#vfd fanfic
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snicketstrange · 6 months ago
unitey Silence Knot Chapter 9 - Lemony you are...
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cygninae · 11 months ago
I was just stalking through all of my old WIPs, and so here's a comprehensive list (that no one asked for) of all the ASOUE fanfictions I scrapped:
A character study on Quigley Quagmire, focusing on his upbringing, him being a 'problem child', him being diagnosed with ADHD and depression, etc.
A character study on Quigley experimenting with gender roles: a sort of 5 + 1 thing of them coming to terms with gender non-conformity
A Quiglet oneshot of Violet doing Quigley's makeup.
A character study/Quigley-centric fic that focused on his insomnia and how he'd already discovered the tunnel system under their house from his late-nights wandering the mansion
A dunklaus fic where Duncan was covering a story about Klaus, a reclusive artist who gifted his art rather than selling it. Duncan gets a little too involved.
A dunklaus AU fic where Duncan took a job as the Baudelaire's gardener
A dunklaus + Quiglet + Beamony AU set in WW2
A Viodora fic that was just a collection of Isadora's poetry written across the time she got to know Violet
A dunklaus au where they were both university professors
Dunklaus fake-dating AU where they pretend to date to get Violet off Klaus' back about getting over Fiona and finding love again
A Quiglet one-shot character study from Quigley's POV, him moving on from Violet
A Dunklaus AU taking inspiration from Anne of Green Gables (1800s setting, academic rivals, accidentally starting VFD)
A dumb modern Quiglet AU where they meet at a concert, Violet realises Sunny has run off, and her and Quigley have to find her. They bicker a lot because they disagree on which album is their favourite artist's best one
A Dunklaus post-canon fic where Klaus becomes a famous author under a nom de plume and Duncan stumbles across one of his books that is about him
Quiglet post-canon fic where the Baudelaires find Quigley after he failed to save his siblings
(Actually finished, just never posted it because it's rubbish) Dunklaus sorta reincarnation oneshot where Duncan works in a museum and Klaus is an immortal being who consistently is his muse in every lifetime. One of Duncan's favourite marble statues in the gallery was actually created by him, for Klaus, hundreds of years before but he doesn't remember until he sees Klaus again
Dunklaus oneshot where the whole group attended an actual boarding school. No olaf or anything. Just a wintery plot-less thing
(Also finished, also too shit to post) Modern Dunklaus one shot where Duncan runs a record store with his siblings and Klaus comes in one day. Literally just everyone teasing the two for 6k words straight. (favourite excerpt: '“So, why didn’t you ask him out?” Isadora asked, probably aiming for casual, except the way she was leaning on the wall like she was posing for an 80s boy band poster, and the way her voice was just a bit too high pitched, meant she wasn’t being very convincing.
Duncan gave her a flat look. “I have had two conversations with him,” he said, turning back to the receipt he was marking and ignoring the look she was giving him, which solidly said stop being purposefully obtuse.'
Post-canon Violet-centric Quiglet one shot. Just Violet reminiscing and moving on
Dunklaus AU where the Baudelaires are exchange students from France to Prufrock Prep. Extremely angsty and absolutely nothing happy happens. Just wanted to exercise the French Baudelaires headcanon
(Alot of this one was already written) Dunklaus AU where they're partnered up for a VFD mission
Quiglet magical AU where Quigley is a magical creature that lives in the woodland behind Monty's house where Violet and Klaus move after they're orphaned
Dunklaus and Quiglet (but not the main focus) - AU where the Baudelaires leave with Lemony after the fire at Hotel Denouement and become increasingly morally grey. When they reunite with the Quagmires a year later, they're practically unrecognisable from what fighting both against and with VFD has done to them
Violet and Klaus character study on how they deal with their grief; there was a little bit of Viodora and Duncan and some funny antics. The only WIP on this list entirely in French. Never posted it because there would be no interest and it didn't have a plot particularly
I'm pretty sure there are more that I just can't find or deleted but yeah...God there's a lot. These span over several years of being obsessed with asoue and ships in the fandom that I fell in love with that had (and still have) a painful lack of attention online, so I made my own content
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afterthegreatunknown · 7 months ago
VFD And Their Global Presence
A headcanon post about VFD and parts of their global presence, as well as details of two volunteers who lives intertwined due to this, with only one realizing it on his deathbed:
When VFD decided to open their first branch in Southeast Asia, it was in the Year of the Rat (1900), in the French Indochina consisting of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in the present.
Even though VFD has British, Spanish, and Dutch volunteers and the British, Spanish, and Dutch had colonies in the Southeast Asia region long before France had their colony, they didn’t think much of their colonies as being worthwhile for the organization. The French Fraction of VFD thought otherwise. They heavily persuaded the VFD’s Heads of all Superiors to build a headquarter in the city formerly known as Saigon, due to it being the “Pearl of the Orient.”
The Saigon Headquarter after being built, proved to be a success with volunteers already living there. Not only that, the native ethnic groups in colony -mainly the Vietnamese- showed the skills of being Volunteers. VFD as such allowed new volunteers to join, increasing the numbers of volunteers that left the British, Spanish, and Dutch Fractions of VFD embarrass of themselves.
In the Year of the Monkey (1968), the British VFD Fraction announced a proposal of a headquarter branch in Thailand. Back when they were known as Siam, they learned of VFD, and wanted in. The British VFD Fraction back then pretended to no know what VFD is, but by the present the British VFD Fraction finally admitted the truth.
