#video mailer
The Video Brochure will Revolutionize Your Marketing & Sales Process Say farewell to lackluster marketing materials and embrace the future with Video Brochures! Stand out, captivate your audience, and leave a lasting impression.
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digitalleo0 · 2 years
Looking for a way to keep your videos and photos safe and secure? Look no further than our Lcd Video Mailer! This sleek and efficient device can help you store your videos and photos in an easily accessible location, without having to worry about lost or damaged files. Plus, it comes with a built-in security system that helps keep your data safe and secure.
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printavizion1 · 4 days
5 Reasons Why Our Transparent OLED Displays Will Transform Your Space
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Whether you’re looking to captivate customers, showcase your technological prowess, or simply adding a touch of modern sophistication to your space, our transparent OLED displays are the perfect solution. In this blog, let’s explore in detail why our transparent OLED Displays will transform your space:
1. Eye-Catching Design: Transparent OLED displays captivate attention like no other. Their unique design not only showcases vibrant visuals but also offers an almost magical effect, blending digital content with the physical environment. It’s a sure way to get people talking!
2. Enhance Customer Experience: These displays are built for interaction! With intuitive touch capabilities, they invite viewers to engage with content directly, creating a more immersive experience that keeps them coming back for more.
3. Showcase Technological Leadership: Investing in transparent OLED technology signals your position as an industry leader. Displaying cutting-edge tech not only sets you apart from competitors but also establishes your brand as forward-thinking and innovative.
4. Generate Conversations: Every transparent display is a conversation starter! The striking visual appeal naturally draws curiosity, making it easy to spark discussions around your brand and offerings—leading to new opportunities and connections.
5. Simply Awesome: Let’s face it—these displays are just really cool! With their sleek aesthetics and modern technology, every office should have one. They not only elevate your space but also leave a memorable impression on clients and visitors.
Ready to take the leap into the future of display technology? Contact us today to learn more about integrating transparent OLED displays into your environment!
More Info : video brochure card
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ucanpack1 · 1 month
Secure Video Tape Mailers - Durable Protection for Your Media
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Ensure your video tapes arrive safely with our sturdy Video Tape Mailers. Designed for a snug fit, these mailers offer superior protection against damage during transit. Made from high-quality, eco-friendly materials, they are perfect for securely mailing VHS tapes, preserving your precious memories or valuable media.
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zooophagous · 2 years
So why do you hate the advertising industry?
Hokay so.
Let me preface this with some personal history. It's not relevant to the sins of the advertising industry perse but it illustrates how I started to grow to hate it.
I wanted to be a veterinarian growing up, but to be a vet you basically have to be good enough to get into medical school. I do not have the math chops or discipline to make it in medical school. I went into art instead, and in a desperate attempt to find some commercial viability that didn't involve moving to California, I went into graphic design.
I've been a graphic designer for about seven or eight years now and I've worn a lot of hats. One of them was working in a print shop. Now, the print shop had a lot of corporate customers who had various ad campaigns. One of them was Gate City Bank, which had a bigass stack of postcards ordered every couple months to mail to their customers.
Now, paper comes from Dakota Paper, and they make their paper the usual way. Somewhere far, far from our treeless plain there is a forest of tall trees. These trees are cut down and put on big fossil fuel burning trucks and hauled to a paper mill that turns them into pulp while spewing the most fowl odors imaginable over the neighboring town and loads the pulp up with bleach to give it a nice white color.
Then the paper is put on yet another big truck and hauled off to the local paper depot, then put on another big truck and delivered to my print shop, where I turned the paper into postcards telling people to go even deeper into debt to buy a boat because it's almost summer. The inks used are a type of nasty heat sensitive plastic that is melted to the surface of the paper with heat. Then the postcards are put on yet ANOTHER truck and sent to the bank, which puts them on ANOTHER truck and finally into the hands of their customers, who open their mail and take one look at the post card and immediately discard it.
Heaps and heaps and literal hundreds of pounds of literal garbage created at the whim of the marketing team several times a year. And thats just one bank in one city.
I came to realize very quickly that graphic design was the delicate art of turning trees into junk mail.
And wouldn't you know it there are a TON of companies that basically only do junk mail. Many of them operate under the guise of a "charity," sending you pictures of suffering children or animals and begging for handouts and when they get those handouts the executives take a nice fat cut, give some small token amount to whatever cause they pay lip service to, and then put the rest of the cash right back into making more mailers. "Direct mail marketing" they call it.
Oh but maybe it's not so bad, you can advertise online after all. Now that there's decent ad blocker out there and better anti-virus ads usually don't destroy your computer anymore just by existing.
Except now when I search for the exact business I want on Google it's buried under three or four different "promoted search items" tricking me into clicking on them only to shoot themselves in the foot because I searched for the specific result I wanted for a reason and couldn't use those other websites even if I felt like it.
And now we have advertising on YouTube and on every streaming service, forcing more and more eyes onto the ad for the brand new Buick Envision that parks itself because you're too stupid to do it on your own.
