#viktor thorn
sparepartsbacc · 2 months
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sanguine-salvation · 2 months
Domestic bickering meme:
"You know what's wrong - you're just too stubborn to admit it."
[ Domestic Bickering Sentences, Vol. 2 - ACCEPTING ]
Viktor's eyes go wide and they stare at H, caught a bit off guard by the little call-out mid-tiff. A stern pout weighs on their face and they cross their arms. "Excuse me? I am not." A pause.
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"... Alright, fine, I am stubborn. And? My stubbornness is purely productive and necessary." They huff in irritation, turn around where they are standing on a chair, hop onto the counter, and literally clamber up onto to a shelf in the castle kitchen that was obviously too high up for them to reach in any considerably normal way.
They have done this twice so far just trying to make dinner in a kitchen made for people twice their size.
"You should be more stubborn. It's good for you."
Viktor, please just ask for help reaching the high shelves, you look like a monitor lizard in a bodega.
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Bella Thorne - Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2024 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on January 24, 2024
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90s-html-lesbians · 2 years
the way tua’s writing treats diego is so loathsome
dude really went from a competent gruff vigilante with heart of gold underneath the thorns had a tendency to lash out at his family especially luther and complicated relationships with his siblings especially because of that
to a himbo (oh how i am beginning to detest that word) who’s only more competent then viktor simply because viktor didn’t have training, and the thought of diego being dangerous and/or competent is treated as a complete joke
and diego’s complicated relationship with his siblings have been watered down and/or erased because the tua writers are too busy making him the butt of a joke all the time
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Viktor and Silco saying I love you to their s/o for the first time. What initiates the three magic words and where in the relationship are they at?
Viktor: You've known each other for a while. Perhaps it's even been close to a decade, and you've worked side by side on the Hex-tech together, plenty of late-nighters and lots of coffee and skipped sleep to crack the code of the crystals. At first, he saw you merely as a colleague, but as time passed and your dedication proved equal to his own, his matter-of-factness shaded into respect.
Then one day you saw him collapse in the laboratory, from overwork and general exhaustion. The gentle but unfussy way you set about helping him and calling for Jayce to get a medick was... unexpected. He's so accustomed to living in his head, blinkers on and mind on the goal, that it didn't occur to him that his well-being mattered so much to you.
Thus your relationship begins deepening. You still work long hours in the lab, but he finds himself noticing little details about you, from a different way you've done your hair in the morning, to the childhood books you mentioned enjoying, to a particular way you fix your coffee. Soon, he starts to look forward to seeing you first thing in the morning, and talking to you last thing at night. You have little inside jokes; you can catch his eye and know from a glance whether he thinks Jayce has been droning on too long during a speech, or whether that Councilor is a small-minded pig.
One day, during a late-nighter, you refill his coffee, and hand him a report that you've found particularly intriguing. He nods along, eyes skimming the report, coffee midway to his lips.
"I love you," he says, with the same soft certainty as Thank you.
Because he is thankful for you, every single day, in the lab and out of it.
You've made his life, otherwise difficult and full of pain, so much sweeter to bear.
Silco: He's not a sentimental man. He's not a kind man. He's not even a particularly good man. Love is leverage, and its exploitation is a cold generality. He's only got room for Jinx in his heart. That's already more weakness than is tolerable, but it can't be helped, because she is his, and he'll never forsake what he's laid claim to.
So his feelings for you come as a shock.
You're an ally at most, as asset at best. Your work for Zaun is invaluable, and your dedication is admirable. But he keeps his mind on the big picture, and your are just a thread in that tapestry. Yet he finds your presence at once invigorating and calming. You don't suck up his valuable time. You add to it, with the work you do for him, with the counsel you respectfully impart to him, with the hundred small ways you make sure his role as kingpin and as leader is made one iota easier. Heavy is the head that wears the metaphoric crown - and his crown of thorns pricks more than he cares to admit.
His fondness for you will deepen when you rush to share intel about a compromised mission - one where Jinx might get hurt, or worse. After the fallout is contained, and no casualties are reported, he'll summon you to his office to thank you personally for your quick thinking. He'll assume, with default cynicism, that you'd want something in return.
Your response - "To help you achieve Zaun," - will take him aback.
In private, he may begin calling you Stalwart Little Soldier. But once in a blue moon, he'd also call you Sweetheart. He's a busy man, so he won't always have time for you. But when you're together, you'll notice a smile at the corners of his mouth, a relaxation to the slant of his shoulders. He feels at ease with you. Better still, he feels like you can watch his back.
As he will watch yours.
So it should come as no surprise that when a rival gang attempts to have you killed to send the Eye of Zaun a message, his response is to have his crew blaze a bloody warpath through the streets and cut the threats down. Afterward, you find yourself lying on the couch is his office, bruised and battered but otherwise intact.
His hands are smoothing your hair; his eyes hold a pindot focus.
"Your attackers are dead," he means to say. What comes out is, "I love you."
He's as taken aback as you are. This is how your story starts - not how it ends.
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batmanfruitloops · 9 months
number one: are there any general fun facts about anyone you guys would like to share, but haven't yet?
number two: anything you can share on your poison ivy? i love her. woman of all time
and lastly: are there any lesser-known (or less popular) rogues that'll be in the au? anything yall can tell us about em?
