#vigil was the first one i heard & then i wanted to get one from each of their albums
voidimp · 4 months
anyway who wants a song thats been stuck in my head for like the past week
heres some other songs by them
also this one :)
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zer0wzs · 2 months
[ gn!reader ] "practice it, even once a week," it even works with sleep—especially you have something motivating you. based off of this classic reddit post. wc: 1521
AN: not at all proofread my apologies lol
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There have been a couple of changes in your life since the first month that Jason moved in with you.
For one, the little trinkets that were scattered everywhere seemed to be a little more neater, a little more lined up. You’ll find that your small figures were playing out a scene. You don’t know why they’re like that, but Jason seems to know. 
Your apartment’s been plenty more storage-efficient. This was largely to help Jason store his expansive collection of books, but it helped you, too. The drawers, shelves, and cabinets the two of you have thrifted and renovated together make it seem more to both of your liking—rather than it just being yours.
Above these small things, though, you two seem to always never have enough time with each other, even after the move.
Needless to say, time isn’t always in your favor when you’re vigilant or with the Red Hood. Date nights are suddenly postponed or canceled, patrols keep him until the early hours of the morning, and—at worst—missions have you two apart from one another for weeks, maybe even months.
This makes you two take pleasure in the small things. Whatever little thing you two can keep to yourselves, whatever fragment of time is offered to you two, you will selfishly hold onto. It's the only thing you can ever hold onto.
That’s why you always hold onto Saturdays. You can wake up as late as you want and still know that he’s probably there. You’d find him cleaning his guns, cozied on the couch reading a book, watching a cheesy romcom, or cooking you breakfast. That’s how it's always been when you spent time at each other’s apartments, and the same thing has happened until now.
That’s your first thought as you wake—or, well first few thoughts. Checking the time on your phone, you see it’s 11 AM. Earlier than your usual time of waking, but you should still probably get up.
There isn’t much noise ringing through your ears, save for a few footsteps you heard through the ajar room of your bedroom. Still a little drowsy, you made your way to the bathroom to tidy yourself up.
After rinsing your face with soap and getting the grime out of the crevices of your skin, you grabbed your toothbrush and pumped your toothpaste on it. As you brushed your teeth, though, your mind better register a faint humming—no, singing—from down the hallway.
Well, it can’t be anyone else, no?
After freshening yourself up, you go to your living room only to be greeted by tranced Jason—fixated on his slightly worn copy of All The Lovers in the Night. There’s some old dad rock music playing softly by him. You stand there, leaning against the edge of the hallway, before your presence is acknowledged.
“Good morning,” he greeted, using a random receipt he had to bookmark his page before the book aside. “You’re up early.”
“I know.” You hummed, finding a place beside him on the couch and giving him a good morning kiss on the cheek.
You find him smiling at the action, ruffling your hair and pulling you closer by the waist. “Are you up for any particular reason? Miss me?”
“Mmh, sure.” You grab his coffee perched on the table and take a sip. “Ew.”
He laughs. “What do you mean ‘ew’? Baby, that’s always how I’ve made my coffee.”
“I know, I know,” you rolled your eyes. “I thought that was gonna be the new three-in-one packet we got.”
“I don’t like three-in-one,” he hums. “Or at least I’m not in the mood for it.”
“Guess I’ll have to brew a cup for myself. I really wanna try it out.”
“Can I have a sip?” He asked, leaning into your shoulder.
“No.” You half-jokingly replied, snaking your hand up his hair to ruffle it.
“Come on.”
“Let’s see.”
And so that’s how Saturdays would go for you two. Jason would usually start his day at 7, 6, and sometimes even 5 AM, depending on how hectic his workload was. He’d freshen up, brew some coffee, and then usually get to his work.
If he did work, he always took a short breather between 10 to 11, usually spending the time to read. If he didn’t, he’d spend the morning cleaning the apartment or making breakfast.
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You find yourself stirring awake. What time is it? It feels too early to be up right now.
You check the time on your phone. 10:42. Never mind.
You stretched out, basking in the sun that escapes through the fabric and small gaps of the translucent curtains. You blink a few times before deciding it's time to get up and freshen up. Grabbing a change of clothes, you head to your bathroom.
As you continued your morning routine, you could hear music ringing softly throughout the apartment. Along with that, you hear Jason singing along to it. With that, you open the door a little wider while you brush your teeth.
Before you can even process that your feet are carrying you outside the bathroom, Jason’s already greeting your presence in the dining area. “Good morning,” You wave in return. “You want anything for breakfast?”
You shake your head in reply and find your place beside him by the table, reading a book. You lean your head on his shoulder, trying to follow whatever he’s reading. The fast reader he is, he flips the page before you can even get a full sentence in.
In the corner of his eye, he can still see how drowsy you were. He checks in. “Are you okay?”
“Mhm,” you hummed. “Still a little sleepy.”
“You know, you can still go to bed if you want. I’m not sure why you’re up earlier than usual.” He pouted, craning his head to look at you. “You’re not pushing yourself for whatever reason, right?”
“No, I just…woke up,” you reply dryly. “Like I woke up and thought, ‘might as well,’ you know?”
“Okay, okay,” he smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “You want a coffee?”
“Mmm, sure.”
“Alright,” he nods, kissing your forehead before getting up to heat up some water. “The three-in-one?”
“Yes, please.”
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Maybe it's your way of saying that you miss him. Between the night patrols and days-to-months-long missions that he goes on, you find yourself waking up a little earlier. 11 AM turns into 10 AM turns into even 9 and 8 AM on the weekends.
It’s 7:51 AM. Last night may have been hectic, but you got some sleep in. A few weeks ago, you would’ve slept in and woke up at 1 PM, but god doesn’t grant you enough time to hit your napping time and spending-time-with-Jason quotas. You have to sacrifice one, and your body knows which one you’re choosing.
“Morning, babe,” Jason greets from the kitchen, cooking up a breakfast for the two of you.
He doesn’t tease you any more about waking up so early. In fact, he doesn’t even push you to go back to bed anymore. He knows it only really makes you feel bad for getting some sleep. He’s more than picked up these changes in the morning and accommodates you to his schedule with ease. 
You feel more than love. You feel his affection wholeheartedly. It’s almost overwhelming, but you figure you’re never getting enough of it anyway.
“Hello…” You mumble from behind him, sliding your hands up his chest. You smell the spicy scent of seasoning from his cooking. ”Missed you.”
“Missed you too.” He smiles, pulling you to his side. 
You stand in silence for a bit, too sleepy to continue the conversation sensibly and letting only the sound of the searing pan fill the room.
Yet you start. “Are you doing anything or going anywhere today?”
“No, not really,” he answers. “Why? You wanna do something?”
“No, not really,” you copy his tone, not really implying any sort of mocking. “I just wanna spend time with you.”
He laughs a little. “Clingy.”
“Thanks,” you roll your eyes. “Do you need help with anything?”
“Hmm,” he pauses for a split second to think. “Set the table for me, won’t ya? I’m almost done.”
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Warmth is the first thing you feel. A great, weighted warmth encasing you in your sleep. It wasn’t too early, as you felt the bright rays of the sun shine down and pierce through your closed eyes. Clearly, Jason should be more than awake by now.
Eyes closed, you whisper to the big bear of a man holding on to you for dear life. “Mmh, what time is it?”
Nothing from him in return. You lay a few kisses on his arm, hoping to wake him up, even a little.
“Love?” You hummed, reaching out for your phone to check the time. Your phone’s brightness blinds you, but as long as you can sleep in peace after this, you’re fine. “It’s 7:32. Shouldn’t you be up by now?”
You hear him mumble a few things, mostly incoherent, but you can at least make out his little, “Mmh, five more minutes.”
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mysteryshoptls · 1 month
SSR Ortho Shroud - Platinum Gear Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Ortho: So, this is the Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art… It really has such a large and diverse collection of various genres of artwork. This is essentially a database of art.
Ortho: According to the map I installed, this exhibit should hold the painting I'm looking for…
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???: An enormous dog with three heads and sharp fangs… A frightening creature, indeed. I would have loved to have seen it personally.
Ortho: Hello, Jade Leech-san. I was just here to check out the Cerberus painting, too.
Jade: Is that so? As a creature that served the Lord of the Underworld, the Cerberus truly did have a powerful aura about it.
Jade: I'm sure with all 6 of those eyes keenly trained on the entrance to the underworld, it would have been a difficult endeavor indeed to attempt an escape.
Ortho: They're really cool, don't you think?
Ortho: But, according to lore, if they got tempted by their favorite sweets, they would end up lowering their vigilance.
Jade: Fufu, I see. So, perhaps it was a more charming creature than it looked… Would you agree?
Ortho: Yep. Also, they had one body, right, so each of the three heads ate a smaller amount of food…
Ortho: And they'd get in fights whenever they wanted to go in different directions… There's so many other cool stories about them, too.
Jade: You're very well-informed. Is this something that all Ignihyde students must know?
Ortho: Mmm, I'm not sure. I probably just know a lot since I really liked the stories in which the Cerberus would show up, and I'd read them all the time.
Ortho: Back when I was a kid, me and my brother would read picture books on the legends of the Lord of the Underworld, see…
Ortho: And even after coming to Sage's Island, whenever I learned of a new tale involving Cerberus, I'd update my database.
Jade: I see, so that's how… Well, I appreciate having been able to hear some unexpected anecdotes.
Ortho: Most would say that they look ferocious, or seem really strong, but the more you get to know them, the more cute you'll find them.
Ortho: Since Cerberus is considered a dog-like monster, I've also been collecting data on regular dog behaviors too.
Ortho: Recently, I've gotten to pet some dogs out for a walk down in Whistle Park. Of course, I ask their owners for permission, first.
Jade: A real dog… That's astounding. As I do not have much experience with them, I'm afraid I'm a tad hesitant to actually touch them, myself.
Ortho: I was a bit hesitant too, at first. I didn't really know how much strength I should put into touching a living creature…
Ortho: And since I'm a technomantic humanoid and smell different than humans, they'd be super wary of me.
Jade: Ah, that makes sense. They do have a powerful sense of smell.
Jade: So then, how is it that you've become able to interact with those dogs, Ortho-kun?
Ortho: I just would strike up a conversation with them on a regular basis and slowly built trust.
Jade: That is astounding. This is the first I've heard that you are well-versed in animal linguistics.
Ortho: I'd always had an app installed that'd let me talk with animals, but…
Ortho: Once I became a student at Night Raven College, I actually developed an animal linguistics translation tool.
Ortho: By talking to the animals first hand, I was able to improve the translations that seems a bit strange…
Ortho: Not only has was I able to improve the translation accuracy, but now I've gotten close with a bunch of dogs that they'll actually come up to me themselves once they catch sight of me!
Jade: So, in addition to achieving your goal of petting dogs, you were able to update your own translation tool… Absolutely fantastic.
Ortho: Heheh! Thanks, Jade Leech-san.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ortho: This is a painting depicting one of the scenes from the Mermaid Princess's legend, isn't it? That's the Sea King riding that sleigh, right?
Jade: That's right, and what a dignified and gallant figure he is. What a shame he was unaware that the princess would be absent for the concert.
Ortho: He got really mad the moment he learned that the princess was going to be absent for her own debut… or so the story goes.
Ortho: I feel bad for the king, that she slipped out without telling him. But it's pretty cool that he gets to ride that dolphin-led sleigh.
Jade: Did that dolphin-led sleigh catch your eye? Then please, you must visit the Coral Sea.
Jade: They are primarily used for special events, however there are many such sleigh services geared towards surface-dwelling tourists.
Ortho: Cool, what sort of stuff? Let me search up "Coral sea dolphins sleigh" real quick…
Ortho: Here we go, there's a ton of tours, like… "Tour the Majestic Sea on a Dolphin Sleigh" and "Explore Undersea Ruins upon a Dolphin Sleigh"
Ortho: "Dolphin-led sleighs are safe and secure! Feel like a king as you partake in an elegant tour of the sea!" …Wow!
Jade: Safe and secure… I am a tad doubtful of that statement.
Ortho: You mean it's actually dangerous?
Jade: About 2 years ago, there was an incident where tourists from the surface were left stranded in the middle of the ocean.
Ortho: Let me search for any incidents having to do with dolphin sleighs. Ah, I got a hit on a news article from 2 years back.
Ortho: The stranded tourists were able to find their way to land on their own, and were all okay in the end, but…
Ortho: The touring company responsible got a ton of bad reviews after that. Looks like they got flamed pretty badly online.
Jade: Well, now… A corporation built at the bottom of the sea in which fire cannot thrive was "flamed pretty badly," you say… How wonderfully ironic.
Jade: According to the news, the dolphins merely left on a whim. If this all happened because of their mood, then what's to stop this sort of thing from happening again?
Ortho: You're right, Jade-san. This is a completely different story than just trying to fix the bugs in the system.
Ortho: I wonder if there's some sort of pattern to the timing of those dolphin mood swings. I'll have to search up on it later.
Jade: Fufu, you are quite cautious, aren't you?
Ortho: Yep! 'Cause, if I'm going to go check them out, I'd want to go when they're in one of their flippant moods!
Jade: I was not expecting that response. I completely expected you to be wanting a "safe and secure" tour.
Ortho: It might be fine just strolling around the ocean depths, but I feel like it wouldn't be as satisfying being stuck on a set path.
Ortho: If the dolphins act up, they might leave me stranded in the ocean, or take me to unexpected places…
Ortho: Doesn't it get your blood pumping to think about what sort of unpredictable moments might be waiting for you?
Jade: Indeed, I completely understand that sentiment. When everything follows organized harmony, it does get quite boring.
Jade: Then, how about I suggest a more stimulating tour for you? I assure you, this absolutely will not leave you wallowing in boredom.
Ortho: That sounds fun! I can't wait to see what kind of tour you come up for me, Jade-san.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jade: Ah, this artwork depicts the scene where the Fairest Queen is sending out her most trusted hunter on a significant mission.
Ortho: I heard that when it comes to paintings depicting the Fairest Queen, you'll want to focus on the finer details, like the direction her face is looking, or the angle at which her finger is pointing.
Ortho: Vil Schoenheit-san told me as such when I was selected as a supporter for the museum.
Jade: That's good to know. I'm sure those in Pomefiore would be passionately moved while gazing upon this painting.
Ortho: Hmm, the concept of being moved by just looking at a painting is still a difficult one for me to grasp…
Ortho: But actually, something happened recently that's still stuck in my mind. I wonder if this is what they consider to be "moved" by something?
Jade: What a fascinating start. May I ask what sort of thing happened?
Ortho: The Film Research Club went to Crane Port for some club activities, and on the way back, I ran into this family that was fishing.
Ortho: They were chatting away about what kind of dishes they'd make if they caught anything, but their bucket was still devoid of any fish…
Ortho: Right as the dad said, "I guess we should head home," his kid caught a fish!
Ortho: Everyone looked so happy. But what do you think that family did next?
