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thesleeptokenarchive · 1 month ago
Ritual Reminiscence: Liverpool 2020
Liverpool, UK • 27.01.2020‬ ‪Tonight, Glasgow gathers in Worship.‬ ‪Imagery captured by Vicky Pea Live
Originally shared January 28 2020 [FB | X]
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stevesbipanic · 7 months ago
@steddieangstyaugust Day 6: "Who did this?"
Cw: homophobic language used (f word, not used by main characters)
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Steve was late.
He was never late which is why Eddie had spent the last twenty minutes pacing around the trailer. Since Spring Break and Eddie's release from the hospital Saturdays had been movie night for the two older boys. A movie night that became date night a couple months ago when Steve smiled so softly at him and Eddie couldn't help but risk it all and kiss him. Steve never was late, but especially not on Saturdays.
Eddie knew Steve had a closing shift, solo because Robin had finally gotten the courage to ask out Vickie. Sometimes closing took longer alone but Steve always would call to let Eddie know. Eddie had already tried ringing the store multiple times but got nothing but voicemail.
Now, twenty minutes later, he couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed his keys and tried to keep his panic under control as he drove to the store, hoping that maybe he'd pass Steve on the way and it would all be a misunderstanding.
His relief at seeing Steve's car parked outside Family Video was short lived. The lights in the store were off, doors shut, no Steve. He parked quickly, jumping out, that's when he saw the real state of Steve's car. The tyres were slashed, headlights and a couple windows smashed and as he rounded the side looking for Steve he saw in bright red spray paint "faggot".
"Shit," Eddie whispered, "Steve!?" he called out desperately. Against all odds he heard a whimper from behind the store. He quickly ran around, his eyes catching on a crumpled figure curled up on the ground. "Steve? Baby, sweetheart, are you ok? Who did this? What hurts, love?" Eddie rambles crouching down towards him, brushing his fingers gently on his face which thankfully looks unharmed, Steve couldn't get another concussion.
"Ankle," Steve whimpers out, Eddie sees that it's red and swollen, he hopes it's just a sprain since it looks ok otherwise. "Stevie, what happened baby?"
"Can we go home first please?" Home had been the trailer for awhile now, Steve rarely went back to Loch Nora these days. "Of course, sweetheart, where are your keys, Wayne and I will come deal with your car later."
Steve whimpered again, "They're on the roof, I fell trying to get them back." Eddie sighed, running a comforting hand down Steve's side, "That's ok, sunshine, we'll deal with that tomorrow too, c'mon I've got you just lean on me." Eddie looped an arm under Steve helping him limp back to the van, Steve pointedly didn't look at his car. The drive home was quiet but thankfully not tense, more tired.
Eddie set Steve up on the couch, a pack of frozen peas on his ankle, he'd get Wayne to look at it when he got home later. He gingerly sits beside him, trying not to jostle Steve's foot too much. Steve immediately leans against his side, the weight of the night seeping out of him.
"I'm sorry."
Steve looked up quickly, "Why are you sorry?"
"You wouldn't have gotten hurt, whichever assholes that did that wouldn't have done it to you if it wasn't for me, Steve."
Steve sighed, "Eds, look at me." Eddie lifted his eyes to meet Steve's hazel ones wondering how much longer he'd get the privilege of being close enough to see the flecks of green in them. "I faced monsters worse than some homophobic assholes to get the honour of loving you, Eddie."
Eddie's breath caught in his throat at Steve's words but he continued, "I don't care what they call or do to me as long as you're always there to come get me, that I always get to come home to you, that's all that matters to me, not the car, not words, just you and me, ok?"
"Ok," Eddie whispered, he thinks he'd start crying if he tried to respond anymore. Steve nodded, satisfied, "Good, I love you, Eds, now can we please watch a movie. We were supposed to finish the trilogy tonight and if I see Dustin on Monday and can't answer his questions he'll pick you as his favourite and that won't do."
Eddie giggled at that, even when faced with danger and hate, Steve could make him smile, "Of course, sunshine." As the text began to scroll on the screen he wrapped an arm around Steve's shoulders, "Love you too, baby, thank you for giving me the honour." Just him and Steve, against the world, upside down or otherwise.
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
Blake: ...
Yang: ...
Ren: ...
Weiss: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Nora: ...
Oscar: ...Timmy is an average kid, that no one understands...
Ruby: Mom and Dad and Vicky always giving him commands~!
Weiss: Doom and gloom up in his room are broken instantly~!
Blake: By his magic little fish who grant his every wish~!
Taiyang: Wands and wings~!
Qrow: Little crowny things~! (Slips down the stairs)
Ren: Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod~!
Oscar: Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice!~
Nora: Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, CHOCOLATE SHAKE~!
Pyrrha: It really flips your lid when you are kid with
Jaune: Yeah, right!
RWBYJNPRO: BOP! (Sit down)
Jaune: ...Who lives in a pineapple under the-
Nora: No, no, we're done.
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totallynotawes · 2 years ago
WC: 1233 || CW: Suicide, Character Death, Mention of Self-Harms, Hurt/Comfort.
Steve and Robin are high school sweethearts, two peas in a pod, twins from different parents, besties for life. They knew everything about each other, all the details, Steve knows Robin's secret about being a lesbian and can’t be as expressive as she wishes, how she’s terrified to talk to Vickie, how she was heartbroken when Chrissy died. He helped her through it all, Dealing with Venca and the upside down was not easy for anyone, if anyone knew how hard it was it was Steve, besides Will Byers. 
Barbara Holland died in Steve’s pool. He dragged Eddie’s dead body out of the upside down. He and Robin were drugged and beaten to almost death underneath Starcourt by Russians. Steve knows the depression, the PTSD, the feeling of it all. 
But when Robin suddenly shut him and the whole group out, Steve started worrying. She didn’t show up to school, work, or hangouts and when she did, she still shut everyone out. Steve made sure no one knew how he felt, he just shrugged off the children's concerns saying Robin was fine, She’s busy, She’s sick..again. He hated lying to the kids, they didn’t deserve that.
Once Steve got home, he closed the front door gently and leaned against it, sliding down to the floor. He hugs his knees and starts hyperventilating. Robin hated him, it's because he ran off to save Eddie and not her even if she wasn’t hurt. After a moment he gets up and quickly leaves his house, driving to Robin’s.
Steve walks up to Robin’s door and knocks on it. Robin opened the door and went to shut it but the brunette stopped it with his arm. “Come on, we’re getting burgers and going to the quarry, I’m not taking a no for an answer. Grab your shoes.”
Robin nods slowly, grabs her shoes by her door, and follows Steve to his car. They drive in silence only noise is the radio but very low. Steve left the car for five minutes to go into the diner and get their food. 
Robin is laying her head on the window, looking out and watching the houses disappear and trees becoming full sight as they make it up the quarry. She follows Steve out of the car to the cliffside of the quarry and watches him lay down a blanket. They both sit down and start eating quietly.
“You missed it today,” Steve spoke, “Dustin and Eddie came into Family Videos and they were talking about their nerdy shit. And you know how they get, They start laughing and pushing each other around, well Eddie pushes Dustin onto a shelf, and it just dominos down onto the other shelves. Keith got so pissed and kicked them out, but now I gotta clean it all up tomorrow.” He chuckles and sighs, looking at Robin “You think you’re gonna come to work tomorrow? I’ll need the help.”
“No,” Robin finally spoke for once and put relief in Steve’s body. “I’m not going to be around.”
Steve frowns “What do you mean?” He watches Robin get up and walks to the edge of the cliff. He scrambles to get up and get behind her. “What are you saying, Robin?!”
“I can't do it, no more. I’m tired.” Robin looks at Steve with tears streaming down her face. “We don’t know if Venca or that mind flayer thing is actually dead and I’m not staying to find out. I’m sorry.”
“Oh..” Steve realizes what she meant “Wait! Please, Robin! Don’t leave me!” He grabs her hands. “You’re my only friend, I can’t lose you.”
“You got Dustin and Eddie, I know how much you love Eddie and I know you’re scared to admit it to yourself, go be with him.”
“That doesn’t matter, you are my soulmate, my best friend for life, We were supposed to grow old and make the kids' life a living nightmare with their kids, we’re supposed to stay together til the end of time, not like- like-” Steve lets out a sob “Not like this Robin, please don’t.” 
“Steve, please, I can’t do it anymore, I can never sleep, I’ve covered myself in cuts,” Robin says and pulls off her jacket, revealing cuts all over her arms.
“I’m covered in cuts as well!” Steve cries out and pulls off his sweater. “Why else do you think I wear sweaters?! Robin, you can’t leave me alone, not like this. I don’t want to be alone, not again!” He cries out and grabs Robin's arms.
“I’ve made my decision, Steve. Thank you for the wonderful life despite the supernatural shit.” Robin grabs Steve’s cheek and kisses his forehead. “I love you, Steve.” She says as she backs away and falls off the cliff.
Steve stood there, frozen. He couldn’t move until he heard a splash. He moves closer to the edge and looks down, not seeing Robin's body in sight. He turns away and runs to his car before speeding, going well over a hundred, passing every stoplight and car.
Steve stops in front of Eddie’s trailer and quickly walks to the door, banging on the door. 
“Damnit! I’m tired of you reporters! It’s been months! What more do you want?!” Eddie yells as he opens the door “Steve?” He raised an eyebrow “What’s wrong?” He asked as Steve collapsed onto him.
Steve lets out a sob and nonsense that causes Eddie to pull the male inside and close the door. He leads them to the couch and sits down. “Hey, hey, what’s going? Why are you crying and banging on my door?” He forces Steve to look up at him.
“Ro-Robin!” Steve managed to get out.
“What about her? Did something happen to her?” Eddie asked worriedly.
“Sh-She,” Steve chokes on his sob. “She jumped.”
“Jumped? Where?” Eddie asks trying to puzzle everything together as well as being patient.
“Qu-Quarry.” Steve pushes his face into Eddie’s shoulders, letting out loud sobs.
“Robin jumped at the Quarry?” Eddie questioned and Steve shook his head hesiatedly.
“In quarry.” Steve corrects
“She jumped in the quarry?” Eddie asks and Steve nods. He was confused before realizing, “Oh.. Steve, baby, I’m sorry.” He hugs him tightly, pulling him into his lap.
“She said she couldn’t han-handle it anymore, said she’s tired, she left me, my only true soulmate left me before I could even process it all. I didn’t get to tell her I love her.” Steve cries out and sits up, looking at Eddie. “I know we’re only platonic soulmates because she’s gay but she meant the world to me. She h-help me figure out who I am, helped me discover new things in this god-forsaken world. Now she’s gone, abandoned me in this world all by myself.” He sniffles and buries his face into Eddie’s neck again. “I was going to follow her just so we aren’t separated from one another.”
Eddie listens to Steve and tightens his grip on the man. “I know, I know but I’m glad you didn’t take that leap, You still have so much to look forward to in life and Robin wouldn’t want you to follow, she wants you to continue on and live on your dreams.”
Steve nods and looks up at Eddie “Thank you, Eddie, I love you.”
“I love you too, Steve,” Eddie says and kisses his forehead. “I’m proud of you.”
Sorry for any errors this is the first time I posted any of my fics. So please be kind and don't hate. If you hate it, block me idc. I go for more darker fic writing. I have tons of fics I've been working on just never finish and have been scared to share them. So have this one, sorry for making y'all cry.
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evermorehqs · 2 years ago
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Timothy Turner is based on Timmy from The Fairly OddParents. He is a 22 year old human, superhero headquarters employee, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Timmy is portrayed by Jaren Lewison and he is open.
From the day he was born, Timmy was not exactly what his parents wanted. Having expected a daughter, it was a bit of a surprise when he popped into the world but they still loved him - in their own way. Like many children of working parents, Timmy was left home alone often, spending more time with his babysitter than his mom or dad, both of whom would have had a hard time answering a simple questionnaire about their son. While home was hard, especially with Vicky around, school wasn't much better. All Timmy wanted was to be one of the popular kids, a cool kid, but that wasn't in the cards. He wanted to stand out, to be different, to have something - and all of a sudden, he did. Honestly, it was like a dream and he had almost convinced himself that the presence of them were an act from his over active imagination but when they didn't disappear? He knew it was real and things were going to change. Wishes. Anything in the world that Timmy wanted, he could have at the drop of a hat. Sure, there were some rules he had to listen to, but other than that? It was incredible. The worlds that he imagined in his head, the creatures and justice that he thought he deserved, he could bring to life! But, of course, it could only last so long. Fairies were for kids after all. The one good thing about living in Evermore was that Cosmo and Wanda could never go too far away. Even though they weren't his fairies anymore, Timmy could still find them, he could still spend time with the two people who had helped him a lot more than his parents ever had. He still had a tendency to wish for things and, sometimes if he was close enough, they might come true. But instead of dwelling on what once was, Timmy was looking forward to the future, finding a job at the comic book store where he could still live out his somewhat childish fantasies and in a way, stay a kid forever.
❀ Thomas 'Tommy' Pickles: Two peas in a pod really. These two have a lot in common but often find themselves falling into unspoken competitions. But it's all in good fun, right? ❀ Wendy Corduroy: Timmy is pretty sure he's never met a cooler person in his life and he thanks the day that she showed up in Evermore although he hasn't quite gotten the nerve up to talk to her ❀ Tony Rydinger: Now that's a cool guy. Even though Timmy tries not to care so much about popularity, he can't help but try and be friends with someone as chill as him
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madsnowstorm · 2 years ago
take me home for christmas | j. seresin | part six
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all i want for christmas is you - hush kids
summary : jake wants to take you home to texas for christmas to meet his family.
warnings — series, 18+, fem!reader, established relationship, some angst, family dynamics (both healthy and not), mentions of therapy, no religious aspect to the holiday, dogs named after famous texans, anxiety, no use of y/n, little angsty, but mostly internal
notes — i think i got a few cavities writing this one. it's a sweet one. also, mistletoad is a real thing. there are like two installments left. i don't really want it to end because i love jake and sweet pea so much. (i call her that in my head, since that's what jake's mom calls her.)
