#not sure what trigger warnings may apply to the section on Lynns???
awriterstransition · 7 years
Matra, Master and Minions Part 5
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Matra, Master and Minions part 5 (Explicit)
         I had wandered the streets and found some kind of market district connected by three large branches that formed large Y’s, big enough to properly build a large platform on. The circular market was covered with stalls and shouting, and citizens wandering about, earning money, which I still didn’t know the name for. But I continued to move through the market just interested in what I could find, I think a few Mincridarins tried to rob me, but when they tried  to take my shoulder bag they only hurt themselves, they didn’t apologize when they saw they couldn’t steal from me, they simply ran off. A large simple sound echoed through the air a deep and bassy hiss, the trees started to creak and quickly enough the people quickly started to run away from the sound packing up what they could, bells were sounding off as some kind of alarm, and soon enough a black snake with ribbed black scales came up the Iron Bark Tree. Its body as thick as a tower and it stood just as tall as a tower, it’s body settled on the surface of the market and looked around at the people in running in fear. You could see the hunger in its eyes and happiness, the populace were seen as nothing less than a banquet of mice to dine on, the fact that they ran only seemed to make it encourage it, and it quickly dipped down and spat out a spray of green toxins.
        Mincridarins screamed in pain, and I watched as their bodies dissolved, the toxins an acid that ripped apart the skin with ease destroying their ability to move. They were still crying in pain when the snake brought its head down and silenced them with a large bite. I watched horrified, terrified by what I had just seen, the liquefied remains and bloods still on the market floor. The snake spat as it moved more firmly into the market, and started to devour the people one by one as they tried to run away. Even a quarter of its body covered nearly half of the market square.
         Then I saw it look down at me, unmoving the tip of its muzzle covered in blood and poison from devouring what it had killed. “Isen concentrate.” A voice called out in my head and I looked down at my hand seeing the Mark of the Gray God glow on my hand.
          “Recite the law.” The voice stated and I looked up at the black snake who stayed to stare at me, to see what I would do. I was the only one not running away so it was wondering why I wasn’t moving. I looked away from the snake and cut my left palm open drawing blood.
          “Under Mincridarn Law I have the right to protect myself with the full extent of my ability, you have slain the innocent of this country. I understand you’re need to eat but that doesn’t mean you can do as you please. I ask you to leave while you still can, because if you don’t, I, following the full extent of the law shall kill you.” I stated looking up at the snake as I expressed my magical presence, and when I did the snake shifted back and coiled up defensively.
          “Shift the power of the soul, push and pull it, and reshape it into what I desire, may it be sword or shield, helm or boot. Exist, mark of the Gray God.” I called out to the soul sword, summoning it from deep within my body, and from my hand came out twin tendrils of blood that wrapped around my hand and formed a silver chain as they touched and pulled away, and when they came to the top of my hand the created the silver mark of the Gray God, the God of Neutrality and Balance.
         At this point the serpent spat his toxic spray at me, but I simply put up a barrier to block the wet projectile. His saliva splattered on the barrier with a mix of blood and green bile. “Just give me guns.” I simply commanded breaking the mark off the chain and flicking it behind my head, it expanded and from its surface came the stocks of rifles. I simply brought my hands to my shoulders and snapped my fingers. From the glowing Gray mark came glowing white files, I pulled them free, brought the stocks to my armpits. “Muskets? Seriously Mark?” I asked aloud but I sighed. “It’ll do, let’s test his armor,” I simply stated dropping the barrier.
        I raised the rifle to his under belly. “Dimen.” I simply commanded and the rifle started to quickly shift to a bright green, I pulled the trigger and the first shot was fired filling the air with sound and pulling up the end of the rifle, giving me time to bring up the second while I dropped my first. The first round had struck the beast but I could tell that it did nothing but just annoy the Serpent and he lounged forward. The sudden speed of the attack left me with no choice but to throw up a barrier. I could smell the rank poison of his maw as it clamped down on the barrier starting to crush it. I may have not gone into his maw, but he had knocked me back with my own barrier sending me flying in the air and bouncing on the wooden platform and through a few of the stalls. Thankfully I was a Mincridarn, a blow like that would have cracked my human spine.
         I pulled myself up and watched as the snake pulled away and crush the gray hexagon in itss maw and looked down at me. “Venfas” I called out and soon enough the gun in my left hand turned bright yellow and I pulled the trigger sending out a bolt of magically condensed air, it had the same durability as a rifle round. Though it didn’t even scar the snake’s scales. It came down towards me again and tried spit its poison at me. I put up a barrier and knocked my elbows against the ground and from my elbows I shot small gusts of air to get me back to my paws.
