#very tired and done with this obi wan
varpusvaras · 2 months
One day, Cody and Obi-Wan need to know something regarding Coruscant, and Obi-Wan suggests that they ask Fox about it.
"I can send him a message", Cody says. "He can answer it when he wakes up."
"Oh, right", Obi-Wan says. "It is night on Coruscant, isn't it?"
"Yes", Cody says. "It's currently 3.27 there, I have the planet's current time on my comlink, so I can say good-night to Fox and make sure he goes to sleep."
Obi-Wan smiles a bit. "That's very sweet", he says.
"I have to do it", Cody says. "Fox is not sleeping enough, it is affecting his health, so I need to remind him to go to sleep-"
Cody's comlink beeps. Fox has sent him a message back with an answer.
Obi-Wan can sense how the room they are in cools.
"I'm sure he just has a lot of work to do today", he says, trying to calm Cody down. "Guarding the Chancellor is a lot of work, you know?"
Cody turns to look out of the ship's window, and he stares very intently to somewhere into space.
"Yes", he mutters. "I know."
Fox is very tired and both of his hands are cramping.
He ignores both of those things and continues on, because the Chancellor wants to work done before the morning shift.
His comlink beeps, a message requesting some information. Fox looks up the right files and sends them over, before picking his stylus back up.
He gets through three more forms when his mind catches up with his body. He pauses, and then, slowly, opens his messages.
Oh. It was Cody asking.
Fox looks at the time. 3.36 AM.
He closes the messages, and picks the stylus back up.
Cody is in the Outer Rim right now. Fox can do nothing but wait to meet his fate.
In the meanwhile, he still, unfortunately, has work to do.
(Just a few miles from Fox's office, Palpatine wakes up.
There is a distant twist in the Force. Something like a warning.
He regards it for a moment, and then turns on his other side and continues sleeping. Whatever it was, it was so distant that it is not going to do anything tonight, and he has only gotten 6 out of his nine hours of sleep so far.)
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cassie48 · 7 months
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𝖣𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗁 𝗏𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 anakin 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
You were his prised possession. The very reason he lived. When he first met you on Tatooine as a boy he decided then and there, thatyou’d be his.
When he went back years later to seek out his mother, he met you again. 𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵, he had decided. So he took you with him, despite what others thought.
Keeping you and him a secret was by far the hardest thing he had ever done. He was a very possessive man, and when anyone 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 flirt with you, it would take everything in him not to kill them then and there.
Obi-wan was aware of your relationship with Anakin and knew it wasn’t just some childhood nostalgic friendship. He knew, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴. So when he went to Mustafar to stop him, he brought you.
You, scared and confused out of your mind, stayed on the ship until he and Obi-wan had finished fighting. When your heard the silence you ran out spotting him.
“Ani?” You wept tears falling down your tanned cheeks.
“Sweetheart what are you doing here?” He asked pulling your smaller body into his and wrapping his big arms around your little waist.
“Obi-wan brought me. W-Where is he” She cried clinging onto him.
“He had betrayed us. He’s to weak to understand my power. I have defeated the emperor, I know how the power to rule” he smiled menacingly placing your little head in his hands.
“Y-You’re gonna rule the galaxy?” You asked shocked.
“Me and you, side by side. I can finally treat you like the queen you are. I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. Do you understand sweetheart?” He said pulling you closer to him, if it were at all possible.
You nodded slowly taking in the information. “Y-You’d never hurt anyone, right Ani?” You asked innocently, leaning your head on his chest, the days events slightly tiring you out as your eyes grew heavy.
“Princess, the only time I’d ever hurt anyone is if they were hurting you. You understand that’s why’d I’d do it right?” He lied, knowing you’d believe him. He had to, you belonged next to him.
“I understand ani” you barely whispered, as you leant your body weight against him, feeling sleep wash over you.
“You must be so tired sweetheart, let’s go back to the ship, you need rest” he lovingly told you, but you were barely conscious at this stage. He picked you up  bridal style and you leant your head on his shoulder drifting off.
Here you were, one month later since that night. Anakin was right, he took care of you, treated you like a princess. You and hun ruled the galaxy, the emperor and his empress.
You were sat in his lap, your little head leaning against his chest as he explained his orders to his men in front of him.
It wasn’t unusual for you to be sitting on his lap while he worked, he told you it calmed him down.
As you leant your head on his big chest, you tried your best not to let your eyes close, feeling tiredness come over you.
You let your eyes wander around the room, trying to keep them open. You looked to the right, your body freezing when you saw a man, one of Anakins me staring at you, with a disgusting smirk on his face.
You didn’t know what to do, your body didn’t move an inch. Anakin frowned feeling the nerves radiating off of you.
He leant down and placed his hand over your face, before asking “what’s wrong baby?” With a deeply concerned expression.
“He’s staring at me ani…I don’t like it!” You whispered burying your small face in his chest to escape the man’s stare. Tears slowly fell down your cheeks.
All the men stopped talking and looked towards the two of you. They were waiting for the emperor to kill or torture someone. They had been warned their first day
Anakin looked up, glaring at the man with a look that cannot be explained. He picked you up, placing your head away from the men.
“If any of you leave this room before I get back I will kill you all” he said simply before turning and walking back to your shared headquarters.
Once arriving he placed you down into your big bed, leaning down and giving you a sweet kiss.
You willed your tears and looked up at him. “I’m sorry Ani I don’t know why I’m so emotional lately” you whispered staring at his hand you were holding.
“I think I know sweetheart but we’ll discuss it in the morning. Try to sleep and I’ll be back in a little while” he told you as he went to leave.
You gripped his hand that you had been holding, your big doe eyes looking up to his own dark ones
“Y-Your not gonna do something bad are you ani?” You whispered with a slight pout on your lips.
Anakij smirked at you innocent look. “I’m only gonna have a stern word with the men baby” he told you, tucking you into bed and kissing your forehead tenderly.
You nodded before sleep came over you, and you closed your eyes.
Anakin smiled contently before leaving the room, his smile turning to a glare as he made his way back to the meeting room.
When arriving he saw all his men standing with an extremely nervous look on their faces, two men holding the man who was looking at you earlier.
Anakin walked directly over to the men with a knife in his hand, plunging it into his chest.
“What did u tell you about looking at my wife. She’s mine!” He yelled out, his face scrunched up in anger.
Eventuallu he pulled out the knife from the man’s now lifeless body, letting it drop to the floor.
Anakin looked at the two guards near him.
“Clean up this mess. Let all of you see this as a warning, of what will happen to you if you so much as look at your empress” he spat, with pure rage in his tone.
He made his way back to your headquarters, changing into clothes without blood. He then climbed into bed with you.
“Ani? Is that you?” Your soft angelic voice said, as you turned over rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah it’s me baby, go back to sleep you tired yourself out today” Anakin said his hands going about both sides of your waist before pulling you up a little into his embrace.
You hummed burying your face into his neck
“Did you have a talk with the mean man” You asked, your voice laced with a little fear.
Anakin noticed this and frowned.
“Baby, you know I would have never let him hurt you. He’s dealt with, this won’t happen again” he softly told you, pulling you in closer trying to ease your worries.
“Ok ani” you said before you drifted back off to sleep, your mind now at ease.
𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗺 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗱𝗼 𝗮 𝗽𝘁 𝟮 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀!!
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kingdomhate · 11 months
Accidently Hurting You Scenarios!
Kylo Ren: You both were in a heated argument, about how Kylo needed to take more time for himself. At first, he seemed calm and gentle about it, but he progressively got more and more impatient, eventually raising his voice at you. But were you frightened? No. Not even close. You were determined to get him to see your side and you were going to do that by any means necessary.
However, as he got more aggressive and demanding, you had barely any time to react before he pushed you. You yelp slightly, and fall backward. Squeezing your eyes shut and attempting to break your fall. But as your head hit the tile and Kylo finally realized what he had done... he was terrified. Apologetic, regretful. He picked you up in his arms and held you to his chest while cursing himself vigorously as he used the bond between you two to sense if you were alright. Once he was a thousand percent you were alright, he laid you down and let you rest. Cuddling very close to you, peppering your neck, check and whatever else he can reach with slow, apologetic and gentle kisses.
Armitage Hux: He was mad, what could he say? He was not in control, he was overcome with rage, practically radiating energy that screamed he was capable of killing anyone, you could barely comprehend it. But alas, you approached him. Why? Because you loved him. You had asked him twice what the problem was and he ignored you. Dismissing you as if you were a mere fly.
And now, in the shared quarters of his and yours, you decided to actually bring it up. Your words were sweet, coaxing and motherly, as if speaking to a child. Of course, Armitage was more keen to being spoken to as an adult, a superior. And that must've been the reason why he let you fall after jerking his arm away from you a little too fast, warranting you to lose balance and fall. Letting out a pained screech as you fell directly on your arm, resulting in the uneasy and blood-curdling sound of bones either breaking or chipping. That immediately changed his mood, as he recognized it was you, his angel. Instinctively, he checked the damage and carried you to the medical wing, patiently and worriedly watching over and waiting. Certain you were okay, he let you rest, muttering apologies as he waited for you to wake up.
Anakin Skywalker: It all happened in a flash, the instinctive need to protect himself when he felt you touch him, it might have been paranoia but it happened nevertheless. He should've known you were only trying to help, why on Earth would you ever have the intention of hurting him? When his Jedi instincts came in and he jerked around and flipped you around violently, he gasped. The sight of your eyes teary and your mouth opened in a frightened manner... how could he forgive himself? He apologized profusely and started explaining why that happened, why he did that. Eventually, you understood and forgave him, smiling and acting as though it was alright, Anakin came to terms with it as well and finally forgave himself as well.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi was more or less stressed, but all the same good-mannered as always. However, he had lost patience for some things, such as talking to you. Normally, Obi-Wan was all for speaking to you and getting to the root of the problem but today? He's mood was horrid, he was a mixture of tired and on the edge. He had tried to be patient, he really did. But he had ended up raising his voice and insulting you, calling you a name in which he had never thought he would. That being said, you shut down almost immediately, more so scared for Obi-Wan than yourself. He had never, ever raised anything at you, let alone his voice. So what was going on?
Stress is the first most thing that popped into your head, as you had known Obi-Wan for almost your whole Jedi-incorporated life. So, aside from him calming down, apologizing and reasoning with you, you gave him space. As he was on edge and clearly dealing with too much. He would speak to you once he was calm in control and ready too.
