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THREE LOVELY SOULS @coeluvr @victoriel AND @loveandleases helped me figure out the coding and it WORKED! we are SO back
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bacchanal-if · 2 years ago
Ok, I'm going full steam ahead and changing the password outright. One of the characters just doesn't work the same on every platform which is the issue here (big thank you to @victoriel for bringing it to my attention.)
Again, very sorry for all the frustration!!!
Please let me know if the new password works without a hitch. Keep in mind that per the way tumblr sets things up, you can only view the password-protected blog in a web browser by navigating to its URL (blogname.tumblr.com). If you are on mobile, you will need to use your web browser and switch it to desktop mode.
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couragehopelovefaith · 1 year ago
Can You Hold Me • Magnus & Alec [HBD Julia] Have been on my Shadowhunters-binge and reminded once again how much I love these two. Even three years later I can’t fully comprehend that FandomsWillxCollide created this masterpiece for my birthday (such a crime that I haven’t shared it here before, I was sure that I already had). Thank you, @victoriel , for making it happen. :)
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izzymalec · 4 years ago
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you taught me the courage of stars before you left how light carries on endlessly even after death
happy birthday, @victoriel! a gift from @stronghopelovefaith
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Sasha + happy🥰
i... I realised I have no happy songs on the entire Spotify so I apologise if these are more... happy-love-gay-tiktok-songs than anything
Charlotte Sands - Dress
Doja Cat, SZA - Kiss Me More
Surf Mesa - ily
SALES - Renee
Joji - Gimme Love
Cloudy June - Masterpiece
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thrill-seeker-vn · 3 years ago
What are the ROs preferred sleeping positions? And how would that change if they were to share a bed with the MC?
I think I'll answer in a mix of pictures and words!
Oli sleeps with a teddy bear you gifted them as a child (that they keep in good condition and repair). They sleep curled up in a ball around it.
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Hannie sleeps straight in their back with their hands folded on their stomach.
N rolls over a lot. They literally fill up the enitre bed. It just depends on the day; only the moon decides how they'll sleep.
Oli: Would most likely be in a similar position, up against MCs chest.
Hannie: Would like to hold MC by the waist in a back hug position.
N: Legs intertwined with MCs, holding them wherever they can.
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sol--system · 1 year ago
Eart srdine like fish
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gwil-lee · 5 years ago
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Pushing Daisies | The Fun in Funeral (S01E03)
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magnusedom · 4 years ago
8, 12, 36, 41, 53, 62, 95
8. Favourite television soundtrack?
the too old to die young soundtrack! i just love cliff martinez’s work, especially “i hereby give you yaritza”, “high priestess of death” and “viggo and diana”. GORGEOUS songs
12. Best cliff-hanger?
answered here
36. Favourite director?
guillermo del toro, nicolas winding refn and sean baker
41. Favourite pixar movie?
probably inside out and coco
53. Favourite actress?
charlize theron and viola davis
62. Do you prefer classic movies, or new movies?
i have no preference but i’ve watched more “new” movies than classic ones, i think
95. Can you think of a movie where one scene had ruined the whole thing?
the morgue scene from the neon demon... what was the reason @ nicolas winding refn??? lol
send me a tv & film ask
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fukutomichi · 5 years ago
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications! 💛
Music, coffee, games, hiking, handcrafting.
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nervouspearl · 6 years ago
14, 22, 37✨
14. Top 5 badass characters
Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)
River Song (Doctor Who)
Lindsay Denton (Line of Duty)
Julia Montague (Bodyguard)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
22. Top 5 animals/pets
Roger the dog (The Durrells)
Frank the sloth (The Durrells)
That chicken that is in love with Keeley Hawes because that’s very relatable (The Durrells)
Gretchen the dog (Dark)
Queequeg the dog (The X Files)
37. Top 5 funniest moments
Oh god, it’s hard to think of specific moments…sorry these answers are a bit crap!
Sue White doing anything in Green Wing
That time in Veep when Selina absolutely destroyed that lady who was trying to blackmail her politically
Every moment of Derry Girls
I feel like I need to mention Miranda even though I can’t think of a specific moment right now (time for a rewatch, clearly)
Louisa “Come back and put your shorts on” Durrell
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vavaharrison · 6 years ago
victoriel ha respondido a tu publicación “Since I do not know anybody else other than you to come for shipping...”
Whisper in the Storm https://archiveofourown.org/works/17987573/chapters/42490295
hey, thanks! here you go, anon.
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nana-aniki · 6 years ago
🌺 Send this to ten other blogs you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺
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thank you my dear♥♥
back at you of course~♥
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lorelaigilmoure · 6 years ago
🌺 Send this to ten other blogs you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺
thanks a lot, Vic!!!!
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maripr · 6 years ago
Yang, Neo, Jaune, Nora, Merc, Oscar, Qrow, Emerald
Thank you!Yang - Favorite female characterWeiss, absolutely. Loved her from her first scene in vol 1. I could tell she would end having one hell of an amazing redemption arc.Neo - best outfit
Well, I think I have to go with Neo herself for this question! I love her outfit so much!
Jaune Arc- Best voice 
Ok I love everyone, but I have to go with my bias here. Shannon McCormick as Ozpin and Gray Haddock are the first voices who really made an impression on me. I think they both have amazing range and talent. I’m also gonna mention the Elric Brothers Aaron Dismuke, who’s knocking out of the park this volume, and Vic Mignogna because he’s motherfucking Vic Mignogna.
Mercury Black- Favourite Quote
I don’t think I have a favorite one! 
Oscar Pine- Favourite scene
The Cinder-Ozpin fight. But also the scene where the God of Light emerges from his fountain in vol 6
Qrow Branwen- Favourite male character 
I think it’s fairly obvious :B
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Emerald Sustrai- Most tense moment
Everything is intense in vol 6 so far D: 
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thrill-seeker-vn · 3 years ago
🍓 + Hannie💖
One of the reasons Hannie sings to the stars every night is they actually used to sing for the moon. Anh told them that there's a woman in the moon, who sits there lonely in the sky, but if you sing, she won't feel so alone. They see themself in the moon, so they sing for her when they can.
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