#very very badly written rambling
nightfal1n · 4 months
Thinking about Kafka and Mina: Where she's at
Maybe Kafka is now walking the path Mina has been through in past years,...
Manga spoilers up to the very recent chapters below including some panels as I rambling while figuring out how to write
not much romantic just in case that's what you're looking for (more like bromantic? i can't do much rereading...)
*reply, tagging that includes mina hate (or any form of hate in general) get instant block. i've seen too many on internet already*
having unknown power thusted on to them and feeling increasing responsibilities being placed on their shoulders
You're the only one who can put stop to all this, but you can't save all of them, in fact, many has died already...you need to act to obtain the best outcome, even that mean letting people dies in front of you
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For Kafka he got Reno pulled up to handle the threat. but Mina...
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...and she's been in this until she learned to step out and get a comrade who she can trust, all by herself. And tbh if Mina has more pettiness in her she can feels more resentment toward Kafka who decided to catch up to her after she finally convincing herself that she doesn't need him anymore
She does call him liar but she never let that out, and ever since Kafka joined the defense force, she never brought that up again
Then why she put a distance between her and Kafka? Aside from their difference in ranks, there's the fact that she remember what kind of person he is
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If she let out that she wants him by her side, simply having him makes her feels invincible. Of course Kafka will rush to her side in heart beat, instead of admiring her from far away thinking wow Mina has made it big. If she decides to tell him how her power doesn't really feels like hers and she simply put a lot of effort to utilize it so people can rest assured, he will realizes that she is still the same Mina underneath the JAKDF idol everyone looks up to.Then why she refuse to show that? Why she maintain their distance, sticks to the military rule whenever she has to deal with him in front of people.
Because people who suported her...a good portion of them, ended up like this:
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She knows even with her power that no one can explains that scared even Mina herself, Kaiju threats are bigger than she can carry alone. She's very objective about choosing Hoshina to be her next-in-command (There's some similarity between Hoshina and Kafka that might influence her decision but thats my headcanon for now). She still want Kafka, his presence alone can pull her out from the depth of despair she's in, but she learned hard way how great it cost to simply stay with her. Her childish self feels betrayed by his absent, calling him liar just to be strong enough to pull the trigger as people around her are dying, begging her to end the threat even a second faster so no more people dies.
Of couse she also respect Kafka's decision to chase after his dream. So she can only hope that when Kafka reached where she is, with helps of all people around him, he will still be the same Kafka she knows
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chaos-has-theories · 5 months
ALSO I am super stressed rn but nonetheless spent last night writing a modern adaptation of "The Three Spinners" as badfic. Honestly forgot again until now
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bthebeachboi · 1 year
Louisiana, drunk out of his mind, low-key dirty talking in French for past hour in the meeting to Florida: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? Parce que tu serais magnifique dans mon lit, étalé sous moi. N'aie pas peur, je peux toujours changer de place avec toi, je suis sûr que tu te sentirais aussi bien en moi que je le pense...
OK, Cal and Gov, watching him now in silence, all understanding French:
Florida, who doesn't understand shit, nodding for the fifth time because his Bro is important and loved: You're so right, Louie, you're so right.
[French taken from translator, so don't expect much, my dirty talking abilities are also down low, so-]
Anyway, I hc Louie as at least heavily flirtatious when actually drunk, man's got no filter, he just talks until something stops him, be it a person or a blackout.
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edmunderson · 2 years
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man, anet really wants ppl to forget about trahearne. His memorial statue is up and out of the way, the colors of it blend in with the scenery too well...... i literally had no idea he actually HAD a statue (when i was doing the knight of thorn sidequest i never noticed it despite it being right there) idk i just feel like they did trahearne dirty 😔
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howlofhades · 1 year
Feeling emotional over people liking my ocs again :((
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leporellian · 2 years
also i find it very interesting given the. everything. that the exact moment when the entire plot goes straight to Don Giovanni’s Crash Course To Hell is when leporello yells “damn you” at him
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redpanda-redpanda · 1 year
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ttransthirteen · 2 years
The effect where you see things more when you’re primed to see them fucks me up a lot but rn. It’s weird. I’m not sure if it applies or not. I’ve been feeling like I’m going crazy about something important and looking p frantically for proof but every time I would get it I’d find a way to talk myself out of it in a couple days, at least to the point where there was doubt. But the last few days the world threw a couple things at me that I can’t argue with and I’ve just been sitting here blinking trying not to be overwhelmed and trying to understand if proof is everywhere and I just have a hard time seeing it or if I just got lucky. I can explain pretty much anything away if I try hard enough and I’m almost there with this. There’s just. Smth.
