thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n415_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Geraniaceae : London :Printed for James Ridgway, Piccadilly,1820-1830. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/47462407
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bulkbinbox · 2 years
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trabalhador de empresa madeireira após derrubar um piquiá [caryocar villosum], em uma área de manejo florestal legalizado na floresta nacional do jamari, em rondônia. foto: lalo de almeida.
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drhoz · 3 months
#2347 - Hymenophyllum villosum - Hairy Filmy Fern
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AKA Mecodium villosum.
Another Filmy Fern, endemic to New Zealand, where it may be found growing on bark, and sometimes on rotting logs, moss hummocks, and cliff faces. Most common in montane to subalpine forests and subalpine scrub.
Whakapapa Village, North Island Volcanic Plateau, New Zealand
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Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet; syn. L. villosum; in Mandarin: 杻; pinyin: chǒu, Китайская бирючина, кустарник из рода Бирючина семейства Маслиновые).
The plant is highly tolerant to shade, clay soil, drought; slightly tolerant to poor drainage. Requires low to high soil fertility.
The fruit is mildly toxic. Young shoots - cooked.
В настоящее время стал одним из инвазивных видов растений в юго-восточных штатах США.
Воск вырабатываемый растением из-за стимуляции питающихся насекомых используют для свечей, а также в качестве лака для глиняных горшков, краев книг и т. д. Плоды антибактериальные, антисептические, противоопухолевые, кардиотонические, мочегонные и тонизирующие. Его принимают внутрь при лечении почек и печени, нечеткости зрения, катаракте, шуме в ушах, ревматических болях, сердцебиении, боли в спине и бессоннице. Современные исследования показали, что растение увеличивает к��личество лейкоцитов. Экстракты растения проявляют противоопухолевую активность. Кору используют в качестве жаропонижающего.
Ligustrum means 'binder'. It was named by Pliny and Virgil.
926 East Coast Road, Northcross, Auckland 0630
7PQG+CVX Auckland
-36.7113890, 174.7272440
наземные растения цветковые деревья
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titina-pitriqli · 1 year
No subestimen la casi estúpida obsesión que le pongo a mi jardín. El otro día fui hasta uno de los barrios más peligrosos de Morón por un Pennisetum Villosum que sólo tienen en un vivero de ahí kjjjjs
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hanasakig3 · 2 years
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ぺニセタム・ビロサム #銀狐 #ギンギツネ #pennisetum #villosum #イネ科 #チカラシバ属 #flower #花 #ガーデニング #gardening #花言葉 #自然に生きる #元気 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWAiwBB_2T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gallery-f · 4 years
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京都府立植物園 Kyoto Botanical Garden 
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angiec333 · 5 years
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Feathertop ornamental grass (Pennisetum villosum)
Prints, gifts, homeware and more available from my shop at Pixels.com
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the-awkward-turt · 2 years
i realise this a long shot but i was wondering if you might be able to ID this little fella? Apologies about the photo quality but they're so small it was really hard to get decent shots. They're not in such hot shape due to being terrorised by my cat, they're about 5-8mm big and was found in Melbourne, Australia. Also, when I first spotted them, the abdomen was a lot darker, like the head.
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It looks like a jumping spider (Salticidae) to me based on the eye arrangement, but I'm from North America and not very familiar with spiders from your corner of the world.
Just from some brief googling my best guess would be Hypoblemum griseum/Hypoblemum villosum (this was the picture with the best visual match), but, again, please don't take that an authoritative ID because this is very far outside my area of familiarity.
Anybody else able to help?
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theowhy · 4 years
[thiam] following footsteps
2.4k / g / oneshot
note: hello friends :’) long time no post, i just never have any free time these days. my writing brain cells are rusty but here’s a short thing that was meant to be a, uh, christmas fic but that i couldn’t wrangle into shape until now. it’s not terribly contingent on the christmas season and i hope it’s enjoyable even two months late lmao
The cold is the worst thing when Liam finally comes to. Everything bombards him at once: the bruising ache in his back, the smell of dirt and pine and damp clothes. But the cold—that chills him straight to his bones.
“Shit,” Liam says.
