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vespasidecar · 1 year ago
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Ridign is our Freedom. Sidecar for Vespa GTS and Primavera
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fritzwulf · 2 years ago
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Mirzas has found a new friend in the desert- and they're even alive this time! 🧟 (This is based off of a point in their fanventure where Vespar is rescued by a very secluded, very odd troll. Lucky!)
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alexandergenesis · 2 years ago
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this took TWO MONTHS but I sure am hyped about my own rpgstuck game
Hytera Vespar (gold) played by @confusedhomestucktrash Erebus Joliot (robot) played by @ratemisia Erckus Vulsep (rust) played by June who isn't on Tumblr yet Drawn and GMed by me :)
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zillyeh · 1 year ago
🎄 Vespar perchance? :3c
The Coliseum is doing a friendlies (read: non lethal) free for all and Vespar is participating! As Delhon's darling the Silver Wasp would be sorely missed if she didn't get seen beating ass.
Her and the other girls will be going out to party later on once the event is over too- the ones that didn't get too obliterated in the ring anyway.
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slut-kiss-g1rl · 2 years ago
thinking about my vampire sims
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lynndylee · 2 months ago
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Commission for @pantylemonss of her gorgeous dark elf wizard; Zar'rah and her loving cat familiar, Vespar 💜✨
patreon | shop | links
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months ago
Wanted to hop on the fan art band wagon. Ignore the wonky anatomy, I'm still trying to figure out how to draw men.
Besides the point, Vespar is by far my favorite. Closely followed by Santi, Grimbly, Breg, Lacai, Obie and Berle(I'm starting to see a pattern here 👀) I honestly wouldn't mind getting kidnapped by these freaks(affectionately)
Spooked? Yeah. But it'll only be temporarily 🤷‍♀️
Anyways, love your work!! Stay golden! ✨
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Hubba bubba them titties. Thenk you! :7
Your artstyle makes him look so jovial, I love it. There's nothing wrong with that pattern. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Glad you like them and that you're having fun here! :]
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seastarblue · 2 months ago
Writemas Day Nineteen!
ft ice skating, the Duo Ever (Kai n Fel as like 17 year olds) and glamour wearing off! yay!
the prompts for today!
the ones I used:
setting: festival (a little one 😌)
feeling: the bite of icy air
“He lost himself in the moment, he lost all thoughts of logic, of warning, of danger, and let himself be, living only for the moment.” (But like. Heavily edited. Which is on par for how I’ve been doing these 😭)
“Ah, c’mon, Kaids,” Felix called behind him. “We’re gonna be late!”
“I’m coming, wait!” Kaiden replied, shrugging a light shawl over her shoulders. The days in the capital had gotten colder, and while they were never freezing like in Daeryn, Kaiden still felt chilly. Snow fluttered down onto the streets, light and gentle, and never overbearing.
The snow wouldn’t stop the little festival from happening, however. Crossing over many, many bridges, and climbing many, many ladders, the two teens eventually made their way to one of the city plazas. Kaiden had never been to this specific one; it was far from the trainee housing, and she really had no need to stray far from it. Felix had convinced her to come along, saying something about a surprise he had to show her. The strange boy was always full of surprises, Kaiden knew. Most of which were naught but harmless fun.
The plazas were normally beautiful, being the centerpieces of the Vespar, but this one was simply magnificent—the decor was sparse, yet tasteful, the snow adding a gentle ambiance to the area. Kaiden filled with warmth at the familiar sight. She’d never been here before, but it reminded her of Daeryn, with its simplistic style and homely charm.
What caught Kaiden’s attention was the giant circular ice… thing nestled in the center. A simple railing lined its edges, where some people were fastening their shoes, and on the actual circle people glided along the ice, graceful as birds.
“So?” Felix asked, bouncing from foot to foot. His dark brown eyes sparkled with excitement, much like a mirror to Kaiden’s own.
“What are they doing…?”
“It’s called ice skating! This,” he replied, sweeping a hand over the skaters, “is the rink!”
“Yeah, they came up with them a few years back. People just liked them enough, I guess.” he explained. “But the winter’s not cold enough in the rest of Vespar to keep the ice solid. That’s why Liaba has the only rink!”
Kaiden shivered a bit, courtesy of the frigid winds that blew behind her. It was cold, she agreed. Though perhaps it was because of the sheer height of the mountain, much higher than the rest of the city. She glanced to her right, the small sign reading ‘Liaba Ridge’. Now she had a name to put to the place.
“Well… let’s get going?” she asked. She had to admit, she felt like a giddy schoolgirl at the prospect of ice skating.
Felix only smiled and pulled her along.
“…let me go over this again. You need to—ACK KAI NO!”
Kaiden fell flat on her backside. For the sixth time. She felt sore. And slightly paranoid, what with the literal blades strapped to her shoes.
Felix sighed. “You gotta let yourself move forward, Kaids.” He helped her up, got her hand on the railing, and pushed off to give her a demonstration.
He was graceful as ever, sailing across the ice in a simple straight line. After a few moments, he turned around again and emphasized his movements, shouting so that Kaiden could hear him. “See, it’s push, then glide, then push, then glide. Easy!”
Kaiden was skeptical, but she decided to let him return to her before she started her own push-glides. She started, steady and slow, with Felix standing near her for moral support.
She repeated Felix’s advice like a mantra. ‘Push, glide, push, glide…’ All was well, for a few moments. Then Kaiden slipped and fell for the seventh time.
She stayed seated on the ice, a small frown plastered on her face. “Felix, I don’t think I’m going to get this down anytime soon.”
“Aw, no, you’ll get it soon enough! These things take time, yknow?” He crouched down next to her, patting her shoulder. “You should have seen me a few years back, I was awful…” he made a face, greatly exaggerated, to try and cheer her up.
Kaiden’s face softened, but she still wasn’t convinced. “I think I’ll take a break. Over there.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Have your fun, Fel.” She got up, accidentally pressing Felix’s back in pursuit of a support. He winced.
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s alright.” He led—or rather pushed and pulled—her to the railing. She leaned back on it, and off Felix went.
The ice near them was completely empty, the other skaters opting to stay on the other side of the rink, away from the stumbling newbie. So, instead of people-watching, Kaiden opted to Felix-watch.
As she observed, Felix’s movements became more loose, his expression softer, somehow. He never once seemed upset with her, during all their outings, but now he seemed… at peace. More serene. She liked it. But, at the same time, she wondered why he felt calmer now.
As he skated, he seemed to lose himself in the moment. Like nothing mattered. Not danger—as if there was any—not logic, nor the world around him. Just him, the ice, and the icy air biting at the residents of the rink.
Then, something changed. Felix himself changed. His jacket, originally covering his back, morphed away to reveal a diamond-shaped cutout, and from it emerged silvery insect wings. They glittered, mirroring the ice underneath him, and it took her breath away.
The moment shattered when his eyes—now a pale grey—met her star-struck ones, and he looked positively horrified.
guys I promise it’s a chill one trust me
General Writing Taglist! Lemme know if you’d like on via dm!
@bunnymermaidwrites @abiteofhoney @aalinaaaaaa @vesanal @cepheusgalaxy
@fifis-corner @urnumber1star @thebookishkiwi @sunflowerrosy @theink-stainedfolk
@threedaysgross @mundanemoongirl @satohqbanana @bamber344 @imonthemoonitsmadeofcheese
@viridis-icithus @cc-writes-stuff @anothersummerofsleep @sharkblizzardblogs
@verdant-mainframe @kittrrrr @ruvastuon @agirlandherquill (<- the host!) @annothersummerofsleep
@nczaversnick @zerotothex @oliolioxenfreewrites
yay I hope yall enjoyed :>
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acronym-chaos · 3 months ago
Lab Experiment ID Pack
[PT: Lab Experiment ID Pack].
Creator's Note: the requestor specified a "zombie/frankenstein's monster creature" type of vibe in their request so therefore this ID Pack has an undead vibe to it to fit that part.
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Adara, Akasha, Alden, Alva, Arkin, Ashwyn, Axion, Baylor, Calluna, Cedra, Damis, Darven, Decima, Dextra, Eira, Elian, Elva, Emberlyn, Enoch, Farren, Fenra, Gallius, Havren, Kael, Karith, Lenora, Lucien, Malden, Mistral, Noctra, Oren, Pharos, Quen, Raviel, Renith, Ryn, Sage, Serith, Thana, Varin, Verity, Vespar, Wyn, Zeren
[PT: Pronouns].
Bile / Biles / Biles, Cree / Creep / Creeps, De / Dea / Dead, Fle / Flesh / Fles, Lab / Labs / Labs, Limb / Limbs / Limbs, Mend / Mends / Mends, Pat / Patch / Patches, Pul / Pulse / Pulses, Re / Rev / Revs [Revived], Scrap / Scraps / Scraps, Se / Sew / Sews, So / Shock / Shocks, Splice / Splices / Splices, Sur / Surge / Surgers [Surgery], Twit / Twitch / Twitchs
[PT: Titles].
A Creature of Twisted Science, A Patchwork Creation, A Test Subject Beyond Control, The Body That Defied Decay, The Experiment Gone Astray, The One Created with Precision and Flaws, The One Spliced and Searched, The Perfect Specimen (or So They Claimed), The Product of Ambition, The Unexpected Mutation, [Pronoun] Caged by White Coats, [Pronoun] Created of Broken Parts, [Pronoun] Who Shambles Forward
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
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indieanimezine · 3 months ago
We're delighted to have Vespar (@vespardraws) as a page artist for our side zine!
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mountaindewlodge · 1 month ago
Posting my guesses on the Vespar and Ax augments coming next nightwave. The Vespar is going to gain richochet on weak point hits and and the Ax is going to plop out an Effervon pool on weak point kills. My evidence? Vibes.
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year ago
Heaven Hotel: "Prologue"
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The Story of Hell…(But not the one you know)
“Once upon a time, there were four main afterlife realms. One was a golden city guarded by golden gates known as Heaven. It was created by God and high-ranking angels who spread harmony throughout the universe. In the Hazbin Universe, Lucifer was a dreamer angel who had unique ideas for creation, but the elder angels didn’t like his wild, unconventional ideas. Sera and the angels helped create Earth and thus created Adam and Lilith in the Garden of Eden. Lilith fled the garden to escape her controlling husband, met Lucifer and fell in love. Lucifer wanted to share free will with humanity, so he gave the apple from the forbidden tree to Eve. Presumably, Roo, the Eldritch goddess of evil was able to escape the tree, corrupt the Earth and ruin the angel’s plan for humanity. Thus, Eve was corrupted, and Lucifer and Lilith were banished to Hell. Charlie, the princess of Hell, wanted to rehabilitate Sinners through her hotel to keep them safe from Adam and his female Exorcists who went down to kill them every year. A Sinner named Sir Pentious reincarnated to Heaven as an angel and Adam reincarnated as a demon after their deaths. Hell was a place with seven Rings ruled by the Seven Deadly Sins and the Sinners and demons could do whatever they wanted under Lucifer’s circus-like rule.
Those are the worlds you know. But those are different to where I’m from.
The Heaven where I live (what you would call 2P Heaven) is more complex than a simple golden Hollywood city. It has Seven Halos, each ruled by an Archangel or the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Humility, the lowest, is ruled by Archangel Michael. Charity is ruled by Gabriel, Chasity by Camael, Diligence by Raphael, Patience by Uriel, Temperance by Jophiel, and Kindness by Zadkiel. The Born-Again Council is our equivalent to the Hell Overlords. Sinners are ex-humans in Hazbin Hell, Winners are ex-humans in Hazbin Heaven. Here, we call them Saints. But those in our Hell? They have a lot of complaints. They are so far gone we don’t even know what to call them…”scum” is an understatement. Instead of I.M.P. imps going down to kill those on Earth, or Hazbin Cherubs going to save people, the main commoners here are elves of E.L.F. They not only save people, but they bless their families and comfort them after their losses. Much more efficient than C.H.E.R.U.B. at least. (See “Heavenly Boss.”)
