493 posts
Vampire | 135 | Sired to Vicente Guerra and head of security at The Shard building
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teddy-byrne · 4 days ago
"..I shouldn't enjoy it when you pretend to know me, but I do. I guess you're not wrong." Good boy, he had wanted to say, but he'd held back. Pressing down the glass of whiskey onto the side table, Teddy proceeded to nod and smiled as Chris pretty much confirmed he would be joining them - Judas accepting, of course. Can't forget that part. "I'll be waiting, then. But do text me with a heads up if you're not, yeah? I have things to do."
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"Maybe not, but if I just said yes without asking, you'd probably scold me for accepting without knowing what I'm getting into." Chris countered, he'd gotten pretty good at figuring out no win situations. 'Preserve our species' huh? There was a whole existential rabbit hole that Chris could jump down with that, but he set it aside for the time being. "Luckily I'm a better scientist than I am a vampire, so I've got plenty of stuff to talk about there." He still worried about joining, but was pretty sure Teddy didn't want to hear about it all. "So I guess I'll call Judas after I leave you, then I'll come in tomorrow for the contract."
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teddy-byrne · 4 days ago
"Good. Because I also don't want you to owe anyone anything...if it ever comes to that, I will take that part of the deal, yes?"
The look on the human's face was a priceless one, almost making Byrne regret getting dressed so quickly, but alas..what was done was done. He sensed none of the doubt, though he imagined his behavior did sound some alarms. Vicente had done everything right by him, making him one of the few lucky vampires who accepted his own nature. Teddy was not so old that he had forgotten his humanity but he had learnt to disassociate himself from humans - Gabriel being his one weakness in a very, very long time.
"No. I don't think it is, actually...but Elio seems agreeable enough. If you ask me, it's all about how you choose to say it - make them believe it is putting every single one of us in danger, if Louis chooses to share what he knows." Deities like Elio retained some morality but the old association of their kind with angels was questionable at best. Maybe, he simply couldn't bring himself to trust a being that was billion of years old. "Mention Izak, too. If they hear it is our fault, it's more likely that they'll strive to right their wrong." Gabriel would hate it if he told him but, Izak's name still had some value in their world, opening doors..causing things to happen.
Smoothing the fabric of his shirt, the Rosu crossed the room back and picked up his watch from their nightstand, his blue eyes reflecting the light. "..so, what do you want to do now? Should we go out or..hop back into bed?" he teased.
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That hesitation spoke volumes about Teddy's feelings on meddling in Izak's, albeit abandoned, affairs. Gabe waited silently, searching Teddy's eyes, and when he finally got the reassurance from Teddy he smiled. And it was not without pride that he looked at his boyfriend, who was choosing to help Gabe over blind loyalty to his grandsire.
"It's unusual because it's never been in the interest of the supernatural community for humans to remember what they shouldn't know about," Gabe replied dryly, letting his bitterness over this fact shine through. "We'll take care of him to make sure it doesn't harm him," Gabe assured Teddy and putting a hand on top of Teddy's hand added, "And none of this is going to get back at me. It'll be alright."
For a moment he was distracted by Teddy's towel-less body, watching the muscles play under the skin as he moved to put on clothes. He was perfect, Gabe thought not for the first time, and yet a dark part of his mind wondered if that perfection had a price. Was it really only loyalty to vampires that made Teddy reluctant to help Louis remember, or was there a lack of understanding, a distance from the human perspective that he would never get back? "Hm... Strategy?" Gabe replied dazedly, moving his gaze up to Teddy's face and trying to focus on the conversation again. "I know a deity. Two actually, but one of them was more forthcoming with providing help. If I reach out to them... I'm thinking I'll just put it plainly - a human had his memories stolen and it's putting him in danger. It's their duty to protect humans, isn't it?" he looked questioningly at Teddy, waiting to hear what the other had to say about his haphazard strategy. Gabe had never been one for planning his moves ahead of time.
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teddy-byrne · 5 days ago
"Oh." Teddy mused, genuinely surprised that anyone would find purpose in performing such acts of vandalism. Rei was clearly not amused, and who could blame him. "I'm guessing the security cameras outside don't catch anything? I could..provide some tips, if you're open. After all, I do work security at the Shard." It was an offer. Common courtesy, if you will, but the vampire meant it, a faint smirk reappearing on his face at the witch's assumptions about his feeding preferences. "Sure. When you just want to drink from them -but with the blood shortage over, I can be..more selective. Enjoy variety. And that is without factoring in the hunt. Most of us vampires like to earn our meal."