“‘Shit’ is right,” says Theo, a disembodied voice somewhere off to Liam’s left because Liam can’t even bear to open his eyes yet. He’d recognize Theo’s presence even if blind or dead.
How annoying. Though in this moment, it gives Liam a weary sense of comfort, knowing he’s not alone.
“What happened?” he groans, bringing a hand up to gingerly touch his temple where a headache currently pounds.
“You got your ass handed to you,” Theo says. He shifts, clothes rustling, a crunching sound beneath his feet.
Ice? Liam opens his eyes.
They were in the forest, he finally remembers. And sure enough, they’re surrounded by dark trees and a white landscape, grey clouds beyond them, a hard ground beneath. There are rocks, too: Theo must have found some kind of outcropping in the hills to shelter from the snow flurrying through the air. Had he dragged Liam under here after… whatever happened before he was out?
“Yes, I dragged you here,” Theo says, then rolls his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that, your face was obvious.”
Liam grimaces. “Did I get hit?”
“Thrown through a tree, actually.” There’s way too much pep in Theo’s voice when he says it. He points out away from them, towards a splintered tree stump in the distance. Its other half lies not far past it, slowly being buried beneath the snow. “That one.”
“Ouch.” Explains why Liam’s back is killing him. “What was it?”
“You don’t remember?”
“I got thrown through a tree, cut me some slack.” Liam gingerly moves to sit up and rub some warmth back into his arms.
“It was… I don’t even know how to describe it.” Theo frowns as he remembers. “I’ve never seen anything like it before. This big white ball of… energy. Ice. It got mad when it saw us and blew you into that tree. There’s been a snowstorm ever since.”
“Did you… kill it?” Liam asks apprehensively.
“Hell no, I grabbed you and hauled ass. You’re lucky it didn’t follow.”
“So it’s still out there? We have to tell the others.”
Theo wordlessly digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He taps the home button. The screen doesn’t light up.
Liam gapes. “Did you seriously bring an uncharged phone out into the middle of nowhere?”
“It’s not my fault you were out for an hour, okay?” Theo snarls. “We were supposed to take a quick look around and go back, I didn’t know some mythical snow spirit whatever the fuck was going to attack us. At least my phone is still in one piece.”
“What?” Dread sinks into Liam’s stomach. He digs into his back pocket, pulls out a mess of circuits and glass and dented metal. He squeaks, “Oh no.”
“Yeah, nice.” Theo sighs. “What is that, your second phone this year?”
“Third.” Liam buries his head in his hands. “My parents are going to kill me.”
It was hard enough convincing them to let him go on this trip to the mountains, where Scott and the rest of the pack had rented a cabin for the weekend. Ostensibly it was to investigate reports of sudden blizzards and extreme snowfall, something Deaton had thought concerning enough for them to check out. But in actuality, none of them expected it to be anything more than some random meteorological weirdness. Scott brought his Nintendo Switch and Mario Kart. Lydia brought wine.
But they’d hardly settled into the cabin before Scott suggested they take a look around before dark, just to get some work in before Mario Kart and chill. Figures Liam didn’t even get the chance to kick Theo’s butt at Mario Kart before the universe decided to screw him over and make his parents ground him forever. It’s not his fault his life suddenly became full of a whole lot more fighting than Liam ever expected, even into his senior year of high school.
“There’s no way I’m gonna try and find my way back in this blizzard,” Theo says, with the finality of a nail into a coffin. “So I suggest you get comfortable.”
Liam sighs, watches the white puff of his breath fade into the air. The wind howls in long, drawn out tones. His whole backside is wet from lying on the ground. His head still hurts.
“Yeah, real easy,” he mutters, pulling his knees up and wrapping his arms around them. First things first, try to get his body to stop shivering.
There’s quiet for a moment. Liam’s so preoccupied finding any vestiges of warmth in his body that he startles when something soft is pushed onto his head. He turns his gaze towards Theo.
Theo, whose beanie has now been placed on Liam’s head.
“It ain’t much, but take it,” Theo says, hardly more than a murmur, nearly lost to the sound of the wind. But Liam hears him.
“I’m fine,” he says.
Theo rolls his eyes. “Liam, just take it.”
“But what about you?”
