#vias song ate so hard
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how. how am i supposed to survive when THIS
is how stolas and vias relationship ends for the season. how. i have my head in my hands. i cannot do this.
#guys#vias song ate so hard#but#i have tears running down my face#jesus fucking christ#im DEVESTATED#the entire time via and stolas were fighting was.#heartbreaking#and the end#stolas's sobbing#broke me#hats off to the voice actor#BUT STILL#holy shit i just want them to be okay#i cant do this.#sinsmas#helluva boss#stolitz#octavia#stolas#helluva boss sinsmas#hb sinsmas
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pspspsp prophet do you have music u associate with Q ...
[ OOC: WOOHOO i have two c!quackity playlists already posted here!!
BUT ok if i had to choose like, top 5 or 6? ooohjkay folks im gunna put a cut since i'm yapping my HEAD off for this. major analysis loser moment below <3 ]
first off is life of the party by all time low. [ link ] "all these people are passed out / on the floor in my hotel room / i don't know half of them / but they all wanna know me" + "in a sea of strangers, i can’t find me anymore" + "when i'm out of my head / and i don't wanna face it / you said it's all for a reason / what the fuck is the reason now?" iiii mean. cmon. hello las nevadas quackity being bitter and self important and in such horrid denial yet losing himself in the process!!!!!
THE AAANTHEM of las nevadas as a country, how it feels and seems, is "one night in bangkok" from the musical chess. [ link. ] thamk yew.
i've got a multitude of reasons for this one, because both the lyrics and general vibe + ambience of the song is preeetty representative of what LN is like to experience. it's suave, exotic, it's sneaky, its ostentatious and flamboyant in nature, and run by someone with an emotionally detached standpoint.
the voiceover section ("thank god i'm only watching the game, controlling it / but the queens we use would not excite you / so, you better go back to your bars, your temples, .... your massage parlors") is just. 👌👌 MMM its got that cocky dryness quackity tends to have.
not only that, THE CHORUSES??? "you'll find a god in every golden cloister / a little flesh, a little history / i can feel an angel sliding up to me" + "one night in bangkok makes the hard man humble / not much between despair and ecstasy / one night in bangkok and the tough guys tumble / can't be too careful with your company / i can feel the devil walking next to me"
its got paranoia, gods, power plays, ascending to a higher status, money = love, sexual implications, etc. ALL THOSE THEEMES!! along with the strutty bass and that sense of swirling desert pride in the beginning— u can practically hear the sand granules. but that switchup to a funkier beat is so tantalising. chefs fucking kiss its my fav LN song i have
(also a song for the makings / beginnings of LN sorta feel like this, but im not gunna focus too hard on it since its very niche and my explanation is bonkers /pos)
manburg era quackity is fascinating because he's a double sided coin. in my portrayal, quackity was both head over heels for schlatt and fought back as much as he could from his position, yet often saw schlatt in a 2D limited perspective. sure, he was Good at the game, but he certainly was not perfect like las nevadas quackity is. manburg q doesnt have LNQ's paranoia. he doesnt have that skill of seeing every possibility or outcome— he's apprehensive but is far more easily persuaded in favour of what people will think of him. he's cheeky and witty and hopeful, and pushes for a better nation while ALSO self-sabotaging that either via schlatt's hand or his own choices. for all that, there's a couple songs:
"money" by caroline rose (banger!). it's greed its hype its cunning and honest about sociopolitical approaches. you could argue this is even LNQ but i think its too playfully abrasive for it to properly fit. so its a manburg type beat for me
"they just don't know you" by little mix + "pink" by girli = the duo to represent quackity's ever mixed view of schlatt. pink is also such a lyrically accurate song it makes me INSANE. "thought i was your side bitch / secretly, you were my bitch / and baby, honestly / ate you for breakfast, with a cup of tea / yes, i was faking! i'm a double agent!" GIRL HELLO!!!!!!! cannibal q. <3
anyway quackity was stuck between over-agreeability and being forced into a subservient position where he did make actively harmful decisions and was willing to do as schlatt required out of his love for him, yet bit back at schlatt veeeery often whjch lead to their fights and mutually toxic behaviours. quackity also used schlatt as a way to climb the political ladder, which is a key aspect of his cunning abilities. q uses people!! always has, it only becomes impossible to ignore during LN
my ugly by cloudfodder: a way to depict how quackity viewed his own public identity during manburg. i mean. the lyrics spell it out preeetty well:
"what a lovely desire / to require the approval of strangers i know i'll never see / but nonetheless i will grind night and day like a cacophobic slave / 'til you're six leagues down bad for me" + "don't my looks just say: hey, i'm a winner at the game / ice up in my veins, skip my resume, irrelevant?" + "please forgive me my depression / just should've disguised the pain, plain with deception / made sure you never see / any ugly from me / i know the pain it can bring" ??????? HHFHEHFHRHRFH GOD
"pressure" by billy joel, mostly as a reference to even having a political position, both during manburg and new l'manburg. not all of the lyrics resonate but god THE BEAT DOES!!!!!
okay. theres my yappings. can you tell im very normal about cquackity and his development and annnd the variety of eras ans positions he was in and . And the relations and dynamics he had with peop.le and h,Yeah :) 👍👍👍👍👍👍 [ explodes ]
#ooc: the prophet talks#delegation — LN TEXTBOOK.#i need like a tag for analysis or whatever ive done it sl much on this blog#GIRL IDK but. hello. i hope u enjoy this im fsucking crazy
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Saviour II X Andy Biersack- Part 2
(Sequel to Ribcage)
Andy and Delia had finally found their happy ending in each other, Delia was living in LA with Andy and things could not be better.
With the group reuniting to complete a UK and Europe tour, some challenges threaten to tear Andy and Delia apart. Can Andy continue to try his hardest to be what Delia made, or will the couple drift apart from each other?
"So how excited are you for the UK?" Shevy asks through the phone as she and Delia discussed things via video call. "Honestly I cannot wait to take you to Gregg's and let you experience the greatness of their sausage rolls!"
"We're still on about the sausage rolls." Delia laughs shaking her head slightly. "Honestly I'm just hoping the Starbucks there is as good as the ones here in the States, you know what I'm like with my coffee."
"Starbucks is still pretty good in the UK don't worry." Shevy laughs "Oh, I just remembered as well, you've gone vegan recently haven't you?"
"Yeah." Delia nods "I mean it wasn't too much of a change considering I rarely ate meat anyway, but it just makes the food shop for me and Andy so much easier."
"Well, not to worry, Gregg's also do vegan sausage rolls which I imagine are still nice, I've never had one myself." Shevy explains before she's cut off.
"I can confirm they are nice." Andy chimes in as he climbs into bed next to Delia before placing his 'sacred' notepad on the bedside table; he had yet to show Delia what he was working on. "Hey Shevy."
"Hey Andy!" Shevy smiles "Have you come to steal my best friend away from me?"
"If anything I think you're going to be the one stealing my girlfriend away from me on this tour, so I've been savouring the time alone with Delia." Andy jokes making Shevy laugh.
"I'm sure we can share." Shevy jokes back.
"I am right here you know?" Delia pipes up joining in on the joke "Maybe I won't hang out with either of you this tour, I have been missing my second best friend Lonny after all."
"We need to remember Lonny's birthday this tour too." Andy announces suddenly which makes Delia look at him with a questioning glance.
"Andy, Lonny's birthday was 5 months ago." Delia is puzzled by Andy's comment.
"We should still celebrate it on tour, he can be like the old Queen of England and have multiple birthday celebrations." Andy laughs "Come on, it'll be a fun prank to pull on him randomly one show."
"Andy, is a prank war really a good idea?" Shevy rolls her eyes slightly "You know it's myself and Delia who will have to do the round of cleaning up and trying to control you and the band from doing anything too reckless."
"Shevy don't be such a buzz kill." Andy grins.
"Okay, just this one prank please." Shevy shakes her head slightly whilst smiling "Anyway I have a slightly earlier flight than you two so I need to sleep. I'll see you both in Norwich. Goodnight."
"Night Shevy." Andy and Delia speak in unison before the call ends; Delia then plugs her phone in to charge and places it on her bedside table before snuggling into Andy's side and looking up at him "So how was your evening? When are you going to show me what you're writing in that journal of yours?"
"Not yet. Honestly I don't even know if it's going to go anywhere." Andy shrugs slightly before wrapping his arms around Delia.
"You need to stop being so hard on yourself all the time Andy." Delia frowns slightly.
"I'm trying babe, I really am. I'm still not used to the idea of someone not wanting to criticise me all the time and judge my work." Andy sighs slightly before placing a soft kiss to Delia's forehead "I'm also worried that people will judge the songs I write for the band if it's obvious I'm a love sick puppy for you."
"Sometimes vulnerability is the best story." Delia tries to ease his mind "Look at how the fans react to Lost It All for example, they love seeing the vulnerable side, why not show them a happier vulnerability?"
"This is why you are the best thing in my life Delia Vincent." Andy smirks at her idea, it made sense, her ideas always did make sense. "I love you."
