#When you approach Webinar Studio
sportsboos · 9 months
Webinar Studio Review – Limitless Webinar App 
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#affiliatemarketing#onlinemarketing#digitalmarketing#wally darling#welcome home#Hello Everybody Welcome To My WebinarStudio Audit and Article. I'm keen on investigating new Internet based Business Programming consisten#you will get itemized data about Online class Studio. I have shared data about what Online class Studio is#its highlights#its upsides and downsides#and how this item will help you.#Webinar Studio Review – What is Webinar Studio?#Step 1 – GET ACCESS#This step is tied in with gaining admittance to Online class Studio's most recent and most progressive video conferencing highlights at an#video gatherings#and live meetings with an abundance of capacities. By picking this savvy choice#you secure your capacity to utilize these elements without repeating membership expenses or secret charges.#Step 2 – CREATE LINK#When you approach Webinar Studio#making a connection for your online class#video meeting#or live gathering is surprisingly basic#and it should be in every way possible in only a single tick. This implies you needn't bother with to be a tech master or invest an inordin#fitting it to your necessities and inclinations.#Step 3 – PROFIT#A definitive objective of utilizing Online course Studio is to draw in your crowd really and convert them into paying clients or accomplish#connect with your crowd through highlights like live visit and ongoing informing#and grandstand your items#administrations#or thoughts. By conveying a top notch and drawing in online course or meeting#you improve the probability of accomplishing your business targets
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atellierstudioofficial · 11 months
Finding Clients for Your 3D Rendering Business: Tips from Atellier Studio
Hello fellow forum members! Finding clients for a 3D rendering business can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. To help you navigate this journey, let's explore some effective strategies, with insights from the experienced professionals at Atellier Studio.
1. Build a Strong Online Presence: In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is crucial. Start by creating a professional website for your 3D rendering business, and make sure to include a portfolio showcasing your best work. Atellier Studio, a renowned name in the industry, has leveraged their website to display stunning examples of their 3D rendering projects, which instantly grab the attention of potential clients.
2. Social Media Engagement: Utilize social media platforms to your advantage. Share regular updates about your projects, industry trends, and informative content related to 3D rendering. Atellier Studio has successfully used platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to showcase their expertise and attract a following interested in their services.
3. Network within the Industry: Networking can open doors to numerous opportunities. Attend industry events, trade shows, and conferences to connect with potential clients and collaborators. Atellier Studio's team often participates in such events, allowing them to establish valuable connections that have contributed to their client base.
4. Offer Free Workshops or Webinars: Hosting workshops or webinars related to 3D rendering can position you as an expert in the field. Atellier Studio has taken this approach, providing valuable insights and tips to aspiring artists and potential clients alike. This strategy helps build trust and credibility.
5. Collaborate with Other Businesses: Look for partnerships with complementary businesses. Architects, interior designers, real estate agents, and construction firms often require 3D rendering services. Establishing partnerships with such entities can lead to a consistent stream of clients. Atellier Studio has successfully collaborated with architects and designers, resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship.
6. Leverage Online Freelance Platforms: Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr can be a great way to find clients, especially when starting. Atellier Studio initially used these platforms to showcase their skills and attract their first clients. Over time, the quality of their work helped them establish a solid reputation and client base.
7. Request Client Testimonials: Word-of-mouth recommendations are powerful. After completing a project, ask satisfied clients for testimonials. These positive reviews can be featured on your website and social media, serving as a testament to your expertise and the quality of your work. Atellier Studio's website includes client testimonials that speak to their professionalism and artistic prowess.
In conclusion, building a client base for your 3D rendering business requires a combination of a strong online presence, effective networking, collaboration, and showcasing your skills. Following the footsteps of successful studios like Atellier Studio can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Remember that patience and persistence are key as you work towards establishing your brand and attracting clients to your remarkable 3D rendering services.
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williamjohnson059 · 1 year
Voiceover talent and voice seekers should be aware of these 6 trends in 2023.
What voice-over services are and whether they are appropriate for any videos you require or already have for your business. Due to their prevalence across a variety of media, voice-overs have been around for a very long time.
Online voice-over services are used by video game developers, advertising, social media influencers, filmmakers, and news organizations to engage their target audiences. Beyond that, voice-overs can raise the quality of your content's production.
Although it might initially seem difficult, producing a top-notch voice-over that resonates with your target audience is easier than you might imagine. To achieve a quality voice-over, you don't need Morgan Freeman's baritone voice or a multi-million-dollar budget.
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The voice over industry has greatly changed in the 21st century. It is vital for voice actors to be up to date with the changes to remain prevalent and successful in this field.
It is vital that clients and voice actors interact and communicate properly in order to produce projects that continue to have an effect. Five voice over trends to watch out for in 2023 are:
Voice over trends to watch in 2023:
Fewer geographic restrictions
Working from home became more common in business over night, and voice actors and businesses started using tools like Voices, Google Meet, Zoom, and other online marketplaces to communicate, making room for the future of artistic collaboration.
We should expect this trend to continue for a very long time. Remote jobs increased by over 40% year over year as freelancers and businesses continued to shape the evolving reality. Since 2019, both the number of voice actors with home studios and the amount of remote gigs have gradually expanded.
Remote liver directing became the new standard trend as virtual meeting platforms, workspaces, audio-visual enabled us to communicate internationally. Many voice actors have demonstrated and adjusted that working from home does not affect performance or audio quality.
2.High demand for eLearning
In 2019, almost half of all higher education institutions presented no online courses, and thus this resulted in a shift to distant learning. Due to the pandemic, almost all learning was done remotely. Webinars and corporate training are both now available online.
This option has helped in the improved need for educational media and instructional designers to record audio through voiceovers.
The eLearning marketplace in the US is likely to develop by $21.64 billion over the next four years due to this rise in demand for voice overs for online training, digital content, and eLearning.
3. Figures that prove the demand for voice over is growing.
Several people connect Disney animations with voice overs, while this type of audio approach initially began in 1900, when Reginald Fessenden described the weather.
Later, voiceover work has ruled the film industry, with the entertainment sector evidently in want of voice talent.
However, voice work has progressively gained popularity as a marketing and advertising tactic across many other industries, giving marketers and content producers a means to engage with customers without relying solely on images.
The mandate for voice talent is growing, whether for video games, radio commercials, TV advertisements, audiobooks, or everything in between.
The ten statistics below will establish this:
Animated videos make up 33% of corporate advertising
National radio revenues are estimated to have a 6% to 8% rise.
There are over 31 billion IoT devices in homes globally.
Audiobooks will strike $19.4 billion in 2027.
Voice assistant growth will touch $3.42 billion in 2022.
Audio advertising is estimated to grow by 6.4% in 2022.
Podcasts will have 424.2 million listeners in 2022.
75% of distant workers listen to radio while working
Explainer videos can increase revenue by 80%.
Voice actor job growth is estimated to rise up to 15%.
The data is truthful. Audio-based content is quickly growing, and the time has come to involve in this dynamic production and marketing. To overcome your marketing approach in 2023, employ a just-for-you, customized brand voice to interact with consumers in a way that sounds and feels authentic.
4. Increase in online Voice-powered devices & applications, audio platforms
Due to the swelling interest in online marketing and remote jobs, there is bound to be an expected increase in online audio platforms where voice ads may be placed. There will also be a rise in the demand for voice-powered devices and applications.
Voiceover trends show that many businesses will implement and develop applications that allow less physical contact and vocal commands. Even the claim for video games has extended, and they are being unrestricted with skilfully united voiceovers, which is not certainly new but has been growing quickly.
For instance, Amazon and Google are emerging more voice-powered games for their assistance, resulting in gaming companies integrating voice assistants for support during the games.
5.  Assistants, Voice tech and AI
The demand and trend for voice technologies and other voice assistants have been rising quickly, setting the need for a touchless world. While some habits we established during the pandemic will fade, others will become in-built as brilliant health practices.
For instance, social distancing has compelled numerous businesses to implement voice technologies in order to reduce contact. Thus, there is a rise in demand for voiceover talent who can deliver messages for functions such as using vending machines, running elevators or even opening doors.
Though voice performers’ key duty will not change, the means we consume voiceover will.
6. Increase in Tech-savvy specialists and talents.
If 2020 has shown us anything, it's that priorities may quickly change for businesses as well. The pandemic has caused brands to progressively turn their attention to the audio market. Independent voice actors are honing their skills and gaining more tech knowledge due to the increase in remote opportunities and jobs.
As a result, online voiceover work will have the similar level of quality control as work done in physical studios. With the growth of remote productions and home studios, we have started to notice this trend toward technically savvy voice actors.
As they get more accustomed with cutting edge technology, voice actors become more capable at audio editing and creation, decreasing their reliance on audio producers and studios and for simple projects.