You probably are wondering who I am. I am Princess Coerciona Vespar, only one of the most important people in this Heaven world. The angels here are shapeshifters and often have blue dots on their white cheeks instead of red ones. The only ones above me are my parents King Hesperius and Queen Evanna and the Archangels and God. I have black hair, black wings with eyes on them, barbed wire in my hair, dark green/teal dots on my white face and carry all sorts of weapons. My eyes can change to a deep black with white pupils, but mostly they are ice-blue.
Not only am I a princess, I also happen to be a leader of my very own Exorcist army, the Cleansers. Unlike blonde bimbo Barbie in Hazbin Hell, I enjoy killing demons and Sinners with great passion. (And why shouldn’t I? Most of them are rapists, Nazis, serial killers and the like…if they all get any ideas, I’m just making them double dead to feed Roo.) I also enjoy daily praise, respect, and rock music. I used to have a crush on Hazbin Exorcist general Adam, but when he lost to a cyclops maid, I figured he was pathetic after all. Coercing others is my specialty.
Who are the Cleansers? They are the Exorcists 2.0. They are of all genders and all classes: Heavenborn, Saints, and even lowly elves and cherubs can sign up. You see, we don’t just go down to Hell once a year to kill; we have to constantly be on the lookout 24/7. In our universe, what you would call 2P Hell…it’s a nest for Roo and Eldritch monsters. In fact, her influence makes up part of the Hazbin Hell, where double-dead Sinners and demons serve as her food and her eyes. Here, she is more known than in the Hazbin world. In our Hell, Lucifer switches between good and evil; he actually fell after losing to Michael and now hates humanity 90% of the time. Lucifer’s face is black and looks more devil-like than a clown. Lilith in our world is a succubus but much nicer than all the other royals in Hell. Eve gets to visit Earth and Heaven to help humans as the Mother of Humanity. All the Seven Deadly Sins have their traditional appearances, and they are all greedy and malicious. (Think dragon-wolf Mammon, Sloth Belphegor, and Fly Beelzebub. If your job was to punish people every day and you always got what you wanted, you’d be that way, too. It’s the blunt karmic way of “You’re on the receiving end of rape/pain whatever sin is around”.). Hellborns are at the top and the most powerful ones are those who own the most human slave souls.
Anyway, the Cleansers have to stop these white, bat-winged Satanics from sneaking up into Heaven and turning angels into demons with their black energy weapons. (Yes, they can do that, and if those in Hazbin found out, there’d be all-around panic in Hazbin Heaven.) In our Hell, Sinners are slaves, zero-free will, having to watch demons indulge in their associated sins. The only way to escape is if they are chosen to go to Purgatory or if they make it through Dante’s Inferno Circles. If they can endure the cleansing Purgatory flames, they then have to prove their worth by completing three incarnated lives on Earth after their first main life. If they pass all three, they go to Heaven, but if they don’t, they are sent back to Hell in dishonor. (Yeah, unlike Hazbin world, our rules are very specific about who goes where. Unless you’re the lucky few in Heaven with God, the afterlife is not pleasant.) The rules? No killing unless in self-defense. No stealing unless for survival. No raping anyone for any reason. No using money for self-serving/harming others without giving back in some way. Suicide is debatable…usually it’s bad but there are exceptions. Many Sinners in our Hell desire to go double dead and become food for Roo to escape the punishment…that’s where the Cleansers come in. We can see who might be worthy enough for redemption, who still needs to suffer and who has had enough.
So I help manage the Cleansers, but I still find many of Heaven’s rules stifling. They can accept killing Sinners, but they’re still often against LGBT rights and abortion and women’s rights and all that BS? To combat the extreme opposites of sin, I created my “Heaven/Haven Hotel,” a place where angels and Saints can come by and indulge in moderate sin and hide from the Satanics, provided they follow my rules. (Let’s be honest, one night of drinking and sex and swearing out loud to punk rock isn’t gonna hurt anyone. You can call me a stereotypical mean goth girl, but I have more responsibility, power, and beauty than your average human.)
Personally, I don’t care about trying to redeem Sinners 24/7; they have to do most of the work on their own. I guess I’m a good supporter of free will but only in moderation. As for me being a “brat” as many say, I’m just cynical of Heaven, Hell, and the systems in general. Those of us in Heaven come from a variety of species, sexualities, and the like, but due to Christianity, there will be an orientation to traditional roles, much like on Earth. 
My father King Hesperius used to be Lucifer’s lost twin brother, the Evening Star. He is basically Lucifer without the desire to bring up chaos and wild ideas. He is sort of like Michael; stern, older, an opposite to Lucifer. My mother Queen Evanna is what Lilith and Eve would be had they not fallen. As for our Adam? He’s in Heaven working with Jesus to try and improve things on Earth. How’s that for the real first man? (And don’t forget my giant cherub baby bodyguards Pub and Chub.) Why am I so dark and vicious like Hazbin’s Exorcists? Perhaps I got a little too close and curious to Roo’s forbidden fruit when I was little and now I want to do things my own way; trying to follow some of Heaven’s rules while also being the best leader I can be. And if it means gloriously bathing in the blood of evil demons and getting even richer than I already am, all the better! Someday I’ll be just like the privileged Seven Deady Sins but without the Sin.
You want to know how I ran my hotel surrounded by a bunch of f**king idiots? Here you go…
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Heaven Hotel: Season One Episode One: “Prelude”
I walked out onto a high balcony under the skies of Heaven. I wore a black undershirt with a white bow tie on top. A dark teal shirt, long white pants and white high heel shoes completed my look. My face was pale white and teal blushes were present on my cheeks. My eyes consisted of white pupils and dark blue sclera. Perched on my head was a black spiked crown. I was the inverted, antithesis of Charlie, the princess of Hell.
For all my life, I’ve been taught that all angels have good inside them. But I know that to be a lie. Ever since Lucifer and Lilith, God’s closest angels betrayed Him… I don’t think I can believe in these flawed teachings anymore…
I am Coerciona Vespar, Coercia for short. I was born and raised in Heaven…though I’m not at all one would expect to be in such a place. Some call me self-entitled and pessimistic, though I do enjoy heavy metal music, rebelling against the rules and the occasional brawl.
It makes sense that only a worthy few are able to be here in Heaven. Choosing them out of the sea of Sinner scum. Yet ironically, even the Saints and Heaven-born aren’t flawless all the time. It’s inevitable that all imperfect beings will go to Hell. They deserve to deal with suffering and challenges. Best of all, they wouldn’t be bound by social expectations. Heck, I wouldn’t be too surprised if I went to Hell if I were to piss off too many people. I do enjoy my comfortable life here, just not these restrictions.
I have two muscular servants, Pub and Chub: fat white naked cherubs with horns on their heads, small white feathery wings, and black eyes. One tested the strings on my black electric guitar while the other shot out torpedoes from a small cannon.
Outside was a white clock tower standing tall against the blue sky. The numbers read 0 then changed to 365 days. Writing above the numbers read “Days until the next cleanse in Hell.”
The Exorcists or rather the Cleansers did their job in eliminating part of the demon population in 2P Hell like they did every year in the canon Hell. But at the same time each year, the Satanics, risen white demons with white bat wings and horns, tried to invade our world. They carried glowing black pitchforks and turned innocent denizens into demons. They would carry books and tempt angels with their innermost desires. Sex, sin, self-expression, sorcery, whatever that need was. Then, once they were hooked, they were stabbed with the pitchforks, causing their wings to burn off and sending them plummeting down to Hell. Nearby families would grieve at their loss.
I leaned against the marble balcony and began to sing in a low growl.
(“I’m Always Evading Shadows”)
 “At the end of the journey, there’s suffering
Denying it, how often I’ve tried
But my life’s a disgrace
Just a slap in the face
And the harsh truths have all been denied”
“A sliver of despair in this world of light
I know this world’s not free of sin
I search for the good
But get misunderstood
And reality will always win”
“Why have I always been imperfect?
Lost in this brainwashed sea
I wonder if the world’s to blame
I wonder if it could be me”
“I’m always evading shadows
Trapped, drowning in the social flow
Free-will forbidden, my answers are hidden
Lying down below”
“Some people sugarcoat their speeches
I always blab out what I mean
I may be cruel but I am no fool
Things are never what they seem
Believe me”
“I’m always evading shadows
Waiting for people to awaken
In vain.”
A nearby portal opened and out came the Cleansers. Their weapons drew no blood, for the Sinners would be transported to Purgatory without a trace. They took off their LED masks, their white angelic faces revealed. One by one, the citizens clapped and cheered. One of the Archangels with four black wings flew up to the front, his spiked halo glowing. He took off his mask, revealing a white stern face with yellow eyes and short black hair. In his utility belt were a few daggers, whips, chains, and a bottle of emergency holy water.
“Another successful purge,” one of their other leaders Samael (Venom of God) praised. “You cleansed more Sinners while still keeping the population in a good balance. Well done, all of you.” He cleared his throat and made a cross symbol over his heart. “For the greater good in the name of our Lord.”
The angels repeated the phrase.
“Until next year. Dismissed.” The Archangel soldiers saluted and then flew off separately to see their families.
All around me, Holy City was basked in a heavenly glow. The city was located up in the sky among the clouds, but no one had to worry about falling, even the ones without their wings out. A large church with the appearance of the Notre Dame Cathedral stood proudly in the city square, made of polished marble. Choirs and songs floated through the stained-glass windows as the regular angels went in and out to pray and visit with their neighbors. A large fountain sprouted non-alcoholic wine of a golden color. It had a white statue of Mary and Jesus as a young boy at the top, both with welcoming faces.
The streets were spotless and clean. Roofs and roads were powered by the sun’s rays. The Cloud 9 supermarket had endless amounts of food for sale…no one ever had to worry about going hungry. Charity workers and volunteers worked by the dozens, passing out extra food and bestowing miracles for those who needed them. Metatron, the highest-ranking angel, was busy keeping records of human lives, deaths and the messages of God.
This version of Heaven was very similar to the Heaven in the realm next door, the one above the familiar Hell with the Hazbin Hotel. The architecture was almost the same. But unlike those angels with their blonde hair and red blushes, these angels most often had black hair and teal blushes on their pale cheeks. Like in the other Heaven, some of the bipedal angels displayed animal-like characteristics: some had heads of doves, others had swan wings and mannerisms. Many of them had fur, ears, and fluffy tails of dogs and wolves. It was the only place where dogs and cats could dance and prance together without conflict. Still a few others had faces of flowers or even objects like harps and musical instruments.
God’s Palace was the grandest place of all: it was settled at the highest point of Heaven like Mount Olympus. Only a few angels were allowed to visit there. God’s abode, the Empyrean, had an elite group of angels guarding it. Seraph angels with six fiery rainbow wings guarded the throne of God, chanting “Holy, holy, holy!” much to the annoyance to those nearby. There were rumors that in the palace gardens, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge were grown there, heavily protected.
King Hesperius and Queen Evanna are my parents. They took the place of our version of Lucifer and Lilith after they were banished. They were named the new king and queen of Heaven (Under God and a few Archangels), thus I became the princess.
King Hesperius had a white face, teal blushes on his cheeks and short dark hair. He wore a gray suit with a dark blue bow tie and a black top hat with two white feathers attached to the brim. Evanna’s hair was long and black, and she too had typical angel features. She wore a golden halo crown and an elegant white sequined dress. Both had white wings which could turn black when they were angry or defensive. My mother keeps in contact with me more than my father and seems more supportive of my project.
