#very messy doodle but that's alright
downinthehull · 1 year
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shh they're sleeping 💤
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 19 days
Little Ghost Holiday Drabble
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Synopsis: Baking during the winters with your kids and husband during the holidays.
A/n: Hi, my lovelies! I know that I have a lot of works to catch up on, I'm a little behind on everything right now as school has taken a toll on me and so has writer's block. I'll try my best to post more consistently, I know most of you who followed me for the domestic content miss it so here is a little something for our favorite family.
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @callsignsnowpunisher @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam @drewsmusee @konigceo @duck-a-doodle
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"Momma, look!" You turned your head away from the preheating oven to look at your little sunshine, although she was struggling to mix the cookie batter, her laughter filled the room. Your baby boy coos in your arms as you lifted yourself up.
"Be careful, butterfly. The bowl's really heavy " You smiled at her, she nodded obediently, trying to sneak a taste. "Butterfly, that has raw eggs. How about the chocolate chips instead, hmm?"
Her grin widens, foot stomps like a clumsy, cheery dance on the wood floor as she ran to the pantry. Nothing makes you smile more than the pitter-patter of tiny feet, wherever you were, it was always accompanied by her sugar-laced pitchy voice calling out for you.
She came back a minute or two later, the bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips you specifically bought for her sweet tooth. You give her the child safe scissors, your little girl wanting to be more independent nowadays, something Simon was both proud of and heartbroken about.
Looking up at you with a look of asking permission so you nodded, she squealed before shoving her clean hand in the plastic bag to have a handful of the treat, stuffing her little mouth. "Alright, put the rest in and mix it well, butterfly." You told her as she picked up the wooden mixing spoon again, multitasking on her munchies.
Simon came out of your bedroom together after a steamy shower with the towel around his neck, he wrapped his arms around from behind you, his face buried on your neck which caused you giggle and squeal his name in a playful warning when he lightly nipped at a sensitive spot.
"All done, momma!" She said taking it into her own hands to roll the cookie dough and plop it down on the parchment lined baking tray, her blonde hair sticking out in messy little spikes from what used to be a teeny-tiny bun.
She dusted her dress and flower printed apron before you helped her out in placing the filled tray into the preheated oven. Simon, taking your baby boy off your arms and inviting Ghostie onto the playing mat with them.
You watched them, keeping an eye on the oven which made your whole house smell warm and cozy against the snow outside the windows.
With warm cookies and cold milk, you stare at your loves before you, Ghostie practically stuffing her chubby cheeks full of the baked sweet with one hand, light beige crumbs and the sticky chocolate on the same bouncing cheeks while her other hand was offering half a cookie to her dad's lips.
Reminding you of moments during breakfasts and mornings when it was syrup and whipped cream instead of the crumbs and chocolate, when her giggles and birds chirping filled the otherwise depressingly silent rooms. You aren't ready for her to grow up despite your husband being more open about it.
Your baby boy chewing on his blue rubber teething toy as you enjoyed the ambiance of your warm home. Enjoying and savoring every moment you had while your family is complete, while Simon was still home for this time of year..
Within the very home and family that you and your husband built, your heart as full as it could ever be <3
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owliellder · 1 year
All Pent Up
MDNI 18+
Puppy Hybrid! Leon Kennedy x afab! Reader
Word count: 3.85k
Warnings: Porn w/ plot, unprotected p in v (stay safe), no use of y/n, spanking, crying, slight ass-play.
Description: After a long night at work, you come home to a very pent up Leon. A trip to the park to help with that energy turns a little sour.
Tags: Submissive! Leon, neck biting/marking, begging, cunnilingus, knotting, mommy kink, fluff, near illegal amounts of praise AND aftercare, a lovely creampie to end the morning
Not proofread. I am once again sat here bored at work. More self indulgence since I work the same kind of job aforementioned in this lmao.
Also VERY much inspired by @abp0rns art of puppy Leon, specifically the two I put below the crop. Please check out their art they gotta be one of my favorite doodlers out there.
Edit: cross posted onto Ao3 if it's easier for you to read there (cause it is for me)
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It had been an incredibly boring night at work for you. Working graveyard at a gatehouse meant you did practically nothing. Easy money, sure, but you can only watch so many movies and doodle so much before it becomes redundant.
The only thing keeping you going was making sure your puppy, Leon, stayed happy and comfortable. You'd found him at the shelter a few months back, and though you never considered yourself to be a hybrid kinda person, Leon was just too damn cute at that shelter.
After adopting the hybrid, you quickly fell into a nice afterwork routine; come home, get jumped by Leon, make breakfast while he asked a plethora of questions about your night and made sure you knew just how much he missed you by licking and slobbering all over you. He was the sweetest boy, but man was he excitable.
Some mornings, you'd come home a bit more awake than others. It was random and you're not sure what made that so, but today was apparently one of those days.
"-sosososo glad you're home, mommy! I've been so lonely and bored without you!" Leon happily talked on after you'd walked through the door, his golden fur covered tail thumping loudly against the back of the couch. You remained quiet as you let him ramble, reaching up to pet through his messy bedhead with a smile. "I chewed on my toys, broke one of the squeakers though, but you've gotten me plenty of other toys for me to play with!! I really like this fluffy red pig you got me-!"
He continued to talk loudly about everything he did after you left for work only 8 hours prior, running around to grab and show you his chewed up toy and his favorite toy, tail continuing to wag avidly all the while.
"Alright, alright.. settle down, Leon.." You spoke up, cutting off his talk about laying in your bed so you could take a moment to shed your work clothes in favor of some more comfortable lounge wear; an old, faded graphic tee and a pair of soft sweatpants.
The hybrid followed you throughout the apartment while continuing to ramble, albeit a lot quieter now. Clearly Leon had a lot of energy this morning, which wasn't unusual by any means, but since you weren't all that tired this morning you decided that a trip to the dog park would be a good way for him to get some much needed exercise and enrichment.
After making breakfast, you dressed your puppy in a cozy outfit since it was always little chilly in the mornings where you lived, damn cold desert. You only had to reach for the leash for him to start jumping and yapping enthusiastically, making it rather difficult to hook it onto his collar.
You decided to stay in your comfy clothes, seeing as it would keep you warm enough until the sun warmed the air outside.
"Do you think Chris will be there?! Can you text his owner?? Who else is gonna be there?! I can smell the park from here!-" Leon rambled excitedly as he tugged you along to the park, smelling every bush and tree the two of you passed thoroughly. His tail never stopped wagging, those soft floppy ears perked forwards as he moved his head every which way, focusing in on every movement and sound while beelining to the park. He knew the way there, the leash was just to make sure you didn't get lost.
The air was cool the, sun beginning to warm you up. It was starting to bring out your exhaustion, but you wanted Leon to get at least half an hour of playtime in so he wouldn't bug you while you slept later. The thought alone made it easy for you to power through that brain fog that threatened to settle in.
You and Leon walked across the street once the tall chainlink fence that bordered the dog park was in view, the Golden Retriever hybrid practically dragging you to the other side of the street as his excitement grew. There were always other hybrids out early in the morning, the cool mornings were nicer for walks compared to the hot afternoons, at least in your opinion.
Leon was rubbing himself along the side of the fence, sniffing with a large goofy smile on his face. He had playmates that were normally here around this time, namely Chris, a German Shepard hybrid. Though Chris was a little bigger than Leon, they always played nicely, never having gotten into any sort of scuffle.
Chris was quick to notice Leon, running up to the fence so he could sniff him. They rapidly got each other riled up, so the moment you made it to the gate you unhooked the leash from Leon's collar. This wasn't so he didn't get choked out when he launched into the park, no, it was because the last time you forgot to unhook his leash first, you were yanked face first into soggy grass and mud.
The second you unlatched the gate, Leon pushed it open. He sprinted into the grassy park, Chris not far behind before tackling the smaller hybrid with a playful growl. The two roughhoused, chased each other, and played tug-of-war with a stick Chris had found.
You decided to sit on a bench not too far from where the boys played, looking up from your phone every minute or so to make sure their play didn't turn ugly.
Only 30 minutes had gone by before- "Mommy! Mommy!" Leon shouted from across the park, prompting you to look up from your phone. It only took a moment for your eyes to nearly bulge out of your head when you spotted a now brown Leon. His tail wagged, slapping loudly against the thick puddle of mud he was laying sideways in. "Looklooklook! Chris and I found a ball!" he yelled with a grin, Chris holding up the muddy ball high in the air so you could see it.
You sat there dumbfounded for a brief moment before letting your head fall back, breathing in and letting out a deep sigh as your eyes closed. You tilted your head forwards again, letting your eyes open slowly as your annoyance showed clear on your face.
Your puppy could see your expression change even from where he was, his ears drooping more than they were as the mud had weighed them down a bit. Seems like playtime was over.
Chris' owner wasn't all that happy either, walking over to the filthy hybrids only a few seconds sooner than you did. You pulled Leon from the mud by the collar since he seemed a bit stuck, glaring weakly at the now cowering puppy.
"Leon is always getting Chris into some sort of mess." Chris' owner huffed out, clearly irritated with the situation. You frowned, running your free hand over your face with a soft sigh. "I'm sorry, Leon just seems to really like the mud lately. I can't help that Chris follows, but I'll try to keep Leon from the mud." You didn't really care for someone implying your Golden Retriever puppy was a bad dog, but the idea of confrontation mixed with your ever-growing exhaustion was enough to have you just let it go.
After apologizing again, you let Leon shake off the excess mud from his body before hooking the leash to his collar once more, beginning to pull him towards the gate. He was very resistant to leaving, whining and whimpering something fierce. "I'm sorry! ImsorryImsorry! Please I'll be good! Let me stay a little longer mommy! Please I'm sorry! Mommy!"
As pitiful as he sounded, you now had to squeeze a thorough bath in for the hybrid before you were even able to think about sleeping. You continued to drag him along as he fought against you, crying out softly as you finally got him through the gate, closing it before he could run back through.
Your exhaustion was making you irritable, and having to fight to get Leon back home was enough to make you angry. It got even worse when he growled at you.
You stopped walking, the entrance to your apartment building only a few feet away. Turning around to face him, he immediately shrunk down at your furious glare. "Bad boy, Leon." Your voice was harsh, yet also so calm, it scared him. He hated being a bad boy, he never wanted to hear those words together again.
After you started walking again, he followed obediently, staying silent all the way into your apartment. He stood stiffly by the front door once you closed it, watching you stomp away. The puppy was on the verge of tears, his muddy tail tucked between his legs and his ears flat against his head.
