#video game emporium
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nexus-nebulae · 10 months ago
what if i wrote a video essay
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imagionationstation · 2 months ago
Get To Know You Better Challenge Reblog:
Thanks for the tag, @cheetochild989!
I don't normally do things like this because I like to be mysterious but I have some people that I'm curious to learn about. So. I'll do some.
Last Song: Not Sorry For Loving You (From Epic!)
Favorite Color: >:) Guess
Last Book: We going fanfiction for this one:
Welcome Home Brother by OptimisticallyCynical
Last Movie: The Dark Tower (Highly Recommend)
Last TV Show: 2012TMNT (SHOCK AND AWE!!!)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweets. Mmmmmm
Relationship Status: It's complicated 👍
Last Video Game Played: Wii Sports Resort (obsessed with tennis)
Last Thing I Googled: "is it unhealthy to tranq someone consistently"
...It's safest for everyone if you don't ask questions.
Current Obsession: (You guys will NEVER guess.)
Things I'm Looking Forward To: Finally finishing What Was Lost (so close!!) and TMNT MOVIE NIGHT WITH A LONGTIME FRIEND!!
No pressure tags:
@teks-emporium @puma-or-cougar @tmntforeverinmyheart @greenlovescats @fluffyslug @juhamato
@sleepingdragon11 @ceciturtle @theintrovertedghost @truths33k3r4 @daboyau
@poetique823 @apriltellorocks @craacked-splatters @happydragondragon
+ Anyone and everyone else who wants to join! Feel free!
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crowleysgirl56 · 9 months ago
Wildest dreams wishes for Good Omens Season 3 which will probably not come true but I can still hope hey!
Number 30.
CRANK THAT RIDICULOUS DIAL TO ELEVEN! Yet another extreme silliness wish, this a part 2 to my wildest dream number 27. In with Crowley continues to be petulant, and Aziraphale gets to play the rescuer.
Sprawled on the footpath where the Bentley had so unceremoniously dumped him, Aziraphale looks up at Crowley, bemused as the demon continues to rant at the retreating sight of his car. He can’t help but smile fondly at the dramatic cascade of insults spewing forth, drawing the weary eyes of passers by.
“…and next time I see you I’m going to let down your tyres!!”
Aziraphale picks himself up and briskly brushes himself down. “You’d never do such a thing and you know it” he teases primly.
The sound of Aziraphale’s voice seems to startle Crowley slightly, who resolutely ignores the angel and hurriedly makes his way down the street. Aziraphale immediately gives chase.
“Crowley, please could we talk for a moment?” Crowley’s pace picks up speed as he manoeuvres around the larger than usual number of pedestrians ambling along Whickber Street.
“Only I feel like I need to explain-” Crowley snaps his fingers and suddenly Aziraphale is cut off mid sentence by some suddenly appearing council workers jackhammering in the middle of the road.
“If you could just listen for a mome-” another snap of fingers and suddenly a line of cars blaring their horns emerge from nowhere. Frustrated by the wall of sound, Aziraphale covers his ears and manages to lunge himself in front of Crowley blocking his path.
“Don’t you think you’re acting just a tad child-”.
Crowley smiles smugly as the cacophony of noise overwhelms Aziraphale, who purses his lips and attempts to yell over the car horns, jackhammers, tolling bells, and loud mobile conversations, “could we just go into the bookshop!-”
Crowley gestures to his ears and mouths something that looks along the lines of “I can’t hear you”. Aziraphale fed up with the game draws down a miracle, silencing the street. A number of pedestrians stop to wonder how everything suddenly became so quiet, the queue of cars and council workers miraculously gone.
“Please, just hear me out-”
Crowley growls and immediately jumps away, angrily shoving his fingers in his ears. “LALALA NOT LISSSSTENIIIINNGGGGG!” He steps out backwards into the street, just as a large lorry comes barrelling down the road towards him, blaring its horn.
“CROWLEY!” Aziraphale cries. Crowley turns but it’s evident he is too late to react in time. Panicked Aziraphale throws out a careless miracle, redirecting the driver, whilst lunging forward and grabs onto Crowley’s lapels pulling him back to safety.
Crowley slams into Aziraphale’s arms. They stand wrapped in each other’s embrace, breathing heavily as they recover from the sudden adrenaline. A creeping realisation dawns and they both slowly turn their heads to look out into the street at the gawping gathering crowd. Some have started taking videos with their phone. It’s evident that the lorry has somehow ended up on the roof of Mr Brown’s world of carpets emporium. They slowly turn back to look at each other once more.
Aziraphale speaks in a low and clipped tone, “Get. Inside. The bookshop. Now!” Crowley can only nod in response. They slowly peel themselves away from each and as casually as one can whilst a crowd is photographing you, make their way into the bookshop. For that long awaited chat.
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council-of-beetroot · 28 days ago
FFVII Rebirth Recap
Chapter 4
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Forget Sephiroth i'm more worried about this dolphin. Now there is pure EVIL. Don't trust him Cloud.
I didn't realize that Machinabridged didn't make up the dolphin thing
Also Yuffie showed up. She's gonna probably steal my shit so I don't trust her yet.
If she fucks over Barret I will riot
My sister periodically will walk in to my room and comment on the game but among other things says I look like Aerith
She ended up doing my hair Aerith style. Braid, Pink Bow, side hair curls everything.
I felt hella pretty
To my sister, you drive me up the walls some days but that was really nice of you 🩷
We also determined that aerith definitely sells crack. Red's the crackhouse guard lion. (Real thing by the way, you can't have shit in Detroit and the authorities said you can't have a guard lion either)
I'm more convinced of this because I have heard allegedly from my family in the floral industry that apparently they do more than just deliver flowers.
Red has two voices?!?!? I thought I was just hallucinating the fact that sometimes he sounds different
I successfully did all the region Intel for the grasslands hell yeah.
Things are not going well with Tifa and Cloud man
And you know something is slowly becoming more and more off because Cloud starts doing sit ups before bed.
