#zeed gabumon
ask-digimon-hunters · 3 months
It was a date night for Chris and Evelyn, they decided to have a picnic in the digital world. They decided to bring their digimon partners. Chris’s Victory Agumon and Evelyn’s Zeed Gabumon were on watch, they have a habit of getting interrupted on date nights.
“So how are you doing Ev?” Chris asked her.
“I’m good, I finally set some boundaries with my brother. What about you?” She responded.
“I’m doing well, my dad died.” Chris responded. If it was anyone else, Evelyn would be worried.
“Guys, we have company!” Zeed Gabumon said as Hallow Crusadermon jumped down from the trees. He easily dispatched Victory Agumon.
Zeed Garurumon readied his cannon to fire at Hallow Crusadermon, firing explosive energy at Hallow Crusadermon. Hallow Crusadermon uses her Pile Bunker to absorb all of that energy. She then uses the Pile Bunker to fire explosive energy at point blank range into Zeed Garurumon.
Victory Greymon blocks the attack with his sword and attacks Hallow Crusadermon. Then it charges into Hallow Crusadermon, shattering her Pile Bunker. Zeed Garurumon fires the explosive energy killing the Hallow Crusadermon.
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dragonandtiger · 1 year
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Thirty - 19
“Is this really going to work?” Sora asked, her brow furrowed in concern.
“The reception seems to have gone really well, much better than I had anticipated,” Kigaru said with a shrug, still smiling. “If nothing else, it will make it that much harder for them to convince a judicial officer to issue a warrant over an ‘anime character’.”
Jou pursed his lips together in an unpleasant frown. “I know that’s supposed to be reassuring, but the fact that it can even happen at all is a little terrifying,” he muttered.
At that moment, a new golden gate appeared in the room, startling the assembled Chosen Children. Within seconds, Daisuke appeared among them, Chicomon comfortably in his arms. The sight of Daisuke was startling enough, but Chicomon drew the biggest reaction from the non-Miracles Chosen Children, who whirled to gawk and stare.
“Uh, s-sorry I’m late!” Daisuke said as he reached up to rub the back of his head. “Lord Zeed said I, uh… should probably attend, as it’s kinda a big deal, so…”
“Daisuke, is that…?” Takeru began, staring at Chicomon, who squirmed and wiggled happily in his partner’s arms. It wasn’t that he didn’t know it was V-mon’s baby form, but more the stunned reaction at the egg having hatched so quickly. Both Patamon and Tailmon spent some time as an egg. Patamon had been an egg for roughly a day or so, while Taimon had spent weeks inside hers due to the severity of her death. They certainly didn’t hatch within a couple hours.
“Oh, yeah!” Daisuke immediately brightened up, beaming. “Lord Zeed hatched Chicomon’s egg for me! Isn’t he just so great!?”
“He… hatched his egg!?” Ryo repeated, his eyes widening as he stared at Daisuke. “He can do that!?”
Tailmon narrowed her eyes at Chicomon and Daisuke. “If I had to guess, he probably donated a portion of his power,” she said after a moment, her words carefully measured. “And essentially jump-started him. No different than when he makes other Digimon evolve.”
“Does this mean I could have jump-started you and helped you hatch sooner?” Patamon asked, furrowing his brow as he turned to face Tailmon.
Tailmon paused at that as she considered it, crossing her arms. She thought back to how they first helped Gabumon and Agumon reach their ultimate level against VenomVamdemon by using arrows of light. At the time, it had seemed to be a sort of prophecy. But now she understood it to be very similar to what Zeed did - donating energy. “Possibly. But it’s not like we’d ever have thought to do it, so don’t worry about that so much. Given what we know now, it seems this sort of thing is just second nature to Zeed. It appears to be literally the forte of Miracles itself.”