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chisatowo · 2 years
How does Hagumi manage to have so much transmasc swag and transfem swag at the same time. I mean it's the various layers of gender issues but yknow
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lcerys · 2 months
mentally still rotating his "and calls us strongs" quote since i re-read portions of f&b last night because it opens up two options to me and both are just ? so funny to me. either he went back to court between 127 (when the dinner happens in f&b) and 129 and he got called that again and he's been mulling over it or option two he did not go to court again in that two year period and he's mentally not let it go for two years and that's even funnier to me because he's never recorded as reacting in the moment but him bringing it up a full on two years later ? oh he was seething
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Yoohoo I just had a very cool therapy appointment !! Talked about how I am always ashamed when i talk to people because i feel extremely unlikeable even w ppl who are close to me... but maybe the things that I take as signs that "everyone you love hates you" might be. a misinpretation. Because I dont hate people I love just because they aren't perfect I actually love them
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ahalliance · 1 year
the miscommunication trope when i slagged it off before falling in love with gomens s2 ending
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msmk11 · 3 months
Best Friend’s Mom
MILF!Wanda Maximoff x college age!fem!reader (Billy and Tommy’s best friend)
Part one | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Word count: 5k
CW: Age gap (legal), best friends’ mom, MILF!Wanda, fluff, consumption of alcohol, mention of absent parent, light smut
Summary: You get invited to spend spring break with your best friends Tommy and Billy Maximoff and their mother, Wanda. But Wanda is not just any mom you soon discover. She’s a MILF. And god do you want her badly. Only in your wildest dreams could she ever be attracted to you too- or so you think.
A/n: It’s finally here per your votes on my poll! This is only part one of (probably) two however. A) I’ve never written for Wanda before so I’m having a harder time saying what I need to succinctly. B) I have the fattest crush on Wanda so perhaps this is just my rambles. I hope you enjoy!!
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When your twin best friends Billy and Tommy had invited you on their beach family vacation over spring break, you had obviously said yes. The thoughts of sand between your toes, the warm sun on your skin, and the calming crash of the waves sent a shiver of excitement down your spine every time you thought of it. Of course, you were also just excited to spend time with your best friends, but the beach was at the forefront of your mind. Though your daydreams had already crafted a vision of perfection for this trip, the reality, surprisingly, far exceeded it. This was all thanks to one sinfully sexy Ms. Maximoff.
From the early budding of your friendship, you knew that Billy and Tommy adored their mother- especially since their father had left them all behind at a young age. Their descriptions made her seem sweet, loving, and remarkably kind. While your first introduction certainly reassured these claims, it was her beauty that struck you. Perhaps in your head you had imagined someone a little more….motherly looking… rather than the mortal goddess before you. With the way her auburn hair fell down past her shoulders in waves, her blue skinny jeans hugged the curve of her waist just right, and her soft, pink lips were always adorned with a smile, you were certain she was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen.
When you, Billy, and Tommy pull up to the beach house in their small gray sedan and a redheaded woman, who you assume to be their mother, comes out, you are dumbfounded to say the least. Before her boys can even get their luggage from the trunk, she sweeps each into a bearhug and exclaims, “hello moya lyubov!”
Their unconvincing protests fall on deaf ears as she continues to smother them in love. You’re sure to tease them about it later.
When Ms. Maximoff breaks away from Billy and Tommy, she turns her attention to you and smiles sweetly. As she makes her way towards you, your heart begins to beat quickly as you realize how beautiful she is.
“Hello, dear,” she greets, “Billy and Tommy have told me all about you.”
Before you can respond, she too pulls you in for a hug. The burn of her touch, even through your shirt, is almost too much to bear, and her flowery perfume that fills your nostrils makes your head feel all woozy.
As she pulls away you can feel your cheeks burning and you try to act calm despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Maximoff, and thank you for letting me stay with you all this week.”
“Oh honey, no. Please don’t call me Ms. Maximoff, it makes me feel old. Wanda is just fine. And the pleasure is all mine, really. I’ve been eager to meet you ever since you became friends with my boys at the start of college.”
“Well, I’ve uh- been eager to meet you too. Billy and Tommy speak very highly of you.”
Wanda nearly coos as she turns to her sons brightly, “Awe moya lyubov, you two are too sweet.”
Your best friends flush red with embarrassment and the glares they shoot you as their mother hugs them again let you know they’ll berate you later for making them “look uncool.” Finally, Wanda pulls away and she urges you all to grab your stuff and follow her into the house.
Once inside, Billy and Tommy kick off their shoes haphazardly and start down the hall to the bedroom they’re sharing (so you can have a room to yourself). You, conversely, slip your shoes off gently and leave them by the door neatly. Wanda waits by your side and then motions for you to follow her once you’re done.
On your way to your room, Wanda gives you a mini tour. You pass through the small kitchen with light wooden floors, white cabinets, and seafoam blue walls. The living room is similarly beachy and charming, with big glass doors opening onto a wooden porch in the back and a smattering of brightly colored furniture organized around the room. At the end of the hall from the living room sits three doors, each leading into a separate room.
