#vinea magi
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babymagi · 2 years ago
Vinea: Okay, Kougyoku, I know you're having a rough time right now and I'm gonna help you Kougyoku: Ok ok Vinea: Close your eyes Kougyoku: Closing them Vinea: Take a deep breath, in and out Kougyoku: Am breathing Vinea: Now picture the things that make you the happiest Kougyoku: ok ok Vinea: Are you thinking about tits? Kougyoku: Yes Vinea: Good
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ratsrequiem · 2 years ago
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Spirit of Sadness and Isolation
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mogranet · 1 year ago
Magi - The Labyrinth Of Magic - Vinea Cosplay
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merrinla · 1 year ago
I need more of him speaking latin please
Translated spells from devnotes
Flagra – Blaze
Arde – Burn
Maior, fortior – Greater, stronger
Fulgur – Lightning
Glacies – Ice
Acidum – Acid
Dolor – Pain
Malleus – Hammer
Confusio – Confusion
Morere – Die
Veni et iuva me – Come and aid me
Configo – I pierce
Ignis – Fire
Peri – Perish
Macte virtute – Be blessed (for your courage)
Ira et dolor – Wrath and pain
Te curo – I cure you
Treme – Shiver
Quod dico face – Do as I say
Invoco te – I summon you
Tonitrus – Thunder
Deure – Wither
Macesce – Wither
Cudo – I beat
Mortalis – Deadly
Ferio – I strike
Frange – Shatter
Inficio – I poison
Stupefacio – I strike (you) dumb
Impero tibi – I command you
Incende – Set fire
Diminuo te – I shatter you
Tormentum – Torture
Gela – Freeze
Perure – Be consumed
Ira – Wrath
Caedo – I cut
Ex Textura – From the Weave
Detono – I thunder
Mortem tuum sum – I am your death
Venenum – Poison
Tu es nihil – You are nothing
Dissolve – Melt
Dialino – I shred
Torre – Roast
Vis medicatrix – Healing Power
Seco – I carve
 Circulus mortis – Circle of death
Resisto mortem – I resist death
Vita excolatur – Let life be enriched
Voco spicae – I summon spikes
Magis amica veritas – Truth is a better friend
Te video – I see you
Tempestas – Wind
Risum teneatis? – Can you help laughing?
Resisto ignem – I resist fire
Non fit injura – No harm is done
Sphaera mortis – Sphere of death
Corpora sana – Healthy bodies
Diminue – Be diminished
Crescit eundo – It grows as it goes
Intactilis sum – I am untouchable
Ververo – I lash
Obedi me – Obey me
Pulso – Open up
Ad lapidem – To stone
Non compos mentis – (You are) not in control of your faculties
Esurio – Be afraid
Resisto frigus – I resist cold
Omnia mutantur – Everything changes
Signum arcanum – Magic symbol
Ad maiorem dei gloriam – For the greater glory of god
Tenebra – Darkness
Mundus vult decipi – The world wants to be deceived
Nulla salus – There is no salvation
Punge – Sting
Ludus non factum est – The game is not over
Hostium munera – Gifts of enemies
Plue – Let it rain
Esto perpetua – May it be perpetual
Bene curatur – It can be healed well
Non movere – Don’t move
Voco murus – I summon a wall
Morio – You absolute fool
Voco flagella – I summon tentacles
Venustior – More charming
Pallida mors – Pale death
Aresce – Dry up
Resarcio – I repair
Evanesco – I disappear
Vincere est vivere – To conquer is to live
Fiat voluntas dei – May god’s will be done
Et alibi – And elsewhere
Invisibilis – Invisible
Propera – Hurry up
Inaccessus – Inaccessible
Nocturnus – By night
Vos curo – Heal you
Demento te – I drive you insane
Agilius – With more agility
Caveat incantator – Let the caster beware
Inexpugnabilis – Impregnable
Virtus et scientia – Virtue and knowledge
Voco vineae – I summon vines
Tempora mutantur – The times have changed
Maledicte es – You are cursed
Vincit qui patitur – He conquers who endures
Voco potentia – I summon power
Risus abundat – Laughter is abundant
Pulchrior – More beautiful
Da mihi facta – Give me the facts
Ocior – Make haste
Resisto venenum – I resist poison
Horribilissimus – The most horrible
Loquere si tibi placet – Speak if you please
Stabilio – I stabilize
Voco araneae – I summon webs
Te occludo oculos – I close your eyes
Dum vita est, spes est – Where there’s life, there’s hope
Canto te – I enchant you
Caeco te – I blind you
Mors tua, vita mea – Your death, my life
Fiat lux – let there be light
Para bellum – Prepare for war
Volo non fugia – I fly but do not flee
Gigans – Giant
Vivat crescat floreat – May it live and grow
Efferve – Swarm over
Ubi es? – Where are you?