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justarcherthings · 6 years
Digimon Tri missed the opportunity to give Agumon and Gabumon new Ultimate digivolutions and possibly reveal a new Omegamon (not counting Mercymode). Honestly I was hoping that the reboot would make it so all the digimon have to work their way back up to Ultimate, and in the process instead of unlocking WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon they unlock VictoryGreymon and ZeedGarurumon.... and of course that would have allowed for the reveal of the Victory/Zeed version of Omegamon that has been neglected.
[[Though, yeah, there are a few too many Omegamons, but they created *Mercy Mode* Before that one!!]]
But yeah, it could've helped represent the growth Taichi and Yamato (less Yamato) went through during the Tri movies--- they've started to look at the world differently, and because their digimon cant remember when they unlock their Ultimate forms again they're different and stronger--
Idk just ranting at 12AM about what could've been
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pwnyta · 7 years
I love that we gave Tony some OP AS Fuck digimons. 1st- Leomon who evolve into Bancho Leomon burst mode whos is on bar with one of the royal knights. 2nd- Impmon who turn Into Beelzemon blast mode whos is one of the seven great demon lords. 3rd- Demidevimon who turn to Malo myotismon which is one of the coolest looking demon digimons. 4th- Gabumon who can become Zeed Garurumon wich is stronger than metal garurumon. 5th- Terriermon who either turn to mega Gargomon who is gaint as robot
LMAO. He deserves it!
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ask-digimon-hunters · 4 months
(Blog admins are @cobalt-axolotl and @codyton )
The tamers:
Ava (real name akane)
Lopmon (nicks partner)
Paildramon (dae’s partner)
Kamemon (clover’s partner)
Impmon (Lizz’s partner)
Herissmon (Adrian’s partner)
Renamon (Andrea’s partner)
Kokabuterimon (Sam’s partner)
Victory Agumon (Christopher’s partner)
Zeed Gabumon (Evelyn’s partner)
Terriermon (rose’s partner)
Gammamon (Riley’s partner)
Dorumon (Kasey’s partner)
Ryudamon (Ava’s partner)
Veemon (Jun’s partner)
Guilmon and meikoomon (Nikki’s partners)
Link forms
Erlangmon (Nick’s link form)
Link magnamon (dae’s link from)
Minervamon (clover’s linkfrom)
Beelstarmon (lizz’s link form)
Dianamon (Adrian’s link form)
Aincent Kazemon (Andrea’s link form)
Grademon (Sam’s link form)
Plutomon (rose’s link form)
Arcturusmon (Riley’s link form)
Valkeriemon (Kasey’s link form)
Mastemon (Nikki’s link form)
Research Digimon
The royal knights
Tamers in the future:
RIZE squad:
Neo knights:
Team treasure rock:
The crew of the NO seadragon
Captain Phineas
Alpha team V2
Zwart army (the villain’s)
Zwart crowmon
Dan devimon
Digimon Partner’s in the future
Pulsemon (Regan’s partner)
Dracmon (Simon’s partner)
Pteromon (max’s partner)
Monodramon (Cyprus’ partner)
Jazamon (Aisha’s partner)
Hackmon (Kai’s partner)
Loogamon (Chloe’s partner)
Kokuwamon (Ann’s partner)
Blucomon (argent’s Partner)
Vorvomon (Scott’s partner)
Impmon X (Jordan’s partner)
Tempomon (harvey’s partner)
Etemon (Leon’s partner)
Shoutmon (zeke’s partner)
Leomon (Mikes Partner)
Kotemon (Phineas’s partner)
Mermaimon (Mai’s partner)
Seadramon (Harry’s partner)
Monmon (jack’s partner)
Gomamon (ruby’s partner)
Demi devimon (Neo’s partner)
Luxmon (Ben’s partner)
Agumon x (robins partner)
Gabumon x (Jens Partner)
Ranger Veemon (Morgan’s partner)
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ask-digimon-hunters · 4 months
The digivolution line for Zeed gabumon (Evelyn’s digimon Partner)
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dragonandtiger · 2 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty Eight - 20
Cassandramon gave a small nod. “No one ever said it had to be one or the other. All possibilities are open to you.”
