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sportsboos · 9 months
Webinar Studio Review – Limitless Webinar App 
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#affiliatemarketing#onlinemarketing#digitalmarketing#wally darling#welcome home#Hello Everybody Welcome To My WebinarStudio Audit and Article. I'm keen on investigating new Internet based Business Programming consisten#you will get itemized data about Online class Studio. I have shared data about what Online class Studio is#its highlights#its upsides and downsides#and how this item will help you.#Webinar Studio Review – What is Webinar Studio?#Step 1 – GET ACCESS#This step is tied in with gaining admittance to Online class Studio's most recent and most progressive video conferencing highlights at an#video gatherings#and live meetings with an abundance of capacities. By picking this savvy choice#you secure your capacity to utilize these elements without repeating membership expenses or secret charges.#Step 2 – CREATE LINK#When you approach Webinar Studio#making a connection for your online class#video meeting#or live gathering is surprisingly basic#and it should be in every way possible in only a single tick. This implies you needn't bother with to be a tech master or invest an inordin#fitting it to your necessities and inclinations.#Step 3 – PROFIT#A definitive objective of utilizing Online course Studio is to draw in your crowd really and convert them into paying clients or accomplish#connect with your crowd through highlights like live visit and ongoing informing#and grandstand your items#administrations#or thoughts. By conveying a top notch and drawing in online course or meeting#you improve the probability of accomplishing your business targets
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prokopetz · 1 year
The thing you need to understand about the rules of Magic: The Gathering and why the official rulebook is Like That is that a large portion of the game's tournament scene consists of people who approach the turn structure the way video game speedrunners approach terrain collision, and they've become very good at glitching out of bounds.
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This interaction has been sitting in my head for a WHILE, kind of like that sandwich!!! I've been watching so much billy and mandy lately, and I think the comedic timing and style may have had an influence here lmao! I know it's ooc for zim to not be wearing those elbow length gloves (or full on germ protective gear), please pretend he is :'D
I included transcriptions of the dialogue in the image descriptions in case my writing is hard to read.
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ray935sworld · 1 month
If you ever want to know why I love MotoGP more than F1, it's the mentality.
Don't get me wrong, the fancy F1 style which is mostly professional with some funny moments is perfect. But it's mainly glamorous. It's supposed to be the perfect Monaco sport.
MotoGP has the expensive aspect as well. But they are just a bunch of chaotic man that love motorcycles and no one is trying to change that for the media.
In f1 people get media training about the "Can you wank yet" question. The laugh about "lol" from max or the "if my mom had balls she'd be my dad" quote was quoted way too many times. The webber glass smash or the angry hat through from brocedes is still legendary. Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg being "anything but lovers". I literally can't think of any significant media thing. Sorry.
Motogp is like... Let me post a picture of me touching my balls thorough my race wear. I think it was Quartararo who made a video imply that he's racing in fucking lingerie. They get ass smacks from their team before and after a session. Pecco and Bez are getting referred to as an old married couple. Rider jumping on (and fucking) each other in prac ferme. Jorge said that he'll marry his childhood rival in 2-3 years after they hugged (we know you're touch starved, Jorge but how good was that hig please?). Bez talking to Domizia (Pecco's fiance) and calling Bagnaia "OUR future husband". The Marquez brothers kissed ON THE MOUTH on International live TV. Martin and Aleix E. kissed each other in a club (I think it was them, no idea about the context). And Vale... He proudly said in an interview FFM porn is his favorite and he wants to be a member of the mile high club. I CAN GO ON.
That's why motogp is better. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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qiinamii · 11 months
it's all about the noises
bonus frames from the vid!
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doodlesdreaming · 27 days
Fighting artblock with Demi Fiend moments.
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What I love so much about "No Longer You" is the amount of foreshadowing, and how much this song and this knowledge seals the fates of the characters.
I am willing to bet that Odysseus knowing that one of his men, one of his "brothers," ends up betraying him causes him to distrust them all and rule with ruthlessness, which leads to more deaths and to Eurylochus finally having enough and, inevitably, betraying Odysseus.
I'm also sure that Odysseus latches onto the fact he gets home and does reckless and risky things along the way, because hey, the prophet said he makes it home. Never mind that he also says he dies
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Follow your dreams and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls - Jim Henson
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bovineblogger · 8 months
Some magic the gathering cows and oxen
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felassan · 10 days
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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I like the overall shape of the dragon, its wings and silhouette, like it's maintaining this theme, two. It particularly reminds me of the DAII cover, with the figures of other characters being present in the dragon's wings. the pattern in the background gives the impression of a sunburst or explosion/outwards burst of energy (there's been lots of that going around in promo images for DA:TV over the years hasn't there). :D chunks of rock float around, which by now is associated with Fadey stuff (floating rocks in the Fade), the barrier (Veil) crumbling in key arts, and reality warping in places like Arlathan Forest. the dragon, open-mouthed, golden-eyed and ready to breathe fire, recalls the dragons on the Dragon Age vinyl arts, two, especially with its general position, and the dragon in this screenshot/scene. in the background at the bottom you can even see a hint of the 'concentric circles' pattern that represents the Veil.