Jade: Did they not put the fish in the bucket and carry it home?
Ortho: Nope. They just said it would be a pity to eat a creature so small and threw it back into the ocean.
Ortho: But they did that after they had finally fished one up! It didn't really make sense to me, so it was hard to understand what I saw.
Jade: If I recall, there is a certain release size criteria that is implemented here on land in order to conserve water resources.
Ortho: Yep. But according to my measurements, that fish was about 5 cm larger than the release criterion.
Ortho: Based on the way that family was talking, once they had caught a fish that was "big," they should have taken it home with them.
Ortho: Even though it was an adult fish adequate for cooking up, they pitied it because it looked too small…
Ortho: No matter how many times I think it over, I can't really understand that mechanism.
Jade: I thought this would be a story where you were moved by their care for a small creature… But instead, I see you were more taken in by their incomprehensible actions.
Ortho: They spent time and energy into trying to fish up that fish, but in the end… I wonder if that sort of illogical action is what makes a human human.
Jade: Perhaps, perhaps not. For that family, it may be that was the most logical choice.
Ortho: Eh, what do you mean?
Jade: If it were a large fish, then the whole family could divide it up and eat it. However, a single, small fish would not nearly be enough.
Jade: In order for everyone in the family to eat their fill, they would need to cook up more dishes to go with it.
Jade: Then, if there were no fish to begin with, they wouldn't have to go through the trouble of making extra dishes… Perhaps that would be a better way to think of it?
Ortho: I see…! If I were to think from the eyes of the person who has to prepare the meal, that decision makes more sense.
Jade: This is only a possible scenario I've come up with… But I only mean it to illustrate that there are many ways to view something.
Ortho: Heh! See, this is why talking with as many different peoples as I can gives me so much new data… Plus, it's really interesting!
Ortho: Thanks a ton for listening, Jade-san. I hope we can chat about other stuff some other time.
Ortho: Okay, time for me to go check out another exhibit. Oh hey, this painting…
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Ortho: It depicts the moment when the Son of the God of Thunder and his trainer is talking about his grand dreams.
Ortho: According to the lore, this guy's strength was way off the charts and was invulnerable, but… I bet I could find it.
Ortho: I know I could find a weakness that could bring even a hero like that down.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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brookghaib-blog · 3 months
Whispers of the past
Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x reader
an: I will be turning this into a story, but i'm still navegating into the turn this will take, i'll warn that this will be more interesting in pt.2, I just wanted to give u a little something :)
Summary: Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro reminisces about his high school days with his lost love, Y/N, who went missing under mysterious circumstances. As he stands on the frontline, memories of their time together haunt him, fueling his determination to protect others and never give up hope.
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Hoshina's pov:
The city lay in ruins, the aftermath of the kaiju attack evident in every shattered building and scorched street. As Vice Captain of the Japan Defense Force, it was my duty to remain vigilant, to lead my team with unwavering resolve. But in the quiet moments between battles, my mind often wandered to a time when life was simpler and love felt eternal.
We were high school sweethearts, Y/N and I. She was the light in my life, her laughter a melody that could brighten even the darkest days. I still remember the first time I saw her, standing by the school gates with a book in her hand, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and warmth.
"Hey, you're in my chemistry class, right?" I had approached her, trying to sound casual despite the nervous flutter in my chest.
She looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "That's right. You're Hoshina Soshiro, the kendo club captain."
"Yeah," I replied, scratching the back of my head. "I was wondering if you wanted to study together sometime. You seem really smart, and I could use all the help I can get."
She laughed, a sound that would become my favorite in the world. "Sure, I'd love to. How about after school today?"
From that moment on, we were inseparable. We spent countless hours studying together, sharing our dreams and fears, finding comfort in each other's presence. Our favorite spot was the old cherry blossom tree in the school courtyard, where we'd sit and watch the petals fall like snow, lost in our own world.
"Soshiro," Y/N said one afternoon, her head resting on my shoulder as we lay beneath the tree. "Do you ever wonder what the future holds for us?"
I squeezed her hand, drawing strength from her touch. "I do. And I know that whatever happens, as long as we're together, we'll be okay."
She smiled, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "Promise me we'll always be there for each other, no matter what."
"I promise," I whispered, sealing our vow with a kiss.
But then, one day, she was gone. Vanished without a trace, leaving a gaping hole in my heart. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, and still, there was no sign of her. I threw myself into my training, hoping that by becoming stronger, I could somehow find her, protect her, bring her back.
Years passed, and I rose through the ranks to become Vice Captain, my dedication to the Japan Defense Force unwavering. But the memory of Y/N never faded. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her smile, heard her laughter, felt the warmth of her hand in mine.
As I stood among the ruins, the weight of my responsibilities heavy on my shoulders, I couldn't help but wonder where she was, if she was safe, if she thought of me as often as I thought of her. The not knowing was the hardest part, the uncertainty that gnawed at my soul.
But I held onto hope, clung to the belief that one day, I would find her. Until then, I would fight. For her, for the promise we made, for the future we dreamed of under the cherry blossom tree.
"Y/N," I whispered into the night, the stars above a silent witness to my vow. "I'll find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter where you are, I'll bring you back."
And as the city began to rebuild, as the battle against the kaiju continued, I carried her memory with me, a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness.
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btsmosphere · 4 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 8: On the Force
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Jungkook smiles at you for the first time (and the second).
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 1.2k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: none :)
a/n: bonus midweek update!! because of the short length of this and the next chapter, I didn't want to keep you waiting a whole week for each, but they really do stand on their own so I didn't want to merge them either. the adventure continues as normal on Sunday!
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Thud. Thud. Thud.
Namjoon’s steps seemed to fall in slow motion as he crossed to his desk. Chairs stood in front of it, but Jungkook had ignored them entirely, upright and standing to attention as his leader faced you both.
Your eyes flicked between the two men. The loaded silence was only intensified by Jungkook’s unflinching gaze, waiting for the hammer to fall when Namjoon would finally speak.
He sucked in a breath.
“Well done.”
Now your gaze snapped abruptly to Namjoon. Blinking, his words replayed in your head as if to prove what you had actually heard.
Beside you, Jungkook’s jaw dropped, tension leaking from his shoulders.
Small smile quirking his mouth, Namjoon chuckled.
“You seem surprised.”
Hesitant, you turned your eyes to Jungkook. His met yours, wide and startled like you had never seen him. How someone like him could ever look so innocent-
“Uh-um,” Jungkook tripped over his tongue, “Y/N wasn’t… we weren’t supposed to be on duty.”
“But you stepped up when we needed you,” Namjoon cut in. Stroking his chin, he raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, “together. I’m impressed by that. It seems you can put aside your differences when it matters, and agree on something.”
You pressed your lips together at his words. Sure enough, Jungkook did the same; Namjoon may have been less impressed had he witnessed Jungkook’s resistance to your help.
Next under Namjoon’s gaze, you tried your best not to look shifty.
“That was also very impressive control from you. At great risk, you managed to snuff out what Bolt was after.”
No words came to you. Dropping your eyes to the floor, you gave a flustered, jerky bow of your head.
Jungkook eyed you from the corner of his eye as you stayed like that, offering only silence. A crease shot along his brow. But he turned back to Namjoon and spoke up, shifting the topic.
“How did Bolt get on us in the first place?”
That drew a sigh from Namjoon. Tugging at his chin, he took a seat.
“He must know our plan. It’s been long enough that we can’t disguise these as random attacks any longer. Media this week has been plastered with calls for vigilance. ‘Villainous movements’ or something. A confrontation like this has been coming for a while.”
Gritting his teeth, Jungkook kicked a chair out with his heel and fell into it. His glare was directed at the ceiling.
More carefully, you took a seat yourself.
“The one time we aren’t attacking, he sees fit to send an army?!”
“Tonight wasn’t an opportunity for him to win any glory,” Namjoon shook his head, “why show his face unless he’s defeating a visible evil? He’s using others, leaving them to fight with the weapons he's already stolen.”
“Probably pin it all on our side in the media,” Jungkook muttered, venomous.
Sitting back, Namjoon held his hands out. Resigned.
“We’re used to that,” he continued calmly, “but him not tackling this in person also tells us we’re right. He’s working on something, and he wants us out of the way – but he can’t risk being the visible instigator of a confrontation.”
“You’re hitting him where it hurts, then,” you added.
“And we can’t stop,” Namjoon agreed, “but this will make it more of a challenge. Which is why you came together at the perfect time – I need you back on board.”
A smirk slid onto Jungkook’s face, but not in time to disguise the hint of much-less-suave delight that lit up his eyes at Namjoon’s declaration. He swelled under his leader’s approval.
“Both of you,” Namjoon continued, “Y/N, you proved you have what we need. Keep training, each of you, but you’re with us now.”
His smile was genuinely warm as he finished. Bolstered by his happiness, you walked out glowing.
Just outside the door, you paused, releasing a sigh. All the adrenaline, the uncertainty and now the relief spilled out of you. You turned to Jungkook.
Abruptly, you were rendered speechless.
He was smiling.
At you.
You had of course seen him smile, but only among the others. It was only now that you felt the full blast of his grin, showing his front teeth and scrunching his nose up. As he looked at you, his smile slipped away, but the happy light never dimmed in his eyes.
“I guess we did it,” you spoke, “are you still mad at me?”
He rolled his eyes, but it was accompanied by a genuine chuckle.
Turning to saunter back through the corridor, he allowed you to fall into step beside him. A smile still hid behind his next words.
“Of course I am.”
“My apologies then,” you replied with an equally suppressed grin, “next time I won’t help you out. My incredible skills are clearly wasted here-”
“I knew it would go to your head,” Jungkook scoffed.
“I don’t see any danger of it surpassing yours in size, don’t worry.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes at your gleeful smile. Together, you reached the base of the stairs and he let you go first, crossing his arms as he hung back a couple of steps.
A flurry of scuffling feet and poorly muffled giggles reached your ears as you ascended, bringing your attention ahead of you once more. On reaching the top, a foot whisked around the corner; someone in a hurry to get to the living room. Their hurry couldn’t erase the glimpse you had just caught of several curious sets of eyes peeking around it, though .
Fond smile emerging on your lips, you marched down the corridor. In front of you, a large, shrieking pile of limbs was toppling over the back of the nearest sofa.
Yoongi’s tired grumblings mingled with Jimin’s giggles and Hobi’s yelps as the lot of them tried to disentangle from one another. V was the last to sheepishly clamber off the unsuspecting hyung they had squashed.
Over in the kitchen, Jin shot a knowing glance towards you all from his spot by the stove. He held your gaze with a warm smile.
“So? What did Joon say?” Jimin asked, bringing you back.
Multiple sets of curious eyes blinked up at you and Jungkook.
“He was impressed,” Jungkook spoke, moving around to sit, “we’re back on the force.”
A chorus of whoops followed, Jungkook’s brothers grabbing and jostling him in celebration. But they didn’t forget you either: before you knew it, you were being tugged down by Hope too, onto the other sofa as he continued his joyful congratulations.
Breathless with laughter, you managed to escape (though your hair was surely a ruffled state).
The grin paused on your lips as you locked eyes with Jungkook, who was being equally harassed by Jimin, Yoongi patting him on the back. Your lips closed, ready to swallow down the elation if Jungkook was going to be displeased with you joining in, infringing on his group.
He gave you a timid smile.
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Thank you for reading! You guys are the most amazing readers, thank you for all your wonderful enthusiasm for this series💜💜
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redamancy-writes · 2 years
Jealousy on the Boardwalk (The Lost Boys 1987 x Female! Reader)
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Word Count - 1036 Fandom - The Lost Boys 1987 Pairing - Poly! The Lost Boys 1987 x Female! Reader Title - Jealousy on the Boardwalk
Jealous - fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or possessions.
“All of these attractions, and I can’t help but keep my eyes on you, sweetheart,” You felt like you jolted out of your skin as Paul was suddenly behind you, his hands snaking around your middle as the rest of the boys approached. 
“You scared the hell out of me,” You laughed as he pulled you into him, Paul’s face diving into the crook of your neck to pepper kisses against the flesh. 
“S’rry,” He murmured against your skin as each of the other boys approached to give you their own greeting. A kiss to the knuckles, a devilish grin and a kiss to your nose, and an appreciative glance over your form before a gloved hand cupped the side of your cheek and kissed the other. 
“What do you boys have planned tonight?” You asked as Paul kept you locked in his arms, feeling particularly affectionate tonight, while the other three surrounded you two. 
“Some rides, some food,” Marko grinned as he pointed to the newest addition of the Santa Carla boardwalk. It was a thrill ride, and you couldn’t quite make out the name as the neon lettering was too far for your eyes to fully focus on, but you could hear the screams of terror and resounding laughter of groups of friends as it took them through it. 
“That looks like fun,” You mused, a gasp leaving your throat as Paul decided to begin to nip against your flesh. “Paul,” You muttered in warning as he laughed before pulling away. 
“C’mon, let’s go,” Marko pulled you free from Paul’s grip.
“Hold on, hold on,” You laughed as he started tugging you towards the ride, “I think I need to hit the bathroom first, then go on the ride.” You explained as he looked at you with a confused expression. 
“Knowing you four, it will be hours before you’ll want to take a break,” You tossed a knowing glance to Paul as he was already antsy to get going, ping-ponging off of Marko’s energy. 
“I’ll meet you all over there,” You pecked Marko’s lips before you were disappearing into the crowd, David’s eyes watching over you until you entered the public bathroom. 
“C’mon, I’m going to grab a slushie,” Marko nudged Paul, the two making their way to the treats stand, Dwayne and David resting against the handrail, eyes wandering the crowd as they waited for your return. 
“Phew,” You wiped the water on your hands off on your jeans as you left the bathroom, the hand dryer not doing a damn thing to dry your hands after washing them. Eyes scanning the crowd, you grinned as you made eye contact with Dwayne, his lips quirking into a grin as you began to approach only for a wolf whistle to catch your ears.
Dwayne’s expression morphed into a glare, gaze drifting to your left as the Surf Nazi’s whistled and called at you. 
“C’mon hot stuff, you bounce on those biker’s dicks all the time, you can give us something!” You felt heat crawl up your neck as you ignored the group, biting your tongue as you moved past them to get towards David and Dwayne. 
You blocked out their voices as you kept your gaze on David, only for a reaction to be forced out of you as a loud smacking sound brought your attention back to the group. The sting on your ass came after. 
“What the–”
“What the fuck did you just do to our girl?” You didn’t even see Marko and Paul, but now Marko had the bastard up by the collar, their noses nearly touching. 
“C’mere,” Dwayne pulled you to him, facing you away from the group. You didn’t want nor need to see what those three were about to do.  “Let’s go get you a drink, hm, maybe a milkshake?” He was seething, hands trembling with rage but he kept it under wraps as you heard a sickening crunch while he led you away. 