Luke Skywalker: The frustration from once again being denied his right to go to the academy with his friends, was a bit too much for Luke. Of course he had cared enough to tell you and you both talked it out but that was nothing compared to what he couldn't help but want. He wanted to go, he needed to, but he had to stay for another year? It was outrageous. And it warranted Luke to do some uncharacteristic, rebellious things, such as.... sneaking off to meet you in the dead of the night and ride around in his speeder, mostly talking and sometimes making out.
That helped him tremendously in the frustration and pent up tension of being forced to stay. But, upon meeting up with him again for another heavenly make-out session and heart-to heart conversation, he was practically screaming about his frustrations and you were both awe-struck and slightly frightened of this state, as you've never seen Luke so furious before. He had snarled how much he would love to spend time with his friends and take a small break away from you, and how clingy you seemed. That hit a bit too forcefully. You spaced yourself away from Luke for x amount of time and he seemed puzzled as to why you did, but he never asked. A few days later, he had finally seemed to have calmed down, and figured out what he did incorrectly. He apologized for offending you and reassured you that he adored the clinginess of your relationship.
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gffa · 2 years
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I LOVED THIS MOMENT SO MUCH. I love Bail Organa so much because he always believed that they should keep fighting to make the galaxy better, that they had a duty to do so.  It reminds me so much of his visit to Toydaria in TCW, when he said that they shouldn’t let Ryloth suffer just because they wanted to remain neutral in the war.  It reminds me of when he told Obi-Wan to be done with the past, move on from it, that he needed to get over it and help find Leia. Bail Organa is one of the most compassionate and wise people in the GFFA and he relentlessly believed that they had a duty to help others, even when they were tired of fighting, even when they were sad, even when they had personally lost so much. You grieve, you breathe, you get back up, you have an obligation to help people, to fight against the evil that is harming and destroying people, and he understands Ahsoka’s pain, but he still tells her that she has the same duty as she has always had. Bail Organa is too good for any of us, this is why he fought for the Republic and fought to make it better, this is why he fought against the evil the Separatists were doing, this is why he fought against the Empire from the very first day, because they all had a duty to stand up and fight for others. And he’s right and I love that Ahsoka had someone like Bail Organa to help her find her feet again when she was ready. BAIL ORGANA MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THE CENTER OF THE STORY BUT HE HAD THE KIND OF ROCK SOLID GOODNESS THAT HELPED SAVE THE GALAXY, TIME AND AGAIN.
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buckyarchives · 1 year
I haven’t ever done a head cannon post but with how busy / lazy I’ve been I might post more of these, they’re a lot of fun. probably one for Bucky and Luke skywalker. If you want any other characters just lmk! Make sure to check my request post!
warning: nsfw content (labeled so if you want to skip you totally can)
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tea guy, like, it’s crazy. has so many drawers full of boxes and bags. always making you tea to fit whatever mood you’re in
landscaper or teacher, or both. I imagine him teaching younger kids but probably wishes to be a professor of some sort, maybe teaching environmental science.
just really likes plants and flowers but sometimes gets tired of having to craft and trim everything to be perfect so he thoroughly enjoys natural nature and the “overgrown’ aesthetic
Adding onto that, loves to hike, always takes you with and nerds out about the scenery and views.
definitely fosters dogs from the local shelter and takes them on hikes to help leash train them.
unintentionally a pretentious little prick
circle lens glasses and turtle neck combo 24/7
And of course you steal his sweaters ALL THE TIME
Smells like citrus, grass and rain. the warm sun rays and vanilla
Always watching some documentary, or the history channel.
All your friends lowkey want him because he’s. That Guy.
Whenever he blushes it goes straight to his nose, ears and neck.
Frequent at most coffee shops in town so when he started to bring you around it was a big deal for the workers lol, so much gossip. And mild disappointment from the staff knowing obi wan was official taken
Probably hates small talk, finds it tedious and shallow
The most supportive boyfriend in the world, he’s always the first person there to cheer you on
When you started dating him, his cousin/best friend, Anakin, came as a packaged deal. The younger one frequently trailing behind obi wan and now, as you’ve got too closer, you as he’s become a younger brother figure to you.
Not jealous at all, he’s very secure in your relationship and his trust in you is crazy strong. finds it quite amusing when men hit on you in front of him and kinda just lets you play it out.
That is unless you become uncomfortable, he mostly lets you stand up for yourself but if it becomes overbearing he definitely won’t hesitate to cause a small scene.
A big runner and boxer, you’re used to having to help his knuckles heal up from long sessions. As well as joining him on early morning runs if he can get you up and out of bed for it.
He loves art and mostly drew and painted landscapes but after meeting you this sketch book began to fill of pictures of you from every angle possible.
So naturally put together all the time it makes you insecure sometimes
Obviously, obi wan is the best at easing those insecurities. He always notices when you’re feeling off, sometimes even before yourself, so quick to embrace you and whisper exactly what you need to hear.
Another thing, so good with his words??? He always tell you what you need to hear, there’s rarely ever any miscommunication between the two of you because of this and even when they’re are, arguments are not common.
Crazy sarcastic, will say the funniest shit ever with the most monotone face and it just makes it 100% times funnier.
Really likes Taylor swift and David Bowie
Always getting you bouquets of flowers, even arranges them himself sometimes.
“This reminded me of you.”
Such a safe and non-judgemental aura, you’d struggle with asking for help or learning new / seemingly ‘common sense’ things with past relationships in fear of seeming dumb but you feel so safe around obi-wan that those thoughts never cross your mind, always learning new things from him and enjoying how helpful and supportive he is.
Definitely an impala driver, either 40s Chevy impala or the very sleek and fancy 2020 impala premier, probably black and rarely dirty
Not the biggest cuddler in the world but really enjoys naps together, will drape an arm over you but he tends to move around in his sleep so he’s just content with sleeping besides you rather than wrapping limbs
But when he is in the mood to cuddle, it’s mostly on the couch when you decides to binge shitty reality television. He’s usually on his back and you’re laying ontop of his stomach with your ear to his chest
You two constantly binge dating reality shows, always criticizing the other couple and mostly men LOL.
“He did not just say that! Maker, you would have broke up with me then and there.” “Damn right I would.”
You trace all the moles and freckles along his body, obi wan definitely had a skin care routine and moisturizes so I imagine his skin is always so soft
really likes nudes, like the grainy MacBook camera pictures with a matching cute set type nudes (iykyk). Hot and slightly artistic, his favorite.
Doesn’t like porn though, never enjoyed it and it never really got him off, doesn’t like the morals of it either
Also sexting, not his thing. He’s usually more on the serious end when it comes to intimacy but he cannot take sexting seriously LMAOO
lowkey the type to come home from a long day of work and look you in the eye with That Look and you just know what he needs
Thigh guy, the type to take breaks from eating you out by just resting his head fully on your inner thigh and just gaze up at you
Sir / master kink
Will jokingly come up behind you when you’re in the kitchen or something and press his groin to your behind
Just a little tease overall, always doing shit like that and acting all innocent about it
VERY VERY vocal during sex (cough, cough, shallow graves ending scene, COUGH)
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ladyxskywalker · 14 days
In Exile, ch.iii
Anakin Skywalker x F!Reader/OFC
after a tense encounter in the mountains, anakin falls asleep by the waterfalls, completely exhausted of his power. but what he doesn’t expect, is for his kind lady friend to find him there
part one | part two
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a choose your own outcome story ! weekly story polls posted at the end of each chapter ! hope you enjoy !💌
He could only remember all the ways the entire mountain shook, an all consuming echo of vengeance that no one below could really trace. 
How the cliffs separated into sharpened boulders and flying rock all around. The fading sound of an enemy, disappearing from the swaying trees as debris rushed against them.
And then all went completely silent. 
An eerie kind of stillness that only comes from the force when things suddenly turn themselves dark.
Anakin’s hands were still wound shut into tightened fists, as if he’d been holding on to the overwhelming sense of energy that hadn’t been present inside of them anymore.
“What have I done?” He whispered to himself, slowly opening the palms of his hands, holding them out in front of him.
There was nothing tangible to be found there, only an air of pure exhaustion and sadness.
“Why can’t people just leave me alone?”
Walking nearest to the banks beside the waterfalls, he kneels down by the water; a leftover current from earlier, rippling all of it as if it had been a running creek or river. But instead, this kind of pool became nothing more than a mirror, the reflection of the man staring back at him then, was somehow unrecognizable. 
He couldn’t stand it.
The look in his eyes.
His unkempt hair.
Tattered edges ripped apart from his robes. 
What had truly become of him? He wondered to himself; veering off - drifting.
Tall blades of grass cradling him; finding himself wanting nothing more than to just lay down next to the one part of this place that brought him a sense of calm. 
everything’s too bright…
I’m done with this…
I should just leave, find a way out of here…
There’s a field of wheat surrounding Anakin in the light of the afternoon, a golden hour that makes everything look like it had all been just one color. An appearance of stray shadows that passes over all of his crops. He knows things have to eventually get cut down, but he’s too tired and frustrated to care about that enough right now.
I’m sweating…
this sucks…
So often, and against his own judgment, this is the time when he thinks to himself. That full mind of his, a complete mess of memories that makes him spiral. He thinks about the children and where they might have really ended up. If they had been separated, or whether or not they were with families that loved them.
I would have loved them…
Padme would have been a good mother…
He busies himself to try to drown out everything that’s been replaying in his head - her voice; Obi Wan’s…
A final hug shared between two very close friends, the kind that shouldn’t have been the ending between brothers before they had both fought. 
nothing makes sense anymore…
His hair in this type of heat feels matted against his forehead. It’s become too long now, so much so, that it’s falls into his eyelids, spilling over his brow. It makes him look angry and abrasive - the words overheard in the day time that others so often like to use, because they’re certainly not his own.
He wishes he could change his appearance, but what for? Nobody knows him anyway. No one’s ever cared to look. 
not true...
Trying his best to smooth the unruly waves out of his own way, he begins to fuss with tying up the back of it instead of focusing on his work. But the shred of material in his hands is just too short, he can’t seem to get a good grip on it. So easily becoming more and more stressed and frustrated.
If only Anakin could scream.
Shout into the void of clouds, and far away houses.