Even better, freelance websites and online training have made it possible for some voice actors to make the maximum of their several talents. Having a voice actor who can provide both the services like audio editing and narration themselves becomes an excellent deal for clients looking for affordable services.
Wrapping up
With the above trends in mind your voice over business hits the right spot. Acadestudio is a professional audio voice service provider catering to the needs of business and individuals.
Our quality voice services online are delivered by native voice over artists. We have a huge team of artists with expertise in over 99+ global languages. 
whole credit of this blog goes to:  Voiceover talent and voice seekers should be aware of these 6 trends in 2023 (williambloggerusa.blogspot.com)
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avaliveradio · 4 years
Garmonsway, Gibbon and Harrington A Love Like This is about valuing a relationship
Artist: Garmonsway, Gibbon & Harrington
New Release: A Love Like This
Genre: Rock Ballad
Sounds like: It has a bit of a Greg Lake feel to it. Also, perhaps a bit of Traffic/Steve Winwood. People also mention that some of my songs have quite a Cat Stevens feel.
Located in: Newbury, UK
‘A Love Like This’ is about valuing a relationship that you have. Strong relationships find a way through the ups and downs of life, and this song reflects on that, and also on some of the choices we make through life. I’d written a nice set of chords and melody in the summer of 2019 that just cried out for some lyrics about the impact of a loving relationship. 
Over the next couple of months, I tried a few ideas out but settled on some lyrics I’d written for my wife a few months before and brought them into the mix. The idea fitted nicely so I worked on that some more and there it was! I’d sent early recordings to my ‘Garmonsway, Gibbon & Harrington’ friends, and ‘A Love Like This…’ was chosen. Franky Gibbon got to work adding more instruments and production. There wasn’t a great deal of time pressure, so as musicians called by his studio, a couple more contributed as they caught the vibe. Martin Peel gave the track extra emotion with some great sax playing – Martin also played tenor sax one of our earlier releases ‘Our Heroes’. Ian Hamilton also called by and added the backing vocals, again he had contributed percussion to our earlier Northeast album trach ‘One Way Conversations’.
The music...
I joined up with Al Harrington and Franky Gibbon for an ep, NorthEast, released in 2019, which worked out great – we all gel musically. This is the follow-up single and we are planning some more recording in the future. They are both very experienced and innovative musicians, friends, and also great to work with, so we’re looking forward to more positive times in the studio as soon just as we can get it organized.
As with the previous ep, I also asked another of my school friends, Les Mann, to suggest an artwork for the cover, based on the words. Les is a very experienced photographer and he provided the lovely cover picture to compliment the song.
Thanks to you all – it’s great to work with such a talented and positive team of friends!
Right now we are... I try to keep developing more of a ‘persona’ to my original songs, bringing together the best of my rock and acoustic roots. When starting, I was strongly influenced by bands like Traffic, King Crimson, and ELP, who could move easily between very acoustic and very rock-driven sounds, sometimes all in the same song. It’s very gratifying to be able to use these different approaches while trying to keep a unique style of my own.
Artists Bio.. I’m just happy writing a range of songs right now, then picking the best ones for further development. I’ve been spending a lot of time subscribing to webinars over the past few months to develop all aspects of my approach – songwriting, mixing, and production. It’s given me tons of new ideas to try out and experiment with. In the meantime, the next single after this will be a collaboration with vocalist Lilijan Rose, our third, so I’m very much looking forward to letting you all hear that as well.
Franky Gibbon and Al Harrington are based in the North East of England and have vast experience in the music industry. Franky toured with a lot of the bands in the 70s, sharing a stage with everyone from Captain Beefheart to Supertramp. More recently he has worked with Paul Weller on live shows. Al has an impressive blues pedigree and has worked with many artists including Paul Rodgers of Free, Bad Company, and a reformed Queen.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/album/5T1nOkDP1sc2ExZSyO6Las https://twitter.com/bestroomsongs https://www.instagram.com/alan_garmonsway https://www.facebook.com/BestRoomSongs www.alangarmonsway.com
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nyfacurrent · 6 years
Announcing | Newly-Revised Second Edition of “The Profitable Artist”
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Comprehensive “how-to” guide to being a professional and profitable working artist now available for purchase.
While all art is unique, the challenges artists face are shared regardless of background, experience, and artistic medium. With decades of experience training and helping artists worldwide, the expert staff of The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)—in conjunction with outside professionals—have compiled a best practices approach to planning and organizing an arts career.
In The Profitable Artist: A Handbook for All Artists in the Performing, Literary, and Visual Arts (Allworth Press, 2018), NYFA has identified common challenges; examined specialized areas of strategic planning, finance, marketing, law, and fundraising; and distilled these topics in such a way that readers can digest them and apply them to their own experience and practice. This newly-revised edition has made considerable updates to reflect changes in the legal and financial landscapes, the vast shift in the tools and culture of both social media and fundraising, and proven planning methodologies from the startup community. 
The invaluable guide, which is edited by Peter Cobb, Felicity Hogan, and Michael Royce, appeals to artists in all disciplines of the literary, media, performing, and visual arts—from recent art school graduates to established artists undertaking new arts businesses, to artists seeking more from their careers at any stage.
Retail Price: $24.95 NYFA’s Price: $20.00 (plus shipping)
Click here to purchase. For more information and international shipping costs, please contact [email protected]. If you encounter technical difficulties when purchasing the book, please contact [email protected].
The Book Includes:
●    Techniques for planning your career ●     Innovative fundraising tips ●     Best practices for marketing and selling your work to new audiences ●     Networking strategies for a digital world ●     Budgeting and financial basics made clear ●     Legal requirements and terminology in plain English
Online Learning Initiative
In conjunction with the second edition of The Profitable Artist, NYFA has launched a new Online Learning initiative that provides professional development workshops for artists, arts administrators, and arts professionals nationally and internationally through a webinar platform. Starting September 25, the online workshops will cover topics including strategic planning, finance, law, marketing, and fundraising. More details and how to register here.
Praise for The Profitable Artist
"Drawing from the expertise of legal, financial, and marketing advisors, The Profitable Artist provides an indispensable, user-friendly guide to developing a successful artistic practice. Comparing tactics to those used by successful start-ups, this thorough guide provides valuable guidelines from a range of consultants to contextualize those factors that can make or break creative businesses. The NYFA Artist as Entrepreneur Boot Camp has been a huge positive resource for our students at RISD, as they develop their freelance practices and set up studios and businesses. The same methods employed there form the basis of this book, now broadly available to emerging practitioners. The book is easy to navigate—readers can dip in and out of topics on an ‘as need’ basis on subjects such as protecting intellectual property, developing new audiences for projects and events, planning for retirement, pricing work, optimizing digital tools, fundraising, and many other detailed aspects of building a career. This valuable reference provides artists with essential tools to develop a successful and sustainable practice. – Rosanne Somerson, President, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
"The Profitable Artist is a goldmine for citizen artists of today who are looking to weave their art into the fabric of our society. The importance of recognizing one’s role and responsibility as an artist is more important today than ever before. It is about defining the purpose and relevance of one’s creative enterprise, and this resource offers meaningful insight in this space." – Aaron P. Dworkin, Professor of Arts Leadership and Entrepreneurship, University of Michigan, and Afa S. Dworkin, President and Artistic Director, Sphinx Organization
"Back by popular demand is the second edition of The Profitable Artist. Its debut is as timely as the first edition. Much of the useful information in The Profitable Artist dovetails with recommendations contained in CreateNYC that support individual artists. It continues to be an invaluable resource of information and pathways to success and independence for artists everywhere!” – Ben Rodriguez-Cubenas, Program Director, Charles E. Culpepper Arts & Culture Programs, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Chair, Citizens’ Advisory Committee for CreateNYC
This book is part of NYFA Learning, which includes professional development for artists and arts administrators. Sign up for NYFA’s free bi-weekly newsletter to receive updates on future programs.
Image: An artist reading the newly-revised second edition of The Profitable Artist. Photo Credit: Amy Aronoff for NYFA
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Link to recording: x
This was a webinar artist talk with Kayla Tange.
The notes I took are under the cut.
Kayla Tange
Started with poetry.
Using different media.
Learning new ways of communicating and language.
Sex work ties in with Tange's performance artwork.
About boundaries.
Asking which ways your boundaries have been crossed.
Non-verbal boundary.
Being on display
Public sanctuary space.
Drawn on childhood memories.
Past performances.
Literal, bordering satire.
Challenging emotions with humour.
Burlesque/performance art.
Dear Mother
Visual letter to her birth mother.
Took 2 years to film.
Childhood footage.
Man Eater (2021) - Performance
During pandemic.
Help strippers help other strippers.
Control over her image.
Dancer and Artist - Balance?
Not a conscious decision.
Work + Create.
No Studio.