As the two of you sat in the booth, you swirled the straw around the milkshake, briefly letting your gaze flick up from the creamy beverage to Dwayne’s face as he stared out the window, eyes flickering back and forth. 
“You okay?” You broke the silence, making his attention snap from the window to you. 
“You’re asking me that?” He grinned at you, “How about we reverse that question, how are you? Are you okay?” Dwayne reached a hand over, interlacing your fingers with his. 
“Meh, I’ve been better but I’ve certainly been worse- but I do have a milkshake so,” You shrugged while smiling, “I just hope the others are alright,” You frowned. 
“You worried about us, doll?” David questioned, just now adjusting to putting his gloves back on as they entered the diner. 
“Always,” Your eyes flickered over each one of them, your frown deepening. Marko had a split lip, always being the one to jump in head first into fights, and you could tell Paul had gotten several good hits in, knuckles bruised and blood caked on them. David, you couldn’t tell, but you figured the gloves were now not for a personal style choice, but to ensure you wouldn’t worry. 
“What happened when we left?” You knew what happened, or at least had a general picture, but you couldn’t help but ask. 
“They got what was coming to them for touching our girl,” David said simply as you scooched further in the booth for him to sit next to you. Paul took his place next to Dwayne as Marko pulled up a chair to sit at the edge of the table. 
“They won’t be bothering you anymore,” Marko gave you a smile as he leaned his arms against the table. 
“Not if they want to live,” Paul muttered as he grabbed a menu off the condiment caddie. David’s eyes flickered to Dwayne while he put an arm around your shoulders, a raised brow sent his way while Dwayne subtly nodded in response. 
They had more business with those Surf Nazi’s, but for now there were more pressing matters, such as getting you fueled up and turning this night around. 
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thatsmybook · 6 months
A few times, I've heard Lisa and Rojda talk about how Young Royals is about the class system and a queer Prince, but also, it's relatable because not only do the cast look like teenagers, they act like teenagers in today's world. So it's also a show about teenagers. With that in mind, I'd like to talk about Simon Eriksson, working class, immigrant, and mixed race student at Hillerska, falling in love with the Prince.
Simon, in S1, deliberately kept any problems about Sara and his life at Hillerska hidden from his mum because he did not want to burden her. He lied to reassure her when she'd get worried about Sara and equally made decisions to help Sara's wellbeing at school. It seemed that he was taking care of his mum and sister when his dad left and after the abusive relationship that seemed to have really affected the whole family. This is why he doesn't share anything bad that he's going through with his mum. He's trying to protect her. He always has.
As to the comments he is getting. I think he is reading them because often they concern his family and are from the people in their town. That, along with the phone calls at night and hate-mail mentioned by Linda at the court hearing in S3 ep1, this means that he's on hyper-vigilance about threats to him and his family. So, my theory is that he is monitoring his comments and engaging to try to defuse things. But just like in all 3 seasons, his actions often lead to more problems.
This is a 16 year old kid, the youngest in his family, doing things an adult should be doing. This is very relatable for many working-class single parent families. Something to add about first-generation kids of immigrant families, having an extra layer of working to help the family navigate the country and society they're in.
Also, as to the comments, there have been many real life incidents, unfortunately , of teenagers getting hate comments online from their peers and bullied to the point of taking their own lives. Simply telling them not to read the comments may not have worked for them. (Yet so many reactors to this season think it's that simple).
Simon is getting a volumous amount of hate comments, which started right after the sex video was released in S1. At that point, the comments were in the print media.
He needs actual support, less obliviousness from the adults in his life about what is happening to him (that includes the Royal Court), and understanding about the actual effect of comments on his mental health from everyone around him. He is a victim of actual hate, and when I hear about any child going through that kind of regular abuse, my heart goes out to them.
Seeing how supportive Simon's dad could be in this 3rd season in his conversations with Sara, we can see how much Simon actually misses his dad. Because had he had a relationship with him, without the baggage of Sara's need for distance, he would have probably noticed that Simme needed help and been quite good at it, when he could manage it.
However, we as the audience seem to be blinded by Wille's more important problems, partly because the show is largely from his POV, but also because his pressures seem bigger. As a result, I've seen fans come down on Simon for not putting his life's woes in perspective to support Wille more. We start to see big cracks in their relationship and start to feel that they just won't work out.
But, they're also just kids in their first relationship. Miscommunication is completely normal at that age. They've only just been spending actual time with each other this season and getting to know each other. Yet they are dealing with adult problems, and so many of us fans are shouting at the screen - talk to each other! I feel like, if I were one of them, there is so much weight on me that I'd be too scared to open the floodgates and actually tell my boyfriend what's happening because I don't want to scare him. And no wonder they spend most of their time making out. It's the easiest part of their relationship and what gives them actual joy at the moment.
So I give grace to these characters and kudos to the creators of the show, for showing ACTUAL teenagers dealing with real life problems, amplified for drama because of the dichotomy of being a Prince and a commoner. But, I don't judge ANY of the characters when I apply the same analysis I've given here to Simon to all the other four characters. What this show requires of us adults is empathy for their plight and maybe a closer look at the teenagers in our lives. What it does for the teen audience is show them that they're not alone when they mess up or are dealing with life pressures. We as a society won't judge them. We will work to understand them and share their burdens.
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penvisions · 3 months
gone to the dogs {chapter 3}
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Pairing: Boston QZ! Joel Miller x F! Reader ; Implied Boston QZ! Joel Miller x Tess Servopoulos
Summary: A person from your past makes you feel the changes that transformed you into what you are today. A meal shared feels like another change is coming.
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, canon typical gore, outbreak fic, age gap (only by about ten years), dark fic, dark joel miller, mean joel miller, joel miller is uptight, degrading language, sexual language, heated interactions, adult language, fighting, argumentative language, mutual disdain, sexual content, implication of sex work, unprotected piv (mentioned), sexual acts, reader is snarky, reader meets joel toe-to-toe with insults and it's amazing both reader and joel pov, lemme know if there are any i missed!
A/N: this honestly came out of nowhere. i haven't been writing lately beyond jotting down scene notes and vague ideas,so i've taken a step back from forming actual chapters for the many wips i have at the moment. but this was a good thing to get down amid all the stress of preparing to move for the second time in three months
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You step back a few paces, instincts reminding you of the last time you saw the man. He looked older, older than he should if only seven years went by. But the stresses of the world made each one seem like a lifetime.
But upon closer inspection, as you realize that maybe he looks…actually in better shape than when you had seen him last. But not being covered in dirt and grime was an easy difference. No, though, he looked healthy. Far better off than your rumpled and stark appearance.
He says your real name and you feel something soften deep inside. You hadn’t heard your actual name since…no, you cut the thought off, not wanting to think anymore about anything to do with the day you lost your brother. You feel the watching eyes of Joel and Tess as the meeting with strangers turns into anything but. Your connection with one of the men seemingly the last of the outcomes they had anticipated.
“Cane.” You correct him. “My name is- it’s Cane.”
“I can call you that, if you prefer. I’m just so glad you’re okay. When that raider dragged you off, I thought-“
“I got away.” You cut him off, not wanting to reveal the way you had ended up being a resident of the Boston Quarantine Zone. It wasn’t important, it was personal, and it was no one’s business but your own now, how it had come to be the reality of your life. It hadn’t been the first blood you spilled but it had certainly been the beginning of the path you walked and paced and snarled your way around today. He must sense your snub, the way you don’t want to dwell on the past. He nods once, eyes glinting as he takes in the two figures behind you. His eyes focus on Tess, a nod to her in greeting as he connects a face to the voice he had been conversing with for a few weeks now.
Frank turns to Bill, his counterpart on the other side of the fence. Allowing you to let out a huff of breath in relief at the passed moment. Or so you thought, Joel’s eyes were heavy on you. Far too weighted and far too vigilant as he no doubt picks up more than the exchange had been.
“Let’s, Bill, let’s get them inside. Get Cane into the shower, you look a little rough around the edges. You didn’t run into any trouble did you?”
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The feeling of water cascading hot from the shower head and down your aching body was something you thought you’d never get to experience again. It was such a rare occurrence to get even lukewarm water in the zone, the water pressure weak.
A soft knock sounded through the hush of water, followed by Frank asking if you were comfortable with him coming into the bathroom. You call out a muffled affirmative, body beginning to ache from the way you had trudged through the night to get to the cordoned off city, especially after the way large hands had roughly pushed and pulled at you atop Joel’s shared bed.
“I just…wanted a second alone with you.” The man broke the heavy silence as he settled on a small bench in the room, opposite the vanity. He was worried, you could sense that much.
“That’s okay, it’s your house and I don’t mind.”
“…it could be your house too….if you wanted.”
On the other side of the door, Joel tries to keep his breathing light as he listens in on the conversation. A feeling of protectiveness hard to squash as he saw the other man slink off in search of you. There was something between you two, a shared past. A worry the other man felt entitled to have over you, the utterance of a name foreign to him but meant something to you. Joel wasn’t sure what to think, the way Tess had described him had been all positive and hopeful, a potential trading partner for things they couldn’t find in the rubble of the city remains or within the walls of the zone.
A connection to you was the last thing he had expected out of this trip. And he was on high alert for any issues that might bring to light. He keeps his eyes trained on the end of the upstairs hall, instincts telling him that Bill knows he hadn’t really been in search of a restroom for himself. Another dog with something to protect, with something to defend and fight for. The two men far more alike than they would want to admit and they had only just met. Your voice is quiet, something he had only ever experienced when he walked in on you and Tess alone. So used to you projecting it, to speaking loudly to ensure people heard you and understood the intent behind them.
The vulnerability with a man you obviously knew isn’t lost on him.
“Don’t think Bill would like that.” Cutting under his offer, you want him to realize that it would never work, his life is set up here due to the other man. Even if you were to be minimally evasive and keep to yourself, it was a life you weren’t sure you deserved let alone were worthy of being offered. It would be a disturbance to their way of life, from the gardens they tended to the house they obviously shared as their own.
“Yeah, but even so. We could convince him, if that’s something you’d be interested in. I don’t…I don’t like the thought of you all alone in the zone, fighting everyday for things you deserve to have…”
“I found my brother, I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Did…I just…I’m sorry to ask but are you- okay after-“
“It’s okay if you’re not, you know. That kind of thing, that violence changes people.”
“I am…okay, for the most part. Change or no change.”
“You don’t…I just want you to know you have a place here. If you’re…resorting to certain things.” His words are hesitant, but firm. He knows you, had known you through your college years. He had been an artist of local renown, in Baltimore. Where you had moved to go to college and stayed after you graduated. You worked with him in his own studio, helped him to organize classes for those interested in the arts and helped to manage his small gallery. But that was a lifetime ago, a paintbrush traded for the butt of a gun in your palm. A flash of teeth in a gummy smile you had offered too easily exchanged for the snarling of teeth as you bared them for anyone who threatened you.
It was a lifetime ago, the turn of your age into the next decade of your life bringing endless and adaptive change. If it was for the better you weren’t sure, but your survival was dependent on it and that’s all that mattered.
Joel feels a tightness in his chest, the inference of the man’s words of violence that had been acted out on a younger version of yourself not settling well, violence that ripped you from the one person who you had been with at the end of the world. The weight of the realization like rocks in his stomach, churning around in his middle. More weight is added as he hears the admittance of you’re the activities he had caught you in the act of doing to earn ration cards, of the activities he had been all too willing to indulge in with you just the night before.
“I don’t like doing it, but it’s kind of a ‘use what ya got’ kinda world now.”
“It’s fine, I’m not…I’m not bothered by it.”
“Honey, of course you are. Anybody would be. We used to- we used to spend our days painting and setting up gallery shows and that- that’s gone from the world now. There is no more art, there is no more humanity, there is only-“
“I’m not anybody.” You feel your lips part in a show of teeth, hissing the words out as anger flares and memories of a time passed cross your mind. You were so naïve, to think the world would allow you to be who you wanted. For anyone to be who they wanted, but now it molds you into something inhumane, weather you find yourself infected or not. “I’m a survivor and I have power in the zone, with or without those I traveled with here today.”
“Okay….I’ll let you finish washing up and I’ll get you a change of clothes, that sound alright?”
“….thank you, Frankie.”
“Of course, anything for you. Always.”
Thoughts of a younger you set in front of a large canvas atop an easel flashes before Joel’s eyes as he quietly descends the stairs. A paintbrush replacing the commonality of a gun in your grip, light in your eyes instead of a dark threat. It was an uncomfortable one, to find out just how much you had been altered. He knew the pain of being transformed beyond recognition and he hated for the knowledge of your past as it burrowed into his brain and refused to leave.
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A table is set up outside, Frank insisting on enjoying the gentle breeze that graced the day. A lace trimmed white tablecloth atop it for dishes and wine glasses and cloth napkins to be set atop. A meal to try and tide the churning waters of an agreement, the combining of two factions. Everyone is seated at one of the four sides of the small table, an extra chair beside Frank for you two to share one.
Bill’s back is to the house, to allow him a full view of the street and surrounding area within the gate of his land. Joel is opposite him and to your right, Tess is across from you. It’s all so close an imitation of family dinners you used to have before you left to embark on your own life. Though the people surrounding you couldn’t be any different.
The four of them had fallen silent at your appearance once you came down the steps. Hands itching to run over and smooth down the flowing fabric of the dress Frank had gifted you to change into. A white, floral-patterned fabric you would’ve once fawned over. But now it feels like some sick, twisted joke even if you knew the man hadn’t intended for it to be taken that way. He had been working off memories of your preferences, not knowing who you were now.
Tess’s lips had lifted at the corners, though she hid it well at the way your eyes had cut through her when you heard the small chuckle she had tamped down on. Joel’s eyes had roved over you, an expression unreadable and far too harsh in the daylight back outside. Frank had been elated, praising how well it fit you and he was so glad it was the right size, that the pattern looked lovely and you cleaned up nicely. Bill had nodded along, most likely warned by his partner to be nice to you, though he hadn’t looked to thrilled that you had been left alone inside his home. He seemed so much like Joel, though there was no worry for him to reach out and grab you by the throat.
“Well, this really is just- it- it’s amazing.” You keep your eyes downcast at your place setting, the way Tess stumbled over her words unfamiliar. She was trying so hard to keep her own tendency to come off as threatening out of her demeanor and you wondered if it was closer to the that of the woman she had once been. Shirking herself back into that mindset in order to appeal to the men whose trade you admittedly, desperately needed.
The city is getting more dangerous to scavenge as time continues on. Supplies and even everyday items so scarce it doesn’t justify the risk of sneaking out of the zone much. You worry for the future, as things only seem to be getting more dire. As the hangings increase, as the Fireflies gain traction and power among the unrest.
“Right?” Frank smiles so openly and brightly at her across from you, reaching for the bottle of wine in the middle of the table. He reaches over to fill the half-empty crystal glass before her, the scent of it strong as it catches in the wind. You take the final sip of your own glass, catching Joel’s gaze out of the corner of your eye. You feel more than see the way his eyes trace the stain of the dark wine on your lips, how it dampens them as it clings to the plush of your bottom lip. How he shifts in his seat as you swipe your tongue over it to collect the errant drops.