Oh thats ok maybe I'll get Spotify premium and go ad free and listen to some podcasts- SIKE we have the hosts of your show doing the song and dance now. Are you depressed and paranoid from listening to my true crime podcast about murdered and mutilated teenagers? That's ok, my sponsor Better Help can keep you sane enough to stay alive and spend more money.
It's gotten so terrible that now you have content farms, huge hubs of shell companies that crank out video after video to get more and more precious clicks. Which if the videos were innocuous maybe that wouldn't be so awful except now you have cooking hacks that can actually burn your house down and craft hacks that can electrocute you being flung into your eyes at the speed of mach fuck so some slimy internet clickbait jockey doesn't need to get a real job.
It of course goes without saying that animals are also relentlessly exploited by clickbait companies that will put them in compromising situations on purpose to create a fake fishing hack video or even just straight up killing them for sport by feeding small animals to a pufferfish that rips them apart for the camera.
And all of this, ALL of this doesn't even touch how adveritising is the death of art in general. Queer topics, any kind of interesting art, any kind of sex or substance use topics are scrubbed clean and hidden at the behest of advertisers.
Sex education, a nude statue, topics such as racism or sexism or bigotry in general have tags purged or hidden from search, even life saving information about SDTs or drug use, because if someone saw that and complained then Verizon might sell fewer tablets and we can't fucking have that.
Conservative talking heads often bitch and moan that they're being censored on social media. The stupid part is, they're right! They are being censored! But it's not by a woke mob, it's by ATT and Coca Cola not wanting their adspace sharing screen time with their stupid fucking opinions.
However, they won't ever figure that out, because the talking heads they get their marching orders from like Tucker and Jones ALSO rely on the sweet milk flowing from the sponsorship teat and they aren't about to turn on their meal ticket so they have to come up with even stupider shit to say for the train to continue rolling.
I managed to rant this far without even getting into the ads I see for the beauty industry. The other day a botox ad described wrinkles as "moderate to severe crows feet" as if wrinkles are a symptom of a fucking serious disease! Like having a flaw in your skin is a medical problem that you need thousands of dollars of literal botulism toxin to fix! I was incandescent with anger.
Advertising is a polluting, censoring, anti educational and anti art industry at it's very core. It destroys human connections, suppresses human thought and makes us hate our own bodies. It ads no value, actively detracts from value, and serves no real purpose and I believe it should be almost if not entirely banned.
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greatdelusionlight · 2 years
Looking for a way to keep your videos fresh and interesting? Look no further than our Video Marketing Mailers. Our affordable and easy-to-use mailers will help you create engaging, informative videos that will help you reach your target market.
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uwurakax · 3 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 finding an obscure otome game on the internet wasn't on your 2024 bingo card, but with only the cover art and no blurb, you decided to give it a shot. it looked promising enough at the start, and nothing could go wrong, right? ✩
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 various jojo's characters x f!reader
𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 otome || university/college!au || isekai || alt!universe ||
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 cursing (duh) || me thinking im funny asf || dio
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2.8k
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masterlist || next
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-> 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You liked to think that you were an otome game expert. Even if it sounded… strange to the everyday person, it was your niche and who didn't have an out there hobby anyway? Supply and demand, right?
So you’d pride yourself on your extensive, and completely useless, knowledge regarding fictional pixel romance.
That was how you found yourself here, at two in the morning researching a really obscure listing of a dating game that you had never heard of before. There was no description, release date or year, and no mention of a publisher found anywhere.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure.
That was all you had to work with, the title of this so called game. There wasn't even an item picture uploaded. Spending a whopping thirty minutes gave way to absolutely nothing and you weren't going to lie, you were pretty miffed about it. A piece of so-called lost media just happened to be put on sale on a totally legitimate looking website at the grand old price of.. wait, $10?
Now you were intrigued. An otome game for that price? There was no way this was authentic when games of this nature cost upwards of $50 to $80.
With a few more clicks on your laptop, you came to find out there was free shipping included as well.
That was surely safe, you thought to yourself in your sleep deprived mind.
You faltered for a moment before closing the tab, shutting off your device and promptly collapsing onto your bed for the sleep your body craved hours ago.
Damn, you’ll feel that tomorrow.
The following days were mundane at best, your mind drifting to the odd listing of the game. The circumstances alluded you, and during your free time, you found yourself naturally going back to it. Exploring any and every corner you could, even going on the occasional forum. You didn't get much information however, and it seemed the more you looked, the more elusive it seemed.
How was it that no one else seemed to know of this game? Surely that wasn't possible.
It became more and more tempting to just shot the odds and buy it outright and trying it yourself, but you were still apprehensive.
The website didn't do any favours for itself, looking like it hadn't been updated since 2009, and there didn't seem to be any reviews on the authentication of the site either.
You groaned, sinking back into your chair and staring at your ceiling. Closing your eyes, you cautiously rubbed at them, deep in thought as the listing displayed at attention on your screen.
