#you may notice that thus far on this blog I have not posted many things that fall into those rebloggable post types.
horizon-verizon · 1 year
Hi, I recently found you're blog and have grown quite addicted to it lol. I've also been looking at both team's posts to try and get a broader understanding at everyone's mindset and, if I'm going to be honest, feel very exhausted from it.
I'm a firm believer that stan culture is toxic and this fandom is no different, but I've actually found an interesting pattern when it comes to posts from both stans in this fandom specifically and wondered if you noticed the same thing. Team Black stans are more likely to be aggressive and continue on an argument, but the information they argue tends to be more accurate actually. Team Green stans still argue, less overall, but their arguments aren't built completely on actual facts on the show (which is also the only source they base arguments off of) they use far more speculation and are driven more by their own individual feelings. Some examples are that I've seen: TB arguments saying that calling Rhaenyra's boys bastards is a very dangerous claim that can lead to real, dangerous consequences, which is completely true, but then TG have laid out an argument comparing Rhaenyra to Cersei on the hypothetical that her children would r*ape women in order to try and make Alicent seem like a better person, which is a scenario we all know is completely made up and pure speculation based on nothing but opinion. Black stans are more likely to accept the faults of their favorite characters, or at least come out and say they don't care, while Green stans will defend every action of the people on their team even when they probably shouldn't. Like, do they know it's ok to like flawed characters? I've also seen TG stans attack show Rhaenyra for every single action she's done and I've seen TB stans do it for characters like Alicent too, but it's just overall less?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's hard to take any argument from Team Green stans seriously. What's also shocking is how many notes some of these arguments have even though a lot of them spread false information or just make things up. Now of course, there's false information going on both sides, I know that, but on here it's just so concentrated onto the TG side and I just think that takes away from really getting a good grasp and understanding on that version of events.
What's your opinion on this?
Firstly, thank you for following me thus far and I'm glad you enjoy my posts! Sometimes I feel like I'm not really getting my pts across well enough and I try to improve.
Secondly, from my time in the online fandom -- I wanna say from Oct of last year? -- yes, I agree with your assessments. Quickly, before I go on, I tend to be more team Black (as one can see from my profile pics here and on Twitter) and specifically, I am a Dany/Targ/Rhaenyra/Rhaenys I-Visenya stan. So one may argue or dismiss me as having way too much bias towards how black stans vs green stans tend to argue.
However, in all my time (half a year, so not much) I've reblogged and been reblogged at least 30 posts, entering debates about how Fire and Blood/HotD are written, who wrote them, why certain ships exist, etc. Most of the time, green stans & HotD!Alicent stans argue from a place of traditionalism and reactive emotionality because they have learned that the anti-autonomist ideologies against women, lower-classed people, gender-nonconforming people, darker-skinned people/PoCs, and foreigners because those formulas are ready-made and are status quo to organizing and seeing gender, race, sexuality, etc. They do not have to think any more than emotionally react to what they already know is both "sad" but "must be", no noticing irony or strange details that might point out how the text may be making fun of a character or how absurd they think for thinking and doing a certain thing when they already decided to stan.
Both sides do this (me, I didn't really over much over Daeron's sins until HotD and thought him even "good"), but green stans really don't bother to work at observing language or/and context or/and text -> how those relate and interplay to create meaning(s) in the story. One time, you hear how F&B is unreliable--which it is but not in the degree and way they describe it and leave readers to think--and that the HotD writers are doing so well at rewriting Alicent away from the evil stepmother trope, then another time they will applaud Alicent for trying to mutilate a young boy...ironically something many evil stepmothers or women of that archetype have performed evil against children they perceive as threats or competition to themselves and/or their own kids in fairytales. Or they will ignore completely how Alicent knows how horrible childbirth can go from having 4 kids of her own yet deciding to have Rhaenyra's newly born sons paraded around on their way to "be presented" to show how "obvious" a bastard they are, gain public support, and/by humiliating Rhaenyra and demeaning her political stance in subtly exposing her "whoredom". And then choose to ignore how Alicent herself practices disturbing, anti-autonomous sexual exchanges when she uses her feet for Larys to give her info--this would absolutely get her labeled as a "whore" by many others in her society AND not relate how that compulsion to sacrifice sexual autonomy mirrors Rhaenyra's not wanting children out of fear of death or being put out of the "room" of decisions where she's been outcasted from her whole life, yet having to marry to even have the beginning of access to that power and continuing to have it as a woman. (Forgot to mention, these are HotD's characters, not F&B's.)
You will hear green stans say that it is Westerosi society's culture--therefore unquestionable "right"--to have only men and boys automatically inherit higher, directive political power over any available or smarter/better-equipped girl or woman. And some will claim and suggest that it is for the sake of ORDER and harmony. Part of the idea is that if you maintain the ORDER, there will be a social balance between classes, genders, etc. that would ensure much less bloodshed or people hurting each other (ironically, something that existed as proto-thought since the real medieval era during European feudalism -> c.400 A.D. -1400s A.D.), and you see that thought solidified into something like what Thomas Hobbes wrote in his Leviathan, which argued for people giving their obedience and allegiances to a sovereign entity unaccountable to the ruled's as equally, or at all. Pro-Monarchist, pro-stratified hierarchy. 
In other words, hierarchies in general and their extremes of them that veer the most away from the truest, ideal democracy (where the government must adhere to and exist as the people direct and structure it) work to suppress as much an affirmative negation as possible, which inevitability also means critical thinking. Not just the skills, but thinking deeper than what's presented to us in the first place because once you start to do this you are already putting the bones, so to say, in question, when you ask how an untouchable really came to be so untouchable and how God would just leave an infant to die when a grown nobleman voluntarily goes after a literal 11-year-old.
Because human societies have been essentially training people since infancy to accept what status quo is available, all fans in the fandom are passionately inquisitive and/or territorial.
*Small Rant*
Stan culture is very saturated in dismissals and outright bullying for the most meager things, and that is because people go online to:
outpace their own loneliness and/or commiserate over oppressions, annoyances, what have you
celebrate with others over how much they love a certain creation, esp when they do not have anyone, enough real-life, persons, or are bullied and put down for liking that thing
are torn down in real life and wish to get back power by ruining others' days
reaffirm their own biases that make them feel in control
share their creations so that they have some sort of validation that they create some sort of good thing, whether just a pleasurable object (entertainment/beauty) or something of salubrious moral character that brings perspective, or BOTH
In other words, there are so many high feelings most of the time when we log in, the good and the bad and the somewhere in between that are nonetheless complex and sometimes powerful. And we push them here in fanart, metas, debates, fanfics, and we seek other minds and perspectives to bounce our ideas off, show off, or peek for assurance and validation, sometimes all of the above. On the one hand, I don't always care what Uriahdeeznutzgotee from the UK thinks of how my grammar when I speak about my love for Rhaenyra, but I do and will always care about how Uriahdeeznutzgotee decides to imply I am stupid for not agreeing with his ideas about women in relation to himself, politics, the genre of epic fantasy, publishing houses, etc. Because these are the structures I both take a break from it being online sometimes while most of the time I take a break from facing head-on to actually reflect through fiction, which I go online then to break down for others and myself to further appreciate. So it can eventually bother me when Uriahdeeznutzgotee uses ad hominems to discourage others' thoughts or even misreads and misinforms (purposefully or not) others that fiction piece that has helped me in some way to contextualize the real world. Some trolls know it too, dammit. And when attempt to actually argue but the other side persists (esp with quotes), they tend to stop and block to save some face. Or, they may do as I did and stop, blocking for what is whatever peace of mind can be had after leaving the last argument that they want to give.
While fiction is fiction and the characters cannot reach out to bite us, their actions and their worlds are always sprinkled with a specific set of rules inspired by the real world and thus we're always going to emotionally engage with the fiction. Another reason why I find most team neutrals to lie to themselves but that's another thing altogether.
High emotions and passion = higher chance of crazy behavior. And I think fandom, but esp stan culture, will always have questionable patterns and behaviors. But I also think that without these spaces, a lot of people will silently suffer more and be even dumber than they already could be.
*End of Small Rant*
This doesn't mean that, as you mentioned, there aren't any black stans that are not compassionate or maybe want to be but do not know how to quite get there without giving up the peace that just going online to gush about Matt Smith's banging cheekbones gives them. Same goes for Olivia Smith/Ewan and some green stans (concerning the only going online to gush). But, it is also true that I am far more likely to come across a worse argument from a green stan than a black stan about gender, ethnic, etc. politics in the ASoIaF universe which is more likely to suggest how they go out in the real world treating others.
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dazedpuppydairies · 1 year
Hiya, I'm Bandit and welcome to The Dazed Puppy Diaries. This isn't going to be a proper journal entry as those are kind of more recaps of what's going on in my day-to-day life. I just thought it would be interesting to share some "fun facts" about my name/names.
I had the idea for this blog post because if you happen to stumble across me on another social media after finding my Tumblr you may notice my name isn't Bandit or my name isn't just Bandit. I actually go by two first names which are Fawn and Bandit. I usually go by Fawn in my day to day life and Bandit within my polycule and on the internet. On top of that you may also see me going by the name Hagstone. I thought it could be kind of fun to share the story behind my names etc.
So I've been going by Fawn since early last year, in the around 8 years I've been out as trans I've gone by a few names. I started contemplating going by Fawn though in December of 2021 I believe. I started thinking about my gender kind of differently around then and I guess I kind of wanted a "weird nonbinary name". Previously the name I was going by was pretty androgynous, but just not as fun. Also it's fair to mention I experience some gender fluidity and my gender was kind of cycling at that time. I've gone through many different points of my life thus far where I identify closer to the male binary and even though I don't now or at least in the same way I don't negate that I was a boy then, which is honestly kind of cool in my opinion. At that time I was kind of going from identifying more with being demiboy or trans masc and now I identify more with being polygender. I'll probably talk about that more at some point. I actually got the name Fawn from a meditation I did in late October or early November of that year when I was living in a motel. In my meditation I was in a garden and then I suddenly transformed into an anthropomorphic deer. I don't really know if it had any further spiritual or psychological significance, but ever since I've kind of had a thing for deer. I'm otherkin and therian so I kind of have a hunch it might be an alter human thing. I do think I may have a dear theriotype, but that's still something I'm questioning.
This one is more straightforward. Bandit originated kind of as a pet name one of my partners came up with for me and it stuck. After a while Bandit just became a name I went by along with Fawn. People have guessed the name Bandit came from Bluey which is a good guess I like where your head is at, but in this case it was more just a stereotypical dog's name. My girlfriend actually didn't even know what Bluey was at the time.
Also yes if I do end up coming to the conclusion I'm a deer therian both my names will correlate with theriotypes.
This one is a bit more personal considering Hagstone is actually our system name. I know I just said in my last journal entry I'm not sure how comfortable I am talking about our plurality on this blog yet, but Hagstone is a name I go by so it's relevant to the conversation. I don't totally remember who came up with the name the Hagstone System if I'm being completely honest, I think Morgan came up with it in the notes app and I kind of just went along with it. A hagstone or adder stone is a rock with a naturally occurring hole in it that's believed in some folklore to allow a person to see into other realms. The Idea behind the name was that a lot of us on some level identify with a type of other realm being for whatever reason. For example I'm faekin, I guess Morgan identifies with vampires in some sense, one of our headmates likes the teen werewolf aesthetic, etc. I don't think it applies to all of our headmates, but I also don't know that for a fact because I don't have good communication with the rest of the system. At the moment I'm under the impression there's like six of us including myself, but I don't even know if that's true. Okay I'm getting a little bit more personal about this then I planned so moving on. Sometimes all right my name as Fawn/Bandit Hagstone online sort of as filler for a last name.
Others Names
There are some other names I'll go by like Skunk for example which is one of my Fursonas names. They're called Skunk because they're a border collie and border collies are often black with a white stripe down their face and belly reminiscent of the white stripe going down a skunks back.
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Director’s Cut of Crescent Chapter 5 Revision
This is based off an ask that an anon sent in for this ask meme: ‘What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.’ Except I’m doing it for this whole chapter because it’s my blog, my rules.
If you’re a fanfic writer who is considering tackling a long fic--the advice I can give to you is this: consider the amount of editing you may do for a 3k oneshot. Consider how much an oneshot changes from beginning to end. Now imagine you have to write fifty one-shots that are all have to be interconnected and correlated with one another and the hassle of remembering five plot points has now morphed into seventy-nine plot points and you may start to understand the stress that causes. Unless you are the author that bravely writes everything with minimal editing, to which I salute thee for your unabashed fortitude in your work.
What was my point again? My point being, there is a reason why published novels go through many revisions before they hit the shelves, fanfiction being a hobby art means it’s a lot more messier and noticeable if a writer decides to revise their already published work.
In many ways, I’m proud of the original Crescent--it was my biggest finished work, excluding a few Nanowrimo projects that are technically not finished. For me, however, I’ve always viewed fanfiction as a way to practice my writing for original concepts, so revisions are a part of that for me. It can allow me to have a stronger foundation to pull from for new Gibbous chapters and Crescent Chapter 5 is probably my favorite I’ve done thus far. 
I want to go through a brief comparison of the Original vs. Revision in this post to show how much revision changes a work but also my favorite additions.
The Issue with Roman
See, I’ve always had a bone to pick with Roman in this AU, and primarily it’s because I wanted him to be an antagonistic character towards Virgil (paralleling canon) but I still wanted him to be sympathetic to the readers.
At the time of writing Crescent, I really struggled putting down on paper the image of what that looked like inside my head.  His character felt very two-dimensional, which made the idea of writing some future important Gibbous moments even harder because it didn’t feel well-deserved given the foundation I laid down in Crescent.