Turn to the stage, live studio.
Disasters on stage, trying things out.
More compassion for herself.
Disrupting Art Space
Finding your people - Shared experiences.
Comfortable in nightlife.
Meeting people in unconventional spaces.
Keep going with work; don't give up!
Exploration, shifting, collaborating.
Others have faith in you.
Identity at the forefront and not sometimes - shifting back and fourth.
Easy to explore your own identity.
Personal role as a creator?
Redefine what success means.
What happens when you get there?
Community, collaborating.
Lifting other people up.
Major Influences and Inspiration
Listening to others stories.
Practice can shift - that's fine!
Performance video artists.
Other artists she knows personally.
Creative Process?
Serious, jokes, evolving.
Use previous material.
Recycling old projects.
"Wouldn't it be funny if we did this?"
Keep going!
Stories are a valuable medium.
Be yourself.
Don't mould yourself into anything else.
Taboo/Controversy/Negative comments.
Only do work that is true to yourself.
Painting herself into a box.
Don't compromise values.
Relationship with technology.
Threatened to be banned from Instagram.
Fun, necessity, annoyance.
Artists are resiliant, creative.
Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
Hindering but exciting.
Approach to collecting information from sex workers.
She approached people she has known for a long time.
They can feel comfortable and be honest and open.
Open to suggestions.
Respect boundaries.
Something you'd tell younger artists/yourself.
It's okay to make mistakes - a lot of them.
Mistakes can be fuel for your work.
Things you went through aren't shameful.
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Garnier Men’s Face Wash *This is not an advertisement for the product or the brand Have you ever tried water splash product photography? Normally we throw the product into the water and use high shutter speeds and sometimes high speed synchronisation flash to capture the flashing action. But when we are shooting a product in action for advertising, then the shape and the brand name details are to be shown artistically. This needs a detailed professional approach. The process of shooting Garnier Men’s Face Wash was demonstrated to my full time diploma students at #ambitions4_photography_academy. Apart from the concept the lighting, the reflection control is also challenging here. We cannot work on a trial and error basis, especially when it comes to professional photography. To nail the shot in the presence of your client, you need to be educated and trained by an experienced photographer and reputed institution. Guess the lighting set-up and the process. Also, try shooting similar shots in your studio or at home. Product Photography Series Learn the Art of studio lighting. Call 9444441190 and join my classes, workshops & webinars to take your photography to the next level. Watch ‘KLR the photo guru’ my YouTube channel for more tutorials on photography. Check our some of my students @srinathsambandamphotography @grandiophotigraphy @daniel_royy @shotbymanumathewphilip #mensfacewash #garnier #bubbles #splash #splashphotography #highspeedsync #elinchromefrx400 @elinchrom_ltd @elinchrom_india @canonindia_official #lighting #formen #klrajaponsing #klrthephotoguru #photographyclasses #photographyinspiration #photographyinstitute #photographyinstagram #advertisingphotography #conceptualphotography @proudchennaites #chennaiphotographer #learnproductphotography (at Ambitions4 Photography Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbbNjijCmF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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imanew931 · 3 years
Can I Download From Articulate 360 On Mac
Articulate Rise 360, the popular elearning authoring tool, is a go-to solution for rapid-deployment training. And that includes Google Chrome on both windows and Mac, but you can also use. I'd also recommend taking a look at the information here in terms of working on a Mac with Articulate 360. There are a few tools that are native to Mac such as Rise and Peek - the other authoring tools are specific to Windows. Download free e‑books on all things e‑learning. I signed up for a free trial of Articulate, but don't have a Windows license because I use a Mac. Can I try the free trial at another time - I wasn't planning to have to buy a Windows license. Collect consolidated feedback from stakeholders on interactive training courses built with Storyline 360 and Rise 360. Perhaps with the new Office 2011 for Mac, Articulate can finally create the Mac version. We should contiue to request this as a need as using Windows on the Mac is not idea since we have to purchase 2 copies of Office (mac and windows). Peek 360 automatically uploads your screencasts to Articulate 360 when you're done recording. And you can download your screencasts from Review 360 at any time as MP4 videos or LMS packages. But Peek 360 also saves MP4 versions of your screencasts on your local Mac or Windows computer, which is especially helpful if, for example, your internet.
How To Download Articulate 360 On Mac
Can I Download From Articulate 360 On Mac Os
Can I Download From Articulate 360 On Macbook Pro
Can I Download From Articulate 360 On Macbook
Can I Download From Articulate 360 On Mac Computer
Articulate 360 is a well-known authoring tool for creating eLearning content. Today, we’ll take a look at what it can do and compare it to 6 other authoring tools in terms of capabilities.
» What is Articulate 360?
Articulate 360 is an authoring toolkit that allows you to create interactive eLearning courses. Each app in Articulate 360 helps you produce a specific type of content. For example, Articulate Storyline is best used to create full-fledged courses with interactive elements, while Articulate Rise allows you to make minimalistic web courses in your browser. And those are the two apps. Articulate 360 offers 8 services (including the Library) to make sure you can create content for any learning situation. For example, screencasts may serve as software simulations for learning complicated programs, while quizzes help test students to see how they perform.
Now let’s take a closer look at each of the apps in Articulate 360.
Storyline 360
Articulate Storyline is a standalone desktop authoring tool for creating eLearning courses. You compile a course from blocks and connect them with each other.
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Next, you fill each block with relevant content. It could be a media file, a quiz, a software simulation, or an interactive table. Making a course from scratch in Storyline could be complicated for an inexperienced user, but that’s where Content Library 360 comes in. The library has over 4,5 million assets: photos, icons, characters, and templates. For a shortcut, you can take a slide template, fill in the text, and add a few images.
Studio 360
Articulate Studio is three apps for authoring specific types of content. Presenter is a PowerPoint add-in that allows you to create interactive slide courses. Quizmaker makes quizzes and surveys. Engage is an app for making interactive tables, timelines, boards, and conversations. So basically, you can make the same content with Studio or Storyline.
The difference is that Storyline is a standalone app, while Studio requires PowerPoint. The two services are also different in their capabilities. For example, Studio doesn’t support custom interactions, software simulations, or native screen recording. You can import Studio files into Articulate Storyline, but not the other way around.
Or it can be installed later before you install Adobe applications. Jre for mac 10.6.8 download. Apple recently changed the way it includes Java in Mac OS, and with Lion, Java is no longer preinstalled. Adobe and Apple have worked together to ensure that you can install Java at OS install time. It is now an optional install that you must select.Since current Adobe installers and applications were built before these changes by Apple, Adobe software anticipates that Java is installed.
While Studio may feel limited compared to Articulate Storyline, it has its uses. If you work frequently in PowerPoint and are used to its interface, you can make awesome courses with Studio in no time. It’s also best used for making quick quizzes that don’t need a wide range of features, like surveys or questionnaires.
Rise 360
Articulate Rise is a web-based authoring tool, so it requires no installation. It is more minimalistic and offers a different approach to creating courses. Rather than customizing slides with interactions, you create pages from existing templates and fill them with text, videos, and images. Responsive courses automatically adapt to any screen size: tablet, smartphone, or desktop.
Replay 360
With Replay, you can record and publish screencasts. The recording process is simple and can be done in a few clicks. After you’re done recording, the video automatically appears in the Replay editor. Now you have an option to publish it to Articulate servers or render it as a .mp4 file on your PC drive. Articulate Replay can also be used as a video editor, as it supports the most popular video and audio formats. However, it doesn’t have complex filters and features that professional video editors have, and it struggles with large video files. So it’s best to use it as a screencast recorder.
Peek 360
Peek is another option to record screencasts on PC or Mac. Unlike Replay, it doesn’t have an editor, so you can’t edit the videos you record. However, you can upload a recording to Articulate 360, and then either share the video with a link, download it as an MP4 file, or download it as a SCORM file if you want to use it in an LMS later.
In conclusion, use Peek if you want to share your screencast quickly without editing.
Review 360
Articulate Review helps you gather feedback from your content. When you publish to Articulate servers, you have an option to share it with other people, like team members or clients. They can leave comments for each individual block in the course, for example requesting you to change the character or make the slide more informative. This makes gathering feedback orderly and easy. Watch this detailed Articulate tutorial on Review 360:
Articulate 360 Training
This service offers live eLearning training from the Articulate team. Beginners can learn how to make courses and what they should focus on to grab the learner’s attention, and more experienced authors can learn about updates. Because the training is done in webinar form, the viewers can ask questions and get answers in real-time.
» What are the Alternatives to Articulate 360?