“I can handle a little cold.” Theo crosses his arms tighter, breathes a big exhale that sends a shroud of white around him, thick as smoke. It hides him for a moment but fades away soon enough. His hair is mussed from tugging his beanie off. His nose and cheeks are red, and there are stray snowflakes on Theo’s shoulders, caught in strands of his hair.
It’s more than just a little cold. The beanie helps, in a small way; Theo had given what little he could. That matters, Liam thinks.
It must be that—along with instinctual, human need—that compels Liam to scoot closer until he’s pressed up against Theo’s side.
Theo goes rigid.
He doesn’t say anything. Neither does Liam.
Finally, Theo says, “What are you doing?”
“It’s cold,” Liam says simply. “You said get comfortable.”
“Comfortable does not mean sitting on top of me.”
“I’m not on top of you,” Liam scoffs. “We gotta huddle for warmth.”
“Sure, huddle. Not cuddle.” Theo pointedly scoots away. Liam follows. “Liam.”
“Theo, come on. I’m not dying out here.”
“I’m not dying out here, either,” Theo says, then shuts his mouth.
Liam laughs.
“Glad you find this funny,” Theo grumbles, but this close together, Liam can feel the way he relaxes, the way he presses in by one reluctantly given inch. But it’s something.
Liam tugs the beanie more snugly onto his head, trying not to smile. Yeah. It’s something.
It doesn’t change the fact that they’re stuck out here until whichever happens first: the blizzard goes away (not looking likely), the pack finds them (even less likely, given that Liam hopes they have the wisdom to stay out of the blizzard, too), or God intervenes. Liam’s never had much luck with the last one.
So he takes in his surroundings instead. There isn’t much to see, really, besides trees, trees, and more trees. The occasional bush. Plenty of snow. And—
“Oh!” Liam says, sitting up straighter and pointing. “Mistletoe!”
Theo doesn’t even look and says, “Nice try, Liam. If you wanted to kiss, you could just ask.”
Liam sputters and shoves Theo hard on the shoulder, which hardly budges him. Theo smirks. “No, dude, ugh. Christmas was like a month ago, anyway. I mean there’s literally mistletoe growing on the trees.”
“Riveting,” Theo drawls, but humors Liam anyway. He looks out to where Liam’s pointing at a bushy mass growing in the branches of one of the trees ahead of them. “That it?”
“Yeah.” Liam squints. He can see its leaves rustling with the wind, how different they are from the leaves of the oak tree it rests in. “Phoradendron villosum. Pacific mistletoe. Don’t eat it.”
“I know that.”
“Did you know mistletoe is a parasite?”
“It’s poisonous, that doesn’t surprise me.” Theo looks mildly interested anyway, and Liam feels a small thrill of victory over it. It’s not often that he gets to share some biology knowledge that Theo doesn’t already know. “So why are people obsessed with hanging it in doorways and stuff?”
“Why do people do anything? Superstition. Folklore.” A particularly strong gust of wind sends a branch of the mistletoe flying. It lands in the snow a few feet ahead of them. “Some cultures saw it as a symbol of fertility. I guess the white berries remind them of—er.”
An awkward beat of silence.
Theo says, “I hope the snow kills us soon.”
Liam’s face burns. At least he feels a little less cold now.
He clears his throat. “Anyway… It’s also associated with protection from witches and demons and stuff.”
“I never took you for a mistletoe nerd.”
“I wrote a report about them in freshman bio. It was kind of interesting. Makes it a little less romantic to know they actually kill the trees they grow on.”
“How beautiful,” Theo says flatly. “You’re still a nerd, though.”
“Shut up.” Liam nudges his shoulder against Theo’s. The corner of Theo’s mouth tugs up just slightly.
Liam’s never done it before, kissed someone under the mistletoe. Hayden came and went too quickly for them to ever reach Christmas, and there hasn’t really been anyone since. There was never any time. And, more honestly, no one else has ever made him feel quite the same.
Well. Almost no one else.
But that’s only ever been a passing daydream, one that’s plagued him in random moments. On an elevator ride back down to the first floor of Beacon Hills Memorial. In the passenger seat of a truck. In sparse texts, shared late at night long after pack meetings have ended.
In a snowy forest, surrounded by no one else.