With a deep inhale you leaned forward again, focused as your hand hovered over the trackpad. The inner debate followed; curiosity killed the cat…
but satisfaction brought it back.
Super sketchy website, but if you played it smart, you wouldn't need to give out too much of your personal information. Plus it was dirt cheap for what it claimed it was.
‘Fuck it’, with a click and a few taps of your keyboard filling the otherwise silent bedroom, you received a congratulatory email and in red capital letters were the words ‘SOLD’ on the now ended post.
And so, you were now the future owner of the enigmatic video game, and if you so happened to be scammed… rest in peace that ten bucks.
You were honestly pleasantly, and weirdly, surprised at how quickly your package arrived. Didn't you just order this thing yesterday? The no bigger than A4 sized parcel sat at your doorstep in a white bubble mailer, perched upright. The keys jingled in your hand as you bent down to pick it up, purse falling forward slightly in an uncomfortable manner. Your mood was already soured from the days events, and any little inconvenience had grated you. You were about to roughly shove your bag back and open your door when you realised there was no label stuck to your package. You flipped it over, only to find the same blank space.
That's definitely not worrying at all.
You jammed the key inside your door and forced your way inside with an all too loud slam. You knew you shouldn't have trusted that damn website. Now some axe murdering lunatic knows where you live! You could feel the nerves wash over you, and your heart began to palpitate. Twisting the deadbolt lock on your door gave you some sense of security, but it did little to appease you.
Tossing your keys and bag on your coffee table, you sat into your much too old and worn out lounge as you ripped the parcel open.
Discarding the plastic wrapping, you’d clean it up later, you found that inside was a small case with what you suspected was the game. There was nothing of note on the back, no text, rating, or any other information found. Turning it over, you saw the images of various male characters decorating the cover.
These must be the leads.
You glanced over each of the men as your fingers traced their features.
Four blondes, one brunette, one with dark blue hair, another with dark purple, one with a green undercut, a redhead and at the center was a brooding character with black hair and a tipped down cap.
What an interesting cast.
You couldn't help but wonder what made the creator go for ten different routes. It wasn't like that was unheard of, but it was quite a larger cast of romantic interests. In the midst of your thoughts, you felt a chill.
Like you were being watched.
Walking over to your kitchen window you looked outside, hand still holding onto the keep case. You stayed there for a few seconds, looking at the now setting sun against the trees. The orange glow offers little warmth within your small apartment. You gaze back down at the cover art, focusing on the dark, capped character. You didn't know why, but there was something unsettling about them. The longer you looked, the more the feeling began to fester. Gently facing it down on the marble counter, you headed into your bedroom to shower and change; hopeful that a new set of clothes and washing the day's grime away would lighten your mood.
Spoiler alert, it didn't.
Clad in only a towel, you went back into the kitchen to get a drink, throat parched and getting dry. You drank the cool beverage as your eyes began to wander back to the faced down disc. You still felt unexplainably wary, but it didn't feel so bad in that moment.
Gosh, you were such an idiot, who gets freaked over plastic?
You took the few steps towards it and turned it back over again. Tapping your fingers against the countertop in thought you wondered if you should actually play the game. It's highly possible it was just some kind if virus ready to wipe your entire harddrive, but your curiosity was getting the better of you.
You really needed to see what this was, consequences be damned!
Deciding that you’ll use your old high school laptop, you headed back to the bedroom to change into comfortable clothing. You found a pair of old white, cotton shorts and your well loved gray t-shirt that was much too big for you, left behind by a long forgotten ex. You couldn't even remember his name, or maybe you didn't want to remember. He was an ex for a reason, but the shirt sure was comfortable and his loss for leaving it with you. The only scent lingering on it was your own, so by definition and for all intents and purposes, it was yours.
Placing the game on your desk, you went rummaging around your room for the laptop.
Searching high and low; under your bed and in the wardrobes, resulted in nothing. You spend a good twenty minutes before checking the drawers of your desk and finding it hidden under stacks of scrap bits of paper in the bottom drawer. How cliché, and of course it was there.
Agitated, you moved your current laptop away and plugged in the old tried and true. It got you through high school, so hopefully it’ll make it through this.
Though you had hoped inside it wasn't a dud, as you began to feel sentimental about the outdated electronic.
If it did, you'd think about setting aside the money to have it fixed, even if it wasn't worth it - and it most definitely wouldn't be worth it.
You waited a couple of minutes for the thing to boot up, dusting off the slight dirt that accumulated from its lack of use. The age of the laptop was clear as you heard the fan blare to life.
Would it even be able to run the thing? There's no way you'd risk your actual computer on this…
Once deemed ready enough, you pressed down on the disc drive a couple of times, using much more than necessary force on the last push when the reader wouldn't open.
You waited impatiently as it closed with a quiet click, tracing your finger over the trackpad as the cursor moved violently across the screen.
You kept waiting… and waiting… and waiting… until….