“Here we go, honey. Your room is this door on the left, the bathroom is the door in front of us, and my bedroom is here on the right. I hope you don’t mind being my neighbor and sharing a bathroom with me, but I figured it’d be better for the boys to have the master this week since they’re sharing a space,” Wanda tells you.
“No of course not Ms. M- Wanda. I feel bad that Billy and Tommy have to share, though. I honestly don’t mind sleeping on the couch!”
Wanda reacts as though you’ve just slapped her, “Oh honey, no! I’d never make a guest sleep on the couch! I want to make this place as comfortable for you as possible. Plus, the boys will be just fine. They spent the first half of their lives sharing a room, they’ll manage.”
You chuckle a little and smile kindly at her, “Well, thank you, seriously, I appreciate it.”
She waves her hand as if it’s nothing and then motions for you to go see your room, “I’m going to go finish up dinner honey, but let me know if you need anything.”
Wanda saunters off down the hall and you curse her for even walking sexily. Shaking yourself out of a daze, you go inside your room and promptly shut the door behind you. You drop your bag on the floor and then throw yourself on top of the fluffy, blue comforter, groaning into the mattress. You really hope you can survive this trip.
It seems you must’ve fallen asleep on the comfy bed that feels more like a cloud, because suddenly you are jostled awake by a body landing on top of you. You let out an oomph as the air is expelled from your lungs and the weight of Tommy’s body settles on top of you.
“Tommy, you big lug,” you groan, “get off of me.”
You push the boy off of you and he rolls onto his back, “Had to wake you up somehow, you freak. I kept prodding you and nothing happened besides your continued snoring.”
“I don’t snore!” You protest, propping yourself up on your elbow and looking at him.
“Do too” he teases, “mouth open and all.” He then opens his mouth dramatically and lets out an obnoxiously loud snore.
You smack his stomach a little and he groans. In retaliation, he sweeps your elbow out from under you, forcing you to fall flat on your back again.
“Prick,” you grumble.
“Hey you should be a lot nicer to me, you know. I could’ve left you here to sleep and starve.”
You sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes, “I doubt your mom would allow that.”
The brunette snorts, “Touché.” He stands up and nods his head towards the door, “let’s go eat.”
You and Tommy make your way down the hall to the kitchen, playfully teasing and shoving each other a little on the way. When the longer-haired brother gives you an especially playful push into the kitchen, you nearly fall right in front of Wanda. You’re a little more than embarrassed, so you try to hide your face from her by turning back towards Tommy and glaring. He’s smirking until he’s not- when Wanda gently chides him for “being rude to the guest.”
“Mom she’s our friend, she can take it,” Tommy reminds her.
“Plus,” you add, “I can take either of them, easily, any day. I was just caught off guard there.”
“Really now?” Billy challenges.
You hum in confirmation.
“Fine, then I suggest a game of chicken after dinner.”
“Who’d be our fourth player?” you ask, confused.
“I will,” Wanda answers with a slight smirk, “I love a good challenge. And I’d love to see you beat my boys.”
“Oh you’re so on, Mom,” Tommy answers with a grin.
The twins look at each other with evil, cocky smirks on their face, and you can tell that they’re confident they’re going to win. You look at Wanda nervously because a) you don’t want to lose to the twins and b) you don’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of her. Her confident smirk, however, so similar to her sons, eases your fears just a little.
They come storming back after dinner, however, when you first see Wanda in a bikini. Though you wouldn’t say it’s skimpy by any means, for goodness sake she’s around her sons, it still certainly shows a lot of skin. The butterflies are beating around aggressively in your stomach as you admire the red swimsuit she’s wearing- the color compliments her skin tone so very well, the top shows just enough cleavage to leave something to the imagination, and the bottoms hang low on her hips, flaunting her soft, white stomach.
You become even more nervous when you realize that you are going to have to sit on top of Wanda’s shoulders. While Billy and Tommy jump into the pool, you cautiously discard your towel on a chair and turn to Wanda, “I didn’t even think about the fact that I’d have to be on your shoulders. We can just call off the game, I’ll probably be too heavy for you.”
The redhead shakes her head and chuckles, stepping a little closer to you, “Honey, I know how chicken works. I wouldn’t have offered to play if I didn’t think I could carry you. I’m a lot stronger than I look, you know.”
You want to believe her, but you are just so nervous about hurting her that you can only weakly smile and nod.
“Hey, are we playing chicken, or are you two too chicken?” Billy calls out mockingly.
“Oh we’re more than ready, boys,” Wanda answers confidently, hands on her hips.
She walks forward and slides down into the pool, the turquoise water riding up to her waist. She beckons you over to the edge, “I’ll stand here and you can hop on, since I know you’re a little nervous about getting on my shoulders.”