“Can you not, please?” Joel’s eyes shift to the gun gripped tightly in Bill’s hand atop the table. Frank’s as well, an exasperated edge in his voice. The roll of his eyes he tries to fight making warmth flare in your chest for being able to recall it so clearly and aimed at you in the past. He’s much the same man he was when you knew him, but almost…happier now despite the fall of the world. He’s found his person and that does change people, you can see it in his boosted confidence and comfortability. He’s protected here, until he wishes not to be.
“I’m the same way.” Joel offers, to bridge the gap and mind the tension in the air.
“Oh, you’re a paranoid schizophrenic too?” Frank chuckles, shoulder bumping yours but you don’t join him in the banter. You feel wildly out of place, aside from having to share an edge of the table. It had been so long since you sat down at a clean table, a dressed table laden down with crystal glasses and fine ceramic. A meal made from scratch, hot and actually tasting like food.
“I’m not schizophrenic.”
“Sure.” Frank moves to fill your glass at the nod of your head, he knows you favored red once upon a time, the perfect paring for the meal Bill had been kind enough to offer you all.
Tess clears her throat and it strikes something in you. She’s acting more like she does when she’s alone with you, letting the glimpse of who she is shine amongst the pair. It’s easy to see now why Joel is by her side, she’s much better spoken than you. She’s good at knowing what to do and when. But then again she does have a decade on you much like he does. More experience in a world that had been whole and allowed for different skills.
“Well, can I just say, uh, gun aside, which I get, by the way.” A nod to Bill, to let him know he’s seen and understood. “How nice this is to have a civilized meal in such a, a beautiful place. It’s been so long.”
The unspoken but very loud ‘can’t get these two to stay in the same room long enough to even eat rations without an argument breaking out’ sentiment hits you like a brick wall. She knows, is the first thought you have, and it freezes the blood in your veins. She knows what you and Joel did but she hadn’t voiced it or confronted you about it. Perhaps she confronted him or had just known the second she walked into the apartment last night but either way, you know you have to be honest when she approaches you.
“I just wanna say, uh, thank you. Even if we don’t end up working together. Which I wouldn’t fault you, these two tend to rub some people the wrong way. I really needed this.”
“We are working together.” Frank raises his own glass to mirror hers, his other hand reaching for yours atop the table to shake it gently and reassuringly. “We are. Even if Cane hadn’t turned out to be the third party of your group. Though it was such a pleasant surprise.”
They clink their glasses together, urging you to do so as well. Your glass now full for a second time as well.
“You know what? Let’s go inside. Tess, I wanna show you something.”
“Actually I have been…waiting to see inside.”
“No. Not inside.” Bill tries to reign them in but neither are paying much attention to the table anymore, already getting up from their seats, full wine glasses in hand.
“Darling, do you want to join us?” Frank offers, reaching for your hand to help you up. But you shake your head, not wanting to go back inside so soon.
“Oh, um, no thank you. The fresh air is…”
“Of course,” He slides a hand over your shoulder, comforting and grounding.
Bill calls out his name once, then again with more force as they begin to walk away from the table, leaving the controlled setting. Both parties are laughing as they disappear inside the house with their wine glasses. He huffs as he looks from you to Joel, not having anticipated this course of events.
“I understand.” Joel speaks up across from him. He’s chewing a bite he had just taken, a second helping taken when offered still on his plate. He doesn’t even look in your direction, his attention solely on the other man at the table. “If my, uh…if mine…brought strangers into our situation, I wouldn’t be happy either.”
“Thought this one was yours.” Bill tips his head in your direction, genuine curiosity thinly veiled in his tone.
“No. This one is on her own.” His voice hardens, giving away his distaste for the insinuation.
“I’m no ones, certainly not his.” You feel the need to speak up, not willing to let them both talk about you as if you weren’t right there. It was not only insulting, but to insinuate that you could be anybody’s was more than aggravating. Joel ignores you, but Bill’s eyes meet yours briefly, gauging you silently.
“But of all the people he could’ve found on the radio, we’re actually decent people just tryin’ to get by.”
“Oh, well aren’t I the lucky one.” Bill scoffs, eyes trained back on Joel and remaining.
“There’s stuff we have in the zone that you don’t have here. Books, medicine, machine parts. We can help each other and get that gun outta my face.” There’s a hint of the man he is in the zone as his voice pitches low, a threat that he would act on in a heartbeat with the slightest inclination. Bill heeds the threat, knowing he would meet it head on. Both aware of the fragility of the situation, both aware of their people inside the house alone with each other and getting along. Bill concedes and the gun is locked before placed back in its holster.
“So, what, you were a…prepper or somethin’?”
“’Survivalist’.” Bill doesn’t continue eating, like Joel does. Ever the picture of controlled ease as he chews bite after bite on his plate. But the language of his body is obvious to you, he’s primed and ready to lunge, ready to fight, to kill. Something you had washed off in the shower with the appearance of someone you once thought long dead. “Maybe you are decent people, Frank vehemently vouches for her. But maybe you aren’t and maybe she’s changed. Doesn’t matter. We’re self-sufficient here. I don’t need you or your friend, or her complicating our lives. Is that clear?”
Even if you aren’t focused on one of them for more than a moment, eyes flitting between them evenly, you see the way Joel glances at the perimeter fence. Seeing something you don’t or can’t, had seen since first approaching it, keeping it to himself and only revealing it with his next words.
“That fence has got a year on it, tops. The galvanized wire already started to corrode. I can get you ten spools of high-tensile aluminum. Last you the rest of your life.” He seems to think better of his words and with another swallow of chewed food, remedies it. “Lives.”
The realization that Joel could be polite, he could be cordial, and he could assert himself in a nonviolent way to appeal to someone and get what he wants without shedding blood, breaking bones, or slinging harsh words is a hard realization. All you’ve known from him is backhanded comments about your skills, about your willingness to let them into the world you had helped shape in the zone. Someone who had come in with the intention of asserting his dominance over those already in charge had faltered only when you showed your own teeth. And he never let you forget the way you had showed your belly to allow them to be a part of it, no matter how mutually beneficial the situation was.
He saw you as weak and it’s glaringly apparent in the way that he tries to appeal to the man across from him now. A man who has things Joel has set his sights on, wants to get his hands on. But it’s much more than them both being men, it’s much more than them both being so similar in nature. It’s about the respect they have for each other, it’s as plain as day. The commonality of a kinder and gentler handler of a partner at their sides. Someone to protect that have bonded with each other.
It further proves how alone you truly are. The wine sours in your stomach, the food spoils and you excuse yourself from the table. Bill’s hand is back over the gun holstered to his side but pushes up out of his chair and follows you. Joel watches until as the man follows you to where you had sought space on the curb of the street, his brow furrowing and his mouth turning down as he thinks you’ve just ruined any hope of finding agreement.
“Save it, neither of you have even considered what I have-“
“Look, I’m not much for being honest these days. The world doesn’t care anymore and I never did even before it fell. But,” He’s sitting down beside you, a grunt at the low level nearly flush with the ground. A few feet separate you, but you understand the meaning of him doing so. Willingly putting himself beside you and at a disadvantage should you be brave enough to try something.
“I wasn’t willing to even entertain the thought of reaching out on the radio. But Frank was determined to wade through the signals. And he did all of it in search of you. He’s devoted so much time to finding you, alive or dead. And when he couldn’t find word, he didn’t leave the bed for weeks. He’s been haunted by your ghost since the day he stumbled onto my land. And yet, God delivered you to him alongside two people offering trade. You say I think of you as fodder, but you don’t know me. I may not really know you, but I know what you mean to Frank. That makes this worth the trouble and the risk. Not some one trying to appeal to me across the table, not some woman who Frank is set on impressing. It’s you. I can see through the act of that one back at the table a mile away, he’s behaving though he doesn’t want to. But you haven’t tried to hide you who are, what you are.”
“I didn’t feel the need to, not here, not with Frankie.”
“I know you may not be the same person he remembers and share stories with, but he’s gone through all the efforts to set this up. He was going to ask them if they had any word of you, he never gave up hope that somehow you had survived that raider tearing you out if his grip as you both ran from the ambush of their group. Something tells me you have the sway the two with you think they have, have become accustomed to because you allow them to reap the rewards of it.”
“It’s a partnership. Protection for equal shares of everything. I provide the knowledge. One person alone can’t hold their own any longer, certainly not in the zone.”
“You have the knowledge.” He agrees quietly, his eyes locking with yours as you look over at him.
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“We’re you runnin’ off to?” Joel’s voice doesn’t startle you, but it’s unexpected in the doorway of the back porch. You had slipped out of your room the second you were sure everyone had been settled long enough to sleep, or at least resolve themselves to trying to rest for the night. It can’t be easy for either Joel or Bill to rest knowing the other doesn’t trust them, but you hadn’t anticipated anyone leaving their rooms at the late hour. Stars twinkle above in the sky, visible through the windows unobstructed by screens. You had just wanted to come out and see them, get some fresh air.
“Didn’t want to impose.” Your voice is quiet, though not in meekness, it’s swathed in the worry of waking a house full of people.
“We were offered rooms for the night, wouldn’t call that imposing.” He exhales heavily as he moves to stand beside where you are before one of the large panes of glass, looking out. “Besides, Frank seems to be easy on you, doubt he would say no to anything you needed.”
“Yeah, well, room’s too big, house is too big.” He watches you, catching the sight of your eyes tracing the landscape bathed in night and shadows. You absently wonder if he can smell the body wash you had used earlier, different from your own back in the zone but had washed the lingering scent of him on your skin all the same.
“Can’t get outta the gate on your own.”
“No, but it’s better than being stuck in that house.”
“It bothers you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Truly, you don’t. There’s no way he’s privy to the feelings and desperation to push down memories of the past that have endlessly bubbled up today, trying to drown you as they reach for the surface.
“Don’t play dumb, we both know you’re not.” His hands rest on his hips, the clinking of his belt buckle ever present loud in the silence of the night. Of the open land just beyond the enclosed porch. “You’re uncomfortable because they’re in a room and me ‘n Tess are in one.”
“I couldn’t care less about the sleeping arrangements.”
“Then what is it?”
“It doesn’t matter.” You think to tell him of how suffocating it was in that room, not because you were alone but because of how much it reminds you of where you used to live. But Joel isn’t one for you to be open with, to share honestly with. He’s been nothing but demeaning when it comes to any humanity you dare to show, conversations with Tess cut short the second he opens the door to wherever you are. The reason you don’t linger or share meals, the reason you don’t know why he had allowed for last night’s activities to happen and now they feel heavy, like a mistake you had let yourself fall into that never should have happened.
“Cane.” When you don’t respond, he voices the name Frank had called from behind the fence when he recognized you. It’s like an arrow to the heart, striking true and killing that part of you all over again. A name you had never expected to be called again, let alone by Joel Miller as he tries to get you to speak plainly with him. For once and never likely again.
“Drop it.” Your voice rasps, the scream you feel building in your chest desperately trying to break free.
“Not until you tell me.”
“Just because your mouth’s been on me-“
“That’s not what this- Jesus, fine, be difficult like you always are. I’m goin’ back inside.” He’s turning away, stepping toward the back steps. You hear the sound of his boots on the wood but only the first step before he’s whipping back around with a glare. “If this falls through, it’s on you. Not me and not Tess, you. And if that’s the case, maybe you should begin to consider that offer to stay here. And if that doesn’t pan out, don’t come crawling back to us.”
You don’t look at him or think of telling him the deal has been made because of you, and his steps take him further away from you, leaving you to sit on the outdoor furniture that reminds you too much of your old home. Of the one you once shared with family, of the one you had shared with Franke. Both more than likely just rubble or overtaken by twisted and decayed cordyceps. You feel the scream thicken your throat, swelling it up to make you try to gasp out for air to release it but it comes out as a harsh prattling sob. Your resolve to be strong cracking for the first time in years.
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111 notes · View notes
xxblairexxss · 1 year
Hunt Game (Charles Leclerc x reader) (p.3)
Series contain stalking, harrasment, sexual violence.
Word count : 5.5k
The first encounter.
Chapter 3
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You had never gone this long without going out of the house. You couldn’t even look out the window when you loved spending time on the balcony. Ever since you got the text messages, you have been living in constant fear. Fear of being watched, being stared at, being followed—but for some reason, you didn’t really want to tell Charles because it could be some kind of sick joke because, whether you liked it or not, your life wasn’t as public as you wanted it to be now that you had become Charles’ fiancée.
Charles, on the other hand, knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know how to bring it up without you shutting him off over and over.
"Hey, Charles! What’s up?" 
So, he opted to reach out to Lizzy and Martha because if you didn’t tell him anything, you would have told either of them. "Hey, Lizzy. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”
"No, not at all. Did you have a fight with Y/N?” It was unusual because she knew Charles and you would never get into a big fight. Lizzy would have described the relationship as all glitter and sparkles, as cliche as it sounded, because she knew both of you were just made for each other. There were a few silly arguments that you had told her, but never one that went so bad that it needed a third person to settle it down.
"No. I just wanted to ask if Y/N has ever told you anything recently. Anything odd?" He brought the phone away, being extra vigilant about every sound since he didn’t want you to find out about the call.
"No? As far as I remember, there wasn’t anything bizarre. Did something happen?"
"I’ll call you back. Thank you, Lizzy.” The call ended right away when he saw you walk out of the room all the way to him for a hug. "Hi, baby."
"Who are you talking to? You had heard him talking on the phone, but the call happened to end right when you were about to bother him, so you couldn’t catch what the conversation was about.
Charles rested his chin on the crown of your head, hands stroking on your back. "It was no one, baby. Do you want to go on a walk around town?"
"No, thank you. I just want to stay at home.”
"You don’t want to keep me accompany? I’m all alone." He smiled, seeing the way the ends of your lips lifted up as you touched his cheek. "What if someone hits on me?"
"Well, I’m sure my fiancé is a very loyal guy.”Charles didn’t say anything, but you knew that looked very well. It was the same look he had when he caught you trying to hide your plan to celebrate his birthday. The look that told you he knew you were keeping something from him. "It’s nothing, love. I just don’t feel like going out."
"Sure, then."
He was vexed; you saw it from the way he clenched his teeth, but Charles, being Charles, would never push you to talk if you didn’t want to. You felt bad because it felt like he was beating himself for not being able to do anything. He was ignoring you on his way out after grabbing his stuff, and you tugged on his sleeve when he was about to turn the door knob. "Can you wait for me while I go change?"
"You don’t have to join me if you don’t want, baby. It’s fine."
"No, wait for me. I’ll be quick. 5 minutes!" You left his side and quickly changed into proper clothes, at least without your Disney Princess-printed pyjamas.
