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lexicorp · 2 months ago
Transformers Earthspark: Another Place, Another Prison
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Star does indeed get his meeting with Hashtag he scored with his deal with Megatron. Although, as most things, it doesn't exactly go favorably. The chaos energy shit and his damn 10k layered trauma ratatouille is not exactly making things easy for anyone. I REALLY want these two to reconcile at some point, yet alas, this is certainly not that chapter-
Also--Bee was absolutely about to be baited into fighting Star at the end before Tag interrupts lmao
Previous Chapter: Lingering Ghosts
First Chapter: A Need For Read
Next Chapter: An Unwanted Sequel
Chapter 5: Perception
Starscream had rounded the perimeter of the cell approximately 175 times now. It was a respectable number to end on, so he decided to take a seat against the wall. Megatron was certainly taking his time in fulfilling his side of their deal. Perhaps he had decided to simply forgo upholding his word. That would be disappointing. Although admittedly unsurprising.
Starscream's wings perked at the sound of pedsteps through the corridor, but drooped when he recognized that it was his audials playing tricks on him again. 
“Ey what’s the plan commander? I’m dyin’ in ‘ere!” Swindle complained, and the noise made Starscream’s optic twitch red.
“I’m working on it!” He growled. 
“Starscream: Moping.” Soundwave commented just so helpfully as the stoic mech also sat on his aft in the cell across from him.
“I am not!” Starscream’s vocalizer betrayed him with a high pitched squeal, and he cleared his throat. “I do not need to entertain any of you glitches. Just because my processor insists on projecting you, does not make you worthy of my attention. Leave me be and jet yourselves back into space why don’t you.” Starscream waved a servo as if he could send them away with the gesture. 
It only partially worked, as Soundwave’s form found it pertinent to displace itself to a less casual moment in time. When Mandroid had been given free reign to select any one of them as lab rodents to be experimented upon. The blue mech’s servos and peds were tightly bound to leave him splayed out upon the ground for scrambling little human pests to defile his circuits. They hadn’t even severed his sensors for the operation. They’d just popped open panels and prodded around like maggots deconstructing a living corpse. 
Starscream’s frame locked up as his spark felt constricted in his chassis. His vents had stopped. He knew it wasn’t real. Perhaps he shouldn’t have angered the illusion. Now he was stuck rewatching the disgusting scene as samples of the mech’s frame were being sawed off barbarically, the internal wiring being strewn about, and those cursed injections of more than questionable substances. The array of equipment echoed dreadfully in his audials.
Suddenly, the world spazzed again, and one of the G.H.O.S.T agents hovered sinisterly in front of his cell. Staring. Scrutinizing him with an air of hunger on its faceless mask. Like a predacon reveling in the power it held over its prey. Savoring not just its victory over its victims, but sadistically devouring the gruesome process itself. The creature simply found joy in their suffering, and lingered in a promise for what Starscream knew had happened next.
Then, there was Skullcruncher. Starscream heard the croctobot shift in the cell beside him, and his helm was inadvertently drawn to face it. The frame he saw wasn’t right. The lighting wasn’t right. It was dim and hazy, but he vaguely identified Skullcruncher as he shambled towards the barrier separating them. The sturdy beast was painfully caught between his bot and alt modes. Plating bent, warped, and twisted in ways it should not have been able to manage. His faceplate distorted with shadow and melting metal so that his optics and dentas stuck out in an unnerving, unnatural manner. 
The raspy voice box of the creature spoke to him. It sounded like too many different vocalizers at once for him to discern.
“You deserve what has come to you, Starscream. It’s your fault. You didn’t help us. You only helped yourself. How could you?”
Starscream yelped and scrambled back until he hit the opposing corner. His wings vibrated, crimson lightning flickering between them, and he barely registered them scraping against the wall. 
“You did this.” 
The words dug into his audials and he slapped his servos over his receptors like it could save him. “No no, shut up.” Starscream hissed as he glared at his knees, then his vocalizer cracked a chuckle. “You’re not real! It’s not real!” He sang manically. “You can’t trick me. No no no no…”
“You’ll never escape, Starscream. You have no allies that would bother to help you.”
“Hehe-” His vents were cycling far too quickly to aid his addled processor as he muttered, “I’m not listening to you. I don’t have to listen to you. Leave me alone.”
“...Who are you talking to?”
Starscream shrieked and flung his helm backwards in surprise at the suddenly crisp, external sound that questioned him. His optics shot in its direction to see exactly the Terran he so desperately wanted to see. He excitedly sprung to his peds and spread out his servos earnestly.