VFD’s Heads of all Superiors made a unanimous vote of ‘Yes’ to opening another branch in the region. Somehow, two headquarter branches opened up in the Year of the Rooster (1969): one in the capital city of Bangkok (the one proposed) and in the northern Thailand city of Chiang Mai (nice surprise). The success of the two Thailand Headquarter branches had VFD deciding on a fourth branch in the region. Unsure where to build it though, VFD sent many volunteers into the region to search for a location, mainland and maritime.
Until the Year of the Rabbit (1975), VFD sent volunteers scout to countries in the Southeast Asia region for another potential headquarter location. Volunteers who were sent to scout the countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were mainly military volunteers (army, navy, air forces), for the countries that made up the former United States wanted to give military aid to those countries, for during this time, the countries were all in a civil war.
VFD attempted to send journalists and photographers volunteers in as foreign correspondents to scout those countries also, for the military volunteers were well, in the military. Most sent didn’t stay long. They weren’t use to reporting war in an almost constant war-zone, as well as unable to stand the plight of the refugees in the cities suffering from the loss of their homes and families. Only one volunteer was able to handle the mission.
That volunteer was Hemingway Quagmire, the future (adopted) father of Raymond ‘Q’ Quagmire, the father of Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley Quagmire. Hemingway worked at a newspaper known as The Slapdash, and had prior experience of reporting in a war-zone. Hemingway reported on the Bangladesh Liberation War for three months, before getting called back by his boss to return (VFD influenced reasons).
VFD set up a raffle that selected three volunteers to go to either Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia for the incoming Year of the Rat (1972), because no one wanted to be a good member and volunteer themselves. Hemingway was chosen by the raffle to be the volunteer sent to Cambodia, a decision that VFD instantly regretted, for Hemingway was known for volatile mood changes.
Surprisingly, Hemingway’s volatile mood changes didn’t affect his scouting. What affected Hemingway was the lack of interpreter. The original VFD approved interpreters came from Thailand and Vietnam, and Cambodian citizens -especially ethnic Khmer Cambodians- weren’t that willingly to speak to a Thai or Vietnamese person. Hemingway realized he had to hire an outside interpreter from within the country.
That prove to be a difficult feat, for there were foreign correspondents from bigger, more-well known newspapers who were able to make use of them all. So, what’s the next best thing for Hemingway to do? Learn the Khmer language himself. And as luck would have, Hemingway found a man willing to teach him the language.
The local man was teacher turn private tutor and part-time interpreter (the school he taught closed down) It was a local man whose name was (in eastern order), Heng Samnang.
Samnang was Chinese-Cambodian with French blood in him, though he refused to speak Chinese (he knows the language, he just chooses to not speak it) and French (it’s how he got that private tutoring job). Hemingway was shock that Samnang took payment as the occasional interpreter, but not for tutoring. Samnang’s private tutoring job paid well, so teaching Hemingway the local language was something he did out of the goodness of his heart (when being an interpreter, due to offering a service, Samnang accept payment).
During the months Hemingway was tutored by Samnang, Hemingway learned a few things about him. Samnang was a married man, and Hemingway got the honor to meet the lovely wife, Bopha. Bopha was a stay-at-home mother of their eight children. Hemingway nearly choked on his coffee when Bopha told him, and she laughed, knowing he would react like that.
Hemingway and his wife Zelda —who is back in the City, a singer at the Marziale Hall- always wanted a child. But they are unable to have one. Knowing Samnang and Bopha had a brood, Hemingway asked Samnang if he could meet their children. Or at least one or two of them. And Samnang agreed to it, introducing four of his children to Hemingway.
Hemingway met the eldest of the brood, Phirun, in one of his tutoring sessions. Phirun enjoyed music, especially songs from native Cambodian artists; Sinn Sisamouth is Phirun’s favorite. Another child Hemingway met in a tutoring session was Sopheap, the second-eldest. Sopheap wanted to an educator like his father, and helped Hemingway on that particular session.
Chandara and Botum were the third and fourth children of Samnang and Bopha met. The two were thick as thieves and acted like twins, which is funny on its own because Sopheap and his not-yet-met sister were the twins of the family. Chandara was the ring-leader, while Botum was the follower. The two were sweet as can be, and mischievous as young children are.
Hemingway grew to love the family, even those he has yet to meet. And Hemingway thought of Samnang not as an associate, but a friend. When all the tutoring sessions were completed, Hemingway insisted he remain in contact with Samnang, and two meeting up on occasionally, for work and for leisure. When it was work, Samnang was Hemingway’s driver and interpreter, free of charge. When it was leisure, Samnang and Hemingway went to restaurants and bars, before returning back to the hotel where Hemingway stayed, dipping their feet in the water. And always at the end, Hemingway gives Samnang a small gift for one of his children, telling Samnang he should introduce the whole family one day. That day never came though.
The civil wars in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia got worse with each day and passing year. But plans of withdrawal from those countries came to be early on in the Year of the Rabbit (1975). For Cambodia, the countries that were the former United States and a few allied countries were told that foreign correspondents and international non-governmental organization workers (like the Red Cross Movement) and others had to leave on April 12th.
If they elected to stay, there would be no help to get out later (France/the French Embassy being the exception). And VFD insisted volunteers in Cambodia to leave on April 12th. The planned fourth headquarter branch in Southeast Asia were postpone for an undisclosed amount of time. All of mainland and maritime Southeast Asia were order to be left alone.
Hemingway in the incoming weeks before the evacuation, did his best to get Samnang and his family on evacuates list to leave Cambodia. Hemingway didn’t want his friend and his family to be left to whatever terrors the end of the civil war would bring. But the Consulate and their bureaucracy set him in circles that left him frustrated with each passing day. And due to a lack of Volunteer with a position in the Consulate would have given him the help he needed, Hemingway told Samnang of his failure to save him and his family.