Leon's bottom lip trembled the longer he couldn't see you, his ears twitching a bit as he picked up on the sound of the bath faucet turning on. His hands were clasped in front of his legs, head down in shame.
"Leon!" You called out from the bathroom, your tone still laced with irritation, he could definitely tell that much. The hybrid quickly shuffled to the bathroom, trying his best not to get clumps of dried up mud on the carpet along the way.
Leon stood in the bathroom doorway before you gently dragged him in, making silent work of his clothes that were absolutely caked in mud. He knew what to do afterwards, quietly seating himself in the bath, shoulders slumped. The bath was silent except for Leon's weak attempts to apologize, his voice faltering every time once he looked at your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you just looked so disinterested.
After the bath, you shooed the puppy off with a towel draped over his shoulders, lazily washing off his collar in the dirty bath water before unplugging the tub.
Leon sat in the living room, drying himself off as best as he could with the towel. Even after, he shook himself off on instinct, the towel left discarded on the floor. He had sat himself on the couch, still slouched with a strong pout on his face.
He knew he was in trouble. His stomach sank when you walked out and stood in front of him with that same irritated look. You then walked and sat next to him on the left. "Lay across my lap, Leon."
The Golden Retriever hybrid whimpered, though he did as he was told, laying himself so his abdomen was laying on your lap, his tail still tucked between his legs. He yipped when you grabbed the base of his damp tail with your left hand, roughly untucking it so you could get a clear view of his ass. "Look at me, Leon."
He turned his head and tilted it back slightly so he could look up at you, his eyes sad and watery. He didn't have anything to say for himself. "You growled at me. You've never growled at me before." You sounded upset, and you were. You didn't want to punish your sweet boy, but him growling at you for something so insignificant deeply bothered you.
Sighing, you pulled his tail up away from his ass even further, grip tightening on it as you felt him try and tuck it back between his legs again. Wordlessly, you drew your other hand back, a sharp smack along with a cry from Leon ringing out in the quiet apartment. You hated having to do this, but he needed to learn.
A few harsh spanks later and the hybrid's ass was bright red and sore, tears spilling down his face as he sobbed out barely comprehensible apologizes in between loud cries every time you brought your hand down on his tender behind. His hands gripped the couch cushion tightly, those pitiful sobs of his tugging at your heart.
Once you feel Leon'd learned his lesson, you gently ran your hand along both his ass cheeks, soothing the hot and red skin while your other hand caressed the base of his tail. You waited until his crying quieted to talk to him again, listening to him sniffle wetly as you let go of his tail to wipe away his snot and tears.
"Okay, okay... there you go, sweet boy. All done. I'm all done..." you whispered to the whimpering puppy hybrid in your lap, shifting your body sideways so he could climb up and lay his head against your chest. You combed your fingers through his hair with one hand while the other stroked the side of his face, clearing the few stray tears that continued to fall.
Leon buried his face into your chest, hiccuping out muffled apologies as he brought his hands up to wrap around you. "I'm sorry mommy. So-.. sososo sorry... Didn't mean to, mommy..."
As he trembled against you, you couldn't help but feel terrible for punishing him that way. He'd never been bad before, the punishment really shouldn't have been so harsh..
You waited until he quieted to speak up again, tilting your head to the side slightly so you could see his face a little better. "...you took that so well, Leon. Such a good boy for mommy, huh?" Despite the suggestive undertone, you made sure to talk softly, careful not to upset the delicate puppy on your chest.
He lifted his head up slightly, nodding weakly as his eyes turned glassy once more. "Please.. I'll-I'll be a good boy for you m-mommy. I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry mommy- I didn't mean to growl- ImsorryImsorryIm-"
You shushed him, running your hand from the side of his face up through his hair as he began to cry again. "You're a good boy, Leon. I forgive you, baby.."
All Leon wanted to do was make this right. He never wanted to be a bad boy again. He hated the way you spoke to him, the way you had looked at him. It was so scary, he wasn't a bad boy, no, he wasn't.
His mind was flooded with everything he could possibly do to make it up to you, tears falling onto your shirt as he pulled himself up off of you. He crawled backwards and sat back on his haunches, giving you a wary look as he tucked his fingers under the waistband of your sweatpants.
"Oh, Leon, sweetheart, you don't have to-" "Please..." Leon's meek voice cut you off, making you pause for a moment before nodding with a smile. His hands trembled as he pulled your sweatpants down, taking your panties with them. The hybrid hiccuped again before bringing his head down between your thighs, putting your legs over his shoulders as he cautiously placed his hands onto the points of your hips
It only took a second before he shoved his face into your cunt, whimpering at your smell and taste as he licked between your folds. You gasped, feeling his tongue eagerly lap up your slick as it leaked out of you, his low whimpers vibrating deliciously against you. "Leon~... oh~.. easy, boy..."
You reached a hand down to gently stroke his hair, attempting to get the puppy hybrid to calm down a bit still. He was obviously so eager to please, though he was still shaken up by the punishment; tears falling from his eyes, quiet sobs muffled by your pussy, eyes closed, and cheeks flushed a beautiful pink. His tail had started to wag again and you were relieved to see it sway slowly. You just wanted to see your puppy happy and excitable again like he always was.
Leon continued to lap at your cunt, keeping himself firmly buried in it. His breathing was a bit shaky but you just let him do what he needed to do, reaching your hand to the right a bit so you could stroke one of his soft floppy ears. He sighed at the feeling, his tail wagging a little faster.
"That's a good boy, Leon~... god- such a good boy for his mommy.." You praised the hybrid as he worked his mouth on you, the praise causing him to whine into your cunt. His eyes peaked open, looking up at you as small tears fell from them. "Good boy~..." You ran your hand down to stroke your thumb between his eyes, prompting him to close them again with a sigh.
Your words encouraged him further, sucking at your clit when his tongue wasn't buried inside of you. The puppy hybrid licked all around, making sure none of your sweet slick was left to waste. He eased his grip on your hips, partially worried he would hurt you, but mostly cause he adored the way you writhed when you drew close to your orgasm. He relished in how you pulled his head impossibly closer, practically grinding against his face, using him. What a good boy he was.
Leon was in heaven when you came, whimpering into your cunt as you gushed against his face. He made sure to lick up everything he could, even dipping down to your ass for a minute, tongue flat against the puckered hole. He'd be mad if he saw the couch got some of your juices.
After a moment, he pulled his head away, resting the side of his slick covered face against your thigh as he looked up at you with those puppy-dog eyes that you just couldn't resist. You knew what he wanted, and who were you to deny him?
"My good boy wanna fuck his mommy? Show his mommy what a good boy he is?" You whispered, to which he eagerly nodded in response, his ears perking up. You could hear his tail thump lazily against the back cushion of the couch, all the while watching him lick his lips. "I-I'll be a good boy for mommy. I'm a good boy-..good boy for mommy.." he mumbled quietly, hoisting himself up onto his haunches again after carefully laying your legs down off his shoulders. His thick cock was leaking pre-cum, flushed red at the tip while his knot was fully swollen. It was hard to look away.
Leon continued to mumble to himself, almost like he was trying to convince himself that he was a good boy. His breathing was still shaky as he watched you flip over, your ass up in the air while you rested your elbows on the armrest of the couch.
The poor thing was practically drooling at the sight of you, frozen in place, just staring at your glistening pussy. Your voice snapped him out of his trance, a hushed "Pretty boy..." causing him to lurch forward and mount you without further hesitation.
You cried out as he shoved his cock into you halfway, stopping only to grab the skin right above your collarbone with his teeth. He made sure he was positioned properly, shifting slightly before pushing his throbbing dick all the way. He whined at the way your slick walls gripped him, his knot pressed firmly against the outside of your cunt.
Leon's teeth broke skin as he began to piston in and out of you. He was drooling, whimpering, moaning, and his tail was wagging so fast. He loved the way his mommy felt, gripping his so tightly, sucking his thick cock in.
His let go of your skin to lick at gently, which was a stark contrast to his fast and rough thrusts. "So sorry mommy- sososo sorry.. never growl at you again- ah~..! I-I'll be mommy's good-.. good boy.."
The hybrid panted next to your ear, reaching his hands up and under your loose shirt to grip and massage your breasts. His fingers pinched and tugged at your sensitive nipples, causing you to moan loudly. You could feel every bit of his cock as he slammed it into you over and over again, the tip kissing your cervix which made you hiss at the slight pain it caused.
"Gonna- hnghh~.. gonna fill mommy up.. gonna be mommy's best boy again..." Leon whined, tilting his head to the side so he could nip at your neck, kissing and licking under your jaw. He sucked numerous hickeys down your neck, making quick work of the other side as well. He wanted you to remember how good he was for you, how much he was willing to do to make things better, what a good boy he was for you.
It didn't take long for him to near his own orgasm, his chin resting over your shoulder as his hands had worked their way back to your hips. He was so close; the sounds of your moans, the sinful way your pussy squelched with slick as he fucked into you, your smell, the lingering taste of you on his tongue, everything was just so overwhelming.
The puppy hybrid didn't have the words to give you warning, only a long drawn out whine as his hips stuttered forward, knot stretching you open. You came again from the feeling, barely being able to clench around his knot. It was just so big.
With his cum pumping into you, you could only groan pleasantly at the feeling of being so full, his knot having basically plugged you to the point that none of it could escape.
You could partially register Leon running his hands up and down your body, anywhere he could reach in his position, bunching up your shirt in the process. His large hands felt nice, helping you come down from your high. He was whispering something, you couldn't make out what, but it was probably the same thing he'd been spewing before.
After Leon was able to pull out of you, you made sure to reassure him over and over that he was your good boy, and he'd always be your good boy.
You made him a little snack once you'd cleaned yourself and him up, seeing as the park and your at-home playtime had influenced his appetite quite a bit. You loved to see him happy again; those beautiful blue eyes crinkled with a smile as that fluffy tail of his wagged.
Your body finally realized how tired it was once more, your brain catching up with that as well. You waved Leon, who was elated to follow you, into your room, practically bounding in like a deer. He begged to lay the way you two did on the couch, and again, who were you to deny him?
You laid back, head on your pillow as Leon nestled himself on top of you. He laid his head on your chest, turning his head to the left as he rested his arms on either side of you, his hands just barely tucked up under your pillow after pulling the blankets up over the both of you.
"You're the greatest boy anyone could ask for, Leon. Always taking such good care of me.." you whispered as his eyes closed, his tail going from a lazy wag to a stop as he fell asleep.
"I love you, my sweet boy.."