Charles pinched on your cheek as you walked out in your matching pair of sweatshirts in brown, looking much more put-together. "I like you more in your mismatched socks."
"Shut up!" He laughed as you punched him in the chest. "Everyone’s going to make fun of me if I come out looking like that."
"No one’s going to look at you except me, baby. He followed behind, locking the door on his way out. "And so what if you come out looking like that? People are free to wear whatever they want.”
"Okay, sir. Don’t think too deeply about this.” You chuckled, seeing the way he was so serious about it as both of you walked past the emergency door. Charles felt the way you grabbed his hand, clutching it so tight, but didn’t say anything.
Your grasp on him stayed throughout the time, and he just thought it made you look much more adorable clinging to him the whole time. Contradictory to the last time you walked on your own, you had a very fun, chill time with him. He kept on pulling a joke, poking fun, and it erased all those scary incidents you had a few days ago.
"Baby, what do you call a small mother?” He was already in a fit of laughter before you could come up with an answer.
"Stop laughing! I’m trying to think!” He was stumbling and still laughing, which cracked you up as well. "I don’t know. What is it?"
"A minimum." He was expecting you to throw your head back, but you were too stunned to even react. "What? It’s funny!"
"You are so lame! How is that funny?” He looked offended which made you felt bad for not giving him the reaction he was anticipating, but you ended up laughing as he looked so cute, pretending to be hurt from being called dull.
"It’s funny, okay? It’s my kind of joke."
"Baby, wanna join me?"
"No." You stuck out your tongue, and he tugged on your hand, pulling you back towards his body, where he had nothing but a short pant with a towel draped along his broad shoulders. "They are interviewing Margot Robbie in 1 minute! I need to catch it live."
"Are you seriously choosing that over taking a shower with me?"
"Yes! Let go! I can’t miss it.” He rolled his eyes and smiled at the way you ran out to the living room, hurriedly turned on the television and folded your legs, feeling giddy from the intro alone.
10 minutes into the interview, your phone wouldn’t stop ringing. The text tones rang within every second, pulling your attention away. Lizzy must be getting into another fight with his boyfriend again because the only time your phone would go off this bad was when she got her boyfriend forgot to close the toilet lid or Martha complained about her life as a mom.
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Your blood ran cold. It was a picture of you and Charles walking out of your apartment. He was there. He was actually there, but you were too abstracted and unaware of your surroundings whenever you were with Charles. Deciding to ignore the text again, you put the phone away and try to take your mind off it when the text tones turned into an upcoming call. The number on the screen was the same one as the one who had been texting you this whole time. It rang, your phone vibrated for a minute, and it turned back to a black screen. Then it rang again and again, this time without any gap in between each call. You eventually picked it up, hoping it would stop, but you regretted it almost immediately.
"Stop calling me!"
The other end of the line was silence. You would have expected them to go off judging on how urgent the phone calls came in, but all you heard was the sound of someone breathing.
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"Please stop calling me."
"I miss you.” They spoke in a low voice, sending chills running up and down your spine. You were about to end the call when they started to sob. "I can’t go on a day without seeing you. Please open the door."
Then came a knock. It wasn’t a loud one full of urgency. It was a soft, gentle one, but eventually turned into an aggressive one; the door handles moved up and down in a forceful way, making you tremble as you stepped away.
"Open the fucking door, Y/N.” They whispered and you heard them started laughing through the call, and the knocking stopped.
When Charles walked to the living room, he saw you leaning against the wall. He heard the sound of something dropped hard from the living room which he assumed was the sound from your phone which was facing down on the floor as he saw you in the state. His brows knitted when you came running and threw yourself against him, making him stumble back before hugging you back. "I’m scared. Please tell them to stop. You need to help me, honey.”
"Woah, slow down, baby.” He cradled your head against his chest while trying to catch you blathering against him shirt. "What’s going on?"
"Someone —" The knock on the door came again, and it made you shudder with horror. Charles was quick on his step to open it, but you pulled him back, shaking your head persistently. "Don’t open the door."
"Why?" The knock came again.
"No, please, don’t open the door.” Charles looked back as the sound of knocking came again. "Please, please, don’t open it!"
"Okay, okay! I won’t."
"I don’t feel safe.” You muttered. For once, the home you had been living in for years—the home that had been the witness to the growth of your relationship with Charles—became frigid, cold, and unfriendly. "I don’t feel safe, Charles."
"I don’t know what they want." You felt tears well up in your eyes as Charles cupped on your cheeks.
"Who are you talking about? 
"I don’t know.” Your words became a mumble when you clung on to him, too tired to talk about it even more. It was tiring because you badly needed him to make it stop. You knew he would be someone who could put it to an end, but how would you be able to get him to help you when you didn’t even know where to start? You were only able to say, "I don’t know," because that was all you knew. How do you explain to him that you had been living with a constant feeling of being watched, and it all happened all of a sudden? You were doing fine, living in your colourful bubble of life last week, and then it all went down the graph without notice.
It was exasperating as well, because you didn’t even know what they wanted. whether it was something serious or if it was all just a sick prank. You did get a number of messages from Charles’ followers at one point in your life where they said some nasty stuff, but it eventually stopped without you having to tell your fiancé about it. It made you think that maybe this could be one of them as well,
that maybe it will stop.
So the calls and messages remained as your surreptitious secret.
Charles wanted to push further because none of the words you said made sense. He had never seen anyone. He didn’t know why you went frantic over a knock when it wasn’t anything new. The delivery man would always leave a knock or two to confirm that they left the packages in front of the door because pressing a bell would cause too much fuss, especially if there were plenty of packages being delivered at different times.
Later on the day, when you were trying to distract your mind by working on a puzzle piece in the room, he went to get your phone that was left and forgotten. He didn’t turn it on, though you wouldn’t mind it. Just like how you were free to check on his phone. He didn’t feel the need to check on it at the moment, so he put it aside. He even went to open the main door, and just as he expected, there were plenty of packages placed outside, meaning the knock from earlier had to be from the delivery man.
Were you losing it? What was going on? But he didn’t tell you. He didn’t say anything about the knock or the packages because, though he hadn’t seen anything absurd, he knew something was bothering you.
It felt like breathing fresh air from your hotel room.
You badly needed this change of scenery. While Charles needed to be in the paddock early in the morning, you chose to stay behind and spend some time alone. Just like any other race week, you would bring your journal book and go to a random cafe that Google suggested. It wasn’t anything new, and Charles knew that too.
He perceived it probably had something to do with you being in a different country, but he was glad that you were still sticking to what you loved to do, even after what happened last week. Not saying that it all had ended, though he wished it had, but at least you weren’t being anxious all the time.
"Have you brought your sticker set? 
You chuckled. "No, I don’t need them. I just wanted to write on the page, so I only need,” You picked up a few pens and highlighters from the table. "this!"
"Why not?" Charles put on his watch and walked towards you, hands placed on your waist.
"Because I feel like writing today.” His lips on your shoulder lines made you giggle.
"Call me if something happens, alright? Spam me with pictures and texts." He left more trails of kisses on your neck, making you laugh on purpose, as that was all he needed to hear before he left.
"I know! Go now or you’ll be late, honey.” You whined, pushing him towards the door. He should have been at the paddock by now but still taking his sweet little time. You could never get how he never felt anxious about being late.
"If I don’t pick up your call, then just —“
"Call Joris. I know! Good luck, honey!” You tiptoed and pecked his cheek before shooing him off. He would spend another 10 minutes lecturing and reminding you about the same thing over and over if you didn’t stop him.
"Here’s your double chocolate macadamia cookie."
You had been sitting at the cafe nearby your hotel, updating your journal and trying to draw a few random things you could think of when the waiter placed a plate of cookies on your table, one that you didn’t order. "Oh? I think you got the wrong table because —"
"I don’t think so. Someone paid and asked us to give it to you. Enjoy!"
You had been staring at the cookies since the minute the waiter walked away. Anything with macadamia had always been your favourite, but you weren’t sure if you should just take what was given to you. Even if it was given for free.
"That looks good.” You looked up from your table and saw a guy dressed up in a black jacket. He casually took the empty seat by your side and placed his sling bag on his side. The way he acted so relax made it seem as if you had made a plan to meet up with him beforehand. You were taken aback, and it was very obvious from your expression because he cocked his brow, waiting for you to say something.
“I—um," You kept on looking at his seat while trying to figure out the most acceptable words without coming off rude, but it seemed like he had gotten the idea off from your expression.
"Oh, is this seat taken? I’m not going to be long. You write?"
He looked at your journal, and you realised his iris moved and trailed the lines of words you had written, as if he was reading it so you subtly moved your hand across the page before closing it. No one has ever read anything in it except for Charles, and you certainly didn’t feel comfortable having a random stranger invaded not only your space but your privacy.
He realised you weren’t comfortable because, just like your fiancé, he had actually analysed your body movement for weeks, but it was his first time seeing you up close without the paddock barrier.
and without Charles.
"I write too.” He bent down and took out a green notebook with a striped marker pen, placing it on the table. "I thought you liked macadamia; why don’t you eat this?” He lightly pushed the plate of cookies and you looked away, feeling painfully unbearable from his way of approach.
You didn’t reply, and you hoped he would leave you alone, but he stayed, eyes glued on you, as if he wanted you to know he was looking at you and wasn’t gonna back down though you had been ignoring him. You saw he tried to come up with another topic as he straightened his back, but before he could say anything, your phone rang.
"Hi, baby. Where are you?” Charles’ voice came on the other line.
"I am at a cafe near the hotel.” Your voice almost came out as a whisper.
"I got a few hours of break before P2. You want me to come pick you up?"
You wanted to stay longer, but not when there was a stranger who happened to sit at your table, staring at you with his fist clenched, as if he were ready to throw a punch at someone, so you said yes, though you didn’t actually want to bug him.
"Are you leaving?” He asked when you took your pens, which were scattered on the table. "Stay with me."
"Leave me alone!" You winced when he suddenly grabbed on your wrist.
"What is wrong with you?!” He had a wrathful voice, the same one you heard on the phone last week. You should have trusted your gut. Right after he sat by your side, you smelled a very distinctive smell, the same one from the elevator incident, but you tried to play it cool because you might be exaggerating to think that there was only one person in the room with the scent, but it was all connected when he raised his voice as he pulled you back on your seat.
"Let me go, or I’ll scream.” You went back, and he let go right away, but you didn’t miss the disgruntled look. It was the look that made you feel like he was capable of doing something more.
Charles brought you back to the paddock where you stayed in Ferrari’s hospitality, away in a place where no one could come in except if you were part of the invited guests or you worked for the team. You felt much safer in here, wishing for the rest of the week to pass by without any other scary encounters, but little did you know, there were a few pictures taken by someone when the man sat by your side.
Someone he had asked for help and came prepared with a camera.
Like always, you would always arrive at the paddock with Charles early, as he had a busy day ahead with the media before the actual race. While your fiancé got caught up in his schedules, you had been spending time with Kika at the restaurant. She was Pierre’s girlfriend, and you had met her earlier this year when they both started dating. Though she wasn’t someone whom you would meet at least once a week, both of you would always be together every race week.
"I met a creepy guy last Friday.” You gave in. You wanted to keep it hidden and sealed in your little box and get it buried under the sand until it eventually faded away, but it was hard because until you shared it with someone else, it would keep on lingering in your head.
"Who?!" Kika’s eyes widened.
"I don’t know. I don’t want to assume things, but I felt like he was the same guy who had been following me back in Monaco.” You replied while tracing your fingers on your wrist, recalling the grip he had on you.
"Did Charles know?"
You looked at her perturbed face and bit your lips. That was enough of an answer for her, because she looked at you with incredulity. "I don’t want him to be worried about me."
"You are his fiancée. He’s always going to be worried about you, even when you tell him nothing.”
You heaved a sigh. "It’s okay. It will probably stop soon."
"What if it doesn’t?"
"It will." You reassured her. No, it was more like you tried to remove your own doubts that it would get better soon.
If only you knew what he had planned for you, you wouldn’t actually wait a second to tell Charles about this.
When the whole catching up session came to an end, you were walking back to Ferrari’s hospitality when someone yanked on your arm and forced you to follow them somewhere secluded. 
The small, narrow area in between the buildings.
"Scream then. I would love to hear you scream my name. Stay still!”
You squirmed in his grip, brows knitted together, trying to perceive his words. You didn’t have to get a clue from his scent now that you recognised his face. His deep brown eyes bore into yours, one that sent chills to your body even if you only caught a glance from it. The deep smile lines that developed around his cheeks when he smiled at you, the kind of smile that made you shiver. The way he looked at you was the same way as a lion salivating over a deer. You felt naked. He traced his tongue across your neck and you felt disgusted. He was so close, glued on your body that you could feel the way his chest rise within every breath he took and he was so, so calm.
Before you could do anything, he pushed you aside and walked away, mixing in with the rest of the strangers.
"See you in a few hours, baby. Wish me luck?”Charles gave a cheery smile and engulfed you in a hug.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed you on the cheek. You had only seen him for a few minutes when he occasionally dropped by to pay you a visit in between his rests, and you were thankful because it was so short that you weren’t having a hard time trying to hide your shaken state, therefore it wouldn’t distract him from the race that was less than two hours away. "Good luck, honey. Come back to me in one piece. Promise?"
"Promise." He locked his pinky with yours and brushed his lips on your finger before leaving the room. "I love you."
Unknowingly, his phone had received two pictures from an anonymous number as soon as he handed his stuff to Andrea. One that would cost him the race if the text came a minute earlier.
When the race ended, Charles was required to change into a much more comfortable outfit before the post-race press conference, and that was when he finally checked his phone. As soon as he saw the pictures, he felt paralysed. It was a picture of you with another man, seeming to be holding hands at a cafe, while the second one was a picture of you hugging the man, which seemed to take place before the race as you were wearing the same clothes. There weren’t any other texts that came along. No other clarification. It was just a clean snap and sent.
"Oh? Have you done with the press conference?" You looked up as he walked in, assuming that the scheduled plan ended earlier or it was postponed.
"Would you mind explaining this?" He handed you his phone, and the prominent cheek apple on your face vanished right away.
"Where did you get this?"
"Oh, so that’s much more important? The first thing you could think of was not what happened, not to clarify who the man was, but where I got it from." He was in such utter disbelief that he couldn’t form any other words and just let out a chuckle. "If you need time to come up with an explanation, then I’m giving you time.” He stormed out, leaving you unnerved.
After the press conference, he walked back into his room to take his stuff, and you sat there, feeling invisible because not only did he not say anything to you, he didn’t even spare you a glance.
You were on a call with your parent with no earphones or AirPods in. Though he wasn’t in the camera as he walked in, your mom saw it when you looked up from your iPad, your head moving left and right as if you were looking at someone behind the camera.
"Is Charles back, honey?” She asked.
“N — not yet, mom.” You glanced at him as he put his phone charger into a small bag and a few other things on the table while playing deaf.
"I haven’t talked to him for a while. Is he doing fine?"
