yniutas · 1 month
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⋆ GAROTA DE AQUÁRIO, capa de treino.
contar para vocês que essa capa é um grande “sei lá”, começou pelo trocadilho de aquário também ser o signo da jungeun e deu no que deu. confesso que não gostei muito, mas a mamãe aqui ainda é uma NÃO capista iniciante, então não há muito o que se fazer.
porém, entretanto e todavia, resolvi postar para ir moldando certas coisas e melhorar gradativamente. recomendo abrir as imagens para melhor resolução. 💭
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vilipant · 1 year
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Oh, dear! It is possible to change in the middle of another transformation, but sometimes things don't always look right. This werewolf has been caught changing into a deer straight from wolf form, you can see how their fur is interspersed between the two.
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fivehundredwords · 1 year
Alzheimer's Disease: biomarkers and neuroimaging markers cheatsheet for research articles
As Alzheimer's Disease (AD) research skews toward understanding the brain than the pathogenic proteins, studies exploring biomarkers and neuroimaging are hopeful toward developing a method for successful prevention of AD. A biomarker is a molecule, whose presence indicates abnormality or disease, and thus, is crucial in diagnostic procedures. Levels of certain molecules is notably altered in cerebrospinal fluid and in blood plasma, which helps in diagnosing the occurrence of AD. Neuroimaging involves the use of techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography to observe neuronal activity in the brain. This is good news, especially for AD, as the asymptomatic stage of the disease can be identified early enough.
Although the exact function and involvement in clinical practice is not profuse, altered concentrations of these biomarkers in plasma or cerebrospinal fluid encourage further research:
Amyloid and tau serve as the unsurprising biomarkers of AD pathology.
Neurofilament-light chain (NF-L) and visinin-like protein-1 (VILIP-1) are the most promising biomarkers of neuronal injury.
Post-synaptic protein neurogranin (Ng) and pre-synaptic proteins synaptosome-associated protein-25 (SNAP-25) and synaptotagmin-1 (Syt-1) are considered major biomarkers of synaptic injury.
Brain and CSF levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and increased levels of interleukin group of proteins (ILs) indicate intensified microglial response to neuroinflammation.
TREM2 receptor and YKL-40 glycoprotein are also reliable indicators of inflammation and impaired clearance of amyloid beta.
Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (hFABP) could be a marker for pathology in blood vessels supplying the brain. Some vascular markers also show potential as markers of vascular injury in AD: von Willebrand factor (vWF) and monokine induced by γ-interferon (MIG, also known as CXCL-9).
Concentrations of TAR-DNA binding protein (TDP-43) in the brain and plasma and serum indicate, even contribute to, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuronal/synaptic injury in AD.
Neuroimaging techniques reveal structural, functional, and diffusion-related activities of the neurons. To identify them, markers are tracked in images obtained. Each marker is determined with the activity and biochemistry of the group of/individual neurons being studied.
Structural MRI will show location and severity of atrophy which can be identified in grey scale images by applying programs that create analogous color grading.
Functional MRI relies on blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal which reflects changes in blood oxygenation levels in response to neural activity.
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) focuses on diffusion of water molecules. A tensor model is applied to images obtained from DWI. The diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics thus obtained help in studying connectivity through structural integrity of white matter tracts.
Tractography involves 3-D reconstruction of white matter as observed in DWI, which provides a more detailed look into a patient’s neural networks.
In positron emission tomography (PET), markers are identified and labelled so their features or functions can be traced during this procedure to obtain a resulting PET scan. The imaging procedure is named according to its marker: amyloid-PET, tau-PET, FDG-PET, inflammation-PET, receptor-PET.
FDA approved drugs Galantamine, Rivastigmine, and Donepezil alleviate symptoms such as memory loss and confusion in mild to moderate AD, although their effects seem to be negligible. They also cause nausea and vomiting as side effects and are not suitable for every patient. Recently approved drugs, Aducanumab and Lecanemab focus on removing accumulated amyloid. Their effectiveness is still doubted on the basis of studies finding that targeting amyloid has little to do with curbing the actual progression of the disease.
bibliography -
Tarawneh R. Biomarkers: our path towards a cure for Alzheimer disease. Biomarker insights. 2020 Nov;15:1177271920976367.