(sorry for multiple questions. this au scratches my brain)
So many questions is not a problem at all! I'm glad to have so many to answer,
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Along with being a scientist, Viktor used to run an ice cream parlor with Nora and it was like a winter wonderland come to life. With his freezing expertise, it snows inside and their display window has a snowman built weekly to advertise their business.
They sold all kind of ice cream, frozen treats, and hot chocolate. Also, since Nora and Viktor were unable to have children, seeing so many come into their parlor was a way to vicariously live as if they were able to. After Nora's MacGregor's Syndrome reached stage 4, both of them stopped working there personally.
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Cleo, or Ratcatcher, is very asthmatic, and so she has a mask to help with that. She also has an optional pair of goggles that I affectionately call "Boggle-goggles" because boggling is the something that rats do when they're happy. It's kind of like their eyes are vibrating.
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Our Creeper is based on a Mandrill monkey as that's what he reminded us of when reviewing clips. Very silly animal brain. He drank all the funny chemicals and now his brain makes coo-coo sounds sometimes.
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But of course! When Ivy plant pheromones don't work and she feels threatened, she grows thorns over her body and pulse and move like thorny veins.
Ivy has many sentient plants, but her closest is named Gloria. Mostly inspired by Audrey 2 from little shop of horrors, but also the piranha plants from Mario.
Ivy can photosynthesize, I don't know if she normally can, although eating and drinking food as a human normally would works too and is more efficient.
As for less-popular, or less-known rogues, yes! With that post I released earlier, there is quite the cast. This is also a good time to mention that there will sometimes be appearances of mine and Fluffy's favorite Justice League members and later down the line, the Titans too. This won't be often, but they will be here.
If I had to choose one for now though, I'd love to talk about Lynns, a.k.a. Firefly;
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Lynns was born with body deformities that makes them look more bug-like, but also they were born intersex. Like most kids born as such, their parents (mainly father) decided that Lynns was specifically a male and named them Garfield. It didn't take Lynns long to decide that that was not how they wanted to be viewed, and pretty adamantly said this to their father to which, after a lot of trying to "convert" Lynns and a lot of back and forth, backed off albeit begrudgingly.
Because of this, Lynns isn't particularly fond of being called Garfield, or restrictive masculine things, although masculinity itself Lynns is not against. As they grew up most of their friends were pretty supportive and understanding, although there are some who view Lynns as just "Fi" and as a female, but they're fine with that. So long as it's not meant to be offensive.
Lynns had regular old prosthetic legs growing up, but as an adult, Lynns made their own legs that were meant to look more bug-like, as they like appearing that way. Lynns was always a pyromaniac and so they became a pyrotechnic for movies as an adult. They weren't badly scarred and burned until someone else accidently made a trick faulty.
Hope this info-dump is entertaining, :3
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runawaywhorses · 5 months
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Bella Thorne at Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2024 Show in Paris 01/24/2024
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mariacallous · 3 months
When Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga resigned abruptly last month, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lost one of his star protégés. 
The media-savvy Varga had been due to lead Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party into the European election and was one of the best-known Hungarian politicians in Brussels. 
But as she has retreated from the spotlight, her ex-husband, former Fidesz official Péter Magyar, has emerged as a real thorn in Orbán’s side.
On Tuesday, after weeks of attacking Orbán online and in public, Magyar released a tape of his ex-wife Varga apparently incriminating members of Orbán’s inner circle in a corruption scandal. 
Magyar claims the two-minute recording, taped last year, proves that Orbán’s powerful Cabinet chief Antal Rogán tampered with documents related to a sprawling corruption dispute involving Pál Völner, a former state secretary in the justice ministry when Varga was minister. Völner resigned in 2021 after prosecutors accused him of taking bribes. 
The sensational release of the tape — which Magyar presented to the prosecutor’s office in Budapest before a sea of cameras Tuesday — is the latest twist in a drama that has transfixed Hungary and provided a rare moment of dissent against Orbán’s iron grip on the country’s political system. 
“This shows that the justice system is under political influence, that key figures tampered with the investigations, and that Varga knew this,” said opposition politician Katalin Cseh, a Hungarian member of the European Parliament.
“This is very clear evidence that the Hungarian justice system is not free and not independent,” she added. “It is also one of the first cases when someone from Orbán’s inner circle has spoken out.” 
A spokesman for the Hungarian government, Zoltán Kovács, dismissed Magyar’s claims, accusing the former Fidesz official of harrassing his ex-wife.
Varga, who said in February that she was retiring from public life, issued a statement on social media Tuesday saying she was “appalled” by Magyar’s release of the tape, accusing him of blackmail and domestic violence. 
She said she had been “terrorized” by her then-husband, and had told him what he wanted to hear on the tape.
Orbán’s new nemesis 
Magyar, a former Fidesz apparatchik and trained lawyer, is best known as Varga’s ex-husband.
The couple, who share three children, was often cast as a model nuclear family in glossy magazine features in a country whose government prizes “traditional” family values. Magyar, who served on state boards and worked in various roles for the administration, including in Brussels during Hungary’s last EU presidency, previously spoke about stepping back from his career to look after their young children when Varga’s career was taking off. 