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nothomegal · 9 months
Broo please Hear me out.. how would y/n react to pyramid Head/pyra giving them a paper flower??
(i bet pyra saw some survivor make a paper flower and just watched how they made it so he could make one for you cause like there's no actual flowers in silent hill)
Aww that's so sweet! Hope you don't mind if I respond with a lil' fic instead of a messy doodle 😅 I just have so many things to say!
"Little flower"
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warnings: none, just fluff!
World count: 1.6k
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—"What you're thinking about, big guy?"—
The voice of his human awokened the monster out if his erratic state. By the look on (Y/N)'s face, it seems like they've been trying to get his attention for a little while.
—“Is everything alright?"—
He let out a short metallic clank and nodded ones.
—“Just zoned out I see.”— you chuckle as you lean against his broad shoulder. —“I was daydreaming too, but had to stop when someone began to squeeze me a bit too much."— you add.
Squeeze-? Oh, right. The beast was currently walking through a corridor of the building they've unofficially turned into their home. Only that, Pyra was the one moving. (Y/N) meanwhile was being carried by the monster, their body effortlessly supported and held closely by one massive arm of their lover, whose grip was a bit too tight at that moment.
The two of them were silent most of the walk, just enjoying the presence of the other one. But the quietness was interrupted when (Y/N) softly hummed.
—"Have I ever told you you're very handsome?"— you playfully say as you look at his pyramid shaped helmet.
(Y/N) couldn't hide their grin, not when their lover lowered his head down as if he got flustered. Only when a small giggle escaped them is when Pyra squeezed them against himself, causing them to laugh instead.
—"Alright alright, I get it. No saying pretty things about the big scary Pyramid Head."—
Pyra doesn't react to their comment, at first. But soon a quiet little growl would slip from inside his helmet as he moves it to then gently nuzzle one of the edges against them. (Y/N) giggles again, and responds to the gesture by running one hand along the rough metallic surface of their lover's head.
Pyra's been acting very clingy since he had returned. A few hours prior he had left abrubtly, leaving his little human all confused. Despite being a tag startled, (Y/N) wasn’t too concerned, probably his duty as an executioner and punisher of Silent Hill calling. But imagine their surprise that when as soon as he came back, instead of a usual greeting like nuzzling his helmet against them or licking their cheek, the monster simply yoinked them up and began to walk with them in his arms.
The whole time their walk lasted, (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about what Pyra could have in mind. They've been his for a long time already and know that things never happen out of the blue with him, there is always some sort a reason for everything he does. Though some could be quite... Silly or small, maybe straight up petty. (like when they were 'too tolerant' with a Creeper, a fucking bug. Jeez they probably were carried and manhandled like a rag-doll for a week-)
They zone back in when Pyra suddenly stops and gently sets them back on their feet. (Y/N) eyes the room curiously, but it seemed to have nothing out of the ordinary or special, just another abandoned room of Silent Hill.
—"So... You want to chill in here for..."—
Their voice quietens when the beast suddenly sticks the sword into the floor and stalks towards one of the few furnitures the room had. (Y/N) observes him in silence, curiosuty slowly morphing in confussion when they witness their lover open and take something from the inside. Huh? Okay... That's something new.
And the silence remains even when the monster turns back and begins to make his way towards them.
The executioner is known for his brutality and determination, never backing away or leaving his victim be, always hunting them down and providing the scariest of the punishments...
This is how everyone viewed him. Viewed it.
(Y/N)? They already seen a side of him that no mortal or creature could ever imagine, but it seems like such side had corners yet to reveal.
When close enough, Pyra reaches for (Y/N)'s hand and brings it towards himself, their palm facing up. Then, he places...
(Y/N)'s breath shakes a little and eyes wide when they see what was placed on their hand.
Flowers. Paper flowers.
The time seemed to freeze and reality fade away. (Y/N) couldn't believe their eyes. Pyra... Pyramid Head himself, just gave them a gift?...
They take in the apparence of said gift. The flowers weren't perfect, more like a bunch of scrunched paper shaped the best it can be into a flower. But even if the result wasn't the most perfect, the effort and care put into these was reflected... Wait, did...
(Y/N) slowly drags their gaze towards the monster, who was standing in front of them completely still.
...Did he made these?
...For them?
The silence was suffocating. (Y/N) remained frozen in place, their eyes now directed again to the flowers but their gaze seemed lost. The beast remained just as still, even his breathing got quieter.
Pyra is known for his steel composure. He never experienced anything like fear or anxiety. If anything, he is the sourse of these. But now? Now he's probably feeling something of this for the first time of his existence. Was that a bad decision? Did he reopened the already scarred wounds by reminding (Y/N) of the real world and the fact that they've been gone for so long? That they will never return to see the real flowers and life without him going absolutelly ballistic about it?
Maybe it is, maybe it was a bad idea... But the attempt was worth it, right?... They always observed the few pictures and paintings of nature with such fond eyes, trying to take in and store that little piece of landscape into their memory. They always showed particular likeness to flowers, sometimes drawing those and commenting which are their favorites. He never really got the point of these though, but (Y/N) liked them so it had to be important.
Only when he witnessed some unfortunate newcomer making some using paper, is when he really started to think about it. And after seeing how (Y/N) perked up when they saw yet another landscape drawing, something just snapped inside of him and he knew he had to take action.
And now, seeing how still his human is, he really began to second guess his decision. They must be dissapointed with the results, he had to try harder and be more careful... But it's so damn hard to fold the paper without breaking it with these damn huge hands of his-.
The sudden sensation of arms wrapping tightly around his waist pulled the monster out of his thoughts. Pyra tilts his helmet down, looking at (Y/N), who's face was hidden in his chest. Their shoulders would shake at times and a muffled huff would come out... Are... Arethey sobbing?
Pyra of course tensed, clearly affected by seeing his lover cry. But when (Y/N) lifted their head and looked up at him...
—"Thank you... Thank you so much...!"—
Yes, there were tears in their eyes... And so the shine of absolute hapiness and gratitude, so pure that it resembled the eyes of an angel, at least to him.
—"I-... It's just-..."— you let out a small chuckle as you struggle to put your thoughts and emotions into words. —"It's just... No one ever did something so... So loving and special for me."—
(Y/N) falls silent again as they snuggle closer to Pyra, most likely realizing that no ammount of words could express just how thankful they were. As they're clinging to their lover like a lifeline, they feel his body slowly relax and then contract just enough for him to wrap his arms around their form, hugging them back.
They stayed like this for a good ammount of minutes, just holding each other while (Y/N) spoke time to time, gifting Pyra with their lovely voice and more gratitude. It's a small thing, yes, but for (Y/N) is huge. Especially because a creature who never even concerned itself with such silly meaningless things like flowers made it, putting its time and effort into the gift for them.
When it became clear that the snuggles wouldn't end anytime soon, (Y/N)'s body is suddenly lifted into the air and swung over a shoulder to then be carried towards the closest wall. Despite being manhandled, (Y/N) couldn't stop smiling and would often giggle as they're transported like a sack of potatos. It's a bit of a contrast with the usual gentleness their partner handles them. But hey, Pyra's allowed to have some fun too!
They're both soon settled down, embracing each other once again. Pyra sitting and leaning against the wall while (Y/N) is cofortably nestled on his lap and against his chest. They observe the paper flowers, fingers carefully tracing along the imperfect petals that they're looking at with such love-filled eyes.
—"They're beautuful, really. You're very talented."—
A small rumbling groan escapes from Pyra's helmet as he tights his grip around them.
—"I'm serious! You're an amazing artist!"— you exclaim. —"Just look! Your hands and strenght have the triple of my size and power yet you still managed to make it look like a flower! Bet If I tried to make one it would end up looking like some cursed paper mess."—
He groans, clearly disagreeing with their statement. (Y/N) simply sighs with a giggle.
—"If you don't believe me then we could try to make some more later."— you cassually comment.
Pyra remains quiet, thinking. Eventually he makes a noise and dips his head in a small nod, agreeing with the suggestion. (Y/N) smiles, their eyes sparkling with excitement and joy, as genuine as from a little kid. 
The monster would definitely smile if he had a face for it. He haven't seen (Y/N) this bright and alive ever since they realized their feelings for each other are mutual.
Looks like his assumptions were right, flowers indeed are important for his human if it made them feel like this.
To be honest...
He kinda likes them too now.
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luveline · 2 years
if you want, maybe roan is just like doodling around and stuff yk and she draws a typical like family pic but eddie notices that beside the both of them there’s another messily drawn figure and it’s the reader :( <3
HELL yeh ty baby ♡ fem!reader
Eddie's a good dad. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise, he's good at this shit, and if Roan wants to go get burgers every Friday he's gonna take her. His daughter deserves the world.
Including greasy, messy quarter pounders from Benny's diner.
"What's that one?" Eddie asks, pointing over Roan's half eaten plate with his pinky finger at her drawing, the table between them covered in crayons from her open pencil case.
"This? This'a doggy," she says, like it's obvious and he's the worst.
"I knew that," — he did not know that — "I meant want kind of doggy."
"Oh. That's our dal-dalm-damnation!"
Eddie grins at the idea of a dalmatian named damnation. Fucking sweet. "Dalmatian, babe." He wipes his fingers in a napkin so he can lean over and pick sesame seeds out of her hair and off of her little sweater. "I thought you wanted a St. Bernard. The rescue dogs with the medicine around their neck, you remember?"
She points at the dalmatian's side where she's drawn a cross in red crayon. "He is a rescue dog."
Eddie hums appreciatively and picks up his burger again. But the time he's finished Roan has moved onto a clean page. She sits there tap tap tapping her crayon against the corner.
"What do I draw?" she asks.
Eddie grabs his napkin. "You didn't give me a look at the first one!" he exclaims, stacking her plate on top of his.
Roan struggles. Her sketchbook is a simple plain workbook from Bradley's with thin paper, but the size of it is still heavy in her small hands. She turns back to the page she'd just been decorating and brandishes it against her chest proudly.
"Holy sugar, that's awesome," he praises, and means it. "Is that Princess Peony?"
"The damnation is saving her," Roan says.
"I can see that."
He reaches under the table for his backpack. Inside, he carries around all the bare essentials necessary for successful kid outings — spare clothes, Teddy the pink bear with one ear, a hair brush, hair ties, her rain mac. And, the most important thing, wet wipes.
"Alright, c'mere. Let me wipe that face."
Despite contrary instruction, Eddie walks around to sit on her side of the booth. He does hands first, then crayons caught in the crossfire, then her face. She hates it, but when she was a baby she loathed it. He takes her scowl as an improvement.
