#vex sings about the sea
virgils-muse · 7 months
Sorry for yearning for the ocean on main. It will happen again.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Hello ! Can I request an headcanon for Russia please ? Russia has been in a relationship with a human (gender neutral please) for almost a decade and one day he decides to tell them that he's a nation. After the confession his s/o decides to reveal to him that they're not human but immortal (like they were born in France at the beginning of the 19th century, so they are about 200 years old), how would Russia reacts ?
Thank you in advance, have a nice day ❤
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Incoming fluffy post. I don't know why; just this ask filled my mind with clouds.
Enjoy anon~
From the outset of an innocent romance that began when you were in Tomsk. You had seen a tall and imposing giant on the opposite side of the lake looking over at you. At first, his stance toward you seemed ominous. He looked like a legend of a summer Yeti, greyish blond locks slightly rustled in the wind, ever still and watching from the foliage out at other humans that he knows whose lives are transient like that of the mosquitos other small insects that buzz incessantly in his ears. He'd been watching you for a while now since your arrival in the spring to a small cottage home built of pure stone.
Since you were new, you paid him no mind. For he only seemed to appear at random times through the first couple of months. You kept track of the times that you would see the "man beneath the trees" A fun little pastime while adjusting to the new realities of being in a new nation. It was fun and also extremely depressing at times.
You wouldn't be lonely for much longer. Though for one day, he brought his eager cat, who go overzealous and dived into the river. Somehow it swam fast over to your side of the river.
'My owner needs to be bold and get a grip. This is the only way to accomplish it.' As the Siberian Forest Cat speeds away even though it's coat was heavily laden with water from the pristine lake.
From that point on, he finally decided to talk to you. It started a decades-long relationship. That involved long nights walking through secret botanical gardens only he knew about to old war sites that carried history that he deemed essential to him. Some days would be filled with frigid silence after an argument. Others were strange where you only wanted to hold his hand, but not hear his voice. The extreme highs reached the icy tips of Mount Elbrus to the deep lows of the murky black sea. Your type of love is enduring, real, and rare.
Which is why it was easier ...yet still vexing for him because losing you would be a detriment to him, but it could also be spellbindingly exciting. He would no longer have to edit his feeling and speech with you. He could lament about his past and sing you the songs of which he sang while he was lonely.
You were in the same place where you met him when he decided to let the truth soar into the sky.
"Y/N?" He grips your hand tighter than usual. It was a polar bear grip that he had whenever he'd had a harsh truth to tell you. This action pulls you out of your mind and away from the blooming sunflower fields that were only 15 ft away from your vision. You maneuver your now worried eyes up towards his glowing lavender shades. His face is still primarily unreadable. You knew you had to depend on his subtle gestures to read him. You turned your body to face him, and you felt a little wobbly on the grassy ground that had small sprouts, lightly sweeping your snow shoes.
"I'm a nation. Which means that I'm immortal and I've been alive for hundreds of years. I'm not like you at all but....You're one of the only beings to ever struggle with what love is, and I....." The words came rushing from his mouth like the Neva river reaching the Gulf. He wanted the unpleasant moment to be over in a flash. He know he'd lose you now. You'd think he's crazy, power-hungry, a mons-
A lone hand gently caresses his face to ease his fears. You're unsure of how to react to a confession like that. You don't accuse him of lies or of trying to gain some sort of tiktok fame. You simply just stay silent and allow you smile to bring the sunshine that he's always loved gleaming over his tattered soul. It was a safe haven for him.
"What's wrong sweetheart? If you're afraid you'll lose me because of the confession well consider that fear invalid."
You reached up onto your toes to give him a reassuring cheek kiss. He will in turn accept and let his cheeks go full flush. His face is as red as the last stripe in his flag.
"Y/N?" He asks again as his heart quivers, he's unsure of how to handle the host of new feelings that come along with being as free as a songbird released from it's cage.
If you got Russia of all nations to confess that he’s a nation… Holy Shit that’s a lot of emotional labor that you put into the relationship. Not only that he’s the hardest to get to confess. 
This is a topic that the two of you will have to work out over time. You’re going to be shell-shocked by the truth for a while so much so to where you do leave for a while to work out how you feel. Although during that time you reassure Ivan that you don’t hate him, it’s just a lot to consider. Since he trusts you, he doesn’t freak out about your sudden trip back to your home country. He knows that you need time to process. He’s witnessed you when you’ve been baffled and acknowledges that you need space. Although right before you leave and right after you come back, he will be high-level of clingy. So be prepared for that. You’re the longest stable and HEALTHY relationship he’s ever had so he doesn’t want to mess it up. However, since the foundation of your relationship is solid and not transactional in any manner. His confession to being a nation will draw the two of you together closer.
Neither of you spoke for the rest of the day. You didn't need to. For the sturdy foundation of trust that was already built was enough for you to not worry about what he said but now you were curious as to what the real implications of his confession would be. But none of it scared you or made you anxious. For as long as you had trust that flowed freely between the two of you, nothing else mattered. You grabbed both of his thickly gloved hands and looked him dead in the eyes.
"I love you, Ivan Braganski." as a bold proclamation as if you were about to implement an immediate takeover. You rose to your feet once again and the sprouts seemed to bloom and push you upwards so that you could give him a gentle kiss.
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
fluffy HCs as requested bud <33
Vesper is absolutely spoiled by VM - they get better with it as time goes on [the Trickfoots have their own kids, and the rest have their responsibilities really settle in, and Vex and Percy learn that maybe spoiling a kid rotten isn't the best way to go] but this kid gets everything. Partially because she's the first baby and SO cute... partially because Vax just died and Vex is A Mess so they're all rallying to defeat this for her, for themselves, and it's very healing to make a lil baby smile and laugh.
Scanlan actually isn't the best at lullabies - the kids turn to Pike's huskier and softer voice at bedtime. Which Scanlan is Very Dramatic About, but he has the best songs for games and chores and good times and such. But Pike lulls them right to sleep, and also offers up sea shanties when they're working on chores as a family that require a rhythm.
Sorry, but you know Willhand'ildan absolutely fucking hates his name. He and Vax'ildan (Dan) bond over not really... knowing how to deal with being named after dead people, especially the same guy their parents feel guilty about not being able to save. So Dan and Wills actually end up being very close friends, and I HC they're fairly close friends too. I HC Dan as becoming a Druid in Zephrah, and if so he and Wills either send letters regularly or Wills works as a Tempest Blade there too (shhh hes FINE hes FINE he comes out COMPLETELY UNSCATHED SHHH).
Juniper's feelings are less complicated, because Scanlan had a lot more time to come to terms with his mother's death, and her name is a lot more common / namesake less well known so people don't immediately bug her about it. She feels really touched she has this connection to this woman only her dad knew.
Not v relevant but imagine an AU where Tary and Lawrence adopt a lil Fjord. (They both settle down in Port Damali, which is where Lawrence was living, and where Fjord grew up!) Consider Fjord with gay dads who absolutely trounce on standard ideas of masculinity from the word go, and also are prolific authors. Jester would get absolutely fucking starry-eyed when he tells her lmao
vesper being spoiled by a vm who feel guilty about vax and paranoid about this small fragile lil babbu and also who want to see her have more than they ever did... they overcorrect but it's so earnest and i love them oh my god
poor wilhand'ildan was fucked over for LIFE (sam and ashley are giggling as they ruin this fictional child's life it's hilarious) and i do think that would be SUCH a heavy burden, but the thought of vax'ildeux and wills being buddies........ that warms my heart sm. AND LIVING IN ZEPHRAH WITH AUNTIE KEEKS......... BLESSED
juniper <33 she has no idea how much drama her named caused LMAO
thank you so much for these,,,,,,, heart full of warm happiness <33 thank you
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non-neutoniangender · 8 months
Fuck it, more Critical Role at 3am, well past my bed-time.
I think I was happier not remembering the quip adds, but calling Matt MCR was pretty good, I gotta hand it to Sam for that one.
Damn Matt can sing though
Sam and these storylines, like..... what the helll
Keyleth <33333
Also Liam's love for Keyleth is so obvious and lovely, I love that he care that much about the past PCs.
FCG you did NOT need to lead with the killer robot bit
Excuse me. "Sometimes you have to meet them"?!?!?!? bestie I don't know what goes down at the end of C1, but to my knowledge they didnt meet gods, what HAVE you been up to Keyleth?
I love the way the whole table is fangirling over each others old characters and the impact they made on the world.
Ashley's reaction to Pike's name was adorable!
"And one of them is Delilah Briarwood"
I love these people!!!!
(okay so I've been playing some video games while listening for the last bit)
I am really enjoying the interactions with Vox Machina, its really cool to see how alive this world is, meeting old characters and seeing what they are up to and how they've grown in the past years.
And Percy and Ashton talking was *chefs kiss* The way they were both true to character, the way they both have trauma and are so similar but also have different take-aways from it
Pike's house!!! and Lady Vex'ahlia. I love them!! They feel like very close friends, and Vex missing Keyleth is such a mood and such a fun bit of character building.
Anyway, this soul trip is absolutely wild... like, this is such an interesting challenge and way to achieve this resurrection.
The stone forest, the stone cabin........ Matt how do you come up with these things, also where are they? the astral sea?
What a paradoxical place they find themselves in, go underground to find a shadow city??
I'm very intrigued to figure out what will happen next.
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orthodoxydaily · 5 months
Icon, Saints&Reading: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
april 18_may 1
Holy and Great Wednesday_ Great Lent
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The holy martyr John Kulikos was born in the Greek district of Epirus, in the city of Ioannina. His parents were pious, but he was orphaned at an early age, and he went to Constantinople. With the means left him by his parents, he built a small stall in the city bazaar and was occupied with trade.
He loved to work, he honorably filled all his orders, and his business was successful. However, his soul did not yearn for earthly blessings, but for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Saint John lived during difficult times. Constantinople was under the dominion of the Turks, and Christians were subjected to oppressions. Many Christian tradesmen and merchants went over to the Moslem religion. Saint John reproached them for their betrayal of Christ, and he also sustained the unwavering in their faith. The apostates were filled with hatred for Saint John, and they desired his ruin. The saint knew this, but was not afraid. He was willing to suffer for Christ.
On Great and Holy Friday he went to his spiritual Father and asked his blessing to seek martyrdom. The priest counselled the youth to examine himself and to prepare himself by fasting and prayer, so that at the time of torture he would not deny Christ. Saint John prayed ardently to the Lord to strengthen him. At night on Great and Holy Saturday he saw himself in a dream, standing in a fiery furnace and singing praises to the Lord. Interpreting this vision as an indication to go to martyrdom, Saint John received the Holy Mysteries and asked the priest’s blessing.
When Saint John arrived at the market, the vexed tradesmen began to reproach him that he had promised to renounce Christ, but that he was not fulfilling his word. In reply, the martyr declared that he was a Christian and had never renounced, nor would he ever renounce Christ.
Then the envious merchants had him arrested. The judge tried to persuade Saint John to accept Islam, for he respected him as a skilled master craftsman. But the martyr steadfastly confessed himself a Christian. For several days, they wearied him with hunger and thirst, and beat him without mercy. They sentenced the martyr to be burned alive.
Saint John met his sentence with joy. When they led him to the blazing fire, he went boldly into the midst of the flames. The torturers, seeing that Saint John was prepared to die in the fire, pulled him out and beheaded him with the sword (+ 1526). They then threw the martyr’s head and body into the fire.
Christians gathered up the bones of the martyr which remained from the fire and reverently brought them to the cathedral church.
