#victory greymon
2heodraws · 7 months
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just a gogglehead kid and his special lil guy.
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thenixart · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing of a blue-skinned blond-haired humanoid dragon wearing black, grey, yellow, and orange armor. The dragon is wearing bright red V shaped sunglasses and two red belts on its left arm. The dragon holding a sword as tall as itself on its right shoulder. /End ID]
Dark Victory Greymon designed for a fic.
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ask-digimon-hunters · 3 months
It was a date night for Chris and Evelyn, they decided to have a picnic in the digital world. They decided to bring their digimon partners. Chris’s Victory Agumon and Evelyn’s Zeed Gabumon were on watch, they have a habit of getting interrupted on date nights.
“So how are you doing Ev?” Chris asked her.
“I’m good, I finally set some boundaries with my brother. What about you?” She responded.
“I’m doing well, my dad died.” Chris responded. If it was anyone else, Evelyn would be worried.
“Guys, we have company!” Zeed Gabumon said as Hallow Crusadermon jumped down from the trees. He easily dispatched Victory Agumon.
Zeed Garurumon readied his cannon to fire at Hallow Crusadermon, firing explosive energy at Hallow Crusadermon. Hallow Crusadermon uses her Pile Bunker to absorb all of that energy. She then uses the Pile Bunker to fire explosive energy at point blank range into Zeed Garurumon.
Victory Greymon blocks the attack with his sword and attacks Hallow Crusadermon. Then it charges into Hallow Crusadermon, shattering her Pile Bunker. Zeed Garurumon fires the explosive energy killing the Hallow Crusadermon.
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firedragon1321 · 7 months
Okay it's time for me to rant about Digimon again because. Because. I want to talk about this-
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These two clowns (affectionate) tried to fight giant monsters with their bare hands. Which is how they ended up getting strangled. Tai thought it was a good idea to poke Shellmon. With no sense of critical thinking, he decided it was the best idea. Matt was trying to save TK, with no regard to his own safety. He could die right there and who cares, right?
I'd argue these two were actually at their worst when the digivolution occurred.
Tai: Reckless idiot moron, angers monster with unga bunga tactics, could have put the rest of the group at risk if he and Agumon didn't sneak a snack earlier
Matt: Also reckless idiot moron, puts TK's safety above his own life, was perfectly ready to die for his brother, sees himself as disposable as long as TK is safe
Not only is this a perfect example of their flaws, but this behavior also leads directly into both SkullGreymon and Matt's fall to Cherrymon.
With SkullGreymon, I feel like Tai wasn't just taking known data (partner in danger, Digimon must be fed, etc.) and executing it at random. I feel like he was trying to recreate the events that led to Greymon. Other than feeding Agumon too much, what does he do? He runs up to the giant monster and yells at it.
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In desperation, Tai does what he knows has worked in the past. He's willing to face certain death trying to unlock the Ultimate level. By now, he understands that digivolution helps protect the group, and he's putting all the weight on his shoulders.
But the crests rely on personal growth to work. Tai isn't growing. He's not ready. He's lost and confused and doesn't know anything except he's the only one with a crest. Result? SkullGreymon.
Matt had plenty of stupid moments similar to this (i.e.- putting all the weight on himself and throwing himself into danger, though he's more focused on TK only rather than the whole group). I think the reason most of those moments didn't result in dark digivolution is because Matt is more introspective. He's more likely to ruminate over something for a million years instead of taking action. Which leads me to Cherrymon.
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Cherrymon plays with Matt's insecurities. He's already worried that TK is spending more time with Tai (and the rest of the group, though Cherrymon focuses it on just Tai). TK's recent victory in Puppetmon's gun game proves he can protect himself. Between this and his growing connections to others, Matt feels useless. He's made his entire existence about protecting TK- the very thing that created Gaurumon to start with.
I always wondered why there was never a dark digivolution after this. Because I am a fucking nerd, I did some research and BlackMetalGarurumon wasn't actually released yet. It was on a card that would come out three months after this episode aired. So let me introduce to you-
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SkullMammothmon digivolves from WereGarurumon, existed when this episode aired, and is a "skull" Digimon as a nice thematic bonus. Imagine if Matt came riding back to the group on this big guy! The SkullGreymon parallels! The Tai and Matt parallels! The wasted potential!