The screen had shut off, and no amount of pressing the power button, force restarting the laptop or even hitting it did anything.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” the disbelief and anger present in your tone as you plugged the charger cable in and out of the port.
You weren't entirely surprised it was a scam, a virus now killing your laptop, but that didn't mean you weren't any less pissed.
Yeah you were lucky it was an old laptop, anything on it long since gone when the thing was reset before you graduated, but still…
What a waste of a laptop and the ten dollars spent on a useless thing. On the off chance that the laptop's hardware was too old to run it, you couldn't even get the disc back unless you wanted to pry the drive reader open and damage it further.
With a huff you slammed the laptop shut, grabbing your phone and laying down in your bed. You’d figure out what to do when you had time, but you were too upset to deal with your broken device now.
At least you had the sense to use an old laptop with no data. Gotta take those silver linings.
To lift your spirits, you ordered some takeaway, eagerly awaiting to stuff your face full of the greasy food. After the later half of the day, you felt like you deserved it, and the knock on your door couldn't come soon enough.
Switching off your television, you reached beside you and tapped on your phone screen to check the time.
You debated whether you did want to sleep now, but your body decided to answer for you as you let out a loud yawn.
Your lounge was pretty comfortable right now, but after previous experiences, you'd definitely be feeling it in the morning.
The longer you stayed, the more difficult it would be to leave so you quickly got up, threw away the rubbish from your order and went on to do your nightly routine.
After the final step of brushing your teeth, you went to bed, flicking off the bedroom light before you looked towards your desk. Your laptop illuminating a glow along the edge.
Well that's suspicious… that's weird…
You shook your head off the image and voice of Cardi B and slowly sat down at your desk. Tentatively reaching out and opening the laptop you were met with a title screen.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure.
A deep blue background with the words in a hot pink gradient that faded to white. Deep violet coloured roses garnished the sides as different hues of purple petals fell from the top of your screen.
A Bizarre Dating Adventure, that was the name of the game from the listing, wasn't it?
Absentmindedly, your middle finger moved across the trackpad, white sparkles glittering off the cursor with every motion.
Surely a few minutes wouldn't hurt right? Just to get a feel and understanding of the game.
Small, white text slowly flashed underneath the title text reading ‘PRESS SPACE TO START.’
“Here goes nothing.” you murmured, as the screen faded to black, shrouding your entire room in darkness as well.
After a few seconds of nothing, you became apprehensive. You silently prayed that it didn't conk out on you again. There was no way you’d be teased like this.
It felt like a minute before the black screen started to light up again imperceptibly, a slight purple tinge colouring against the blackness. More white text appeared.
>> ‘HELLO’
You awaited the continuation, but nothing else had occurred, the bold letters staring at you. You clicked all over the screen and tapped enter, but there was still nothing. On a whim, you ran your hand over your keyboard to see it typed into the screen, right underneath the greeting.
How peculiar.
You held backspace to remove what was a mess of letters and numbers before typing back a ‘HI’ and hitting enter.
New student? Was this game set in a school?
At least it wasn't in high school, thank goodness. You’d be damned to face another high school otome game. Figuring this was how the game went, but deciding to see what would happen you typed,
> NO
You tried to hit enter, but nothing happened. I guess it wouldn't accept that answer. You deleted the text before following what you assumed to be the correct response,
The text response was different now, a yellow instead of the earlier white. You felt a shiver run up you, looking behind at your empty room. You sensed that something was wrong, yet you didn't know why.
Okay this wasn't funny, and this disc was obviously some kind of troll or some deep web, tracking crap. At minimum it was designed to scare you and at most… well you didn't want to think about that.
You don't know why you decided to be somewhat honest, but something was telling you that it would be better than lying. Not like it mattered much.
You kept rereading the text before the screen flashed with your name, repeating over and over and over again.
Fuck that!
You unplugged the charger, covering your room, once again in darkness. Your breathing became laboured, as your heart beat thundered furiously in your chest, threatening to explode. That most definitely was some type of tracking, data hacking bullshit! Fuck, fuck, fuck!
What were you supposed to do now?! Call the police? Move? You were only kind of kidding about being sent the disc by an axe murderer, but it was now a very real possibility.
You tried in vain to calm down, tears forming at the corner of your eyes. This was so stupid! So completely, utterly and devastatingly s, t, u, p, i, d! You closed the lid and shoved it back into the drawer. It gave you some semblance of safety. Tomorrow you’d go far away and toss it in a random dumpster. To hell with sentimentality, that laptop was now dead to you.
You wished it would've worked earlier, at least then you would've been able to dispose of it. There's no way you were leaving your unit now at this hour.
Maybe you shouldn't throw it away and instead give it to the proper authorities? But if it was just some troll, you'd either be laughed at out of the station, or berated for wasting their time with nonsense.
You triple checked your deadbolt and closing every curtain, also ensuring that every window was sealed shut and locked.
Retreating back to your room you hid under the covers, the fluffy security net doing little to curb the anxiety that was manifesting inside.