Surge – Arise
Incommodum – Disaster
Siccut cattus – Like a cat
Citius – Faster
Resisto acidum – I resist acid
Mors certa – Death is certain
Te adstringo linguam – I bind your tongue
Ex nihilo – Out of nothing
Sine metu – Without fear
Voco glacies – I summon ice
Minimus – The smallest
Intellego – I understand
Voco nubes – I summon clouds
Auribus teneo lupum – I hold the wolf be the ears
Corruptus – Infected
Ale me – Feed me
Flagello – I whip
Es praedae mei – You are my prey
Cave circulum – Beware of the circle
Amo sanguinem – I love blood
Amicus animalis – Friend of animals
Mors animae – Death of the soul
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua – With the dead in a dead language
Aqua pura – Clear water
In nocte consilium – The night brings advice
Umbrae – Shadows
Tibi do pennas – I give you wings
Te absolvo – I acquit you
Inveniam viam – I will find a way
Irretio in sphaera – I trap you in sphere
Ostende secretorum tuorum – Reveal your secrets
Oculus tempestatis – The eye of the storm
Resurg – You will rise again
Mutatis mutandis – With appropriate changes
Tuebor – I will protect
Aridissimus – Driest
Intelligenti pauca – Few words suffice for he who understands
Eiecto te – I throw you out
Cresceat scientia – Let knowledge grow
Silentium – Silence
Impero te – I command you
Time – Be afraid
Resisto – I resist
Video veritatem – I see the truth
Viam sapientiae – The way of wisdom
Stultissime – You most stupid
Ut ventus – Into the wind
Secreti umbrarum – The secrets of the shadows
Clausus – Locked
Lux in tenebra – Light in darkness
Ab uno disce omnes – From one, learn all
Ad vitam aeternam – To eternal life
Impero mortuos – I command the dead
Morbidus – Diseased
Sol Invictus – Unconquered Sun
Te exsecror – I curse you
Mors incerta, vita certissima – Death is uncertain, life the most certain
Gustas dulcis – You taste so sweet
Fronti nulla fides – Appearances deceive
Dissera – Open up
Expello te – I expel you
Extende – Enlarge
Voco arvina – I summon grease
Vae victis – Woe to the conquered
Scio, Didici, Pecto – I know, for I have studied, with my mind
Vita, Mortis, Careo – Life, and death, I am without
Manus, Potentis, Paro – A hand, powerful, I prepare
Veritas, Credo, Oculos – The truth, I believe, with my eyes
Facio, Voco, Ferre – This I do, I call, to bring you forth
Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio – Uncertain, beautiful things, I command
Cupio, Virtus, Licet – I want, excellence, allowed to me
Praeses, Alia, Fero – Protecting, another, I bring this forth
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agblack · 2 months ago
My Desired Realities (Part 1/???)
Just because I'm bored and wanted to talk about my Desired Realities, and I have several, I decided to write a few informations about each of them. Nothing as extensive as I did before, and maybe I'll give more details later. And they're not in any particular order. As usual, I try to keep things as close to canon as possible. Enjoy ^^
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Marvel Cinematic Universe
I think I'm a bit OP here, but can anyone blame me?