"I love you too." Delia grins back before pressing her lips to Andy's.
In the perfect world, Andy and Delia would have been very professional and would have gone straight to sleep and gotten an early night ready for their flight to the UK. However, the way that the two of them were enamoured with each other, that simply was not the case. Instead, they would be met the next morning with clothes thrown across the floor that they would have to rush to tidy away before leaving the house and heading to the airport.
"Delia!" Shevy screams excitedly as she sees Delia and Andy walk through the lobby of the hotel they were staying in.
"Shevy!" Delia screams back as she sees Shevy running to approach them before pulling Delia into a tight hug "It's so nice to see you again, I was just saying to Andy, once the others arrive I vote we all go out for food and catch up."
"I'm so down!" Shevy grins pulling away from the hug to look towards Andy teasingly "Hey love bug."
"Please do not start calling me that Shevy." Andy chuckles softly whilst shaking his head.
"Hey, I much prefer the smitten Andy to Moody Biersack." Shevy laughs before hugging Andy "It's good to see you happy still."
"That's fair, it's nice to feel happy." Andy speaks as Shevy once again pulls out of the hug.
"D, how's your dad doing?" Shevy then asks looking at Delia with sympathy in her eyes; only Andy and Shevy knew about Nick's cancer, she didn't really want to make it a big announcement in fear of it effecting her job, plus she was never one for sympathy and pity.
"Yeah, he's doing well, we spoke to him at the airport whilst we were waiting for our flight. Obviously he has the fatigue, nausea and his hair is thinning but he's managing." Delia nods sadly; yes her dad was doing well but it was still scary that he was having to go through treatment again, especially since she so nearly lost him the last time he had cancer.
"I'm glad to hear he's doing well honey, you're so brave for still wanting to do this tour." Shevy smiles placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort.
"I would love to be with him right now but he didn't want me to fuss over him." Delia continues to nod "Sadly dad is stubborn, more so than me."
"The others don't know either, we thought about telling them about Nick but decided against it. We just want to survive this tour and then we're going to visit our families after." Andy explains which makes Shevy nod.
"Okay, but D, you know if you need me you can always come find me. We can get coffee or something and just chat." Shevy smiles. "I know you have Andy but let's be real, sisters before misters aye?"
"Thanks Shevy." Delia smiles back "We should get checked in, we'll meet you down here in a bit? When the others get here let them know about food plans yeah?"
"On it." Shevy grins.
"There's our golden couple!" CC grins as he spots the 2 remaining group members making their way over. "This meal was your idea yet we were waiting on you. I don't want to know what you kids were doing."
"I don't know what you mean CC, I am a child of God." Delia jokes sending him a smirk; in reality, she and Andy had actually spoken to Tamara and Nick to let them know they had arrived safely. No one would admit it, but the circle was more fragile than they let off. Tamara and Nick were constantly worried about Delia and her safety since Seattle, although they trusted Andy to the fullest, and Delia and Andy were growing more and more concerned for Nick and his health, chemotherapy was not being kind to him.
"Yeah and I'm a virgin." CC shoots back making everyone in the group burst into laughter from the jokes of the two of them.
"It's good to see you looking well Delia." Lonny smiles.
"Lonny, thank goodness you're here! Andy and Shevy have been fighting over me so I'm hanging out with you." Delia explains as she walks over to Lonny and gives him a hug.
"As glad as I am to see you D, I'd rather not get in the middle of this in case Andy gets moody with me." Lonny laughs hugging her back whilst looking at Andy to really wind him up.
"Oh fuck you Lonny." Andy laughs shaking his head at his fellow band member.
"I'm just saying." Lonny laughs alongside him as he and Delia break from the hug.
"Have you guys seen her?" Andy's mood suddenly drops as he instantly takes a hold of Delia's hand as soon as she is standing back next to him; it was almost an instinct, as if he was trying to ground himself or make sure he didn't lose Delia.
"No we haven't. I don't even know if she's here yet or if she's going to be arriving later, but management would tell us if she wasn't coming surely." Jake explains.
"Honestly I'd rather just avoid her." Andy sighs which makes Delia squeeze his hand to try and comfort him.
"She won't do anything Andy, even if she tries to we're all gonna be around so it'll be her word against ours." Jinxx explains which makes Andy nod anxiously.
"Yeah, yeah you're right." Andy agrees before looking at Delia "I just hope she doesn't try to mess anything up."
"She won't Andy." Delia smiles at him "We're both happy, she can't take that away from us, right?"
"Yeah, right." Andy smiles before kissing Delia's forehead.
"Can we go get food now? I'm hungry." Lonny groans breaking the moment between Andy And Delia.
"Yeah, I'd rather not lose my appetite from you two love sick puppies." CC pretends to vomit whilst holding back a laugh from his own joke.
"Lonny when are you not hungry?" Delia rolls her eyes whilst completely ignoring CC and his comment.
"Hey, I'm not always hungry!" Lonny defends himself.
"Yet you're the one who will just sit there and eat straight up bread from his bag." Andy teases Lonny.
"Right yeah, it was one time. You're never going to let me live that down are you?" Lonny sighs whilst trying his hardest not to laugh.
"Nope, you and your weird snacks will always be one of us." Shevy laughs. "Now come on, let's get food I'm starving."
It was refreshing for Delia to be back with the group and despite everything, the dynamic had not changed one bit. She just prayed that it would remain this way. She could sense Andy's anxiety without him having to verbalise it, she knew he did not want to face Juliet and she couldn't blame him after what had happened. As much as Delia trusted Andy, the idea of Juliet being here did bring her own anxieties to surface. The last thing she wanted was to lose Andy because of her, plus she was extremely worried to face this woman. Yes she is very pretty, but that is not her worry. Her worry was linked to the abuse and manipulation Juliet had projected onto Andy in the past, Juliet completely broke him and ruined him until he was nothing and could trust no one. Andy had just become whole again and Delia would hate to see him return to that, she was unsure if even she could save him from that if he returned to that state of mind again.
...All of these wild thoughts were just anxieties and Delia's overthinking, right?
#andy biersack#andy black#andy bvb#cc bvb#jake bvb#jake pitts#jinxx bvb#lonny bvb#lonny eagleton#black veil brides#bvb#black veil brides fanfic#bvb fanfic
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Eurovision 2024: #21
21. AUSTRALIA Electric Fields - "One Milkali" 27th place
Decade Ranking: 74/153 [Above wrs, below TBA]
We're on a gravitron as it tangles through them billions, illions of arseholes and angels. 💋 -- Michael Ross.
I'll open by pointing out that Zach's dress reminds me of those sail-backed tetrapods all mammals have descended from:
BorisBubbles.tumblr.com satisfying your autism AND paleontology fixes since 2017.
On other news, I'm happy to report I've never bought into the "Electric Fields Are Shock Qualifiers" hype. They had a song nobody cared about upon release, to represent a country nobody particularly wants in Eurovision. I'm AMAZED they almost floated into the semi over Serbia.
My personal feelings on the song are quite mixed, mostly because I always recognised "One Milkali" as both a televote flop and a missed opportunity. I always love when countries inject their music traditions into the entries they send to Eurovision, but in "Australia's "One Milkali'"'s case it was a fairly sloppy fusion. The soundtrack opens via Nokia ringtone before it explodes into a digital fart and segues into a generic, catchy EDM track that is in a constant state of competition with it's own background didgeridoo.
On top of that comes a libretto that, using a lot of confusing metaphors and dated pop culture references that border on nonsense, express a utopian vision of Universal Kinship that most people know to be factually untrue. None of us value life equally. I know SOME people find that offensive because they delude themselves into thinking they're good people, so allow me to demonstrate;
IMAGINE your least favourite famous person in the world; a politician or businessman or musician or actor, or writer of certain wizarding novels. Someone you strongly dislike and don't necessarily want dead, but say you'd would be very pleased if this person had chosen to be an accountant over their actual profession, obsessing over NUMBERS rather than their current trade. Now compare THAT person to your favourite people in the world: your parents,siblings, other halves, friends, pets, children (lol this is tumblr - exactly three of you will spawn offspring, the rest of you will grow old with two cats named after fictional characters such as "Khaleesi" and "Deban Aderemi".) You cannot put this person on the same level as them. You will not value this person's life AS much as you value your loved-one's lives, and that's perfectly normal human behaviour. We hold different standards for different people. Anyone who does not is a walking red flag.
With this in mind, you just know that One Milkali would be a hard sell because not many people connect with its intentions, especially now that Eurovision has made a shift towards Tory-ness (💀). It's naive, utopean and out of touch for those that get it and very confusing to those who do not.
I'm making it sound like I dislike Australia, but I actually really like the studio cut (it's better when you don't look). The studio version... well doesn't slap but at least swats? It was a sanitised, tranquilized version of "2000 and Whatever", which I LOVED, and I gave 1M(1B) a few loopings. I, like many people that remembered Electric Fields fondly, and was hoping they would die for Raiven for a live outsell.
Unfortunately, the live of "One Milkali" was not an outsell. If anything it undersold? It was lowkey a tranwreck?