Now that you know my family, let’s take a look at my sidekick character crew.
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Along the street, a red car stopped beside the sidewalk. A tall creature opened the car door and stepped out. The dragonfly angel had a furry dark gray face and body, plus multiple slender arms: four in total. He wore tall boots, green gloves and a shirt with a teal bowtie near the top. His shirt and sleeves had black and dark green vertical stripes. Green dots resembling eyes were located under his eyes. He also had thin dragonfly wings that were surprisingly strong.
“Thank you for the ride,” said the dragonfly angel.
“No problem, Frank Myrth,” said the driver Sivart, a white furry owl guy wearing a top hat. He tipped his hat to him and drove away.
Frank Myrth walked over to a vending machine and bought himself a granola bar. He walked inside a building and onto a stage in an auditorium. The crowd settled into their seats and the debate began.
“Those other brave do gooders will do great with helping me with my presentation. Anyone want to try?”
The words came from a rather peculiar angel, E-Gull. Tall and mighty, he was an eagle angel with powerful white and brown wings covered with eyes. He wore a white top hat on his white furry head and his suit was blue with thin horizontal purple stripes. Rummaging next to him were robotic black birds tinkering with various tools. One of the birds gave a rubber duck to an angel boy with white hair. These minions were called the Nestlings.
A couple of hands shot up.
E-Gull pushed a button and a presentation showed up on a screen titled “Heaven Economics and Invention Ideas.”
“I don’t like to fight,” E-Gull said, clearing his throat, “and I’m super nervous up here…”
The Nestlings nudged him in support.
Frank Myrth rolled his eyes at his cowardly opponent eagle who then yelped, “Don’t look at me like that!”
“Heaven doesn’t need any future technology,” Frank Myrth argued as he stepped to his podium, “because we already have better things: friendships, food, and fun.”
E-Gull glanced down nervously at his note cards and read from them. “At this rate I will persuade the entire East end of Holy City by night’s beginning. Or was it day’s end? And nothing, not a single beauty in this paradise of bliss, will be able to change my mind or escape the constrictive grasp of persuasive argumentation.”
“Heaven will be ours, though it’s mine in my mind. And everybody will know the name of…”
“Bald Dud,” said a female voice.
“W-who said that?” E-Gull asked.
“You ready for a debate, old man?”
The voice belonged to Berri Blossom. She was a tall cyclops with dark skin, with a single green eye with a black cross in the center. She wore a long dark green dress and white high-heeled shoes. Her black skin was decorated in some areas near her shoulders with tiny teal specks. Her long hair was curly, blue at the top and black near the bottom. She pushed her thin dark rimmed glasses up to her face, looking at her organized set of notes in front of her.
She walked over beside her academic partner Frank Myrth. “Why don’t you play with your tinker toys somewhere else while I go over the logistics of divine law school?” She looked professional and poised. “For my presentation: Seven Reasons Why Heavenly Traditions Never Fail.”
“You want to go, madam?” E-Gull asked, a spark of rebellion in him. He fiddled with a few gadgets before the well-dressed Nestlings chirped at him on to continue. He flapped his wings a bit. “Well, let the battle for tenure and status begin!”
A neon logo appeared on the screen, saying “777 News” surrounded by a halo. The names of the news cast appeared on the bottom of the screen.
“Good afternoon, Holy City!” smiled a pale woman with short black hair, wearing a light blue dress. “I’m Catie Carejoy!”
“And I’m Ron Wrench!” said the man next to her, wearing a business suit and who had two wrenches for hands.
 After discussing the weather, various humane societies, and legends on Earth, Catie Carejoy continued, “The debate battle is underway between inventor E-Gull and professional economics expert Berri Blossom. Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of His Majesty King Hesperius, who’s here to discuss her brand-new passion-project! All that and more after the break!”
Inside the break room, Phalla the romantic butterfly angel adjusted my white bow tie. Nearby, a blue tinted sign read “No smoking.” Another sign read “In The Air” in large letters.
“Okay, you remember what to say?” Phalla asked.
“Yes, I’m ready,” I stated.
Phalla brushed her long black hair from her face. She had light gray skin, curly black hair with gray outlines and two large light blue eyes, her right one covered by a teal green heart. She had a matching teal green butterfly bow in her hair and a teal green shirt with a white collar and white buttons. She wore a white collar and a black Christian Cross necklace. Her skirt was white, just reaching her white leggings with black lace on top and she had black pointed shoes.
She was ever the girly romantic, always chasing after men and not having a violent bone in her body. Some claim that Phalla’s name is a nickname for “penis” since, you know. She makes for a good friend and an even better servant.
“Oh, this is gonna be great!” Phalla squealed happily. “How about you make your speech sound more exciting?”
“Come on, Phalla, I know what I’m going to say,” I scoffed, crossing her arms.
Phalla walked over to the pitcher of ambrosia punch on the table. Pub and Chub ate bagels from the table. Phalla got an idea. “Oh! What if you…”
“Sing a song about it?” I asked, with a roll of her eyes. “I’m not going to. This is serious!” I curled her hand into a fist and brought it down on the palm of her other hand. “They won’t take me seriously if I start belting out some random pop song. Life isn’t a musical.”
“But neither is it an emo tragedy,” Phalla pointed out. “Life is great, especially with all the cute guys around.” Her eye shined.
“Romance, bleh,” I made a face and Phalla giggled.
“Hey,” Phalla brightened, pulling out a piece of paper. “I have some ideas about what you could say.” She bounced up and down. “The highlighted bits are the best parts!”
“They’re all highlighted,” I replied, scanning the paper. I narrowed my eyes. “You call your childish drawing your ideas for me?”
“Sure!” Phalla said. “Look here.” It showed a list of different terms “Sinners = Winners” “Misunderstood are still good” and “demons and angels party between worlds!” Skulls were lined up at the bottom of the page: “we’re all connected by death.”
“Say, that’s actually pretty good!” I said sarcastically with a smile of sharp teeth.
“Thanks!” Phalla beamed.
I snatched the piece of paper from her and tore it in half, much to her shock. “But you should know my ideas are always better.” I tossed the pieces of paper aside, gave a salute and walked out the door.
Catie Carejoy waved with a smile. “Hi. I’m Catie Carejoy.” She held out her hand, but I didn’t take it, instead remarking, “You can put that away. I don’t touch commoners, I have standards.” Catie Carejoy looked stunned, pulling her hand back. “So, this project of yours, when did you come up with this idea of creating a hotel in order to…break the law as the rumors say?”
The angel crew murmured nervously.
“I’m gonna keep this short,” I said as I walked over to the desk. “You might think my idea doesn’t hold water, but that doesn’t matter to me. I’m too influential to give a flying feather about what some stuffy old news lady thinks of my proposal.”
The crowd gasped. Ron Wrench shook his head.
“Well, if you can’t take constructive criticism and be polite…”
“…and we’re live!” called a voice as a buzzer sounded.
“And we’re back!” Catie Carejoy said, rushing over into her seat. “So, Carrie…”
“It’s Princess Coerciona Vespar,” I spat, sitting in a chair beside her and Ron Wrench.
“Sorry. So, tell us about your so called passion project.”
I took a deep breath. “As most of you know, I was born here in Heaven, and growing up, I’ve always tried to see the good in everything around me. But recently, I don’t believe that’s always the case. We just completed another Extermination...erm Cleansing. So many sinful souls lost but for what reason? God said in the Commandments “thou shall not kill,” yet killing random people is okay in both Hells? I know I like the thought of the evil Sinners getting destroyed, but I often forget there are innocent people down there, too. If we can’t even trust ourselves with our actions and thoughts, is Heaven truly paradise? Not to mention that ever since Lucifer and Lilith betrayed Him, we don’t know who to really trust. Some people are given too many chances!” I pounded my fist on the desk, startling Catie carejoy.
I stood up and made my way forward. “No one is truly flawless. Mistakes are made, but we get blamed for doing things we sometimes enjoy. Sex, drugs, partying, swearing, even violence. All because we don’t live up to impossible standards imposed upon us, both here and on Earth! I can’t stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such lies and propaganda! So, I’ve been thinking…isn’t there a more liberating way to hinder forced compliance here in Heaven? Perhaps we can create an alternative way to express change through…recreation? While still Cleaning those in Hell, of course. And preferably eliminating evil demons once and for all?”
The angels talked quietly amongst themselves. Phalla nodded in appreciation.
“Well, I think yes,” I continued. “So that’s what this project aims to achieve.” I walked back to the desk and sat down. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m opening the first of its kind, a hotel that encourages moderate amounts of so-called sin!” I spread out my arms.
The audience stared in stunned silence. Many of the adults were shaking their heads.
“Who is that girl?” asked a dragon watching from inside a soup kitchen. “What’s her deal with trying to cause more trouble for this world?”
“She’s nuts!” added another angel with an eagle’s head and wings, wearing a suit.
I added nervously while still trying to keep a glare, “I figure it would serve a purpose…a place to work toward self-expression. Yay.”
Among the crowd of angels watching the news outside, a tall man with a thin pale face stood toward the back. He wore a light blue dress suit, had blue and white hair, fluffy dog ears, and large blue eyes. His white wings were folded behind him. He watched the program with a look of worry. A dog creature made of light appeared beside him. A sign posted on the wall showing the same man as a DJ read: “Counseling and good times with the Techno Angel!”
A camera man shook his head at me. Phalla walked up to him and pleaded, “Please give her a chance.”
I sighed. “Look, I know every single one of you has insecurities and issues that need not be bottled up. If you could just embrace those sides of yourselves…”
I then smirked. “Maybe I’m not getting through to you.”
Phalla clapped her hands and “ooohed” in excitement as Rub and Chub got the electric guitar ready.
I barred a pair of sharp white teeth and black curved horns emerged from my head. My black feathery wings spread out from my back and an X appeared over my right eye. A harpoon appeared in my right hand and a spiked halo appeared over my head. I was in her dark angelic Exorcist form, a handy costume look I often use for my shows. I posed over the desk and began.
(“Inside of Every Angel is a Sinner”)
 “I have a dream
I’m here to tell
About a fantastic mind-blowing hotel
One of a kind, go and yell
A great place to dwell
Catering to specific clientele”
*Guitar starts and scream vocals*
“Inside of every angel is a Sinner
Inside of every do-gooder is a beast
Inside of every jolly go-lucky mentality
Is a subconscious portion we know the least”
“Resist all the rules
You’re not passive fools!
With just a little time
Down at the Hazbin Hotel!”
“So all you rescuers, priests, and heroes
Gifted athletes, jocks, and cheerios
And the sheep citizens, relief is here!
All of you angels, leaders, and stars
Traditionalists with fancy cars
And the activists on Mars
Show no fear
No taboos, no laws
Embrace your flaws
You’ll be truly free
Check in with me
It’s the right path, you’ll see”
“There’ll be no more pressure
And no more status quo
Just friendship, fun, and endless bags of dough
Establishment put to rest
You’ll be like, “Yes!”
In the tunnel of darkness you’ll go!”
“So all your hierarchies, GMOs, politics, and isms
Lectures, labor standards, and diamond studded prisms
Ancient Indian elitisms
All must die”
“All you fantasizers, artists, servers, and lords
Spoiled children, winners of awards
Imposers of chores
Face your fears!”
“Be who you are
And you’ll go so far
Our service will raise the bar
You’ll be the star
Come from near or afar at the Hazbin Hotel!
I finished with a pose.
“Wow,” said an angel in a top hat. “That was…alright.”
The crowd clapped half-heartedly.
Catie Carejoy shook her head. “What in the Nine Levels of Heaven makes you think a single denizen of Heaven would give two feathers about becoming a sinful person? You have no proof that your little experiment even works! You want people to disobey God and the rules just…because?!”