But each time he opens his mouth, he can only breathe out a huff of quiet.
how is it that there isn’t any sound?
Agitated with everything now, he begins to stare off without blinking, as if in a wordless trance - looking around for something. 
All of the flowers that once were planted, somehow are all gone.
They’ve all just disappeared, turning out beneath his boots to only be a patch of dust.
this isn’t real…
what’s going on?
And so, he grabs hold of his belt, where a pair of shears can be found. They’re the same ones he uses in the Winter to trim his sheep’s wool. It’s one of the only tools that he can reach right now to prove to himself that at least something in this place had been real.
these are sharp.
don’t touch them.
He remembers that kind interaction from long ago, telling you to be careful when working around him. The silhouette of your gentle face looking toward him so insistently, softening always in the light of dawn with a smile. An early morning mist each time adhering to your skin, before catching on.
I don’t care anymore…
I’ll just cut it all off…
enough’s enough…
“Wait! Lars! What are you doing?! Don’t!” you yell out toward him, like a startlingly beautiful sound. You think there must be something seriously wrong - that something else has been pulling at him inside that goes far beyond just getting overexerted at the farm. And so you run, afraid that he might hurt himself.
“Please…” you begin, patiently, before taking a soothing hold of his wrists. His mechanical arm, feeling smooth, and somewhat cold in your palms.
“Please…” you try again, “put those down. Let me, just…” 
So instead, you reach up, watching carefully as his eyes start to close, smoothing all the hair away for his eyes and the dampened skin of his face, careful not to pull at it all too tightly. That when his shoulders relax from all their tensing, he thinks perhaps your touch just might have saved him there - from the plague of all consuming torment; from the daydreams masquerading as all of his waking nightmares.
“Lars…Lars, dear, are you alright?”
Stirring himself awake, only then at the sound of your voice does Anakin realize that all the while he must have been dreaming. 
she called me…dear…
that’s funny.
“Sorry, there was some sort of earthquake. Must’ve passed out…”
“There certainly was. The whole village is somewhat destroyed…I think you actually might have been dreaming.”
“How…how did you…”
“I just had a strange feeling when I didn’t see you back home. Most of the people had already been accounted for. When I couldn’t find you I…”
“You were looking for me?”
Anakin sits up, finding now that since you’d been here, his inner strength had been enough.
“It’s fine, I just…wasn’t expecting this. I’m still a bit shaken up.”
she’s laughing…
did I just…
“Now there’s a real pun if I’ve ever heard one!”
Anakin smirks, brushing himself off and stretching before standing back up from the ground.
“Like that, don’t you, my lady?”
“Mhmm, almost as much as you calling me that! While you were sleeping, I’m pretty sure you were mumbling my name somehow…”
“I was?”
“Although…I’m probably wrong…”
There’s a slight moment of pause held in the space between you then. It isn’t awkward, in fact, it’s just enough of an enjoyable back and forth for him. If only you had known his true, given name, that would make all of this all the more fun. 
“Not wrong…”
“Oh…well, what were you thinking about?”
“Something awful, and weird. Then you showed up. Made everything better.”
Looking down, suddenly you’ve grown quite bashful.
“I did? Well…that’s lovely…I mean good.”
“You always do that.”
“Do what?”
Anakin steps closer, engaging you with his words as you stand before him, watching intently as you hang onto all of them.
“You always tend to look away from me. Don’t.”
He whispers, finding himself brushing the backs of his fingertips along your face; caressing your cheek, then gliding softly toward your chin.
Tilting it…
But before you are even able to say anything else, he does all the speaking for you.
Through wordless action, and a comfortable safety that comes from being held.
His arms wrapping all the way around you and bringing you further to him.
Your loving hands, reaching delicately for the back of his neck in order just to rest there.
Expecting him to kiss you slowly…
Though, being patient, was never on Anakin’s radar…
Leaving you as breathless as ever just to enjoy the impassioned way in which he does.
Thanks so much for reading! 💌 the response to this story has been wonderful, and so much fun! Thank you again to everyone for reading & sharing. I would love to hear your thoughts ! what has been your favorite part so far? 💫 xoxo
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callmevexx · 3 months
I realized I never posted my OC post here, so here's my first ✨official✨ OC post!!
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Kai’ra Jinn Kryze – daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze. Im so excited to finally properly share my obitine kid OC with you guys!!🥰
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A (somewhat) brief summary of her backstory:
Kai was born in 25 BBY on Kalevala. She’s a happy, inquisitive, determined and energetic girl who easily gets distracted, so Satine always makes sure to keep a close eye on her once she learns to walk. Her and Satine have a strange forcebond in which one can feel the other’s emotion. Satine, and eventually Kai too, does learn how to ‘block’ it so the other won’t feel two emotions at the same time, but this can be very tiring and can’t be done for too long.
Obi-Wan was there when Kai’ra was born, though no one besides two trusted guards know that he is the father. The people of Mandalore believe Satine decided to have a child by herself which is what she had told them when she was pregnant. Obi-wan can rarely visit them unfortunately, but he does leave holorecordings and video’s for Kai to see and listen to.
Kai is 6 when Maul takes over Mandalore. Satine is critically injured, but survives the attack and is taken to Coruscant where she and Kai stay until Order 66. When order 66 happens, Satine and Kai join Obi-Wan on Tatooine where they live until Kai is an adult.
There's more backstory but thats waaaay too long hahaha I might make another post one day, but I'll definitely make more Kai content!!
I'd love to know what you think of her and if you've made it this far, thank you for reading🥰❤️
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viablemess · 3 months
modern Codywan AU idea part 1
organized crime member Cody under "mand'alor" Jango + teacher / school board nominee with a heavy past Obi-Wan. This is a beast of an idea post so buckle up and join me for the ride this took over my brain when writing another wip and would not leave me alone. I like it a lot, I hope you do too.
tw: mentions of school shootings, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of physical assault (all vague, but still)
The Fetts are a influential and very well known organized crime family in a large city, and Obi-Wan is one of three children to Qui-Gon and maybe Shmi, alongside Anakin and Ahsoka.
Boba is a student in Obi-Wan's elementary class. After most of the students are picked up save for Boba and a few other kids, there is a shooting nearby, and Obi-Wan shelters the kiddos until the shooter is apprehended. The Fett Family shows up to pick up Boba and Obi-Wan is respectful to them, oblivious to who they are, and most importantly, kept Boba and the other kids safe. As a result, Cody slips Obi-Wan a note saying "if you need anything call me, no questions asked" with his personal cell number. Obi-Wan saves it, not because he thinks he will need it, but because Anakin might, who has been involved in many illegal street races (alongside Waxer and Boil maybe whoops, they don't know the connection for most of the plot). Or, perhaps Qui-Gon will need it, because he and Shmi have been threatened by individuals and groups around their housing.
For a bit, Boba is the line of communication between Obi-Wan and Cody. He lets little stories slip and Cody hopes Obi-Wan does not call, because he seems like a gentle soul who teaches little kids, he does not belong in Cody's world. At the same time, he is a gentle soul who teaches little kids, Cody really wants to take him to dinner.
Obi-Wan texts a few times to ask about helping his brother Anakin, and Cody admits to not being able to make street race charges go away, but he will poke around, they exchange some information, and that's that.
Cody keeps working under his dad as a very respected *ahem* commander. They're looking into a new organization who might poach some buyers off of them and their smuggling deals, and to top it off, the new organization seems to break a lot of the Fett's unspoken rules of conduct. The organization's name? CIS. Of course. Rex wants to make a gender joke. The CIS are the same folks extorting the Skywalker-Kenobi family. Also of course.
And then parent teacher conferences happen because they're helpful, but Jango gets pulled into a negotiation and can't make it, surprise surprise, Cody has to go. He manages to weasel his way into dinner afterwards, and it's great. Obi-Wan is actually a snarky minx and Cody's falling fast. Obi-Wan explains that he is running for the school board because of a lot of corruption and problems in the public school district, and he wants to support the kids who have rough home lives, and Cody does some tip toeing around, and Obi-Wan picks up on what he isn't saying, because he has done his research now. Cody is so loyal, kind, and strong, and Obi-Wan is also cracking fast. It's no question these two are hooked on each other. Cody offers to walk Obi-Wan back to his car, and finds the windshield broken or his tires slashed or something. Obi-Wan manages to pass it off, and oh darn Cody needs to give Obi-Wan a ride home and it's cute.
Anakin keeps racing to earn extra money, and Qui-Gon and Shmi try to deal with things on their own. Obi-Wan goes back home to check on his parents and only sibling who lives with them, Ahsoka. Turns out someone is threatening her in a sexual manner, threatening human trafficking, and Obi-Wan flips shit. He does not tell Qui-Gon because Ahsoka begs him not too. He certainly does not tell Anakin, and so Obi-Wan goes out and does his best big brother act and tries to figure out where this is coming from. He figures out it's Maul, who has harassed and extorted his family before. A brief fight follows. Obi-Wan breaks some of Maul's ribs. Maul breaks Obi-Wan's wrist. Teaching without his dominant hand for the next few weeks absolutely sucks, and Boba definitely talks to Cody about it. Obi-Wan does not want to panic Cody, he's dealt with people like Maul before, so he tries to pass it off as clumsiness. Cody isn't buying it, but he also isn't going to push... yet.
I'm falling asleep, but will be back with part 2 soon <3
I do not have time to write this but I had to share the thought before I forget it. If anyone wants to write it please be my guest just credit/share
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starlazergazer · 1 year
Spare Key (Part 2)
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Summary: Part 2 to Spare Key! Could theoretically be read on it’s own though. The reader has full cut Anakin out of her life until a break in at her home leads to her in desperation reaching out to Anakin once again.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3k
A/N: I really wasn’t planning a part 2 then this idea came to me and when I thought about how much I would love to read it I knew I had to write it. Its mostly a giant piece of fluff of Anakin being there for you in a time of need and comforting you to no end so I hope you enjoy it!
Part 1 Here
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This was a very bad idea.
You’d told yourself that you were done with him, that you weren’t going to do the constant cycling between hoping that somehow your situation would change and the crushing realization that circumstances mandated that it couldn’t, that you were stuck keeping Anakin at arms length, somehow too close and not close enough at the same time.
But right now you needed help and a friend, and for better or worse Anakin Skywalker somehow fell in the middle of that venn diagram.
