#violate rp
cat-hybridcellbit · 3 months
The slow return of new NPCs and no further reports of admins/employees leaving Q Studios is giving me some tentative hope. My reasoning is this: If it was still radio silence to the admins I think we’d hear more testimonies of admins leaving. But if the admins are in conversations about contracts/payment then it makes sense to not hear anything, that’s got legal red tape all over it and leaks can mean a breach of contract.
My hope is that the NPCs we’ve seen the last few days are the first wave of rp admins getting contracts settled and with time we’ll see more slowly filter back in. This is all conjecture on my part obviously, but I do wish to examine the data available and come up with a plausible explanation.
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pieofdeath · 10 months
Ok so like I have not been paying as much attention leading up to this event as I should've been considering I follow 1k+ blogs and I'm stupid. HOWEVER. this has made me feel like I'm drunk/pos. what's happening. I love it here.
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grim-has-issues · 5 months
As much as I love Makarro as a character, I cannot and will not defend him.
And I only say this because I keep seeing posts about how he did nothing wrong.
To be clear, I am not upset or angry that people are saying that, we’ve all been there; I can see where they’re coming from. /gen
But Makarro?!?
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ask-wren-zhang · 11 months
*begins tickling your ribs and belly from behind*
Peals of ballistic squealing laughter can be heard erupting from the Ravenclaw.
She lurches forward and whips around, her wand drawn with a trembling grip. “W-Who did that…!?” She gasps, a shuddering wreck. “This isn’t funny!”
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a-hazbin-spider · 5 months
“Uh, hey, angel.” Husker said dryly as he took a swig of his drink. “Ya here for a drink?” (( @thewisebartender))
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“Ooh, you know me so well, don’t ya?” After a quick stretch, his chin rests on his palm, one leg crossing over the other. “I’ll take a strong one if y’would. Iffin ya don’t mind a lil company~”
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
It's all fun and games until you start counting the amount of OSHA violations
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patorucho · 2 months
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be free with your life and draw whatever you freaking want
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alliedotcom · 2 months
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So I found a cat
What do I name her
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Inhuman Nature || Rose || Open
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“... No no, haha... This is NATURAL us demons just have the most OUTLANDISH hair colours... & yeah before you ask it’s FINE if you touch the horns just DON’T hurt yourself!”
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midnightsaboteur · 1 year
I’m not even gonna go on about what my rules for replies and threads are, or the importance of following them lmao (for once), but atm I’m just like... why?
I just do not get how after repeatedly posting about what my rules for replies and threads are, and why it’s important to follow them ... that people just ignore my rules anyway? 
In some instances, I’ve even gently highlighted these rules directly to people when they’ve repeatedly broken them and gotten messages of understanding... only for said people to ignore them repeatedly again anyway? Like how does that compute?
I haven’t got the strength to try and clarify these rules here. They’re on my page, and numerous partners of mine have proof-read them and told me they’re clear. And like 90% of my partners can easily remember and follow them...
So I remain baffled as to how some people can repeatedly violate them. Either they just know and don’t care, or they just can’t be arsed to remember some quite simple rules. 
For example, I don’t get how “Please don’t post multiple replies at once, or within a few hours of each other” translates into one reply one hour, then a second reply in the next... 
Regardless, my policy of dropping any threads for rule violations is in full effect, so while I needed to get this off my chest in some format, and I don’t name names, I can also now get a zen like feeling after freeing my space of these repeated rule breakages. 
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court-of-ithilia · 8 months
((Note: A little different from the original prompt. Intended for Freminet. Lianne is a literal child.))
Lianne barely let out a squeak as she landed flat on her bum on the streets of Fontaine. She was probably a sight stranger than the Melusines prancing around. Aside from her tiny blue wings and rounded mushroom cap, her almost pitch black eyes would've surely scared off some poor human by now.
So, off she went, waddling and sloppily fluttering across the city until she spotted a stranger clad in deep blue. While Lianne dragged her head back to her English lessons, she attempted to grab his attention.
By shuffling straight over and lifting him up by his legs.
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silverduckie · 1 year
In case anyone is wondering how I’m doing lately, I haven’t gotten like proper sleep since the 19th of December and I was like lowkey planning on posting my gif packs again like as a treat now I’ve calmed down a bit after the whole being dicks in my dms about my cousins dying over the summer situation, right?
And then someone I follow on indie legit posted starters with gifs they stole from my gifsets that were so obviously fucking watermarked like I didn’t even TRY to hide the dinosaurs in those gifs I was a lazy fuck with that set so... yeah apparently the rpc is still up to their fuckery, huh? Hope my mutuals are doing well though!
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brcha · 2 years
Some personal blogs have started following me, so I’m going to bring this post over from my other blog, regarding what personal blogs can and cannot reblog from me. Generally speaking, if I’ve put it in a general character tag, book tag, or other very general tag, it’s free to be reblogged. If it’s a thread or tagged as a personal headcanon, please do not reblog it. But as a helpful list:
You may reblog:
–Any of my edits, photosets, gifsets, etc, that can be found in my : my edits ( liesl makes things ) tag.
–Anything in the general character tags, book tags, or author tags. Examples: if something is tagged #breha organa or #last of the jedi or other general tags ( please note the difference between these examples of general tags as opposed to my personalized tags )
–Any of the Legends canon quotes that I post. These also fall under the ‘general character tags’ but anything in the : canon quotes ( the stuff of legends ) tag is also acceptable for reblogging.