I lifted up my head. “Well, we have a patron already who believes in our cause.”
“And who might that be?” Catie Carejoy asked.
“Oh, just someone named…Frank Myrth.”
“The grumpy old dragonfly?” asked Ron Wrench.
“He’s not old,” argued Catie Carejoy. “He just acts older than he is.”
“Anyway,” said Catie Carejoy. “You couldn’t even get that guy to do something bad, even if a gun was pointed at his head.”
“Oh, I beg to differ,” I argued. “He’s been troubled, dirty, and having conflicted thoughts for two weeks now.”
“Breaking news!” called a voice as the screen changed to a recent debate shown in a building.
The news came on, detailing Frank Myrth and his recent TED talk about the 7 Heavenly Virtues.
“Well, it looks like the one discussing the Heavenly Virtues is none other than…conservative Frank Myrth! What a coincidence!”
She and Ron did a “ratings!” and jazz hands.
I rolled my eyes.
“I’m sorry to say, but it looks like your plan’s departed on arrival,” said Catie Carejoy. “If you were smart, you would cease this rebellious club and embrace the way things are done here. I hope you learned a good lesson.”
My eyes twitched, her teeth barred. “Lesson?! I’ll teach you a lesson, b*tch!”  We fought fist and claw on the desk. Ron Wrench called for security.
After I was kicked out, Phalla followed me wordlessly to the white limo. Frank Myrth, Phalla, and I rode back to the hotel.
0 0 0
Frank Myrth lounged in the far seat, wearing an outfit of black with green stripes and green gloves on his four hands.
“Frank,” said Phalla with concern. “I know you were trying to do good by doing your professional speech. But could you please try not to help society in public? Now people won’t believe us when Coercia says that people are free to express their earthly desires.”
“I’m sorry Phalla,” said Frank from the other seat, “But I have a reputation to keep up. Helping the greater good is His plan for all of us. Besides, a good professional debate is a reasonable form of self-expression right?”
“Not to everyone,” said Phalla. “What about the hotel? People are thinking that you don’t care about Coercia’s project at all.”
“I do care, senorita,” said Frank. “Sort of. I just don’t think it’s going to be easy to accomplish in such a short time. So many angels are fixated on tradition, myself included.”
“I do appreciate all of your help,” I said, still fuming after the interview, arms crossed. “But I will make this project work, even if I have to do it myself.”
The white limo pulled up in front of the hotel, a pristine building made of glass and marble. The group got out of the car and stepped inside.
White wings made of rainbow scales posed as part of the structure on the roof. The stained-glass windows by the door were decorated with apples, a tree of life, and many shades of blue and green. The sign above read “Hazbin Hotel” in big letters on the roof. Inside the lobby, a painting of Adam reaching toward God was displayed on the high ceiling. The hotel had seven floors with seven rooms on each floor. A bowl of blue berries and blue raspberries sat on a table below a welcome banner. Phalla rested on a couch while Frank Myrth munched on a granola bar.
“It’s probably a good idea to stock up some more food in this place,” said Frank Myrth. “Good or bad, people always seem to be greedy when they’re hungry.”
Frank Myrth pulled out a chart and went over probabilities and graphs regarding the hotel and the potential number of visitors. I sighed and walked away toward the door. I went outside and took out my cell phone, calling my mother.
“Carol cakes!” called Evanna through the phone. I cringed.
“Mom, I told you not to call me that! I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” she said with a giggle. “How was the interview?”
“Meh. It was alright. I proposed my idea, but nobody seemed to buy it.”
Evanna’s tone turned more serious. “Coercia, why do you insist that everyone must go down to that horrible place? Why can’t you just see the good in people?”
“Because,” I said, “Everyone has flaws and they don’t realize it. Also, I didn’t say that people should go to Hell. I said that we should truly be able to do what we want in Heaven.”
“Yes, but that also applies to you, too. Before you get involved with the lives of others, you need to look inside and critique yourself.”
“I’m a princess. Everyone else has more flaws than I do.”
Evanna let out a long sigh. “Young lady, we’ve been through this I don’t know how many times. You have to push your selfish thoughts aside and just accept the way things are. It’s part of a higher purpose.”
“And what is this “higher purpose” anyway? To be His flock of dazed sheep, dancing around without any care in the world? To not experience ecstasy and adventure, even for just a moment?”
“That stuff is dangerous and forbidden. Thousands of souls would do anything to get up to this level of Heaven. And you just want to throw your life away? You’re lucky you’re not those Sinner slave sin Hell! Or those gay furries in Hazbin Heaven.”
“At least those Sinners in Hazbin Hell, disgusting as they are, get to do what they want.”
“You have delusions of what entertainment and happiness is, Carol. Sometimes, you need to take the time and appreciate the beauty that’s in front of you.”
“Other than my own refection, I don’t really see beauty in many other things. Well, heavy metal and watching battles…oh and watching Sinners beg for their last breaths…”
“You have a lot to learn, dear daughter,” Evanna replied. “I’ll leave you alone to think about it.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
 I hung up and went back inside, shutting the door behind me. I leaned against the door frame, closing my eyes in frustration…trying to hold back a stream of tears from the stress.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Two knocks, four knocks, then a last one. “Shave and a Haircut” backwards. I turned around with a sigh to answer it. I swung the stained-glass door open. From outside stood a tall slender man with a pale light gray face, wearing a light blue pinstriped dress coat. A white upward cross was part of the design on his light blue undershirt. He was carrying a modern microphone atop a staff in his left hand. He had light blue and white dog ears near his light blue hair. His suit was light blue with dark blue horizontal stripes, a white Christian Cross design on his blue undershirt. He had white angel wings, a white halo, white pants, pointed white boots with blue tips and a strange blue furry tail. His eyes were big, blue and sad, a blue monocle under his left eye.
What a clown!
“Hi, excuse me…” he spoke quietly. “Is this…”
I slammed the door in his face.
I opened it again.
“…the right address?” finished the man.
“No!” I shouted, slamming it again.
“Hey Phalla!” I called.
“What?” her friend asked.
“The crybaby Dog Man is at the door!”
“What?!” she asked, blushes appearing on her cheeks.
“Who?” asked Frank Myrth.
“What should I do?”
“Well…let him in!” Phalla cried, eye shining.
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I sighed and opened the door again.
“May I talk now?” the man asked in a radio voice.
“Sure, whatever.”
The man held out a white gloved four-fingered hand. “Stalaro, it’s a pleasure to meet you, miss.” He walked in. Worry was etched on his face. “I saw your interview on the picture show and I was worried sick! I was afraid you were never coming back after your argument. Why I haven’t been that upset since the 1929 Stock Market Crash!” He sniffed, “So many poor orphans…”
���Hello there!” Phalla called with a smile, staring up and walking in front of him. She greeted in Spanish. “I’m so glad you’re here to help out my friend with this new hotel! I’m a big fan of yours and just being in your presence is just…” She swooned. “Oh just take me already you cute, pompous, talk show, blueberry pimp lord!”
She embraced him and he stood stunned, his face blushing. “I do love hugs,” he whispered as she stepped back. “I bet all of you would be so nice and soft after we get to know each other for a while…”
Phalla blushed while Frank Myrth and I made disgusted faces.
“A blowjob for you, gray fellow?” Stalaro asked Frank Myrth with a bow.
 “Not gonna happen, creep,” Frank Myrth spat.
Stalaro gave a nervous laugh and popped a strawberry and blueberry into his mouth.
“I don’t trust him,” I said.
“Me neither,” Frank Myrth agreed.
“You’re not gonna cling to us are you?” Phallas asked. “Or, you know…”
 “Dear, if I wanted to screw anyone here…I would’ve done so already.”
Stalaro tilted his head. His blue eyes briefly glowed with blue upside down radio dials in them. Electricity sparked around cyan colored voodoo symbols in the air. His eyes filled with tears, tears spilling down his pale gray cheeks.
Phalla watched in bliss, while Frank Myrth and I rolled their eyes at the show-off.
Stalaro shook his head and his eyes returned to normal blue.
“No, I’m here because I want to relax and help out.”
“Say what?” I asked, eyebrow raised.
Stalaro held up his staff which glowed blue. He said with a sad crack in his voice, “Goodbye, is this thing off?”
He tapped it. A blue sad looking eye appeared in the center of the microphone. It spoke in a mechanical voice. “You’re silent, quiet and unclear!”
“That’s your motivation motto every day?” Frank Myrth asked, crossing his four arms. “Pathetic!”
“Tragic and mysterious, I love it!” Phalla squealed. “It’s like the opposite of announcing. It’s…denouncing.”
Frank Myrth elbowed her. “Hun, could you not get attracted to every other man you see?  I’m your boyfriend.”
“I can’t help it, love!” she cried. “I just get so distracted easily.”
 “Um…you want to help?” I asked, suddenly curious.
Stalaro appeared behind us after morphing into light.
“With…” he spoke in her growl then his normal shy sounding voice, “…this random thing you’re trying to do. This hotel. I want to help you run it, if that’s okay.”
Stalaro choked a bit on his words. “Why doesn’t anyone do anything? Sheer absolute lethargy! I’ve been partying around and keeping busy for decades. I would like to do something more relaxing and easier.”
“A sad wimp like you at parties?” I asked.
“I’m a pretty good actor,” he replied. My work became overwhelming, lacking focus. I’ve come to crave a new form of disengagement!”
I rolled my eyes. “Does getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as disengagement?”
“No,” Stalaro said. “It’s violent and messy, not really my thing. Life is truly strange…reality, fantasy, true tragedy. After all the world is a grave, and the grave is a world of disengagement!”
“You’re a f*cking disengagement,” I retorted just as Frank Myrth warned, “No swearing!”
Then I brightened a bit. “So, does this mean you think it’s possible to taint an angel? You know the selfish angels who deserve a kick in their ass? That life is meaningless without your own self to temporarily control it?”
Stalaro sniffed and held up a hand. “Who knows? Anything’s possible. Sinning, oh the vice of humanity! Oh, but I think there’s plenty left that can change such marvelous saints. But then again, the chance that was given to them was the life they lived before. The reward is this!” He spread out his arms. “According to God, there’s no undoing what is done…or at least that’s the way it should be.”
“So then, why do you want to help me if you don’t fully believe in my cause?” I asked.
Stalaro turned around to look at her. “Consider it an investment in ongoing knowledge for myself and others.” He let out a small smile. “I want to watch the blessed of this world struggle to give into temptation, only to repeatedly realize and raise themselves up the golden ladder of success!” His eyes glowed blue.
“Right…” I began. “Boring.”
“Yes indeed,” Stalaro said, both of us walking off to the side. “I see you taking risks and who better to keep you grounded than I.”
“Ah, so what’s the deal with Mr. Frown over there?” Frank Myrth asked.
“Wait, you’ve never heard of him before?” Phalla asked. “You’ve been here longer than me!”
Frank Myrth shrugged his shoulders.
“The Techno Angel, one of the most complex beings Heaven has ever seen?”
“Eh, I’m not too big on people.”
Phalla sighed and leaned in close to explain.
“Decades ago, Stalaro manifested in Heaven, seemingly in one day. He began to catch the attention of Lordships and Archangels who had kept to themselves for centuries. That kind of attraction and magic power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcast his adventures all throughout Heaven just so everyone could experience some joy, tragedy, and emotions. Saints starting calling him the Techno Angel, (as unoriginal as that is). Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and constructive heroes. But one thing’s for sure: he’s an unpredictable source of silliness, a depressed spirit of mystery and a loving being of order…or disorder, the likes of which we can get involved in, especially if we want to end up aroused!”
