jacksdoodlesnshit · 2 years
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February’s #DWartistchallenge is ‘Send two characters on a date’. I know I missed Valentine’s Day, which would’ve been perfect, but I hope I can make it up with not one, but four dates! Zarbi x Yeti, Monoid x Vervoid, Nimon x Zygon and Raxacoricofallapatorian x Rill
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notyoujamie · 3 months
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cleowho · 6 months
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“What are you, a comedian?”
The Trial of a Time Lord - season 23 - 1986
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starleska · 6 months
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i'm onto Terror of the Vervoids and am obsessed with the Doctor high-key flirting with Janet the Stewardess 😳💖
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stephadoo · 10 months
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Every Doctor Who Story → Terror of the Vervoids
“The Doctor has destroyed a complete species. The charge must now be genocide.”
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finndiseicla · 10 months
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I was thinking about the popular fan theory that 16 year old fanboy Chris Chibnall's embarrassing appearance complaining about Terror of the Vervoids on live television was possibly the inspiration for the character Whizz Kid in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.
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If that's the case, then does that mean Benni and Vilma from Orphan 55 were based on Pip and Jane Baker?
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doctorwhogirlie · 3 months
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The Sixth Doctor in Terror of the Vervoids choosing events he himself hadn’t lived with as evidence that his meddling was worth it is either a) unnecessarily & unhelpfully convoluted in the way only he can be or b) indicative of some crazy self doubt & I don’t know which I prefer
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junkyardbluebox · 2 years
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Caption This!
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netrophensisposts · 3 months
Trial of a Time Lord - Story Explained
Going through the story again, it seems like the back story of Trial of a Time Lord seems to be a bit convoluted, so I'm taking the time to try and make sense of it using the wiki.
Agents of Andromeda somehow manage to get into the Matrix on Gallifrey and steal scientific and technical secrets. The Andromedans hide out on Earth (c. 2,000,000), with the L3 Robot, Drathro acting as guardian to await rescue.
The High Counicl of Time Lords discover the theft and attempt to cover the theft up. They sanction the use of a Magnetron and hurl the Earth and it's solar system lightyears away from it's original location, causing a fireball which annihilates the planet.
The Andromedans survive the fireball by hibernating in an underground bunker - earning the name ‘Sleepers’. Drathro uses 500 of the surviving human decendants to maintain the system and keep the Sleepers alive.
Their Black Light system begins to break down but Drathro is not trained to fix it. As a result, the Sleepers die in hibernation.
The Doctor and Peri arrive on Earth - now called Ravalox - discover that Drathro has kept using the humans in the bunker as a workforce to maintain life in the underground bunker. Due to its single minded nature, it does not allow the humans to go back up to the surface - its original instructions being specific: to survive underground.
During these events Sabalom Glitz and Dibber decide to destroy the Black Light Converter Aerial as a way to get to the Secrets. They make a deal with Drathro to hand over the Secrets. In return they convince him that they will provide an alternative Black Light energy source. This is a lie. As soon as Drathro shuts down they will steal the secrets.
The Doctor and Peri work with Queen Katryka and the Tribe of the Free to shut the Black Light system down before it destroys everything and free the Humans from Drathro. Drathro is destroyed, along with the Time Lord secrets.
The Time Lords learn that the Doctor has discovered that Ravalox is Earth. They contact the Valeyard and organise the Trial on the Zenobia space station, promising the Valeyard the Doctor's remaining regenerations if he could get the Doctor sentenced to death. They agree to alter the Matrix evidence to further condemn the Doctor.
The Trial goes ahead, with Inquisitor Darkel presiding and the Valeyard as prosecution. Evidence includes the events of Ravalox, the experiments on Thoros Beta and the future events on the Hyperion 3. Mel Bush and Sabalom Glitz are witnesses, provided by the Master.
The Ravalox cover up is revealed, and the Valeyard's identity as the dark version of the Doctor is also revealed. So the Valeyard disappears into the Matrix. The Doctor follows to face him, with the Master trying to cause chaos and kill them both. He fails.