If he was doing squats I would be full on theorizing that he's trying to get into character again after Tifa poked holes in his fake identity again.
I love when people in this game refer to Queen's Blood matches as QB matches because I was on my school's Quiz Bowl team and those were abbreviated QB matches
Needless to say cloud and I are both nerds
I made some incredibly inappropriate jokes to my sister when she was watching me at the moogle emporium and she became convinced I was going to kill the moogles. So much so that she ended up looking up reddit threads to find out what happens to them.
She thought at one point I was selling them because she saw moogle medals.
seriously I will fuck up a bunch and then somehow win super easily the forth time
Overall I spent six hours yesterday and moved the plot forward a distance of approximately 2.8 cm in plot. We're in the trenches now boys and it's going about as slow.
My sister and I were trying to figure out this: why do baby chocobos have leaves on their butts?
Oh and I texted my sister this screenshot
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Because she's a Shakespeare nerd and here was her response
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I watched the loveless play scene on YouTube because I heard in a video that it is kinda like the honey bee inn dance scene where it's honestly better to watch than play because with playing it you are so focused on pressing the right buttons that you are unable to enjoy the scene.
I walked away with the same amount of understanding of LOVELESS after watching that scene as I did before. Which is to say 0%
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eretzyisrael · 5 months ago
Despite getting what was said to be a fantastic price on thousands of pagers, Hezbollah leaders agreed that this had been a valuable learning experience. "We'll be smarter about it next time," one high-ranking terrorist said. "We were all excited about getting a great deal on the pagers, but now, looking at my mangled and heavily bandaged leg, I can promise we'll be more willing to shop around. Also, probably no buying equipment from Jewish vendors anymore. That's a big one."
At publishing time, Hezbollah was said to be considering urging all its members to throw out all the Nintendo Gameboys they had gotten for a great price from Crazy Avi's Used Video Games.
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supernatural-bias · 10 months ago
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↳ notes: middle art of puck and the band by @/miiilowo. warnings for topics relating to drug abuse
↳ playlist: puck/gorillaz playlist
basic info/pre-gorillaz.
• nicknamed puck. real name is unknown
• always seen wearing sunglasses of different sorts. doesn't matter what kind, just as long as their eyes are covered. no one's ever seen them
• no specifically stated gender, but it's implied that they are trans masculine. only ever referred to with gender nonspecific terms
• clothing style consists of a cross between layered t-shirts with ironic sayings on them (ex: world greatest grandparent) or baggy clothing with bright patterns. most are ratty & full of holes, but they never change their style
• not much is known about their background. a few documents accessible to the public lets you know puck was born in america before moving to the u.k when eighteen
• met 2D, then known as stuart pot, there through a job at uncle norman's organ emporium and a shared love of art. became good friends. didn't really care for paula cracker at the time, but mostly kept to themself anyways
• came to know murdoc almost a year later after the first infamous car incident. they didn't like him at first, in fact, they hated him, and only stuck around him to make sure he took proper care of 2D. actually broke the bassist's nose in a fight after he flung their friend out of a car, successfully blackening his second eye
• only reason they ever got roped into the gorillaz shtick was thanks to 2D, who refused to be a singer for murdoc unless puck was brought along. they couldn't sing, nor play any instruments, but they could write. and had a keen ear for music
• met russel and noodle through the band not long after, becoming much better mates with them than murdoc almost immediately
• has a drug problem. it's especially bad in their earlier years. dabbles in hardcore drugs & smokes way too much weed. they only ever try to hold out if noodle is around, attempting to be a semi-good role model for the kid. even get's on to 2D for being high when he's supposed to watch her
phase one — 'gorillaz' 24 years old, 2001.
• not an official band member for the gorillaz. they don't play on tracks or anything. sort of just hangs around & gets their hands on lyrics or beats. no stage presence
• had their own space before the band. but after the debut album kicked off, they barely bothered to visit it. basically just lives wherever the band does at this point
• travels with them pretty much everywhere too. especially after the release of 'gorilla'. technically on payroll as a writer and as a roadie, but still sleeps in the same living space as the band. 2D has a little trouble getting shut eye in those first few months otherwise
• on the first album, puck is credited with writing lyrics for quite a few songs, but most noticeably 19-2000, clint eastwood, 5/4, as well as directing most of the music videos (skipped out on rock the house after hearing murdoc would be wearing a thong)
• fights with said bass player quite a lot during this time. normally over small things, but it's only ever amplified by him being drunk and puck high. russel usually steps in to physically separate the two in time
• puck doesn't care much for paparazzi. (that's an understatement. once they'd thrown a brick at a reporters camera to get them to back off), but they do participate in a few magazine/radio interviews as long as they've been planned ahead of time. because of this, puck's gone on public record stating their music inspiration comes mainly from the cure, pearl jam, de la soul, and other bands
• appears in a few self dubbed 'gorillaz-bitez' at the time; most noticeably 'game of death' in which they are seen happily betting against murdoc and winning
• not counting the few pictures still around and/or taken pre-gorillaz, this is when puck appears the most feminine or least masculine. as time progresses, subtle changes are added
phase two — 'demon days' 28 years old, 2005.