“So what I’m getting from this is we all need to be ready,” Yamato said as he crossed his arms. He glanced down at Gabumon who nodded sharply. “It’s only a matter of time before everything comes to a head, and we’re going to need to jump in at a moment’s notice.”
“If nothing else, Zhuqaimon will be able to help us kill Zeed, and Osamu’s filter will take care of the rest,” Takeru said. “A temporary ally, even if we can’t trust him as far as we can throw him.”
“I’m not trusting him as far as I can kick his ass!” Taichi snapped as he raised his fist in the air. “We’re not turning our back on him for a second.”
“We should tell the others,” Sora said as she glanced at Yamato and then Taichi. “If nothing else, we can ask Osamu to keep an eye on the temple and let us know the moment any fighting starts.”
“But not about the vote,” Takeru said tensely. “Not yet.” He looked at the others’ conflicted expressions. “I know… but the less people who know, the less chance Ryo is going to hear about it. If everyone else knows long before he does, it’s just going to make the news harder on him when it finally comes out.”
Sora shifted uneasily before looking at each of her friends in turn. It didn’t sit right with her, but at the same time she feared the damage it would do to Ryo more. “Ryo did nearly go to the Dark Ocean…,” she finally said, her voice quiet.
Taichi let out an agitated huff of air through his teeth in a hiss as he raked his fingers through his hair. “I don’t like this, but you’ve got a point there.” He folded his arms over his chest and looked away, feeling gross about hiding such a weighty secret from his friends, and spat out a curse under his breath.
“We will eventually tell him,” Yamato said. “We just need a better time for it, that’s all. We can tell Keiko and ask for her help. I’m sure she’ll have a good idea of how to best break the news to him.”
Patamon gasped, his eyes widening. “That’s right! What if Keiko and Nyamon are here now? Or what if they heard and then left to tell Ryo?”
“She is not,” Cassandramon said. “After checking on the Chosen of Kindness and ensuring Ryo was in a stable condition, she returned to harassing Zeed with her presence.”
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dragonandtiger · 2 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty Eight - 12
Yamato frowned at that. Truthfully, he had considered recommending that the group leave for that very reason, but ultimately decided against it. Hearing his decision anticipated left him uneasy, to say the least.
“Or,” Cassandramon continued. “Perhaps, you could instead choose to confront me about everything you have learned so far - asking me about Zeed and my knowledge of him. You could also have attacked me in anger, though this probability was the lowest of all possible outcomes.” She lifted her gaze again out the ceiling opening as the Chosen gawked at her. “I have certain… expectations of which reactions are more likely to occur. However, your reactions are your own - I cannot anticipate them with absolute certainty, only to the extent of my understanding of who you are as a person.”
Sora considered that as her expression grew thoughtful. Her mind wandered back to when Piyomon had reassured her, when the Chosen of Love had been doubting her own actions regarding Cassandramon’s expectations. “Act like Sora, not what I think is Cassandramon’s idea of Sora…”
“Uhhhh…,” Taichi tried to formulate a response, only to ultimately trailed off, his expression somewhat blank, one that was mirrored by Agumon.
“Consider time as a tapestry,” Cassandramon said, slowly. “One that is continuously being woven by countless threads, all of them coming together to create a cohesive future. But there are hundreds of potential threads - thousands - that could end up in said tapestry. Some mere variations of each other, some vastly different, each one has the potential of being used. And as one is chosen, the others are discarded and the process begins anew.”
“Wait, so you’re saying you can see thousands of potential futures at any given time!?” Yamato gaped at the seer.
“That’s… a lot,” Gabumon said uncomfortably. “How can you possibly sort through them all and get anything done?”
“It is ‘a lot’, and far too much for one individual to handle,” Cassandramon said. “That is why Huanglongmon created us, so that we could share the burden. Jijimon and Babamon for the past, the Holy Beasts for the present, and I for the future.”