–PS that if you like my edits you may be interested in my edits sideblog, lvminousbeings, which you, of course, may also reblog anything from.
Please do not reblog:
–My headcanons, as tagged : headcanons ( my mind turns your life into folklore ) If you really, really want to reblog one you can ask me and I may or may not say yes.
–My in character meme responses, or headcanon meme responses ( unless you sent the meme ).
–My threads with other people.
–Edits made specifically for another person and tagged with their url as an @ mention in the caption.
–Any promos I make for myself, or any promos I reblog for other rp blogs; these will be tagged as ‘promos’ or ‘sp’.
–If you are confused as to what any of those things are, feel free to ask and I’ll let you know if it’s something you may reblog or if I’m not comfortable with you reblogging it. ( I have been asked in the past about certain things being rebloggable or not and I don’t actually think I’ve ever said no when asked, unless it was a thread. )
Please ask before reblogging:
–My thinking-out-loud, for lack of a better phrase, regarding Breha/Alderaan/canon/etc. These are essentially my metas, which are something in between personal commentary on canon and headcanon. So depending on which way I personally feel like each one leans, I’ll either be fine with you reblogging it or would prefer you not to, so please ask first.
–Anything that isn’t explicitly allowed in the ‘you may reblog’ section.
If you are ever in doubt as to if you can reblog something or not, please just ask. I will never be mad at you for asking, I appreciate you asking, and appreciate those of you who who respect my boundaries and thus allow me to feel comfortable continuing to keep my blog open to personals. If you ever reblog something that I am not comfortable with being reblogged, I’ll ask you to delete it, and thus far most people I’ve encountered have been very polite and receptive to those requests. ( If I ask you to delete something and you won’t do it, or are rude to me when I ask, then you’ll be blocked. This has only happened a couple times over all the years I’ve had this blog, and I appreciate that the majority of personals who follow me are polite and receptive to my boundaries. )
thank you!
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a-hazbin-spider · 1 year
“It’s three in the morning.” ~Husk
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Who’s Line Is It-
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“Yeah? I can tell the time, handsome. It’s not like I was sleepin’ anyway. What’s up? I interrupt you sleepin’ wit’ yer eyes open?” Angel takes a slump right next to the old tomcat, sleeping or not, here he is.
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 5 months
Open Mind Control RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Orihime Kurosaki had been invited to go with her friends to go to this resort for a little girl time. Orihime didn't mind as she was looking forward to spending time with her friends. While her husband went to go with their son to go visit their friends in the Soul Society. Unaware though the whole thing was a trick.
Your muse, obsessed with the MILF since high school had been looking to get her all alone. Looking to use a special mind control spell on her. To not only have some fun with her, fuck her hard, but also knock her up. Without her having any idea that she got violated.
And so when she returns home, she'll carry your muse's child.
"Oh um hello there. Are you the one in charge? I'm Orihime. I was told my friends would be here and are the ones who set up the reservation?"
((Impregnation RP, have fun knocking her up without her knowing about it))
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OMG IMAGINE DOINF LIKE A COP AND CRIMINCAL RP WITH GEPARD... like omg bro..but like gepard is kinda subby 😕😕 he would be so flustered
no bc you are so right, poor lil' geppie would be so flustered as he plays the role of a cop interrogating a particularly difficult criminal who keeps teasing and diverting the conversation away from the interrogation. it took quite a bit to convince him to even roleplay this sort of scenario, seeing as how this is essentially what he does on the daily for his actual job. but you plead and beg, trying to convince him that it'd be fun, and he finally relents, but only after you promise him that you'll use the safe word if it gets too intense.
gepard doesn't expect you to suddenly yank away the supposed control that he held in this made-up scenario. suddenly he is the one being interrogated, although not in any way that he expected. you're taunting him left and right as you bend him over the desk being used for your little play, cooing at him for enjoying being violated by some criminal. he's supposed to be exacting justice and yet here he is, getting toyed around with like some kind of whore. the whole time, he's as hard as can be, cute little veins pulsing all over his cock as you fondle and squeeze him all over.
"what's wrong officer? can't you even do your job right?" you curl your index and ring fingers right into his prostate, grinning oh so cruelly as the once stoic and hardened officer sobs and chokes out moans. his cute cock is left pressed against the edge of the desk, thick n gooey cum left to ooze down into a puddle on the floor below. he's so pathetically cute. "man, i wonder what all the other cops would say if they found out you like being violated by criminals. maybe they might even want a turn."
upon seeing him freeze up and whine feebly in protest, you let out an amused laugh—he tightened up significantly around your fingers when you suggested that, how cute—as you raise a hand before bringing it down on his cute ass. gepard shrieks, tongue lolling out like a dog as his balls clench up. he cums just like that, the sticky puddle on the floor gaining more mass. "aww don't worry officer, your secret is safe with me. tell ya what, why don't you let me go and let me do my usual business, but you'll let me violate you when you catch me. sound good?"
"n-no.. this sort of thing..! i won't do—ughk!—you can't..!"
you frown in feigned hurt, though on the inside you're feeling anything but that. gepard is really enjoying this sort of play a bit too much—guess you were really right about him, he really enjoys getting violated.
"oh well, guess we might as well make the most of our time together here then♡"
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