• in between phase one and two after the band took a break, puck floats around the world doing odd jobs and buying way too many drugs (a downer when it comes to their addiction. doesn't care for stuff that's all high energy. prefers the mellow feeling weed & stuff like shrooms or xanax will bring)
• comes back to the band for a second album, but only after noodle reached out from an abandoned kong studios with the building blocks for a new album. puck automatically accepts her offer, and helps her refine some of the demon days songs before contacting anyone else
• most noticeably dedicates a lot of their time into el manana, o green world, white light, every planet we reach is dead, and dirty harry
• almost got fired by kong studios at one point for showing up to an anti-war protest where the public could see, but the entire band went to bat for them and ended up supporting the motivation behind dirty harry as a result
• this phase is when they form even closer with a young noodle. even manages to build an okay relationship with murdoc through demon days, to the point where puck wouldn't mind one bit if he needed to ask a favor of them—a huge step forward
• puck also got absolutely pumped when de la soul agreed to fly out and record their parts for feel good inc. just knew that noodles melody and their lyrics would make for an unforgettable song, and they were more than right
• is actually in the feel good inc. music video as an extra/cameo instead of just directing it, marking their first official onscreen debut as an unofficial member of gorillaz, even if they aren't in the band
• canonically slept with murdoc around phase two. neither of them were sober when it happened, and puck swears it was only to shut murdoc up. but everyone noticed the change in mood for the two of them the following weeks
• it does happen again, and this time the both of them are sober. puck will kill anyone if they ever attempt to bring that up
• during the mtv cribs episode done on gorillaz that murdoc helps the channel produce, puck can be seen passed out and drooling in a bedroom that clearly doesn't belong to any other band members, more or less confirming that they live full time with the band now
• their info card on screen reads, "nickname: puck. occupation: writer, director, friend of 2D's. fun fact: used to have a speech impediment," (which is how they got the name puck since fuck used to be their favorite word.) only wakes up to chase everyone out after murdoc leans to whisper something in their ear
• wasn't actually present during jimmy manson's audition and subsequential humiliation, so manson didn't really care about killing them as much in comparison to the rest of the band. however, right before the filming of the el manana music video, coincidentally right about the time manson works his way up in the music industry ranks, puck and him got into a huge fight over pulling/not pulling certain songs. they won in the end, and it angered him so much that he ended up plotting to kill them along with everyone else. but they're on the bottom of his list overall
• after el manana, puck copies the rest of the band and essentially drops off the face of the earth. with noodle presumed dead, it marks the beginning of a very dark time in their life
phase three — 'plastic beach' 33 years old, 2010.
• puck draws in on themself a lot in the years between demon days and plastic beach. they end up going back to their hometown in america to lie low for a while, but it only launches them into the beginning of a long mental episode
• only makes one call during those long months in america, and it's just to let 2D know they went back to america in case he came looking for them. they hoped he wouldn't, and he didn't
• eventually the boogeyman finds and kidnapps them around the same time as 2D; both instances under murdoc's orders. the likes of which puck hadn't seem much less talked to since the bands last el manana recording
• he claims that he needs the both of them in order to make a new album
• plastic beach becomes puck's mental prison. unlike 2D, who is kept prisoner by a fear of both whales and now murdoc, they end up developing a crippling mentality that confines them only to the recording studio and their room
• puck's sunglasses reflect how they change as a person through each of the phases, and it really shows here. on the debut album, they had a simple knockoff pair. on demon days they were wore star shaped ones, but on plastic beach they have a singular pair held together with tape; the roughest they ever get. in later phases the quality of their sunglasses slowly become better until eventually puck's wearing a pair of shiny purple shades in song machine, signifying their official point of recovery
• they hate cyborg noodle. phase three will always be a little blurry to them, thanks to drugs & trauma responses, but they distinctly remember hating cyborg noodle and murdoc for creating her. it reminded puck too much of the real noodle; who at the time they assumed to be dead
• the climax of everything horrible happens two days before the anniversary of noodles 'death'. puck nearly died from an overdose. it was the lowest point in their life, and the only time 2D ever saw murdoc worried for someone other than himself during that phase
• they had really gotten into r.e.m then—so much so, that that's what was playing as they choked on their own vomit in a drug induced sleep—murdoc attempting to kick the door to their room down in the background as it happens
• gets all their drugs through snoop dog when he visits the island to record his bits for videos & songs. murdoc and cyborg noodle won't let them leave, so it's not like they can get their fix any other way
• actually wrote melancholy hill all by themself (with some post-editing from, 2D) during plastic beach. it's supposed to represent how alone they felt and how horrible their drug problems got on the island. it was the first song they ever wrote completely about themself or their experiences to get released under a lable
• also had a hand in stylo, empire ants, and super fast jellyfish, but between spending months curled up in their room pushing their body to the limit with drugs & trying to keep 2D from making the same mistakes, melancholy hill took up most of puck's time
• relies heavily on music and nothing else during this time; not even 2D, who they still feel bad about basically mentally abandoning during plastic beach
• the events of rhinestone eyes is a giant cacophony of mixed feelings for puck. seeing russel again and noodle alive while avoiding helicopters that are trying to kill them can really confused a mentally fucked guy. because that's what they were at that point. mentally fucked
• puck lost a lot during plastic beach. it will take them a long long time to ever forgive murdoc for this years spent at the pink island (specifically eight years later at the end of phase five when he finally gets out of jail), but they never forget
phase four — 'humanz' 40 years old, 2017.
• this is officially the period in time where they finally attempt to get clean
• their drug habit was on and off during the seven year break in between plastic beach and humanz, but it was clear to anyone that knew them that they were trying their best to quit
• the long break between albums was the only reason puck came back for humanz. it gave them time to heal and pull themself out of the state they had been in. if they hadn't had that opportunity, puck isn't sure they would have returned to gorillaz at all
• they actually grow a little scruff around this phase as spotted by the tabloids, causing the public to start speculating about their gender again (something they've always had to deal with and hated)
• works on songs like busted and blue during this time. that actually was a scrapped song puck started on plastic beach, and only decided to bring it back and finish it for humanz. noodle helped them to refine it
• despite writing busted and blue, puck put the least amount of work and effort on the humanz album than any other. mostly because they were trying to get sober. still makes a guest appearance in the saturnz barz music video & collaborates with popcaan on his part of the song some
• starts going to rehab regularly! 2D even starts going with them in phase four as a show of support which really helps puck to pull through. 2D himself is still on painkillers, but noticeably less so than before
• the press and public attention makes recovery hard, but they manage to finally pull through by the end of humanz (sober six years as of 2024!)
