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Весна идет - весне дорогу! Столбик термометра показывает жуткий минус, но мы предлагаем прогнать надоевшую зиму горячими блюдами из нашего ресторана! По Том Яму сегодня в честь 1 марта? И пусть треснет лед! Ждем вас каждый день с 12:00-23:00 #goldenpandaspb#март#весна#васька#золотаяпанда#ресторанвьетеамскойкухни#панда#vietcafe#cafeviet#томям#фобо#супфо#вьет (at Ресторан Золотая Панда)
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“Coffee is bombs but Viet Coffee is bae”. If you get where this is from, good job stalker. 😉 We love you too. 😘😘😍😍 #BeyondNormLifestyle #BeyondNormTravels coffee #vietcafe #vietnamesecoffee #caffeineaddict #teamcoffee #coffeeisbae . . . . . #mybeautifulmess #thatsdarling #TNChustler #bandotodolist #theeverygirl #flashesofdelight #teg30daychallenge #DScolor #potd #sgblogger #healthyliving #currentmood #travelblogger #youtuber #thirdculturekid #foodporn #foodflatlay #vietnam #hcmc #saigon #nostalgic #travelblogger #youtuber (at Trung Nguyên Legend Café)
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Окей, это одна из самых вкусных штук, которые я пробовала. Манговый шейк в Вьет Кафе, значится. Шла забирать совершенно забытые мною результаты за BKC, купила один шейк. И...в конечном итоге, ушла из кафе после трех таких стаканов, бабл чая и четырех часов разговоров с барменом о кино и аниме. Весьма волшебно, мне кажется. . . . #вьеткафе #vietcafe #mango #mangoshake #bubbletea (at ВьетКафе) https://www.instagram.com/p/BlFpLP3BYC0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1urzgpz4rdwae
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Contemplating on sweets cuz I've been working long hours and I need this unhealthy rush in my brain!!! - #cheatdayeveryday - #bananapudding #vietfood #dessertstoronto #vietnamesedessert #banhchuoinuong #rustleandstill #vietcafe #torontocafes #vietarabica #coffeeshots #coffeeandconversation #coffeechat #coffeesesh #coffeetized #thatsdarling #tablesituation #yougottaeatthis #visualsgang #exploretocreate (at Rustle & Still Café)
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Горячий острый фо бо и зеленый чай помогают согреться прохладным февральским днем. 🍜🍜🍜 Hot spicy pho bo and green tea help to warm up at windy february days. #phobosoup #phobo #vietcafe #greentea #vietnamesefood #vietnamese #spicyfood #супфобо #фобо #вьеткафе #зеленыйчай #вьетнамскаякухня (at Арма Завод)
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#Vietnamese #coffee #vietcafe #haiphong #mooreontour #vietnam #tet2017 (at Lâm Tường - Tô Hiệu)
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Phở Bò Tái (at Vietcafe UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWyf019r98Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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London, UK, 15th, March of Year Two, Segunda, Doctor. (27)
06:30 - Acordamos, tomamos banho e nos arrumamos.
07:00 - Tomamos café no quarto:
07:30 - JP vai trabalhar e eu fico terminando de me preparar para palestra que vou dar no hotel. 07:40 - Desço e arrumo tudo.
08:00 - Começo e recebo flores.
12:30 - Acabamos e me despeço de todos, tomamos um café para fechar. 13:00 - Vou almoçar. 13:10 - Almoço: VietCafe Haymarket
14:00 - Vou passar visitas no Mayfair. 14:05 - A primeira:
14:30 - Segunda:
A paciente me serve um café e conversamos.
15:00 - Saio e vou para Notting para a última. 15:10 - Chego:
15:40 - Saio e vou para academia. 15:45 - Chego: Scandinavian Fitness
16:50 - Saio e passo para comprar umas coisas. 16:55 - Compro coisas para pintar: Abcas
17:10 - Outra loja: The Portobello Print & Map Shop
17:30 - Passo no antiquário: Twinning Antiques
17:45 - Vou para casa. 17:55 - Chego, tomo banho e fico confy. 18:40 - Fico pintando no quarto.