"Why don't you draw... Maybe, a new family portrait? We can put it on the fridge like the first one. You can even include your damnation, if you like."
"He isn't real, dad."
"Just draw what's real, then. Can I trust you while I go get drinks?"
She makes a haughty little face that he takes for an eye roll and leaves to get drinks, though he's not really leaving. He's about ten feet away from her at all times and he keeps his eye on her.
He only looks away for what can't be ten seconds, and she's gone. His heart skips as his eyes scour the diner.
Eddie flinches, his coke tipping over the side and down his hand. "Oh, sh- sugar," he says, kissing his fingers dry. "Babe, you scared me."
Roan stands at his knee with her drawing in hand. She wields it up at him insistently.
"That's for me? Swap?" he asks, offering her a small glass of juice.
Roan takes the juice in one hand. Eddie quickly takes her drawing so she can use both hands, watching the pride as she shuffles carefully back to the table. She doesn't spill a drop.
Eddie shakes out the drawing and sips his coke. The edges are ragged along the top where she's torn it free.
Front and centre is Roan. She's drawn herself with big long eyelashes and a full head of curls, total dad-win, in a huge cloud of pink he assumes is her very best princess dress. To her left is Eddie, same head of curls, long lashes amiss but a huge smile on his face, and to Eddie's left is Wayne. He looks especially dapper, a coffee mug in hand.
It's a great likeness.
And then there's you.
Your hair, your favourite shirt. Roan has drawn you with lovely eyes and a heart next to your smile, messy but so obviously you.
He beams like a fool as he sits down next to her again. She's already turned to a new page in her blook.
"Roan, this is amazing. And... That's Y/N."
"Duh," she says.
"Duh," he repeats, dumbfounded.
He wonders what he's supposed to say here. Telling her you aren't part of their family wouldn't be true. Telling her you are might set a precedent you aren't ready for. He worries it over for a while and takes despondent swings of coke, listening to Roan scribbling furiously beside him.
Eddie looks down. He gawks.
"Baby, is that..."
She points with her crayon enthusiastically. "Tada!"
"It's a castle," Eddie says carefully.
"That's where a princess gets married."
"And that's..."
"That's Y/N!"
There you are. Smiling, a bouquet of blue, red and yellow flowers on bright green stalks in hand. A prince stands beside you in a suit with a bright red scribble across his chest like a sash. The prince also has long, curly hair.
"Where are you?" he asks.
Roan points at a purple blob with black hair in the background. "I'm the flower girl."
Eddie throws his arm over her small shoulders and drops a firm, smacking kiss against her round cheek. "That's where you're wrong, bub. You'd be right next to me, my best girl."
She giggles infectiously at him, his words and breath tickling her face.
"Dad, don't be stupid. It's s'posed to be a man with you."
"Make an exception? Just this once it can be a girl. Pretty please?"
She smiles at him. It's a much older expression than she should have, like she's entertaining his fantasy, like he's the kid. "Okay, dad. I will be the best girl."
Later, when he tells you the story, you get super indignant. His stomach turns to a pit as he worries he's overstepped, but you say, "How is that fair? I want her to be my best girl."
"Maid of honour."
"What's the difference? You got her all this time completely by yourself, and you're not gonna share her on our wedding day?" Your voice drifts off as you dissapear into the bathroom, though he can hear you muttering, "Ridiculous."
He hides his electric blush with a pillow over his face. When you return, you climb half on his chest and force the pillow away to dot spearmint kisses against his pinked cheeks.
more eddie and roan (and reader!)
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dollsque · 3 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ❝ ONLY YOU, DARLING, ONLY YOU ❞ 💚
Word Count: 1.2k
Short Summary: All the ways you two say “I love you.”
Notes: Fluff, Hobie Brown x Reader, Y/N used sparingly, no mention of gender, one-shot, sfw
Masterlist Here <3
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🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did leave out special post-it notes on the windows around the house while patrolling that told you to stay safe, eat well, drink well, get some afternoon beauty sleep, and some silly little quick doodles.
However, even with the loving intent behind it, he does sometimes do this just to ease your mind that he’s okay when he drops off the notes. You’ll be watching TV, window free of a post-it note, then a while later you’ll see a Post-it on it with quick, messy, and unmistakable handwriting (or a quick doodle) with an added timestamp and small handwriting at the bottom that told you he’s alright. He wanted to make sure you didn't have the same stressful, worrisome days he had.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did take care of his wounds after he came home from patrolling no matter how tired you are. No matter how many times he assures you that his super healing will do most of the work, he knows his effort is futile when you’re already opening the med kit and getting ready to get to work with a tired but determined expression as you listen to his daily stories.
You then checked for anything else you missed, any small scratches that would have healed on their own, and some that may have needed a bandaid. After you’re done, you give him lots of kisses and hugs for his hard work, which he gratefully accepts.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did make some room on his beloved guitar for your signature and adorable chibi drawings that you somehow turned into stickers. Any small little gifts you made like some bracelets, he wore like a champ. He owns that shit.
All the handmade little cards you’ve made for a holiday like Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, all the birthday cards, and all the cards you made are in a very special box with a bow on it. He secretly reads them all every night when you’re asleep, and some of them date back to when you guys first truly became best friends.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did spend some time repairing his suit when sometimes he was simply too tired to do it. You knew that being Spider-Man was hard. You didn’t want him to do it all alone. You knew you couldn’t help much, but you knew that even the simplest of things like repairing the tears and scratches in his suit, washing it, and making sure that it would be good as new the next time he needed it, was good enough for you.
His huge smile, happiness, appreciation, and the way he flickered between the colors purple, pink, and yellow, were always worth it. All the hugs and kisses you received, and how he told you he’d make it up to you somehow, told you that you had done your part and that you did it amazingly, and that was enough for you.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did try and get into your interests and hobbies, like reading books for example, so he could bond with you over more things. Once you finished a book, he’d pick that same book up and read it so that he could talk to you about it. He would even get upset when he was in the middle of reading, his spider senses would go off, meaning he had to continue later.
He would always enjoy the way your eyes lit up when he started talking about the book you had recently read. You two would share your opinions, some even clashing sometimes, but it still was enjoyable and an amazing bonding moment. Sometimes, he’d even go to the library and pick out two books that he’d think you’d enjoy. He’d pick out a book for himself to hide the fact that he went solely for you.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did decide to bake him some treats and pastries like cookies or little cupcakes to share with him just because. You think you both deserve it after long days, and you would like to cheer him up. You loved seeing the animated eyes of his Spider-Man mask squint in happiness and delight as he turned yellow at the smell. Yellow for happiness, you knew.
Paper pastries would float about around him for just a split second as he ate them with you before they disappeared, but you swore that one day you’d touch one of the floaty-thingies (as you called them) one of these days to seriously see if they were actually paper or if they were even grabbable in the first place. But for now, seeing him happily eat the pastries while complimenting the hell out of your baking skills was enough to make the both of you happy.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ HE DIDN’T SAY THAT HE LOVED YOU, but he did pay attention to the things you said you liked in your many conversations with him. He particularly paid attention to the part where you said you adored the lily of the valley flowers. He immediately went into action the next day, researching the hell out of those flowers. Once he finds out that they’re poisonous, he moves on to plan B: paper lily of the valley flowers.
Two days after that conversation he surprised you with his handmade lily of the valley flowers, which looked close enough to the real ones. He explained that he didn’t want you getting poisoned to death over pretty ass flowers, so he made them for you instead.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that as long as you didn’t eat them and wore gloves, you’d be fine, but honestly? Those were way more fucking precious than receiving the real thing from him, just because of the extra love and care that went into them. You showered him with hugs, and kisses, while he received them with a goofy, lovesick grin (and yes, he did turn pink with the little floaty-thingy hearts, but you were too busy showering him with physical affection to remember your little mission).
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU DIDN’T SAY THAT YOU LOVED HIM, but you did try to shower him with affection whenever you could. You wanted to be the one to make the move to hold his hand. You wanted to be the one to give him a big hug. You wanted to be the one to initiate the cuddles on the couch as you two watched a movie. You wanted to hold his pinky with yours every chance you got. You wanted to initiate the sweet little kisses that you often stole from him.
You wanted to make him feel like he was the most loved boyfriend on the fucking planet. He already did that for you, making you feel like the most valued partner on the planet, so now it was your turn, and you planned on making him feel that every time you showed him physical affection.
🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ BUT WAIT A MINUTE—YOU HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER THIS WHOLE TIME! It’s just that actions speak louder than words, and you both were able to feel it during all those moments, even while apart. Your love could never be broken, for it’s equally as strong whether you two decide to say it, or whether you two decide to show more than tell.
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© 2024 dollsque - all rights reserved; do not copy my works, repost my content, edit my works, or translate my works on tumblr or anywhere else. it is strictly forbidden. oh, and no AI shit with my works, please.
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cloudysleepingzone · 7 months
Heya^^ could we possibly get some romantic hcs about dazai, atsushi, and possibly fyodor with a artist s/o, they sometimes doodle on unimportant papers when the meetings are way too boring for them , and sometimes when they have free time they draw their lover in their sketchbook, maybe a painting or two of their lover <3 anyways love your writing and don't forget to hydrate! Have a wonderful day or night!!
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BSD with an Artist S/O
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Decided to add Chuuya and Tecchou due to a very similar request!
Contents : Dazai, Atsushi, Fyodor, Chuuya and Tecchou x Reader (separate), gender neutral reader (they/them used), fluff, suggestive for Dazai's part and sorta Tecchuu? Not really. Pet Names.
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Dazai Osamu
Doesn't matter what your drawing, he's watching.
Can you blame him though? He just loves watching his lover just doing something they enjoy!
If you draw him he will start acting like a dramatic prince for a solid 10 minutes.
"(Name), draw me like one of your French girls~"
You sit quietly at your desk, the surface covered with your sketchbook and a handful of pencils and pens. "Belllaaa~!" Though your peace is interrupted by your loving boyfriend trying to get out of doing his job again. "What are you drawing beautiful?" He leans over you, his arms wrapping around you from behind as he props his chin on your shoulder. The sketchbook page had small doodles of the two of you, mostly just small cute doodles of holding hands, Dazai tilts his head slight to the side, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. "You know, if you need any ideas you could always draw us with less clothes~"
Atsushi Nakajima
Our sweet boy
He's so supportive of your work he loves seeing the look on your face when you make something your proud of
You draw him? Oh boy...he can't even form words
"You're getting even better sweetheart, you keep improving!"