“You done?” Frank Myrth asked. “He looks like a blueberry businessman. Or a shady con-man. Either way, you’re delusional.”
“Well, I trust him completely!”
“Do you blindly trust any man? All men?”
Phalla skipped over to me. Stalaro examined a family portrait of Hesperius, Evanna and a young me in the center. I wore a white dress with a turquoise top to it. My hair was jet black, braided in black barbed wire, my cheeks had teal blushes. Evanna had long black hair and wore a fancy white dress and a round gold crown.  Hesperius was dressed in a dress suit of white and blue, with blue and black stripes in the center below a white bow tie. He wore a large light gray top hat with a dove and a green apple on it. His cane also had a green apple on the top. Both of them were smiling, showing rows of sharp teeth, white wings folded behind them.
Phalla looked excited as she explained. “Coercia, listen to me, you can believe this dreamer. He isn’t just a sad face. He’s a miracle maker, pure good! But… don’t count on him to believe in your cause. I suppose he could be tainted and rebel, but we don’t know that. He could very well side with God and your parents. And he’s most likely looking for a way to hinder everything we’re trying to do if it means following God’s rules. But still, give him a chance. He’s really sweet.”
“I…” I began. “…we don’t know that. Make up your mind. Whose side are you on, anyway? Is he a rebel or another boring elite? I’ll tell you. He’s a crying b*tch, and he probably doesn’t want to change.”
Phalla put her hands on my shoulders.
“The whole point of your hotel is to give people a chance! To have faith things will be better and people can embrace their flaws, their true selves! How can you turn someone away? You can’t. It goes against everything you’re trying to do. Everything you believe in.”
I looked downcast. She had a good point. I hated when people made good arguments against me.
“Just take care of yourself,” I said.
“Coercia,” warned Phalla, “Unless you are serious about responsibility, do not make a promise with him!”
Demons often made deals with each other that often resulted in gaining power at the cost of one’s soul or freedom. Usually the one who initiated the deal would gain advantage. A demonic deal was bad in and of itself. Breaking an angelic promise could result in rejection, eternal torture, and damnation.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “I learned one thing from my dad.” I mimicked his low voice, “Ya don’t break trust with other angels!”
I marched over to the Techno Angel.
“Ok Mr. Dog-face... You’re prissy as f*ck, and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here is a too-dangerous risk. But I don’t.”
Glowing blue symbols briefly appeared around a concerned Stalaro, then vanished.
I continued. “I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be themselves. After all, it’s in their nature and the sooner they realize it, the better. So, I’m taking your offer to help. On the condition there be no lessons or lovey-dovey speeches made.”
Stalaro twirled his cane and held out his smallest finger from his right hand.
“So, it’s a promise, then?”
The room was surrounded by a pink aura as light spirits roamed around the walls. The wind blew against Phalla’s and Frank Myrth’s faces.
“Nope!” I yelled, holding out my hands. The energy stopped. “No shaking, no promises! I…hmmm…”
I paused in thought.
“As Princess of Heaven and heir to the throne, I hereby order that you help out with this hotel for as long as you desire.”
A moment of pause…
“Sound fair?”
“Fair enough,” Stalaro said with a slump of his shoulders and walked on. His cane vanished.
Stalaro stopped and spotted Phalla to the side.
Phalla went up and tickled him under the chin, much to his shock.
“Smile, dog man!” she giggled.
Stalaro walked on, speechless.
 “So…where is your hotel staff?” Stalaro asked me.
“Uh well,” I began. Stalaro peered at Phalla through his monocle below his left eye.
He stuttered. “You’re going to n-need more than that.”
Stalaro walked over to Frank Myrth, who was sitting on a stool.
“And what can I do, my business fellow?” asked Stalaro walking over to the dark dragonfly, blushing.
“You can suck a dick,” Frank Myrth retorted in a grumpy tone.
“AH! Ok,” said Stalaro, blushing and stepping back. “Can it be yours?”
“F*ck off,” Frank Myrth added, pulling out a long holy knife from his belt.
“Now who’s swearing?” I smirked at him. Frank Myrth glared.
Stalaro summoned his cane. “Well, this just won’t do. You want others to cause trouble, yes? I suppose I can cash in a few favors to deaden things up!”
He snapped his fingers and the wall beside the fireplace cracked. The circle went dark, the fire going out. Ice cold water appeared to fill in the circle and a shadowy figure solely formed inside. Stalaro walked over and removed the dripping figure from the water. A large single white eye with a teal iris was revealed.
Frank Myrth, Phalla and I peered at the creature. With a balloon deflating sound and a puff of white smoke, the figure was revealed.
“This little rascal is Klutzy!” Stalaro announced with a worried smile, dropping the figure.
A white-skinned short cyclops female landed on her face on the floor. She stood up with a grumpy look on her face. She wore a dark blue skirt with a white stray cat off to the left side. Her arms and legs were white and thin. Her shirt was black, and her large eye took up much of her pale white face. Her short hair was light blue with a dark blue spot off to the left. She had a halo and wings with eyes and icicles on the ends.
“I’m Klutzy,” she grumbled, clenching her fists. “It’s a waste of time to meet you. It’s been a while since I’ve seen strangers.”
 Her pupil narrowed from side to side.
“Why are you all men?” she asked. “Have any women here? Or video games? Screw this place.”
She briefly picked up Phalla, then let go.
“Oh man, this place is boring!” she exclaimed. She ran over to a vase and proceeded to knock it over with her elbow. It shattered to pieces on the floor. She tossed couch cushions aside.
“It really needs a more manly touch, disorganized clutter’s more fun.” She grinned as she poured dirt from a flowerpot onto the rug.
“Yes, yes, yep, yeah!” she yelled as she proceeded to break windows and knock down more stuff. Then she plopped down on a couch once the room was messy. “I’m bored. Make me some food or something.”
Phalla, Frank Myrth, and I looked on in worry, while Stalaro just stared off into space. “She has quite the temper sometimes.”
A cat angel was working on a Rubik’s cube with colleagues. His furry face was black, framed by white fur. His little top hat was white with a blue band across it. A big teal bow tie was under his neck, over his black furry chest framed by white fur. His wings were a brilliant blue, with black and red mathematical symbols on either side: the pi symbol, E = mc squared, signs for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, among others. More symbols were visible within his two pointed ears. His teeth were sharp and purple and his long eyebrows were teal. His eyes were purple and sclera white. The angel placed a Rubik’s cube in front of him. “Ha!” he declared in triumph. Read ‘em and weep, boys! Full…whoa…”
He felt himself being transported in a flash of light to the hotel. Part of the science room that the cat had been in was merged with the hotel lobby…posters of the elements, the solar system and Biblical works of art.
“What in Heaven’s name is going on?
Then he brightened when he saw Stalaro. “You!”
“Ah, Core, my old friend,” Stalaro sniffed. “You made it.”
“Glad to see you, you son of the sun!” Core said. “I just completed my Rubik’s cube after just an hour.”
The cube vanished as Stalaro looked on.
Core raced over to Stalaro and embraced him in a side hug. The dog-like man blushed. “So, what can I help you with this time?”
Stalaro blinked nervously. “C-Can we snuggle?”
Core laughed. “I mean, seriously, why’d you bring me here? You know you’re under my contract.”
“My friend, I’m doing some dirty work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. If that’s okay?”
“You must be joking,” Core said, laughing nervously.
“I don’t think so,” he replied.
“You thought it’d be a great idea just to pull me out of nowhere? You think I’m some kind of tragic boy?”
“Maybe,” Stalaro sighed, as crying sounds came from his microphone.
“I ain’t doing no dirty work.”
Stalaro appeared behind him. “Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to greet and critique the guests at this fine establishment.”
“That’s not dirty work at all…”
He pointed his staff off toward a stand with vegetable drinks as claps and boos sounded from his staff.
“With your grumpy cat face and love of solitude…”
Core lifted up the corners of Stalaro mouth with his paws. “Aw come on. Don’t forget to smile once in a while!”
His mouth frowned once he let go.
Stalaro walked over to the stand. “Don’t worry, my friend. I can make this more interesting…if you wish.”
He conjured up a bottle of catnip with his finger.
Core stared with wide happy eyes. “What, you think you can buy me with sad eyes and some cheap catnip? Well, you can!” He purred and took the bottle with him.
The three of us arrived.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Phalla squealed. “Brilliant idea to have healthy drinks!”
“No!” I protested. “This is supposed to be a place that encourages moderate sin! Not some kind of, frilly, Zen, child’s play garbage!”
Core noticed Frank Myrth and slid up to him. “Hey cutie,” he flirted.
“Go screw yourself,” muttered Frank Myrth.
“Only if you watch me,” Core joked. “Or more likely, Stalaro will watch you.”
I leaned in close to Core. “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! You are going to go insane here!” I grinned, her teeth sharp.
“We’re all mad here,” Core replied, sniffing the catnip. “You don’t scare me.”
Stalaro walked in, an ever-present frown on his face. “S-so, what do you think?”
“It’s amazing!” Phalla beamed.
Phalla leaned in close between me and Stalaro, embracing us in a hug.
“This is going to be very disengaging,” Stalaro exclaimed.
“Stop using that word,” I spat.
Dubstep sounds emitted from his mouth as he stared around with worry.
Stalaro changed his light blue suit into a dark blue funeral outfit with a matching top hat. He did the same with me, Frank Myrth, Core, Klutzy, and Phalla, who were all wearing black clothing from the early 1900s. I wore a short tan flapper dress and a round matching ladies’ hat. Klutzy and I stared at our outfits in disgust, while Frank Myrth, Core and Phalla smiled as they stared at theirs. The room changed, the walls now covered with Voodoo symbols, Christian crosses and paw prints.
“Take it boys,” Stalaro said. Light spirits appeared and played violins, a piano, and a flute in a sad symphony.
Stalaro sang his reprise to me as we did a slow dance, much to my disgust.
(“Stalaro’s lament Reprise”)
“You’re on a mission
Your innocence fell
And it’s so dangerous but hey, I wish you well
Yes your blunt protests
Will send you straight to Hell
And I can’t bear to see you banished, or your soul up to sell”
“Don’t bring your life to an end
No matter what you say, I’m still your friend
We all have our wounds to mend
And you’re vulnerable feelings are real, don’t pretend”
“Inside of every angel is love and emotion
They have values and lasting devotion (devotion to God)
While you recruit those around
Don’t be swallowed by the ground
The authorities can retrieve you tight and bound (no turning around)”
“Here above the sky
Spread your wings and fly
They’ll spend a little time
Down at this Haven Ho…”
An explosion rattled the windows. Klutzy saw a door flying toward her face and she broke it in half with a karate chop.
The room and everyone’s clothing returned to normal.
Everyone looked outside and saw a podium in the air, held up by flying robotic baby birds. A familiar eagle debater appeared.
“Look who it is harboring the annoying opponent! We meet again, Stalaro!”
“Do I know you?” Stalaro asked.
E-Gull looked taken aback.  “Oh yes, you do! Watch this presentation!”
The birds danced in the air, singing a song about E-Gull trying his best to rule Heaven. He read from notecards. “My dream is to be the best inventor…in the world. I bring joy to the young…and your hotel…may cause trouble. You all can’t compete with me. Your hotel sucks. I…shall…destroy it…with… my…”
Stalaro giggled and blushed. “Your baby weiner havor?”
E-Gull looked up from his cards in anger. “How immature!”
Stalaro snapped his fingers. A portal appeared and white tentacles shot out, knocking the podium off balance. The metal birds knocked into E-Gull, and he yelled, “Ow that hurt! Show mercy!”
Stalaro used a drop of his blood and the podium exploded in green smoke.
E-Gull emerged from the crater, wings shaking. Stalaro waved a hand, and the eagle was healed.