“HASHTAG!” Starscream greeted perhaps a bit too loudly, then swiftly stepped closer before finding a bit of hesitation and slowing his approach. “I-it’s so good to see you–heh- how-h-how have you been?? After… well, uh–”
“After you stole the Emberstone, nearly killed everyone I care about, and forced Terratronus to start destroying Witwicky?” She finished snarkily with crossed arms and an angry look on her faceplate. 
“Yes… that. But we can put that whole debacle behind us! We each got a couple good jabs at the other– what’s a few bouts of blaster fire between friends, right?” He waved his servos around animatedly and his vocalizer was a bit too high pitched for his liking, but that was a silly concern.
“You’re crazy.” Hashtag stated decidedly with far too much contempt, and continued with bitterness bleeding through her tone, “I can’t believe I ever believed in you! How could you do that!? I see now that you are just– worse than Megatron ever could have been.”
Starscream’s wings flicked stiffly behind him and his widened optics glitched between their red and blue as he took a step back. He was horrified. At what exactly, he couldn’t decide. She hated him– She didn’t understand– She was wrong. His wings shifted up and down erratically to relieve even a fraction of the pent up energy clawing at his spark. His servos shook and his optics darted across different points of his surroundings, occasionally landing on Hashtag before looking away again.
“I- You-!” Starscream had lifted a digit with the intent of confronting the Terran’s accusation, encouraged by that damned chaotic crimson corrupting his vision. But did he really have the right to berate her? A parasite nagged at his impulses that he should crush her voice box for her impertinence. He should tell her just how foolish of a proclamation she had made. Give her a verbal assault equal to the one he’d given Megatron. How dare she turn on him like this.
Yet with his sparing glances at her faceplate, even with the assured determination she held herself with, he saw glimpses of fear in her stance. This deepened the pit in his tank. Was he scaring her somehow? That wasn’t what he wanted. How could he have those thoughts?! Perhaps she did have a right to be angry with him after all…
Starscream in-vented, then tried his best to smile and smooth his vocalizer. “Come now, Hashtag, let’s not be brash.” He chuckled halfheartedly. “I’m sure you don’t mean that! Believe me, it was never my intention to damage you or your terran siblings. All you really had to do was step aside while I– what I mean to say is– i-it wasn’t about you, I just-” Oh that sounded bad didn’t it?
Hashtag scoffed, “Not about me? Woooow, thanks. That totally makes what you did alright. Except it doesn’t. You know, you’re lucky we’ve kept Spitfire and Aftermath from coming in here to give you a piece of their mind! What about what you did to them, huh!? I don’t care if it wasn’t about me, you still hurt and endangered so many people for some stupid power buff!”
Starscream stared at her blankly for some time as her words loaded in his processor. They’ve kept Sprite and A.M. from coming here… that means the sparklings were moving! Of course they saw it fit to come back online as soon as he was out of the picture. He knew it.
Starscream’s grin widened at the revelation, “I KNEW IT!” He said so suddenly that Hashtag flinched in surprise and looked at him with that same strange expression Megatron had worn, paired with a dash of confusion at his proclamation. He straightened himself to regain what composure he could before tilting a servo to enlighten her. “See, I knew those two never required those Embershards to function! I was right! They were just playing a petty, silly little game to get back at me when we were trapped up there in the Titan. Did they just need whatever fuel you Terrans need? Did you somehow collect a higher dose of the chaos energy that I could not? Or did they simply arise after I departed?” He tilted his hip snarkily and crossed his arms. “If that is the case I will have quite the word with Sprite about her rather rude, meager communications she chose to send me instead of contributing.”
Hashtag’s intake hung open stupidly before her faceplate scrunched in bafflement. “...What?”
Starscream thought he had explained himself quite well. He rolled his optics and impatiently urged her to answer his query, “At what point did they decide to come online?”
“Decide?? You killed them! We were only able to bring them back with a crazy idea to toss them into the chaos cloud junk with the spear! Of course anime has never done me wrong and it totally worked– but they weren’t deciding to be dead! What’s wrong with you!?” Hashtag was throwing her servos around in some ill placed frustration as she spouted nonsense.
“They weren’t dead, they were in stasis from their regretable damages.” Starscream tried to clarify. He wasn’t crazy. He knew exactly what was going on.
“Dude you can’t be this delusional. What weird space rock did you eat up there?”
“I’m not delusional.” Starscream snapped with a flash of red in his optics before he reeled himself in again. “If they were permanently offline, then there would have been no possible way Sprite could have pinged my communicator!”
Hashtag blinked and shook her helm as she partially recognized what he’d said. “Sprite…? You mean Spitfire??” She actually looked fondly amused before she forcefully refocused herself, “No– ugh, c’mon man! That makes absolutely no sense. Maybe she was like, haunting you, or something–that would definitely make for some good cinema– but I’m pretty darn sure they were dead-dead for a while there. They looked very dead to me.”