Following their divorce last year, Varga had been expected to move to Brussels as an MEP after the European election. 
But since the double resignation of Varga and President Katalin Novák in February over a disputed sex-abuse pardon case, Magyar has emerged as a major voice of dissent in Hungary, and has announced plans to form a new political party. 
In February he resigned from the board of MBH Bank, accusing Orbán’s government of “hiding behind the skirts of women” by effectively scapegoating Varga and Novák. The former president had pardoned a man who had forced children to retract allegations of abuse by the director of a children’s home, while Varga had signed off on the pardon.
On March 15, Hungary’s national day, Magyar held an anti-government rally in central Budapest attended by thousands of people, where he accused Fidesz of spending the equivalent of hundreds of millions of euros annually on propaganda. 
Magyar said he had tried to convince Varga to accompany him to the prosecutor’s office; he was slated to give media interviews and hold another rally following the tape’s release later on Tuesday. 
Despite Magyar’s rapid emergence as a political force, Hungary’s opposition has until now failed to dent Orbán’s grip on the country’s politics. In the last parliamentary election in April 2022, its disparate opposition forces rallied around a single figure, Péter Márki-Zay, who ran on an anti-Fidesz platform. Orbán’s party was ultimately returned for a fourth consecutive term.
According to opposition MEP Cseh, Magyar’s intervention could signal a broader push against Orbán.
“Many people are beginning to think that something is starting to crumble within the system,” she said. “I hope that more former government insiders speak out and embrace the fact that there is life outside the system. There is a great need for them to take this risk.”
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cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
The Bottom Of The Inkwell [Chapter 1]
Pairing: Viktor x fem!Reader Chapter Warnings: a little bit of swearing Chapter Rating: T Proofread: no beta we die like men Chapter Summary: On your thirteenth birthday, you sneak away from home so you can wander around Piltover by yourself. You find a very unusual shop, full of very unusual items - one of which you take home, and discover it has an incredible ability.
You wander happily down the streets of Piltover, looking into every shop window as you pass. Shiny things, fancy things, trinkets of all shapes and sizes.
Your parents would never let you have any of it, but you don’t really care. You have your father’s wallet tucked away in your shoulderbag, and he’s none the wiser. You like to think of it as petty revenge for nearly being forced to sit through some stuffy party filled with snotty guests that you didn’t even know.
Your mother had sent you up to your room an hour ago - she undoubtedly knew you’d escaped from the house. Over the balcony railing, and down the rose trellis. You had a couple cuts on your hands and legs from the thorns, but in your opinion, it was well worth it.
Neither of your caretakers would risk any kind of uproar within the community, as alerting the enforcers to the predicament was sure to do.
It meant you had the entire day to be on your own, away from prying eyes and propriety.
And who knows? Maybe you’d find a little something to take home with you.
But as you pass each shop, the prospect seems dimmer. Sure, the things on sale were pretty and enticing, but none of it was anything you really wanted. You had clothes, you had toys, you had crafts and hobbies and lessons of every kind. You had all the stuff being displayed.
Even the snacks you stop to order from street vendors throughout the day are the same. Same spices, same doughs, same vegetables.
You want something different, and you’ll spend the entire day searching, if you have to.
And your search does end up taking most of the day.
By the time you find a strange little shop, the sun is nearly completely set, and the streetlights are starting to come on.
The little store doesn’t blend in with the buildings surrounding it, yet somehow you’d nearly passed it by. It almost seemed to suck up the light around it, refusing to illuminate beyond what you might describe as an eerie purple glow.
You’re pretty close to the edge of Piltover, but not quite in the undercity. You might meet some weird people lingering around the area, but none so outright dangerous as those a couple blocks over.
Surely you’d be fine, right?
You try to look confident as you wander over to the large windows in the front of the shop, displaying all kinds of baubles and knickknacks - most of which you’d never seen before. Some of them hang from the ceiling, others are stuck to the glass. Some have designs carved into them, while others are plain.
The thing that excites you the most, though, is how no two things are the same. They all look hand crafted, or at the very least, one of a kind.
It’s exactly what you’ve been seeking.
You make a beeline for the front door, quietly pushing it open to peek your head inside.
It’s dim, but more visible than the exterior. Little lamps are dotted around the aisles to provide enough luminance to view the products, as well as set up by what you assume is the payment counter.
“Hello?” you call, glancing up as a little bell rings above your head. The sound seems horribly out of place in such a quiet establishment, making you wince as it chimes again behind you.
“Hello?” you ask again, a little louder.
You can’t hear anyone moving around - no sigh of breathing or distance footsteps. The floors don’t creak, and there are no voices from anywhere nearby. It’s like the entire place is completely empty, save for you. 
Had you misjudged the status of the shop? Did someone forget to lock the front door before retiring for the night?
A part of you worries that you might technically be trespassing on private property. Your parents would be furious if you were to get caught doing such a thing. Your neighbors, their friends, would scorn them - ostracize them for having such an unruly daughter! We’ve given you everything, they’d say. And this is what you give to us in return!
Suddenly, you’re not so worried about being there.