“Shoot me with your ray gun,” said a metal bird beside him. E-Gull rolled his eyes.
Stalaro looked on, sadly while everyone else stared, stunned.
“Anyone hungry?” Stalaro asked turning around. “Please don’t make me cook jambalaya. It’s way too spicy and it nearly killed me! I much prefer tea and sugared strawberries, oh the way they melt in my mouth… but anyway, you could say the kick brought me straight into Heaven.”
Stalaro led the way back to the hotel, the group following him.
“Yes sir, new changes are about to take place. Now…”
Stalaro waved his finger at the lit-up sign above the glass, gem-encrusted building on the roof.
The sign changed from “Hazbin Hotel” to “Haven Hotel.”
“Stay tuned.” He finished with low whimpers.
0 0 0
A week later, I stared calmly out the window of my hotel, gazing at the teal sky outside. In the distance was a golden gate similar to the one in the other Heaven and several of my Cleansers were standing guard. They had white wings with a single black stripe and wore LED masks except they were white and had no xs over the eyes. They had no horns and wore proper gold and blue armor instead of the short gray shirts and leggings the canon Exorcists wore. These fine warriors never leave their angelic weapons behind in Hell, for if they did, they’d be punished on the spot by yours truly. Their weapons can kill demons and angels alike, so we always have to be careful. Removing their masks, they looked just like regular human-like angels. If I ever met Lute, I’d teach her a thing or two.
The Exterminations still appeared to be going on in Hazbin Hell. Our angelic council often sends us news about what goes on in the canon worlds just to keep us prepared. It’s incredibly hard to enter the canon universe and if we get killed there, it’s double death. That also means the canon characters can’t get killed if they come to our universe…lucky freaks.
The white angelic key in front of me morphed into my handy white dog bodyguard, a creature with sharp pointed ears, sharp teeth, small wings, and eyes along his back. I nicknamed him “EekEek,” because he can shoot fire from his mouth when provoked. I patted him on the head before he scurried off from a knock on the door. The door opened and Phalla came in.
Phalla was my closest servant, a ditzy romantic kind of lady. She had long black curly hair with a gray outline, a teal heart over her right eye (both her eyes were fine, it was just for show), and wore a teal-green shirt with white buttons, a white collar, and a Christian Cross necklace. She had a white collar around her neck. Her skirt was white as were her leggings and she wore black shoes. A teal butterfly bowtie was in her hair near her halo. Uniquely, she had butterfly wings with eyes and white angel feathers in them.
I don’t even know her real name but apparently “Phalla” relates to “penis” due to how much she lusts after men. Unlike her, I choose my men wisely and don’t let others choose my name out of mockery. I mean, why didn’t Vaggie switch her vagina name after being with her Adam? Pathetic.
“Princess Coercia?”
“Come in.”
Phalla stepped forward. “Great to see you again, your majesty.”
I turned. “We still have our clients?”
“Yeah, they’re downstairs. You thinking about anything?”
“Family stuff, I guess.”
“Did you hear from your mom yet?”
I smiled. “She talked to me yesterday. Said I was bold to start this hotel project, but she’d support it if it makes more of our people happy.”
“And your dad?”
I sighed. “Too busy as always. Still doesn’t like my idea. Says I’m breaking too many of Heaven’s bulls**t rules.”
“No need to swear all the time,” Phalla chided.
“Swearing is caring,” I smirked.
“Sometimes I think you’d fit better with those edgy demons in Hazbin Hell.”
I scoffed. “At least as a kid, I was brave enough to try a few drops of forbidden fruit in the garden when my parents weren’t looking. Made my wings black and sharpened my free will instincts. Drove them crazy. Why they didn’t have anyone guarding that tree and preventing Roo’s escape even in our world is beyond me.”
Phalla chuckled. “Frank Myrth is cute.”
“What?” I rolled my eyes.
“He is, though. Totally against drugs and porn and all that. And those cute dragonfly wings he has.”
“Whatever. My angel wings are the best there is, and they aren’t even white. Now let’s go get started on our hotel commercial.”
“Our commercial has no chance of being recognized here; even less in the canon worlds…”
“I’ll take my chances,” I said.
The church bells tolled happily from outside as I followed Phalla downstairs.
0 0 0
The television screen later showed my commercial for the Haven Hotel. It first showed two angels with white wings looking bored on a cloud. One had his head on his hand, and another was absentmindedly strumming a small harp.
I began. “Hello there ordinary Saints! Are you tired of following the same rules over and over again? Are Bible study lectures, sermons, and community charities not enough for you? Do you still like to help others? Of course, you do, that’s why you’re in Heaven! But what if I told you there was a place where you could experience true freedom?”
The scene shifted to show a large building made of marble in the sky. A white winged key with a gold eye in the center served as the front piece and the double front doors were golden. The walls were decorated with small sapphires in diamond shapes. The top sign on the roof read in lights: “HAVEN HOTEL.” Off to the left side, attached to the building, was a blue tower which housed a small studio for the angel Stalaro, complete with a dancing pole and a dubstep stereo inside. The lawn in front had golden grass and a Christian Cross on it.
“Welcome to the Haven Hotel,” I announced, “Your path to freedom and safety…founded not too long ago by yours truly, Princess Coerciona Vespar!” I posed with rocker signs and a black crown on my head. “Come place your fate in my hands, and discover your true self, as long as you follow my every command!” The slides showed a drawing of me posing on a golden podium while white-winged subjects prostrated themselves before me. Pub and Chub looked like large butler babies with black wings and thick arrows in their hands as they opened the doors. Above the mantle in the parlor room showed a portrait of me holding a spear and above that was the glowing blue sigil of Archangel Michael. EekEek slept under an onyx table near two blue couches, the frames decorated with eyes. The light fixtures had the appearances of doves and the light blue wallpaper had Hesperius’ royal symbols on it: a dove surrounded by six white wings.
“Look at this gorgeous parlor! And check out our new resident…Frank Myrth, I think his name is.”
Frank Myrth did a small wave before continuing his protection business on a computer. He wore a black suit with teal green vertical stripes, long teal-green gloves, and a white bowtie with a teal center. His right eye was black, and his left eye was white with a blue-green iris. He had white fur like Angel Dust, but he also had four dragonfly wings with eyes on them and white angel feathers. He also wore long white boots.
“We have the best rooms, cleaned by our maid, Klutzy. Hey, Ice Girl!”
A small cyclops turned around and blushed. She had one large blue eye, white skin, short light blue hair with a dark blue streak in it and a halo over her head. She wore a black shirt and a blue dress with a white cat design on it. Her thin arms and legs were white. She was eating a hamburger while a lady model magazine and a video game controller were by her side.
“Are you being messy and lazy again?”
“No?” she asked with a yawn. Icicles briefly hung from her white wings.
“Shouldn’t you get to work so more people can come in and adore my hotel?”
“Well, I was gonna keep playing ‘Slay That Demon,’ but…I guess if it’s for you…just don’t invite any men!”
She slouched and got to work.
“Gotta love that gal!” I chuckled.
“And let’s not forget our bartender of mostly non-alcoholic drinks, Core!”
A tall white cat grinned widely as he folded his hands in prayer. A Bible was next to him on the counter. He had large white wings with lots of eyes and a teal-green stripe with white small Christian Crosses along it. He wore a white top hat with a black Christian Cross and a black Christian Cross necklace. His eyebrows were long and teal with small white stripes on the ends. He wore all white clothing and his tail had blue and green scales on it.
“Welcome to the Haven Hotel, may I interest you in our tenants and the wonderous teachings of Jesus?”
“Hey, you’re not Core!” Phalla exclaimed.
“No,” he replied. “I’m his twin brother Leeson. Core’s doing sacred geometry at a university.”
Phalla facepalmed.
I scoffed. “I don’t even know what his deal is. Creep.”
The camera moved and a frightened bark sounded.
“Oh yeah, let’s not forget the d**k-loving coward, Stalaro! Say hello, loser!”
The blue dog angel frowned at the camera. He wore a light blue suit with navy blue horizontal stripes and a white bowtie. His undershirt was blue with a white Christian Cross design in the center. He had a halo and white angel wings, white pants, light blue sleeves, and white shoes with blue tips. His blue monocle was under his left eye. His two large blue eyes were usually filled with sadness. He carried a magic white microphone with angel wings at the top and a square blue speaker with a white pawprint in the center. He had a gray face and thick blue hair with white tips at the bottom. Finally, he had a thick furry tail in various shades of blue and two large blue and white dog ears.
“This freak likes sweets, dubstep music, light magic, and looking at nude men. He’s always worried about something.” I smirked. “Hey, Stalaro, fetch me some water!”
Stalaro gulped and ran from the room, appearing later with a glass of water. “H-here you go, your majesty!”
“Thank you,” I said. “He’s a great servant, such a coward!”
“P-please don’t be mean!” Phalla called from nearby.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of…” I began as the camera shifted to a shot of the hotel again. “All this and more at the Haven Hotel! Your path to greatness starts here!” The words on the screen read in bold blue, “CALL NOW! PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW OF FIVE STARS OR MORE…unless you’d like to volunteer for target practice!”
I turned off the TV, turned around and smiled. “So, what you do think?!”
Phalla and Stalaro sat dumbfounded on the blue couch.
“Um…” Phalla began, “I don’t really know what that was…”
“Only the best, right?” I grinned.
Phalla began. “One note, Coercia, thank you for so much for making this…seriously amazing…but, maybe the tone is a bit…off…”
I narrowed my eyes.
“We want people to come here,” Phalla said, “And you come across as…um…”
“Selfish,” Stalaro stuttered. “That’s the word.”
“Oh really?” I inquired, pacing back and forth. “I was going for amazing! It’s my hotel, after all.”
“Well not everyone is going to want to serve you right and left,” said Phalla. “There may be royals that come here, too, and you of all people should know when to treat those with respect.”
“As long as they do so for me first,” I said.
“They’ll be freaked out at your…appearance,” Stalaro said. “You aren’t exactly…”
I glanced at my wings. “Bubbly and loving? That’s the point,” I said.
“We’re also part of this team,” Phalla said. “We need to work together, it’s not all about you.”
“Well,” I shrugged, getting an idea. “I suppose if you all want to be at the forefront, I can relax with a Bloody Mother Mary instead.”
Phalla glared at me. Frank Myrth raised his hand.
“Yes?” Phalla asked, blushing at him. Frank Myrth blushed too.
“If you guys are filing a commercial, perhaps we can also discuss our earthly accomplishments, to peak up interests?”
“Your former anti-mafia police career on Earth was fine, but that’s off topic,” Phalla mentioned.
Frank Myrth shrugged. “Just thought I’d throw that out there. Haven Hotel could be a safe place to share past lives.”
“Only if you’re a Saint,” Coercia said. “We need more inclusion.”
“Says the only Heavenborn here,” Leeson mentioned. “I’m surprised that this place isn’t only for Saints.”
I bared my teeth. “It’s for any angel who wants safety from the Satanics. They could attack at any time.”
“So…Satanics can harm any angel, not just Sinners?” asked Klutzy.
“If you’re an Archangel, canon Hazbin character or mythical figure, you’re immune to them,” said Leeson. “Yes, that means you’re vulnerable, too, Coercia.”
I had to admit it was true, but I wanted to strangle that cat in the hat so bad.
Leeson continued. “Also, I believe the Hazbin Exorcists have killed Hellborn demons on the side, not just Sinners.”
“Not surprised,” I said.
“Would you kick angels out into the Satanics if they didn’t follow your rules?” Phalla asked.
I glared. “Depends.”
“A Heavenborn royal willing to let someone be turned into a filthy Sinner just for not obeying you? How low,” Leeson snapped.