Starscream threw his servos in the air, “Well maybe she was a good actor all along! I’m not crazy!! And I am most definitely not hearing things!!” His wings shuttered as the chaos energy pulled at his circuits. “Believe what you want if you enjoy being wrong–” Lightning shot through his frame and he shook his helm in a hopeless effort to stave the crimson from his optics– “You…You’re just a confused sparkling that doesn’t understand the nuances of the situation– STOP FRAGGING LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT OR I SWEAR I’LL DESTROY THIS PATHETIC BARRIER!” 
That slagger Bumblebee ran up from his post at the sector’s entrance to plant himself between Starscream and Hashtag defensively. “HEY! Cool it Screamer! Don’t make me cut your playdate short!”
The corrupted power of the Emberstone erupted from Starscream’s frame, causing that wretched shaking and haze in his optics. “BUT OUT BUG! This doesn’t concern you!” He growled with a stance rearing for a fight.
“I think it does, actually. Especially with whatever this is.” The bumbling bot whirled a servo in Starscream’s general direction rudely. 
“Oh REALLY?” He laughed darkly, “You honestly think you are of any use here?! You could never hope to stand against me, scout. Now step aside. Or do you wish to come in here and prove what little prowess you might possess?”
The bug scoffed, “I’m not going to fight you right now Starscream.”
Before Bumblebee could respond, Hashtag frantically yelled: “STOP!!” Once she’d gained their attention she in-vented sharply and placed a servo on the bug’s shoulder plating. “Just- c’mon Bee, this was stupid… let’s just go.”
“WHAT? You- you can’t just leave–” Starscream stressed angrily. How dare she try to walk away from their conversation!
“You can’t tell me what to do!” She snapped at him before stomping away down the corridor. The bug stared at Starscream a moment longer before hopping away to catch up with Hashtag. 
Blue battled for control of his optics and his vents quickened, then he scrambled as close as he could towards them with an extended servo. “WAIT! Wait– please– w-we can- we can still talk about this- I’m sorry I– I didn’t mean it! Please Hashtag, I’m sorry if I scared you, don’t–don’t leave!”
She only spared him one last glance as she tightly hugged her frame, her faceplate full of hurt that he’d foolishly caused. Then the door closed.
“NO! No…no-” Starscream’s servo slowly lowered partway before balling into a fist, “UGH WHY DID I DO THAT?!” He slammed it against the barrier before slumping down to his knees pathetically with a whine. Then voiced Hashtag’s question in a whisper, “What is wrong with me…?”
Nothing about that had gone as it should have. 
Starscream had wanted to have a casual, friendly conversation where they could possibly reconcile. Where maybe he could’ve gotten her to understand, and forgive him. Perhaps even get her to pass a good word to the Autobots! But then he had to go and open his big fat glossia, and say literally all the wrong things. 
When had it devolved so horribly?? He hadn’t thought it was going that bad! Sure, It had often periodically become more confrontational than he had hoped, but he should have been prepared for that. He should have rehearsed his approach better. Why hadn’t he prepared? He’d had the time, hadn’t he?
Yet all he’d managed to do was frag things up more than they already were. Now how was he going to get out of here?! Jump one of the glitches if they decide to bring him energon…? That had too many ways to go awry, but it might be his only chance.
Or… Perhaps, he could get this Primus damned power that infected him to actually be useful…
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 days ago
i might
be about to
connect a whole bunch of pieces together
with the ds/h!ds crossover fic
and go right from 23 (or perhaps 24) chapters to 29 (or 30)
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hanzajesthanza · 7 months ago
getting a idea for a video… pursuing it, then getting a BETTER video idea… then thinking how they can go together… then realizing this could be a SERIES of videos…
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onlyathief · 4 months ago
SCOUT. I'VE ONLY KNOWN YOU FOR LIKE A WEEK AND I'D ALREADY KILL FOR YOU. Your writing is fantastic, your manips are always impressive and wonderful as are your choices for fcs. You are so endlessly creative and a joy to talk to and bounce ideas off of and be around and I'm so glad to have met you and to get to write with you. ALL of your muses are so incredibly well written and I look forward to writing with you more and just getting to be friends!!!
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tiny-security-mech · 1 year ago
...okay, well, fuck me then, I guess I'll have to wait a week! To see the fallout of all of that shit that happened!!
AHAHAHAHA this is fine.
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tredispade · 11 months ago
Sol had been their neighbour since forever. The residential building was technically open to the public, but being in Sector 8 and being one of the newer apartment complexes nestled in the heart of the arts and entertainment district, it meant only the families who lived upper middle-class or beyond tended to make a home there.