Articulate 360 is a strong authoring toolkit that offers various eLearning services. But what if you don’t need all the services? With so many apps available, you may end up using only a couple for making your content. If that’s the case, you might want to look for an authoring tool that offers a different approach. There are many course makers out there, and we’ve picked 6 free and paid tools that can be a great alternative to Articulate 360.
iSpring Suite
iSpring Suite is another popular authoring tool. It allows you to create digital courses, quizzes, visual interactions, and video courses. In terms of authoring, it’s similar to Articulate Storyline, but it offers more. A neat bonus that Studio 360 doesn’t offer is two tools for making flipbooks and dialogue simulations.
What makes iSpring Suite stand out is the speed at which you can create content. Thanks to the pre-built assets and templates available in the library, you can author professional-looking courses from premade PPT presentations without hassle.
Here’s what you can do with iSpring Suite:
› Create full-fledged digital courses; › Create interactive quizzes; › Make educational videos, like video lectures or software simulations; › Use dialogue simulations for soft skills training; › Turn existing PDF and Word files into digital books with flipping pages in a few clicks; › Access the content library for thousands of assets: course templates, characters, backgrounds, objects, and more.
Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate is another popular authoring solution for professional eLearning developers. It’s a strong toolkit that allows you to create digital courses from PowerPoint files or make them from scratch in the editor. You can create multiple layers for each slide, and it’s easy to edit them on the fly once you become accustomed to the editor. This opens up vast design customization opportunities.
In its latest iterations, Captivate started to focus on interactive videos and VR. It’s one of the few eLearning tools that allow authors to create VR experiences that can be used for training.
Here's what you can do with Adobe Captivate:
› Turn PowerPoint files into eLearning courses enriched with videos, characters, images, and other interactive elements; › Turn ordinary videos into interactive courses by inserting pop-up questions and media in the video feed; › Create digital courses from scratch using Fluid Boxes — containers that keep text and media aligned whenever you drag or resize them; › Create educational VR experiences and engage your learners in life-like scenarios.
Brainshark is two things: a web-based authoring tool for creating eLearning content and a platform for sharing it. When you’re done creating, you can publish the course on the Brainshark platform and share it with your employees. The results are stored in the platform and can be accessed for statistics by the administrators.
In terms of authoring, Brainshark is similar to Rise 360 because you make the content right in the browser, but the content presentation is different. With Brainshark, you can upload video recordings, podcasts, and presentations to compile a web course, or make a quiz using the web tool itself.
Here's what you can do with Brainshark:
› Create web courses to train and coach your sales teams; › Integrate your portal with Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics to get detailed statistics; › Incorporate data from classroom training.
mAuthor is a web-based platform for developing eLearning content. You create courses using the authoring tool and then publish them on the platform. It’s also possible to save a course as a SCORM package if you plan to upload it to an LMS.
Thanks to the responsive design, you can always check how your course ends up looking on a tablet, smartphone, or desktop.
Here's what you can do with mAuthor:
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› Create courses using the WYSIWYG editor; › Use pre-built functional modules for different content types: quizzes, math functions, games, and more; › Publish your content on the mAuthor platform, complete with roles, tasks, feedback, and progress tracking.
iSpring Free
iSpring Free is a lightweight PowerPoint add-in that allows you to turn presentations into eLearning content. Just like the name suggests, the tool is 100% free.
Tumblr media
With iSpring Free, you can create two things: interactive quizzes and courses. The quizmaker tool offers two quiz formats: graded and survey (no grades). Both support 3 question types: multiple-choice, multiple response, and short answer.
You can publish the quiz on its own or add it to your PowerPoint presentation, just like in iSpring Suite. Additionally, you can add web objects and YouTube videos to the slides. Once your presentation is finished, you can publish it as an eLearning course to an LMS or a website.
That’s all iSpring Free can do. While there are not so many options compared to Articulate, it’s perfect if you’re looking to create slide courses quickly and for free.
Adapt is a free web-based authoring tool. In order to use it, you first have to prepare your web server for installation, download the Adapt installer, and install it either on a server or your PC. If you’re clueless about this procedure, follow this step-by-step installation guide.
With Adapt, you can make questions, presentations, and assessments in your web browser. You do so by adding blocks to the course page and filling it with content, such as questions, assessments, or media files.
Adapt is pretty limited in terms of capabilities, and you don’t have access to a content library like Articulate and other paid tools offer. However, it’s free, and might be perfect if you’re looking to get started on eLearning authoring.
Authoring toolArticulate 360iSpring SuiteAdobe CaptivateBrainsharkmAuthoriSpring FreeAdaptTypeWeb-based & DesktopDesktopDesktopWeb-basedWeb-basedDesktopWeb-basedEase of UseInteractive ElementsCan use existing content*Mobile-Ready Content
Mac google chrome disable auto open pdf download. *These authoring tools can turn existing content, such as PPT and PDF files, into eLearning courses.
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trylkstopocket · 3 years
10 Ways to Get New Customers
Every small business owner wants to attract new customers. Here are 10 time-tested ways to help you bring in “new blood.”
1. Ask for referrals. Referrals are one of the best ways to get new customers—but if you sit back and wait for your current customers to refer their friends and family members to you, you could be waiting a long time. Take charge by implementing a system for actively soliciting referrals from your satisfied customers. Build referral-generating activity into the sales process. For example, send a follow-up email asking for a referral after a customer has received their order from your e-commerce site. Have your B2B salespeople ask for referrals when they follow up with customers to answer questions after the sale.
2. Network. Generate good old-fashioned word-of-mouth by participating in networking organizations and events relevant to your industry and your customers. Be sure to approach networking with the attitude, “How can I help others?” rather than “What’s in it for me?” By thinking about how you be of service, you’ll build relationships that lead to new customers.
3. Offer discounts and incentives for new customers only. Introductory offers, such as a two-week course at your karate studio for $100, can lure curious customers in your door by providing a low-risk way to try your products or services. Track which customers redeem the special offer, then target them with marketing message encouraging and enticing them to keep buying from you.
4. Re-contact old customers. Everything old can be new again—including old customers who haven’t done business with you in a while. Go through your customer contacts on a regular basis and, after six months or a year without an interaction or purchase, reach out to dormant customers with a special offer via email, direct mail or phone. They’ll be glad you remembered them and want to win them back.
5. Improve your website. These days, consumers and B2B buyers alike find new businesses primarily by searching online. That means your website has to do some heavy lifting to attract new customers. Give your website a once-over to make sure that the design, content, graphics and SEO are up-to-date. If this isn’t your strong suit, it’s worth enlisting the services of a website design company and/or SEO expert to help.
6. Partner with complementary businesses. Team up with businesses that have a similar customer base, but aren’t directly competitive, and strategize how you can target each other’s customers to drive new business to each other. For example, a maternity clothing website and a baby products website could pair up to offer discounts and deals to each other’s customers.
7. Promote your expertise. Generate interest—and new customers—by publicizing your expertise in your industry. Participating in industry panel discussions or online webinars, speaking at industry events or to groups your target customers belong to, or holding educational sessions or workshops will impress potential new customers with your subject expertise.
8. Use online reviews to your advantage. Does your business get online reviews from customers? Cultivate your reviews and make the most of them. Link to reviews on your website and post signage in your location urging customers to check you out on Yelp (or wherever the reviews are). Social proof is powerful, and new customers are more likely to give your business a try if they see others praising it.
9. Participate in community events. All else being equal, most people like to support independent businesses in their communities. Raise your profile in your community by taking part in charity events and organizations. Sponsor a local fun run, organize a holiday “toys for kids” donation, or supply a Little League team in your city with equipment. It gets your name out there, which helps bring in new customers.
10. Bring a friend. Offer 2-for-1, “buy one, get one free” or “bring a friend” deals to get your “regulars” to introduce new customers to your business. For instance, a restaurant could offer a “buy one entrée, get a second for free” special to attract more customers. You can even get specific: “Invite a friend to try our new happy hour specials!” to let customers know you're looking to introduce your business to a wider customer base.
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remelitalia · 3 years
10 Content Marketing Trends for 2021 and Beyond
Organizations that have made consistent and sound investments in content marketing have reported those investments paying dividends in recent years.
However, to maintain their growth, marketers must also stay tuned into the ever-changing content marketing landscape.
What worked last year may not be enough to creep ahead in 2021.
Being able to anticipate trends and changes in audience behavior based on technology trends and updates can help you adjust your strategy and get ahead of the wave.
Here, we’ll detail some trends to keep an eye on in 2021, but before we do, let’s look at why content marketing keeps evolving.
Why Does Content Marketing Change so Frequently?
Content marketing continues to evolve to keep pace with trends, technologies, and consumer demands. For instance, increasing use of mobile devices, voice search, and social media all require us to stay on top of things.
Then there are the platforms themselves that change. Established sites like Facebook have started to attract an older demographic, while newer platforms like TikTok appeal to a younger audience.
To reach their audiences effectively, content marketers must adapt their strategies to meet these changing trends.