I love that this group shot truly does include the whole team, including Assan and Manfred. I wonder if they will come into the field too if we select Davrin or Emmrich to come out with us respectively? We saw Assan capably fighting darkspawn in the character trailer, and in this image Manfred is helping fend the monsters off. Does Manfred carry Emmrich's stuff in his lil backpack..? 🥺 and I wonder what the purpose of Manfred's goggles are. Visually they set him apart from other skeleton/undead-type enemies and make it so you don't have to peer into empty the eyesockets of a skull, but also they're green (necromancy magic color) and we see Emmrich doing magic on them here. Are they part of the enchantment keeping him animated? also happy to see Varric in this one even though he is not one of the 7 companions. also, Bianca is still here. RIP
Taash looks so cool. :D Even her weapons are gold. her upper body armor in this piece has the aesthetic to me of like a dragon's ribbed armored chest and underside. I like that her weapons are unique generally, and from each other too. her dual-wielding like this as [I presume] a warrior differentiates her from Rook who if a warrior would be sword and shield or twohanded. her gauntlets look like they have dragon teeth or spines on them (the sticky-out parts that are not scale-like).
Davrin is at Rook's right hand. ♡ the floating triangles near Bellara show that she is using her magical device. I wonder what the white sphere part of Neve's wand/staff is. like, in this particular image it gives me the impression of a big pearl. Lucanis' eyes are glowing, like we see here, in that way that seems to hint that something interesting is going on there. overall it's cool to see all the team and cast together like this, working together heroically to stave off doom.
some of the monsters the group are fighting at least are red lyrium darkspawn. the ones with 'shark fin'-shaped headpieces are the same kind as the one at that link. are the rest all darkspawn too (there are different types of darkspawn ofc), or are there some walking dead mixed in there? (lol at the one Varric has just shot in the face). the non-sharkhead ones seem to be these guys from concept art. the prominence of darkspawn in this key art give the impression that we will fight a lot of red lyrium darkspawn in this game and that the threat they pose, including the Blight, is a significant part of the game's storyline.
at the center of it all and at the forefront is Rook. in a nice bit of poetic mirroring (the Wolf and the Rook), they too stand on a rocky outcropping, also with the knife - just like this. the knife is blue here.. blue lyrium influence? the very ground on which they stand bursts with energy. I wonder if Rook's outfit here is sort of their default, iconic look, like the Champion of Kirkwall armor for Hawke etc? I love that they have a cape and the point of their helmet gives them a bird-like feel. (omg.. we can have capes in this game fr). they have the Veilguard symbol on their chest. and could they be canonically left-handed..? :)
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burdock-root · 1 month
need you all to see this tiktok that i think about constantly
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prokopetz · 1 year
"Oh no, [game publisher] was doing so well reforming their depiction of [biologically evil fantasy species], why did they suddenly backtrack" they didn't backtrack, bro – that was the plan all along. It's a trick.
One of the standard ploys in the gaming industry whenever they get pushback about how depicting a particular fantasy species as biologically evil isn't a good look is to do a little storyline that's like "no, see, there were some good ones, but then the bad ones killed them all; they made themselves biologically evil through self-imposed eugenics policies, so that makes depicting them like that okay".
Popular game publishers have been doing this song and dance for thirty years. Hell, Wizards of the Coast in particular has done it at least half a dozen times in that span.
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strawberrybyers · 2 months
gathering scenes for a ‘mikeven is over’ montage and so far i have 18 minutes worth of footage 💀 and that’s not even all the proof that they’re over 😭 i’m only using scenes of mike and el interacting with each other or them speaking about one another to someone else.
this is actually so funny oh my god. i can’t wait to finish editing it and post it because seeing scenes that happened in different seasons back to back really puts it into perspective. they’re so over i love winning 🫶
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north-winds1 · 6 months
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Magic The Gathering: Battlemage
"Someone in Nebraska just summoned the Lord of the Pit. And he's sending him your way." (Computer Gaming World #148, Nov. 1996)
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balkanradfem · 6 months
I keep thinking everyone knows the exact same information as me, but since I'm about to make more posts about textiles and clothing, as I'm reading the book on them, I'm going to write down some basic information, just in case it's not very common, because a lot of this I only gathered recently. If I get something wrong please correct me in a kind way!