You were surprised to feel yourself growing drowsier, the cute cat compilation video that you put on was only 6 minutes in.
You fell asleep shortly after that, your phone showing a ginger cat jumping off a shed roof and face planting into the concrete.
You woke up with a start, sitting up as you gasped for breath. You could feel the slight sweat covering your body, a stuffiness surrounding you as you attempted to slow down your breathing. You looked around the room, a new panic forming as you saw the furniture and belongings of someone who was definitely not you.
Your room didn't look like this! Neither was that desk, or that chair! These sheets weren't yours either.
You closed your eyes as your breathing picked up again, thinking of what to do next before your phone went off with a ding.
Reaching down, you unlocked your phone screen as the words ‘A BIZARRE DATING GAME’ faded into view.
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leannafirestone · 2 months
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so much happening!!!! all at once!!!!! new music this week plus a patreon video, plus tour the next and new leanna’s letter club mailer !!!!! 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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FairlyOddParents: New Wish OC
A Fanfiction that I'll never Make including more Art 🎨 of these Lovely Characters.
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Here's the Size Different Between a Grown Up Fairy and the Kids all together ❤️
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Know here's the Random Info Dump of Each Character you see here 👀
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Fairies - Has inherent their notoriously fast healing & free-spirited and whimsical Personality including the abilities to touch Clouds.
[Left Round Fairy Wing]
Pixies - Has inherent their Square-Shaped Wings & Good with hiding their Emotions by talking in a dry, boring, and monotone voice.
[Right Square Pixie Wing]
Genies - Has Unlimited Wishes with Rule Free Magic & has inherent their Flight Abilities without needing Wings.
[Has No Legs unless she Transforms]
Elves - Got their Round Head & Short Stature while inherent their Knack for Building or Creating Anything including Fixing.
[Smaller than other Kids]
Leprechauns - Inherent their Pointed Ears & Dangerous Strength & their Extremely Protective of their Stuff & Territory including People.
[Sharp Ears]
• Autism - A developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.
• Alexithymia - Lack of emotional awareness or, more specifically, difficulty in identifying and describing feelings and in distinguishing feelings from the bodily sensations of emotional arousal.
• Insomnia - People with autism tend to have insomnia: It takes them an average of 11 minutes longer (Or didn't get any sleep at all) than typical people to fall asleep, and many wake up frequently during the night. 
Some people with the condition have sleep apnea, a condition that causes them to stop breathing several times during the night.
Sleep in people with autism may also be less restorative than it is for people in the general population. They spend about 15 percent of their sleeping time in the rapid eye movement.
• Mild Germaphobe - (It depends on the situation and what type of Germs she does not like. For example, a Classmate coughed into their hands instead of in their Arms and she offered hand sanitizer to them but they said no thank you. And now I they don't feel safe and gross out at the same time including being worried.
• Memory Difficulty - Autistic people experience specific difficulties with memory and memory strengths. While memory difficulty is not part of the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it is a common symptom experienced by many autistic people.
• Birth Defects - Basically structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the Body (Heart, Brain, Foot). They may affect how the Body looks, Works, or Both. Birth defects can vary from Mild to Severe Depending who has it.
• Speech Impairment - Has Fluency Disorder & does Stammer Occasionally.
• Trypophobia - Trypophobia is mainly visual. If you have this phobia, you might feel anxiety, disgust, and discomfort when looking at things. goosebumps, chills, or the sensation of your skin crawling. a strong desire to get away from the image or object.
• Merchandise Creator
• Street Vendor
• Mailer
• Influencer (YouTube)
• Owner Of An Entertainment Business & Hygiene Products.
(Video Games/Bored Games/Comics/Manga/Cartoon/Anime/etc. Shampoo, Hand Sanitizer, Conditioner, Lotion, etc.)
• Shape Shifting - Can Transform to any Objects or Animals.
• Reality-Bending Magic - Basically Brake Physics & Logic with this type of Magic.
• Teleportation - Basically can Transport anywhere in the World or Universe.
• Accelerated Healing - Their Body heal themselves very Fast but they still can die.
[Good Thing she has Plot Armor.]
• Flight: Can defy gravity and float in the air.
• Space Survivability: Can evidently survive in the vacuum of space without any sort of protective equipment.
• Rainbow 🌈 Magic - Instead of Farting Rainbows like Leprechauns, they use it to make Magic Runes or Marks.
• Extream Luck Magic - Use this Magic to be extremely Lucky or to Protect themselves from Danger & turn bad days into good days.
• Supper Strength & Good Stamina - Extremely Strength & Run or Fly Very Fast.
• Choas Magic - Since their Bloodline is from 5 Magical Being, their Magic is Very Strong, but also it can Easily Kill themselves as well.
[She have to be Very Carful when using Magic.]
• Crafts & Builds - Their really Good at Creating or Fixing Stuff.
• Acting - Their Very Skillful of Acting so their very good at Manipulating & Tricking People, they mostly use this skill for Good & their Shows & Games they are creating.
