#vic steele
bemp0 · 6 months
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Pose Patrol
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spenglerstwinkie · 2 months
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“To the race and to the next part.”
“To the race, and the next part.”
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kiwbyy · 10 months
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a thing i drew a while ago for an event !
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jimiscribif · 10 months
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wanted to recreate one of the s1 promos with the s4 version of the team
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leona-florianova · 2 years
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FO1 and FO2 compilation 2023
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aaronsinferno · 11 months
Just finished the series finale and while it’s nothing like how I expected it to end…I’m okay with it.
Larry finally letting go of that fear and self loathing to go and find peace with Rama was a long time coming. Why did they have to turn into an alien chemical sun? Idk. But at least they’re together and happy.
Vic finally found himself and has finally come to terms with who he is. He’s more than just a hero. He’s an influence and will go on to inspire so many people and make way for a better future.
I like how despite everything, Laura is still such a flawed character. They didn’t magically fix her or make her do a complete turnaround. She wants to be good but fears that there’s still something dark inside her making her incapable of being anything other than evil. But it’s nice knowing that she’s going to try. That Rita and the others have made some form of impact on her life.
Speaking of Rita, her death didn’t catch me by surprise. I figured she’s either bounce back last minute or get the boot. And as shitty as her send off was, it was very on brand. I’m just happy she found peace with someone… even if it was Malcolm.
Glad Jane is able to live whatever life she wants now. How she’ll do it in space idk, but at least she’s happy. It does suck that she didn’t end up with Shelly, but I don’t exactly hate her with Casey. Her goodbye with Cliff is what I thought would break me. That or how she painted their first meeting back in season 1. Boy was I wrong.
What hit me the hardest was Cliff. That ending?That fucking ending?!? Jesus christ. Wow. Very fitting that the show begins and ends with him. He finally got to spend his final moments with his daughter and grandson while at the same time not missing any of the pivotal moments in their lives. The good or the bad. A bittersweet send off to a flawed but loving character.
Really gonna miss these characters..
Like it or not, community matters. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you enough to even attempt to understand or support you is important. Find your people.
You’re deserving of love. From others but most importantly from yourself. Love yourself. Always.
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laura-de-milf · 1 year
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6 tickets to Barbie please
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e11asurfz · 7 months
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aroacespacerock · 1 month
S4 doom patrol is somehow gayer than it’s predecessors
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shellybuttface · 2 years
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dcbinges · 1 year
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The New Teen Titans #14 (1981) by Marv Wolfman & George Pérez
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kiwbyy · 11 months
sorry for how badly this is drawn im coping
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happygirl2oo2 · 11 months
Doom Patrol s4B spoilers without context
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So... next week is it, huh? What have we learned so far?
1. Jane and the other personalities are going to be okay.
2. Single parent Larry continues to get shit on from every possible angle. "How could you say something so cruel?" he asked Keeg 1, knowing full well the universe has always been against him.
3. Rita's probably not going to do anything.
4. Laura beating herself up was probably a good thing mentally? Idk.
5. Niles is dead. Hella dead. Never coming back. However, for better or for worse, he's always going to influence the team.
6. Who even knows what's going on with Cliff anymore. He's all over the place.
I don't count Cyborg because we always knew he was going to get through this.
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child-of-the-danube · 11 months
Ok, I need to preface this with saying that I have not read any of the Doom Patrol comics so I have no idea how well or in what quantity the show follows the comics so I have no concpet of spoilers/certainty as to how it will all end after next episode.
This is gonna be a long ass post so buckle up motherfuckers.
I am thoroughly worried with how it will all be wrapped up in a single episode. They have not gotten their longevity back, Immortus is still out there now planning world domination, Rita's basically dead, the Buttpocalypse future is on their doorstep etc. Either it will be all to quickly concluded with a Deus-ex-machina solution to everything given that Laura in one episode said that the future they saw was only one possible version of it and in this episode future Vic seemed way too calm finding out that his past self is being helped with the time portal thingy and saying it'll work out OOOOR the future they saw is really it and it's all a lost cause. I'm going to focus on my thoughts about the other one.
I would kind of prefer the sadder ending cause it would be more, I guess, poetic that these people turned mutant-turned superheroes who more than once saved everyone around them, the world and eachother, could not, despite all their effort, save themselves this one last time. Well, except for Vic but depends in what version of it.
Digression: I am also 99% sure the Immortimas episode was the one where Michelle and April kissed (which they mentioned in their insta live) cause if you look closely at the "Best friends" scene when they're really close together but we see Michelle's face more, April has her lips pursed and only switches back to a smile when Michelle moves her head away and I am so very calm and normal about this, not wanting to rip my skin off and scream into the void at all. It's fine, it really is :))))))))))))
I'm skipping talking about Rita since she wasn't in this episode at all. I'm assuming that they will either find her dead or on her last breaths once they return from the time stream unless, again, some magical solution falls from the sky immediately.