19:20 - Saio para encontrar Caren. 19:30 - Chego e a encontro: The Earl of Lonsdale
Comemos, bebemos e batemos papos sobre a vida.
20:50 - Vamos embora. 20:55 - Ela me deixa no hotel de carro e subo. 21:00 - Durmo.
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Приготовление вьетнамских блинчиков из рисовой муки бань сео 🍚🥞🇻🇳 #золотаяпанда#вьеткафе#панда#гаванская#monanvuet#vietcafe#vietnamesecuisine#vietnamesefood#vietfood#vitquai#vit#duck#доставкаеды#доставкаспб (at Ресторан Золотая Панда)
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Сбылась мечта идиота - добрался я до этого местечка и попробовал, конечно же, супчик Pho Bo. Ну, и Ca phe sau da (кофе со льдом, по-вьетнамски, разумеется). Теперь плюсы и минусы: 👍 В интерьере понравилась имитация лапшарни, с низкими столиками и стульями. Емеле эта особенность приглянулась аж с порога. 👍 На столиках тот самый чесночок. Кто знает, тот поймёт. 👍 Сам суп определенно лучший из тех, что я пробовал не во Вьетнаме. Пожалуй, даже @vietcafe уступает им, на мой вкус. Уж не знаю, варят они традиционный бульон или тупо из бульонных кубиков, но выходит достойно. Хочется верить, что всё насамомделешно ))), но..... 👎 А вот зелени мало. Надеялся на более щедрую подачи побебегов, мяты, вьетнамких базилика с кинзой. Но это скорее пожелание чем минус. 👎 Теперь про кофе. То что мне принесли это полная хрень. Это тупо растворимый кофе. Причем на кончике ложки даже был виден остаток неразмешанного порошка. То что это растворимый кофе можно было понять даже по тому как быстро его мне принесли. Кто видел как готовится кофе по-вьетнамски, то знает что это даже не далеко быстрая заварка. Если это читают владельцы или сотрудники PHOBO, то хочу сказать вот что - я очень надеюсь, что это чисто меня так облапошили ))) потому что если у вас это и есть кофе по-вьетнамски, то ... у меня нет слов. 👍 Ну, и персонал, приветливый ))) (at PHOBO)
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Business Breakfast LIVE: Royal Mail warns Marriage talks May hit on profits
Just Eat Has all-clear to Wind up rival Hungryhouse
Eat’s takeover of rival Hungryhouse has been officially given the green light by the competition watchdog. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) dominated in its final decision that the price – worth up to #240m – does not raise competition concerns, given that the rise of new entrants like Deliveroo, UberEATS and Amazon. It rubber-stamped a provisional decision a month to give the deal the go-ahead. Just Eat welcomed the announcement and said it now expects to finish the takeover on January 31. Andrew Griffith, interim chairman of Just Eat, stated:
The combination with Hungryhouse will let us bring advantages to more separate restaurantsthat consumers are offered by us.
We are so pleased with the CMA’s choice and look forward to bringing Hungryhouse to the Eat household.
Just Eat app
Have a Look inside Newcastle’s new 24-hour fitness center
24-hour fitness center supplying virtual exercise courses to start on Monday
Anytime Fitness is going to be based across two floors of St James’ Gate, which will be located opposite the Centre for Life.
The fitness center will be kitted out with the most recent gym equipment and will cater to those wanting to do weights or work outs instruction.
The top-of-the-line weights machines incorporate rep counters so that users can track their workouts. Anytime Fitness comprises a studio where personal trainers and fitness instructors will offer exercises courses.
The members of the gym can take part in virtual exercise courses after the studio is not in use. Members can choose from a selection of workout movies, that will be projected .
The franchise has been run by Anthony Patterson, who quit his profession to start the fitness center.
