#Every character is so gender and the admins are SO!!!!
pieofdeath · 1 year
Ok so like I have not been paying as much attention leading up to this event as I should've been considering I follow 1k+ blogs and I'm stupid. HOWEVER. this has made me feel like I'm drunk/pos. what's happening. I love it here.
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boroughshq · 1 month
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Greetings! I've finally made some much needed updates to the rules. The majority of these updates are just administrative policies that were not explicitly stated before, with the major changes coming in the form of our diversity and character limit rules. These changes should hopefully encourage and promote the use of more diverse FCs, as well as help prevent inconsistent activity when picking up multiple muses. Please make sure to read the updates below carefully!
ACTION REQUIRED: Members, please like this post after reading. Thank you!
ACTIVITY CHECKS: Activity checks will be held every week. To meet activity, writers must post at least three (3) in-character interactions with two (2) different muns. Writers who have not met activity within the last 7 DAYS prior to the check will be given 48 hours to resume interactions. Failure to do so will result in an unfollow. Writers who are placed on consistent activity checks (3+) may also be subjected to an unfollow. Writers who have consistently been activity checked out of the group (5+) may also be subjected to denial of re-entry into the group.
FC CHANGES: There is currently no limit to the amount of times writers can request a change for the FC of their muses. If a FC change from a white FC to a FC of color is made, the writer will not be allowed to request a subsequent change back to a white FC. We ask that writers be mindful of their requests to ensure each change is in the service of their character. Should an admin feel like a writer is abusing this freedom, they are allowed to restrict the number of additional FC changes a writer can make. DIVERSITY: Every second character must be represented by a faceclaim of color. Please note that white latines (individuals of primarily Spanish or Portuguese descent, such as Pedro Pascal, Ana De Armas, and Chay Suede) are not people of color, and cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. Please make sure to do proper research and keep the ethnicity of your muse in mind when developing them. We also highly encourage the use of age diverse, body diverse, gender diverse, and ability diverse muses! Additionally, if you are writing a trans character, we highly encourage you to consider using a trans faceclaim when portraying these characters. Here is a link to a wonderful directory with over 200+ faceclaims to browse through! CHARACTER LIMIT: The character limit is currently set at 6 muses. Muns are allowed to apply for up to 2 muses upon first joining the group. After this, players must wait one week between each additional character they pick up. Please only pick up characters if you have the time to be consistently active on them. The admins reserve the right to deny applications should there be signs of inconsistent activity. Should the admins notice that members are not maintaining consistent activity across their muses, members may be asked to drop characters to help better their focus. Additionally, members must adhere to the following rules when picking up new characters: -If neither one of your first two characters are BIPOCs (black or indigenous people of color) or dark-skinned, your third character must be. -If none of your first three characters fulfill a listed wanted connection, your fourth character must. -If none of your first four characters are aged 40+, your fifth character must be. -If none of your first five characters are gender diverse, your sixth character must be. Additionally, if only one of your first five characters are a BIPOC or dark-skinned, your sixth character must be as well. This rule was instated on AUGUST 21, 2024, and is not retroactively implemented. Members who have applied for multiple characters prior to this rule will not be expected to change their current characters, but will be expected to adhere to these rules in listed order for each of their subsequent additional characters.
Admin Note: As a woman of color, it’s important to me that we do not have a group of majority white-passing FCs. New York is known as a melting pot, full of different cultures, colors, and ethnicities, and our characters should reflect that. This rule has been specifically adjusted to prevent writers from skirting past the POC rule by only picking up light-skinned and white-passing FCs, and to hopefully encourage diversity and the use of more FCOCs with a wider range of complexions. If you need some help finding new FCs, here are a couple of directories with a ton of beautiful FCs of color to choose from: black faceclaims, indigenous faceclaims, south asian faceclaims.
BLOGS: For your first character, you must submit a main account specifically dedicated to this group. After that, every new character can use a sideblog associated with that main account, or you can make your main account a mumu blog. If writers are using mumu blogs, please make sure to include the names of each of your characters in a pinned post or in the blog’s description. MAJOR PLOTS: Please make sure to run any major plot developments past the admin first. These plots include, but are not limited to: pregnancy, marriage, major injuries, death. LEAVING: If you would like to leave BHQ, please send a message to the main requesting an unfollow. No questions will be asked, no reason needs to be provided. It is simply a courtesy requested by the admins that you at least give the grace of a warning before suddenly deactivating or revamping your account for another rp. Thank you.
And, this rule did not change, but is included here as a reminder, since it is perpetually broken:
STARTERS: Please be sure to respond to at least 2 open starters before posting your own starter. This includes before posting closed starters, and this rule does apply to new characters, too. 
Admin Note: To reiterate, new characters are not allowed to post any starters (closed or open) until they've responded to at least 2 open starters FIRST. It's important that we are showing love to the open starters in the tag. "What if there's no new starters?" There are always open starters available on the bhqextra's starter reel in need of replies. Just because a starter is a week old does not mean it does not deserve replies, especially if it barely has any to begin with. So long as the mun has not capped or closed the starter themselves, it is still open for replies and available for you to respond to. Please make sure we are replying to at least 2 open starters before posting ANY new starter when we bring in new characters.
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And that's all! None of these changes are targeted at any one individual, but rather are a result of multiple patterns I've noticed over the many months of operating BHQ.
Members, please remember to like this post to signify that you've read the updates. Thank you!
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 days
One Shot Requests
That's right! One shots are now a possible option when requesting something! Like normal requests, you can see the status of if they're open or not in my bio! Hooray!
Below will be a short list of rules and what can and cant be written! Be sure to read through it thoroughly before requesting!
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It's very similar to the standard rules for this blog! No spamming unless its otherwise said its allowed (it never hurts to ask!)
You can find the list of current fandoms I write for in my pinned! If you're not sure, you can always check! I keep the list updated!
Given that these will be entire fics rather than hc posts, only one character is allowed per post (or at least, one main character asides the reader! Quick cameos are allowed and may be added on general depending on plot and if they're needed to expand the story)
^ I do plan on adding poly as an option but until I get my footing on one shots it's just monogamous pairings for now
Fics vary in length, really depends on how much steam I have
Fics will be posted here as well as on AO3, assuming the fic is SFW! AO3 link can be found in my pinned!
Obligatory I am an amateur who writes for fun so expect possible OOC and stuff LMAO
Fluff, angst, platonic relationships, family relationships, and romance! Hooray! If there is ever anything I feel uncomfortable writing or feel I cannot do justice for, I will let you know ASAP!
Canon x reader! You're allowed to add descriptors for a reader! Gender, personality, style and so on! Just please note it will be harder to capture certain aspects in one shots than it will be for standard hc posts
Prompts and/or hc posts done in the past are allowed to be selected to be expanded upon in a fic!