“Hey, Theo,” Liam says.
Theo grunts and turns towards him.
“What?” he says.
Liam presses their lips together. Theo stops breathing.
A kiss would describe it generously. Liam breathes when it becomes evidently clear that Theo won’t. That’s fine. Taking him by surprise is pretty nice. In any case, the kiss ends almost as soon as it began, and Liam pulls away from the corner of Theo’s mouth. The warmth lingers afterwards.
“W-What the hell was that for?” Theo stammers—Theo, stammering—and brings his hand up over his mouth.
“Mistletoe,” Liam says.
“You—idiot.” Theo brings his other hand up to cover his face, but it’s not enough to hide the red lingering at the tips of his ears. It’s a nice color. “You are so… You…”
“Yeah, you too,” Liam says, not bothering to suppress a grin.
Theo gives him a look through the gaps between his fingers, and Liam expects him to grind out another poorly executed insult when Theo drops his hands, his eyes widening, mouth falling slack.
“What?” Liam says.
Theo just grabs him by the shoulders and tugs him back, further into their little shelter.
“What?” Liam says again, more irately. He turns to look where Theo keeps gaping over Liam’s shoulder.
He finds a great, big ball of blue. Liam’s voice dies in his throat.
His first thought is of ball lightning, something he and Mason had spent one sleepover watching way too many videos of on YouTube. In truth, they didn’t care for the science of it rather than the fact that it looked super fucking cool. Just a sphere of pure energy and light, sweeping through open plains or swathes of sky. This doesn’t feel quite like that, but on the surface it seems the same: crackling, blue-white energy, swirling in a sphere that must be a meter wide, at least. Its core is opaque, like hard ice, and there’s a strange hum about it as it drifts closer to them.
It is frighteningly close. Theo draws an arm out across Liam, pushing him against the rocks at their back. But the sphere doesn’t attack them, doesn’t whip them with a sharp slice of wind like Liam was hit with earlier.
It only drifts over their hiding spot, passing by like an elk through the woods. Calm and constellated with flecks of ice and snow. Something about it feels as old as time itself.
Both of them hold their breaths as it passes. It disappears over them, drifting over the hill. The winds calm. The snowfall begins to diminish until it ceases completely.
It’s quiet.
They stay still for one, two, three heartbeats. Then Theo drops his arm. They both exhale.
“Holy shit,” Liam says, panting like he ran a marathon. “Was that it?”
“No, it was a different big blue ice ball,” Theo says. “Of course that was it.”
“That… was awesome.” Liam crawls out of their shelter to look around for any sign of it. It’s long gone, not even a trail left in its wake.
“I see you’ve already forgiven it for trying to kill you.”
“I don’t want to get thrown through a tree again, but it didn’t attack us this time. We probably spooked it earlier. And look, it stopped the blizzard.”
“You’re way too chipper for seeing something that unreal,” Theo says, following Liam out.
The newly returned sunlight falls over Theo’s shoulders, making him that much easier to see. Theo turns his face up to the sun. His damp hair curls at his temples.
Despite Theo’s griping, Liam can see the wonder in his eyes, the way they glow. He looks alive. Liam thinks about how the blood inside him and the blood inside Theo must be the same, despite everything.
Liam says, “Hey. Thanks.”
Theo frowns. “Why?”
“For saving me earlier.” And the time before that. And the time before that.
Theo scoffs, and where Liam usually sees shutters falling over his face, a mask piecing back together, now he sees a hint of a smile. Something brighter, underneath.
“Whatever,” Theo says, and snatches his beanie off Liam’s head so he can ruffle his hair aggressively.
“Dude!” Liam yelps. 
Theo laughs and whirls away, tearing through the snow in a direction Liam will have to trust is home.
There’s no hesitation at all before Liam chases after him.
note: big ice ball inspired by the leschach entite of ffxii. because..... im a nerd :p 
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 years
n121_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Pescatorea :. Bruxelles :M. Hayez,1860.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/36081554
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francescointoppa · 3 years
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Piante di Morella rossa (Solanum villosum Mill., Solanaceae) nella cavità di un tronco di Olivagno.