Plus, it’s not like you’re planning on stealing anything. You have money in your bag! As much as you’d like to hassle your parents, you don’t actually want to get in trouble with the law. Chaotic as your life is, you still enjoyed having the privileges you do, and you wouldn’t risk losing it.
So you make sure to be as casual as possible while you peruse the merchandise.
You’re not sure what half the things on the shelves are used for, if they’re used for anything at all. Some of them might just be fancy paperweights, for all you know. But looking at the prices on the tags, you’re not sure why paperweights would be so damn expensive.
You recognize a couple other things, though. An old hair comb, carved from…bone? Perhaps ivory. You can’t tell. It’s smooth and sturdy, and each of the teeth look distinct from one another: handmade. Even more interesting is the iridescent gem embedded on the handle, which casts the faintest bit of light.
You’ve never seen such a thing before.
But as you make your way down each aisle, you begin to see them a lot more.
Each item seems to have some kind of glowing crystal or polished rock embedded in it, all giving off the same subtle glow. Some of them are green, some purple and blue, some yellow, pink, even red and orange. 
Your fingers wander across each item, feeling the different textures and embossing, playing with the weight of some items in your hands.
Until you see it.
You make an immediate beeline to it, almost as if it’s summoning you and whispering your name right into the shell of your ear. It’s stunning, magical even! A silver box with intricate designs welded and carved into it, long and slender and perfectly symmetrical. You can’t see one of those little stones you’d been noticing all over the place, but the entire exterior seems to pulse with the same eerie glow as the exterior of the shop.
And when you touch it?
It’s warm.
You know there has to be some kind of strange phenomena going on, to have such heat radiating from what should be cold metal, but you can’t think of it. Perhaps your tutors had taught such things to you at a point, but there was rarely an occurrence where they could interest you well enough to pay attention.
You lift the box off the shelves and gently pry the lid open, revealing the treasure inside. The thing you’d been searching for all day, the thing that had been drawing you closer.
The most alluring, most exquisite obsidian pen you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Nestled delicately in a dark velvet mould, it almost seems to twinkle in the dim light of the shop. For a moment, you swear you can see stars gleaming within the cold volcanic glass, but you’re certain it’s got to be a trick of the eye.
There are several more dips in the cushion, beside the pen: each holding shining nibs made of an unknown metal - your first guess would have been silver, but they shimmer so pale that they’re nearly translucent. You don’t know much about calligraphy, but you’re certain that pen tips weren’t supposed to look like that.
But then, nothing about the set seems normal to you.
Not even the inkwell, which you think at first is the only plain thing in the box, but upon further inspection, you’re proven wrong. There are no designs embossed or carved into the little pot, but when you look a little closer…yes. You can definitely see stars glimmering in the black onyx it’s carved from.
What puzzles you, though, is the extra dip in the velvet pillow - symmetrical to the size and shape of the pen, and laid close to its side.
But empty.
You glance around a little bit, to see if maybe there’s another pen somewhere. The box had to have been a set at one point, surely, but maybe the shop owner had tried to get more attention on it by setting a piece elsewhere? 
But no matter how much you look around, you can’t find the second pen. It’s a shame, really, because you’re certain it would have been as lovely as the first, but it won’t stop you from buying what’s left.
You close the box again, making sure the latch clicks shut, and quietly make your way to the counter.
You’d been in the store for nearly twenty minutes by that point, and there was still not a soul appearing. No sound, no hint of another person in the vicinity.
“Excuse me?” you call over the desk, leaning forward as much as your body will allow, to try and get a glimpse into the back of the establishment. The door is tilted and narrow, and shrouded mostly by a dark curtain, unchanging in the silence.
“Hello?” you ask again, “I’d like to buy something, please.” But there’s no answer.
You chew the inside of your cheek in apprehension.
No one would know, you think, immediately followed by a wave of guilt.
But if your father found out that you left behind so much money on something so old, and dusty…he’d be furious. He’d confiscate it without a second thought!
You haven’t even touched the pen, and yet the idea of not having it is…entirely nauseating. Like some precious heirloom passed through your family for generations - you can’t bear the thought of parting from it.
Do it, your mind whispers, and you, with one more quick glance around the shop, are powerless against the temptation. You head carefully towards the exit, keeping your head held high and your posture confident. No one would know.
You leave the shop as quietly as you came. No one shouts from behind you, no one chases after you in a flurry of angry words and flailing hands.
You slip the box into your shoulderbag, carefully not to knock it or dent it, and then head for home.
As expected, your parents are naught but furious upon your arrival. The moment you walk in through the front door, they’re on you, chastising you for leaving and embarrassing the family, scolding you for being a young lady on her own in the city.
“Do you know how much shame you’ve brought upon us?!” your mother hisses, grasping you hard by the shoulders. “The neighbours, our superiors, think us unfit parents! If we cannot control a single unruly girl, then how can we possibly be trusted with anything of value!”
You cross your arms over your chest, bristling.
“I don’t like the stupid neighbours!” you argue, shaking your mother’s hands off you. “They’re snotty and spoiled, and they’re boring. I don’t give a shit what they think-”
“Language,” your father intejects, earning glares from both you and his wife.