“But that wasn’t really fair, was it?” Piyomon asked as she tilted her head to the side. “Jijimon and Babamon can count on each other, and the Holy Beasts too, but you have to do everything by yourself?”
Cassandramon’s jaw clenched slightly before she slowly relaxed it. “I was… not always by myself.”
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dragonandtiger · 2 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty Six - 07
“Let me guess,” FlaWizarmon muttered. “That was Piemon’s doin’. Fillin’ his head with sweet soundin’ words… that his powers were proof of his birthright, of his right to rule… and all that bullshit.” He turned to give Higashi a tight smile. “An’ Piemon totally wasn’t prepared for Zeed to not only believe him but decide that meant he got to call the shots - all the shots.”
Higashi gave a single curt nod. “Whether it was just… verbal influence or some other corruption… we don’t know for sure. We won’t know until we actually, well… got our hands on him, on his data. All we know are the results… and if there was ever any mind control, it is so deeply embedded that the only way to purge it will likely only be through death and the powers of the gods themselves.”
Witchmon paused, her eyes widening as a thought suddenly struck her. “You were going to wipe Zeed’s memory when he was reborn, weren’t you? That’s what happened the first time when the Digimon partners volunteered to be Chosen, so if you could do it once, you could do it again.”
Higashi nodded again. “No matter what we discovered, be it tampering or otherwise, we would have done it simply as a precaution. There is too much of a risk that the memories would encourage him to, well… try again.”
“Kiiiiinda hard to give up godhood after having a taste,” Kudamon said. “There are some flavors you just don’t forget.”
Higashi grimaced as he gave a small lapis pen in his right hand several clicks before he stopped. “The only… saving grace is the fact that he is not able to evolve himself beyond his Child form. That was the one limitation that orb was not able to remove.”
“Wait, what? What does that mean?” Yamato asked. “He can’t… evolve?”
“All of your partners are able to evolve thanks to the power you provide them, though they are still able to attain some level of evolution on their own,” Higashi said as he glanced down at Piyomon. “Typically up to Child level, though Tailmon and Nyamon are able to maintain their adult forms. Theoretically, all of your partners would be able to do that. It’s just not practical, as most have forms far too large to fit in your homes, let alone avoid detection while in the human world. After a certain point, it’s better to remain as a Child all the time and then evolve when necessary.”
Yamato paused at that and glanced at Gabumon, who was nodding his head. “Yeah, I guess it would be pretty hard to hide a giant wolf in my bedroom.”
“Or a giant flaming bird,” Sora said. “But you’re saying Zeed can’t do that?”
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dragonandtiger · 2 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty Six - 06
The angel Digimon continued, his voice coming out in a rush as if he had rehearsed his answer and wanted to get it out before he lost his courage entirely.
“It was a grievous mistake on Piemon’s part,” Higashi said. “He greatly underestimated the young Digimon’s power, and overestimated his own. He couldn’t control him, he couldn’t enslave Zeed. Instead… he became enslaved. Him, and the rest of his army. Zeed was, and is, a force of nature… both in body and spirit. And even as a baby, Piemon was absolutely no match for him. He had created his worst nightmare and unleashed it upon himself and both worlds.”
“Even though Piemon is an Ultimate!?” Sora gasped. “And the rest of the Dark Masters, too?”
Yamato reached up to pinch his brow as he felt a headache coming on. “So Piemon thought he could keep a hurricane on a leash and then, shock and surprise, got sucked up into it instead.”
Higashi shook his head as he closed his eyes. “Once the puppeteer, now the puppet… they had no choice but to do as their freshly created disaster wished. And what he wished… was control. Total control. He felt it in his very bones, his very soul… that it was his birthright.”
“His birthright?” Osamu repeated. “What do you mean by that?”