Commenting on the fitness center’s start, Mr Patterson said:
Anytime Fitness is the most significant group of fitness centers in the world, and now there are approximately 4,000 and counting.
We offer top notch machines and equipment and free weights. We have live courses, including Les Mills courses, and we’ve got a studio where you can take part in courses on demand, therefore whenever it’s suitable for you.
24-hour fitness center Anytime Fitness is launching in Newcastle (Image: Unknown)
GKN declares leadership shake-up after additional #130m hit
Bank notes (Image: Surrey Advertiser)
KFC to start new store in Newcastle city centre – yards away from older assumptions
The new branch is launching on Newgate Street, ” The Gate, also will sit within a retail unit which was previously home to rival string Dixy Chicken.
Workmen are refitting the premises to house the fast food restaurant and a banner was put that KFC will shortly be launching.
The company is recruiting personnel to work in the restaurant but it is not yet known how many jobs will be generated.
The chicken giant used to operate the following franchise on Grainger Street, just a short walk will be launching.
The former website was located at the corner of Grainger Street and the Bigg Market. It’s now home to supermarket and Vietnamese restaurant after the assumptions stood empty for five years VietCafe, which started.
KFC, which has a store near the summit of all Newcastle’s Northumberland Street, was contacted to comment on the new branch opening.
KFC’s new restaurant will start on Newgate Street (Image: NCJ Media)
Virgin Currency to target SME market for the first time
Included in Virgin Cash’s new strategy the bank will look to target the SME market.
The strategy will kick off whenever the company starts its SME deposit accounts at January 2018. The bank has been targeting #5bn of all SME deposits over the first five years.
Jayne-Anne Gadhia, chief executive, Virgin Money, said:
We are also delighted to announce the start of our journey into SME banks and we’ll be starting a new SME savings account.
This may enable us to start developing relationships with business clients and lay the foundations for potential broader growth in this appealing, but badly served market.
Virgin also revealed that it is currently looking to apply for financing from the RBS state aid alternative remedies bundle, which has been announced by HM Fall in September.
Virgin Money lender shop (Image: PA)
Virgin Money reveals new strategy to create major digital stage
Virgin Money has revealed a new strategy which will see it produce a new banking system in an effort to improve its customer base by 50%.
The Newcastle-headquartered bank is aiming to grow its customer base by introducing a electronic personal account and increasing its centers that are internet. The team is currently aiming to draw #5bn of customer deposits over five years of launching into these accounts.
It’s also developing a brand new banking system designed to grow the presence in the market of the bank.
Beta testing of the website will happen together with the expected to commence at 2019, in the second half of 2018.
Jayne-Anne Gadhia, chief executive, Virgin Money, said:
Looking ahead, in order to catch lots of the highly attractive strategic opportunities in front of us, we’ve refreshed our tactical plan, considering expectations to the UK market, the more competitive landscape and exciting market opportunities.
We think that the mixture of technology and regulatory change, including the results of Open Banking and PSD2 (the second Payment Services Directive) , will measure the competitive playing field from UK retail banking substantially. This produces a compelling chance for Foreign Currency to change long-term returns and its own market presence.
To realise our vision to the future, we’re building a differentiated, market-leading, data-driven digital bank which will be effective at meeting individual clients’ tailored requirements and provide significantly more compared to the performance of a current accounts.
We aim to increase our customer numbers by over 50 percent from the present 3.3 million and think that’s an attainable goal given the potential to access and bring around 19 million UK clients across the Virgin Group.
Virgin Money added that the development of its digital bank would increase its operating costs by approximately 10%.
Virgin Money Chief Executive Jayne-Anne Gadhia (Image: Newcastle Chronicle)
Barratt increases rise in earnings as mortgage market maintains need
Even the Newcastle-founded housebuilder saw its forward earnings increase to #2.88bn throughout the period covering July 1 to November 12. The earnings will be 8.4% higher than the #2.65bn made throughout the same period in 2016.