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“OH, come on!” Your boyfriend yelled at the large television, standing up, hands stretched out. Julie was on one side of him in a similar position and Will was on the other, hand covering his face and head shaking. The Cowboys Christmas Eve game was on and almost all of the Seresin’s eyes were glued to the screen hanging on the wall. You were sitting between Jennifer, who’d arrived earlier that day, and Luke. The three of you were discussing the Army-Navy Game from a few weeks ago. Jake would throw in a random, bitter, comment every so often. The man was not over Navy's loss. You were hoping the Cowboys could pull out a win, just so he could turn his attention towards that instead of the loss.
You could smell the barbeque that Matt (Jennifer’s husband) and Vicki just brought in from the back, so you knew dinner would be soon. June was sitting on the floor in front of you playing with Lily and five year old Oliver, who was Jennifer’s youngest. There were now children running all over and the house felt more like a home. The moment Jennifer and her family arrived a certain peace took over Tom and Vicki that you had not yet experienced. You had a feeling it was because all their children were home and happy. 
“Let’s eat!” Vicki called out and you hopped up without a fuss. The Seresin siblings stayed seated, Jackson mumbling something about the game being almost over. You chuckled and got up to head to the kitchen. “Thomas created monsters out of all five of them.” 
“Yeah, I can see that!” You thought back over this past football season and how all of your and Jake’s plans revolved around two things; UT and Cowboys games. She was taking some silverware out of a draw and you walked over to help her.
“Can I just say that I am so happy that you are here?” Vicki’s words were as warm as her smile. “You’re like a piece of a puzzle that I have been waiting for…Jake too.” The future was something that you and Jake had discussed before and you both were in it for the long haul. Vicki’s statement added another layer to those plans though. It gave you a sense of relief that you didn’t know you needed.
“It makes me happy to hear you say that.” As screams of all kinds were heard from the living room, she wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you close like a mother would her daughter. You let your arms drift up to hers, giving her a squeeze. The two of you stayed like that until voices began to come closer. 
Jake and Cole were the first people to enter the kitchen. Jake’s frustrated frown disappeared the moment his green eyes landed on you and Vicki. His whole body instantly softened and gaze grew warm. You knew, just from the look on his face, how much he loved you. Even as everyone started helping themselves to food and grumbling about the game, Jake was quiet and only had eyes for you. Eventually you started filling up your plate, making sure to playfully bump his shoulder as you walked by him. You didn’t get too far past him though because he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him. 
“I love you.” He declared as though it was the only statement in the world that could ever be true. Before you could return the sentiment his lips were on yours, no care for the family around you. Your cheeks grew hot, but you returned the kiss just the same.
“EW! Uncle Jake!” One of his nieces cried out. It sounded like Evie, who you met that morning.
“Gross!” Will gagged. 
“Honestly Jacob,” June spoke up from the entrance of the dining room that sat off the kitchen, near the back door. Through the doorway you could see Jake’s siblings all smirking at the table. Jackson’s shoulders were shaking with laughter as Sophie stuck her tongue out in disgust. “There are children around.”
“Don’t care.” Was his confident reply. He kept his attention on you, but discreetly lifted his middle finger to scratch his nose. June just laughed. You lifted yourself up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his cheekbone before walking around to join his family at the large dining room table.
You sat next to Jenni. Jake joined you a few minutes later, taking the empty spot on your right. As dinner progressed, conversations of all types flowing around the table, his left hand found your thigh. He was talking with Claire, Jackson, and their kids about what Santa may or may not be bringing them. You were in the middle of a discussion with June and Jenni about similar experiences the three of you had at work. June had an almost identical personality to her youngest brother, which you found amusing. As soon as you picked up on that, you knew you would have to invite her out and have the Dagger Squad over, knowing Rooster’s response would be highly entertaining. Eventually, Thomas excused himself from dinner and you looked at Jake, questioning if everything was okay.
“Just wait.” His tone was secretive and caused your concern to morph into curiosity.
When Vicki got up and started to carry things back to the kitchen, you and Jackson moved to help her. Jackson recruited his oldest son to help and while Vicki filled the dishwasher the three of you carried dishes from the dining room to her. June and Jake started taking mugs of all shapes, colors, and sizes out of one of the cabinets while Julie checked on some sort of liquid in a crockpot on the counter. After getting a closer look you realized that the liquid was hot chocolate. 
“Momma, where are the marshmallows?” Jake bellowed from deep within the pantry. Vicki turned to respond, but was cut off by a manly yelp. “Hey! What was that for?” You looked over your shoulder, closing the dishwasher door. Jake stepped out of the pantry, rubbing at his arm, a pout on his face. You laughed. June sidestepped her brother, shaking a bag of large marshmallows at him.
“They were right in front of you, moron.” Vicki shook her head and rolled her eyes at the childish antics of her two grown children. 
“Cut it out you two.” Her tone was exasperated, but turned so sweet when she set her sights on you. “Sweet pea, will you let the others know that the hot chocolate is ready?” You nodded and did as she asked of you. The kids were quick to heed your words, most of them running to the kitchen. You could hear Luke telling them to slow down. 
Once everyone had their mugs full of sweet, creamy, spicy, chocolate everyone gathered around the fireplace. Everyone was spread out over the couch and the floor. Vicki took a spot in one of the recliners, leaving the other one empty. The only person that was missing was Thomas. Before you could ask where he was, you heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. 
Thomas, dressed in a red Santa suit, stood at the foot of the stairs. There was a large green velvet bag that had some sort of goodies in it. While he didn’t have a beard on his face, the twinkle in his eyes definitely reminded you of the jolly big man. All of the kids seemed to enjoy it, even Will.
“Pawpaw!” Sophie squealed out. Claire took the little girl's drink from her before she ran to Thomas. Oliver and Evie were quick to follow her.
“Now, I think before I pass out these presents there is a story we need to read!” Vicki took out a thin, hardback, children’s book. The edges of the dust jacket were wrinkled with age. There was a beautifully illustrated winter scene and the words “Twas the Night Before Christmas” in a curly script across the top. Thomas sat down and took the book from his wife.
Like dutiful little elves the children followed him, sitting in a semi-circle around the recliner. Julie moved from her spot on the couch to join them, turning Lily around in her lap so she could watch. All eyes were on Thomas as he began to read. His soft twang made the old poem sound melodic and in the middle of the reading you found yourself growing sleepy. Jake noticed and pulled you closer to him; so close you were practically in his lap. He leaned in, pressing his mouth near your ear.
“Now don’t go falin’ asleep darlin’.” You rolled your eyes at him, turning your attention back towards Thomas. The inflections and animation he added as he described the physical characteristics of Santa left you in a state of awe like the children. You even giggled along as he patted his stomach and referenced bowls of jelly. 
As the story came to a close, Jake was whispering again. This time though, he wasn’t talking to you. Instead, he was saying the last few words of the book along with his father. No one around seemed to notice and if they did they weren’t bothered by it. Your heart melted. You knew that Jake could be like this. He could put the Hangman persona aside and just be Jake, but it was very rare that you got to see that side of him with others around. The Dagger Squad and some of the other friends you had would think he’d been abducted by aliens. Rooster might even say he’d had some sort of reverse lobotomy.  As much as you loved this side of Jake, you knew he was only like this when he felt safe. When there wasn’t an ounce of tension in his body. When there was no need to be the strong and perfect Naval Aviator. 
You were pulled away from your thoughts by little giggles. Vicki was helping Thomas pass around gifts to the children. Each of them was being handed a set of pajamas. After all of the grandkids got theirs, the Seresin parents began to pass some out to their children and partners. Each set was different from the other, so no one would be matching. Yours were dark navy and white. The pattern was made up of geometric snowflakes. 
“I hate this part.” Jake said softly, looking at everyone holding their pajamas. He looked down at his own pair of pants that were a traditional Christmas plaid.
“No you don’t.” You scoffed in unbelief, lifting your hand to his face. Your thumb ran across his jaw. “You love this. You love every single cheesy, traditional detail for any holiday. Stop lying to yourself.” He just laughed and shook his head.
Everyone split up after that. All the children went to Jackson and Claire’s house to stay the night. You went up to take a shower and Jake told you to come back downstairs when you were finished. You didn’t take too long under the hot water, his request kept you curious. When you were finished you slipped on your new pajamas, admiring both the fit and style, and walked back downstairs.
The sight in the living room took you by surprise. The floor was covered in toys of all shapes and sizes. June, Luke, and Matt were working on putting together some sort of robotic toy, while Thomas and Vicki were looking over some instructions. Thomas sat on the couch with Jenni as they filled stockings. Jackson was wheeling a bike in the front door. Julie and Claire must have stayed at Jackson’s with the kids.
“Well, this is just Santa’s workshop, isn’t it?” You commented with a smile. Jake looked up at you and winked. “What can I do?”
“Help me with this box.” Jake said, standing up, brushing imaginary dirt off his hand. He led you to the corner of the room, pointing at the box in question. Just as both of you bent down to pick it up, Vicki laughed. It didn’t take even a second for the others to start laughing. Jake looked at them in question. June pointed at something above your heads. Looking up there was a stuffed frog, in a Christmas hat, hanging from the light. “Mistletoad.” Jake said, as though he were recalling a long forgotten memory. He then looked at you, a smirk on his face. Dimples were on full display. “Pucker up, darlin’” 
“Don’t ever say that again.” You said, leaning towards him. You could hear laughter behind you. He pressed his lips to yours and you sighed happily. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this happy.  When you pulled back you bent back down, lifting up one side of the box. “Come on, Santa. We have work to do.”
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starsarestars · 4 years ago
Some HCs I have for Terrence, Artemis and Florian because I’m low-key sorta debating on having a ficlet dedicated to their exploits on the job??? Yeah N E waze:
Terrence’s nickname for Florian is “Vicky” because of his surname and also because he’s been mistaken as a girl by the cleaners at the building for so mf long that he thinks it’s hilarious. When Artemis first joins the group she’s confused as hell because there’s no other girl there but Terrence has to clarify while Florian titters to himself.
And on the note of Artemis joining the group - She was a great big bundle of nerves because she’s been a massive fan of Florian’s work, has a copy of every single peer review he’s done and frequents as many of his conferences as she possibly can. It’s probably the scariest day of her life and it isn’t made any better by the fact that a lot of the people in the building are like “ugh she’s so lucky imagine getting to look at those two all day.” But the first thing she sees when she walks into the room is Florian being pushed around on an office chair he’s been sellotaped to by Terrence (who’s got a pair of elf ears on.) and she just knows she’s got her work cut out for her because they’re either taking the piss or having these really deep conversations that she’s too literal to get into.
T: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
A:The egg. The chicken’s in it.
F:I’m not sure that’s how it works-
A: what else is in the egg then?!
Terrence really fucking loves Oingo Boingo and more often than not you’ll hear him humming along to Dead Man’s Party while looking at some really sick ossified bones. He’s the quietest out of the three of them (With Artie being the loudest because she has a tendency to yell because her hearing is fucked from being around loads of loud machinery, more often than not you’ll hear “I’M SORRY, WHAT WAS THAT MUNCHKIN?!” From their office at least ten times a day.) and the cutest thing about him is he’s got this little lunchbox with dinosaurs on that he’s had since he was in Nursery and he’s very hesitant to give up on it for something more mature. The others aren’t exactly pressuring him into it either - Artie still uses her bagpuss purse that she’s had since she was 9 and Florian eats fairy bread for lunch.
Artemis has a fluffy white cat named Barbarella and she spoils her rotten to the point Terrence gets genuinely envious of the meals that Artie makes for her LMFAO (“POACHED SALMON??? FOR A CAT??? She’s eating better than I am!”) and whenever Florian goes over to her flat for dinner (👀 is that what we’re calling it now?) he’s glued to the couch cuddling her and will not stop doting on her. It gets to a point where he looks into plants that are toxic to cats and goes out of his way to avoid handling them on days he visits and he always makes sure to get her loads of treats. He wasn’t even a cat person but for Barbarella he’ll make an exception. He’s got a framed picture of her on his desk (but doesn’t have one of his girlfriend 😐)
Florian always pulls all nighters and stays in the office to make sure work’s done which is very bad because they’ll walk in the next day and he’ll be conked out under his desk mumbling about Rosary peas. They have to lure him out with toast and even then he’ll be grumpy for the whole day and then apologises the next because he knows he’s not himself when he’s cranky. He stops doing it when he moves into Artie’s flat because she’d get really worried about him and it’s kind of novel to him because he’s so used to living alone and not having anybody caring in that way and there was this one time where before they’d even started dating he was pulling an all nighter during absolutely atrocious weather, Artemis had a phone call with Terrence and who offhandedly mentioned it and she was so rattled by it she threw her coat on and drove all the way to the office to knock some sense into him and give him a ride home.
Terrence really loves really trashy Mills and Boon novels and will unabashedly read them during his breaks - He’s always heard audibly gasping at some parts and when asked he’ll be like “This seductive and rich financier is actually a pirate with a thing for pillaging chests of a different kind!”
You’d think that the backstory for Florian’s face scar would be really sick and unique but basically when he was a kid he scratched his face on a gnarly ass thorn while looking at a plant. He used to be really self conscious about it but Terrence was like “bro that’s fucking SICK!” And he’s loved it ever since. One of his favourite hobbies is making up increasingly tragic and dramatic backstories about it whenever people ask.