Like, when your top moment of the performance is THE COLOUR PROJECTION AT THE START
(this bit actually ate! pity it happens literally within the opening seconds.)
and the second best moment is a literal ijbol moment when the didgeridoo player (this man is a LIVING DEITY btw) PLAYS HIS INSTRUMENT LIVE RIGHT INTO ZACHARIAAHA'S MIC, DROWINING HIM OUT.
IT'S RAININ' LO- :didge noises:
Yeah, a few choices were made which were a tad off. The worst one is allowing Michael Ross to vocalize because the man does NOT HAVE A GOOD VOICE. You have three backs, let them sing his bits. Not doing that is the second worst decision. The third worst is poorly mixing those backs in with a very strained Zachariaaha? Also, why are they strutting on the stage like models on a catwalk? Did Aisel have a few on sale from her X My Heart era?
The staging did a few things right - it was colourful, used the space well and had good camerawork. It got the basics right, at least.
It was a sloppy execusion of a clumsily composed song, but, I still enjoyed it overall. "One Milkali" is naive and utopean as fuck, and embraced that vibe and I appreciate that. The Yankunytjatjara bits are great and synergize well with the English. The song was an adequate representation of aborigine culture, hampered mostly by the fact that it didn't go hard enough when it needed to.
It ranks this high because putting it lower makes no sense to me. Unlike Poland, the vocals were acceptable, and the staging was linear and clear. Unlike Moldova, they had a song and a vision and displayed creativity? Unlike Azer and Iceland, Australia managed to fill the stage with some semblance of life and momentum. It still had flaws, but they were easy enough to accept. It makes sense that Aus were the highest NQ in the first semi, as they are on this ranking.
But lmao @ allowing any SF1 NQ to enter my top 20.
#eurovision#eurovision song contest#borisbubbles#esc#Eurovision 2024#ESC 2024#Malmö 2024#Australia#Electric Fields#One Milkali#Youtube
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» 『✎』 — 𝐉ournal Entry 001
Gatherin' my memories is as hard as it ever was. It was difficult to try and keep my head on straight when I was in college or when I was with Stanford, but after that messy few decades with the memory gun? It's hard to remember my own organizational system, nevermind what I did earlier or if I ate at all today,,
I do remember things here and there, mostly at random, through stimuli via my other senses. Like a smell or hearing a song, somethin' like that will shake one of my memories loose from whatever brambles they're stuck in ...
I think,, one of my bigger memories,, was seein' Stanford again for the first time in 30 somethin' years, after the portal catastrophe (which I found out by the way, not from him, but from Stanley instead).
I had already spent the weeks prior to Ford comin' home tryin' to work on myself, to find some other way to ease the pain my memories brought me,, well, a way other than the memory gun, which the Pines kids convinced me not to use.
Seeing Ford after all that time,, even though my mind was still in shambles,, I just couldn't stop the tears. I missed that brilliant man more than anythin' , even if he was a pain in my ass,, though I was equally problematic towards him as well before everything fell apart.
Regardless of how things went down,, he still owned a large part of my heart n' soul. I was both devastated and relieved at the same time,, I lost 30 years with my friend, my partner. It's real hard, tryin' not to blame myself for what happened.
Maybe if I'd been there a little longer,, if I'd tried a little harder, if I hadn't given up and been so desperate to forget, to hide away from my fears —
It's all in the past now, but that ain't gonna stop the "what-if's" , unfortunately.
I just hope he still thinks as fondly of me as I do of him ...
#💭 Fidds' Thoughts#☀️ primary timeline#fiddleford mcgucket kin#gravity falls kin#fiddleford mcgucket#fiddleford hadron mcgucket#old man mcgucket#young fiddleford#gravity falls fiddleford#gravity falls
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17) Sally
((a little late to posting since this week is also kicking my ass, but this one is very abstractly set in @nuclearanomaly 's bookshop au! I had an idea for a cross-over inside an AU, and here's how it turned out! lol))
Karo took the steps up to her apartment two at a time, pack slung across her shoulders. She was already late, closing the store well after the scheduled time due to helping Hilda try out several of her new arrivals. She was due a new instrument, and the latest song they were composing needed a particular sound out of the guitar. Karo had been helping Nastrond find the right sound, and the newest batch of instruments was looking promising for delivering what they wanted. Very well worth every minute helping.
She was, however, running late to her meetup with friends online as a result, despite messaging them earlier to let them know about her delay. It was rare enough that all of them were able to meet up and spend some time on the larger challenges in the game. Opening the door, she almost danced through the one-room space, flitting to her computer to start turning it on, placing her pack by the door, and swinging into the kitchen to grab a drink and snack before sliding back into her computer chair, looping her headphones on.
It didn’t take long to get the game going, and the chat program running, the whole team already chatting away about their day and the things they were looking forward to in the next game update. Karo left her mic muted as she ate her food while the loading screen greeted her before clicking her favorite and main toon.

Finally loaded in, the avatar on the screen leapt off the building, falling ever faster to the ground before suddenly shooting off into the sky, small black wings flapping. A team invite came almost immediately after, her friends noticing she had arrived and she swapped zones via the in-game trains. Grinning with glee, Karo set her toon to skimming the lake in flight while searching.
“You know, she’s only up once an hour because someone always finds her first,” the voice of Thancred in her headset reminded her that her “secret” hunt was not so secret due to the fact that they were all in a team and could see what zone she was in needlessly.
“Yeah, but I’m only one more tap away from the badge!” Karo guided her toon over the water, casually dodging the various enemies on the shore while keeping an eagle-eye out for her target. She had created a version of herself in the game, even using her full name as a character name for some reason, but if nothing else, it felt good to fly.
“Anyways, if you get in zone when I find her, you get credit too!” The elusive monster was a hard find, and Karo had been looking for her for weeks. She loved to collect the badges in game, and had long since collected all the exploration and lore badges she could get her hands on, and was slowly going through the various lists of enemies to dispatch.
“That’s all well and good, but I thought we were gathering for a Task Force!” Alisaie was definitely ready to take on the larger challenge for the evening. One of the newest Task Force’s had a badge that required no deaths and no temp powers to be used, and it was the hardest one out to date. They had defeated it normally several times at this point, but it was time for the challenge.
“I’ll be there in just a moment, I wanna do one more lap,” dodging another mob of land-based enemies, Karo was glad flight was a fairly fast travel power as she swung her camera to and fro, looking for the elusive enemy. With a sigh of defeat, she angled her character up just a little to head back to the train station to join the others in the proper zone to get the evening started, when she caught a thin tall neck out of the corner of her eye.
“She’s here! I found Sally!!” Karo squeaked, diving down to the rare spawn, hovering near her happily. Exclamations of disbelief poured in through her headset as one by one she saw each of her friends pop into the zone before heading to her marker. Once everyone was there, a solemn thanks was given, before a single stroke encouraged the monster to retreat beneath the waves once more, the badge popping up on several screens at once.
“Okay, now that that’s done, can we please get on with the Task Force?” Alisaie’s toon was already back into the proper zone as the rest meandered, laughing, but headed to her to buckle down and try the next challenge that awaited them.
#ffxiv#FFXIVWrite2024#karoiseka#city of heroes#bookshop au#nini#THANK YOU!!#I know it was very abstract#but it was nice to be able to at least mention/reference in the beginning!#This was a fun one!#Esp loading into CoH and actually finding her. It DID actually take me about an hour of on and off flying around to find her#so that was a fun nostalgic thing to do!!
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i hate these young lovers, beato kill these clowns neow
episode 1 thread here
well at least there's beato about it... i must survive on her alone...
kanon confirmed aro/ace king tho. we aren't human, we can't know love? sure man sure.
are you seriously gonna make a big deal out of jessica having a guitar and then play a song that couldn't even dream of having guitar in it?
so we're doing the trope of telling the servant there's a whole big world out there, don't you want to be freeeee? which.... in this particular instance i suppose works a little because these two kids had firmly accepted this was their life forever and previously had no interest in fighting back at all but. god this trope sucks donkey ass. god i hate anything with servants in it, it exclusively goes bad.
"you, with no money or power or ability, denied even a basic education, have decided that this is just your fate and have given up! but I, who has only ever known wealth and has been set up for success at every turn can see that my fate is something to bend to my will!" girl,,, yeah if someone just stops calling themselves furniture that fixes everything and there's no outside factors. yeah. like i get this is a metaphor being told via an absurd story but i simply must gripe ! i simply must gripe knowing that as a teenager i would have been the biggest kanon kinnie (no connection to his reality beyond general moodiness ofc) and ate this shit up!
kanon! create a version of yourself that you truly like, under your own name! kanon! trans your gender!
i get the sense from beatrice that her heart was deeply broken so that's why she wants to watch other people suffer heartbreak.
oh no how terrible for rosa, beating the shit out of your child and screaming at her in public makes such a tense environment :(((((
oh wow this story is actually going hard on the double identities/personalities with everyone huh! maria was a good entrance point with the creepy shit but now we're getting it with everyone in some way or another
hmmmm! ok so it seems like this isn't a proper loop, we're still in the golden land with beatrice and battler watching everything go on as outsiders, but things ARE different. will the deaths be different? surely? regardless, it's very fun! feels like a very grand and exciting way to kick things off again!