Hemingway was a mess and acted like mess; crying his eyes out and drinking like a fish. Samnang stayed the night at Hemingway’s hotel, and when April 12th came, Samnang help Hemingway get wash and change into new clothes, and drove him to the evacuation site. Hemingway constantly look back on that final day, and knew Samnang stayed to make sure he (Hemingway) deliberately didn’t do anything to stay behind in Cambodia.
Life went on, of course. Hemingway returned home to Zelda and his old job at the Slapdash. Hemingway continued his work as a Volunteer, and kept to himself of his time in Cambodia. He wrote letters to international organizations about Samnang Heng and his family, writing details of who they are with photos, asking if any were found by them. Hemingway had hope he would learn something, though Snicket —E. Snicket; Jacob was much more of an optimist— once told him hope was like mail: it rarely arrives, and it can get lost easily.
Hemingway on his deathbed, after asking Raymond to do one final search for anyone of the Heng Family, learned of survivors.
The third child and first-born daughter, Sopheap’s twin Sovanna, lives in Los Angeles, a city in the Southern Land of Districts. Sovanna has a stepdaughter and stepson, and she runs a doughnut shop/bakery known for triangle shape desserts that resembles her own triangle glasses. Raymond visited Sovanna in L.A. and learned of two other survivors; Sovanna didn’t mind speaking to Raymond, for she recalls how her father loved Hemingway, like the brother he never had.
The sixth and seventh born children, Theary and Rith, are living in New England, in the city of Boston. Theary is the fourth and final daughter born, while Rith is the third born son. The two have the same job of being teachers at the same local high school; Theary teaches French (all levels), while Rith teaches high school Biology (levels One and Two). The two live in the same neighborhood in the same apartment building with their spouses (no children).
Hemingway asked if there was any information of the youngest, whose name was the only of Samnang’s children he never got to learn. Raymond said Sovanna suspects he survive, but the proof she has is flimsy, to where she never told Theary and Rith. On the day everyone in Phnom Pehn was force to leave on orders from the winning side, Sovanna hid her broken (re: no lenses) triangle glasses underneath a false bottom in her drawer. When she and her siblings came back to their home years later, Sovanna went to that drawer, and found the glasses gone.
Only her youngest brother knew where she hid it. And Hemingway couldn’t help but laugh at hearing this. He couldn’t help but think back to when his associate Widdershins came to Headquarters one day with a smoothie, with a boy looking in awe and wonder. A refugee boy from Cambodia, who by the present is now a captain.
Captain Widdershins never talked much of his past; only enough to take up one paragraph in his file. Hemingway likes Captain Widdershins –he’s a very good associate to Raymond— but there was one thing that puzzled him. Captain Widdershins has in his possession a pair of glasses frames. Hemingway had figured Captain Widdershins owned glasses, and never gotten them fix to wear them again. But recently, he was told an explanation: the glasses belonged to his older sister, keeping them as a reminder of her. And just a few days ago, Captain Widdershins gave those glasses to Thursday and Frigga’s infant daughter, Fiona.
Said glasses were triangle frame.
Hemingway couldn’t help but laugh at the timing of everything. While late, he thought it was better than it getting lost forever or never arriving.
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ven10 · 1 year ago
Sign up to write a fic or draw fanart for someone and recieve something that fits with your preferences in return!!
(You can specify if you would like to recieve art or writing alongside the art style and fic type! You will then be matched to someone for them to create a gift for you and vice versa!)
H https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2Cf9inaV-3CzsjOYBi9uaxn3G7byhXQz4Br_9UZMPAaIybQ/viewform
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snicketverse-fic-finder · 1 year ago
Snicketverse Gift Exchange (Fanfiction or fanart) 👁️ 6 DAYS left to sign up…
Say you’ll volunteer?
(You do not have to be a member of the VFDiscord to partake, however I will put a link to the discord server here incase anyone wants to join!) The more people the better! If you think you would enjoy it then please join!! :)
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asouefanworkevent · 5 months ago
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another fall is upon us! another woevember is coming!!
what is it?
woevember is an asoue fanwork event week, that will take place from november 10th through november 16th, 2024. every day of the week is dedicated to a different part of a series of unfortunate events or all the wrong questions for you to create something about! this year's theme is objects!
what do i do?
the prompts will be revealed now, so everyone has time to make something. between now and the week of november 10th, you’ll create fanworks about the prompts, and then post it on the corresponding day during november 10th - 16th! there will be the occasional countdown post between then and now too, so we all know how many days are left until posting begins.
don’t forget to tag this tumblr (asouefanworkevent) in the post so i can find it and reblog it, and tag the post with #woevember !
what do you mean by fanwork?
everything! fanfic and fanart are of course allowed, but woevember has always been meant to be an event that is as big or as little effort as you want! fanwork also means edits, gifs, analysis posts, headcanons!! your cosplay!! your photography!! your photosets!! your web weaving!! your moodboards!! your super short fics!! your sketchiest drawings!! your most ramble-y half-fic idea posts!! your wip scenes!! you merely saying ‘lemony snicket, though. am i right?????’ (and you are. you’re so right.) your loving macaroni art!! your embroidery!! your sculpture!! whatever you are moved to make from the prompts! i want people to be encouraged to and be able to create even something small that didn’t exist before for the snicketverse, and share it with other people!
are there any rules?
to keep the event open and comfortable for everyone, no explicit content. also, as always, sibling romance and age gaps will not be tolerated.
do i have to make something for every day?
only if you want to! feel free to just make something for one day if you want :) the point of having a different theme for each day is so some part of canon that you like comes up eventually, and you can at least make something for one of the days. or you get struck by an idea you might not have considered before! i want to get people thinking about all the intriguing things in asoue and atwq and the exciting, different ways we can interpret and create from the same idea.
