#victurnien needs to stay in her own lane
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Shitposting through Les Mis
V1 Book 5
I: a man who is totes not Valjean revolutionized how to make black beads and made Montreuil-sur-mer boom from it
II: not-Valjean wins the hearts of the village and is selected and supported as Mayor
III: not-Valjean supports the community in less conventional ways too
IV: Monseignour Bienvenu is mourned
V: Javert is introduced
VI: not-Valjean saves a man stuck under his cart
VII: the situation with the guy under the cart is handled generously
VIII: Victurnien's jealousy and nosiness costs Fantine her job
IX: Fantine lives in poverty but manages
X: Fantine sells her hair, teeth, and self for Cosette
XI: Digression on how Fantine has nothing now
XII: Bamatabois is a scoundrel
XIII: not-Valjean squares off with Javert for Fantine's freedom
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