10 Current Trends in Content Marketing
More recently, adaptability and flexibility have been central to content marketing. However, many of the preferred marketing methods remain the same.
Although many current content marketing trends are a continuation or evolution of existing ones, some trends are gaining considerable ground.
1. Building Communities
With as many as 24 million e-commerce stores out there, you need to find a way of getting noticed.
You achieve that in such a crowded space by developing a community.
Community marketing isn’t about getting a quick sale—it’s about engaging with customers while building trust and loyalty and reaching a wider audience.
The Dollar Shave Club (DSC) is an excellent example of this. DSC works on a subscription basis and considers all of its members a part of the community.
In addition to its social media presence and a blog to engage with customers, DSC features members in its monthly newsletter and ensures its subscribers are at the heart of the business.
Then there’s ProBlogger.
You might know ProBlogger from its jobs board or its blog. However, its community side is a considerable part of the brand too. The community gives new and established bloggers the chance to come together and learn and collaborate.
It also offers:
networking opportunities
discounted books, tools, and events
community downloads
2. Optimizing Content for Niche, Long Tail Keywords
For a long time, the focus for marketers was long-form content. However, more recently, content marketing has stepped back from detailed, lengthy article guides. Instead, the use of niche, long-tail keywords is becoming more prevalent, as long-tail keywords are more specific and have less competition.
Further, using long-tail keywords makes it easier to get your content ranked on Google. That means more organic traffic, which is good news for marketers targeting a competitive niche.
Finding these long-tail keywords needn’t been difficult. You’ll find there’s plenty of free and paid-for tools available, such as:
You can also use:
the “people also searched for” feature on Google
Google Suggest
Google’s related search
Once you’ve narrowed down your keywords, you can then focus on a specific segment of your business and create content around the subject.
3. Hiring Content Teams With Diverse Skill Sets
In recent years, there’s been a consistent shift away from content churning.
The brands experiencing the most success with content marketing aren’t just flooding their audience with content. They’re taking a media publishing approach.
The process is just as important as the content itself now. Having a team of writers isn’t enough anymore.
Your company needs to create a broader strategy with a more diverse group of talent and skills to meet your audience’s demands.
That means good writing isn’t enough. The content team will need to grow and adapt for the next year and should include people who have talent in:
video production and editing
graphic design, illustration, and editing
audio editing and production skills
content optimization
content distribution and promo
strategy development, execution, SEO, and campaign management
communications and branding
4. Repurposing Content Across Channels
Repurposing content saves time, gets you in front of a different audience, and enhances your organic search.
This simply means repackaging it into a different format. For example:
turning blog posts into an eBook or newsletter content
embedding YouTube videos in your blog
transcribing your YouTube videos and distributing them as podcast, newsletter, or blog content
creating infographics from research and stats.
ESPN showed how effective content repurposing could be. When ESPN launched “We the Fans,” it distributed the content across a range of formats. Articles, podcasts, videos, and social media were all part of ESPN’s strategy.
As Chad Millman, VP/editorial director of U.S. digital content, explains, “The idea was to take advantage of all of ESPN’s platforms.”
You should consider doing the same for your business.
Content Marketing Trends for 2021 and Beyond
Looking forward, the need for marketers to adapt their content plans will continue, and we’re likely to see a greater increase in existing trends like Google’s Discover and stories to engage readers and keep them on the page.
Let’s take a closer look at these content marketing trends.
5. “Discover” Features
Yoast, Search Engine Land, and HubSpot are just some of those talking about Google Discover. It was formerly known as Google Feed, but it’s undergone a significant transformation since its launch.
If you’re not familiar with Google Discover, it combines news, evergreen content, along with visuals like photos. To fill the feed, Google uses AI and machine learning to understand a user’s search history, meaning the viewer gets content likely to engage them.
You’ll find Discover on Google’s mobile pages, and mobile Chrome users will see the feed when they open a tab.
Over time, Discover becomes increasingly sophisticated. Just ask the Vogue and Vice’s publishers.
Your content is eligible to appear on Discover if it meets the guidelines and Google has indexed it. However, as Google states, it doesn’t guarantee your content will appear in its Discover feed.
Google does, however, have some guidelines to improve the chances of your content showing up.
These include:
posting “outstanding and engaging content”
creating content that’s unique and timely
providing exact authorship details (your name, publication, bylines, publication)
high-quality imaging
descriptive titles that avoid clickbait
6. “Story” Features
Stories are growing in popularity for several reasons. First, they make great social media content. Secondly, they’ll also show up in mobile searches and Google Images, increasing your chances of discoverability.
There are other factors in their growing popularity: platforms like Google Stories make story creation accessible to everyone.
Crucially, though, Google Web Stories cater to consumers’ business lifestyles and provide content for people on the move: the use of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) allows readers to flick through the same way you would with social media stories.
Another example of story features is Instagram Guides. These provide curated content in the form of videos, photos, and text. The idea is to make content easier to find, therefore making brands and influencers easier to discover.
7. Featured Experts
Commentary from experts that lends credibility to your content can help you stand out. That’s why including comments from a subject matter or featured expert could benefit your content’s performance.
Google doesn’t use subject matter content as a ranking factor (yet). However, evaluators consider the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EAT) factor in their quality rankings.
Google isn’t the only one interested in the quality content, though. Consumers are too.
According to a Nielsen study, 85 percent of consumers regularly or occasionally look for expert content before buying.
Additionally, 67 percent of buyers say unbiased expert endorsements make them more likely to consider a purchase.
InPowered, who commissioned the survey, says there are three main takeaways from the research. Marketers should:
build trust and cut through the noise with expert content
begin to share their stories once they’ve gained consumers’ trust
continue to build trust through expert content and ask customers to leave reviews
8 & 9. Generative Media & NLG
Generative media is increasing in use the same way that natural language generation (NLG) is. Like NLG, generative media uses AI to create content. The only difference is it makes computer-generated images rather than text.
It works in much the same way as NLP too:
The designer gives their instruction to the machine, detailing parameters/algorithms.
The machine uses these parameters to create an image.
However, the designer still has some input and can alter algorithms to produce the finished piece.
Tyler Lastovich of Lastly Studios predicted growth in generative media some time ago. As Lastovich points out, although there’s been a surge in use, we’ve yet to see its full potential. For instance, content marketers could use it in areas like:
contextual images
personalized content
realistic chatbots
According to a senior analyst at Techna, trial versions of generative design, cloud-based generative design solutions, and the rising integration of 3D printing with generative designs are just a few of the reasons behind this content marketing trend.
10. Content Driven Personalization
Yieldify defines content personalization as the “process of tailoring content that is visible to the customer based on their profile or preferences.”
Every customer who visits your website is at a different stage of the customer journey. Your content should cater to their specific needs and encourage them to take the next step.
A good example would be a customer that comes to your website to find out more about new kitchen units. When they return to your site, you could offer an e-book offering tips on choosing the ideal kitchen units for their home or a checklist on preparing for the revamp.
In case you’re wondering, content-driven personalization isn’t optional if you want to keep your customer satisfied. Research from Salesforce shows 84 percent of consumers say being treated like a person, not a number, is crucial to winning their business.
Further, fifty-nine percent say tailored engagement based on past interactions is crucial to winning their business.
While data support the trends listed here, trends aren’t everything. You should do your research to see how they can improve your content marketing strategy moving into 2021.
There’s also plenty of historical data that shows us how quickly trends can flop or die off.
Rather than chase content marketing trends, always do your research. Keep an eye on top performers in your space and use data—as well as experimentation—to fuel your strategy as you head into 2021.
Which of these content marketing trends for 2021 are you working on incorporating into your strategy?
The post 10 Content Marketing Trends for 2021 and Beyond appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/content-marketing-trends/ via https://neilpatel.com
See the original post, 10 Content Marketing Trends for 2021 and Beyond that is shared from https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home/10-content-marketing-trends-for-2021-and-beyond via https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home
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constructionfirm · 6 years
Contractors Profit with Functional Fabric Wall Systems
Contractors are discovering a new profit center by installing versatile, stretched fabric wall finishing systems instead of going with the usual options of paint, traditional upholstery, or wrapped panels.
The benefit of a stretched fabric wall surface is that it transforms a wall into a beautiful, functional surface. It is tackable like a bulletin board; has acoustical properties that reduce noise and sound transmission through walls; and can withstand high impact in high wear areas so is very low maintenance. The system is also versatile since refreshing the walls or updating the colors requires only changing out the fabric.
Such fabric wall finishing systems are easily installed on site. A variety of fabric types, colors and patterns are available. Even floor-to-ceiling, high definition graphics can be printed on the fabric.
Various multi-panel designs can be installed from railroad track designs to abstract, curved, and custom shaped patterns using flexible track. With so many options, site fabricated wall coverings can be used to conform to most architectural features.