However standing before that jedi temple, not entirely sure how you had even gotten there, you could feel the doubt start to creep in, the embarrassment. You owned a bar for mercenaries, you broke up fights between them for a living, you could handle a break in, some minor stalking, you felt ridiculous for getting so worked up.
But you were tired of dealing with this on your own, tired of being afraid, tired of looking over your shoulder, tired of putting on the brave face and pretending that coming back to find your apartment in complete disarray without anything of importance missing didn’t bother you. And if there was one thing you knew would always be true about Anakin, it’s that he will always be there for you to lean on. And any other day that mere thought alone would break you, send you spiraling into self-pity, but today it was a damn good thing.
With a deep breath you pushed your way inside, immediately noting everyone around you was donned in their jedi robes, shiny sabers bouncing off their hips as they walked, eyes immediately snapping to you as the one obvious outsider, the one who didn’t belong.
Nervously you wiped your palms on your pants only then realizing just how shaky your hands were, how dead of a giveaway they made your mental state.
Balling them up into fists in an attempt to hide them you desperately scanned the area looking for Anakin, not bothering to pay much attention to anything else as you blindly pushed yourself further into the temple until you found him, rounding a corner deep in conversation with a bearded man slightly shorter than him.
The back of your mind knew his name, eager to finally put a face to the famous Obi-wan Kenobi, the rest of you was clumsily pulling yourself towards the pair, never even stopping to consider that maybe you should wait until he was alone.
The jedi master saw you first, his eyebrows immediately drawing in confusion as you approached, his padawans gaze slowly following his until it met yours.
You hadn’t seen Anakin in at least a month, by far the longest you had gone not speaking since you had met, but as soon as you saw the immediate concern on his face nothing else really mattered.
His lips parted ever so slightly as he took you in, his hands coming up reflexively to you though you cautiously stepped back, sending a nervous glance Obi-wan’s way as you forced a more formal tone into your voice, trying to hide every sign of panic you were sure was written clearly on your face “Jedi Skywalker?”
Anakin’s brain took a second to catch up, you could practically feel his eyes scanning you for injuries, barely sparing a glance to his master as his gaze locked to yours, the two of you staying silent for moments longer than was customary. “Uh- yes that’s me”
“I need to speak with you” you hadn’t meant for the words to come out in such a desperate rush, another panicked glance sent to Obi-wan who looked utterly lost as his gaze bounced between you and his padawan “alone if that’s alright”
“Of course right this way” finally the formality flowed into his tone to match yours as his answer came out much quicker this time, again not sparing his master a glance as he turned to lead you away, his eyes staying firmly locked on you as he opened a random door and ushered you inside an empty room, a classroom from the looks of it.
As soon as the door shut he was by your side, grabbing your hands in his, rubbing what he hoped was a comforting thumb over the skin, trying his best to push down his own panic as he felt the shake in your hands “Y/N what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine” you tried to push off the question, tried to ignore the way the lump grew in the base of your throat with each word, tried to ignore just how high pitched your voice was at those words.
“Y/N” Anakin sighed softly, his expression melting as he watched your shoulders shake with tears you refused to let out.
“I-“ but you chocked on your next words, the first sob finally escaping your throat, your hand coming up to clamp over your mouth as if that would bring it back. Instead Anakin’s arms were around you in an instant, pulling you tightly into his chest, and without a second thought you melted into his touch, sobs more freely racking your body as you cried over not just the overwhelming panic but at how easy it had been to go to him, how easy it was to melt into his touch, how easy everything could have been if he just hadn’t been a jedi.
Anakin didn’t say anything as he held you, just rocked you softly back and forth, a lazy hand running up and down your back as you cried, never once pushing you to calm down or explain why you were like this, just letting you be as you were and being there for you. You wished you could hate him for it.
“I’m sorry” you hiccupped softly against his robes once your crying subsided, pushing softly off of him to get a hand up to wipe away the remnants of your tears.
Though he never let you get far, his hands staying on your arms as he let you pull back slightly, his head dipping down to your level “you have nothing to be sorry for Y/N”
You just shook your head at that, forcing out a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood after everything, trying to show him you were alright.
“what’s going on?” he asked softly and though it came out calmly you could feel the desperation behind it, the pleading, to let him be there for you, to let him in.
“Its stupid” you tried to dismiss it again, casting your eyes off of him and to the door, “I shouldn’t have come”
“Y/N-“ Anakin started to sigh but it was then that the full weight of your actions finally hit you, your eyes widening as you untangled yourself from his grasp, putting as much distance as he would allow between the two of you.
“I just walked through the jedi temple looking for you” you said it in almost disbelief “anyone could have seen my eyes, Obi-wan was right there he had to have noticed” you started to spiral, scolding yourself for being so stupid, so selfish, so shell shocked “I should’ve just gone to the police, I shouldn’t have-“
“Woah woah woah” Anakin’s soft voice broke through your train of thoughts, his hands coming up to either side of your face to cup your cheeks, holding your gaze on his “let’s get one thing straight sweetheart I always want you to come to me. No matter where I am even if it's just a papercut if something is bothering you I want you to come to me okay?”
And god how you missed the sincerity with which he spoke, the way he effortlessly calmed every fear with it, the way his skin felt so soft against your own.
“Now what’s going on?”
You could feel the panic spike again but instead tried to push it down, letting your hands come up and grab his, giving them a soft squeeze before pulling them off your face, not yet letting go of them, eyes staying glued to them as his fingers lazily intertwined themselves with your own.
“Someone broke into my apartment”
His fingers froze, his grip on your hand tensing at your words, before he let go, his hands moving quickly to skim over your arms, poking and prodding, looking for any injury he couldn’t see. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did something happen?”
Questions were flying out of him faster than you could answer, not that he really listened to those answers anyways, focusing instead on inspecting every inch of you, careful not to miss a thing.
This time it was your turn to reach up and grab his face, forcing his gaze onto yours, and for a second you just held him there, nose inches from your own, imagining how easy it would be to pull his lips to your own. “Ani I’m fine”
His eyes bounced back and forth of your own, taking a moment and a deep breath before speaking “you promise?”
Nodding your head you reluctantly let go of him, taking a step back, trying not to wish you didn’t have to. “I promise I’m okay”
“What did they take?” he asked softly “do you need anything? I can-“
You cut him off before he could offer anything with a shake of your head “no they didn’t take anything”
His eyebrows scrunched in confusion “didn’t take anything? Just broke into your apartment and made a mess?”
And you debated if you should tell him, debated how he would react, debated if you were ready to entangle his life into yours this much because you knew as soon as you told him he wasn’t going to let it go. You honestly couldn’t remember if that last part was a pro or a con.
“There’s this guy at the bar…” You let your sentence trail off slightly, watching the way Anakin’s gaze hardened on the spot, his jaw visibly clenching as he balled up his fists before him, waiting for you to continue “…I think he’s been following me”
Watching Anakin go through so many emotions at once was like watching an active volcano moments before bursting, a quick steady accumulation of anger, fear, protectiveness. Then there was an explosion “what?!?”
The question came out in a yell, loud enough that you jumped, hands immediately coming up to try and shush him, not needing any more curious glances from the Jedi in the building, Anakin simply swatted the hands away, his jaw set and his tone hard as he pressed on “you’re being stalked?”
“I mean I don’t know-“ you stuttered out trying desperately to diffuse the situation but Anakin cut you off, not having any of that.
“For how long?”
You all but whispered your answer “a few months”.
You could see him get ready to explode again, an angry hand running through his hair as he started to pace back and forth, you couldn’t tell if it was calming him down or working him more into a frenzy. “This had been happening when I met you?”
You tried to shrug it off, act like it wasn’t a big deal “he stopped when you started walking me home from the bar?”
He went silent again, you couldn’t decide if you preferred that or when he was yelling. “Y/N why wouldn’t you tell me”
“He’d stopped” you shrugged again “I hoped that meant he was done, had moved on or something”
“And after I’d stopped,” he pressed on, crossing his arms over his chest “when he started doing it again”
You hated how small your voice was when you answered him. “You would’ve insisted on walking me home for protection.”
His voice was small to match yours, gaze bearing down on you even as you tried to avoid it “would that have been so bad?”
And you could feel the floodgates start to open again because it wouldn’t have been, that was the problem. “It was killing me” you admitted softly “to have you be so close, and be so nice and funny and charming and good looking” you couldn’t help but laugh dejectedly, casting your gaze to the floor “so you…and to still end up alone at the end of the day”
You could see the same old arguments spring to his tongue, the same excuses the same empty promises, but to your surprise he held his tongue, giving his head a small shake as he looked at you “You still look shaken up, do you want to go home or-“ he let the sentence hang in the air, letting you fill in the blank with whatever you wanted.
“Yeah” you sighed softly, hugging your arms around yourself “I’m okay”
“Good” he smiled softly, nodding towards the door “lets get you home”
“Oh that’s okay you don’t have to-“
“You’re insane if you think I’m going to let you walk home alone after this” Anakin cut you off immediately, already prepared for what you were going to say. You couldn’t help but smile softly at that knowing the refusal was empty the moment it came out of your lips.
It jarred you all over again to be back home in a way you hadn’t expected it to. Anakin insisted on going in first to clear the place before you came in and he was even going to the trouble of double checking all of your locks.
But to see all your stuff strewn about like that, all your personal belongings, your whole life just lying there on the floor, you were frozen in place.
You heard the sound of a cabinet door closing and looked over into the kitchen to see Anakin pulling out your tea kettle, wordlessly filling it and setting it onto the stovetop before going to grab a mug and some tea, already knowing precisely where everything was in your kitchen.
Without asking he poured the tea and pressed the warm mug into your hand, another hand on the small of your back leading you to your couch. “I’ve got it sweetheart don’t worry” he whispered softly before pressing a quick kiss to your temple and turning to start picking stuff off the ground.
And it wasn’t fair that he knew exactly what you needed without you having to tell him, it wasn’t fair that he knew exactly where you kept everything in your apartment, it wasn’t fair that he called you pet names and kissed your forehead and quelled every anxiety, it wasn’t fair that you felt so damn selfish for letting it all happen.
Your tea was gone before you realized it, the floor clean and everything back in its place much too quickly, Anakin hovering awkwardly above you knowing it was time to leave but not yet wanting to “I think I got everything back where it was but no promises” he chuckled softly, anxiously rubbing a hand on the back of his head “your locks are good just don’t forget to use the chain and deadbolt after I leave yeah?”