what are the prompts?
the description under each prompt is just some ideas to get your brain going – feel free to take them in another direction too! whatever you want to come up with!!
november 10th - violet's inventions
the grappling hook! the toaster in the clock! the rock retrieval device! the bobblehead train stopper! even just lockpicking, and violet's ribbon, too! what else do you think violet has made, pre-canon or during canon? what does she make now? post-canon, does she have a job that relates to inventing? does she still invent in her spare time?
november 11th - the sugar bowl
the mysterious sugar bowl! lives have been lost in the quest to find it and it's important to both the snickets and the baudelaires, so says esme. where is it now? what was its importance? what was inside it? where was it during canon, before canon? who has had it before? did anyone have it before esme? what does it look like? how does it keep its contents safe? when was it first used? did it make it to the hotel denouement? is anyone still searching for it? what if it wasn't stolen?
november 12th - disguises
both the firestarters and the firefighters have used disguises --the same disguises, supplied by vfd. what other kinds of disguises have each side used, and for what ends? was a disguise ever seen through at the wrong time, or the right time? was a disguise ever NOT seen through when it should have been? even the disguises beatrice wore when she acted on stage, or the cow disguise worn by jacques snicket, or the denouement triplets pretending to be each other, what does it mean to wear a disguise and what do you do when you wear one? do the baudelaires, or the quagmires, ever wear disguises again? do frank and ernest ever pretend to be each other post-canon?
november 13th - the bombinating beast
our beloved statue the size of a milk bottle, valued upwards of a great deal of money! where do you think it is now? what did lemony do with it when he left stain'd-by-the-sea? who used it before canon? do the baudelaires ever encounter it? does it make its way back to stain'd-by-the-sea? and where is the bombinating beast itself now?
november 14th - books
lemony's a series of unfortunate events books do, after all, exist in asoue canon itself! what does vfd think of the books? who's read them? or books like the unauthorized autobiography, and the beatrice letters, and lemony's childrens books, what place might they have in canon? for all the wrong questions, who's read them? they were filed at vfd headquarters, after all. how many members of vfd know what lemony did during his apprenticeship? or books like caviar: salty jewel of the tasty sea, or stain'd myths, or lemony's pamphlets on the accordion, or even the classic children's lit books, like the ramona series by beverly cleary, and their place inside canon and especially vfd? or even beatrice and bertrand's a series of unfortunate events, the journal they contribute to on the island. who else has written in that journal?
november 15th - the duchess of winnipeg's ring
the ring that went from the duchess, to lemony, to beatrice, to back to lemony, to kit, to bertrand, to beatrice, to the box she kept it in, to widdershins as he searched the ruins of the baudelaire mansion, to ishmael when it washed up on the island, to violet, and to the second beatrice, who traded it to a shepherd for a yak ride. what other adventures has it been on? does the duchess ever get it back again? why did beatrice keep it in a box -- a box that kit's grandfather made the code for? what has the rest of the duchess' family done with it? what does it mean to them?
november 16th - free space!
do you have another object in mind? the spyglass, one of klaus's books, or sunny's meals, or the harpoon gun, or ellington's record player, or cleo's chemistry equipment, or something like the medusoid mycelium? the laudanum? all the things esme says are in or out? the baudelaire fortune? the quagmire sapphires? the fabled tito puente records? the ruins of the baudelaire mansion and what else might be there? all those objects mrs. bass had her students measure? jake hix's meals? cleo's car, or the bellerophon taxi? the vfd taxi? gustav's films, or the sebald code? violet's bread knife? kit's book raft? commonplace books? do you want to combine any of these objects with one of the previous days and create something with two objects for one of the previous days? so many options!! or do you care not for objects! use the free space to write about the item or character or relationship or thought or whatever of your choosing! feel free to pick a theme from a previous woevember event for the free space, if you'd like!
if you have any questions about anything, feel free to drop me an ask or a message!
happy creating, and i hope to see lots of you november 10th-16th!! ✨
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milf-lover42 · 9 months ago
I've been thinking about Georgina Orwell an alarming amount this past week but I think I've exhausted all the good fan content out there 💔, tumblr posts, fanfics, hell even whatever pinterest gave me has run dry. I'm sad, I'm contentless, and I'm shamefully in love with Georgina Orwell.
That was longer than I thought itd be but basically the point is that if you have any advice for where to look next then I will take it, and if not then I am humbly asking you for any headcanons or anything you have 🙏
Dear anon I am so so unbelievably sorry for the time it has taken to get to you. I, an Esmé kinner, and my partner, a Georgina kinner, think about this ask every day and have been dying to answer you. Life has just been all over the place.
I would say that these headcanons are just that, and if you disagree then that’s fine, but truthfully I think of what we have come up with over the years as the real and actual truth and canon of the series. With that in mind! Here you go, I hope you enjoy!
Lore headcanons
First and foremost!
No matter the version, book, show, or continuation of the movie that never happened… Georgina survived her “death” at the Mill. In show canon, obviously there’s just an escape chute in the furnace, easy peasy, everyone has said this.
In book canon… yeah okay sure she tripped and was sawed in half at the mill. However, that woman has surely seen an Alice Cooper concert and knows how to fake a gory death live. She probably taught him how to do it to be honest.
So. She lives through Miserable Mill no matter the version. That woman is unkillable.