Best of all, there are no up-front costs for contractors – and free training, support, and assistance is available to help them thrive when adding such offerings to their existing services.
“When I first installed a stretched fabric wall finishing system in my studio, I never dreamed it would lead to doing contract work in so many homes, offices, schools, restaurants, companies, and movie studios,” says John Cox, President of John Cox Integrations (JCI), a Southern California based contractor of residential/commercial remodeling and new construction.
“We have even done work on Steve Carell’s home theater, and Snoop Dogg’s production studio,” adds Cox. “The system has created a profitable business for us because there are so many opportunities for installing it.”
A Versatile New Approach In Cox’s case, the fabric wall finishing system he utilizes is manufactured by Fabricmate, a Ventura, CA based producer of innovative wall finishing systems.
To accommodate the diverse needs of contractors, the wall finishing supplier offers its products in a wide range of sizes from ready-to-hang premade panels and ready-to-install modular panel kits to site-fabricated wall finishing systems. The covering can be installed on top of any existing surface, so it can be used to quickly refresh a site’s look, or for complete remodels and new installations.
Each panel consists of three parts: a fabric covering, a backing material, and a fabric mounting frame. The fabric covering is stretched over the backing and held taut by the fabric mounting frame. This allows the panel surface to spring back when struck, effectively mitigating visible damage allowing for years of performance. The excess fabric is rolled into the frame for a clean look. The frame and backing can be reused, and the fabric changed out as desired.
The backing fills in the frame and covers the wall, providing a pinnable bulletin-board like surface for tacking things up, along with impact resistance and the ability to absorb reverberated sound waves that would otherwise bounce off the walls. The fabric mounting frame holds the fabric in place.
For contractors concerned about ease of installation and productivity, installing the wall finishing system can actually be faster than painting when preparation and clean up is taken into account.
“We can install a typical site fabricated Fabricmate wall finishing system faster than a drywall company can tape it, texture it, and paint it, including drying time,” says Chad Cossey, treasurer and lead foreman at Santa Maria Acoustical Co. Inc., a Grover Beach, CA based acoustical contractor specializing in suspended ceilings, acoustical/tackable wall panel systems, and wall protection systems.
The system can also install over unfinished drywall, so there is no need to mud, texture or prime; just tape the drywall joints. Additionally, the system can adjust to match out-of-true conditions so it can be installed on walls, ceilings, soffits and alcoves with no unsightly gaps.
“With traditional wrapped panel systems, we previously had to make the panels fit every spot,” says Cossey. “Now with the stretched fabric wall system, we can wrap columns, go around windows, and essentially do everything. The one system handles it all.”
Help With Projects and Profitability There is ample help available at no cost to contractors of any experience level looking to add the fabric wall finishing systems to their professional repertoire.
Cossey, for instance, appreciates the hands-on training and instruction that some manufacturers provide at the outset to get contractors started, teach installation shortcuts, and other tricks of the trade.
He acknowledges that online webinars are available today, as is access to best layout practices and instruction sheets. He notes, however, that early and ongoing manufacturer support can really make a difference in how quickly a contractor can learn the trade and become profitable.
“On our first project, Fabricmate sent a crew of people to work alongside us at our jobsite for a couple of days,” says Cossey. “This helped us quickly get up to speed, work through any questions, and successfully complete the job. Years later, I still consult with them once in awhile to get ideas and advice. I may ask ‘How do you think this would work?’ on more complex projects.”
Other job support is provided to contractors as well, such as online access to various project resources. These can range from a material calculator to a submittal and substitution builder, which can help contractors quickly gather all the data sheets, testing documents, and certifications needed to create a complete submittal or substitution.
Some manufacturers will also work directly with contractors in the concept and planning stages of a project. This can assist in the design, functional requirement analysis, layout, material selection, and setting of installation schedules to help contractors meet client requirements as cost effectively as possible.
JCI’s Cox relates how good manufacturer support can help contractors profitably expand their opportunities along with their skillset.
“Installation on square walls is easy, but when you get to more intricate work like wall soffits, ceilings, and curvy, wavy designs, that is when consulting with a manufacturer like Fabricmate can really help,” says Cox. “They will tell you where and how to run the track, where to cut it, and how to go around obstacles to get the job done right, while saving time and money.”
Cox appreciates the manufacturer’s help on a recent sophisticated job.
“When I installed a fabric wall system at a home studio, they helped me achieve a look like the cockpit of a Star Wars spaceship, with a circle and a graphic on it,” concludes Cox. “They have helped me from day one and are a major reason my business has grown to where it is today.”
For more information, call (866) 622-2996; email [email protected]; visit www.fabricmate.com; or write to Fabricmate Systems at 2781 Golf Course Drive, Unit A, Ventura, CA 93003
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avaliveradio · 3 years
Alan Garmonsway 'Getting Over You' is keeping the spirit of live music alive
'Getting Over You' started from an idea I had to create a 'live concert' sound in the studio. We're all missing live gigs, whether being on stage or part of the audience, and that's not likely to change much in the near future given the worsening pandemic, so I thought it would be important and nice to bring that live flavor to a new song release. 
Imagine it's the middle of the set, virtually all the performers have left the stage, and there's just one band member there with a guitar, the audience, a song, and its message. There's no hiding place, and it's the emotion and tension of the performance that connects with the crowd. 
'Getting Over You' conveys that feeling and message, and it's my contribution to keeping the spirit of live music with us during these lockdowns and restrictions – and a timely reminder that live concerts will be really appreciated when they return. In the meantime, a thank you to all those artists who have set up Livestream gigs and open mics thus far, which have been appreciated by many all over the globe!
New Release: Getting Over You
Genre: Indie Folk
Sounds like: : It has a bit of Cat Stevens, Richard Thompson and even Sting in it, so I'm told!
Located in: : Newbury, UK
The music...
I'm definitely heading towards the 'Indie Folk' genre. My background is with acoustic folk and rock bands, playing both keyboards and guitar, so I'm pretty self-sufficient writing, arranging, performing, and recording in the studio. Right now, songwriting, in general, seems to tend much more towards collaborations, but I'm happy at the moment pushing my own skills to the limit, experimenting as much with the sound and vibe as the actual song.
Through 'Getting Over You', my single message is that live music will emerge stronger and better after this difficult pandemic. Just keep the faith that we'll all be able to connect in person, I hope, later in the year.
Right now...
I'm working hard on all fronts to get the best out of my music. With the writing, I'm in the middle of a web-based songwriting masterclass series, weekly webinars, and assignments! In fact, 'Getting Over You' started life as an assignment to take a well-used romantic song title and create something unexpected. I decided to take a more edgy and bitter/sweet approach to the lyrics and let out some emotion with a heartfelt song. 
There are some of my own experiences there, but it's also a good way of grounding some frustrations during this difficult period. Once I had the idea for the song's vibe, I put it together with the 'live performance' idea; it all fell into place quite quickly. In fact, as I write these notes, ten days ago, the song didn't exist! On the production side, I've also been taking webinars to record, mix, and produce, which have been really useful. On the equipment side, I recently switched to Cubase 11, so there's a steep learning curve there as well. In fact, 'Getting Over You' is my first Cubase release, so I've needed to learn fast. These different aspects contribute to my evolving 'sound' – my ambition is for people to hear my songs and think, 'That's a Garmonsway song'!
About the Artist...
Music runs in my family – church organists, pianists, violinists, cellists, saxophonists - so I played piano and doing music theory from an early age. I was the guy at school who could listen to anyone's album of the day and pick out the chords for them to play (this was before they were all on the Internet)! I've played and recorded in both rock and acoustic bands, mainly keyboards and 12 string guitar, bass, and some percussion, supported some top bands and played blues on keyboards at some top blues clubs in Chicago, Vancouver, and other places. This was all done whilst making my living first as a scientist, then in HR/Operations for bioscience companies.
When the bands (and my career) ran their course, I did some solo performing and also focused more on writing and recording, which is my main preoccupation nowadays. I'm continually inspired to make music because you can make a statement or observation through the music and then get it out there for the whole World to hear.
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t-baba · 4 years
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🚀 Masonry layout with CSS grids
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#465 — November 4, 2020 | Read on the web
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Native CSS Masonry Layout In CSS Grid — There is now a specification for native CSS masonry-style layouts (think similar to how Pinterest lays things out), as part of the 'Grid Layout' spec. In this article, Rachel Andrew explains how it works with the help of a couple of demos you can try out in Firefox Nightly.
Smashing Magazine
Chasing the Pixel-Perfect Dream — This term isn’t anywhere near as ubiquitous as it once was, but for times where design duplication is demanded, Josh asks how we can now go about it, how realistic such a request is, and shares some tricks to help us “scooch a bit closer to pixel-perfection”.