“We have given you everything, you insolent child!” your mother says lowly, as she pinches your chin hard between her thumb and forefinger. “Everything you could ever want! And this is how you repay us? By shaming our family name?”
You wiggle in her grasp.
“You’re grounded,” she says, “and you’ll stay in your room until I say otherwise. The maids will bring your meals, and your tutors will see to your studies.”
You stomp your foot, and your mother glares death at you.
You slam your bedroom door shut in hapless rage, and grab one of your desk chairs to prop beneath the handle. If they wanted you in your room, then they’d get it - you’d stay there for as long as you wanted, as long as you possibly could, and no one would be able to do anything about it.
You’d starve to death, if you wanted to.
You wondered if they’d even notice you were gone.
“They would,” you sniffle, sliding the bag off your shoulder as you wipe at your eyes. “They just wouldn’t care.”
You plop down at your desk, and fold your arms on the desk. As the day weighs heavier and heavier on your mind, you sulk more and more. It had been such a nice afternoon, in your opinion. The sun had been bright, the sky had been blue, the temperature had been blessedly mild, but not scorching. You’d even obtained a gift for yourself.
It had been perfect, really.
Until you’d come home.
With a scowl, you pull the silver box out of your satchel, and set it carefully on your desk while you fetch a notebook.
A special notebook, that you kept hidden in the secret compartment built into your desk. With a soft leather cover that brings you comfort as you stroke your fingers over, you smile.
You’d gotten it last year, from one of your nannies. Your favourite nanny. She paid the most attention to you, growing up - she’d listened to you, and helped you learn. She’d taught you to be kind to those less fortunate than you, and to use your power for good. She’d lent you an ear while you aired your woes, and she’d addressed you with gentleness that you’d never known from your parents.
She’d also encouraged you, in all your interests. Your mother wanted you to be a well rounded lady, but your nanny? She had seen your passions, and taught you how to flourish. 
She had been perfect, and you loved her very much.
Your parents, on the other hand, hadn’t cared much for her. They thought she was too soft on you, and that she was leading you down the wrong path. They had been generous in their reprimands, but eventually, after she had shown no change in behaviour, they’d relieved her of her duties.
Sacked her, and sent her away.
The notebook had been a parting gift.
I won’t be able to make it to your birthday, my sweet, she had told you. So take this, and fill it with those wonderful tales you make. Or with your thoughts. Just don’t stop writing, no matter what.
And then she was gone.
You’d been putting off using it for a year, never knowing if any of your stories would be good enough to use such a gift for. They were all half-baked and unfinished, and you often found yourself losing passion before completing them.
You didn’t want to waste such a gift.
But as you open the silver box and pull out the obsidian pen, you think that perhaps now is the right time to use it. Such a brilliant writing tool would most definitely bring you ample ideas, and would make your stories more exciting!
But as soon as you turn to the first page, dip your new pen in ink, and set towards the paper…you freeze. As if every idea has suddenly been expelled from your mind.
Just scribble something, you tell yourself sternly, As long as you never stop writing. Doesn’t matter what it is.
You take a deep breath.
You still your shaking hand.
You press the tip of the pen down.
And you write.
You detail your day in great excess, recounting your adventure across the city. You write about the strange people you met, and the foods you’d ordered, all the way down to the type of sauce. You scrawl tidy letters about the strange shop you’d located, and about all the interesting things you’d found inside.
You leave out the part about stealing the pen, just in case your parents ever find your journal.
You also write about how you’d been scolded so harshly. How you felt like an utter disappointment to your family, but how you couldn’t possibly imagine yourself happy in the life they wanted you to have.
I know I’m lucky to be able to have a home, you jot, but I wish I had more freedom. I wish I could just be myself, and explore my interests, without being so utterly suffocated by their ideals. I don’t care about what their snobby friends think of me, nor do I care about meeting their stupid friends’ sons, so my mother can set us up to be married one day. I just wish I could have real friends for once - people who like me for who I am as a person, and not for what they could gain.
You sigh deeply, and set your pen down.
As if any of that would ever happen, you think, blinking away tears. Wishing isn’t going to get me anywhere-
You pause mid-thought, and squint at the paper.
Was that…was that there a moment ago?
You rub your finger over the ink of the words, but it doesn’t smudge. In fact, you can’t even feel the indents on the paper where a pen would have pressed - you didn’t even write that sentence.
Did you?
If you had, you were surely more tired than you’d thought you were-
There it was again!
You watch with rapt fascination as words begin to scrawl out beneath your journal entry, seemingly out of thin air. The hand is distinctly different from your own, messier and more blocky, and there are little ink explosions here and there from pressing too hard.
That’s a shit way to end a day, the sentence says. Sorry your mom and dad aren’t very good.
You smile ever so slightly at the condolences, and watch as another sentence begins to appear.
I do have one question, though. Who are you, and why is your writing appearing in my notebook?
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bibbitybobbityscoot · 7 months
Victor x gn reader
Chapter 2
"It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is (y/n)."
Your skin, whatever of it remained, was paled by lack of sunlight, hair unruly from the previous nights of frustration. The two men stared, as you fumbled with the buttons on your cloak. Still aghast from the sight before them.