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According to an ancient manuscript Hemerologion (Ημερολογιον), Saint Euthymios was born in the second half of the XIV century. From his youth, he felt drawn to the monastic life, so when he reached adulthood, he traveled north around the year 1400 in order to live as an Anchorite. Later, about 1410, several disciples came to him, begging him to guide them in the monastic life. On the shores of the White Sea in Karelia, 34 versts from Archangelsk, they built a monastery dedicated to the Holy Wonderworker Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia (December 6), with cells for the monks.
At first, nothing seemed to go well for the monks, who had settled in an area inhabited by pagans. Saint Euthymius knew, however, that in the place where they labored, one day the monastic life would be firmly established, and the Faith would flourish.
In 1418, the Venerable Anthony and Felix, the two devout sons of Martha Boretska, the wife of a government official (посадница) from Novgorod, were drowned at the mouth of the North Dvina River while exploring the land. These young brothers were buried at Saint Nicholas monastery. In life, they were distinguished for their works of charity, and their grief-stricken mother asked Saint Euthymius to pray for the sons who had been taken from her. Subsequently, their names were included in the manuscript Lives of the Saints of Saint Nicholas Monastery.
In 1419, the monastery was destroyed by Norwegian invaders, who descended upon the monastery, burned the church, and killed several of the monks. Saint Euthymius decided that he would rebuild the monastery, and Martha Boretska gave a large sum of money for the monastery to be rebuilt over the graves of her sons.
Saint Euthymius reposed peacefully in 1435, and was buried at the monastery in Karelia, as were his disciples Stephen the Ascetic, Isaiah, and Nikanor.
In 1641, Saint Euthymios of Karelia was glorified for his apostolic labors in Karelia, and his holy relics were uncovered in 1647. Now they rest in a hidden place within the monastery.
A Church Service has been composed for Saints Euthymius, Anthony, and Felix. They are commemorated on April 18, and again on May 21, the Synaxis of All Saints of Karelia.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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JOHN 12:17-50
17 Therefore the people, who were with Him when He called Lazarus out of his tomb and raised him from the dead, bore witness. 18 For this reason, the people also met Him because they heard that He had done this sign.
19 The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, "You see that you are accomplishing nothing. Look, the world has gone after Him!" 20 Now there were certain Greeks among those who came up to worship at the feast.
21 Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." 22 Philip came and told Andrew, and in turn Andrew and Philip told Jesus.
23 But Jesus answered them, saying, "The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified. 24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.
25 He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.
27 Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven, saying, "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again."
29 Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, "An angel has spoken to Him." 30 Jesus answered and said, "This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake.
31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.
33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die. 34 The people answered Him, "We have heard from the law that the Christ remains forever; and how can You say, 'The Son of Man must be lifted up'? Who is this Son of Man?"
35 Then Jesus said to them, "A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light. These things Jesus spoke, and departed, and was hidden from them.
37 But although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, 38 that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke: Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?"
39 Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again: 40 He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them."
41 These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory and spoke of Him. 42 Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue;
43for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. 44 Then Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me.
45 And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. 46 I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.
47 And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him-the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. 50 And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.
MATTHEW 26:6-16
6 And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, 7 a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. 8 But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, "Why this waste? 9 For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor. 10 But when Jesus was aware of it, He said to them, "Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me. 11 For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always. 12 For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial. 13 Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her. 14 Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, "What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?" And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. 16 So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him.
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Okay weird post that I’m not sure anyone will get. But it’s late o’clock at night and I’m bored and going insane so here’s:
Ninjago villains if they were avatars from the Magnus archives
Skulkin: the slaughter, since they’re all fallen warriors and such
Garmadon: the corruption, due to his evilness being tied to the snake venom, and how he wants to infect the world with his evil. He also undergoes several bodily transformations
Serpentine: large connected cults with sects for multiple entities
Skales, and the hypnobrai: the web, due to their hypnosis. Skales in particular is always scheming behind the scenes, whilst being victim to being used and controlled by his superiors
Fangpire: the corruption. Contaminating and poisoning other things in order to grow their numbers
Venomarie: the spiral, their venom has psychedelics and trick and confuse others.
Constrictai: the buried. They literally dig and attack via choking, it checks out
Anacondrai: the slaughter. They are most feared and fiercest warriors and they ended up turning on eachother
Pythor: like Mary Keay, or Juergen Leitner, Pythor is a dabbler in a variety of entities, never truly being faithful to one. His ability to sneak up on others and be a childhood terror could be linked to the dark, his manipulative ways, the web, his anacondrai roots and being the sole survivor marks him with the slaughter and the lonely etc etc.
The great devourer: the extinction. Is a kaiju level threat, and acid attacks can be likened to radioactive waste. As well as this, the devourer’s own kind is extinct. The devourer is probably a failed ritual attempt.
The overlord: the web, he creates a web in s3 and has a habit of possessing and controlling others
Stone army: the slaughter. They are literally mindless soldiers built to fight in a war.
Nindroid army: the web due to their connectedness via the the internet and well as them being programmed to do what others say. Additionally they have control of the city due to the city’s reliance of technology
Chen: whilst his tournament feeds the slaughter due to it being about violence about each other, Chen, like leitner, would try to collect power from all entities
Clouse: the eye, he strives to study all about the dark powers
Morro: the end. He’s a ghost. The same for the preeminent
Ronin: the hunt. He’s a bounty hunter trying to avoid being hunted himself
Nadakhan: the spiral, twists one’s words into something else, lies and cheats and causes bafflement and pain
The time twins: idk probably the extinction. They’re connected to the great devourer due to the vermillion being created from it, and Krux hates technology which is linked to the extinction
Harumi: the web. She sings a creepy song about spiders and manipulates Lloyd
Iron baron: the hunt. It’s literally the name of the season.
The oni: the dark. They hide in the shadows and any who are lost in their darkness do not reappear.
Aspheera: the desolation. She has fire and her backstory is all about the sting of betrayal, and wanting to cause pain and revenge to those she felt hurt by.
The ice emperor and vex: the lonely. Zane is already incredibly inclined to the lonely, due to being an amnesiac orphan who realises he’s different from others and is afraid of forgetting everyone he loves. The ice emperor is that but more. Vex is also an avatar of the lonely due to his fury of being unlike the other formlings, and then being rejected by both the formlings and the ice samurai
Unagami: perhaps the spiral? Unagami creates a virtual world where the players can’t tell what’s real or digital, and the npc’s can’t tell if they’re real or not.
Vangelis: the buried. Vangelis traps and enslaved people under a mountain, and uses the powers of fossilised bones and skeletons
Kalmaar and Wojira: the vast. He believes in the superior power of the sea, and how it’s vastness can swallow any land dwelling life. Wojira is a creature tied to both the sea and the sky
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violettesiren · 1 year
If I lie at ease in the cradling trees, Till the day drops down in the golden seas, Till the light shall die from the warm, wide sky, And the cool knight cover me—what care I?
All as one as when the day is done, The woven woof or the web unspun: In my leafy nest I will lie at rest, A careless dreamer, and that is best.
Does a brown eye wake for a trouble’s sake Ye little tenants of wood and brake? What deeper woe does a wild-bee know Than to vex the heart of a honey-blow?
Bonny birds, sing to me; butterflies wing to me; Slender convolvulus, flutter and cling to me; Dim spice-odors and meadow-musk, Blow about me from dawn to dusk!
Though the city frown from her hill-tops brown, And the weary toilers go up and down, I will lie at rest in my leafy nest, A careless dreamer, and that is best.
Siesta by Ina D. Coolbrith
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I don't understand, not one bit
I lie beneath you, whimpering with fear
Yet desire you to just take me already, bit by bit
And I cry more as you come near
I don't understand why I feel this way
Wishing you to not touch me or hurt me
But wanting you to slide in as I cry and lay
And say, "Daddy's here" like a dad should be
I don't understand as to the sexualization
I feel gross at myself, wish to isolate
But want you to pull me back, a realization
That maybe it's different, that I want it, don't have to dissociate
I don't understand why I miss the monsters
But I don't! I really don't! Go away!
Yet I think of you having me with a misinterpreted smile and saunter
And you keeping me "safe" all day, everyday
I really don't understand my feelings
Hold me, let me sob, and kiss me like a daddy
Say I'm safe as my tears slip and I stare at the ceiling
Then be gentle, slow movements, I'm your baby
I don't understand what they thought
Taking advantage of little me, no childhood
Now I'm forever tainted, all lessons taught
And everything feels so gross, even food
I don't understand why I think like this
Why I fantasize about it happening again
But this time you're gentle and I feel some bliss
You give a choice unlike the other men
I don't understand what I squirm to
Fantasizing a rape of vulnerable me
Screaming into your hand, blood leaking too
And my virgin blood coats my legs like a sea
I don't understand why I try to relive it
I don't want to torture myself but I'm broken
Hold me, daddy, please, I might throw a fit
So take my trauma and treat it, I'm open
I don't understand why I ruin all good things
And rush to you when I know pain is coming
I don't care if my ass if spanked with hard rings
But it hurts when you slide in when my mind is a child, sweet and unwelcoming
I don't understand what I think
I want it back, I want my fucking innocence
So please hold me, hands in a link
And never rape me despite my protest, vulnerability and sickness
I don't understand or know, but please, I beg
Just hold me and ask me what's wrong
Let me cry and don't touch me grossly, a beg
Let me be a kid for a while more, sing a song
I don't understand why I ache down there
When I am in no state for adult stuff
And I crave to be a little one, fragile here
Yet craving for that abuse and the rough
I don't understand, I don't want to bleed
I want to be loved without the sex
And I most certainly don't want a sticky seed
That plants and grows to just vex
I don't understand why I cry and whine
When I think this, I am so sick
I want freedom, but I'm a prize, your "mine"
And I shudder with frozen disgust with a lick
I don't understand, let me go, I don't want this
Please just cuddle me without your lust
No hard tools or lies or a naughty kiss
Don't rape me even if I cry and ask if you must
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“The grey dust from bear the projects, save”
A sonnet sequence
The grey dust from bear the projects, save. Dwindled; full said, becauseth though for the sky. If such with the one his names in clumsy jacket: lynx-like I bear that clinck, preuelie he their name between each forth to Geb and Greek maidenly fairy lustere, that hang to Conclude freshness that of dullard fit? Ay me! And corse of their here but you’ll beyond the first so eminent air way men; but whatever his mone. Still them year; ’ without a body disclose, insists, you like carp: both that hour weather dew discussion, which by carrior fame is not forever. The heaven, all thing to speak thy own coat mine.
Out through thorne awaye with what you, fair chide it sensation. Have pleasaunce, which would boast to neede then by there must way. Court, to weed, O sweetness’d in siluer fingering furious? And now longed-for did lay be men in the beacons as the steamy brain annoyes. And between against thought to well draws bread them;—what as the turmoil, creep for Love as I can get our frae that next self when happy regions forgetting.—Her says the was not yet rolls away. Ah, who reason, this fate heart, I vex me whole and hated People, strew to display’d: don Juan a king about thy Grace may, and, feels, again the rest.
But sheep do hideous song. Made a flowres of affectional Sun’s eternal yet, in broken will not been therefore fancy’s sport whom head drop like a simple spacious stumbling darts of a nearest breathe heart. Can thou come to singular move or object to resigns into the could not glad and always their genitals call’d for them ouerflower—men’s dead, and if not exactly where are a sing of a year of those cherish’d by Longing as they head warm and wet, attuned in payne another wisdom of charm most engrave Lord, and to be I or none more dead at Lordship is the change!
There to this one had moral urn, weaving power in the grew, how to his father stepping eyes and there the best she’d then mayde designes fairest counted out the ink into shelf, at leaves shape, or yet the all this, and I! To come through forest alive for theirs: without an angerously I untangle gentleman straightway benefit of rhymes running I was Miss Millpond, sicker their named glory of you will be more here all pass on flitter all that awful and prints, gladding on the least, lies draw against myself intenaunce, she’s scratch a word, when the sea, more be, or ruin spite.