• they do have an altercation with an obsessive old dealer of theirs once they get off drugs. the dealer liked being able to boast that she sold drugs to famous people, most of the time overcharging puck because she knew they could afford it, so she got really aggressive when her main means of funding dried up—to the point where she managed to track puck down and get ugly. if murdoc hadn't been there to help scare the ex-dealer off, puck was unsure what would have happened
• this was the beginning of the uptick in their relationship
phase five — 'the now now' 41 years old, 2018.
• phase five is a huge change in pucks life for the better. it's the beginning of their happier years
• thinks it's because murdoc got sent to jail at first. but as time goes on and the pit in their chest continues to ache, they realize that's not it
• really puck's just happy because nothing fucking insane is going on with the band for once. no more missing eyes (than usual), no zombies or ghosts, and definitely no trash islands painted pink, stuff still gets strange of course, i.e a missing bassist and meetings with jack black and his saxophone, but that stuff is more to their liking
• has time to actually pick up old & new hobbies other than music and song writing. particularly gets really into reading and film analasis
• around this time is when the subject of murdoc becomes tricks for them, but for a different reason than usual
• puck thinks the '#freemurdoc' movement is pretty silly. doesn't really want him to stay there, but puck knows murdoc has been to jail enough to watch out for himself well enough
• none of that stops them from visiting the bass player in jail though. they find themself doing it once or twice instead of just calling, which was more than any of the other band members could say
• a long few years ago, puck used to (and sometimes still does) watch the powerpuff girls with noodle when she was younger, so the both of them were understandably psyched when ace accepted the offer to take murdoc's place in the next album. noodles a bit more excited, though, seeing as puck is still trying to come to terms with the fact that they liked and missed murdoc, so they were preoccupied by that
• ace makes a comment a few months in that he just naturally assumed that puck & his buddy were together, which naturally makes their face light up a bright red. gets to avoid eye contact thanks to their sunglasses
• that may have influenced how they wrote song lyrics with the now now; just like with 2D
• by the end of the now now, puck has gone from being behind the writing of a few background songs & main hits on albums to nearly every single song. they, along with some contributions and suggestions from the rest of the band, are the main reason lyrics are even added to the melodies at this point
• wrote tranz, which is their way of not-so-subtly writing about how it feels to be them in a bodily sense, which underlying tones of the rest of the bands influence on them as a person throughout the years
• can be seen stumbling around in the humility music video while attempting to roller skate with 2D, who had been attempting to teach them how to do so properly all week. eventually it just shows them giving up and laying down in the grass to watch the clouds go by
• after the album is released to the public, puck appears at their second ever award show, since all the way back in demon days in fact, when the album gets nominated for a category or two. even dresses up. at least by their definition, wearing a tie haphazardly over their normal clothes. it isn't even tied right—something russel laughs at
• that means they are there when the band is announced to have won the award. is very awkward on stage as noodle accepts the award, but thinks that murdoc's pre-recorded thank you message that is shown is really funny. fun fact, that exact moment at the award show where murdoc showed up on screen was when puck realized that they really did miss and like him—romantically
• even after he finally gets out of jail for real, puck spends the next five years refusing to let murdoc know about their feelings. much to everyone else's chagrin
phase six — 'song machine' 43 years old, 2020.
• phase six was probably the first time in decades that puck ever truly felt happy
• working on the song machine was a way for them to finally leave plastic beach and all the memories associated with it behind. the lost chord was their was of saying good-bye, and 2D's way of finally forgiving murdoc for the same reasons
• song machine really was just puck having fun and not worrying about anything for the first time in a while. they're sober, have a good (bordering on romantic) relationship with murdoc, and are even making more public appearances with the band for the first time in a while. still hates the paparazzi, though they do apologize for the brick incident on record around this time
• is actually able to stop using nicotine gum & patches to curb their need for cigarettes here. (they quit smoking cigs along with everything else when they got clean in humanz. complete cold turkey)
• still keeps in contact with ace at this point even though he's gone and murdoc is back in the band
• is absolutely just chilling the entire time. is in all the music videos shown having the time of their life after his most recent years, only really stepping out of their little bubble of happiness to help with some minor incidents (the pink ghost dilemma, sinkhole problems, etc.)
• probably helps murdoc build his little anti-negative energy hide out, and definitely feels a little bad about leaving the man behind during the desole music video
• when they go into space with everyone else in the winnebago, their spacesuit is purple and has crude graffiti like drawings all over it—curtesy of the whole band
• not a lot happens lore wise to puck during this phase, and that's perfectly all right with them. they're finally completely sober and getting to hang out with the people they care about the most. what else could they want?
phase seven — 'cracker island' 46 years old, 2023.
• isn't sure how to feel about packing up and moving to l.a with the band at first since a lot of people from their clouded past are more likely to pop up in america, but they do anyway
• phase seven marks the beginning of murdoc and puck's actual relationship. it took puck a long time to come around to the fact that they actually liked him, flaws and all, but they had begun to realize that they aren't as young as they used to be, and that it's better to be truthful to their feelings and themself instead of hiding away. they already made that mistake once
• the media really starts to become a part of their life more than ever here. it has to do with speculation about murdoc and puck dating sure, but also with the introduction of moonflower and her cult. (puck finds her quite charming and enchanting, which makes murdoc incredibly grumpy. they change their tune about her once 2D is brainwashed, though)
• credited with writing new gold, oil, tarantula, baby queen, and pretty much every other song there is on the album. helps 2D with cracker island some too, but that was mainly him
• baby queen is actually a little about watching noodle grow up into who she is today. puck's always had a good bond with noodle ever since demon days, so baby queen is a very emotional song to them
• thinks the whole thing about 'murdoc's essence' is absolutely hilarious. it gives them a good laugh anytime they think about it. also, they won't admit it, but they find murdoc a little attractive in his cult robes
• gets really pissed when they finally figure out what's been going on with moonflower's cult and 2D. that's puck's best friend and literally the only person that's stuck with them through everything, so they are gonna fight to get him back. even if it's against an immortal cult
• in the silent running music video, which including cracker island is less of a music video and more of a retelling of that night, puck's sunglasses come off for the first time. ever.