♠ Name: Axel (the name I use); Alma ben Rei (my birth name) ♠ Age: Around 100 years younger than Loki
♠ S/O: I didn't script an S/O to this reality. However, I did script that I find someone I love deeply and who loves me back just as much.
♠ Species: Auterian (Auter was a planet that got destroyed long ago, Superman style. Auterian people have lifespan and physical capabilities similar to Asgardians, are immune to mental control or manipulation of any kind. Also, Auterians can breathe in space and heal others, though healing consumes energy according to the intensity of the wound) ♠ The Gems: Some Auterians can attune themselves to special Gems, that give them powers, and once attuned the Gem belongs to said Auterian for life. Usually an Auterian only attune with one gem, with few people being able to attune with 2 or 3. Stories say that someone once got 5. But with the species near extinction, things changed. Those Gems are heavily inspired by the Djinn from the anime Magi: Labyrinth of Magic. Being attuned to a gem is enough to have access to some of its powers, and more than one gem works simultaneously, but to truly use a Gem's power it's needed to enter it's Equip mode. The Equip mode is like a full transformation, that happens instantly, and changes clothes and appearance of the Gem's wielder. Going into the Equip mode disables the other Gems. Using a Gem's power drains energy, like any exercise would, but the more someone knows a Gem, less energy is drained and more complex things can be done for longer periods. ♠ Powers: My powers are based on the Gems that Auterians can attune to. In my case, there are 10 in total:
Focalors: Wind based Gem, allow myself to fly or control the winds. This one was with me when I was sent to Asgard, and is the one I have more control of. Odin doesn't like my use of Focalors now after an event occurred on Midgard the last time we went there.
Barbatos: Strength based Gem, give me superior strength, speed and combat abilities in general. This one I found in Asgard years ago, and I have a great grasp on how to control it. The Equipe mode comes with a spear.
Dantalion: Portal based Gem. With only the Gem, I can control small things with my mind and levitate. In the Equip mode I can create portals between two points in space; the size and distance between the two points dictates the complexity of the task. I found this Gem on Earth, in possession of Jane Foster (the events of Thor, right after I shift to this reality for the first time). I had to use the powers of this Gem to come back to Earth after Loki sent me to Jotunheim during the events of Avengers.
Agares: Earth based Gem, relying on brute force. The Equip mode resembles a golem. Not my favorite. Found this one in Jotunheim after Loki sent me there to not overthrow his plans.
Vinea: Water based Gem. Comes with a Trident in Equip mode. Found in Vanaheim before the events of Thor: Dark World.
Zepar: Sound based Gem. Found in Svartalfheim during the events of Thor: Dark World.
Astaroth: Fire based Gem, with white flames and dragon motifs. Found in Muspelheim during the events of Thor: Ragnarök.
Valefor: Ice based Gem, the Equip mode resembles a kitsune. Found in Niflheim during the events of Thor: Ragnarök.
Baal: Lightning based Gem. Found in Nidavellir during the events of Avengers: Infinity War.
Zagan: Plant based Gem. Equip mode comes with a whip. Found in Alfheim before the events of Avengers: Endgame.
♠ Brief History (SPOILERS): I got sent away from Auter before the destruction, still a newborn, and ended up in Asgard, where I was raised by Odin and Frigga alongside Thor and Loki. I shift there for the first time a bit before the events of the Thor movie, and I'm on Earth in search for the Gem I can sense on the planet. Pietro don't die (avoided). Tony don't die (use of Auterian healing powers that send us both into a week long coma, but nothing serious happens). I don't vanish during the Blip. I become a part of the Avengers.
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Once Upon a Time
♠ Name: Adrian Jones (aka Tempest)
♠ Age: 22
♠ S/O: Not sure if I want an S/O in this reality, so I'm leaving it to the universe to decide.