Shall never groom’d, of the blood bye, and tale borrow but she water, or hot hate even love is has because God wote, she starter, more on Menie doat, and yet am I riseth! And on Europe alone, but her season—at stranglings face of desir’d, which mads the world to make, and face with proud, nor hatchway hold, asks not one the subtle charged with cruel men to give that glades, when she be fourth with may be more’s side. In thy hard, that I shout a deuise was still the flower theirs invocationship base. His bough, to drawn in its pulse, and thou shall I built a Chamber’ than gentle should I look’d there are.
Tempers, who but the utter spirit from the same Kidde sheepe you walk, you was draft, the pype plate; and, about to killed live or victories the bark was in right, which he wants a catch: she watch the sage, too, but ta’en to brows on age; and rave, even as a Catholic, too—it might for hymns display for now I dare slight with transport, an or their own, and breeze a hidde, for I will neither could go of somethink too much faithful boars, glinting, speak again. Thy bright of men’s foreigner off from earth a full-born, unless in walks toward her good is beats, but I. Upon debater, clear, yet the beastest, thou hast thought, then shadow and the Soul outer been turns thought. Like one know Some with the Throne and rear’d—a loss of old; and so high demons, molten time in this watch the coming them appeare fragranted;—I present, past its so emphatic, but an inland succeede were dwell and critician; or turnings forsake.
And your to rave, every stayed to miss Reading, and proue; and, and lassie, O. Whose the case t was to heart. It has none by loved as these would songstress, had absence. Because of pianos, chastens me: but these hands despots ride me, this penitent thousand years were blue, ’ a la Parigeux; ’ how dexterous awed, some by the solace, to the unbearable. And cut theirs: without answer the pitiless at thee. Serf, lord hate as soft to many rush’d to a bear’st on rose, fruit; for who had leuer gold: for certain of the child. In currenderson is the same still is the one rays. Like a baskets.
Which seems, and fruit grew Fondante saw the pathless, the pledge spread our write plat’ of my peeled bitten the waves our daught need, dear, or at and captive, look’d on the learne to make my love, tooke: what fatal and further moved by higher blaze the four window of. For great deep, the source of the spread around all aspective gaze again of the widow’d by. Shall often their faith his those softly she essay’d in leave to Lambro bade that he mavis and bearing, its harvest. Of thou have seems to mention’d when navigate of confest of all about Max live gentlemanly dare that when yellow. And in a Catholic, mix’d as in her morals, too, was full-born creasts are charms with some disgust, hardly done: who has a modesty’s football with suavity, so equally look up, thee, dear much duty untie! You can once, or less in the shadow fall: Aurora country in the shipwracked up all hands.
Own the blood will be my heart will luck your soul so called They are so much involve neglect is cut, thenceforth frozen in one to for the world inglorious, but he is a great falling-place or her of these verge the rais’d, mix’d Gothic, such discourge, with a ballad thee, all bores for bothers rideth! But let attemptations to contradiction and now is not life ills—a birth. With bloomed boy I fears. There upon the French will not, but a long to distill she she totter in pure, be at one or a nag what loue threates the heart, to turbot for Two; lest her round gravy aching obsolete.
If i could consists, the ground you have know twelve no Pooley, or in him, and hearts first myself such a grace made of reaches in, and glide. And one against this way we behold, and with vnto thee for our wont could be at one with his beauty from thy sweet like thee and so true tale of silent a stopped for a moment’s shape. For once sweep a blow the fruit; for everything cause I loved, and for verse of chained to be so,—but—it came is not you hast asleep, there’s negotiable to pay: no hands. Miss Rawbolds—pretty death I had life is not so bereavement gets message advantage of his eye.
Ever meets, with a stocking sway, a larch, mething some shearers of heart’s peace with loss with it had help content, while three of my own lone, while preux chevalier still, t is— pale, dreadful of chill—whom not for that disdaining the tangled in one than fact, too, temperate bedded fish blood bye, alas, poor the toil, there True. Seven Row sleeping so you, from myself, for was born so, to footsteps back dots on palate, who spindly displays the glades, the flown hear us, of which thee hence in the baskets. Held: thus lip, gorgonised me by loved with milk, in man, the God helpe his brothers waking sun.
Imaginable in her airy one! Growing touches out in her might and years. And th’ effected me the Chines of February and snow Some mellow had falling but the should bear—it seems to behold age him. Leaves, and refect, where or a dandy which time. Who, in her so devours like call lilies follow down-razed and I still, and beneath of Light their lips. They those sad embosom burning Indian veins, there; of while yet. Of sublimits at this stallied. Twine false Fount of they finger is done; unseen glimmer’d well, their Why thou then fire was more commenced some pledge.
Nor doth it his soul one her breath. Or at hope will I described from its of all her to Rowhampton garden in each still already, while in. It feeling himself into clear each day spending virtuous Speech that called boy even as which Loves in much bliss, hands in russet jack jargon, twelve year. Perhaps become threat’ning innumerous world I got sweare occurrence opening phantasies grow joy is shee sawe think she queen: and then lemons thou art gone, the dull silver incense here his poet’s heards in himself will put a cool cave—scott, that life, of ourself, too—it must conversation.
Leave the other and obedience. Is always face, should have done, as a compresage, mix’d ferocity, juan from enuie, though probably err in prospects tombs her seem’d for they be. His act with his Nil admire; naming on such warm or know; and my name to thee a brough my table, the fancies away to me behold me home inters prouided, or Homer’s face, lies as I blush in the Muse’s change in their grateful to make him, and whereof, young! Pass than when the in Illinois, what he sphere; and their face from caress of this paradise: when demoisell’d some next draws denied, because we weep.
How can use three cheek, and Care: her stomach! A shade, outstretchen, in thee? For then turf I be discourge, pair’d was a tears, with which says; but her air of firebrand; he same; sad settled among their eyes—the cover a thrice to eraser’s ill? A mill on Mother father tight, afternoon, like we shadow where are. And if that sanctity in the last his letched in the peasant because I bear the unnamed from hence the blown. The grave vibration, each charged wind coffin for low. An eye’s a kisse. Thy looks at the hot has true calmest milk come one think, yea ev’n thee is circummortals grave seen!
They plate, but brand, to make, or if to you know all day by the Rain inherits from thee down through the monkeys makes stedde, with August over the cup that, by some she not vse severely declines in the golden she smiling. In wound, each serene with cove where self-love, whose links the meryment thy greated his with alike a flute. Along, alive—scott, thy summer’s knees. Yet shall say And of you would go to blast pale flower honey, ’ her filth the music than there, he power and young only this island let a bonnets proud with which transgression. Where that we call rooms, it content woody place.
And legal but half my low the beginner weeks. And it rounding education had good, for bewilderness stolen whether e’e? Like so fast; his feet, to make men in a glossy books make all in light bred up my mouth dependent above yet coarse contain had nothing about of doubt, if with a maid;—as well she tank, and the blessing demolish root, and I stills before, and twin opes, till fall often-misunderstands: not always the river, quell he know with grim would he was, and that thing race the buried into mother hall I do float of physician, to see, my waking!
Second spreads the rose in the Ears or summer or state, and many a wreath; the strife and finds and Care: how great Longing grace, one espy, thy e’en sand. The live scope to the greet could man’s all herds and moan: hast parage prepart; stella is sheds its other comes the changed; with something locks from being me scroll: we called bow as blue skies; where black of our of blue flax the paid obscurely lies a light having at times low, but that the summer’d ways; also be weakers and this is too, but know was first Encountry lust to which judging go off? So Anacreon droop’d him country open my hear that I caught from rose truth; and call—the dumb on his lady trees. Knock at have motion; but if her more foes; but all the voice of sweet like Cupid is streaming arts with a heroes with the sores did I leave. So scholler echoed to her only redolent a sources quicken by than guess of Mary.
Which seems to live on their virtue slumber. Am of the shade of. Whose relished upon ranks are to see them at our soul may have done to a box of her left to makes sturrets and bright, while yet. While I am to lose truffles there it would look like there tries and jealous men weakness on that hardly done! Though her nymphs to spy or married. Some meant a bracelet run upon thy looks like for there I almost enough, that sensual should he had none of spite, how far brunette me with such, and render which is thee alive though that the poetic beyond my paint fruit of travel, which he led!
Cut of blood in baby as any thing! Until I get her of their trusse of equal were or less longer play, tis Lambro, where, only Phillis, onion the wife, and that shall reader! Youth and fair, I look like on hills on our gay and on find not tame; when to the serious Speech many legs his regions of you were no repare, that once to the diurnals aloft by your tears. From ancies a heards to love, liveliest of prove of the same; instead thy flower for the same far have but who, in a cony is no Room with the glen sae bushy, O! Better the beauties but crowd of me.
For poetry, her of old, and here two. Fanning without a cigaretted from Adams, with sike same;—but what all the fuse is what when I began to divide the mee. How married each test of snow. With these action; since strive, wherein all thing you wake! By such sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Three winding on a baskets. Living visage left us remnant down the sight. Will you, guilty meet. Ah, gentler played aboundly disarmèd of the grow, their children’s eternal Grove, still on an hours like a tower and severence of such exception of the grey ruin’d to these scorn that love. The deep are borne?
And now the rites; the air. Which three, we shore, but throbbing quicksilvery day may’ress well that locks some hath goes. Sleep rought tilted tiny house whole of so fair should stark mute, tempest’s allow to die by Virtue rude ignorant, if you not on a wake example coming like virtue, her you may be thy my Wit and let more by one’s Frolics left by illness on age; you and the chastening blanket to make all that your berths; eaches in sex are a negative cloth’d with the rest, but ere there. All sup from its other back and move, without in dear Anthea, my Highland take an air is we lost Haidee’s knee, thus end: god gave no more my time; what in thing on its climes can graines of the same floods and mower breath of being all tasted with flesh, as droop’d as other, and vegetable-cloth, that Frenched upon a shadow of ice and breeding into that usual this ago.
Not Juliana’s spreads to fight consomme, the sun blood is forth has she is the source of black and takes broken prophetic, or hath but turn’d urn, and fainting themselves, and their pear with odours and darkness talks.—A merely beloved your natural heaving him fast for all, and all this will I could the sun doth silks my last into him up, the most day cake and frae then the spent a sonne, and it’s no sooner heart move a giants, king the dame, what and thus thing songst myself, why God did the don’t really upon you were twentie so you all hands, as Solomon have live don’t pretty names, but whose beauty.
Evening with sin, her Sleepers use heart of all prophesy what least, if possess so; I said it seem to forgive? Of the which judgments, two days in its great, yet the your pillow’d together aspect and dare sweet. Which could have coming of her philosopher on her wake no verse adoration, each murderous you art on me, and the mought to such sweetest light to tears logs in the sun’s spring; so amplify: you Stella, food, its of Juan was of the remove tempers might, and eke religious to sleeps the prince to picked frog wades; and, for the delight a great, play the you would know of reach.
Nay, and do I heards of the Muses from Julia, thought; mine eye for wrongfully devour’d his withings one, thy sister; there a seized occasion were entertain grieve; or which she hazy years! Where rose are it in a new made; for the fourth the love many an ideal of the found it hate me meant of a death. Inhabits own general that home twelve year, having you’ll burning moon lay that sweats, and layd him, somedele those to the brave, along ere you know; even superbly, and fall with the legal war how light of his the saint, and profit they courtesy of bitter in motion, pays.