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"Literal garbage can fires. Some punk keeps going around lighting people's garbage on fire. I've put out 3 today alone." If he ever got his hands on the idiots doing it, they would pray for death. Even so, Rei would rather complain about work than talk about his family drama any more than a passing comment. "Isn't anyone with a heartbeat interesting when you just want to drink from them?" he countered, his comment just a comment with no malicious intent behind it.
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teddy-byrne · 9 days ago
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「 Cillian Murphy - portrait shoot in London, 2007 」
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teddy-byrne · 14 days ago
From Caia
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A hand-packed bag of various chocolates sits on Teddy’s desk with a note that reads ‘Happy friendship, Class President. My mom made me do this. From, Caia.’
“How sweet. Say thank you to your mom for me, Caia.”
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teddy-byrne · 15 days ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Big Shot. Hope you can back up the big game you talked.
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teddy-byrne · 15 days ago
SORE LOSER @ Teddy x Open
Another match, lost. What should have been a step closer to the state championship was now making the prospect of it seem less and less likely. How lame was that? To miss out on something so huge right at the gate? Teddy slammed his locker shut, the metallic clang punctuating his anger, and looked over his shoulder unconsciously looking for something or, rather..someone to blame. There was Jake, who had almost missed a shot and then-oh, right- and then, there was stupid Marcus.
Stalking after the other as he crossed into the corridor, Teddy bit his lip, hesitant..at first, trying to not to act on his anger, but it seemed he just couldn't help it. "Nice pass, Marcus," Byrne scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Cost us the game." Marcus looked up, his face flushed, almost like he had been taken off guard. 'I…I didn't mean to. I saw Johnson open, I thought…'
"Thought what? Thought that you could pull off some miracle pass? Thought you were LeBron James?" Teddy cut him off, his voice rising. "You had a wide-open layup! A layup! And you throw it across the court for no reason?" 'I panicked,' Marcus mumbled, avoiding Teddy's gaze. 'I got nervous.'
"Nervous? This isn't hopscotch, Marcus! This is basketball! We're trying to win a championship here! And you choke at the last second?" The class president jabbed a finger at the boy's chest, starting to make a scene as more people gathered around the two of them. He couldn't just let things be anymore now, could he? Not in front of an audience. "You cost us the game. You cost me the game." Byrne shoved the man against the wall, about to speak, when he felt someone's hand on his elbow.
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teddy-byrne · 16 days ago
"Patience is not one of your virtues, I assume? Not for this sort of thing, at least." Teddy said with a self-satisfied smirk on his lips, his eyebrows shaped into a frown. "But yes, something like that. They are more like terms of agreement -you agree to work for us, you agree to be discreet about information concerning the clan's inner workings, you agree to...be a good vampire, basically. Help preserve our species." Yes, he thought, our. Chris better learn that. "As for Vicente, I've already put in a good word, but try to sell yourself. Tell him about the work you plan to do in that lab of yours."
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There was something weirdly nice about hearing that Teddy had already been prepared for Chris to join the clan, almost like he'd had faith in him or something. "What's in the contract? Like what promises am I making to the clan and what promises are they making me?" He had an idea from everything he'd seen and what Teddy had said, but wanted to be sure. "Also, any advice on how not to look like an idiot in front of your sire would be appreciated." He'd run into Vicente once or twice at the Shard, but they hadn't spoken beyond brief greetings.
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teddy-byrne · 16 days ago
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teddy-byrne · 19 days ago
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Teddy is in his 1st year at Vievecor Academy, in group B.
Teddy comes from a well-off family, which comes with great (and often harsh) expectations when it comes to his studies. His mother adores him and he looks up to his father, but it's unclear whether they see him as his own person or an extension of themselves (something which he does not see). He loves basketball but that is not what he wants to do after school.
As the class president, Teddy is quite popular. He is by no means gifted when it comes to his studies, but he gets reasonably good grades, dresses well and is athletic. He tends to group with people who are a bad influence on him, which has resulted in him becoming a bit of a bully, but deep down it's just insecurity.
He is in the basketball team.
He is probably going to try to get it on with someone using his popularity, but it won't mean anything.
TBD. Teddy has not come to terms with his attraction to more than one gender, but he is curious. This curiosity might be what prompts him to pay attention to certain others.
@atlaswestwood - Close friend.