Given this chapter is essentially his introduction to the AU, it was my chance to redeem Roman and give him the attention he deserves.
Beginning Paragraphs
Roman was not a heartless monster. Like Patton, he couldn’t walk by an injured bird without feeling pity for it. Logan, on the other hand, could stroll by the bird without a passing thought. He’d state it was best to let nature run its course.
“All things die, Patton,” Logan said once, as he comforted Patton after he attempted to save a dying Robin, “It would’ve died regardless if you tried to help it or not. It was too far gone.”
“I—I know that,” Patton gave a rueful smile, “But I had to at least try to save him—at the very least he didn’t die all alone on a cold cement, terrified of what happened to him.”
Logan’s hand on his shoulder tightened. A look was shared between the two of them and Roman had a feeling that Patton wasn’t just talking about the bird.
“And I am sure he is grateful for your actions.” Logan choked.
I really like this bit a lot--in fact I still included it later in the chapter--but it’s a very static opening to me. Roman is barely included in this opening despite being his chapter. I wanted a better peak into Roman’s thoughts at the onset rather than midway through the chapter, however, which why I changed it.
As Roman stared at the human’s sleeping form, he couldn’t help but wonder how humans managed to become the dominating species of planet Earth. Without their weaponry or protective garb, they really did look rather frail and unassuming. Roman could dispose of his pack’s intruder within seconds.
“I hope you should know that if I was not a wolf of honor, I’d strike you where you laid.” Roman informed the unconscious human, his words punctuated with a soft growl.
The human did not respond to this, although he did turn his back to face Roman in his sleep. Said werewolf couldn’t help but feel unreasonably indignant at this.
“But be assured, I will not hesitant should you pose a threat,” Roman continued, walking a small loop around the spare bedroom, “In fact I will not rest in my vigilance over you.”
A yawn escaped him then, as if to prove his point. He couldn’t sleep—he couldn’t even concentrate on his art commissions while an intruder prowled around their den. He took another glance at the human, scowling. Perhaps prowling wasn’t quite the right term. The intruder had spent the past day-and-an-half sprawled out in one of their beds, a place he certainly did not belong.
However, the same could be said of Roman. He was not supposed to be here with the human. He’d agreed to let both Patton and Logan handle the human.
An agitated worry gnawed at him all the same. Roman still well remembered the last time they let a human inside their dwelling.
Now this? This is more dynamic, it’s more clear from the onset that Roman is in the spare bedroom because he’s concerned about Virgil’s presence in the house and we even get into “what happened last time a human entered their house”--a throwaway line that was never addressed in the original. 
Which then leads to a flashback sequence completely added into the revision process. It actually has inspo from alternate draft for Gibbous Chapter 5
It was dangerous living in the city, but the countryside was even more dangerous. Witch hunts for paranormal folk were more frequent. Everyone was constantly suspecting each other to be inhuman. If the cashier at the local mom and pop store had unusually sharp canines, everyone was crying werewolf. And just like the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, they were usually wrong.
However, the cashier would pay the price. Despite the Federal Paranormal Agency finding these findings false, it would be on her record. It ruined their chances of finding work. After all, what if the FPA had been wrong? No one wanted to hire a possible paranormal folk.
The exposition isn’t necessarily bad, but you have to consider whether or not it’s more impactful to show that same information through a scene.
It was the type of nowhere that the nearest “town” was a gas station and a few other motley buildings. It was the type of nowhere where the nearest neighbor lived far enough that their house wasn’t visible to your own. It was the type of nowhere that was ideal for a few wolves to live undisturbed. Or at least, they’d all assumed so.
“Hello! How can I help you?” Patton said, the door opening not fully all the way. Roman could tell this from the door giving out only a short creak rather than a long creaeaeaeaak.
“Why hello Hon! I’m Debbie, I heard from your neighbor Dan that someone finally bought old John’s property and thought I’d drop by and say hello. I brought scones to share with you—I made them from scratch. Won’t you try one?” The intruder said, her voice weathered and frayed with age.
“Aw, shucks! Thank you so much! My name is Patton, it’s nice to meet you.” Patton said. There was a slight pause from Roman presumed to be Patton reaching out for a scone. “Do you happen to be a relative of John?”
“Oh, oh no!” Debbie laughed, “John never had no folks here. Ever since I was a child, he lived here on his lonesome. Bit of a strange one, if you know what I mean.”
“Well, this is all talk mind you but—” Debbie broke into a whisper, “we think he was a bloodsucker. The fella never did seem to age naturally. Never came into town in broad daylight, always scuttled around twixt dusk and dawn. People don’t like that ‘round here, of course, but there was never any damn cement evidence. Didn’t stop ‘em, I’ll tell ya that.”
Roman did not like where this was going. Patton didn’t like where it was going either—Roman knew by the other’s heartrate accelerating in speed.
“Stop who?” Patton asked, his words muffled from a mouthful of food.
“Out here, people take care of each other. Don’t need the government to dictate how we live or swoop in to fix things, hah!” Debbie said wryly, “Bless his heart, old John didn’t go down without a fight.”
“You…killed him?”
“Oh, oh no!” Debbie chortled, her breath hitching abruptly, “I didn’t kill him. You? Well, hon. That’s a different story.”
It’s up to the reader’s interpretation whether or not Old John was actually a vampire. Maybe he was an anti-social hermit who wanted to avoid people at all costs. Maybe he was indeed a vampire that did his best to keep his head down. Whose to say? Also, writing an old vicious southern lady was a lot of fun.
Debbie, Continued
Roman still had time, he could still come to Patton’s aid. If he could only escape the fabric prison engulfing him. His claws dug and tore away at the quilt in a frantic attempt to escape its grasp. He couldn’t seem to find the ends of the blanket; it was all consuming. He growled anyways. A warning growl, the fiercest one he could muster. A growl that meant Unwanted, Go Away, Leave Now.
He didn’t believe the human would actually listen. He just needed to drive the human’s attention away from harming Patton. As he managed to pop his head from underneath the quilt, the edge of a small thin silver blade raised high above his head.
“Ro—roman.” Patton yelped. But he couldn’t see Patton. All he saw was the beady eyes entrenched in a face wrinkled from anger and bitterness. If Roman was a hero from a sacred tale, this would be the moment he epically saved the day. But that would be a grievous lie.
It did not mean he made a valiant attempt at doing so. Roman lunged at Debbie, snarling. She met him with a swift kick to his face, knocking him asunder. His heart roared in his ears as he stubbornly flung up to his paws. He charged forward in a blind rage. Another kick—this time to his ribs—sent him crumpling down. As he rose up again, a steel-toed boot pressed into his jugular, effectively cutting most of his air supply.
Roman thought he heard Patton screaming his name. It was getting hard to focus. His head pulsated as if brain matter was leaking out of his ears. His vision became a blob of shape and color at this point.
“Shush, don’t fight it.” The human said with bared teeth. A white-hot blade danced across the half-faded scars along his sternum.
“You poor thing, someone did a fucked up job of trying to put you out of your misery,” Debbie cooed, “don’t worry, I’ll finish the job.”
Blood. Blood everywhere on white pristine tile. A corpse, devoid of all life. A being that would never bask in the Moon’s glow or howl with him to rejoice in a good hunt. A whimper-howl escaped his throat. Patton was dead, he was gone, Roman had failed his pack for a second time—
“Ro—Roman,” A shaky, twitching arm latched itself around him, “I’m here, I’m here. She didn’t use enough wolfsbane—it didn’t taste bitter enough.”
Pack, pack was safe. Roman whined, nuzzling his snout into Patton’s sweater. It was wet and sticky, but underneath was a heart still beating and alive. That was important, that was enough.
“You were so brave, Ro, so, so brave.” Patton murmured.
Logan found them an hour later, huddled inches away from the body of the accursed human. They didn’t end up staying long after that��fleeing under the solace of the Moon’s rays. Patton was right—it wasn’t enough wolfsbane to kill him. But it was just enough wolfsbane to leave him sick for weeks. He’d throw up the slightest thing resembling solids. All because some human decided that peaceful or not, no “paranormal” being deserved to live.
It’s important to me to show Roman’s experience here. What’s more impactful Roman in the original stating he hates humans because of a story he was told and the vague hint they killed his parents? Or the illustrated scene where he was helpless to defeat the human who harmed Patton, just as he’d failed his birth pack, which leads him into refusing to lower his guard around Virgil’s presence in the house?
It also allows me to show a glimpse of the three werewolves and their bond together, because they do care very much for one another even when they disagree.
Debbie, Conclusion
Not just some human, it was all of them. Honor meant nothing to them—even if their wolf pack abided by human rules and peacefully resided in their own territory, it did not matter. Sooner or later, a self-righteous vigilante or the Federal Paranormal Agency would be on their land to pay a “friendly” visit. To survive, they were anything but a wolf. Anything meant a normal, average person. A person meant a human being and nothing else.
“It is not fair,” Roman remarked to the still unconscious human lying before him, “What a privilege you have for simply being born a human.”
Of course, Roman wasn’t ashamed for being a werewolf. It was a blessing to be one of the Moon’s children. He was superior in physicality and promised a long natural life unlike this feeble ailing human. But he did harbor a righteous rage for the world that humans carved out of the violence they wrought. Most humans did not grow into FPA hunters—but they still benefited from their hunts. They lived their whole lives without the fear of death looming above their heads, ready to strike at any moment.
It’s important to note Roman’s aware that most humans aren’t actively hunting down werewolves, but by their willingness to say nothing, they perpetuate the violence. He’s upset, after growing up in an environment that celebrated who he was, that he has to play human and pretend otherwise.
Remus’s Introduction
Back when I wrote this originally, his character hadn’t been introduced. Which slightly complicated matters, because Roman’s original backstory hinged on the idea he was his parents’ only child, which is unusual (werewolves usually have twins or triplets). I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to seek a way of including Remus at first, but eventually I settled on an idea. Yes, Roman presumes he is dead--whether or not that’s the case, depends on if I ever finish Gibbous and write the next part of the AU.
Looking at the human reminded him of the stories his mother told him as a child. They were much like the fairytales humans fed to their children but instead as being disregarded as mere fantasy, most werewolves regarded them as factual accounts of the times before them. From the moment he said his first words, his parents and other elders of the pack taught the stories to him until he could repeat them verbatim. As much as Roman loved the stories, he loved enhancing them, adding dragon-witches where there hadn’t been before. He was discouraged from this by his father.
“Roman, these stories have been passed down from the beginning of time. It will be your responsibility to pass along these stories to your own pups or to newly-turns.”
“But a dragon-witch is so much cooler than a regular witch though!” Roman protested.
“Perhaps, but by adding that to the story is the same as lying. You are telling people there was a dragon witch when that is not happened. Do you understand?”
“Not really.” Roman hung his head.
“Come here,” His father patted the seat next to him on the couch, “let me tell you the tale of Conan, who had a knack of embellishing tales the same as you.”
“What does ‘embellishing’ mean?” Roman wrinkled his nose as he sat beside his father.
The other chuckled, “Listen to the story and you’ll find out.”
Oddly, this reminded him of the sacred tales his parents told him and his brother Remus as children. From the moment the two spoke their first words, their parents and other members of their pack taught them the sacred tales until they could repeat them verbatim. This was because sacred tales were stories passed on from generation to generation, of the history that came before them.
They were real, factual, not like the fairytales that humans fed to their children of the past. It was important that they knew the sacred tales and could repeat them by heart, unaltered in any way.
That didn’t stop Roman and Remus from “enhancing” them. They’d sit under the shade of an oak tree, bouncing ideas back and forth.
“What if instead of booooring humans, Romulus fought off a dragon? A mucus-breathing dragon with six wings and twice as many eyes?” Remus suggested one time.
“What if it’s also a dragon-witch? A dragon that is also a witch who can mind control people and Romulus has to fight them off and free everyone from being mind controlled.”
“Ooh, yeah!” Remus beamed, “and then he gets swallowed alive! And he finds Remus Rex in there, and they both have to stab the dragon-witch from the inside out!”
Their dad wasn’t as amused by their modification of the Sacred Story regarding their namesakes.
“Roman, Remus, these stories have been passed down from the beginning of time. It will be your responsibility one day to pass along these stories to your own pups or to any newly-turns under your guidance.”
“But him beating up a dragon-witch is so much cooler than him defeating some humans!” Roman protested.
“Perhaps, but by changing what actually happened is the same as lying. You are telling people there was a dragon witch when that did not happen. Do you understand?”
“Not really.”
The two boys said at once.
“Come here you two,” His father patted the seat next to him on the couch, “let me tell you the tale of Conan, who had a knack of embellishing tales the same as you.”
“What does ‘embellishing’ mean?” Roman wrinkled his nose as he sat beside his father.
“Yeah, does it have to do with making stories cooler?” Remus said, settling on the other side of their dad.
The adult only chuckled at their queries, “Listen to the story and you’ll find out.”
By the end of Conan’s story, Roman truly understood the importance of reciting the sacred stories from memory. Remus, on the other hand, was stubborn. He liked adding onto the sacred tales, if only to see the outrageous looks on the Elders’ faces for doing so. Roman liked the ideas of dragon-witches and manticore-chimeras—he just always made sure to remind his listeners that those stories were entirely fictional unlike the sacred tales.
I gave the werewolves’ oral history a name--sacred tales--and because I wanted to distinguish a difference between the brothers Romulus and Remus of Roman myth and Roman & Remus, they’re referred to as Romulus Rex and Remus Rex by werewolves. In this, Romulus & Remus were werewolf brothers who praised as heroes in werewolf sacred tales and Romulus did not kill Remus like the human legends claim.
The Tale of the Homines
In case anyone is curious “homines” = latin for “people” aka humans. I didn’t change much from the original, mainly changed the ending to include Remus in it.