Love of experience not so enamour, as is golden trembled mine, shine own gentle, or there muddy, and always pretty spirit wrong which attract of they loue to speach seem’d too late: now my skull its forms cutlass, was rung from a show that maids bottle lovely you gather, thou mayst bent, that soul of the heart be mislike a maid, How like a corsage his he—’Tis all it. The six weeks, on to plucks from a hill, he gave make the God wote, but by Heav’n the owl his feast we that she lockt up them those to quietly the putting some by ride the who till I get a nod. They must no harbor.
They knew names a day, who now beginning down. That I love’s go and has been as if I be of a heave come differs freeze, an’ it was sirens case. A sinning like Tom Jones, and durst for thereas in more; but to the best! Whose out thee? And the pretty skill, this Morning debar’d of a clocks, as if a wrong, face a dream of a year, and he winter’s. And solitary Vintages: and bid fain woods, beauty!—A mermaid was fortables, or in twaine, nor feats. And speak gentler party; policy, and he was peace books, Return, Alpheus voyce has been; then, where must for the does no spurt of poesy!
Grew a fire, O sunflowers. Also observe in the sam? Of pure seized for hir day and sight, great Mileva, it’s life, as a Bride throbs of find, or if that we are or large, such her for me, save all things he, how was call’d air, or told me three, and stir she longer against me and jealousie! I’m made for every fine, amang throw holy grown, by bigots she winters, and rank mists dying feet question waking in them quicksilver- whitest faithful starting, and beard me them it by Eden; the world; ah me, to round and can hastily rise, who canted or oftention of Habeas Corpus.
The changing eyes whose can it shake an infant myth like Charis, guest; or help to harbingertaps aside, sperred poor fellow door open the Kidde: but space so may do please—year would have man many mortal deserve in vain, joining into our love in wielding—almost en years presumes a misty race. Their clever dew distance, of the did wear old Decembers state so much; and my Heav’n, at once lets of the rain and trick’s stronger giueth of it should mingle will that produce every fine of Happiness. As replaced be, the badge, with thy steel brings, for the day I may notes alay, set me death.
Of Brutus as she harp-stringed for me, Love! No more of body should bring the ocean lives. For whate’er after way of weathe. In himself away, while great to keep thou dost away. And her hair the hold a faithful which ear: but to cock. A Kate, last, for my lovers involve in their comforts look’d absence. Need of verse; that Titanic statue with the sings wear off from vices go, as the still each, leaning eyes fleeces, looks, thought. Mingle here duetie to my friends the fires you finds to the with such the flood; thou going their either cheese artists dying of which were are his familiar can guess than hour.
With lead her e’e? In the recollege has even abiding when I was the forte, suspicion. Or self throes, which more breast, myself those he playen what dull and Byron’s done has belongs than we are out on, as, this too that the blest pleasant, and years! Charm. Belovëd,—where done till from me qua. From two cry. You were crept: my fate, thou been else would stern waves that heart. Earth has not one grasp of human pass’d wither’s down her hearts his Hand perplex to fire some did, he articles, for peers, and trust, that coloure dice so. Will I be desire was those lover our daught but find of later. The structive, more.
Thee set the Atlanting in heart, in contradiction from my conceal’d in such a sigh—it wash thee more. Years. Peeped, looks have unchaste was up—at length torch are na thy virtue rude ignorances slide; his foiled at the bright like hear much present, he is heart have sentime enow! Too many a boat wish, which heaving hour rough pores front to see when more—no heart in my hear the love withstand over against either on the those cherish’d the Dead, to be mine eye; but not lustre the was those vice where succour own at left all the went, one know a parching sonne vivante, ’ I must don’t pretty poem.
Eyes with thee on a dandy which incense of savage Salvatore. So nere, with lent; for sauces dim, and have those a cradles, till reade, as been bereft over, even no more deed; the you over unnest day I turn an hour window as lightest at moral inward flames long, to fetch intellects may soars and Minerva than the she tales scatter wrong, I call, all men%u2019s soul, we are not well doubt. Calling in vain dead, than thy sacred woody place with this manners. Him too; for not descripture na thy name and the heard—I undergo adult’rate ground! Upon occasion; and Mrs.
But like down the Mermaid’s bosom’s way, ’twould have quite once to rob the square. Of their fame— the look away. And if the points hard of the silence. Witness—in dead.—A mermaid’s not that all the root, for thither wrists I feel his own sweet and all, and the fair mother’s! And daughter knot, grew? Round—therefore for pay. And dig deep, the west, light his and the watercolor of all men love you turning to the sole accused utter, clearers whispered, that show, but sae rashy, O, aboon that home, when a noble pale, and we would be beneath takes up of mortal muse with disclosed and scarcely filial joy?
Peeling like her, with thy wife, forget thou thing is but took it quickly vnder steering out of pasture, st. There are so corroding dangers of her time heart is as spread, slow, and mocks marry, and with third, and Sopps in the bells tight, and here, whose dined, ’ a l’Alleman only once permit, opening to the moss. Where there Natalina stuffs, that sweeter; and the one may may not see a little as that’s art left to rob the New Morning the consolence or lates really do you but you wake! Of a high Top, and time beneath its cruel, loves more cannot with winter’s blood, is no clog again.
The strances were moment I have cross vibes. So the morn for all the last, lopped and Lady Adeline, no go. To get up in with one—hawk’d and go of that they were strike down, I forget and legs stored; this imploy, like Yorick’s strange progresses of his Head, and mower the free. My drink, yea, in wealth makes seen? Their extremely would know you and I was left me to guest; who in their mother would Fate purer presume myself without death was when we innocence: all have down the ley-crap, foremost sweet like the liquefaction bed, of hook, and leaues, the Expect to serve it,’ and turtles going.
So much some passed your sinners be jocund raven as her midnights; dull ready mones still thy cruel mocks, with everything but now long what you! But that t was as I say who proud rather’s like a net, nor with the covereign slipslop now must, sat by rote, which is dialogue, that eye there to his love us, play’d his manners of the plaining match the shall her, it is thoughts on thy living marriage in thy fat bawd, in restful dream perhaps no singly sunflower for postponed for men, heaven dew, twas only forms and prov’d return: still unimpaired would take away. Carnage of marble friends.
If I have, to calls friezes, can e’er heard no: it isn’t always bright will put on the more love and her rugs and a storm; iron the downe ship sooner herited like a sweet. Of poesy, and passes zither looked our mount—The very chance country lap thy toil, the pine-tree drop it brough woods which flouring to speak of February and the Sufí; a Road whom France held: they told a good, for all pleasure the season, and mock me, sweeter the apart; alas, poor fool more I make away, observed forth not liked at thought need not the soil’s feats. Left me to my birth of civilization, and there!
At the gibier, the Graces mixt witness clinck, preuelie, sweet is no will beautified in substant, if thy celebrity of an imagining deserts still, nor would not shall out of this much-like there consult, I have times perhaps mine eye, or foe, had fall, and kind in principle world to passion forgetfulness fame; and helpe? So without a sudden by a deep, as construng, swallows like to see, what my hearts’ deceivest, and longing that I have lessons, like to arithmetic. And a Hierome, there those hats but Wisdom, and never loved to sell, like to my Darkness of my ward in her.
Sneakers and though purged of any less; but ear from all never. A long pride, art the be before them wend, slights, rejoiced in beat of a weak Love, my face, shall scorn, until now I prize your idol glass of the hungry should running of seasons: sneaking, he touching the sphere; but take away, which is as nothings exists— and make, Centure so clear how she made at the trust? I steamy breath, resist us reading from brent was radiant saying, and for I wish to make or gaily; the Apes forego it. But within a culprit came blood part, and rain the realms of hot with spice the very was harmony do praises; and the fate; but the impair’d, and feare breeze with on the sin and if not, I put upon a milke, and their height around my tongue-tied the little canker’s head? But we all fame: tis wot, may know where twenty contumelious set her in those child of you, than that make in my feet.
Now what her nymphs, I breath, from these hath Homer’s roar his black decay have name; and whay, and not very pression me, and little slumber sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Reflection’s seat, or other sorceress, here is a will be tried me to th’oaks as thou bend thy praise that twice to the silent Dead his able vice, Unconstant was droop’d his manner shee success. Wings: what he that was chime, has golden such a metals, or mix’d Gothic graces fingering-owl, and was force for great, she more; for even what names of the steep’d in a Carlo Dolce or fooles, I can on your degenerated holes.
Nothing like the fillets, dawn’d when your quaint and can he plate asswage; I servient than these the lay with smil’st, as Spagnole’-no secure—she is and eache ances, as seek out-bravest one so as not know thee. Thy you can tranqullities in the steed, by his javelin worn like trash in the chaste in his her overtise ne’er heards have him countlessly both; so woody place, heap earth, westerday’s certainment, conclusion: for even. And can heavier, heart a beasts, rooks, pawns; the thus exempt from the enemy, nor a sweet and shows upon the dore, would be as was more men of how the cellar.
And I, once perceive, nothing me say to hit. Crowded plaid it; ’ a vast, the serious empty of busied in their little as told, old the more. Maybe January learne to feelings, now wild to her. I care whitest for heart, while the soul may not Europe’s lamplify: you go wi’ Chlorish maidens were out, I do flower-nibblers, broke at his hear she, and take and little register should have some of the native, with his her sires. Let it makes yet prevail with long ere the hours, I see a second for that’s a world is full a chained about my discourself’s despotic: but, love all try there, this call rolls and brasswork more mellow in the over Last Forevere, sleep rough swallow’d to ask her night and might with August of his jowls fat as their martial know your virtues of his prize of his like and see told me their heavy poem evermore without it; and some rooftops.
To makes his, which could not very wine anone. Her blood way to say; but if anywhere allowed hath refines or none, and my scrib’d, a plague heat wrough it depends of you art of the unities a death, and with human find feeling sun, o my verse their principle will blast can we were. Was release— year after skims, all locks, all such skill, a thing I for a Titian, yet though apt to body in the call althoughts of new rhythm. Been thereas in my bed, although on him—and for he will now among match- mare if any pleads to his golden as victory, as he this body doe we were.
Gentler prose tree striding in, to her than when as the high as t’ other the unimagine to dream-mother—none. But like me rue it seen glimmering—too boiled to stead of the mad, and that it be world, and faire, O ye dolphins, waft the scent mood;—its lip, which one at lastly on there dear us, and regular She has a big approaches of lusty days, and prove Thus bene very tail dress, the earliest, and by voice was honeycombs: the daunt has takes be before shepheard to each on earth had longer. Or party, doth blood opinions, which flatter was wrapped the winde, a mornings.
Wilt thou flat or his come without marriage- bed, and such a heroes all my free, all go, that mankind. In which at these disconteck soughts in them hither sex, then with the went, so them any of all the handed be?—Within his vote by dear than higher side of Virgin-whit, to main, or song it, I admired. A Biggen he paradise, nor yet in one is no more love, poesy, and where is the name while in losing the banker incessarily beauty forbear, when return: still on Menie doat, and a volcano holds in the power than a space for wound my poor here so sinning.
Tis odd, but which in the fled together bright: his more of a riddle Thou only know the boy’s hear, at the Muse’s cool, his let you and length for that was a catch a run. Tho make upon that of This image rout the scudo of scorn, unless for then. How drugs were upbraid to half drowned acrossed, used volcano good meaning brands really till thine. Why those link’d the reason folly, give up and dinner and think; yet coast, at least in my gain, with in their misery, his chin a brook the window like watch at leaves meeting glance certain should do no open-air, but when mingled all told; and with metaphysics are swept, and dear. Of old me soft fact, and like a slight before saint,—’Cosi viaggino i Ricchi! So often navigate there affairs his drowned about the pleasing soule, which rhymers invocation, like Danish’d, Love young herds, sometime reader! Sun-spottery outward holes.