Georgina’s family is Old VFD. Like the Orwells were founding members type shit. Maybe it was her parents, maybe her grandparents or further, but either way, she was raised knowing everything. She was one of few members capable of learning about VFD and its inner workings from her own family - long before they died. She is the last keeper of every secret. She knows more things about the history of the organization than most of the sugarbowl gen can even begin to piece together. If VFD had nuclear weapons, Georgina Orwell would be the only one left who knew the codes, and that includes the Sinister Duo. Because of this, she’s very disconnected from the other members that we know of because they just don’t know about the truly dark information that VFD has kept secret from itself. She is technically still VFD, and in her earlier life was a dedicated member in some capacity, but she has no strong allegiance to it aside from her secret keeping (though that is more familial allegiance) when the SBG undergoes their schism.
Characteristic headcanons
BOTH of her knees are bad, that’s why she carries a cane. She doesn’t always need it (see: how often she simply holds it instead of actually placing it on the ground in the show), the pain flares up at different intervals and usually only in one leg at a time, but she always carries one A) because it is her sword and B) because that way no one can ever tell if it’s a good or bad day for her as far as knee pain goes.
She takes her coffee with no creamer, but does use sugar. It just varies in quantity per day. NEVER creamer or milk. Also is totally someone that’s a “don’t talk to me before my morning coffee” person. She doesn’t ever say this, she doesn’t have a nonsense mug that says it. However, if you try to speak to her before her coffee she will simply ignore you. She doesn’t get mad or glare or anything. She just… does not care until she’s had coffee. So it’s best to just wait because you won’t get anything out of her until then.
Tea she takes plain, nothing in it, no milk, no sugar, no lemon, nothing. Just. Tea. She isn’t a tea snob by any means, she will drink any tea she is given. If it’s bad tea she’ll just think that it wasn’t great, could be improved, but will take NO steps to improve it herself. She doesn’t even look at what type she is buying and she has no favorites. She likes tea enough to buy and make it but she literally does not care enough to select one. She just picks one at random every single time. She has had some truly horrible teas in her time without complaining or changing her habits once.
If you ask her what matcha is she will have NO idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Thank you so much for the ask, I love talking about my wife. I have so many more headcanons but pretty much all of them revolve around the idea that she and Esmé are together pre and post series (I am writing a fic slowly but surely to better explain this dynamic) and that they adopt Carmelita after the hotel. In the case that you are not an Eswell shipper I am keeping them to myself for the time being, but should you want that specific Georgina content I am more than happy to oblige! Just shoot me another ask and I will begin to compile it for you.
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whoslaurapalmer · 10 months ago
and to complete the trio ! 🤍 beatrice 🎭✨🦇for 2, 5, 22, & 25 !!
2) favorite canon thing about this character?
tie between 'made dinner on the floor once' and 'wrote a novel-length letter to break up with a guy' and 'put on heels while eating an apple and making eyes at her boyfriend bc how is that not the coolest sexiest thing bea has ever done????????' and 'thought fishing was super boring but took her son fishing bc she loves him'
5) what's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
i very much wish i could say the heroine by unwoman bc it really is such a good bea song, like objectively i know this, but bc i first heard it on night vale and in one of the best episodes, one of my favorite episodes, i will forever associate it with kevin. i just do think very frequently about how it reminds me of kevin but it could be such a good bea song if it was not for kevin. ANYWAY. curses by the crane wives
22) if you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? what's something you don't like?
oh! this one is the opposite! if i am reading bea! okay okay. ah..........i'm picky about people writing beatrice. i know it's because like.......we've had to build a lot of fanon in this fandom. bc there is so little we see of some characters. and bea is not actually one of them, we really get a lot of bea in memories, but we still don't get to see Beatrice. so we've still had to infer a lot and create a lot. and i know that i am responsible for some of it. and it becomes something very personal, writing these characters, bea especially. i'm, very picky about fanfic i read anyway bc characterization is the most important thing to me. i want to see a bea that is layered, that is joyful and sly and dramatic, but interpretations differ among us all about the, amount to which that is an act, the sort of act that she puts on at all, because she is an actress and we can't forget that, of the extent to which she might've...............been manipulative. that personally is where i draw a line bc i don't think she was. categorically manipulative? it's not the word that i think works the best for me when i think of bea, idk. i'm also plotting a fic where she Acts in a very specific way for a very specific purpose through the whole thing so i also have less of a leg to stand on here than i usually do. but i think there's no like, malicious intent in her manipulation. i think sometimes there could be a lack of.........a desperation in a young beatrice in fic. the nuance of vfd on her. or like.........showing the acting but not showing the cracks it's created, the cracks vfd has created. i am. looking forward to poking those cracks more, myself
25) what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
first impression: i was nine and reading the books as they came out and going 'oh this beatrice woman sounds FASCINATING i wonder if i will ever find out who she is. i wonder what happened with her and lemony.'
current impression, editing to point out that it is now twenty whole fucking years later: my babygirl my everything my angelface my beloved
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years ago
I should stop having fanfic ideas. I'll likely never write any of them and they aren't good (though I do want to finish my WTNV because I did start if) but they invade my mind and I can't stop thinking about them.
Right now, my brain decided that the best way for me to not be thinking about all the thing that I have to do and how they will go wrong was to think about what if series!Olivia had read the book and had the same ideas but was recruited by a way more book accurated morally gray VFD to a Jacques that is still cool and suave but also overworked, ready to implode in unadressed trauma and not as heroic. Larry and Jacqueline should still be there. I like them. I think they can easily be integrated to the grayer, older and even more complex book version of VFD easilly.