In a trading update, Barratt stated that the demand for new houses had been endorsed by the “broad access to attractive mortgage fund”.
Chief executive David Thomas added:
We have begun the fiscal year strongly with a good sales rate, driven by customer demand for new houses, and supported through an attractive lending atmosphere.
We stay dedicated to quality, construct excellence and market leading customer support and are working hard to raise the supply of houses across the UK.
We stay focused on driving improvements and we continue to be confident in providing a good operation in FY18.
After launching 79 throughout the following month span, 10 more than last year Barratt upped its variety of developments.
Additionally, it increased the total amount it spent on usable land by over #300m after purchasing 37 websites and 9,498 plots. The property price #505.5m.
The purchase of property is a major focus for Barratt and the organization is planning to approve over 20,000 plots throughout 2018. The firm added that it would continue to invest in its own company by hiring staff and building more houses.
Since the UK’s biggest housebuilder, we remain firmly dedicated to helping tackle the UK’s housing shortage, as well as playing our role in addressing industry-wide capacities challenges.
We are currently investing in our award apprenticeships and recruitment and training skilled workers from beyond the construction industry.
To increase the efficiency of our build process, we continue to assess, trial and execute modern construction methods.
Barratt Homes City Edge improvement in Blakelaw (Image: Newcastle Chronicle)
FTSE and pound update
The FTSE-100 index started at 7372.61.
The pound at 8am was 1.3146 dollars in comparison to 1.3163 dollars in the previous close. The euro in 8am was 0.8958 lbs in comparison to 0.8960 pounds in the previous close.
Royal Mail warns union talks could hit performance
Royal Mail has seen profits fall by almost a third and cautioned that efforts to reach a deal with unions over workers’ pay and pensions could reach its fiscal performance. The FTSE 250 company stated it had been a “priority” to reach an arrangement with all the CWU – that the communications union – with the mediation process likely to operate before Christmas or even beyond. While the business’s annual results hang on the crucial festive period, Royal Mail reported that the “industrial relations environment” could knock its second-half performance. It arrived as pre-tax gains tumbled 30 percent to #77m, down from #110mfor that the 26 weeks to September 25 final year. Adjusted operating profit before conversion prices – that the Royal Mail’s preferred measure – climbed 7% to #323m within the span. Earners grew 2 percent to #4.8bn, with the lion’s share of this growth coming out of its Europe-focused parcel company General Logistics Systems (GLS), helping to offset horizontal earnings in its own UK letters and parcels arm. Chief executive Moya Greene said the company had enjoyed a great start to the year. She included:
GLS delivered a strong performance with revenue up 9 percent. GLS is growing to catch increased growth markets.
UKPIL revenue was unchanged, having declined by 2 percent in 2016-17. Our investment in our company is paying off. We have won new parcels company; volumes were up 6%. A letters performance that is resilient has been there.
We are now in external mediation together with the CWU as previously announced. Our priority will be to reach agreement with all the CWU to assist underpin the sustainability of the enterprise.
Revenues at GLS – that mostly operates in Germany, Italy and France – rose to #1.205 bnfor that the half-year, up from #942m at 2016. UKPIL recorded marginally lower earnings of #3.624bn, down from #3.641bn on the exact six-month period this past year. Focusing on Christmas, ” Ms Greene said:
Our performance for the full calendar year, as always, will be dependent on the Christmas period.
We recruiting over 20,000 personnel and are launching six parcel sort centres that are temporary. We are also currently expanding opening hours at a number of our Enquiry Offices to assist retailers and consumers.
Royal Mail (Image: SUNDAY MERCURY)
Superior morning and welcome to the Business Breakfast live blog for Thursday, November 16.
I am Jonathon Manning and I am running the live blog this week, to bring you updates on all of the breaking company news from across the North East and beyond.
This blog covers information and statements in addition to the latest stories in the North East business community – anything and everything in the world of business.