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task starter for @savvy-sutton

Sometimes, life tells you it's not the right time to make lemonade with the lemons it gave you. When Ali moved to East Haven with, and for his partner, he did not imagine he would be the sad boyfriend who waits for his loved one to come back from work. Even now that he was working evening shifts super late at night, he would often come home to an empty apartment and a text. "Sorry, got held up at work.". That was his life, that had been his life for far too long now. At first, Ali had trouble connecting with people. He felt lost in a country that didn't feel like home, and, truthfully, got a little homesick. It took time, and effort, to finally make friends. He even had trouble calling them that, feeling like he was betraying the ones he had in Scotland, or all over the world, really. He had two, at first. Two that knew a version of him that wasn't completely up to date. And anyway, who's got only two friends ? Ali felt lonely, and couldn't possibly bother the same two people on repeat. So indeed, it took time and effort, but he finally did it. It had been a few weeks since Ali started to go out at night, on the days when you would tell him you'd be home late. He'd get an invite via text, or he would ask someone if they were out, and he tried to do his best to feel motivated. Because, believe it or not, partying was not Ali's forte. On the contrary, he was one to enjoy cozy nights with a book and a cup of tea. He meditated; ate a macaron and massaged his partner's shoulders. Going out was a violent matter, something that was way out of his comfort zone. However, the 36-year-old quickly came to the realisation that if he wanted to connect with people here, the quickest way to do so was probably to do shots with them, and dance to silly little songs that had either little to no meaning, or a very sexual one. He was uncomfortable, but at least, he wasn't playing housewife anymore. Sadly, the more he tried to connect with people, the more disconnected he felt. He felt foggy, the rush of the alcohol numbing his senses. Tonight was a wild night, but tonight also happened to be one for which Andy had come home on time. Ali just left the apartment too early to realise. The party wasn't in his neighbourhood, and he had to take the car. So right now, as his phone indicated 3 am, Ali had been partying for far too long for his mind to be sane. You know this thing, when people are way drunker than they appear ? Ali's whole drinking game consists of this. He does his best to appear sober, even though he is on the brink of vomitting on his loafers. He was never a huge drinker, and this new habit of his ? Not his best life decision. But right now, it's late, Aindreis is probably sleeping, and the fresh air in front of the bar gives him a second of clarity. He won't be calling Aindreis tonight. The shame would be too grand. It had happened twice already, and that was already too much. Instead, he recognised the path to your part of town, and texted. "Hey, hope you're awake. I can't take the car home, I've had too much to drink and it wouldn't be safe, my friend drank as well. Is there any chance I could crash at your place ?" In that message, include one or two typos due to the dancing sidewalk under Ali's feet, and there you go. The perfect 3 am message. "I'll owe you 1" he adds before switching to his conversation with Aindreis, renamed "Angel face / husband material" in his phone. He took a second to breathe, and focus real hard. "Hi love, going to crash at a friend's place tonight. She doesn't feel so good, and I can't leave her like this. I'll see you in the morning. I love you. To the infinity and beyond." Ali laughed to the Disney joke, and hit send. Fifteen minutes later, he was knocking at your door, after receiving confirmation that he could come. The walk had somewhat brought clarity to his senses, but his breath and his posture still screamed intoxication. "I am so sorry..." He said, shameful. "I couldn't get home like this. Andy would have killed me on the spot."
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People I wanna Know Better Tag
I was tagged by @gaym3bo1 🙃🙂
Last Song? -
Favourite Colour? - Pink (all shades), Goldenrod, Royal Blue, Slate Grey.
Currently Watching? - The Sign, Cherry Magic Th, Dead Friend Forever.
I really wish I had time to watch more than three, but I really don’t. Actually it’s not even time, it’s the mental wherewithal. I’m not well enough physically or mentally to be able to focus on shows, which is why I’m typically at least one episode behind (except with The Sign). Usually if I get more than three episodes behind in a series, I just put them on hold and ‘watch’ them via my dash and YouTube videos.
Last Movie? - Pretty sure it was The Haunting in Venice, a surprisingly good murder mystery with a stellar cast, based extremely loosely on the Agatha Christie novel; Hallowe’en Party.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? - Spicy.
Current Obsession? - If I had to say something, it would probably be The Sign. If you can even call something I spend one night/morning a week focused on, an obsession. I wish I had a hobby I was obsessing over at the moment, but I’m battling anhedonia currently and because of that mental health issue, my ability to really even have a hobby or obsession is basically null.
Last Thing You Googled? - Ummm 👀👀 I may have been looking up crime scene photos of a decapitated head from 2012. Listen, BestGore is gone okay!? It’s hard times out there for us fuckers with a morbid sense of curiosity and strong stomachs. And before anyone comes at me for me being disrespectful, firstly I couldn’t find any of the pics of the head, just the pics of the various crime scenes. Also I’m nowhere near as disrespectful as the dude who ate the woman, okay 😝
Selfie or another picture you took? - We’re gonna go with another picture, this is my fun corner of the internet and I’d rather not have my gaming profile and followers find out and ruin that for me lol.
So have a picture of my cat (I have two) The other one is nowhere near as big or as fat as this dude is. Love this big guy but there’s not a thought in his head lol, bright eyes, empty head.

Tagging - I honestly don’t know who to tag, I don’t wanna be a bother to anyone. It’s currently 1am and I’m feeling weirdly anxious, so the idea of possibly bothering someone with an unwanted tag is actually really nerve wracking so some reason. So if you wanna do this, consider yourself tagged!
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get to know a blogger // tagged by the lovely @aeide!
Share your wallpaper:
i have a dual-monitor setup where on the left is a vertical non-4k monitor (i really thought i was gonna use it more for coding but now it's just where discord / game wikis / spotify live lol) and on the right is my main monitor which is curved 4k, so i had a hell of a time finding something that works for both — but this shot of leyndell actually works beautifully because the erdtree sanctuary area fits perfectly on the left, and the rest of the city sits nicely on the right. the resolution discrepancy isn't too jarring either, which can be tricky when you're trying to make a single image flow relatively seamlessly between non-4k and 4k. i mean it's definitely not perfect, but i think it looks really really good
Last song you listened to:
"carnival of rust" by poets of the fall
Currently reading:
a memory called empire by arkady martine
the hands of the emperor by victoria goddard
Last movie:
oooooo. uhhhhhhh. i think i rewatched the princess bride relatively recently?
Last show:
yellowjackets season 2 episode 2 "edible complex" babEYYYYY
scrambled eggs
What are you wearing right now:
How tall are you:
just the earlobes! i don't wear earrings often though
a small joshua tree design thing between my shoulderblades
chrysanthemums on my left bicep
a twin peaks owl + roses on my right thigh
the girl + triceratops skull from this promo pic from jurassic world fallen kingdom on my right calf. absolute dogshit movie but i really really liked the still lol
i do want more in theory but haven't decided what of / where on my body.... maybe a shark on my ribcage idk
Glasses? Contacts?
usually contacts. glasses if i'm having a really slow/lazy morning, but i don't wear them out
Last thing you ate:
blackcurrant candy drops
Favorite color:
dark purple / red / burgundy! anything from the range of eggplant to red wine.
Current obsession:
elder scrolls online... i want to spend my real actual hard-earned american dollars on an in-game furnished house SOOOOOO BAD... i might do the math to see how long it would hypothetically take me to earn enough monthly crowns via the eso+ subscription vs a one-time crown purchase ughhh i hate this for me but also the game is quite fun! do i know what's going on? not really! but i am vibing
these stupid blackcurrant candies that i paid jeff bezos way too much money for to ship from the uk but goddamn they're good. simpkins established 1921 finest all-natural and original travel sweets blackcurrant drops hmu babe i would shill for you on instagram in a SECOND.
Any pets:
none, but i really want a dog!
Favorite fictional character:
kassandra from ass creed odyssey :)
The last place you traveled:
catalina island! but i'm also going to chicago soon!
i am tagging: @winedark @doomcountry @ellrond @dinluke @reiverreturns @thychesters and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Rule: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @wumboskywarp thankies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relationship status: single and not particularly looking for anyone
Favourite colour: PINK !!! I love pink so so much <:]
Something I want right now: Uhh I want ranch almond crackers. Maybe a pizza I could go for a pizza rn. Snacks and meals in general.
Song stuck in my head: I've got several songs stuck in my head and they're currently Ego Rock (vocaloid disease), Experimental Film (h*r and tmbg disease), and Roll With Me (orion experience disease)
Three favorite foods: OH THIS IS SO HARD I LOVE FOODS. uhhhhh rn the top 3 for me is Rice Noodles (the thick chewy kind, esp with like beef and bok choy. delicious stuff), Chicken Nachos, Ice Cream (isnane abt ice cream, my family always hated when I ate all of it sjdhfkjf). was almost tempted to list a 4th one, sorry I love meal
Last song I listened to: Uh. To cite my previously mentioned tmbg disease I was listening to Don't Let's Start by tmbg ajdhdkdhdkjf
Last thing I googled: RICE NOODLES. SORRY. MEAL ON THE MIND AJDHDKDJ. Ok before that I looked up "hipstef" which is misspelled "hipster" bc i was checking to see if I am myself a hipster. I'm not, I'm just pretentious
Dream trip: I'd like to go to the one boba shop near my university campus rn does that count. Meals and treats on the mind
If you had the opportunity to [safely] become a cyborg via body upgrades, would you take it?
