eldritch-spouse · 5 months
Every now and then I’m reminded of the fact that you once referred to vesper “boo boo the sex fool” and I die laughing how would vesper react to his partner having him saved in their phone as that or if they just outright called him it? I’m imagining calling him it during fun times and him ether ignoring it or just laughing
[I think it was Boo Boo the Fuck Fool, actually. I think that started when I was first sketching him, and he kind of looked like a fluffy clown. But I started digging how silly he was getting. He's also commonly called Vespacito.]
He might not see it on your phone immediately. Or assume that it's one of your booty calls, because he too likes to give his friends and bedpets different nicknames. Santi is marked down as Hotpocket, so there's that.
If you call Vesper Boo Boo the Fuck Fool while you're mid-coitus, he has to halt entirely to process what you just said. He has to look down just to confirm that this isn't some fetish terminology he's unaware of, and then, suddenly, he laughs so hard you're probably vibrating from how loud the sound is.
That's amazing. That's- Where did you get that?? The sex has been successfully halted, he's going to need a minute or two to laugh it out. And probably an eternity to come up with something half as funny he can toss at you.
If Lacai or any of the other servants happen to hear this, then that's all Vesper will be called behind his back.
He's not even mad.
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polteergeistt · 1 year
sleep token fanfic comfort starring vespacito (caretaker) et dos (anxious after gig)
Vessel wraps an arm around II, clutching him to his chest. With the other one, he opens the door to his lodge. After gently kicking it closed, he guides them to the couch, where he sits and invites his drummer on his lap. II complies and wraps his arms around the singer's neck, burying his face in the crook of it.
II doesn't cry. But he is close to it. His eyes water a little, his breathing is uneven, his hands shake, his throat is tight. But Vessel is here. He rubs his bare back, whispers softly in his ears the sweetest words of praise and reassurance.
"It's okay. The show is over. You did good. You killed it tonight, I promise. You can relax now. It's okay. It's okay."
II knows he did not do that good. He doesn't know what happened. He who is so good at his job, missed beats, was off timing, made errors. It earned him a few laughs from the crowd, but his chest stung with the pain of shame and guilt. II squeezes his eyes shut as tiny tears break through.
"Breath with me. Can you do that ?"
II mutters the most pathetic "yeah" and matches the rise and fall of his chest. Of course, II would never let down an opportunity to stare at Vessel's tits, but it wasn't about that right now. There is something so soothing about the way his soft belly moves, slowly and serenely. He rests his head on Vessel's shoulder and looks down as one of his hand slides down on the other's chest towards his belly, aiming for the waist.
But before it can reach it, Vessel grabs his hand and holds it to his heart. It's beating quite fast. Vessel takes a couple of deep breath and it slows down to a tranquil pace.
"Your turn" he says softly in the most loving, adoring tone he can.
This makes II's heart race for a different reason than before. He lifts his head from Vessel's shoulder and looks up to his masked face. He can barely see his eyes through it, but he can't miss the caring smile blooming on his lips. He gets lost in it for an instant before focusing on his heartbeat. He looks at his hand pinned to the singer's chest by his hand. He feels his heartbeat and breathing through his fingertips, closes his eyes and takes deep relaxing breaths.
Finally, after long minutes and a stressful concert, II is back at ease. He rests his head back on Vessel's shoulder and he releases his hand. It slides down to his lap and holds his waist as intended at first.
"Are you okay ?" Vessel asks.
"Yes" II answers.
"But Are You Really Okay ?" Vessel insists.
II chuckles at that. His thumb gently rubs on the other's skin.
"I am" he assures. "I fucked up a bit, but I'll do better next time."
Vessel smiles, showing his teeth, and places a kiss on top of the drummer's clothed head.
"That's right, I know you will."
Vessel praised his way of thinking, of believing that he still can do good and not beating himself for his mistakes. II know he's right, but the guilt lingers still. Not as strong as before. He can ignore it, but it won't be gone before he finishes another show flawlessly.
Before any of them could say or do anything, III barges in with the delicacy of an elephant in a porcelain shop.
"We're heading to the hotel, get mov- II ? You good ?"
II sighs and gets up from his singer's lap.