Cavedo E, Lista S, Khachaturian Z, Aisen P, Amouyel P, Herholz K, Jack Jr CR, Sperling R, Cummings J, Blennow K, O’Bryant S. The road ahead to cure Alzheimer’s disease: development of biological markers and neuroimaging methods for prevention trials across all stages and target populations. The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease. 2014 Dec;1(3):181.
Medications for Alzheimer's Disease Stanford Healthcare. Accessed 21-04-2023.
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housedyke · 1 year
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Don’t accept drinks. Don’t eat their food. Never, under any circumstances, swallow their cum.
Thomas Lynne started his day like any other: making oatmeal for the ghost in his apartment who wants him dead. He pays rent like anyone else, bent over the desk of the crime boss who owns his apartment building. He meets with his friends, like you or I, to discuss veiled threats received in the form of a heartfelt gift.
All in all his life is normal until the safety he enjoys under his lover’s protection turns into bullets flying as he races through a cursed forest. A handsome stranger rushes to shield him from his lover’s ire, but a quick tumble on the forest floor is about to have lasting consequences felt not only in this world. After all, a debt must be paid.
Thomas Lynne
[ The Rent Boy ]
Aligning himself with a prominent figurehead seemed like a safer option at the time, but with each passing day he finds Desmond’s grasp tightening. Until now he’s had no other option, but he’s about to find out that the alternative is strikingly similar to the life we was already living.
Desmond Nightingale
[ The Boss ]
The owner of a network of less-than-legal business enterprises, including the money laundering scheme that is Thomas’s apartment. A lover and landlord who likes his toys well-behaved and always within reach. In the city he’s a shark, but the world of fey politics makes him look like a guppy by comparison.
Amarylla Nightingale
[ The Trophy Wife ]
A former stripper who saw an opportunity with Desmond and took it despite the array of red flag. As her husband grows insecure with age, however, she finds the gilding on her cage beginning to flake. With a secret past and a network of connections, she won’t have to worry about her husband’s prenup.
Robin Maith
[ The Mistake ]
A beautiful stranger all too happy to jump into the line of fire to help a damsel in need. Something about him draws the eye, though on the surface he appears perfectly human. His charm is a warning like a brightly-colored frog.
[ The Errant Son ]
The dark prince has returned from his extended absence, dragged back to court by his mother’s men. Rumors are swirling about his failed engagement and new betrothal, but surely they’re too outlandish to be true.
Collaborative story: patron votes decide story path, dynamics, and protagonist actions
Queer protagonist: Thomas Lynne is a queer sex worker
Court Intrigue: survive at court long enough to escape or make this your new home
18+ scenes: guaranteed explicit sexual content
Multiple Endings: patron decisions shape the story’s outcome
[ Read along on Patreon ]
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night-gem-shit · 2 years
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I posted 19,642 times in 2022
That's 6,790 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (0%)
19,622 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 478 of my posts in 2022
#0 - 3 posts
#its gay fish people hours - 88 posts
#its gem hours! - 12 posts
#its gay fish people hours!! - 9 posts
#it's gay fish people hours - 7 posts
#space - 3 posts
#hoodie - 2 posts
#when i was living in a small town between the ages of 15-17 - 2 posts
#my mom calls her dad daddy - 2 posts
#:) - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this reminds me of a guy friend i had in middle school who stopped talking to me and being my friend simply because he got a girlfriend and
My Top Posts in 2022:
Are u still going to ship Vilip after the carnage Raida caused to your beloved ship?
Because I know I am✨
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4 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
can’t believe that the creators of the owl house looked at moon from five nights at Freddie’s and went “wow that’s so gender” and made a bill cypher knock off with moon’s looks and sun’s personality (kinda)
Suuuuper late to reply but Brosphoenix is this more relevant than ever. Tbh they've got more Spinel personality vibes to me.