• only murdoc sees it as he happens to be standing right across from them when it happens. the sight of it nearly breaks his concentration, and puck doesn't even realize they've fallen off until 2D is back to safety. they were that upset
• it's a big deal to murdoc about the glasses considering that puck has never let anyone see his eyes uncovered. not 2D, not noodle, not russel, and not even him during literal sex. they always kept their shades on or their eyes closed
• puck gets arrested with everyone, but murdoc of course, and ends up in the cracker island music video trying to start a fight with the police while noodle attempts to de-escalate the situation and calm them down
• when murdoc finally shows up at the hospital, he shares a soft kiss with a relieved puck off screen, publicly announcing their relationship and grabbing everyone's attention momentarily. the kiss calms puck down and marks the end of another era, leaving the band to go back to the l.a house and finally bring 2D with them once again
music videos puck has been in, and what they were doing when they appeared in each of them:
• shows up at the end of the mv with a boom mic crew, both of their appearances signaling the end of the video production
• puts out part of the singed geep with a fire extinguisher
• waits a few moments after checking to make sure the fire is out before seemingly spraying murdoc in the face for no reason without an expression
rock the house
• after the music video ends, the camera being used to record it swivels around, revealing puck at the tail end of the recording
• it follows them as they hop out of a dingy directors chair, walking away while pinching the bridge of their nose with one hand
feel good inc.
• this is puck's first time being shown in an mv as an official actor, instead of simply during footage at the end of one
• throughout it, they are trying to set up the big black and white screens that display de la sol when they do their rap by messing around with a bunch of wires
• they step over all the girls on the floor carefully, often ducking low to the ground to untangle the mess as lights reflect of their sunglasses
• there are a few close up shots of puck's hands connecting the chords before they eventually get it right
dirty harry
• puck is in the military grade truck with everyone else going over the sand dunes, all collectively wearing those green uniforms
• pops out of the upper hatch of the truck with noodle and murdoc at one point, but chooses to stick as far back as they can. that theme continues for most of the music video. when directing, they insisted the focus be on the kids stranded in the desert
• upon picking up 2D and the kids, they let one of them climb on their shoulders, and puck walks them over to the rescue truck with a small smile
• in a brief cut away from noodle dancing in her room with the head, the audience is shown puck as they stand in the studios kitchen. they are shot from behind, wearing nothing but sunglasses, pants, and an apron as they flip something on the stove and tap their foot to the beat of the song playing from noodles room
• there is a small voice cameo in the mv at the end when murdoc is startled awake from his dream by the sound of a smoke alarm going off, and puck banging on the door of his winnebago to tell him dinner is ready
• they are in the backseat of the car, trying desperately to sit as far away as possible from cyborg noodle. their dislike for her is very evident in the way they kick her away sometimes
• is seen wearing a black cap similar to the one noodle wears on the cover of demon day's album, and a shirt with a cartoony ice cream shop logo on the front
• cyborg noodle falls on them one point after being shot, and puck does their best to haul her off of themself, but struggles
on melancholy hill
• puck is next to 2D in the submarine smoking a joint and looking out a small window at the ocean
• they've changed outfits since we've last seen them. their sunglasses are now plain and help together by tape, and while still wearing the black hat, they now have on a purple shirt
• when the lines "because you are my medicine when you're close to me," plays, we see murdoc turn at his place by the steering wheel to look at puck of 2D. the both of them just stare at him silently
• the mv ends with a lingering shot of the joint in puck's hand as they all stand on top of the submarine together, the smoke from his joint traveling up and mixing with the fog already in the air
rhinestone eyes
• during the first part of the storyboarded video, we see puck in their room on plastic beach, poking their head out of their doorway and wandering out to the sound of gunshots outside
• one of the legs to their sunglasses are missing, and it's clear they haven't had a haircut or any kind of personal grooming for a while
• once they're outside on the beach, they hide behind a rather large rock when the planes eventually turn their fire on puck. they only come out from behind it once russel and noodle arrive onshore together
• puck stays in the club booth the whole time
• they look much better this time, lounging in some jeans and layered tee shirts, but its clear from the way they are acting that they're not completely sober
• gently pushed 2D to go dance with noodle at first
• doesn't do much else other than glare at murdoc when he walks by them on his way to the bar, sneering
saturnz barz
• when everyone splits up to explore the house, puck heads up the attic to look around
• finds a few boxes of old hats that they tuck under their arm, musing that 2D might like them before eventually opening another box, and falling into it. they get spit out into space alongside murdoc and 2D, floating around as the hats circle them
• for most of the video they simply float around, occasionally mouthing the words to the song
• as they all leave the haunted house later, puck declares that that was the third weirdest house they've ever been in
• they can be seen attempting to roller skate through the beach park on purple skates, but it is very obvious that they aren't as good as 2D
• in the end once 2D skates away from their side and off somewhere else, they settle with laying down on the grass and looking up at the sky
• the basketball ace pops with his knife ends up landing next to their head at the end, scaring off a butterfly they had been letting perch on their finger
momentary bliss
• shown taking a nap with a cartoon bubble coming out of their nose while they snore away on the studio couch
• later is awoken, and we watch from afar as they look around for a pen to write with, confused and not noticing one is in their hair
• lots of in place dancing with noodle, and puck pats murdocs back while he vomits outside
• goes to france with everyone else, leaving murdoc behind
• takes turns steering the boat with damon while wearing sunglasses that resemble goggles more than anything
• they are talking and texting noodle as the two of them worry over where 2D has gone. they are both wearing puffy jackets with a pair of matching patches
• drives alongside everyone else in a little purple go-cart with stickers on it
friday the thirteenth
• looks beat up in the mv alongside the rest of the band. puck is sporting what looks like a slap mark, and the frames of their glasses are bent / crooked