“But that’s not all,” Roman gravely said, “Because of their arrogance, the Sun and Moon also cursed the other homines with even shorter lifespans than before!”
“That doesn’t seem very fair though, the other homines didn’t kill the werewolves and vampires!” One boy cried out.
Roman’s eyebrows raised. “Yes, but you see the other homines were just as greedy and committed other unspeakable acts. That is why they are now known as humans.”
It was because of that story and many others, that Roman was guarded by the human’s presence
“But that’s not all,” Roman gravely said, “Because of their arrogance, the Sun and Moon also cursed the other homines with even shorter lifespans than before!”
“That doesn’t seem very fair though, the other homines didn’t kill the werewolves and vampires!” One boy cried out.
Roman’s eyebrows raised. “Yes, but you see the other homines were just as greedy and committed other unspeakable acts. That is why they are now known as humans.”
Gasps echoed throughout the crowd.
“And that is why we wolves always must stay wary of humans—because they’re wily and are always trying to find insidious ways to circumvent the curse they brought upon themselves.” Roman finished, to the applause of his audience.
One person in clapped louder than the rest. At some point towards the end, Remus had shown up and somehow managed to keep his maw shut until now. “Well done, dear brother! But you forgot something important—”
Roman groaned, “No, I did not—”
“You forgot to include that homines could projectile poison acid from their stomachs—”
“No, they did not!”
“And that when they attacked at the banquet, they killed everyone by spitting acid in their faces—”
“Ignore him, that’s not what happened!” Roman insisted, before launching himself at his brother.
“Admit it, it sounds better!” Remus shouted to the rest, as Roman pummeled him to the ground.
The two tussled, holding back laughter as they growled without any true malice. Life was simpler back then—when his greatest worry was keeping Remus from spreading misinformation to impressible young minds.
*holds teenage Remus and Roman gently in my hands* look at how young and untraumatized these two are. Also something to note is I had Roman blatantly give the moral of the story which is “we wolves must stay wary of humans--because they’re wily and are always trying to find insidious ways to circumvent the curse they brought upon themselves”
yes my most favorite trope is non-humans viewing humans as monsters and vice versa.
The Blood
It was because of that story and many others, that Roman was guarded by the human’s presence. Although, it wasn’t just the stories that caused him to be wary. Roman could never forget the blood that was spilled that day. Blood that stained the snow scarlet red. Blood that dripped down from the gleaming silver of their weapons. Blood that doused Roman’s hair as he laid across his father’s corpse, screaming for him to wake up—
“Uh, can I help you?”
It took every ounce of Roman’s being not to claw the human’s face off, not to mention withhold a scream.
Somewhere during his reminisces, the human awoken. He sat up against the headboard of the bed, arms crossed as he glared up at Roman. He hardly looked like a threat with that greasy hair and boney frame. But Roman knew better than to assume otherwise.
His instincts howled at him that the human was a threat that needed to be eliminated. But Roman refused to be like those homines—he would not kill this human in cold blood.
“Yes,” Roman breathed in as he clasped his hands behind his back, “I need you to promise me something or least I can’t let you leave here alive.”
The human’s eyes widened. “Wh-what—?!”
Now Roman had his own sacred tale to tell. It was one he didn’t want to repeat—one he’d rather change its ending to be anything what it was. But he could not change it. Instead, he held onto every detail, unaltered and unmodified. He would always remember the screaming, the howling of that tale.
The blood was not easily forgettable. The image frozen in his mind, not easily thawed. Of the blood that stained the snow a horrid scarlet. Blood that dripped down from the gleaming silver of their weapons. Blood that dribbled from his brother’s mouth as he howled, leading them away from discovering Roman in the underbrush. Blood that doused Roman’s hands as he laid across his father’s corpse, wailing for him to wake up—
“Uh, can I help you?”
It took every bit of Roman’s being not to claw the human’s face or to even withhold a surprised yelp. Somewhere during his reminisces, the human awoken. He sat up against the bed’s headboard, arms crossed as he glared up at Roman. With his greasy hair and boney frame, he didn’t look like a threat.
Roman’s instincts knew better. It growled at him, demanding that he eliminate the intruder that encroached on his pack’s territory. But Roman refused to be like humans and their predecessors—he would not kill in cold blood.
“Yes, actually,” Roman said, inhaling a deep breath as he clasped his hands together, “I need you to promise me something, or at else I cannot allow you to leave here alive.”
The human flinched, “Wh-what–?!”
*claps* look we did it, we gave the overall chapter more weight, because we built up to the whole concept of “Roman grew up being taught oral history by adults in his life with the expectation of passing down their stories/experiences alongside his own to future generations and wow, he has some stories he wish he could change the endings to”
Patton’s in the House
I didnt change too much in this section, other than tightening up some characterization. 
Patton clasped his hands together, “Fantastic! Now, Roman, would you be willing to check on the cinnamon rolls baking the oven? I’ll let you do the frosting!”
Roman saw past that innocent façade of Patton’s to know the paternal figure was intentionally trying to get him to leave the room. He hesitated a moment, not wanting to let Patton be alone with the human. Patton seemed to pick up on this, as his eyes grew softer and his lips silently formed two words.
Trust me.
He sighed before clearing his throat, “I will save your cinnamon rolls from the fiery furnaces and they shall be the most frostiest cinnamon rolls in all the lands!”
Roman clutched his fist in the air as he struck a triumphant pose. The human simply raised an eyebrow, expectantly unappreciative of Roman’s theatrics. Patton beamed as he leaned over to tussle Roman’s hair playfully.
“Awesome! I knew I could count on you, kiddo!”
“Patton, you messed up my hair!” Roman complained, although there was no real malice to it.
“Aw sorry, it looks like you’re a hairy situation.”
Before Roman could groan at Patton’s pun, a muffled sound erupted from the bedside. The two looked over to see a hand over the human’s mouth as he coughed.
Patton clapped his hands together, “Fantastic! Now, Roman, would you be willing to check on the cinnamon rolls baking in the oven? I’ll let you do the frosting!”
It was a flimsy ill-disguised attempt to get Roman to leave the room. He dug clenched fists into his jean pockets. He didn’t want to leave Patton—not after what occurred the last time Patton was left alone with a human in their dwelling.
Patton placed a hand on his shoulder. His lips silently formed two words.
Trust me.
Roman trusted Patton. Time and time again, he proved his loyalty to Roman and Logan. He would not ever choose a human over either of them. He was also capable of defending himself from a human should Virgil attack him. So even if Roman disagreed with keeping a human in their house, he had to continue trusting Patton.
He sighed before clearing his throat, “Alright, I will save your cinnamon rolls from the fiery furnaces, and they shall be the most frostiest cinnamon rolls in all the lands!”
Roman clutched his fist in the air as he struck a pose of triumph. The human simply raised an eyebrow, expectantly unappreciative of Roman’s theatrics. It didn’t matter—all of it was for Patton, an indirect admission of forgiveness—of ‘I’m sorry I upset you, can we be good now?’
Patton thankfully picked up on it. He laughed as he leaned over to tousled Roman’s hair playfully.
“Awesome! I knew I could count on you, kiddo!”
“Patton, you messed up my hair!” Roman complained, although with no real malice to those words.
“Aw sorry, it looks like you’re a hairy situation.”
Before Roman could groan at Patton’s pun, a muffled sound erupted from the bedside. The two looked over to see a hand over the human’s mouth as he coughed.
Something I love writing is characters who are close enough that they don’t need to outright say some things for them to both understand where they are coming from. Also, I don’t think this will ever get picked up on by readers but Virgil coughing at this part? He was most definitely trying not to laugh at Patton’s cheesy pun so he forced a cough instead. 100% canon. 
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astrarchee · 2 years
updates [03/13/2023];
hello everyone!
apologies from the get go, for my silence. i know that this blog is pretty much run on a queue of various quotes / prompts / writing things / etc., and not even many people following... but to those that are here, following because you enjoy my work, i wanted to provide an update on what's going on with everything:
[to save on space, everything is below the cut. TL;DR also below the cut.]
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chasing down the gods ⇨
the update is much, much later than i had previously promised. this is due to some things that happened offline, and threw my mind [and - generally - everything] into a bit of chaos. it's been hard to find inspiration, so i was giving myself some breathing space. my hope and goal is to get the chapter done this week, since the following one is already completed. i had considered posting that, but i don't want to time-skip quite yet. i don't think it's fair to all of you who have stuck with me for... 8 years, if my math is semi correct. in the interim, i actually made this fun page for it [link also in the sidebar/drop down titled "check the page"]! my hope is to make one for every work i've posted / am working on [aka, WIPs and completed]. feel free to check it out! i hope you all like it [it's dark mode, and should be mobile friendly-ish].
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now, speaking of WIPs...
untitled gd fic ⇨
if you check this blog's homepage much [i will not blame you if you don't], you will have noticed a new work was put under the right sidebar [dropdown menu on mobile]. this was titled "untitled gd fic," and i am happy to announce that i am ready to reveal some first insights! as with cdtg, a WIP page has been made. as much as I would love to share it, due to a title being... not there, the url is a bit choppy. so, to make it up a bit, here's a photo so you all can have a sneak preview:
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a couple notes:
this will be multichapter
this will be close to complete / mostly completed prior to uploading beginning
current ETA for uploads starting is may 2023 [forgoing more unforeseen life issues]
none of the bigger "archive warnings" for AO3 will apply [i.e. no non-con / major character death / etc.]* * only exception might be gore, but the plan is to not have extreme graphic details. think more criminal minds prior to it going to paramount+ and thus being able to show more.
when we are in april, my hope is to have the page itself available for everyone to check out. i am hoping to use these across the board
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anything else ⇨
as said, these pages will be made for every fic. so, that includes mending bones and packed lunches and misplaced mistletoes. i will be putting links to these... somewhere. i have not gotten that far in my thought process. but, this allots a bit of time to actually work on things for this blog / towards my muse and writing inspiration, rather than just sitting and waiting.
one more thing [almost posted without mentioning this]: i will be linking to my main blog for a fic rec list. there, you'll find fics i've read and recommend for various fandoms. they were basically all wlw, but i don't know what else anyone would expect from me here. i will link both the mobile friendly edition, and the desktop version. i tend to prefer the desktop, but i know that tumblr mobile has become a lot more popular than when i first started here. i will note: i need to update it [has not been updated since... early february, i believe], but if you want something to read, check it out! my blog will also have a book rec page up eventually. that one takes a lot longer since that library is also expansive. if you want to go ahead and see recs now in the interim, here's the link to my blog's page with the direct links to said pages.
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that's it though! i know i wrote a lot here, so:
cdtg update will come as soon as life stops being messy + a fun WIP page
a new fic for a new fandom coming soon to a theater near you
pages for all previously completed works [aka all two of them] will be added to the blog very soon.
feel free to reach out, if you want to chat or anything. tumblr notifications are wonky as heck - but i will reply as swiftly as i can. hopefully i can do these kinds of updates biweekly / monthly. those of you here for the fic and the quotes, let me know if that sounds good to you.
much love - C
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drbanewell-blog · 4 months
Lifelong Learning Blog
Introductory Post
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Bruce Newell, Ed.D. I earned my Doctor of Education degree in Adult Education from Oklahoma State University. I am a retired Air Force officer, I was an adjunct university professor for over 25 years, and am the founder/owner of a computer consulting business. Additionally, I am currently learning about Internet marketing through a world-class entrepreneurial training institute.
I believe every human being has a deep desire to grow and achieve their full potential. So, as an educational consultant, I started this blog to help others on their lifelong learning journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.
The posts to this Lifelong Learning blog will cover a wide range of topic areas that I feel are significant to lead to this end. Additionally, I will provide links to products and services and to other related websites.
Throughout my life I have had a burning desire to learn. I learned to read at a very early age, I was reading prior to kindergarten age. I thank my parents for their assistance in this area. As a child I remember taking things apart trying to figure out how they worked.
I always asked questions throughout my many years of formal education. In fact, many of my high school teachers were noticeably disturbed when I questioned the information they were presenting.
My thirst for information continued to grow as a grew older. I studied hard and was an excellent student; on the Honor Roll and the Dean’s List.
In my college years I completed many more courses than were required for graduation. I obtained four college degrees in a shortened amount of time while graduating with honors.
I have accumulated a sizable library of mainly nonfiction books, a large vinyl record collection and cassette tape library in a variety of genres. In addition, I have acquired many video courses in a variety of subjects, many of which I am still in the process of viewing when I have some leisure time.
I have a Facebook™ Fan Page dedicated to my passion of Lifelong Learning. I also created a Facebook™ Group that is dedicated to helping others to reach their full potential and to lead a richer, more fulfilling life.
As I reflect on my journey thus far, it is evident that lifelong learning has been the guiding force that has shaped my path. My thirst for knowledge has only grown stronger with time.
Through this blog, I hope to share the wealth of knowledge and experiences I have gained, acting as a guide and mentor for others who share this passion for lifelong learning. By providing insights, resources, and a platform for discussion, I aim to inspire and empower individuals to embark on their own transformative journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. Together, we can unlock our full potential and lead richer, more fulfilling lives.
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate and an affiliate marketer, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase through any of the links above, I am compensated at no cost to you. Thank you.
Disclaimer: I personally write each blog post, however, the outline and portions of the this and future posts may be/have been crafted and/or refined with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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grabyourluck-blog · 2 years
Is Video Blogging A Good Idea? Maybe Not...
New Post has been published on https://www.referral-master.com/is-video-blogging-a-good-idea-maybe-not/
Is Video Blogging A Good Idea? Maybe Not...
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Which would you rather do – spend two hours thinking of a great blog post idea, researching that idea, writing the post and finally editing the post… or dashing off a video post in less than half the time?