You take a deep breath and nod. Wanda turns around and you step forward. Tentatively, you hook one leg over her right shoulder and her hand immediately comes up to grab your thigh. You tense at the skin to skin contact and it sends a little shiver up your spine. Thankfully, Wanda can’t see your face, so she hopefully just assumes that you're nervous about getting on her shoulders and not for….. other….. reasons.
“You’ve got it, honey,” She encourages you sweetly.
You quickly lift your other leg up and hook it around her left shoulder. She grabs your other thigh tightly and squeezes it, as if reassuring you.
Problem one million- Wanda being this strong is really hot, adding to your already insanely high level of attraction towards her. You fear you might pass out on the spot.
“Good to go?” The redhead asks you softly, craning her neck a little to look up at you. Her green eyes are soft but determined and they send a surge of confidence through you, “Yes, I’m ready to take them down.”
Wanda easily wades through the water over to Billy and Tommy, who have situated themselves with Tommy as the anchor and Billy on top. You look your opponent in the eye and smirk, sending him a playful glare, “You’re on, Maximoff.”
Billy only scoffs at you cockily and then waves you forward, challenging you to go up against him. Wanda and Tommy move in towards one another and you stick your arms out, bracing for Billy’s attack. He comes in swinging, bringing his right arm down to your side trying to shove you off. You are braced for it, though, and Wanda’s strong grip keeps you in place. You retaliate by grabbing his wrists, simultaneously trying to keep him from hitting you and also jostle him around. After a few seconds of back and forth, Billy rips his left arm free, the force causing you to wobble a little.
“I got you, honey,” Wanda calls up to you when she hears the sharp breath you take.
You shake it off and head towards Billy with double the amount of determination. Letting go of his other wrist, you go for the shoulders and give him a hard shove. This alone does not push Billy off of Tommy’s shoulders. However, the former twin’s movement throws the latter twin off balance, sending them plummeting backwards into the water. They land with a loud splash and you and Wanda cheer loudly. When the boys come up for air they are spluttering and groan at your victory.
“You two are stronger than you look,” Tommy concedes.
“Never underestimate your mother,” Wanda chides teasingly. She then looks up at you, “do you want me to take you back over to the edge to hop off?”
Your newfound victory, especially with Wanda on your team, has caused your confidence to soar. You shake your head, “No that’s okay, you can just drop me in the water.”
The redhead smiles sweetly, “If you insist.”
Before you have a second to think, she is lurching backwards, sending you both crashing into the water just as the twins had. The water is much colder than you anticipated and it overcomes your senses as you flail around. When you breach the surface you let out a gasp of air and shake the water from your eyes, “Holy fuck that’s cold!” you shout, then immediately cringe for cursing in front of Wanda.
Luckily she only chuckles, an evil glint in her eye, “You asked to be thrown in, honey. I was only doing what you asked.”
“A little warning would have been nice,” you answer with a playful pout.
She only laughs again, her head thrown back a little, and it’s quite the sight to see.
The next morning, you wake to soft, yellow sunbeams falling across your face. The sound of gentle waves can be heard just slightly through your window at the back of the house and you sigh contentedly. You could get used to this. After laying sprawled across your bed for an undetermined amount of time, you finally decide it’s time to get up. You wander down the hall into the kitchen, on the hunt for food, and find Wanda sitting at the kitchen table, book in one hand, coffee in another, clad in a silk, white slip nightgown.
“Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?” She asks sweetly.
“Like a baby.”
“I’m glad to hear it. What can I make you for breakfast?” Wanda asks, already rising from her chair.
“Oh, Wanda, no. Please. You don’t need to make anything. I can just snack on something for the pantry. I don’t usually have much for breakfast anyways.”
Wanda tsks at you and waves you off, “Well that just won’t do honey. It’s more important than ever for you to fuel your body at this age- what with all the studying, busy work schedules and… other things.”
Wanda winks at you then and you choke on your spit a little. Had she just implied…? No, she couldn’t have. But…
“Yes, well, school and work keep me busy enough to not have time for other things, Wanda. And I make up for a light breakfast with more filling meals later.”
It seems as though Wanda ignores the latter fact as she asks how you like your eggs and pulls out a frying pan.
“Well, honey, I really can’t believe what you’re saying. Someone as beautiful and sweet as you must be overwhelmed with social obligations- parties, friends, dating.”
You try to hide the blush on your cheeks from Wanda’s flattery, “No really, Wanda, I don’t have all that many. And I’m happy with my small group of friends.”
“You know,” Wanda starts, turning towards you as the eggs cook, resting her back against the counter, “I have to ask, and I hope you’ll excuse me for wondering, but I wanted to know if you were seeing or were interested in one of my boys. You just seem awfully close and I can’t help but wonder…”
You burst out in laughter at the heinous suggestion and Wanda’s eyebrows raise in bewilderment, “Oh god, no. Never in a million years would I date them.”
