isabellexlaurent · 27 days
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Phantom Creek Bio
Was once a whore at the brothel she owns. Belle saved up the money and was able to buy the place after the previous owner disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Very motherly of those whom she takes under her wing, including her adopted children, Judas and Divya. She plans to leave them everything when she retires.
She doesn't really care one way or another about the murders unless it involves her people. A bit of excitement in town has proven good for business.
•Ex-customers of hers (Leon, Jax) •Possible romantic interest to convince her sex isn't just transactional •Confidant/drinking buddy (Max) •Friends •Rival
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naz-ulusoy · 2 years
New World AU timeline: Naz Ulusoy
2030: The Hack was a big detriment to Naz's business, a lot of details about the cases she had been involved in and protected was leaked to the public. She worked hard to contain the information but eventually, they decided a treaty would be better for everyone. During this time, Naz noticed that her spirit powers were getting more erratic. This slowly becomes worse over the next few years.
2032: Some news came to light about a case that Naz covered and an angry husband came looking for Naz, first at her work and then her home in Chissob Hills. After a few altercations, Naz came home to find her home on fire and the husband laughing at her misfortunate. In a fit of rage, the spirit lashed out and killed him. Watching as her home went up in flames, Naz spent a few hours transferring her money and funds to Judas Samara. She visits the vampire before she takes the final step, wanting to say goodbye to him. Judas was her oldest friend and someone she loved dearly so setting them up for the rest of their life was important to her.  
2033: Tuzi Kanin is born in Perth, Australia. The young boy loves to dance, something he told his parents he used to do before but when he was a ghost rabbit. They laugh it off as part of a story he must have heard on TV.
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2053: Despite knowing about the supernatural going ons, Tuzi accepts a scholarship and moves to Vievecor to study ballet and theatre. He meets Judas Samara by chance and can't help but think he knows them from somewhere.
2058: In the current year, Tuzi continues to study and perform but he is not clueless to what is going on. He grew up seeing discrimination to his family and those around him and he never tolerated it but he knows there's little he can do to help them. When given a chance, he'll help hide or assist any supernatural who gets caught out in his apartment or dance studio before they can move to safety but he wishes he could do more. Running into Judas again, he agrees to assist with hiding outcast supernaturals before they can be relocated to a safer location. 
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isabellelaurent · 2 years
New World Bio: Isabelle Laurent
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Isabelle has had little faith in humanity for the majority of her lengthy life, and the hack did not change her opinions.  It displeased her, having them so involved in her life. Though she tolerated humans and advocated for their safety in the council, Isabelle would have preferred not to interact with them. However, an opportunity is an opportunity, and Isabelle would hate to dismiss it. She approached the public as the vampire elder, dropping her human persona, and stated her cooperation in the supernatural-human treat. Her human counterpart had garnered quite a reputation for all her martyr-like behavior, and naturally, some went to Isabelle as well. She began working with the P.S Group giving vague, semi-accurate information about supernaturals. 
During the decade-long treaty, nothing significant happened. However, she felt the public’s view on supernaturals, specifically her kind, change. Members from the Sisters of the Night began disappearing, most noticeably Daphne and Vivian. She sent search teams to look for them, which continued for a few decades. Things further escalated when members were killed. Though never having a high opinion of humans since the beginning, Isabelle begrudgingly accepted them as a formidable force, something that could tip the careful balance the world set in place. 
The final line was the taking of the Shard. If it could not be hers, it had to be one of Izak’s companions. But humans? It could not be. She gave her species a warning not to engage but did not stop those who did. When questioned by the authorities if they were under her orders, she did not answer. Instead, she gave them a sugar-laced threat of what would happen if they hurt her people. 
In the 40s, Isabelle closed the Umbrim Auction Houses and sealed two of them from the ground. Below lay a vault built by her sire sibling when they first arrived in Vievecor. It was proved inaccessible to humans and remade into an underground sanctuary for supernaturals. Isabelle resided there when vampires were declared a public enemy, fully against humanity. Back in the day, it would have been so easy to shut humans up. However, they now held immense power and the supernaturals were in scatters. The P.S engineer she seduced had no more information to give and was disposed of in a fit of rage. 
When she heard of an assassination team being formed to kill Park Sung-Joon, she immediately offered her services. By this time, Daphne had been recovered, depowered. Filled with indignant hatred, Isabelle went forth with the assassination plan. Though successful, it ended with her and Elio’s capture. For the first time, she was depowered (temporarily, since they did not expect her to live further than a few months.) More than two thousand years of experience, of strength, of beauty, gone. She was tried in the court of law, stripped of her jewels and glamor, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Before her execution, a group of vigilantes, including one Judas Samaras, broke her out of Zamok.
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gildedxink · 28 days
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Maxine Rogers - Phantom Creek
Max, daughter of the town crazy, but she wont let you talk shit about her father when you're around her.
Jax is her uncle that she adores and unfortunately has to call on more than she'd like to.