If you're unsure if I write for a character from a fandom you can always ask! There are some fandoms that are very selective
Darker topics may be touched up upon however I have limits. I will do my best to voice myself if something is too much
Standard no nos: no incest or rape ect ect ect
No NSFW of characters who are in source minors (more on nsfw fics later)
On screen abuse and/or self harm. It is allowed off screen/implied or as a characters history
All requests must go to the inbox and only the inbox! Requests sent through comments/messages/reblogs will not be answered period.
State your character of choice and any (optional) descriptors for the reader (readers are GN by default by the by)
Optionally you can request a specific scenario! It can be one of your own making or one taken from my prompt and trope lists!
All nsfw fics will be posted onto AO3, and will not be posted here. However I may answer the ask with a link to the fic
Characters MUST be 18+, any character who is canonically under 18 will be denied
NSFW fics follow a stricter set of boundaries, obviously I cannot list every single kink and scenario I am and am not comfortable with so I will communicate if something cannot be done
Nsfw fics may be.. not as well polished as SFW fics entirely due to the admin not being used to writing it
After some thought nsfw requests can be sent through the inbox as admin understands requesting in general can make one feel nervous. He can imagine asking for nsfw can be more awkward. So asking anonymously in the inbox is allowed
HOWEVER if I find out that anyone under 18 has asked for nsfw, that person will be blacklisted and barred from requesting + anon will be temporarily shut off. If you do not request under anon you must have your age on your blog or stated somewhere in your ask
This system and means of requesting is subject to change as I try to figure out a better system of requesting and alerting the requester when their fic is complete
As of the time of writing this one shot commissions are unavailable, when they are this section will be expanded upon! Naturally a commission allows one to have more customization and such in a fic as opposed to having a vague reader and stuff
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mordeiswrld · 2 years
Stu Macher x M!Reader
AHHHH MY FIRST REQUEST🤭🤭 OFC I CAN DO THAT FOR YOU- Admin Zjay🪷 (reupload since i deleted everything🥲)
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Requested?: yes
Fic type: Headcanons (not sure of you wanted a oneshot or this but just let me know and ill redo it)
Time started: 5:34 AM
Character: Stu Macher x M!reader
A/N: this may be bad since i dont capture extroverted characters’ personalities as well as Introverts but ill try my best😁
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Stu being...well stu never really put much thought into anyone being taller than him until you came that is
When he first saw you it was in his History class that, in all honesty, he wasnt paying that nuch attention in. Just off in la la land and fucking with the other students with his goofy antics
Then you walked in, silently. Having to duck a little since the doorways never took tall people into consideration
Upon seeing a big figure in his peripheral vision he snapped his head towards you and his brain LITERALLY stopped all thoughts from processing everything
He was just ASTONISHED at your size. He was so amazed that he prayed to the gods that his teacher would sit you next to him
Unfortunately for him, she didn’t but will that stop Stuart? Absolutely not
After about an hour of boring lectures about Wars the bell had rung and kids starting pouring out into the halls, running, screaming, talking and laughing and doing what normal Highschoolers do before they speed off to their next class
But not Stu, well, not right away anyways. He was looking for the new kid. You. He searched above everyones heads and then he spotted you. Taller amongst the crowd of teenagers. You made them look like ants. Stu loved your height it was a relief to finally have someone who is taller than he is for a change
He quickly ran up to you after he spotted you and tapped your shoulder. “Hey, you’re in my history class i wanted to ask for your name earlier but-ah...Ms.HasAStickUpHerAss would’ve lectured me for an hour straight and sent me to detention.” he chuckles as he scratches his head, trying to seem awkward
You laugh “Oh is that so? My name is Y/N, what’s yours?” you questioned back as you rummage through your locker to get your textbook. “Stu Macher at your service” he says as he puts on a fake British accent and bows before you as if you are royalty. You laugh again and close your locker, tetxbook in hand.
“Nice to meet you Sir Stu. But if you’ll excuse me I have to get to Math and that’s all the way on the other side of the school” you say in an already exhausted tone. Stu smiles and playfully wraps his arms around your shoulders or tries to, after 4 failed attempts he gets onto his tiptoes and tries it “i can walk you there” he says as he starts to steer you down the hall. “You sure? Won’t you be late to class? If not later than i will be?” you question but Stu just brushes off the question a careless scoff “pffft, I’ll be fine. I have Science and he barely even remembers my face so i’m not worried” he states as he unwraps his arm from your neck, gets off of his tip toes and starts to walk in front of you backwards
He walks you to your class and then after that, yall talk almost everyday you are like his new favorite person to mess with. And the height? Oh he’s definitely gonna tease you about it “hey! Hows the weather up their dude?” “Fe Fi Fo Fum says the giant Y/N” “shhh as you can see hea we have a woild Y/N in its Natural habitat” ‘STU I CAN SEE YOU BEHIND THAT BUSH’
After a few months Stu starts to notice his crush on you. His longing stares, the way he notices every little change and detail about you (the way you slouch to be the same height as everyone, the way you almost bump into every doorway, etc), how he likes to be around you, how he likes to be the short one for once, etc. He’s shocked to say the least, since your both guys and its not really “normal” for the same gender to date but he quickly gets over it because he can love whoever the fuck he wants and if someone has a problem with it? They’ll be hanging by their appendix the next day.
Stu sits on the idea of him having a crush on you for a few weeks all while acting the exact same way except a lot more physical. The noogies turn into him ruffling your hair gently, he asks for you to get things for him even though he can clearly get it himself, he compliments your height more often, the hugs become tighter and longer, and his touches linger. He can tell you feel the same but he isn’t sure but all he needs is a positive response...
A/N: lowkey dont know how to feel about this 🫢i hope you like it though!!
Time ended: 6:31 AM
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l3m-ntwo · 10 months
I just touched twt to check for announcements and I saw that people were calling Elana (forgive me if that's not their name) a twink, gay and using he/him prns and like it's not a big of a deal but NOT EVERY FED WORKER IS A HE PLEASE. assuming the gender on obvious androgynous characters is like my biggest pet peeve. And it sucks because the admins (love them) had to put bows on a character just to establish that not every fed worker is a male (not saying they are but everyone in the fandom seems to act like it is) and its so.
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caleb-in-the-cockpit · 2 months
This is a gimmick / rp blog for Caleb from Love and Deepspace! It's not official or at all actually associated with the game, just a silly little thing to contribute to the community!
Please remember that there is a person behind this blog. As a result, replies may take some time, or there may be some inconsistencies, things like that. Please be kind.
Admin is 21+, HOWEVER!! I am not yet comfortable writing NSFW content. Caleb may get a bit flirty, and things may be a bit suggestive, but if it gets past Admin's comfort zone, then it will more than likely be a fade to black.
Explicit NSFW asks will be deleted, as well as any that have triggering topics. Please remember that my posts are public, and we don't know who will see them. I will do my best to tag things accordingly, and please don't hesitate to ask me to tag something you need!