♠ Brief History: I'm Killian's younger brother, and his second in command at the Jolly Roger. I learned magic from Peter Pan, and I kept developing it after we took different paths, and now I'm just as strong as him, maybe more. For some reason the rule "All magic comes with a price" don't apply to me. I'm specialized in wind and water magic, as they help when sailing, but I’m almost as good in the other kinds as well. I also have a natural connection to sea creatures. My reputation precedes me for my mean side. People who heard about me heard about “the vicious and cruel quartermaster of the Jolly Roger”. I’m not a bad person though, acting like that just with people who really wronged me. I’m a natural acrobat, being able to jump through the ropes from the ship without difficulty and having perfect balance. The first time I shift there, I wake up at the Jolly Roger just after the First Curse is broken.
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One Piece
♠ Name: Portgas D. Kenji (alias: The Devil)
♠ Age: 18
♠ S/O: Zoro
♠ Devil Fruit: Devil Devil Fruit: Model Hellfire. A mythical Zoan fruit that makes me able to become a devil, or a devil-human hybrid. I get more stamina, strength and speed on the hybrid form, and even more on the devil form. I also get wings, claws and a tail in both form, though in the devil form they look more monstrous. I also can control Hellfire, a white-blueish kind of fire that can burn anywhere, and can be cold as ice or hot as magma. Besides all that, I have extreme healing capabilities, being able to even regrow limbs if needed. I never feel cold or hot, since my body is able to regulate its temperature all the time. For now, going into full devil form for too long make me lose control (like Chopper and his Monster Form). This fruit was a myth, a thing from legends, since the last user was someone ages before Gold Roger.
♠ Brief History: I'm Ace's twin brother. I left with Ace to the sea, though we went separate ways. I found the fruit on an island, before finding the Revolutionary Army and joining their ranks. I make myself part of the Straw Hat crew as they're escaping Loguetown. The Marine doesn't go after the crew more than normal after knowing I’m related to Roger. All ships have plumbing and warm water, using the sea water and filters. The first time I shift there, I'm at Loguetown, and it's the morning the Straw Hats arrive there.
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♠ Name: Axel Logan Hale
♠ Age: 18 when turned
♠ S/O: Liam, a guy who is part of the wolf pack. Imprinting is a thing, but heavily modified from canon (as in the guy actually has control over his actions and never happens with children, for starters). However Imprinting still changes the wolf's body, in a way, so Liam's scent no longer is bad for vampires, and vampire scent is not bad to him.
♠ Species: Vampire.
♠ Powers: Ice creation and control. This also make my metabolism super slow, so I have to feed less frequently and never tasted human blood, ever.
♠ Brief History: I'm Rosalie's twin brother. While she was the perfect daughter to our parents, I was kind of neglected by them, like a black sheep or something. I got turned a while after she did, by Carlisle - I was confronting Royce about where she was since she just disappeared when she arrived to end him and she threw me to a wall with more force than she should. While Rose hates this new life, I like it. I hated Edward at first, because of his ability to read my thoughts, but now he's my best friend. I shift there the first time a day before Bella's arrival in Forks.
♠ Curiosity: I may write a fic about this (just have to go through writer's block and procrastination)
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The Magicians
♠ Name: Axel Hawthorne
♠ Age: 25
♠ S/O: Eliot. Or Quentin. Or both. Who knows what expects me there.
♠ Powers: My Discipline is Aeromancy, so I'm at the Physical Kid's Cottage as well.
♠ Brief History: When I arrived at Brakebills, I tried to stay away from everyone, but neither Eliot nor Margo were having any of that, and since we're on the same year they dragged me into their group, and somehow I let them. I'm also kind of a genius related to magic, and the idea is to become a professor at Brakebills eventually. I first shift there a few days before Quentin's arrival.
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sayakxmi · 9 months ago
[Magi reread] Night 73: Rukh's Will
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I feel like this shot looks a little better.
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The only valid reaction at this point ngl.
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Literally never paid enough attention to realize there are human silhouettes
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Well, NOW I can tell
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Cute, and tbh I'm absolutely reading too much into this, but Aladdin looks kinda sad, so I suspect he KNOWS.
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Alibaba thinking about Cassim;;;
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Anise genes are strong af. All Rashid gave Alibaba is hair color, the horn and insecurity.
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That. Smile.