It took Higashi a moment to answer, though he still didn’t look at anyone. “The God Crests… they have the power to usurp the gods of our world,” He had to take a moment, his body tensing a bit. “We knew there were risks with whichever Digimon became partnered with a child who possessed one of these three crests. In a very real sense, the Digimon could be on par with the gods themselves. We tried our best to lessen the risks involved. The Digimon chosen were the absolute best choices the gods could make…” He shook his head, his expression pained. “Tenraimon and Narakumon are still alive, and in control of their elements, and won’t let their power be taken so easily, but Huanglongmon…”
Miyako tensed up in the silence that followed. “So basically…,” she said slowly. “Zeed thinks he’s literally the new Huanglongmon.”
Higashi went silent, his jaw clenching tight, before he gave a firm nod of his head.
“Shit,” Yamato growled as he crossed his arms. “Yeah, I can see that making it difficult to reason with him. If he thinks he’s a literal god, then he’s not going to want to listen to someone trying to tell him he’s not.”
“Especially when he can do things that other Digimon can’t,” Gabumon said. “He’d see it as proof.”
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dragonandtiger · 3 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty - 06
“What, is it broken or something?” Daisuke asked as he stared at the tower, looking for anything that might imply damage - cracks, sparks, or the like. However, the tower looked to be in perfect working order even though clearly it wasn’t.
Miyako narrowed her eyes. “Broken or blocked?” she murmured, just barely loud enough for the group to hear her. “By someone who knew full well that you could teleport right to the top?”
Ryo’s entire body went rigid as his face drained of all color. There was only one person who he could think of with not only that knowledge, but the power to pull such a stunt off. “Zeed.”
“Zeed?” Takeru repeated before his eyes widened. “As in… Zeed Millenniumon?! That thing you all fought against!?”
Panic sent Ryo lunging for the doors to the tower, only to find they wouldn’t budge. “The doors are locked!”
“Shit,” Taichi spat.
Gabumon and Agumon scowled before they shared a look. The two Digimon then turned to their partners, expressions determined.
“We don’t have any more time to waste,” Agumon said. “I need to evolve, Taichi!”
“Me too,” Gabumon said as he faced Yamato. “We’ll take our own path upwards - through the sky!”
Taichi nodded as he held out the Digivice. “Let’s go, Agumon!”
“You got it, Gabumon!” Yamato said as he pulled out his own Digivice.
“I’ll evolve too, Takeru!” Patamon said, which prompted a nod from the Chosen of Hope.
Tailmon frowned as she watched Gabumon, Agumon, and Patamon evolve with a burst of light and data before she glanced sideways towards Hikari. Her ears canted back as she mulled over her options.
“I can carry you both as well,” HolyAngemon said suddenly, as if sensing Tailmon’s thoughts.
Tailmon blinked before offering the angel a small smile. “Thank you.”
Hikari looked over at Tailmon, concerned by her partner’s reaction, but didn’t say anything. It hadn’t been too long since Tailmon was reborn, so perhaps her partner didn’t feel confident about evolving to Perfect level yet. Either way, there was no time to talk about it now when Zeed might have invaded the Crystal Tower.
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dragonandtiger · 5 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Nine - 08
“Anyone mind if I scream into this pillow for a bit?” Miyako asked without looking up. “No? Cool.” With that she gripped the pillow tight against her face and unleashed her emotions in a gutteral shriek that came out greatly distorted and muffled through the fabric and stuffing.
Daisuke felt nervous prickles race up his spine as he looked around at the others in such a traumatized state. “Just what the heck did you guys see in that place?”
“Hell,” Takeru added as he leaned forward to press his hands against his face, propping his elbows up on the table. He barely even took notice of Patamon who stood in front of him to gently stroke his hair. “A huge, rotting, walking Hell.”
“That… was that Zeed Millenniumon?” Tailmon asked as she looked around the room at the others even as she remained firmly in Hikari’s arms. “Was that after Narakumon-?”
“That…,” Cassandramon said as she pressed her fingertips together, “…was Huanglongmon.”