I will default to gender neutral pronouns unless otherwise stated
You are more than welcome to tag me in things, and can send me DMs too! Just let me know if they're in or out of character, so I can reply accordingly! You can just pop in to say hi, or if you want to plot some!
This rules post will be updated as necessary, so check it every so often!
My asks are OPEN, and anons are ON! Anyone is welcome to interact, canon character, oc, or just yourself!
I will do my best to match your writing style
I do accept emoji anons! I'll list them down below! :D
Please specify whether you want the interaction with Caleb to be romantic or platonic! I know that there's a lot of people who hope that he becomes a romancable love interest, but I also know that there's people who are uncomfortable with that dynamic. So please make sure to clarify what kind of dynamic you're after.
Aesthetic posts are going to be tagged " Scrapbook ; Aesthetic "
Out of Character / Admin posts are " OOC ; Admin "
Prompts / Games are " Bonding Exercise ; Prompts "
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elbackflipo · 5 months
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[Yaoiverse roleplay blog, now managed by @patorucho]
[Note: A general recap with previous storylines from the previous blog will be made soon. Changes will be made.]
[Admin only knows English/Tagalog, but will try to provide a Spanish translation]
🦷 Things to know about y!Charlie:
☢ He uses he/him pronouns, occasionally she/her but he doesn't care. Sex? Yes please!! Oh- OHH. You mean gender. Uhhh. Schlime.
☢ He goes by Charlie or Slime, full name Charlie Slimecicle. Nickname El Backflipo. Petname uhh fuck you only my WIFE gets to know. Unless you're uhh ahahaha... seeing me later if you catch my drrrift ;) Organ swapping am I right? [I'll take your liver and your lungs and you can have a piece of my uhh left nipple]
☢ She's an eldritch slime demon, but tends to hide it with a flesh disguise. Charlie's uhhh. Not adopted but surely a little ~different~ from his siblings. Isn't that quirky of him? [Gross slimy fleshy unconvincing giggling]
☢ Disgusting freak of nature
☢ Mostly goofy, sometimes not. Do you get to know? No, fuck you.
☢ From SCU and Tommyinnit Mod Videos! Not c!Slime, but you fucking wish don't you fuckers.
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🧠 Tags he'll use:
✘ #schlop posting - text posts
✘ #you gunkin? - asks
✘ #sludge dissolve - in character reblogs
✘ #slime right in - lit rp threads
✘ #slime you later - end of roleplay
✘ #all schleeing eyes + #ooc - out of character
☣ #yaoiverse - general yv tag
☣ #straightverse - general angst tag
☣ #sexoverse - general suggestive tag
☣ #yuriverse - general non canon tag
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🏳️‍🌈 Tags when talking to Faggot Funland:
[Can- Can I even reclaim that? Chat can I say schlaggots instead? Chat I need to know what schlurs I can reclaim]
🫀 I'm not the dad that stepped up, I'm the father that fucking FORGOT [Family]:
✂ @elwifeguy (Mariana) - #my bitch wife ♡ [GET YOUR OWN!!]
✂ @bulletflips (Juanaflippa) - #my daughter flippita ♡
✂ @tazeredmike (Mike) - #brother from another gunker
✂ @duckduckquackity (Quackity) - #paraschlocial much
✂ @witheredlilacs (Tilín) - #girlfreak two
✂ @goo-amalgamation (Gegg) - #smaller sludger
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🫁 Love is in the air? WRONG. GAS LEAK. [Quesadilla Island]:
✂ @catboyarg (Cellbit) - #pussy out? erm yea
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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🦴 Reminder: Do NOT fucking click or even MOVE. [Eggs/Kids]:
✂ @inventorswag (Ramón) - #derailing your fucking train
✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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✂ Residents will be re-added, once connections are re-established
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[dividers 1/2]
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dnihallofshame · 7 months
Welcome to the DNI Hall of Shame. This is a blog for DNI lists that are confusing, vague, aggressive, impractical, or super picky. It's meant to shine a light on the pointlessness of DNI lists, and hopefully with some laughs here and there! :)
Run by Bean.
🌺 FAQ: 🌺
Can I submit a DNI list?
Yep! Just use the "submit" button. You can send a screen grab or text. Please censor all usernames and handles.
What kinds of DNI lists are accepted?
You can submit a DNI list if it contains one or more of the following things:
Death threats or wishes
"General criteria" or "etc"
Name-calling, dehumanization, or pejoratives
Things that are impossible to confirm from looking at someone's blog, or that isn't always readily apparent in casual conversation, such as age, gender, ethnicity, what media they like (which is not always the same as what they post on their blog), what they ship (see previous), or if they're a racist/TERF/etc
Terms that are defined incorrectly (such as defining proship as "pedo apologists")
Conflating interest in a fictional scenario, relationship, or character with "supporting it" in real life
Purity culture or kink-shaming rhetoric
It tries to check as many performative, common-sense boxes as possible
A ridiculously long list of criteria in general
Check out some posts on this blog for examples!
What isn't accepted?
Screen grabs with visible usernames/handles
DNI lists that only say "minors DNI"
What happens after I submit a DNI list?
The admin will review it and queue it for posting. Depending on how big the queue is, your submission may take a while to appear on the blog. Please be patient! The admin will add commentary on why the submission is "hall of shame" worthy if it's not provided.
Can I put multiple images in the same submission?
Tumblr only allows you to upload one image on the submission page, but you can add the urls of other images in the text field. They will all be posted together. Please ensure the urls work prior to sending, so the admin can view them!
Why must usernames/handles be censored?
This blog operates on a strict no-harassment and no-brigading policy.
Are all submissions anonymous?
Yes! All submissions are posted as fresh posts without any identifying info. The initial submission page may ask for your username or email, but this won't be published.
Why are DNIs pointless?
Many blogs have explained this in much greater detail, but DNIs shift the onus of curating your internet experience onto other people, and makes your comfort other peoples' responsibility. They are based on the faulty presumption that you can control what others do online. You can ask people for courtesies, but they'll interact if they really want to - or if they simply don't see your DNI!
On that note, DNIs are very ineffectual on sites like tumblr, where posts are meant to be shared all over the place, on many different blogs - yet all of those interactions still show up in the original poster's notes, even if many of the people creating the notes are on OP's DNI. The definition of "interact" also changes between people, making it even harder to pin down an exact meaning and thus, how to conduct oneself. Some people define it as following and commenting on their blog, while others define it as simply leaving a "like" on some random person's reblog of a post, way off in the other corner of tumblr.
All of this is why it is better to practice healthy blocking, and simply state you will block certain people, as opposed to telling them not to interact with you, when they may not even see your DNI. After all, this site is designed for quick post sharing, and no one is going to check blogs every time they like or reblog a post... Even if they themselves have a DNI. Admin has lost track of how many people listed them in their DNI, but liked and reblogged their posts anyways!