Max can and will shoot you, if you ask she'll tell you that her daddy taught her when she was old enough to hold a gun.
She owns the local Saloon because she wants to, its an easy way to fill her days and watch out for unwanted noses in the Rogers business.
Miss Rogers, has shunned off most attempts for suitors. Between her angry mouth and not willin to give out her daddy's secret she remains a bit of pariah but she makes good drinks.
They don't know where momma went, Max stopped asking when she was 4 and has always answered. "Hell if I know, but if she aint here it doesn't matter. Focus on your own business now, thank ya."
Father - Will Rogers
Relatives - Jax (uncle)
Dating -
Exes - Caia
Best Friend - Gwen
Friends - Ayumu
Employees - Gideon (npc)
Enemies - Daphne
Business partners - Artus
Potential Plots:
Currently trying to keep her bestie out of a marriage... is it just cause their friends?
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will-rogers · 28 days
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Phantom Creek Bio
Claims he was here since the towns founding and his Papi helped build the place
Cares very deeply for his daughter, Max. He will not hesitate to get violent with anyone who dares to even look at her the wrong way
Pays for everything with gold nuggets from a mine he found in the desert. He refuses to tell anyone about said mine but keeps coming back with more nuggets
Says his actual job is pickle man although no one ever sees him work
Is killer at cards. Do not challenge him as he will swindle anyone at the card table
Named his horse No One
Is in a feud with a goat
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thejax-reed · 3 months
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nakatomi-ayumu · 3 months
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Ayumu's Wine Festival 2024 Outfit
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gwen-lycaon · 25 days
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Phantom Creek AU
Gwendolyn Lycaon-Cavill | 25| Seamstress| Widow
Gwen was the youngest child of the Lycaon Family. She has always been the most connected with her eldest brother Caleb. When he decided to move into the mountains at 18, it had crushed the youngest sibling. She'd always hoped that he would one day change his mind and return to civilization but after several years she reluctantly accepted her brother's wishes. She still visits him often, ensuring that he has the necessary supplies to survive out there.
The Lycaon and Cavill family have been friends for generations, one would say almost like family. So it was no surprise that when Gwen came of age, Samuel, the youngest son had proposed. Gwen had always had a childlike crush on Augustine, the eldest, but she figured it was time to let go of her childhood fantasies and agreed to marry Sam.
Gwen had followed in her mother's footsteps and became a seamstress. She was able to get jobs in town here and there while she raised her children, such as sewing and repairing outfits for the brothel in town. Her husband never approved of her work, but Gwen insisted on holding onto what independence she still had left.
Samuel died in a mining accident about a year ago, leaving Gwen and their two young sons, Henry (7) and Liam (5), to manage on their own. Gwen had been able to get by for a few months on savings and her job as a seamstress, but money grew tight. In another string of bad luck, a recent storm caused severe damage to their family home- repairs that Gwen could not afford.
Gwen and the boys moved in with Auggie, much to her protests and stubbornness. Now that they were in such close proximity, her childhood crush had started to reappear, along with increased anger and grief. This anger was only fueled by the rumors circulating around town and Auggie's proposal for marriage. Fearing it is out of pity or convenience, she continues to decline, despite them growing closer with each day.
The recent murders have the youngest Lycaon in a state of irritability and fear, for the safety of her family as well as Auggies. She's constantly suspicious of those she encounters, and grows more irritable each day and the many uncertainties in her life at the moment.
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lucasxholt · 25 days
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Wild West AU
Lucas "Luke" Holt| 48| Cattle/Horse Rancher|
Luke was born in the big city with his younger brother Matthew. He started working at a young age as a waiter and cigar roller at a private men's club where he eventually befriended an old oil tycoon. When the man died, he left a small part of his large fortune to Luke who eventually used it to buy up some land and move out of the city.
Luke, the new rancher making a name for himself in town, became infatuated with a milkmaid from a neighboring farm, Emily. The two were quickly wed, much to her father's reservations. The lovebirds did not take long to start their family, having four children. Their son Gabriel was their eldest, followed by their son Louis, and two daughters Amelia and Charlotte, often called "Charlie."
Over the years Holt Ranch became quite a success. Even shoveling stables every day, Luke was happier than he had ever been in the big city. He had the woman of his dreams, the career of his dreams, and now the family of his dreams. Even though times have gotten a bit harder with much of the town cleared out, he still found ways to make ends meet for the Holts and his staff. He also managed to keep his best friend on his payroll , the local shoer/animal doctor Ayumu. The two became unlikely friends over the years working together, and now Luke trusts him with his life.
While coming back from town one evening after selling some goods from the farm, Emily and a neighbor's wife were attacked. Thankfully for Luke, his hounds had picked up the sound while out in the pasture and he raced to the danger. Sadly, he was too late to save his neighbor's wife, but whatever had attacked them had done a number on his wife. He'd told his sons to fetch the doctor from town while he raced her home, doing his best to stop the bleeding. They were able to get her stable, but Emily was left in a near comatose state. His daughters were assigned to look after their mother, while the boys handled the ranch.