Those with a shining background in Shinra especially.
Ariadne knocked on his door with more confidence than was normal for her. She had slowly slid back into her shell, had lost her sassy edge of childhood when she emerged into social circles that were too crushing on her soul. But there were still good people in the world.
People like Sol, who had been a constant. He had always been kind to her and her family, always seemed to have time for them even when it was something as silly as a little kid showing off some 'brand new trick!' that was childish and not all that impressive.
When his door opened, she held up a pan of lemon and blueberry bread, still warm from the oven. It was a wordless offer of a neighbour — want some?
Sol was just a small kid when he and his family first moved into this building. Back then, he was too young and in awe over the big city to understand why they had to move at all. That his father essentially sold his ownership over their resort properties on Costa del Sol to become some Shinra office nobody. His father was high ranking, but still a nobody. hardly a fair exchange, but that was only Sol's opinion.
What really added insult to injury, and showed just how fleeting life was, he now lived alone in that massive apartment. His parents lived closer to HQ, while his sister pursued her own career. They weren't bad people for it, but he just didn't have it in him to just leave what he knew. He'd probably stay here until the place fell apart under him.
He thought about moving sometimes, but when a familiar knock sounded at his front door, he remembered why he chose to stay here. There was still one person here that he didn't want to abandon. He'd smile when he opened the door, seeing a familiar face and smelling something sweet and warm.
His answer to her question was to open his door wider and invite her in as he stepped back to make room, then just leaving the door open as he turned towards the kitchen. Lemon bread was one of his favorites. He could never say no.
"I was about to have some tea, if you'd like to join me." He was already gathering two glasses as if it was even an option at all.
Though the 'tea' was going to be more of a glass of wine or liquor he planned to drink alone before settling in for an early night in. He'd much rather have the company.
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yandereforelorn · 2 years ago
I’ve gotta go to sleep but I need to scream about HORRROR!!!!!! I love it so much!!!!!!
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inkfamy · 2 years ago
Not to get all woobie on main but I'm honestly so excited, the TF comic license last changed hands almost 2 decades ago and even though I've been in/around TF fan stuff almost that long, this is the first time I've actively been on the ground floor when a comic's gone from announcement to publication and im so excited!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!
Skybound/Image have worked on such cool stuff in the past, Robert Kirkman, Daniel Warren Johnson and Mike Spicier have such an amazing list of previous works, AAAAA
There is nothing but optimism and enthusiasm and yelling into a pillow. I CANT WAIT
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squiddieteam · 2 years ago
We're within 1!
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entity56 · 1 year ago
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day 26: apocalypse ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year ago
1 Day until the JMV Fic Starts
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the-ominous-owl · 4 months ago
you know what else has me clawing at the walls? rio says "no one else in history has special treatment like you."
no one else in history. assuming rio collects everyone, or even just the magically-inclined, it's reasonable to also assume that she's been bargained with in the past - offered power, favours, service, probably from beings with far more power than a pre-darkhold agatha. but Death is implacable. until agatha. no one else in history.
and then we see how little it took agatha to get it.
a tearful plea and the threat of her hatred, and implacable Death bends. she pauses. she offers what she can. because she loves her.
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greetings-inferiors · 12 days ago
Eh it's alright
oh my stars if anyone knows or plays MINDWAVE please tell me I LOVE MINDWAVE UAAAAAAA
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egophiliac · 5 months ago
time for skeleman
with the lack of any other info yet, all I can focus on are those Charles Lloyd-looking sunglasses. they are absolutely sending me. I feel like we're gonna fall through a tree or whatever and this stitched-up boney gentleman is gonna pop out from behind a gravestone and start serenading us with some smooth jazz on the saxophone.
or should I say...the saxoBONE???????
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tredispade · 3 months ago
"My! Such wonderful drama! I imagine we have to do something now, don’t we?" (bet'anya @ ash)
assorted paper mario quotes || @noblehcart ( bet'anya )
Ash laughed darkly at her words. A wide grin on his face as he leaned back against the marble wall and watched said drama. He hadn't seen so many gods and other powerful beings all in one space like this before. Except for maybe the Omegrion.
But he could practically taste the electric spark of powers clashing in the air. And they weren't even really fighting yet. Just arguing.
He cast a sideways glance at Bet'anya. "I'd rather not get in the middle of that. Last time I got in the middle of god related drama... I got gutted for it. I'd rather not do that again."
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ahotknife · 1 year ago
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the stooges / the dream thieves by maggie stiefvater / phoebe bridgers / how to be a dog by andrew kane / sleepycorvid / mitski / margaret atwood / ethel cain
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