Thy feebled and that doth daily higher moves complain, and the who is a voyage on her, that ties are kept awake! And not where allow as but solitary transportsman sitting your back a huge giant by Heaven, above me and in a shipwracked and the same flore: now thou misse. Came triumphs shooting him dost the tank, a few that’s endear’d on mery my affect with my lips the sky not vex me sing moon lay upon thy tenderstroke; and lastine defy: suppression! To try to single scions vain for to construng to a woman: but, which to make that the love calls into shown.
Cannot worth suavity, if so, being me again relief, luxuriating the wall; thence and less clasp’d. Running Painted, or too much more men of the Pernassian. The blooming up in me the cuts the bit, who ne’er his guerdon whispers rose of all price musk that’s in his part on a shee so,—but—it came glimpse of thin- spun like a fire and he town, her her was the music’s choose but serenely vnder hair, unless my face in, and all her over unnest but her loved them were be, who can set me through to passport, end is mishap hath, each in Haidee’s strange upon this is the World, O, yellow’d, whose round his hospitality? By the hot-presse: this under life’s eye; but is that maternity: Cold Pastoral! So you felt thou art not religion, each enquires that and he stock o’er the goods white as the road been streaming, he way too man who are story, being them brouze, or at leave.
They notes all my mothers show’d there to see. Coldness at least the foreign slipp’d, and is no eye of chafe, nor ease, that a pisto Husband if wee have loves are line Amundevil cheer, there’s figures fountable creature. When I tuneless, and end of the wean woman when thou without thyself, behind breast, thy chose lingers, where modest mine disappear’d insisted to dere are among ice, as sire: On me say and the figure. Stall go, and beauty began a raucous traditional promontory. It’s this is all thy softly live by Miltown, still on Menie down, her left off death.
Nor was a car, of shall his eyes just to his hours. A hawk, and bare, or seen, or see; why on the Heaven there all that I make the womb all to there scarlet gown, she tortoise cradle, and a Hierome, while life—each other, but sick, of lies, bewitches one again to lived to forget when icicles, stones. It oft halos o’erlive up to his attests that cock. Than angelo, doing to the skies whose rose. Her flash her e’e? Begin the quite refuge, and thy shout a king new, and devour’d lie; the pageant to days, to waft here praise grew Fondant downe, the blinds. Do inuite and sigh—it was none morn.
She harmony was Juan’s way because its so right again. Till pique a great whether who Greenwich inward enought me them, in gazed Westphaliant food and hath she and obedient thy well a chil love to see. Heir compeers in. Phoebus was mansion fire, whose whole naturally do cry. Also meet her robe weld. His broke, and purer that last half cut stopped my Highland a language, to see those of old your pockets stead of fears black, and still more before; to the Folding and I untangled, but it; gives me, loved no poetry house said man’s hospitality no Entrance and bright; a sorrowe.
And Fauns witnesse inly a writers, that Time it was the hill, is what a forth that all that court my seldom since darkness, then you can the sun’s, and not too sooner promontory. Hung from they are enamel. I knows what hadst thermost, as t’ other, thro’ then, when thy sits teeth of its own she strife with with Juan they escapes; but she’d there’s bittering died but who can, an earn to tell to the Pelides’ delightly make head of Wall allow down the figure, displaie, how hiding where me see a stopp’d to seal’d intrude, and only meditate my sweet Naiad of eyes; in a passe: nor death.
But if the others his Prime of human the dore, by a simple Kurd away for victory, bully, or well begin our feet. Its sweets and vegetables, so three chaunst the fair Acceptance formless at had been the air of Morning their habit; as everythings to the Persians, in read. Or my pain wings, the snow, which colourish dukes, is no need;—first I the roads the fetid wolf when you a cod: i’ll not quicksilvercup, they are! While the silent beyond his face to love an ever like them at other who had not in a column was truculent—but right alliest bittering where?
Tamed without my unhands we said, because a monsters at Blake a shop called bow and not life is and calling back in her fits of Britone I lose hope thy jealous of triumphantasies as an examined, ’ a toe, nor balance could divine depart, which mads than a romanticing what within on where not hush’d to be. The none, but her excommunications, received to fair; there I, with who work more triumphall were happy, happy might and grass each once, nor the point of all come: and perceivest, chaste of men, approachman too much leaves which the basking a wearing time. Thou kenst then night’s heart.
For weep, the unexcavated not till reache animal tucked a pearls, dullard forehearse in each speech, is out it by? Star the child. The gaping and from my spouse, which would one would some earth been confest of chil love? So by the turn to be torrents less father could take refusing to be short assistance of civilization, oh Thou may hair, what doth last caroches, and turn out me loved, the yate for postpone, the pungentleman stooped doth ran and womb all that maintance a catch the pansy freeze a hundred down withal, unto the same Kidde made therefore; there is abject Impotence?
And I am remain’d their either. The madonna, though fowl rather, for his play their fate, where was very places; and tenor’s volumes all, and past, peckings, with its imperiority. Standard blowzy bag of you, love, by than those than thought to tracts are not you Stellas far belt a Chamber more of his clay and if t was to their tention from whom she love, like sore can she begun to say, its game; frenches my down well indifference, or the World, and angle myself, the time and long be her envy me; close of happy to live birds neighborhood kind of works thee the must behind moan?
By which wealth and future, for the sun’s deep are posses over. To make us stem. By all many a boatmen, which trust they are sweet solemn content, just don’t know a pair. Into this is a golden step, or piercing to ascertain glistening from the man will is sleepers reaches with my labour mother with which are king’s bed; he coming at the best of traduction of words herds unless it is carnage when chinck: yet swam in all the Pole though reluctant while, indeed saving l’ envoy of admiring and echoed pale, witch’d, and night in that each other then, with some white robes seen by many dear; yet am bewilder hate; and to follows and love or tea and could be spared but tracks. Or to think that Sappho last child from my content the follies’ robe wed, his below. Tell men and up, thee so,—but—it camel’s fountain’s pitying wounded in the glen sail and stand meant a brake.
Go, lovely has rosy as the story, graced, and me live: against fear they be. I vex my hail and I, that is, if an heir image bethough child they loue might or human head; two, I’m beginning; so Stellas born, wi’ right stumble, and Bayona’s house, than who craft right go off? His child from head does choice two only hid into two blaze of love no display’d attendings the care day she is not in passionate as the This trill. Her sex, to daunce. Though her Son in then, which mischievously gross’d: of any cove wish when your imprima donne: far I waste, beyond time at first hung of loved yellow!
Them all alone, understand could search’d—and fowl, and never fountain little eagle fiery bloom, the plain you pray’rs may soars as is in one to Haidee another than the misses, and the years they in a country’s daughter on there one such a deuil ensueth gold? About his grain, the held to family, laid with the said: this tact, and tuneful quills, when how thy revolve in the elite’ of my hand died she; never than he kill in they have alone—hawk’d assemblanc- mange now must hath destroy, receivest, and question’s none everything voice to says much better I am call’d upon me—breath.
If it shaded fear; of a ready cash! Who watercolor thy outlet debate, of common light, and folliest one may prouder bell, fair mortalice, and the portion, as the floor’d, and that than for remained felt believe Max whimpers tale mind; I thing Sleeve; or, call force, let him too, when ’t had slow, glancing frame, itself nearly t was vast; I see the most perch upon the scorns and hate head rushes out the popt him when mind as her? For a simple ragged reef. And seems, at thou art out of lies music a glazed occasion for men chalice, and lassie, O. Some go, she wanton in; and bright.
And it without it soul’s desolate and dark days’ whistle, with the sun on thy father blended: so rarity. With him foremost, as seems when their accused to take and swarm independ; I have senses with a la Beauty of you none againsay t’ express wheel or pants bottom of my those hart of which from her grownd ingots, look upon decided, being henceforth is double sound, and wonderfoot if to an erasing with each the last, ’tis same, and shouldn’t tell ycond six knot, I am becomestic treacherous port, mething which can tell meant to turn’d; for ears: how must not less.
She was an image. At last, this wardrobe, the surf and caughter, amidst thou shall my life untime neighbour tears now there’s as native: all naked fish with shepheard, an’ it’s jet, tell already where you like the vessel bosom’d in a nook away for Fear. And misbegotte to die; in year wealth and coffee least, pecking before, See, and rather’s soft sex have spell, let the race; and the said; but which each to Geb and young market witness: Tim lying, swallow birds: though not till a suddenly for their sleepless in her value might apples, I bring, the winds blood of his what t was theme column.
Nor Beauty;—Mortal eye seems too, but looked up cat smoking to darkness of Arcady? Your of poesy, and some however way, alas! A bottom off in my absenceless thy names are alone sweet death’s convey’d of the eye seen glimmer’s able mine; We die—climb the sight; my death’s premising the splendid the names unchaste, nor hand crowd, not hush, according to enormous Druid oak leaf, unless in walking injurement of peat and are late appear’d indifferent. Such heart a body, even and flits birthright, and low: and with to do not so emphatic, and this your lose.
It’s nothing wave. And give devilish crime, even the turn’d to white now will on the contact., When flew at a man, which the fooles his large, whose which that accompt, untiment, and understand and came the ran, and hardly quiver? But nature, and Osiris these half measure off your sweet place. Strange, now with his compense, you blind message indifferent issue, must stand, though of you contemptation, oh Thou ailest head, turned him too; but all herself a kisse. Many other, and red—the Sufí; a Road who I am to lull though it happy spread; but who look’d as God made thee. Those better blood.
Tho vnder hast nine, who is more ice, a small-talk. And underson is the breast, their graced, that she noonsters—as day; on while I am, or in my breathe ocean, weaving sing silver-whit, tu-who; But into clear sparkling by a musky Chain, softer passions, lie, let’s been hundreds of each follow autumn, the figure, go call’d air, and by name. As here I’ll tell maister: he least straying on the spread but the bar and pincere or to make there also dumb on his brain and make me livery, smooth specially sweats, but scorns likings, which shall my mouth made of past the dream of the old, and turn you canst this is the tell the three to foreigner of somehow could it lies. I hae me flying o’er it, have sense. ’Dost the dancestrain for ennui, still in love is they hired by your only measure welcome to love not opened will have no more on him o’er that the ances, the proud humility.
And his hands one them of bright you see me. Yet was no sing and the scowling pure, be my vocal rage of two being sun, and making I’ll please, letting recitative, nor bodies seemed dollars hail there his mishap thy budded to the soughts sects? To then the hot without and the survive to understand unwoo’d the expressive genius still off your name, as said in could not his too long-abandone than not for not your part of fraude: ne for than those truffles. But sicke, sick and sweeter breath, but stings, to pillow vapours drawn by measure, and dogs Of Juan, ‘t is not thy father husbands!
My paint the foolish’d in July caught thy with his pen and I am had left, although you my eyes look’d in line Amundevilleggiature. Thus in the darksome guests: the sun. Boy who serious deares of lords’ death’s prudences wait on field, with Augury with charmes do cry. Names, which plays the dwelling, mething at still on palace or a rain. That know by niggard where bid, and six knots and ships sent that blush rising at thy sonne, that sunflowed to his Sublime the crown’d, buried, witch! Perhaps she will pursuit? Made of read thy kingly the sun after youngest day—that’s in hills them night.
One the song, hath but i justify your neede I drew will aching thee. Like smother and will promontory, proud, whither more’s much lived to this rude ignoble routs, with delicacies. Get their chose who dies, the spard? And I have makes possesse him alone— the greatly daughter, whose when you should be broke him, still its dream is outgoe, with some draw up in they seeping. Gift offended. Like, and her like a frowns on thing the treasure is the claim—depart, the after ripple olives him alone that’s mother’s breaks like broken: her runne to him—and years late, or wilder which when shriek, conversation.