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kenobion · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @wnter-soldiers thanks Vicky! 🖤
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated (?) to know better
name/nickname: Adrien
gender: demi-boy
height: 5′6″
time: 4pm
birthday: September 3rd
favourite bands: (some might be more like groups than bands) Queen, Muse, Flight Facilities, Franz Ferdinand, Daft Punk, The Family’s Jam, Bill Evans Trio
favourite solo artists: Madeon, deadmau5, Stephane Deschezeaux, Sinatra
song stuck in my head: nothing right now
last show: Atlantic Crossing (it’s so good please check it out if you like historical drama)
last movie: The Little Mermaid
when did i create this blog: December 2013
last thing googled: position multiple images equidistant swift (for a code issue I’m figuring out)
other blogs: @p-bassist @forquicksilver 
do i get asks: not often but when I do my heart goes whoosh! 💞
why i chose my url: I love Gwilym Lee 🤷🏻‍♂️
following: 176
followers: 5.8k
average hours of sleep: 7-9
lucky number: 12 I think
instruments: bass guitar, ukulele, guitar
what am i wearing: a Queen t-shirt and umbreon leggings
dream trip: I wanna go back to London
favourite food: scallops, mangos, coffee, wasabi peas, ice cream sandwiches
nationality: American
favourite song: that’s not possible to choose, there are too many good ones
last book read: Jane Eyre
top 3 fictional worlds to live in: Pokemon, Star Trek, Marvel
I shall tag: @gwil-lee @raventanglewood @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhyee feel free to skip of course!
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thephantomofthe-internet · 6 years ago
Problem Solver
Steve Harrington x Reader
Tumblr media
Word Count: 5,668
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Abortion
Author’s Note: Hey guys! Lemme know if you want a sequel to this one, I’d love to explore this concept further!
Tag List: @hotstuffhargrove @moonstruckhargrove @mickmoon @alex--awesome--22 @hawkeyeharrington @songforhema @carolimedanvers @thechickvic @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @sunflowercandie @kaliforniacoastalteens @spidey-pal @buckybarneshairpullingkink @marvelismylifffe 
The tile of your bathroom floor was freezing on your bare feet, your fleece pyjama pants around your ankles. It was four in the morning, way too early to be awake on any day, especially not a Saturday. But you needed space to do this. You had to be careful.
The pregnancy test was on the counter, the egg timer ticking down slowly. You had never been more anxious before in your life. You crushed the box tightly in your fist, stolen from the pharmacy; you were too anxious to actually pay for it. You couldn’t let the cashier tell your mother about it or even let her see the receipt.
You needed to not be pregnant. Desperately. You couldn’t be pregnant. You were too young, too scared to be a single mother. It had to be a false alarm.
You felt stupid. You should’ve been careful; you should’ve said something when he didn’t have a condom. You should’ve stopped. But you didn’t.
As the timer got closer and closer to the zero, you grabbed it, forcing it to stop before the trilling ring came out, waking up your whole house.
You took a shaking breath, eyes rolling to the water marked ceiling as your clammy hands reached out for the test, tapping lightly on the counter until you hit the plastic test, pulling it over to you. You eyes fluttered shut as you levelled your head again, crossing your fingers in a silent prayer before opening your eyes.
The pink plus sign was clear as day.
“Fuck…” you muttered, letting your head drop into your hands. You were so screwed.
All you could do was go back to bed, hiding the test in your dresser, climbing up the heap of blankets, begging the universe to let you sleep and to wake up and for everything to be fine again. But you knew that the universe didn’t work that way; you had to face the problem head on. You let hot, fat tears slip down your face, silent sobs wracking through your gut and chest, your throat tightening into a Gordian knot.
At seven o’clock, you forced yourself out of bed and into clean clothes. You forced yourself to the kitchen and forced a spoon of peanut butter into your mouth, the only thing you thought you could keep down, too upset to eat. You grabbed the yellow phone book off the counter, marked up with sticky notes for important numbers. You carried it to your room, grabbing the canary yellow rotary phone off the hall table, drawing the long cord down the hall and into your room, shutting the door and sitting down in front of it, pressing your back against the pressboard door.
You put the phone by your feet, flipping open the phonebook to the list of medical numbers, scrolling through to find a number for a woman’s health centre. There was a Planned Parenthood in Chicago, a three hour drive away, which felt like a risk, but you called anyway.
You could tell that the receptionist on the other end, who introduced herself as Amy, was trying to be nice to you, but it felt forced and harsh, sympathy training gone wrong. She warned you that you’d need parental consent if you were under eighteen before anything could be performed and it would cost $150.00. You told her that you understood and made the appointment for the next weekend.
You decided not to tell the father, he didn’t need to be involved. In fact, you decided not to tell anyone. You took off work the Saturday of your appointment, but you worked all that week, trying to flush your bank account with enough money to pay for the procedure.
If anyone asked you what happened that school week, you wouldn’t have had an answer. Your mind was on other things, on the drive to Chicago and the appointment itself. You just wanted to be done with that week, but Friday night proved to be the longest one yet.
Sitting at dinner with your parents, you pushed peas around your plate, eyes trailing the clock. “Hey ma? I was wondering if I could have the car tomorrow. I’m supposed to go to the mall in Greenville with Vicki and I thought I’d offer to drive us, since she usually gets Tommy to drive us and that means we have to invite Carol and it’s a whole thing.” You rambled, hoping that the influx of information would confuse your mother enough to give you the answer you wanted just to shut you up.
“Sweetheart, you know that your father and I are going to visit Aunt Shelley in Gary this weekend, we need the car. I’m sorry but you’re just going to have to deal with Tommy and Carol.” Your mother replied, reaching over to cut up your little sister’s chicken, smiling easily, as though she couldn’t feel the walls around you closing in.
“Unless of course you want to come along, I’m sure Aunt Shelley and Uncle Marvin would love to see you.” Your father added, but you weren’t listening, anymore. You pushed your plate away from you, tossing your napkin on the table top.
“May I be excused?” you asked. Your mother opened her mouth to answer you, but you were already turning on your heel and heading out of the dining room and upstairs. You had to be alone again. You needed a new plan.
Alone in your room, you forced your window open, your whole body trembling. Your lungs were on fire, eyes stung with tears. All week you’d been emotional, ready to cry at the drop of a hat, and this little change in the plan was the icing on the cake. You stuck your head out the window, forcing cold evening air into your lungs, trying to catch your breath and lessen the lump in your throat. You needed to calm down; you needed to be rational again.
Looking out at the dark street, streetlights like spotlights over the road, you watched as a car pulled into the driveway adjacent to yours, the only car at the house. You watched as a boy with a careful constructed coif and toned shoulders and arms stepped out, tossing what looked to be keys up and down, his entire body screaming ease and comfort.
Steve Harrington.
You and Steve were sort of friends. Key word sort of. He and you ran in similar circles but you’d never had to be close to get through parties at Tina’s and smoking at Tommy’s. But there were times that you were; first in sixth grade when Macy had convinced you that he was in love with you and you developed a tiny crush on him and then in freshman year when he had an actual crush on you and you had assumed he was just trying to be your friend. Both times had ended in awkward heart break for one party and awkward parties for awhile after until one of you moved on. You got your heart broken when you caught him in the closet at Carol’s making out with Mackenzie Fisher, his first ever girlfriend. And Steve got his broken when he asked you out and you laughed in his face, assuming it to be a joke. Since then, things were a bit tense and awkward, though it lessened when he started dating Nancy Wheeler. You always felt like you were skating on thin ice with him, like any second you could mess up and crash through the ice, even with Nancy around cutting the tension and the power of sticky weed and cheap liquor breaking down the walls of your social hierarchy.
But in that, with your head stuck pathetically out the window, his car was more appealing than even before.
Your fingers flew over the rotary dial, the number still engrained in your mind and fingers. You wondered if his mother was home, his father seemingly always gone on business. But when the phone was picked up on the first ring, you knew he was alone, his mother always took four rings to pick up the phone, not allowing anyone else to pick up the phone out of fear of seeming desperate.
“This is the casa de Harrington, Steve here.” Steve greeted, his tone jovial and relaxed. You could practically see him flopped on the overstuffed brown leather couch in their living room, a hand running through his long tresses.  
“Hey Steve it’s…uh it’s Y/N.” you said, curling the yellow coiled cord around your finger.
“Oh hey Y/N, what’s up?”
You sighed “Look, um this is weird but…I was wondering if you could drive me into Chicago tomorrow…I’d do it myself but my parents are driving out to Gary and I have an appointment out there. If you can’t help me it’s totally fine, I get it, it’s a weird request.” You sputtered, closing your eyes tight.
Steve was quiet for a long time, at a loss for words. Your stomach dropped, practically hearing the ice crack under your feet. You backtracked quickly “Look, I’m sorry this was stupid, I shouldn’t have bothered you, sorry.” You went to hang up the receiver, but a voice rang out from the other end.
“Y/N, wait.” Tentatively, you pushed the receiver back to you ear, unsure what to say “I can drive you, it’s not a big deal. Just tell me what time we have to leave.” He said, his soft an octave softer, clearly concerned.
“My appointments at ten o’clock, so we have to be out early. I can chip in for gas or we can drive it in shifts if you want, or I can find my own way back if you need-” he cut you off.
“Y/N. It’s not a big deal, I’ll pick you up at seven thirty, okay? If you wanna help, you can bring me a coffee, okay?” he replied easily. Steve was being too giving, too genuine, and it made your skin crawl, like he was watching you.
But you nodded, you got him to spill how he liked his coffee, you held back your giggles when he admitted just how much cream and sugar he needed to make the stuff drinkable, you said polite goodbyes and you thanked him again. Then you went to bed, not bothering to wish your parents a good night. Your body felt impossibly tired, a week of anxiety crashing through your body and pushing into dreamland.
Your alarm rang out a six o’clock the next morning, pushing your groggy body out of bed and into the shower, finally finding the energy to wash your greasy hair, eyes closed so you wouldn’t look at your stomach, which you swore was getting bigger every time you looked at it. You dressed cautiously, pulling on the thick knit skirt your mother had insisted you’d need for something, wondering to yourself if this was what she meant. You pulled on warm layers and tied your hair into a thick black scrunchie at the top of your head, messy and tangled and wet but away from your neck.
Your parents were still asleep, they wouldn’t leave for Gary till later that morning, giving you plenty of time to get in and get out without question. You tip toed down the stairs, stepping over the well known squeaky step and into the kitchen. You pulled out a paper coffee filter and dropped it into the top of the machine, filling it with grounds and flicking on the power button, the sound of the water boiling filling your senses. You remembered that you couldn’t have caffeine before the procedure, so you pulled out the electric kettle, boiling a separate pot for you as you dug through the various teas your mother bought on various whims, trying to find something without caffeine that wouldn’t taste like absolute crap. You finally decided on just have honey and lemon, pretending that you were sick made the whole trip feel more normal to you.
You pour the hot drinks into two Styrofoam cup, pouring honey and dropping sliced lemon into yours and enough sugar and cream into the other to make nearly white. You kept your eyes on the Harrington house, hoping that Steve remembered his promise to you.
You scrawled a note to your parents on a scrap piece of paper which you pinned to the refrigerator door.
“Mom and dad,
Me and Vicki decided to go for breakfast before driving into Greenville, say hi to Aunt Shelly and Uncle Marvin for me, I’ll call there when I get home. See you on Sunday!
You heard a horn honk outside the house, your eyes snapped up to see Steve waving at you from his driveway, his eyes sleepy and his smile wide and soft. You waved tentatively back, pulling your purse onto your shoulders, popping plastic lids on the cups and marching towards the door, forcing a bright smile on your face as you crossed the street to meet him.
“You ready to go?” Steve asked, taking the cup from you with nod of thanks.
You nodded “Yeah, let’s do this.” Steve chuckled, popping the passenger seat door open for you, letting you in with a silly sweep of the hand, earning a little giggle from you. It was going to be a long drive.
Despite music playing from Steve’s stereo, the silence in the car was unbearable. You’d run out of things to talk about fairly quickly, Steve avoided the topic of your appointment out of politeness, but as Chicago grew closer, he needed to know where he was going.
And he worried about you. Ever since middle school when he broke your heart, he’d kept his eye on you, trying to ensure that you were happy and secure in your life. At first he felt like it was an obligation, a way of apologizing to you beyond words, but it became second nature to him, watching out for you as though you were one of his own, a prototype to the way he’d come to watch the middle schoolers he’d adopted. He’d punched out your first boyfriend, a squirmy boy named Brian, after he’d told their entire gym class how bad you were in bed. Did he have a good excuse? No, but listening to some kid treat you so terribly behind your back made his blood boil, igniting a fire behind his eyes and tightening his core. Driving you to Chicago felt like another obligation in watching you, making sure that you were still okay. But it bothered him to watch you twitch in the seat next to him.
“So,” he broached the silence with a brave, easy smile, “Where’re we going here?” he asked, the sign signalling Chicago was only five miles away.
You had been tearing the edges of the map in your lap, trying to calm your twitching hands and racing heart. You reached into your bag, pulling out the yellow legal pad you’d written the directions on, scanning the chicken scrawl for a sign of legible instructions.
“We’re looking for North Humberland Court.” You read, eyes locked on the page. You refused to admit where you were actually going, to admit that it would make it real and you refused to believe that it actually was. You weren’t going to a clinic to have an abortion with Steve Harrington.
“Alright…” he muttered, scanning signs for the street you’d named. The fact that you were so quiet made him nervous. Something was wrong, even he could sense it. “So why couldn’t your parents drive you out here? To the doctor I mean.”
“Like I told you, they’re going to visit some family today, they needed the car. I’m old enough to handle this stuff without them anyway…” you replied quickly.
“Why schedule an appointment if they knew they wouldn’t be in town?” he asked. God, sometimes you wondered if Steve Harrington had any sort of deduction skill. In this case, it worked in your favour.