“You want me to rip your whiskers off, pussy?” I seethed. “I love you and your philosophies, but go too extreme right and…”
“You’re just an extreme left away from the demons,” Leeson retorted.
“Then why are you even here at this place of freedom? I’m only against the bad Christian bias, not the good parts of it. I’m all for Jesus and love and all that…I just hate it when some people are so stubborn that they get lost in their beliefs and boss others around.”
Leeson snickered. “Ego issues much, hypocrite?”
“Both of you are equally annoying,” Klutzy mentioned. “All I need is some cold, slowness and quiet.” With a glare, she slurped frozen golden ambrosia from a cup with a straw, ignoring the food stains on her dress.
“You’ll get it soon, slob,” Leeson spat. “You’re the epitome of gluttony and sloth.”
“I guess not even angels are perfect,” Phalla added.
“What are you talking about? Angels don’t make mistakes,” I stated.
“Yeah, Hazbin Adam and Lute believed that but look what Lucifer did that got him where he is now,” Stalaro said.
“Good point,” I conceded with a sigh.
Stalaro cleared his throat and did a small smile. “Uh…princess, do you think you could film me snuggling with Frank Myrth? You know, to show this place has love and happiness in it? For those who may secretly like the more…intimate things?”
“I don’t think so,” Frank Myrth made a disgusted face. Stalaro whined glumly. “Okay, then.” Stalaro knew better than to ask Core later…he was under him in a divine contract. Core didn’t have his soul, but Core could ask him to do divine favors on occasion.
“Could I snuggle with you?” Phalla smiled at Frank Myrth.
“Please do,” Frank Myrth grinned in return.
“Get a room, freaks,” I rolled my eyes.
Just then, my cell phone rang with a ringtone of demon screams. “I’ll be back,” I said. I walked off to the side and answered it. “Hello Mother, how are you?”
My face fell and a scowl appeared. “Wait, what? He said that…oh come on! Okay, I’ll be right there.” I hung up.
“What’s going on?” Phalla asked.
“My mother called. She said that Adam…our Adam wants to meet me. Says that my hatred of demons is too strong and to be more ‘harmonious toward others.’ Give me a break.”
“When’s the meeting?”
“Today.” My eyes brightened. “Oh, I know! I will pitch my hotel idea and then I’ll pitch an idea to move the Extermination up six months instead of a year!”
“In our Hell or Hazbin Hell?”
“Both!” I grinned.
“Hazbin Adam already did that,” Phalla mentioned.
“No, he didn’t,” I said.
“As reverse denizens created after the canon characters, we can receive information about the future events of the Hazbin world, provided we don’t interfere.”
“Your talk is nonsense, Phalla! Protecting Heaven is my job!”
“But slaying Sinners in our Hell is very dangerous. It’s not like they just run away and scream; they actually fight back! It’s the reason the Cleansers only do it once a year! To end those suffering for long periods of time and to potentially choose others for Purgatory.”
“Then perhaps I need to train my warriors harder!” I raised my fist. “Find a way to eliminate all the Sinners so they don’t decide to become Satanics and invade our world like they’ve been doing for who knows how long! Never just once a year…they’ve come at such random times!”
“There’s way too many of them,” Phalla warned. “Satanics train for years and they are often regular demons. And besides, Sinners are already being punished by the Seven Deadly Sins until they can try again in Purgatory and on Earth again. That’s how it works.”
“I can see why Hazbin Heaven was so worried about a demon uprising,” Leeson added. “But they would have better reason for an Extermination if the Satanics were also there and if Roo was a confirmed threat.”
“Very true,” I finished. “But it’s not as much fun when I don’t get to be the one that does it,” I grumbled.
“You know you can’t go down there without permission from your parents and the Archangels. Once a year is enough in my opinion.”
“Says you,” I muttered in disappointment. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the meeting and to declare how much I hate this place.”
“I thought you loved your people,” Phalla said. “And I thought you would go out and sing!”
“I do…” I replied, adjusting my black pointed crown, “…if they don’t get in my way. And singing? Um…I guess I’ll do…’Just Another Crappy Day in Heaven’…ugh, I can’t make things up on the spot…”
Phalla groaned as I stormed off.
(I’m not one for cheesy musicals unless they are epic rock solos. I didn’t even bring my electric guitar with me! So, I’ll just skip my embarrassing yelling and swearing and shoving angels around as I made my way to a golden Heaven Embassy building. Maybe I’ll write the song before a concert or something.)
0 0 0
The meeting with Adam and Jesus went about as well as you’d expect…utter crap. And Jesus mostly just stood there as a holograph, listening to me and Adam debate.
“Coercia,” said Adam as he sat in a chair across from me at a round light blue table with high backed light blue chairs. We were in a small meeting room, a similar one that Charlie, Adam and Lute met in. It had blue Egyptian-fan wallpaper, stained glass windows of Christian Crosses, a few seats, a globe with angel wings on it. It had more stained-glass window designs of an Ophanim shooting rays down toward flames. There were even Exorcist sculptures protruding from the walls. Indeed, we were at one of the many golden Heaven Embassy buildings. Adam had short brown/black hair, a goatee, and white skin, looking just like his Hazbin counterpart. He even wore the same outfit with the “A” in the center of his white and golden robe. He had a golden halo and golden angel wings. He even had a matching golden harp-shaped guitar, the top of the guitar a harp shape and the main part curved and golden. However…his eyes were full of kindness and he displayed none of the arrogance of the canon Adam. Strangely enough, Adam enjoyed both ribs and apples. He was actually there in person, not a holograph like Jesus was behind him.
Nonetheless, it still didn’t make me happy when he said things like…
“You are still very young and very headstrong. The people of Heaven count on you and if you dive down into Hell and are killed down there, it’ll cause great fear up here.”
“At least I’ll die with honor,” I said.
“By becoming food for Roo? I don’t think so,” Adam shook his head. “I appreciate you wanting to protect your people. But creating a hotel just to break the rules…”
“To have liberation from mental suffering…” I cut in. “Do you really expect our people to enjoy paradise if they can’t have sex before their afterlife marriages? Or have gay relationships that are 100% accepted as they are in the Hazbin Hell? Or worse yet, have Saints be oblivious to their Sinner ex-family members in both worlds?”
Adam held out a hand. “I’ll explain. Our community is very accepting of all genders and sexualities…”
“Then why doesn’t anyone mention gay marriages on TV here? Why is divorce still a long process? Why are the Heavenborn still getting the best things?”
“Why are you going off topic?” Adam asked.
“Because all these things are connected. Maybe there wouldn’t be so many Sinners if there were more lenient rules.”
“Rules and customs take years or even centuries to change…even here. Being cautious is better than letting people run amok.”
“It’s only a matter of time before some people break down from all the stress and rules.”
“We have healing hypnotic hymns for that.”
I scoffed. “Magic can’t solve everything. Please tell me there’ve been people from here who’ve fallen to Hell.”
“Sadly, yes, but it’s not very common,” explained Adam.
“Then you admit our world and angels are not perfect either.”
Adam somberly sighed. “We do our best for the Lord, and you should, too. Yes, just like Hazbin Heaven, the denizen’s memories of Earth and their Sinner ex-family members are wiped clean. It would be heartbreaking for them to find out that they went to either Hazbin Hell or our Hell. They’d probably try to rescue them, and we all know that is utter suicide. If the citizens become too much like the demons because of your project, they will fall to either one of the Hells and you’ll be held responsible.”
“It would be their fault alone. And rapists and murderers are still family to them, right?” I almost couldn’t believe what I was saying. “So…Sinners can be redeemed right to Heaven, at least in the Hazbin world and the reverse is still true.”
“But you would be the one that encouraged the people to sin in the first place,” Adam pointed out. “Royalty can only do so much before they too, must suffer the consequences. Micheal can easily banish you just like Lucifer if you aren’t careful.”
I seethed, my eyes downcast, not knowing any retorts. Adam looked down upon me…I suddenly felt small and feeble.
“I hereby deny your request to move our Extermination up by six months. We don’t need to take any unnecessary risks. Your job is to save our people up here…and the Cleansers send the message in Hell once per year…‘We choose worthy Sinners to go through Purgatory, and those who have no life left in them shall be slain from their cycle of suffering to the second death.’ Dismissed, your majesty.”
“Man, these worlds are f***ing confusing,” I stomped in defeat, slamming the doors and walking out.
When I got back and entered the hotel, Phalla was waiting for me.
“Feel better, your majesty?”
“Yeah, I guess,” I replied in sarcasm. “If losing to authority and swearing as you walk back works. And I still can’t think of good song lyrics for this s…”
“Wait until you see this,” she said, pulling me to the couch. The whole group was sitting there. Frank Myrth sat up straight in a chair. Stalaro leaned on his cane. Klutzy lounged on the floor. I sat next to Phalla who beamed with excitement. “Oh, I can’t wait to see us on TV! The way we show our love for our people in every scene!”
“It probably won’t be as good without me in it,” I pointed out. “I’m surprised you didn’t just keep mine.”
“And I know that Phalla will look beautiful in each shot,” Frank Myrth smiled, wiggling an eyebrow.
“Shh! It’s starting!” I hissed.
On TV, Phalla smiled as she stood with the group in front of the hotel sans Leeson. They were all dressed in blue, purple and white 1920’s outfits. (Core made Stalaro create them with his magic once he found out about their project, go figure.)
“Welcome to the heavenly Haven Hotel!” Phalla began, before the screen buzzed and cut to the 777News logo and choir music. Everyone groaned in anger.
Catie Carejoy and Ron Wrench appeared on screen, a black-haired woman wearing a blue dress and a male angel with wheels for a head, holding a wrench in his hands and wearing a gray suit. Three black menacing Exorcists appeared on an image on the screen with “EXTERMINATION” under it in red.
“Breaking news in Hazbin Hell today,” reported Catie Carejoy. “We have just received word from the angel messenger council that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Hell’s princess Charlie Morningstar met with the arrogant canon version of Adam, who, after being upset about the murder of one of his Exorcists, decided to move it up to six months. As expected, her idea to redeem Sinners at her hotel has not yet shown any progress.”
“Do you know what that means, Catie?” asked Ron Wrench.
“No, what does that mean, Ron?”
“It means they are totally screwed!”
“But…we’re safe, right?”
“Of course we are. We’re talking about a different universe here. Though…still keep your eyes peeled for Satanics. They may get fired up after hearing of war in other worlds. Remember, they can transform angels of all kinds into demons…”
“…even pretty royal princesses…” Leeson grinned in my head, making me briefly flinch in horror. He snickered at his use of telepathy. One of my greatest fears was turning into one of…them. I could almost feel sorry for Hazbin Adam and his future demonic fate. (Angels can see future events, too, just not future events in our own universe, which is pathetic.)
“Anyway, goodbye Hazbin Sinners…” Catie Carejoy finished with a worried look.
Recovering, I laughed manically in excitement and Leeson did a “go figure” look while the rest of the group howled in horror.
“Come on guys! This is great!” I declared, standing up. “Those Sinners are getting what they deserve!”
“But they are still human souls…” Phalla countered.
“Being murdered by their own kind if the Exorcists are ex-human!” Stalaro said, suddenly not passive.
“Not too different than the Sinners who die in our Hell,” I shrugged.
“The Hazbin Sinners are more relatable and less…monstrous,” Phalla argued. “Based on what they have shown us on TV.”
“They are not supposed to be. They had their chance on Earth!”
“I have to agree with princess here,” Leeson said with an eerie slim smile. “There is no mercy for the dammed.”
“Then why allow them second chances anyway?” asked Klutzy. “Why allow Hazbin Sinners immortality and free will to do what they want in Hell and not learn their lessons?”
“Because Lucifer is a goofy moron clown,” I replied. “At least, the canon version. Insult our Lucifer and you’ll be turned into a snack.”