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egzotikus · 3 years
Mesés virágok a trópusokról. Trópusi tájak egzotikus virágai - Solanum villosum (Arany csodabogyó)
Egzotikus növénykülönlegességek a világ minden tájáról a legcsodásabb kertért Különleges zöldség magok (paradicsom, paprika, tök, uborka, bab, dinnye), egzotikus kaktuszok, pozsgások varázslatos virágok, gumók, magok és kifejlett növények formájában. - Solanum villosum (Arany csodabogyó) - Dézsában évelőként, szabadföldben egynyári növényként termeszthető. Termése kb 1 cm-es bogyótermés, amely frissen, szörpként, vagy lekvárként fogyasztható. Levelei és fiatal hajtásai főzve zöldségként fogyasztható. Leveleinek főzetét a népi gyógyászatban használják gyomorfájásra, lázcsillapítónak és duzzanatok borogatására. https://egzotikusnovenyek.hu #egzotikus #növény #különleges #zöldség #paradicsom #paprika #mag #trópusi #virág
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fatehbaz · 5 years
Ethnobiologists research the prairie plants utilized by Indigenous peoples to determine the most nutritious native plants in the Midwest and Great Plains regions: Here’s some data, from 2018, about multiple native plant species and their protein and fiber content.
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A few of the most nutritious native plants and Indigenous food sources in the Great Plains:
- Eastern gamagrass (ground hull is highest in total dietary fiber; seeds store for long periods; good forage crop)
- Buffalo gourd (highest protein content)
- blackseed plantain (high fiber content)
- pitseed goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandierir - leaves are high in protein)
- carelessweed (Amaranth palmeri - useful as an easily cooked green, with edible seeds, as well)
- ram’s horn (Proboscidea louisianica - young pods are a common cooked vegetable for Great Plains and Apache people)
- honey mesquite (in the High Plains, its seed-filled pods were consumed widely, and the tree propagates easily)
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This study assessed the area inhabited by Indigenous peoples of the “Plains culture region.” [Map of the general Native culture regions of North America, by Wikimedia user Nikater.)
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This is an outline of the combined tall-grass prairie of the “Prairie Peninsula” (eastern Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, western Ohio) and the Great Plains. (This is Kuchler’s famous map of “potential natural vegetation,” which basically outlines the extent of native vegetation if left undisturbed by imperialism/colonialism/European influence.)
Midwestern / Great Plains native plants with highest percentages of protein:
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Midwestern / Great Plains native plants with highest percentages of soluble and insoluble fiber:
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Top 10 native plants from Midwest/Great Plains which ranked highest for both protein and fiber content:
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Combined protein and fiber content of many edible native plants in the Great Plains:
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Traditional foods of indigenous people are a potential untapped source for providing nutritious dietary options in the modern world. The rising popularity of indigenous foods such as amaranth in recent years suggests that these foods can become a popular part of a healthy diet in the United States. Traditional knowledge of indigenous people can form the basis for using wild food resources. This research provides data on 50 plant species common to the central United States that are abundant sources of dietary protein and fiber, and used traditionally by Native American tribes. Many species show promise with high amounts of protein and fiber being found in lamb’s quarters, nettles, grass seeds, and buffalo gourd seeds. These results honor traditional knowledge. In addition, many of these species could be cultivated using techniques similar to those existing for commercial grains and vegetables. Seeds and/or greens of these wild plants could easily be incorporated into the diets of many more people, improving modern diets, and the nutritional quality of food products.
“Twelve of the seventeen species’ seeds tested had total dietary fiber values higher than commonly consumed [non-native plants; grocery store vegetables] species.”
“Buffalo gourd (Cucrbita foetidissima) seeds had the highest protein content, which was higher than any of the commonly consumed species. Soapweed yucca (Yucca glauca) had the second highest protein content ...”
“Twelve of the seventeen species’ seeds tested had total dietary fiber values higher than commonly consumed species. The highest value was found in eastern gamagrass seed, which had nearly double the total dietary fiber of chia (Salvia hispanica) seeds.“
All but two species of fruit tested had higher values of protein than commonly consumed dried fruits, and all but one had substantially higher values of total dietary fiber than commonly consumed species (Table 4). Young green pods of ram’s horn (Proboscidea louisianica) were the top source of protein out of all fruits, followed closely by honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), skunkbush sumac (Rhus trilobata), longleaf groundcherry (Physalis longifolia), and golden currant (Ribes aureum var. villosum). These species contained nearly or over double the percent protein of all commonly consumed species.