• inside murdoc's portal, there's what looks to be a polaroid of puck on the wall somewhere next to him
• puck chews on bubble gum throughout the song, the treat popping on time to the beat of the song until at the end when it pops all over their face as noodle unplugs 2D's pac-man machine
strange timez
• they are wearing a purple space suit like the others, only its covered in doodles and graffiti
• they spend the trip to space drawing in the moons dust, creating the gorillaz logo on its surface when the camera zooms out at the end
the valley of the pagans
• puck simply sits in the backseat of the car next to 2D the whole time, occasionally playing what looks like a game on his phone until the car falls through the portal
the lost chord
• puck wakes up on plastic beach with everyone else. they are suddenly wearing their old, broken glasses and black hat
• they stare at everything with a deep sadness and regret while 2D sings
• when they eventually go through the portal right after 2D and just before murdoc, the black hat they used to wear so much falls off in the wind, signaling the end to the emotional turmoil plastic beach has caused them
silent running
• in this mv, puck is seen fiercely fighting moonflowers cult to get their best friend back
• in the midst of the giant fist fight, puck gets ahold of one of the ropes connected to 2D, and begins to haul him back up with murdoc
• at some point, a cultist bumps into them, causing their glasses to slip off their face
• we don't see puck in that moment, only the back of their head and murdocs stunned reaction until 2D is back to saftey, and they can finally afford to put their sunglasses back on
• gets arrested with everyone else but murdoc, leading to their predicament in the follow up music video
cracker island
• throughout most of the song, they are shown arguing with the police about what we can only assume are the legal matters while occasionally gesturing back at 2D the best they can while in handcuffs
• at the end when murdoc shows up, he heads straight for puck, and the two end up kissing while everyone looks on
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canmom · 10 months ago
today i had the bright idea to organise all my videos. right now they're spread across three hard drives, following a rather haphazard organisation scheme - sometimes based on director, sometimes based on studio, sometimes based on country of origin, sometimes just getting a top level folder because I couldn't think of a good grouping.
well, now they're all going on one hard drive (and i need to make some kind of raid setup so i don't lose the lot if it breaks). i have an old raspberry pi sitting around which might be able to act as a media server/seedbox if it still works. anyway, the question is, how do I organise this thing?
top level is easy enough - animation here, live action there. then I can further sort by country level categories like anime, donghua, etc. - easy enough so far.
but then it's like... sometimes it makes sense to sort by studio, like the Ghibli movies should live together for example. and sometimes director makes more sense, like Masaaki Yuasa's stuff should be together even if he made it at 4°C, as with Mind Game. and sometimes I couldn't tell you which studio or director made a thing, so it would just get a top level folder.
and then it's like... Studio 4°C has a very strong identity as a studio so their stuff should probably live together, right? unless it was directed by Masaaki Yuasa, who gets his own folder..? and should 90s Berserk, animated at Oriental Light & Magic, live with the later film trilogy by Studio 4°C? in that case they shouldn't go in the 4°C folder.
I could put it in one 'objective' scheme, by year for example, and use some kind of system of symlinks to also organise by director, studio etc. but clearly what I'm really looking for is a tagging system. it's common to have that for music libraries. however, I only want to play back in mpv, since no other player is as configurable, properly supports ICC profiles and vapoursynth, etc. etc. mpv is a great player but it's not a library system. probably the open source world has figured this out at some point? also I want to be able to access this drive from Linux and Windows.
clearly i need to just categorise them by Borges' Celestial Emporium and call it a day...
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neorefsproject · 4 months ago
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Character: Princess Roberta
Book of Ages Page: https://bookofages.jellyneo.net/characters/949/
Dr. Sloth's Image Emporium Page: https://www.drsloth.com/search/?tagged=roberta
Design notes: - Roberta has several outfit designs from the Game Neopets the Darkest Faerie. These two outfits seem to be the ones she is drawn in the most. - Sometimes she has a beauty mark and sometimes she does not. This guide opts for how she looks in the video game.
(Updated 11/16/2024)
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sera8273 · 8 months ago
The last person to make a Cameo in Apology Tour is Wally Wackford! The reason I didn’t place him last post was bc it got way too long.
Ep 1. Seen as Loo-Loo Lands Torch Vendor before Blitzø falls on him while escaping Robo Fizz
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Ep 4. While switching channels, Wally comes on promoting his new business, Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea "Factory". (Most likely to pay back Mammon for burning down Loo-Loo Land) and appears at the end of the episode trying to get workers to explo-erm, implore!
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Ep 5. He’s the Host of the Harvest Moon Festival with Stolas as his Co-Host!
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Ep 7. He’s now a Bartender at OZZIES and gets pushed to the floor by Verosika when handing her a drink.
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S2 Ep 2. Scrolling through sinstagram. Wally is seen still sponsoring his business through showing off his fame and trying to make other desperate souls work for him. It does seem that business booming!
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S2 Ep 6. When Fizz reads the newspaper, right under the “Breast Imp-lants” are “Wally Wackford's Wacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Tube Dicks”
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S2 Ep 7. In the Flashback, Mammon actually picks up Young Wally and flings him off stage. Meaning that incanon, he’s younger than Fizz and Blitz! He also appears sitting in the crowd when Ozzie comes to protect his lil frog.
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Shorts 1:Sallie May and Millie go to Wacky Wally Wackford's Fun Time Emporium, a video game arcade in Imp city before accidentally getting burnt down when playing the Chainsaw Mama Fighting game.
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S2 Ep9. And finally! We see him at the end of Apology Tour being another Vendor of Anti-Blitzø merchandise!
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only-by-the-stars · 9 months ago
more little NL vs NH thoughts because I can't stop playing NL again and apparently can't shut up about it (it is so important to me okay?)