Jayce, as the professor mentioned, tried to look away, eyes flickering at you ever so slightly, his wide shoulders expanded in protection. You knew that expression, one of uncertainty, apprehension, he thinks you are a danger, and as your lit eye flickers red he jumps. A warning.
Viktor, the professors assistant, stares blatantly, eyes roaming in amazement at the intricate designs of your plated face. A look of familiarity crosses for a short minute, his eyebrows furrow, like he is trying to seek an answer to a question. You can only hope he doesn't find that answer. As this familiarity is shared, yet you will not say a thing. He is handsome you note, cheeks perfectly carved, eyes soothe like melted honey. You need to dissipate these thought quick.
Looking directly between the two, your posture straightens,
"I hope we can all work well on this creation of yours, if you need me my lab and residence is in the lower level of the academy, please do not hesitate to visit if you have any questions. But Mr Talis, I willl have you know it is rude to stare, you too Viktor."
With that you turn to the professor a small nod of understanding is shared and with a small bend down to the poro, hand digging deep into the recess of your pocket, pulling out a biscuit you hand it to it. It yips with excitement, a slight smile stings your face. Jayce and Viktor gleam in wonder as they see the intricate metal plates of your hand, wires moving as your fingers caress the biscuit. You have to lean on the table in order to stand back up, but once your legs are fully extended you give the two men one last look, eyes lingering with the those amber ones, your lit eye gleams red to blue.
You walk away, heavy thumping can be heard as you round the corner. The professor smiling at the progress you have made with this social interaction. His poro munching on his biscuit, crumbs spreading on his moustache.
"Well gentlemen, that is all for today, please welcome them, they don't do well with others but I can assure you they mean well."
The professor leaves shortly after, leaving the two men still processing the meeting of this new individual.
They didn't understand, who were they, what are they? The metal was different, patterns not familiar in Piltover, they were rugged. They weaved like vines, and had edges like thorns. Both Jayce and Viktor agreed they wanted to know who this individual was and for Viktor he wanted to know why they were so familiar.
You limped to your chambers, heart racing, god you hate people. You metal leg kept seizing and you made a note to take a look at it. You understood the professors intention, you knew the destruction such a core can do, especially to an individual. But why did he need to drag you in, to get you to remember, your father was in the Undercity, you had almost forgotten about him. You thought you could have started afresh, what a fool.
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sparepartsbacc · 2 years
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Hermione Rare Pairs Day
It's time for everyone's favourite heroine to shine today!
Title: A Theory of Attraction Author: DrPansyParkinson
Ship: Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
Word Count: 4,000 Rating: Teen
Warnings:  N/A
Pansy Parkinson has made a lot of progress in her career post-Hogwarts and enjoys her work as an Unspeakable investigating and archiving potentially cursed objects. The one thorn in her side is Hermione Granger, a witch she just can't seem to ignore.
Read on AO3!
Title: Incredibly Compelling Author: UltramarineOrchid
Ship: Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum
Word Count: 3,700 Rating: General Audiences
Warnings:  N/A
All Hermione wants to know is who her soulmate is. If only the clues were clearer --- or have they been obvious all along?
Read on AO3!
Title: The Lions and the Snake Author: ayanadailey
Ship: Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott/Neville Longbottom
Word Count: 2,000 Rating: General Audiences
Warnings:  N/A
Theo Nott has never felt he deserved a soulmate. So when he finds he has not one, but two soulmates, he's completely stunned.
Read on AO3!
Title: A Magical Garden Author: Aurora_Borealis3406 
Ship: Hermione Granger/Neville Longbottom
Word Count: 8,000 Rating: Mature
Warnings:  N/A
When Hermione accompanied Harry to Gringotts to help him settle his godfather's estate, the last thing she expected was to be named an heiress. Now he has an estate of her own in Scotland, and it came with quite the surprise. A hidden garden, full of dangerous magical plants, and she knows just the friend to call to help.
Read on AO3!
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WIP Title Game!