“It was a mistake, they told me to cancel but it was hard to get and I wasn’t gonna wait around for another chance.” You told him, finding a relaxed smile, leaning back in the chair for the first time in the entire drive.
Steve hummed “Right…” he looked at you for just a second, catching the look of anxious fear in your eyes that made his heart lurch and made him drive faster. You looked almost scary-the smile looked so natural, but your eyes were so far from matching, you almost looked like a psychopath.
“They don’t know that you’re out here, do you?” he said, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. Your head snapped to look at him, shocked that he’d figured it out, which felt silly in retrospect-Steve wasn’t stupid, he just had no forethought when he spoke, making him seem dumber than he actually was.
You opened your mouth to retort, but you had nothing. Instead, you sighed, looking away. “Look, it’s just one of those things.” You said.
“I need to know where we’re going here, Y/N, like are we actually even going to the doctor at all?” he pressed.
“We are going to the doctor, I didn’t lie about that.” You replied. Steve watched you for a second, looking for more cracks in your façade. But your smile had dropped, your face finally expressing what your eyes had been screaming the whole ride. He nodded, turning down the long street you had requested.
“Just tell me where to turn.” He muttered and you nodded, muttering back “Stay in the left lane…”
North Humberland was a longer street than you’d expected, but halfway down in a small, unassuming building, was the Planned Parenthood. You nodded for Steve to turn, watching him for a sign of something, anything. You wanted to know if he judged you, if he was scared or hurt or disgusted-if everyone saw you the way you saw yourself. But he didn’t look like he felt any of those things, he looked eerily calm and comfortable with this scenario, as though he’d been there before. Maybe he had, you realized in that moment how little you knew about him.
There were a few sparse protestors outside, all in pink shirts with Bristol board signs, declaring that you were a baby killer and that abortion is murder. You hadn’t thought much about what you were doing, it just felt like a chore to you like an annual check up or a teeth cleaning. You hadn’t even realized what was inside you was technically a life to these people, a baby to these hallowed few. Watching them and their signs walk their picket line, their glares and scowls targeting your car as you pulled in. They had their teeth bared and their fists clenched tightly around their signs like weapons.
You looked to Steve, in almost the same way you’d look to your parents as a small child, for guidance and support. He sent you a small smile and nodded towards the front door, waiting for you to make the first move. You let out a sigh, pulling your bag off the floor and popping open the side door, dropping your feet onto the pavement. Steve stuck close to you, his hand pressed into the small of your back, pushing you past the screaming hoard who called you a murderer and a sinner.
The girl who answered your call, Amy, was at the desk, her false smile and terrible phone voice matched her face; she looked like the head cheerleader forced to be nice to everyone. She handed you your paperwork and verified your I.D, both of you knowing that it was fake but neither saying anything. You took a seat in the plastic chair, propping the clipboard on your knee. Steve sat next to you, you hadn’t realized that he had taken your hand while you were handling receptionist Amy until he let you go, and you oddly missed it when he let go.
“I wish you’d told me…” Steve whispered, slouching down in his chair to whisper into your ear, arms crossed over his chest.
You rolled your eyes “What was I supposed to say, Steve? Hey, I know we’re not really friends but I need an abortion, wanna come with? Yeah, I’m sure you’d love that call, totally would’ve gotten me a ride here…” you shot back, crossing your arms defiantly over your chest. You felt younger than you actually were, like an angry preteen rather than the girl about the head to college in just a few months.
“Would’ve been better than lying to me...” Steve seemed hurt by your small lie, in a way you didn’t quite understand. You’d done nothing to hurt him; nothing about this situation even truly involved him. It made your blood boil-for once, something wasn’t about him and he had to get his emotions all in it.
“I didn’t lie!” you snapped “I told you I have an appointment in Chicago and I do, it just so happens to be the appointment.”
Steely silence covered you like a blanket. Steve knew you were right, he knew he was in the wrong here. But he couldn’t look at you, it hurt too bad. If he had chosen to stick around, to be genuinely be your friend and not creep around in the shadows of your life. He was sure he could’ve stopped this, he could’ve stopped whatever the hell happened here.
“You don’t have to sit here with me, you know, you can go, like I said I can find my own way back.” You said softly, not bothering to look at him. You couldn’t bring yourself to.
“No, no I’m-I’m not abandoning you in Chicago.” Steve replied “Jesus, Y/N, what kind of person would I be if I just left you here?” it was a rhetorical question, but you thought long about an answer, and not just some snarky comeback, but an actual argument.
You couldn’t think of one. So, instead, you focused on the forms in hand, filling out your health information and signing on the dotted and solid lines. Steve watched you, taking in your little moments of thought and annoyance, the little huffs and the way you chewed on the end of the pen, tapping your fingers on the clipboard in a rapid, uneven pace.
“Y/N?” he asked quietly, his voice almost childlike, like a toddler about to ask his mother an innocent, wide eyed question, tiny hands gripping long skirts.
“What?” you replied, not looking up from the page, trying to remember if you were allergic to any medications, your mother always filling out these forms for you at your family doctor’s office.
“What happened?” he asked, intentionally vague. You both knew what he was asking and the question upset you. Maybe it was just because you were ashamed and embarrassed, but you felt deeply angered by the question.
“Are you trying to ask how I got pregnant? Come on Steve, you know how this shit works.” You replied, chuckling bitterly.
Steve rolled his eyes, his cheeks turning the slightly pink shade. “You know what I mean…” he
“I made a stupid mistake, Steve, it happens. Won’t let it happen again...” You told him, standing up to return the clipboard to bitchy Amy, who smacked her blue bubblegum at you, ushering in the heavily pregnant woman with the green hair and her spiky looking boyfriend.
“Where’s the guy who made the mistake?” Steve asked when you returned. You cocked your eyebrow, urging him to elaborate. “Unless you’re the Virgin Mary, there had to be a guy to help with this problem, where is he? Who is he?”
You smirked “No, no you guessed right. I’m carrying the next saviour and, unlike her, I want out.”
Steve shook his head “Y/N…” he pressed.
You sighed “Look the guy isn’t here because I didn’t tell him, which is for the best seeing as how it was a stupid one night stand and he wouldn’t give a shit about it.” You said, balling your hands into fists, focusing on the white plastic bin of condoms on the front desk, rainbow coloured and screaming ‘You’re sexually active and we want the world to know!’
“What a shit head…” Steve muttered.
You laughed “Yeah, you’d think that...” you brushed a loose strand of hair out of your eyes “You’d probably kill him anyway, or try.”
“Oh yeah? How do you know? I don’t try to fight everyone.” Steve looked you over, leaning his elbow on the arm of the stiff chair, turning his whole body towards you.
You looked him over. He looked far too relaxed to be in a sex clinic, it was both calming and infuriating. “Oh you would...you’re always looking for an excuse to fight with Hargrove...” you grinned, matching his body language, your faces only inches from one another.
Steve’s jaw dropped to the floor and he fell back in his chair, earning a loud laugh from you. He looked so offended, so surprised by the news, like he hadn’t heard every rumour about your indiscretions since freshman year. You stood your ground as Hawkins’s whore of Babylon, leading on the youth of Hawkins to sin as you had, although you didn’t see it as a sin to fool around.
“Oh come on, Stevie, you heard about Lizzie Bishop’s party. Everyone was at that one! I swear even you made a cameo.” You continued, nudging him with your elbow.
“You…you let Billy Hargrove knock you up?” he asked, watching you with wide eyes.
Your good mood dropped away immediately, replaced with annoyance and anger. “I wasn’t trying to get pregnant, Steve, I’ve been on the pill since I was twelve. It just happened. I’m not pretending that it wasn’t stupid.”
“I just…it’s Billy! The guy is a walking advertisement for plan B!” he cried, slapping his knee.
A heavy blush grew up your neck and over your cheeks “Look…you’re right. He’s awful!” you laughed awkwardly, dropping your head into your hands, more embarrassed than amused.
“He’s such a dick!” Steve laughed loudly, but stopped when he looked over at you. You’d finally broken, a small sob wracking through your body. He quickly wrapped an arm around you, rubbing your shoulders. “Y/N...Y/N I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-”
“He’s awful!” you moaned, lifting your head to reveal the tears streaming down your face, your eyes red and shining with tears. “And-and you know what? You wanna know the saddest part?” you stuttered, trying to catch your breath in between words “He’s not even good in bed.”
“What?” Steve asked, reaching over to wipe the tears off your face. The touch should’ve been intimate, it really was, but you were acting so strange; you seemed both deeply upset and a little humoured by the whole scenario.
“He’s a shit lay!” you cried. Steve snorted, he couldn’t help it. You looked so sad but the situation was so comical, he couldn’t hold back the laughter pooling in his stomach. His whole body curled inwards, shaking with suppressed giggles and snorts, his feet kicking in the air.
“I’m serious! He’s absolutely awful in bed!” you said seriously, a small smile coming to your lips, your face warm from the slight embarrassment on the conversation and the raw emotions still swirling around your head. “I don’t know how it’s possible I mean fuck! Brian Frey was better than him in bed and he was a damn virgin! I don’t think I’ve ever been further from an orgasm in my life!”
The whole scene was ridiculous-you and Steve looked like a pair of preteens, giggling over dirty words and sex jokes with an air of secrecy and innocence, hiding the dirty nature of the words like they’d be in trouble if anyone found out. In the context of the clinic, sterile waiting room, they look out of place and wrong, the other woman waiting quietly for her turn watching them with a look of shock and confusion, the joke lost on him.
You heard someone clear their throat and you looked up, wiping away tears with your knuckle. Amy was staring at you with an angry expression, she nodded to the doctor standing at the door, a kind looking woman with salt and pepper hair and pink scrubs. “Lydia Olsten?” she asked, looking up from the clipboard with a polite smile. It took you a second to remember your fake name, but when you caught it you nodded, standing up quickly, slinging your purse over your shoulder. Steve followed suit, wiping his palms on his jeans.
You looked to him quickly, shaking your head. You whispered “I gotta strip down in there, can you just wait out here?”  
Steve nodded, deflating slightly “Right…” he murmured. You turned to follow the doctor, lost by the events of the day. It felt so normal for him to want to come in with you, like he was your boyfriend or your protector or something. Maybe it was normal. Either way, you were glad to have him waiting for you, to not be alone in the waiting room when it was done.
The procedure took longer than you expected, but the doctor was kind enough and the anaesthesia was heavy enough to not feel anything. After it was over, you were told to sit in the examination room for thirty minutes before leaving and to not drive yourself home. You assumed that Amy at the front desk parlayed this information to you, because he was allowed into the room soon after the thirty minutes had began.
“What’s up, kiddo? How’re you feeling?” Steve asked, sitting down on the edge of the examination table.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes “We’re the same age, weirdo...” you sighed “I’m fine, just tired, I think it’s from the anaesthetic.”
“Right...well, we can head out of here whenever you’re ready. I’ll just be in the waiting room, alright?” he said softly, taking your hand in his and squeezing it softly. You nodded, waving as he left the room again. You took your time getting up and getting dressed again. Your body felt strange and sore and you were dizzy from the painkillers in your system. It took you probably ten minutes to get out of the room, but Steve was still there when you got out of the room. It warmed your heart a little bit, even though you knew he’d still be there. It was nice to have someone still waiting for you. You were used to guys who didn’t stick around.
Steve helped you to the car, wrapping an arm protectively around your shoulders, ushering into the passenger seat and rushing out of the parking lot as the protestors continued their brigade of abuse towards the middling groups of girls entering the clinic.
The drive back to Hawkins was more comfortable than the way there. You didn’t feel the urge to keep quiet, it helped that you weren’t in the throes of deep anxiety and sadness. You felt more at ease with your surroundings and more comfortable talking and laughing with Steve, letting the open windows blast cool air through your hair and watching Steve laugh and grin with a certain sense of satisfaction, just because you were making him laugh and smile. It was nice, fun even. Steve was fun to be around, you’d forgotten that.
The drive was too short for your liking; you’d been having too much fun to notice the time pass by. Steve pulled into your cul-de-sac, parking in front of your house. His was just across the street, he could’ve parked in his own driveway, it would’ve been easier for him. Still, you didn’t complain, you popped open the door before Steve could pull the hero chivalry act again.
 “Well...thanks for the help, Steve, I really owe you one.” You said with a small sigh, pulling the thick blue cardigan up onto your shoulder again.
“Don’t mention it.” Steve rubbed his arm awkwardly. You gave him a small wave and turned to head towards your house, but Steve grabbed your wrist and gently pulled you back “Wait!”
You turned, flashing him a bemused smile and raised eyebrow. “Listen...this is probably weird, but do you wanna maybe go out sometime?” he asked, looking down at his shoes.
Your smile dropped away and you looked towards the trees behind Steve’s house “I don’t know if I can really stomach dating right now...not after this whole thing...” you gestured towards your stomach quickly, uncomfortable with the saying the words too close to your parent’s house. They weren’t home yet, their car missing from the driveway, but you were still nervous.
Steve nodded, kicking at the pebbles near the curb. You squeezed your eyes shut “It’s not as if I wouldn’t, in any other context I’d say yes, but right now is...”
“Not the best time.” Steve finished, looking up to meet your eye again. He flashed you a lopsided grin “I get it. I’ll just wait for you.”
Your eyes widened slightly “Steve, you have to do that I mean I don’t know when I’m ever going to want to date again, I don’t want you to waste your time...” you said softly, wringing your hands.
Steve shook his head “I’m not worried.” He turned to climb back into his car, turning back to look at you with a smirk “I’m driving you to school tomorrow.”
“But-” you tried but Steve cut you off.
“This isn’t a debate; you’re not walking to school in the cold when I live literally across the street.” Steve chuckled, climbing into the driver’s seat.
You nodded, biting back a small smile “I’ll bring you another coffee then...” you said “See you around...” you turned on your heels heading inside.
You didn’t know what he was trying to do, but you weren’t mad about it.