Royal Mail’s pre-tax profits have plummeted by 30 percent at the first-half of this calendar year, and the firm has cautioned that its performance could be despite having marriages affected by its. The company is currently in discussions with unions over pensions and pay.
Throughout the 26 weeks leading up to September 24 Royal Mail’s pre-tax gains dropped to #77m.
Following the company was forced to write-off # 130m and technology company GKN has cut ties with its. GKN stated that Kevin Cummings has now left the company will effect.
The write-offs link to the fighting US aerospace division of GKN. The company is known for producing parts for auto manufacturers and wing strategies for Airbus.
If you’d like to donate, talk at @jnlbusiness to share your opinions, drop me a line at [email protected] or talk me in @JonnyAManning.
from network 10 http://b2bwebsiteprofits.com/business-breakfast-live-royal-mail-warns-marriage-talks-may-hit-on-profits/
0 notes
Business Breakfast LIVE: Royal Mail warns Marriage talks May hit on profits
Just Eat Has all-clear to Wind up rival Hungryhouse
Eat’s takeover of rival Hungryhouse has been officially given the green light by the competition watchdog. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) dominated in its final decision that the price – worth up to #240m – does not raise competition concerns, given that the rise of new entrants like Deliveroo, UberEATS and Amazon. It rubber-stamped a provisional decision a month to give the deal the go-ahead. Just Eat welcomed the announcement and said it now expects to finish the takeover on January 31. Andrew Griffith, interim chairman of Just Eat, stated:
The combination with Hungryhouse will let us bring advantages to more separate restaurantsthat consumers are offered by us.
We are so pleased with the CMA’s choice and look forward to bringing Hungryhouse to the Eat household.
Just Eat app
Have a Look inside Newcastle’s new 24-hour fitness center
24-hour fitness center supplying virtual exercise courses to start on Monday
Anytime Fitness is going to be based across two floors of St James’ Gate, which will be located opposite the Centre for Life.
The fitness center will be kitted out with the most recent gym equipment and will cater to those wanting to do weights or work outs instruction.
The top-of-the-line weights machines incorporate rep counters so that users can track their workouts. Anytime Fitness comprises a studio where personal trainers and fitness instructors will offer exercises courses.
The members of the gym can take part in virtual exercise courses after the studio is not in use. Members can choose from a selection of workout movies, that will be projected .
The franchise has been run by Anthony Patterson, who quit his profession to start the fitness center.
Commenting on the fitness center’s start, Mr Patterson said:
Anytime Fitness is the most significant group of fitness centers in the world, and now there are approximately 4,000 and counting.
We offer top notch machines and equipment and free weights. We have live courses, including Les Mills courses, and we’ve got a studio where you can take part in courses on demand, therefore whenever it’s suitable for you.
24-hour fitness center Anytime Fitness is launching in Newcastle (Image: Unknown)
GKN declares leadership shake-up after additional #130m hit
Bank notes (Image: Surrey Advertiser)
KFC to start new store in Newcastle city centre – yards away from older assumptions
The new branch is launching on Newgate Street, ” The Gate, also will sit within a retail unit which was previously home to rival string Dixy Chicken.
Workmen are refitting the premises to house the fast food restaurant and a banner was put that KFC will shortly be launching.
The company is recruiting personnel to work in the restaurant but it is not yet known how many jobs will be generated.
The chicken giant used to operate the following franchise on Grainger Street, just a short walk will be launching.
The former website was located at the corner of Grainger Street and the Bigg Market. It’s now home to supermarket and Vietnamese restaurant after the assumptions stood empty for five years VietCafe, which started.
KFC, which has a store near the summit of all Newcastle’s Northumberland Street, was contacted to comment on the new branch opening.
KFC’s new restaurant will start on Newgate Street (Image: NCJ Media)
Virgin Currency to target SME market for the first time
Included in Virgin Cash’s new strategy the bank will look to target the SME market.