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Heck, let’s be honest: If you’ve got a good idea and the ideas are flowing, you can dash off a video post in the same time it takes to make the recording. Post it to your blog, and you’re done.
No wonder why so many bloggers are turning to video.
Problem is, video is not the holy grail of blogging. In fact, if taken too far it can actually lead to the downfall of your blog (notice the crickets chirping, the tumbleweeds, err, tumbling, etc.)
Here are five tips for using video on your blog without totally alienating your readers or camouflaging yourself from the search engines. Or more specifically, five reasons NOT to use video exclusively.
Video is no substitute for the written word (sorry!) Users don’t just want video. Visitors want a clear idea of what they’re about to see before they hit that play button. Not to mention the fact that many of your viewers aren’t at their computer, they’re mobile users who may or may not have a speedy connection. If they can at least read your story and then decide if your video is worth downloading, you have a better shot at capturing and holding their attention.
Obvious solution? Incorporate video and writing into your blogpost, not just video.
The search engines don’t know what you’re talking about. The day has not yet arrived that search engines can figure out the words spoken in your video. Thus, if you have video only, or video and poor content from an SEO stand point, then you might as well have donned a cloak of invisibility as far as the search engines are concerned.
Instead, you want to couple good writing that incorporates your SEO terms with your video. The two paired together make a smashing team and work hand-in-hand to make your blog post even better.
Lousy videos are, well, lousy. Okay, if you’re breaking a story in front of a burning building, you’re going to use your cell phone to take the video because that’s what you happened to have handy at the time. But if you’re in your office doing “how-to” kinds of videos, PLEASE invest in an inexpensive HD camcorder. Please. Your viewers will thank you.
Also, ad-libbing is something few people can get by with. Before you begin recording, make an outline of all your major points and post it right next to the camera so you don’t get lost and you don’t forget anything. Notice I said outline – writing it out word for word and then READING it is a big (HUGE!) no-no and will make your audience fall asleep faster than two blinks of the eye.
Please be aware of camera positioning. I recently saw a video on a major marketing website that was positioned on a coffee table and afforded a perfect crotch shot for the entire duration. Ewww.
One last thing – forget the umms, errrs, and ahhhs. If you need to pause for a second to think of a word, then just PAUSE. You do not need to fill in every second with sound, especially when that sound (um er ah) makes you sound like a bonafide rank amateur.
Hiding your content underneath your videos is not cool. Look, you want people to spend as much time as possible on your page, right? Then begin your post with written content and place your video within the content – not ahead of it. Your headline and lead-in should capture their attention enough to get them reading, and within the first 2-4 paragraphs you can reference the video. If they’re engaged, odds are they’ll read the rest of your post and then watch the video.
On the other hand, if the video appears first, then they will either watch the video and leave (they’ve seen the video, why read your content?) Or they’ll just leave because they don’t want to watch a video without first having a clue why they should bother.
Don’t over use video – think of video as an hors d’oeuvre or side dish, not the main course. Videos should be short – under 2 minutes whenever possible, and certainly under 5 minutes unless your content is drop-dead riveting.
Bottom line: Video is an excellent supplement to your blog, but it shouldn’t be the only thing on there. Provide plenty of SEO friendly content that grabs readers’ attention and you’ll keep visitors on your website longer and visiting more frequently, as well.
0 notes
icinch · 2 years
Is Video Blogging A Good Idea? Maybe Not...
New Post has been published on https://www.cinchhomebiz.com/is-video-blogging-a-good-idea-maybe-not/
Is Video Blogging A Good Idea? Maybe Not...
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Which would you rather do – spend two hours thinking of a great blog post idea, researching that idea, writing the post and finally editing the post… or dashing off a video post in less than half the time?
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Heck, let’s be honest: If you’ve got a good idea and the ideas are flowing, you can dash off a video post in the same time it takes to make the recording. Post it to your blog, and you’re done.
No wonder why so many bloggers are turning to video.
Problem is, video is not the holy grail of blogging. In fact, if taken too far it can actually lead to the downfall of your blog (notice the crickets chirping, the tumbleweeds, err, tumbling, etc.)
Here are five tips for using video on your blog without totally alienating your readers or camouflaging yourself from the search engines. Or more specifically, five reasons NOT to use video exclusively.
Video is no substitute for the written word (sorry!) Users don’t just want video. Visitors want a clear idea of what they’re about to see before they hit that play button. Not to mention the fact that many of your viewers aren’t at their computer, they’re mobile users who may or may not have a speedy connection. If they can at least read your story and then decide if your video is worth downloading, you have a better shot at capturing and holding their attention.
Obvious solution? Incorporate video and writing into your blogpost, not just video.
The search engines don’t know what you’re talking about. The day has not yet arrived that search engines can figure out the words spoken in your video. Thus, if you have video only, or video and poor content from an SEO stand point, then you might as well have donned a cloak of invisibility as far as the search engines are concerned.
Instead, you want to couple good writing that incorporates your SEO terms with your video. The two paired together make a smashing team and work hand-in-hand to make your blog post even better.
Lousy videos are, well, lousy. Okay, if you’re breaking a story in front of a burning building, you’re going to use your cell phone to take the video because that’s what you happened to have handy at the time. But if you’re in your office doing “how-to” kinds of videos, PLEASE invest in an inexpensive HD camcorder. Please. Your viewers will thank you.
Also, ad-libbing is something few people can get by with. Before you begin recording, make an outline of all your major points and post it right next to the camera so you don’t get lost and you don’t forget anything. Notice I said outline – writing it out word for word and then READING it is a big (HUGE!) no-no and will make your audience fall asleep faster than two blinks of the eye.
Please be aware of camera positioning. I recently saw a video on a major marketing website that was positioned on a coffee table and afforded a perfect crotch shot for the entire duration. Ewww.
One last thing – forget the umms, errrs, and ahhhs. If you need to pause for a second to think of a word, then just PAUSE. You do not need to fill in every second with sound, especially when that sound (um er ah) makes you sound like a bonafide rank amateur.
Hiding your content underneath your videos is not cool. Look, you want people to spend as much time as possible on your page, right? Then begin your post with written content and place your video within the content – not ahead of it. Your headline and lead-in should capture their attention enough to get them reading, and within the first 2-4 paragraphs you can reference the video. If they’re engaged, odds are they’ll read the rest of your post and then watch the video.
On the other hand, if the video appears first, then they will either watch the video and leave (they’ve seen the video, why read your content?) Or they’ll just leave because they don’t want to watch a video without first having a clue why they should bother.
Don’t over use video – think of video as an hors d’oeuvre or side dish, not the main course. Videos should be short – under 2 minutes whenever possible, and certainly under 5 minutes unless your content is drop-dead riveting.
Bottom line: Video is an excellent supplement to your blog, but it shouldn’t be the only thing on there. Provide plenty of SEO friendly content that grabs readers’ attention and you’ll keep visitors on your website longer and visiting more frequently, as well.
0 notes
brcha · 2 years
Some personal blogs have started following me, so I’m going to bring this post over from my other blog, regarding what personal blogs can and cannot reblog from me. Generally speaking, if I’ve put it in a general character tag, book tag, or other very general tag, it’s free to be reblogged. If it’s a thread or tagged as a personal headcanon, please do not reblog it. But as a helpful list:
You may reblog:
–Any of my edits, photosets, gifsets, etc, that can be found in my : my edits ( liesl makes things ) tag.
–Anything in the general character tags, book tags, or author tags. Examples: if something is tagged #breha organa or #last of the jedi or other general tags ( please note the difference between these examples of general tags as opposed to my personalized tags )
–Any of the Legends canon quotes that I post. These also fall under the ‘general character tags’ but anything in the : canon quotes ( the stuff of legends ) tag is also acceptable for reblogging.
–PS that if you like my edits you may be interested in my edits sideblog, lvminousbeings, which you, of course, may also reblog anything from.
Please do not reblog:
–My headcanons, as tagged : headcanons ( my mind turns your life into folklore ) If you really, really want to reblog one you can ask me and I may or may not say yes.
–My in character meme responses, or headcanon meme responses ( unless you sent the meme ).
–My threads with other people.
–Edits made specifically for another person and tagged with their url as an @ mention in the caption.
–Any promos I make for myself, or any promos I reblog for other rp blogs; these will be tagged as ‘promos’ or ‘sp’.
–If you are confused as to what any of those things are, feel free to ask and I’ll let you know if it’s something you may reblog or if I’m not comfortable with you reblogging it. ( I have been asked in the past about certain things being rebloggable or not and I don’t actually think I’ve ever said no when asked, unless it was a thread. )
Please ask before reblogging:
–My thinking-out-loud, for lack of a better phrase, regarding Breha/Alderaan/canon/etc. These are essentially my metas, which are something in between personal commentary on canon and headcanon. So depending on which way I personally feel like each one leans, I’ll either be fine with you reblogging it or would prefer you not to, so please ask first.
–Anything that isn’t explicitly allowed in the ‘you may reblog’ section.
If you are ever in doubt as to if you can reblog something or not, please just ask. I will never be mad at you for asking, I appreciate you asking, and appreciate those of you who who respect my boundaries and thus allow me to feel comfortable continuing to keep my blog open to personals. If you ever reblog something that I am not comfortable with being reblogged, I’ll ask you to delete it, and thus far most people I’ve encountered have been very polite and receptive to those requests. ( If I ask you to delete something and you won’t do it, or are rude to me when I ask, then you’ll be blocked. This has only happened a couple times over all the years I’ve had this blog, and I appreciate that the majority of personals who follow me are polite and receptive to my boundaries. )
thank you!
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Hey TAJ! This is unicorn anon 2.0 lol, hope you're doing okay and enjoying Festa/comeback activities! I had a few reasons for popping in. First, I just wanted to say I love your last handful of posts! I'm envious of how you can make your points so concisely. Also wanted to say I'm sorry you've been getting so many troll anons lately. Fandom spaces can be exhausting enough without people actively making it worse. As a Taekooker it just frustrates me so much to see other Tkks in here, and on other blogs, being assholes on purpose. I'm sorry it happens to you so often.
Finally I was curious about your one reason you could see for Taekook dating (sorry if I'm butchering the way you worded that -- I know that you don't actually think they are haha) but of course I totally understand if that's not something you want to get into here!
Anyway I hope you're doing well and having fun with all the new content! -🦄 2.0
I'm so delighted whenever anons make use of the tags I give to them. 😂 Hello, unicorn 2.0! (Although I could swear you were the OG—the way you write sounds like the OG anyway... help, let me know if I'm wrong!)
Similar to Jikook, if I were a Tkkr, I would focus on the overarching dynamics between Taekook. Already we're seeing people lose their minds over them sitting next to each other or Taehyung wanting to go get a tattoo with Jungkook, but those are... non-reasons to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That's not to say that none of these things aren't cute because they could be, in the same way that Jkkrs find joy in Jikook sharing a car. It doesn't indicate anything about their relationship, but it is a shipper-oriented moment (I feel like this distinction is crazy important).
(The rest behind a cut because this is pretty much the antithesis of my usual content. Subject yourself to it if you want.
Disclaimer: I am not a Tkkr. I can't stress this enough. If you're a casual passerby, please take note of this.)
The so-called overarching dynamic between Taekook that I've observed thus far is arguably mundane, but I would cite the fact that they have reconnected and it shows. I think when you compare their dynamics pre-ITS1 vs. now, they've clearly bridged whatever social awkwardness they had before. I wasn't around when BTS debuted and as far as I know, everyone could agree that Taekook were closer, but nowadays I imagine their friendship has risen from the ashes, so to speak, as an ode to what they had as young teenagers. But now they're adults, and I would probably explore what that could mean.
I've also noticed that Taehyung and Jungkook are both exploring their interests and hobbies, trying out new things, etc. In everyday life, people will find it a lot easier to connect with someone whose phase in life is seemingly running parallel to theirs.
So if I were a Tkkr, these are the dots I'd latch onto and run with because it makes the most sense to me and has the most potential to cultivate that Taekook angle I would hypothetically want to develop.
Thus begs the question I may get in response to this: if you can see this, why aren't you a Tkkr?
Because their micro dynamics suggest to me (using my own knowledge of human behavior, which can sometimes be influenced by my own experiences and personal opinion) that their relationship is ultimately platonic. I personally think Taekook is quite similar to Jihope in terms of closeness.
Any Taekook moment I've witnessed doesn't particularly look invasive or awkward third-wheeling, especially after taking into consideration their culture on skinship. Jikook, by comparison, often flirts with that line of what's considered "normal," which is why they interest me far more than Taekook does.
This isn't me trying to dismiss Taekook. I just don't see them in that way and I never have, but I can certainly pick out things that can be used to begin a narrative that sounds the most logical to me. The practice itself isn't hard, and I can do the same for all the other ships quite easily, and I still wouldn't consider myself a shipper for those ships either.
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crystalsenergy · 3 years
the primary archetypes and the 12 zodiac signs (and planets) #3
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all images here do not belong to me. credits to the appropriate authors.
7. The Persona - Libra / Ascendant - Venus
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The Persona is one of the best known archetypes. I love dealing with Persona and I've done some posts about it (relating the Jungian concept to astrology). This archetype basically means the social mask we put on to meet other people. Anyone who acts or does theater understands personas very well: every time the person goes on stage or shoots a scene, she/he emerges in a role that she/he learned to be very well, even if that role has no connection with what this actor in fact is. It's a mere role. That's the Persona: the part of one's personality.
In real life, it's a mask that we use to show a certain group of people (or for everyone, in some cases) characteristics that we select from ourselves, and that are often present to meet the expectations that the environments (and people) own us. Persona is important, as there are places where we really need to "please" some expectations. But this can't be our greatest pursuit, otherwise we live awash in Personas, in people who are more connected to showing what others expect of us - only our good sides, our achievements and happiness, smiles and no sadness, problems, defects and weaknesses.