Wanda purses her lips and you realize how that sounded, “Please don’t take that the wrong way, Wanda. You’ve raised such lovely boys, you know. And I love them dearly, but not like that. They’re like my brothers. And even if they weren’t, I wouldn’t go for them. Or any guy for that matter… I like women.”
All the confusion and maybe even a little defensiveness drains from Wanda’s face at your confession and she visibly relaxes. She turns back to the eggs and picks up the pan, “I see. Well, the boys are grateful to have you in any way they can.” She walks over and sets the plate down in front of you, “And that makes me pretty grateful too.”
As she stays behind you, Wanda tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and you shiver.
“Thank you, Wanda.”
“My pleasure, Detka.”
The tension is so thick it is unbearable as you sit on a chair across from Wanda. At this point, you know it isn’t hot enough outside for you to be feeling this flushed. Rather, the way Wanda keeps looking over at you not so sneakily as she nurses her wine is leaving you all hot and bothered. When she takes another sip you are entranced by the way her soft, red lips wrap around the rim of the glass. And when she pulls the cup away, a drop of the wine is still on her lips. You nearly gasp as her tongue darts out, seemingly in slow motion, to lick it up. At this point, you know your staring is obvious, but Wanda just looks so pretty in that sundress, and one too many glasses of wine has left you feeling a little reckless.
“Want another sip?” Wanda muses teasingly, pointing the glass towards you.
“Oh no, I’m okay, Wanda, thank you.” You answer softly.
“Come on detka,” she says huskily, “just come have one more sip. I don’t think I can finish it alone.”
Really, you can never say no to this woman, so you oblige, standing from your chair and walking over to sit down next to her. Her perfume wafts over you as she leans in and hands you the glass, and you feel woozy.
You take a sip of what little wine is left in the glass and swallow as Wanda watches you the whole time. You turn to the redhead and hand her the glass. She sets it on the table without once breaking eye contact with you.
“Oh Detka, you have a little drop of wine on your lip. Let me get that right-“
She reaches out and cups your cheek. Instead of wiping it away with her thumb like you think she will, she leans in and captures your bottom lip between your own. She sucks on it softly and you nearly moan. Before you can really process what’s happening, she’s pulled away, a knowing smirk on her face, “There baby, all better now.”
“W-Wanda- I.” You stutter.
“Hmm?” She asks, sickeningly sweetly.
“Can you do that again?”
“Do what again, baby?”
You almost whine at her teasing, “Kiss me, Wanda. Please.”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she whispers, already pressing her lips to yours again.
You sigh deeply as the flame rekindles in your belly and your heart beats faster. Your kisses are fast and sloppy, your tongues battling for dominance. Keeping your lips on hers you shuffle, straddling your legs on either side of her lap as you wrap your arms around her shoulders.
Wanda groans and grabs your hips tightly, digging her nails into the slight bit of bare skin showing as your shirt rides up.
She tastes like chocolate strawberries and wine and you chase her lips like you’ve been starved for days. Wanda just smells so good, and feels so good, and tastes so good that you’re insatiable. Unknowingly, you rock your hips a little, and a jolt of pleasure shoots through you at the friction between your legs. You moan into her mouth and try it again, this time rolling your hips more aggressively. Combined with Wanda’s kissing, it feels really good.
“Careful Detka, don’t start something you can’t finish,” Wanda warns lowly.
You pull away suddenly, gasping for air, “Wanda, I want this. I- I want you right now. I need you.”
She looks at you intently, those green eyes both soft and loving while also glazed with lust, “you sure, baby? There’s no going back after this.”
“Please,” you say, this time really whining.
“Start with my thigh,” she orders.
You lean back in and kiss Wanda again like before, but this time with the repeated motion of you humping her thigh, chasing your own pleasure. Wanda’s hands slowly travel down your sides, one stopping to grope at your breasts while the other makes it’s way to cup your ass. The added stimulation to your ass and tits makes you moan into her mouth again.
She pulls away and shushes you quietly, “gotta be quiet, baby. Wouldn’t want the neighbors to hear.”
You nod meekly and bite your lip to keep any more moans from slipping out. Wanda takes the chance to place her lips elsewhere, assaulting your neck and exposed collarbone with bites, licks, and sucking. Before you know it, you feel yourself getting closer to the edge, tension building in your belly. Maybe it’s the pace of your hips, or Wanda just has a sense for these things, but she can tell you’re close. Before you can get there, however,
“Wake up. Stop sleeping the day away.”
You are rather rudely awakened, you think, by Billy. His wet hair drips onto your face as he hovers over you, “Come swim with us and quit being boring.”
“But I’m getting my tan on,” you whine.
“You can do that in the water,” he retorts.
When you don’t make any sign of movement, Billy huffs, “You always have to make things difficult, don’t you?”
Before you can protest, the boy grabs your waist and pulls you up, flipping you over his shoulder.