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Webinar: Transforming Your Application's Analytics in 30 Minutes — Watch this webinar to learn how using a well-architected analytics development environment, with modern capabilities such as data and visual authoring, can fully transform an application in just 30 minutes.
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Comparing Various Ways to Hide Things in CSS — There are many ways to ‘hide’ things in CSS, and each come their own pros and cons. Marko Ilic reviews each technique and caps things off with a summary to help you decide which to use and when.
In Defense of Tables and Floats in Modern Day Development — If you find yourself considering tables or floats the author makes the case for using them “with confidence”, so long as “the situation aligns with their intended use”.
John Macpherson
MDN Web Docs: Editorial Strategy and Community Participation — An update on MDN including some details on their move from a Wiki approach with a MySQL database for content, to a Jamstack approach that allows contributions via Git. It does not say which SSG, for those curious, but other recently released Mozilla sites have already been written in 11ty.
Chris Mills
⚡️ Quick bits:
Support for <input type="date"> is finally in the latest Safari beta.
The Brave browser now has over 20 million users (up from 8.7m this time last year).
Handy little contextual icons showing the effect of a stated flexbox alignment rule are coming to Chrome - tap through to see the examples.
This repo is worth a star - it's filled with references and resources to aid your frontend dev.. including us(!) 😄
💻 Jobs
Senior Web Developer (Node/ReactJS) - Remote — Millions get inspired and plan adventures with our apps. To help us make komoot.com the place to go to plan outdoor adventures, we’re looking for a one of a kind Web Developer to join our team.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
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📙 Tutorials, Articles & Opinion
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Comparing Static Site Generator Build Times — This is an interesting post, especially given that build speed can become a major concern for large sites and because various SSGs make claims of build speed part of their “pitch.” I love how the author lays out his hypotheses first and compares them with the result. I would say the results more or less aligned with expectations.
Sean C Davis
Micro Frontends Pattern Comparison — Comparing build-time integration, server-side integration, run-time integration via iframes, and run-time integration via script.
Florian Rappl
What Is This Gemini Thing Anyway, & Why Am I Excited About It? — Gemini is a network protocol for exchanging particularly lightweight hypertext documents, but no HTML is involved. Imagine if the Web were forced to be lightweight. That's what Gemini is and it's quite fun to play with.
Drew DeVault
Browsers Don’t Have Feelings—Measure What Matters to Users — Page load time isn't enough, users care about perceived performance. Track interactivity metrics and build for impact.
New Relic sponsor
Getting Audio Visualizations Working with Web Audio API — A developer works through the trickiness of cross-browser issues around the Web Audio API and comes up with a neat visualization for his audio chat system.
Dwayne Harris
If Not Single Page Apps (SPAs) Then What? — If you’re not a fan of the SPA approach, what else can you do? Turns out there are numerous modern alternatives from Stimulus to RedwoodJS.
Tom MacWright
What Can Web Designers Do With Their Unused Designs? — Four ways to repurpose your unused designs and give them new life.
Suzanne Scacca
Grab Your User's Attention with The :focus-within CSS Selector — A neat trick, using this selector to style the parent of a focused element.
Vitor Paladini
▶  Distorted Infinite WebGL Slider with Pixi.js — Learn how to recreate the the infinite scrollable image slider as seen on the Lamadone Studio site using Pixi.js.
Yuriy Artyukh
Running Front-End Experiments
LaunchDarkly sponsor
Designing User-Friendly Data Tables
Meredith Meller
Tailwind Versus BEM: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Both
Eric Bailey
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources
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Photo-Realistic Glass in the Browser — Ok, so this WebGL/Three.js demo may well bring your browser to a crawl, but I'd say the effect is well worth seeing. Related repo here.
Domenico Bruzzese
CSS Spider: The Fastest and Easiest Way to Spy (Check, Copy and Edit) CSS of Any Site — Chrome only for now, but a neat way to really quickly view the CSS of any element you hover over.
Graphery SVG: A Library for SVG Creation and Management — This well-documented library is good for creating and manipulating SVG in JavaScript. Offers a simple API — that’s said to be very close to the native structure of SVG.
Adobe XD for Visual Studio Code — The Adobe XD design system now extends into the Visual Studio world for enhanced developer collaboration.
Meraki UI: Beautiful Tailwind CSS Components That Support RTL Languages — You don’t often see a CSS framework advertised as supporting RTL, so that’s somewhat new. Includes 43 components in all, based on Flexbox and Grid.
khatab Wedaa & Mosab Ibrahim
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A HTML and CSS Coin Flip Donate Button — This neat little animation, complete with randomized flipping, has no 3D elements, just 2D elements and some clever math to give the illusion of a 3D coin.
Cooper Goeke codepen
ngx-bootstrap: Fast and Reliable Bootstrap Widgets in Angular
Valor Software
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/38aI8Nz
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covertcreativemedia · 4 years
ID Kit Research
What do you consider to be your medium?
I have various mediums of choice that depend on the work I am doing. However, I will typically use a digital-first or mobile-first approach and work out of that realm. If I am tasked with a design problem where I would need to create a solution I will consider how users or consumers would solve this problem through a mobile designed solution. Either that is through social media, ux, digital experience. From that starting point, I can assess if the design needs to be taken to other virtual platforms or if I need to extend the experience into a real-time experience. 
I feel that I do not lean into one specific approach because typically design will flow into many different touchpoints that the consumer or user will have to face. It is important to consider all the aspects of where the design will live and take place. 
What kind of skills, aptitudes, and abilities are current jobs in your field requiring?
Typically the positions that I most interested in require a bachelor's degree and 3-5 years of experience. 
Execute best in class digital marketing practices that balance brand storytelling with sales tactics
Experience working across digital media and creative: drawing connections between the brand identity and marketing objectives to inform differentiated and effective new media programs that engage customers, increase awareness and spark advocacy.
Stay current on innovations in digital marketing and ecommerce technologies and through webinars, industry journals, and competitive benchmarking.
I believe that my skills, experiences, education, and strengths align with the companies specific requirements, while I am still continuing to enhance and develop them. I have focused most of my professional career and internships around marketing, branding, public relations, communications, digital marketing, and design. However an technical skill that I lack that is typically required is experience with Social Media Management Systems and Social Listening/Analytics tools. These systems are extremely beneficial for a business that generates a lot of interactivity on social media platforms. These tools allows to track what influencers can help give you the best leverage, and understand how your content is being consumed. 
Social media marketing manager job listing
Digital e-comm manager job listing
Animation internship job listing 
What can you offer that no one else in your market can?
Deep understanding of how millenial and gen-z audiences consumer digital media and how it can create conversion on e-comm and brick-and-mortar channels. 
Creating communities for niche target markets online and offline, through UGC.
Maintaining brand identity online and throughout all digital touch points. 
Creating content that is engaging and inspiring.
Understanding how consumers engage with your product online and how to drive conversion through all digital media channels. 
Solving the brick-and-mortar store in the 21st century
What kind of clients/industries would you like to serve and work with, and why?
Hovercraft Studio
This studio has developed a successful niche in the immersive experience industry. This studio develops immersive experiences that can be brought to life in many scenarios, either it be a brand launch for retail, brand story telling, or creating memorable experiences through digital media mediums. I find this studio to be extremely exciting because they bridge the path between physical experience and digital experiences in environments that are typically limited. For example, in a recent collaboration with Nike. They created an immersive experience for the launch of a new collab. Not only does this experience remain memorable for the people that attended the event, but they look extremely goon online in multiple different ways. This experience looks great when professionally documented for Hovercraft and Nike social media and online channels. But they incredible on user generated content provided by the physical attendees of the event. These experiences are able to translate successfully in multiple different ways online and offline. They also enhance the brand appeal by making Nike look progressive, digitally driven, and ahead of the curve. Providing consumers with more than just a retail experience. 
Kendo Beauty 
Kendo beauty is an innovative beauty incubator that redefines the beauty industry through next-generation products, visionary campaigns and unforgettable retail presence. Kendo is owned by LVMH and is best known for trail blazing beauty brands such as Fenty Beauty, Marc Jacobs Beauty, and more. I believe that Kendo is a digital focused brand that tells a narrative that is fresh a new. They develop brands that are innovative, socially driven, and engaging. 
What attributes do you think you would need to offer to be competitive in your envisioned marketplace?
To be competitive in the market place you must be able to understand how the audience and target market is always changing, almost on an hourly basis. It is good to be able to forecast trends, create new ones, and create communities in emerging social channels as they continue to emerge.  while assessing current ones for how to work in them and understand longevity. 