          “Let’s change up the impact, I said dropping both rifles and summoning to gray rifles to my hands. “Now that’s better Mark.” I called out with a smile as in my hands I held the images of the Barrett 50. Caliber rifles, though they had no weight. “Discharge clip, refit new clip, left rifle projectile spell, focusing, bring down focus to one centimeter, set homing to Black Queen Snake.” I stated as the rifle absorbed my words, programing the magic into the rifle as I dodged another coiled up attack from the snake. “Right rifle above average draw, apply spell homing, home to focus spell fired by second rifle, lock, and load.” I command and at this point the rifles ejected the magazines and loaded new ones. I heard the clicks as the slid on the rifle pulled back, dispensing an old magical round then came slamming back down.
         When I got my foot hold on the market square I let my first test rounds fly, left then right.” When the left fired it struck the serpent leaving it uninjured but it placed a glowing gray rune on its body. The second struck the rune fired by the first rifle, and the magic in the round was focused down into a point penetrating the scales of the serpent with thin spear of gray light. Which was just a pin prick, but it was enough get the snake’s attention entirely focused on me, and with that pin prick I knew all I needed to know. Because I dropped the rifles, and pulled out M-16’s and loaded with the previous spells already.
         I jumped to avoided it attacks distracting it from trying to attack anyone else in the square, mainly guards who were just standing and watching me not sure what to do. But as I fired my guns spears of gray light filled the serpent with tiny pin sized holes in the armor. As I continued my the pain I was causing it on just angered it, making it lash out more and destroy more of the market with its body as it tried to chase me. I did what I could to give the revealed body of the snake and even coat of pin holes before I dropped the rifles.
         As I stood on a platform of air, the mark behind me turned pitch black like the night sky. “Art of binding Number Eight, chains of Black Abyss.” I stated as I brought the black mark in front of my hands and from my hands chains with sharpened tips shot into the black mark and from the shadows of the snake and the from the debris it brought about by destroying the market, the chains shot out and punctured the pinholes and spread out wide latching down and locking the snake in place with hundreds of pitch black chains. It raged widely thrashing about, it’s strength making it hard to contain, and making me grunt in annoyance I tried to focus on controlling the magic in the chains so they wouldn’t break.
         “Stop moving dammit.” I groaned falling on to its head and pulling the chains up, I didn’t need to be strong; I just needed to produce magical strength to reinforce the changes. The changes links shifted down in the shadows pulling down the snake but not enough as it still thrashed about. I latched myself to its head with magic.
          “I warned you what would happen if you stayed.” I called out as I pulled the chains high in the air giving no slack to the snake, and from my body I shot powerful currents of electrical energy, that lit up the black chains and filling the market with white light, the snake let out a sound of pain and froze still, as the electrical currents poured directly into its body. In the end the snack had fallen still, dead underneath my feet.
         I was panting from the expense of using so much magic at once, Lynn told me that using magical subclasses would be difficult and draining but I didn’t expect by this much. The chains dissipated into smoke, and the pitch black mark shrank and disappeared back into my hand closing the wound. I barely could move and I felt the snake’s body lurch as it started to fall back to the forest floor. I looked back at the edge of the market, the snake’s body quickly disappearing… I then felt something wrap around my waist and I lurched forward and off the head of the snake, thrown into the air, but I don’t remember hitting the ground or at least not hitting the ground. I had passed out from exhaustion mid-flight.
        -Mater Raven-
         And almost everyone else watched the fight, not sure if to intervene or not because with how it seemed, Isen had the fight handled, anything else would probably just get in his way, but in the end when the snake fell to his finale spell, everyone wasn’t sure what to do. But the snake started falling and Isen still stood on the snake’s head unmoving and visibly exhausted. When everyone saw this they ran for him, to try and get him off the snake’s head before the snake took him to the forest floor.  
         Master raven spawned his whip and with practiced precision, the whip grew and wrapped around Isen’s waist, with sheer strength he pulled Isen into the air, and his whip unraveled from around Isen’s waist and with both arms he caught Isen before he touched the ground. The feline unconscious, which Master Raven simply checked by pushing his whiskers close to Isen’s nose, and when he felt shallow breathing he relaxed. He hadn’t died from over using his magic.
          “Hand him over.” A voice demanded from behind, and Master Raven turned around to see three armored knights bearing the mark of the Royal Guard. “Or do we have to take him by force?”
          “Wait, I’ll let him go, but he needs to rest. He shouldn’t be moved around too much like this, you know the symptoms of magical exhaustion. If he doesn’t rest he could very well get sick.” Master Raven stated and the Knights pulled back their command and stepped closer.