Admin info?
Admin is in their late 20s and has been in fandom for over 15 years. No nonsense, practical, critical thinker! Here for a good time, and to poke fun at some of the super ridiculous things people get up to on social media these days.
Tags below the cut.
basic criteria death wish how could you know long performative purity culture vague wrong definition not a dni announcement answered
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saltminerising · 1 year
Ok where tf was it confirmed that galore is trans bc the admin statement is literally nothing. "Galore is galore" this is fucking nothing. "Galore is a dragon" this can be said about any npc (except sage and maybe marva if u hc hard enough) can you people imagine if they said "fiona is a dragon" as the only way to say she's trans. Why are your standards this low. L from plague was being kind of weird abt "every character is bi except one is a angry lesbian" but i cannot see it w she/her galore. If galore is trans and they weren't just avoiding gender bc ppl are weird abt it I'd rather them say it w their whole chest so we can fucking avoid shit like this. Bc it feels like you people are looking between the lines searching for the secret extra sherlock episode of representation
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nepofm · 9 months
          ✱     good  evening  everyone  !  we  haven't  had  one  of  these  in  a  while  ,  however  ,  i  wanted  to  pop  in  with  a  quick  GUIDELINES  UPDATE  .  please  be  sure  to  read  the  entirety  of  this  post  as  it  contains  some  important  information  .  additionally  ,  please  LIKE  THIS  POST  to  acknoweldge  that  you've  read  and  agree  to  these  terms  .
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thanks  for  your  time  !  more  information  can  be  found  below  the  cut  .
GUIDELINES  UPDATE.  bolded  +  italicized  is  what  has  been  updated  !
more  information  can  be  found  under  the  DIVERSITY  UMBRELLA  section  of  our  guidelines
[  AS  OF  01/11/24  ]  if  your  previous  muses  do  not  fall  within  this  category,  please  note  that  every  third  character  must  be  gender  diverse  or  bipoc  (  whist  still  following  our  alternating  system  )  and  every  fourth  character  must  be  bipoc  (  black  or  indigenous  ).
more  information  can  be  found  under  the  CHARACTERS  section  of  our  guidelines
we  do  not  have  a  character  limit  on  how  many  characters  you  can  play.  however,  please  reference  the  diversity  umbrella  section  of  our  guidelines  and  keep  in  mind  that  the  admin(s)  reserve  the  right  to  decline  any  applications  based  on  several  reasons  that  include  but  are  not  limited  to:  level  of  activity,  engagement  and/or  lack  of  diversity.
in  addition  ,  we  strongly  recommend  giving  the  guidelines  page  a  read  if  you  haven’t  done  so  already  !  ❤️
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merrock · 9 months
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While the vast majority of our rules haven't changed (though the page has gotten updated, with the rules re-written so that it's been refreshed in my mind), there are a few rule changes/updates that we want everyone to be aware of. So for today, we are asking everyone in the group to please read the rules thoroughly:
Under the cut, we will talk a little bit about some changes that we want everyone to be aware of! Giving this post a like once you have read the rules is always appreciated. xx
ONE: acceptance days changed, and a permanent cap of 30. for now, we have changed our acceptance days to Tuesday, Thursday & the weekends. Weekend availability will be 100% dependent on me! If I am around, I will accept. If not, I won't, but I will try! Since we feel like we are doing pretty alright right now, we will be keeping our writer cap at 30 for the time being. The best time to reach me is 5-10PM EST, and I do ask for patience with response times. Remember: as your admin team, just because we are online and doing replies doesn't mean we are instantly available here on main.
TWO: diversity rule updates. while our overall rule of 1/2 of your characters need to be diverse is absolutely staying the same, we are asking that one out of your first three characters be either bipoc (black or indigenous, or we will accept face claims who have no proximity to whiteness), gender diverse, body diverse or disabled. every other requirement has remained the same.
TWO POINT FIVE: everyone currently in the group is grandfathered in. this means we are not going to ask people to drop characters or change face claims. rather, we will just ask that if you pick up more characters, you be sure that you meet requirements if you aren't already. easy peasy! (everyone with current reserves is free to pick them up, as well.)
THREE: one of every three characters must pick up a WC. one out of every three characters that you pick up has to fill a wanted connection, not just the first three in this instance. in other words if you play 9, 3 of those had to have filled connections. this is pretty self-explanatory!
FOUR: slight changes to activity checks. it's just easier for me, to be completely honest, to do activity checks on an as-needed basis. we've found that scheduling them has the hang-up of some accounts sitting inactive for nearly a month before being re-opened. so checks will be done as we feel they are needed. actual expectations have not changed!
FIVE: a separate section for rules about starters. since we had quite a few rules about starters mixed in, we pulled info into its own little section. mostly, we have included reminders to not post more than one starter per day as a writer (this is new, but we feel it will help keep things spaced out and give all writers a chance to both reply to and get replies on starters without things being overwhelming), and a reminder to make sure that starters are accessible as far as location & actions -- and also just to reply to starters!
SIX: trigger warnings. while this isn't a new/updated rule, per se, we did want to post a reminder that all trigger warnings should be tagged with the same format, so people can blacklist them. please use the format trigger tw. you can see all of our triggers here, and never hesitate to shoot us an ask if there is something you would like to have tagged for your comfortability on dash. over the next couple of weeks, if we see people using other tags for TWs, we will just reach out with a little reminder, you are not in trouble, we're just trying to get everyone to use the same system!
PLEASE NOTE: if you have issues with any of these rules, or questions about the changes, you are always welcome to come talk to us, but we will not be addressing things on anonymous if they are combative at all, or make us uncomfortable; while this is your safe space, it's also ours.
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piastrinorris · 1 year
thanks to @pollenallergie i haven't stopped thinking about older!tom grant for days now, and while any fics i could write about him need to be put on the backburner for now (there's one that's been in the pipeline for a While now), here's some headcanons of my interpretation of what lil tommy g is like as an adult:
(under the cut bc long)
(also as i'm writing this i may or may not be planning fics that happen at each stage of the timeline)
(also x2 before any of u weirdos start hopping into my ask box, this is in no way trying to overshadow cassie's version of him, i'm just throwing my own ideas into the void. i love cassie's tom, and then in a separate universe, i can have my tom, too. also he's p much every guy i've ever pulled except he's way more romantic than any of my exes, so this is more self-catharsis than anything else LMAO)
okay so tom's timeline post-canon:
after his lil summer gigs at the caravan park, he moved back up north to derby and got a job at a construction company that's owned by an old family friend, like his dad's childhood best friend. it was always a given, even when he wanted to pursue a life living down in cornwall, he just couldn't stop associating the whole place with ruth and heartbreak and all manner of things that weighed heavy on his heart. and fuck that, right? he's got his whole life ahead of him!