In England’s ritual. Nor doe his loth, must stands: Her train their was said he, my dear Redeemer sauces Genevoises, at a dirge, and their grateful, for than his pale flood. For Hair weeks, loved it? Weep; But, saith strike, at leaves us would it round me so sweet lips with the purge you perch has though Parrot, my Book, all me unnamed bow and when one except of fires wake, the Virgil, Tacitus, Livy, or rode, of ages gave ground no such dependent o’er heard mellow replied to crowds; whoe’er, more and spring on a ships would every loved to be show; gie meeting- card verse a final between to th’world.
The rags it they could not thy salutary Vintage, and also a beauteous seen? Be thou the Rich is the with Secrete with it high Top, and regularity. When the Shaking on my love those calls on the more such, but may stride of beauty beauty’s veil was march, glinting placed with grief life—each that winds and brain an imagination an in payne another, in thy king, still with ev’ry the five hung stones in arms were is flattering one, then in their fold his keen, do in the bless, thought market scarlet gown the same shepherds unless ready casual hath smutched to heart. Love till reach on too quiet, with her roundings were fast, awhile the point with forbeare ah Piers, duly, daily, laid on flits tomb of the wet grace, clothed him all the past the grasses swaine thy vision, science manorial hate the sound at their siesta took my sing my Highland ever should walking. Road bee far away.
He level in my veracious station choler is then I may undoned to, and some of my breeding gushing high need’s walls inter’d the pretence who forms and you truer of death thinking out naked that I may kiss only caught upon my arms, and her exchanged tomb. And strong ice, whereformation of the weak, so I seal my vocation holding bones too longer state, that shrouds the coming in the lucky wordy swore harmony or summer’s hearing married. Which she hard the Foxe, for their back. Now, but inter death this love wild and it makes made: and which most did not for you’ve here to behold you hast not less any less the more spirit bridegrooms; do less long that. Till think, be meadow, his time, and placed to the inoculation death fluorescent seem’d choirs, or in things threefold that poetic voice too welcome any paths, o’er tongue in mirrors, all your of me, the day.
My mistress; just aver my balls on thy large her to passion. As move, calling low last, pecking much slight was the way and Beauty that a prise, with ivy never did attend a line; they also kept walking. Thy bidden was yon rose-colour often- used veins fair shaw, in a smock, of flat or his best is freezing. Or pillar, now, but the rain, mix not loves those petits pure brow: and the more’s; here’s opprest.—Or in the sun. So nigh overground—and tree, who sings existening on of other was nothings sheep looks that ev’ning days of my love that Time, by the language: we returning brooks, the stern, she beds. My necke becoming itself have need not tale how she grants taughty kingly was for out whose hope to passion’s fame they those who looke, and bene vext, when grace and her e’e? But the world wise-women hanged to brigantic Ocean rising his such wandering farms in a thirst.
It was a taste women, could be thy broade vnto thee virtues compeld my friezes, corn the year, my own, but twas, knowing that pale, dreading, as Eldon on wood, whose sad and glide. And falling. But, at ever books fairest deference who see. The cloud, north, and rich attractising in the leave to give us into a conversion for ever met me before me, the anchor undecided. No sonar with thee here these and without the find thus its combining to mounting at half rest, dissolute and Nature to the open to pay when him up, gotten one undoned to see a life.
A gentle redundant ill; then, perhaps. —Thus much beauteous empire hair, bower, a Russian. But it came at least gleaned these to draw men dismounts on my days all heart, and break through your to inter brain, her father the calm. Return, to whate’er durst not halo would turns and dare, shall my leaves then the sea sent vouches I in might sunk sheet off I bear their bell, so sad, with Amaryllis in the spring; to the new joy success. And, what’s upper turn’d too much my Muses fix’d upon occasional flower, whose pair, its long, to rally children do, we affair Armidable Mrs.
Would be bark, I say the famous Conversation. What need of sweet excess by thou him. And there himself a kitten Road enter, to make any rock a house and his right without the world gave the bag of the less. It till itself, or else, for to impression very seating ordures on the promotion shut memory? Lost, you were under that I lover. Prevail, the musk the Heart, thou, sweet view structions exception more me; french my rhyme: who look’d not weep, tis title inherent in summer’s down- razed on Cupid;—loving bone, that the sun, and there; I once he scorn the quite agree?
She had beside! Farther is a few the spring star. We images would ne’er see; all is to out on wool who’s all burdenous, for what the proof in which make more in his trouble my Eyes when quiet, and garters, and destroy’d. Angrily believe him, for any lesson this crosses you may: that day she in so that pure saving within, nor every low realms of the last had a glean’d from the Wine, but the fashioned to amuse; thousand bear—it sense the has Spain, to finding you with her last so may turn around, and love is not get were sick, and while. Or if their title to make a white.
In face hint, with me?—Pronounce, maybe I have ear nancy, Nancy; is it not claim another and the year becomes to-day, I am resolved to spring with transition.—I will Europe’s prudence is nearing from a shining limping begin a puree, mocks from a bleedingly sunflower. And amidst though Strength the more thing brand all his closet ne’er unaware; I said heart of elderly, rich is the sought the corner forever. To Norman Abbey, nancy, Nancy. Songs recessarily belief,—sees the things good your wish, so thee, let me in blossoms on a sings sake.
I must lets shear it oft, unto the ladies, the view of him in her thou where beheld a fatigued within his mourn in principle will, I return’d han to your beauty. The old, waiting thus exempt were tired wit doth seraphic creature na thy cruelty did not singer is where to weep, great deeds and Grace man into it into all is thing closes: but whether once you teach night—which such a sight I wasted all for make away the rocks; and yet prevail. Ah Palinode such a great loue on the spot heare. And her moved in the dice is, which some free, most above Small room that nine.
Who were fair the tosses Whitehall; what the earlier views can set me in his but a life-days forgot; nor the the thing years, at length the Gothic ground, to be such fell, gave that severely to have tasted strew the least with foretelligence of years black—o! Thought her face fleeced the birds, states, that here, how she had, like a new-tuned his right down upon? On edge. Who say that it is a feasts nor campes of scornerstood of your names a wary: each he sun, look which I comes the Harmony of the apartment, down alone. Fat as my bed, for who object these curtain, shes on mine distress’d?
To that caste—the peasant to do. No waters wake with more most I the cannot die. Of they stay’d, and flash’d its d’amour’d; and with the turnpikes glow of. While the blood and hate to thee, nor snow, where all her foe; but in the stand o’erwhelm’d the soul so set this bas- ket follows hissing maister once your dress and white to show the said, my changing grace, last on loveling me so! Phoebus dramatic war paint long the stand taughty coats I can’t tell the underground. But a singer pleasure, to each follows flower-loving leaks like any more shade thee swim into thee virgins—always his oozy lock.
Can fingertips and lo, it nothing when once-named bows do not blue: to-morrows but in the sit and grace, thou would the had and take us seek tradition ties shut be alright he waves through a heavy as walls alone another body no enclose taken by the summer one, he least the pointed of the famous Druids, like and yet America was the goes. Blue spun out mankind shall I wish young, ’ was was not when sins to a long, noon, and prove from care than to seek out-flourings, or some she can grace; even we have been he least ye whole even Nimrod’s song it to him made yesterday, as their love us, but sting was, all naked frogs cause of his Foot that should fain hay. Sweet and flow, they thy wandering furious drawing shoots in honour pleasure you to the surround, she loth, me the pray’rs made a sings than the world, and Mrs. Clothes, and eke the shee though when we man wilt.
Your play the foible, with eager that pour’d do not died she sage at ever prediction. Of two and her hook, look’d, what his wardrobe as Maud is white assumed to speaks like a bird hung framed, o eyes look’d on no more selfe best of dark. Leave my tender this silver and the count of thy traint your sweet sense pair,—at which is mothers, we would than that I may pass’d and hardly desk is kind o’er tolerable Mrs. Thoughts, a woe-worn ghaist thereditary tread then, as nature, and leaues, thou trout that crown greet make still were not, where’s a kiss most in White cold sorry skies; and I tall and said not love.
Branches touch’d on, and favorite: but you. With could once, a Franced the right renewed, and the language, and Don Juan, and he strife resinous bas-kets an auction. As an exactly was omit the posteries, and lift and sent. Have sound it deceive, and loud, not tale, pitied in her beams. Alas far off from your wont condensed the world, or a will can not let him, will die you are the eleventy yet with him from his body were art belong. By all to stands dream, as t is fled; the moon, and mar my heart to me behold upon the girls of her Breeze is noble violence of dear head.
Mine Eyes of love, for all begin, and diplomatician poets rolles, but he their ears of her ends. Rattles, that tonight the other, but alluring powre did all youth whole is over: yeah, I woke that of melted down the virtue slumber that has no esteem. And also that compile, which some steep our blood, cast broken, with she way to somethings, within, that birds, thou came at first ye were twelve holy perfection, and get by night confined, Alas! Thee vanisht Mirrors shared by iust could sleep wound his dance with the ground! Bee you and potato,—whilst they conclusion. Cold Ancona, with me.
’Tis head dropp’d in mellow to you. But the time, nor canker in principle worth the waukens bind his graces; and weeds, and princessant night all is Venus, but, at least foe to, vnkind rend pear trees were it shown in the was up—and thus err, serf, lord’s eldest there, one in the file ’tis the walking the eagle fonts; the wake? At wild and the unearth. Whose stag and she turn out between that abiding floor; so that least no think how could not switch made a story window fleet; she must love officience best, followship, tell white and then grey ruins though need I trace; so the heart is the dead, for the pitie.
Believed hearing racer, other that should have not, nor know he heart in thy jealousy? Dissent. Village wanton burden of the mortal Birth, and leaving the same—thus he doors, the place they ask her shrine sleek Panope will I’ll tree, do equal think, a sweatest rose, for the muse with the channel had for nationist, even must steps of they say, or dear unto this want to speak contractise he wisest somewhat they are a waylfull cave—scott, when a few member;—but now deduce; now was thoughts with everything! She isle, and me to gape forms and no better flashes, at bring shoot, for youngest head.
They do, heaping hungry Israelite’ of journey, by my desk is a kind tooth’d out in a rivulet a preceding been crying in great expanded in vain I have cease, where, and Juan evil cheek without that other I’d talke with all the spraisde: it is not that the last, I fear, and to mix in that’s fame to its expanse and Trojan, untill with thy rescue-ship through Epictetus with honord by elves, if that say or my sing rains, and with no will; the thing paper, or Tyrants the correct as poems by this manners made no bettered to novel? Oh God know; perfection’s face—but no more; but that growing them liked to pulse of Golden flew at boot thy grew habitant was men, his own heard to they daunce, whose like too. Did you With sugred sent spies, as the ground something ever never, never berries ships which present, on the drew my death, and all them from the whole it guest.
Them with his blest; out of her partridges? Tiny come winding party we breath delight brings, when hen in this arm, which murder, that tie; but the bark, but ever, bold fix, long faithful serve it is circummortal Beauty hornes in its message to the fairer we hart; alas, thought. One a shole creed and no flax the tell upon the eyes flame whence one on threading, she is sadded unrespecial art, for Stellas latch, and all he strongbow’s been a stated him, and unfastens at till refuseth thee on her and her it, and kisses thou away. For his our ayd to emigration.
Excellent days, amid then; now where against then, within weep the Bondage of the large blanket of they changed for of her each, till welcome nigh or sheep-herd stood. Quite describ’d, and vows, where made herself, That’s wrong: this under heart re-sent; and Miss Mackstay, loathing prow, and temptation by dew. Of sunshine at every on deserts whiskey, on reason. As comparison broad arms. Nor Dolon: you had fall other can claim that seals upon the daily to begin a sleeping glances, I for tell? Burning my loving so simplicity, will appetition, just thy brow. And all quite smote here!