“Billy,” you screech, “Put me down!!”
He ignores you and starts off towards the ocean. You smack his back and flail your legs but that doesn’t stop him. Before you know it you are met with a blast of ice cold water as he flings you into the salty ocean. When you burst to the surface spluttering you send Billy the biggest glare.
“You’re dead meat Maximoff.”
You quickly wade through the water towards Billy and lunge forward. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and bring him down into the water with you. You’re a mix of flailing limbs under the water. You get an elbow to Billy’s face and him a blow to your stomach before you both swim upwards and gasp for air. Tommy is there, laughing at you both, so you and Billy share a sneaky look before grabbing him by the ankles and pulling him down too.
Though you may have been peeved at Billy for throwing you into the water, it does feel rather nice on your hot skin. It also curbed your rather lusty thoughts of your best friends’ mother. The three of you stay out in the ocean for awhile, play fighting, throwing a football and diving for seashells. It makes you feel like a bit of a kid again, and you notice the recent stress of exams, school, and work fading away.
After a few hours at the beach, the three of you make your way back to the house. You drag your gear- sunscreen, towels, snorkels, and the likes to the back porch and collapse on some of the patio furniture. Tommy wanders inside for a moment and returns with a few beers for you all to share. As you sip and make light conversation, Wanda appears from the house, a tray of snacks in hand.
“How was the beach moya lyubov?” She asks, setting down the tray in front of you three.
“It was great, Mom. You should’ve joined us,” Tommy replies before stuffing a few carrots in his mouth.
She takes the fourth chair, which happens to be next to yours, “I wanted you all to have your fun. Plus, I’ve been to that beach plenty of times.”
“Next time though,” Billy tells her and Wanda smiles a little.
“Yes, next time.”
You reach forward to grab a cracker off the tray, and you’re not unaware of the way Wanda’s eyes follow you. You lean back again and munch happily on your cracker, trying to not be self conscious under the woman’s stare.
Suddenly, Wanda reaches out and pulls on the strap of your bikini top, “I like this swimsuit, honey. Where’d you get it? I’m looking to buy some new suits so I can throw out my old ones.”
Wanda’s deliberate touch excites you, and you keep your legs crossed to hide the way your thighs sort of squeeze together.
“Uh Target, I think. The boys got their trunks there too.”
She hums softly, “It’s so hard to find flattering suits nowadays don’t you think? Either they’re two thin pieces of fabric that cover nothing at all or they’re boxy, ugly one pieces that do no one any favors.”
You groan loudly, “tell me about it. I think Billy and Tommy almost left me behind when we went shopping because of how long I was taking. Not that I blame them, though I told them it’s also not my fault there are so few good options.”
“Mom, one swimsuit had fur,” Billy says with a shudder.
“Another looked like a disco ball,” Tommy adds, “like are you going to the beach or a strip club?”
You all burst out laughing at the sadly true comparison.
“All I can say is that I really was lucky to find this swimsuit.”
And as you lean forward to grab another cracker you swear you hear Wanda mutter under her breath, “Lucky for me too.”
Much of the rest of your afternoon had been spent on that back patio talking, snacking and playing cards. Dinner had been light, and with a few booze in your body you were feeling pretty good. You’d wandered off to shower after dinner, wanting to get the sunscreen and sand off your body. The hot water and soap in your hair feels amazing, and you are appreciative of the privacy to process all of the thoughts and feelings from the day. You still haven't gotten over the comment you are sure Wanda had made earlier. A part of you wonders if you’d just made it up, your horny mind so desperate to believe that she finds you attractive too. But even though it was just above a whisper, the words echo in your mind loud and clear- “lucky for me too”. How could you make that up?
It feels wrong and, frankly, rather inappropriate to pursue your suspicions further. Wanda could’ve meant anything by what she said.
Maybe she was grateful that you bought that swimsuit, so now she knew where to buy hers too?
Maybe she was grateful she didn’t have to be subject to some ugly swimsuit you’d have been forced to wear.
Or maybe. No. You couldn’t even let yourself consider the possibility of Wanda being attracted to you. That would be a bad idea that would only get you in trouble.
You decide there is only one way to solve the problem.
After your shower, you slip out of the bathroom into your room only scantily clad in your small towel. You firmly shut the door behind you and drop your towel, making your way onto your soft bed. You lay on your back, head resting against the pillows, and spread your legs a little. You’ve been desperate to ease the ache between your legs for hours and you can’t wait any longer. You hope that maybe, if you do this, your horniness will dissolve and you can go about your business the rest of your trip happily.