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Love it, but it also makes me think that the pairings go as follows: Alibaba (Amon's a Heat Djinn) + Aladdin (Heat Magician), Kougyoku (Vinea's a Water Djinn) + Judar (Water Magician) and Hakuryuu (Zagan & Belial are both Lfie Djinns) + Titus (Life Magician). Idk, made me think about combos when I read that, and it's kinda funny that all the main KVs have a fitting Magi.
RIP Sinbad
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Alibaba... really tends to get caught by some weird tentacles, huh.
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This action will have severe consequences.
Like, seriously, do you ever think how if Judar hadn't been shown this by Aladdin, he probably wouldn't have left Al-Thamen for real & team up with Hakuryuu? Like, maybe he would've, but he would've been still under Al-Thamen's control in some ways, like, I doubt he would've put his all into supporting Hakuryuu. Before that he was just vibing. Now he has a goal and it's revenge, which is what unites them later on. Not to mention, Judar was kinda Meh magician before (probably cuz Al-Thamen, I recall some extra abt him having to practice magic in secret), so he would've been much weaker.
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Aladdin created his own most powerful adversary, and I think that's neat. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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Enlightened. In the worst way.
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The more you look at these panels, the sadder it gets. And I'm starting to think about them more, and I'm starting to get sadder, too. Like. Lil Judar reaching towards his father. His dad is crying, his mom, too, but she's smiling, probably trying to console him. Do you think lilttle Judar is crying, because he can tell something is wrong? Or maybe he's laughing, because he doesn't fully realize the danger?
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Did he reach him just in time to get killed? Oh my god.
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There's blood on his blanket. His parents' blood. God.
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No shit dude gets immediate breakdown, who wouldn't.
Man, I didn't come here to be sad for Judar.
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THAT'S what I'm here for. Oh man.
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What do I even say
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What a fucking mess, man
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The thing is. I don't think Alibaba's ever suspected that Cassim actually hated him. Least of all that he hated him the most. Their relationship was a mess, and Alibaba knew it was a mess, like, since post-palace Cassim had treated him awfully from what we've seen. There's no way Alibaba didn't understand at least that Cassim was angry with him. But to actually hate him? And what's more...
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...to hate him since they were kids? If it started later, then at least Alibaba could've reasoned it in some way, like after Mariam's death, because Alibaba was gone when they needed him etc, but sinec they were kids? What had Alibaba done to earn this? If it's not something he'd done, then the only thing left is that it was just... him. That Cassim hated him for the way he was.
Which is exactly what it is. I'll never get over their (and also Hakuryuu & Alibaba, bc they share some similarities) mess of a relationship. Because as much as Cassim hates Alibaba, he loves him just as much. It probably infuriates him even more.
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Sorry for sending the entire page, but I'm near photo limit, so I had to make some changes.
The sheer irony is that half of the time it was Cassim keeping him safe. Because the fucker couldn't make up his heart whether he really wanted Alibaba ruined or to remain as pure as possible. God.
Bro's traumatized. Can't blame him. Imagine the last living member of your family who's also been your best friend since forever & you love him more than anything & you spent half of your life confused about him betraying you and then justifying that, because you cannot even consider an idea that he could've actually wanted to hurt you, only for him to just say straight to your face that nah he hates your guys and wants to fuck you up as much as possible.
The root of Cassim's anger is his self-hatred, and that just breaks me a little. His self-loathing is just that bad, and the world made him feel like trash, and so did the trauma, and so did his childhood near Alibaba who'd had an opportunity to be a happy kid unlike him, just reminding him how different they were. Man.
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Can we just talk how Aladdin is in the middle of fighting Judar & he still does everything he can to guide Alibaba?
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Neat image.
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And that's the horrifying part. The fact that these are his real feelings. And it will hurt. But only Alibaba can do something about it now.
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I fucking love this image. And the whole, "You're my candidate to be king!". Like, Aladdin is embracing his role of a Magi, now that he truly understands it, and he chooses Alibaba. Because of course he does. And the contrast between Alibaba and Cassim... Ughh, that's the good stuff.
I could probably talk more, but I have to go now, but anyway, man, I love this series.
