teddy-byrne · 2 days
"...I am. But only for the right kind of person." Teddy scoffed, narrowing his gaze as he tried to convince himself not to give into the spirits' provocations. "Question is..are you going to bleed for me or not. If you're not the one gettin' ideas, I need to see that for myself." he stared down at their neck and slowly brought his blue eyes back to Ayumu's face, contemplating what to say and do next.
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"Oh my... Is this your way of telling me to back off? I suppose you would be the monogamous sort given our experience as humans..." Ayumu chuckled.
"But it also seems like you are the one getting ideas..." the spirit added and shot Teddy a look of feigned innocence.
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teddy-byrne · 2 days
Returning to work had been an easy transition. You could tell the blood shortage was over just by taking a look around. The size of the crowd, the noise, the boldness of some of their patrons when faced with the opportunity to sink their teeth into unsuspecting humans. Too bold, for Teddy's taste.
Walking out of his booth, the vampire turned his attention towards some disruption happening not too far from there. A young man in his twenties, by his judgement, who'd turned down one of those advances. Byrne knew better than to intervene, aware of how out of hand these things could get, but something compelled him to.
Giving his men a signal to stay out of it, Teddy came up behind the vampire and pulled him back by the back of his shirt. "That's enough, Benny." Fucking hell. "I told you to behave and this is how you do me? Get the fuck out, unless you want someone to show you the door. I doubt Vicente will be happy to hear about this."
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Location: The Shard
With: @teddy-byrne
Normally, he wouldn't have gone to a place like the Shard, but he found himself experiencing some curiosity. He was an adult now, he could find out how people acted in the city instead of hearing about it. The place was filled with people, most he suspected to be vampires. Those were the ones he was curious about.
One such vampire approached him, and perhaps it was Rei's fault for not feeling like prey when he was one here, but he turned down the vampire's advances immediately, not interested in whatever they wanted. They didn't take no for an answer, though, and he soon escalated, yelling at them to fuck off. What a scene he was causing. Luckily for him, the head of security wasn't too far away.
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teddy-byrne · 2 days
"Some might say it's set apart the good from those who were not meant for this kind of life. Survival of the fittest, if you will." Teddy was part of that group, having come the other side stronger. "I was gonna say..that's impossible." he added, "I'll tell you this much though - you can keep your stupid festival all to yourselves next time."
The vamprie pushed his coat back to fit his hands in his pockets. "Naz. She's..Judas' friend, right? Lawyer?" he frowned. He had done his homework when it comes to the people in his clan. "Do you guys have a business card?"
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"Good, I'm glad to hear it. With such a vital thing being short I'm sure it's been a bit rough for you all." He gave a bit of a chuckle at the question. "I never leave for long, Vievecor is home after all. Despite the fact that I'm pretty sure it's going to turn my hair naturally gray some day which would be quite the accomplishment." "I went on a bit of a vacation. Naz and I take turns, someone has to run the business so both of us can't be gone forever. I love this place even if it is a mess most of the time."
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teddy-byrne · 5 days
Teddy smiled, understanding the importance of what she just said, and made sure to nod. He had always known that it was not healthy to devote so much time to work..it was just diffifcult not to. "Tell her I'll be there tonight, before dinner." Hopefully Atlas had time herself, he thought. "And of course. I wouldn't want you to retire either, if that's not what you want."
Byrne glanced up from time to time, pausing to let the metal mix melt to be able to pour it into the mold. "I'm confused." he frowned, finding it in him to smile again. "It appears to me that you are both of those things..and besides, everyone needs protection. I need to know you're safe too."
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"Make time. Life is too short." The calluses on his hand showed just how often Teddy ignored the pleasures of life for his work. He was an artist when it came to anything metal, but as beautiful as his work was, Belle doubted that it kept him warm at night. Then again she wasn't helping with her large order for the brothel. "Not too much I hope. I have no desire to retire anytime soon and let them take over."
"You are the expert." Isabelle learned just where men liked to touch most. She knew what to hide and what to reveal to keep her patrons interested. Teddy's suggestion was more functional than fashionable. "Do you believe that I need one? It seems that they are going after the young and beautiful."
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teddy-byrne · 5 days
"..it does." he agreed with a questioning look. Maybe this spirit had forgotten what the people in this city were like in his absence..however long it'd been.
As soon as they let go off each other's hands, Byrne frowned. "You have?" He couldn't help being curious. "We're..recovering, it seems..but it's been a difficult couple of months for sure. I'm fine, yeah. Might I ask what brings you back?"
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"Indeed it is, truth and honesty is a whole mess and takes time to develop." He was glad that at least Teddy shook his hand and it made him smile again. "Byrne, I think I've heard of you actually." He shrugged, "I try to stay out of anyone elses politics if I can but that doesn't work for me usually. I hope you and yours are doing alright. I heard about the shortage while I was gone, you doin alright with all that?"