Libra means many of the things described above if we stop to notice how Libras are extremely attached to seeing the good in everything, rather than accepting to see the bad and the rotten in people and situations, as Libras often hide from themselves - and logo of others - all of your darker, darker sides, from an inner voice that says negative things to desires that this person wants to hide, whether they are objectionable or not. Also, Libras are extremely attached to what they say about them, they are very influenced by what the outsider will think of what they are saying or saying. As I've said in this blog, doors and windows are always open to hear (too much) what they say outside, to the point of being influenced and not always having solidified beliefs. Looks and looks are also very important to them. That's why I relate them to Persona. Normally, Libras have much more connection to Persona than to their complementary opposite - the Shadow. They can have difficult in achieve their (unconscious) problems, and touching their traumas easily. They can be more related to harmonic and good emotions, not accepting the opposite side of life with a certain easily.
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Ascendant and Venus refer us to Persona matters - Ascendant doesn't rule Libra, it's a mere point in the sky, but I see that Libra is very much related to some of the meanings of the Ascendant. ASC is our self-image, but it can sometimes be somewhat dependent on what others say about us. It also has to do with the mask, the surface of our personality and how we show ourselves in the world. And Venus rules Libra and is related to appearance, with this openness to relate to others - to the outside, to the world - taking a lot into account (sometimes too much) of what they have to say about you.
8. The Shadow - Scorpio/Pluto
The Shadow archetype. I've already talked about in other moments relating to astrology. It's literally opposite to the Persona, it relates to everything that the person can't admit in itself: behaviors that are repressed, parts of the personality that are not accepted by others, fears, insecurities, sadness, hidden desires, and so on. The Shadow doesn't just have things that people are afraid to admit because it's socially reprehensible. It goes far beyond that.
The Shadow is an archetype purely related to the unconscious, and there are all the things that one represses for not wanting to speak or see it anymore: traumas, insecurities, emotional repressions, personality traits. So, despite being hidden, nothing better than the Shadow to help us evolve. To make us embrace our pain. So that, through all that has been repressed by our fear of showing ourselves to the world the way we truly are - without taboos and no desires to just please - we can embrace our true selves. The Shadow must not continue to be repressed. It's full of potential for a rebirth of our being, for an increase in our ability to survive to embrace who we really are.
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Scorpio is nothing more than everything I said above. There is no sign that is as capable of embracing its instinctual side and understanding Shadow as Scorpio does. It's a sign extremely linked to breaking taboos, to experiencing difficulties in life but from them and precisely from them letting some potential undiscovered arise. It's the sign of intensity, of contact with the personal unconscious - the Shadow - to allow energies to flow in you to accept being who you were really born to be.
Pluto is the planet that people remember least of, but it's exactly the one they need when it comes to resurrecting and being reborn in the face of a difficulty, a problem. Deep, full of potential, but silent and with a lot of "inner life".
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9 -  The Hero - Sagittarius/Jupiter
The hero archetype. Heroes are naturally determined. They have the ability to overcome obstacles in order to achieve some of their goals. They like to take risks, because that's what life is for them. The hero believes in her/himself, but she/he also believes in other people and inspires them to believe in themselves. They are natural motivators.
Sagittarius is extremely optimistic, has an ability to believe that she/he and others will always be able to overcome difficulties, whatever they may be. Suffers, but never gives up, and thus inspires people. Very cheerful and positive, the hero looks a lot like a hero because heroes are (and need to be) exemplary, and nothing more exemplary than a being who can deal with life's adversities with optimism and with an energy that flows easily over her/him. Furthermore, Sagittarius is very generous, a characteristic that we look for in heroes: that they know how to think of others.
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Jupiter gives the ruling sign (Sagittarius) these characteristics of optimism and much benevolence. Jupiter wants to be in contact with everyone and bring out the best for them. It's the planet of kindness, empathy and expansion. Sagittas believe in everything and everyone.
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
I am posting this mostly to get it off my chest, and I'll probably regret it, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think the biggest problem I have with Fandom Wank(tm) in regards to positivity or negativity, is what bothers me has literally nothing to do with whether one's positivity/negativity will turn out to be right.
last night I followed a couple of posts and went down a rabbit hole of "series negativity" bashers' posts, bc apparently I hate myself and do not wish to be in a good mental space right now, and the common thread I noticed is that those who are overwhelmingly positive and take issue with criticism seem to be doing so bc they see their own versions of Loki being portrayed on-screen, either as how they've interpreted him as a character in generral or as how they've written him in fics. And not only are they fiercely protective of those versions but they also get validation from the confirmation that their Loki is The Right Loki(tm). Criticism takes the on-screen portrayal (and, subsequently, their own personal versions of The Right Loki(tm)) and says, uh, I can't actually see Loki doing this? I think this is ooc? I think Loki as portrayed here is not consistent with previous portrayals? -
- and suddenly you've got this rabid backlash on your hands where it becomes 'omg stop being toxic,' 'your headcanon is not canon' (look in the mirror), 'this is tom's loki so it's accurate,' 'i see no difference whatsoever in characterization y'all're just deluded and have invented a loki that never existed' (tf????), etc.
And I can't help but conclude that the backlash against criticism/negativity has nothing to do with the criticism itself; it's more to do with the undermining of someone else's validation in how they view this character.
This is purely speculation. There's some mental gymnastics here, admittedly. I could be way off base and I realize that I risk my post being shared and misconstrued and mocked by even posting it publicly. But the only reason I'm writing this - and thus getting it off my chest after my spiral down the rabbit hole - is bc from my point of view, I didn't feel like my experience in enjoying this tv show was being threatened until the discourse backlash over the negativity started spilling onto my dash. Not the negativity itself; the actual discourse. (And, look, there's a lot of negativity that's been posted that I don't agree with whatsoever, and there's other negativity that I may agree with but don't agree that it's an issue, or - my point is, this isn't bc I don't have conflict with the actual arguments themselves.)
Full disclosure: for the first three weeks, I was more positive than not regarding the show. (I think I still am.) I posted about what I liked but I also posted about what I felt was ooc and about the elements I liked less. A lot of my mutuals are not thrilled (to say the least) with the show, so there was already a ton of negativity on my dash and I personally went through a few minor meltdowns on whether or not I was on the right page with my enjoyment when so many others (whose opinions I trust and whose versions of Loki [that I've read] in fic ring true to me) were not sharing that enjoyment.
I did/have been talking it out with friends who feel similarly and I've more or less come to terms with being in the middle. And in the meantime, when I felt like the negativity was not something I wanted to be cognizant of, I skipped those posts entirely. Doing these things allowed me to come to terms with where I was standing regarding my overall feelings on the series, and overall enjoyment with my fandom experience.
And then, mostly after episode 3 (which seems to be the most divisive so far), discourse started popping up on my dash more and more. I'm defining discourse, in this context, as 'wank regarding whether or not Loki is actually ooc, wank over people who enjoy the show not wanting to see the negativity, wanky posts asking people who are critical to reserve judgement until the show has finished airing (but praise is fine)' -
- and suddenly, I feel much more self-conscious about posting my takes. Suddenly I feel much more anxiety about hitting the "post" button when said post is more critical than not. Suddenly I am worried about who, exactly and actually, is reading my posts? Who is going to decide to paraphrase my takes and include them in a 'guess what they're complaining about NOW' post? Who is going to decide to pass around a post I've made only to mock it, as has happened to some of my friends already?
Over the past three days, I have gotten 30+ new followers, and instead of feeling good about it - hey, some of these may be porn bots but still, people are interested in my blog?! - I feel just increasing anxiety about it bc, I mean, I don't know who anyone is or what they're here for.
I do not feel secure in the current fandom environment, is what I'm saying, and the reason I do not feel secure is not because of the negativity; it's because of the wank coming from the people who post about the negativity and mock the negativity and call other fans deluded stans who have a shitty grasp on characterization, story telling, and Loki in general. It's Ragnarok bullshit all over again, only worse.
And this circles me back to my original point, which is that the anxiety and the wank/discourse and whatever else really has nothing to do with the on-screen portrayal of Loki.
For me, personally? It took me awhile to realize it, admittedly, but I did realize that I do not care if what I perceive as ooc actually isn't. I do not care if the final product of Loki - once the entire series has aired - is a different Loki than what I've written and perceived as "my" Loki all this time. It's not going to make me feel like less of a fan or less valid; it's just going to make me feel like I have a perception of Loki that may differ in some ways with "canon Loki" but is still similar enough that I will continue to enjoy engaging with him and writing meta about him and writing fic about him and sharing those things with people who view Loki similarly. Likewise, I am not going to feel less valid as a writer and a critical thinker; it doesn't make me feel like I have anything to prove.
So if the root of the wank is coming down to the negativity making you feel less valid or less vindicated bc "your" Loki matches the show but is being called ooc by a lot of other fans, like, maybe take a step back and consider not taking it personally? Maybe really think about why the fact that negativity exists bothers you so much? Bc I mean, at the end of the day, it's not like Tom Hiddleston himself is going to descend from the clouds with a choir of angels singing and acknowledge any one of us as The One True Fan Who Has The Best Interpretation Ever of Loki. So what actual difference does it make if (we agree or disagree that) he's ooc or not?
Ultimately I'm just saying, there is definitely wank that is ruining the fandom atmosphere and the show in general, and it's not coming from those who are posting their negativity and criticism of the source material.
*Disclaimer that this is how I am perceiving and interpreting things today and possibly in general, but I'm not necessarily saying that my perception is factual to what is actually happening. I don't know what is happening. This is the guess that I've come up with in order to reconcile the fandom discomfort I feel, discomfort which is ruining the show for me, and where it's all coming from.
** Second disclaimer that I have unfollowed those who were participating in the wank, if I was following them in the first place, to the point that it made me uncomfortable, and obviously this post doesn't apply to everyone bc there is a certain amount of just being tired of it that I understand, so if we're mutuals, this doesn't apply to you regardless of where you stand on the wank.
*** Third disclaimer that said fandom environment is what makes me feel like I have to add disclaimers on every fucking thing I say, partly bc people read what they want to read and partly bc I have very debilitating anxiety regarding being misunderstood.
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zoopzopp · 3 years
A post for some BAMF Izuku fics <3 (more of these will be added and the list will be updated as i read them)
Fics i've read:
The Secret Ingredient is Crime- Izuku only had a whole month to further prove himself worthy of Yuuei's golden acceptance, and he was going to do whatever it took to make it in. Yuuei would never truly know what hit them until it was too late. (The secret crime AU in it entirety is fucking amazing and what wouldn't i give to read more stuff with it)
Deku the Villain Hunter: Support Hero - We all know the story: After being told he couldn't be a Hero by All Might, Midoriya Izuku still wandered over to a supervillain attack where he could save Bakugou Katsuki. But what if he had made the other turn? The answer is a butterfly effect that would lead him on a path to paving his own future. A path of revenge, finding his own moral compass, and doing the impossible. (OKAY MANY THOUGHTS. Very cool story and aspects. I binged it overnight and lost a bit of sleep the next night as well.)
The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance (And Traumatized Japan) - The Sports Festival was supposed to be a break from stress. Shouta should have known there is no such thing as a break with his class.
making it right (for real this time) - - Izuku is a support course student at UA, and Katsuki's neighbor, best friend, and former bullying victim. After Izuku's performance at the sports festival, Katsuki realizes something. He has to make things right. -
Hero Fall (UA Civil War Exercise) - It's now the end of the first year of UA for our students. Nedzu had decided to bring back the annual Heroes vs Villain fight. The fight shall last 5 days and the villain leader is Izuku Midoriya, with the commanding officer of the hero team being Katsuki Bakugo. But, what happens when Izuku is left alone?
Hero Class Civil Warfare - Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time. Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
"I Didn't Know You Had It In You." - Midoriya goes feral rage mode in his fight against Overhaul. The beat down still happens, but with Eri no longer at his back, he gets more violent. One For All reacts in an interesting way and Midoriya commits a terrible and unheroic act - the cold blooded murder and maiming of Chisaki Kai. Shigaraki is there to watch it all unfold.
Plan C meets Plan A - Even if All Might is right and Izuku can't be a hero, Izuku refuses to be useless. So Izuku uses his analysis skills to develop Plan C: Consulting in order to help the heroes. Eraserhead is impressed by this mysterious new consultant but alarm bells in Deku's behaviour quickly have Aizawa recruiting help for Plan A: Adoption.
Q. A. B. - One month after @hawks_unofficial's initial viral post, the blog titled "Quirk Analysis Blog for the Future", otherwise known as "Q. A. B.", has gone from an average of 10 views per post to an average of 20,000 views per post. Midoriya Izuku does not know how to view the impressions analysis for his suddenly popular blog, and only notices that sometimes, people actually comment on his posts now. He does not google himself or his moniker and thus does not see the rise in online articles and speculation. He is unaware that the "kyuu-ei-bee" he begins to hear about in passing refers to his own blog. He does not have a Twitter account. At the time, Midoriya Izuku is 15 years old.
How to murder your father - It's dangerous to be a bad father when you have a life insurance. Just saying.
Negation - Passive Quirks are a bitch. Izuku is reasonably done with the situation.
Thanks For Your Support - Izuku has the talent and the intellect to be the first Quirkless pro hero, and everyone at UA knows it. Unfortunately, his desire to become a hero has long since been buried thanks to the words of his childhood friend and childhood hero.
Policed To Meet You - Izuku takes All Might's advice and becomes a cop.
Vigilante Work And Other After School Activities - Izuku is a vigilante, Aizawa likes cats and therefore kids who help cats, and sometimes breaks must be forced upon overachieving teenagers.