• Immune to Magic Influence - Yup, Don't have to worry about getting mind controlled or etc.
• Armadillos: The armor of an armadillo is immune to magic.
• Sensitivity - Blake's body reacts to the environment they are in Including drugs, chemicals, or other substances. For example, a person who is sensitive to the sun may have skin that burns easily or get a rash when exposed to the sun.
• Magical Build-up - Blake will explode & turns into Magic Dust if they don't use there Magic for 3 Months of Time depending on what they do, since Blake use their Magic Offten they don't have to worry plus. If they Explode that Leftover Magic could Knock Magical Being Out or make them Dizzy or a state of Confusion which is not a good idea.
(Since they don't want to get Captured or People Finding Out about their Existence & try to use them. Also the Part that they don't want to go to Magic School since the School System in their Past Life is SMOOF UP!)
Hot 🔥 & Cold 🥶 - Blake gets Extremely Weak & Tried in the Heat while the Cold they are very Active & Strong depending on what they do & the temperature in the environment.
Laziness - Blake is Extremely Lazy & Does not want to Work Hard 😑 so they usually Hire People to do it for her unless it's something she wants to do & Enjoy or Motivated.
• Reading 📚 Fanfiction or Manga & Comics
• Creating Fanmade Food
• Story Telling & Cosplaying
• Creating or Listening 🎶 to Music 🎵
• Creating Video Games & Acting
• Creating Shows & Movies 🎬
• Creating Educational Shows & Video Games
• Role-playing
• Eating Snacks From Different Countries & Shows that Exist in The Fairly OddParents Universe including Plants.
• Helping Characters to have a Happier Life & Character Development to be a Better Person In The Future.
• Doesn't care what people think of them, she just loves to be themselves, & Hopefully survive from any Toxic Stereotypes.
• Having Multiple Identity & Creating New Invention With Magic.
(Made Sure That their the Only Once, who has access to their Invention including their most Trusted Friends who is their Counterpart.)
• To Have Good Security on Everything.
• To Live a Happy & Confortable Life.
• An Extremely Clean & Safe Environment.
• Healthy Body With Good Hygiene.
• Make a Safe Workplace for Staff.
• Destroy Gender Stereotypes.
• Create Badass Female Characters & Feminine Male, characters can relate to while slowly Influenced the new Generation of Kids not not make the same mistakes from the old Generation.
• Secretly Be Extremely Rich while Having All My Money Safe 💰 In a High Quality Bank 🏦
• Make Friends While Creating My Fake PERMANENT RECORD for my Backstory.
• Change The Past & Future for the Better.
• Make Sure any Wish Timmy or other Kids make won't Effect themselves and their Friends at all just to be Safe.
No Magical Being or None-Magical Beings knows about their Existence and only a few select people knows. ✨️ Florian Blake Harper lives in their Fanmade Country that became Reality once she got Reincarnated into their Merge AU Universe they wanted to Live in.
Blake's Home Country is called "GenvesFepre"
It kinda works Similar like "Hogwarts" we're Magical Beings are allowed to know their Existence while Muggles are ignorant.
But in this Reality, Magical Being who are Born in that Country are not allowed 🚫 to tell people outside of their Home Country. Only a Few Select People are allowed to know and can visit this Place 🏡 and Experience their Culture.
It's a Country we're Magical and None-Magical Beings are Living Together in Harmony like Humans, Fairies, Pixies, Genies, Elves, Leprechauns and Surprisingly Anti-Fairly live Among them Perfectly Fine without Causing Trouble and Living their own Lives.
If a Foreigner somehow got Accepted into "GenvesFepre" is literally a Utopia to these people because how Perfect it seems, but the problem is... it is Perfect! Since the System in Place is Flawless. NO WONDER why these people who are Born in GenvesFepre are Perfectly Happy and Content with their Lives.
Of course there's a Few Bad Apples and People who are not Content with their Lives, but Lucky the System deals with these type of People Perfectly Fine, after all "GenvesFepre" made sure the that these People who are Born in their Country are Unaware of their Perfect and Flawless System in Place, to help them Grow and Learn and Find their Purpose in Life.
But it really depends on the Person because the System can't Reform every Bad Apple or Save People who doesn't want to get Saved, since it's there Lives and Actions they Decide to make. And they have to Deal with the Karma Bitting them Back or be Sented to Death.
Blake made their own Magical Phone 📱 since they don't want to pay any Bills or have anyone tracking them down, please they can change their phone to Camera Mode to take better Pictures 📸 while being able to print 🖨 Stuff Out.
It also Works like a Magic Wand, even though she doesn't need a Wand in the First Place to make Wishes come Ture, but she can use her Phone as a Wand if she wants to.
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Sapphire is Lively, Vivacious, Intelligent, and Affectionate. They can make for great service dogs with adequate training and are best suited for mental and intellectual disabilities rather than physical ones.