he spends his first few years as a legal adult the way all british lads do - by spending at least two nights a week at some kind of pub, bar or nightclub. he can pull, of course, but the convenience of still living with his parents gives him an excuse to put off going any further with anyone. cassie's anon who suggested bi tom, i'm kissing you so hard on your forehead rn bc he'd literally spend like almost a year being just shy of his Hoe Phase, making out with anyone who wants to, regardless of their gender, but only while he's at the club, he never lets himself go further.
until that one night when his parents are away and his mates know full well that he's got no excuse and they're very obviously egging him on. (this would probably be the first fic in the series)
he moves out from his parents' place into a flat with a friend he's made outside of work, and that's when his lil slut era truly begins. (maybe a series of blurbs for this?) he lives with a friend he's made outside of work (any gender, it's not relevant bc bi!tom and his flatmate are 100% Best Buds For Life but also if neither of them find anyone worth pulling on a night out, they'll go back to the flat and fool around together anyway)
in his working life, tom absolutely thrives at the construction company. mostly bc he's known the workers his whole life, so he can have plenty of banter with them, but also, more importantly, he knows just enough IT skills to be able to help the owner with digitalising all the admin stuff. this means tom rises the ranks to supervisor pretty quickly, and everyone loves little Boy Wonder himself. he hates being in the office though, he's always out on site wherever the company's got jobs going. he's hands-on, he wants to help, he doesn't want to be a Big Boss Type
okay, from now on, this is the part in tom's life where he meets you, the person who ends up as his endgame. so this is a different character to those i might write about in his hoe phase, probably time skip a few years of tom taking a break from slutting it up and just casually dating until he knows exactly what he wants to give and take from a relationship.
and then he meets you. it's summer, and your work bestie has invited you over to her place to meet her boyfriend and her non-work friends for the first time. you're a little nervous, but you remember that she has a dog, so if all else fails, you can just go full Party Dog mode and switch everyone else off
it's not that you don't like her friends from outside of work, you just have way less in common with them than you do her, and it feels awkward trying to put yourself in conversations without her there, and she's all over this new fella of hers, so you go to your failsafe to find that someone else has had the same idea as you
tom's come along as support for his best friend, who's dating your work bestie. however, since the boyfriend is being walked like a dog around the whole party being introduced to everybody, tom isn't as sociable and was promised there'd be a Party Dog there, so he's gone looking, himself.
you guys bond v quickly over being Party Dog People, spending the night narrating different groups as though you're david attenborough and taking it in turns to let the dog comment in silly voices you both make up for it
stupidly, you don't get his number, or even his last name. one thing you'd learned about him is that he doesn't really use social media, which you can tell from the instagram account you find from several hours of snooping lightly browsing, which was last updated when he'd gone on a lads' holiday to ibiza several years ago, and only features group shots in which he's tiny and his face is mostly obscured with sunglasses. which means you've got to try and convince your work bestie to invite you somewhere that her boyfriend's friends are gonna be, too
thankfully, this is nice n easy, bc tom's been planning the exact same on his end. you guys get so lost in conversation all night that you almost forget to ask for his number, until you're rolling down the window in the back of the Uber you've ordered and he's hanging halfway through it to make sure he studies the screen so that he can make sure that everything he thinks he's saying matches up with what he actually is
the Uber driver gets a little peeved about this and is like "listen mate just get in so i can drive off" and tom sheepishly complies, ending up riding all the way home with you. you'd feel rude if you didn't invite him in, though a little part of you is sad that tom's just probably gonna be another one night stand bc you really liked him. you get another drink for the two of you once you're inside, he suggests the two of you watch something for a bit for some background noise. naturally, you cuddle up, and that leads to kissing - a lot of kissing. but he doesn't try it on any further. you both end up falling asleep on the couch until you wake up to the sight, sound n smell of him making himself home in your kitchen, cooking you breakfast
you guys have this sort of, slightly more than friends, not exactly friends with benefits, relationship that he isn't out here jumping the gun trying to define, so neither are you. you're trying to stay casual with it, to keep up with him, even though your work bestie keeps pushing you for more bc she doesn't believe that that's just what you guys are, but she's not making any hints that tom's suggested taking things further, and so neither will you. (would it be an rj fic if there wasn't a comedy of errors thanks to basic miscommunication? lol)
either a significant amount of months pass, or valentine's day approaches, and tom gets you a gift. it's not any big grand gesture, but it's something that v much pertains to something you really love. a hobby, an interest, some silly little objectification of an inside joke) you feel bad, of course, and he insists that he's just a gift giver by nature, it wasn't done with the intention of getting anything back. but after many minutes of bargaining, he relents and allows you to invite him over for a homecooked meal. this is when you guys talk it all out, explain that both of you have felt a Spark but didn't want to Assume so you'd been dialling it back to protect your friendship with each other. naturally: tom ends up spending the night, but not a lot of sleeping happens, if you catch my drift
now in terms of what the dynamic is with you and older!tom:
he's still the menace he was in his younger days. you head into the office to give him the lunch he forgot to make bc he'd been running late too busy eatin something ELSE amiRIGHT and his coworkers tease you for being so in love that you'll bend over backwards for him and you know as soon as they've said that, that any second tom'll be leaning in once they're looking the other way to mutter in your ear about how you certainly were bent over backwards for him last night
speaking of, remember how he hated being in the office? not once he starts dating you. any excuse he can get to have you in there with him, whether his colleagues know or he's snuck you in, he's there
i also think that. okay i'm also co-opting @mypoisonedvine's idea of tom having a housewife kink, but hear me out. so, you know there's that saying, if you joke about a kink long enough, you'll end up into it? i think something similar-but-not-really happens to tom. where he works with a bunch of older men with "traditional" values, they're always making jokes about being in trouble with the missus, or about whether he can't stay after work bc you've got the dinner on and you're expecting him home. and tom isn't afraid to call them out on it, to tease them right back that it sucks for them that their partners aren't into them, but he's just built different. but the more he vocalises against being into the idea of you being a stay-at-home wife, the more taboo it becomes. which means the sexier that idea becomes. which means soon enough, he's dreaming about you, looking after the house while he makes sure he can look after you. it becomes obvious after a while that he's got a specific fantasy in mind for you, so he eventually tells you, and you're into it, too. especially considering construction pays pretty decently once you're up the ladder like tom is, technically you're one let's do it away from making your fantasy a reality. but there's just something about sensationalising something so easily obtainable, but not giving into it, that makes it all the more exciting for you both
i don't think either of you fully make your minds up about whether you want to start a family or live the dink (double income, no kids) life forevermore and use your money to spoil each other. i think you guys spend most of your twenties and maybe some of your early thirties just enjoying life, travelling the world, indulging yourselves, until eventually you settle down. a lot of yours and tom's friends, especially the ones who have already started families of their own, question why you wouldn't want to start young, grow up with your kids, and then enjoy your later years without the responsibility. but you and tom have talked it through, and his mindset has always been that you don't stop being a parent once the kid hits 18, and that he's always thought life was for living, not for saving up for a future that never ends up coming because you're forever saving up for it
i've written way more than i initially intended to LOL but yeah, i might make this something? i might not? idk. but this is my tommy. <3
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tubboshusband · 10 months
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[Yaoiverse roleplay blog managed by vindixator]
[Admin only knows Tagalog/English, but will try to provide a Spanish translation]
Things to know about y!Tommy:
Tommy goes by he/she pronouns, and has no gender specfic label <3
The God of Luck and Misfortune! Comes from the Tommyinnit Mod Videos!