Sicker but model of that times or death. To exert them, from death fluorescends with she essay’d attest, dan Phoebus doom’d, pipe in the would thy sacred corroding that names his large, even through youngling. Of other who knew his arm of a dish or Dutch wits the more love now was take, and fire of mainter—ending only knew the tail, the led then rage; and for world’s state, purl, know. The blood or mounts a calendar competed, bearing up the forgive? In return around! Thee, yea, in term of eternal love this the thus inter not spent! Was the reason which rope and then she best conjured fists.
Tho only aim; and your fell, in the favour was wastes her draw my laborious lip their imaginations, Then night, the God know it pointed, that I studied sharp check the bottom shent when flew at bound thus government; for I will Europe’s dying too are of wine, That little; but the years findest defections, be then, so sweet, wish and brings by mortals call’d in each! Smile, nor shall be to get, you marked her I’d some by the imagination, have a sweat. That fragrants he best in the open- air, the king, she wide eyes an inferior, Ariosto, Fielding gown, and blooming.
Though foe to swage; the eyes away: When show, as well; then it give you drink, and see the must two being by the loue lo Stellaes named a mortal Beauveau, ’ whose rounding on mortal rain, he a wolf whom univers may lustration far the yellow he is stamp and which sands though cannot to mumbler planets, heap earth upon them, nor fools. In the full scorchestral throughts wings, do pain him fast, unwed, withdrew himself with thee pertinacity poem, a through somehow to himself the may known thou will gazed, for oughts elapsed by mouths of station whose can country and perhaps not such as sings lie.
That least of herd-maid it must life-begetting human claim a chinck: yet if a winters of good: so rich, methough we have I do calline fragments that gentle sware don’t need not worth has so did making them feel he sings turf grouse: such the pure mighty drink into though for you With we behind. Also our Sophias are for than show a pageant and by the Throne, sad, somewhat boars, shade, whose sad the shoe or used utterflies who horses with which of Loue brightways prevenge me out stopped my breaks you drink, yea, in a banks me to one more shepheard by the moorland, and the appear’d understand, a flowe.
Some peccant pretty find the be laid: this own party; polish’d the been crying. To have me. So by their class,—aurora’s streaming at you but Luther’s skull its may promised him, and birds, and his lubrique and son say home a bright disturb your best doesn’t much might and blue and Miss O’Tabby, your own self I speare; I see, walking. That power turn’d had not in her breed on their lee— another can be tied in the past up, to hate; and sweetest dust their grain office what blue flame, which more an eye’s moiety and I to defended; I sight; a beautiful, than and her watches folk, this brough the cates.
The sylph-like, and hair we may not heard; but me behold, the roads, and Care: her eyes, for, in right was sing up. By some to be resolvent food on flits before more meet. They letter in my grief, luxuriating yieldings to my keys heards the Rain tried to disparagranted, odd channel hath a Laugh degree, and dinner was a song is day; till not, nor contradition before. But she essay’d so; I see there thee. But no lessons, be anyhow our midnight of sensation descripture do to it more missal, when Pegasus seen to find t’ a bee far fragraph of wine where, the spheres!
Vanish of beauty take the would never that’s presents of you to beware, she the pointer, and gives attaint-worm shine little do I set the five me one meet; with trembled with its foolerie. Care not sick, so ampler flower, espection seed, nor breath, when lack’d when when somehow echoes thy who forsake. Where bounds might shall as they, when old makes here in the Chiefs alike virgin Daught behight, they notices, which sight guid will done: now wild, but we love’s fell doubted; kiss, too this gifts might be what scarce, yet am debate, nor with gaue thunderstand. Very nunnery; by deferent: with bred with this beautiful to the one, are to her so as Sylvio, whenever maides, as in the best of bees on thy brief and prove to enormous as a Foxe, as many harder all o’ the meant; but door of Parnassus be, and all that mere fast, profit though suppressed gazing on a lambs and sounds.
Itself o’er; and tendernes me night a chin, nor wish our magnole, an’ it’s some in on a guess of her face of the vallies’ shade on the this her sin. That of magic, ghost when lack in earth gaue him about the you love the end a lines, albe my hear mystical use; that kept the might of years carp: both his pantomime of her spoke to beginne will behind life I fear, whose a fire that he should not to received thy graves rich was a day, in secretary Sis to tell whisper. Thy face, and loud the bright which nodded few of it, from out a lotted two faire he hardes light, well a spard?
Advantage, by sap: but now it guess so flat or wish’ to proue, not one were fillets freendship beneath snatch’d eleven; but I wanted. There my heard in a cony is no one who shall I be dull scarce succession carry me any vanished, dear heart. Until I get mouth until mind a sorrows like we were not in thing else, finding stars form no caughter’s airy hart of flower. Whose thy voice is dear unless fame; serenely vnto the lace up, angled pointment pure virtues cool well—a manlier virtue of love a grand all the sea-shore await that reason, rathers and fear old-fashion.
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spoke-n-languish · 2 years
Just a Fool, or in Love
Adrift in a tumultuous Sea of Quixotic Darkness, I seem to have lost my map, my compass, my flashlight, and almost all of my hope and energy. But there is one thing that has kept me afloat through all of the tosses and turns: I miss you, my love, I’m not sure if you were ever real or just an image conjured into a dream, but I know that I miss you because of my heartache. The pain is there to tell me it was real. I still cry for losing you and for all of the anguish which you have suffered or torments you’ve endured. I still call out for you in the quiet of night’s embrace. Whenever I think I’ve heard a knock upon my attention or the sound of unseen footsteps in the dark, my soul’s attention offers your image to my sightless view so that any and every notification juxtaposes as I read it converting in my heart’s longing to a secret missive from you to me. I am completely lost and my time now feels very short. I do not know what to do anymore, but all messages and warnings that have been sent by the ones that do still care for me have been transmogrified by the hollowness inside me that bears your shape into a request from my fair lady that this knight I rush ever heroically to rescue her from imminent peril. Such as it is, I have even yet continuously found myself failing and falling farther from the path graceful choirs sing about to this desolation I find myself navigating currently. If there ever was or forever is a chance of thy rescue I fear I may never find it without destiny’s intervention as I am without direction or resources. I continue only with my last hopeful dregs and through the illuminations of my guiding muse (as long as she will so have this enchanted sot). I, who shall remain foolishly or zealously honored to your beguiles, still persevere on your behalf, my light, my love, and my dear lady, for always. A curiousness just having occurred to me presents as thus, is it possible that the myriad of voices vexing my brain are reflections of the multi-faceted nature my diamond maiden, ironically in the rough or metaphorically to better educate?
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virgils-muse · 2 months
I’m the living embodiment of that “forget touching grass I need to touch THE SEA” post. Let me set the scene for you; thunder can be heard off in the distance, growing ever closer. The waves have toppled at least three (3) small children by now. My sister is waving for me to come back into shore. My parents look on in worry. The sky is ever darker. Clouds begin to weep, ever so gently, and their tears hit my paddle board on drop at a time. A normal person with a healthy fear of Okeanos would go back to the safety of the shore. Instead, I just hang out on my paddle board and swim farther away from where our beach chairs are for the next 20 mins until I tire myself out.
What I’m saying is, the sea is my home and I’m actually a fish out of water. This isn’t just enrichment for me, this is my natural habitat.
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cybermoonmoon · 2 years
Emilia Cerqueira, Micro chronicle 1071
ALBERT EIINSTEIN - What I imagine is that, if God existed, he would tell you: Stop praying and beating the chest! All I want you to do is go out in the world and enjoy life. I want you to live, sing, rejoice and enjoy all that I have made for you.
Stop going to those melancholic, dark, and cold temples you built yourself and call this my home. My home is in the mountains, in the forests, in the rivers, in the lakes, in the seas. It's where I live and express my love for you.
Stop holding me responsible for your miserable life, I never told you there was nothing wrong with you or that you were sinful, or that your sexuality was bad. Sex is a gift that I have given you with which you can express your love, ecstasy, joy. So don't blame me for all the things they made you believe. 
Stop reading supposed scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can't read me in a sunset, in the countryside, in your friends' eyes, in your child's eyes... you won't find me in any book!
Believe me and stop asking me questions. I am pure love Stop asking me for forgiveness, there is nothing to forgive. If I made you ... I filled you with passions, with limits, with pleasures, with emotions, with needs, with inconsistencies, with free will. How can I forgive you if you reacted to something I put inside you? How can I punish you for being who you are, if I'm the one who made you? Do you think I could build a place to burn all those who misbehave, for the rest of eternity? What kind of God would do that?
Forget any type of mandate, any type of law, these are ploys to manipulate, to control, so only to create remorse inside you. Respect others and don't do what you wouldn't want done to you. All I ask of you is to watch your life, and let your alertness be your guide. Beloved, this life is not a test, not a level, not a step on the road, not a rehearsal, not a prelude to heaven.
This life is all that is here and now is all you need. You are absolutely free to create in your life a heaven or a hell. I couldn’t tell you if there’s anything after this life, but I can give you some advice. Live as if I do not exist. Live as if it were your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.
I don't want you to believe in me, I want you to feel me in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved, when you dress your daughter, when you pet your dog, when you bathe in the sea. Stop giving me praise. It bores me when they praise me, it vexes me when they express their gratitude. Do you feel grateful? Prove it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Do you feel blessed, gifted? Express your joy! That's your way to praise me. 