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chonisecretsanta · 6 years ago
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Gift for @wevanilladippeddonuts
Hey Vicki, I really hope you like your gift!
Toni is nervous. Which is probably normal, but she has this irrational fear that some crazy lunatic could come in any moment and crash her party. She holds a little tighter to her grandfather’s arm, and he comfortingly pats her hand comfortingly. “Don’t worry. The moment you see her, you won’t be nervous anymore.” She looks at him, and his soft brown eyes look back at her. “Are you sure?” Her grandfather smiles at her, broad and honest and way more happy then she has seen him in a long time. “She is your love, Toni. Like your grandmother was mine. I am sure.” Toni feels her throat close up and she squeezes her grandfather’s arm. “Thank you, grandpa”, she whispers. He beams at her and brushes a curl out of her face. “Come, little one. Your bride is waiting for you.” Toni takes a deep breath and smoothes out her skirt. Considering her feelings for a moment, she searches for doubt. But there is none. All she feels is excitement and love. Her grandfather opens the door to the church, and Toni’s brain is flooded with so many familiar faces. Fangs. Veronica. Sweet Pea. Josie. Reggie. And they all smile at her. Her grandfather starts leading her down the aisle, towards her love. And when Toni sees Cheryl, her breath catches and she feels the sudden urge to cry. Cheryl is beautiful. She always is, but like this, she’s magnificent. Sensational. Perfect. No word Toni knows can describe the way Cheryl looks right now. She has a glow around her as if she had been bathed in light and gold and magic. She is standing at the altar, proud and smiling. Her face is lighting up the moment she sees Toni. She’s like the sun after seven months of rain. Toni wants to run into her arms and hold her forever, she wants to kiss her like she’s drowning. But that has time. Because they will have the rest of their lives, and the thought almost makes Toni burst into tears with happiness. Toni can feel the tears in her own eyes, and she feels her heart beating so loud in her chest she wonders if anyone can hear it. But it doesn’t matter - because her heart is beating for the woman in front of her, and she will never be ashamed of that. When they are in front of the altar and Cheryl, her grandfather squeezes Toni’s hand. She smiles at him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you”, she whispers and feels him hug her a little tighter. He takes her hand again, carefully lifting it to place it in Cheryl’s hand. Toni feels the electricity in her fingertips, and hummingbirds in her chest. Cheryl squeezes her hand softly before she carefully lifts Toni’s veil off her face. And the look in her eyes takes Toni’s breath away - Cheryl looks at her like she is the sun. “You look so beautiful”, Cheryl whispers and Toni can feel her smiles split her face. “So do you, princess.” She carefully lifts Cheryl’s veil, throwing it over her head. Cheryl smoothes it down, the perfectionist as always. This is the woman I love, Toni thinks, for the millionth time today. She’s exceptional. Cheryl stretches out her hand, and Toni takes it. Cheryl’s hand is soft in her own, the warmth seeping into her own. She feels giddy with love and excitement, the feeling filling her chest. She can’t stop looking at the woman next to her. Cheryl’s hair cascades down her back in soft curls, the pearls in her hair as pale as her skin. Toni almost fears she isn’t real. Cheryl looks at her and smiles. Toni’s word glows, and she can feel Cheryl’s love running through her veins. It’s the most precious feeling in the world. “I love you”, she whispers to Cheryl. Her bride’s smile curves up a little more. She can see the happiness radiate of Cheryl and feels the truth in her words when Cheryl whispers back. “I love you, ma chérie.”
Happy Holidays!
Bee ❤︎
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bamby0304 · 7 years ago
Victoria Grimes VII: Power
Summary: Negan. He was the monster everyone had warned them about. He was like nothing Victoria had ever seen before. Worse than Shane, the Governor, the Terminus cannibals, the people at Grady, and the Wolves. Now Negan’s Saviours are here, and they’re about to turn everyone’s lives upside down. Of course, the last thing Vickie expected was to be dragged further into it all than anyone else.
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Chapter Eleven: Two Peas in a Pod
Warnings: Violence, death, explicit language.
Carl and I watched each other the whole time we were riding in the back of the truck with Jesus. After my brother had announced his presence, and I'd gotten over my shock, neither of us had questioned each other. We both knew the answers to the questions we wanted to ask, but didn't want Jesus to hear.
So, I would wait. I would wait until I could finally pull my brother away, and give him a firm and stern talking to. About the dangers of jumping into strange vehicles, that are being delivered to a serial killer, who wouldn't think twice about killing either one of us, or one of our family members.
Yes, I know. I'm doing the exact same thing. But the reasons why I was in this truck, heading for Negan were probably a lot less violent than what my brother had in mind... I mean, I'm pretty sure he's not going to offer our new 'friends' some cookies and a smile.
Jesus was currently cutting along the bottoms of some boxes with breakables inside. I watched him, knowing the moment someone would lift the damaged boxes, the contents inside would fall out and break. I guess if the Hilltop can't have their stuff, no one can. At least, that's what Jesus' actions were telling me. Moving over to another box, Jesus grabbed a bottle of what appeared to be syrup or something, before he moved to stand at the edge of the truck's opening and began to squeeze some of the liquid out on to the road.
When he turned to Carl and I, seeing our questioning looks, he shrugged. "Making a trail. I think we're close," he noted.
I moved closer to him, looking out as the truck veered around some broken down cars on the road.
"We should bail out," Jesus said, coming to stand by me. "Follow the rest of the way, see what we can see."
"I, uh..." Carl sounded unsure behind us. "How?" he asked.
"It isn't usually the fall that gets us," Jesus explained. "It's trying to fight it. Run with it or roll with it. The truck's going slow enough. We'll be in the blind spot. We can race behind one of the other cars."
"I-I-If..." Carl stuttered, clearly uncomfortable with this plan. "If I screw up and we get caught-"
I cut him off, "Carl, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."
Jesus nodded at my words. "Listen to your sister. It'll be fine. We just got to go now."
Carl's eyes stayed locked on mine as he spoke. "Okay. Show me first," he told Jesus.
I could see it. He knew I wasn't going anywhere, just like I knew he wasn't either. Now was our chance to get rid of Jesus- for his sake, not ours.
Jesus looked from Carl to me.
I nodded to him. "I won't go until he does. I'll make sure he's okay."
"Alright. Just... don't take too long," he said before looking out the truck again, and jumping off.
Carl moved to stand where Jesus had been. Both of us held back the plastic flaps that covered the opening as we watched the man roll along the road and quickly duck behind one of the broken-down vehicles. The moment his head popped up as he looked to us expectantly, Carl and I lifted a hand each and gave Jesus a simple wave before stepping back into the truck and letting the flaps drop.
Now that we were alone, I wasn't holding back. "What the hell are you doing here, Carl?" I glared at my little brother.
He shrugged. "What are you doing here?"
"That's none of your business," I snapped.
With my answer, he simply shrugged again. "If you don't tell, I don't tell," was all he had to say before he moved further into the truck.
I followed him. "You will tell me, damn it. Or so help me God, I will push you out of this truck right now."
Coming to a stop, he let out a frustrated sigh before finally giving me an answer. "I'll gonna kill Negan."
A million things went through my mind at my brother's words.
Yes, I wanted Negan dead. No, I didn't want Carl to kill him.
How are we supposed to get out of this? How am I supposed to get Daryl out of this? Did I really want Negan to die? The thought of keeping him alive and torturing him sounded a lot better. What was dad going to think when he found out? Were we ever going to see dad again? Would we get out of this alive? Would Negan actually die today?
"So, why are you here?" Carl asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
He'd told me the truth. I knew he had. I'd always been pretty good with telling if Carl was lying or not. Mum and dad had usually asked me whether or not Carl had lied to them. It's just something that close from having suck a close relationship with someone. Carl and I, we'd always been close... Which is why lying to him hurt more than I'd like it too.
"I need to see Daryl," I told him- which wasn't too much of a lie.
He nodded, seeming to understand and believe me. "We'll get him back, Vickie." Stepping closer to me, he rested a hand on my shoulder. "I promise."
As I watched my brother move to a box of guns, I felt the need to fall to the ground. For the last few days I'd been fighting a numbness taking over me. I'd been fighting the will to just give up.
Seeing Carl look at me with that kind of determination... it scared me. It made me believe that maybe I'd lost the little brother I'd grown up with...
"Stay behind me," Carl whispered as we hid behind a bunch of boxes. He was in front, looking over another box, aiming the gun at the opening of the truck as he waited.
I watched him watching the front, feeling the truck slow as it turned a corner before coming to a complete stop. I couldn't see outside the truck. I couldn't see much of anything from where I was really.
It did occur to me that I should be ahead of Carl, that I should be protecting him... But I knew there was no way that was happening. Carl hadn't really understood the way I was reacting to Glenn and Abraham's death. He'd been watching me, checking up on me every now and then since it all happened. I guess he was just waiting for me to shut down like I usually did.
Which is probably why he was suddenly so protective. Which is also how I knew there was no point in trying to argue with him.
There was movement outside as people started to move towards the back of the truck. I could hear footsteps and the murmur of incoherent chatter. When someone finally spoke clear enough that we could hear them, I froze.
"Okay, boys, let's get this haul unloaded and inside. I want to get back in there and unload a little myself."
Looks like Carl was going to get his chance right here and right now.
"Negan, need to talk to you about redirect." I listened as someone spoke to Negan.
"What about the redirect?" the leader asked, sounding annoyed.
"It got screwed up," the other person answered before going on quickly. "We're on it now, but it's a mess out there."
"And whose job was that?" Negan was clearly not happy.
I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation as another voice- closer to the truck- spoke up at that moment.
"Aw, damn. I thought they packed this up tight," the man sighed as he stepped into the back of the truck. I felt the weight shift and saw Carl adjust the hold on the gun he held.
"Ah, no worries. Plenty more where this came from," Negan called to the man in the truck.
The guy in the truck chuckled lightly. "Right?"
A few other laughs could be heard after that. I tried to count how many different laughs I could hear, but it appeared to be impossible. All I knew was there were too many for Carl and I to fight through and win...
The sound of glass shattering had me jump slightly. I realised then the guy in the truck must have picked up one of the boxes Jesus tampered with. A smirk played on my lips, but I shook it off before it could take form.
"Son of a bitch!" someone exclaimed- probably the guy who'd grabbed the now broken box.
Everyone else continued to laugh outside the truck. But I knew in an instant we'd been caught, because at that moment, Carl gripped the gun a little tighter as he glared at something- or someone- in front of him.
"What the hell?" the same guy spoke.
But that was all he got out before Carl shot the gun, a rapid fire of bullets exiting the weapon in a blink of an eye.
The moment he stopped shooting, Carl got up and moved from behind the boxes, heading for the opening of the truck. I was right behind him, grabbing the hand gun I'd picked out before as I stayed a step behind Carl, watching everyone else outside the truck gather and watch my brother. It was clear... they were all ready to kill him.
"Stay back!" Carl warned before anyone could do anything. "Drop your weapons. I only want Negan. He killed my friends. No one else needs to die," he told them all.
The sound of whistling was heard as Negan moved from around the side of the truck. He watched Carl- his eyes never wavering off my brother- as he moved. Keeping his men between himself and Carl's line of fire, he took a few more steps before stopping behind one of his men- using him as a shield.
"Damn." Negan grinned. "You are adorable. Did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool? You totally did, right?" Shaking his head, he kept his grin in place. "Kid, I ain't gonna lie you scare the shit outta me."
Carl had been watching Negan, his need for revenge too strong for him to divide his attention.
I saw the man move first. He was one of Negan's soldiers. No one I recognised, and no one I cared about. All I knew was he had moved, towards my brother, and that was not okay.
But Carl reacted faster than I thought he would. Turning, he shot the guy down without hesitating a second. Of course, with him being distracted, that gave an opening for someone else to step up...
Dwight grabbed the gun and Carl, pushing my brother to the ground and shifting to aim the gun at him.
Seeing my brother in danger, I moved. Fast.
Jumping off the truck, I stepped up to Dwight and aimed the gun I held at his head in an instant. "Don't test me, asshole."
Dwight's eyes flicked to the gun in my hand before his eyes met mine. There was a spilt second where he thought his options through, and then decided to make the wrong choice... he decided to fight me.
Moving quickly, he elbowed my arm out of the way so the gun was no longer aimed at his head. But I couldn't care less about the gun. I didn't need it to kill him.
Both of us dropped the guns to the ground and turned on each other. It was a blur of movements that would have only taken a few seconds to act out. But it felt longer as we both attacked each other. He got in a few hits, but I got in more. I was faster than him- though not stronger- which meant I could dodge him before he'd get the chance to do some damage.
After a few hits, I knew I had to get him to the ground, and I finally got the opportunity. He went to punch me, but I was too fast for him. I ducked out of the way before kicking out and tripping him.
The moment his back was pressed against the dirt, I was on him with one of my knives out as I pressed the blade to his throat. "I warned you," I sneered.
We both just glared at each other. I wanted to kill him. I so desperately wanted to... but I wasn't stupid.
The sound of a single person clapping caught my attention as I looked over to the side, seeing Negan watching me with a grin on his face. He looked impressed... which to piss me off even more.
Movement from behind Negan caught my eye and suddenly everything inside me fell.
He stood behind a fence where a bunch of walkers were chained. He was watching me with a desperate look in his eyes. He was scared for me. He was worried and he was angry as well, but fear ruled over his emotions and took charge.
Negan stopped so he stood by me, but still gave Daryl and I full view of each other. "Well, Vic-tor-i-a, this is a surprise." He offered me his hand.
I didn't even look at him. I didn't even give him a second of my attention. All of my focus was on the man I loved as the two of us continued to stare at each other.
Clicking his tongue, obviously not too pleased that I was ignoring him, Negan then moved to my brother. "Come on, kid. I'll show you around." He now offered Carl his hand.