At the same time, the High Council is deposed and Gallifrey is in revolt. The Master takes the opportunity to try and take over in their place. He loads a masterprint of the secrets - provided by Glitz making a deal with the Valeyard in disguise - into his TARDIS console. It turns out to be a fake, and a booby trap freezes the Master and Sabalom Glitz inside the Matrix.
The Doctor and the Valeyard face off and the latter tries to destroy anyone watching Matrix screens - particularly the Time Lords in the Zenobia - by using a Particle Disseminator. The Doctor manages to destroy the device, leaving the Valeyard inside.
The charges against the Doctor are dropped. The Doctor suggests that, while the Master should be punished, Glitz should be shown leniency and that Darkel should try for President.
The Doctor returns to his travels with Mel, taking her back to Pease Pottage, leading into the events of The Wrong Doctors.
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michaeljaystonfan · 1 year
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Bonnie Langford's Melanie Bush Almost Didn't Get a Proper Goodbye Scene
Bonnie Langford's Melanie Bush Almost Didn't Get a Proper Goodbye Scene in #DoctorWho
Rather shockingly, Mel Bush, played by Bonnie Langford, wasn’t originally going to get a proper goodbye scene when she left Doctor Who — it was Sylvester McCoy who pushed for Melanie to bow out of the series properly. Bonnie left the programme in Dragonfire, the same serial that introduced new companion, Ace (played by Sophie Aldred), and McCoy says: “A little sad bit was when Bonnie left. When…
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cleowho · 6 months
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“I didn't even hear the dinner gong!”
The Trial of a Time Lord - season 23 - 1986
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k0sch-31 · 2 years
Istg how does Mel scream that loud. Please girl for the love of god my ears are dying. I can’t take anymore and I’ve only been in your presence for 40mins. Respectfully - please - shut up.
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
Doctor Who: Trial of a Time Lord
I rewatched parts 8 to 14 on 10 May 2023. 
Yes, that does mean I started with part four of Mindwarp… turns out that Peri, Yrcanos and the others were all stunned. But, no. Danger still awaits Peri with a brain transfer on the cards. She really does go through the transformative wringer…  One thing that I hadn’t appreciated before is how much Yrcanos clearly falls in love with Peri and she doesn’t reject him. And, this is where we say farewell to Nicola Bryant as Peri. I do think Nicola tries her best with a character that has moments of excellence. The trauma, though. Oh my word.
Anyway, parts 9 to 12 are called Terror of the Vervoids, which involves the Doctor choosing events in his defence. It’s set on a space liner and set up a bit like a Agatha Christie murder mystery that wanders into another genetics experiment gone wrong. Having said that, the attempt to explore the morality is thought-provoking. Honor Blackman is fab. We meet new travelling companion, Mel Bush, played by Bonnie Langford. Mel is a fitness fanatic who has put the Doctor on a fitness regime involving exercise and carrot juice. As the serial continues, Mel is interested and interesting — I like her. I like her intelligence and gumption, and the fact that she gets on with the Doctor. It’s a fascinating experiment to have a companion appear at some stage during the adventure rather than having and “origin story” of sorts. 
Onward to the last two parts of Trial of a Time Lord, otherwise knowns as The Ultimate Foe. We get to the the trial point with the Doctor alleging that the Matrix was tampered with. Mel and Glitz arrive on the Time Lord space station…. and then the Master appears on the Matrix screen. Honestly, do Time Lords not study their own history?? I think this version of the Matrix is less weird than what we saw in The Deadly Assassin. Ooh, and there are weird revelations about the Valeyard being the Doctor, and all sorts of nonsense about regenerations cycles and whatnot. Finally, a bit of good news: Peri and Yrcanos are alive.
And this marks the point where we farewell Colin Baker as the Doctor. I like him as the Doctor, but I can’t say that I enjoy much of these seasons… the strain of the behind the scenes stuff shows a bit too much despite best efforts. I know people who adore what went out during 1985 and 1986, and that’s what I adore about Dr Who. Different things appeal to different people.
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"Doctor Who - The Trial Of A Time Lord - Terror Of The Vervoids"
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