When the Commission Lost Total Control - The hero polls have a small part where one can suggest their own hero. This is done just because of the amount of heroes is to great to name them all. This creates a little problem for the commission because a vigilante is assumed to be a brand new hero by the public- and ranks pretty high. Because of that, this vigilante now is too popular to hide and they can't come out with their mistake either! Think of the chaos that would bring.
Izuku being Badass but like in not that grand of a way but still tearing-people-down-in-some-way kind of way
He Was Quirkless - Midoriya get's sick of discrimination against the quirkless and decides to do something about it. It leads to some interesting situations. A trilogy.
bloody, but unbowed- It's Advocacy Week for Yuuei's hero students and it gives Midoriya Izuku a lot to think about about what kind of hero he wants Deku to be.
Called Out - When Izuku is hit by a quirk that will cause him to call out the first person to be rude to him on the way to school with every mistake they've made in the affected persons presence or have otherwise effected said affected person, Aizawa is in for a rough ride. In other words, with some help from a quirk, Izuku rakes Aizawa over the hot coals until he gives out. (a great fic but i've got mixed feelings on this one because on one hand, izuku is badass but on the other its Aizawa bashing and really like him skhdskdb so yea! Read it as per your tastes!!)
The time when everyone learned that izuku respects Bakugo more than all might. - I didn't like how Bakugo was tied up during the sports festival and so izuku didn't. Badass izuku roasted all might and midnight.
Villainous Sunshine - After an innocent question, Class 1-A learns just how terrifying Izuku's analysis is. Nedzu's along for the ride.
Never understand ( and you can't ) - Midoriya is sick and tried of his classmates bias and prejudice against the quirkless community and finally breaks
Mastermind: Strategist For Hire - Izuku Midoriya never got the chance to save Bakugo from the sludge villain and impress All Might. With his dream crushed, Izuku becomes bitter and angry. It also doesn't help that he faces discrimination at every turn. All he ever wanted was to be appreciated, so when the villains are the ones to recognize his talents rather than the heroes, well, Izuku just can't resist. He might as well help those who actually want him around. Mistakes were made, and now society must face a villain of their own making: Mastermind.
Malignance - Deku is far scarier than anyone gives him credit for.
Fics in my to read list which has/probably has BAMF izuku
Young Midoriya - Izuku Midoriya couldn't help himself when he saw someone in trouble. Even at 12 years old, his instincts drive him to help those in need. So when he sees Kacchan and his goons about to ambush another student, he has to step in, right? It's not like this hasn't happened before. What is different this time though, is that he's never had an audience that consisted of the Number One Hero.
Heroics and Other Things That Don't Require Superpowers - Izuku doesn't have a quirk. That's the long and short of it. After being told his whole life he can't be a hero, General Education at UA is the best he can hope for, right? Wrong. Dead Wrong. So super wrong that his best friend from Gen Ed, all of Class 1A and a whole mess of Pro Heroes are going to prove to him how wrong he is. Izuku has the makings of a hero, and his lack of a quirk only throws those qualities into starker relief. After all, who wants to be as strong as All Might when you can be the cleverest hero in the business?
Cases of More Than - Izuku is known as Deku online. He's an analyst of quirks, sometimes even working with the local detective, Tsukauchi, on a case. He meets new friends, builds a few relationships, and slowly crushes on his best friend. But then he's thrown into the General Studies Course at U.A. It doesn't help that All for One is showing an interest in him at all.
No Regret - In this world there is no hard set villain or hero. No victim and aggressor. Everyone is at fault for something and Izuku, with his own villain group, will make everyone pay. Even the bystanders who did nothing. This is what society gets for abandoning it's people. Deku will manipulate everyone and be the greatest villain, all so the world can be a better a place. With the stakes so high there is no time for regret.
We Are a Different Kind - Mirio doesn’t think he can be a hero anymore now that he’s quirkless, Izuku calls bullshit.
Live a Hero - "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Or, you're raised a villain, rebel when you're nine, and fight against the odds to become a hero anyway. That's how it is in Izuku's case.
Prodigal - After being convinced to give One for All to Mirio, Midoriya Izuku must rebuild his shattered dreams with bloody hands.
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Vigilante - Izuku is orphaned at the age of four and is sent into the Japanese Foster Care System. After multiple failed attempts at finding a forever home and some unfortunate circumstance, he ends up on the streets. Eventually, the vigilante, Deku appears. Eraserhead must gain his trust to bring Deku back to the right side of the law. If he he does, however, the untrustful but pure-hearted boy may just be a bit more than Aizawa Shota can handle.
From Muddy Waters - - but the sleeve of his tracksuit was bulging, tearing and ripping and a mass of twisted flesh, nearly as big as the boy himself and nauseatingly familiar (the arm of the man that had torn a hole in his side with a grin and left him a frail shadow of himself) swung forward and slammed into the flat face of the giant robot. Izuku wants to be a hero more than anything.
Pieces are easily sacrificed when they're nameless - Nobody ever thought quirkless, weak, weird Midoriya Izuku was dangerous. This perception carried over to his first year high school class, because really despite the super strength Midoriya didn't have it in him to be dangerous. That was their first mistake. And the one that would see them fall.
Not exactly BAMF izuku but i just wanted to rec these fics <3
In the shade of a sunflower - Being biologically quirkless came more with an extra pinkie joint in the toes and a stunning lack of vestiges mutations. It came with smaller things, like extra teeth that did virtually nothing, exploding organs, and weird exposed nerves that weren't designed to feel pain.
Throat Punch - In which Aizawa attempts to teach Izuku how to use various battle tactics and it goes just about as well as you'd expect. At least Shinsou is there with his fantastic commentary. (just a fun lil thing where izuku is really stronk and trains with shinsou and aizawa)
So Be It - He could still do good. Midoriya could show them all what a hero without powers looked like. If he had to break a few rules to do it, so be it. So be it… (as stated not exactly BAMF but its a vigilante izuku so ye-)
Never Enter a Drinking Game with Bakugo or Izuku - Izuku walks in on Kirishima and Kaminari having a drinking competition (no alcohol involved). And it reminds him of an old story.
5 Times Midoriya Taught Class 1A about Memes and 1 Time they Found a Villain that Understood Them - After being diagnosed as quirkless, Midoriya gets into pre-guirk media and finds memes. He shares them with Class 1A. Aizawa doesn't get paid enough for this. (THIS FIC???? FUCKING AWESOME. LITERALLY WHAT I WANTED TO SEE)
Midoriya: JD Version - Nedzu has decided that a play should be put on so that the students can learn how to "go undercover", an idea which Aizawa thinks is utter bullshit. They're putting on Heathers and when Nedzu chooses to cast Midoriya for JD, everyone objects. Midoriya is a much better actor than they thought.
that is a lot!! I hope you have fun reading it!!!
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Villainsicle | Part 13
I know it’s been a while, and if I’m being completely honest, I really ran out of steam on this story for a while. But, we’re back! If you’re new to my blog and are interested in this story, all of the parts up to this one can be found linked in my pinned info post.
Thank you guys so much for all your support of this series so far! I hope you enjoy this part, too!
CW//Mentions of bathing, restraints, drugs, dehumanization, conspiracies, collars, talk of diseases, talk of falling, Stockholm syndrome, affectionate caretaker, conditioned whumpee
After their bath, Villain rested.
It wasn’t exactly how Counselor had imagined the whole affair going. Villain had already spent so many days resting, laid up in that same bed, but once they were clean and settled into fresh clothes, they had requested nothing except to be able to return to sleep.
They supposed it wasn’t entirely unexpected. While the bath hadn’t exactly been physically exerting, there had been several instances during it that Villain had nearly burst out in tears. Whatever was going through their mind, it was undeniably intense-- and that wasn’t even mentioning the heavy dose of sedatives coursing through their system.
And, thus, Villain slept. They were unconscious almost immediately upon hitting the mattress.
This time, however, there was no nervous twitching to accompany their unconsciousness. Instead, for the first time, their face showed a perfectly placid expression.
Taking care not to wake the sleeping patient, Counselor draped a fleece blanket overtop of them, tucking its edges in around their shoulders. They twitched, but did not awake. A moment later, they buried their face in the fabric.
Counselor had never before imagined that Villain was even capable of existing in such a calm state. Yet, here they were, looking for all the world as though not even an earthquake could wake them up.
Their gaze flicked to the bedrails. Upon returning to their bed, Villain had not so much as seemed to note the leather-and-foam restraints hanging there.
Yet, Counselor could not draw their gaze away from them.
Villain had been staying in the base for weeks, phasing through various states of aggression and fear and sickness and, on rare occasions, hesitant happiness. But, even after all that time, no one truly knew anything about them.
At least, Counselor knew nothing about them. Based on the way Leader and Medic’s expressions twisted when the prisoner was mentioned, it was clear that the both of them knew more than they were letting on-- but neither was keen to admit as to such.
Maybe Hero had had more luck on this information gathering mission.
But how much information was there really to gather? Officially, Villain had simply appeared on stage a few months ago, alongside two unknowns. More or less, they had acted just as any other villain did.
The other villains, however, had motives. Backstories. They were following orders.
Villain... If anyone on the outside cared about them, they had yet to risk any sort of jailbreak.
There was more to this than the official story, Counselor knew that full well. How much more... as to that, they had no idea.
But they had no need to rely on second hand accounts and official reports to know what Villain was. That much was obvious. They were a villain. Whatever their backstory, whatever their past, they were dangerous.
Counselor’s gaze drifted back to those restraints. Those simple straps, dangling from a metal bedframe.
At some point, Villain may have been dangerous. But not right now. Right now, they needed help, and that was exactly what Counselor was going to give them.
And, if they wanted that plan to go anywhere, they would have to start with the doctor who harmed their own patient.
This time, when Medic answered the knocking on their door, their glasses were on the right way around. They blinked a few times, rubbing their eyes, hardly noting as the piping hot cup of coffee was pushed into their hands.
The doctor glanced down at the beverage before looking back up to meet their visitor’s gaze.
“I thought you wanted me to sleep.”
“Well, that was before. For now, we need to talk.”
“If this is decaf again, I swear I’m going to strangle you.”
“It’s not. Though the same threat applies to you if you try to go back to the med bay.”
“I’m a doctor. In fact, I’m our only doctor.”
“I’m a doctor, too.”
“Psychology doesn’t count.”
“Fair enough.”
“If we’re done threatening each other, then, would you care to, I don’t know, tell me why you’re bothering me?”
“As I said, we need to talk.”
“Do I even need to ask what about?”
“I think you already know that. Come on. You have your coffee, so there’s no excuses.”
“You really think I’m going to be that penitent about this?”
Medic rolled their eyes, but did not protest any further as Counselor turned and walked off. The two moved to a rather isolated table, tucked away in the corner of a hallway. The cafeteria was far too crowded at the moment to host such a discussion.
On opposite sides of the table, the opposites sat. Two cups of coffee clinked down on the wooden surface.
Counselor took a sip of their drink, placing the cup back down and raising their gaze. Medic frowned, lips turning downwards even further than usual.
“What, are we planning on talking through telepathy or- Come on, Counselor, stop looking at me like that. I hate that.”
“Then are you going to say anything?”
“I can’t read your mind.”
“You said you knew what this was about.”
“Maybe.” Medic shrugged dismissively. The doctor had been horribly standoffish, ever since Villain had been captured. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to start trying to guess your thoughts.”
Counselor took another sip.
“Fine, then. I can start.” Sip. Clink. “Villain told me something very interesting, earlier.”
“You really believe them?”
“I haven’t even said it yet.”
“Then stop wasting time, maybe.”
“Villain says that you’re making them sick.”
Medic’s brows furrowed.
“That’s what they said?”
“Pretty much verbatim, yes.”
“Well.” Medic took a hesitant drink of their coffee. “I don’t know why you’re even wasting your time on a notion like that. What they are is paranoid. I don’t doubt that they think I’m making them sick. Doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“You’re saying that your patient is lying.”
“Maybe not lying. That would imply that they know what they’re saying is not true. They are sick, I will not deny that. And they are not responding to treatment. I can’t say that anything I’ve tried so far has made it any better, but it certainly hasn’t made it worse.”
“Why would they believe such a thing without reason?”
Medic exhaled.
“Because, in Villain’s mind, they do have reason. They have a child’s understanding of medicine. They are sick, and they are under my care and taking my medicines, and thus, in their mind, one of these things has caused the other.”
Counselor cast their gaze downwards, focusing on the way their milk danced its way through the black beverage before them. It was a reasonable explanation. Maybe. They may not have trusted Medic, but they trusted Medic’s abilities as a doctor.
Could Villain really be wrong?
“If they’re wrong...” Counselor began again. “Then what is making them sick? Their incident with hypothermia was weeks ago, now. It can’t still be that?”
“I doubt the two are connected. If this was all a matter of post-hypothermic reactions, then we wouldn’t be seeing these kinds of symptoms.”
“What is it, then?”
Medic bit their bottom lip.
“That’s the problem. I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? They’ve been in your care for... well over a week, now.”
“You think I don’t know that? If you haven’t noticed, I’m the world’s leading expert on Enhanced biology. Not to mention, y’know, an experienced doctor for normal humans. Whatever this is, it’s not a normal sickness. I’ve done every test I can think of.”
“And... it’s getting worse, isn’t it?”
“Not as badly as you might be fearing. Their weakness is worsening, yes, as is their general mental state. But their vitals are fine. They’re not in serious danger of anything, so long as they don’t hurt themself.”
“You think they’d do that?”
“Given just how bad their confusion has been getting? I’m already putting preventative measures in place.”
Medic raised a brow.
“You thought I restrained them for no reason? I’m not Leader. There are medical regulations about this sort of thing.”
“They’ve been hurting themself?”