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teddy-byrne · 5 days
There was some discomfort on display across the vampire's features at the newfound closeness, but Teddy didn't move. He did not wish to make a scene. Not there, anyway. "Prove it." he challenged them. "But don't get any ideas, yeah? I got someone waiting for me at home. Someone who gives a shit."
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Sure. Ayumu voiced to themself as the smirk grew on their face. They leaned in to drape an arm around Teddy's shoulder and their face moved in close.
"What games?" they asked in a low whisper, knowing that this would rile the vampire up again. "I've been nothing but honest with you today."
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teddy-byrne · 5 days
Teddy noted her answer with a smile -a cheekier one than usual, given the nature of their exchange- and allowed his instincts to finally take over. It was true. He had fed. But the blood of that meek human at the bar paled in comparison to Atlas'. The moment that rich, velvety fluid flooded his mouth, Byrne groaned and shut his eyes, gripping and latching hard onto her neck. She had reassured him that this was okay..that they were safe, but he still kept his promise..
After a good five minutes, Teddy let go with reluctance and glanced up at her features with crimson eyes and a beating heart. "Good?" He asked, taking Atlas' hand and carrying it to his chest so that she might feel it. The drugs were sizzling in his system and he could feel them beginning to distort his perception..prompting an unabashed laugh. "Damn..should I go for seconds?"
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"Don't look so surprised, it makes me sound older than I am. I'm like thirty in human years," she explained. Or at least that's how everyone treated her. A hundred years ago she was just a kid to her family. Atlas smiled up at him, her heart was calm and steady, certain that they would be fine with Teddy. The vampire had already feasted on a human so she felt safe enough to share her blood with him.
The feeling of his breath against her skin made the elf's head drop back, giving him space to get closer. "You're okay, Teddy." The elf's breath caught in her throat, right where fangs pierced it. The feeling was always so strange, making Atlas gasp as the blood was being pulled from her body. It wasn't unwelcome and she laced her fingers in his hair, encouraging him to drink.
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teddy-byrne · 10 days
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teddy-byrne · 11 days
Goddammit. Teddy had to bite his tongue and look elsewhere for a moment, but none of that really helped. "No. I'm not fucking jealous, alrite?" He was just annoyed that Ayumu would allow anyone to feed on them but him...that's what it was, right? "You confuse the fuck out of me with your silly games."
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Ayumu chuckled and lifted a hand over their mouth in a poor attempt to hide their mirth. "No one, actually..." they said, a glint in their eyes as they stared at Teddy. "Why? Are you jealous, Teddy Byrne?"
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teddy-byrne · 11 days
"Trust is a rare thing these days..." Teddy did really find it funny that the spirit did not seem to have any prejudices against vampires. It was not what he was used to, that is for sure.
Pressing the tip of his smoke against a window ledge, he cleared his throat and offered his hand. "Teddy. Byrne. Nice to meet you, Elliot."
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"The shipyard is not that horrible, I certainly don't have a problem with you and yours so you can ease up a little if you'd like." He knew not all spirits were friendly, but he was older than most of the trouble making spirits but not as old as Ayumu. Not that Ayumu acted his age. "Elliot Atwood, pleasure to meet you." He shrugged and offered his hand. "And you are?"
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teddy-byrne · 14 days
For a while, Teddy said nothing and searched for the elf in the crowd. He had not seen them in a while but he had no reason to doubt Ayumu or their claim right now. "Does that mean you've changed your mind? What a pity." He said with an arched brow as he looked back at the spirit.
Then, of course, they had to say that thing. "With me too? Who the hell have you allowed to feed on you?" Teddy scoffed and frowned both at the same time.
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"Tasteless, hm?" Ayumu chuckled and wondered if Teddy used wordplay on purpose. "Atlas needs some time to themself to socialise, so let's leave them out of this... Especially when here I was about to offer you some of my own blood..." they said with an overly dramatic sigh.
"Unless you don't want any, of course? I thought I would do the charitable thing with you too..."
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teddy-byrne · 14 days
Six whole days and four hours. That is how long the nightmares had been tormenting the beautiful human by his side, and every day, Teddy wished that he could do something to stop them. But he was powerless against it all, still dealing with the blood crisis that had lasted for the better part of the last couple of months. Ever since the incident at the gallery Byrne had been spending more and more time at Gabriel's apartment, too, sleeping when the other slept and being careful with when and what he ate.
It was late that evening when the two called it a day and went to bed. Gabriel had been tossing and turning but fallen asleep not too long after, and Teddy had stayed up, reading one of his books until he felt himself begin to drift off as well.