Now I think that Olivia being there (and Lulu being a separated person) as well as Jacques not being a lone agent would have changed things. But mostly I just want the story of a lonely young woman thinking she finally got something that can change the world for the better and slowly realizing that it can only really work if a lot of things change. How someone who didn't "volunteer' as kid would deal with it and how it would be likelt way closer to what VFD was when it started (because I do think it was a good thing at first). And I like stories of disapointment and the end of hero workship specially if this idea still has the hope of understand people are mixed salads and trying to make something better with the broken pieces.
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library-child · 2 years ago
hey! Finally got round to reading associates so I’ve got the questions from that post you reblogged
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
2: What scene did you first put down?
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
5: What part was hardest to write?
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
7: Where did the title come from?
Great job btw loved this fic
Hi! Thank you so much for asking and for the compliment! 😍
What inspired you to write the fic this way?
This fic was part of the Wicked Way Exchange. I mixed up two prompts about Beatrice and Olaf interacting and/or annoying people. I absolutely adore them and their dynamics, so of course I chose these prompts.
What scene did you first put down?
The ending scene in the cafeteria. I first fleshed out that one because my initial idea was to put it at the beginning of the story until I figured out the happy tone would fit much better at the end.
What's your favorite line of narration?
The final line: Everything would turn out great. Dramatic irony, anyone?
What's your favorite line of dialogue?
Hmm, this is hard. I think it's Beatrice saying: "Because I promised you, remember?" I wanted to establish her as someone who values loyalty above nearly everything else. She wants Olaf to understand he put her into a loyalty conflict, whereas Olaf realizes she's always been loyal to him. Mutual understanding allows them to rebuild their friendship.
What part was hardest to write?
The opening scene in the classroom. I had trouble getting into the dynamics of Beatrice, Olaf and the instructor. It was a pain to draft and edit, but eventually, I'm happy with how it has turned out.
What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
You mean that *cough* one *cough* other fic I've published so far? Well, it's the very first Snicketverse fanfic I've ever posted. And it's the first time I aimed for a happy note. My previous fic had been intended to feel like a blow in the guts. So it was an interesting change to go for a silly tone.
Where did the title come from?
The meaning of the word "associates" is a recurring theme in the story. Volunteers use it universally for coworkers, friends, and loved ones. To Beatrice it's an emotional, positive synonym for "friend", whereas Olaf sees it as dehumanizing, reducing everyone to a cog in the machine of VFD.
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sampungmgadaliri · 2 years ago
Currently concocting a fanfic where the adult Baudelaire orphans travel to Greendale and visit (a now independent) Wednesday Addams and her two adopted Whately children to look at a VFD engraved box.
Soon after, cultists went after the Baudelaire orphans but something is not quite right. How cone some of these cultists bore the logo of VFD?
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snicketstrange · 6 months ago
Untie My Silence Knot Chapter 6 - L, you're so clueless
I should have asked L those 13 questions directly when we met. I tried to convince myself several times that I had forgotten to ask. Then I tried to convince myself several times that this was no longer important. Then I tried to convince myself that it was better not to know the answers. After all, if he didn't answer me there must be a reason. Maybe he just ripped my letter up in an impulse of anger … But I can't imagine L doing such a thing. But I also can't imagine him not answering that letter. And after that, still having the courage to show up here … How could he have had the courage to do that without answering those questions?
I went back to the library and got my copy of Ivan Lachrymose - Lake Explorer. I opened it between pages 302 and 303 and took out a card that L had given me. I never really understood what L had done while in Stain'd-By-The-Sea. But whatever it was, now it was time to collect some favors in his name.
I didn't find B at the mansion for the rest of the afternoon. The children were busy with their affairs, and it was soon dark. B must have left, as I didn't even see him in his room. I checked if he was in the secret tunnel, and not. The car was still in the garage. If he had left, it must have been on foot, by rental carriage, or by taxi. That was awful. I couldn't go out and leave the children alone.
I decided to call Violetta.
I talked to her about the plant I had found.
Do you have the antidote at the hospital? - I asked.
Yes, we do. Are you sure you want to continue with this?
Yes, I am. It is now or never.
Then, I decided to call the Royal Gardens, since I couldn't go there at the moment. The woman I needed to speak with would be finishing work soon. I asked the operator to call Miss K., chief scientist at the Royal Gardens.
Miss K?
Yes. It's her. But K is my maiden name. I got married recently.
I'm calling to ask a very important favor.
Who is talking?
Unfortunately I can't identify myself. But we have a mutual friend named L.
And what might his last name be?
I'm sorry. I don't trust phone calls.
C, I have a card that L gave me. L told me that if I gave you the card, you could do me a favor.
What kind of favor would you want me to do?
I need you to find a certain plant there for me.
Which plant?
Conium Maculatum.
This plant is in the Poisonous Pavilion .. No sample of the plant can leave here.
If this plant could be legally removed I would not need to be charging you a favor in the name of L.
Bring the card here. If it's really true, I'll help you. But I want you to know that L is helping you to commit a crime, whoever you are.
I heard the noise of B coming.
I have to turn off. Please wait for me at the entrance around 10:30 pm. Tonight.
B came into the house. I went to greet him.
Where have you been, dear? I was worried about you…
Are the kids in their rooms?
Yes, they are. Way?
I don't want them to see their mother making up a lot of lies to justify that.
He brought a file of letters. It was the file of letters L had sent me.
So you went to E.'s house. I don't understand … He promised that he would never show this file to anyone but me.
It seems that your brother also breaks the trust that others have in him. It must be a family problem.
I am not going to lie B. I couldn't get rid of these letters. You know L and I had a history together. As much as you want to undo this story, you can't go back in time and erase what I lived with him.
I'm not talking about the past, B. If you love me, burn those letters in the fireplace now, in front of me.
I will not do it. But that doesn't mean that I don't love you!