Monodramon was startled out of his stupor and quickly sat up, whipping his head to stare at Cassandramon. “What!?” he all but screamed. “B-but isn’t L-L-Lord Huanglongmon-”
“Dead,” Cassandramon finished for the small dragon as she turned to him, tilting her head to the side. “Did he look alive to you?”
Monodramon hesitated at that before he shook his head, trembling.
Cassandramon’s three eyes blinked, her expression unchanging as she continued to gaze down at Monodramon, who flinched away from her stare. “Then those two facts are not in conflict.”
Yamato grunted before he relocated himself and Gabumon into the chair beside Takeru and Patamon, scooting close enough that he could wrap his arm around his little brother’s shoulder. Leaning back against the seat, he took a moment to smile weakly at Gabumon who snuggled against him in his lap, placing his free hand atop his partner’s head. Only when he was settled comfortably with the people most important to him, he turned his narrowed eyes towards Cassandramon. “So, mind letting us all in on what the hell is going on? I’d say you owe us something, especially considering you knew we would face that thing and didn’t say a damn thing.”
Cassandramon straightened up before she turned to face Yamato, clearly unperturbed by his tone or the accusation. “The Digital Gods were not meant to die - not programmed to die. So when the undying dies, what you saw is the outcome of that paradox.”
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dragonandtiger · 8 years
Dreaming To Reality: 02 Remix Chapter Thirty Nine - 15
FlaWizarmon and Witchmon watched as Ken quickly retreated, trying to hide his mortified face as he rushed through the doorway. The two shared a look, grinning brightly at each other as Wormmon followed after his stomping partner.
“Well, I thought it was fanny,” Witchmon cackled.
Tailmon sat on Hikari’s bed, watching as the Chosen of Light as she prepared for bed, changing into her white pajamas. The cat Digimon flicked an ear before she turned to look at the door to Hikari’s bedroom. “Taichi’s going to be really mad that we’re keeping this from him, especially since he already told us to stop hiding things.”
A weary sigh escaped Hikari as she buttoned up the front of her top. “I know… but it can’t be helped. Ken almost had a meltdown when we confronted him about it, and the others are still trying to forgive the Digimon Kaiser for what the Dark Ocean and Zeed Millenniumon have been manipulating him to do. If he gives Agumon and Gabumon back, it’ll go a long way towards trusting him… especially after everyone finds out he’s been spying on us all this time.”
Tailmon nodded. “If he does, at any rate.” She then crossed her arms, leaning back against the wall. “We’ll tell them eventually, and deal with the anger when it comes… but for now, it’s pretty much guaranteed that revealing Ken’s identity right now would only result in him being chased away - which is the exact opposite of what you’re trying to do.”
Hikari nodded, her expression solemn. “This is our chance to reach him. We can’t let it slip away from us this time.”
Tailmon nodded, her own expression grim. “If we mess this up, we won’t get a second chance.”
Hikari let out another heavy sigh before she flopped back onto the bed beside Tailmon, her gaze focused on the ceiling. “I hope the Digimental finishes absorbing all the darkness from the memorial soon…”
“It’s getting there,” Tailmon said as she curled up beside her partner. “The area’s shrinking with each passing day, as more and more Darkness is absorbed out of the land.” She closed her eyes as she got comfortable, her tail flopping down against the bed. “At the rate it’s going, it should be ready in a matter of days. Now it’s more a matter of getting Ken to agree to it, and letting us use it on him.”
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dragonandtiger · 8 years
Dreaming To Reality: 02 Remix Chapter Thirty Nine - 08
Ken nodded, slowly. “Omegamon is… the only one strong enough.” The Chosen of Kindness lifted his head, his expression wistful. “The way he destroyed Diablomon, I knew… he was the only one…!”
Hikari nodded. “Omegamon is the most powerful Digimon ever, no question.” She refocused her gaze on Ken. “Which is why you need to let Agumon and Gabumon come home. Omegamon was the combination of Yamato and my brother’s love for their Digimon, I’m sure of it.”
