#viking!thor odinson
dancingwithfoxes · 7 months
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𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 ✶ 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓
➜ for Thor⚡️if shared elsewhere please credit.
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Thora rushes into the house…
Thora: my love! Our village has been overrun by goblins and ghouls! Where’s Mjolnir?
Y/N: baby it’s Halloween. It’s just kids in costume
Thora: oh…so that’s why they were asking for treats. Can we get treats?
Y/N: sure but you’re the only treat I need
Thora giggles as she sits down in Y/N’s lap…
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beheworthy · 4 months
Jane holding Thor's hand in the cave (dark world) and on Halloween. He doesn't know where she's going, but he accepts going like a kid.
I wouldn't say "like a kid" lol but yeah, he trusts her fully and gives her the lead without question. 🥰
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eirikr-inn-rowdy · 2 months
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vertigoartgore · 4 months
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2012's Thor: God of Thunder variant cover by Daniel Acuña.
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tyrannuspitch · 11 months
"know your place, brother" and how loki treads lightly around thor while thor threatens and manhandles him in ways that are never reciprocated even once they're firmly enemies and how loki isn't allowed to speak when thor and odin are arguing no matter how deferential he is and how odin tells thor he's "unworthy of his loved ones" like he's confiscating a piece of property while loki looks on in silence and how loki calls himself "stolen" and speaks of being "used" for a "purpose" and how loki screams about wanting to be thor's equal and bows sarcastically before their fight but his defeat still comes down to odin not judging him worthy of "the power of thor" in the end and how loki comes back from the dead feverishly and desperately trying to frame his "new purpose" as a good thing but still calling freedom "life's great lie" and how the exhibition in stuttgart is called "conquest and sacrifice" and loki is both of those things and "you're going to lose, it's in your nature" and "in the end you will always kneel" and how odin and frigga can never tell loki that they love him only "you're my son" which is just another expression of possession and how being odin and frigga's son is a lie that loki's whole life is built on but it's burrowed right down to his core and how when he challenges it frigga tells him she (still) knows him better than he knows himself and how odin tells loki "your birthright was to die" meaning that because he saved his life as a baby loki has no rights and even his hatred of odin isn't truly his own but also just meaning that loki should die, it's his purpose, it's what he's for and how even AFTER that loki gives his life to save the future king of asgard not once but two separate times it's SICK it's fucking NAUSEATING why do people not SEE IT!!!
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blogtib · 8 months
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agentem · 2 years
Frigga's death and Valhalla dust
I was reading about "plot holes" in Thor. They brought up the rules for going to Valhalla in Thor Love and Thunder not agreeing with the other movies. And someone said, "Frigga" and everyone else didn't turn into dust.
And I PROTEST. Frigga did turn into sparkle dust. And I know this because I care too much about Frigga.
She just didn't turn into dust right away. She turned into dust at the end of her funeral. (And immediately after she turns to dust, it cuts to Heimdall and I always wondered if he could SEE where she went. See? I told you I care too much about Frigga.)
So I have presented a theory in which, the Valkyrie or whoever, have between 1 second and one day to decide if your corpse should go to Valhalla or not. So just because they didn't immediately disappear into gold dust, it doesn't mean it's ruled out because the sparkle dust fairies could've come when the camera was not on that corpse.
(Wait are Valkyries just sparkle fairies on horsies with wings?)
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the-blog-of-gog · 5 months
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(via "Cyberpunk Viking Chief, Horned Helm, Unique Pattern" iPhone Case for Sale by Burn-Ego)
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greekgeek24 · 1 year
Loki’s Kids: A New Server and Event
I’m so excited to share my new server and event, Loki’s Kids. I’m still planning the event itself, and if anyone is interested in modding, DM me. The server is up and running though, so if you love Loki and his kids, join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/76TRyzatD3. 
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beheworthy · 7 months
Before Thor1, Thor never went to Earth?
No, he has. That's why the Vikings worship them as Gods.
1. We see Odin visit Midgard in the opening of Thor1. You have to assume Thor was with him. In any case, Thor would need to be here then or some other time for the Vikings to worship him.
2. Darcy and Jane talk about the Aesir visiting Midgard and a primitive culture like the Vikings seeing powered beings as Gods.
3. In the Thor1 junior novelization, The Warriors Three mention visiting Midgard before and Jane says that would be a thousand yrs ago.
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My guy is 1500 years old. He has been to places. Just don't think about Thor looking exactly like this before Jane was even born and we're good 💀
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reluctantscribe · 2 years
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So, I did it. I beat, “God of War: Ragnarök,” and it is without a doubt, the best game I’ve played this year. As a fan of mythology, of extensive lore and great characters… this is a fantastic game. And gameplay wise it is NO SLOUCH— expanding and perfecting things from, “God of War” (2018) was expected to be THIS smooth and fun to play? I mean, damn. If you love good stories, play both of these games, PLEASE.
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salem-house-press · 1 year
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Thor in Utgard-Loki's palace.
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factoidfactory · 9 months
Random Fact #6,517
Thor, the Norse god of thunder (among other things), rode on a chariot pulled by two goats instead of riding a horse.
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odinsonblog · 2 years
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tyrannuspitch · 5 months
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a slightly more mediaeval-flavoured loki
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