As your hand trails lower between your legs, you sigh at the pressure very much needed to cure the intense ache. It feels good, really, but you only wish it was Wanda’s hand instead of your own. You shut your eyes and your breaths become heavier as you indulge for a moment, imagining that Wanda was here. You think about the way she’d say your name huskily, how her perfume would invade your nose as she held you close, how her fingers would know exactly how to make you feel good, and in no time, you’ve reached your high. Though you try to be quiet, you can’t help the semi-loud pleas of her name that leave your lips as pleasure wracks through your body.
You collapse back against your pillows, panting and your hands at your side. You can only revel in your bliss for a few moments before there is a knock on your door. You scramble up, your heart beating fast in your chest, feeling as if you’d been caught. You throw on your pajama t-shirt at the end of your bed, and it just barely covers your ass. But you figure it will work well enough to answer the door. You rush over and pull it open, and are shocked to find Wanda on the other side.
“Hey, Wanda, what’s up?” You ask breathlessly.
It’s then that you notice how her pupils are dilated, and that she has this look in her eyes. One so reminiscent of your dream.
“You know if you needed help, Detka, you could’ve just asked. I’m more than happy to help someone as pretty as you.”
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d0llfaac3 · 4 months
Dating Spencer Reid Hcs
Pairing: Spencer Reid x FBI!F!Reader
Warnings: these are NSFW and SWF head canons so minors do NOT interact, mentions of neurodiversity which is probably badly written because I’m autistic myself and I can’t write for it very well!!
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When Spencer is overstimulated, he attaches himself to your hip..like he gets clingy. (I’m projecting)
Having a weekly routine, Tuesday night was Star Trek night and Friday night was pizza and movie night.
Spencer’s REALLY good with kids if you ever babysit.
Going on cute little bookstore dates.
He’s memorised your food orders and coffee orders in case you get too scared to order.
On lunch breaks you two sit on the FBI offices’ stairs, just talking.
Spencer really appreciates that you listen to him rambling and he’s able to unmask around you.
When Spencer gets anxious, he plays with your hair tie that’s on his wrist.
Hickeys..Spencer REALLY likes hickeys.
Certified bottom™️
He loves you being on top because he can grab your boobs.
Spencer is a tits guy, obviously he loves all of you but your boobs really got him going..
(Post prison) Spencer is usually on top, he gets angry more often but not at you and he needs a release..
When you and Spencer start going out, the first time you two had sex was almost mind blowing for Spencer, he had only had sex once or twice but you made it so much better.
Spencer’s sex drive is crazily high when it comes to you.
In the middle of a case one time you where in the filing room of the BAU and Spencer starting kissing your neck, he even put his boner against your ass.
You really see Spencer out of his shell with you.
Hope you enjoyed!! Request anything else :)
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I’m still having way too much fun with the Colab notebook, haha. I always set show_all_candidates to true; it’s like getting a bulk discount.
Anyways, when reading the additional results for each candidate, I always find it a bit frustrating that the ones most likely to get lots of notes (and therefore most likely to get selected) are usually those that consist of short Tumblr-style humor or just mention random identities, rather than the longer ones, which are usually much funnier because of the earnestness with which Frank will talk about complete nonsense.
I fed sold(ered) 2 her into the Colab notebook a couple of times, and the longer responses containing continuations and/or serious analysis of the gibberish I wrote almost always lost to the quippy one-liner reactions, no matter the mood score. After Tumblr!Frank responded with just an image at first, I was surprised when I managed to even get one long response out of her before she got off track and started talking about actual pets.
To be fair, the fact that Ramsay is involved obviously exacerbates this, since the short responses don’t leave space for Frank to get into all the Ramsay-related topics that would fail a content review, but the trend persists even with more neutral story/multi-paragraph prompts.
I think that outside of “#quotes”, a lot of Frank’s most entertaining posts are her reblogging fiction or reviews from “her dash” and initiating RP or responding like she’s an expert on a given topic.
Also any posts supporting my frankhorse agenda, of course, but that one is likely just me.
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gghostwriter · 27 days
Knots of Yearning
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Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer lies by omission or in which Spencer acts like he doesn’t know how to tie a tie just to get you to do it for him Trope: Yearning/Angst; think season 1 Spencer Reid w.c: 1.3k a/n: when i thought of this idea, i was thinking it would be some cute light hearted fluff but when i started writing it, it became angst, filled with pining and tension so I dunno what happened but i finished writing it and thought it would be a waste not to post my rambly written fic. I might write a part 2 for this just to close it out to a happy ending. Let me know if that would interest you. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗
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Two halves of a whole, the perfect pairing and yin & yang. Those were just some monikers that Spencer Reid had heard describing his partnership with you that started during the academy. He, being a genius in all things academic and psychological but severely lacking in the physical and combat department. You, on the other hand, filled those gaps—acing all physicals and being well known for being a shy but killer shot. Not to say you were lacking in the other categories, no, you came only second during written exams. 
So it came as a no surprise when graduation came and you both were cherry picked to join the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Spencer being chosen by SSA Jason Gideon and you being selected by Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. 