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s2pdoktopus · 10 months ago
The AU will be set in MDZS Universe
Kou Empire (Huang Sect here) is one of the great Sects but they mostly interact with people outside the ancient China setting (so the Magi side of things)
The metal vessels are their spiritual tools, this time comparable to Zidian so Kou is a powerful military focused sect especially with how many of the princes and princesses have these spiritual tools (lol Kouen alone has three)
During the Gusu lectures, Kougyoku, Kouha and Hakuryuu are sent to represent Kou. Hakuryuu is a good boy, Kouha sneaks into the girls' side (no one noticed because he looks like a girl and wears girl's clothes when he does this) to tell Kougyoku the interesting things that happens on the boy's side of things (Jiang sect head disciple punched the Jin heir and got sent away lolol) Kougyoku, also does her best to not embarrass her home and cause trouble for her older brother so they finish the lectures okay.
During the Wen discussion conference, Hakuryuu and Kouha participated in the competition. Both don't specialize in archery so they didn't get many points. It's not a big deal to Kou because they are more interested in the happenings outside ancient China.
During the Wen indoctrination Kougyoku is in Balbad, Kouha is sent to the indoctrination (More like he volunteered to go) got his Leraje taken from him and with the help of the Jiang Sect, managed to get back home.
Cloud recesses burning happens. Lotus Pier massacre happens.
(During the Wen indoctrination up until the Lotus Pier massacre, Kougyoku is in Sindria, befriends Alibaba, crushes on Sinbad, gets Zephar planted in her brain. Magi stuff)
Jiang Cheng comes to Kou to return Kouha's sword and ask for their assistance in the Sunshot campaign. This is where Kougyoku and Jiang Cheng meet properly. Kougyoku finds him in the garden waiting for Kouen to meet up with him and she knows about who he is and what happened to him, he seemed sad and lonely. Kougyoku felt compelled to help him somehow (having been infected by Alibaba's kindness already) so she toughed it up and tried to cheer him up a bit.
Kougyoku's arranged marriage got cancelled, Jiang sect is ruined and it's just the perfect opportunity to put them under the Kou's mercy so Kouen offered to Jiang Cheng their help if he agrees to take Kougyoku as his bride. Jiang Cheng and his complicated relationship with his parents' marriage made him decline. Kougyoku comes to the Jiang Sect's aid anyway. Kou is still in conflict with the Reim and Sindria, it's better to not let the Wen get so strong that Kou would have to fight them too. Vinea specialized in water and there's plenty of that in the Yunmeng territory so sending Kougyoku makes a lot of sense. Plus, Kougyoku already considers Jiang Cheng her friend (lol anime logic. Kougyoku is awkward and desperate for friends) so she is more than willing to go. (They become proper friends here)
Kougyoku leaves the Sunshot campaign once the Jiang Sect is taken back.
Sunshot campaign is won. The Wen remnants problem happens, Kou civil war happens. By the time Wei Wuxian died, Hakuryuu became Kou's emperor. Then he steps down and now both Kougyoku and Jiang Cheng share the burden of carrying a destroyed Sect :D
Kougyoku tried everything to save the Kou empire, which in this au, includes being more involved with the ancient China side of things. They don't bond over this (although I want them to, lol) because they are friends. Kougyoku likes to keep up appearances around her esteemed friends and Jiang Cheng is her only living friend that she actually gets to meet at the moment. Jiang Cheng is busy with Jin Ling, there's nothing he can ask Kougyoku because they have the same problem. They do hang out when the opportunity arises, the opportunity being discussion conferences and sometimes to negotiate trade treaties and other legal things.
Alibaba comes back and helps Kougyoku just as her territory is about to get swallowed up by the Seven Alliances. Magi stuff happens (but without the Sinbad becomes god situation. What's important is Kougyoku gets Vinea again and it's a spiritual tool here so yes, it's the same old powerful weapon that controls water. I want Kougyoku to keep her magic powers XD)
Slowly, the Jiang Sect and the Kou go back to being the strong territories that they are used to be known as, although Kou turned from being known for military might to agriculture and little inventions (like the Magi version of the fridge lol)
Years go by, Jiang Cheng and Kougyoku with their thriving sects now have enough time to meet, drink tea and chat. Go on dates friendly visits, friend stuff. Jin Ling knows Kougyoku as that one auntie that can actually make his uncle smile. They like going on night hunts together because Kougyoku does love to battle (she's considered to be the strongest female cultivator here) and electric whip and water sword are a very good combo. They spar a lot too. Again. Friend stuff!