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tymihoward · 4 years
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#supersoulsaturday The yoga is in the transitions...when I heard that gyms and yoga studios would be opening back up this coming Monday in the US, I felt a flood of mixed emotions that I will jumble up into a ball called “anxiousness.” I have decided to continue teaching online via Zoom through the month of May, and reevaluate June 1st, what that online schedule looks like moving thru the Summer months. My choices not only effect me, but also my husband and stepson...and so I invite you to join me Monday-Saturday’s online via Zoom! * All classes are recorded and good for 30 days. So if you want a class and can not make the time on the East Coast, sign up for it and it will be emailed to you directly anywhere in the world!! Some students are even purchasing packages of 10 classes at a time... just let me know what you want. Full Zoom Room Yoga Schedule Link: https://bit.ly/2SuJydh TOMORROW, Saturday May 16th “Super Soul Saturday” / Vinyasa Flow 90 minutes Link: https://bit.ly/2yLwA41 Get ready to connect to your SUPER SOUL! A challenging yet approachable Vinyasa Flow supported by one of Tymi's world-renowned playlists. Tymi will take you on a yoga adventure that will stoke the inner fires of your body, mind, & SPIRIT! Release self-doubts, limiting belief patterns and habits and abandon fears that block you from reaching your highest potential in this lifetime! Start with setting a Sankalpa, Mantra/Japa, and then transitioning into an asana practice that will tap into your deep core power, open your heart and free your mind to the unlimited potential of your Super Soul! Be prepared to surprise yourself and leave feeling completely empowered. Foundational standing asanas, inversions, juicy floor sequence & final rest. *After registering for classes you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. ** IF NOT AVAILABLE at these times, you can register & after the classes a link can be emailed to all registrants in order to take the recorded class at a later time. ~ 🙌🙏♥️ #tymihoward #tymihowardyoga #manifestyoga #manifestyogaonline #manifestyogawithtymihoward #manifestyogaliveonline #manifestingmiracles #manifestmagic (at Manifest Yoga with Tymi Howard) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOWJA2h8r_/?igshid=1uc6xupov9n8g
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opticien2-0 · 4 years
Coronavirus round-up: Ingka Centres on reopening malls, plus updates from Studio, the ONS, IMRG, Institute of Customer Service, DPD and Shipster
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We’re reporting on the effect of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic on the way UK shoppers buy – and on how retailers are responding to that changing behaviour. This update comes as, as of 9am on April 23, 138,078 people have tested positive for coronavirus and 18,738 people have died. Over the previous day, 4,583 people tested positive out of 23,560 tested, and 616 people died.
    Ingka Centres says shopper confidence is recovering fast as it reopens first malls
  Ingka Centres, part of the Ingka Group that owns Ikea, says it has opened all three of its shopping malls in China while its Luv Shopping mall in Lübeck, Germany, has become the first of its European shopping centres to reopen.
  Early figures from its Livat Centres in Wuxi and Beijing show footfall was down by more than two thirds over the first weekend of reopening, but that confidence has recovered fast. Visitors to the Wuxi centre are now at 80% of footfall at the same time last year. On the first day of its Wuhan centre reopening, under shorter operating hours, visitor numbers stood at 70% on a year earlier.
  Ingka Centres currently operates 45 centres in 15 markets in Europe as well as in Russia and China. Those centres that have reopened have done so with clear signage around social distancing and hand washing. Restaurants have reopened to offer takeaways, while shops that could reduce their selling area to 800m sq have been able to open.
  Gerard Groener, global managing director of Ingka Centres, said: “We were one of the first international businesses to encounter coronavirus. We witnessed first-hand how important it was to take action quickly. When Covid-19 came to our other markets in Europe and Russia, our experience in China meant we were better prepared than we otherwise might have been.
  “We have now started re-open our Meeting Places in China and Europe after official advice confirmed it was safe to do so. To rebuild trust and confidence, we have temporarily introduced measures to encourage shoppers to adopt safer shopping behaviours.”
  Ingka Centres has waived rent and service fees for its tenants, while also investing driving online traffic to its tenants’ websites and enabling retailers to share home delivery and click-and-collect services. It is also to invest €1.6m in community programmes to help bring local neighbourhoods together.
  Ingka Centres has recently bought Kings Mall Shopping Centre in Hammersmith for redevelopment.
    Studio trades well ahead of last year
  Pureplay Studio says that it is trading well ahead of the same time last year, after ensuring that social distancing and hygiene measures are in place and that deliveries could be made safely.
  It says demand is especially strong for toys, games, electricals, fitness and garden products.
  "Given the external environment, we are taking a prudent and dynamic approach towards stock intake for the summer period, particularly on clothing, in order to de-risk the business in anticipation of a highly competitive marketplace once the lockdown for high-street retailers is eased," the retail brand’s parent company Studio Retail said in a trading update today.
  However, it expects that customers’ incomes will come under pressure and it will follow FCA guidance in relation to its credit sales. As yet, customer requests for forbearance have come to about 1% of its balances, though it says that this could increase, depending on how long the lockdown ends. Outside its warehouses, many staff are working from home. Those who cannot, or who are vulnerable, have been furloughed on full pay.
  The retail group, which also runs an education business, says it has enough debt liquidity for near-term cashflow without needing to fall back on government funding.
  ONS coronavirus round-up
  In its weekly coronavirus round-up, the ONS said a just under a quarter (24%) of businesses had temporarily paused trading between March 23 and April 5, with those in arts and entertainment the most likely to have done so. More than a quarter (78%) of staff at those businesses were furloughed under the government’s Job Retention Scheme, while 14% of staff were on furlough at companies that were still trading.
    IMRG: online sales continue to grow
  Online sales were up by more than a third (37.4%) in the third week of April, compared to the same time last year according to IMRG figures. The figures, shared in the latest IMRG coronavirus webinar, show sales of clothing still slightly down on last year, while sales of electricals, home and garden, and health and beauty are still well ahead of last year, but declining compared to highs seen in recent weeks.
  Analysis of 300 retailers over the pandemic also showed that 42% of retailers who usually offer next-day delivery have suspended the service, although 27% of the full are still offering it. Retailers who had suspended services have largely returned to selling online. Currently only nine are unable to trade, while that figure peaked in March at 19. The experience, said Andy Mulcahy of IMRG, seems to show that it is possible to go dark and then get back online "but warehouse staff have to feel safe".
Shoppers say grocers are doing a good job in the pandemic
  More than three quarters (78%) of shoppers say grocers are doing enough to look after their customers during the pandemic, according to a survey of 1,000 UK adults from the Institute of Customer Service. At the other end of the scale are utilities (64.4%) and insurance (66.3%) companies.
  More than half of those questioned (55.9%) said keeping customers updated should be a top priority for companies, while 37% said they should listen to customer feedback.
  Jo Causon, chief executive of The Institute of Customer Service, said: “In the face of enormous uncertainty and restrictions, customer service teams offer the public far more than simple transactions – they are a vital support service and for many brands, the key link with their customers. The importance of customer service has been thrust into the forefront by this crisis. I think the results reflect that brands may have been benefiting from a period of tolerance from customers, but this may diminish as time goes on.”
  DPD staff donate to boost morale on wards
DPD has delivered 60,000 items to hospital wards across the UK as it looks to boost morale among staff and patients. It has created and sent out welfare packs and food and treat packs containing items donated by its staff to 160 NHS hospitals around the UK after palliative care nurse Nikitta Jones asked for help for patients on her ward at the Cynon Valley Hospital near Merthyr Tydfil. She wrote to DPD chief executive Dwain McDonald saying that as families were no longer allowed to visit wards, patients were no longer getting supplies and treats from home.
  The items have been delivered as DPD has made thousands of extra deliveries for the NHS to hospitals, GP practices and more, delivering supplies including masks, gloves, and aprons. It has also worked with the 3DCrowd, a community of 3D printer owners who are using their machines to make face masks for the NHS in the face of shortages. DPD collects the component parts from volunteers and takes them, free-of-charge, to a central hub in Sheffield for assembly, and then takes them onwards to hospitals and other facilities.
  DPD’s McDonald said: “I think everyone is united on this - we want to do all we can to help the NHS and we want them to know how much we appreciate what they are doing for us. We weren’t expecting this to become a nationwide initiative, but we have the infrastructure and a lot of great contacts at the NHS and when you combine that with a very generous bunch of people, incredible things can happen.”
    Shipster software free for those sending out PPE
  Shipster is making its software available for free to all those providing goods such as PPE and medical equipment. All of its clients have been offered extended payment terms.
Having more licences available for free means the companies can send goods out more quickly.
Tony Cheetham, mananging director of Shipster, said: “It’s a no brainer really, every company should be looking at what they can do and we’re very lucky to be able to continue trading in the current climate. We have seen an increased demand for shipping in goods such as medical supplies, PPE and food, so we made the easy decision to allow those clients to bump up their licenses as much as they want to with no added cost. This will hold for as long as the government’s lockdown period lasts, and possibly longer if needed.”
    Image: Shutterstock
from InternetRetailing https://ift.tt/2KukoHi via IFTTT
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