Your a mess, your finger tips covered in different shades of blue and grey, just like the tip of your paintbrush. Atsushi was behind the canvas, laying comfortably on your shared bed with a soft smile on his lips. "Am I doing alright? I'm not moving too much?" He was doing an amazing job. A perfect job. "Your doing good sweetheart, I'm almost done". You've drawn him from memory plenty of times before, but it feels so much more romantic with him right in front of you. "You look really pretty when your focused..." He mumbles under his breath, even if your the one painting him, he's the one doing the most admiring <3
Fyodor Dostoevsky
To a non familiar eye he seems completely uninterested or even annoyed at your interests. But that's far from true
He adores your work though he sucks at showing it
Got a piece you're really proud of? Yep he's putting it in a fancy frame
You? Drawing him? Aren't you just a sweetheart...
It was already late at night, the curtains had been drawn and you were currently in the shower. Meanwhile your husband Fyodor was already dressed in something more comfortable and was waiting for his dear. Fyodors finger tips gently run over the cover of your current sketch book, which laid on top of a desk in your shared bedroom. He picks up the sketchbook, flipping through the pages slowly before a certain page catches his eye, a page seemingly dedicated to just him. His normally cold and hard gaze softens a bit at the sight, some being full line art and color and others being simple messy doodles. His admiring is interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. "Sweetheart what are you doing?". Your husband gently closes your sketchbook, setting it down onto the expensive hard work surface. "Just admiring your work my dear..."
Chuuya Nakahara
New art supplies? He's buying it. You want a new set of expensive as hell paint brushes? Pfft, pocket change.
If you even mention getting into a new form of art he's already handing you his credit card without another question.
"It looks pretty already doll, make sure to show me when it's done yea?"
Like Fyodor, he puts his favorite pieces in fancy frames <3
You walk into Chuuya's at home office, not bothering to knock (not like he minds) "Chuuya, I finished that painting you wanted to see!" He slowly turns his chair around, a small smirk on his face, completely ignoring his task of sorting through files for now. "Let me see it babe". You turn the canvas around, showing him your paintwork you've spent a few weeks on. He stand from his seat, walking up to you and placing a gloved hand on your cheek, planting a loving kiss on the other. "It looks beautiful sweetheart, just like you. I'll be hanging it up." Chuuya had already started a small selection of your art that was displayed in fancy gold and silver frames over a fireplace, in the style as if they were million dollar paintings. To him they may as well be, to him your art is priceless. Your priceless.
Tecchou Suehiro
You could make something weird and he'll like it
He will just silently watch you draw whatever, doesn't matter what.
"That looks good sweetheart"
Drawing him? God I don't know if his heart can take something so sweet!
Here you are, sitting on your boyfriend's back while he does sit ups. It was actually pretty normal at this point. The only sounds in the room was the huffs coming from Tecchuu throat and the sounds of pencil scratching against paper. "Hm...maybe I should draw you like this, it would be pretty good anatomy practice" you quickly sketch up some messy line art you can fix later, shifting slightly to show Tecchuu. "Huff Looks good" Despite the slight strain in his muscles he's able to respond pretty easily. I get up from your seat on his back, letting him get up with a groan before stretching his arms. Moving your pencil back to the paper, you continue to look from your boyfriend to the paper back and forth. "This is a bit better" you your sketch book around, it was just a simple sketch of his muscular figure but it was like fine art in his eyes. "You've been improving a lot haven't you?"
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
was talking about this with @ghostboyjules --
children's reading circle librarian!dream ("mister dream"!!! with lil star doodles on his name tag...??? yes???) and single dad!hob whose son is in dream's reading circle AU still lives in my head rent free
thinking about hob being a regular at the library and trying to work up the courage to ask dream out but also not wanting to be creepy because this is dream's place of work??? and dream not wanting to approach hob because his son is in the reading group and that would be out of line!!! so they spend a long time both secretly liking each other
then they actually run into each other somewhere else innocuous (checkout at the grocery store? hob sees dream in a t-shirt and jeans for the first time - not what he usually wears at the library - and dream sees hob in a hoodie with his hair up in a messy bun and they're both like OH MY GOODNESS HEART EYES??? IT'S HIM
hob actually spots him first and he has robyn with him and of course robyn (who loves dream) is all, MISTER DREAAAM! and drags them over to the same checkout. of course dream then crouches down to speak to robyn in a very serious and proper way about whether he has finished the book on greek mythology they just checked out yet. and then dream looks up at hob before straightening up and he's still smiling in a totally disarming way and hob is like oh okay, so if i don't take my chances i might actually perish
and so hob jumps on the opportunity to ask dream out for coffee or drinks... dream is SUPREMELY thrilled to be asked out but also totally blindsided... ends up putting his foot in his mouth and accidentally declines somehow??? cites propriety or whatever and hob is all, "oh, that's alright of course, well - we'll see you on sunday - " and then they have to both wait in the checkout queue before hob can go home to lick his wounds in peace...
that night death calls dream up to see how he's doing and coaxes the story out of him... and takes it upon herself to arrange a re-do for them... and she insists dream has to be the one doing the asking out this time... in the end dream ends up asking hob to go to like ??? a museum exhibit opening with him? an exhibit on fancy antique books perhaps? something fancy like that. idk there's wine and passed hors d'oeuvres and fancy outfits and it's TOTALLY kind of high stakes as first dates go but the rest is history ok????
fast forward to dream reading robyn a bedtime story before tucking him in at night because robyn INSISTS on being tucked in by mister dream and hob standing in the doorway like "you're so good with him *heart eyes*"
ahhh, i just love them your honor
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mail-posting · 5 months
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Wanted to flesh out and add more headcanons to this ↑, so that'll be under the cut!
This post by my friend(?) Is basically what I mean by he's chaotic academia lol
⫘⫘ Messy as hell handwriting that only he can read, although sometimes he can't read it either and struggles with remembering what he wrote
i feel like he'd have a typewriter in his room for important notes because of this (no idea if those actually existed when idv takes place but we have cypher machines which seem pretty similar so-)
He's always, always doing something with his hands.
if he's not writing on his notes, he's doodling abstract shapes or concept inventions on them.
And if he's not doing that, then he either has something to fidget with or tinker on, or he's playing with his hands.
⫘⫘ speaking of hands, to me he only wears one glove because they irritate his scarred hand.
He should take regular breaks so his hands don't cramp and hurt, but he's usually so engrossed in his tasks that he forgets it's even a problem.
⫘⫘ He talks a lot! But sometimes it's not just the chatty type of talking but a cacophony of thoughts and ideas that his brain works him up into and needs to be dragged out of him by the only way he can.
If you're not his friend already and you end up on the listening end of one of these, as long as you don't actively recoil from it you've probably gained a ton of trust with him.
⫘⫘ Part of talking so much with everyone is that he has a lot of friends! But he doesn't really have many friends, you know? There's only a select few he trusts properly.
⫘⫘ His memory tends to go blank on things like the date or time.
He's worried quite a few people by not realising it was a holiday, and commenting on it with confusion.
More minor holidays like Easter and Valentine's Day are the easiest to forget, because people don't really decorate for them.
He has Several alarm clocks for timing, but he usually asks people to immediately come and get him if he's needed for something and isn't there.
Due to this, he's been part of things he wasn't supposed to be, because he generally trusts that he's just forgotten he was meant to be there.
Of course he has distorted dreams of the incident, but he actually has quite a lot that revolve around his prison time.
⫘⫘ He has a lot of night terrors. There's been so many nights where he's jolted up, heart racing, and couldn't tell what was real or fake or where he was for a while.
He was treated... extremely badly there. Any excuse to take frustrations out on a rich person was taken liberally by the other people. Prisoners, guards, all of them.
Lots of both physical and mental trauma helped to cement his broken mental state and lack of memory, as well. Being hurt like that is not going for your head.
After all, one of his canon dislikes are "implements of torture"
⫘⫘ He's pretty good at decoding when he decides to do a match! He avoids hunters pretty well too. Unfortunately, they don't like him very much...
He always HATES the rocket chairs. Not necessarily what happens after he's eliminated, although that's startling too. It's actually being strapped down to it that makes him panic.
He doesn't like being stuck to anything, and he especially doesn't like it when the hunters are usually nearby ready to hurt him.
⫘⫘ It's alright though, because he has his chain! He's augmented it in order to create the static charges you see in the matches.
There is just one teensy little problem. After coming to the makeshift hospital ward after blacking out while using his abilities a couple of times, he was asked what he did to keep his electricity generator from shocking him. He didn't have an answer.
As it turns out, he's rather numb in certain parts of his body. Including his neck. And as he was only focused on this invention being effective, he never quite realised that it might be a danger to have it near his already messed up brain.
He's trying to refine it so it doesn't do that, but he's advised to stay out of matches for now.
⫘⫘ he's not the best with self care. At all.
his hair is VERY messy, so it's tied in place with a lot of unconventional things.
Ribbons, wires, gears to wrap it around, clasps, and more. He even kept it tied with a pair of pliers one time. He just needs it up. It's a sensory thing.
But on a less light hearted note, he usually forgets to eat, and "forgets" to sleep while he's working.
If he does eat, he usually brings things like pastries from the main hall to his room.
And if he sleeps... The night terrors about killing his mentor are much more vivid when he jolts up to a desk that looks exactly as it always did back then.
⫘⫘ he doesn't work on his invention. He desperately wants to, but he can't.
Even for someone with good memory, trying to continue a project you last worked on YEARS ago, completely from scratch, is hard.
But he barely remembers what it was meant to do. His life's devotion, shattered to pieces in his mind because of a stupid impulsive accident he feels that he caused. It breaks him.
So he works on other things. Everything and everything will be tinkered with, because maybe he can remember what he wanted. Someday. Through desperate notes and ramblings and trying to weld the puzzle pieces together in his mind.
Grasping for it even as it slips away the more he tries to think of what it was...
⫘⫘ He has friends now. And he'll do whatever they want to do. Anything to distract himself from his plight.
They're the main reason he takes self care at all, besides keeping up appearances. He doesn't feel as alone when everyone is struggling with him.
His room is full of little gifts for them. Might as well put his knowledge to things that make them happy, right?
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duskspring · 10 months
Gifts - Dew/Everyone
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Domestic December - Day 10
Summary: Dew gets the pack gifts for the season
Content (do let me know if I forgot anything!): Slightly anxious Dew, fluff, some quick kisses, talk of gender exploration and euphoria in relation to Rain
Word count: ~3.5k
A/N: Some parts of this fic are inspired by some headcanons I've posted before [My Main Masterlist]
The night was loud and unholy. The entire ghoul pack had gathered in their common room, celebrating the end of year festivities. Movies had been watched, board games played and so, so much alcohol consumed. It had, by all accounts, been a great night. But not for Dewdrop.