Some things in an actress's life are difficult to understand unless you're an actress, an actor, or you live in constant disguise. My secret was to write about it. I hate to write that it didn't work for me. I no longer knew what was pretend and what was real. But I knew that the tears that started to fall in an amazing volume of my eyes were real. I wanted to shout something but I didn't know what words to shout! From the bottom of my heart a feeling gradually materialized in the form of words. The words were "Forgive Me, please". I started to sob. Who was I trying to apologize to? To B? To L? To my children? To O's Father? To my parents? To myself?
I never wanted a hug as much as I did in that moment. But nobody came to hug me. L was not there, as I did not marry him. My parents were not there because they had died. My kids were sleeping, because I couldn't be honest with them about how I really felt or what my life was like. My friends were scattered around the world on dangerous missions. And my husband … My husband didn't come to hug me even though he was in front of me.
I wish my parents were alive so I could call them to ask for help in my marriage. I didn't want them to have been murdered for being involved in VFD. I wish I had spent time with them and not gone far, and not even being able to say goodbye to them. I wanted to go to a normal school, fall in love with normal schoolmates, and be disappointed like any normal girl. I wanted to choose who to marry, and I wanted to have a normal marriage. I wanted to have normal fights with my husband. I came to the library, got my commonplace book from the secret drawer. I came to the tunnel and recorded these latest events. I'll call a taxi and meet Miss K. I'll leave it behind this brick, which is a secret compartment in the tunnel. I don't know if anyone will ever find what I wrote here, but I hope so. My life has become a tangled knot. Now I'm going to control something for myself.
Note to the Archive: Please add this writing to the Snicket File.
Preferably on page 9.
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cygninae · 8 months ago
It's here! I'm truly sorry that I'm so terrible at uploading, but the past few months have been hectic. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I really look forward to hearing all of your thoughts.
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afterthegreatunknown · 2 years ago
fanfic idea loosely inspired by the importance of being earnest:
sally and r are using the name ‘jacquelyn scieszka’ as an alias.
sally came up with the name first. sally uses the name whenever traveling outside the city, like in tedia or ophelia or other neighboring place, so people don’t trace anything jacquelyn did with sally herself.
gustav knows of this, and thinks it’s silly because sally doesn’t do anything that could have her needing a fake name.
sally as jacquelyn scieszka ends up befriending a non-vfd. calling this dude john, though he likes to go by jack. 
sally and jack eventually start dating. jack btw talks a lot and fondly about a dear friend of his. sally knows jack is bi (sally is bi also btw that’s what i headcanon her), but she has a growing theory jack is in love with his friend, but it’s in denial due to the fact said friend is straight.
r eventually discovers sally’s fake name of jacquelyn scieszka, and instead of confronting sally over it, decides to use it herself, in places in the city and land of districts where most people won’t associate the heir apparent of the duchy of winnipeg to be in.
r as jacquelyn scieszka befriends a non-vfd person. calling this dude algernon, but he goes by eli.
eli is in the closet and to keep up appearances, needs a girlfriend. r does it out of solidarity and sympathy. eli is grateful for r, jacquelyn, for helping out and tells her one day, he’ll help her in return.
larry learns of this, for larry had to serve r as jacquelyn scieszka and eli at a non-vfd restaurant. pretty awkward tbh.
eventually, gustav and larry discover together one day while having a nice brunch together a. both sally and r are using the same name of jacquelyn scieszka, b. that jack and eli are friends, and c. jack and eli discover they know and are dating jacquelyn scieszka.
the realization of the jack-eli-jacquelyn scieszka mess has gustav and larry zooming out of the restaurant and their brunch to tell sally and r -who are together today in the city headquarter- about the overheard conversation.
needless to say, sally and r are freaking out. sally at one point does changes tunes, getting upset how r stole her fake name. r redirects the conversation to what is actually at hand.
their solution? they must kill/bury jacquelyn scieszka.
eventually before the group kills off/bury jacquelyn scieszka (they bought a coffin to make it all more realistic), jack and eli found the group on the road to swarthy swamp. jack and eli are shock to learn that jacquelyn scieszka is really two people sharing a fake name.
eli on the trip with jack grows enough confidence to comes out as gay to jack, as well as confessing his love right upon confronting sally and r (and gustav and larry, who are in the background going ‘wtf man you’re confessing it here just as we’re about to dig?’).
jack on the trip with eli learns that yes, he’s in love with a dear friend of his, and after hearing eli’s confession, pronounces his love also (gustav and larry are still going ‘wtf’ in the background).
sally and r react the same way: happy and shouting congratulations for these two for sorting out their feelings (r especially so because of that solidarity and sympathy) and the two couples break up.
the funeral for jacquelyn scieszka is still held. with jack and eli knowing, they figure they should continue on with the plan. everyone say lovely words of parting about how jacquelyn scieszka brought them all together as friends, and helped two people find love. 
then they bury an empty coffin at swarthy swamp, and keep it a secret between themselves.
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odd-kid-42 · 2 years ago
17 and 18 for the fic ask game 👀
17. What's something that you've learned about while doing research for a fic?
I think it is hard to beat when I asked a sociology friend what historical leftist group A Series of Unfortunate Events' VFD resembles and learned: 1) There was a group of socialists before the French Revolution whose contribution was gathering in intellectual parlors to discuss class reform and also to get smashed on absinthe and hallucinate. 2) Count Olaf's house strongly resembles the Notre Dame cathedral in design and its placement the middle of a major city, which maybe means nothing but also could mean a lot in adding context in ASOUE and background in a fic.
I still need to read the PDF my friend provided on the absinthe guys and finish the Behind the Bastards episodes on the Illuminati.