You nodded back it him in what you hoped was an encouraging fashion though the doubt on his features told you that it wasn’t.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay here tonight?”
“Yeah” you tried to assure him “I want to sleep in my own bed tonight”
You could see him ready to argue back, see the way he so desperately wanted to, but again he surprised you and held his tongue, giving you a small nod, his eyes looking back around the apartment one more time before sighing “alright, get some rest Y/N”
You nodded back to him again and watched him reach for the door, not wanting him to leave, not just because you didn’t want to be alone but because you wanted him to be here with you. “Ani wait”
He spun around quickly, his eyes finding yours desperately asking you to say something to keep him there, if only for a few minutes longer.
“I-“ you felt the words die in your throat, felt the weight of the world start to crush you as you stared into the exact copies of the eyes you saw every morning in the mirror “thank you”
The corners of his lips tipped up at your words, a smile that never reached his eyes but was nonetheless genuine “anytime Y/N”
And he stayed there for a moment longer, nearly one foot out the door, waiting, wishing you would say more, before relenting, slowly turning back to the hallway.
Your eyes caught a reflection off the coffee table as the door opened fully, flitting straight to a small key left there nearly a month ago, a small key he left there that you hadn’t the heart to touch since then.
And even though your call had been soft and hesitant he sprang to attention at the sound of your voice, poking his head back through the door, a hesitant foot returning to rest just inside your apartment.
“will you stay with me?”
His face broke out into a wide grin, a slight pink hue even dusting his cheeks at the question which had you smiling in response
“Of course I will”
And you tried to contain your excitement as he came back inside, shutting the door behind him, offering you his hand as he came up by the couch to help you stand.
And for some reason looking at that hand is what caused the doubts to start to creep in again, your mind racing off without your consent, words spilling out of your mouth before you could stop them “I mean but I don’t actually have clothes for you, or a toothbrush, and what if you’re needed by the order or what if they notice you’re not there. Maybe this is a bad idea, maybe we shouldn’t-“
You’re cut off by soft hands cupping your cheeks, pulling you softly forward, and soft lips pressing up against your own. This kiss, this beautiful, unexpected kiss wasn’t quick, wasn’t desperate, it was slow and deliberate, passionate even, dragging out the seconds into minutes for a moment of pure bliss before he’s pulling back all too soon, a soft smile on his face as he hovers mere inches from you searching your eyes for any regret, any resentment.
“Please” he breaths out, his eyes without shame flicking down to your lips before reconnecting with your own “let me stay”
You swallowed nervously, chest rising and falling heavily as you caught your breath, a soft chuckle leaving your lips as a smile curled them “I’d like that”
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flyiingsly · 8 months
Pairing : The 501st x reader
Summary : Early mission's briefing and night out at the 79' aren't the best match for you and your fellow troopers, much to Rex's despair.
A/N : Just a (really) short thing that was waiting in my WIPs folder for several months already ... It was inspired by a very early and boring meeting I had one day at work, I was nearly falling asleep on my chair and the only thing I was able to think about to stay awake were our favorite Boys in Blue. It was quiet efficient actually ! Enjoy ❤
It was early in the morning. Well, not so early in fact, but it felt like. You were unusually late to the briefing, not that much, but late enough to arrive after Anakin, who was already here, visibly struggling to stay upright.
You were supposed to leave for a simple recon mission this afternoon with the 501st. Not a dangerous one, only routine on a neutral planet near Coruscant, just to make sure everything was still alright there.
The problem was, last night was not really relaxing. You and the boys had spent most of the night at the 79’ with your General, which wasn’t often, for most of the nights he spent on Coruscant, he stayed with a certain Senator. But not this time. She had been sent on a diplomatic meeting somewhere else in the galaxy, so he gladly joined you at the bar when you asked him. And it was even more funny than usual this way.
But now that you were all here standing in front of General Kenobi, all sleep deprived and some still sobering up, it wasn’t really funny anymore. Of course, it wasn’t your first night off at the 79’, and it was more than worth it, but still, waking up the next morning was always a bit hard. Only Rex and Dogma were good looking, the first because he stayed at the base finishing reports (and yet you tried your best to make him come with you, in vain) and the second because, well, he never seemed to suffer from lack of sleep, strangely (and he left the bar a bit earlier than anyone else, but still, it was far from enough sleep anyway).
It was glorious, Echo and Fives were leaning against each other, trying their best not to fall on the ground, Kix was staring into space, dark circles around his wide opened, completely empty eyes, his third cup of caf in his hand, Anakin was trying to yawn in the most discreet way possible, when Hardcase was, on the contrary, yawning widely, showing all of his teeth to a glaring Dogma. Even Jesse, who was usually doing his best to look as presentable as possible, was a mess, and you weren’t feeling very good neither to be honest. But most of all, Tup was missing, and nobody was able to tell where he was.
Obi-Wan and Rex decided to start the meeting anyway, it was already late enough, you’ll resume it to him when he’ll show up, you thought.
Staying focused was difficult as hell, and Ahsoka couldn’t help but grin at all your sleepy faces. But soon, Fives legs couldn’t take it anymore, and he suddenly collapsed on the ground, dragging a very surprised Echo in his fall. Rex’s eyes widened with embarrassment while Obi-Wan held a smile back. Dogma looked absolutely outraged, but the rest of the company started to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of the two ARCs laying comically on the ground, too tired and stunned to get up.
“ARC Troopers, stand up, immediately !” Rex screamed at them, cheeks turning red.
The poor Captain was so done it showed on his face. He was trying to stay composed, but the expression he wore was so priceless it made the scene even more funny.
You and Anakin helped the two soldiers on their feet, Echo’s arm grabbing your shoulders tightly not to lose his balance again. You were doing your best to contain your laughter, but the lack of sleep and the nervousness due to the multiple cups of caf you ingurgitated right before weren’t helping.
Nobody was able to calm down anyway, and since even Obi-Wan seemed amused by the situation when he turned toward him in search of some support, all that was left for Rex to do was facepalming heavily, probably asking himself was he was doing with his life right now.
The sudden scream coming from one of the nearby technicians working on the company transport ship suddenly made everyone stop laughing, all faces turning toward the origin of the noise.
Then you heard Fives murmured with a mischievous smile on his lips.
“I think someone finally found Tup !”
Rex looked at him with a horrified look on his face.
He didn’t got the chance to have an answer for a technician showed up in the second, asking him to come and see what he had just saw, because, apparently, one of his men was “asleep, snoring and duct-taped to the cockpit’s celling”.
You swear you caught the Captain’s head begin to steam as everyone started to cackle again, hurrying to follow the shocked technician to the said ship. Passing by Fives, who was laughing his ass off, he sent him a frightening death glare.
Needless to say that some troopers received a huge amount of chores to do after that failed briefing.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Just imagining Baby Padawan Qui-Gon on a mission with Master Dooku and Yoda. Yoda is just hanging out on Dooku’s back, Dooku is like: “I thought I wouldn’t have to carry you around after I became a Knight” and Yoda’s like: “A Padawan’s duty it is, to support their Master. Carry each other, we do, as Master and Padawan. Insignificant your status is, my student I see you as always.” And Qui-Gon just has a realization.
Cut to later, after the mission is over, and Dooku notices Qui-Gon has been mulling over something. So, like a good Master, he’s like “What’s on your mind, Padawan?”
Qui-Gon hesitates, then asks, “Master, do you see me undependable?”
Dooku: “Of course not, Padawan.”
Qui-Gon: “Master, you don’t have to lie. Just tell me how I have to act to change your mind.”
Dooku: “You are very dependable, Qui-Gon, where is this coming from?”
Qui-Gon takes a deep breath: “You never ask me to carry you, Master.”
Dooku.exe: stops working
Dooku: “…what?”
Qui-Gon: “I know I’ve yet to reach your height, Master, but I assure you that I can lift you up! You don’t weigh that much, Master, I can carry you! You can depend on me, Master!”
Dooku: “…is this about the mission with Yoda?”
Qui-Gon: “Master Yoda said it’s a Padawan’s duty to support their Master. I can support your weight, Master, I promise.”
Dooku tries really hard to convince Qui-Gon that that is not what Yoda was talking about, that Yoda was teasing him, it wasn’t a literal thing, but Qui-Gon refuses to be convinced. Qui-Gon just gets more and more sad, convinced that Dooku doesn’t see him as someone he can lean on, and Dooku is like: “Qui-Gon, I am NOT going to make you carry me, you are twelVE-“ and Qui-Gon just: “You think I’ll drop you, you don’t trust me, how can I earn your trust, Master, I promise I can do it, please depend on me.” And Qui-Gon eventually gets his way, because Dooku is weak.
So we just see twelve-year-old Qui-Gon piggybacking Dooku around the temple. Qui-Gon is taking very slow steps and his tongue is stuck out in concentration because he has to partially lift his Master with the Force (Master Dooku is heavier than he looks, Qui-Gon thinks to himself) and everyone is staring at them because they’re very confused and Dooku is trying really hard to fight the urge to bury his face in his hands to hide.
They reach Yoda, eventually, who stops them and asks what’s up and Qui-Gon, positively beaming depsite the fact that he is trembling and sweaty and tired from carrying a grown man on his back for over an hour, just says: “You were right, Master Yoda. I realized on our mission that I’ve been making Master Dooku do all the carrying, so I decided to even the scale.”
And Yoda just looks at this cheerful boy and then looks at his old Padawan who is sending out very strong “don’t look at me” vibes in the Force and Yoda just says: “Good work you have done, Qui-Gon.” Because what else is there to say??? Qui-Gon looks so proud of himself! Yoda can’t admit he was trolling, not when Qui-Gon is so cheerful about learning from him!
All this to say, years later, Obi-Wan just drags a half-passed out Qui-Gon on his back, and it isn’t even really a piggyback because Qui-Gon is just draped over top of him, but Qui-Gon is like: “Wow, Obi-Wan. I didn’t even have to ask you, you just knew about this, you really did your research” and Obi-Wan is like “??? Yes, Master, I read the briefing for the mission, you said you weren’t going to, one of us had to-“
And years more later, Force Ghost Qui-Gon watches Anakin casually sling Obi-Wan over his shoulder and Qui-Gon just smiles and is like “I knew it. He really was meant to be a Jedi.”
