability to hold and capture a crowd with nothing but his words…words that led to Brennan’s death.
“Early this morning,” he begins, his deep voice carrying over the formation, “a rider in my wing was brutally, illegally attacked in her sleep with the intent of murder by a group primarily composed of unbondeds. When another rider rushed to her aid after hearing the commotion, she were attacked too.”
A collection of murmurs and gasps fills the air, and Dain’s shoulders stiffen.
“As we all know, the first act is a violation of Article Three, Section Two of the Dragon Rider’s Codex and, in addition to being dishonorable, is a capital offense.”
I feel the weight of a dozen glances, but it’s Xaden’s I feel most of all.
His hands clench the sides of the podium. “Having been alerted by my dragon, I interrupted the attack along with two other Fourth Wing riders.” He dips his chin toward our wing, and two riders—Garrick and Bodhi—break formation, then climb the steps to stand behind Xaden, their hands at their sides. “As it was a matter of life and death, I personally executed six of the would-be murderers, as witnessed by Flame Section Leader Garrick Tavis and Tail Section Executive Officer Bodhi Durran.”
“Both Tyrs. How convenient,” Nadine, one of the new additions to the squad, says from the row behind Ridoc.
I look back over my shoulder and pin her with a glare.
Liam keeps his eyes forward.
“But the attack was orchestrated by a rider who fled before I arrived,” Xaden continues, his voice rising. “A rider who had access to the map of where all first-years are assigned to sleep, and that rider must be brought to swift justice.
Shit. This is about to get ugly.
“I call you to answer for your crime against Cadet Sorrengail, and indirectly against Cadet Melgren.” Xaden’s focus shifts to the center of the formation. “Wingleader Amber Mavis.”
The quadrant draws a collective breath before an uproar rips through the crowd.
“What the hell?” Dain bites out.
Every rider in the courtyard’s attention pivots between Xaden, Amber, me…and Violet.
I squeeze her shoulder. She hates the attention.
“She’s a Tyr, too, Nadine,” Ridoc says over his shoulder. “Or are you only biased against marked ones?”
Amber’s family stayed loyal to Navarre, so she wasn’t forced to watch her parents executed and wasn’t marked by a rebellion relic.
“Amber would never.” Dain shakes his head. “A wingleader would never.” He turns completely to face us. “Get up there and tell everyone that he’s lying, Vi.”
“But he’s not,” I say as gently as I can. I know he cares about her.
“It’s impossible.” His cheeks flush a mottled shade of red.
“I was there, Dain.” Violet confirms it.
„Wingleaders are beyond reproach—”
“Then why are you so quick to call our own wingleader a liar?” My brows rise in challenge, daring him to say what he’s so careful to keep quiet.
Behind him, Amber steps forward, separating herself from the formation. “I have committed no such crime!”
“See?” Dain swings his arm, pointing toward the redhead. “Put a stop to this right now, Violet.”
“She was with them in my room,” she says simply. Shouting won’t convince him. Nothing will.
„That’s impossible.” He lifts his hands, as though ready to cup her face. “Let me see.”
I quickly grab Violet’ shoulder and pull her back toward me, farther away from Dain.
After the Jeremiah incident she told me about Dain’s signet, that he can read memories.
I can’t let him see the memory of Amber’s participation, it will also show him that Violet stopped time.
I can’t let that happen!
“Give me the memory,” he orders.
“Touch me without permission, and you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting it.” She glares at him.
Maybe Violence is a fitting nickname, after all.
Surprise ripples over his features.
“Wingleaders.” Xaden projects his voice over the chaos. “We need a quorum.”
Both Nyra and Septon Izar—the wingleaders for First and Second Wing—climb the stairs to the dais, passing by Amber as she stands utterly exposed in the courtyard.
A familiar chaos fills the air, and we all look toward the ridgeline as seven dragons curve along the mountain, flying straight for us.
In a matter of seconds, they reach the citadel and hover over the courtyard walls. Wind from the strong beats of their wings blasts through the courtyard.