What had woken him hours later had not been the morning sun -but a loud drum. He felt some kind of frenzy, a pull at the sheets, and immediately realized what was happening. Moving swiftly, the vampire grabbed Gabriel's wrists and pulled him in, up against his chest before hugging him tightly. "-hey. Sh-sh-sh." he rasped, nervous and in somewhat of a panic as well. "I right here. I got you, Gabriel. Shh..you're safe. It's not real." Byrne pressed his lips to one of the male's temples. "Is this another one of your nightmares?" His holding of his wrists was more so that he could not harm himself, that is why he used some of his strength and would not let go until his heart rate went down. Sometimes it took a good five minutes. Sometimes, it was longer than that. But he'd learnt quickly that this was for the best.
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Nightmares | Teddy & Gabe
where: Gabe's apartment when: 4 am, some days after the end of the spirit festival who: @teddy-byrne
The old town road was deserted. It was unnaturally silent, even the wind that normally made the wood of the houses creak was absent. Gabe was squinting in the bright light. From out of nowhere a streak of dark blood trickled down into the sand by his feet. The dark grew until it formed a puddle around him. The dark blood was all over his hands and his clothes, but he knew it wasn't his blood. How did he know it wasn't his blood? The thought worried him. And then he saw them. Hanging outside town hall.
He started running towards them, painfully slow, he had to get to them. Their faces, although he knew them, were blurry and smeared. He couldn't come close enough to see them properly, it was taking too long to run. But he knew why they were all there, because he had failed them, because he had let them die.
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Gabe jolted awake. He was breathing heavily, heart pounding so hard it hurt in his chest, his face felt swollen and sticky from tears. If he closed his eyes he knew he would see the bodies again, Luke, Louis, Vivian and- he couldn't let himself finish that thought. His hands searched the dark around him, certain that there should be someone else there, that he couldn't be alone. "Teddy?" he tried, voice thick from sleep. No answer. Why was there no answer? "Teddy?!" he half-shouted, trying not to panic as he struggled against the bed-sheets to find his partner.
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teddy-byrne · 14 days
"You don't need to say anything. I know," and he meant it. Gabe could already see what the offer meant to the other, and he wanted Teddy to always have a way into his home. Maybe, one day, if he was allowed to dream, it would be their home. He pressed the key into Teddy's hand and closed his fingers around it.
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teddy-byrne · 14 days
"That's all good, enough time to run some errands," Gabriel said, while trying to think exactly what those errands could be. He wondered if he could have come up with an excuse to stay and watch the blacksmith work, but that was probably inappropriate. His eyes caught Teddy's as the other said his goodbye and it felt like their gazes connected on some higher level. "I'll be seeing you again, Mr Byrne," he gave the other a crooked smile and touched his hat with the tips of his fingers, "In an hour."
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teddy-byrne · 15 days
Atlas' response drew a smile on his lips, which lasted even as they slid onto that leathery couch at one of the Alcoves. "..two hundred years? That's longer than I've been alive." he said purposefully, lacing his fingers into one of the sides of the elf's face and into their hair. Their eyes locked and he took a deep breath in. It was possible that Teddy was trying to appear confident in the face of what he had confessed to her earlier about the human, but Atlas made it okay.
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Leaning into the curve of their neck, he thanked her with a couple of kisses, his breath clashing gently against it, and pulled their body towards his. "Tap me on the shoulder if I get too carried away, yes? I'd hate to hurt you." As he uttered the last syllable, though, Byrne waited no more and sank his teeth in.
Atlas knew she was being far more affectionate than they normally would be towards the vampire but the mushrooms were starting to really kick in. His skin looked soft so she was happy to take his hand and lace their fingers together. "The alcoves will do just fine, Mr Byrne. I'm not that shy," she replied.
Once they were in the alcove, the elf slipped into their seat. Atlas was offended, if they excelled in one place in her life, it was her horticulture. "Oh please, I've been cultivating these mushrooms for two hundred years. I know what I'm doing," they assured.
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teddy-byrne · 15 days
The vampire did not contest the man's claim. Yes, he did look pleased to be in the district he called home..it was only too bad he did not share the sentiment. "I'm a vampire at the border of Chissob Hills and the Shipyard, what do you think?" Teddy huffed with a frown, "I don't usually come to these parts..but business called for it. What's your name, spirit?"
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"Sorry, got a bit distracted. Maybe a little too excited to be home." He gave a smile, he knew the smell of the man, that smell of death and blood that to those well trained it was easy to spot. "Are you alright there? You seem a bit out of your comfort zone, friend." It wasn't a threat not really, more of an observation. He debated on if he should indeed say who he was but chose not to. Perhaps it was better if he waited it out and see if saying who he was was worth the time.
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teddy-byrne · 15 days
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PEAKY BLINDERS  Season 1 | Episode 3
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