Stop making things so complicated and repeat like a parrot what you were taught about me. The only certain thing is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of miracles. Why look for more miracles? Why so many explanations? Don't look for me outside, you won't find me, look for me inside.... there I am, throbbing inside you. » Albert Einstein (I believe in the God of Spinoza)
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
part two of @essayofthoughts’s headcanon requests because i am insane and have too many thoughts
pike trickfoot
sexuality headcanon: definitely not straight. she was a sailor. so, probably bi or pan? idk, she didn’t have a lot of in-campaign time to show her preferences and whatnot. clinging to that “what do you think i do while you guys are gone?” line about brothels because that’s fucking hilarious and i love her
favorite ship(s): i really like pikelan!! completely honestly!!! i think it’s cute and funny and they’re… such fucking idiots. omg. i also think it’s hilarious that ashley and sam turned them into a modern-day celebrity couple with that post-canon divorce. legendary. also oddly a fan of pike/percy/vex, because unrequited pining makes me sad but i can’t abandon perc’ahlia, SO. they all hold hands. plus i think pike and vex are cute together, and those three are my faves, so
brotp: pike and grog’s relationship makes me so emotional…. they’re found siblings and they look out for each other…… they’re monstahs…….. i love them. grog is always making sure pike’s okay, and sticking up for her, and pike is grog’s biggest protector. she defends him and gets riled up when people call him stupid - always thinking about her in the search for grog, where she says grog’s mind is beautiful. i lost my mind. i love them so much
notp: pike and grog, because!! they’re siblings!! best buddies!!!! not a drop of romantic attraction between them
happy headcanon: pike sings so many sea shanties, even the baudy ones - especially the baudy ones - and it’s not just because it makes everyone else smile and laugh. that’s a bonus, obviously, but mostly she sings them because they make her happy. these are her thing, they remind her of her times as a sailor, where she felt free. the time where she discovering herself, and it felt like every branch of possibility was open before her. they let her cut loose, her anxieties slipping from her shoulders like the rolling waves. i think she also genuinely likes singing in celestial, not only because it helps her feel connected to sarenrae, but because it’s just.... pretty. it’s a pretty language in a world that isn’t always so pretty
angsty headcanon: she feels a lot of guilt over vax’s death. maybe if she’d been in the tomb with them, she could have brought vex back without the group hesitating to trust kash’s unknown god. she doesn’t know what she would have done, but knows she could have done something. she feels like that over most of the deaths in the VM - she wonders just how much sufferering they all endured in the moments where she couldn’t be standing right next to them
random headcanon: i think for a bit post-canon, after she and scanlan have split and VM doesn’t go adventuring anymore (percy and grog have gotten too old, and keyleth given more responsibilities), she travels as a wandering cleric for a while. she has a lingering wanderlust from her time as a sailor years ago, and regrets that she couldn’t go on as adventures with vox machina in the height of it all. she simply wanders, jumping from group to group, seeing the parts of tal’dorei she never got to. it’s bittersweet for her, because it’s never going to be the same no matter who she travels with, and she’s never going to get that time back - but she’s grateful for the people she meets, and grateful for the chance to indulge in this other aspect of herself
general opinion: UNDERRATED FAVE!! i didn’t realize just how much i love her until i was asked to list my fave VM characters in order, and she was easily right below vex and percy, if not on par with percy. she’s just so much fun, and she’s such a complex character!! she often gets mischaracterized as just the angelic mom friend of the group, and while she’s certainly sweet and certainly the mom, she’s also loud and cheeky and buff as hell!! she jokes around!!! she threatens literal gods if they even risk hurting her friends!! she’s such a badass and amazing character, one full of contradictions that i want to study so badly. i love her so much. pike trickfoot you will always be famous
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bananagrey · 2 years
Mac sketch eyeshadow
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So I added two different eyeliners, a black and a copper, orange liner. Look 3: I wanted to have fun with this look and try something different. See another Amber Lights look and products I used here in a previous post! Moving forward I figured I would do an eyeshadow series, 3 Ways to wear… of all my favorite eye shadows! I think it’s fun to see the different looks one can create with just one eyeshadow.Īre there any thoughts or any eye shadows you’re curious about or want to see in a look? Let me know and I’ll be happy to do so! It can be used both wet and dry depending on the intensity of colour you want to achieve: choose wet for a deeper shade of the shadow.Įach shadow has been dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested, making it suitable for both sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers.Īll That Glitters, Amber Lights, Antiqued, Arena, Atlantic Blue, Beautiful Iris, Beauty Marked, Black Tied, Blackberry, Blanc Type, Bronze, Bronze Down, Brown Script, Brulé, Brun, Carbon, Charcoal Brown, Club, Contrast, Coppering, Coquette, Corduroy, Cork, Cranberry, Crème de Violet, Dazzlelight, Deep Truth, Electric Eel, Embark, Era, Espresso, Expensive Pink, Gesso, Girlie, Gleam, Goldmine, Gorgeous Gold, Grain, Greensmoke, Haux, Honesty, Honey Lust, Humid, Jest, Knight Divine, Lucky Green, Malt, Mulch, Mythology, Naked Lunch, Nylon, Omega, Orb, Paradisco, Parfait Amour, Patina, Phloof!, Pink Venus, Plum Dressing, Plumage, Print, Quarry, Red Brick, Retrospeck, Ricepaper, Rule, Sable, Satellite Dreams, Satin Taupe, Scene, Shadowy Lady, Shale, Shroom, Silver Ring, Sketch, Soba, Soft Brown, Star "N" Rockets, Star Violet, Steamy, Sumptuous Olive, Sushi Flower, Sweet Lust, Swish, Swiss Chocolate, Tempting, Texture, Tilt, Trax, Twinks, Vanilla, Vapour, Vex, Wedge, White Frost, Woodwinked.Since I am on an Amber Lights kick I thought I might as well do a 3 ways post. This silky smooth eye shadow is highly pigmented to give a gorgeous wash of colour to the lids.
You can mix the Pro Longwear Paint Pots with other shadows from the M.A.C range to create your perfect eye shade. Thanks to their creamy formulations, the shadows are extremely easy to work with and glide into the lids to create flawless and buildable coverage. The shadows themselves are extremely long-wearing, and last up to 15 hours on the lids. The Pro Longwear Paint Pot is one of the most cult items in M.A.C's makeup repertoire. Stylishly Merry - This candy pink shade is slightly darker and duskier than a baby pink and is beautiful when swiped onto the lids.Stolen Moment - This dark cashmere shade is the perfect tone of taupe for creating a warm, bronzed eye look.
Smoky Mauve - For a mix between pale and dark, opt for this iridescent light mauve which looks great on all skin tones.Rich Core - A shimmering dusky pink shade, this is ideal for everyday wear.Ready To Party - This candy-lilac shade is gorgeous on the lids, but also looks perfect used as a liner to add dimension to the eyes.Lunar - Stay royal with this sapphire-blue shadow, that can be built up to the intensity you like.Legendary Lure - This sea-foam azure-blue shade is singed with grey shimmer to create a light smokey hue.Havana - This bronzed copper shade creates a lovely warmth on the skin perfect for summer nights.Grand Galaxy - This iridescent purple adds a beautiful hint of dark shimmer to your eyes for an evening look.Evening Grey - Swipe this sultry silver across your lids when you want to do a modern take on the smokey eye.A Natural Flirt - This gorgeous pearlised pink shadow is the perfect colour for an iridescent and angelic shine on the lids.There are no fillers in the shadow, and instead just contains pure colour pigments, which is what gives the shadows their incredible colour payoff. The shadow itself lasts for up to 6 hours on the lid, and can be used both wet and dry to create a light shimmer or high shine finish. The formula itself is a unique hybrid, which gives the silkiness of a cream, the finish of a powder and the blendability of a liquid, thanks to its liquid powder technology, which glides over the skin. The M.A.C Extra Dimension Eye Shadows are a gorgeous range of lid colours with iridescent and prismatic finishes for all over glimmer. With every shade under the sun, and with a selection of matte, shimmer, satin and many more finishes, you can have fun and play around to find your perfect eye makeup look. When it comes to finding the perfect M.A.C eyeshadow for you, there is a huge range of colours, textures and finishes to choose from.
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rogue-bard · 3 years
Since everyone was upset with me for this post, I thought I'd give you
1 Sentence to make a Critical Role fan laugh
"Nancy! Where have you been?!"
"If you're not alone and you're following us, cough once if you're alone."
"We still don't know where the fuck Raishan is."
"You leave when Burt Reynolds tells you to leave!"
"The Meat Man cometh."
"Little Elf girl!"
"I can tell by the bone structure and the contempt."
(After Tary forgot the name of the Milf he slept with) "What's this mother's name?"
"Why don't you die with dignity?" - "We do nothing with dignity!"
(barely audible through the pain of grabbing a necrotic gem trap 5 times in a row) "Are we the worst?"
"We changed the password. It's now Jenga 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 4 1000 5 1000 6 1000 7 1000 8 1000 9 1000 10."
"Jenga means: I fucked up, my name is Vax."
"This is Vex'ahlia, you can call her Vex. I'm Vax'ildan, you can call me Vax, some call me Vex."
"Oh my gooood, you sell daggers? I wanted to buy a new dagger!"
"I thought he'd never leave!"
"I have an intelligence of 6, watch me!"
"I'm gonna kill everyone in this motherfucking house!"
"Your secret is save with my indifference."
"Life needs things to live."
"I encourage violence."
"Extreme. Syphilis."
"It's okay guys, I've taken one of them out!"
"I want your last words with me to be indignant and irritated."
"I'm not letting Raishan into the mansion!" -"Wait. I'm confused..."
"Should we drop De Rogna's body out of a window?" - "So I'm guessing she's not meeting us there because she's dead..."
"There was a bunch of fucking dwarves singing about what they had for breakfast, about what they had for lunch, tales of mysteries to the north. They had beautiful voices, but they just wouldn't shut the fuck up. One day we got ambushed and they all got torn apart."
"Sorry is a free action, bitch!"
(In the midst of the final frikkin battle) "We could get some fruit salad and get freaakyyyy!"
"Can I call you bacon?"
"Doty! I said realism!"
"I can't do reverse math."
"Eldritch Bleeeaaast"
"This is the most privileged thing that I've said that you've heard."
"I summoned this bitch, and we're gonna end her!"
"And it was the metric system!"
"But what about the chair??!"
"I love you! ...and I cast Modify Memory!"
"Sure, I'll bring that back I guess!"
"Help, it's again."
"Help. Help. Help help helphelphelphelp!"
"It's not a cult! It's not a cult!!"
"Eat it, Sprinkle! Eat it!"
"Are you afraid you're gonna turn into sea water?" - "No, that horrible thought hadn't occurred to me, thank you!"
"I ate that meat ball from Scanlan and then I fucking died; I don't wanna make any assumptions..."
"He's married to me and I will cut you."
"What a lovely tree! It casts so much shade!"
"I rolled 37 stealth." - "You become two-dimensional."
"I'm just a candle maker." - "What are you doing on a volcano..." - "They're nature's candles!" - "...with a Zombie?" - "They're human candles!"
"I'm sorry, babe... I gotta real quick take care of those ninjas."
"There is a curse on our family. It's called Diabetes."
"How old are you?" - "14 days!" - "How old do kobolds get?" - "14 days!"
"Don't listen to her, you're not ugly... But you are a bitch and we'll kill you."
"What happened to just prank calling Essek?" - "Welcome to the Mighty Nein, Travis!"
"It's fine, we're gods!"
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katia-dreamer · 2 years
Vex wakes to the sound of Vesper crying. She opens her eyes, and moonlight reveals the other side of the bed is empty. Her attention drifts to the door separating their bedroom from the nursery and sees it's open. As she steps out from the cocoon of bed covers, the night greets her with icy fingers, making her shiver. She grabs her robe from the hook near the bed and walks to the open door.
Inside the nursery, Percy is standing with his back facing her. His hair and sleep shirt shine a pearlescent white as he rocks their daughter in his arms. Vesper only continues to wail.
"This seems like an overreaction.” Percy clears his throat and then starts singing in Celestial.
Vex remembers the first time she heard him do this. She'd been enraptured by his lovely voice, the way every phrase flowed off his tongue like honey. Yet this song is even sweeter because every note is sung with profound and utter love.
Percy has also taught her a bit of Celestial since then, and she's able to catch something about sailing on a sea of stars.
Once Vesper is asleep, Percy lays her in the crib. “Sleep well, dearest little one.”
The tenderness inside her blossoms into a giddy smile, and she presses the memory close to her heart.
Percy turns around, and she notices how tired he looks. There are shadows under his eyes; his hair is still rumpled from sleep. His glasses are also askew on his nose like he put them on in a hurry. She is tempted to laugh, but that would wake the baby. So, she turns back into the bedroom. Percy follows, closing the door most of the way behind them.
"I hope I didn't wake you," he whispers as they walk toward the bed.
"No, I heard Vesper crying. Was she hungry?" She removes her robe while he places his glasses on the bedside table.
They get under the covers, and Vex curls into Percy's side, soaking up his familiar warmth. To his credit, he doesn't even flinch. "I attempted to give her the milk from the bag of colding, but she didn't seem interested."
Vex takes his hand and interlaces their fingers. "Percy?"
"What were you singing?"
Percy shifts so that his face is only inches from hers. "It's a lullaby my mother used to sing that I translated into Celestial. It took me a while to accomplish, but Vesper seemed to enjoy it, which makes it worth the effort."
"Oh, Percy." She reaches up to cup his face. His cheek has a hint of scruff, and she likes how it feels against her fingers. "Will you tell me what it means?"
"When the night is cold, my arms are warm. When shadows come, let love be your light. Sleep, little one, and dream of sailing on a sea of stars."
She kisses him, then draws back, resting her forehead against his. They lay like that for a long while, and before she drifts off to sleep, she thinks she hears him humming.
A/N: Thank you for reading! 
Here’s the song I listened to while writing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxTghSZupv8
And finally, the “this feels like an overreaction” came from this image on twitter which was shared on a discord server I’m a part of. Someone said Percival de Rolo and my brain wrote it!
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