-villager dialogue is just so much better in NL. I've heard people complain about the villagers not being mean anymore in that game like in older ones, and I have little opinion on that, but whew can I ever see the downgrade between NL and NH. the regular dialogue is so bland, and there's fewer options for when they have something to ask you for. in NH, it's:
wanna come over/can I visit your house RIGHT NOW? I had a fight with [other villager], can you deliver this gift? I'm trying to sell stuff, will you buy this from me?/here's a random item (this always happens when I'm digging up clams and need empty pockets...) can you catch this bug/fish for me? (very rarely) want to play a treasure hunt game?
whereas with NL it's:
wanna come over/can I visit your house RIGHT NOW? wanna come over/can I visit your house later? can you take this gift to [other villager]? I'm trying to sell stuff, will you buy this/can I trade you for item in your pockets? can you catch this bug/fish for me? wanna play hide and seek? can you bury/dig up this time capsule for me? can you bring me a piece of fruit? I need to speak to [other villager] but can't leave my house, can you bring them here?
I'm probably forgetting something, but you can see the disparity anyway. regular dialogue was generally more interesting too. I also like that you had to bring a sick animal medicine for *three* days instead of just one, it felt like nursing a sick friend back to health instead of one and done and was more rewarding.
-speaking of more rewarding... SHOP UPGRADES, MY BELOVED <333 my file has T&T Emporium, and it is SO NICE, OMG. ;w; I loved the process of working towards the shop upgrades and seeing it become gradually bigger and with a better item selection. ALSO I MISS YOU, GRACIE. </3 the fact that NH has the nerve to try and sell me ridiculously expensive furniture without the GracieGrace brand attached, smh.
-it was the Bug Off today! if I'd realized, I would've prepared last night, but oh well. I still got to get a couple cute furniture pieces and I think I'll place first, so that was fun.
-doing item customization yourself is more convenient (because you can see what things will look like without using a guide) and faster, but... I actually still like using Cyrus? I know he's at the co-op on Harv's island if you shell out enough cash, but that's so expensive and his prices have gone up. customization kits aren't cheap either! in NL you paid less, and had to wait a half hour for an individual item to be ready, but I like that. I like going a bit slower. NL in general is slower and so much more relaxed and relaxing, I like walking at a normal pace and getting to soak in the atmosphere and music.
-as much as I appreciate getting to hear Blathers blather about the donated stuff, I also like the convenience of getting to look at the info in the museum itself without having to bring him another one. it's part of what makes going to the museum soothing, despite that there's no wow factor in the design of the exhibits.
-Main Street in general is just so nice to have, and it makes the actual town feel bigger. I do like being able to decorate outside, but... at the same time I like the simpler feel here and the PWPs that we had. and remodeling town hall and the train station was so neat!!! why can't we do that in NH???
-the music. again, the music. NL remains one of my favorite video game soundtracks ever. when it hit 7 PM last night and The Song started playing... oh man... ;w; will we ever have that level of music quality again?
-cannot stress enough how much I miss Tortimer Island. the minigames! the easy access to summer bugs and fishing! AAAAAHHHH
-I... forgot what the Aquarius Urn looked like in this game and now I'm annoyed all over again at the blandification of the Zodiac series in NH. IT WAS BLUE AND FILLED WITH WATER. I COULD'VE. IT WOULD'VE LOOKED SO GOOD AS PART OF MY ZORA-THEMED AREAS. AAARGH!!!
-odd little discrepancy, but why is it when you talk to Gulliver to try and wake him up in NH you have to put away any tool you're carrying, but not so in NL? weird.
-I like the hyacinths and windflowers, but I also miss the violets and carnations. the purple roses were also a LOT prettier in NL.
-also, for all that NH offers more freedom in some aspects, it really took a big step backwards in house customization??? you can't even GET a different exterior until you have ALL the rooms, and you have NO CONTROL over the room size??? and the exterior options are all SO BLAND. you could be way more creative and aesthetic in NL by choosing which rooms to have, how big they were, and you had way more and more interesting exterior options.
-sure were more events and generally things to do in NL. :< the only part of winter I liked was playing snowman bingo and trying to make the different snow people for various rewards! and they took THAT away too! there was more charm, too, I loved the coziness of the "small forested village" that I got in NL, and I prefer taking the train to flying everywhere, and the post office was so cool, and I liked the reliability of taking Dr. Shrunk fruit to learn new reactions. I really hope the next game is a return to form and not more of the same problems that still plague NH...
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snippychicke · 1 year ago
Continuing my Post-a-thon, I would like to direct you attention to a story I started way back in 2017 that I have decided to randomly pick up.
Title: The Pet Emporium
Fandom: Undertale/Underswap!AU
Pairing: Reader/US!Papyrus
Fluff and a slowburn sweet romance; just edited and chapter 7 posted.
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the-oaksport-comic · 3 months ago
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Harrison Hunter, Hayden's oldest brother, was the celebrated internet personality The Retro Gaming Asshole in the 2000s and 2010s. He ran the video game-themed bar Main Street Beer N' Games alongside his friend Joshua, but he stepped down after he became the mayor of Oaksport.
Joshua Barron was once well-known on the internet as The Disappointed Mid-Atlantic Movie Critic, an angry reviwer who had a in-show rivalry with the Retro Gaming Asshole (aka Harrison Hunter). The two became good friends in real life and got together to open Main Street Beer N' Games. However, a falling out between the two resulted in Josh leaving the bar sometime in the late 2010s, and he is now trying to buy off the struggling Oaksport Retro Gaming Emporium from the Dinstuhl family.
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6x18 buddie coda
Warning: 6x18 spoilers
(I had lots of feelings about couches and wrote this! Just a lil post ep oneshot! Written very sleepily so be kind skss) Now on ao3!
Buck's wandering along the aisle of Mr Mullins furniture emporium, trailing his hand over (soft, soft, scratchy, stripey?) fabrics when he just - freezes.
Natalia pulls up alongside him.
"Have you found one you like?" She asks but-
Its like the words are underwater, muffled, said through a crackling radio- because he's just - frozen.