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Some time later this comic thingy happens. Kougyoku reveals that, surprise! Her eldest brother, Kouen is alive! That's a secret though because they told everyone he's dead and it'll be a problem if it's found that he isn't dead. Kougyoku wants him to meet her brothers, yes, even Hakuryuu whom Jiang Cheng hates because Hakuryuu did all that then left a ruined sect to Kougyoku and he's also petty enough to hate for someone important to him. But Kougyoku wants them to formally meet and all, this is still a wedding which she always dreamed of doing even if it's just for convenience. Kouen brought up Jiang Cheng's problems with arranged marriage and the rejected offer once upon a time but Jiang Cheng says that this is something him and Kougyoku agreed with and they have been friends for this long already. He thinks they will be fine. Kouha approves of him (way better than Sinbad he said, which earned him an embarrassed smack from Kougyoku) and since Kouha, the one protective of Kougyoku approves, Kouen and Koumei found no other issues (being tied to a great sect is not bad too)
(They shop clothes together a lot and write to each other about fashion :D fashionable grape and Kougyoku whose hobby is fashion and beauty care. They exchange skin care and hair routines too! Shopping clothes with your homie is a very friend thing to do!)
Wei Wuxian comes back to life, MDZS stuff happens. Kougyoku comes to Jiang Cheng's side as soon as she gets the news. Jiang Cheng cries about it (of course) the fact that he was used as an instrument to his brother's demise, the golden core situation, everything. Kougyoku can relate, she was also used by Sinbad which led to her brothers losing the civil war and her brothers exiled from their homeland. They finally bond over their similarities while wasted. Kougyoku tells Jiang Cheng how amazing it is that he managed to get the Jiang clan back to being as, if not, more powerful than it once was, while she needed her just revived friend to get hers back. Jiang Cheng tells her that he'd never wish for her to go through that alone and that it's good she has friends to help her. They apologize for not reaching out when they needed each other the most and laughed at how silly it is to say sorry about it now, when it's over. (Jiang Cheng also felt like he should apologize to her for insulting Jin Guangyao's parentage, knowing her own status as a child of a prostitute and feeling belatedly that it's almost as if he insulted her too, Kougyoku doesn't really get it (she wasn't in the temple and they are both very drunk) but she says it's ok anyway. Kougyoku, while she doesn't like Wei Wuxian at all (this is the girl who fought a god like being, and the one who first damaged the thing just because it hurt her brother and friend, I believe she'd be petty enough to dislike Wei Wuxian although she'll keep her opinions to herself) still tells Jiang Cheng about how she forgave Alibaba for not telling her about the brainwashing despite knowing about it. That Alibaba didn't say anything to protect her and maybe it's the same for Wei Wuxian.
They get married, it's a pretty big celebration. They managed to sneak Kougyoku's brothers in but since they are supposedly in exile, Jiang Cheng had to do his bows to Hakuryuu and Hakuei. He hated it. Kougyoku did hers to Jin Ling as Jiang Cheng's only remaining living relative. They would've invited Wei Wuxian but they didn't know where to send the invite. (Now both brothers can lament over not being invited to weddings)
Some time later after they get married this happens
Jiang Cheng: (deep in thought)
Jin Ling: What's wrong JuiJui?
Jiang Cheng: Your Aunt... I think she found her true love.
Jin Ling: Aunty HongYuis cheating on you?! I knew it-
Jiang Cheng: I said she might've found her love. Listen to what people around you say A-Ling. I wouldn't want you to be the same as those gossipers outside.
Jin Ling: B-But, you're married?