And more years, more later, Ahsoka is dragging Anakin the same way Obi-Wan dragged Qui-Gon and Qui-Gon is SO proud!!!
Even longer, after everything’s gone to shit, and Luke is carrying around Yoda (he never got the chance to carry around Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon understands) and Qui-Gon is super pleased and Obi-Wan is like “???”
Qui-Gon: “Padawans are supposed to carry their Masters, just as their Masters carry them.”
Obi-Wan: “Yes, I remember hearing that as well, as a youngling, but I think it was supposed to be metaphorically.”
Qui-Gon: “That’s impossible, Obi-Wan. Dooku allowed me to carry him around.”
Obi-Wan: “…”
Obi-Wan, internally: So Dooku was the reason Qui-Gon randomly demanded to be carried… I would say I can’t believe this, but it’s Dooku, so I can.
(Then, Luke eventually trains Grogu for a little bit, and Qui-Gon is like: “ :0 Luke, no!!! He’s supposed to carry you!!!” And Luke is like: “??? He’s a baby.”
Qui-Gon: “I carried my Master when I was twelve :/ “
Yoda: “Determind you were.”
Qui-Gon: “You have to let him carry you, Luke, or else this just won’t work out!”
Grogu eventually ends up leaving and Qui-Gon is still muttering about how it never would have happened of Luke had just listened to him. Luke has mastered the art of tuning Qui-Gon out. Obi-Wan and Yoda wish they could do the same…
So, when Luke starts teaching Rey or someone, as his actual Padawan instead of just a student like the others, Qui-Gon is like: 👀
Luke: “No.”
Qui-Gon: 😔
And, long story short, Rey carries around Master Skywalker, at first because it made it much easier to make fun of him for being short, but then because Rey just finds it easier to get Luke to do things if she is physically carrying him to the thing he has to do.
Qui-Gon is so proud of them. Obi-Wan is so tired. Yoda wonders if he regrets inadvertently teaching Qui-Gon this, then remembers how absolutely mortified Dooku was whenever Qui-Gon piggybacked him around and Yoda decides that it was actually the best lesson he had ever inadvertently taught in his life.)
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antianakin · 11 months
Didn’t get a picture but I saw someone on the internet claiming that
a. Ahsoka, unlike Obi-Wan, was actually good enough at combat to defeat Anakin properly at Mustafar and should have gone instead. (and just that she’s the best at combat out of all the Jedi or something along those lines) b. because of her training and goddess-ness it means she’s the Most Powerful Jedi now. I feel like your blog is a good safe space to express my complete annoyance with everything going on here. why. Why. I am so tired of this (and all the anti-Jedi people in the fandom as well.)
and also, I love all your analyses on Star Wars and they always brighten my day! Thank you!
Lollllll this is a VERY safe space to express annoyance at these takes.
For one, Ahsoka literally DOES go up against Anakin and she FAILS. Anakin punts her off the side of a cliff (it's technically a battlestation but they're very high up so whatever, I'm calling it a cliff) and she only manages to snag off a piece of his mask because she runs up behind him while he's distracted with Kanan and Ezra rather than because she's genuinely able to overpower him through skill alone. She gets LUCKY.
People seem to forget that Ahsoka does NOT recognize that he's Anakin for the beginning part of that fight on Malachor. Like technically, deep down, she probably DOES know, but she's convinced herself it isn't true and Anakin confirms that at the beginning by saying he's the one who destroyed Anakin, so Ahsoka can just... go at him with everything she's got with zero conflict at all. There is literally NOTHING holding her back here, this is Ahsoka at FULL FORCE and she fails pretty epically.
She doesn't really do any better once she DOES know it's Anakin because she's immediately refusing to go on the offensive at all, she's JUST defensive because she doesn't WANT to kill Anakin. And more than that, she REFUSES to kill Anakin. She feels guilty for what's happened to him because she's decided that it's her fault for having left him behind. That's the whole arc she's gone on in Rebels, it's why her line to him once she can't deny that it's Anakin anymore is "I won't leave you. Not this time." That's not the kind of thing you say to someone you're prepared to defeat and/or kill. Ahsoka is prepared to DIE here because she'd rather die than abandon Anakin a second time and killing him would ABSOLUTELY be counted in that category for Ahsoka.
So not only is she just not competent enough to have beaten Anakin, I don't think it's reasonable to argue she would've even WANTED to. If Ahsoka had been on Mustafar, Anakin probably would've killed her, and then he would've been able to capture Padme and the twins and who knows what he would've done if he'd been able to do that.
And even within the Ahsoka show, she goes up against Baylan more than once and loses EACH TIME. Baylan literally tells her that she CAN'T beat him. She just isn't good enough. And this is a FILONI-RUN SHOW, there are zero other writers on this show, so if Baylan is telling Ahsoka that she isn't good enough to beat him, then presumably Filoni himself believes that that's true, at least for now. I imagine that she WILL beat him eventually, but it may end up similar to her win in season 1 where she's relying on distractions from other people or assistance or something. Who knows. But either way, she can't even beat a regular Jedi like Baylan, so how the fuck is she supposed to have beaten a major powerhouse like ANAKIN when he would've been hell bent on her death and destruction?
Obi-Wan DOES defeat Anakin properly on Mustafar, he just can't full-on kill him because the narrative sort-of requires Anakin to survive. He does LEAVE Anakin to die, though, and if Yoda had succeeded against Palpatine, Anakin WOULD'VE died. Obi-Wan CHOPS OFF THREE OF ANAKIN'S LIMBS AND LEAVES ANAKIN TO BURN ALIVE, I'm not sure how much more properly defeated it is possible to get.
Also, the reason Obi-Wan defeats Anakin is almost never due to power levels. It's a combination of being centered/balanced in the Force and knowing Anakin so well that he can predict his moves extremely well. His win in ROTS on Mustafar isn't because Obi-Wan happened to be more powerful than Anakin, he's not. He just is aware enough of his surroundings to take advantage of an opportunity when he sees it and lasts long enough to be able to find it. The stunt choreographers also have explicitly stated that they intentionally choreographed this fight sequence with Obi-Wan consistently GIVING GROUND to Anakin in an attempt to give Anakin time to calm down and come to his senses. So not only is he just good enough to take advantage of an opportunity when he sees it, he's good enough to hold BACK for a while and still live through the fight. And if he's explicitly holding back in the fight, it means that there's even more power he could've been exerting and it's entirely possible that he might've been able to end the entire fight much earlier had he chosen to do so. There's never any kind of indication that that's true for Ahsoka during her one fight against him. She doesn't let herself get tossed off a cliff on purpose lol.
And of course in the Kenobi show, Obi-Wan wins in the flashback scene due to being SMARTER, not more powerful. In the final confrontation he wins because he's more BALANCED and is more willing to put everything he's got into his attacks and changes up his fighting style so he can take Anakin by surprise, so when he slashes off a piece of his helmet, it's not just because Anakin was distracted, it's because Obi-Wan genuinely fought Anakin down enough to make that hit.
Obi-Wan might genuinely be the ONLY person who could go up against Anakin and WIN by the time you get to the Rebellion era. And it isn't because he's more powerful than anybody else, he just happens to have an advantage against this particular opponent which means that the disparity in power-levels is canceled out by Obi-Wan's knowledge of Anakin and the fact that he is just straight up smarter in a fight than Anakin is.
Ahsoka, by contrast, was taught by a dude who tends to rely on brute force to win his fights, and so that's often ALSO how we see her win her own fights. Most of the fights we see her winning are against opponents who are far weaker than she is, like Inquisitors or Mandalorians. Occasionally she fights someone like Maul and has to be a little smarter about it, but most of her major victories are against weaker opponents. She's a brute force fighter, not a smart fighter most of the time, because she CAN be. But she's not more powerful than ANAKIN, and she'll never be able to brute force her way through a fight with him, and she's not smart enough to outwit him, even if she WAS willing to hurt/kill him.
I'm not sure what "training" this person might've been referring to, either, because Ahsoka gets 1.5-2 years of official Padawan training MAXIMUM and some of that would've been Anakin's bullshit blaster blocking training which isn't exactly going to help Ahsoka against ANAKIN HIMSELF. As for the goddess thing, while it's definitely sort-of in there and implied, it's not technically confirmed and so far nothing has really been shown about it that makes her exponentially more powerful than anyone else. She has to flee a fight against Baylan, she'd have died fighting Morgan and the zombies if Sabine hadn't stayed behind to help her, she'd have died on Malachor if Ezra hadn't jumped in to help her, etc. She doesn't seem to have any super special goddess powers that we've seen so far, so it seems a little early to be counting that in her power levels.
Not to mention that in the "Most Powerful Jedi Alive During the Mandoverse" competition, she doesn't have a shit load of competitors she's up against here. The only other options to compare her against that are currently confirmed to be alive post-ROTJ are Luke, Leia, and Grogu. All three of them are shown to be pretty powerful in the Force, but Leia likely isn't super well-trained and Grogu is still a child, and therefore it doesn't seem fair to compare them to Ahsoka at this point. But Luke? I have a hard time believing Ahsoka is MORE powerful than Luke. Close, perhaps, we know she IS supposed to be fairly powerful in general, it's why she was able to be a Padawan so early, but possibly not MORE powerful.
And power alone does not actually guarantee a victory. She could be more powerful than Baylan, but if he's a better fighter, he'll still beat her. As shown with Obi-Wan and Anakin, power alone won't win a battle if your opponent is smart enough to simply outwit you. Obi-Wan can beat Anakin, and Baylan can beat Ahsoka. Ahsoka can be an extremely powerful Force user and still not be able to beat someone with better training than her.
I'll also note at the end here that Ahsoka isn't even canonically a Jedi at this point. She's never once claimed to be in the Ahsoka show and she explicitly says she isn't one in Rebels. She makes comments about how there's more to being a Jedi than using a lightsaber, but that isn't confirmation that she CONSIDERS herself a Jedi or that she'd call herself a Jedi. So she can't be the most powerful Jedi if she's not a Jedi at all. Same goes for Baylan, Grogu, and Leia.
Which leaves us back at Luke as the most powerful Jedi in existence within the timeline of the Ahsoka show because out of all of our options, Luke is the single person alive willing to actually identify as a fucking Jedi.