“You can’t fake that,” Tailmon agreed. “Not with all the crests in the world.”
Ken grimaced. He didn’t want to admit it, but he couldn’t deny that he had begun to believe the same thing. No matter what he did, he couldn’t get them to jogress - he couldn’t make Omegamon. Countless efforts had gone into it, and not once had he ever come close. He had peaked at Skull Greymon and Skull Baluchimon. They were powerful, but they were nowhere near Omegamon’s level.
Ken had always assumed that if he just figured something out, he’d be able to resolve the problem. But with Hikari voicing the same concerns he felt, it was hard to argue with what seemed like such an obvious answer. He would never succeed, because he would never be able to replicate their feelings.
Even a Miracle couldn’t achieve something like that.
“Besides,” Hikari said, her words shattering Ken’s revere. “Zeed Millenniumon is our enemy too. After what he’s done…” A shudder of tension in her muscles ran through her before she got her feelings back under control. “We can’t let him k… we can’t let him take any more of our friends.”
“I… I need to think,” Ken said, softly. “I need to think about it…”
Hikari sighed softly before the corner of her mouth quirked upward. “Okay. I understand, but just remember that you’re not fighting alone against Zeed Millenniumon. Whether you want us to or not, this fight involves all of us.” Her gaze dropped down to the top of her partner’s head. “I don’t think I could just sit and watch… not after what he’s done.”
Ken closed his eyes as he considered Hikari’s words, at a loss for how to respond. Thankfully, he was spared from having to - at least for the moment - as a sudden knock on the car door interrupted his thoughts. The boy genius paused and glanced to Hikari before he stood up and approached the door. He peered through the tinted glass and immediately saw Daisuke, which brought a smile to his face.
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dragonandtiger · 8 years
Dreaming To Reality: 02 Remix Chapter Thirty Nine - 07
Hikari nodded before shifting her attention back to Ken. After a moment, her expression softened. “I’m right, aren’t I?” When Ken turned to look at her, the Chosen of Light met his gaze with a solemn expression. “You’re the one that gave Gomamon back.”
Ken hesitated before he looked away. “Jou-senpai, he… after what happened...”
“He was devastated,” Hikari said in just above a whisper. The memory was still painful to recall.
Ken grimaced before he fidgeted with the D-Terminal, before putting it away. “Yes, he was.”
“That was very kind of you,” Hikari said as her smile returned, as gentle and light as morning dew.
Ken’s cheeks tinted as he did his best not to look directly at Hikari, his embarrassment abundantly obvious on his face. “I…”
“Jou recovered thanks to you,” Hikari said. “He needed Gomamon.” Her eyes strayed to Tailmon. “I think we all need our partners a lot more than we even really know.”
Ken glanced to Wormmon, his expression softening at the sight of the insect Digimon’s loving, concerned gaze. “Yeah. We… all do.”
On instinct, Hikari pulled Tailmon into her lap for a hug. “That’s why I think you need to give Agumon and Gabumon back to Yamato and my brother.”
Ken tensed at that, his fingers twitching. “They… they seem to be doing just fine by themselves. Unlike Jou-senpai.”
The smile slipped from Hikari’s eyes though her lips still formed an upward curve. “Jou never could hide his feelings very well. Yamato bottles things up until they explode, and my brother…” She faltered before a sigh escaped her. “He talks himself into believing that he’s okay even when he’s not. He knows just how big an impact he has on all of us, and he blames himself for not being good enough even when something is out of his control. It makes him do… reckless things sometimes.”
Ken looked down at Wormmon, his expression becoming strained. He really couldn’t deny Hikari’s line of thought, as he had seen it too. It brought to mind memories of Osamu, and the walls he created around himself to hide the suffering he felt beneath the illusion of a perfect boy genius. And even then, Ken was the only one who could see through it. “But even so, I… I need...”
“You want Omegamon to fight Zeed Millenniumon when he returns, right?” Hikari guessed.
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