"Yes, yes, I'm okay, we're coming. Come on, Ves, let's go."
He gladly follows him. They all go to the hotel and get a well deserved sleep.
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thenongski · 7 years
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Quickie! Orders came in.. #vespacito #vesparada (at Airforce One Digital KTV)
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lacaja-depandora · 7 years
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Vespacito, la moto del verano, por @DoctorEbola666
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timogsilangan · 5 years
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slimetony · 6 years
Funny little motorcycle going slow in spain... call that vespacito
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edumerino · 7 years
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Ya tengo mi nueva gorra del sorteo @caphuntersshop y me queda genial. #😍😘 #matizado #cool #coolmen #vespa #vespacito #model #cap #coolcap (en Etxebarri)
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Jim, after Merlin used his Vespa to make Toby's and Claire's armor:
It's so sad!
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thefoundsouls-blog · 6 years
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Vespacito 🛵 . . . Alt caption: zoom zoom https://ift.tt/2TWByDA
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
How would Vespacito react to a queen who had been deaf her whole life and so her moans weren’t typical (deaf people do moan differently than hearing people). Would he find them special?
[Really? I've read a few articles saying the noise isn't that different from hearing people, but I wouldn't know honestly.]
Listen, there's one thing he absolutely adores about this.
You likely aren't very aware of your volume. It's already hard to control your volume when sleeping with Vesper as a hearing person, a deaf lover will probably moan loud enough to have the imps outside cackling and clapping. Wow, you're really having the time of your life there, aren't you?
It gets Vesper so hot and bothered that maybe, just maybe, people outside the mansion can hear you losing your mind over his touch. Talking about a dickthrob of a concept.
Your moans are definitely new to him, regardless of them being pretty unique or somewhat similar to a hearing person's, he's heard so many people's specific noises of pleasure that he'll easily identify your quirks and remember them well. There's no mocking intent to be found, your moans are probably not the wildest he's heard, and he'll stop you from covering your mouth in case any past lovers criticized you over it.
Although the Icon learns sign language so he can communicate his depraved fantasies to you, he sometimes struggles due to only having four fingers in each hand, so be a little patient while Vesper learns.
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kibutsug · 6 years
haruko: *runs over naota on her bike*
haruko: this is so sad canti play vespacito
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thenongski · 7 years
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Lunch out muna from work.. #vesparada #vespacito #vespa (at ABS-CBN)
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justjacobmusic · 7 years
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Vespacito > Despacito #LOL Original from @dillonfrancis at https://www.instagram.com/p/BZg9Bs2jfOU/
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motorettemx · 7 years
Muchos de ustedes pensarán que el título de esta nota no tiene nada que ver con la mítica Vespa o que es un error; sin embargo, quienes asistimos al 8º Encuentro Nacional Vespa México del Vespa Club México, recordarán la tarde del sábado 29 de abril como una de las más “acústicas” de sus vidas.
Pero bueno, la verdad es que fue un festejo del día del niño diferente a los que había tenido en mis 36 años de vida, ya que en esta ocasión viajé a la ciudad de la eterna primavera, Cuernavaca, gracias a Grupo Motoplex y Vespa, una de sus cuatro marcas de motocicletas (Aprilia, Piaggio, Moto Guzzi y Vespa) para ser parte de este encuentro anual y vivir de cerca el estilo de vida del icónico y colorido scooter.
Todo comenzó el viernes 28, con una rodada de 40km aproximadamente, de la ciclopista de Vistahermosa, en Cuernavaca, a Tepoztlán, reuniendo a más de 100 Vespas de todas las épocas y modelos que llenaron de alegría el centro del pueblo mágico. Un par de horas después seguimos la rodada al rancho La Morada de los Caballos, a 15km del Tepozteco. Ahí pasamos el día formando parte de los diferentes clubes, conociendo a varias figuras dentro de la escena, tiendas de ropa y accesorios, talleres como el de nuestros amigos de Vespatitlán y sus creaciones; bandas de rock (de aquí la anécdota de la maestra de yoga y Malmalario); foodtrucks y muchas Vespas de todos los años y modelos.