7 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Heyo! You can find the Ocean Idiots ficlets on Ao3 now simply because it'll be easier to post the fics there without needing to update the same post and making it longer.
Anyways! Enjoy the fish people.
43 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
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(I'm still working on her, specifically the ghosties.)
Lilly Pepper
Daughter Of Lewis Pepper
Best known for her temper, she's almost always on the edge of going off and flaming out.
She has her own lil ghosts like her dad that her rep of Sadness, Joy, and Rage. Rage is Pseudo leader of the ghosties trio.
She genuinely tries to be nice but like death and being the child of a vengeful ghost can mess up anybody.
Lilly really loves music! Her song is definitely Money by Mystery Skulls.
Her legs and arms are transparent since she's a ghost and do flare up with her when she gets mad.
She can't speak. Lacking a bottom jaw does that to you.
Lilly isn't looking for romance right now. She's got to work on her temper first. But maybe she'll find someone with her blue heart.
45 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You Remind Me Of The Babe
Ocean Idiots Adopt A Child I Guess
Delta wasn't certain what she was staring at. It was a squirmy human thing with a large squishy plume on it's head. The plume had what she assumed was an eye in it. It certainly looked like an eye. A big fiery one. The thing's face was hidden by strange pink and blue strands of twisting hair that circled around it's head.
She gestured to the thing "Mariza what is this?" She asked.
Mariza smiled as she held the thing in her watery tendrils "It's a mer child, a jellyfish one. I've only heard about them but look at him... her... Them!" The god mumbled, they shifted the child a bit.
"Did you even check?" Delta asked. Her girlfriend was wonderful but also very, very impulsive at times. It was cute when it wasn't child kidnapping.
Mariza nodded "Yeah, it just they uh- they didn't have anything. As far as I could tell it was stingers and oh do they sting," she remarked. The jellyfish child giggled. Little chubby and uncomfortably pale hands grasped at the air.
Delta held out her hands "Give me them, you're going to drop them like that," she said. The ocean god sighed by gladly handed them over. The trio went to a spot on the ship for a little more privacy.
The shark smiled "Okay, let's see what you're hiding under this mushroom hat," she teased. The child giggled again as she pushed their hair (?) Back. Her hand stung sharply. Delta jerked her hand away "Ah shit," she grumbled.
"Those might also be stinger bits," Mariza warned. The god closed her mouth from the glare the pirate sent her way. Delta shuffled over to a trunk and grabbed a glove. She pulled it on then went back to the child "Okay, take two."
When she managed to touch the stringers without being violently stung. Delta felt the blood drain from her face "Mariza," she said.
Mariza popped up by her side and winced. The child had big glassy eyes. They were looking at Delta but it was definitely in a way that didn't exactly see her. More like the general direction of her.
Mariza waved a tendril in their face "Hey kid, can you see that?" She asked.
The little one blinked "What?" They asked, half aware.
Delta dropped their tentacles and pulled her girlfriend away from the kid "They're blind," She whispered.
"I noticed."
The god made a vague gesture "What! You want me to toss them back into the ocean or something? They're a jellyfish, I'm more shocked they can even talk rather than them being blind," she replied.
The shark mer fell silent. Her eyes went back to the jellyfish sitting on the bed, idly kicking their legs all dapper in a makeshift outfit from an old sail cloth. An idea hit her.
She approached the child and crouched down again "Hey little one, do you think you can answer some questions for me?" She asked.
They nodded excitedly.
A smile crossed Delta's face, Mariza electing to join her "Okay, do you have a name? Something your family calls you?" She asked.
The child smiled, all goofy and all teeth "Papa called me Ab- am- aboination," they said, stumbling through the word.
That sharp cold feeling on the blood draining from Delta came back "Abomination?" She asked weakly.
The child nodded happily "Mhm, Mama called me Abe or Abbey," they replied.
Once again they went back to the corner. Delta gave Mariza a look "Where did you find them?" She asked.