I'm a transformers fan, transgender, and have body pains. what do u think is the answer
im actually not gonna tag anyone bc i dont want to jhdfsfghj feel free to go for it though and say i tagged u ig. i dont care
#sorry it took me a while to get to this ive been busy with assignments and didnt want to let this distract me jfhdhjkg#also im just shy#anyway i think all ppl are going to get out of this is the fact i lvoe eating meals#rando thoughtz#<- using that as a text post tag
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Kelela ROCKED the 9:30 club so hard I’m obligated to tell you about it
The minute Kelela tickets dropped my bestie and I were in the digital line to pick them up. Kelela was introduced to me via a road trip to Bonnaroo and I immediately enlisted myself as a stan of the DC native melodic dance music siren. Her debut project CUT 4 ME, the mother of all follow ups Hallucinogen next, the third treasure Take Me Apart, and the most recent masterpiece/center of this tour visit, Raven. When Raven dropped during #BHM I immediately was drawn to several of the many bops she decided to feed her children with. Contact is by far my favorite song with Closure and Bruises having a pussy battle for the runner-up. It forced me to deep die into her past projects and replay Kelela staples like Take Me Apart, LMK, Onanon, The High, All the Way Down, and Floor Show. “BITCH I’LL DIE IF I DON’T SEE THIS!”
We load up my ravy Ms. Thang, get a sitter for the boys, and pack the shortest skirts we own for an evening of rubbing up on strangers.
Wednesday Evening --
My wife and I arrive at U street and I’m immediately thrown into my childhood morning commute. At the age of 7 I was using the DC train and bus system to go back and forth to school. There aren’t any school busses in the city and my mom had felt my brother and I were started to act entitled. “Julian, hanging around all them white kids got these kids scared. Y’all are going to ride that bus and if the school calls me to say you’re late THAT’S YOUR ASS.” I would catch the bus from our cushy Chevy Chase suburb and descend into the city center. We would pass the same corner that combines the pool with the blue top Mcdonald’s across from the Howard bookstore. We drive past the Petco that we brought our second family pet to all the time. The streets seem thinner or maybe they just seemed so big as a kid. Gentrification has made my memories slightly skewed but also more embodied. We skuttle into the basement apartment, walk past the sleeping Mekh on the couch, and head to bed.
Thursday --
We started the day watching Barry and grabbing breakfast from Busboys and Poets. It’s a DC bookstore/cafe staple expanded into several equally impressive locations that became very easy to get confused. We grabbed up all the grub and went back to the basement to crunch down. As I watch two of my most favorite people appreciate their plates a very gay idea pops into my head: Museum Date! I order us tickets to the National African American History Smithsonian and we slap on the cutest outfits and go to run in the sun. We battle downtown D.C. on a particularly field trip compacted Thursday afternoon and make our way into the paneled building. We spend the next few hours asking “where are the faggots at?” It was cute…but male-centered. We stop for pics on our way back home to change for dinner and the highly anticipated Kelela concert.



Several showers and makeup brushes later we were cunty shrimp ready to be fried: spark up. We head to the venue on foot and make it super early - love that for us. We decide to go across the street to an Ethiopian restaurant, Ghion, and get SLOSHED on some delicious honey wine. We ate enough sambusas and injera to pop a button and then and only then did we feel it was time to wait for the siren herself. We line up next to Telfars, exposed collar bones, leather pants, bodycon dresses, and myriads of gender presentations. We light our Kelela blunts and soon we see other mini puff clouds forming up and down the street. Our queen brought all the DC hotties out for a night of smoking, laughing and jumping.
We enter the 9:30 club and wait for her. And then she emerges. And everything is right.
We walk home feeling inspired and uplifted. And hungry. Midnight snacks. Falling asleep on the couch. Waking up at 3AM to head back to bed.


We woke up in disbelief the night before. Thankfully not hungover. And ready to eat. We ordered a myriad of foods off of DoorDash. My wife had some work to do so Mekh and I decided we needed to finish Barry and binge John Wick 3. I need to run some errands so I run out to dash around before we catch lunch, dinner, and head to my friend’s performance in Baltimore. I run around getting gas and trying to find a Red Bull at a reasonable price and I begin to cry. I miss what was. I hated so much about being a child that going back to so many places that give me joy was overwhelming. Being severely depressed is like having the world’s largest blinders. I’ve come back to my hometown with my chosen family and I had an amazing time. This place isn’t like it always was. You're safe now. So let’s head to lunch. We go to the Colada Shop for empanadas, margaritas, catching up, and pastelitos. Our dinner reservations at doimoi are moved to 8:30 because duh, Friday night and I let my friend in Baltimore know that this bougie dinner will be the last to stand in the way of us hanging out again. We head to the liquor store to drink Tequila and yell at John Wick. We end up at doimoi right on time and end up leaving somewhere around 11. We dance at the speakeasy downstairs and head back to the car. Back to the basement apartment for more late night laughs. Back to bed. Tomorrow we leave.

Saturday was sleepy and rainy. We stayed in the AirBNB until one minute before check out and piled back into Ms. Thang. One last day of actually sitting in Busboys and Poets and whatdoyaknow we get the sweetest waitress. We each get a staple and clean our plates. Mekh needs to catch a bus and we’ve only got 20 minutes to get there - time to go to a dispensary. We head to a very dystopian dispensary and pick up some eddies and a free pre roll before grabbing one last order of pastelitos. We obviously change Mekh’s bus time and head to Union Station. We kiss kiss and hug hug then set our sights back to the boys. Back to Pittsburgh. Back home, for now.
Kelela gave me a lot to stew on. My relationship to my childhood home. The feelings of deserving a vacation. Being able to afford a vacation. Being in majority queer spaces with my wife. And with my gender variant baddies. Not knowing most of the people I grew up with anymore. Knowing the people I do now. Being who I am. It’s a lot. But there is more to come.
All photos and videos by yours truly
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Stray Kids London Hyde Park
So I saw Stray Kids at Hyde Park yesterday and it was fucking amazing!
The energy was through the roof! Those boys really know how to put on a show. Their stage presence is insane! The way they give everything and make the crowd give just as much!
I saw them last year at Lollapalooza Paris, they remain the artist that has made me the most hype at a concert.
Like last year at Paris, and because I am 4'10'' (147cm), I couldn't see the stage at all. So I watched the concert via the screens, which this time they were really big, which was great (and I was closer to the stage/screens this time).
But the concert was so much fun, that it doesn't even matter that much that I couldn't see them. Sure I would have loved to be closer and actually see them, but it was still so fucking great!!!
Last year their concert literally healed me. It healed my soul. I had been feeling down for a couple of months. Like it was the saddest I've been in YEARS. But that concert injected so much positive energy into me, that it expelled the bad energy somehow. After that concert I was back to feeling like myself again. It actually banished the shadows that had been chasing me.
Like... Lollapalooza was so special to me for that fact. It holds such a special place in my heart ❤
Yesterday's concert will also hold special place in my heart, but for different reasons haha
Main reason being Felix using a hand held mic hahaha
Like in Paris he used a head mic. Sometimes he would adjust it and I could hear him more clearly, but unfortunately some other times it was not so clear.
This year though, he upgraded to hand mic and I am SO GLAD. It picks up his voice so much better, and I could hear him so clearly basically all the time! Hand held mics do his voice much better justice! I was so happy about it!
All boys were amazing, but to me (and I know this is biased because he is, you know, my bias) Felix takes the MVP award from last night. He was a freaking BEAST yesterday. He was growling left and right. It was glorious (though I was slightly worried for his throat). He was SO HYPE! At the end when he was yelling for "ONE MORE SONG", even the other boys were telling him to calm down and asking if he was okay hahaha I'm sure his blood turned into 100% adrenaline
It was so glorious, and I am so glad I witnessed it.
Like Lollapalooza the setlist was amazing and really targeted to just keep everyone hyped!
They did ITEM again, and I am so happy because it is one of my fav B-sides! That song goes so hard and I am all over it. They ATE. (I have a video from the last lines of ITEM where IN has a single strand of hair standing up due to wind, and it's so endearing)
I did Backdoor this time, which they did not do last year 🥺 I was so happy. That song is such a vibe!
God's Menu is always a fucking riot! People always yell along the "Cooking like a chef I'm a 5 star michelin" line hahaha it's great. And the crowd going wild with the DU-DU-DU-DU-DU-DU-DU's chef's kiss
They did Maniac of course (that's song that made me a Stay!). It's so good with a live band! But from Oddinary, last year they opened with Venom and this year they did Freeze as the second song (they opened with S-class this year). It was amazing. I have a video of Freeze and the highlight is Hyunjin's face expressions. He really is a performer. Oh and Felix's part. That was insane too! I am more partial to Venom as a song, but I am so glad I got see Freeze this time! It was fucking great!