I love how Tai and Matt are both idiots who would readily give up their lives to protect others. But they're also so different. Tai does stupid things for the sake of the entire group. Matt does stupid things because he sits on his personal issues too long. Tai does the first thing that comes to his head, whether or not it's actually a good idea. Matt will suffer from behind-the-scenes angst and not tell anyone ever. Unlocking Greymon/Garurumon stems from their issues, just as they unlocked the Ultimate level through their strengths.
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cobalt-axolotl · 5 months
Credit to @morallygary on musk hub since he designed this it Cassidy’s victory greymon and Evan’s zeedgarurumon Jogress into: OMNIMON ALTER J
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
I'd forgotten that ep packed in so much. As far as special attack dub (re)names go, 'Nightmare Claw' is so cool it's a shame the effects don't really add up. In other news color me a bit stunned Phantomon's henchbeast duo were only Adult-stage-Snimon sure rang Garudamon's bell for a second there. TBH I'm headscratching a bit about his leaving Hikari's meat-on-the-table guardians (plus an apparently depowered Perfect) in play after she revealed herself. Coulda just scythed all 3 THEN taken her.
I can kinda understand Phantomon's decision-making there. It's kinda the Devimon issue; There's always a possibility of the fight turning against them, plus reinforcements could be right around the corner.
In fact, they were; Zudomon and Greymon show up not long into the current episode I'm working on. So if the fight keeps going, there's a real risk that they'll not only lose Hikari but their own life as well. Pragmatically speaking, taking Hikari into custody and getting out of there before this turns into a potential 7 Perfects vs. 1 Perfect and 2 Adults is a good idea.
There is also merit to trying to thin the crowd of Chosen Children, which was initially Phantomon's A-plan. but when the goalpost is a few feet away, I can see why they'd opt to seize victory and bail instead.
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so do the rks or greymon five get into tickle fights often? i feel like victory gets bullied by the other members of greymon five 😭 maybe magna and jesmon too
Unfortunately for him, VIctory is quite ticklish.
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katiebug586 · 2 years
Imagine a Fillmore! Digimon AU
Like not one where they have Digimon partners, that’d be cool too, but one where they are Digimon themselves. Yeah, imagine Fillmore and Ingrid investigating some case and finally finding out who the perp is, only for the perp to digivolve straight to Champion and now the two patrollers are running from the perp and not the other way around. 
It’d be an interesting ‘monster of the week’ kind of scenario because now instead of having to chase the perp all over the school, they have to find a way to either subdue the raging Champion as Rookie-level digimon or digivolve themselves.
I did have some Digimon forms/lines in mind for them:  
Fillmore - Elecmon (X-Antibody/Virus, due to his past delinquency issues being a major theme of the show) - Leomon - Saberleomon - Dinotigermon
Ingrid: Falcomon (NOT the 2006 version/X-Antibody) - Diatrymon - Yatagaramon (Crowmon) - Ravmon
O’Farrell: Calumon
Vallejo:  Agumon - Tyrannomon - MasterTyrannomon - Victory Greymon
Tehama : Salamon - Mikemon - Taomon - Sakuyamon
Anza - Bearmon - Gryzmon - Monzaemon -  Callismon
Alistair - Psychemon (get it? Psyche sounds like psychic?) - Gargoylemon - Manticoremon - Anubismon
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magpiejay1234 · 1 month
Final episodes of Adventure 02 are like this:
**Episode 46: War Greymon's redebut.
**Episode 47: Oikawa's flashback.
**Episode 48: Belial Vamdemon's debut.
**Episode 49: Illusion sequence of the 02 cast.
**Episode 50: Finale, and Epilogue.
Metal Garurumon, and Omegamon are the only OG Adventure evolutions that do not re-debut in 02.
The finale is in two segments, 2 episodes for Black War Greymon's return, and 3 episodes for Belial Vamdemon.