“Not what you may be thinking of. But with how bad their weakness has grown, they can’t exactly stand up without aid, at the current moment. Forget walking. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have realized this.”
“They’ve fallen?”
“A few times, yes. If that is all, I was really just starting to enjoy my day off, so-”
“Wait.” Counselor shook their head. “People don’t get sick for no reason.”
“Congrats, you know a basic medical fact.”
“You know what I mean. You’re the smartest person I know. You must have, I don’t know, a theory? A hypothesis? Anything?”
Medic blinked, placing down their cup.
“I do. Though right now, I have no way of proving it.”
“What is it?”
“Villain has what we call... psionic powers. Powers that affect only a person’s brain, but not their physical body. It’s the rarest type of power, oftentimes because something you can’t see is often something you can’t detect. Thus, this group of powers is poorly understood, to say the least. But I’m sure you know what power fatigue looks like for other Enhanced.”
“Like when Hero broke their leg?” Counselor guessed.
“Yes. The simple act of overexerting ones powers, even without outside injury, can cause physical injuries like that to develop.”
“You think Villain’s having power fatigue?”
“It’s my best guess. It would check all the boxes. An undetectable illness affecting the brain, but nothing else. A never before seen condition.”
“But... is it something you can cure?”
“I can’t cure tiredness.” Medic shook their head. “That’s really not how it works. I can do my best to counteract the symptoms, but so long as the source is still there, I’d be fighting uphill.”
“Then what can you do?”
“I can remove the source.” The tiniest smirk crept onto the doctor’s countenance. “Power fatigue is caused not by using ones powers, but using them in a way that the body cannot handle. At least, as far as we can tell. If Villain can control their powers enough, their symptoms should go away.”
“You really think so?”
“I hesitate to guarantee anything. Not with how poorly understood the condition is.” That smirk fell, replaced by Medic’s resting expression of annoyance. “But training them to use their powers properly is the only way I can see them getting any better.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sure. I’m also sure that I would really like to go back to my quarters. If you’re done bothering me?”
Counselor bit their tongue.
Counselor had momentarily considered returning to their own quarters, but had quickly decided against it, instead turning to the kitchen. They had yet to eat that morning, as had Villain. They figured that a warm meal might help them shake off the sedatives.
And, maybe, some food would make Counselor’s own stomach stop twisting.
They only made it halfway to the kitchen, however, when in the hallway, they nearly slammed into Hero. The two both yelped, and a slosh of Counselor’s coffee slopped to the floor.
“Shit, sorry, are you okay?” Hero asked. There was considerable nerve in their voice.
Counselor nodded. “You just started me, ‘s all.” They glanced down at the spilling coffee now sitting on the tile floor. “I’ll, uh, get that later. I was just heading to the kitchen.”
“Oh. Um, could it wait?”
“I need to bring Villain something to eat.”
“Can it wait?”
Counselor’s gaze drifted to Hero’s twitching hand.
“You have something?”
“Mhm. I don’t think it’s going to take very long.”
“Can I see?”
“Not here. Not with everyone else around.”
Counselor raised their brows quizzically, but nodded.
“To your quarters, then?”
“I guess that’s as good of a place as any.”
As soon as Counselor was out of sight, Medic changed their trajectory.
The musty air that filled their lab acted on them like a drug, sending a calm shiver down their spine. If they had the day off (or if they were being forced to take it off), there was no way they were going to spend that precious little free time moping in their quarters. Not when they could be here.
They sat, the memory foam of their desk chair still molded to their form. The laptop before them booted up with a familiar chirp and bright pink screensaver, written upon in white text:
“Property of Organization. Unauthorized Use Is Unlawful.” 
The grainy selection of videos blinked before them, and they selected the next one in the series. Even if they didn’t have access to their Asset at the current moment, they could at the very least work ahead.
The screen fizzled to life in all its low-definition glory, displaying a familiar room, its walls plastered with protective black rubber, and its tile floor made of the same material.
The presenter wore a bandage on their face, covering the side of their jaw. The gauze warped as they smiled, but they seemed to make no note of it.
Beside them, the presenter’s own Asset stood. The muzzle around their face had been modified, its metal warped as to compress its wearer’s jaw, to the point that even breathing was an impossibility.
Extreme, perhaps, but based on the Asset’s behavior, it was warranted.
Though their movements were weak and unbalanced, they were persistent, not ceasing yanking against their leash for the slightest moment. This time, unlike before, the presenter seemed to be paying attention to them, though they did not seem worried.
“It has been some time since we last spoke.” They began. “I apologize for the delay, but, hopefully, it will not happen again. After all, training our Assets is a full time job.”
A smile. Cheerful, stretching their cheeks.
“Unfortunately, I must report that the recent delay we experienced was as a result of my own Asset lashing out. This was unfortunate, but it made me realize that there is a flaw in my training methods. A flaw I seek to instruct you, today, on how to remedy.
One advantage we trainers have is that we have 24/7 access to our Assets. As we take care of them, we can choose to meet their needs in whatever way we see fit.
Deprivation has always been a part of Asset training, since we pioneered our methods. But it was something I, unfortunately and unwisely, neglected. And I have done you all a disservice by not mentioning it to you.
In order for training to truly take effect, there must be room in an Asset’s mind for it to fit. A reason for them to follow. Fear, certainly, is this reason, but there are other aspects to control.
Following my Asset’s incident, we have been working using these methods of deprivation. Depriving your Asset of things such as nutrients, water, and sleep can significantly speed up and solidify your training. In this lesson, we will go over this, and how it can help you improve your training methods.”
The presenter’s smile was matched by their Asset’s wicked snarl. From the corners of their mouth, licks of flame emerged, just for the slightest moment.
Hero handled the flash drive as though it were a bomb.
Perhaps it was, if the writing on the device was at all to be believed. Scrawled on in sharpie, a hastily written yet well received warning.
“Property of Organization. Unauthorized Use Is Unlawful.” 
As if Organization cared about the law.
Hero seated themself in their office chair, leaving Counselor to sit a few feet back, on their bed. They almost flinched, plugging the flashdrive into their laptop.
For a moment, the computer hummed, before it reported chipperly that new files had been added.
“Uh, Hero?”
“Where did you get this thing?”
“Leader gave it to me.”
“Did they say what it was.”
Hero shook their head. “That’s what we’re about to find out.”
Still moving terribly nervously, Hero opened the folder that the computer had created for these ‘new files.’
“It’s... videos.”
“A couple of them, yeah.”
“Should we... play them?”
“I don’t- I don’t know. I mean, if Organization is involved, I’m not sure I want to know what’s on them.”
“It could help Villain.”
Hero sighed, dipping their head.
“I hate when you’re right.”
With deft fingers, they selected the first video.
It had been so long, since any of them had seen Traitor. More than that, it had been so long since any of them had seen Traitor smile.
And yet, that was what they were doing. Grinning, ear to ear, eyes locked upon the camera.
“Hello, everyone, and welcome to the second edition of the Asset Training Video Course. If you are confused, the first edition of this series was, unfortunately, cut short due to... an incident. We will all miss our last presenter, but that does not mean that our duties can be shirked.”
Traitor turned, looking offscreen, calling:
“Veni huc.”
The language the words were in was clearly not English, but the person who moved on-screen did not seem concerned by that fact.
Villain smiled as well, though their warm gaze had an inquisitive quality to it as they regarded the camera. A chain-link collar was arranged about their neck, but it was attached to nothing, and seemed to more or less hang limply.
“For this series, I will be demonstrating all you need to know about Asset training. This, here, is my own Asset, Cadet. As you can tell, they are very well trained, if I do say so myself. They will be helping me show you how to train your own assigned Asset.”
Traitor’s hand reached for Villain, who did not flinch a moment. Their hand ruffled Villain’s hair affectionately.
Villain smiled, and leaned into the touch.
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lyracasstuff · 4 years
!!!! could i please get hcs for naib and demi (separately) with a princess s/o (fem)? like her role is a princess and all that jazz :D (i recently made a main which is this one, im an idv blog myself i just like requesting things for other blogs :D)
I really really like this request..(・∀・)
Although, please excuse me if these headcannons are shorter for your taste,, I had been busy for quite a while,, and so my brain juices are a little drained...(⌒_⌒;)
Also,, hello fellow idv blogger!!(〜^∇^)〜
Naib and Demi x Fem! Princess! S/o👑✨
Naib Subedar🌛🌌
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He would really be shocked and confused as to 1) HOW you got here? And 2) WHY are you here?
You, a ROYAL? Someone who's been sheltered and pampered ALL her LIFE, would PARTICIPATE in a gruesome game like THIS???
He really couldn't understand it..
Although he was very curious about you,, he *did* hold himself back from walking up to you and just bombard you with ALL sorts of questions..
So, it took the both of you some time to be acquainted with each other.. Naib started out small,, like greeting you with a rather stiff and rusty bow in an attempt to "match" with your own elegant courtesy whenever you two crossed paths..( ´ ▽ ` )
Or pulling your seat for you whenever you would sit down and prepare for a match..
To even lending you a hand in carrying your stuff when they were too heavy such as books, clothes, personal hygeine items, hair care, skin care, etc...
(Naib really wonders if you REALLY needed all of your 50 ballgowns and dresses...)
He just really wants you to feel at home despite being trapped in a manor..
On the topic of making you feel at home...
There's another thing aside from doing acts of service: protectiveness
He understands that you were most likely protected and guarded by knights before you went into the manor,, so you *probably* didn't know much about self defense...
So if anyone EVER tries to touch you, be it your hair, your face, your arm..
You can *BET* that Naib is going to be slapping said person's hand away while ushering you to get behind him..
He WILL do this to BOTH survivor OR hunter by the way...(。・ω・。)
You were very much pleased by Naib's protection and support,, he was just like your own personal butler and knight back home!!
Over time,, Naib's gestures had gotten bolder and bolder...
He went from doing acts of service, to teaching you how to kite, how to heal, how to rescue, how to vault windows, etc...
However,, you may or may not have teared up from the fact that you accidentally snagged a piece of your favorite dress from trying to put down a pallet...(^_^;)
Naib really panicked at that time.. He knows how to sew open wounds, not dresses and ballgowns!! (◎_◎;)
Nevertheless,, the both of you would still have fun by the end of the day..
Naib really couldn't help but be in love with you... How could he not though?? You were so sweet and elegant in everything that you do..
Even during the moments where you weren't the most elegant,, he still cherished it all the same..( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Which is why he REALLY couldn't deny his jealousy and saltiness towards Wu chang, Joseph, heck,, even Mary sometimes.. Joseph and Mary are both nobles so OF COURSE you would relate to the aristocratic life,, and Wu chang were GUARDS before they got into the manor,, so OF COURSE they would serve as better protectors than he is..
Then, look at him,, he's nothing more than a man whose ENTIRE job revolves around killing targets that his clients propose.. Well,, at least that's what he thinks anyways..
Be that as it may,, Naib's mind would still be plagued by this thought.. So much so that He doesn't even notice that he's been distancing himself from you...
You aren't the same however... You KNOW that something's been disturbing him, you KNOW that something's upsetting him.. You can literally FEEL it..
And so,, in these times, you would decide to come visit him in his designated room,, all the while comforting him and telling him that while he may not be a noble or a guard,, you still love him regardless of his status and that you are grateful for everything that he's done for you..❤
Naib says nothing,, however, his body language and look of pure love and adoration on his face tells you everything you need to know..❤❤❤
That day has now marked an important event of your lives: the start of a new, blooming relationship..(⌒▽⌒)
First of all,, remember how I talked about his jealousy and protectiveness?? Well,, those just got amplified when you two are confirmed to be in a relationship now..
He sometimes does this thing where if someone wants to speak with you,, Naib would do either of these 2 things: either he asks you if you want to speak to them OR if he's feeling a little selfish with your time,, he just tells them to go "set up an appointment" with you...
He is really astonished at all the different kinds of spoons and forks, all the different etiquettes you follow, the amount of tiaras that you have...
And *especially* at how many relatives that you have.. Which was MUCH larger than the average family size...
((Fun fact: During the Victorian Era, the average family size was actually 6 children.. It had gone down by half by the end of said Era..))
I can't tell why,, but I have this headcannon in my mind that Naib actually prefers more simpler clothing on you.. He just doesn't like too much "eye clutter" per say...
That,, and there's just something so mesmerizing about your regal beauty meshing into the very simple clothing that Naib just finds so.. Heavenly..
All in all,, Naib is just dumbfounded and amazed as to how you had fallen in love with him and just how lucky he is at being with someone like you..
Demi Bourbon🍺🍷
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Much like Naib,, Demi over here is confused as to what a royal is doing here...
Unlike Naib, however, Demi is more upfront and straightforward and would just walk up to you and ask you directly..
"Woah!! Hey there!! What's a cute lil blueblood doin here??"
You get this question a LOT.. It stuck around for so long that it became an inside joke whenever Demi sees you in the same room as her...╮(─▽─)╭
Now,, she may be a girl,, but don't be fooled... She's surprisingly strong for her physique... So she'll DEFINITELY help you carry your stuff...
Just be prepared to be bombarded with ALL SORTS OF QUESTIONS about your stuff..
"Daaammnnn~ You royals really love your fancy schmancy stuff,, do you??"
"Ooooohhhh~~ A diamond encrusted necklace?? Hey, you wouldn't mind me borrowing it right??"
"This ball gown matches well with one of my costumes! Hey, how about we both dress up? We would REALLY look great together~❤"
You're going to have to get used to these questions someday...(・∀・)
She DOES teach you the basics,, but in all honesty, she never really lets you apply the things that you learned when you're actually in matches...