Thank you to the amazing @seidraikiri for tagging me! Sorry it took me so long!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(If I tagged you, you don't have to do this, I'm just scrambling for people I know lmao)
Blue Exorcist
Cake By the Ocean (Mephisto/Rin)
Chintzy (MephiRin) (Mephisto/Rin)
MephiRin - A/B/O Fic (Mephisto/Rin)
MephiRin Soulmate RP with fren (Mephisto/Rin)
Ocean Blue (Suguro/Rin)
CUPID (Visual Novel)
Promises of Forever (Rosa/Catherine)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Oyasumi (Sayori/Protag)
DRAMAtical Murder
Calming Serenade (Akushima/Aoba)
allmate human daycare au (multiple)
Immer Sie (Clear/Akushima)
Happy Sugar Life
Sugar and Spice and-
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto
Undermine (Atsushi/Sakamoto)
I Saw Autumn Leave (Ib/Garry)
It Means Friendship
Misao (Game)
Ignorance Is Your New Best Friend (Kudoh/Misao)
SohTano Family AU (Sohta/Takano)
Mad Father
Journal Entries within the Drevis Manor
The Words I Want To Say (Ogre/Aya)
My Hero Academia
"Me and Mr. Wolf" Gift for Seidraikiri (Aizawa/Deku)
Sunflowers (Chapter 2 lmao)
OFF (Mortis Ghost)
Love Me Dead (Judge/Japhet)
RP Starter (OC)
Pub Encounter
Cocktail and Lovers' Night (OC/Soichiro)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Again & Again (Madoka/Homura)
i need not one thing more (Madoka/Everyone)
If Our Hearts Were Iron and Our Bodies Steel (Kyousuke/Sayaka)
though it's the end of the world; don't blame yourself (Madoka/Homura)
Samurai Jack
Jaku Soulmate AU (Jack/Aku)
Steven Universe
Cantarella (Pearl/Rose)
The Stanley Parable
Dread (Stanley/Narrator)
Unmarked Stone (Stanley/Narrator)
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Masochism Tango (Idate/Samekichi)
she's got blue eyes like the sea (femslash Samekichi/Wadanohara)
Yandere Simulator
Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance (not finishing this lol)
Yuri!! On Ice
Cantarella (Yuuri/Viktor)
And Away We Go (OC/Homestuck/Adventure Time/The Sims)
Much Ado About Invading (ZaDR/TaGR/OC)
Painting of Evil/Servant of Evil (Ib/The Evillious Series)
The Memory That Would Never Be Remembered (Ib/Garry)
Thorn (Aoba/Toue)
We Are Number One (Skyrim Dragonspeak)
and tons more because I've had 3 phones and 4 computers shit the bed and die and I'm not that great about backing up files I make on the fly. I'm sure if I restored one of the broken hard drives I have, we could find more.
@abby-something, @reaperlight, @thebeingofeverything, @oragamiartist, @thatkinkyboi, @rainbowrowell, @yaoihands, @grievousgl0ry, @urami1080, @still-life-of-thick-ass, @president-homewrecker, @double--blind, @slowly-backs-away, @cinnamoloves,
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hekateinhell · 6 months
i need a burn book style fic of daniel finding out coven secrets because he's a wall flower and Generally Observant™️ 🤭
Can you imagine? IWTV was basically Louis's burn book on his two exs and Daniel just took it all in like the world's most underpaid and underappreciated marriage counselor.
Now it's his turn!
It's funny because I don't think Daniel really registers to Lestat all that much—Lestat references him by name a couple times altogether after QotD, and that's in relation to Marius and only in PL?
I get the sense he's basically an NPC to Lestat, RIP. (Which is A Choice, because I did see a throwaway line in one of Anne's diaries that said she wanted to do more with Daniel around the time she was writing the new trilogy and she just... did not. 😦). So I can definitely get behind the idea that Daniel is there in the background half the time and Lestat is just indifferent because it doesn't effect him in any way, which really, that's ideal situation for a reporter if you want to observe others in their natural state.
Daniel is such a curious and inquisitive guy too, I don't think he ever loses that desire to know people and know what's going on.
I want him chatting up Barbara and Cyril (Thorne, Daniel already knows, and just consider how much he can find out by being buddies with one of the Prince's bodyguards). I want Daniel and Viktor just shooting the shit (I actually they would get along pretty well because Viktor is supposedly sweeter, softer, much more innocent Lestat). I need Daniel interviewing Riccardo's ghost to get the tea on Marius, Armand, and Bianca; past and present.
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spicedrobot · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @bluedaddysgirl! Sorry this took so long. ;;
I'll tag: @withercrown @a-aristippus @lacertae-dreamscape @aevallare @loveoaths @kevystel @frogunderarock @wolveria @dreaminghour @bright-thorn @kitewithfish
And anyone else who wants an excuse to do this please tag me I'd love to read your answers!! 🥺💖💖💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I started my writing days in Overwatch and most of my fics are from that era, but most recently, I've written for Star Wars, Baldur's Gate 3 and Arcane.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A New Era - First Jayvik fic I wrote, and somehow it's at the top of the jayvik ao3 tag by kudos even though it's mindrot I wrote between episode breaks. Sorry long form jayvik writers ;;
Lost Time - life-affirming jayvik sex after the s1 finale. I'm just now realizing that all my top kudos fics are jayvik LMAO
Opposites - jayvik fic where someone talks up Viktor at a party and Jayce gets jealous.
Arcane Ficlets - my randomly assorted Arcane stuff I wrote via tumblr asks. All jayvik too 😂
Warm Heart - Viktor has cold hands but Jayce knows just how to warm him up.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! But sometimes it takes me months to get back to people. Once the inbox number ticks up I get a little nervous ;; which only makes the problem worse!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend not to write anything that ends too angsty. I have one or two that have a sort of bad-end vibe. Usually I'll write an angsty ending then delete and rewrite. LOL
Maybe this silco/viktor fic: Back Down? Since Viktor knows he shouldn't be messing around with Silco but he's so drawn to him.