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tennessoui · 3 days
44. and 54. for the ship asks?
I hope you're having a good time ✨
ah thank you i am having a very good time (but also very busy) (but also very fun) (but also very stressful) (but also very - )
thank you for sending these in <3
[from this ask game]
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
i think neither of them are predisposed to dancing in the kitchen making dinner (because i just can't see either of them expressing joy through dance) but the image is cute and if i had to pick, i'd say anakin would be more likely to dance in a very silly fashion as he cooks dinner (most probably because he thinks he's alone in their quarters)
only for obi-wan to spy him and lean up against the doorway to watch and anakin is a bit embarrassed but covers it with a "what, old man, don't want to join in?"/"haven't you ever danced before?" to which obi-wan obviously replies that of course he's danced before but that sort of dancing is certainly not the kind of dancing he's done in the past. does anakin want a demonstration?
and anakin thinks he's about to get pulled into a formal dance like the sort that obi-wan does at fancy balls on fancy missions so of course he says a very eager yes - only for obi-wan to pull him in for more like dirty club dancing from his padawan days
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
once a master, always a master:
Obi-Wan lets out a full-bodied sigh the moment the doors to his quarters close behind him. It'd been a long day, stacked on top of another, longer day, which in turn was stacked upon a longer week. A longer month. A long war.
He leans against the wall to slip off his boots, though he finds that he's too tired to line them up at the door where he likes to keep them. Instead, he leaves them as they've fallen.
The Council meeting had ended with the decision to send Obi-Wan and the 212th out to the Mid-Rim to rendezvous with Mace Windu's troops. It was an understandable command, and one Obi-Wan himself had volunteered for. But now, in the privacy of his own quarters, he allows the weight of the new orders to rest heavily on his shoulders as guilty dread pools up in his stomach. He'd told Anakin that they'd be able to share a week of leave together, once the other returned to the Temple tomorrow. Now, it turns out that they'd have only a few hours at most.
On his way from the door to his room, the Force gives him a kind, gentle nudge, just stubborn enough that it makes Obi-Wan turn his head to see--oh.
He hadn't even realized he wasn't alone in his quarters. Perhaps because the boy sleeping on his sofa with one shoe still loosely clinging to his foot feels as if he belongs there.
Obi-Wan's feet move him forward automatically to look over the couch's back at Anakin's sleeping form. His Force signature wraps around Anakin's gently, an instinctual hello. For a moment, he's regretful at it--thinking that perhaps it would be enough to wake Anakin from his sleep.
But Anakin's Force signature only nuzzles back at his in return, leaving the boy asleep, as if it is the most natural thing in the galaxy for them to be twined together.
"Alright," Obi-Wan mutters, letting his fingers trail over Anakin's curls before stepping around the couch to kneel at its edge. "Foolish boy," he chides though Anakin cannot hear him. Though he doesn't even mean the words, not truly. Not in the face of Anakin's presence. He must have pushed his ship to the edges of its capabilities to arrive earlier than planned. He must have wanted as much time with Obi-Wan as he could get. "My foolish boy," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin sleeps on, undisturbed.
Obi-Wan's hands find their way to his hair once more, stroking down a piece of it before lightly touching his cheek, the edges of the scar over his eye. The war has aged him. The war has taken so much from him. Of course he is tired. Hopefully, despite Obi-Wan's own absence, he will be able to get the rest he so desperately needs in the coming week. It would be good for him, for Ahsoka as well.
Against his will, his eyelids droop even as his knees protest the position on the ground. He could fall asleep as he is, he thinks. A worshipper at Anakin's altar.
But his padawan would be upset to find him like this in the morning. As much as he thinks that Anakin needs rest, Anakin returns the opinion tenfold. He will not be pleased at the upcoming mission. He would not be pleased to find Obi-Wan asleep on the ground beside him.
But their week together has been shortened only to a night, and Obi-Wan will be damned if he leaves him alone on the couch.
So, carefully, he stands and slides his arms beneath Anakin's back and legs, lifting him up with some hidden well of strength only exhausted masters who must care for their padawans possess.
"This was easier when you were younger," he mutters to Anakin's sleeping form, adjusting his arms around the other man so that his head doesn't loll uncomfortably to the side. "And about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter."
Anakin snores in response, Force signature radiating such a sense of safe contentment that even Obi-Wan's grumblings die down into nothing. They can, of course, wait for an appreciative, awake audience.
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graveyard-stray · 7 months
Bedtime Story | Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN Reader
Synopsis: Obi-Wan tells the younglings the story of a courageous Jedi Knight who has saved him in battle quite a few times.
Includes: fluff!, battle, VERY small cameo from my own personal Star Wars OC, Sassy reader, Rex is a little shit but we love him, ONE use of Y/N, Clone Wars & ROTS era Obi-Wan, italics are flashback!
Not proofread
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Word count: 2.4K
The door to the younglings common area closed with a thud as Obi-Wan entered the room, a soft smile on his lips as he brought the young Jedi back from their afternoon training session.
Obi-Wan wasn’t usually tasked with teaching the younglings but Yoda was a bit busy so he took up the responsibility without complaint. As they returned to the main area he was about ready to send them off to their quarters to turn in for the night. “Okay young ones, it’s time to head off to bed for the evening. I’ll see you all in the morning.” He said with a smile.
As he turned to leave the room he felt a small tug on the bottom of his robes. He tilted his head down to see one of the younger children tugging on the bottom softly in order to get his attention. “Master Kenobi…can you tell us a story?” Mumbled the small voice.
He chuckled a bit, “a story? About what exactly?” He asked, squinting down to get on the child’s level. “One of your awesome adventures!” Another kid chimed, this one on the older side.
Obi-Wan thought for a moment before it finally hit him, “oh I’ve got the perfect story for you all” he decides before moving to sit in a comfortable seat on the far end of the room. All the younglings quickly scurry to gather around him, sat all over the floor smiling and visibly excited for a tale.
“This is the story of one of the bravest Jedi knights I know. They have saved me more times than I’d like to admit!” He explains, leaning forward to further engage and interest the kids. “One of the bravest things they have done was at the very start of the war.” he starts. “We were in a fierce battle on the planet Felicia, a beautiful colorful planet that at this time was crawling with droids! And we were surrounded!” he began to tell the story to the beaming younglings
The battlefield is loud, Obi-Wan and You are surrounded by at least 100 B1 battle droids with seemingly no way out.
Obi-Wan backed up till he felt himself bump into you. His head turns but his body stays in a battle ready stance. “Seems like we are in a bit of a situation here.” Obi-Wan pointed out. You rolled your eyes at him, also in a ready stance. “Oh you don’t say!” Your tone is very clearly sarcastic and you lean against his back for support, your tired and struggling to catch your breathe.
“Sorry dear, just trying to lighten the mood.” he apologizes briefly. “So, you got any plans?” You roll your eyes again at this. “Do I have any plans? I thought you were the genius council member. Your lucky your pretty” you joked, agreeing that maybe a joke to calm you both wasn’t horrible in this situation, it always benefited you to stay calm.
He let out a low chuckle, “alright alright, we could always just charge and see what happens” he suggests. You shrug at this, “I mean we could but we are a bit outnumber” you point out. “Ya know we could-“ you started
You hear a voice that breaks you both from this side conversation and interrupts you, “why are you just standing there! Drop your weapons!” One of the droids yell. This turns Obi-Wans head sharply towards the source of the voice. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s rude to interrupt people!” he said with a shocked tone before quickly charging towards the group of droids and attacking them.
You rub a hand over your face in defeat, “charge it is then.” You say to yourself before taking on the droids that you had been facing.
The two of you were doing a very decent job holding your own in this battle. Obi-Wan had always been very skilled with his lightsaber and general martial arts, his fighting always reminded you of a dance and this was something you admired about him. You on the other hand were also good with your saber but were a bit less elegant and focused more on the force. A talented force wielder you managed to rip plenty of droid heads off their bodies in quite a short amount of time.
Just as the two of you thought you were in the clear and safe from the droid attack, another wave hit. At Least two hundred more droids came at you from all angles and once again the two of you found yourselves surrounded.
“This is your last chance. Surrender or be exterminated.” one of the droids said, in their usual robotic tone. Obi-Wan turned to you, “I’m not sure we have another option.” He confessed. But you wouldn't give up so easily. You frantically looked around the area for anything that could possibly help you in this situation, and that’s when you spotted it. There was a ledge near by, it was high up but if the two of you could just make it up there you would be able to get away with ease.
You grabbed onto Obi-Wans arm. “Aww you know I don’t mind you holding on to me love, but there is no need to be frightened.” He attempted to comfort. “Dont flatter yourself Kenobi. I’m getting us out of this mess.” You said before tightening your grip on him and using the force to jump the both of you high into the air. Obi-Wan let out quite the yell at the surprised and you would feel bad if it wasn’t for the fact he screamed like a girl and it was quite funny.
As you managed to land on the ledge you both tumbled to the ground from the momentum and the fact that your not used to force jumping with another person. “God you know I hate flying.” He grumbled as he got himself off the ground. “Yeah, ya know a simple thanks for saving my life would’ve worked too.” You scolded. He chuckled and planted a kiss on your temple, “Yes yes, thank you for saving me.”
the two of you looked down at the swarm of droids below who were no frantically searching for you. “We should probably get going.” You figured. He nodded and hummed in agreeance.
Thankfully a rescue ship had already been dispatched and took little time finding the two of you stranded out on the planet. It landed nearby and you ran over just excited to get home and into your beds.
“Welcome back Master Kenobi and Commander [Y/N] .” Said Rex as the two of you boarded the ship. “Ah Captain Rex, never thought I’d be so happy to see your face!” You said with a grin as you took a seat in the common area of the ship. “When I heard the two of you were in some trouble I knew I had to come down and see the sight for myself!” He explained. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, “of course, truly insistent on our failure aren’t you.”
“Only when I’m bored” Rex responded with a chuckle. He leaned back in his seat as another one of the clones came in from the cockpit, “We are going to liftoff now sir. Are we heading back to Coruscant?” He asked Rex, who just nodded. “Alright, enjoy the flight” the soldier nodded before turning on his heel and heading back to the cockpit.