AND CHARMER!! THEY DID CHARMER!!! Of course the crowd went wild when the abs trio (Bang Chan, Felix, IN) showed their abs. Charmer is such a good performance. This is a song I really wished I was close to the stage, so I could witness Lee Know dancing to it with my own two eyes!
Thunderous is one of my fav songs ever, so I will always be so hype during it! SURIKKUN! Hyunjin's iconic "NE SONNIM!", the crowd was so hyped saying that with him that I actually couldn't even hear him say it hahaha
Domino is also fucking insane. I don't think they did Domino last year (not 100% sure). They did Cheese last year for sure (and not yesterday). Cheese is in my top5 B-sides, but Domino is bigger beast live. DAAAAMN they went hard. When they were all headbanging, that was insane. And then the dance break!
LALALALA was new for me as well (it wasn't out last year). It is such a good song live. And excuse to just yell "LALALALA". A song made to be performed! And an excuse for people to yell "oh SHIT" duing Felix's bridge lmao. I also got a video of Han running to the main stage right before the last chorus hits, and I find it so cute! Idk it's just so endearing.
Super Bowl went hard as expected. Felix growling "finger licking yeah we cooking up a super bowl" 👌
Topline is always a fucking beast, because the crowd will always without a doubt yell "CAUSE WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK" and it's glorious. Happened in Paris, happened yesterday. It's such a highlight! I am 100% sure SKZ loved having the crowd yell that back at them, because they played that second a time during the encore LMAO
My Pace is also an insane song live. I was not expecting it last year and I was pleasantly surprised to get it. They did it again this year. It's basically a song made for jumping with the "NANANANANA". Pure energy boost!
Social Path was so good! Since the song is majorly english lyrics, and very singable lyrics, the crowd was singing so loud. It was such a moment! People were singing so loud, I could barely hear the boys!
Miroh is always the perfect song for closing a show (well the "official" close). That song basically turns the concert into a rave and you can't just NOT jump around during it. You just gotta! You gotta jump and you gotta scream "STRAY KIDS UH" Unparalleled. I am always so amazed at Changbin's rap in Miroh. I'm always like is he breathing? Also Felix starting the song with 👹HANDS IN THE AIR 👹 with the most demon voice ever was kinda funny and slightly scary
Bang Chan was the one who talked with the crowd the most. I guess because of english and Felix being too hyped to have conversations beyond trying to hype the crowd back. But Seungmin going "I can't hear you" when the crowd was batshit crazy is so Seungmin coded LMAO
But the show was about to end. They "closed" with Miroh. They did Topline a second time as the encore. And I was like" :(( they didn't do Megaverse :((("
But Stray Kids was like "I got you! 😎"
Felix kept yelling 👹ONE MORE 👹 and the crowd agreeing and screaming of course and Bang Chan was like "I don't think we're allowed" (liar!! it was not time for the programmed end of the show yet) and BOOM MEGAVERSE
The way the crowd yelled the first two verses (Felix's and Chan's verses) SO LOUD. I couldn't even hear Felix I swear. The crowd really went wild with the "UN DEUX TROIS RUN ALONG WITH GODS... (etc)" Megaverse is just so good!! And the crowd ate up those 2 verses
And then the actual close, like in Paris, was Haven! Another song that is so much fun to jump to. Singing to "Do whatever you want" is just so much fun.
Then there was this really funny moment right at the end, when they were stepping off the stage and Felix said "See you next time London" and his voice cracked and it was so funny, and the expression on his face reacting to his voice crack was even funnier. I'm sure people have seen videos of it around. It was legit so funny. Honestly the best way to end the concert hahaha
PS. I really hope they come to London again next year. To a proper arena like O2, where I can get a sit from where I can actually see the stage! (I swear standing concerts is the biggest downside of being so short)
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Eurovision 2023: #14 & #13
14. ESTONIA Alika - "Bridges" 8th place
Decade ranking: 40/116 [Above Circus Mircus, below TBA]
Tweak some bangs, Alika's Shart.
It is amazing how a few on-point tweaks can make a song significantly more appealing. I went up and down on Alika throughout the months, but a year after I've put her low on the pre-show ranking I am ready to lock in my final verdict: Bridges is kind of really good.
Ofc there were huge problems down the road cuz you know, vocal masturbation ballad in a BorisBubbles ranking, and also, clear jury carry the year after Marius Bear and Nadir Whatshisgjon, but Estonia ironed out their most glaring flaws, so what else can I ask for? I got what I wanted.
Estonia's problem for me, as I've come to realize once I started liking Alika again, was always one of aesthetics, and specifically visual aesthetics (keep that in mind when I rank Europapa low for the lack of bags-over-head (lol if I rank ESC2024 to begin with (I mean, I probably will (I am not readly to enter that discourse yet tho (regardless, that haircut is a capital offence))))). A big inherent flaw of vocal flex ballads like "Bridges" is the lack of dynamism and emotional gravitas (as the vocal technique goes against these principles - "loud" is a pitch, not an emotion) - it's a flaw that comes with the genre and that's something only charisma can fix. Pre-show Alika looked like she'd been dragged out of a river and then SHOUTED into a mic without moving, so yeah, that's where I bail. Slimane your way into someone else's simple and easily-impressed heart please, I Am Not The Demograph. (-- Alesia Michelle).
The version in Liverpool though was - by textbook definition almost - a glow-up. Alongside her Jenevelle hair, Estonia actually put Alika in a beautiful gown and made her move around. Observe:
Apparently a lot of people were mesmerized by the self-playing piano but for me the biggest factor in selling "Bridges" was just Alika herself. Props are nice embellishments but the true art of live performance is when score and vocal come together via the power of Personality. Which she finally showed in Liverpool after what felt like an eternity.
By allowing Alika to just do... idk, Alika things with her body lang, face and hands, Estonia broke the monotony of "three minutes of loudness" and made it fun, camp and digestible. If theres anything The Gays (me) like, it's a neat lady doing silly things with fierce confidence. Yasss Go Slay Queen.
Ultimately, a lot of people think Alika's top 10 is nonsense and a strike against juries and here I disagree. That a strong glow up and performance such as Alika's went unappreciated by the televote is a huge strike against the televote, not the other way around. I am happy she got her spot in the limelight, and 8th place is a good, if somewhat generous representation of what she brought. I'll never be a huge fan of the song "Bridges", but at the end of the day Alika really ate that live, and that's something worth rewarding.
13. POLAND Blanka - "Solo" 19nd place
Decade Ranking: 39/116 [Above Alika, below Stefan]
"ARIANA GRANDE IF ARIANA HAD NO TALENT" -- my immediate instinct when i first heard "Solo"
Were my instincts wrong, though? Her lack of performance skill and talent, the online response, the severed heads of Jann and Iru she keeps mounted on a pedestal in her boudoire. Blanka was the Mery Bass of 2023. She has no business being this good.
btw yes, lmao so hard that THIS ENTRY was somehow one of the more controversial ones in recent ESC. Honestly, the 13th place I'm giving here is at least half thanks to the controversy which made "Solo" feel iconic - it is exceedingly funny to me that it caused so much outrage for... existing? What did Blanka ever do? Certainly not rob better acts - Listen to Jann and listen to Iru and tell me straight-faced they were better.
As a song, "Solo" was always fun femmetrash. Ever since Eleni the majority of the Eurovision girlbops have been attempting to recreate Fuegos with varying successes - Competently staged with intricate choreographies to commemorate our inner faggotry. "Solo" represents a style of girlbop that's gone out of fashion - the "Aphrodisiac"-like basic bop by useless bitches for useless cigs. (Fuego is what gays see themselves as, Solo is what they actually are). Aphrodisiacs have become nearly extinct at Eurovision because they nearly always lose the NF nowadays. So thank you Jann for performing 'Gladiator' in Scooby-Doo vocals so that we could witness Bejba fullfill her beautiful destiny in Liverpool.
And what a destiny it was. In a way, most of the things I wrote about Alika also apply to Blanka. A few small tweaks to the performance can make the whole a lot better. Unlike Alika though, who ampted up the sophistication, Blanka went a route I respect more: She listened to fan feedback.
Slight paraphrasing:
I don't know WHEN Blanka decided to be everything the fans accused her of (talentless, washed-up, plastic), amped up to comical levels, but thank fuck she did because it made her instantly epic. It is rare for a Eurovision artist to address her online haters by Now I Betta Troll'em, Troll'em, and Blanka as it turns out is masterfully skilled at trollery. She elevated it into an art.
The Cheap VFX <3
The badly performed wooden choreos <3
The Dutch angles <3
Doing the Eleftheria thing of having your backing vocalist sing over you, while you mug the camera with semi-fierce faces and placeholder hairflips.