"He is doing fine..” He then walked pass your side and left. There was no trace of him in the driver’s room anymore. All there was left was your stuff. Your hair clip, your phone, your jacket, and your handbag. Everything that belongs to you that you have yet to pack.
Since you had lied to your mom that Charles wasn’t finished with the press conference, she went on to talk about a different topic, seemingly to think that you were in no urgency to end the call while you, on the other hand, were so sure that Charles would have been at the hotel already. The only thing that stopped her from continuing her next topic was when you told him you were running out of battery.
"Bye, mom. I’ll get back to you later. Take care of yourself!”
"You too, darling.”
You pressed the end call button and made haste to gather your stuff right away, putting them all in your cute tote bag while your lipstick, lipgloss, and any small makeup products were in your small handbag. You had always been someone who could never do anything in a rush, and Charles was probably resting in the hotel room by now, so you didn’t see any point in chasing the time because you still needed to grab a cab.
That was what you thought until you opened the door and saw Charles standing outside, playing with his phone while he was leaning against the wall. He put his phone away when he saw you in the corner of his eyes and took a step closer to take the stuff you had in your hand.
"I thought you left..." You mumbled.
"I’m upset, but you are still my responsibility. I’m not leaving you here all alone.” Charles replied, yet it felt so distant. It was dry and monotone, which was enough to tell you that he wasn’t done yet with the issue. "Stay here." Just as he thought, you would always leave something behind no matter how many times you checked, so he always had to go into it again, regardless of how bothered he was. And there he saw, your hair clip on the couch and slipped it into his small bag before walking out, leaving you to chase after him.
"Did I leave anything?" 
"No, you didn’t.” He couldn’t help but to grin a little when he saw your slight smile, feeling a little proud that you weren’t being careless this time without his help.
As if the steaming hot water could wash away those burning feelings on your skin, you spent what felt like hours in the bathroom scrubbing every part of it without realising that it was reddened and irritated until you looked at yourself in the mirror. You felt strong emotions towards resentment then you were afraid of him. It felt like you allowed him to have the upper hand for being too weak, and baulked at yourself for making it worse now that it entangled with your relationship with Charles.
When you were done with the last step of your skincare, you walked out of the bathroom to see that your phone and iPad were all connected to the charger. Charles must have checked them while you were in the shower, though he hasn’t been talking to you.
He was well dressed, standing in front of the mirror, and combed his fingers in between the curls of his hair while you remained seated on the bed, hugging your legs against your body.
"I don’t want to go." You muttered, breaking the cold air in the room.
He remained still, eyes still locked on his reflection, while you waited for his reply, which didn’t come.
You scooted a little further on the bed and tugged yourself under the cover. You didn’t have to look back to know he was already gone to the post-race party when you heard the door close. That was when the tears you had been holding in the whole day came rushing all at once, and you didn’t have to hold back every sob now that you were left alone.
"Charles!" Pierre arrived at the lobby to see his friend alone, sitting in one of the fancy armchairs, with arms resting on his legs as he played with his phone. "Where’s Y/N?"
"She’s in the room.” Charles’ reply was short and stiff.
"Okay…? I smell a fight.” He replied, joining him. "Was this about the creepy man?"
Charles’ fingers stopped scrolling on his Instagram feed as he looked up at the other guy. "What creepy man are you talking about?"
Pierre’s mouth formed an ‘o’ when he got the slightest idea of what was the issue here just from the question. "She didn’t tell you?"
"She told me nothing, dude. Literally nothing. She probably think I was incapable of helping her.” He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
"Kika told me Y/N felt like someone had been following her. It could be the same guy she encountered back in Monaco.” Pierre grasped his friend’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "I don’t think she’s not telling you had anything to with your incapability. She probably thought it was a right thing to do and wanted to figure it out on her own.”
If Pierre had the ability to see what was in Charles’ mind at the moment, he would have seen those lines from dots to dots of him trying to think of any correlation from what Pierre had told him with the way you were acting last week and the pictures he got from an anonymous number.
It couldn’t be from the same guy, right?
"Oh, there’s Kika. Wanna tag along?” Pierre stood up as his girlfriend joined the group.
"Oh, I’m not going to the party, actually.” Charles gave a smile and shook his head, declining the offer.
"Then what are you even doing here?”
"I’m waiting for my food delivery. Y/N hasn’t eaten anything.” He turned his phone back on and clicked on the food delivery apps to check the estimated time of arrival.
"What?" Pierre stared at his friend in disbelief. "You are waiting for your food delivery looking like that? Like, I get it, you are the Charles Leclerc, but you kind of went overboard. Just join us, dude."
He rolled his eyes and straightened his white shirt. He was indeed dressing up as if he were ready to get drunk, but you only told him you weren’t going at the very last minute, so his actual purpose of leaving the room was to order your favourite food and wait for it to be delivered down at the lobby. "I’m not going if Y/N’s not going. You know that. You two have fun."
The sound of the door unlocked made you flinch in your bed. Charles walked in with a few paper bags in his hand, and you sat up in surprise, seeing him coming back only after an hour. He took off his watch, placing it back where it was before he left the room. "I thought you were asleep.” He blurted while rolling up his white shirt sleeves up to his elbows.
"You are not going to the party?” Your voice was small, a little quivering as you tried to hide your sobs.
"No.” He saw you wiped the tears from your cheeks with the back of your hand, obviously lacking the courage to react or act on your true self in front of him after the disagreement. The tear-stained cheeks looked more obvious now that he sat down in front of you. Though it had only been a few hours since the argument, he felt like he hadn’t seen your beautiful face since forever. You felt his eyes on you as you sat up, giving him a tiny smile that you could master after you patted on your damp cheeks. The smile that gave his heart an ache, making him feel bad for blowing up on you like that. "Come here, baby."
When he pulled you in for a hug, you would have wished you hadn’t put on any skincare that night because another round of hot tears streamed down your face, and you squeezed your eyelids shut in the hope your tears would stop while you clung to him.
"I’m sorry." You wept in his arms, choking up on your tears.
"It’s okay, baby. It’s okay." He ran his arms up and down your back as you cried in his arms for as long as you wanted, until your sobs ultimately subsided. "We are not talking about it tonight, okay? I know you don’t feel like telling me yet. It’s fine. And I don’t need you to cry again because,” He rested his hand on your chin. “your eyes are puffy enough.” He chuckled along with you before standing up to get the paper bags. “Let me show you what I got for dinner.”
You gasped at the huge amount of selection as he bought out one after another. The paper bag didn’t seem heavy as he walked in with it, so you weren’t expecting the table to be full of food. It could feast a group of people. "How did you get this? They don’t do delivery?”
"It wasn’t that hard.” He replied, taking the cutleries from the paper bag and handed a pair of fork and spoon to you. It was actually hard. He called the restaurant and he was denied at first. He had to arrange someone who could drive 40 minutes all the way to the restaurants and prepared a list of order on the side so it would be easier. Not to mention that he had to change the order a few times as some of them were not available. It was a whole workout he had down at the lobby.
Charles’s coming back to the hotel wasn’t in his plan. He had been standing near your room, thinking of a way to get you out of the room without looking suspicious on the surveillance camera, but the driver had to come back and ruin everything for him. It didn’t seem like the pictures he sent were enough to cause a storm in the relationship but that should be fine. He had a lot of things planned.
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle @scenesofobx @mrsmaybank13 @vildetry06
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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sludge-saturday · 3 months
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pairing: connor rk800 x gn!reader
summary: fresh out of the revolution, connor is still adjusting to his deviancy. his very existence has given the word "life" an entirely new meaning, and he is experiencing some inner turmoil surrounding his true purpose now that he has free will. will you help him navigate these complex feelings?
tags: comfort, fluff, upset connor
warnings: none!
word count: 1,483
a/n: HUGE THANK YOU to @thiriumstains for submitting this request!! for the purposes of this fic, deviated androids can cry when their systems are overloaded with information, and mimic human-like sleep behaviors when going into sleep mode! i hope you enjoy :]
☆ as your keys jingled in the door handle, you could hear the vigilant barks of your golden retriever and hear the sound of his paws trotting up to the doorway. connor, with similar dog-like reflexes, started getting up from his place on the couch as soon as he heard the clamor from the entrance to your shared apartment. opening the door you excitedly greeted your furry friend as he jumped on you, licking your face in appreciative excitement.
☆ "y/n, welcome home!" connor said. eager to assist, he takes some of the bags out of your arms and sets them on the table. like the gentleman he is, he helps you out of your jacket and hangs it on the hook next to the doorframe. you turn around to look at him, feeling refreshed just by the sight of him after a long day away. and, just by looking into connor's eyes, you can tell he feels similarly. with this shared glance of cherishment, your bodies are like magnets with the way they move toward each other for an embrace.
☆ "i've missed you so much." connor sighs, resting his head on your shoulder. his grip on you was strong, as if he was finally finding solace after running from something stronger than him. your bodies lingered in their positions for a moment before you both pulled away, connor's hands squeezing your arms before dropping to his sides. you studied his face unconsciously and realized that something looked amiss about the way he looked. his cheeks were glistening and his eyes looked glossier than normal. "connor," you started cautiously, afraid of upsetting him. "are you feeling alright?"
☆ connor's eyes widened slightly, a micro-expression that most wouldn't notice, and he straightened his posture. he felt as though he had been caught doing what he wasn't supposed to. the truth is, he didn't know what was happening to him. he has only been deviated for a few weeks, and this was the first time since then that he's felt so... overwhelmed. but he couldn't tell you, the thought of doing so only amplified the sensation. trying his best to maintain his usual calm and collected appearance, connor unknowingly gave you a sad smile. "all of my systems are perfectly functional," he lied. "what makes you say that?"
☆ looking into connor's eyes as he tilted his head to the side, you saw more than he was letting on. his gaze looked pained, specifically the kind of pain that you feel you must hide for the sake of others. neither of you knew what deviance would hold for connor, but you were determined to help him through everything. "i don't mean to pry, but you look upset. don't feel obligated to tell me anything you don't want to, but i want you to know that i'm here for you." you smiled gently at him to punctuate your message.
☆ shame continued to bubble within connor, steadfast and and committed. he didn't want you to see him like this, but, deep down, he knew he couldn't keep this at bay any longer. all it took was one blink for tears to drip down his cheeks once more, and your heart clenched at the sight. connor's hand flew up to wipe his face, embarrassed that he couldn't control what was happening to him. actually, it was quite frightening for him.
☆ "i'm sorry, i-" he whispered, eyes cast downward. the tone of voice in which he spoke revealed just how out of control he felt. "i don't know what's happening. my optical units- my eyes- they don't need additional lubricant." it was concerning, to say the least, watching the usually composed android unravel like this. you reached out and pulled him close to you, making a silent promise to yourself that you were going to take care of him. "what's wrong, connor?" you knew that you were gonna have to coax him through this, that he needed guidance through this uncharted territory.
☆ "i don't have a mission," he spoke, just above a whisper. taking his frame in your hands you turned him to face you, his face was perturbed and his eyes still lowered. "what?" you softly urged. his teary eyes met yours with a look of disbelief. "...i don't have a mission. what am i supposed to do without a purpose to fulfill? without a goal to meet?" connor's voice shakes. "my entire existence has been ruled by objectives. i was activated to serve as a tool for humans to use, and i was okay with that. but now... now-" he covered his face with his hands, leaning forward as a heavy sob shook his body.
☆ your hand instinctively reached to rub his back as he wept, your touch letting him know that he didn't have to go through this alone. he wasn't used to this: to not having feelings, to people wanting to know how he's feeling in the first place, it was all too much. he's never experienced this kind of input running through his circuitry before. "do you want to talk about this?" you said, continuing to rub his back. he lifted his head back up to eye level, looking so, so broken.
☆ he didn't want to, he couldn't admit that he needed help. all he'd known was how to be the help others needed. how was he supposed to accept it for himself? connor stayed silent, staring at the ground as more tears rolled down his cheeks. in an act of immense courage, connor nodded, and that was all of the confirmation you needed to try and lead him into the right direction. "the truth is, us humans, we don't know what we're doing either. we may seem like we already know what our futures have in store for us, but some of us, not all of us, know deep down that tomorrow is never promised."
☆ connor sat and listened. he didn't interject, become distracted, or avert his gaze as you spoke. "it's more than okay to not know what your destination is yet, what's most important is that the journey is savored. part of having human-like qualities is to doubt, to question, and to be unsure." you paused, getting up from the couch to move toward your shared bedroom. you reached out your hand to him, knowing how much he's valued physical touch since he deviated.
☆ "and don't forget, you still have duties you can fulfill at the precinct. no one's gonna take that away from you." you said, walking the two of you through the doorframe. "but you also don't have to be tied to that place anymore if you don't want to. its your decision, in the end." you moved to your dresser and rifled through the drawers for pajamas to wear. connor did the same, itching to get into more comfortable clothes. you both faced away from each other as you changed, but the conversation did not cease.
☆ "it will take a lot of getting used to, this freedom. i'm not doubting that. but i want you to know that i'm gonna be here for you the whole time." you finished changing and moved towards the bed. "even if you think you have no one, you'll have me. got it?" you affirmed, peeling the blankets back. nestling inside, you patted the spot next to you on the bed. "come," you beckoned. "i'm sure you're exhausted." connor walked over, still silent, and slid underneath the covers.
☆ you smoothed a hand over his hair as you two laid side by side, facing each other. "the beautiful thing about this is," a yawn overtakes your sentence. "you are now the director of your own destiny. no one gets to tell you what to do anymore. its up to you to decide what you want your mission to be." your eyelids grew heavy as your hand slid down to rest on his side protectively. "this is your life, connor. you have the power to choose how it unfolds for yourself."
☆ your eyes fluttered, fighting the creeping, persistent grasp of slumber. connor noted this, and, with the same small voice he spoke in before, he whispered: "thank you. i... need time to process... and reflect... but..." he paused again. "thank you." connor shifted his eyes from looking down at the mattress to meeting yours, but yours were already closed. aching to join you and to finally release this burden for the time being, he began the process of entering sleep mode.
☆ taking in his last moments of wakefulness, he couldn't help but wonder: did you hear him? his eyes were closed, but he felt the mattress shift as your dog jumped on the bed to snuggle between you two. as he laid there, counting down the seconds to sleep, he swore he could have heard the ghost of a voice float through his auditory processor. "always." it said.
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Ocean Deep Ch1 Premise
In a world where inhuman and human creatures lives side by side, sometimes it was difficult to navigate where things were. So there was rules EVERY human followed. Don't engage. If you left them alone then they almost always left you alone... Unfortunately it's difficult when a whole pod happens to be under the impression that you belong to them.
This is set in a fantasy world with very little tech. Think Howl's Moving Castle kinda tech world. Also more Bride concept cuz I like it.