The strategy will kick off whenever the company starts its SME deposit accounts at January 2018. The bank has been targeting #5bn of all SME deposits over the first five years.
Jayne-Anne Gadhia, chief executive, Virgin Money, said:
We are also delighted to announce the start of our journey into SME banks and we’ll be starting a new SME savings account.
This may enable us to start developing relationships with business clients and lay the foundations for potential broader growth in this appealing, but badly served market.
Virgin also revealed that it is currently looking to apply for financing from the RBS state aid alternative remedies bundle, which has been announced by HM Fall in September.
Virgin Money lender shop (Image: PA)
Virgin Money reveals new strategy to create major digital stage
Virgin Money has revealed a new strategy which will see it produce a new banking system in an effort to improve its customer base by 50%.
The Newcastle-headquartered bank is aiming to grow its customer base by introducing a electronic personal account and increasing its centers that are internet. The team is currently aiming to draw #5bn of customer deposits over five years of launching into these accounts.
It’s also developing a brand new banking system designed to grow the presence in the market of the bank.
Beta testing of the website will happen together with the expected to commence at 2019, in the second half of 2018.
Jayne-Anne Gadhia, chief executive, Virgin Money, said:
Looking ahead, in order to catch lots of the highly attractive strategic opportunities in front of us, we’ve refreshed our tactical plan, considering expectations to the UK market, the more competitive landscape and exciting market opportunities.
We think that the mixture of technology and regulatory change, including the results of Open Banking and PSD2 (the second Payment Services Directive) , will measure the competitive playing field from UK retail banking substantially. This produces a compelling chance for Foreign Currency to change long-term returns and its own market presence.
To realise our vision to the future, we’re building a differentiated, market-leading, data-driven digital bank which will be effective at meeting individual clients’ tailored requirements and provide significantly more compared to the performance of a current accounts.
We aim to increase our customer numbers by over 50 percent from the present 3.3 million and think that’s an attainable goal given the potential to access and bring around 19 million UK clients across the Virgin Group.
Virgin Money added that the development of its digital bank would increase its operating costs by approximately 10%.
Virgin Money Chief Executive Jayne-Anne Gadhia (Image: Newcastle Chronicle)
Barratt increases rise in earnings as mortgage market maintains need
Even the Newcastle-founded housebuilder saw its forward earnings increase to #2.88bn throughout the period covering July 1 to November 12. The earnings will be 8.4% higher than the #2.65bn made throughout the same period in 2016.
In a trading update, Barratt stated that the demand for new houses had been endorsed by the “broad access to attractive mortgage fund”.
Chief executive David Thomas added:
We have begun the fiscal year strongly with a good sales rate, driven by customer demand for new houses, and supported through an attractive lending atmosphere.
We stay dedicated to quality, construct excellence and market leading customer support and are working hard to raise the supply of houses across the UK.
We stay focused on driving improvements and we continue to be confident in providing a good operation in FY18.
After launching 79 throughout the following month span, 10 more than last year Barratt upped its variety of developments.
Additionally, it increased the total amount it spent on usable land by over #300m after purchasing 37 websites and 9,498 plots. The property price #505.5m.
The purchase of property is a major focus for Barratt and the organization is planning to approve over 20,000 plots throughout 2018. The firm added that it would continue to invest in its own company by hiring staff and building more houses.
Since the UK’s biggest housebuilder, we remain firmly dedicated to helping tackle the UK’s housing shortage, as well as playing our role in addressing industry-wide capacities challenges.
We are currently investing in our award apprenticeships and recruitment and training skilled workers from beyond the construction industry.
To increase the efficiency of our build process, we continue to assess, trial and execute modern construction methods.
Barratt Homes City Edge improvement in Blakelaw (Image: Newcastle Chronicle)
FTSE and pound update
The FTSE-100 index started at 7372.61.
The pound at 8am was 1.3146 dollars in comparison to 1.3163 dollars in the previous close. The euro in 8am was 0.8958 lbs in comparison to 0.8960 pounds in the previous close.