Skunkbush sumac fruits contained the highest total dietary fiber content, all of which was the insoluble form. Honey mesquite pods contained the second highest percentage of total dietary fiber and insoluble fiber. Ram’s horn pods were the top source of soluble fiber, followed by golden currant, honey mesquite, common pawpaw (Asimina triloba), and longleaf groundcherry.
Eastern gamagrass
Eastern gamagrass is a notable species (Figure 2), with a long history as food, and once considered as a possible progenitor of corn (Eubanks 1997), though recent evidence suggests it is not (Matsuoka et al. 2002). It is native to tallgrass prairies of the central United States and into central Mexico. The seeds have an ancient use as food and were found stored in bundles in the remains of Ozark Bluff-dwellers cave habitations (Gilmore 1931), which may be 2,000 years old. However, the seeds are hard to prepare because the hulls are very tough and thick. We ground up both the hull and endosperm for testing, which resulted in our highest amount of total dietary fiber. This plant has been studied by the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas as a possible perennial grain crop (Jackson 2002; Jackson and DeWald 1994). It is an important forage crop and seeds are available through commercial sources. While not nearly as productive as corn, it has seeds about a fourth the size of corn and production techniques have been established as it is harvested mechanically for the native grass seed industry.
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Many of the plants tested contain protein and fiber at amounts superior or comparable to commonly consumed foods. Identification of plant species with novel protein and fiber sources could raise awareness of wild plants and traditional knowledge and cultivation and/or harvest of these plants could become both commercially viable and competitive in the world market. Of particular note is the recognition of indigenous food practices as not only successful, but beneficial to a modern dietary intake. Introducing these indigenous plant foods to the wider public has value beyond simply their appeal as food. Promoting the indigenous origins of the foods acknowledges the subsistence innovations of the Native Americans beyond corn and honors their ancient and traditional knowledge of native foods. It represents another important contribution of Native American culture to the wider world and evidence of their healthier and more sustainable cultural practices. Tribes today may be particularly interested in these plants and how they might be used to improve the health and economic welfare of their Tribal members. For modern use of these plants as foods, future studies on the energy content and economics of cultivation of the plants will be important next steps.
Full article available for free.
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momasarah · 5 years
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Fresh Abre' Camino is in! Have you seen all of the "Road Opener" or "Open Roads" items on the market? There are washes, incenses, oils, powders-you name it! Did you know the name for these items comes from the plant Eupatorium villosum or Koanophyllon villosum? It's use began in Latin America and it's ashe' is a powerful obstacle remover for all types of stubborn issues. Unless your "Open Roads" item contains Abre Camino, it's not authentic. Use this wood and leaves to create your own items, add to your spirit pot, place on your altar or use as an offering to Eleggua or Ganesh. These were cut fresh and prepared by me. AVAILABLE HERE https://shop.conjuredcardea.com/Abre-Camino-Wood-and-Leaves-Open-Roads-Opportunity-Good-Luck-2190684.htm Www.shop.conjuredcardea.com #hoodoo #voodoo #witchcraft #rootwork #conjure #rootworker #brujeria #spellcasting #witchesofinstagram #professionalwitch #conjurewoman #metaphysical #astrology #spellsupplies #spellcaster #spellcastingwitch #botanica #tarotreaders #tarotreader #tarotreading #tarot #witch https://www.instagram.com/p/B8IOHp_nvqt/?igshid=an8dobylpsf8
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bax16 · 5 years
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Golden currant (Ribes aureum var. villosum). It seems to take anything Texas weather could throw at it without battin an eye. It's even easy to root, to boot. I've never tasted the fruit before, but if it's anything like the red or black currants or the gooseberries, then it should be very, very tart, not very sweet, and better for preserves and jellies than for eatin fresh. This is the first year I've seen it bear fruit. Hopefully I'll get to try it :)
@clinicalherbalist @cactguy @offthebeatenpathtexas
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