          “Lead the way.” The lead knight simply commanded and Master Raven made his whip disappear before carrying Isen back to his Brothel, upstairs, and into his personal bedroom laying him down on his bed since he couldn’t access Isen’s room. He tried to remove the laptop bag but when it wouldn’t budge he stopped trying and simply undressed Isen, and with a wash cloth laid it on top if Isen’s head, mainly over his eyes, because that was the only place it could properly go without falling off.
          “Do you mind?” Master Raven asked looking back at the guards who were standing over him watching his every move.           “You’ve lost the right to be alone with him after what you have done. You’re lucky we even let you carry him.” The guard simply countered and Master Raven said nothing, and just pulled up a chair and sat next to Isen as he rested, he needed to fix this before the guards pulled him away. So Master Raven closed his eyes and waited, the guards fell silent and took rounds watching Master Raven, and Isen while the other’s slept.
          “Food was prepared by the slaves and brought for everyone to eat, though thankfully his slaves were smart enough to pick up the note on the bar and do as he commanded, because soon enough the guards crumpled to the floor unconscious. A strong drug was placed in there food, he could taste it in his, but he had become immune to the effects after training his body in order to prevent abuse. There were times when he was offered a drink and was poisoned, waking up to find himself trapped, he wouldn’t let that happen again. The slaves took the guards and restrained them to beds, this action if Isen didn’t forgive him could send him to prison for sure.
         Thankfully though Isen woke soon after the guards had been removed. He pulled the wash cloth off of his eyes, and when he saw Master Raven, he nearly bolted to the door to run away but a firm hold his shoulder kept him place on the bed. “Isen please you shouldn’t move when you’re like this, it’s dangerous.”
          “Like you fucking care!” He cried out in anger, Master Raven’s hold became tense and he let go when Isen stopped resisting. “I’m sorry.” The words were simple and something Master Raven hadn’t spoken in so long, they felt dry on his tongue, and just naturally felt wrong.
          “I should have never touched you like that, I shouldn’t have put you on display like that. I was an idiot. I had forgotten my duty.” Master Raven said feeling his head, all of his words felt strange coming out of his muzzle, but right now he needed to say them.
          “You deserve whatever comes down on your head.” Isen simply stated bitterly and his words just made the cheetah growl in anger.
          “I’m trying to apologize!”
          “Do you think you really think anything you say is going to take back what you did?! You raped me you bastard! You fucked me and put me on display, and let everyone else mock me! You turned me into a fucking sexual fantasy that Males and Females will touch themselves at night thinking about! The story of what you did will always be there, it’s part of the brothel, you bastard! People are going to talk about the show you put on for them, and come back wanting more, and the story will bring more people hoping to see the same thing. They are going to talk about how great you were, how you’re such a good Master! They will say nothing about me, and if they do say something about me it’ll be nothing good! You turned my kindness into a fucking publicity stunt, I was willing to help you and you just shit on everything I was try to do for you! I didn’t want to fight you, I didn’t want to hate you, I was supposed to live here and be trained by you! I rolled a fucking die because I couldn’t figure out what to do with my life, I’m here by fucking chance, and I hate it and I can’t fucking take it back!” Isen countered yelling angrily at the master as tears of rage and sadness came down his eyes, the words keeping Master Raven silent and shifting in his chair uncomfortably as he listened to Isen yell at him, he had never been yelled at before in his life, and so it was strange, it made him angry it wasn’t right for him to be yelled at he was the master, but he clenched his hands into fists in order to stem his personal feelings. He had to try and fix things.
          “There is nothing in all of creation that you could give me that would say your anything else other than a monster.” Isen simply stated and Master raven got up from his seat, bitter and he wanted to yell at Isen but that’d just make things worse so he took out his frustration out on a chair nearby and kicked the chair into the wall, shattering it to splinters.  The Action made Isen flinch and he watched Master Raven lean on the wall his claws digging deep into the wood. He was doing everything he could to hold back his own anger, and own savage words. He didn’t deserve this, he was just trying to do his job, the job he was trained to do at birth.  But he growled lowly and pulled his claws free of the wall.
          “I’ll have the slaves get you a fresh pair of clothes and a proper meal before taking you to the guards. You shouldn’t move from the bed, you’ll just hurt yourself.” Master Raven growled lowly in bitter anger but still doing everything he could to keep his cool, but before he left the room quietly, he quickly realized what Isen’s words meant and his body tensed up in frustration…
          “Wait…” Isen trailed off just as Master Raven opened the door
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