hyperallergic · 1 year
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An elderly man sits at the edge of a mangrove riverbank. Dressed in white, as if to match the color of his hair and long beard, he stands out against the vivid colors around him.
He is reading a newspaper, his bare feet outstretched and books and sandals piled next to him. The water catches his reflection, and catches him in the act of reflection. But this is no luncheon in the park. This is a scene in a painting about war and resistance.
René Mederos’s portrait of Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh calls us to that moment when the politician sat by a riverbank, theorizing and analyzing a world he wanted to change.
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Nuit incolore 🇨🇭
Théo Marclay
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pieromontelli · 2 years
Vietnam: un mercado que crece para el sector porcino.
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La misión comercial e institucional liderada por los ministros Busso y Accastello, desembarcó en Vietnam con el objetivo de promover un aumento de las relaciones comerciales y promover las oportunidades de negocios y la apertura de nuevos mercados para el sector porcino.
El ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería Sergio Busso, y su par de Industria, Comercio y Minería, Eduardo Accastello; junto a autoridades de Entre Ríos y Santa Fe se reunieron en la ciudad de Hanoi, con al viceministro de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Vietnam, D. Nguyen Hoang Hiep; y el viceministro de Industria y Comercio también de este país, D. Do Thang Hai, para ultimar los detalles en referencia al desarrollo del comercio de carnes de cerdo en este país del Sudeste asiático.
La misión comercial e institucional, según lo expresó el ministro Sergio Busso se desarrolló exitosamente “La agenda planteada giró en torno a las posibilidades de crecimiento del actual intercambio comercial entre Vietnam y Argentina. Propusimos concluir los trámites y procesos necesarios para habilitar el ingreso de carne porcina a ese país, lo cual generará una oportunidad comercial muy importante para los productores cordobeses”.
Seguí leyendo haciendo click aquí! https://pieromontelli.wordpress.com/2022/11/18/vietnam-un-mercado-que-crece-para-el-sector-porcino/
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urokinao · 1 year
If it wasn't for Yamza I would still hate Yamcha
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laserscanning · 1 year
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Scanning a building is the job that must be done by professionals. We offer professional 3D building scanning in Vietnam and we ask for reasonable price to offer such service. While offering 3D building scanning in Vietnam service, we never keep any hidden fee.
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soudasouda · 3 months
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Our first breezeblocks in Vietman As posted by dezeen and by architects Khuon Studio Follow Souda on Tumblr Source: https://research-lighting.tumblr.com/post/753278881182695424/our-first-breezeblocks-in-vietman-as-posted-by
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dreamsofalife · 4 months
((I have so many verses for Shy but honestly none of them compare to having her wander into things wholly unprepared, save for a can-do attitude and a love of the most morbid shit imaginable.
I have a lot of feelings about her GF verse at the moment. She was in her late 20's during all of this portal stuff and her teens and early years were spent absolutely being a hippie/yippie. She was definitely involved with some semi-extreme counterculture movements and while she never did anything too destructive or harmful, she absolutely raided animal testing labs and protested the war in Vietman. She'd have been about 21 at the time and while she was probably trying to stay out of trouble due to her mental health issues, she would have aligned herself with causes like that, as well as the anarchist movement.
Girl absolutely devoured fantasy novels and after she gets out of the fae realm, she reads Mabel her copy of The Last Unicorn. There are no dry eyes at the end of that book.
Also...she had it out for Ronald Reagan. As in, when she gets back to earth, she's disappointed he's dead because she planned on fist fighting him.))
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research-lighting · 3 months
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Our first breezeblocks in Vietman As posted by dezeen and by architects Khuon Studio Follow Research.Lighting on Tumblr
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landinrris · 3 months
Can we bet on how many Martin new songs will have primo videos made in Vietman cave where he was with Lando
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGesAGHTe/ - cause that’s second one
ahh yes I saw this when it went live and just went, "...yep, that tracks... anyway..." I can only imagine the surplus of footage that was captured over those four days. How interesting those SD cards must all be.