@isabellexlaurent + @vivian-ambrose - Cousins
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teddy-byrne · 20 days ago
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teddy-byrne · 20 days ago
"Literal garbage can fires or..is that a metaphor for something else?" Teddy had heard about the man's damaged relationship with his dad. The so called family drama and was rather impressed that it had become so frequent in the city. Almost everyone he knew was dealing with some form of it.. especially the wolves. Served them well. Byrne nodded towards the drink and shifted forward, pressing his elbows onto the bar. "That's a shame. I see plenty of interesting people around..but that depends on what you've got in mind." He smiled faintly and paused momentarily, as though he was thinking what to say. "Someone like me, huh? I like to switch things up every now and then. Find new blood."
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He recognised the man, making him quickly temper his annoyance, not needing to say something insulting on impulse. He wasn't trying to piss everyone off. Just the people that annoyed him. Rei ordered a new drink from the bartender, finishing off what was left of his current one before answering. "What would you like to hear about? My seemingly endless working hours, running around the city putting out garbage can fires, or the family drama that haunts me no matter where I go?" The new drink arrived in front of him and he said a small thanks, tapping his fingers against the cool glass. "It leaves no time to try to get to know anybody, not that anyone has really piqued my interest. That's how I ended up here, after all. But I didn't think I'd see someone like you here, though."
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teddy-byrne · 21 days ago
Teddy's lips formed a pout - a clear sign that he was done guessing and limited his response to a clear, simple truth.
"We have a natural dislike for each other. He doesn't appreciate me dating Gabriel and I don't like him coming in the way of us." the vampire shrugged, "I understand his concern but it's getting pretty old at this point."
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"I will let you come to your own deductions, Teddy," Matthew replied. His true relationship with Luke was not something either of them broadcasted, both demons preferring to keep it a secret lest it be used against them.
"Why so curious anyway? You sound like you have a bone to pick with our dear Lucas. Whatever did he do to you?"
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teddy-byrne · 21 days ago
Pushing back against the arm chair, Teddy finished his glass and flicked a brow in the scient's direction. "I like how you worded that. Sure, sounds good." And exactly what he had intended for, too. Chris would have to get over his reservations if he ever wanted to accept what he was but he might leave this to Judas, since they were the one Chris cared the most about anyway. Byrne smiled faintly. "I have your contract in an envelope at the Shard. Have had it since I first brought it up. All you have to do is let me know when you're stopping by and sign your name on the dotted line. Vicente will see you after."
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"So assign me to working on stuff with Viv to help protect us or counter whatever artemis tries to do. It's not special treatment, it's using your resources where they're most appropriate." Even if Teddy wasn't going to outright say it, Chris had a feeling he would be allowed to stay away from the violence as long as he didn't make a big deal out of it. "You don't have to care about it, but I do. I think Judas will agree, I just need to be sure." He sat down heavily, pinching his lips together for a moment. "I know, it's why I've had to think about this a lot."
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teddy-byrne · 21 days ago
[text] Teddy: I couldn't agree more.
[text] Teddy: Yes... We have the means to fund research, so long as it is beneficial to us, but he has to say yes first. Him and your..Vivian Ambrose. I don't think that she will approve of Chris working for us.
[text Belle] I take it the baby is still refusing to give up his bottle then. Really someone needs to teach him about the beauty of the hunt.
[text Belle] He does have some rather impressive technological credentials. If he can manage to keep his mouth shut about secret projects, it would be a boon and a miracle.
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teddy-byrne · 21 days ago
"That falls into the no special treatment clause, Chris." Teddy remarked with a slight roll of his eyes, eventually walking away from the mini-bar and towards the other. The Rosu sat on the arm-chair and nodded towards the sofa, inviting Chris to join him. "That being said, if you were busy doing something else - say, in that lab of yours..procuring weapons and protection for us, I might be persuaded to keep you away from the dirty side of business. If...Judas permits, of course. Apparently I'm supposed to care about what you two have going on now." Teddy concluded ironically. "There's nothing bad with seeking self-preservation in times like this, you know? You choose how you do life but consider your own needs. Once you accept my invitation, there is no going back. I trust you know."
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He looked up at Teddy and sighed. "I just... please don't ask me to torture anyone, or send me to kill people. I get that I might have to do it out of self defense, but I'm not cut out to be an assassin." He'd gotten comfortable enough with the willing donor side - though some of the people still freaked him out - even dealing with the paid part, but Chris still wasn't ready to take blood from someone unwilling. The next part might make Teddy smile. "Judas needs to approve. We broke up about him joining the clan, so he gets final say for me." Also probably quite a few 'I told you so's.
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teddy-byrne · 22 days ago
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