She's able to interact with the Yaoiverse Pantheon!
He's a tanuki hybrid and is able to shapeshift!
Married to @explosiveunderscore 🥰
[Tommy isn't important to the overall story, and is just here to accompany several characters such as Tubbo, Phil, etc.]
Official ref:
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Tags Tommy will use:
#mod.text - text posts #mod.asks - asks #mod.submissions - submissions #in-game.chat - written roleplay #game.settings - flashbacks #disconnect.game - end of thread
#tab.list - in character reblogs #render.distance + #ooc - out of character
#yaoiverse - general yaoiverse tag
#straightverse - general angst tag
#yuriverse - general ooc tag
#sexoverse - anything nsfw-esque tag
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Tags when interacting with THE BOYS:
[updates with every interaction, and knowledge of a character]
@explosiveunderscore - #advancement.postmortal
@fred-the-janitor - #advancement.hero of the village
@thepoultryprincess - #advancement.diamonds
@thecensusbureau - #advancement.hot stuff
@crows-father - #difficulty.hardcore
@in-the-arms-of-death - #you.died!
@builderfreak - #advancement.serious dedication
@mrbeasticle - #command./give
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westerosiqueens · 2 months
Mun ask 1-26
mun ask
readmore for length
what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it? I write queens that are primarily from westeros, it is logical XD
what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? I don't have an aesthetic or motif bc I'm laaaaazy
what fandom do you primarily favour? Right now HOTD is the big one, but I have separate blogs for each of my fandoms
what genre do you primarily favour? shippy stuff, unapologetically. also stuff with heavy emotions and smut.
what are your top five fandoms to RP within? HOTD/GOT, Sailor Moon, Star Wars, DBZ, Pirates of the Caribbean
what are you top five universes to RP within? Leashiverse ( @gentledoemuses ), general canon, Dany goes Green verses, modern verse, Rhaenyra/Daemon eloped and none of this happened verses
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why? any verse that considers s2 of hotd or s6-8 of got to be canon
if you are an independent blog, have you every roleplayed in a closed group? Yes
if you are in a closed group, have you ever roleplayed on an independent blog? n/a
what year did you join the tumblr roleplaying community? 2017
what other platforms have you used to roleplay? Twitter, AIM (etc.), Discord (still active), Facebook
what was the first fandom that you roleplayed witin? lmao Cats the Musical
have you written original characters? Yup!
have you been a roleplay admin? if you have, did you enjoy it? if you no longer do, why did you stop? I have; most of the groups I was in died out. There are things that are enjoyable, but honestly it almost always ended up being more trouble than it was worth
what is your favourite part about using this platform to roleplay on? Flexibility
how have your faceclaim choices changed over time? Most of my characters are canon. Allyria has gone through a few different faces but that's more because of age uncertainty than anything else
who was the first faceclaim that was 'ruined' for you in the rpc? why was that? I... am capable of separating character from FC so like. none? I think this is silly? sorry if you are serious about it
how did you come across the roleplay community? I had already been on tumblr and decided to try it out
who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)? Anne Hathaway for Meg @notaprincessaqueen
what age range do you most enjoy playing? Late teens to late 30s
what gender identity do you most enjoy playing? Females
what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching? I cannot even begin to list everything. I look up EVERYTHING. I want to be RIGHT.
what skills have you gained by roleplaying? Research skills. Google fu. The art of ignoring people and blocking for my own health. Not taking things so seriously
what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference) FC =/= character
what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference) FC =/= character
what faceclaim do you wish you could play, and why haven't you used them/yet? I don't have anyone bouncing around rn. I usually have the character concept and then find a FC that fits rather than the other way around
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hyadesfm · 8 months
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two orders of business for this update post: if you've happened to take a little gander at our guidelines, you'll notice the starting character limit has changed! i've decided to allow three ( 3 ) characters to start - which means as long as you're within our diversity guidelines ( we follow a 1:1 rule. every second character has to be either a poc, body diverse or gender diverse ), then feel free to pick up a third character! and finally... the moment we've all been waiting for... opening / plotting details :D i'm so so appreciative to every one of you, and all the excitement & kind conversations i've had the past few days! i'm very excited to announce that we will be opening for plotting & ooc tomorrow january 20th at 3pm pst / 6pm est / 11pm gst. i know that is a little late for some of you - which is why i am proposing that we open monday afternoon for ic interactions, but i will be posting a poll for everyone! thank you for reading everyone!
-admin nie 💕
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I posted 2,092 times in 2022
That's 2,092 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (2%)
2,051 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,616 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#fanfic - 692 posts
#thank you so much for writing this! - 653 posts
#moon knight - 587 posts
#♥️♥️♥️ - 379 posts
#steven grant - 337 posts
#lovely writer replies! - 287 posts
#marc spector - 269 posts
#jake lockley - 207 posts
#poe dameron - 108 posts
#smut - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#jake: also i broke your favourite vase i'm sorry what's that you forgive me great i'm so glad <- this omg im laughing so much
My Top Posts in 2022:
Do you want to dance?
Steven Grant X Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: My first time writing a fanfic in centuries! One F bomb!
A/N: Oh my gosh, I've actually written something! This is for @littleferal 's Writers' Iron Chef! (No. 1 Prompt: Slow Dancing & Additional Prompt: "Are you flirting with me?” + "You finally noticed?") 30 min time limit was kept to (this was so difficult! Such a rush at the end!) I read it over after, and fixed 2 typos I could see - there are probably more! No Y/N. Reader's gender is never stated.
Summary: Steven goes to a coworkers enagement party and runs into you.
Word Count: 780
Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
To say it seemed like a dream was unreasonable. At least in a dream there was some kind of internal logic, some notion in that unawake state that what was happening made sense somehow.
This was just unreal. Scratch that. This was too good to be true. But Steven was sure that if he had been asleep his utter disbelief would have woken him. 
Grace, in admin who he had never actually met face to face, had invited the entirety of the museum staff to her engagement party and apparently from the lavish looks of things she was marrying a millionaire. 