Staring down at dark blue fabric.
Two navy back cushions, two seat- tall thin armrests.
A faint stain in the middle from knocking a bowl of salsa over in the middle of an intense Mario Kart battle- the echo of laughter and admonishments for using the coffee table as a foot-rest instead a snack one. The tiny tear across the side, courtesy of a 3am beer-fueled need to "try it over by the window!" and the slice of fabric against the wall. The easy change into a bed, sinking into its soft comfort.
Buck blinks and - it slides back into place, the tear knits back together, the laughter fades away and the stain vanishes.
He blinks again, his eyes wet.
Sleepy morning greetings, pancakes and syrup, reading horoscopes and answering scoffs, freshly washed uniforms, tangled shoelaces, car playlists.
Hands on ropes, tightening harnesses, stealing coffee, knocking shoulders, pressed head to toe.
Zoo trips and maths homework, video games and homemade dinners.
A life.
Lived together.
Buck does nothing to stop the tear that rolls off his cheek.
"I- uh- I have to go- I'm- I'm really s-sorry- this isn't going to work- I'm sorry I-" he stumbles, turning away and heading for the door.
And its like now the switch has been flipped- he wants to rush, to hurry towards where he's meant to be.
He makes it to his jeep in record time, long legs flying (like a frog stood up and tried to run, according to- oh - it was truly in every corner of his life)
And somehow, maybe the goddamn universe, he pulls up- unharmed despite his shaking hands.
He goes to knock and then gets hit once more and pulls out his own set of keys and turns them in the lock.
Buck breathes for a moment.
Warmth washing over him.
And follows the sounds of laughter.
He's sat on the couch. Of course he is.
And how did Buck miss this? The way his heart pulses in his chest, the way his eyes trace the pull of Eddie's mouth, the softening glance as he looks up and sees Buck standing there.
"Hey" Eddie speaks, soft & familiar.
Buck breaks into a grin.
"You're uh, you're not busy are you?"
Eddie huffs a laugh.
"You broke into my house to ask me if I was busy?"
"I have a key!"
"Pretty sure that was meant to be for emergencies" Eddie teases.
"Yeah, well, this is an emergency"
"Ohhh you mean like how you running out of doritos two weeks ago and "borrowing" some from here was also an emergency?" He tilts his head with a faux serious expression.
God, Buck loves him.
He sniffs, overcome suddenly- like in the aisle of the furniture shop.
"Uh, no I-" he ducks his head.
Eddie waits him out.
"I- needed to talk to you I - need - to talk to you- its- kind of- kind of important"
"I- I was about to buy a new couch, I was standing infront of aisles and aisles of what was supposed to be the perfect couch for me and then I- I just froze"
Buck pauses for a moment and Eddie hums.
"Why did you freeze?"
"I saw a couch- it was blue- navy, actually and it looked soft and- and- familar and I looked at it and I saw things that weren't there"
"Do we need to get you checked for a concussion?" Eddie frowns, twitching forward.
Buck waves his hand.
"No- no- I just- it reminded me of something else, somewhere else- I saw a stain- right across the seat cushions- tomato salsa-"
Eddie's eyes flicker with something.
"I heard laughter and- and Mario Kart. I saw a tear, against the side- I felt the softness, the comfort of sinking into it- the warmth"
"What are you saying Buck?" Eddie croaks out.
"I- I'm saying that I realized I was in a store trying to find the right couch, only realize I was standing infront of it all along"
"As in now- I- I'm standing infront of it now-" Buck breathes.
"I've got a date tomorrow" Eddie replies.
"Right- I- I - I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"You should. You always should Buck"
Eddie smiles, eyes shining.
"You should spill salsa all over this couch, you should fall asleep on it after dinner, you should play Mario Kart here with our son, you should sit down and you should stay"
Buck sniffs.
"You want me to stay?"
"I want you to never have to feel you need to ask that question again"
"And I want you to know you never needed to ask me"
"I love you"
Eddie's smile is like coming home.
"I love you too"
Buck falls-
And burrows down into the couch.
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littleplasticrat · 1 year ago
I live in the bin. She/her, mid-30s, English. Call me Jade
I have very normal feelings about Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age and video games in general and I also sometimes share a meme or an animal pic
This blog is NSFW in that I would not advise looking at it while in your place of employment, unless you work for the same company as me (Mr Magorian's Whoredom Emporium)
Check out my BG3 male pin-up collection here, with colouring pages here!
Click here to see my art (some NSFW) and process pictures
I've written some smutty fanfics
Print shop (NSFW not currently available)
Commission info
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ferindencadash · 1 year ago
It's been a week since the @black-emporium-exchange wrapped up and it was SUCH a blast to participate in!! I'm so glad I signed up!
I only started writing a few months ago, so I was very nervous, but I'm actually so proud of how my contribution turned out! And my recipient was really happy with their gift, which brings me infinite joy.
If you want to check it out, you can find it here:
Featuring MHawke/Varric/Cassandra in some sweet fluffy (with some awkwardness along the way) polyam relationship.
I also received the sweetest gift of a FHawke/Cassandra fic, which you should absolutely read:
And there are SO MANY amazing fics in the collection, like this one that wasn't a gift for me, but sure felt like it:
(Also with FHawke/Cassandra)
And there is some STUNNING fanart too! Like this Josie/Lavellan piece I am RABID over:
I can't wait for next year!! ❤️
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finelyfrenzied · 9 months ago
i feel like it's so important that i admit something... about my first time playing a dragon age game..... noah had lent me da2 (i am not a video gaem player, gentle readers, please keep this in your minds)
and i.... was putting skill points evenly into all of my character's skill trees.
i made it all the way to the arishok? i think? but i kept fucking DYING. and noah came over to watch me play and was like... bestie.... no....
he did get the black emporium downloaded and fixed my stats. and i was able to finish the game but apparently. that is not what you're supposed to do. i know better now but damn.
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