With 02's epilogue, the pathway for a direct sequel was closed for a long time, seemingly, though 02 itself already Diablomon's Revenge, and The Door Into Summer audio drama, way before Adventure PSP game, and tri.
The introduction of the Dark Seed plotline is largely here to promote the WonderSwan games, as this last stretch of the show is really about Iori, and not Ken. Ken still gets focus, but his arc was already over, this is just a victory lap for it.
Since Daisuke had nothing to showcase left in this last stretch, we had the return of War Greymon, and Fighter Mode getting a new cannon for Giga Death attack.
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knuciuc · 2 years
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Commission for @maverick6806! This is Scarlett, a Victory Greymon looks really awesome!! It was quite a challenge for me, but i'm really happy with how it turned out :D
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digitude · 2 years
Rhinomon X digivolve to... Were Garurumon X!
Tyrannomon X digivolve to... Metal Greymon X!
A best of 3 that made it to all 3 matches! Metal Greymon X continued his winning streak at the start, but lost the second battle after a close fight! Were Garurumon X had a decisive victory for the final battle though, frustrating their rival but pleasing themselves! The Digimon from the dark area need to catch up and we will have a tournament for strongest ultimate Digimon!
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2heodraws · 9 months
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just a "deji-deji mon-mon" kind of day.
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kingsaiyaman · 6 years
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Kasey and Dorumon made their way through the intricate halls of Zwarts base, they've sent all of the digi-destined with their partners to help with all of Zwart's forces. They didn't know how many digimon Zwart had under his command, but they knew that King Drasil went MIA a couple weeks ago, and that led them to only one conclusion, that Zwart has captured King Drasil. Jun also had figured out that Dorumon was key to taking down King Drasil and Zwart. Kasey and Dorumon made their way to the room that Riley had suspected Zwart would be in.
Rileu, Gammamon, and Mugen were outside the room Kasey and Dorumon just entered, they were the back up if anything went wrong. Riley had a terrible feeling about this, mainly because he truly believed that Zwart could be redeemed for the better.
Link Digivolution!!!
As Alphamon and Zwart burst through the wall, at each others throats, not stopping until the other is dead. Rubble is flying everywhere. Mugen only has one thought and that is to protect his friend.
BlitzGreymon folds his arms around Riley and Gammamon to protect them from the debris and energy flying around them. Eventually Zwart notices this and stabs BlitzGreymon through the chest, shredding him down to his data.
"Mugen, no." Riley says through his tears.
"Mugen protect Riley, Mugen hurts a lot-" A single scrap of data is left over from him.
Meanwhile, Chris was with both his and Evelynn's partners, she couldn't be here because today was the day their son was being born. As soon as they entered the fortress they saw Riley with a single scrap of red metal in his hand crying.
"He went that way." Riley choked out through his tears.
Chris, his Victory Greymon and Evelynn's Zeed Garurumon made their way to see Zwart standing over Alphamon.
"We want the same thing, you just had to stand in my way, but no longer." Zwart said, standing over Alphamon.
Omnimon Alter J stood where Zeed Garurumon and Victory Greymon were standing from before. Omnimon Alter J fires fire and ice from both of his respective cannon's, hitting Zwart directly in the back.
"It's over Zwart, you've lost."
Zwart laughs, "Look around, we've both lost, our world is crumbling around us."
"Our world can be saved, but not by you, you've been corrupted by something." Omnimon responds to Zwart.
"Oh please, the Server Tree is falling, the only thing that can save this world is a new Server Tree, which would take more than a decade to make." Zwart spits out venom in his tone.
"Chris get out of here!" Omnimon shouts behind him, Chris runs through the digivice's portal.
The End (Of this series ;)
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currynoodleart · 3 years
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victory greymon and zeed garurumon have always been not so famous digimon compare to wargreymon and metalgarurumon , but I still love them!
I am very happy that vital bracelet can raised both of them !
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kyanitedragon · 3 years
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Greymon - Cyber Sleuth
[ID: A gif of Greymon’s victory animation from Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Greymon hops and then tilts its head back and roars. End ID]
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