This is heavily inspired by @firelillys on Tumblr merfolk au. Please support all artists linked/mentioned here with their own works!  I'll be providing important info for our mer cast and leave links for a better image of what they look like. I wanted to pick pretty fish for them all so some of the original fish ideas were scrapped from the first drabble.
Kyojuro would be a lionfish such as the one drawn by @yuki2sksksk on Tumblr linked below.
Tengen would be a white butterfly koi fish and would look like the linked post below except less eel and more butterfly koi also below.
Merman Tengen (minus the eel like features)
his tail would be more like this instead 
Hinatsura would have a tail that starts out red then fade to pink and would have sorta spotted like patterned semi flowing fins being a Strawberry Peacock mer.
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Makio would have an orange-gold tail with flowing fins being a Golden Dragon Koi mer.
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Suma would have a blue tail with more ruffled fins compared to everyone else being a (all blue) Halfmoon Betta fish mer.
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With this out of the way let's get onto the chapter.
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In a world where inhuman and human creatures lived side by side, sometimes it was difficult to navigate where the danger lied. No where was safe. 
The fae ruled the forests. Fairies and elves. Pixies and gnomes. Pans. Mischief makers. If not careful they'd whisk you away. Never to be seen again.
 The dwarves and dragons claimed the mountains. Proud and strong. If insulted they'd be incredible does to crush you.
The skies were never safe either. Run amok with harpies. The plains ran with herds of centaur. The night plagued with vampires, werewolves, and demons. The day ran with fauns and tieflings and shape shifters. So many dangers and so many things to look out for. Especially when it came to courting a mate. As they say
"Beware the monsters who lurk and live amongst the world. Beware of those who seek courtship from maidens. Do not engage. If you ignore and leave them alone then they'll almost always leave you alone."
You must learn to learn their language and not be tricked by anything. Stay alert. Stay aware. Always stay vigilant.
And never let your unmarried daughters near them alone-
The sky was beautiful today. That's all really you could think to yourself. The fresh scent of flowers filling your sense of smell as dead flower petals was swept away with the dirt and dust. With each step you took the sounds of distant crying was heard. F/c eyes only stared at the floor where bristles met the ground and pushed them all away... Eventually you did spare a look briefly over your shoulder and felt your heart sink. 
The Kocho family stood there. Or..what was left of the family.
The man hugged his wife tightly to his chest as she sobbed uncontrollably into his shirt. It was the most recent travesty really. Two months ago their youngest daughter, Kanao, had gone down to the river just down the old dirt road and through the woods a bit, to gather more herbs which they sold alongside the medicines in their family shop but she hadn't returned for a few hours. Then when their two older daughters went to go look for her, they two never came back. Panicked, a group of men including Mr. Kocho and the girls' grandfathers had gone out on a wide man hunt searching deep into the nearby woods and combing the long beach nearby for any trace of the missing sisters. Nothing ever came up. No footprints or scraps of fabric. It's like they've never even existed! Some say that they were claimed by fairies. Others say a ghost spirited them away. One person whispered that a flock of harpies might've flown them away.
Whatever the case, they were gone and it's unlikely that they were coming back.
The parents had already accepted that their girls were probably not coming back and was here to make flower arrangements for a memorial service the family was hosting in their honor and memory. Your boss was standing in front of them holding a few sample petals for them to choose from. In the middle of their talk, Mrs. Kocho had burst into tears, so the older woman gave the couple a moment to process their own emotions.
This wasn't the first time a young girl disappeared into thin air. 
When you were a little girl, your next door neighbor was a beautiful woman named Rei. Her pretty brown eyes and kind personality made her a favorite person to everyone. She loved going on night walks, but one night she didn't return from her walks. Her father moved his entire business three towns away a little after that. Another case was a girl your age who disappeared last year, Mitsuri. According to her brother, she ran into the woods to be alone after her fiance brutally broke up with her. As he went to find her, he saw her being carried away by a giant black and white naga, the boy had fled as fast as he could back but by then it was too late. Then later that same year, you heard rumors about a girl named Koyuki and her father disappearing from a boat ride near the river but since that didn't happen in your town, you didn't know if that one was true.
It wasn't always young women either. Sometimes it was young men that went missing. A famous case from up the mountains was the disappearance of Kagaya Ubuyashiki. The last anyone had seen of him was he was walking along a patch of birch trees. Witnesses said he was last seen speaking to a white haired woman before he vanished. People say she was a white birch spirit. Another famous case was Tokito. Again not in your town, but he was a lumberjack that often went into the mountains for wood but one day never returned.
Nevertheless it was both scary and tragic. 
Which was why there was a few unspoken rules your parents always taught you before they passed away. Never go anywhere alone. Never trust mysteries strangers. ALWAYS carry protection with you. Never go out late at night. Stay away from deep woods. But above all else-
They were all bad and will try to trick you. Don't trust a single one. Do not engage. Like clockwork you've always taken them to heart. Always looking over your shoulder. Keeping your guard up. Keeping a dagger on you at all times. Never going out at night for any reason. You weren't gonna be carried away by some lovestruck creature! It helped a bit that you loved in the middle of town and rarely went into the woods for any reason. 
"It's an excellent choice. These flowers are very beautiful. I'm sure your service will be beautiful." Your eyes finally turned away from the sight. Your sweeping resuming as your boss politely escorted the couple to the door. "Don't worry about the delivery. It's on the house. ...You both have my up most condolences." She bowed one last time to the retreating couple.
A sigh escaping from your lips. "It happened again..Why does this happen so much?"
"Because there are creatures who have become so fascinated by the easy prey of our kind. A human is seen as a trophy of sorts. A thing to show off what you have but others can't have..." The old woman slowly closed the door. "We must remember that as humans, there are those who will hunt us."...Old black eyes turned to yours. "You're a young, beautiful woman. Possibly the most beautiful woman in town now. I wouldn't forget to be careful during these times."
"Don't worry. I'm not allowing myself to be trapped by anything."
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autismnation · 1 year
Summary: There’s barely any fics of Hobie doing punk things even though he’s punk so here—you meet Hobie at a riot and get along instantly.
Pairing: Gender Neutral Reader x Hobie Brown
Warnings: Anarchist reader. Talks of politics and discrimination and fascism. Mentions of blood + mentions of injury (not detailed). Mentions of a riot (not detailed). Can be read as platonic or romantic. Gender neutral reader with no y/n. 2nd person POV. Hobie might be OOC because I haven’t read all of his comics yet. Fluff (I guess?). Little bit of angst. Hurt/comfort (I think?). I’m British but might have used Brit slang incorrectly (I just typed down every slang word I’ve ever heard to be honest). I projected my views in this fic so if you don’t agree then sorry not sorry don’t complain lol.
Words: 1.6k
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Flames engulfed the sky, cars overturned, windows smashed. People screamed as they fled through the streets, dodging tear gas and riot police.
You could barely manage to find refuge in a nearby alley, sinking against the wall as you stared at the cut on your leg. It wasn’t too deep but it was oozing blood at a constant rate. You thought you were on your own until you noticed someone walking toward you.
“Let me ‘ave a look at that,” the man said when he was close enough, a black bandana covering his face.
Startled by his words, you tried to shuffle backward and get away from him, but your injured leg made it hard.
“Get away from me,” you demanded, your voice firm.
You didn’t know the man, and due to the darkness, you couldn't see anything about him. You didn't know if he was a cop, a fellow protestor, or someone involved with neither. Either way, you were afraid to find out.
“Relax, mate,” the man said, his voice calm. Even though his face was obscured, you could hear the friendly smile in his voice. He had a tall and lanky appearance, opposite the muscular cops who would abuse anyone given the chance.
“Just want to help. If I was a cop, would I be wearin’ this?” He gestured to his bandana covering his face. “The fuzz don’t wear these, do they?”
You furrowed your brow at his words and leaned against the wall behind you, resting your head against it. He made sense. Didn’t mean you trusted him, but the pain in your leg was intensifying with each passing moment.
“I guess not, unless they’re undercover,” you said, then shook your head. “But I don’t care anymore, just help me.”
“That’s what I’m ‘ere for,” the man said, hooking his arm around yours and pulling you to your feet. “But we gotta get outta here. Now.”
Before you could process his words, he dragged you through the streets, sprinting and rushing through alleyways, remaining vigilant for any sign of cops.
Luckily, there were none. None chasing after you.
Suddenly, the man pushed you in front of him, guiding you up some stairs. Pushing open a steel door, you entered a partially demolished room, with one wall completely gone, overlooking the street. You could see the riot still going on, but it was impossible to determine if it was successful. There were more cars on fire than before, and the cops seemed never-ending.
“Hey, let me take care of ya,” the man said softly. He grabbed your shoulder and forcefully pulled you away from the scene, sitting you down on a disheveled and rather uncomfortable sofa.
The man pulled down his bandana, displaying the piercings adorning his face—a septum, two nostril piercings, snakebites.
His brow furrowed in concentration as he retrieved an antiseptic wipe from his jacket and got to work tending to your cut. You winced and your leg jerked. He held your leg in place, grip gentle but firm.
“That's a blood nasty cut,” the man sighed. “What happened? Did they get you with a baton?”
You shook your head, “No, it was glass, I think. I didn't escape quick enough when the first explosion went off. Were you there?”
“’Course I was," the man nodded, glancing up at you. “Name's Hobie Brown.”
You told him your name before glancing down at your cut, which looked much better. “What's the diagnosis, doc?” you joked. “Am I gonna live to see another day?”
Hobie let out a dramatic sigh and shook his head, “No, we’re gonna have to cut it off.”
“You got a prosthetic on you?”
“Nah, I’m kiddin’,” Hobie chuckled as he bandaged your leg. “You just ‘ad a nasty scrap with some coppers, nothin’ major.”
“Thanks,” you smiled at him, feeling a warmth blooming in your chest. “Thanks for taking care of me. Both physically and emotionally. Usually, I go home and have a massive cry.”
“It’s alright, I’ve been in similar situations. You’re not alone,” Hobie smiled back before sitting on the sofa beside you, one arm leaning on the back of it and almost wrapped around you. “So, what’s your story? You live around here? How come you ain’t scared of getting injured or arrested?”
You shrugged, “I don’t...I don’t really have a story. And I am scared, I’m just even more scared of having more of my rights taken away. So I gotta do something. It also helps that my anger overrides my fear.”
“I’m sure you’ve got a story. At least, it’s in the makin’,” Hobie replied. “So, what made ya pick up the fight?”
“Because fascists are cowards who need to die.”
Hobie laughed and clapped you on the back. “No nonsense, I like it. Couldn’t agree more. They ain’t got no place ‘ere. Respect others, help others, y’know?” Hobie said and pointed to the wall opposite you, reading the spray-painted words.
“Do no harm, take no shit,” you nodded in agreement, pointing to the pin on your jacket.
Hobie’s eyes widened a little. “Damn, that’s a wicked jacket. Mind if I take a look?”
“Go for it,” you said, and Hobie immediately started exploring every inch.
It wasn’t intrusive or uncomfortable. He did it with the excitement of a kid, running his hands over each pin and admiring the sewing on your patches. He gently touched the spikes attached to the material and let out a chuckle.
“That’s badass,” Hobie grinned wide. “You made this yourself?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I got the jacket from a charity shop and made mostly everything myself. I made the spikes using cans.”
“Cans? I never would’ve thought of that,” Hobie commented as he ran his hand over your spikes again and let out a small hiss when one of them poked him. Then, he took a pin off his own jacket and placed it in your hand, “From me to you.”
“Eat The Rich,” you read aloud, smiling. Then, you secured it onto your jacket and gave him one of your pins: one that read ‘courage is contagious’.
“You think I’ve got courage?” Hobie said, flattered, “I thought I was just gobby.”
“You are, probably,” you joked, “But you’re also very brave.”
“Not brave, just got no choice,” Hobie corrected but secured your pin onto his jacket anyway, “I can’t stand by and watch the world go to shit. The fash need to be sorted.”
You leaned over and flicked him on the cheek, making him laugh, “That is bravery, idiot. I mean, yeah, maybe to you it’s the only option, but I know plenty of other people who just lie down and take it. And I’m not calling them cowards because it’s their choice not to fight back, and it’s understandable given the many risks involved. But you are brave, Hobie Brown.”
“Other people probably disagree,” Hobie shrugged, “I just don’t wanna be controlled. Hate the government, always have.”
“Me too.”
“I can tell,” Hobie laughed before pointing to the anarchist pin you had on your jacket.
“Power’s nothing but a problem,” you replied simply.
Hobie nodded, “Power, money, fame don’t mean nothing. ‘Specially not in this shitty, capitalist hellscape we find ourselves in. I’m tired of all the greed and corruption. I’m tired of seeing people suffer and go hungry, go homeless, and being kept down by the man. All them posh heads up in their ivory towers, they don’t understand us normal folk. I bet some of them can’t even fathom where we’re coming from. They’ve never had to fight for their rights, or fight for their meals.”
You listened intently, breaking out into a grin, “You should do speeches. That was really good.”
“Speeches?” Hobie repeated and laughed. He had always been more of an action-oriented person. “Nah, I think I’d make a right hash of a speech. I prefer screaming into a mic.”
“You sing?”
“Decently,” Hobie shrugged, “Got a band. It’s called ‘Anarchic Arachnids’.”
Your eyes widened, immediately recognizing the name, “Oh, shit! I was gonna go to one of your concerts but then some work stuff came up.”
“Shame. We’re quite good in my opinion,” Hobie smirked.
“Yes, the lead singer’s opinion is very reliable,” you said sarcastically.
“So, you got a team like me? Or are you rollin’ solo?”
“I’m rollin’ solo,” you told him with a light shrug, “Well, mostly. I used to go out with some work friends sometimes, but then Osborn raised the taxes, so I’ve got barely anything on me now. I gotta steal food from shops just to have enough.”
“Stealin’ from the shops, eh?” Hobie nudged you playfully with a smirk, “Me too. Though I haven’t eaten anything much good since the riots started. All the shops near me got burned down or looted, so I've barely got anything to scrape by.”
Your heart hurt at Hobie’s words—no person should struggle to eat, and it hurt even more so because you considered Hobie a friend.
“That’s a bunch of bullshit,” you frowned, reaching over to place a supportive hand on his shoulder, “Why don’t you come back to my place? I’m not the best cook, but I do make some good beans on toast…Mostly because it’s cheap and easy, so I’ve perfected it, but still. I can make you a meal and also give you some cans to keep you going for a bit.”
“You offerin’ me food?” Hobie chuckled. It wasn’t that he thought it was stupid or a bad offer; he was clearly pleased but surprised. “I’d appreciate that. Means a lot, ya understand? Don’t even matter if I go back with you or just take some food, I appreciate your kindness.”
“I’ll do both. C’mon, I don’t live too far away,” you said and grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the sofa with you.
Instead of leaving with you, Hobie wrapped his arms around you and hugged tightly.
“Really, thanks,” he murmured and you could only laugh to yourself.
Seems like you wouldn’t be solo any longer.