Yes, he’d been having a lot of fun, but there was a part of him distracted. He’d had an edge of anxiety all night, waiting for the right moment to resolve it. He knew he couldn’t wait much longer, since the night was starting to reach its natural conclusion in those wee hours of the morning.
He sat on a chair on the side of the room, leg bouncing. Two strong arms suddenly came down to lean on his shoulders from behind. He’d recognize those arms anywhere.
“What’s the matter, Droplet?” Swiss asked, “You’ve been a nervous wreck all night.” 
“I’m not.” Dew argued unconvinsingly, before sighing. He knew he needed to just get it over with.
He stood up without another word, moving to his room. Swiss immediately followed him in concern.
“Hey, I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean-”
“Nothing’s wrong, Swiss. I just need to grab something,” He stopped his stride, turning to Swiss with an almost pleading look in his eyes, “Please just wait here for a second.”
The multi ghoul was confused, but didn’t want to overstep. He subtly nodded a few times, “Alright.” He took a step backwards, his eyes staying on Dew, before turning back to the rest of the pack.
On shaky legs, Dew quickly made his way to his room. He had two plastic shopping bags waiting there for him, as well as a little separate package on his desk and another item off to the side for later. He put the separate one in his pocket before picking up the bags and marching back. He couldn’t stop now. If he just kept walking and got this over with, it'd be done. It wasn’t a big deal. Worst case scenario, the thought was still there, right?
“Ooh, whatcha got there?” Aurora asked the second he walked in. All eyes turned to him and he froze.
Just get it over with.
“Find out for yourself.” He said dismissively, putting the bags down and plopping himself down on the couch.
Aurora immediately crawled towards the bags. Half of the pack came a little closer as well, while the other half sat back, though still curious and anticipating.
Aurora dug through the first bag, grabbing the first thing she could get her claws on. She examined the wrapped package, soon spotting the name ‘Mountain’ written in Dew’s messy handwriting.
“Mounty, it’s for you.” She announced, throwing it over her shoulder without looking away from the bag.
Cirrus luckily caught it, passing it to Mountain. He looked at Dew in pleasant surprise, looking at the little flat square in his palm. The wrapping was messy, even on such a small present.
“Can I open it?” He asked dew.
“It’s your life. Do what you want.” The fire ghoul’s anxiety was getting worse, making him act dismissive as if it would distance him from the gifts.
He delicately unwrapped the package, without tearing the dotted paper. The first thing he was met with was an empty rectangle of cardboard. He turned it around, causing dew, who was paying very close attention, to bring his legs up against his chest.
Mountain looked over the cardboard a second, then third time, wanting to make sure he was reading it all correctly. There was a bit of text on there, next to a shitty doodle of a flower and what he could only assume was supposed to be Dew, all made with black permanent marker. The words were hard to make out.
“Exchangeable for one… at- attemoon?”
“For one afternoon of help in the garden.” Dew quickly mumbled in explanation.
Mountain looked up in surprise, “You hate the garden.” He noted.
“Well, if you don’t like it you could just say so!” The fire ghoul said defensively, his anxiety reaching its peak.
Mountain’s expression softened, “Dew… Thank you.” He got up, awkwardly bending over to wrap his arms around his packmate.
Dew was shaking like crazy, ready to cry at the positive reaction.
Meanwhile, Aurora had thrown a few more packages over her shoulder. Rain, Aether and Cirrus all got theirs. The little multi ghoulette huffed as she reached the bottom of the first bag, quickly moving onto the next. After throwing something to Phantom, she finally reached her own. She squealed in excitement, forgetting the few people that still hadn’t gotten their own and immediately violently unwrapping hers.
She found herself holding a small ziplock baggie. She saw Sunshine’s face, photoshopped onto a sun through it, quickly opening it up to investigate. It quickly became obvious that she was holding a little pile of different kinds of stickers. Apart from the Sunshine one, there were stickers based on everyone in the pack, all shitilly photoshopped in some relation from their element or name. There were stickers further referencing inside jokes, as well as some logos from Aurora’s favorite bands.
“Dewy, these are awesome!” She giggled, happily shaking her hands.
Cumulus came closer to her to look at the stickers, giggling at them herself, “Did you make these yourself?” She asked him.
Mountain pulled away so Dew could answer. He did so with a nod, “Aurora likes stickers. Easy.” Coming up with and putting together all the designs had actually been a nightmare, but he would never admit to that. He had zero regret, seeing Aurora’s reaction.
Based on the ghoulette’s excitement, everyone quickly dug into their own gifts. Cumulus handed out the few that hadn’t reached their reciprocate yet, including her own.
Phantom’s gift has a funny texture, only upping his curiosity. He rushed to unpack his, gasping and stuttering in excitement when he saw what it was. He could barely hold on to it with how much his hands shook.
“Whatcha got there, buddy?” Swiss asked, smiling at Phantom’s excitement.
Dew let out a sigh of relief. He’d been perhaps most nervous about Phantom’s gift, thinking it wasn’t good enough. Too lame or cheap, not personal enough. Seeing the quintessence ghoul’s eyes light up forced every last bit of anxiety to leave him.
The gift had indeed been simple, a little bat shaped fidget toy. You could spin its head around in circles, pull its wings back and forth and squish its little feet. Phantom immediately went to town on it, unresponsive to most outside stimuli.
Cumulus went next. Unwrapping her gift gracefully, much like Mountain had done. Her heart swelled as her hands grasped a book. Not just any book, but a photo album.
“Dew…” She said his name in adoration, flipping through the pages. Most pictures had been made by her. They were all labelled with a date and the place or situation in which they were taken. It was separated into three chapters: tour, home and Cumulus. The first chapter included photos from the stage, backstage and the tourbus. The second showed all the various shenanigans the pack experienced at the abbey. But it was the third that was most meaningful to Cumulus. She didn’t have a lot of pictures of herself, always being the one to take them of others. But Dew had somehow gathered just about every good picture ever taken of her, even some she had never seen before.
Cumulus quickly pushed the book into Cirrus’s hands, afraid she’d cry all over it. She sniffled, still seated on the ground. She made grabby hands to Dew, beckoning him over into her arms. The two entered a crushing hug while the book was passed around to everyone in the room, laughing and reminiscing.
“You fuckhead, really?!” Sunshine yelled in good spirit at Dew, holding up the book on a page containing a very unflattering picture of her napping on the tour bus. Drool leaked out the corner of her mouth, Swiss and Phantom posing next to her, pointing at the lewd drawings they’d made on her cheeks.
“It’s a good picture.” Dew argued with a smile, earning him a pillow to the face.
Sunshine rushed over in his disorientation, straddling his chest and miming punching him in the face a few times. They both laughed, Sunshine getting off of him again.
“Didn’t even get me a gift.” She mumbled, although her smile faltered a little. She’d been one of only two who didn’t have a gift in the bag. She was confused and hurt, but didn’t want to make a scene and risk ruining it for everyone else.
Dew looked at her face, silently reaching into his pocket and sliding her the little gift he’d kept separately in his pocket with a wink.
Sunshine immediately thought she knew what it might be, covering the package with her hand so no one could see. When everyone seemed distracted, she moved her legs up and unwrapped the gift behind them without looking down. She examined it with her hands, having a hard time not reacting. Quickly she let her eyes drift down, nearly screaming when she saw the lighter in her hands.
All the lighters she used to own had been confiscated for… reasons. And she technically wasn’t allowed to get any new ones.
She turned to Dew with a devious smirk, making him regret the gift almost instantly. But when she shuffled over and put her arm around his shoulders and rested her head against it, he knew it’d been a good call. He felt a lot calmer already, excited to witness the rest unpacking.
Cirrus went next. She tried opening it carefully, before just tearing it apart when it was taking too long. Her gift was one of the few in a proper cardboard box, also being the biggest. It carried the name of a clothing brand she was vaguely aware of.
She looked at Dew with squinted eyes. Curious, suspicious.
She opened it up to indeed be met with a sleek deep blue fabric. She picked and held it up, realizing there was another part of the same color in the box as well.
No way.
“Dew.” She stressed his name, putting her arms down again.
“Yes, dear?” He asked with a grin.
“Dew.” She looked again. It was unmistakable. He’d gotten her a suit. A full, fancy, proper suit, “I complained about not having a suit last week, how did you-”
“Guess I just know you really well.” His dismissive attitude came back with a shrug, not mentioning the fact that he’d run around town in a blind panic trying to get it on time during the busy season.
“I…” She struggled to find the words to express her gratitude.
“Well, don’t just stand there. Put it on!” Sunshine hyped her up.
Cirrus’ eyes lit up, throwing the jacket back down in the box and rushing out the room with it all.
“Alright, alright, now I’m done waiting,” Swiss said, looking straight at Dew, “I assume you haven’t forgotten about me.” There hadn’t been a gift for him in the bags either, but he knew better than to assume Dew didn’t get him anything.
The fire ghoul nodded, “One second.” And left the room.
His feet produced quick taps through the hallway, even though he was wearing socks. He hadn’t been able to bring Swiss’ gift in earlier, since it couldn’t really be wrapped.
“Dewdrop,” Right as he was about to pick it up, Cirrus’ voice came from behind him. He turned to the doorway, greeted by the sight of Cirrus in her brand new, impeccably sharp suit.
“I’m so glad it fits.” Was the first thing he said.
The ghoulette took quick strides towards him, hugging his head into her chest. She could be quite reserved sometimes, so she was glad to have caught Dew on his own.
“It looks great. Thank you so much. I love it.” Her voice shook a little with the sincerity it carried.
Dew stood semi awkwardly when she pulled back, “Phew,” He said stoically, though he did mean it and she knew that, “Guess you should show it to the rest then. I’ll be right behind.”
Cirrus nodded enthusiastically, skipping her way back to the rest of the pack.
Dew let out another relieved breath when she was out of sight. He really didn’t know why he'd been so scared to begin with. He knew his packmates well.
He could hear the excited oh’s and ah’s from the common room and knew he shouldn’t keep Swiss waiting too much longer. He waited another half a minute so Cirrus could have her moment, before picking up the gift and making his own way back.
“You did not!” Since Swiss’ gift wasn’t wrapped he could see clear as day what it was right off the bat.