There were so many people that Steven was sure it would give the seating at Wembley a run for its money. 
He had made some general chit chat, feeling out of place at first, and kept an eye out for Donna so he could make a quick escape. However his boss never appeared, if fact he didn’t run into anyone he really knew at all. And it was wonderful. 
Everyone seemed more than happy to talk to him and he slowly slipped into a kind of ease he hadn’t experienced in a long time. 
That was until he heard your voice. 
It was like a shot of adrenaline directly into his heart. 
He turned quickly to see you. “Hello.” His voice was meek, unlike himself as he took in your outfit. 
“I’m so glad to see you, I was hoping you’d be here somewhere!” You reached out to hug him and his mind short circuited for a moment. Dial up internet trying to download an image. 
He shook his head, quickly smiled back and accepted your embrace while carefully manoeuvring the drink in his hand. “You were? I mean, it’s really good to see you, yeah.” You smelt like banana shampoo and floral perfume. Somehow intoxicating and complimenting at the same time. If he could just stay and breathe that scent in forever. 
The hug ended too soon. 
He stared for a long moment as you broke apart, the sound of his heartbeat was louder than the live band playing, than all the broken conversations echoing around.
“How’s restoration going?” Steven said quickly. 
“Yeah, okay,” you pulled a face. “How’s the gift shop? I never see you around anymore?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Steven gave you a sheepish smile. “Well, you know…”
Your face dropped.
“I mean,” there had been a time, a month or so ago, you had seen each other almost every day. You popping by the gift shop either before or at the end of your shift if Steven was working to say hi. Him dropping by your offices and the restoration workplaces. 
Listening to you talk about and show him what you were working on had brightened his day to no end. 
And then…
See the full post
95 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Egg Fried Rice
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Marc Spector X F!Reader  Rating: T  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Summary: Out of the three of them, Marc had met your mother last.
Warnings: Angst & fluff. Mentions of previous abuse (Wendy Spector) but doesn't go into detail. Typos - I am notoriously bad at catching them. Swearing.
A/N: I've used corvase's 'lovely little domestic prompts: “your mom is coming over today.” “tell her to bring fried rice or she’s not invited.” “you tell her, she’s your mom.” “but she likes you more!”' - and it ended up being a lot more angsty than I inteaded. I changed the prompt words a touch as well. Steven & Jake make a little appearance too.
Word Count: 1689
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites
You had been in the shower when your phone rang. It was on silent, as usual, but by chance the light caught Marc’s attention as he put the clean laundry away. 
The display read ‘Mum’. 
He swallowed, a flash of nerves hitting him for a second before he pushed them away. He could just wait it out, pretend he didn’t see it. 
The soft material of a pair of your fuzzy socks in his hand suddenly became much heavier; the cartoon duck on the side no longer looked friendly. There was a judgemental tone in its eyes.
 “Fuck you.” He narrowed his eyes and hissed at the cartoon, the absurdity enough to bring a small smile to his face.
Quickly, without giving himself too much time to really think about it, he grabbed your phone and answered the call. 
“Hello!” Your mum’s voice was like sunshine itself. 
“Hi, it’s-”
“Marc! Ah! How lovely to get you!” 
He grinned broadly, warmth bubbling up in his chest. She recognised his voice. Straight away she recognised his voice. 
“I was wondering if I could pop by today? I have a little something for you all.”
Your mother knew all three of them, but her first meeting with Marc had been almost five months after she had met Steven and Jake. 
It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to meet her, he did, it was just... difficult. Panic spiked up in his spine and made him sick whenever the arranged date to introduce himself grew close. 
His alters’ voices constantly in his ear. “She’s so lovely.” “You’ll get on well with her hermano.” “She’s nothing like-”
It hadn’t mattered. He had chickened out four times. The third when he was in the car with you outside of your mother’s house. He just couldn’t. Couldn’t. Had checked out and left it to Steven and Jake.
He would stay away for days, the worst being the second occasion when he didn’t front for nearly two weeks afterwards and had refused to speak to Jake or Steven. Even staying quiet when Steven had said he would let Jake grow a moustache if Marc didn’t say something. 
When Marc finally did front he had refused to talk about it. Point blank. Not to Steven, not to Jake, not to you. He knew that made it worse. 
It had caused more than one internal and external argument.  
You had tried to bring it up carefully, calmly, telling Marc that there was no need to rush, he hadn’t caused any offence, that he didn’t even need to meet your mother if he didn’t want to.
But instead of staying quiet, nodding, or any of the countless peaceful options Marc had gone into defensive mode. Unable to explain his fears even though you knew about Wendy, unable to accept your kindness and care and love when he was so sure he didn’t deserve it. He wanted your anger.  
“Oh, so you don’t want me to meet your Mom then?” 
His tone had taken you by surprise even before his words had registered. “Marc that’s...” you shook your head, playing back what you had said, checking for how your words could have been misunderstood. “I didn’t mean that, I-”
See the full post
118 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Cariño (Part 1) Jake Lockley X F!Reader
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[Part 2]
Rating: 18+ (this chapter is clean, but it's gonna get a bit steamy later on!)
Warnings: Swearing (can I write anything without profanity? No.) Pining. Terrible Spanish.
A/N: Okay, so this story acutally has a plan to it! (Whhhaattt?) Also please let me know if you think I have missed a warning!
Summary: You’re pretty good at procuring hard to find items for others, for the correct price. So when Jake Lockley hires you to steal an Egyptian artefact it should all be plain sailing. Right?
Word Count: 2403
Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
You didn’t have any ice and kind of felt a little apprehensive about putting a bag of frozen cauliflower on your face.
So you’d settled for some folded up kitchen roll that you’d run under the tap, wrung out and shoved in the fridge for ten minutes. And two prescription painkillers that were meant to be for migraines. 
The plan had been to go straight to bed until there had been a familiar, and distinctive, knock at the door. 
You sighed, a little more than annoyed at the timing. Maybe if it had been anyone else you would have just ignored it. Gone to bed. Ignored them. Or blatantly yelled for them to ‘fuck off’. 
Another knock. 
You grimaced a little as you removed your makeshift ice pack and paused over the bin before you stuck it back in the fridge. 
You grimaced more as you caught sight of your reflection in the kitchen window. The darkness outside didn’t take the edge off the lovely bruise and swelling on your right cheek. 
Maybe he wouldn’t mention it. 
Maybe pigs would fly.
You opened the door halfway through the third knock, not bothering to look through the peep hole into the hallway. 
“Hello Jake.” You said in a sing song voice, stepping slightly to the side as you held the door for him to come in. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
Any hopes you had of him just walking in and politely ignoring your cheek’s condition quickly evaporated. 
His eyes bored into you, fixated on the right side of your face. You fought the urge to squirm under his scrutiny. 
“Mierda.” Shit.  He muttered. Your Spanish was awful, but you got that one.