Blake legit Befriended Star Stial because it's Cool to find another Hybrid other than themselves.
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Flake's Help Deal with Yugopotamia Customers since Blake is too Germaphobe to Deal with them.
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mikewdriver · 4 days
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I screen printed some new mailers to ship out all my online orders!
I had some thoughts about making these envelopes and so I made a YouTube video about the process, which you can watch here!
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Elevate your marketing strategy with PrintAVizion & cutting-edge video-in-print solutions. Discover our range of video brochures, books, and displays designed to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Partner with us for innovative designs, professional video production, and comprehensive direct mail services.
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digitalleo0 · 2 years
Looking for a way to keep your videos and photos safe and secure? Look no further than our Lcd Video Mailer! This sleek and efficient device can help you store your videos and photos in an easily accessible location, without having to worry about lost or damaged files. Plus, it comes with a built-in security system that helps keep your data safe and secure.
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printavizion1 · 26 days
The Importance of Video in Crisis Management and PR
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Imagine a crisis hits your organization. Panic spreads, misinformation flies, and your brand’s reputation hangs by a thread. Now picture a reality in which this is handled completely differently, a calm, reassuring face addressing the public directly, cutting through the chaos with clarity and empathy. This is the power of video in crisis management. In an era where a single tweet can spark a global controversy, the right video at the right moment can be a game-changer.
The Power of Visual Communication
Immediate Impact and Engagement
In the heat of a crisis, speed and engagement are crucial. Video enables organizations to communicate rapidly and effectively. Unlike text-based updates, videos can convey tone, urgency, and emotion, instantly capturing the audience’s attention and making the message resonate. But beyond just conveying information, a video response plays a critical role in managing the tone of the situation. It allows leaders to project calm and control, humanizing the organization in a way that written words alone cannot. The visual and auditory elements of video help to reassure stakeholders, diffuse tension, and build trust, ensuring that the message not only reaches but also soothes the audience. In the midst of uncertainty, a well-crafted video can be the steady hand that guides your brand through the storm.
Building Trust and Transparency
Transparency is essential during a crisis. Video allows leaders to address their audience directly, offering a personal touch that written statements often lack. By seeing and hearing from the people in charge, the audience can feel reassured and trust that the organization is handling the situation responsibly. People are more likely to trust other people they can see over blanket statements addressing issues.
Clarifying Complex Information
Crises often involve complex information that can be challenging to grasp. Video has the unique ability to simplify this complexity by incorporating visuals, infographics, and clear narration, breaking down intricate details into easily digestible content. This is particularly valuable in situations where misinformation can spread rapidly, fueling confusion and panic. By providing a clear, visual explanation, video ensures that the audience receives accurate information in a way that’s easy to understand, reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation. Moreover, the combination of visual aids and straightforward messaging helps reinforce key points, making it easier for the audience to absorb and retain crucial details during a time of heightened anxie
Video in Crisis Response
In today’s fast-paced world, video is a cornerstone of effective crisis management. It offers a dynamic way to communicate, bridging the gap between an organization and its audience when clarity and reassurance are most needed. Whether delivering real-time updates, demonstrating actions taken, or training employees, video stands out as a powerful tool that not only informs but also engages and reassures stakeholders.
Real-Time Updates
Platforms like social media and live streaming services allow organizations to provide real-time updates, keeping the public informed with immediate and transparent communication. This immediacy is crucial in managing a crisis, as it helps to alleviate uncertainty by offering up-to-the-minute information about ongoing developments and the steps being taken to address the situation. Live videos, in particular, provide an unfiltered and authentic view, which can be more reassuring to the audience than pre-scripted messages. By engaging directly with the public in real time, organizations can build trust and demonstrate their commitment to transparency.
Demonstrating Actions Taken
In the midst of a crisis, actions speak louder than words. Video is an effective medium for documenting and showcasing the tangible steps an organization is taking to resolve the issue at hand. Rather than merely talking about solutions, videos can visually capture the efforts being made, providing compelling evidence that the situation is being managed with diligence and care. This visual proof not only strengthens credibility but also helps to calm fears and rebuild confidence among stakeholders, demonstrating that the organization is in control and actively addressing the crisis.
Training and Preparedness
Preparation is key to effective crisis management, and videos are invaluable tools for training employees on crisis response protocols. Through the use of simulated crisis scenarios, training videos can equip staff with the knowledge and skills needed to handle real-life situations with confidence and competence. These videos can be revisited, refined, and updated regularly to ensure that employees remain well-prepared for any eventuality. By investing in video-based training, organizations can create a more resilient and responsive workforce, ready to act decisively when it matters most.
Video in Post-Crisis PR
Rebuilding Reputation
After the immediate crisis is over, the focus shifts to rebuilding the organization’s reputation. Video can be used to tell the story of recovery and resilience. Documentaries, testimonials from affected individuals, and behind-the-scenes footage of the recovery process can humanize the organization and rebuild trust with the audience.