(Tiktok link)
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dromaeo-sauridae · 7 months
i wanna talk about caves gimme your cave facts
since you didnt ask for anything specific so im just gonna say whatever comes to mind
- the type of cave you probably think of, the kind with different formations and pools of mirror-like reflective water, is called a cavern, solution cave, or karst cave. these are formed when water enters a crack of soluble rock like limestone and erodes it away
- some of the other ways caves can form is by the wind or ocean. these ones look vastly different to caverns and are known for there flowing shapes. ive yet to visit a sand or sea cave yet!
- stalactites, those big rock icicles that hang from the ceiling. grow about .005 inches a year. when you go into your next solution cave, look at those stalactites and think about how long it took for them to get as big as they are
- the largest underground lake in america is called the lost sea, second only to the lake inside dragon’s breath cave in namibia. (in the non-subglacial lake category. subglacial lakes are big enough to even make me shudder
- we all know axolotls. those cute minecraft mobs that eat fish and live in caves, right? ….nope. axolotls live in freshwater lakes in mexico. they resemble cave animals like the olm because they bot exhibit neotony. neotony occurs when animals (salamanders, in the axolotl and olm’s case) retain juvenile traits instead of growing out of them
- the largest cave in the world is han son doong in vietman. son doong, along with other asian caves similar to it, is large enough to support its own rainforest ecosystem and has stalagmites over 200 feet tall. its the holy grail of caves to visit, and hopefully i’ll be able to make the trip someday!
- mammoth cave is the longest known cave system in the world, and is a solution cave. but walking into it, you dont see any of the usual cave formations. thats because the cap of the mountain much of mammoth rests under is shale, which is less soluble than rocks like limestone and gypsum. that didnt stop the green river from carving it out from underneath, though. the green river still flows through mammoth and occasionally floods some passages in the wet season.
thats all i can think of! if anyone wants to know more specific stuff i will gladly tell you as much as i know
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hopepunkhealer · 11 months
just had a good time talking about music based activism in English because we're looking at songs written during the vietman war and someone said that a song written now wouldn't have the same effect as a song written then
and it makes me think, because i know for a fact that music based activism has always been a thing. the earliest example I know was from around the 1700s (I think, but I don't remember the name), but I'm fairly certain there is earlier.
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freaven · 11 months
It's wild how USA are always commiting war crimes or helping war crimes to be committed and everybody just forget and forgive...
They slaughtered Native Americans and stoled their land.
They killed, raped and tortured innocent civilians in Irak. (1 million ppl ffs)
They killed, raped and tortured innocent civilians in Vietman. (Millions of victims)
In 2015, they hit a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz (Afghanistan) killing 42 ppl.
They used depleted uranium munitions in the Gulf and Irak War.
They nuclear bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima which killed tens of thousands of civilians.
And many more, the list could be 5 kilometers long.
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courtsvietnam2022 · 2 years
Goooooood Morning Vietman!!!
Sunrise on the beach in Da Nang!
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qarinus · 2 months
watcher of caed nua, who watches the watcher of caed nua, choose your own rorschach or jeremy irons world critical ending, was that a vietman pre-poe set dressing or is that a reach, eothas out here literally in his dr manhattan era, naked on a walk apocalyptic vibing in nature, etc etc etc.
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harrison-abbott · 3 months
I was watching a documentary called about the Vietman War the other night. And, it showed that real footage of the handcuffed man being shot in the head from close range. Are you familiar with that? I mean, I hope you haven’t seen it? Because it’s horrible viewing.
My mother was young when the Vietman War was raging. And she remembered seeing that footage on the news when we was a kid. She was watching it with her family. And it came up on the TV whilst they were eating their dinner. When she saw the man being shot, she flung up her plate and burst into tears and left the room.
And she said that her family didn’t try to speak to her about it. She was watching it with her father, mother and brother. And not one of them tried to console her. They didn’t have any reaction to the footage. And they just said, “Oh, hush up.”
I remember a similar incident when I was wee, watching a history documentary. Where it showed proper footage of men being shot with rifles. The men just stood there and they were shot and then their bodies flopped over and they were dead, and there was no sound in the film, which was in black and white. And I started crying as well.
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poppo-trai-cay9 · 6 months
poppo trai cay la trang web ban trai cay tot nhat thi truong vietman, nhap khau truc tiep tai vuon nen dam bao do tuoi ngon và chat luong khi den tay nguoi tieu dung.
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