“Maybe I did. Why don’t you have some fun with it?” Dew teased, holding out a very distinct guitar. At least it was distinct to Swiss.
He would recognize that damn thing anywhere. It was the first guitar he’d ever learned to play on, never allowed to take it on tour. When he returned from his first set of shows he was told he wouldn’t need the old model anymore, since it was best for him to get used to what he always used on stage. He’d never seen it again after that and a sentimental part of him had always missed it. But it was undeniable. This was the exact guitar.
The multi ghoul had never stood up so fast, making his way to Dew and practically yanking the instrument from his hands.
He inspected it, as if there was any doubt it was the right one.
“Hey, I know that! I learned to play with that thing.” Phantom mentioned.
“And it’s good that you did,” Dew interjected, “cause that’s how I figured out where they stored it. Don’t tell anyone.” The last sentence was said very quickly, giving Swiss a serious look that revealed that Dew did, in fact, steal the guitar.
Swiss looked at him with the same adoration he’d been shown earlier, but even more intense, “I cannot thank you enough.” The multi ghoul’s voice was low, soft. He’d never meant something this much in this life.
It almost caught Dew off guard, only able to nod and smile in response.
While Swiss excitedly moved to play a song, Aether had made his way to Dew’s side and led him back to one of the couches with a hand on his shoulder. Their legs touched when they sat down, making Dew move his head to Aether’s shoulder like Sunshine had done with him before.
“Should I be scared?” The quintessence ghoul asked half-jokingly, holding up the little box his gift resided in.
Dew shrugged, “Depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“Do you trust me?” Aether exhaled a laugh. Dew knew damn well he trusted him, he just wanted to hear him say it. He played this game a lot.
“Well, alright, alright. I trust you. Let’s see.” He removed the wrapping paper, not afraid to tear it but also not doing so in an aggressive manner.
He thought his eyes would bulge out of his skull with how wide they opened. Whatever he’d been expecting was nothing like this.
The little black ring box felt smooth in his hands, “I didn’t know you were so into human customs.” Aether smirked at Dew. The fire ghoul looked a little confused, until his friend clarified, “Are you asking me to marry you?” He already knew the answer was no, but it was fun to tease.
Dew scoffed, but couldn’t hide his smile, “You wish.”
Aether finally opened the box. The ring was a silver band, with dark purple waves decorating it all around.
“Saw it at a store, back in Cincinnati. It reminded me of quintessence, so I thought-”
The fire ghoul was cut off with a quick kiss on his lips. Aether’s face was so full of adoration, it made them both feel crazy.
“Four months,” Aether realized, “You’ve been sitting on this, and managed to keep it a secret, for four months.”
“I take it you like it.” Dew looked away from Aether’s face for a moment, a little bit of insecurity still lingering.
Aether forced him to look back with a hand on his chin, “It is perfect,” He kissed him again, “I just wish I got you something in return.”
“Please, don’t worry about it.” He nearly begged. Giving gifts had already been a struggle, let alone receiving them.
Aether dropped down, his head resting in Dew’s lap. He smiled up at him, fitting the ring onto his finger.
That left only one. Rain had waited with his gift, wanting to properly see everyone else’s reaction before getting caught up himself.
His was only a little smaller than Cirrus’ had been. He didn’t want to expect anything, afraid of being disappointed if he did. But he had a hunch. He tried not to focus on it, yet he couldn’t help a part of him hoping he was correct.
“Open it up already, I’m tired!” Aurora encouraged him, getting a poke in the ribs from Cirrus.
Rain took a breath, telling himself he'd be thankful either way. Because he would be. His heart swelled at the events of the evening, how much thought Dew had put into each and every single gift, finding things he knew everyone would like. And Dew knew him very well, right? Yes, he did, but Rain still scolded himself for his hope and expectation.
A strip of the wrapping paper tore away slowly, revealing the cardboard box underneath. Rain let out a shaky breath, forcing the rest of it out of the way.
Swiss jokingly started drum rolling with his hands on his legs, the rest of the room slowly joining in. It only made Rain take more time. He felt exposed with all eyes on him. What if he had an unfavorable reaction?
There truly only was one way to find out. He opened the box. His tense muscles relaxed in an instant. He knew exactly what it was. And god dammit he had guessed correctly.
Dew had not been anxious in the slightest about Rain’s gift, already knowing he’d love it. Although he hadn’t counted on Rain doubling over his gift, tears streaming down his face with a quiet sob.
The rest of the room couldn’t see the gift, some stares and raised eyebrows making their way towards Dew. But his face was confident, a small smile reassuring everyone that Rain’s reaction must be of joy.
The fire ghoul got up, knowing Rain would want to hug or kiss or fuck him on the spot. The second his ass touched the couch, Rain clung onto him, his cries somehow managing to sound overjoyed indeed.
The gift may not have seemed like a lot to most people. It was a blue ankle length dress with glitters on the top part and flowers embroidered on the skirt.
But it meant the world to Rain. He’d been wearing skirts more often, mostly in the privacy of his own room. It wasn’t that he feared judgement, he knew the other ghouls, as well as the siblings, would never look at him differently for it. But he just wanted to explore and experiment a bit at his own pace. Dew was the only person he’d discussed this with in detail, having shown him this exact dress. He’d been wanting to get it really bad for a while but always felt like something was holding him back.
Not anymore.
“No pressure,” Dew whispered into Rain’s hair, “but I’d love to see you in it some time.”
The water ghoul looked up, quickly wiping the tears off his face. He smiled, hurriedly getting up and running out with the box like Cirrus had done before.
“What was it? What was it?” Phantom quickly asked.
“Give him just a minute and you’ll see.” Dew responded.
Indeed a minute later, Rain shyly stepped back into the room. There was definite excitement for everyone, some showing it more strongly than others.
“Give us a twirl!” Cumulus encouraged, causing Rain to do just that.
He felt majestic in it. A fairytale princess come to life straight out of a storybook. It was euphoric, “How did you know my size?” He asked Dew.
“I don’t know if you realize, but I’m pretty familiar with your body.” He explained.
Rain smiled wider, walking up to Dew and picking him up right off of the couch. He twirled around again, with him in his arms this time.
“Thank you so much. This really means the world.”
“Everyone say ‘thank you, Dew’.” Aether said.
A big chorus of thank you’s sounded through the common room. Phantom came up to Dew, still suspended in Rain’s arms, and joined their hug. Soon enough it was a group hug with the whole pack.
Dew had already stopped worrying, but the reinforcement of everyone’s gratitude made him feel even sillier for ever worrying in the first place. He loved his fellow ghouls and they clearly loved him back.
[My Main Masterlist | Domestic December Masterlist]
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marzbix-crystal · 4 months
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[Image ID: A page of annotated and fully-coloured digital drawings featuring an interpretation of the character Apophyllite from Land of the Lustrous, on the right is a full body drawing of the character facing the right, they have grey-blue hair that reaches their chin with one side partially covering their face, they wear the winter uniform with a shirt, tie, puffy sleeves, flared shorts, and flat shoes with bows on them, they also wear white knee-socks and elbow-length gloves, In the lower centre is a headshot of Apophyllite looking towards the left with their hair obscuring their face, in the lower left is a stylized drawing of them with one hand on their hip and the other holding a broom, finally in the top left is an image of Apophyllite crystals, and a Manga screenshot depicting a Lunarian mentioning the gem, with a red circle and arrows pointing to the name. /End ID]. Annotations will be rewritten below
APOPHYLLITE She/Her Pronouns Mohs Hardness: 4.5 Nicknames: Phyll or Poppy The Fourth Elder Gem. She pulled everyone together when Kongo Sensei lost consciousness. She's a lovely gem, but very strict on how she runs things- she's always fussing the youngsters about their uniforms, sleeping quarters, and even their posture. Apophyllite is a jack of all trades, she can teach, fix broken gems, mend clothes, she can even make quality paper. But she prefers cleaning above all else- dirt and clutter beware!! Some stuff I didn't write on the drawing: She is the Head Cleaner, and while she has a team of cleaners to keep the school tidy all year-round, she begins rallying every gem to get things (mostly) spotless before winter hits.
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[Image ID: A page of annotated and fully-coloured digital drawings featuring an interpretation of the character Pink Fluorite from Land of the Lustrous, on the right is a full body drawing of the character facing the right with their head turned to the left, they have long, sleek, reddish pink hair that hangs around their shoulders like a scarf with a strand of hair drooping from the top of their head, they wear a suit with a waistcoat, shirt, tie, rolled-up sleeves, trousers, and high-heeled shoes, In the lower centre is a stylized doodle of Pink Fluorite from the waist up, they have their hands on their hips and they have a disgusted expression on their face, the word "disgusted" is written in bold letters on their left, in the lower left is a bust drawing of the character facing the left while looking over their shoulder at the viewer, their hair is tied into a bun, finally in the top left is an image of a Pink Fluorite crystal, and a Manga screenshot depicting a strategy board where the character Phosphophyllite mentions them, a red circle and arrows point to the name. /End ID]. Annotations will be rewritten below PINK FLUORITE She/He Pronouns Mohs Hardness: 4 No Nicknames: Use their full name or refer to as "Sir" A total etiquette freak, far too strict to be a Mediator, but she still does her best to uphold the rules to the best of her ability. He was once the Delinquents' worst nightmare, but he started to mellow out a while ago. She had a weird one-sided rivalry with Labradorite, but she has mostly grown out of it. Mostly. Several-hundred years shy of Elder Gem status, but he still pulls the age card like it's a badge once in a while. She's weirdly agile for a gem that doesn't fight. He often ties his hair up into a bun, a very prim and proper gem. Some stuff I didn't write on the drawing: Pink Fluorite is actually quite elusive nowadays, he's usually holed up in the Library, making sure everything is in the right place. Despite her cold demeanour, she gives pretty good advice to those looking for it. --------------------
ALRIGHT OK ALRIGHT!!! I'm so happy with these I posted them together because I didn't want to just, idk bloat?? my profile?? I don't know how to say it but ANYWAY I realise these are a bit messy but I don't really mind it? I got my thoughts down and that is what matters. All three of these gems (Sphalerite, Apophyllite, and Pink Fluorite) looked VERY different to when I first thought about them, it's a shame I didn't draft those out, but I' so so happy with how they ended up. Although it's been very hard not to write "Pink Floyd" instead of Pink Fluorite I will be doing some proper art soon ish, I have several ideas, but not not all of them will be pretty rock related, so if you're tuned into my other blogs you can keep an eye out if you want :]
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mytimeinthesun · 18 days
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so i recently married Harvey and was overcome with the need for some low effort doodles
(my messy captions transcribed under the cut):
by doodle from top to bottom left to right:
-he's not very sarcastic but he makes up for that with his expressions lol
-what am I doing w/ his hair my god
-sorry there's just something about "aggressively unamused" Harvey that makes me laugh
-it's adorable 💚
-I just. can't bring myself to do anything to upset him b/c it's like kicking a puppy 🥺
-...but GOD it brings out the brat in me. it's too bad he's too sweet and gentle to be fun to antagonize
-an expression ripe for ✨sexual harassment✨
-ノノㇱて下さい先生 (/▽\) [basically "please scold me doctor" 😏]
-stole his glasses now he can't see shit <-
-what if I want to eat him what then hmm??