Accused to having no performance skill or talent? Add in a cheap dance break anyway, and enjoy every second of it, live your dream while they fume on Twitter, angry that Poland qualified over Georgia.
Guess where I am, honey? 💋 I'm in the final. 💋 And I'm here to stay 💋 :dramatic cymball:
"Solo" was incompetent, plastic and a huge mess, and that was great because it was all deliberate. That made it epic. Poland really took all the negative criticism they received and yanked it up to 11 and it made the entry better. If that isn't a taunting flex in the face of toxicity, I don't know what is. Given how venomous the fandom has been since the pandemic, that is an approach to life I can totally get behind.
AND WITH THAT WE MADE IT OUT OF THE MILD LIKE ZONE, HOO-fucking-RAY. Now bear in mind that the next few eliminees are very LOW lush greens and there's quite a few of those before we get to the really good stuff, but eh. Soon I'll be able to talk about the songs I loved, and that's always a treat.
#ESC 2023#Eurovision 2023#Liverpool 2023#Estonia#Alika#Bridges#Poland#Solo#Blanka#BorisBubbles#Youtube
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ONE / ELEVEN - A Genius Plan
Soo, where do I begin?
I decided to go up in my room and grab things I need for like about one, maybe two weeks. I took Henry, chargers but also clothes as well as my plushie bee I just called Majesty. I’ve thrown the loaded back down the stairs and almost threw myself with it. Once down, I grabbed and saved anything I could from the fridge. Luckily, unlike my bag, it wasn’t loaded. I checked every room before throwing on that new jacket and getting out of the house via the garage to get my bike. It was a black bike with white feels and a basket in front of the handlebar which was decorated with fake flowers. I threw the bag on the back of my bike and semi secured it with some string I found in the garage. I put my bag as well as a small music box in the basket and made sure Majesty will be secured as well, I really don’t want to miss out on her. I exited the home and turned left. During the ride I listened to a lot of music and just enjoyed the ride. Yes it was fall, yes it could have been warmer and yes it lowkey socket but it was also lowkey nice. It took me around 40 minutes to get to Shepherdswell but damn was I happy to be here. Back in the days I was driving to my grandparents all summer. They took me to the beach, to the city and sometimes even to London. It was a nice time. I placed my bike in the gateway and went to the door to knock, a couple of seconds later, my granny opened the door.
Thea: William? James: Hi Granny.
The entire ride I was thinking about how to tell them, how to say hi, but now? It all came out so naturally. I stepped closer to Thea and gave her a big hug.
Thea: James? Why are you here? Why is your bike so full of stuff? James: Oh can’t I just visit you? I wanted to surprise you.
I made sure to come across nice and innocent, but I haven even a bigger one for them. Thea went inside and I went to my bike to grab my bags. I put my bike next to the door and went inside. I let loose of the big bag in the hallway and walked into the kitchen so I could store the food in it.
James: Hey Granny, where’s Joe? Josepphe: I’m right here boy.
I looked around and noticed my grand dad standing in the door frame.
Josepphe: James what are you doing? James: Oh I just wanted to come around, you know, do some surprise cooking. Josepphe: Let me guess, beef with your mum? James: What? No, I really just wanted to give my two favourite old people a visit. Is that so hard to believe? Josepphe: Alright alright, then what meal are you doing? James: Depending, do you have rice?
Both of us started laughing really loud, even Thea joined in. It was a nice time. We all ate Lunch and then played some games, mostly card games, till the moon started rising. We cleaned it all up and then started to prepare dinner all together. Josepphe cut some veggies, Thea prepared the meat and I took care of the sauce. It’s all like it used to be when I was little. I am even sitting on the counter. Once everything was done I started to get the table ready and tried to decorate it a bit. I wandered through the living room looking for candles and a small candelabra. After a couple of seconds I spotted one right on the shelf. I carefully grabbed it and placed it in the middle of the desk. I also went outside to get some, more or less pretty flowers. The table looked pretty, I mean it. It had a lot of cottage living vibes while also looking sort of elegant, but that’s mainly due to the candelabra. We again, ate our meals and finished off with some wine and a tesco dessert. It’s been great.
I headed to my old room for the night, it wasn’t prepared so I had to do that first. It was then when I realised that I haven’t looked at my phone since I arrived. I grabbed it from the floor, since it fell out of my pocket and turned it on. Spotify was still open, streaming a variety of songs from a shuffled mix I don’t know. The battery was almost dead, leaving me with 15% charge and docent messages from Jesse. FUCK. I WAS SUPPOSED TO MESSAGE JESSE ONCE I ARRIVED. I Ignored their messages and started calling them.
Jesse: You are such a mess sometimes. James: Hi yeah… I ehm...I might have forgotten. I’m sorry. Jesse: All fine, at least now I know you haven’t been murdered during the ride by a random dude with an axe. James: You, my friend, are watching too many movies. Jesse: I am an adult I can watch movies whenever I want to! Also, you never know. James: Okay topic change, it worked! I’m currently at my grandparents and no one is sus. Jesse: Well, you are a pretty good liar I have to say. Not sure if that’s a good thing but in that case, well done! What’s your plan now? James: Weeelll I am not so sure. I brought Henry with me so maybe just browse until I find some apartments that I could visit. Jesse: THAT’S IT!!! James: “THAT IS WHAT”? Jesse: Suggest a trip to Brighton for a week with them, it’s a gift from me. How about that? James: You are brilliant! That is a genius plan! Taking them to Brighton saves so much time not gonna lie! Jesse: So tell me everything, I got time now….
Jesse and I were talking for what felt like hours. I told them everything that happened at home, they updated me on their life. Apparently Jesse is getting close with a girl they know from their course. I don’t think they mean it in a romantic way though, otherwise they wouldn’t have told me. As open as we are Jesse never talks about who they date. I could be a dick and just look up the classes on Henry but..well who am I kidding. I booted up Henry and browsed through the Royal Holloway classes of Jesse's year. Usually the classes for Video Games Arts and Design are always loaded but that year was rather chill. There are only 48 out of 60
People in the courses, probably less knowing a lot of people don’t even attend lectures. Let's see…. We have 4 people that did not fill in any gender so I assume they are somewhere under the non-binary umbrella, so Jesse will love it there. The rest are split into 29 girls and 27 boys. But all in all they seem like a nice class so whoever the lucky one is to be friends with my best friend, she must be cool then! I browsed a bit through some pages of B&Bs to stay until I finally fell asleep.
I got woken up by the smell of coffee and bacon with a small note of pancakes. I put on my shirt and ran down into the kitchen. Unlike last time there wasn’t much. Just a typical English breakfast. But that is great too! I took some pancakes and beans and ate rather fast. I found an awesome B&B and I really wanted to tell them. That’s when Joe spoke up.
Josepphe: James? What would you say to a trip? Just for a week. Your work must be pretty hard and I assume you haven’t had a proper vacation for now. James: You are right, there was no vacation. What are you planning on? Josepphe: Well, since you look for apartments in Brighton I thought we could go there? We could visit the beach or go shopping in between the apartments. What do you say? James: That’s amazing! I actually already looked around, I kinda wanted to surprise you but well works that way too haha Josepphe: Alright big boy, get your stuff, we will meet in two hours so we can get there by train, I’ll get us a taxi! James: Alright!
It didn’t take long to get everything ready since I haven’t even unboxed my bag. I changed into more appropriate clothes then a long shirt and boxer shorts and made my way downstairs. Josepphe and Thea were waiting in the living room, yet there was only one bag. Joe said granny can’t get with us because of her walking issue, which is fair. We waited another ten minutes outside before the taxi arrived. We hugged Thea goodbye and placed ourselves in the taxi which drove us right in front of the Dover main station. We went through the gates and on the train.
I can’t wait to be in Brighton
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Fic Finder
1. I am searching for a time travel fix-it that wasn't on any of the three time travel rec posts. It was short (>2k I think) and didn't deal with how WWX/LWJ changed things but rather the after affects of remembering the way it *had* been before the time travel- the scene I remember is WWX in LWJ's arms having woken from a nightmare and LWJ reassuring him that none of the other timeline's things would happen. Any ideas? Thanks!
FOUND? Memories of a Life Never Lived by donutsweeper (T, 1k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, hurt/comfort, memories, nightmares)
2. Hi for the next fic finder I'd really like some help finding this fic - it was time travel i think modern wwx travels back because there was a book sent to him and it said that only wei ying can use (?) it idk how he did but he ends up in a room or so with everyone including people that died. It was a few years after the siege before he was summoned. He wakes up confused cause he sees his husband but not his husband cause of his outfit and hair. I remember a scene where lwj cradled his head because he thought he saw red and his hair was cut and thought wwx was injured but it was actually wwx having an undercut with red hair dye. Then they all talk about what happened years ago and wwx tells them past wwx's pov cause the book was actually his diary/journal. Oh additional scene: wwx gets angry because ayuan doesn't call him baba after he realizes that lsz is his baby ayuan and why he wasn't there to raise him. Thank you!