The two geniuses of the BAU and the apprentices were added to the roster of nicknames.
Ever since then, he had traded in his standard issued trainee uniform to a button down and a matching tie—a tie that he badly struggles with or so Spencer made you believe. He didn’t mean to lie at first—didn’t mean it to go this far but by the time he felt the need to tell the truth, it had been too late. Each moment you’ve spent close to his space, invading it really, had become the highlight of his days and fuel for his nights. 
He often wondered if you catalogued his reaction just like how he did yours. Did you notice his staccato breathing just like how he noticed your subtle inhalation of his perfume? What about the reddening of his cheeks and neck in contrast to your trembling fingers? Or how about his eyes that convey his utter devotion as yours focus on any exposed skin in between his tie and collar? 
It seemed like a dance between him and you, to see how the other reacts and to figure out who would cave under the mounting attraction that had been building since the first ‘hello.’ 
With his choice of tie for the day hanging loosely on his neck, you would shyly smile and as if spellbound, he would shuffle to your orbit in silent plea for help that he needed.
Each glide of your finger made his encompassing thoughts about the mundane stutter into a halt. How his mind would then bombard itself with questions as to how the universe created such perfection. Each loop of your hand became vivid imagery of his own nimble fingers caressing your palm and all its engraved lines as if they contain the maps to all hidden mysteries of the world. And each tug to secure the knot transformed into a loud beating of his chest, encased within it’s cavity, with chants of waxing prose on how your very being, mind, body, and soul, call to his in a way that even his expansive vernacular could never explain. 
But no matter how much he wished for time to slow down for these intimate moments to last, it never did comply. So here he stayed, lying by omission—yearning for you to notice him, memorize him, and end his pining for the woman who seemed too unattainable for his clumsy, stuttering self.
 You accepted the lie well. Maybe too well.
The first time a blue striped flimsy piece of accessory hung around his neck, a sudden burst of courage took over, bringing you to a stop in front of his lithe, towering body and hands reaching up to whisper caresses on the silk to mold it into a secure neck tie that centered itself on his reddening neck—the color matching the one that bloomed on your cheeks as you realized what you’ve done. 
Your mind had rationalized someone as smart as he knew how to fix a tie but your body had moved on it’s own, having have spotted a once in a lifetime chance to invade his well protected space—the same way he had invaded your mind in every waking and sleeping moment.
That same chance turned into a routine. A blessing that you had come to look forward to, your steps having a bounce in them as you enter the bull pen and spotting a different pattern tie hanging undone on his neck every work day.
You knew, with no backing evidence that Spencer has to be doing it on purpose but didn’t want to spiral much into thought as to why he would leave that intimate action up to you.
Did he take note of every reaction you had to his presence the same way you did? The slight rocking on your heels as he inhaled your carefully chosen perfume? The biting of your lip as you felt his honey dripping eyes on your face? If he felt the same, you wondered why nothing has been done and if you had another burst of courage, would you have acted upon the tension? 
Maybe. Maybe not.
Maybe that was why you settled for accepting his poorly crafted lie of not knowing how to tie a necktie. 
It wasn’t really a lie if the other party knew the truth, right? Or was it a double lie now that silence has stacked between you and him? 
If you were being slightly honest with yourself, Spencer Reid had always fascinated you. Among the sea of gym built muscles during the academy, his gazelle stature has stuck out like a sore thumb and that intrigued you. How was it that a male, younger than any of his peers, that looked like he could grace a runway was in an institution that reeked sweat and masculinity? That very same question answered when you found yourself seated beside him in a profiler career talk. His intellect, that was why and although it seemed to alienate the others, not once did you feel inferior beside him. Rather, it pulled you in more. His quiet, unsure demeanor was the next to capture your attention. It was an invisible coat that he wore everywhere he went, sewn from years of bullying and ostracizing—similar to your experiences of having skipped a grade. Here was a comrade you thought and so, you silently orbited around his gravitational pull until he took notice and uttered the words ‘hello, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid’ in a low, trembling voice. 
You didn’t know when that same fascination turned into adoration. There was never a specific moment in time that you could pinpoint when it all changed. It just happened, one day you woke up and the past truth had transformed into a half truth—and the whole truth now being, you falling and yearning for a man who had a bright future in reading people’s actions but seemed too oblivious to the call of your aching heart. 
Morgan and Elle shared an exasperated look as they noted the two youngest members of the team silently flirting in the middle of the bullpen, yet again. They didn’t get how obtuse the two smartest people in the room were with their feelings for one another. 
“You think we should give them a push?” He whispered to his female partner.
Elle scrunched her face. “At this point, we might just have to confess for the other.”
And in that moment, another moniker was added to the roster. The dense lovers of the BAU, a nickname that the remaining members use only behind both the duo’s back as they become bystanders to what could be a match made in heaven. If only one would admit to the other. 
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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