Showcasing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Post-crisis, it’s crucial to highlight the organization’s commitment to preventing future incidents and contributing positively to the community. Videos showcasing CSR initiatives and the steps taken to learn from the crisis can help restore the organization’s image and strengthen its reputation.
Incorporating video into crisis management and PR strategies is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. The visual, emotional, and engaging nature of video makes it a powerful medium for communication during crises. From immediate response to post-crisis rebuilding, video can help organizations navigate through challenging times with greater effectiveness and transparency. By leveraging the power of video, organizations can not only manage crises better but also emerge stronger and more resilient.
Read more About :- Video Brochures
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kingoftieland · 2 months
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ORIGINAL POST: This Breaking Bad Season 2 Press Kit is truly an awesome find, coming packaged in a Mylar bubble mailer designed to look like a police evidence bag! What’s inside? The contents include: 
Walter White Video Camera Prop 📹
Promo DVD Set (S1 Recap + S2 Ep. 201-203) 📀
USB Stick (Feat. Cast Photos + Unreleased Artwork) 💻
2 AA Batteries (“for use if video evidence tampered with”) 🔋
UPDATE: Little did I know when I got this 3 years ago that I was missing an item from the Press Kit! But I finally tracked it down – a green Breaking Bad apron, still in its own individual evidence bag from the set!
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altermay · 2 months
hey!! i have a question, in your first public video on youtube around 1:25 you say that the drawing was a commission, how did you do traditional commissions? i’ve only ever seen digital ones, and im interested in doing them but unfortunately don’t have access to digital art
sorry if i’ve misunderstood the situation and it was a digital one that you also drew traditionally :P
Basically Its pretty much like digital commissions, but instead of sending the digital file I just took a really good picture with my phone and sent it to them (for a pretty cheap price tbh) and later on i started actually mailing them to buyers for a little more money to cover mailing materials and such. For that I got a bubble mailer, a small piece of cardboard, and the usual stuff required for mailing ..like stamps.
The cardboard went in the bubble mailer with the drawing, to keep it from bending (hopefully)
If you want to do something similar Id suggest that you write “do not bend” or something on the envelope as well just for extra measure
Sorry for the late response i just opened my ask box lol
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[VD: Comics, zines, and anthologies by Kimball and Laurel cover a dark table. K (pale hands, orange nails) and L (smaller pale hands) leaf through 8 comics/zines and 2 anthologies. End VD]
My partner @earnestattempts (Kimball Anderson) and I (Laurel Lynn Leake) are queer and disabled comics creators, and we want to share our work with you!
We made a short video showing off our weird artsy comics, and talking about stories that honor marginalized lives as inherently meaningful. Also about committing to disability justice and making more of our work free and accessible! To that end, we're offering some limited discounted slots for the pricier tiers too.
🌿 Kimball &/or Laurel Posts Tier: Never miss either of our behind-the-scenes posts, unless you only like one of us! We don't mind :P You also get access to an ever-increasingly captioned archive.
💭 Counterintuitive Releases: We mail you 4-6 printed comics every year, and share digital releases with you first. Plus posts!
📮 Monthly Mailers: Kimball sends you an exclusive experimental zine in the mail every month, plus you get the Counterintuitive Releases.
🐚 our free patreon post tag 🌱 my tumblr comics page & comics tag 🎐 kimball's tumblr comics tag 🎨 kimball's website 🐌 my digital shop 🍃 kimball's digital shop 👾 my comics shop 🦉 kimball's comics shop
Thanks for reading/watching! 🧡 Longer vid description under the cut.
[Longer VD: Comic books cover a dark table, while Kimball (pale hands, orange nails) and Laurel (smaller pale hands) point to their own names. They both do a silly finger wiggle as their voiceover introduces “Counterintuitive Comics”. L leafs through “Me Me Me”, where a noodle-armed Poly Morphous sobs against lush watercolors. K shows "Unfolding", a large greyscale comic featuring paper folded to reveal text and paintings. L flips through roughly sketched diagrams in her “Super Secret Mock-up COVID-19 info zine”. K shows “Holding Out”: Social Security letters, wobbly colored pencil forms resting in bed. L opens metallic “Suspension” to show scifi trappings and character focus. K pages through small, wide zine “Winter”, with a character walking in darkness. L opens artsy risograph-blue “L3no2”: comics about anxiety and depression paired with scrawled, smeared text. K opens anthology “CBA: Uncomics” to their section: broken pencil panels and halting words floating over digital, painterly textures. Then L’s: colored pencil and marker abstractions of magazine layouts melting into unparsable forms. L opens K’s anthology “Inaction Comics” to K’s pages: soft digital figures seeking reassurance and reclining on a couch. A sharp-toothed watercolor version of L writhes in self-hatred on her pages. Finally L flips through “Poly Morphous #5: Sick of Being Sick” (mini with teal cover, pink pages, pencilled comics). She makes a heart shape with her hands. End VD.]
This is our first time figuring out video descriptions - we welcome feedback!
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