18. What's one of your favorite lines written in your fanfics?
If I can enjoy two of my favorite moments of horror and gentleness in Alternate World:
“Oh, Willy.” Pleasure and tension curled around Her voice at his small noises of panic. She licked Her lips and soothed, “Don’t make me too excited. I hate ending the chase early. Even now, little one, I want the final death of you to be good. I want it to be slow. I want you to be wracked with terror so far past comprehension,” His eyes had opened in panic despite his effort to mentally escape. He couldn't mentally escape this. A soft smile curled her lips as she finished in a whisper to him, “that you don’t recognize me. That you are relieved when I come for you. I want that, for you and for me.”
Holding The Doodler like a potato: I just think It as a malicious eldritch god of chaos is neat!
Nick’s head was starting to slip a bit, so Glenn adjusted and found Nick older, heavier in his arms. Thirteen again.
Glenn kissed the side of their head, and Nick scoff-laughed quietly. “I’m too old to be carried, you know,” they murmured, forehead against his neck.
“Nah,” Glenn answered easily.
This was what he had been working towards back in prison: being around Nick again.
The "I never got to tuck you in one last time either. Wanted to do that too" and "I always thought Face/Off was a sad movie.” lines are favorites, but Glenn seamlessly transitioning through his memories of parenting Nick still gets me. Noticing that the next stage of parenting Nick has occurred and kissing their head in response, like a greeting or reassurance, Nick feigning insult at being treated like a younger kid but wanting the comfort, and the acknowledgement that this was Glenn's driver-- trying to get back to Nick-- is really simplistic as a sequence but I think I wrote it well.
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snicketverse-fic-finder · 7 months ago
I really just want a fanfic about Atwq. Specifically about Moxie. But anyone would be okay. I really don’t care what it’s about. I just want something lol.
[Word count: 2,616]
🗣️Main Character: Moxie Mallahan 🗞️
👥Side characters: Ellington Feint, Kellar Haines and Mr Mallahan
🫂Main relationship: Moxie Mallahan / Ellington Feint
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Set: Post-Canon/after book 4⌛️
Rating: General Audiences ✅
‘In which Moxie Mallahan, Ellington Feint, and Kellar Haines are going to spend a pleasant evening together, but one pesky storm is determined to ruin everything.’
[Word count: 5,253] (Moxie isn’t in this one however this was too good a fic not to recommend!!)
🗣️Main Character: E.Snicket (J,K+L’s mother)
🫂Main relationship: E. Snicket & Jacob Snicket & Jacques Snicket & Kit Snicket & Lemony Snicket
Set: Pre-Canon ⏳
Rating: Teen and Up ⬆️
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Angst, Family Feels, Parenthood, VFD is Terrible
‘If E had known what plans VFD had for her family, she would have run away as soon as she possibly could, and never looked back.
She had an investigation one day, and Jacob was able to stay and watch the children while she went to the lumbermill for the morning.
When she returned, her children were gone.’
[Word count: 577]
🗣️Main Character: Moxie Mallahan 🗞️
🫂Main relationships:
Moxie Mallahan / Ellington Feint
Moxie Mallahan & Mr Mallahan
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a happy ending
Set: Post-Canon⌛️/ after book 4 (WITNDFAON)
Rating: General Audiences ✅
‘"Her eyes were an interesting color too. They were dark grey, as if they had once been black but somebody had washed them or had made her cry for a long time."’
[Word count: 2,498]
🗣️Main character: Lemony Snicket
👥Side characters: Ornette Lost, Jake Hix and Moxie Mallahan
🫂Main relationships:
Lemony Snicket & Moxie Mallahan
Lemony Snicket & Jake Hix
Lemony Snicket & Ornette Lost
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Rating: General Audiences ✅
Fic Type:
Angst with a Happy Ending
‘Lemony Snicket is on the lam with nowhere else to turn— so, of course, he heads to Stain'd-by-the-Sea.’
A SERIES of works. [Total word count: 8,805] [No.of works in series: 5]
👥Characters: Lemony Snicket, Moxie Mallahan 🗞️, Cleo Knight, Jake Hix, Pip Bellerophon, Squeak Bellerophon, Ellington Feint, Kevin Old, Florence Smith, Oliver Sobol, Ornette Lost, Marguerite Gracq, Kellar Haines, Jackie, Stew Mitchum
Rating: Teen and Up ⬆️
Fic Type:
A SERIES of oneshots 📕
Chatfic, Modern AU, Comedy, Crack
‘everything’s the same except they have a group chat this time. that’s it. that’s the series.’
[Word Count: 7,124] [Last updated 2020❗️]
👥Characters: Lemony Snicket, Jacques Snicket, Kit Snicket, S.Theodora Markson, Ellington Feint, Drumstick, Kevin Old, Florence Smith
Rating: Teen and Up ⬆️
Fic Type:
Multichapter 📚 (Described by author in notes as a ‘series of loosely connected oneshots’.)
Modern AU, Foster Family AU, Found Family, Autism, ADHD
‘The Snicket siblings were just trying to survive their boring guardian. Ellington Feint kept trying to run away to find her Dad. Drumstick just kinda wanted to be left alone. But now they're all stuck together, so while they're here, they might as well prank S Theodora Markson once in a while. And sing off-key ABBA songs whenever she's out.
Modern AU, Foster Family. Series of loosely connected one-shots. Updates randomly.’
Thanks for the ask!! I hope you will enjoy these fics!🤞 If you would like more recommendations then just send me another ask and I will be happy to answer! 💛
If anyone would like to recommend an ATWQ fic/a fic featuring Moxie then feel free to either link the fic in the comments or attach it to a reblog!😁
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