A hunter is right behind you?? You can bet that Demi will chug down her D.U.P.H.R.I.N, run as fast as she could and sweep you off your feet in a bridal carry..(^v^)
"It is I, Your Knight in shining armor!!"
This happens all the time in matches
A hunter is preparing to take a swing on you?? Well,, not on Demi's watch!! Before the hunter can swing their weapon at you, Demi takes one of her bottles and smashes it onto their head...
She DID lose some morality points for that though....
Eventually,, you had to tell Demi that as much as you appreciate her "support", you still have to stand on your own,, ESPECIALLY when Demi is not in the same match as you are..
Demi would *reluctantly* agree and say that she just can't stand the thought of you being hurt, she doesn't want you to be in harm's way because she knows that some survivors *probably* just see you as dead weight,, considering you've been pampered your whole entire life..
Demi would then go on and tell you that she had been taking a liking towards you, and is interested in being in a relationship with you..
"Listen, your highness, I may not be an ACTUAL knight in shining armor, or a prince from some far away land.. But, I'd still want to take a chance at persuing you.. So, what do you say? Will you allow me to take a chance at wooing your heart??"
You of course say yes,, besides, you don't really care if she is of noble blood or not.. Her bold and daring personality is what made you like her..
And thus,, your relationship has started!!
Demi gets a *little* protective over you,, ESPECIALLY when someone's trying to flirt with you..
"Ah, ah, ah, she's mine~~"
"Oi, she's already taken, you idiot! How about go flirtin with someone who's NOT TAKEN???"
Demi over here doesn't really have any problem regarding jealousy,, if anything,, YOU might be the one having some jealousy problems here and there..
Because Demi practically flirts with anything and everything..
Never fear!! Demi would ALWAYS be there to give you reassurance that you're her one and only..( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
After that,, she'll tone down her flirty nature by a couple of notches so as to not worry you too much...
Demi would also serve you drinks!! For FREE!!(ノ^o^)ノ
The best part about this is that,, not only are you getting it for free, but you're also getting the FINEST quality...
And she serves your drink in the most dramatic way possible,, all accompanied by a cheeky wink at the end..😉
"Only the FINEST for your highness~❤"
Overall,, your relationship with Demi is surely an exciting and playful one! But don't let that make you think that Demi doesn't take you seriously..
Because she does!! And she will ALWAYS take your relationship seriously!!❤❤❤
Author's note: I apologize if these headcannons are shorter and a bit "lackluster" for everyone's taste.. As stated before,, I had been busy as of late, so I wasn't able to regain much of my brain juices to write properly like usual..
Nevertheless,, I still hope that you enjoyed reading these headcannons!! (⌒_⌒;)(*´∀`*)
Until next time!! See you all in my next post!!ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ💚
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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Hello, there! Before anything, I go by Lyria and I'm a 25+ year old student. My first language isn't English so if you were to find any mistakes I can possibly make, feel free to drop by and tell me. This blog is a highly selective RP blog of Dainsleif of Genshin Impact, heavily headcanon based on canon factors and bound to change as the story progresses. Furthermore, the blog is not affiliated with the fandom, meaning that what the fandom where my muse belongs does doesn't represent me. The blog is on semi-hiatus indifinitely until further notice. Established in April 12th, 2O21.
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■ ■ ■ 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆.
I tend to write more multi-paras or novellas more than one-liners, or unique paras. This said, at times I might be posting one-liner calls to break the ice and reach out to more people to interact with! I'm aware that some people struggle by wanting to match the length of the reply, just know that there's no need to match the length of my replies! I admit that I tend to write a lot, but don't let that be an issue to you. If anything, as long as you write enough to have something to work with, that's enough.
Genshin Impact is still an ongoing story and Dainsleif's nature as a potential endgame-heavy character with brief appearances here and there, it's safe to say that my portrayal takes creative liberties with nods towards canon aspects. Furthermore, the baseline for his background is heavily inspired in the Gnostic Chorus (in which he takes part as the younger heir, prince of Celestia, presumably) and the Pale Princess and Six Pygmies book collection, which ties to the former. Creative liberties are taken surrounding these two titles by picking canonical aspects that I think suit him as a result. Lastly, as of now (August 13rd, 2023), this blog is compliant with everything that is solid about Dainsleif —be it due to the Archon Quests he takes part, miscellanies or allusions, namely in Khvarena of Good and Evil— and the few canon divergences I established for him add appearances rather than change things concerning him in canon thus far, as I think that there are certain things that it's more suitable for him to do.
As a fair warning as I see many people discuss about infomodding as of general, please know that Dainsleif is someone who has access to a large variety of information through Irminsul as it's seen in the multiple miscellanies. He relies on factual information and his own conjectures at most based on what he may know but what's beyond factual information, that's all it is: conjectures. If by any chance I happen to acknowledge in my writing that Dainsleif knows something that you aren't comfortable with, please nudge me and I'll do my best to accommodate! Just be aware that given his canon circumstances, he may be aware of facts that not even the characters themselves may have disclosed to others or only to a select few, based on how Ley Lines work and the influence Irminsul has over all beings native in Teyvat.
→ 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭: For people who use alternative pronouns for their characters than what their appearance suggests, please bear with me if I make any mistake. It's worth mentioning once again that English isn't my first language, but my fourth. Sometimes it's hard enough to me to make mental gymnastics to write or understand what I read and I may have trouble understanding. I will do my best not to and to learn how to be less anxious about my writing if your muse fits this criterion. Know that if it happens it's not on purpose and I have no intent on offending anyone. This is not on you, but on me. So please don't feel discouraged to interact with me if you like my blog / muse. I'll be eternally grateful to you if you're patient with me and understand that slips may occur.
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For comfort reasons, this blog is highly selective and private. Even though, if I receive asks about the game or headcanon ones, this is not a requirement. Moreover, I won't follow first.
Sometimes it takes me a lot until I follow back. If you see that it’s taking me a while or I’m not following back, I have nothing against you.
I reserve the right to unfollow anyone whenever I see fit. The reasons for it might be: our writing style doesn't mesh well, there hasn't been any interest in interacting, drama, vagueblogging or certain behaviors that far from trigger me or make me uncomfortable, I find annoying.
On the same note, and about posts meant to spread awareness, complain about certain demeanors or support certain social situations Do not expect me to agree with everything that’s reblogged under any circumstances nor expect me to feel offended by something that makes you feel that way. As silly as it may sound, I’ve seen time and time again people writing in their tags phrases of the kind “who doesn’t agree with this or doesn’t support this is a [insert any of the plethora of -phobic/mis- words befitting whatever situation]”. If I see this kind of behavior on my dash, it will earn an instant unfollow without warning, as I don’t want to feel obligated to abide by someone else’s opinion or feel like someone else is shoving their beliefs down my throat.
Reciprocity goes a long way. I’m a very patient person, and I understand that life obligations make it harder to dedicate time to what I believe is a hobby. That’s why I think that are more indicators of interest than those related to direct RP interactions between our muses, such as liking posts be it OOC, headcanons, etc. If I see that months pass without any of this happening, it is likely that I will unfollow as I’m not comfortable with the sensation of follow for follow. If I follow you, it’s because I interact with you.
Everyone has things that they’re uncomfortable about that they don’t want to see on the dash or triggers, I get it. But if you’re in the club of “everyone has to cater to my comfort or else I’ll bitch about it in public to make it everyone’s problem while I do nothing to police the content I’m exposed to”, then I can assure you 100% that we aren’t on the same page. This website gives plenty of ways to avoid content you don’t like: not follow / unfollow (if you already followed a person that writes content you don’t like), block, blacklist. All of these are efficient ways to avoid said content.
I won’t be that person and tell you to not follow me if you do this, as I’m no one to tell people what to do. But one thing that I can say is that I won’t follow you if you engage in any of these unless they’re serious or represent a serious problem to the community. Or if I already did and this happens sometime, that will earn an unfollow. Everyone deals with stuff in their daily lives that they don’t want to deal with, but we’re adults. There are ways of dealing with it in a silent way without making it uncomfortable. I won’t talk about whether this may cause discomfort to other people but it certainly does to me. Because this kind of behavior keeps amounting in the fandom and I’m here to have fun RPing.
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Personally, I feel a bit silly having to not only address this but put it into its own section, but given recent events I found no choice. Communication is key, and I think that should be a given.
If there has been a positive outcome it you and I discussing OOCly about possible thread ideas or anything concerning RP, I ask that you're committed to it. Sadly, I've found persons that would seem interested in discussing things only to keep everything on radio silence or approach me again after several weeks blatantly ignoring what I said. This isn't about having a daily communication at all, but it does get weird when conversations feel just one-sided.
In the event that this happens and I try other methods to approach you which could be either sending a meme thingy or like any of your calls and seeing no response, I'll unfollow at discretion as I understand that the interest in interacting isn't there anymore and thus I don't see any point in following a RP blog with lack thereof unless it's a blog I like to keep track of which is quite limited as I like to keep my dash clean with blogs that I see potential in interactions or they belong to friends of mine.
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■ ■ ■ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋.
Godmod and infomod unless we’re talking about a pre-established thread is a no. Please, don’t do that. If I don’t reply to a meme or a thread, there’s a chance that Tumblr ate asks (which happened to me twice by now, hopefully it won’t happen again) or that I forgot in case of the threads. Coming to me and asking doesn’t hurt, but I’d be grateful if you don’t pester me for responses. If you send a meme ask and you want to make it into a thread, you're more than welcome to do so! In the event you'd like to plot something out before doing that, feel free to drop by my IMs or asks and we'll discuss something out.
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I do not ship Dainsleif with Lumine nor Aether. This is needless to say, but it would go completely against the portrayal I have established for him regarding these two siblings and ignoring this specifically would also imply ignoring my portrayal of him. So please, be considerate of my wishes when it comes to shipping and don’t try to direct whatever dynamics we have in a shippy area unless I’m informed of it beforehand or it’s on the mun’s decision to keep it potentially one-sided on their end.
In terms of exclusivity, I used to practise one-sided exclusivity with me only adhering to the portrayal of the person I’m shipping our muses with and say that the other person can ship with someone else’s portrayals of the same muse as I write without a problem which I’ll still be implementing. However, it’d be wrong of me not to admit that it’d be nice that if we’re shipping our muses, that said exclusivity is reciprocated if possible. Regarding smut content, it'll be tagged with a plain #explicit tag. It won't be put under read more, but rest assured that R18 visual imagery won't be used, only writing.
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Graphics such as icons, mobile header and theme background were made by me. As for the theme code, I would like to refer you to the Theme 41 by Hollywhood. The result comes from many hours of experimenting, researching tutorials and a process of trial and error. By no means I'm knowledgeable in coding and I don't make profit off it either.
Following next, this is a list of the artists I used the following fanarts from:
Dainsleif→ Michel Zhou, FunMeds, 楓 and Katzui.
Diluc→ PLASSSTA and Mairon
Aether→ 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆
A2→ LewizRen
Lunafreya→ Zed
Kaeya→ TUTU
Al-Haitham→ Dio_saurr
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qedavathegrey · 3 years
Trances Explained
Some of you may have noticed that I recently posted a series of what I'm calling “Trances” -- meditations of sorts or written, experiential journeys. Those familiar with my practice undoubtedly recognized the name RAKALA, but perhaps not those that followed -- such as AAXASA, LUDIŽA (and HEHENA when I finally get around to finishing it). While at the time, I posted them without exposition, I want to use this opportunity to explain the intention behind them, their function and some things you might see from me moving forward.
Foremost, I want to answer the questions “what?” and “why?” What are these Trances? Why this format?
Many who have been following me for a while will be familiar with these figures/forces whom I call the Sisters. I have written about them before and at that time referred to them by title instead of name: the Red Queen (RAKALA), the Earth Mother (AAXASA), the Lady of the Depths (LUDIŽA) and the Queen of Heaven (HEHENA). These titles were given out of necessity and were meant to capture -- at the very least -- a sliver of their essence and character. Some of you will recall early posts regarding them which feature an exploration of their attributes/correspondences as well as a seal for conjuring them. Since then, both my practice and understanding of these figures has evolved away from a ceremonial understanding to a more shamanic one. As such, I have found that instead of relating characteristics in the form of lists, explanations or (unnecessary) symbols, these forces are better captured via an experiential account. This is what Trance means in this context: to relate an experience as best I can through written word or story as shown to me. Of course, there can be no replacement for true experience, but it comes closer than any format I've used thus far. And as one might guess from my numbering them, it is my intention to build upon what is already written in hopes of inspiring others to commune with these figures. To experience for themselves what cannot be written, no matter how masterful the author (and I am most certainly no “masterful” author).
So, what should one take from these Trances? Whatever they want and whatever they need. These Trances are not meant to be authoritative nor are they intended to be encapsulating of the Sisters’ every incarnation/characteristic/etc. These forces are as varied as the states they (distantly) represent and only through working with them can one come to know or understand them even in the most cursory capacity. Hence why you will never see me speaking magisterially on the subject: that is not what I am here to do, only to share my working experience.
It is my sincere hope that these Trances will intrigue and inspire. That they might call to those who desire to explore the unexplored. They are not meant to replace individual experience, but to show the Way to any interested in doing their own exploration.
And concerning that exploration, I hope soon to write something informal for those inexperienced with trancework to begin this journey should they choose. I also intend to complete the #1 series by posting HEHENA Trance #1. More Trances will undoubtedly follow, but -- in writing this -- I have realized that it might benefit those interested parties if I shared more of my own experience working with these forces "in the Universe" as it has been related to me. Not sure how I'll do this just yet, being that historically this has been something of little interest to most. I may create a side-blog or hide these types of posts under Read More's so as not to clutter everyone's feed. If anyone interested has other ideas, let me know! Always down to try something new!
Regardless, those interested can expect more soon!
And to those uninterested, carry on.
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