  El sábado 29, después de la fiesta del día anterior, partimos del Jardín etnobotánico de Acapantzingo a la Morelense, en el pueblo de Tetecala, a unos 50km aproximadamente. Aquí la rodada incluyó tramos de autopista y carreteras federales, pueblitos y terracerías. El lugar, cabe destacar, que era espectacular: instalaciones, jardines, feria de productos, y más, superaron por mucho al día anterior. La diversión la puso el concurso #Vespacito, donde muchos conductores mostraron sus habilidades manejando lo más lento posible sin salirse de sus carriles. Música del Dj, consurso de Vespas, artistas gráficos interviniendo algunos cascos, hamburguesas, aguas de sabores y muchas cervezas nos dejaron a todos felices bajo los 35ºC con los que Morelos vive constantemente.
El domingo 30 siguió la celebración, aunque nosotros volvimos a la ciudad de México para festejar a nuestros hijos en el día del niño. Obviamente para mí, pasar dos días recorriendo el estado de Morelos en una Vespa, con algunos amigos, rodeado de verdaderos fanáticos Vespistas (pude ver muchas Vespas tatuadas y scooters con infinidad de equipo adicional), fue un regalo que no olvidaré y del cual me contagié por completo. Y si en el pasado una Vespa se me hacía poco práctica para viajar, el día de hoy quiero una GTS300 y la iré a comprar con mis amigos de Motoplex, quienes amablemente nos pusieron toda la gama para probarlas: la Clásica, Primavera, Sprint y GTS300. Todas nos encantaron y las recomendamos ampliamente; sus precios van desde los $68,500 hasta los $148,500 pero valen cada centavo, ya que encontramos frenos ABS, control de tracción, inyección electrónica, buen espacio para guardar nuestros objetos y una imagen que no te la da otro vehículo de dos ruedas.
Definitivamente fue un evento perfectamente bien organizado por los clubes y autoridades del estado, quienes en todo momento nos dirigieron y protegieron, señalizando la ruta, abriéndonos paso a los “peregrinos”, apoyando a quienes sufrieron desperfectos y me atrevo a decir que todo salió muy bien. El próximo año, la novena edición será en Tijuana, así que desde hoy comenzaré a prepararme para ir de la CDMX a Baja California en una 300GTS.
Conoce más de ellas en: www.motoplexzapata.com y no te pierdas nuestra galería aquí
#EnVespaMX o ¿Cómo se llama tu maestra de Yoga? Muchos de ustedes pensarán que el título de esta nota no tiene nada que ver con la mítica…
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
would Vesper be offended or self-conscious if I say that I find him scarier than Kalymir bc of his belly mouth? It's just, idk, body mouths activate a primal fear in me. And why Vesper and not Vorticia (yes, she is even more scary to me)? Well, I find it more ironic that I find scarier a lust demon than a wrath one. But I also think Kalymir would be even more insulted cuz "how a pink happy-go-fucky demon can be scarier than a battle-hardened bloodthirsty demon?"
Vesper will react differently depending on your definition of fear.
If you happen to find him repulsive as well, he'd be devastated. Vesper wants nothing more than to be the object of your desire. He wants you to think of him and get breath-takingly horny. Fear and arousal are two sides of the same coin, he might even find it hot that you're a tad scared around him- But disgust? No concubus wants their partners to be disgusted by them.
If you're scared enough to piss yourself then it definitely becomes a problem, since trying to feed off you in that state will just traumatize his Queen. Though Vesper isn't too sure what to do in that case aside from sticking low on the floor and being exceedingly submissive for you. He's not a threat, he promises! The demonlord will be upset if he has to use his hypnotism and pheromones to make you minimally comfortable around him. What... What do you mean his mouths scare you? He's not going to eat you, beloved. He'd like to eat you out, but logically, he has no reason to eat you.
You're totally correct, Kalymir would be insanely insulted if you told him Mister Vespacito scares you more? That fucker?! He looks like a slutty clown, what's your deal?? Are you stupid?! You should fear HIM, not Sugardick McGee making blowjob gestures over there...
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Why wont Vespacito just use his pheromones on Cero?
Do you think there would be peace in Hell if demonlords could use their magical influence against each other effectively?
The most Vesper can do is inspire mild arousal in his demonlord peers, all of which have learned to deal with it by now.
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