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Please tell me you’re writing something for the new Unknown CG….(I’m politely asking if you could) 🩷🤞
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What a curious man your former boss was.
Even after all this time, there were moments when you couldn't tell what was going on in that head of his. It wasn't always a bad thing, though. In the past, it kept you on your toes, it made you think twice before you tried anything. Anybody in your position would have been vigilant of him after what he did, but you didn’t hesitate because you were afraid of a man who could’ve been blown over by a strong gust of wind. 
You hesitated because every word out of his mouth didn't match the look on his face. The domineering laugh, the twisted cackle, and his cagey hands were nothing compared to the dead look in his eyes that had no hope left to spare. It wasn't hope you needed, rather, that was what he desperately wanted. 
For a man who prided himself on apathy, it was a surprise to see the truth behind his eyes, covered only by years of lies that kept him alive in Mint Eye. But, seeing him for who he was gave you chance to know him as he was today. Snarky, sullen, resourceful, sweet, and devoted. You wouldn't trade anything in the world for him, even if you two had a strange way of showing your affection toward one another.
"Look at me," he grumbled.
"I'm looking at you," you replied. The water rippled against the fabric of your dress as he settled his head against your lap. "I don't think I'd want to look anywhere else, boss-man."
"You don't have to keep calling me that," he said. There was a notable roll of his eyes as he sighed. "I haven't been your boss for a while now. I told you to call me by my name, [Y/N]."
"I don't know about that. Sometimes your eyes crinkle when I call you that name and it's the cutest thing. I don't know if I can't help myself anymore if that's what I get to win every time I call you my boss-man, boss-man." Your smile grew as his eyebrow twitched.
Even if you didn't have to call him that after you left Mint Eye, it was a special nickname. He had plenty of those for you, too. Though, there was something just as special as hearing him use your real name for a change. Names weren't something you shared back then, opting to use titles and comebacks instead to poke at each other while all you could do was push against the walls like caged animals.
It might've be dehumanizing at first.
But, it settled into a new normal at some point. It felt like a part of who you were and who he was. His hand found yours after that pause separated your thoughts from his.
"I'm yours?" The amused smirk spread across his face. "I don't think I've ever heard you say that before."
"I'll say it again if you want that moment captured on camera as well," you said. Your thumb was pressed firmly against the trigger beneath his head, after all. "It's your birthday. I'll make sure you have as many memories captured on film as I can give you."
He squeezed your hand. "I never want to forget that I'm yours."
You smiled. "You won't"
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00127am · 8 months
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ASTEROID BLUES is a cowboy-bebop inspired, x afab! reader fic series that revolves around the futuristic misadventures of easygoing bounty hunter, ln yn.
info. wanted posters are not full plot synopsis. for individual fic information, please click on the 'here' underneath each section. sfw fics will be posted on 00127AM, while all nsfw works will be posted on ROCKSTARYUTA.
soundtrack. tank! seatbelts young jesus logic kimidakenotenshi soul scream interlude: past to present nct u
living bounty to bounty, who's your first target?
WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ──── ✈︎ sfw johnny suh ⌖ space cowboy ― fellow bounty hunter wanted for his ... unorthodox methods. the only problem? he's hunting you too. SESSION I. black dog serenade kim jungwoo ⌖ high roller ― wanted for a number of debts owed to some of the galaxy's most powerful syndicates. try not to get too distracted by that charm of his, or else you'll find yourself toeing the line between professional and personal. SESSION II. gateway shuffle huang guanheng ⌖ bartender ― wanted for the commodification and underground auction of information. secrets traded for a drink. watch your words and your glass. SESSION III. easy come, easy go lee donghyuck ⌖ con artist ― wanted for fraud, embezzlement, and that silver tongue of his that seems to constantly get him into trouble. or save him from it. whatever you do, just don't manage to become his next mark. SESSION IV. see you space cowgirl, someday, somewhere! liu yangyang ⌖ pilot ― wanted for illegal gambling and racing. in his world, the most important thing is staying one step ahead--so don't fall behind. SESSION V. boogie woogie feng shui zhong chenle ⌖ heir ― wanted for his outrageously large fortune tied to his namesake. he's playing a dangerous game in the galaxy's elite circles, so tread carefully, lest you become entangled with his high-stakes world. SESSION VI. honky tonk woman oh sion ⌖ journalist ― wanted for learning something he shouldn't have, wrong place, wrong time. whatever you do, don't underestimate him. after all, you know what they say, the pen is mightier than the sword. SESSION VII. stray dog strut maeda riku ⌖ thief ― wanted for his most audacious heist yet. a heist that involved stealing from the wrong person this time around. a person who wants the phantoms thief's head on a platter. be vigilant, or you might miss him before you even know he's there. SESSION VIII. see you space samurai click here if you have any further information about these fugitives
BOUNTY WORTH ₩2,500,000
WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ──── ✈︎ ®️ nsfw lee taeyong ⌖ hacker ― wanted for the infiltration and theft of millions of megabytes from the 119 conglomerate. he probably knows where you are before you do. ever heard of a digital footprint? SESSION X. cowboy funk nakamoto yuta ⌖ hit man ― wanted for the assassination of the galaxy's most prominent politician. watch your back. in his line of work, you rarely see him until it's too late. SESSION XI. hard luck woman qian kun ⌖ igp officer ― wanted for arresting the son of one of the most notorious cartels in the galaxy. he's not very willing to roll over and be captured, certainly not when he's trying to arrest you. SESSION XII. waltz for venus kim doyoung ⌖ doctor ― wanted for preforming back room operations and illegal modifications. his medical expertise is only second to his ethical ambiguity. try not to lose a limb. SESSION XIII. ganymede elegy xiao dejun ⌖ entertainer ― wanted for his most recent scandal involving a heated affair with the igp chief's wife. one that was destined to end poorly from the start. the world is his stage, avoid getting caught in the spotlight. SESSION XIV. pierrot la fou mark lee ⌖ collector ― wanted for the prized artifact that lies deep within his vault. seems like your employer is willing to do anything to get their hands on it, including sending you to charm your way into stealing it. SESSION XV. brain scratch lee jeno ⌖ informant ― wanted for the dissemination of information regarding neo zone tech. hailed as a whistleblower, he's wanted galaxy-wide. just don't believe everything he says, or you might just find yourself amidst one of his rumors. SESSION XVI. sympathy for the devil click here if you have any further information about these fugitives
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taglist. @evilsailorsenshi @222brainrot @firstdonutllamafarm @yangasm @sunflowerbebe07 @scinclaitnoir @hyuka-bby thank you for supporting me! ♡ ⤷ for those who are / are not on my general taglist : please let me know if you would like to be included on any of these fics taglist!
──── ✈ see you space cowboy ...
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The ABC's with Xiao
Hello Hello! It's my best friend's birthday~ So like last year I thought I would make a little something for her. This time with another best boy Xiao instead of Grimmjow. Please enjoy!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Xiao is a simple man at heart who really likes peace and quiet. It's not often that he can just rest so his favorite thing to do with you is relax, maybe take a nap in the sun or just hear you talk about your day
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
The honest answer is that Xiao admires everything about you from your head to your toes. He adores you for you but if he really had to pick just one thing it would be your eyes. No matter the color or shape to him they are beautiful, with those eyes you see the world and you see him. Not as the vigilant yaksha but as Xiao
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He is a very awkward person who's never been the best at dealing with people and even now that holds true. With somewhat stiff hands Xiao offers you a warm blanket and hug. He shares a plate of his favorite almond tofu and maybe even sings you song he heard until you can calm down
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Because of his karmic debt Xiao tries not to think of the future. In his eyes it's better to just let himself enjoy what he has now then think about what he could get or lose. Still he does hope you'll spend forever by his side
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Xiao is very passive. For the most part you stand on even ground but when it comes to planning or wanting to go out you need to be the one to set things up as Xiao is more then content with lazing around when he can
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He tries so hard to avoid fighting with you all together so whenever it does happen he sulks off by himself in hopes of not making it worse. Unless it was a truly horrible fight Xiao forgives you the moment you want to make up
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Xiao is grateful for everything you do for him, from just asking how he's holding up to making him something for dinner or planning a date. He loves everything you do for him
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Nothing is ever kept hidden from you. Once the two of begin to date Xiao doesn't want to hide things from you, he likes knowing that someones on his side no matter his past
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You both change each other for the better. Xiao was unsocial and scared of ever getting close to others but with you nothing feels too frightening. In the same way he's helped you get stronger and more confidant
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Secretly, Xiao gets very jealous. Due to his withdrawn nature he often stays in the background and has to watch as you go about your day, interacting with all kinds of people and making friends. It makes him feel like he's going mad but he doesn't want to cause a scene so instead he waits for when it is just the two of you cuddling up. where can remind himself that you picked him and only him
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
A terrible kisser at first who get better the longer you're together. The first kiss was sweet. A little awkward sure, a learning curve you had to overcome together but it was the mark of something new
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It's a silent confession. More spoken through actions than words. Xiao will give up everything if it means saving you and that alone is a confession but it was him letting you see him at his lowest point that said the most, a silent " I need you here with me. Always."
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Xiao isn't really the type to care about something like marriage. In his eyes it's not needed to show you love someone but if you ever wanted to he would be okay with it.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Just your name. He likes your name and sees no reason to call you anything else. Perhaps once he called you his haven but it won't be often
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Xiao is one of the most obvious when it comes to being in love. Everyone can see it, his eyes grow softer, he comes a little more talkative when you're the subject of conversation and of course there's the ever present blush when you stand near him despite his warnings. Though he's never been good at expressing it Xiao loves you more than words could say and at this point all of Liyue knows
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's such a blushy boy. Xiao doesn't enjoy the attention of others on him so PDA makes him very embarrassed and unsure of what to do. A kiss the cheek and maybe some handholding is the most he can handle lest he combust
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
No matter where you are, just call his name and he'll rush to your side. The winds of Liyue will always be ready to lend you a hand. Plus a free room at the inn!
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Not the most romantic. He wants to make you the happiest you can be by his side but he's never had someone this close before so he's not really sure how to do it. His love is silent but always present its just sometimes hard to see
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Out of everyone in the world Xiao believes in you the most now. He thinks you're amazing no matter your struggles and will want to help you when he can to see you achieve your dreams, he's also gonna be there to catch you if you fall
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Routine is something Xiao comes to be fond of with you. His life is full of danger from both the battles he fights and his own past so when you settle down and find something that works for you both it always leaves him feeling warm and fuzzy
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He's not really empathetic but he will try his best to understand your line of thinking. He is however really good at remembering things about you. From the small things you mention in passing to the important things you share with him nothing is forgotten
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
The only thing that could really mean more than you in his life is the nation he swore to protect. This is his home and though it may no longer be led by the man that saved him it's still important to him. Though he'd rather die than ever have to chose one
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
You called him XiaoXaio once and it nearly broke him. He never gets used to your affection and when he's feeling down it makes him just a little happier to hear you call him that
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Most definitely a cuddle monster. He's a starving man for love and attention once you get him past the first feelings of awkwardness. Though Xiao isn't very good at asking for any of it he does crave it
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He leaves a lot when demons are roaming around so missing you has become normal. From time to time he can be gone for days or even weeks on end. Plus you sometimes leave to travel for a month or so. He just goes back to the Vigilant Yaksha during these times. Closed off and cold though anyone who sees past the mask knows he's just sulking
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Xiao will do anything for you and your relationship. Whether it's giving his own life or limb, to fighting hordes of enemies. He'll break his vow of interacting with other humans for you or dote on you when you're ill. For you nothing is too much
AND THAT'S A WRAP! I got it done on time! I really hope you like it @bird-brained-plague-doctor. Another year has passed and there's plenty more to come so lets enjoy it to the fullest! Credit to @snk-warriors as that's where I got this list from. Thank you all for reading. Have a good day or night~ Lilly
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blazestar3450 · 6 months
My first try at fanfiction that I actually finished.
Have some VR-LA and MR-SN... fluff? angst? I don't know what it is.
It was done pretty quickly so constructive criticism is accepted as I want to get better at writing
Newfound Memories
As VR-LA walks through the ship, his newly found memories start springing back to him. Talking to K-LB about the mechanics of the ship, playing a game of Dragon chess with C-RA, learning about what it’s like being devoted to a deity from AS-TR and enjoying some calm silence with E-DN. Yet one memory seems to be nagging at him the most.
So he goes up to the deck. He walks over to the railing and looks out on the Astral Sea. The reflective surface showing just his own face. Until something else comes up next to it, a familiar face. One he’s only seen a handful of times before regaining his memories. The calm yellow eyes of one of his best friends, MR-SN, stare back at him.
“So, still trying to get used to the sea huh?” he says to VR-LA. VR-LA sort of stands there stunned for a second, unsure of what to say, his face still showing that inquisitive look he always sports. “Yes. It is strange yet… comforting. Just a new feeling to try and understand”.
“Good”, MR-SN replies. “I’m glad it’s not too uncomfortable. It took a couple other members some time to get used to the sea.” VR-La stands there, still trying to process what he’s seeing. “You know I’m glad we found you. You’ve been a fantastic scribe VR-LA. I imagine Vigil would be proud”.
VR-LA seems shocked to hear the name of an Ad Astra crew member. “Vigil?” he questions. “Oh yes!” MR-SN exclaims. “I haven’t told you about that yet have I? Well, you remember the Ad Astra right? The ship we found in Thuldanin. Well, it’s my theory that each of us are descendants from that crew. While I can’t confirm it, I still feel we all have a part to play in finding where they all came from.” MR-SN explains.
VR-LA sort of sits with that for a moment. “Hm… It’s certainly possible. They did seem to all scatter after they crashed the ship” he says. “Exactly!” MR-SN exclaims. “Plus it would explain at least the subject of my dreams”. VR-LA remembers when MR-SN first confided in him about the fact that he could dream. It was something he had never heard of before. Mechanites couldn’t dream, right? Yet he trusted MR-SN. He hadn’t lied to him yet.
“Do you think we’ll actually do it? Break through the Blue Veil?” VR-LA asks. “Of course we will. We haven’t failed at any task put in front of us yet. This crew is set for anything. All of you are fantastic at what you do and I have no doubt that you’ll all make it to where we need to be.”
“MR-SN…? I um… I don’t know what to say except thank you. I really appreciate your confidence in me.” VR-LA says. MR-SN smiles. “Of course. You’ve shown time and time again that you’re skills are needed on this ship and that you’re a perfect fit for this crew”.
At this moment VR-LA reaches out to try and hug MR-SN. But before he makes contact a voice breaks through. “VR-LA!! We’re here!!”. As the memory fades away and MR-SN disappears much the same way his Starry Apparition faded a couple months prior, VR-LA looks to the helm to see Kyana looking back at him. “Get the others!” she calls out to him.
VR-LA, trying to hold back tears, nods and goes to find Dani and Vhas. “Thank you Mystra. It was nice to see him again” he says as he descends back into the lower decks of the ship.
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