You all sat in silence for a moment before Obi-Wan asked, “How exactly did you hear about us being trouble anyway?” Rex smiled, “Anakin. Him and that girl he always hangs around were headed to come find you but I insisted they let me come instead. Told them they have much better things to do then clean up after their old masters!” He smiled. You nodded, “Ah of course, those two always can be found together. Well I guess I’m grateful for it in this instance since you saved our asses!”
Obi-Wan quirked a brow at this. “He saved our asses? Far from it, it was you who save us!” he said with almost shocked expression. “They saw we were surrounded and launched us into the air and onto that ledge you found us on. Without them we would’ve been toast!” He exclaimed.
“Oh I mean it wasn’t really that impressive I just got us out of the way is all.” You said humbly, propping your legs up on a footrest. Obi-Wan interjected, “and humble too, truly the finest Jedi you’ll ever find!” He praised. Rex laughed out loud and the two of you looked at his confused.
“God no wonder your padawans are so obsessed with each other, look at how the two of you act with one another! Like an old married couple!” He insisted. You both got a bit red in the face because, you basically were an old married couple. Of course you weren’t actually married but you might as well be. Rex didn’t know this, I mean how could he, but the fact he noticed something at all between the two of you definitely had you a bit anxious.
Obi-Wan shook his head, “No we are not, that’s ridiculous. I am simply thankful that they saved my life that’s all.” He insisted. “Anakin and Kaya are simply the way they are because they are both very strange creatures.” He elaborated. Rex laughed again, “well I can’t disagree with you there! Anyway, we should have a bit of time till we land so I suggest the two of you take some time to rest up, I trust you’ll have some meetings to attend to when we arrive home.” Rex advised. You agreed but Obi-Wan just sighed. His hatred for anything business related sometimes would out way his love of being a Jedi.
“And that, young children, is the end!” Obi-Wan announced as he leaned back in his chair. He was expecting to be met with claps or excitement but instead he was met with booing and complaints. “We want more!” “What happened to the Jedi knight?” “Who are they!?” were all yelled almost ontop of each other from the crowd of younglings. He was a bit taken aback by the reaction.
He threw up his hands defensively, “woah woah slow down one at a time kids!” He tried to calm the situation of the rowdy children. “Okay, said Jedi knight is fine! They are still a knight and went on to do a lot more good during the war and they still do good to this day. Nothing else to be said!” He answered definitely.
Another groan could be heard, “what was their name!” Asked one of the older kids. “None of your business.” Answered Obi-Wan. “But I wanna know! Please master Kenobi!” The child begged.
Obi-Wan just shook his head, “you must learn patience and to not dwell on such trivial things.” He insisted- which was really just his own clever way of avoiding the question. For some reason he felt like it would be obvious his feelings for you if he mentioned that it was you he spoke of, and he feared the kids mentioning his stories about you to you when they saw you. But much to his dismay….
“Ehem.” A voice cleared sounded as someone cleared their throat. All the children’s heads turned quickly to the source of the sound which came from the door to the room. Leaned against the doorway was the same Jedi Obi-Wan was oh so familiar with. “You telling stories about me in here Kenobi?” your voice echoed in the large room.
The children looked from you back to Obi-Wan and began giggling almost knowingly. He got flustered, “oh uh well the kids wanted to hear a story from my adventures so I figured…ya know we’ve been on a lot together so it was really inevitable and. How long have you been standing there..?” He asked.
You chuckled at his embarrassment, “pretty much the whole time. I appreciate the tales of my heroism though but you left out all the times you’ve saved me.” You noted. Obi-Wan turned back to the children, “see kids, as humble as ever!” Which caused the kids to laugh some more.
“Anyway it’s time for you all to be off to bed isnt it. Go on now! You’ve got training with master yoda bright and early tomorrow.” He said, crossing his arms and motioning with his head to the younglings private quarters.
They all groaned but shuffled away to their rooms, a few “good nights” could be heard from the exiting crowd. As the door to the private area slid shut, Obi-Wan felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to face you and wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head on your shoulder. “Gosh those children truly drive me wild sometimes.” He comments and you nod in agreeance. “Yeah well don’t all children.” You added which made him laugh.
“Didn’t realize you liked me saving you so much Kenobi” You teased, leaving a peck on his cheek. He brings his head away from your shoulder to look at you and you can see his cheeks go a bit pink again, “what can I say, after saving so many others it’s nice to be the damsel in distress every now and again.” he defends. “Yeah well if you ever need saving. You know I’ll be there.” You promise, putting your hand in his hair as he rests his head against you once more.
“My knight in shining armor” he mumbled as you two stood there alone for a moment, relishing in the peaceful times like this you got to share oh so rarely. “Well I think it’s time we get off to bed aswell.” You added, noting how physically tired he seemed after the long day you knew he had.
He stood up fully, “yeah your probably right, like always.” he agreed as he took your hand in his. “I’m just glad we convinced them to let us share a room, or all these sleepovers would look very suspicious.” He laughed. “Oh yeah- definitely!” You agreed.
The two of you walked hand in hand, the hallways luckily being pretty empty at this hour, till you made it to your living quarters. You both changed into some comfier clothes and slipped under the covers, more than ready to get a good night’s sleep.
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starbeltconstellation · 2 months
^^^ "The Jedi are BAD confirmed"
No, they AREN'T. I'm so, SO tired of people posting trash like this. These same people ignore the atrocities that the SITH has caused. I wish the show was written by better people, and I truly do mean that.
Loool, I agree so very much, dear anon. 😭🤦‍♀️❤️ It’s sad, isn’t it? Not much that can be done, however. 🤷‍♀️
I will say that we’ve had a few gems here and there. Even with its flaws, I think the Kenobi show was an excellent love letter to the Jedi, and treated the trauma Obi-Wan goes through in being a survivor of genocide with the respect it deserves. Hopefully one day we’ll see more stories like these as time goes on.
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st4rsnf1cs · 2 months
Fox w/ a Baby
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Pairing(s): Commander Fox x Fem!Reader
Summary: Commander Fox has a baby, here's a taste of what it's like!
Genre: Mostly fluff, SOME ANGST.
Word Count: 940 (bullet points)
Warnings: Pregnant reader, birth (but no description), kinda secret relationship, kinda distant parent? ITS NOT ON PURPOSE 😭
A/N: Literally love this au it's so cute.
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- When Fox found out you were pregnant he had two emotions: “OH MAKER,” and “OH SHIT.”
- He hugged you with so much emotion and passion, yes you guys have always wanted a child but you guys didn't know it was happening now!
- There was only one other person Fox was more loyal to than the GAR, that person being you. Because you were pregnant he was on full protection mode. He was usually more chill, letting you do your own thing but now he was protecting you like you were more important than the emperor.
- Fox was VERY STRICT he’s was a freak and made sure you ate the right food and didn't do anything that was bad for the baby.
- “Fox I’m fine!” You half yelled to him as you continued to lift weights. “No! You know intense exercise is bad for the baby!” You huffed putting the weights down, “maybe *you* should be the one carrying this baby.” You poked him in the chest sarcastically, all you got was a huff and an eye roll from the commander.
- You guys told very few of your pregnancy because Fox worked closely to the Emperor. It got lonely sometimes during your pregnancy because he was constantly working.
- “You're never here Fox!” You gripped your leg firmly, tears welling up and blurring your vision. “Cyare-” You cut Fox off, “no, I done with your excuses, I’m tired, I’m in pain…” You trailed of and you finally looked up. Fox had his head down staring at his feet. His shoulders were tense and he started to huff. You wiped your tears and slowly hoisted yourself up from the chair. As you approached Fox there was a glimmer to his cheek, your eyes softened. “Y/n…I’m doing the best I can, I do want to be there for you and our child but everything is pulling me in different directions,” Fox muttered out. You pressed your hand to his cheek wiping away his tears, you heart broke. You have never seen the man cry so this must be devastating for him. “Oh honey…I’m sorry.” You lifted his face gently, his eyes filled with regret and sadness. “I know you're trying, I just got upset I’m sorry there's a lot happening right now for the both of us,” Fox pressed his face into the crook of your neck and hugged you gently, you reciprocated the embrace. “Only a couple more months and the baby will be born.” He sniffled into you, “I love you Y/n.” Your eyes began to feel warm as tears dared to drop, “I love you too Fox.”
- It was kind of an angsty pregnancy but the two of you were strong. Because being friends with Senator Amidala had it’s perks you gave birth on her home planet of Naboo. Padmé and Fox where there for your birth.
- You and Fox had a beautiful baby boy. Only a few Jedi knew like Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Adi Gallia. They gave you gifts and obviously swore to secrecy.
- If you think Fox was already sleep deprived already? It just got A LOT worse. The two of you barely slept at times where all three of you were together. Fox had bags but goddamn they had grown. He was often the one to put the baby back to sleep because he felt bad he was gone, you gladly accepted it.
- The baby's first word was “mama.” Although Fox was ecstatic, he was kind of sad because it reminded him that he was away a lot. “Honey baby’s tend to grow closer to thier mothers, don't take it personally.”
- That day and from now on Fox made his mission to have the baby say “dada.” He looked like an adorable fool saying it the baby and it made you giggle. “What are you giggling at?” You sealed you lips, “nothing…”
- As the baby grew up more Fox became a control freak. He is definitely the kind of father to be worried all the time. It’s his job to worry, not only because he’s a dad but because he’s a guard.
- You knew that if you wanted too you could leave Fox with the baby and they would both be fine. One time you came home from a well deserved girls night out, and Fox and the baby were fast asleep. The baby drooling on Fox’s chest as Fox sleeps on his back. It was the cutest thing ever.
- Fox also loves explaining complicated topics that the baby wouldn't even understand. For example: Fox is teaching your child how to properly put on trooper armor at the age of 3. Fox being (of course) the lovely model.
- As your son began to grow he started to intensely look like his father. “He looks like me.” You chuckled, “yeah baby's are *supposed* to look like their parents.” However Fox and really any other clone had no idea considering he was grown in a tube.
- Right when your kid hit age 5, Fox began teaching him how to fight. Considering your kid has Fett genes he was thrilled. It was fun bonding time for them.
- If you can't cook that's ok because Fox is probably worse and couldn't cook to save his life. So when you tell him he has to cook dinner because you’ll be gone, he almost blows up the apartment. Sweat dripping down his face, eyebrows furrowed. Apron on a little too tight. Luckily for Fox, your guy’s kid will eat pretty much anything so he wasn't complaining.
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