My attention snapped to my brother, watching to make sure no one touched him. I'd kill anyone who even though about hurting him.
"You know, you do the same damn stink-eye as your dad, except it's only half as good 'cause, well, you know, you're missing an eye," Negan chuckled, causing me to glare at him for making fun of my brother. "Really?" He shook his head at Carl. "You're really not gonna take my hand either? 'Cause you're lucky you even still have a hand. Same as your boy Daryl over here, now that I think about it." He turned his head to look at my husband. "How's the job going, Daryl? Hot enough for you?"
My attention turned back to Daryl, who was now fidgeting on the spot. He wanted to come over to Carl and me, I could tell. He wanted to defend us, to talk to us, figure out why we were here and make sure nothing happened while we were under Negan's roof. I could only imagine what he'd been through, and I could only imagine what he thought was in stall for Carl and myself.
"Yeah, it'd be tough with one arm." Negan chuckled again before looking to Carl one last time, offering his hand still. After a moment or two, Carl gave in and took the hand. "Ah, smart kid." Negan nodded, pulling Carl to his feet.
I didn't like it. I didn't like him touching my brother in any way. Even this was enough to make me want to kill Negan more than ever.
Movement underneath me turned my attention to Dwight and my knife which was still pressed against his throat. It would be so easy for me to just slice...
"Victoria. Sweetheart." Negan stood next to me again. "Take the Goddamn hand."
Taking a deep breath, I looked up and glared at the leader as I grabbed his offered hand with my free one and let him pull me to my feet.
He tugged me up hard enough so I nearly lost my footing. The only thing that stopped me was my hand pressing against his chest before I could stop myself, and his other hand moving to rest on my side to offer some support.
"Mm." He grinned, looking down at me. "Fuck, you are perfect."
Heat flushed through me and I hated it. I hated how I had no control over the attraction I felt for the man who'd killed two of my friends right in front of me and had taken and tortured my husband. But as much as I hated it, like I said, I had no control.
His hand gripped on to my other knife as he pulled it from my belt. When I flinched, and moved to grab it, he simply shook his head. "I've seen what you can do with these, Sweetheart. You can have them back when I trust you," he told me before pointing to my other knife, the one from Daryl which I'd been pressing against Dwight's throat, but now sat in the grip of my hand by my side.
Glaring harder, I gave him the knife. "I've got a bag in the truck with some stuff in it, including my bat. So if you want me to keep that, I suggest you make sure your men fetch it."
His grin widened. "You have no idea what you do to me, Sweetheart," he told me, his voice low so only I could hear what he'd said. Then he let go of me and turned to his people. "Fat Joseph, grab Victoria's bag from the truck and bring it to my room. Dwighty-boy, why don't you grab Daryl, take him to the kitchen, do a little grub prep," he ordered.
I watched Dwight- who was now off the ground- as he moved towards Daryl. Every fibre in my being told me to go and stop him. To keep any of these assholes from touching him ever again. But I was smarter than that. I knew the best thing for me to do was to stay by Negan and do as he said. Maybe then he'd let me talk to my husband. Maybe.
"New plan, boys. Let's burn the dead, unload the truck later," Negan told the others before they started to get to work. He sighed, shaking his head. "Damn, I am not gonna have time to screw any of my wives today." Pausing, he grinned, looking to Dwight. "I mean, maybe one."
I wasn't sure what that was all about, but I could see Dwight did not look too please about Negan's words. For a second he actually looked a little pissed.
Negan turned to Carl then, taking his weapons away as well before he handed them over to a larger man. "Come on." He gestured for Carl and I to follow him as he started for some doors.
"What are you gonna do to us?" Carl asked before I even had the chance to take a step.
Coming to a stop, Negan ran a hand over his stubble before he turned to Carl. "Number one, do not shatter my image of you. You're a badass. You're not scared of shit. Don't be scared of me. It's a disappointment," he told him before letting his grin fall back on to his lips. "Number two... you really want me to ruin the surprise?" He shook his head. "Screw you, kid. Seriously. Screw you."
With that, he turned and started towards the doors again. This time, before anything else could be said, I moved to stand next to Carl and gave him a short nod, silently telling him we were okay and I was there for him. He gave me a nod back, thanking me for the help earlier and letting me know he was there for me as well.
Family stuck together and protected each other. I would step in front of a bullet and die before I'd let something happen to Carl. Although... I'd been shot multiple times by now and hadn't died yet. I just hoped my luck hadn't run out already.
Still following Negan, we stepped through the doors of the large factory the Saviours seemed to use as a home. I looked around, taking in the space. It was what you'd expected of an old factory, nothing really special about it. Yet, I was surprised at the number of people gathered below the perch Negan, Carl and I stood on.
Everyone was working away, going about their business, chatting to other's. I couldn't make out anything they were saying, but I could tell they weren't all soldiers. No, these people were just... people. They were like my friends back home. They stayed back and kept the place running. There were women, men, elderly and children. All ages, colours and sizes. It was a community...
If it seemed like I was surprised, I was. I thought Negan would have only had soldiers in his group. Maybe a few workers, and a lot of women walking around in barely nothing for the entertainment of his brute men. But it seemed I was wrong.
Negan turned to grin and Carl and myself. "Check this out," he told us, looking a little excited before he turned to walk to the rail that over looked all the people.
The moment they all noticed him, everyone got to their knees and fell silent.
Getting into business mode, Negan looked down at his people as he spoke. "The Saviours have gone out into the world and fought the dead and come back with some really good stuff. Some of that stuff can be yours if you work hard and play... by the rules. Today, everybody gets fresh vegetables at dinner. No points needed."
This news seemed to please everyone as I heard some pleased words and they all applauded.
Ignoring them, Negan turned to Carl and I once more as we stood next to him. "You see that? Respect. Cool, huh? They still on their knees?" Without waiting for an answer he looked to his people again. "As you were!" he called before walking off.
Everyone rose from the ground and went about their day again as if nothing had happened- though I could still hear happy chatter about the vegetables.
I watched them all, and found everything else falling away as I pondered the thought of all that power. I was a leader back home, sure. But I didn't have the power dad had. Or Maggie. Definitely not like Negan. Even Gregory had more power than I did.
Stepping up to the railing, I couldn't help but rest a hand on the cool, yellow painted metal. A shiver ran down my spine as the possibility of having all that control thrilled my senses. It excited me to think something like this could be attainable if I played my cards right.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't want everything Negan had. I didn't want the mindless followers and all the power. But having more than I had already would be interesting... maybe if I had more power I could figure out a way to get my people out of the mess we were now in.
Movement to my side caught my attention as Carl did the same as myself, resting his hand on the railing and looking down at all the people. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing as me. If he was feeling the same things as well...
Shaking my head, I let the fantasy fade before giving Carl a nudge. "Better not keep him waiting," I told him as we turned to go follow Negan.
He wasn't standing too far from us. In fact, he'd been leaning against a wall casually, watching with a grin. His eyes caught mine and his grin widened. I could tell he knew what I'd been thinking. I could also tell it amused him to know I could actually be tempted with something like power...
"Come on." He pushed off the wall, offering me his arm. "I've got some people I need to see."
Knowing I had no choice, I looped my arm through his and ignored Carl's glare before I walked beside Negan as he led Carl and I through his home.
If you would like to be tagged please send an ask, and tell me what list you want to be added too, it’s just easier to organise this way :):)
Forever Tags:
@kellyn1604​​ @bunnymelodies​​ @ask-kakashihatake​​ @red-rose-flora​​ @inumorph​​
Victoria Grimes:
@deanervs​​ @clementine-thx​​ @aliceyourelatefortea​​
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years ago
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 19
Pairing: JDM x OFC, Slight Corey Taylor x OFC Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart. Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.) TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @aquivercactus  @xagateophobiax @sorenmarie87 @missghoul18@jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash @through-thesilver-lining@beffyblueeyes @docharleythegeekqueen
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   "I FEEL NO SHAME, I’M PROUD OF WHERE I CAME FROM, I WAS BORN & RAISED IN THE BOOOONDOCKSSSSSSS" I sang loudly, dancing around Jensen’s trailer as I cleaned it up for him, ignoring the sound of the door opening as I continued to prance around
   "-And here we have you’re lovely girlfriend, Jeff, putting on a show for us in Jensen’s trailer,“ Misha laughed, holding his iPad up over his face as he walked into the small living room area.    "WHAT? Dmitri!” I screeched, snatching the tablet away from him as fast as I could and turning it around to face the screen.
Sure enough, there was Jeff, laughing his fucking ass off.
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   "Shut your fucking mouth, Morgan. You too, Collins,“ I snapped, eyes darting from the man laughing on the screen to the mean laughing on the couch, "Fuck you both.”    Misha raised a finger to say something, but thought better of it with the scowl I shot him and kept his mouth closed. “Never took you for a country girl, darlin’.” “I’m from Texas, Jeffrey.” “Touche.” “What are you doing talking to Misha, anyway?”    "Well, I tried to call my girlfriend about 10 fuckin’ times, but it seems like someone didn’t want to answer their phone.“    I quirked an eyebrow and walked over to where my phone sat on the counter. Sure enough, I had 9 missed phone calls and 5 unread texts. "Sorry, babe. Got distracted with cleaning Jensen’s nasty ass trailer.” “Why are you cleaning his shit? He’s a grown man with a wife.”    "I was bored, and I already cleaned Misha’s, speaking of which,“ I turned to Misha and glared at him, "Does Vicki know you stole her vibrator?”    Misha quirked that infamous left eyebrow, but couldn’t avoid his face pinkening slightly, “Yes, she does. Do you need to borrow it?”
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   I scoffed, looking back to the screen where Jeffrey’s face had both his eyebrows raised in question. “I hate the two of you, so fucking much.” “We love you too” they both replied in unison.
“Hey there, beautiful.” Corey beamed from his end of the phone. “Hello yourself, handsome.” I smiled, replying back. “You ready for Vegas?” “As I’ll ever be, ha. Are you picking me up from the airport?” “Yes ‘mam I am. Meeting you over by the baggage claim.” “Good, I’m not tryna get lost and have to search everywhere for you.” “Are you excited?”    "Of course, this is gonna be awesome. Never thought I’d be in a music video for one of my favorite bands.“ "You’re makin’ me blush.” “Whatever, rock star.” “Well, you are!”    I rolled my eyes as I packed my bag, making sure I had everything that I thought I would need. I was heading out that afternoon to shoot the new Slipknot video for Vermilion and would be gone another week. Jeffrey had given me the side eye when I told him the schedule over Skype, still not feeling 100% comfortable with me being around Corey knowing his interest in me, but I had assured him that I could handle myself with him, which I could. Although I wish Jeff was able to be with me like he was in New York, he had his schedule and there was no room for negotiation in it. I missed him like crazy, and it had been almost 2 weeks since I had seen him now. We talked everyday but the distance and working had made us both irritable, and the last conversation I had had with him was us snapping at each other.    "Whatever.“ I repeated into the phone, coming back from my thoughts and into the conversation I was having with the blonde singer at the same time my phone beeped, signaling I had another call coming in. Looking down at the screen, Jeffrey’s face popped up 'Think of the Devil’ "Hey, Cor, um, I gotta go. Jeff’s calling.” “No problem, tell the lucky guy I said hello.” “Will do. Talk to you later” I replied before switching calls. “What’re you doing?” Came his familiar greeting the moment I said 'Hello’    "Packing" I replied, sorting through my makeup bag and checking that everything was there. “Mmmm. Don’t go marrying that boy while you’re in Vegas, now, ya hear?” I rolled my eyes. ’We’re going there already?’ “Don’t start, Jeff” “I’m not starting anything, sweet pea. Just teasing.” “You’re so fucking jealous, dude.”    "Like you said, I have no reason to be jealous though, right?“ He rasped, tone lower. I could almost hear his eyebrow quirking. "No, you don’t.” “And why is that, honey bunch?” I rolled my eyes again, “Because I’m yours?” I said it like it was obvious. “Good girl.” I rolled my eyes again. “Stop rolling those eyes at me girl, they’re gonna get stuck back there one day.” “You sound like my father.”    "Not quite, even though I do like it when you call me Daddy.“ He drawled, raspy chuckle slithering through the phone line.    "Well, Daddy, I’ll roll my eyes at you if I want. What are you gonna do about it from all the way across the country?” “Brat, I will get on a plane right now and fly over there and whoop that ass.” “By the time you get here I’ll already be in Vegas. With Corey.” “Yup, your'e gonna get it.” He growled. “Oh honey, I can get it whenever I want.” Another growl. I was getting to him. Always so much fun.
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“He…he…he.” I giggled devilishly.
“When am I even gonna get to see you again?”    "Ummm, well, I’ll be back here in a week, we’ve got the scoring to do still for Gish and then I should have a couple weeks free time. Don’t you have a con in Houston soon?“ "Yeah.”    "Well, I’ve been meaning to go see the family, maybe I can fly out to Dallas and then Drive down there to see you?“ "That could work” I could tell he was smiling now. “Good.”
   When I arrived in Vegas late that night I was greeted with multiple reporters lined up at the gate waiting for me. “Kylin, Kylin! Where’s Jeffrey? What are you doing here in Vegas?”    I smiled and waved but didn’t say anything, worming past them to the baggage claim to look for Corey.    When I found him, he himself was being bugged by 2 women with cameras and notepads, them asking questions about what he was doing here, how things had been, et cetera.