Then, one by one, they land on their perch, Tairn at the center of the grouping, Aon is next to him.
Every line of his frame exudes menace as his talons crush the masonry under his grip, and his narrowed, angry eyes focus on Amber.
Sgaeyl is perched to Tairn’s right, taking her position behind Xaden. She’s just as terrifying as she was that first day, but I still find her beautiful. Nyra’s Red Scorpiontail looms behind her as well, and Septon’s Brown Daggertail mirrors the stance to the left. On the ends, puffing blasts of steam, are Commandant Panchek’s Green Clubtail and Amber’s Orange Daggertail is next to Aon.
“Shit’s about to get real,” Sawyer says, breaking formation to stand at Violet’s side, and I feel Ridoc at my back as he steps closer.
“You can stop this all right now, Violet. You have to,” Dain implores. “I don’t know what you saw last night, but it wasn’t Amber. She cares too much about the rules to break them.”
“You’re using this to get your revenge on my family!” Amber shouts at Xaden. “For not supporting your father’s rebellion!”
That’s a low fucking blow.
Xaden doesn’t even acknowledge it as he turns to the other wingleaders.
He isn’t demanding proof like Dain. He believes her, and he’s ready to execute a wingleader on nothing more than her word. As surely as if they’re a physical structure, I feel my defenses crack on Xaden’s behalf.
Tairn chuffs and every dragon besides Sgaeyl stiffens on the wall, even Amber’s. The riders are quick to follow, silence filling the courtyard.
I know what they see.
Aon showes me what happened last night, in Violet’s point of view.
Amber, the fight before I arrived, and then I see… myself. It’s really strange. I can see myself but in someone else point of view. I was pretty…terrifying. Blood all over my face, my cold gaze.
„That’s why I chose you, little one. You’re ruthless, and you protect those who are weaker than you.”
„Thanks, you know how to compliment someone.” I laugh. Yep, he’s definitely a big softie.
“That spineless wretch,” Rhiannon seethes in front of me.
Dain pales.
“Believe me now?” Vi hurles it like the accusation it is. “You’re supposed to be my oldest friend, Dain. One of my best friends. There’s a reason I didn’t tell you.”
He staggers backward.
“The wingleaders have formed a quorum and are in unanimous agreement,” Xaden announces, flanked by Nyra and Septon while the commandant hangs back. “We find you guilty, Amber Mavis.”
“No!” she shouts. “It is no crime to rid the quadrant of the weakest rider! I did it to protect the integrity of the wings!” She paces in panic, looking to everyone—anyone for help.
As a whole, the formation moves backward.
“And as is our law, your sentence will be carried out by fire,” Nyra states.
“No!” Amber looks to her dragon. “Claidh!”
Amber’s Orange Daggertail snarls at the other dragons and lifts a claw.
Aon swivels his massive head toward Claidh, his roar shaking the ground beneath my feet. Then he snaps his teeth at the smaller orange, and she retreats, her head hanging as she grips the wall again.
“Please don’t,” I hear Violet as she begs.
I can feel the sadness inside me. She’s too merciful.
She turns to Xaden and begs again, her voice breaking by the end. “Please give her a chance.”
He holds her gaze but doesn’t so much as show a flicker of emotion.
Justice is not always merciful.
„Claidh,” Amber whimpers, the courtyard so unbelievably silent that the sound carries.
The formation splits at the center.
Tairn leans low, extending his head and neck past the dais toward where Amber stands. Then his teeth part, he curls his tongue, and he incinerates her with a blast of fire so hot, I can feel it from here. It’s over in a heartbeat.
A gruesome scream rends the air, shattering a window in the academic wing, and every rider slams their hands over their ears as Claidh mourns.