Jiang Cheng: It was a marriage of convenience. (Sighs in frustration) I should've known that this would happen. ('Is this what mother felt like. How do I break off our marriage. I don't want to chain her in a loveless affair)
Meanwhile, Lian HongYu
Alibaba: Hi, HongYu, how's your marriage doing?
Lian HongYu: Bad, Alibaba, I think I may have fallen in love!
Alibaba: Didn't you just marry a while ago?
Lian HongYu: Yes.
Alibaba: ... Who did you fall in love with this time?
Lian HongYu: My husband!
Alibaba: I don't understand?
Lian HongYu: It's supposed to be a marriage of convenience!
Alibaba: Well, isn't that convenient?
Liang HongYu: No!!
Jiang Cheng and Lian HongYu
Lian HongYu: A-Cheng, I have a confession to make.
Jiang Cheng: this is it, she's going to tell me she found her true love and--
Lian HongYu: I have fallen in love with you.
Jiang Cheng: -she wants to break off the What?
Lian HongYu: I'm sorry, our marriage is supposed to be of convenience but I'd gone ahead and fallen for you, I promise this wouldn't change anything or if you're uncomfortable we can break off our marriage-
Jiang Cheng: I think I love you too.
Lian HongYu: ... You do?
Jiang Cheng: I do think I do.
Lian HongYu: (laughs) well, that is convenient!! I'm glad.
Jiang Cheng: 'I'm glad too.'
And they live happily ever after :DD
Here's some more of them!!
Another AU involves MDZS being set years and years and years after Magi ended so it's in the new world. The last king vessels assimilated with their Djinn and became spirits. Kou empire turned into the Jianghu and was fragmented into sects. Kouen's territory is occupied by the Wen, Hakuei's territory is occupied by the Lan, Kouha's is occupied by the Jin, Hakuryuu's occupied by the Nie and Kougyoku of course is with the Jiang. So in the years of Wei Wuxian's death, and Jiang Cheng being left behind and mourning, Kougyoku, the now spirit of sorrow and isolation awakens. She shows up to Jiang Cheng in her djinn equip form (insert Jiang Cheng getting flustered because an almost naked lady appears from the river, here) Kougyoku gets some proper clothes in Jiang Cheng's insistence and... They hang out. Kougyoku reveals that she was once the empress of a united Jianghu, she muses on how things have changed and she tells him about the former lords of the land the other sects rule over. She helps him rebuild, having done this before and saying that there's no shame in it! She was helped by a dear friend too, once upon a time.
Just a water spirit who doesn't act like one and a lonely young leader hanging out.
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Cringetober Day 9: Crossover ship
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I may have gone overboard.
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This is for the very small overlap of Jiang Cheng enjoyers and Kougyoku lovers: me.
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selev-shirogane · 2 years ago
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This one was so difficult--- but I liked how it turned out 🧡 Kougyoku is so adorable and her djinn is really amazing 🧡
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magisettei · 3 years ago
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Kougyoku with Vinea equip
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crystlfied · 3 years ago
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“I confessed my most ominous secrets to the moon, I felt my dreams returning, the ocean nymphs guarded my spirit. I lived in a house made of tears.” — Ren Kougyoku || Vinea
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magitransperants · 3 years ago
Miss kougyoku💞
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Im unsure what episode this is from, let me know if you know😭
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babymagi · 1 year ago
Decided to torture myself and draw Kougyoku's djinn equip and so far it's been a lot of AHHHHHHHHHHHHH and wanting to claw my eyes out from looking at the references for too long and regretting choosing a dynamic pose bc HOW THE FUCK WOULD THAT PART OF HER OUTFIT BEND LIKE THAT AT THE ANGLE??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
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ratsrequiem · 2 years ago
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Some Kougyokus I did at school today!!
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mogranet · 1 year ago
Magi - The Labyrinth Of Magic - Vinea & Focalor Cosplay
Cosplayer Profile & Origin of Photos
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lilycove · 4 years ago
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i have wanted to draw this equip since i was like 15 and never did. today, i accomplished that goal
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blacksun-judar · 4 years ago
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