3. Hello, thank you for the hard work. I need help in finding a fic. It is post canon where WWX was kidnapped. LWJ and JWY, and a whole lot of cultivators from different sects where there to investigate. Chenqing was found in his room, in an inn. The room was wrecked, signs of struggles and all. Then people who are close to WWX tried to take his flute, because it rejected some arsehole who tried. LWJ ended up using it to locate WWX, only playing their song. He ended up with chapped lips. @aeszdjie
FOUND! something wild calls you home by Fleetling (T, 9k, wangxian, kidnapping, injury, rescue, love confessions, first kiss, happy ending, Mojo’s post)
4. hi!! i rly cant find this fic so its p much set during the cloud recesses study arc but canon divergence? has some ocs as well but the only occurring ones r the lan sect ocs
i dont remember the specifics but lan qiren eventually talks to wei wuxian abt whether or not he feels challenged in his class n when wwx says no, lqr sends him off to a lan tailsman class
(beforehand the teacher of said class tested him n wwx went NUTS. the test was something abt protecting a wifes coffin? but the protection array didnt work at all n it got robbed within x amnt of months n the teacher said essentially what can wwx do to solve the problem of the array)
other prominent plot points are:
- nhs helps wwx at one point to dress up when wwx invited lwj to caiyi town (to find a thank u gift for lqr) n told him to say he forgot his coat n made his waist look smaller w a belt. on the date wx shares an umbrella, ate at a place both jades enjoyed, lwj ravishes wwx when wwx confessed n basically mauled his neck and lwj gave wwx his coat (white coat, blue embroidered cloak) — not in order
- lwj and wwx eventually got betrothed bc lqr caught them getting a lil too frisky in a hidden but public space for a second time (first time was the library). wwx had to publically secede from yunmeng jiang in order for the betrothal to go thru and he suffered a major panic attack bc jiang fengmian pulled him out during the alloted break to basically trauma dump on wwx — saying how he thought he could keep wwx at lotus pier but in the end he was still like his father, leaving him alone. jfm essentially saw wwx as an extension of cssr and wcz (more of the latter tho i think) n not as his own person. after jfm confirms wwx wants to do this and its not a joke he acts cold to wwx n calls him via courtesy name.
- drunk lan shenanigans. wx, jc, nhs and an oc went out to celebrate that wx and the oc r betrothed n wwx/jc/nhs convinced both lans to drink. oc went nuts n starts becoming loud n almost ran off to see his fiancee and lwj jumps out the window w wwx to do something that i dont remember.theres more but im p sure it could be tagged as explicit bc ykno wangxian as teenagers n courting… Yeah… thank u for ur help if u find it!! **I swear I have read this exact fic but for the life of me I can’t remember it :’) ~Mod L**
FOUND! Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 310k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, feelings realization, getting together, fix-it of sorts, not JFM friendly, blood & gore, WIP)
5. Hello I have been following for a while for recomendations, I have lives many of them, but I can not find this fic that was an Adams Family au. It was si cure and fun and it was wangxian as the parents of an extended family with Minjue as a zombie, Meng Yao doing the business deals, and Xichen being a medium. Do You know it?
FOUND! The Altogether Ooky WangXian Family by FluffyHippogriff (T, 52k, wangxian, 3zun, JYL/JZX, BSSR/LY, Addams Family au, kid fic, comedy, found family, WIP)
6. not sure if this fic exists or is just a fever dream: Jin prison camp crimes are discovered bc Wei Wuxian is discovered in one— after having been presumed dead since sometime around the fall of lotus pier. Jins basically rolled up all the prisoners the Wen had who they didn’t recognize as being worth returning to someone valuable. Wei Wuxian of course basically adopts Wen Yuan in the camp.
FOUND? ❤️The Third Young Master of the Qishan Wen by KouriArashi (T, 139k, wangxian, xiyao, chengqing, romance, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, politics, revenge, families of choice, pining, Mojo’s post)
FOUND? ❤️Where the nightingales are singing, and a white moon beams. by Moominmammashandbag (M, 52k, wangixan, jin zixuan & lan wangji, no powers au, grief/mourning, aftermath of war, angst w/ happy ending, reunions, fluff & smut, Mojo’s post)
7. Hi, I need help in finding a LXC/JGY fic where jgy kinda orchestrates wangxian getting together bc wangji is pining and sad that is making lxc sad and jgy is done TM with wangji pining and wants is husband to be happy and focus on their relationship. He's worried that if lxc finds out his scheming he'll hate him but then lxc reveals that he knew and loves him for it. Jgy was married into Lan and I think he didn't join the Jin before, but if remember correctly jgs asks to legitimize him for political advantages after he marries lxc and he's really mad about it. Thank you!!
FOUND? a micro utopia born as the overture plays by tardigradeschool (T, 18k, LXC/JGY, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, marriage, fluff, scheming, everyone lives au, kid fic)
FOUND? No More Masks by KouriArashi (M, 63k, LXC/JGY, JGY/XY, wangxian, fix-it, angst w/ happy ending, slow burn, redemption, hurt/comfort, dubious consent, implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced prostitution)
8. Hello, im looking for a fic where WangXian was getting married and it was WWX's pov. All i remember was that LWJ insisted on wearing the veil. In the end, it was revealed that it was because he couldn't stop smiling and didn't want any one else seeing him that happy. @aeszdjie
FOUND! I think this one is Thinly Veiled by thunderwear (G, 1k, wangxian, post-canon, weddings, fluff, tenderness, love, kissing, intimacy, LWJ smiling)
9. Hey, I am looking for a modern fic in which lan zhan and wei ying are friends and lanzhan brings Wei Ying to his apartment now and then where he meets lan xichen and they become close. Lan zhan sees Wei Ying and his brother being close and comfortable with each other when he comes home which makes Lan zhan think Wei Ying likes Xichen and Lan zhan is jealous.But Wei Ying later tells him that he loves lan zhan and he had misunderstood Xichen and him.
FOUND! Smile for Me by kuro (T, 9k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, jealousy, fluff)
10. Idk , if this is right time to ask or not ..even here to ask **Yes, this is the right place and anytime is a right time ^^ MIght take some time for it to be posted tho! ~Mod L** but I have been trying to find this fics for like months A) This have teen wangxian...alpha wangji and omega weiying . When weiying gets pregnant he think that his bf will left him in all this lqr hears this and support WWX I think this one morden au B) this one was like arrange marriage thing where the elders lan told wuxian that wangji wasn't sexually active and not wanted wuxian to touch him and other hand wangji thinks wuxian was forced to marry so wuxian doesn't come closer to him.. this one may have 4 chapters @selflovingmedj
FOUND? In which Lan Qiren eavesdrops and gets a new nephew (and grandnephew) out of it by h0peless_oblivion (M, 62k, wangxian, modern, high school au, ABO, teen pregnancy, shotgun wedding, fluff & angst, family feels, humor, family drama, WIP)
FOUND? a light hidden and singing by occultings (microcomets) (E, 48k, wangxian, arranged marriage, pining, getting together, slow burn, misunderstandings, miscommunication, blood & injury, happy ending, smut)
11. Trying to find a fanfic in which wwx was bullied in lotus pier by the disciples. In addition to the bullying, wwx ran errands for teachers and madam yu banned any swordsmith to make him sword. If you have any ideas, I would appreciate it
12. I’m looking for a fic where after WWX saves the people from the Qiongqi path and it’s found out that it wasn’t just Wens in there but also people from other sects.
13. hello! i’m looking for a wangxian fic on ao3 where there was a yiling wei sect leaded by cssr and wcz. wwx was the heir and he had younger siblings. the wei sect and the lan sect were enemies. also all the sect heirs and people were sent to yiling sect for studies. lans kill wwx’s parents when wwx is away and it’s v sad when he comes back… also there is art in the fic. wwx becomes sect leader and wangxian gets together in the end. it’s completed btw. Note: It’s not “Balance” by AnaraneSindanarie
FOUND? Song Unwritten by Kytrin & Mslead (E, 94k, wangxian, temporary character death, angst w/ happy ending, fix-it of sorts, cql meets mdzs, parallel universes, transmigration, yiling wei sect au, YLLZ WWX)
14. hello! I am looking for a fic, it's post canon I think, where wwx leaves mxy's body and my comes back in his body. I don't remember what happened after that but I think there was a scene where mxy was confused why he was in bed with lwj and lwj called him 'wei ying?' and mxy said he wasn't wei ying. I really hope you can find this fic. @archiiishaaa
FOUND? A New Lease on Life by pearliegloom (M, 6k, wangxian, post-canon, body swap, fluff & angst, established relationship, past abuse, disturbing themes, happy ending)
15. Hi! I'm looking for a fic for a while and could use some help. Parallel world setting, with wwx growing up a nei who had just died (sucide?) off screen. The fic takes place when nhs grabs a wwx (coreless, after cliffside sucide), because wwx is brother-shapped and only, like, mostly dead as opposed to his world's wwx whose soul was, like, shattered? No sunshot war, in this parallel, idthink. ... short fic. Any idea?
FOUND? Chapter 13: Love and Acceptance of Short Prompts by Vrishchika (Nie WWX, dimensional travel, canon divergence, NHS pov)
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