So where does the clothing come from, and how do we make it? During most of the history, textiles were made by women, from natural materials; flax, wool, cotton, silk, jute. Recently we started using more synthetic materials, like acrylic, polyester, nylon, spandex. If you want to make clothing from the natural materials, like wool or cotton, they first need to be processed, cleaned and combed, then spun into yarn, or thread. Spinning is the process where women manage to pull a thin part of the material and spin the fibres into one consistent, firm thread. It's super impressive to watch them do it and I have no idea how they manage to make it consistent, I've not yet tried to do it myself.
Once the thread is done, it can be made into a textile by knitting, crochet, or weaving. There are also other more complex, decorative methods, like tatting or lacing.
For knitting, you need two needles, or a special circular needle, or, there are also knitting machines, which you can use to make woolen fabric. For weaving, you need a loom. For crochet, you need a crochet hook. While knitting and weaving can be done by a machine, crochet can only be done by hand. Woven fabrics are firm, sturdy, durable, and not stretchy, while knit fabric is the most stretchy and soft. I'm not sure about crochet since I only have one crochet garment, but mine is very sturdy!
All of these methods were historically done by women; families were able to grow flax plants close to their homes, and women would then create linens, woven textiles made from processed flax, which was used to make sheets and clothing. Linen was specifically useful in keeping people clean, since it's very good at absorbing moisture. Used as an under-garment, it was capable of absorbing sweat, and protecting the outer layers, which were not washed. Experiments have shown that frequently changing into clean linen was more effective at keeping clean than showering and then putting on the same clothing back on.
Women's ability to create clothing was sadly exploited, and women were even banned to sell it commercially, or from competing at the commercial market, but their husbands were allowed to profit off of their craft.
In the USA, cotton was the most produced material, however for this too people were enslaved and exploited; cotton took human labour to grow, harvest and process, it also required a lot of water, and caused destruction of environment, because of the chemicals used in it's growth, and the unsustainability of monocrops.
Creating a piece of clothing out of textiles, or sewing, is a process that still cannot be completely automated; while you can use a sewing machine, you cannot make a machine that would produce a whole garment out of textiles. No mass-produced piece of clothing was sewn by a machine, it always has to be made by a human being. This is why a lot of the sewing labour is currently outsourced to third-world countries and companies use modern slavery in order to create fast fashion; there is no machine that can do it, so by the rules of capitalism, the companies are trying to get that labour as cheap as possible, often at the cost of human lives.
We didn't use to have as many garments as we do today, in the 18th century people would have two outfits, one for normal days of the week, and one for Sunday. The clothing they owned was usually made to fit them exactly, either by a female member of the family, or a seamstress, and these garments were made to last them for decades. As clothing became cheaper to buy than to make at home, and more of it became mass-produced, people started acquiring more of it, but also using it for lesser period of time. This would eventually grow into a bigger problem, due to the amount of chemicals and labour used to grow, process, dye and sew the garments, and the amount of waste we were starting to accumulate.
Introduction of synthetic materials, like acrylic, made the yarn and the textiles much cheaper, however it lacks the important properties natural materials have. Do you ever notice how synthetic garments sometimes continue smelling bad even after you wash them? That is because they'll absorb sweat, but become hydrophobic when wet, meaning they will take in your sweat, but refuse to let it go once they're in the water. This means that the longer you have them, the worst their stink becomes. This, of course, can be hidden by the generous use of scented fabric softener, but it won't exactly make the garment clean. This information I've learned recently, but it helped me identify what were the most synthetic pieces of clothing I had. Acrylic clothing had also proven to shed 1.5 more microplastics than any other polyester when put into the washing machine.
Having our clothing grown, processed, spun, woven/knit, and then sewn far out of sight, it's possible to lose the sight of where it came from, or how it's made. Only by trying to do it yourself, or learning closely about the process can one learn to appreciate what a monumental task it is, to create fabric, or a garment. Other than the synthetic textiles, of which I still know very little of, all of the natural clothing is a product of plants and animals, it takes land, farming, agriculture and water to grow the plants, raise the animals, and then labour to process and spin the fibres. It's also something people used to do in their gardens, inside of their homes, something that was normal for women to do, and to trade for anything else they needed, saving them from having to work for wages. Women making fabric was always to the benefit of everyone around them, while m*n taking over the industry and doing it commercially, ultimately brought slave labour to a lot of people, cheap and low quality garments to the select few, and money to the hands of the exploiters.
Being curious about clothing and what becomes of it, is a big benefit to the environment and the future of the earth! Knowing what the textile industry is doing, and how does it affect the planet, can be a great motivator to try and sew, or upcycle and mend clothing, or create garments. It's presented to us as something women were forced to do in the past, and it's connected to 'feminine hobbies', but in actuality, it is power to create something humans cannot do without. Women in the past used it's power too, whenever they could. And we are the only ones who ever used this power for good.
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