#i was gonna include a section on david and bianca as well but bantersnatch has that covered i think
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everything we know about host!vic’s childhood
(a sisyphean attempt to figure out what the fuck their backstory is)
will this make complete sense? no! absolutely not! and it’ll probably change in two weeks time! but i have thoughts and i am announcing them via megaphone
also for ease i’m referring to them as ‘the host’ rather than ‘host!vic’ for the remainder of this post
the host’s birth family
we know the host was at one point raised by both their parents. were they together? god knows. at some point, their father abandons them/the family and moves to miami, leaving the host and their twin sister katie behind. it’s likely this happens when the host is 7 or younger, as they spend a large amount of time with their grandfather and nana from that age onwards.
when the host is 12, they’re still living with their mother and katie, who doesn’t come to their birthday party, implying that at this time either their father hasn’t left yet or, my belief, that their grandfather and nana are taking partial custody of the twins (well, it’s probably more that their mother is kinda just leaving them there for days at a time)
on the topic of the grandparents: we know the host had a grandfather (bill) who was married to their biological grandmother, who died before the host was born. bill then marries nana. the host also mentions their grandmother on their other side, who apparently takes a lot of cruises.
based on all of this, i believe bill & nana are the host’s maternal grandparents, and their unnamed grandmother is their paternal grandmother. this would suggest that they still had some contact with their father’s side of the family after he abandoned them, although considering she’s always on a cruise she may be avoiding the host and/or their family.
at some point after the host’s 12th birthday, their mother abandons(?) them and katie, and the two live with bill and nana for an undetermined amount of time. somewhat soon after this - when the twins are still young enough not to be safe home alone for too long - nana abandons them for four days, leading to bill divorcing her.
after this… we don’t know a ton. katie and the host grow apart, and as katie mentions their father abandoning them but not their mother it’s likely that she reconnected with their mother at some point. at some point so does the host, although they clearly still have a very strained relationship with their mother considering she refused to come to their birthday.
at some point, bill dies and his entire inheritance goes to nana. this isn’t super important to the timeline but depending on when this happens, it might explain their obsession with money as a power symbol. also the hayes steele thing. in my mind those two are connected but that’s up for interpretation.
as the host is apparently set to be the sole person organising nana’s funeral, it’s likely this was true for bill’s as well. we don’t know how old they were when bill died, but given katie’s absence from the funeral planning it could be assumed that she’s living with their mother at this point while the host is/was living with bill?
so, in summary, my best attempt to figure out the timeline is as follows: the host’s parents split up when the host and katie are around 7, and the two are left in the care of their mother, who regularly leaves them with their grandfather and nana. the host and katie grow apart, and around the age of 12 their mother leaves for a long period. during this time, nana leaves the two home alone for four days, leading to her divorce from the twins’ grandfather. their mother returns, and katie goes to live with her, while the host stays with their grandfather (who may be the only healthy adult in this whole family).
bonus thoughts:
if you subscribe to the idea that the host and the bianca were childhood friends (which i do), they presumably met after the host’s 12th birthday considering she didn’t attend it. this… doesn’t really make the david situation any less fucked up
it’s obvious katie was the golden child, and based on her having been a popular girl and the ‘nerd alert’ thing from nana it’s pretty easy to guess that nana encouraged the two fighting/katie bullying the host (something that their father also seemed to encourage, if we take the sippy cup story from augbert as fact)
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