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   "I’m here waiting to pick up a friend. Oh, there she is!“ He instantly through his arm over my shoulders as I approached, pulling me into a tight hug. Naturally, a picture was taken that same moment.    "Here we go,” I muttered, rolling my eyes for a second before throwing on a fake smile.    "What are you two doing in Vegas together, Kylin? Does Jeffrey know you’re here?“    My mouth dropped open as I choked out a disbelieving laugh at her and raised my eyebrows, "Good try, Red. Good Try. Corey is a friend of mine and I’m helping him out with a project he’s working on here. And to answer your second question, if Jeff didn’t already know where I was, then he sure would know here shortly, correct?”    The red headed woman stuttered for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. We didn’t give her a chance to figure out what to say next, though, because with perfect timing my suitcase came circling around the belt and Corey grabbed it before hurriedly leading me towards the exit.    "I guarantee you I’m about to get a phone call in three…two…one.“ I said once we were in the car and had driven down the highway a little bit. My phone vibrated on cue, displaying Jeffrey’s face. "Hello, Darling.” “Well hello to you too, Dear”    "As you probably already know I have landed and have been successfully captured by Mr. Taylor.“ "Oh he’s Mr. Taylor now, is he?”    "Dude, are you on your period or something?“ I snapped, not wanting to deal with this right now. "Woman.” He growled warningly. “Well,?” I challenged. “I’m going to hang up the phone now. Call me when you have a moment alone.” “You’re a fucking brat, Jeffrey.”    "Only when you’re one, Sweetheart.“ and with that he hung up the phone. I turned the screen off and shook my head at it, Corey looking over to me from the driver’s seat. "Everything okay?” I sighed, “Yeah, Jeffrey just being Jeffrey.” “Thing’s good between ya’ll?”    "Oh yeah, things are great, he just gets bitchy when it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.“ "Completely understandable. Long distance is defiantly hard.”    "Yeah, that’s for sure. Not too much longer 'till I see him though and can work all that grumpiness out of him.“ I laughed, shaking my head again. "L-M-A-O” He replied, laughing.
   I was flipping and contorting myself around the pole, flinging myself upside down and holding onto poses as the camera man whirled around me, catching the shots he needed as I made my way around the metal to the time of the song. The director had been thrilled that I needed very little direction and was so well skilled in the art of pole dancing. Corey moved to his place in the shot, moving to pull me off the pole and into his arms as the 'scene’ called for. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as I held myself out, letting myself fall into him so he could catch me. I suddenly felt a bout of nervousness sweep over me as he set me down on my feet and spun me around to the time of the beat, he dipped me down and lowered his face to mine. 
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You’re just fucking acting, Kylin. Get it together.    Our lips met as he swung me back up upright, him twirling us around in a dance with our mouths pressed together. Per script, my eyes stayed blank and expressionless, but my heart was hammering in my chest. Corey’s fingers gripped my waist through the flowy dress I was wearing, pinching the fabric between his fingers. I don’t know if he meant to or not, or if he even really did, but I could swear I felt the vibration of his lips against mine that muffled a groan into his mouth. When he finally pulled away and opened his eyes, his pupils were dilated and he dug his fingers into my hip again, before spinning me away from him so I could climb back up the pole.    The director called cut and the volume lowered at the same time that I did, just in time to see someone I least expected plop themselves into the chair beside where the director sat.    "What the fuck are you doing here?“ I asked, shaking my head as I walked towards him. Corey instantly followed and clapped him on the back in greeting nervously.
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   "Playin’ spy.” He answered honestly, ignoring Corey as he wiggled sideways in the chair and stretched his legs over the arm as he leaned his head back and stuffed his mouth with a handful of popcorn from Craft Services, “You tell your boyfrien’ about that little scene there, Ky?”    My eyes narrowed at him as I swallowed thickly, looking from him to Corey before replying “It’s not like he tells me when Negan has scenes with his wives, so I didn’t think it was important.”    "He also hasn’t been on a date with any of those women either, now has he?“He retorted sarcastically, finally moving his attention to Corey, "How’s it going, man?”    I sighed as Corey gulped and nodded his head at Norman “Going good, man. Nice to see you.”    Norman’s eyes went back to me from him as he dug his phone out of his pocket, “Mmmmhmmm.”    "Is this my fucking life?“ I mumbled, before spinning on my heals and wandering off to find something to eat, anything to get away from the awkwardness.        But of course the awkwardness was unrelenting, because as soon as I made it back to the craft services table, my phone rang. Here we fucking go. "Hey honey,” I answered innocently, playing it cool. “Really, Kylin? Fucking really?” he, on the other hand, was not very cool at all.    "I see you’ve spoken to your agent.“ I said, narrowing my eyes in the direction of Norman, who was still sitting in the chair I left him in, speaking with Corey. "You’re God damned right I did, what the fuck? You couldn’t even tell me?”    "Tell me, Jeffrey, when’s the last time Negan kissed one of his wives?“ I snapped back, irritation growing. "It’s not the same.” he growled    "How in the Hell is it not the same, Morgan?“ I growled right back, teeth clenched together.    "Well, I don’t know, Kylin, let me go grab Elyse, or Chloe, take them out to dinner and show them a good time before the next scene, huh?”    "What? Really, Jeffrey? I don’t understand why you’re acting like you don’t trust me.“ "I trust you, Kylin. It’s him I don’t trust.”    I rolled my eyes and cocked my head with a sigh, the need for a cigarette growing rapidly with the frustration. I walked back over to where my purse was by Norman, flipping him off while digging for my smokes. He laughed, which made Jeffrey laugh in my ear. “You’re gonna give him shit, aren’t you?” Jeff rasped as I began walking away    "Oh living Hell, darling. Living Hell.“ I giggled menacingly, opening the door and stepping outside.    "You really wanna know why I sent him?” Jeffrey asked, voice kinder and sincere, “Hmmmm?” I asked, pressing a cigarette to my lips and lighting it. “After what happened in New York, baby doll, I ain’t takin’ no risks.”    My lungs tightened from his words, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end as I leaned against the side of the building. It almost felt as if someone was watching me, but I chocked it up to Jeffrey’s reminder and my general nervousness. I shook my head of the feeling and took a drag of my cigarette, sighing loudly on exhale. “I miss you,” I said mournfully, not wanting to argue with him anymore. “I miss you too, baby girl, so fucking much it hurts.” “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t want you to…react that way.” “Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?”    "Wow, Jeff. Fucking wow. I’m trying to apologize and you say that shit? You know what? Fuck this.“ I seethed, sliding the disconnect button with a grunt, not believing that he actually had said that to me. "Fucking asshole,” I muttered, taking another drag.    The feeling someone was near attached itself to me again, but when I looked around I saw no one. There was a noise, like the sound of a door closing near by and I squinted my eyes in the direction of the sound but was instantly distracted as the door beside me opened suddenly as Corey and Norman walked out.    "Jesus Christ you two scared the shit out of me.“ I gasped, jerking back at the sudden motion.    "Sorry, princess.” Corey apologized, smile quirking on his face. Norman glared at him.    "You okay?“ Norman grunted, moving in between Corey and I and leaning into my personal space, "Ya’ll okay?”    I looked up at him and nodded silently before tearing my eyes away and looking back into the parking lot, dragging the cigarette to my lips to finish it before stomping it out. “Yeah, uh, we’re fine. ” I nodded again, speaking up to break the awkwardness.    "Look, uh, we’re done for the day, you two wanna go get something to eat?“ Corey asked, turning the attention back to him. "Yeah man, I could eat.” Norman answered, looking to me for my approval.    "Sounds good.“ I replied as we Corey opened the door for us, chancing one last look over my shoulder before stepping back into the building.
   Dinner went by sullenly, my mind dancing away from the conversation that the two men were having to other thoughts, like why I was still feeling put off. Norman of course noticed, leaning into my side in the booth we were at and whispering in my ear, "You okay?”    "Yeah, I’ll talk to you about it later, don’t worry for now.“ I replied, looking down to my plate of food and then to Corey’s confused stare. "Everything okay, Ky?” Corey asked, suspicious of the way Norman was acting.    "Huh? Oh yeah. Just….off, a little today, sorry.“ I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the stubborn feeling in my chest as I glanced around the restaurant one last time.    The men when back to their conversation and I went back to daydreaming until Norman’s phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and smirked at the screen, answering it while holding a finger to his lips in my direction.    "Hey Keagen, what’s up?” he answered, smirk on his face that told me all I needed to know. “Uh, yeah, I’m in town.” his eyes shifted to me and I gave him a knowing look.    "Oh, you are? Well than, um.“ I pinched his arm with a smirk of my own, teasing him as he swatted my hand away.    "Well, I’m kinda looking after a friend right now,” his eyes shifted to me with a pleading look, and I shook my head, waving my hands at him to not to worry.    "Well, yeah, they should be okay for a little bit, where are you staying?“ he smiled at me, moving the phone to his shoulder to bring his hands together in prayer formation, mouthing “thank you” "Okay, yeah, I’ll meet you there at around 9?” “Okay, sounds good.”    Norman ended the call and returned his attention to me, eyes flicking from mine to Corey’s, “You’ll be able to get her back safe, big mouth?”    "Yeah, I got her, no worries.“ Corey replied, brows furrowing as another look of confusion crossed his face.    "I shouldn’t be back too late. I’ll meet you at your hotel later?” Norman requested, arm wrapping around me to pull me into a hug.    "Yeah, sounds good, Norm.“ I assured, dipping in to reciprocate the gesture. He threw some cash down on the table for his tab and left, leaving Corey and I alone.     "You wanna come back to my place for a little bit? I got a buddy of mine coming over who got some super dank.” Corey offered, picking up his glass of tea and finishing it off.    I thought about it for a second, unsure of if I should let myself be around him by himself. He did say his friend was going to be there though, so I agreed, “Sure, always down to smoke.”
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   Corey’s penthouse suit was gorgeous, it over looked the strip and I could see all the thousands of lights flickering in the distance. I gazed out the window while he fixed us drinks before plopping down on the fluffy leather couch to take the glass of wine from him. He smiled at me and sat down, flipping on the TV. “Mind if I ask you a question, Ky?” “Sure” I replied, sipping the blood-red liquid. “Is Jeff….I don’t know how to say this…” “What?” I asked, curious. “I mean, he sent Norman all the way out here to keep an eye on you?”    I gulped, knowing where this was heading but not wanting to fully explain Jeffrey’s concerns for me. “It’s difficult to explain, Cor. He is the way he is because of…reasons.” “Involving me?” “Not really, honestly. He’s just…protective, is all.”    "Seems like he’s more controlling than anything. Surprised he even let you do this.“ "Jeffrey doesn’t let me do anything, Corey. He’s not controlling, he’s protective.” “He sent someone to spy on you, Kylin.” “There’s more to it then that, Cor. Just let it go, okay?” “you’re my friend, Kylin, and I just want you to be happy.”    "I am happy, hun. Just don’t worry about it. Jeffrey and Norman have their reasons, okay? Just leave it at that.“    Corey looked like he was about to say something else but was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. He sighed, sitting his glass down on the nearby table, "That must be Tony.”    He got up and opened the door to greet his friend, I rose as well and sauntered back over to the window, slightly irritated with Corey’s alligations about Jeff. Corey lead the man into the living room, me not really paying attention as my gaze had been diverted back to the skyline’s glittering stars. It wasn’t until he spoke that I whipped my head around at the sound of his voice. “Well, Well, Well, Look at this.”
   The glass slipped from my hand and came crashing to the floor, spilling the blood-colored liquid onto the pretty white carpet as I gasped in horror at the face before me.    A gun was swiftly lifted from the back of Anthony’s pants into the air to aim directly at Corey’s temple. Corey froze, holding his hands up while questioning, “What in the fuck are you doing, dude?” Ignoring him, Anthony’s attention focused on me, “Darling, how have you been?”    I remained pressed against the window, panic rising in my gut and forcing my body to shake involuntarily. I gulped as Anthony stepped closer to me, weapon still aimed at the shorter man. “H-h-how…"I started, but trailed of as my voice broke.    "H-h-how…” He mocked, face contorting in sarcasm before looking back to Corey, “She didn’t tell you about me, did she, Cor?”    "Kylin, what the fuck is going on?“ Corey asked, serious expression on his face as his eyes met mine, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. "Um, I-I…"I began again, but couldn’t, "I’m sorry, Corey.”    "I’m sorry, Corey’“ Anthony mocked again, face back distorted before he erupted in a fit of giggles, "Tell him, Kylin. Tell him who you really belong to.”    My eyes left Corey’s to look at Anthony’s face, the psychotic chuckle behind his pupils prominent as he licked his lips and danced his gaze across my frame, “Lookin’ good, puddin’, you know that? Sugar Daddy been feeding you right, huh? So what are you doing with ol’ leather face over here?”    I swallowed as I glanced back over to Corey, who still had the stoic expression on his face as he stared at me, “This is why Jeffrey’s so protective, huh?” he asked, understanding coming into his eyes as he put the pieces together.    "Oh yes, see, Cor, the only reason why I even was working for ya’ll is because I knew that you had befriended my beautiful fi-an-ce here, and, you see, she’s always too busy for me, so I figured I’d go to her“    "I’m not anything to you, Anthony, ” I spat, seeing red as I pushed myself away from my position to step in front of him. Brazenly, I grabbed the barrel of the pistol he was holding against Corey’s head and moved it in the direction of my own, “If you’re gonna shoot someone, shoot me, Anthony, I’m tired of fucking dealing with your sociopathic bullshit.”
   With the same Cheshire grin that I had picked up from him displayed across his mouth, he tilted his head, cocking the hammer on the gun and running his tongue over his teeth, “Sounds like a plan, baby doll.”
Corey screaming was the the last thing I heard before everything went black. 
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vickiabelson · 5 years ago
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Tonight! Pete and I will be coming to you Live to reflect on our year in  review and plans for ringing in the new. Join us with your hopes, plans and resolutions in the breaking. I'll no doubt have already decimated most of mine. Happy New Year Facbookians. Hope you come hang and chat wit us. (Jive cause I'm cooking New Year's Day black-eyed peas and collard greens.)