“Being stuck in their habits in their world isn’t a good thing. Ironically…” Stalaro began. “In the Hazbin world, Sinners who die noble deaths and overcome their vices can be turned into angels. They only have to do it once. In our universe, they have to prove themselves many times in different ways to make sure it sticks.”
“But they can still die a second death!” I exclaimed.
“Or repent. Or redeem. Or reincarnate. The choices are endless,” said Stalaro.
“So…there is free will…?” I pondered.
“Rather like…more forced choices,” Phalla worded.
“More options…more free will,” I stated. “No use sympathizing with people we don’t know about, especially other demons.”
I stretched and yawned after a pause. “Thanks for a good for nothing commercial, since, you know, there was nothing to see! I’m going to bed.” I strolled off, leaving behind my bewildered and worried group.
“What are we gonna do?” Phalla whispered in a low concerned voice. “I love Coercia, but she only cares about herself and doing what she wants. And she doesn’t care about any human souls.”
“But there’s us,” Klutzy said. “We all used to live on Earth.”
“Yeah, but she’s a Heavenborn, after all,” said Stalaro.
“Not all Heavenborns are stuck-up,” Phalla said. “Jesus always spread the message of second chances…’love thy neighbor.’ What if even faraway demons are our greater neighbors?”
“Coercia hates humans and demons,” said Leeson. “I’m only here because Coercia enjoyed my Bible talks and how we both like Adina. You know, the demon-hating lady. And Core is joining because he likes helping people.”
“I’m here because Core dragged me along,” Stalaro whimpered.
“I’m here because it’s free room and board from…sexy royalty,” Klutzy added with a smirk.
“I’m here because I admire Coercia’s incredible discipline and her army,” Frank Myrth added.
“And I’m here because I’ve been her only outside servant and friend,” Phalla said. “Although she can be mean…I still don’t want her to…fall.”
The group sat in stunned silence. Stalaro stroked the white dog’s fur and he smiled softly.
“Very weird how such an arrogant rebel could bring a group of angelic misfits together,” Frank Myrth mentioned. “I think we should give her a chance. I mean, if all goes wrong, we can all at least walk out.”
“But she can overpower us all,” Stalaro worried.
“Let’s just be on our best behavior,” Phalla added. “Coercia may be bossy, but she has good intentions. She does want her people safe from the Satanics. And she does care about others having freedom almost as much as for herself.”
Frank Myrth pondered and then smiled. “You really do see the good in people, don’t you?”
Phalla smiled. “Trust is what I do best. So…you guys with me?”
Everyone nodded.
“Then it’s settled. Let the Haven Hotel’s grand opening begin! Tomorrow, of course.”
Everyone yawned in agreement and headed to bed.
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valentineeatsargoncrystals · 2 months ago
Got a vespar 77 piece from the first rotation of a survival bounty, and the reconifex BP from the bounty reward. I am the queen of RNG
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teenytinycoffeebean · 10 months ago
Can you tell us more about Caelum? All of the details, please?
afksdlac YOU FOUND ME ok ok ok I'll do my best?
First, here is a disclaimer to folks about how I develop OCs. I like to build OCs as another way to explore specific characters/relationships in canon, but it doesn't always mean that the narrative I work on is entirely canon. 
In the case of my Warframe OCs, both Caelum (my drifter) and Vespar (my operator) were created initially for me to explore the more recent content in Warframe (Whispers in the Walls and the content found within that update), with a focus on having a 3rd party viewer to things that are only hinted at in canon. 
OK! With that out of the way, more about Caelum under the cut!
Just kidding, did you want more disclaimers? Sure you did. Here's some important information to keep in mind: 
Fun fact: even if I like to explore relationships and characters I'm also Bad At Consistency, just roll with it lmao
This is not complete! I have background information about Caelum (and Vespar, too), but a lot of it is not documented. This answer will serve to give background to Caelum specifically and get some of that history out there. 
What is mostly covered below is how Caelum got their name :^)
My timeline is in no way watertight and likely contradicts itself and canon more than once. Consider this a work in progress, and things are subject to change at any point at my own discretion. 
I treat Transference as something the Orokin had researched and experimented with before the Zariman event as a way to have even more control specific over Warframes. Caelum can perform Transference through both brutal experimentation and intensive training. 
I also treat Continuity as a procedure used to continue to work within the same confines of a person's experience but with a new, fresh body. In this case, it's used only to keep experiments alive. Is this in line with the actual canon Orokin? Probably not, but just roll with it, ok? 
Caelum and Vespar are not the same person in alternate realities. In this case, Caelum does not have an operator counterpart, and Vespar does not have a drifter counterpart. However, the two are linked regardless, as Caelum is the drifter that arrives in New War 
Don't @ me, but I had a really dumb idea that doesn't even actually make sense, and that's what started this whole thing. Source: Albrecht/Loid/Caelum threesome WIPs on my iPad. 
They were born without a name into a low cast under the Orokin Empire. Their early life is unknown; however, at a young age, they found themselves tethered to the whims of an Orokin master. They were enlisted into a Warframe-related project prior to the Old War, and they were labeled as "Z-7522." 
They were one of the original Warframe operators when Transference technology was in the experimental stages, requiring operators to undergo significant physical augmentation surgeries, extensive training, and many other excruciating procedures, some resulting in death. Z-7522 spent an indeterminate amount of their life as an experiment for the Orokin to test new Warframe technologies and thus underwent the Continuity procedure a questionable amount of times. After the Warframe Insurrection, however, and the project was put on hold, these original Operators were imprisoned and later disposed of. 
At this point, Z-7522 had already been "retired" by their master and, albeit temporarily, set to work in an Orokin pleasure house. There, they are introduced to a pre-Void dive incident, Albrecht Entrati, as an infrequent client, though not as the typical type of clientele... Shortly after this, Z-7522 is sought out and imprisoned alongside other Warframe operators on the heels of new orders from the Golden Lords. 
While imprisoned and awaiting execution, Z-7522’s life was bought in a shady dealing by the warden, ever-eccentric and now-barely recognizable Albrecht Entrati. Entrati had a “role” for Z-7522 and said he would use their still heavily augmented body well. Upon being brought out of the prison complex, bound by chains and assuming their life would continue under oppressive Orokin dominion, is released by Albrecht and offered a task: become Albrecht Entrati’s personal bodyguard and continue operating Warframes as requested. The one catch, however, is that Albrecht wished to study now-defunct Transference augmentation implementation and technology, which meant more potentially painful experiments for them at the hands of an Orokin scientist, albeit the most well-known one in the Origin System. Though, this new life would be a free one. Z-7522 is taken to the Sanctum Anatomica, which will become their new home. Albrecht asks to give him their name, which Z-7522 had never been asked before. It is then that they decide on their chosen name: Caelum.
Caelum is introduced to Loid, Master Entrati’s right hand, and the immense and well-pampered Kavat, Kalymos. While Albrecht is relatively standoffish and difficult to understand, Loid can explain much of what is happening in the labs and translate for Albrecht while Caelum gets accustomed to their surroundings and role. Loid is the first person to treat Caelum like a human, which Caelum is not very accustomed to at first but does warm up and develops a proper personality.
UM SO. That's what I've written in full but I've got some timeline notes written that I can post too:
Working under Albrecht and being his body guard upon trips to 1999 as well as working with Loid / help Loid and Albrecht’s relationship
Albrecht, confusingly, told them they are no longer needed (prior to Albrecht going to 1999 for the final time. Caelum does not know why but obeys nonetheless. Necraloid, on orders from Loid,  follows Caelum into the Cambian Drift to explain to Caelum what Albrecht intends to do. 
Caelum, set on finding a way to return Albrecht hijacks the derelict Railjack Erebos from the Cambian Drift, reparing it to at least general functionality, and attempts a Void-jump, believing this could replicate the time travel Albrecht had discovered. 
The Void-jump is unsuccessful and, now adrift in the Void, Caelum encounters The Tempestarii and Sevagoth’s Shadow, who are able to help Caelum prevent the Erebos from breaking up in a Void Storm as well as recover the corpse of Warframe Sevagoth which Caelum is able to bond with. 
In the Void, Caelum encounters the influence of the Man in the Walls who forces Caelum into Durivi.
In Duviri, without much knowledge how or why, all while losing time and memories. Caelum, going by the name "Aeon" in Duviri, encounters Albrecht (or a remnant memory of Albrecht) in Duviri but isn’t aware of who he is. 
Caelum is able to escape Duviri in the New War and meets Vespar.  (read: standard Duviri story arc)
While Vespar helps to repair the Origin System, Caelum seemingly vanishes, with the newly reconstructed Railjack “Erebos” that Vespar had rebuilt – “soul searching” in an attempt to regain lost memories. 
Whispers in the Walls events happen with Vespar taking the lead, supporting Loid and the Cavia before Loid mentions something that Vespar recalls Caelum speaking of. Vespar puts the pieces together that Caelum had been working in the Sanctum Antaomica in their previous life. She is able to call Caelum back and promises that she has news as to their lost memories.
Reuniting with Loid, etc, etc
UM! that's where I'm at with anything that's worth sharing! I hope if you've made it this far you're not uh too bored?
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skylarkking · 2 years ago
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Vespar and his carrier/mom Lamashtu. A certain individual I know called her a milf and I think she's [REDACTED].
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thewolfisawake · 2 years ago
Trope for Noita
@arcxnumvitae || For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse.
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The Dog Bites Back : Since becoming an established hunter. Noita's had life kick the crap out of her for years. And the Bastion wasn't an exception to that. Using the fact she did not know what they could or couldn't get away with and so gung ho about getting powerful exorcist potential...they never stopped to think of what that actually entailed.
It wasn't that they didn't think Noita held no intelligence, in fact they kinda had to assume she did to even make studies of being an exorcist. But they had assumed that they could keep Noita on a leash since she had ended up being compliant after rough starts. And the attitude problems were just a small price to pay.
The problem is that they didn't think about what happens when potential they saw became realized by its wielder. And that was when Noita Vespar, or Rune as most hunters know her by, started to show they were not to be trifled with. Their powers tend to be ones that cause a lot of destruction in their wake when Noita is not putting care into how she uses it. And on the lowest, pettiest angle...she doesn't put thought into minimizing collateral damage. Because of how the Bastion is, they take care of the damages related to their missions. While they attempted to make it where damages were on them, Noita essentially said she would 'quit without quitting.'
See, the Bastion has a policy of that allows for breaks from hunters because the sheer scale of what they must do (a lot of them are very squishy humans going against very vicious, capricious, or dangerous nonhumans) takes physical, mental and emotional tolls on them. So they can take Sabbaticals from work without penalty. They just don't get paid and Noita, unfortunately for them, is worldly enough to figure it out.
And problem with that is...Noita is too valuable of a person--even with damages--to let go dormant. Her specialization is not common because good exorcists--at least in the Bastion's eyes--need to be born with the sight to see the incorporeal and supernatural. That is very uncommon to begin with. Further from that are that those with spiritual power ALSO powerful enough to deal with those beings in addition to that sight is even rarer. And despite her destructive methods, her way also is unlikely to have repeat of the being coming back because hers is obliteration, not bringing to peace or lulling to complacency.
Add onto that, Noita just does not put up with them anymore. If it's not something she's on board with, the answer is no. Continue to pester her, don't be surprised if her powers act out from the 'stress.' Basically, she is a loose cannon they don't know how to deal with because she gets what she wants while still maintaining their rules. And it is further complicated that while the European branch does have the prestige rule, there is still a slice of the Bastion community that is ruled by the strength. So having a strong hunter out there that doesn't play in the Bastion politics at all, causes its own problems both bad and good. And Noita, frankly, doesn't care how it shakes out.
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