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redmemoirs · 7 months ago
i know i already put these in my recent obizen picspam but i wanted to talk about these specific parallels again bc they make me so ill. shouldve just done this in the original post but better late than never!!
starting off simple with this first one
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theres really not much to say bc the pictures say it all. zen is complimenting him both times but the first is when obi was only just made zen's knight/shirayuki's bodyguard. even though he was the one to initiate this dynamic by calling zen master at their literal first meeting, he doesn't quite understand exactly what he's signed up for, bc zen is different from anyone else he's ever worked for before. for zen this is a relationship of reciprocity - "but ive decided to take hold of those reins." and tho the second scene is still remarkably early on (lilias epidemic arc), he's starting to get what he's signed up for and what it means for him and zen and shirayuki, and just how much zen trusts him now.
and just, visually. the change in expression. the surprise in the first, when he still cant understand what exactly is zen's (and shirayuki's) deal. and in the second the smiles. the reciprocity. the understanding. the panels arent facing each other but instead it looks like theyre giving each other their backs.
also this isnt the end of their relationship development by any means - more recently, obi doesnt make excuses to get away from them when its just the three of them. at this point the two of them together is a scene he cant intrude on, but-
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that's not the case anymore! he doesnt walk behind them or step away to give them space! whenever theyre scheming to give zenyuki alone time its when the knights trio are all there. when it's just obi? its just obi. he belongs right there with them.
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it was sheer luck i ran into them in my screenshot folder but oh man. zen only barely tolerating obi, obi already thinking so highly of just that much regard, mitsuhide not letting him in except for urgent matters... to obi and zen relaxing and hanging out together and saying theyll miss each other but take care of themselves for each other's sake?? mitsuhide being there??? im ill. im so ill. there is no further analysis look at their faces look at the smiles look at the comfort. this is home now. no wonder obi cant keep himself out of zens room its the surest possible proof of how far theyve come.
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honorary mention for their antics. i lovethem.
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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
feel like this is a good time to drop the fun fact i read in sean astin's memoir—apparently john astin was considered for the role of gandalf in the lotr movies! have fun with that knowledge. i have not been able to sleep since.
extremely fun fact, and now i can't help but think of what an alternate universe with john astin as gandalf would look like. thank you for blessing us with this mildly cursed knowledge!
- mod violet
Well now I’m just gonna have to make John Astin Gandalf in the different era recasts game my dad and I sometimes play. Which I saw they’ve been doing over at @hotvintagepoll and it’s been an absolute delight to watch 🥰.
- mod vintage
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sera-fable · 2 months ago
Thought Provoking Books & Books That Have Important Voices! Pt. 8
71. Earthsea Cycle quartet by Ursula K. Le Guin (Fantasy/YA/High Fantasy/Identity/Balance/Coming of Age)
72. Why Am I Grown So Cold? Poems of the Unknowable by Myra Cohn Livingston (Poetry/Fantasy/Supernatural/Horror)
73. Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass by Lana Del Rey (Poetry/Contemporary/Romance/Non-Fiction/Music)
74. Wolfish: Wolf, Self, and the Stories We Tell About Fear by Erica Berry (Natural History/Cultural Criticism/Memoir/Fear/Instinct/Science)
75. Anchee Min's memoirs, primarily "Red Azelea" (Autobiographical Fiction/The Culturist Revolution/Gender and Sexuality/Political Manipulation/Family Dynamics/Individual Resistance)
76. In Praise of Good Bookstores by Jeff Deutsch (Memoir and Business/Importance of Bookstores/Enrichment)
77. Civil Disobediance by Henry David Thoreau (Political Essay/Ethical Obligation/Individualism v State Power/Justice v Law/Nonviolent Resistance/Transcendentalist Beliefs)
78. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Non-Fiction/Science/Indigenous Voice/Memoir/Spirituality/Ecology/Essays)
79. In Dubious Battle by John Steinback (Social Realist Novel/Social Injustice/Worker Rights/Great Depression/Class Struggle/Manipulation/Violence and its Consequences/Morality)
80. Do It Today: Overcome Procrastination, Improve Productivity, and Achieve More Meaningful Things by Darius Foroux (Non-Fiction/Personal Time Management/Mindset/Sustainable Lifestyle/Self-Help/Productivity System)
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