-this was not supposed to be all Harvey doodles but uh >//_//>
-だってかわいいんだもん~ [basically "he's just so cute~"]
-Ah, are you alright, miss?
-I'M FINE. DON'T COME ANY CLOSER (do not sexually harass the nice doctor [repeat ad infinitum] PLEASE HELP ME)
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sobredunia · 9 months
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This game.
Please play halOPE please please plea
thank you @starbage for making this it was very cool. now i have new and cool exciting topics to talk about to my therapist
bonus spoiler doodles + art taglist under the cut
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THAT ENDING WHAT THE FUCK. I ONLY GOT THE ESSENCE OF COMMUNITY ON MY PLAYTHROUGH (it fucking destroyed me it was so wholesome) AND I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT THAT GLOBE IN THAT RECLUSE GIRL'S APARTMENT BUT I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THE KEY IN COMMUNITY AND WHAT SHE SAYS TO YOU AND THE MUSIC AND THE MOON AND STARS. AND I DIDN'T KNOW THE TWO GIRLS WITH THAT RELATIONSHIP HAD THAT SCENE AND IT JUST?? IT FELT SO RIGHT?? LIKE OF COURSE THEIR NEEDS WERE CONTRADICTORY BUT THEY TALKED IT OUT IN A WAY THAT FELT SO RIGHT AND IT WASN'T MAGICALLY SOLVED AND IT WAS MESSY BUT IT WAS RIGHT. In the green world i wish tin had apologised to copper but the scene with lorena also felt so nice. also where do you get that white flower you give to the florist?? and who was the jerk she was in love with? was it the artist or the priest or??? tbh i wish there was something you could do with reconciliation's statue, like clean it up or smth, but the ending the world gets was good enough. I was running through literally all the worlds screaming in my mind "I WANT TO HELP PLEASE LET ME HELP I WANT TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY" dhsfjk i got so attached to everyone
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...I just had to draw this alright
@rottenkadaver @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
also i don't know why but godet with her strings fucked me up so hard?? it just. it hurt so much that it felt so relatable. and also her relationship with patches is so healthy i wish we got that in real life
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larabiatasstuff · 1 month
I was doodling some twisted metal stuff when I had this idea for a y/n × sweet tooth story
And I think you might like it? Maybe???
What if Y/N and Sweet Tooth went out looking for some action only to get separated in a factions post like Holymen or maybe a vultures nest something that has masks involved because what if, hear me out here, Y/N disguises themselves as part of the group to try and find Sweet Tooth before something happens to him but when they do get to him, since they have a mask on that is part of the group they don't have the time to reveal it's them before Sweet Tooth threatens them.
Sorry if that's a messy prompt it kept slipping, just how do you think sweet tooth would react to realizing he's hurting the person he's looking for?
(Also, hi, me again!! Listened to Iris and loved it)
Heyyy I'm glad you liked the song.☺️ I absolutely love your idea, your request is not messy at all. I'm absolutely excited to write that for you, I hope you enjoy 🖤
I was sitting in the back of the truck watching Sweet Tooth fixing fixing a flat tire but somehow he couldn't really focus and I could tell his hole body was tense. "Can I help you with something Sweet Tooth?" he immediately dropped his tools, taking a deep breath and looked up at me "Y/N do me a favor just sit there and look pretty, I got this." he said a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Oh someone woke up with an attitude." he sighed "I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean to snap at you I'm just... today is kinda weird ya know?". " Yeah you seem a little... restless today." "Restless is the right word. It's like I can't relax like no matter how much I do the tension is still there." "Hmm well it's been a while since we've been on the road and had some action. Maybe you need a little fun after all that time. Sweet Tooth put his hands on his hips." I like how you think Y/N, maybe you're right. I could use a little... exercise. " he said with a dark chuckle. "How about this, I help you fix the tire and then we can drive around and look where we can cause some trouble." he got up took a step towards me, gently grabbing my chin. "You always know how to cheer me up don't ya. I don't know what I would do without you princess" "I have my moments." he chuckled
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"That you have. Alright let's fix that tire and get on the road." with that he took the tools and I helped him fix the tire. " Okay we're done, thank you princess." "You're very welcome Sweet Tooth" "Come here let me help you." he said putting his hands on my waist, putting me on the ground. He got his machete and put it in the back of the truck. He closed the back door and we both got I to the truck. Sweet Tooth started the engine and we got on the road." Do you have a place in mind or do we have to drive around and hope we'll be lucky?" I asked. "Actually,I know there's a vulture's nest somewhere around here. I think we should pay them a visit what do you think princess?" "Sounds good to me." he laughed "Yeah I thought so, we have to drive for a little though their outpost is a little outside in the desert." "That's fine with me." I said looking out of the window. After approximately one hour we finally arrived at said outpost. Sweet Tooth parked in the distance and jumped out of the truck. I followed standing next to him taking my knives.
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Part two🖤
Tags: @honestlyzealouscrusade, @hrefna-the-raven, @spucifer, @megangovier, @firyblaze
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Fic ideas that live in my head rent free and that I need to write before I can even start thinking about pre-writing for Sicktember!
Alright so technically not all of these are fleshed out ideas that live in my head rent free- but most of them are! And some of them are just necessary to set the building blocks for writing the ones that are indeed festering inside my head.
Cyno getting sick in the night, alone, while Tighnari is away. This idea I first mentioned in this post, it came to me while doodling an exceptionally miserable Cyno. Now this might just sound like a very vague idea, but trust me. I have this thing fleshed out already, it just needs to be written. It involves a lengthy delicious build-up of feeling crummy and unwell, a messy and miserable night, and a slightly delirious phone call... I just have write it okay
Cyno getting sick while out with Kaveh and Alhaitham. I won't ramble on too long about this one since it was already very fleshed out in this post. (Massive thank you to @relevantlucidity for the idea) I cannot tell you how much I have brainrotted about this one, I need to write it??
An introduction fic to my new series/AU, Akademiya Days. I talked about this series in this post. I've decided I'm definitely turning this into a fully fleshed out series and I'm! Super eager! To start working on it!! You guys should let me know what you think, is it okay for the first installment of the series to be plot heavy? Or do I do a lighter introductory fic? Lemme know what you think!
One of the fleshed out ideas I do have for the Akademiya Days series that I just have to write, is this absolute gem (again suggested by @relevantlucidity) and honestly, this deserves two bullet points because I'm absolutely writing both the scenarios rambled about in the post, albeit with a little tweaking so they don't just come off as altered versions of the same story!
My ideas definitely aren't limited to just these - I have so many more! But most of the brainrot I can rein in and work into Sicktember! The ones listed above are just the ideas that will simply consume me if I put them off for too long, haha!
Ngl I thought this list was going to be longer because it took me so long to write lmao, but the reason it took so long was because I insisted on including the links to the og rambles!
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firecurls-27 · 1 year
I have this episode idea for tcs to do with the hellish trio, and Michael Morningstar.
It takes place after “the devil & ms chalice” after the devil’s been defeated. King dice comes down to headquarters and cruses through the halls towards the devil’s bedroom to see his bed, his paintings, and his other possessions out in the hallway. Henchman and the other imps were ordered to remove the devil’s sacred items away from him while he trashed his now empty room to clear off some steam.
Henchman explains that he’s never seen the devil THIS mad in centuries. King Dice asks what they could do to help him out, and henchman says there was only ONE thing that calmed down the devil when he was a kid: a very beautiful compass that could map the stars. When Lucifer was a child, he’d play with it for hours on end. After the fall, the angel’s “ confiscated” the compass all the way up in heaven. King dice suggests they go up and find it, and henchman agrees, knowing he could get in BIG trouble for this… he asks stickler and the other imps to keep an eye on the boss’s while he and king were gone.
They go to the elevator, but the farther up it goes, the more it changes. Into a “heavenvator”. They arrive at the pearly gates and sneak inside. They get disguises and do their best to sneak into the heaven headquarters. They get inside, look for the compass, to find out it’s gone, and see a note. “I’m sorry for stealing, but I need to borrow this -M.M.” Henchman freaks out because there’s only ONE Angel he knows of that has the initials “M.M.”
They sneak to the building of the archangels during the night so they won’t be spotted. They go pass multiple rooms, but eventually get to the door labeled “Michael”
They go inside and the room is HUGE. Walks Covered in swords and shields, tapestries on the ceiling, a bed covered in messy, golden sheets, and a large desk, where the archangel sits, holding something.
Henchman suggests that he grabs the compass, and king dice stands by the door for lookout. Henchman manages to sneak to the cabinet, dodging everything that could distract the man at the desk, lost in his own thoughts. He sighs of relief until he cracks a tile.
Michael gets up, charges to the purple demon, and shouts “why are you back here?!” While holding a dagger not far from his neck. “Now hold on there!” King dice says, slowly pushing the dagger away. “No need for all that! We just came to get somethin for a friend of ours, sorry for the intrusion, handsome~” he says, flattery in his voice.
Michael hesitates but says “…no one’s ever called me ‘handsome’ before.” He says shyly.
King exchanges compliments to the Angel, explaining the situation down in hell. Michael understands, goes back to his desk, and returns with a gold and blue plated circular chest.
He leads them to the gates and before they leave, he says“Give this to Lucifer and…..take care of him, alright? He has some good friends.”
It cuts to the devil in the underworld, having a nightmare about the 3 cups who wreaked his whole image, He bolts up angrily till he hears a knock at his door.
“Duh, heya boss! We gotcha a lil somethin!” The purple demon hands him the chest. The devil is appalled at first, wondering how they got it, then opens the chest.
Out from the chest pops out millions of glowing stars, constellations and planets farther than the average mortal can imagine.
The devil’s face goes from anger to pure euphoria, as he giggles with excitement.
“Thank you, henchman. Aaaand, king dice too, I suppose..”
Roll credits.
(Bonus doodles)
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