After the whole mess of Ascension thing and relearning each other, Delta knew one thing. It took a lot for the New Mariza to be anxious. What she had asked made the god's eyes dart everywhere but at her.
See the full post
72 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pupvivi · 2 years
It was cute, how badly she wanted to make Kahei fall apart. She was so nice and warm, and clenched around her cock with ease. Jungeun wanted to enjoy herself, as well as the breathy praise that came with fucking the older woman just right.
She thought nothing of the hand sliding down her neck, the nails making her hiss just a little bit but nothing she didn't handle.
Her face only flushed a little bit when she felt Kahei grab and squeeze her ass. Eagerly she leaned down to swallow those breathy sighs. But when the grip was released and Jungeun felt a finger press against her ass, the rhythm she's built up crumbled and a loud groan left her lips.
Kahei immediately took over, stroking over her rim, applying just a hint of pressure. Hey eyes refusing to look away from Jungeun as she withered inside of her. Breathing picked up, and her hips so responsive.
It was only a surprise to Jungeun that she came so easily with just a little stimulation to her ass. Kahei let out a chuckle when Jungeun went to hide her face against her chest.
She could just barely make out every other word. "You're so cute, baby." Kahei praised knowing it'll just make Jungeun melt more against her. They could talk about this later, right now she wanted to properly assure her that what just happened was probably one of the hottest things she's ever seen Jungeun do.
Also she still didn't get her own orgasm, and she needed her embarrassed puppy to take care of the mess she made. Hopefully with her tongue.
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ziracona · 4 years
Little VigoxPhilip playlist for anybody interested because I have had ones on my ipod for two years but never made any on Spotify for sharing till now.
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
Hey may I introduce you to the wonderful ship of Vilip? /Hj
ummmmmm who?
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topproductcom · 3 years
Vilips 4G Android SmartWatch 930Mah Battery 1 6inch GPS Smartwatch And...
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lucern-blog1 · 6 years
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Lance Constable Vilip proceeding along a cobblestone path in the evening, ready to take appropriate action should any Scoundrel show up.
Usually by rapidly proceeding away from the scoundrel.
This piece were based on an old sketch of a 5e character that I used for all of two sessions, Fighter/rogue Kobolds are surprisingly effective, I must say.
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leanpick · 2 years
Joondalup’s Connor McKinney and Royal Fremantle’s Hayden Hopewell shine at US Amateur Championships
Joondalup’s Connor McKinney and Royal Fremantle’s Hayden Hopewell shine at US Amateur Championships
WA golfers Connor McKinney and Hayden Hopewell have advanced to the match play rounds at the US Amateur Championships in New Jersey while US-based sandgroper Karl Vilips awaits a play-off to seal his spot. Joondalup’s McKinney shot one of the lowest rounds of the day at Arcola Country Club on Tuesday to finish 14th at the completion of the stroke play phase. The current Australian amateur…
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vilipant · 1 year
Cosmic wolf
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Experimenting with the paintbrushes, went a little crazy with it but I really like the starry one
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yourfantasystar · 3 years
Smart Watch Fitness Tracker for Man Woman
Smart Watch Fitness Tracker for Man Woman
modname=ckeditor Vilips 4G Smart Watch Fitness Tracker WIFI Heart Rate Monitor 64GB GPS Phone Call Smartwatch With Camera for Man Woman Features:1. Support SIM card, 4G full Netcom, global call;2. Android 10.0, smoother operation and safer information;3. 4+64GB, top with memory, more storage space;4. 1.6-inch 400*400 resolution high-definition full circle screen, screen-to-body ratio up to…
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jorgemarquet · 4 years
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night-gem-shit · 2 years
Are u still going to ship Vilip after the carnage Raida caused to your beloved ship?
Because I know I am✨
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pupvivi · 2 years
Anyway Jungeun with heavy loads that simply shouldn't be wasted and Vivi who's the type to roll her eyes but also lick her lips when she spots a tasty treat 🫂🫂🫂
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