Game Changers With Vicki AbelsonWed, 1/1/20, 7 pm PT/ 10 pm ET
With Pete George​
Live on he Facebookhttp://bit.ly/2y47ZCi
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8 Comforting Rice Bowl Recipes for Weeknight Dinners
[Photographs: Vicky Wasik, J. Kenji López-Alt.]
When I first moved to New York City, I pretty much lived on rice bowls. It's not just that they were easy to prepare, though that definitely didn't hurt. These simple bowls of porridge, protein over rice, and perfectly balanced curry were just the thing when I was feeling homesick or couldn't find the energy to produce a feast in seven courses. Now that I'm more settled into my life here, I still lean heavily on these dishes. They're so delicious, and they allow me to pull off fantastically flavorful and comforting meals, even when I'm feeling too lazy to leave my apartment. With these eight rice bowls in rotation, you're never too far from a home-cooked meal—even on your laziest day.
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Japanese curry (or kare, as it's called in Japan) is one of the country's most popular comfort foods, and for good reason. While most versions of this classic dish start from a package, we build the dish from scratch. You'll get all the traditional flavors, plus juicy pieces of chicken, tender bits of carrot, sweet peas, and silky chunks of potato.
Homemade Japanese Curry Rice (Kare Raisu) Recipe »
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[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
This chicken and egg rice bowl is one of my favorite dishes. Pieces of chicken are simmered in a soy sauce and sake mixture, and then scrambled eggs are poured directly into the simmering liquid. When the chicken is tender and the eggs are cooked and fluffy, the combination is slid onto a bowl of rice. It really doesn't get much easier than this.
Oyakodon (Japanese Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl) Recipe »
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[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
If you like oyakodon, chances are you'll love gyudon. Translucent onions are simmered with thin slices of beef in a mixture of soy sauce, dashi, and sake. The beef is finished with freshly grated ginger, and the rice bowl is topped with a poached egg.
Gyudon (Japanese Simmered Beef and Rice Bowls) Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This Bengali rice porridge is about as comforting as any food can be. Aromatic jasmine rice and hearty, earthy lentils are simmered in chicken stock with fresh turmeric, ginger, and red chili. When the fragrant grains have become tender, potatoes and chicken thighs are added to the pot. The porridge—already bursting with flavor and color—gets finished off with a bright cilantro chutney and bits of crisp fried shallots.
Bengali Rice Porridge With Lentils and Chicken Recipe »
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[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I hate the idea of cooking hacks. Often, those get-it-done-faster tips cut corners and ignore important steps. But keeping some homemade teriyaki sauce on hand at all times really is a cooking hack. It allows you to whip up all sorts of flavorful meals in no time. Take, for instance, this teriyaki-glazed salmon. In the time it'll take you to steam a pot of rice, you'll be able to sear the salmon, cut up some avocado and cucumber, slice a couple scallions, and grab that magical teriyaki from the fridge.
Easy Teriyaki-Glazed Salmon, Cucumber, and Avocado Rice Bowls Recipe »
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This extremely simple rice bowl consists of short-grain rice topped with pearls of brilliant orange salmon roe. The already-cured roe gets quickly marinated in soy sauce and other seasonings to bump up its intensity even more before it's loaded onto the rice and finished with a garnish of wasabi, nori strips, and a shiso leaf.
Ikura Don (Japanese Rice Bowl With Salmon Roe) Recipe »
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[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
To those not familiar, simmering crisp-shelled fried chicken in flavorful broth might seem like a confusing cooking method. You'll just have to reserve judgement until you try it for yourself. To make this katsudon, leftover chicken katsu or pork tonkatsu is simmered with eggs in a soy-dashi broth and served over rice. While the crust doesn't remain particularly crisp, the breading soaks up tons of flavor from the cooking liquid.
Katsudon (Japanese Chicken or Pork Cutlet and Egg Rice Bowl) Recipe »
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[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Tamago gohan (literally "egg rice") is the simplest of Japanese comfort food. Start with a bowl of hot rice, and break an egg into it. As the egg slowly cooks into the rice, the bowl is seasoned with a bit of soy sauce, a pinch of salt, and a light shake of Aji-no-moto, a Japanese brand of pure powdered MSG.
Tamago Kake Gohan (Japanese-Style Rice With Egg) Recipe »
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upslapmeal · 8 years ago
I was tagged in two similar posts by the lovely @marchofthemadhare and @mxzikeenn (Liz this won’t let me tag you??) so I mushed the questions together :)
Name: ~~~
Nickname: Incy (yes like the spider, no that’s not where it came from)
Zodiac sign: aquarius
Gender: female
Height: 166cm
Orientation: lmao who knows
Ethnicity: white
Time right now: 4:13am
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
Favourite colours: blues, especially teal
Favourite wall colour: ?? any colour that’s not too dark I guess? maybe eggshell blue?
Favourite lipstick colour: umm....lip colour? I don’t wear lipstick
Favourite animals: PENGUINS
Favourite singer/band: Brooke Fraser
Favourite fruit: mango or strawberries
Favourite season: honestly I’m still getting used to actually having seasons and I love them all but maybe autumn?
Favourite flower: lavender or sweet peas or frangipani
Favourite scent: baking bread and blown out candles
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate: hot chocolate
Average sleep hours: recently? <4. ideally? 8.
Cat or dog person: both don’t make me choose
Favourite fictional character: IMPOSSIBLE but I love my sunshine daughter Jane Gloriana Villanueva (there are many many more though)
Fictional character you’d hang out with for a day: Faith M Whiskers III probably Vicki Pallister (I’d say the Doctor but I’d probably end up kidnapped or almost killed)
Number of blankets: a duvet then a fleecy blanket if I’m cold
Dream trip: I’d love to go to Japan with my mum so she could show me around where she used to live
Dream job: I’d love to work on film/tv sets or be involved in behind the scenes stuff
Last movie you watched: I watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople today and it was fantastic!
Last song you listened to: Natalie Taylor’s cover of Latch
Last book you read: I think it was A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Last thing you ate: orange chocolate biscuits my friend baked <3
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: I’m going to be home in 3 days but honestly I’d love to be there now
What time would you travel to: definitely forward rather than back though if I travelled back I’d love to go back really far to early man just to see what it was like for a few hours
When was this blog created: I think about 2 1/2 years ago? but I’d been lurking for a while before
When did your blog reach its peak: whenever either DW or JtV are airing (though it definitely had a peak after ~look into my eyes and look into my mouth~ RIP that post since tumblr changed how it posts instagram videos)
What made you decide to get a tumblr: I felt I’d been lurking for long enough and so I finally gave in to this dumpster fire
Why did you pick your url: because who wouldn’t want a Black Books quote as an url (I’d originally wanted luxurypie but someone had taken that)
Number of followers: 753
I’m not going to tag anyone but if you feel like doing it go ahead and make sure to tag me so I can have a look bc I’m nosy ;)
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lakecountylibrary · 8 years ago
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Taking the PopSugar reading challenge this year? The LCPL reader’s advisory team has some suggestions. Don’t strain your eyes reading the pictures - we’ve put our suggestions for each category under the cut, plus the suggestions we couldn’t fit between the lines! The person who did the recommending is in parenthesis after the suggestion (just in case you’re a fan of one of us in particular...)
A book recommended by a librarian
   Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man by Fannie Flagg (Chris)
A book that’s been on your TBR list for way too long
    Obviously we don’t know what’s been on your TBR list for eons, but Chris picked A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving from her own. (Chris)
A book of letters
    Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (Chris) (Seconded! --Rachel)
An audiobook
    I Am Half-Sick of Shadows by Alan C. Bradley (Read by the amazing Jayne Entwhistle. --Chris)
A book by a person of color
    A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines (Chris)
A book with one of the four seasons in the title
    Cheating answer: Before the Fall by Noah Hawley     Legit answer (but a children’s book):  The Penderwicks:  A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall (Chris)
A book that is a story within a story
    The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (Chris)     The Princess Bride by William Goldman (Rachel)
A book with multiple authors
    The Heist by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg  (Chris     Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan (Rachel)
An espionage thriller
    The Expats by Chris Pavone (Rachel)
A book with a cat on the cover
    Into the Wild by  Erin Hunter (Christina W)     Dewey by Vicki Myron (It’s a cute story --Amy V)
A book by an author who uses a pseudonym
    The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith (Chris)
A bestseller from a genre you don’t normally read
    So we don’t know what you don’t normally read, but Beth and Robin usually don’t read realistic fiction or superhero comics, respectively. If either of those describes you, give one of these a try:     The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (I normally read fantasy and sci-fi, while this is realistic fiction --Robin)     Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson (Beth)
A book by or about a person who has a disability
    Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (Chris)  (YES! --Beth) (Editor’s note: We understand that the movie portrayal of this novel has been criticized for clumsy handling of a sensitive subject. You may find that the novel handles these issues with more grace, or at least more thoroughness. Either way, books like this one are a good springboard to critical discussion and we encourage everyone to read thoughtfully.)
A book involving travel
    This is Your Life, Harriet Chance! by Jonathan Evison (Chris)
A book with a subtitle
    Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by  Mary Roach (Chris)
A book that’s published in 2017
    Girl in Disguise by Greer Macallister (Chris)
A book involving a mythical creature
    His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik (Chris)
A book you’ve read before that never fails to make you smile Again, we can’t say what you’ve read before or what will make you smile, but here’s a great re-read Robin and Chris both suggest:   
    A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens (Chris) (I recommend listening to Neil Gaiman’s performance of it for extra smiles --Robin)
A book about food
    Blood, Bones, and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton (Rachel)
A book with career advice
    The Intern’s Handbook by Shane Kuhn (Chris)
A book from a nonhuman perspective
    The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker (Chris)
A steampunk novel
    Boneshaker by Cherie Priest (Chris)
A book with a red spine
    Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld (Amy J)     The Mangle Street Murders by M.R.C. Kasasian (Chris)
A book set in the wilderness
    Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat (Chris)
A book you loved as a child We don’t know what books YOU loved as a child, but here’s one Robin loved!
    Talking to Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede (Robin)
A book by an author from a country you’ve never visited Chris hasn’t visited Australia! If you have also not visited Australia, this suggestion is for you.
    Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (Chris)
A book with a title that’s a character’s name
    Forrest Gump by Winston Groom or Doc by Mary Doria Russell (a novel featuring Wyatt Earp and John Henry "Doc" Holliday --Chris)
A novel set during wartime
    Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (There’s a prequel coming out in 2017. --Amy J)     Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay (Beth)     The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (Chris)
A book with an unreliable narrator
    Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (Still the best in the genre! --Chris)
A book with pictures
    Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (Chris)
A book where the main character is a different ethnicity than you We don’t know what ethnicity you are, so here are a few options:
    African-American Protagonist: The Mothers by Brit Bennett (Chris) ; The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead (Beth)     White Protagonist: You probably didn’t really need help finding one of these, but I recommend Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. It also has an Arab-American, Muslim protagonist. (Robin)     Vietnamese-Australian Protagonist: Cloudwish by Fiona Wood (Robin)     Chinese-American Protagonist: American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang (JBill)
A book about an interesting woman
    Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Irin Carmon & Shana Knizhnik (Chris)
A book set in two different time periods
    The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler Chris
A book with a month or day of the week in the title
    One of Our Thursdays is Missing  by Jasper Fforde (#6 in the Thursday Next series; start with The Eyre Affair --Chris)
A book set in a hotel
    A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles (Chris)
A book written by someone you admire
    The Long Way Home by Louise Penny (written while her husband was in the final stages of dementia --Chris)
A book that’s becoming a movie in 2017
    A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle (Chris)
A book set around a holiday other than Christmas
    The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny (set around Easter --Chris)
The first book in a series you haven’t read before
    Girl Waits with Gun by Amy Stewart (Chris)     In the Woods by Tana French (Rachel)  If you happen to have read both these series already, we’d be happy to rec others based on your tastes! Just let us know!
A book you bought on a trip Chances are you didn’t buy this book on a trip, but Chris did, and she recommends Time and Again by Jack Finney (Chris)
A book recommended by an author you love
    The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale (recommended by author Louise Penny --Chris) If Louise Penny isn’t an author you love, we’re happy to look around at recs from an author you DO love! Just send us the name :)
A bestseller from 2016
    Before the Fall by Noah Hawley (Chris)
A book with a family-member term in the title
    My Sister Lives on the Mantlepiece by Annabel Pitcher (Chris)
A book that takes place over a character’s life span
    The Confessions of Max Tivoli by Andrew Sean Greer (Rachel)
A book about an immigrant or refugee
    Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Chris)     Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok (It is fiction but it’s a story of the author’s own story (she immigrated from Hong Kong) --Amy V)
A book from a genre/subgenre that you’ve never heard of
    Beauty and the Clockwork Beast Nancy Campbell Allen (steampunk romance --Chris) Possibly you’ve heard of steampunk romance as a subgenre. If yes, let us know, and we’ll dig for something more obscure to help you out.
A book with an eccentric character
    Ten Second Staircase by  Christopher Fowler (Bryant & May/ Peculiar Crimes Unit #4 ; start with Full Dark House  --Chris)
A book that’s more than 800 pages
    City on Fire by David Hallberg (Chris)     One Rainy Day in May by Mark Z Danielewski (He’s an… unusual author --Amy V)
A book you got from a used book sale     Orleans by Sherri L. Smith (Robin) Didn’t buy that particular book at a used book sale? Talk to your library! Most of them have used book rooms with books at ridiculous prices (ours are all under a dollar) so you can find something excellent for this category.
A book that’s been mentioned in another book
    Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner (One of the many great books mentioned in Will Schwalbe’s The End of Your Life Book Club, which is kind of cheating. --Chris)
A book about a difficult topic
    Columbine by Dave Cullen (Chris)
A book based on mythology
    Anansi Boys Neil Gaiman (Chris)
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