Runner up: one of my ramyatta fics Stargazing because it shows the difference between their past relationship and the present at the end, where they are no longer together. t _ t
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Encore, since I wrote it because Outer Wilds canon endings beat me up so badly. LOL
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost always. Any kind, basically. LOL I love pining and unestablished relationship like crazy, and both characters just falling into sex with each other. Blow jobs, possessiveness, breeding kinks, ritualistic sex, size difference, voyeurism, smell stuff, sex pollen, outfits... a VERY wide range. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I almost never write them. I think I have written a few fics that just takes characters and puts them into another game's setting, but that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Most I had one of my ramyatta fics translated into chinese. I've also had my only symbrock fic made into a podfic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I've done a fic with bluedaddysgirl that was Thrawn/Cad Bane, but mostly I collaborate with artists to do illustrations of my work. I did some RPing back in the day, but none of that's going to see the light of day LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably genyatta? But honestly, I have so so many. Obimaul also has a special place in my heart.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My last year's nanofic. It was an AU where Bo-Katan never saved Obi-Wan from Mandalore, so he remained Maul's prisoner. It was going to be a what if where Maul realizes he doesn't know what to do with Obi-Wan now that he's finally exacted his revenge, and they would slowly fall in love while doing powerplays the whole time. LOL It was a bit weird because I had to write it so fast, so a lot of the fic was just Savage and Obi-Wan interacting, so it almost made it seem as if they would be the better pairing TBH. It just needs so much reworking and IDK if I have the power. It probably just needs an entire re-write.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I'm very good at condensing ideas into short word counts. I also think my sex scene writing, specifically my dirty talk, is pretty good! That's one of those things that I can't stand to read if it's bad in fanfic, so I try to make what they say as in character as I can. 😳
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything longer holy shit. I'm really terrible at it because as soon as I have to deal with pacing it's a death sentence for my motivation. 💀💀💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It can be done well? But only if you are a fluent speaker. I personally don't do it because I'm an idiot who only knows one language, and I don't want to mess up the mood of writing by accidentally making an embarrassing gaff in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my life? Probably Kingdom Hearts. On my ao3 account: Dragon Age: Inquisition.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Definitely Polite Company, my Obimaul reverse AU fic. It's the longest thing I've ever written and posted. SUCH a comfort fic to me, and it was a blast to work on. There's just something so fun about writing Jedi Maul that I still can't get over it. The ideas kept coming for that fic which almost never happens for me, and somehow it was fairly well received, which I'm just so ridiculously grateful for. I'm always surprised at how much Obimaul isn't a main pairing for Obi-Wan when they have such ridiculous chemistry. Not even 600 fics on all of ao3 for them💀💀💀 A crime!!
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apoptoses · 9 months
WHY did Anne not include Daniel and Thorne in Marius’ painting at the end of Blood Communion?? Did she just forget??
The fact that she didn’t include Tarquin Blackwood and Mona Mayfair I already expected, because it was plain she did not want to follow up on their story’s at all because she disregarded their characters completely in the first two prince Lestat books (while introducing 200 new characters who I personally didn’t care about)
But did she literally just forget Thorne and Daniel? Daniel!!! He was kind of the reason the VC came into existence, is he not? And Thorne! Who even has actual lines in last three books!?
I love Anne’s writing dearly but some choices she has made regarding these books are utterly incomprehensible to me. I’ll never understand.
Ah man, I hate it too but I feel like there were a lot of reasons. And idk if you wanted to mutually vent or wanted my Actual Thoughts but I always kinda look at it like-
Anne sucked at continuity lol Which happens if you're writing a series for over 40 years! Lestat's eyes have been blue and grey and violet, his age has mortal age changed, and he was her top blorbo so like you'd think she'd nail down the facts about him perfectly? But sometimes she goofed or changed stuff. Which is why I never sweat too hard about exact canon facts, if Anne herself didn't have perfect continuity and I can make up a reason for a little change that makes sense in my narrative idgaf I'm gonna do it.
I think Daniel was hard for her in the same way Louis was hard for her- they both are avatars of dark times in her life. Louis was her depression over her own daughter's death, Daniel she poured her struggles with alcoholism into. And I can get her side lining them both because of not wanting to revisit that headspace and those memories. Which sucks for fans of those characters but it is what it is.
I also get the impression that she didn't really know what to do with a mentally healthy vampire that doesn't have shitloads of baggage? Like when Daniel comes out of his rough years in PL he's really on top of things, and Anne's happy place is developing new tragic backstories so...for better or worse that's what she did lol
And re: the hundreds of new characters, there's a whole chapter in Conversations with Anne Rice where she talked about wanting to explore the stories of mature adults, specifically older men. The loss of her father weighed heavily on her and drew her to create characters like David Talbot, and to lean harder into the story of guys like Marius who was 40-something in mortal body but thousands of years old in spirit. So you really see that with her later books, outside of Benji and Sybelle (who also get sidelined) and Rose and Viktor (who...same) she zero'd in on older vampires because that's what held her interest.
NOT THAT I DON'T ALSO HATE IT, I mean, obviously Daniel is a top favorite of mine. So take all of that, add in the fact that she didn't really use an editor and thus did exactly what she wished for all her work, and I think the conclusion is that she just lost interest/couldn't get a story going for them and so she left them out of the mural.
But god do I feel your pain, my kingdom for more content about established characters like Daniel, Bianca, Riccardo, Thorne and less random characters that didn't have enough page time to really develop 😢
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