LARRY: I think of all the characters, Larry seems to be the one who's most prepared for his death. I feel like he always knew, no matter the longevity, that his body would give up on him at some point and was kind of always ready to go. He worries way more about Keeg than he does about what end is awaiting him. I love that he got to experience fatherhood once again through Keeg and I get his frustration about the Negative spirit not wanting to take care of Keeg, but if his end is set in stone, I could see him embrace the fact that he becomes "a new Sun". His journey started in space and ending it there as a new star would be full circle. In a way by becoming a star, a permanent part of the sky, he'd always be, though in new form, there for Keeg to see and visit.
CLIFF: I was wondering when and if it would be explained how Niles broke his back and I have to say I absolutely hate that it was Cliff given that, especially this season, a lot of shit seems to be portrayed as purely Cliff's fault. Like anything he touches or is given the role to take care off goes to shit. He has always been unlucky in that regard but I feel like the last thing in the "how can we fuck Cliff's already declining mental health up some more" arsenal should have been the fact that the first thing he felt in years wasn't his grandson but the blood and insides of another being he just killed. Like, I truly think that was the tipping point to break him completely, the rest is overkill. I hope if the spirit loop Buttpocalypse future is the end that he at least got to see and feel Clara and Rory once before returning to the Doom Patrol and accepting his end.
JANE: Similar to Larry, I feel like Jane got her resolution this episode. She finally said it out loud and accepted what truly happened to her. She became, both literally and metaphorically one with her whole self and can now be at peace, however long that might be, with the people she loves. She got her clarity in a way.
VIC: Vic being alive, well and teaching kids in the version of the future that saved them from the time stream is giving me hope that it might not all be set up to end tragically. That he might find his purpose and happiness after all. Cause of what use is it for him to be the last man standing in the future when everyone he loves is gone or soon to be gone. It's just survival, not life.
LAURA: Oh, boy. Oh, Lord. Here we go. Bare with me.
It's no secret she's my absolute favourite character and the one I have the most feelings and thoughts about. First of all, hats off to Michelle Gomez and her acting once again. You could feel the difference in past and present Laura not just by the way they are dressed but the mannerism, the speech, the body language, everything. The fear in past Laura's eyes not due to being beaten but due to the fact that she HERSELF is saying, or better, admitting, that she's in fact not a good person no matter how much she tries to delude herself or others. I love this character so deeply and that's why I am losing my mind over her.
Present day Laura saying she hasn't changed broke my heart into a million of peaces cause in the same way past Laura deluded herself into believing she's good, present Laura kept that same self hatred and turned it into convincing herself that no matter how much she tries, she'll never be good, she'll never escape her past, making people weapons or fucking it all up for the ones she truly cares about. For my Doctor Who fans, are you all reliving Missy's plot and the pain her end brought as much as I am???? And the "WE'RE THE FUCKING WEAPON" part??!!?!? Holy fucking shit. Her whole life and career she was hiding her abilities for her own safety and partially for the sisterhood's safety, declaring others as weapons, sending them off to fight and die but it truly was her who was the weapon. When you fire a gun, yes, the bullets are what ends up doing the job but they're disposable, you always need new ones to reload. What remains is the gun itself, needed for further firing of shots. Well, Laura was the gun and all those she branded weapons were just the disposable bullets.
It pains me inexplicably to say it, but I simply don't see any kind of happy ending for her. She has no one else but these bumbling idiots she met only a little while ago, who I'm not entirely sure would YET go to the lenghts she does for them for her, and Rita who:
a. Still hasn't fully forgiven her (I mean shit she called her a monster like 2 episodes ago)
b. Is on her death bed
c. I doubt would use her last breaths to tell her she's forgiven or admit that Laura does mean a lot to her
Nobody knows where she's in the future and I have a crippling feeling that it might be caused by Rita's death. If you think about it, all of them love Rita and will be there to comfort eachother after she's gone/as they inevitabely each go. Laura isn't dying. She has whatever natural time is left there for her still to go. She does not share their fate. And, as I've already said, they have known eachother for decades. Laura is someone they've basically just met, learned to trust even later, and in their mind to some degree the one who caused the Immortus stuff. If Rita dies, I have a feeling she will either immediately distance herself from them (or be distanced) or she'll end up watching all of them but Vic die one by one and then leave or worse...
So unless by some miracle everything turns out fine or after they're all gone she encounters Shelley and the Sisterhood and they embrace her, I see no bright ending there
Anyways, I'm booking therapy in advance cause I'm going to need it after next week more than I already did...
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