Royal Mail warns union talks could hit performance
Royal Mail has seen profits fall by almost a third and cautioned that efforts to reach a deal with unions over workers’ pay and pensions could reach its fiscal performance. The FTSE 250 company stated it had been a “priority” to reach an arrangement with all the CWU – that the communications union – with the mediation process likely to operate before Christmas or even beyond. While the business’s annual results hang on the crucial festive period, Royal Mail reported that the “industrial relations environment” could knock its second-half performance. It arrived as pre-tax gains tumbled 30 percent to #77m, down from #110mfor that the 26 weeks to September 25 final year. Adjusted operating profit before conversion prices – that the Royal Mail’s preferred measure – climbed 7% to #323m within the span. Earners grew 2 percent to #4.8bn, with the lion’s share of this growth coming out of its Europe-focused parcel company General Logistics Systems (GLS), helping to offset horizontal earnings in its own UK letters and parcels arm. Chief executive Moya Greene said the company had enjoyed a great start to the year. She included:
GLS delivered a strong performance with revenue up 9 percent. GLS is growing to catch increased growth markets.
UKPIL revenue was unchanged, having declined by 2 percent in 2016-17. Our investment in our company is paying off. We have won new parcels company; volumes were up 6%. A letters performance that is resilient has been there.
We are now in external mediation together with the CWU as previously announced. Our priority will be to reach agreement with all the CWU to assist underpin the sustainability of the enterprise.
Revenues at GLS – that mostly operates in Germany, Italy and France – rose to #1.205 bnfor that the half-year, up from #942m at 2016. UKPIL recorded marginally lower earnings of #3.624bn, down from #3.641bn on the exact six-month period this past year. Focusing on Christmas, ” Ms Greene said:
Our performance for the full calendar year, as always, will be dependent on the Christmas period.
We recruiting over 20,000 personnel and are launching six parcel sort centres that are temporary. We are also currently expanding opening hours at a number of our Enquiry Offices to assist retailers and consumers.
Royal Mail (Image: SUNDAY MERCURY)
Superior morning and welcome to the Business Breakfast live blog for Thursday, November 16.
I am Jonathon Manning and I am running the live blog this week, to bring you updates on all of the breaking company news from across the North East and beyond.
This blog covers information and statements in addition to the latest stories in the North East business community – anything and everything in the world of business.
Royal Mail’s pre-tax profits have plummeted by 30 percent at the first-half of this calendar year, and the firm has cautioned that its performance could be despite having marriages affected by its. The company is currently in discussions with unions over pensions and pay.
Throughout the 26 weeks leading up to September 24 Royal Mail’s pre-tax gains dropped to #77m.
Following the company was forced to write-off # 130m and technology company GKN has cut ties with its. GKN stated that Kevin Cummings has now left the company will effect.
The write-offs link to the fighting US aerospace division of GKN. The company is known for producing parts for auto manufacturers and wing strategies for Airbus.
If you’d like to donate, talk at @jnlbusiness to share your opinions, drop me a line at [email protected] or talk me in @JonnyAManning.
from b2b website profits http://b2bwebsiteprofits.com/business-breakfast-live-royal-mail-warns-marriage-talks-may-hit-on-profits/
0 notes
Vietnamese food simplicity
Simply refreshing Vietnamese green papaya salad is a must! Read my 1st Tastecard food review
It is time for a barbeque but with the rising heat in London, I don’t feel like eating anything heavy. Over the past week, I have been in the search for some simple food that will be both refreshing and delivers on taste. I found just that at VietCafe, the first restaurant I have gone as part of my new TasteCard food review series. This lime green and bright orange cafe restaurant in Haymarket is…
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🕴🏻#theresthedarkcloudoveryourhead (at VietCafe ГАЗЕТНЫЙ)
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#деньрождения #36лет #вьетнамскаякухня (at VietCafe ГАЗЕТНЫЙ)
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