The usually easy-going Luke has become a much colder, more distant version of himself since the attack on his wife. He's constantly on edge, sharper with his children, and usually harboring a flask in his riding leathers. He's tense about the idea of these murders, pistols always loaded and at his side if anyone tries to come for his family again.
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vivian-ambrose · 25 days
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Wild West AU
Vivian Elkar Westwood| 29 | Apothecary's Assistant
Vivian was born and raised in Phantom Creek, her father was a local miner, and her mother a teacher at the school. Their family would never be mistaken for rich, but they were able to get by. Viv was constantly surrounded by medicine as her father often got injured or dealt with painful joints working in the mines. Eventually, Viv grew a passion for medicine, choosing to work under the local doctor at a young age to be her apprentice.
Viv has a younger twin brother named Chris. The two are about an hour apart but sometimes it feels like years. The twins have a very close bond, despite some obvious differences, like height for one. Vivian was disappointed when Chris decided to follow in their father's footsteps, already starting to see the toll it took on his health like their father.
While in school, Vivan became smitten with Artus, the son of the town's hotel owner. She'd had a crush on him for quite a while during their school years before the two finally began dating.
Artus and Vivian were married five years ago, but have struggled to grow their family due to infertility. While working at the Apothecary, Viv allows Sarah Caldwell to conduct many experiments on her in hopes of one day being with child. The experiments have taken a toll on her health, but she would never tell Artus, hoping that it will all be worth it soon.
Vivian has become quite paranoid due to the recent string of murders and attacks. She fears for the many people she's grown fond of in the town, and also suspicious of who among them could be the killer. She has even grown suspicious of her own husband, the late hours coming home, the odd behavior... She knows Artus is a good man, but sometimes she wonders what he could be capable of.
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eremington · 26 days
Phantom Creak Bio
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Occupation: Grocery owner
Elijah left Phantom Creak to go to school before returning afterwards.
The murders have led him to stay up most nights until Rei returns, and he's put extra locks on the doors to their house.
Kyoko and Eiji left town together a while ago and they've sent a few letters back and forth.
He's protective of Rei, perhaps a little over-protective and doesn't want to let go of him.
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esmeraldabheriya · 27 days
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Phantom Creek AU - Esmeralda Bheriya as the Midwife
Age: 37 years old Occupation: Midwife
She moved to the country as a teenager and they moved to a small town. Her mother was a midwife by trade and she passed those skills onto her daughter, wanting her to be able to take care of herself if she needed to.
The young girl didn't think she would to work, having grand ideas of marrying someone who would take care of her. She met that man in the town's saloon and every word out of his mouth was grand. They married a few weeks later.
Esmeralda traveled around the state with her husband. He was always chasing gold, moving from town to town until they heard a rumor about another gold or gem mind. It was Esme who kept them afloat most of the time with her skills as a midwife.
They were in another town when they had an argument. Esme went to bed early and missed the arguments breaking out in the bar downstairs. She was woken by the saloon owner and told the awful news. Her husband had been killed in a fight in the bar downstairs.
Esme was stranded once her husband's money ran out. She had to take up work as a midwife, finishing her training under the local midwife in town. After a few months, she moved to Phantom Creek, having heard the town was in need of a midwife. She's lived in the town ever since.
Alongside her services as a midwife, she also sells tonics and teas that assist with pregnancy and reproduction.
Looking for:
Mothers or women in need of a midwife's services (Viv, ... )
Lovers (Jax, )
More to come...
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isabellelaurent · 2 years
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Isabelle Laurent dressing up as "Madame Blanc" from Suspiria to attend the annual Halloween Party.
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atlaswestwood · 27 days
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Phantom Creek AU - Atlas Westwood as the Brothel Worker
Age: 29 years old Occupation: Brothel Worker
Atlas is the youngest daughter of the esteemed Westwood family. They have a strained relationship with their father and never saw eye to eye while she was at home. When he tried to marry her off to a stranger 9 years ago, Atlas ran away from home.
With little skills to their name, Atlas was able to get a job at the town's local brothel, under the Madame Isabelle. While it's not the life they envisioned or their family had envisioned, Atlas is happy with their independence.
Over the years, they have dealt with enough customers that they have learned how to take care of themselves. Atlas has a few knives stashed around her room and normally carries one on her.
Atlas knows her brother has taken over the family business and has thought of reaching out but doesn't want to bring shame to Artus and his new family.
Atlas has a few clients that she sees regularly and has a good rapport with but unlike some of the other girls, they're not under the illusion that one will marry her one day. Atlas would much rather learn from Belle about the business.
Looking for:
Regular customers (Ayumu, Teddy... )
Maybe the husband she was meant to marry for drama
Estranged family (Brother Artus)
friends and anything in between!
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will-rogers · 3 months
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thejax-reed · 11 months
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