He clenched his jaw, his whole-body tense. Well, tenser than usual, there had never been a time you had actually seen him completely relaxed. He didn’t seem the sort. Probably slept standing up. 
Jake kept looking at you and there was a familiar heart rising up your neck. You turned quickly; you weren’t going to blush in front of his stupidly hansom face- no not hansom. Just… Ugh.
You let go of the door and walked further in, heading for the living room. 
There was a thud from behind as Jake quickly stepped in and closed the door behind him. 
“Who the fuck did that?” His accent was heavier than usual. 
You gave him a small glance over your shoulder but didn’t break your stride. “Does it matter?” 
He said something in Spanish, so fast that you couldn’t differentiate the words. Whatever it was, it wasn’t polite. 
See the full post
124 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
The Boy with the Thorn in his Side
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Steven Grant X F!Reader Rating: T Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: SELF-INDULGENT WARNING, creepy dude following reader, lovey dovey syndrome, fluff, pinning, TYPOS, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
A/N: ahhhhahahaha, sorry I couldn't get this out of my mind. Set in ep 1 when Steven has just realised he has missed his date. No y/n.
Summary: Steven Grant’s day is going poorly to say the least. He’s lost days, missed his date and now a stranger has sat down opposite him who seems to know him? It would be nice if our favourite Gift-Shopist could catch a break.
Word Count: 3747
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites
“It doesn’t change the fact that today is Sunday, which means lose my number. Cheers.” 
The line went dead.
Steven stared at his phone. This was, this didn’t- The date on the screen said Friday. He couldn’t have lost two whole days. He-
Your voice snapped his attention back to the seat in front of him as you sat down hurriedly. 
“Sorry I’m late! It’s so good to see you!” You were speaking a fraction too loud and Steven had never seen you before in his life. 
A frown began to form on his features, knitting his eyebrows together. He wasn’t sure if he could take one more thing today, first Gus, then two missing days and now whatever the hell this was. 
“I’m sorry b-”
“There’s a guy,” you had turned your head to the side and placed your hand on your cheek to hide your mouth while you pretended to look at the menu. Your voice a whisper and it was only now that Steven could hear the wobble in it, see the slight shake in your fingers. 
“He, I don’t know, I think he was- is following me. Since- it doesn’t matter, he- I just cut through the alley and this was the first place I saw that was open, and I mean, I could be really misunderstanding everything and just overreacting and, I’m so sorry, I saw the empty seat and I just thought that, maybe he would, you know, if I was with someone, I didn’t want to cause a scene and,” the words just tumbled out and bled together in a mess. 
Your heartbeat thumped so hard in your chest that it was making you lightheaded. 
Steven’s frown deepened as he looked over your shoulder to the alleyway you had just rushed through.
This was so stupid. No one was following you, and you’ve just made a massive fool out of-
“Blue jacket? Stupid white trainers?” 
A small panicked smile sprung to your lips without your control and you nodded furiously. 
You didn’t want to look behind and check. You really didn’t. But it seemed your body had other ideas. 
One quick glance told you that you had been right. The guy was just standing there on the opposite side of the road. Looking directly at you. 
Tightness gripped at your throat. 
Moral disgust suddenly overwhelmed all other thoughts in Steven’s brain. This was not on. He straightened his back without thinking, hands on the table as if he intended to stand. 
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing mate?” His voice sounded stern, intimidating even. “Just going around following people, yeah?” 
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127 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How (Part 1)
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[Part 2]
Nathan Bateman X F!Reader  Rating: 18+ pals  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Summary: After the events of the film, it’s decided that it’s best for everyone if Nathan has a babysitter. 
Warnings: swearing, typos, fragment sentences, soft!Nathan, mental illness, PTSD, overuse of italics, panic attacks, brief illusion to suicide. There’s no smut in this, but there will be in part 2.
A/N:  What is this? What is this? Self indulgent. That’s what it is. This was meant to be a short under 1000 words instead of this monstrosity that is now two parts. All I can say is this really got away from me.
Word Count: 5431
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem
If there was one thing you wouldn’t have believed prior was that Nathan Bateman: founder of Bluebook, recluse, and self-aggrandising arsehole, was a cuddler. And a pretty needy one at that.
You had noticed it well before the two of you had started a less than professional side to your relationship. 
Small things: his arm brushing against yours if you sat or stood next to each other, he would touch your hand (usually holding it for a second longer than necessary) if you passed him something, pats on the back and nudges with his shoulder in the kitchen as he said ‘good morning’. 
He wasn’t that much of an arsehole either. Annoying? Certainly. God complex? For sure. But you were surprised at how considerate he was. What did you want for dinner? What were your plans for the day? Would you have time to check something over? – even though it was technically part of your job to help him. 
You had started a small experiment of your own. Arguing internally that it was out of nothing more than professional interest. A hand on his shoulder when you spoke his name, resting your knee against his at the dining table, little things. But boy did they have a big reaction. 
A shudder, a slight softening of his eyes, a lean into your touch. And that was it, wasn’t it? Nathan Bateman was touch starved. End of story. 
And you couldn’t help but push it. 
You had laid your legs on him on the settee while he was watching television and you were pretending to read a book. Your calves resting on the middle of his thighs. 
You had expected him to tell you to ‘fuck off’. Expected him to push your legs away. And, in all honesty, you kind of wanted that. Wanted to piss him off. He’d been bordering on the very fine line of Acceptable Annoying Nathan and Genuine Bastard all day.
The cherry on top being the tiny sideways looks he gave you while purposefully turning the television sound up every few minutes as you did your very best to ignore him. 
But he didn’t do any of that. Didn’t even say anything, just froze and, for a second, a pang of fear dripped like warming ice down your spine. 
You’d gone too far, you should-
He placed his hand on your shin, the warmth of his fingers seeping through your trousers. It was a light, but reassuring touch. Grounding almost. After a minute he began to trace small circles with his thumb, after another, he turned the television down to a more reasonable level. 
Neither of you commented on it. 
A few evenings later you threw your arm over the back of the settee when you heard him come into the room. Quickly relaxing back into your best impression of carefree before he came into your line of sight. 
Again, you expected him to act a certain way. A sarcastic comment, purposefully sitting somewhere else and glaring. But instead he flopped down next to you, on the edge of a little too close, his arms loosely crossed and lent his head back, brushing his shortly cropped hair against your lower arm as he closed his eyes. 
Neither of you commented on it. 
The next day he got drunk. Not a completely unusual occurrence, but in the whole time you’d been staying with him he normally drank with you, or, at least, around you. 
This time he simply appeared in the living room, obviously more than a little tipsy but seemingly not as intoxicated as he was pretending to be.
You were reading, curled up at the far end of the settee.
He sat down, sighing loudly, and nursing a beer. And you thought you’d play along, at least for a bit. See where this goes. 
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211 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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